Spring Leadership Series 2012

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Center for Leadership


Leadership Skills Now more than ever, employers are seeking applicants who can clearly demonstrate effective team experiences and proven leadership skills. Research shows that leadership skills and abilities are constructed over time through education, trial-and-error, and seeking guidance and feedback from team members and mentors. Start your leadership journey at BGSU. Bowling Green State University offers endless opportunities for students to gain the leadership and team experiences that will set them on a path for career and life success.

Leadership Overview

The Center for Leadership collaborates with all departments throughout the BGSU Community to showcase and promote student leadership development at BGSU VISION STATEMENT The Center for Leadership aspires to graduate leaders who, by knowing themselves and through active engagement at BGSU, serve their community and the world in ethical ways that promote collaboration and social change.



Leadership programming at Bowling Green State University seeks to develop the following competencies in student leaders.

Inclusion Creating broad and safe environments that engage and support diversity.

The Center for Leadership is Leadership in Action. In alignment with BGSU’s academic mission and learning outcomes, the Center unites campus programs and services to teach students comprehensive leadership development. As students actively engage in leadership, they will practice and demonstrate the skills, knowledge and attitudes required of ethical and life-long leaders.



Acting in an ethical and legal manner that is harmonious with personal and organizational values.

The Center for Leadership is guided by the principles of the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. This theory purports that leaders address root causes of social problems with the goal of making social change that impacts individuals and society. The Center for Leadership uses this philosophy to guide its programs and services by teaching the associated elements of selfawareness, congruent actions, committed behaviors, establishing common purpose, collaboration, addressing conflict in a civil manner, and building active citizenship.

Understanding personal and organizational values and establishing a sense of purpose that contributes to the development of others.

Integrity Group Development The ability to manage and lead individuals in the establishment and execution of group goals.

Global Citizenship Versatility in leadership and communication style that is respectful of cultural context and implications.


Workshops Spring 2012 The Center for Leadership offers the Leadership Education Workshop Series each semester to develop the leadership skills of the BGSU community with a focus on undergraduate leaders. Each series is designed to enhance our core competencies of inclusion, purpose, integrity, group development and global citizenship. Date Time Workhshop Presenter Location

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7 p.m. Start the New Year Light Karyn Smith Student Recreation Center’s Youth and Family Room Description Living an Active and Healthy Lifestyle is essential to good health, even in college. In honor of Healthy Weight Week, come participate in a cooking demonstration, discuss healthy eating options and how to shop for healthy options on a college budget. Also, participate in quick and easy exercises that can be done in your dorm or apartment to fit in fitness. But be sure to bring your workout clothes, this is an interactive session. Sponsored by Department of Recreation & Wellness LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Thursday, January 19, 2012 4 p.m. Leadership Theory Jacob Clemens Olscamp 115 This session will offer participants an overview of various, sometimes contradicting, leadership philosophies and theories. Most importantly, the session will provide an in-depth look at the Social Change Model of Leadership Development and Greenleaf’s philosophy of servant leadership. Participants will leave the session with a basic understanding of each and tangible skills to incorporate both models into their current leadership approach. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Monday, January 23, 2012 4 p.m. Money Management Patricia Donnelly Olscamp 115 According to a 2007 national survey, more than half of Americans stated that they learned “nothing at all” or “not too much” about financial issues at school. As the recent financial crisis illustrates, the widespread lack of basic knowledge about everyday financial matters leaves individuals and the economy overly vulnerable to unexpected events. In this session, we will introduce tools and resources available to you – at no cost – to assist you in learning more about financial issues while you are here at BGSU. We will also touch upon the importance of establishing and maintaining a good “financial GPA” so you can gain control of your finances – now and in the future. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Monday, January 23, 2012 5:30 p.m. Introduction to the Leadership Certificate Program Johni Amos Olscamp 224 Employers are looking for demonstrated leadership and team development experiences. The BGSU Leadership Certificate Program (LCP) provides a guide for BGSU students to advance and demonstrate their leadership and team experiences. This workshop will introduce participants to the benefits of the LCP and the program requirements. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required


