BGSU Magazine: Spring 2011

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An astounding gift... straight from the heart William D. Frack Endowment for Men’s Basketball is a ‘game changer’

Standing ready for the next killer tornado Page 4

Black History Month builds bridges

Center of Excellence for the Arts

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F e a t u r e s

2 An astounding gift…straight from the heart

V a l u e

4 Standing ready for the next killer tornado

BGSU continues to enrich the lives of

6 Negotiating at the point of a gun

students, faculty and staff, alumni and

8 Givens Fellowship allows students to dream big

friends–serving as the foundation for


a lifetime of personal fulfillment and professional success, while adding value to our community, the nation and the world.

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Managing Editor: Pete Fairbairn Creative Director: Jeff Artz ’92 Photographers: Craig Bell Brad Phalin ’88 Contributors: Rose Barto Joe Bellfy Bonnie Blankinship Julie Carle ’78 Julianne Jardine Matt Markey ’76 Tom Nugent Jennifer Sobolewski Bridget Tharp ’06 Sally Vallongo Production Manager: Linda Zieroff Chief Communications Officer: Kimberly McBroom

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A celebration of kindness and commitment Alumnus receives National Humanities Medal Alumnus wins Ansel Adams photo prize Lab experience hones problem-solving skills $5 million gifts to transform VCT program Discovery Channel executive and alumna create endowment Decorated soldier delivers keynote at military gala

D epartments 9 16 20 22 24 26 28

Diversity | Black History Month retrospective Centers of Excellence | Creating new synergies in the arts Firelands News | Master Plan and a legacy of giving BeGreat | Celebrating excellence in scholarship at BGSU Bravo BG | News from the fine and performing arts Falcon Frenzy | Athletics updates Alumni Links | Alumni news and accomplishments

Senior Communications Director: David Kielmeyer ’88, ’92 University Advancement Vice President: Thomas Hiles Director of Alumni Affairs: Montique Cotton Kelly ’94, ’04 Advertising Sales: Jack Hemple 419-450-7568 (

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Log on to BGSU Magazine’s website for more information. e-mail: USPS 787-800: Volume 11, Number 3/Spring 2011 POSTMASTER: BGSU Magazine is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications. It is distributed to alumni, active and retired faculty and staff, and friends of the University. Standard postage paid at Burlington, Vt. Change of address notice should be sent to Alumni Records, Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0053, 419-372-2424,

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BGSU Magazine 1

An astounding gift... straight from the heart William D. Frack Endowment for Men’s Basketball is a ‘game changer’

A sergeant at Fort Sill in Lawton, Okla., came through the barracks before the holidays, asking his troops who wanted leave time over Christmas, and which ones wanted to be home for New Year’s Day. About half chose one and half chose the other. But there was a soldier in the outfit who was holding a basketball schedule in his hands, and he picked the middle of January, when his favorite team was playing. “I wanted to see some basketball, Bowling Green style. When I was away serving in the Army, I really missed it,” Bill Frack said. Frack had made an emotional investment in the Falcon program at the age of 13, when his father took him to his first game in the old Men’s Gym during the 1948-49 season. His stake has been compounding ever since, and carried Frack through more than six decades as a loyal fan, bringing him to close to 800 games. “The team was very good, and for a kid, it was exciting to watch. I got hooked from the start, and I still love it as much today as I did way back then.” Frack’s childhood heroes were BG greats Charlie Share ’50, Mac Otten ’49, James Darrow ’60 and Al Bianchi ’54, and he was part of the Falcon following in the 1962-63 season when a BG team led by Howard “Butch” Komives ’64 and Nate Thurmond ’63 dominated Loyola, that season’s national champion, by a 92-75 score. “We were up there with the best, and Bowling Green was known around the country for having great basketball. 2 BGSU Magazine

I want that back. If Butler and Gonzaga can be nationally recognized programs, then we can, too,” Frack said. “I love this place. I want to see it at the top.” Those were not the idle musings of just another fan. Frack recently set up a series of trusts to endow the Falcon Men’s Basketball program with more than $10 million – the largest single private gift in BGSU history. “Mr. Frack is passionate about BG basketball, and he put his money where his heart is. We have a ton of respect for him for doing that,” Falcon sophomore guard Luke Kraus said. “Things have been up and down over the years, but he stuck with it. That’s a true fan.” Frack expressed a desire to accomplish something of real value with his gift, following the advice of his father who encouraged him to consider helping BG basketball since he loved the program so much. BGSU President Carol Cartwright called the resulting, record-breaking gift “transformational.” BGSU Athletic Director Greg Christopher labeled Frack’s action “a program changer. “It is really difficult to fathom just what the overall impact of his gift might be,” Christopher said, “but it is certainly exciting to think about all of the possibilities down the road.” Falcons Head Coach Louis Orr said the endowment will allow Bowling Green to field a “championship caliber program” year after year. “The collateral benefits will be far-reaching for the student athletes in the basketball program and for the University as a

Bill Frack walks on the newly finished surface of the Bill Frack Court at the Stroh Center, which will open later this year. The Findlay resident has followed up his $2 million donation for the court surface with a record-breaking gift in support of the Men’s Basketball program.

whole,” Orr said. “Bill Frack has given future Falcons the best opportunity to be successful once they get here.” With the Falcons moving into the new Stroh Center next season, former BGSU coach Jim Larranaga said Frack’s gift should set in motion a long-term upswing in the team’s fortunes. “His gift can help the program in so many different ways,” Larranaga said. “It will allow Bowling Green to compete for the MAC Championship on an annual basis and give the staff much-needed resources.” Former Falcon Dalynn Badenhop said Frack’s gesture could have a huge secondary benefit if it serves as the impetus for other major gifts. “I can’t think of anything else that comes close to this. I heard reaction from people all across the country the next day,” Badenhop said. “My hope is that there is a domino effect, and that additional people come forward to the benefit of some of our other programs.” Frack said that he, too, hopes his long-term investment in BG basketball allows others to see the inherent value in investing in the University and its future. “There was a time when Bowling Green was known throughout the country, and I’d like to see the glory days return,” Frack said. “If money for salaries and recruiting will help, then I wanted to do what I could. I know it will take time and I wanted to do something that will make a difference for the long haul.”

Frack said it is his dream to have new generations of kids fall in love with the Falcons the same way he did more than 60 years ago. “Bowling Green and this basketball team have brought me so much joy throughout my lifetime, and I’d like to share that experience with as many people as possible,” Frack said. “It’s something that can be great once again.”

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Standing ready for the next killer tornado National Weather Service Director Jack Hayes ’70 learned key values as AFROTC Corps Commander

The deadly funnel cloud was packing winds of more than 200 mph. Within the next 30 minutes, the killer “F3” (“Severe”) tornado would blast its way along the streets of tiny Caledonia, Miss. (population: 1,015). While shattering almost everything in its path, the raging twister would take direct aim at a regional public school complex where 2,000 children were sitting in classrooms. During the next few minutes, the tornado would lift an empty school bus from the parking lot–and then fling it head-on into the crumbling roof of the collapsing Caledonia High School gymnasium.

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It happened on January 11, 2008, and it could have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of school kids and teachers. But that didn’t happen–thanks to the high-speed, last-minute work of John L. “Jack” Hayes and his 4,600 staffers at the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS). As the top management executive at the NWS–the nation’s “weatherman,” where hundreds of hurricane, flood and tornado forecasters spend their workdays in a continuing effort to warn the nation of approaching weather-related hazards –Hayes is in charge of protecting the rest of us from Mother Nature’s destructive side. A former BGSU Air Force ROTC Corps Commander, the affable and easygoing Hayes is long accustomed to giving orders when innocent American lives are at stake. He’s also accustomed to managing and analyzing the critically important weather-forecasting activity that takes place at NWS 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The forecasting system is mindbendingly complex. By tapping into a vast array of satellites, radar dishes and computer networks, NWS (headquartered in Silver Spring, Md.) operates a minute-by-minute forecasting system in 122 U.S. communities. “As the director of a federal agency charged with saving lives almost every single day, I have to practice effective leadership,” said the 62-year-old Hayes, who’s been managing weather sleuths for more than three decades. After completing his BGSU studies in 1970, Hayes enjoyed a stellar 28year career as an Air Force officer and meteorologist, retiring in 1998 at the rank of colonel. He also has served as a government meteorologist and as the executive manager at NWS. So how does he go about the business of making sure his people are primed and ready to go at the first sign of an approaching tornado or hurricane?

National Weather Service Director Jack Hayes learned many of the “essentials of good leadership” as an ROTC Corps Commander at BGSU.

“Leadership is all about developing a strong sense of values,” said the Maumee, Ohio, native, who also has a Ph.D. in meteorology from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. “For me as a manager of people, the values I rely on are respect for our employees–along with integrity and a commitment to our shared mission. By listening to our people carefully–and by rolling up my sleeves and working alongside them whenever possible–I show them the kind of respect that will motivate them to excel at our mission.” Hayes also likes to point out that he learned many of the “essentials of good leadership” as an ROTC Corps Commander at BGSU. “I spent many an afternoon up there on the stage at Hanna Hall, or down on the field next to Anderson Arena,” he remembered, “where I would be putting 200 cadets through their close-order drill. “That teaches you a lot about leadership and communication, and quickly!” These days, as director of the NWS (he took the helm in 2007), Hayes also relies on the experience he gained 20 years ago while commanding several military weather-forecasting units. He says he gained additional valuable experience during a post-military stint as a management executive at the World Meteorological Organization

in Geneva, where he was responsible for coordinating weather-forecasting operations across 189 nations. While rising through the military and U.S. government ranks, Hayes also helped to raise three kids with his wife of 39 years, schoolteacher Sharon Ciprian Hayes ’71, who was a member of the Angel Flight service organization at BGSU. According to the management-savvy Hayes, weather forecasting is often a matter of life and death. To illustrate that point, he loves to tell the story of what happened in that small Mississippi town three years ago. “When the tornado hit the school complex that day,” he recalled, “it packed enough force to overturn a loaded freight train and tear huge oak trees right out of the ground. “But our people were ready. Our warning got there in time, and they were able to evacuate students and teachers to nearby basements. And in the end, there were only three minor injuries. “There was no loss of life at all that day– and that’s why what our people at NWS do is so important. It’s also why we care so deeply about doing it right!”

