2011 ASOR Alumni Newsletter

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December 2011

Department of Applied Statistics and Operations Research | College of Business Administration | Bowling Green State University | Bowling Green, OH

Greetings from the Department of Applied Statistics and Operations Research. At the close of another year, we are pleased to send you news of alumni, faculty, and staff.

Department News There have been some personnel changes in the department this past year. Marsha Olivarez, department secretary, accepted a secretarial position in the Department of Popular Culture at BGSU in October. Pat Prezkop, former department secretary, retired in April but has returned to her old home in ASOR and is assisting the department on a temporary basis. When Dean Rodney Rogers was appointed as Interim Provost this summer, Madhu Rao was named Interim Dean of the College of Business Administration. In November Dr. Rodney Rogers, interim senior vice president of academic affairs and provost at Bowling Green State University, was appointed to the position permanently. Prior to the interim appointment Rogers served as the dean of BGSU’s College of Business Administration.

In This Issue Department News College of Business Administration News Chair Note New Undergraduate Program Department Personnel News

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College of Business Receives Recognition t 0QFO UIF FEJUJPO PG The Princeton Review’s i#FTU #VTJOFTT 4DIPPMTw BOE you will find BGSU’s College of Business Administration listed among the top business schools in the nation. Only accredited business programs may be included in the list. In addition, BGSU’s graduate program in business scores second in Ohio in the areas of academic experience — based on student surveys — and admissions selectivity. t 5PQ 6OEFSHSBEVBUF #VTJOFTT 1SPHSBNT BDLOPXM edged by Businessweek JO 6 4 GPS BDBEFNJD quality among public universities and, overall, BNPOH BMM QVCMJD VOJWFSTJUJFT t $POUJOVBMMZ SFDPHOJ[FE BNPOH i#FTU #VTJOFTT 4DIPPMTw U.S. News & World Report and Entrepreneur t #(46 BT B VOJWFSTJUZ SBOLFE JO UPQ 6 4 QVCMJD VOJWFSTJUJFT GPS FYDFMMFODF JO ÍSTU ZFBS experience programs – U.S. News & World Report

Department Alumni News 2011 James A. Sullivan Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award Annual ASOR Picnic Ralph C. St. John Guest Speaker Series

4-6 7 7 7

Chair’s Note We are now on 'BDFCPPL +VTU TFBSDI Department of Applied Statistics and Operations Research at #(46 JO 'BDFCPPL BOE MJOL UP UIF %FQBSUNFOU 'BDFCPPL QBHF ɨJT JT a great way to stay current with the department and share your news with all the ASOR alumni, faculty, students and staff. You can also follow the Department on twitter@asoratbgsu. I am excited to share with you some of the accomplishments PG PVS BMVNOJ TUVEFOUT GBDVMUZ BOE TUBĂŞ UVSOFE PVU UP CF B CVTZ ZFBS GPS UIF EFQBSUNFOU 5XP NFNCFST of the ASOR family reached milestones this past year. Herb McGrath was promoted to full professor in the TQSJOH PG "GUFS ZFBST PG TFSWJDF UP UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ 1BU 1SF[LPQ PVS GPSNFS TFDSFUBSZ SFUJSFE JO "QSJM 4IF T been enjoying her retirement. We are very grateful for her willingness to come out of retirement to help us due to Marsha’s departure. In the last newsletter, I mentioned a number of curricular JOJUJBUJWFT UIF EFQBSUNFOU XBT VOEFSUBLJOH UP TUSFOHUIFO UIF business analytics curricula. I am very happy to report that TUBSUJOH JO 'BMM XF BSF PĂŞFSJOH B OFX VOEFSHSBEVBUF TQFDJBMJ[BUJPO JO #VTJOFTT "OBMZUJDT BOE *OUFMMJHFODF 8F BSF BMM WFSZ FYDJUFE BCPVU UIJT OFX TQFDJBMJ[BUJPO BOE XJMM CF spending much of our efforts in the next few years trying to HSPX UIF FOSPMMNFOU JO UIF TQFDJBMJ[BUJPO (for more, see page 3) *O BEEJUJPO UIF .4"4 QSPHSBN OPX IBT B TQFDJBMJ[BUJPO in Business Analytics for those who want to pursue a career in business analytics.