Date Time Workhshop Presenter Location Description

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 4 p.m. Second-Chair Leadership Judith Leary Olscamp 115 All leaders are followers in some capacity. A second-chair leader (Bonem & Patterson, 2005) is “a person in a subordinate role whose influence with others adds value throughout the organization” (p. 2). Begin to learn how to navigate second-chair leadership as we explain this definition, reveal three specific paradoxes of the second-chair leadership role, and discuss the future for those in second-chair leadership positions. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Thursday, January 26, 2012 3:30 p.m. Leading a Service Project Paul Valdez Olscamp 111 During this workshop participants will learn how to identify community service partners, become effective volunteers, coordinate a service event or project, and develop a relationship with the Office of Service-Learning staff. Giving back to the community is a sign of true leadership and this workshop will show you how! Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Monday, January 30, 2012 Time 5:30 p.m. Workshop Event Management Presenter Kim Jacobs Location Olscamp 224 Description Leaders need to have the knowledge and skills

necessary to plan and implement their programs and events. This workshop will serve as a basic introduction to event planning. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 3 p.m. Running an Effective Meeting Michael Ginsburg Olscamp 209 Setting the expectations of participants, agenda, and tone for meetings is important in trying to get things done for your organization. This session will help you better manage meetings to ensure your organization is successful. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Location Description

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Strategic Planning BTSU 316 Provide student organizations with the knowledge and skills necessary to create both short-term and long-term vision statements. Through vision generation, student organizations will then be able to identify their Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely (SMART) goals. Refining these goals even more, student organizations will then have a knowledge and understanding of how to create action steps to achieve their goals and ultimately make their vision a reality. Sponsored by Office of Campus Activities LCP Status Elective


Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 4 p.m. Moral and Ethical Decision Making Dr. Jeff Kegolis Olscamp 115 What makes any given decision an ethical decision? The problem with ethics is that what may seem morally right (or ethical) to one person may seem inappropriate to another. Moral and ethical leadership is about knowing your core values and having the courage to live them in all parts of your life. During this workshop, we will discuss the value of ethical leadership and learn techniques to help us handle ethical dilemmas. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Monday, February 6, 2012 5 p.m. Civility: So Easy a Caveman Could Do It Holly Grunn Olscamp 223 What does it mean to be “civilized” in the 21st Century?! Come learn about civility and how this essential skill can help you become a better leader to create a more positive campus environment at BGSU. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Monday, February 13, 2012 7 p.m. Organize Your Hectic Life! Erin Porter Olscamp 227 Do you have several meetings a day, work, and classes? Not sure how to manage your time? Learn different ways to stay organized such as having a planner and how to really keep it clean and in order! Come check out how to color code, keep your emails organized, and online calendar versions so you can keep your life in order and not miss any important deadlines! Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Location Description

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 5 pm – 6:30 p.m. Assessment BTSU 314 Student organizations will have the knowledge and skills necessary to measure their goals and objectives, evaluate their practices, and to improve their organizations. By identifying specific outcomes, students will be able to assess how their organization is doing and what they can be doing better. They will have a basic understanding of what assessment is and how to do it. Sponsored by Office of Campus Activities LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 5:30 p.m. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Dr. Jane Wheeler Olscamp 224 Emotional Intelligence (EI) is your ability to manage your own personal emotions and the emotions of the group. Attend this workshop and gain practical knowledge on how to strengthen your own EI to make you a better leader. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required


Date Time Workhshop Presenter Location Description

Wednesday, February, 22, 2012 6 p.m. Sustainable/Green Leadership: How To Make Your Organization Environmentally Sustainable Dr. Nick Hennessey Olscamp 224 Environmental sustainability is becoming one of the most important concepts of 21st-century leadership. During this session, participants will discover simple techniques and methods for making organizations greener and more environmentally friendly. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 4 p.m. Introduction to the Leadership Certificate Program Johni Amos Olscamp 115 Employers are looking for demonstrated leadership and team development experiences. The BGSU Leadership Certificate Program (LCP) provides a guide for BGSU students to advance and demonstrate their leadership and team experiences. This workshop will introduce participants to the benefits of the LCP and the program requirements. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 7 p.m. Stress Survival RecWell Health Educators Ice Arena Lounge As college students and student employees, there are many different levels of stress. With papers and exams coming due, it is important to maintain healthy levels of stress. Come out and discover from BGSU’s RecWell Health Educators the various levels of stress that affect college students, coping strategies and the long-term health risks associated with this common issue. Sponsored by Department of Recreation & Wellness LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5 p.m. Marketing Your Leadership Jessica Turos Olscamp 223 Leadership and teamwork are highly regarded skills and abilities employers seek. Come to this workshop and learn how to showcase these attributes and experiences in the job search process. Develop a stronger resume, improve your interviewing skills, and communicate effectively your leadership experiences to potential employers. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Location Description