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N e g o t i a t i ng a t t h e p

int of a gun

Los Angeles police psychologist Dr. Dorothy Tucker ’58 relies on training and education to neutralize armed hostage-takers When a terrified woman called the Los Angeles Police Department to report that “a man with a gun” had taken his wife and mother-in-law hostage inside a barricaded apartment, the first thing the cops did was to summon a diminutive, soft-spoken woman named Dorothy M. Tucker. Why? It’s simple. Tucker is a veteran police psychologist at the LAPD, and it’s her job to help defuse hostage situations. On this particular night a few years ago, she was called to a domestic dispute in which a violently angry husband was holding his wife at the point of a semi-automatic pistol. Arriving on the scene around midnight, the former BGSU education major hurried into an LAPD mobile negotiating truck, where police officials were struggling to evaluate the hostage-taker’s mental condition. Had he ever committed an act of violence before? How likely was he to start pulling that trigger if things didn’t go the way he wanted?

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Within a matter of minutes, Tucker was interviewing family members and neighbors, as she did her best to get a psychological fix on the enraged husband. While the police negotiating team members kept him talking (and even agreed to bring him a freshly baked pepperoni pizza), Tucker listened carefully and then provided them with a steady flow of information about the suspect’s state of mind and his likely behavior. In the end, it took the police specialists and their Ph.D. psychologist more than three hours to “talk him down.” And when the hostage-taker finally surrendered his weapon and stepped out into an apartment building hallway “to accept the help we were trying to give him,” Tucker breathed a sigh of relief. “That was a gratifying moment for all of us on the negotiating team,” said the longtime counselor, teacher and psychological consultant in a recent interview. “When you’re able to use your skills to protect people in that kind of situation, it’s a wonderful feeling, and you really know that your work has value.” But Tucker–who’s spent the past 14 years as an LAPD negotiating-team psychologist–doesn’t deny that the lengthy standoff left her feeling “a bit frazzled and worn out. “That was a pretty difficult confrontation,” she said with a quiet smile, remembering the night when gunfire nearly erupted in Los Angeles. “It was also the third such hostage situation I’d worked on that day! “We aren’t usually that busy, thank heavens. But in this job, you know the telephone can ring anytime and suddenly you’re in the middle of a life-and-death struggle. “Given that reality, I’m grateful for the thousands of hours of training and education I’ve been able to obtain over the years. A lot of that training took place at BGSU – where I received great preparation for a career in which you sometimes have to make split-second decisions with a life on the line.”

Born and raised in Fostoria, Ohio, Dorothy Tucker joined her older brother, James ’57, as a student at Bowling Green in the mid-1950s and soon fell under the sway of a passionately dedicated art history professor–Dr. Willard Wankelman – who quickly became her mentor. “Professor Wankelman was an inspiring teacher who continually urged me to express my creative side,” Tucker said. “Thanks to his encouragement, I wound up pushing myself as a student far beyond my expectations.” Because Wankelman insisted that Tucker should ignore the widespread racial discrimination of the era and prepare for any career that appealed to her, she decided early on that “the sky was the limit.” What followed was a decision to study for her Ph.D. in psychology … and then to launch a brilliant, 40-year career in which she would become a nationally recognized expert on using the tools of her discipline in public schools, universities, corporations and eventually the Los Angeles Police Department. A former president of the United Negro College Fund and a high-profile psychological consultant in recent years to major corporations and the U.S. Department of Defense, Tucker has earned a national reputation for her pioneering work in human rights advocacy and counseling. So what’s the secret to her success in contexts as different as the Black Pioneer Scholarship Fund (she co-founded it) and the LAPD?

“For me, the key value has been education,” she said. “We’ve come a long way from the 1950s, when I first arrived on the BGSU campus and found that I could start building my future there. We’ve grown more tolerant of each other and more thoughtful about improving our world. “At BGSU, I learned there’s nothing more important than education – and that’s a message I pass on every day!”

Above: BGSU alumna Dr. Dorothy Tucker speaks with officer Daniel Ramirez (left) and Sgt. Ronnie Cato (right) during a recent visit to LAPD’s South Traffic Division. Tucker has spent the last 14 years as a negotiating-team psychologist with the Los Angeles Police Department. Also nationally recognized for her pioneering work in human rights advocacy and counseling, Tucker learned that “there is nothing more important than education” while an undergraduate at BGSU.

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Givens Fellowship allows students to

Dream B!G When you ask young children what they want to do when they grow up, they reply with passion. Conviction. They dream big. Chris and Ellen Dalton have reignited that passion for learning through the Stuart R. Givens Memorial Fellowship, which they established in 2003 in memory of their friend and former BGSU history professor, Stuart Givens. The fellowship’s primary requirement is not a 4.0 GPA or even a specific major. Potential fellows must be passionate about an interest that they want to pursue, in their own way and time, anywhere in the world. They receive up to $6,000 to follow their dreams. “We initially wondered if there would be enough students who have this kind of passion for learning, but we have seen many wonderful examples of different interests since the fellowship started,” said Ellen Dalton. One Givens fellow worked for peace and literacy in a Liberian refugee camp in Ghana. Another fellow studied yoga at the renowned Ayurveda Yoga Retreat in India. The Daltons have witnessed life-changing experiences in the recipients time after time. The 2010 Stuart R. Givens fellows are making the most of their individual passions through equally diverse projects. They include:

“We have seen many wonderful examples of different interests since the fellowship started.” – Ellen Dalton 8 BGSU Magazine

Adam Goldberg–Major: 3D Studies in Fine Arts Adam Goldberg, a glassblowing student, wanted to acquire a broader understanding in his art. He found it through his Givens fellowship where he studied the ancient art of glassblowing in Japan. Inspired by the work ethic of the students there, he finds himself even more committed. His fellowship also led to a job offer at the prestigious Pilchuck Glass School in Washington. Paul Hemminger–Major: Marketing Paul Hemminger brought the concept of microfinance to Mombasa, Kenya, through his Givens fellowship. “We simply aren’t stagnant beings: We are either proponents for sustainable development, or sustainable destruction,” he said. “Our dollar, our choice, our time, and how we spend it, is our vote for either one or the other. A mixture of education and compassion can solve a lot of issues.”

Alumnus J. David Reeves presented a workshop on “As for Leadership… What I Wish I Knew in College” at the 12th annual Black Issues Conference in February.


b u i l d s bri d g e s

Aspects of African American life, past and present, were spotlighted during Black History Month this past February. According to Office of Multicultural Affairs Director Emily Monago, the focus was on building bridges: “We worked hard to engage a wide variety of groups, bringing together students, faculty, staff and alumni to better understand issues of importance for all of us.” The focal event was the 12th annual Black Issues Conference, hosted by Monago’s office and the Black Student Union. The theme –The Content of Our Character: Overcoming Oppression and Moving Forward– was chosen by a planning committee comprised of students representing a broad cross-section of colleges, departments and programs. It consisted of an inspirational keynote address by Dr. Jamie Washington, along with 10, hour-long workshops and a panel discussion that included BGSU Trustee Col. John Moore Jr. (U.S. Air Force Ret.). Another panelist was J. David Reeves ’83, ’85, who is a senior advisor within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the National President of Blacks In Government. Reeves also presented a workshop entitled, “As for Leadership…What I Wish I Knew in College.” “I was glad to bring my experience back to current BGSU students,” said Reeves. “I tried to emphasize some of the other key areas beyond academics that come into play in a professional organization.”

Other highlights during Black History Month included a diversity dialogue on “Whites in Black History,” co-presented by Monago and Marshall Rose, retired director of the Office of Equity and Diversity. “Marshall did a great job of highlighting how African American history crosses racial and ethnic lines,” said Monago. “It’s important to recognize African Americans as well as non African Americans who have fought for racial justice, while also bringing our shared history back into focus.” BGSU’s efforts to reach out to Bowling Green High School and Middle School also continued strong this year. The second annual town and gown collaboration between the University and local schools increased the knowledge of African American culture and helped develop teamwork skills. Spearheaded by Sheila Brown, another member of Monago’s team, these efforts once again drew nearly 1,400 students from both schools. By all indications, this year’s Black History Month celebration was a resounding success in bringing together individuals and groups that might not normally cross paths. The issues raised and insights shared continue to resonate across a broad spectrum of the University community, remaining a vital part of the BGSU experience.

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Ashel Bryan and his wife Dorothy will be remembered for their tireless support of BGSU and the BG community over the years.

A celebration of kindness and commitment Remembering Ashel Bryan

Dr. Ashel G. Bryan ’46, ’86 (Hon.), former chair of the BGSU Board of Trustees and retired bank president whose philanthropy enriched aviation, arts and athletics programs on campus, died Sept. 26. He was 89. He gave generously to BGSU in many ways, including estate gifts, gifts-in-kind and stocks. The Bryan Recital Hall was named for Bryan and his wife Dorothy, who passed away in 2000. She was an accomplished painter who took art courses at BGSU after their children were grown. Their son, David Bryan, observed that his father received great joy knowing that the communities in which he lived and worked were better places because of his philanthropy. His father often said, “The more I give, the more I get back.” Bryan trained as a pilot in the Army Air Corps during World War II, and led a campaign to save BGSU’s aviation studies program when it was slated for closure in 1996. The program has now grown in enrollment by 15 percent, and will unveil an aircraft marked with his name during a reception in April, said Jon McDermott, aviation program director. Bryan was recognized in 1986 with an honorary doctorate from BGSU, and in 1982 with the Distinguished Alumnus Award, the highest recognition by the BGSU Alumni Association. In addition, Bryan was named one of BGSU’s 100 most prominent alumni last year. He also received an honorary doctorate in economics from Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea in 1977. Bryan’s success in banking came after earning a bachelor’s degree in business from BGSU. He rose from cashier’s assistant to president of the former Bowling Green Banking Co. The institution flourished, expanding to become MidAmerican National Bank and Trust Co. before merging with larger banks. 10 BGSU Magazine

He valued his colleagues, inviting employees to Christmas parties at his home and later creating one of the first employee stock ownership programs in the nation. His loans to small-business owners were based on character as much or more than credit, his son said. The (Toledo) Blade noted that he welcomed many with kisses on the cheek to a 1985 stockholder meeting. “He felt it was a family and everyone was important in the success of the bank,” daughter Kathy Hollingsworth said. Mike Marsh, longtime city attorney for Bowling Green and former member of the BGSU Board of Trustees, grew up with Bryan as a family friend. Marsh remembers his first car loan at age 16 from Bryan, though years later he realized the loan was likely from his friend’s pocket rather than the bank. It was also Bryan who first urged Marsh to enter public service. “He was generous with money and generous with time,” Marsh said. “It was just the kind of person he was.” As the Bryan family celebrated Thanksgiving in Naples, Fla., their first holiday without him as their host, they left a place empty at the table. “We put his wild paisley sport coat on the chair and the bill in front of him, and raised our glasses to say ‘thank you’ and ‘we miss you,’” daughter Becky Bergert said. The BGSU community lost a tireless advocate and gentleman in Bryan, and we celebrate the legacy of his kindness and commitment.