We greatly appreciate those who have made financial contributions to the ASOR Foundation or assisted the department in other ways during the past year. Your tax deductible contributions support a variety of departmental BDUJWJUJFT ɨF 3PCFSU " 1BUUPO #PPL 4DIPMBSTIJQ BOE UIF +BNFT " 4VMMJWBO 0VUTUBOEJOH (SBEVBUF "TTJTUBOU "XBSE SFDPHOJ[F FYDFQUJPOBM TUVEFOUT XJUI B NPEFTU ÍOBODJBM SFXBSE ɨF 3BMQI 4U +PIO (VFTU 4QFBLFS 4FSJFT CSJOHT HVFTU TQFBLFST UP DBNQVT UP TIBSF UIFJS LOPXMFEHF BOE experience. Further, we are in the planning process of starting a scholarship for undergraduate business students XIP TQFDJBMJ[F JO #VTJOFTT "OBMZUJDT BOE *OUFMMJHFODF 8F would really appreciate your help in getting this scholarship off the ground. Also in the planning is a student club/ PSHBOJ[BUJPO GPS TUVEFOUT XIP IBWF BO JOUFSFTU JO CVTJOFTT BOBMZUJDT 4VDI BO PSHBOJ[BUJPO DPVME CF VTFE BT B WFOVF for promoting business analytics on campus and bringing business analytics practitioners to campus. We would be most delighted if you could return to BGSU to share your career experiences at an upcoming seminar. For those of ZPV XIP XJTI UP NBLF B ÍOBODJBM DPOUSJCVUJPO UIJT ZFBS B DPOUSJCVUJPO GPSN BOE B QPTUBHF QBJE FOWFMPQF BSF FODMPTFE GPS ZPVS DPOWFOJFODF 1MFBTF BMTP DIFDL UP TFF JG ZPVS employer has a contribution matching program. 1MFBTF LFFQ JO UPVDI TJODF UIFSF BSF OPX NVMUJQMF XBZT UP iTUBZ JO UPVDI w 8F BMXBZT MPWF UP IFBS GSPN ZPV BCPVU ZPVS QFSTPOBM OFXT BOE UBLF HSFBU QSJEF JO ZPVS QSPGFTTJPOBM accomplishments. If your employer has internship or employment opportunities for our current students, please drop us an email. We are always ready to assist our alumni and friends wherever possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do for you. #FTU XJTIFT UP ZPV BMM Arthur Yeh, Professor and Chair CZFI!CHTV FEV

New Undergraduate Program: Business Analytics and Intelligence Specialization We are very excited about the new undergraduate program that was started this year. Business analytics are sought after in a wide variety of industries and CVTJOFTTFT TVDI BT NBSLFUJOH BOE sales, human resources, logistics, transportation, manufacturing, SFUBJM UFMFDPNNVOJDBUJPOT CBOLJOH insurance, investment, health NBOBHFNFOU PSHBOJ[BUJPOT JOUFSOFU BEWFSUJTJOH TPDJBM OFUXPSLT FUD The BGSU College of Business Administration is the only college of business in the State of Ohio to PĂŞFS B TQFDJBMJ[BUJPO JO CVTJOFTT analytics and intelligence. The College of Business Administration is a target school for domestic and global companies in recruiting. Some examples of the companies that recruit for business analysts include PNC, Nationwide Insurance, American Greetings, 5BSHFU BOE $BSEJOBM )FBMUI

One important aspect of the program is personal attention and this includes: Âť Intimate applied learning labs provide students with IBOET PO CVTJOFTT FYQFSJFODF JOUFSBDUJOH XJUI BDUVBM companies and their customers. All business students participate in this unique opportunity in each academic year while at BGSU.