Thursday, March 15, 2012 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Event Planning BTSU 306 Student organizations will have the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, implement, and assess their programs and events. Additionally, students will know and understand the specific BGSU policies and procedures of event planning, where the office is located, how to contact the office, how to complete the necessary paperwork, etc. Sponsored by Office of Campus Activities LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Monday, March 19, 2012 7 p.m. Leading with Inclusion Steve Syoen and Jessie Minard Olscamp 227 When it’s Nach-yo disability, it’s your responsibility to learn as much as you can about visible and invisible conditions that impact your peers on this campus and how to be inclusive in leadership. Nachos provided! Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required

Date Time Workshop Location Description

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Collaboration BTSU 316 Student organizations will have the knowledge and skills necessary to connect, work, and plan with other organizations, offices, and departments on-campus. Students will be able to identify the various tools and resources oncampus that will provide with them contact information to these various groups. Furthermore, students organizations will be able to identify what makes them unique and also what connects them to other organizations on-campus in a more indepth way. Sponsored by Office of Campus Activities LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Thursday, March 22, 2012 6 p.m. Leading From the Quiet Side Erin Porter Olscamp 224 Do you ever wish you could be more outspoken when it comes to your position in a student organization? Do you feel like you are more of a quiet leader? Come check out ways to break out of your shell and be that motivating person that you want to be! We will set goals for you to accomplish, so you are leading from the quiet side. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 5:30 p.m. Global Leadership Jacob Clemens Olscamp 224 In our increasingly interconnected world, leaders must learn to adapt and work more effectively in a global context. This session will help students understand and develop a global mindset utilizing the social change model of leadership development and servant leadership. As future global leaders, students must develop competencies in collaborating, systems-thinking, and meaning-making in order to develop a truly global mindset. This session will provide an understanding of globalization and leadership, competencies for global leadership, and ways to develop these competencies. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 5 p.m. Strengths-Based Leadership Kelly Jo Larsen Olscamp 207 Your personal strengths play a significant role in your ability to manage yourself and lead others. During this workshop, participants will identify their five strengths as determined by StrengthsQuest, create a leadership mission statement, and develop a plan for using their leadership strengths at BGSU. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required

Date Wednesday, April 4, 2012 Time 7 p.m. Workhshop Emotional Intelligence for Student Leaders Presenter Katie Schuessler Location Olscamp 227 Description Educational Leadership Facilitator Katie will

demonstrate the importance of emotional intelligence in the role of student leader. This workshop aims to give student leaders tools to build relationships and strengthen operational effectiveness within their organizations using emotional intelligence. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Required


Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Thursday, April 5, 2012 6 p.m. “Dining with the Boss” (Etiquette Reception) Abby Priehs & Chris Bullins DiBenedetto’s Italian Bistro’s Understanding proper dining and conversation etiquette is essential when interviewing during your career search and in dining situations with your superiors and colleagues. This session will address proper dining etiquette while in these professional situations. Come and enjoy good food and conversation with experienced individuals and gain professional skills in the process. Business casual dress is recommended. Remember, dress for the job you want and not the job you have. A $5 attendance fee is associated with this session. Sponsored by Department of Recreation & Wellness LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Presenter Location Description

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 3:30 p.m. Leadership Secrets From The Bible Kelsey Morgan Olscamp 111 Inspiration for Leadership techniques can come from many places- including The Bible. Regardless of religious beliefs, the stories and parables from The Bible can provide helpful hints to further your leadership ability. Sponsored by Center for Leadership LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Location Description

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Diversity & Equity BTSU 314 Student organizations will have a broader and more refined definition of what constitutes diversity (religion, ethnicity, race, SES, LGBTQAS, etc). Students will also have the knowledge and skills necessary to bridge and collaborate with other organizations that may be different from themselves. Ultimately, this workshop will serve as an educational process for students and help build unity, respect, and understanding. Sponsored by Office of Campus Activities LCP Status Elective

Date Time Workshop Location Description

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Community Development BTSU 316 Student organizations will have the knowledge and skills necessary to build a sense of community among their own members as well as with the BGSU and BG communities at large. Students will have a foundational understanding of BGSU’s Core Values, explain their own values, and be able to use these values as a framework for consistent programming efforts. Furthermore, students will be able to identify ways that they can build community both internally and externally. Sponsored by Office of Campus Activities LCP Status Elective

105 Moseley Hall, BGSU 419-372-9623 leadership@bgsu.edu


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