Arnold Rampersad ’67, ’68 receives National Humanities Medal BGSU alumnus Arnold Rampersad was one of 20 artists, writers and scholars recognized by President Barack Obama on March 2. Rampersad, known for his skill at telling the African American story through the lens of biography, was presented a National Humanities Medal during a ceremony at the White House. A professor emeritus of English and humanities at Stanford University, Rampersad received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English from BGSU in 1967 and 1968, respectively. He was named a Distinguished Alumnus in 1992 and one of the 100 Prominent Alumni in 2010. The University also granted him an honorary doctorate in 1995. His awardwinning books have profiled W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes, Jackie Robinson and Ralph Ellison.

Jan Bell ’76 wins Ansel Adams photo prize For the last 10 years, photographer Jan Bell has been building a reputation with audiences at art fairs across the Midwest. Bell’s work debuted on the national stage when he won the 2010 Grand Prize from the prestigious Ansel Adams Gallery for his black and white photo “Agave.” In asking viewers to pause and consider the beauty of the plant, the photo promotes the gallery’s mission to cultivate artistic appreciation of and concern for the natural world. Photos in the competition had to have been taken in a national park. The gallery carries on the legacy of the renowned Adams, a “visionary figure in nature photography and wilderness preservation,” according to the Sierra Club. Unlike the iconic photographer, who for over 60 years documented some of America’s most spectacular wilderness landscapes, Bell tends to provide a more intimate view. “It is the same world that we all see, but often overlook due to our hectic lives,” he said. His body of work is also notable for its elegant compositions. “I eliminate the clutter,” Bell said, attributing his aesthetic in large part to his 30-year career as a graphic designer at Bowling Green State University’s WBGU-PBS station. Bell is an avid adventurer, and treks to remote locations throughout the U.S. in search of subjects. Spending time in the wilderness forges a connection with the land, he said. The Adams award tops a list of prizes for Bell. Also in 2010, he won two top prizes in a competition held by the Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography in Canton, Ohio, where he will have a solo show opening June 3. To see more of Bell’s work, visit

BGSU Magazine 11

Lab experience hones problem-solving skills It isn’t often that a college course requires taking apart someone’s wallet and putting it back together. But that’s what happened recently during an exercise at a hands-on lab within BGSU’s College of Business. And the lessons learned there will help prepare today’s business students to be tomorrow’s business leaders. The “Take Apart Your Wallet” activity was part of the Applied Business Experience, a new course of study through the college. The lab facility was made possible by the generosity of Gene and Ronnie Poor, along with alumnus Steve Hanson ’75, and is the setting for a cuttingedge curriculum that turns business education on its head.

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In addition to learning through books and lectures, BGSU business students have the opportunity to learn through doing, which is a departure from traditional business classroom models. This year’s freshman class of 380 business majors was the first to take advantage of the hands-on method. Each year’s freshman class will be added to the roster until all BGSU business majors participate in a onecredit experience lab each year. The business labs are modeled somewhat after science labs, which help develop a student’s grasp of coursework through experimentation. The business labs will help students understand key business concepts by interviewing real customers, analyzing

products and services, and evaluating real-world companies and scenarios. Another significant advantage is that students will have a portfolio to show prospective employers. “Today’s students go about learning in different ways, and we are realizing a greater need to introduce different approaches to business education,” said Dr. Susan Kleine, an associate professor of marketing and coordinator of freshman business courses. “With this program they aren’t just sitting there listening to someone talk at them.” Dr. Poor, an entrepreneurship and business professor, says the importance of combining creativity with commerce is just starting to be acknowledged in the business world. The need for

Executive Business Programs at BGSU

Made possible by the generosity of Gene and Ronnie Poor, along with alumnus Steve Hanson, the new business lab is modeled after science labs, which seek to increase understanding through hands-on experimentation.

business people to think outside and around the box was the main reason Poor provided the seed money for the lab. “The whole world of business is being shaken to its very core. We’re offshoring the manufacturing of everything,” said Poor. “But what we’re really good at in this country is innovation and creativity, and we need to embrace that.” Poor called the lab a “playground for creative thinkers” who will be tomorrow’s entrepreneurs and job creators. It’s a work in progress that will evolve as its students think, create and learn. And the goal of the wallet project? To find out what the owner did and did not like about the wallet, and to build a better wallet that will meet the owner’s needs. That kind of ability to analyze and adapt in an ever-changing business environment is the hallmark of a BGSU business degree. “By the time students graduate, they should be able to go to an employer and get quickly up to speed on what that business does, what its value is, and where the problems could develop,” said Kleine. “They ought to be good problem solvers, and this series of hands-on classes will help them develop this essential skill set.”

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BGSU Magazine 15



million gifts to transform VCT program

One alumna is learning on the job how to style paper into colorful eye candy that entices shoppers to grab glassware off retail shelves. Another is being trained by her employer to fashion corrugated materials into efficient carriers to transport and display their products. Soon, students won’t have to leave campus to find hands-on learning opportunities in the $23.6 billion-a-year corrugated packaging and display industry. Thanks to major gifts-in-kind totaling about $5 million, Bowling Green State University will soon become the first university in Ohio offering courses related to the design of corrugated boards and substrates. The gifts already are transforming the curriculum and elevating the BGSU Visual Communication Technology (VCT) program, which offers students experience in photography, video, print and interactive media in order to become marketing problemsolvers for their employers.

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Melissa Fleig ’10 – shown here on the job at Libbey Glass–believes the College of Technology’s new state-ofthe-art packaging software and equipment will give VCT students a “major advantage.”

“It’s another form of recognition for the University, and a nod from the industry to push us to another level, and we are very excited about the possibilities,” said Dr. Donna Trautman, an associate professor and VCT program coordinator. The gifts–the largest in the history of the VCT program– are from the International Corrugated Packaging Foundation (ICPF), EskoArtwork and EFI VUTEk. They include software for three-dimensional computer-aided design by EskoArtwork, an international company with offices in the Dayton area, and a refurbished sample table purchased by ICPF that allows designs to be cut into shape. EFI is donating a large format UV-ink printer that can print on materials as large as billboards and up to 1.75 inches thick. Corrugated, which includes cartons and the sort of freestanding cardboard stands you see highlighting a product in a grocery aisle, is the most popular and cost-effective way to ship goods in the nation. More than 90 percent of all retail products are delivered or displayed in the rigid board, which is also an environmentally sustainable product. Founded in 1985, ICPF enriches the corrugated packaging and display industry by introducing students to related career opportunities. The foundation has established or strengthened packaging curricula at more than 20 institutions across the United States with gifts of industry hardware, software and an annual teleconference.

BGSU will likely be the last to accept hardware from ICPF, as the foundation shifts its focus to support partner universities in other ways and to ensure placed assets are used properly. The 150-year-old industry adds $4.7 billion to Ohio coffers and supports nearly 20,000 jobs statewide, according to an economic study paid for by ICPF. The industry is regional by nature, and Ohio has one of the highest concentrations of corrugated-related operations. “Corrugated packaging is very bulky and full of air,” said Richard M. Flaherty, president of ICPF. “So it makes less sense to ship empty packaging manufactured in Georgia to package glassware in Toledo. Packaging is generally manufactured locally.” The new equipment will allow students to take a project from concept to the real thing, and will be unveiled to the public during an open house to be held during Homecoming weekend. Use of the new equipment will be wrapped into the curricula of all introductory and print VCT courses. “It will open up knowledge and skill sets for them,” said Laney Fugett, a lecturer for VCT. “There’s so much potential that this lab adds to our current and future students.” Senior Nikki Adkins, 22, of Brookpark, Ohio, developed a special interest in the industry during a co-op–one of the three required of VCT majors–designing corrugated displays

to market boxed valentines for a division of American Greetings last year. “The VCT program changed so much since I was a freshman. It’s amazing how much they update and how much software in the industry has changed,” Adkins said. “It’s absolutely amazing to have this technology come to the College.” For Melissa Fleig ’10, her main focus as a decorating artist at Libbey is perfecting images to be screen printed on glassware, though at least a third of her time is spent editing photos and preparing the layout of the boxes for the international glass manufacturer based in Toledo. “The possibility of learning new software and using the UV-ink printer may intrigue students who have little print experience to become more active in the program,” Fleig said. “It will give them a major advantage over students who do not have access to this type of technology.” Another VCT graduate, Kelly Rutschilling ’09, recently completed training for her new job as a production artist and coordinator at the Cincinnati area office for Smurfit-Stone, an international packaging producer. “Packaging is everywhere, and it’s a great communication tool,” Rutschilling said. “VCT is really special in general because it covers a really broad range in communication. It helped me find something that I’m really passionate about.” BGSU Magazine 15 17



of Collaboration Center of Excellence for the Arts creates new synergies, new opportunities

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Collaboration is an ideal for institutions of higher education, and at Bowling Green State University, shared vision and efforts by several key players continue to bear fruit for students, faculty, the university and the region. They include the College of Musical Arts, the School of Art, the Department of Theatre and Film, the Creative Writing Program, and the dance program in the School of Human Movement, Sport and Leisure Studies. “If we put our brains together and imagine, anything is possible,” said CMA Dean Richard Kennell, who joined BGSU in 1980. What was first given life as the “Nameless Arts Group” in 2001 by members of the various entities soon morphed into today’s Arts Roundtable, which laid the groundwork for one of BGSU’s five Centers of Excellence. Major players include Dean Kennell, School of Art Director Katerina Ruedi Ray, Department of Theatre and Film Chair Ronald Shields and Creative Writing Program head Wendell Mayo. Tangible results of Arts Roundtable projects abound across campus. There is the Arts Village, a residential center open to all undergraduates where the arts provide rich and encouraging means of communication through a variety of in-house and external programs. On the record are history-making performances of antique Italian operas that helped link BGSU students to the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y., and provided all participants with distinct research and performance experiences. And the BGSU brand has been firmly implanted on arts groups of the Black Swamp region through the Northwest Ohio Arts Exchange, a super-collaboration of symphonies, museums, dance companies, and arts councils for the betterment of life in this region of Ohio.

The BGSU Arts Roundtable gave rise to the first campus enterprise to be nominated as a Center of Excellence by the BGSU Board of Trustees in 2008. The Arts Roundtable is ready to mark a new milestone in a process that shows no signs of losing momentum. Rising like a new landform in the middle of campus, the Wolfe Center for the Arts is tangible proof of a decade of determined and visionary cooperation among the arts at BGSU. When it opens during the 2011 school year, this $40 million, state-ofthe-art facility will provide spaces in which musicians, visual artists, actors and directors, dancers and writers can work creative magic for the betterment of all–on campus and off. It might seem natural to assume that the building–the first American design to be completed by the prize-winning Norwegian architects of Snøhetta–was the goal around which the various players first came together. But that would be misleading. What really fueled all this development started as a reaction to frustration over the fragmented nature of the arts at BGSU. “We were in silos around campus,” Kennell recalled of the situation. “We didn’t even know each other’s names.” After meeting for a few years, the group took today’s name– Arts Roundtable–representing a leveling of rank to encourage open communication. When Ray took over leadership of the School of Art in 2002, she was invited to join the Roundtable at once. “I was astonished, and I still am, that BGSU has this collaborative spirit,” said Ray recently. Her experience in other institutions had not prepared her for BGSU’s collegial style. “There’s a can-do attitude here and it was particularly strong in the arts. We would come up with an idea and, in the next semester, it would be done.”