 4UVEFOU UP 'BDVMUZ SBUJP JO UIF DPMMFHF JT BQQSPYJNBUFMZ  'BDVMUZ NFNCFST IBWF CFFO SFDPHOJ[FE BT .BTUFS 5FBDIFST at both the College and University level. The faculty JODMVEFT B 'VMCSJHIU TDIPMBS OBUJPOBMMZ SFDPHOJ[FE TDIPMBST BOE GPSNFS TFOJPS MFBEFST PG NBKPS PSHBOJ[BUJPOT  ɨF VOJRVF i1BTTQPSUw QSPHSBN QSPWJEFT TUVEFOUT XJUI B DVTUPNJ[FE QSPHSBN UP GVMMZ MFWFSBHF DVSSJDVMVN BOE DP DVSSJDVMBS QSPHSBNT  Coaching labs in economics, accounting, statistics, and DPNNVOJDBUJPOT BSF BWBJMBCMF GPS TUVEFOUT UP NBYJNJ[F their talents.  The faculty members include nationally and JOUFSOBUJPOBMMZ SFDPHOJ[FE TDIPMBST JO WBSJPVT BSFBT of statistics, operations research, and management and information systems. More information is available at: http://www.business.bgsu.edu/cba/specialization.html


Department Personnel News Nancy Boudreau OCPVESF!CHTV FEV is on faculty improvement leave this academic year and is a Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Michigan. Jane Chang DIBOHK!CHTV FEV continues as an Associate Professor with the department. Diane Conway EDPOXBZ!CHTV FEV M.S.A.S., continues as an Instructor with the department. Leigh Devine MEFWJOF!CHTV FEV M.S.A.S., continues as an Instructor with the department. Herb McGrath SONDHSB!CHTV FEV JT Graduate Coordinator for the M.S. in Applied Statistics program. Herb was promoted to full professor this year, is Chair Elect of the American Society for 2VBMJUZ T 5PMFEP 4FDUJPO BOE DPOUJOVFT as Secretary of the American Society for Quality’s Statistics Division. Madhu Rao SBP!CHTV FEV JT OPX Interim Dean of the College of Business Administration. Chris Rump DNSVNQ!CHTV FEV JT serving as Advisor of the new Business "OBMZUJDT BOE *OUFMMJHFODF 4QFDJBMJ[BUJPO While on his faculty improvement leave


EVSJOH $ISJT NPEFMFE UIF dynamics of supply chain operations. In particular, the study investigated the chaotic instability that may arise in supply chain performance due to lags in delivery time, and how this behavior may be mitigated or exacerbated by facility location decisions. Ken Ryan LKSZBO!CHTV FEV IBE POF KPVSOBM BSUJDMF QVCMJTIFE JO UIF +PVSOBM PG 2VBMJUZ 5FDIOPMPHZ QSFTFOUFE UIJT QBQFS BU UIF 'BMM 5FDIOJDBM $POGFSFODF in Kansas City, MO, in October and visited the statistical sciences group at Los Alamos National Laboratory to do research this summer. He is also serving as Director of the Center for Business Analytics while Nancy is on faculty improvement leave. Tom Smith UBTNJUI!CHTV FEV continues as an Instructor with the department. Erin Telecky FUFMFDL!CHTV FEV XBT IJSFE UP SFQMBDF 1BU 1SF[LPQ JO UIF Graduate and Executive Programs in Business area and is now graduate secretary for the M.S. in Applied Statistics program. Arthur Yeh CZFI!CHTV FEV CFHBO IJT second term as the department chair in ɨJT QBTU ZFBS IF IBE UISFF QBQFST accepted for publication by various quality control and quality engineering KPVSOBMT 8PSLJOH XJUI 1SPGFTTPS

VanderHart from the Economics Department, Arthur will continue to be involved with a project through the Center for Business Analytics. He XJMM MFBE UIF EFQBSUNFOU JO JO BO FĂŞPSU UP SFDSVJU B UFOVSF USBDL assistant/associate professor in the areas of data mining, applied statistics and management of information systems.