Shields cited landmark projects in musical theater and opera as evidence of the value of ongoing collaboration within the arts and across campus. Such efforts have helped identify common interests and encouraged promotion of all the arts at BGSU–a valuable way to stretch every education dollar. “The pieces are reinforcing each other,” noted Kennell, who learned from Mayo that enrollment in the creative writing program had doubled within one year of opening the Arts Village. “If you plan far enough ahead, you can do just about anything,” the dean noted. Even as the economy has tightened, projects envisioned years ago are coming to fruition today. “It’s a very exciting time.” As Facebook, Twitter and other social media become more and more ubiquitous and where name recognition carries so much weight, BGSU arts grads provide high visibility for the midwest campus. Prominent examples include Grammy Awardwinning composer Jennifer Higdon and Metropolitan Opera singer Jon West, who help keep BGSU firmly in the public imagination. BGSU is one of the few U.S. campuses where students can earn a doctorate in contemporary music. It also is home to the MidAmerican Center for Contemporary Music, which produces the annual New Music & Art Festival. “I’m so glad BGSU is investing in the arts,” said Ray, “because that will continue to bear fruit as the economy recovers.”

Art Collaboration BGSU Magazine 17

Spirited graduates recognized during Alumni Day

Discovery Channel executive and fellow alumna create endowment Alumna Eileen O’Neill ’90, head of the two flagship networks at Discovery Communications, and her partner, Dr. Karen Stoddard ’75, an educator, have established an endowment of $100,000 for studies in popular culture at BGSU. Both women earned master’s degrees in the subject from BGSU. In 2010, BGSU selected O’Neill as one of its 100 most prominent alumni. O’Neill was recently promoted to group president for Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel. Her career with Discovery started as an unpaid intern when she was a BGSU graduate student. She created a programming library during the internship, and was hired immediately with diploma in hand. In her previous role as president and general manager for TLC, she introduced a number of popular reality shows, including “Say Yes to the Dress,” “Cake Boss,” and “19 Kids and Counting.” She launched Planet Green, the first and only eco-lifestyle network, and is also the original developer of “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” a reality series that set cable rating records in 2009. In addition to the endowment, the women also gave $10,000 to further support popular culture programming on campus.

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Those who once spread Falcon spirit at athletic competitions and across campus were the guests of honor at Alumni Day 2011. Nearly 100 spirited alumni who were members of band, dance teams, cheerleading, SIC SIC, or behind the mask of mascots Freddie and Frieda, participated in Alumni Day. The spirit groups were invited to a reception at Anderson Arena before the festivities. “It was important that we brought back our Spirit Group alumni to be a part of the ‘Closing the Doors of the House That Roars.’ Anderson Arena holds a special place in many of our alumni’s hearts and this was a great way to get the groups back together,” said Montique Cotton Kelly ’94, ’04, director of Alumni Affairs. All alumni were encouraged to spend the day with the Falcon family at a men’s basketball game, pizza party at the Mileti Alumni Center, and then the evening’s hockey game on Jan. 29. Dianne Dillon ’92 came from her home in Travelers Rest, S.C., to reunite with her fellow dancers from the former Pomerettes. The frequent team workouts started with sprints up and down the bleachers in Anderson Arena, which helped the team to stay in kick-line shape to perform at men’s football and basketball games. Soon, basketball action will move to the new Stroh Center. “I wanted to walk through campus again and walk though my old stomping ground,” Dillon said of the arena. “To say goodbye one last time, it’s like closing one chapter of college life that I was a part of.” Sandy Panczyk ’79, of Twinsburg, Ohio, helped stir Falcon fans by playing saxophone in pep and marching bands. Raised in Bowling Green and later employed by Falcon Athletics, she had a lifetime of school spirit to share. “It was a very prestigious honor to be chosen to be in the marching band,” she said. “I made a lot of really nice friends.”

Alumnus and military commander inspired campus Army Col. David Sutherland ’83 knows that veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan face unique challenges. Soldiers now return to communities feeling disconnected, and the desire is to have leaders in every community relate and connect to them in meaningful ways to assist with their reintegration. Sutherland is working to help make that happen. He recently inspired veterans, community members, students and faculty as the guest of honor and keynote speaker at a gala dinner in February. Guests learned how BGSU can partner with local communities to support its student veteran population and the vision for student veteran services at the University. As a commander in Iraq, the colonel visited each soldier who was seriously hurt and personally paid tribute to each individual killed in action from his combat team of 5,000. He has received the Purple Heart, as well as the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star, both with oak leaf clusters. Now, as special assistant to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Sutherland travels to educate communities on how to best support their returning veterans. He called for universities like BGSU to create student veteran networks. “The bonds that exist between veterans who serve are unlike any that you can imagine,” he said, adding that pairing students with mentors works because “student veterans view themselves as protégés to someone who has been successful.”

Sutherland’s mission is being put into action at BGSU. The Nontraditional and Transfer Student Services Office (NTSS) offers an online communication tool and social networking communities for its student veterans, and this fall will start a pilot mentoring program pairing faculty, staff and Bowling Green veterans with students. BGSU also redesigned its application to include a question about veteran status, which will allow the University to identify them and offer earlier services. These innovations are part of the implementation of 40 recommendations from the University’s Student-Veteran Task Force. So far, 19 have been put into practice, or are in progress, with the most notable being the addition of an Army Veteran academic advisor to NTSS and the creation of the communication and data collection tools. “Our office has become a virtual ‘one-stop shop’ for veterans,” explained Dr. Barbara Henry, assistant vice president of NTSS. “It’s much more all-inclusive for our student veterans; they can find just about everything they need in one place.” These changes have not gone unnoticed. Military Times EDGE named BGSU as one of its top 101 “Best for Vets” higher education institutions, ranking it 77th from more than 4,000 accredited institutions of higher learning.

BGSU Magazine 19


Firelands Master Plan takes shape The plan for future growth at BGSU Firelands is in place following the BGSU Board of Trustees’ recent approval of a 15-plus year Master Plan for the 216-acre campus. The three-phase plan accommodates future expansion to serve a growing student population. Firelands Dean William Balzer pointed out that the campus population has almost doubled in the last 10 years. Part of that growth is attributed to workers seeking more education to be competitive in the workplace. Firelands has also attracted more students since adding eight bachelor’s degree programs and expanding college access programs for local high school students. Expansion is critical to meet the needs of these students and a projected 4-percent annual growth in enrollment in future years. The Master Plan, prepared in collaboration with the consulting firm Tsoi/Kobus & Associates, projects the need for up to three new academic buildings. Work has already begun on the first phase of the plan–identifying laboratory, classroom, and other program needs that would be incorporated in a proposed allied health science building. “There is a growing demand from health-care employers in our community for a college-educated work force, and student interest and enrollments in nursing and allied health careers have also increased,” said Balzer. “Regional demographic and employment trends support the expansion of health-care programs.” Representatives of the Office of Design and Construction at the Bowling Green campus and the Bostwick Design Partnership are working with representatives from the college to complete a building program statement that will specify the requirements of the new allied health building. Funding options will then be reviewed to identify a timeline for the design and construction. “Our community helped bring BGSU Firelands to the area more than four decades ago to ensure access to a college education,” Balzer said. “With the continued support of our community, our Master Plan will provide a blueprint for the campus to evolve to meet the higher education needs of future generations of students.”

20 BGSU Magazine

A legacy of giving Dick Smith establishes scholarship to help students in need When Dick Smith ’74 was a student at BGSU Firelands, he spent his days forging steel and his nights attending classes. After earning an associate degree in liberal arts, he ran out of both time and money to continue his education. “It wasn’t meant to be. There are only so many hours in a day,” said Smith. “I was one of those who couldn’t finish with a bachelor’s degree because I ran out of money.” Now Smith has decided to help other students who face financial pressures. He and his family recently established the Richard P. “Dick” Smith BGSU Firelands Scholarship, to be awarded to a full-time Firelands junior or senior who demonstrates financial need. Among the criteria, the student must contribute to his or her own educational expenses by working. Preference is given to non-traditional students who reside in Erie or Huron county, and who are active in the community. The first scholarship will be awarded this fall. While generous Firelands alumni have created scholarship funds through planned giving or pledge payments, this is the first scholarship to be fully endowed from the start. Firelands Dean William Balzer noted that scholarships are important to the retention and success of students at the college. “It’s not just the money,” said Balzer. “It’s the idea that someone they don’t know steps up and says, ‘I believe in you.’ ”

It is the latest example of Smith giving back to a campus that meant so much to him. As a returning veteran, Smith–who served as student body president and president of the campus Vietnam Veterans group–saw many students like himself who would have continued their education if they could have afforded it. After graduation, Smith built a successful real estate business in Milan and became an active member of the local community. He also served on the BGSU Firelands College Advisory Board and the Continuing and Extended Education Advocates Board at the Bowling Green campus, and helped establish the Joseph Krauter Memorial scholarship. In recognition for his many contributions, Smith was named a Firelands Distinguished Alumnus in 1997. Smith hopes other Firelands graduates will consider helping students in need in whatever way they can. “I feel if you received an education and appreciated it as much as you say, and have the economic means to help someone, you have a moral and ethical responsibility to give back,” said Smith, whose wife and three children also studied at BGSU. “If you don’t give back, what’s your legacy?”

BGSU Magazine 21

BeGreat Celebrating excellence in scholarship at Bowling Green State University

Orel brings expertise to White House conference HIV-AIDS is gaining an unexpected foothold in a growing segment of the population that few have considered: heterosexual adults over the age of 50. Dr. Nancy Orel, director of BGSU’s Gerontology Program, was one of just 100 people invited by President Barack Obama to a White House Meeting on HIV and Aging. “It was an excellent opportunity to start the dialogue about the needed changes in policy,” Orel said. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that everyone between the ages of 12 and 64 be tested for HIV. But why stop at 64?” Orel said. “We want older people to be tested as well. Ten percent of new infections occur in people over the age of 50.” “That population did not grow up with ‘safe sex’ discussions, and most were in monogamous relationships. Now that older adults who are widowed, divorced or single are dating and having sex again, they are vulnerable to infection.” Between the new infections and the fact that HIV-AIDS treatments are prolonging the lives of those afflicted, “by 2017, 50 percent of people living with HIV-AIDS will be over the age of 50,” Orel said. The problem is due in part to misconceptions. “Most doctors assume older adults are not sexually active. And most people assume routine blood tests automatically include screening for HIV-AIDS, but they don’t.” Orel is focused on raising awareness of the problem and the need for better information and more effective policies.

22 BGSU Magazine

Duran wins faculty award for science education work According to Dr. Emilio Duran, “My ultimate goal is to advance science education for people of all ages by increasing science understanding and stimulating the interest of young people in science.” For his achievements, the College of Education and Human Development has presented him the 2010 EDHD Faculty Scholarship Award. Given every three years, the award recognizes outstanding contributions of a faculty member in the college. Duran’s focus has shifted from basic research in molecular biology to applied research in science education. Areas include improving K-12 and college science teaching through professional and pre-service development and examining factors that influence teachers’ beliefs and perceptions in science teaching and learning. In addition, Duran is developing professional programs to identify and correct teacher misconceptions about scientific concepts, and analyzing the impact of these misconceptions on student learning. He came to BGSU to join an established group of science, technology, engineering and mathematics professionals from the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Education and Human Development, and Technology. The group has proposed a new model of science instruction designed to address the learning needs of all students, and is now testing and collecting data on the model. They are poised to lead a new area of differentiated instruction in science education at the national level, Duran said.


Woodruff named Fellow of top science association

Distinguished Research Professor of biological sciences Ronny Woodruff can now add another prestigious title to his name: Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. AAAS is the world’s largest general scientific society and publisher of the journal Science. The tradition of AAAS Fellows goes back to 1874. This year’s 503 Fellows “have been elevated to this rank because of their efforts toward advancing science applications that are deemed scientifically or socially distinguished,” according to an AAAS release. Woodruff was chosen “for distinguished contributions to research and teaching in evolutionary genetics, and to service as director of the Mid-America Drosophila Stock Center and editor of Genetica.” Woodruff has taught at BGSU since 1977, and is known for engaging students in his vigorous research agenda. In March 2010, he was presented BGSU’s Elliott L. Blinn Award for Faculty-Undergraduate Student Innovative Basic Research/Creative Work. With the help of nearly 90 undergraduate students, Woodruff has studied the mechanisms of evolution using the fruit fly as a model organism. From 2008-10 alone, he and his students published seven teaching articles and presented posters at several conferences and talks. Founded in 1848, AAAS includes some 262 affiliated societies and academies of science, serving 10 million individuals. Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world, with an estimated total readership of 1 million. The nonprofit association fulfills its mission to “advance science and serve society” through policy initiatives.

BGSU Magazine 23


Experiencing the art of Talchum J.L. Murdoch left her first Talchum performance bruised, bloody and exhausted. Murdoch, a Ph.D. student, was in a rural part of South Korea as part of a Fulbright Fellowship for Research to study the little-known performance art. The word talchum means a form of play or dance performed while wearing masks. “In total, it took about 27 hours of travel time in-country before I even saw my first performance,” she remembered. “Once you’re there you have to fight the crowd to get a position to see. I was physically hurt and my hand was bleeding from trying to get through.” Murdoch hopes her research will introduce people to the art form and help with its preservation, as Talchum struggles to survive in its home country. “Some people think in a generation it will disappear entirely.” The masks can represent everything from a monkey to a monk. They are often embellished with natural items such as gourds or bark, and can be very colorful. Most of the masks have long muslin fabric attached to the back to represent hair. Fur is sometimes used to accent the masks, while many have disfigurements, meant to show the moral fiber of the character. 24 BGSU Magazine

Talchum is performed in a series of vignettes with often surprising subject matters. “For example, the plot lines often include sexual innuendo,” said Murdoch. “I went to one performance where women heckled the actors the entire time and took the innuendo to the next level.” Thanks to her experience, Murdoch says she now meets challenges in her life and research in a new, more productive way. “I had to build trust with the Koreans so I could truly learn about the culture. I actually ate sea slugs and live baby octopus.” Dr. Scott Magelssen, of the Department of Theatre and Film, says Murdoch’s dissertation will get people talking. “It will really blow the lid off the English-language discussion of this art form. The research to this point hasn’t gone very deep, and this will definitely be sought-after scholarship.”

Music doctoral students teach next generation of composers

As part of BGSU’s sponsorship of the Toledo School for the Arts, doctor of musical arts students – including Andrew Martin Smith (at top) – teach weekly classes on music composition and contemporary music. The project was started by BGSU faculty member Jackie Leclair, shown here with some TSA students.

Ten aspiring young composers at the Toledo School for the Arts are exploring such concepts as “graphic notation” and “lightning composition” with the help of five BGSU doctor of musical arts students in contemporary music. The Toledo group, whose members range from eighth graders to high school seniors, meets after school for a weekly class on music composition and contemporary music. The TSA students are receiving intensive training and exposure to leading musicians through a partnership with BGSU’s College of Musical Arts and $10,000 in financial support from the National Endowment for the Arts. The project is part of the University’s sponsorship of the downtown arts school. On a recent afternoon, in a large room with a piano and racks of costumes and wigs, the students gathered around as Andrew Martin Smith introduced the five types of musical “texture.” The group listened to samples with their eyes closed. Later they created their own examples using only their voices and bodies. In addition to Smith, the other BGSU students are Amanda DeBoer, soprano; Jim Fusik, saxophone; Karl Larson, piano; and Spencer Prewitt, clarinet. The four also comprise the Color Field Ensemble. The project was started by Jackie Leclair, oboe faculty member and director of BGSU’s MidAmerican Center for Contemporary Music and its annual New Music Festival. Eighth-grader McIntyre Sudderberg said the class “has opened some doors. It’s taught me I don’t have to stay within the lines.” Senior Christopher Metchis said, “I write music every day, but I always wondered about contemporary styles of chamber music: How do they make it sound so dissonant yet so beautiful?” “This is experimental, off-the-beaten-path music,” DeBoer said. “We hope to lead these students in new directions they haven’t even thought of. We’re trying to bring them something they haven’t gotten in school because of time constraints, and to expand their musical horizons.” Eventually, the TSA students will create their own compositions, which will be performed by the group Sequitur at the 2011 New Music Festival.

BGSU Magazine 25

Director of Sports Medicine Doug Boersma evaluates a student-athlete’s injury at the athletic training facility within the Sebo Athletic Center.

Sports Medicine takes a ‘no-compromise’ stance Doug Boersma liked what he saw when he first visited the BGSU campus nearly a decade ago as an assistant athletic trainer with CCHA rival Notre Dame. “I liked the school’s reputation for putting the well-being of the student-athletes first,” he recalled. “So, I was very interested when the director of sports medicine position became available.” Boersma prevailed against an impressive group of candidates and has never looked back over the past eight years. Sports medicine’s primary mission is to keep BGSU’s 425 student-athletes competing in their sports injury free, returning to competition following an injury as safely and quickly as possible. “Our athletic trainers conduct the initial evaluation,” said Boersma. “We’re readily accessible to athletes across all 18 sports through our athletic training rooms at the Sebo Athletic Center, Ice Arena and Anderson Arena.” In addition to evaluating injuries, Boersma and his staff provide support in the areas of sports nutrition, psychology and overall performance. For more serious injuries, the athletic training staff calls upon a large, well-rounded group of team physicians, available 24/7. “We work with some of the best sports medicine doctors in the country,” said Boersma. “Our team includes orthopaedic and family-medicine physicians, as well as a podiatrist, who make sure all injuries are properly diagnosed and treated.”

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Boersma recalled that there was one area that was behind the curve when he first arrived. The athletic training facilities needed upgrading to provide the highest levels of service and to be competitive with other Division 1 programs. “Within a few years of my arrival, the Sebo Athletic Center opened, giving us a state-of-the-art facility. “Sebo is definitely a wow factor,” continued Boersma. “We’re on the ground floor along with strength and conditioning, so a visitor’s first impression is all about our dedicated, hard-working student-athletes.” Director of Athletics Greg Christopher can’t say enough about how integral sports medicine is to Falcon Athletics’ success: “Doug and his staff do a terrific job for our student-athletes.” Christopher also pointed to Boersma’s role as a teacher: “Doug provides a hands-on experience for undergraduate and graduate students interested in athletic training, helping them develop valuable skills that will serve them well in their future careers.” “The welfare of all 425 student-athletes is our highest priority,” Boersma observed. “We will work tirelessly to help them recover, heal and train to be at their best physically and mentally. It’s this no-compromise approach that has earned us the credibility and confidence of the athletes, their parents and the larger community.”

Anderson memorabilia available through online auction Help commemorate our yearlong “Closing the Doors of The House That Roars” campaign by bidding on a piece of Anderson Arena basketball history! Banners, pictures, jerseys and autographed memorabilia from the Anderson years will be available through our online auction in the coming weeks, so be sure to visit BGSUFALCONS.COM to secure your own piece of BGSU history!

Don’t Miss Out... Last chance to see your name at the Stroh Center Stroh Center construction is nearly completed and the first batch of personalized commemorative bricks is scheduled to arrive in April. Don’t miss out on having your brick installed in time for the Grand Opening.

BE A PART OF FALCON HISTORY! Order by May 1 to ensure your brick is installed for the September Grand Opening

Use the form below or order by phone (1-877-AY-ZIGGY) or online at Please CUT ALONG THE DOTTED LINE AND RETURN FORM



Bricks are available in the following sizes:


4” X 8” bricks with complimentary replica (1-3 lines of inscription) ______ @ $165 each...........................$_________

City________________________________ State________________Zip__________________ Daytime Phone______________________________________________________________ My brick should be inscribed as follows:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please PRINT using one letter/symbol/space per box. All text will be automatically centered on each paver. Each paver may have up to 15 letters or spaces per line. Please use only letters or symbols that appear on a standard keyboard. If you are ordering more than one paver, please attach additional inscriptions to order form. For gift certificates, fill out payment information and leave the inscription blank. Replicas will be shipped for free in the continental U.S. only.

8” X 8” bricks with complimentary replica (1-6 lines of inscription) ______ @ $325 each...........................$_________ 8” X 8” Falcon Logo bricks with complimentary replica (1-4 lines of inscription) ______ @ $375 each...........................$_________ 4” X 8” display cases

______ @ $54.95 each........................$_________

8” X 8” display cases

______ @ $69.95 each........................$_________

4” X 8” replicas

______ @ $50 each.............................$_________

8” X 8” replicas

______ @ $75 each.............................$_________

8” X 8” Falcon Logo replicas ______ @ $95 each.............................$_________ Method of payment:

____ Check or money order (payable to Stroh Center Brick Campaign) ____ Visa or Mastercard (please circle one) Card #___________________________________ Exp. date_______________ Signature_______________________________________________________ Return this form, along with payment, to: Stroh Center Brick Campaign, P.O. Box 6578, Boise, Idaho 83707

BGSU Athletics reserves the right to approve all text prior to production.