Department Alumni News Jason Bumgarner, M.S.C.S./O.R. JT %JSFDUPS PG 3JTL 4ZTUFNT BU ɨJOL 'JOBODF JO UIF $PMVNCVT 0) area. Graham Blatz . 4 " 4 JT B Continuous Improvement Analyst with First Solar, Inc., in Perrysburg, OH. George Chamaa . 4 $ 4 0 3 JT B USBOTQPSUBUJPO NBOBHFS BU /JLF JO UIF .FNQIJT 5FOOFTTFF BSFB Mei Chen . 4 " 4 HSBEVBUFE in May and accepted a position as a Modeling Analyst with Group O in .JMXBVLFF 8* Qixuan Chen . 4 " 4 JT an Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University, New :PSL /:

Ho Joon Choi . 4 " 4 returned to South Korea and accepted a position with MOERI, Maritime Ocean Engineering Research Institute.

Ziqian Geng . 4 " 4 continues in the Ph.D. program in Biostatistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Mario Colangelo . 4 " 4 JT an Associate Manager of Data Analysis at Progressive Insurance in the Cleveland, OH, area.

Rob Green . 4 $ 4 0 3 continues in the Ph.D. program in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University PG 5PMFEP BOE JT %JSFDUPS PG 8JOE and Solar Research at Wind Energy Corporation.

Jennifer Collister . 4 " 4 continues as a Consulting Actuary with 5PXFST 8BUTPO JO $MFWFMBOE 0) Adrian Cuc . 4 " 4 JT Director of Insurance Analytics at 5SBOT6OJPO JO UIF $IJDBHP BSFB Ling (Julia) Deng . 4 " 4 continues as a Statistician with W.L. Gore and Associates in China. Qiansha Ding . 4 $ 4 0 3 is a Business Intelligence Engineer at "NB[PO DPN JO 4FBUUMF 8BTIJOHUPO Mark Ewing . 4 " 4 JT JO the Applied Statistics group at Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport, 5FOOFTTFF .BSL DPOUBDUFE VT FBSMJFS UIJT year about a job opening for a statistician and reports that his job is very heavy on experimental design but includes opportunities to use discrete data analysis, multivariate, nonparametric and other statistical tools.

Paul Hurd . 4 " 4 JT BO Actuarial Manager at Grange Insurance in Columbus, OH. Nan Jia . 4 " 4 DPOUJOVFT JO the Ph.D. program in Biostatistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Yin “Meggie� Jiang . 4 " 4 is a Senior Pricing Analyst at Nationwide Insurance, Columbus, OH. Meggie is NBSSJFE UP 5JHFS 4IFO Vahid Joshaghani, M.S.C.S./O.R. JT B 2VBOUJUBUJWF 3FTFBSDI Analyst at Ronin Capital in the Chicago area.

Sheela Kolluri . 4 " 4 JT Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics at Columbia University and "TTPDJBUF %JSFDUPS $MJOJDBM 4UBUJTUJDT BU 1ĂŤ[FS *OD /:)2 /FX :PSL /: Erin Leatherman . 4 " 4 continues in the Ph.D. program in Statistics at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. John Leopold . 4 " 4 DPOUJOVFT BT B +VOJPS $MJOJDBM 4UBUJTUJDJBO with DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, area. Yu (Diana) Li, . 4 " 4 GPVOEFS BOE $&0 PG 4IBOHIBJ :VSPOH /FUXPSL 5FDIOPMPHZ $PSQ XIJDI PXOT BOE PQFSBUFT B TPDJBM OFUXPSLJOH TJUF V5BO com. Diana continues her successful career in online entertainment and social OFUXPSL FOUFSQSJTFT Manoj Mohite . 4 $ 4 0 3 continues as an Assistant Vice President, HSBC EDPI, Bangalore, India.

Mukund Padmanabhan, M.S.A.S. JT B 4FOJPS 4UBUJTUJDJBO XJUI Parexel in the Philadelphia, PA, area. Tim Keaton . 4 " 4 HSBEVBUFE His specialties are CNS, Oncology and in August and is a Visiting Instructor in Diabetes. the Department of Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems at Andrea Reese . 4 " 4 Miami University, Oxford, OH. is Chairperson, Honors College and Associate Professor, School of Mathematics at Daytona State College, Daytona Beach, FL.