BGSU Magazine 27

alumniaccomplishments 1940s-1960s John M. Joseph ’48, Findlay,

Ohio, retired in 1986 after 32 years as professor emeritus in biology at Findlay College (now the University of Findlay). Mel Augenstein ’51, Ocala, Fla, was inducted into the Napoleon Athletic Hall of Fame. Donald H. Glasgow ’60, San Clemente, Calif., helped to collect 4,000 shoes to donate to needy families on the outskirts of Tijuana. Glasgow goes to Mexico about twice a month, leading groups of six to 30 volunteers in projects like house building and maintenance. Sharon E. (Lapka) Gregor

’63, East Cleveland, Ohio, wrote a book titled Rockefeller’s Cleveland, published by Arcadia Publishing Co. Boyd C. Purcell ’65, Dunbar, W.Va., wrote a book, Spiritual Terrorism: Spiritual Abuse from the Womb to the Tomb, after retiring. C. Ellen Connally ’67, Cleveland, Ohio, was elected to the newly created Cuyahoga County Council for a fouryear term. Since retiring in 2004, Connally taught at the University of Akron College of Law and served as a special prosecutor for the city of Cleveland.

1970s Allen Bohl ’70, St. Augustine,

Fla., is an adjunct professor at Flagler College and former athletic director at Toledo, Fresno State and Kansas. Bohl is the author of two books, Back Porch Swing and Getting to Thanksgiving, which he wrote with his oldest son, Brett. In 2006, he was inducted into the Vermilion High School Hall of Fame and he was honored as a member of the Erie County Gallery of Achievers in 2007.

August Coppola ’70, Hudson,

Ohio, was named senior vice president of Quanex Building Products Corp.

Janine Moon ’70, Columbus, Ohio, published a book titled Career Ownership: Creating ‘Job Security’ in Any Economy. George B. Ray ’70, Shaker Heights, Ohio, published an academic book entitled Language and Interracial Communication in the United States: Speaking in Black and White and received the 2010 Outstanding Book Award from the International and Intercultural Communication Division of the National Communication Association. Shawn McClintock ’71, Wexford, Pa., was promoted to senior vice president/general manager of FSN Pittsburgh. Benjamin A. Marvin ’71,

Delmar, N.Y., was honored by the Board of Directors of the Public Relations Society of America Capital Region as the 2010 Public Relations Practitioner of the Year. Marvin is the director of media relations at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, N.Y. John Foster ’73, Elmore,

Hai Cau Nguyen ’75, West Hartford, Conn., retired in July 2009, after 29 years as a program specialist with the State of Connecticut Department of Social Services. Deborah A. (Russell) Shull

’75, Mentor, Ohio, retired from Willoughby-Eastlake School District after teaching kindergarten for 35 years. Richard C. Benko ’76,

Marlborough, Mass., is working as a playwright, screenwriter and script consultant in Boston and New York City.

Robert E. Brase ’77, Dix Hills, N.Y., received the New York State Theatre Administrator of the Year Award from the New York State Theatre Education Association. Brase currently serves as the director of Fine & Performing Arts in the Oceanside School District in New York and is president of the Nassau County Art Supervisors Association. David Barnes ’79, Harrisonburg, Va., has been selected as national presidentelect for the Association of College Unions – International, beginning in February 2011.

Ohio, was named curator and archivist for the Schedel Arboretum & Gardens in Elmore, Ohio.

Lucy Sobieraj-Champa ’79,

Karen O’Donnell McVeen ’73,

Steven E. Gilbert ’79, Tiffin, Ohio, retired from Tiffin City Schools after 37 years in education. Gilbert will be inducted into the Ohio High School Football Coaches Association Hall of Fame. He is now employed with the North Central Ohio Educational Service Center as a work-study coordinator.

Massillon, Ohio, published two short stories at www.

Paul Eberhart ’75, Plano,

Texas, was named president, CEO and director of CDI Corp.

John Martin Eschels ’75, Sandusky, Ohio, retired from Margaretta High School after 35 years of teaching art. Eschels also coached football 19 years and wrestling 27 years.

North Olmsted, Ohio, is now the owner of the Cone Zone & Grill Restaurant in Cleveland.

Lonnie (Pomerantz) Ross ’79,

Novi, Mich., is working for DTE Energy as a manager of employee engagement. Ross just released her debut book, Stop Searching. Happiness is Inside You.

1980s James Daniels ’80, Pittsburgh,

is the author of two new collections of poetry, Having a Little Talk with Capital P Poetry and From Milltown to Milltown. Michael A. Krutsch ’80,

Libertyville, Ill., was named director, financial business practices for Komatsu America Corp.

David Sabbath ’80, Fort Collins, Colo., is directing a motion picture film featuring Hollywood and New York professional actors. The film and award-winning script, God Don’t Make the Laws, was created by Sabbath. Leslie Kosel Eckstein ’81, Tampa, Fla., was promoted to associate professor of English for academic purposes at Hillsborough Community College. Denise Bostdorff ’82, Wooster, Ohio, author of Proclaiming the Truman Doctrine: The Cold War Call to Arms, received the Bruce E. Gronbeck Political Communication Research Award. Paul Lee Clay ’82, Mount Airy, Md., along with business partner Karen Summers, has formed the team “The Real Estate Consultants,” serving both residential real estate sellers and buyers in central Maryland. Beth A. Hollisy ’82, Aurora,

Ohio, will retire from Marcus Thomas LLC on July 1, 2011. Hollisy is a longtime agency partner and head of the agency’s public relations group. After retirement, she will continue to work with the agency in a part-time consulting role.

David W. Rudd ’83,

Wildwood, Ohio, was appointed quality and risk management leader for Ernst & Young’s Americas Advisory practice. He also serves on the firm’s Ethics Oversight Board.

Sara Milliken Wortman ’83, Westerville, Ohio, received the Teacher of the Year award for 2009-10 for Walnut Creek Elementary in the Olentangy Local School District. George Sine ’84, South

Dartmouth, Mass., was promoted to vice president/ general manager – Asia Pacific for Acushnet Co.

Thomas E. Recker ’85, Bloomington, Ind., is assistant dean for advancement with the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University. Jeannine Brown ’87,

Cincinnati, was promoted to associate actuary, reinsurance at Ohio National Financial Services.

Lt. Philip L. Gesaman ’88, Imperial Beach, Calif., alongside approximately 1,200 fellow sailors and marines assigned to amphibious transport dock ship USS Dubuque (LPD-8) homeported in Naval Base San Diego, Calif., recently reached the mid-way point of their deployment in support of antipiracy in the Pacific region. Todd Collins ’89, Kettering, Ohio, was promoted to technology systems manager at the Dayton Area Chapter of the American Red Cross. Matthew Smith ’89,

Springfield, Ohio, was promoted to battalion chief for the Springfield Fire Division, becoming shift commander for “A” Battalion.

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu 28 BGSU Magazine

1990s Shelli Herman ’90, Pasadena,

Calif., launched her own business, Shelli Herman and Associates–an executive search firm.

Paul Wannemacher ’90,

Toledo, Ohio, formed an independent wealth management firm in Monroe, Mich., with two friends and partners, one of them Anthony Burek ’04.

Jennifer (Stagg) Bucheit

’91, Hamilton, Ohio, is the creative director at WKRCTV in Cincinnati. She also writes children’s books and is a member of the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators. Shawna Collins ’91, Kettering,

Ohio, received her Master of Science in Education degree with Technology Enhanced Learning concentration in May 2010 from the University of Dayton and was voted Dayton Red Cross Function Lead Volunteer of the Year for 2010.

Eileen Brady ’93, Alexandria,

Va., co-wrote a book, Images of America: Wilmington, Ohio, with her sister, Lara Lanese.

Dawn A. Mahtar ’93,

Milwaukee, Wis., graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee with a master’s in computer science. Mahtar is working on software development for several top-tier applications at Northwestern Mutual’s home office in Milwaukee.

Bob Sadowski ’93, Bellbrook,

Ohio, was named the public relations manager at Chemical Abstracts Service in Columbus, Ohio.

Jennifer Seebauer ’96,

Gahanna, Ohio, was accepted in the YALSA mentoring program.

Brian Stier ’96, Westerville,

Ohio, received a teaching position at the Tree of Life Christian Schools in Columbus, Ohio.

Darrah Courter ’97, Powell,

Ohio, was elected to the Greater Powell Area Chamber Board and appointed to the position of secretary.

2000s Ken Dvorak ’00, Texas, recently co-edited and published The Tube has Spoken: Reality TV and History. Dvorak is teaching at Northwest Vista College and is secretary/treasurer of the SWTX PCA/ACA. John B. Gest, Jr. ’00,

Cleveland, joined the Ohio Grantmakers Forum staff as director, Northeast Ohio Office and Statewide Corporate Services based in Cleveland.

Kristina (Main) Laubernds

’02, Maineville, Ohio, earned her National Board Teacher Certification and is currently teaching first grade at Putman Elementary in Blanchester, Ohio. Crystal Hendricks-Kretzer

’03, Chicago, graduated from Columbia College with a Masters in Arts Management and is working as the marketing manager for The Chicago Chamber Musicians. John Houser ’03, Abilene, Texas, was named assistant athletics director for marketing and operations at Abilene Christian University. Anthony Burek ’04, Perrysburg, Ohio, has formed an independent wealth management firm in Monroe, Mich., with two friends and partners–one of them, Paul Wannemacher ’90.

Ryan Jay Hardy ’04, Lakewood, Ohio, is employed Charlotte, N.C., earned a with Think Media Studios as Master of Science degree from a lead designer and technical Winthrop University. director. Hardy was the recipient of a 2010 Emmy Cleavon J. Blair ’01, Award for his lead role in Scottsdale, Ariz., launched the creation of the 2009-10, the new industry Cleveland Cavaliers “XL” standard designed to connect Season game introduction technologists with great video. companies. Teniell Trolian ’05, Northfield, Michael Morefield ’01, Ohio, has received the Sandusky, Ohio, was Perspectives Award and an promoted to art teacher at Outstanding Volunteer Award Independence High School. at the recent Association of Morefield also received Fraternity/Sorority Advisors his Master of Education Annual Meeting. in Administration from Cleveland State University in Shane Lawson ’06, Medina, August 2010. Ohio, has joined the law firm of Gallagher Sharp as an John L. Schutze ’01, Bowling associate and will begin his Green, was promoted to practice in general litigation. management support specialist with the Social Security Branden Michael Robinson Administration. ’06 & Natalie L. Frisch Welch ’06, Fostoria, Ohio, are serving Joseph Dangerfield ’02, as United States Peace Corps Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was volunteers in Tanzania. They named the winner of the are volunteering as secondary 2010 Indianapolis Chamber education science volunteers Orchestra Composition and as HIV/AIDS awareness Competition and is a recipient educators. of the 2010 Aaron Copland Award. Nadea Sue Minet ’00,

Send us your


Keep your classmates and the University current on your achievements, career, honors and activities by submitting information for inclusion in Alumni Accomplishments. Articles written about you in some other media may be submitted along with a note giving your permission to include the information in BGSU Magazine. To protect your privacy, we do not publish street addresses. It is not our practice to print engagement, marriage or birth announcements, although graduates should notify the Office of Alumni and Development to receive an Honorary Falcon certificate. BGSU reserves the right to edit or omit any information submitted. Send accomplishments or change of address to: Alumni Accomplishments, Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0053. Accomplishments may also be submitted online at Your full name (include maiden name if appropriate) Date of birth and graduation year (earliest degree) Street address City


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If you have additional news for BGSU Magazine, please enclose. Thank you. Spring11

umnilinks alumnilinks alumn BGSU Magazine 29

Matt Burkholder ’07, Ashland,

Ohio, is working for Americarb in Ashland, Ohio.

Nicholas Campbell ’07, Conneaut, Ohio, graduated from Ashford University with an MBA concentrating in marketing. Antonia M. Pogacar ’07, Washington, D.C., is working for Congressman Steny H. Hoyer at AMERIPAC. Carley Hrusovsky ’08, Hanover, N.H., was hired by Lake Erie College as the assistant athletic director for internal operations.

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Matt Maynard ’08, Dayton,

Ohio, is working as the director of communications at an independent school in Ohio. Maynard recently received a silver CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) District V award in the “best viewbook” category. In July 2010, he was invited to live inside the CBS Entertainment reality show, Big Brother, house for 12 hours alongside 10 media correspondents.

Courtney Jeanine Upshaw

’08, Charlotte, N.C., earned a Master of Science from Winthrop University. Gary Ariel Washington ’08,

Spanish Harlem, N.Y., is employed with Mercy Drive, Inc. as a quality assurance specialist/assistant intake coordinator.

Krista Corbin ’09, Montpelier,

Ohio, graduated with a master’s in mental health and school counseling in August 2010 and started her first job as K-6 school counselor at Montpelier Local Schools.

Kevin Hartman ’09, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, is attending law school at Case Western Reserve University. Ashley Thompson ’09,

Cleveland Heights, Ohio, obtained the position of School Health Educator with Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio.

Aaron A. Adams ’10, St.

Marys, Ohio, is an industrial engineer with General Dynamics Land Systems.

Anthony Platano ’08,

Ginnette Clark ’10, Gibsonburg, Ohio, is a payroll administrator with Sierra Lobo, Inc. in Fremont, Ohio.

Cori Lynn Stacy ’08, Mentor,

Tyler Getz ’10, Weston, Ohio, is employed with K&K Construction as an estimator.

Ashtabula, Ohio, is currently the senior banker for US Bank in Ashtabula. Ohio, is working as a registered nurse in the operating rooms at the Cleveland Clinic and is applying for medical school.

Steven Mason ’10, Phoenix,

is an office engineer with Gilbane Building Co.

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Come watch the BGSU Rugby Football Club compete in the Division 1 National Collegiate Rugby Championship Quarter-finals to be played on the BGSU campus at Cochrane Field, Saturday, April 30 at 2 pm Championship and consolation matches on Sunday, May 1


In memoriam BGSU Magazine has received notices of the following deaths. For additional information or to make a memorial gift, please contact the Office of Alumni and Development at 419-372-2424. Alumni Mary L. (Trawatha) Wilson ’31 Grace L. (Fashbaugh) Hansen ’32 Mary E. (Van Buren) Ohlemacher ’33 Pearl L. Fritz ’35 Helen I. (Detray) Heckler ’35 Thelma O. (Patten) Hooker ’35 Ellen A. Roller ’35 Rachel E. (Ballard) Cooper ’37 Thomas J. McLaughlin ’38 Fern M. (Johnston) Deter ’39 Mary J. (Altman) Evans ’39 Mary C. (Brewer) Latimer ’39 Alice C. Rupp ’39 Margaret R. (Bassitt) Sells ’39 M. Laverne Swartz ’39 Ray C. Hooker ’40 Donna P. (Parker) Stentz ’40 Rosemary J. (Johnston) Baker ’41 Kathryn M. (Needles) Dahms ’41 Vincent C. Immel ’41 Doris A. (Holland) Jolliff ’41 Rex K. Moorhead ’41 Tressie Emmaleen (Swartz) Achey ’42 Lt Col Paul L. Carlisle, Ret. ’42 Ruth A. (Esckilsen) Henderson ’42 June L. (Rummel) Anderson ’43 Isabelle H. (Harbauer) Burkholder ’43 Marjorie E. (Keck) Lybarger ’44 Elizabeth J. (Segrist) Borton ’45 Florence M. (Hayzlett) Hartley ’45 Mary L. (Deisler) Kinkade ’45 Joan G. (Grove) Cook ’46 Phyllis E. (Lupton) Kane ’46 Edward Lautner ’46 Lorrene E. (Broseke) Leist ’46 Helen J. (Burrell) Bates ’47 Cloyce M. Leatherman ’47 Daniel J. Marazon St. ’47 William W. Adamchak ’48 Bruce H. Bellard ’48 Joan M. (Bender) Benfield ’48 Ashel Bryan ’46, ’86 June P. (Rankin) Franey ’48

Sara C. (Caldwell) Hockett ’48 Jean B. (Pugh) Roberts ’48 Steven T. Selmants ’48 John H. Wilson Jr. ’48 Robert Calas ’49 Carl J. Dellasantina ’49 Dolores (Freshley) Jadick ’49 Mary L. (Goodman) Lake ’49 George C. Manyak ’49 George K. Parker ’49 Richard C. Reis ’49 Maurice E. Seiple II ’49 S. Emerson Speicher ’49 Richard E. Voorhies ’49 Jolene B. (Bassett) Weaver ’49 John D. Wilhelm ’49 Earl J. Wright ’49 John A. Zabowski Jr. ’49 Michael Billig ’50 Fred L. Boggs ’50 Robert F. Clark ’50 Donald W. Drain I ’50 Eugene F. Dudley ’50 J. Robert Hill ’50 Anna L. (Shope) Hock ’50 Nils I. Lindquist ’50 Jean M. Mersereau ’50 Herb J. Redding ’50 Shirley I. (Scott) Atkins ’51 George Batcha ’51 Mary M. (McBride) Brainard ’51 Mark W. Knerr ’51 Roger M. Dutt ’52 William I. Follas ’52 Howard C. Hahn Jr. ’52 James D. Jarvis ’52 Clifford M. Michaelis ’52 Raymond A. Morrow ’52 Charles R. Shepard ’52 William E. Evans ’53 Carolyn M. (Graves) Goforth ’53 Harry P. Aseltine ’54 Donald J. Brenner ’54 Joan Case ’54 M. Daniel Simon ’54 Charles E. Dowdell ’55 Donald M. Gossard ’55 John F. McDonnell ’55 Richard L. Stephenson ’55 James Zickes ’55 William D. Loudenslager ’56 Benjamin D. Rowe ’56 June Poe Smith ’56 Fred S. Stone ’56 William P. Herman ’57 William N. Wasil ’58 James T. Conway ’59 Reginald B. Fowkes ’59 Marlin D. Thompson ’59 Bernadine F. (Steininger) Traucht ’59

Ronald L. Beck ’60 James R. Jenkins ’60 Walter Killian ’60 Dorothy J. (Metzger) Linke ’60 Larry D. McLaughlin ’60 Mary S. (Scott) Metro ’60 Donald M. Rudy ’60 Barbara M. (Waters) Schramm ’60 Robert K. Starkweather ’60 Constance C. (Saubers) Strawman ’60 Richard N. Wallace ’60 Ruth A. (Johnson) Agee ’61 Robert E. Dake ’61 Betty J. (Gracely) Davis ’61 Kenneth J. Gross ’61 Geraldine C. (Curl) Knauss ’61 Patsy S. (Phillips) Kollen ’61 Andrea L. (Housholder) Koontz ’61 William L. Lehman ’61 Leola E. (Taylor) Lindhurst ’61 Marion (Graeve) Russo ’61 Frank D. Shanower ’61 Barbara A. (Tabar) Zaremba ’61 James E. Barbic ’62 David C. Carr ’62 Felton J. Mick ’62 Joseph H. Nussbaum ’62 Esther S. (Long) Ricard ’62 Mary G. (Heck) Williams ’62 Edward L. Yoe ’62 Larry D. Forney ’63 James E. Iwan ’63 Robert J. McGeein ’63 Mary L. (Beagle) Bauman ’64 Betty L. (Tharp) Burnett ’64 Vereena F. (Flory) Deal ’64 Marilee J. Eschbach ’64 Sharon F. (Karun) Griffiths ’64 Blaine H. Orwig ’64 Joan W. (Willson) Plassman ’64 Evelyn A. (Corbin) Bibb ’65 Nancy A. (Cole) Diebley ’65 Adah L. Lehman ’65 Judith H. (Horvath) Lewis ’65 Gary W. Starling ’65 John C. Williams ’65 Joseph P. Cassidy ’66 William E. Hudson ’66 Daphne C. (Christie) Kohler ’66 Elisabeth J. Lamm ’66 David J. Shultz ’66 Dolores A. Biesiada ’67 Penelope K. (Grisso) Polyak ’67 David A. Ritchey ’67 Janice B. (Erdelyan) Isaacson ’68 Michael A. Maggiano ’68