Heidi Rico . 4 " 4 JT 4FOJPS Manager, Predictive Analytics North America at HAVI Global Solutions in the Chicago area. Jim Roll . 4 " 4 DPOUJOVFT in the Ph.D. program in Statistics with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at BGSU. Sai Sampathkumar . 4 " 4 JT 7JDF 1SFTJEFOU %PNPSF 5PPMT BOE "DDFTTPSJFT -5% JO $IFOOBJ *OEJB Qi “Tiger� Shen . 4 " 4 JT a Commercial Line Actuarial at Grange Insurance, Columbus, OH. Yumi (Tanaka) Spiller . 4 " 4 B.S.Econ, is an Account Manager at 4D in the Los Angeles, California, area. Zhiyuan “Samuel� Sun, M.S.A.S. DPOUJOVFT BT B #JPTUBUJTUJDJBO at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH. Terri Torres . 4 " 4 JT BO Assistant Professor with the Department of Mathematics at the Oregon Institute PG 5FDIOPMPHZ ,MBNBUI 'BMMT 03


Andy Trapp . 4 $ 4 0 3 is an Assistant Professor, Operations and Industrial Engineering, Worchester Polytechnic Institute, Worchester, MA. Andy and his wife, Natasha, M.S.C.S./ O.R., are the parents of two young children.

Xue Wu . 4 " 4 . " &DPO is in the Ph.D. program in Economics at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Xi Xia . 4 " 4 DPOUJOVFT JO the Ph.D. program in Biostatistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Jim Velayas . 4 " 4 DPOUJOVFT with his consulting firm, Empirical Research Solutions, in San Antonio, 5FYBT

Fang Xiang . 4 " 4 DPOUJOVFT in the Ph.D. program in Biostatistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Bindu Viswanathan . 4 " 4 JT B -FDUVSFS BU UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 5FYBT Austin and an adjunct faculty member at Austin Community College.

Babak Zafari . 4 $ 4 0 3 continues in the Ph.D. program in the School of Business, George Washington University, Washington, DC.

Steven Wang . 4 " 4 JT a Director, Aon Hewitt/Health and #FOFĂŤUT BU "PO $0'$0 *OTVSBODF #SPLFST $P -UE #FJKJOH $IJOB

Nanhua Zhang . 4 " 4 JT an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, University of 4PVUI 'MPSJEB 5BNQB 'MPSJEB

Cheng Wenren . 4 " 4 continues in the Ph.D. program in Statistics with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at BGSU.

Bingqing (Teresa) Zhou, M.S.A.S. JT BO "TTJTUBOU 1SPGFTTPS PG Public Health in the Department of Biostatistics, Yale University, /FX )BWFO $5

Brad Whittaker . 4 " 4 JT Director of Performance Improvement at Kaiser Permanente in the San Diego, California, area.

2011 James A. Sullivan Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award This spring the outstanding graduate assistant award was presented to Tim Keaton, M.S.A.S., in recognition of his superior contributions to and performance of his graduate assistantship duties.


Ralph C. St. John Guest Speaker Series 0O "QSJM PG UIJT ZFBS XF XFSF HMBE to be visited by Professor Shane Reese from Brigham Young University for PVS TQFBLFS TFSJFT )F EFMJWFSFE B MJWFMZ POF IPVS UBML PO i&TUJNBUJOH UIF )PU )BOE JO 5FOOJT w " WFSZ HPPE tennis player himself, Professor Reese UBMLFE BCPVU XIFUIFS UIFSF FYJTUFE such a phenomenon in professional UFOOJT BT B iIPU TUSFBLw JO UIBU B QMBZFS UFOET UP CF NPSF MJLFMZ UP XJO B NBUDI after he’s won the previous matches. -PPLJOH BU 64 0QFO EBUB JO BOE BOE BQQMZJOH #BZFTJBO modeling, Professor Reese presented WFSZ SFGSFTIJOH BOHMFT UP BOBMZ[JOH professional tennis tournaments data.


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