David C. Mowrey ’68 Joseph L. Wetula ’68 Joan K. (Rode) Ziss ’68 Joanne J. Bobey ’69 Linda M. (Gardner) Cherry ’69 Jeanette A. Damman ’69 Robert E. Kennedy ’69 Geoffrey J. O’Connor Jr. ’69 Ruthanne Roller ’69 Candise S. (Spergin) Sooy ’69 Brian A. Wood ’69 Susan G. (Stalter) Berry ’70 Della (Bixler) Burrows ’70 Linda R. (Ellington) Dorsey ’70 Phyllis S. (Stephens) Huss ’70 Edward G. Lamp ’70 Lawrence M. Taub ’70 Thomas L. Gray ’71 James E. Harris ’71 David C. Moore ’71 Howard Francis Thomas ’71 Damon V. Beck ’72 Patricia R. (Rader) Gelinas ’72 James E. Hawley ’72 H. Joseph Keetle ’72 Thomas H. Ryan ’72 Ethel M. (Hintz) Shumway ’72 David J. Gaede Jr. ’73 Thomas H. Hampton ’73 Steven J. Hochman ’73 Ruth M. King ’73 Jeffrey D. Zerby ’73 Robert C. Brown Jr. ’74 Paul F. Johnson II ’74 Philip A. Pagano ’74 Kathryn L. (Schmidt) Delaney ’75 David Charles Myers ’75 K. Keith Wulff ’75 Kathleen M. (Woell) Murphy ’76 Darryl L. Rolandelli ’76 Michael C. Van Dyke ’76 William K. Carfrey ’77 Marcia J. (Guilford) Kerr ’78 Harold E. Zephier ’78 David L. Bell ’79 John T. Douglas ’79 Barbara Anne (McCoy) Parker ’79 Frederick W. Walcyzk ’79 Jean F. (Hartshuh) Weiland ’79 Laurie Lynn (Parr) Henke ’80 Jeffery J. Menz ’81 James R. Sekely ’82 Elizabeth Y. Warren Ephraim ’83 Jane W. (Worcester) Burkey ’85 David J. Faiella ’85 Frances J. (Johnson) Perry ’85

Theresa M. (Beck) Cousino ’87 Diedra L. Haar ’87 Nancy A. (Woolley) Modene ’87 Patti Jo Rood ’89 Martin T. Manning ’91 Deloris F. (Ferguson) Smith ’91 Thomas P. Belkofer ’92 Cheryl A. K. Kolesar ’92 John S. Magada ’92 Teresa D. (Henry) Pauley ’93 Amy Jo (Fox) McLaughlin ’94 Angela R. Rockymore ’94 Ronald S. Knopf Sr. ’95 James A. Herzog ’96 Saint A. Crawford IV ’97 Brent A. Burkheimer ’99 Emme E. Stiles ’00 Rebecca L. Zibbel ’00 Kevin D. Fuqua ’03 Matthew D. Hofner ’04 Matthew K. Robinson ’04 Andrei Y. Boutylkine ’05 Joe N. Tartabini ’05 Edward C. McGinnis ’08 Faculty & Staff Raymond F. Barker Cecilia V. Bennett Beth A. Casey Edgar F. Daniels Raymond Endres William H. Fichthorn Joseph E. Havranek Margit Heskett William B. Jackson Helen Lakofsky Verlin W. Lee Dorothy M. Luedtke ’48 Brent B. Nicholson ’76 Joseph B. Perry Audrey L. Rentz Elizabeth A. Stimson Thomas L. Wymer Dorothy E. Bentley Deborah L. Fleitz Martha Mendieta Leota M. Neal Jeanettie Pultz Ronald Thompson Irene Youmans

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu BGSU Magazine 31

2011 Alumni Award honorees announced

Upcoming alumni events in your area

Each year, the BGSU Alumni Awards celebrate the excellence of the University community. Every individual award embodies the mission of BGSU, its academic programs and the Alumni Association. The 2011 Alumni Awards will be held in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom of the Bowen-Thompson Student Union on Friday, May 13. The honorees are:

BGSU alumni chapters around the country are hosting special events this spring: To learn more about exclusive pricing for alumni or to RSVP for any of these engagements, please call 888-839-2586 or visit

Accomplished Graduate Awards College of Arts and Sciences Conrad Allen ’91, ’97 Dr. Peggie Hollingsworth ’71 Dr. Lois Zimmerman ’51 College of Business Administration Donna Barnes ’51 Robert Maurer ’65 Patrick Ryan ’74 Barry Sanders ’87

Atlanta, Ga. Raleigh, N.C. Charlotte, N.C. San Diego, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Coastal Carolina Golf Outing

Tuesday, March 22 Wednesday, March 23 Tuesday, March 29 Wednesday, April 6 Thursday, April 7 Saturday, May 21

College of Education and Human Development Sharon Cook ’61 Leanne Grotke Andreas ’63 Jennifer Smith ’73 BGSU Firelands Terri Stephan ’96, ’00 College of Health and Human Services Laurence Benz ’84 Larry Mershman ’77, ’79 Susan Rowe ’87 Dr. Gail Whitelaw ’81 College of Musical Arts Matthew Balensuela ’85 Ryan Nowlin ’00, ’04 College of Technology Mark Dent ’84 Dr. Ahmad Zargari ’90, ’93, ’94 Alumni Community Award Dianne Dillon ’92 Alumni Service Award John Quinn ’69 Honorary Alumnus Award Randy Lewis Recent Graduate Award Gary Novotny ’03, ’04 32 BGSU Magazine

Join fellow alumni for Toledo Symphony’s Big Apple debut May 7 The Toledo Symphony will perform in New York City for the first time on Saturday, May 7, at Carnegie Hall– and we want you to be there! The orchestra, which includes several Falcon alumni and BGSU faculty, was selected as one of only seven groups from across the country who will perform at the prestigious new “Spring for Music” festival. Join the BGSU Alumni Association for a special pre-concert reception at Carnegie Hall and enjoy this historic occasion! For complete event details including pricing and RSVP information, visit us at

College of Education & Human Development

Current educators or school administrators

Educating Professionals to Empower The Future

Advance your careers by enrolling in cohort graduate programs that extend your classroom and leadership skills. Online and off-campus opportunities available for:

The College is committed to developing a student body and faculty/staff that are diverse and dedicated to pursuing excellence in the preparation of classroom teachers as well as leaders in the human development professions. We work hard to promote a dynamic community of lifelong learners and leaders that provide educational opportunities across the life span. > School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy > School of Family and Consumer Sciences > School of Human Movement, Sport and Leisure Studies > School of Intervention Services > School of Teaching and Learning > Department of Higher Education and Human Affairs College of Education and Human Development 444 Education Building 419-372-7372

Learning That Changes The World

Save the date: Homecoming 2011 is Saturday, October 15 Reunion gifts surpass expectations The Class of 1960 recently offered the largest reunion gift in BGSU history. During their 50th reunion in June 2010, the baby boomers presented their gift of $706,000 to their alma mater. Most of these alumni designated their individual gifts for the Class of 1960 President’s Leadership Academy scholarship, Reunion Committee Chair Bob Battaglia said. Also reuniting were the Class of 1970, which collectively gave $108,000 with most individual gifts for the Class of 1970 Veterans and Families scholarship, and the Class of 1985, which offered $11,000 to largely benefit the Class of 1985 Hockey Scholarship. Thank you to all participants in the 2010 reunions!

> Autism Certificate Program > Master of Education in Classroom Technology > Computer Technology Endorsement Certificate > Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching > Master of Education in Special Education with Emphasis in Assistive Technology > Principalship Cohort Leadership Academy > Superintendent Cohort Leadership Academy For more information contact: Jeannine Ware, 419-372-2192 or toll free 1-877-650-8165

Help recruit students to BGSU One of BGSU’s most valuable resources is its network of nearly 170,000 living alumni. More colleges and programs than ever are competing for a limited number of college-age applicants, and this challenging environment isn’t likely to ease in the near future. That’s why you are so important: first-hand experience of BGSU’s history, traditions and spirit gives Falcon graduates a unique voice in speaking to young people about the value of a BGSU degree. If you are interested in volunteering on behalf of BGSU Admissions, or referring a prospective student, visit us online at

BGSU Magazine 33

Network with more than Falcons now on


& The BGSU alumni page on Facebook is a great way to reconnect with old friends or get the latest campus news, photos and video. For career resources, visit us on LinkedIn to network with Falcon professionals, search job postings and more. First things first: Check out to learn more about these websites and get started. While anyone can view the BGSU pages of certain websites, accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn are free, easy to use and also required to take advantage of the full networking opportunities the sites have to offer.

D ecember 2 0 1 0 grads : Congratulations and welcome to the Alumni Association! You might be surprised to know that the benefits of belonging to the BGSU Alumni Association are free and automatic upon graduation: stay connected with friends, keep tabs on the latest trends in your career field and enjoy discounted rates on events and services, all at no cost to you. With nearly 170,000 alumni around the world– including a network more than 17,000 strong on Facebook and LinkedIn–you’ve already got a huge network of fellow Falcons to tap into, no matter where life takes you. Get info about special service discounts, upcoming events, local alumni chapters, career networking resources and more at, and congratulations on receiving your diploma!


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cheerleaders, Dance Team BGSU was well represented by the cheerleading team and Dance Team in January at the United Cheerleading Assoc. National Competition in Orlando, Fla. The cheerleaders took fourth place. We applaud them for their hard work and reaching the national level.

Forward Falcons celebrates legacy of BGSU women’s athletics by Janet Parks, Ann Bowers and Addie Muti Forward Falcons: Women’s Sports at Bowling Green State University, 1914-1982 is a testament to the athletes, coaches and administrators who made women’s athletics an exciting reality at BGSU during these formative years, laying a strong foundation for today’s Falcon teams. The 370-page book is filled with photos and text that celebrate this legacy. It’s a “must-read” for Falcon sports fans and anybody interested in the history of U.S. intercollegiate athletics. Forward Falcons is now available at for $25, with all royalties going to the Center for Archival Collections at BGSU.

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College of Health & Human Services

BGSU Speech & Hearing Clinic For more than 60 years, the BGSU Speech and Hearing Clinic has provided expert, professional, comprehensive audiology and speech-language pathology services year round to the BGSU community and the general public, including infants, children, teens and adults of all ages. » Staffed by licensed and certified audiologists and speech-language pathologists (SLPs)* » Newly renovated space plus state-of-the-art equipment » No referral necessary *SLP graduate students also work in the clinic under supervision.

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Speech-Language Pathology

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Experience Making A Difference. B O W L I N G





E M P O WER Help make a difference: Contribute to one of the Alumni Association’s many scholarship programs or refer a student.

Stay connected with friends and fellow Falcons with information on events happening nationwide throughout the year.



C ON N E C T Securely update your personal information with BGSU to receive the latest on exclusive services, benets and more for alumni.

AT B G S U A L U M N I . C O M / 2 0 1 1

The IRA Charitable Rollover Extension is back! Under this legislation, direct gifts to BGSU from your IRA can: • Be an easy, convenient way to make a gift from one of your major assets • Be excluded from your gross income: a tax-free rollover • Count toward your required minimum distribution For your gift to us to qualify for benets under the extension: • • • •

You must be 70 ½ or older at the time of your gift The transfer must go directly from your IRA to BGSU Your total IRA gift(s) cannot exceed $100,000 per year Your gift must be outright L E A R N M O R E T O D AY: Contact Julie Pontasch at (888) 839-2586 or Visit

BGSU Foundation, Inc.

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