BGSU Magazine Fall 2010

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Changing lives through surgical innovation ‘Paying it forward’ among the rural poor Page 6

BGSU named ‘veteran-friendly campus’ Page 14

Center of Excellence in Sustainability and the Environment Page 16

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Whether inspired by others to

F e a t u r e s

overcome, innovate and excel–

2 Changing lives through surgical innovation

or the inspiration for greatness in

4 Taking on the Appalachian Trail

others–BGSU students, faculty, staff and alumni continue to make a difference, adding to the University’s legacy of excellence.

Managing Editor: Pete Fairbairn Creative Director: Jeff Artz ’92 Photographers: Craig Bell Brad Phalin ’88


6 ‘Paying it forward’ among the rural poor

8 Finding local solutions to Third World problems


Laying the foundation for women’s athletics 14 BGSU named ‘veteran-friendly campus’ 18 A holistic approach to student success 19 Firelands expands and enhances TLC 10

D e p a r t m e n t s

Contributors: Rose Barto Joe Bellfy Julie Carle ’78 Mike Hays ’11 Julianne Jardine Matt Markey ’76 Tom Nugent Jennifer Sobolewski Production Manager: Amy West Chief Communications Officer: Kimberly McBroom Senior Communications Director: David Kielmeyer University Advancement Vice President: Thomas Hiles

Senior Associate Vice President: Marcia Sloan Latta ’83, ’93

12 Leadership News | Two new deans and VP named 16 Centers of Excellence | Sustainability and the Environment 20 BeGreat | Celebrating excellence in scholarship at BGSU 22 Bravo BG | News from the fine and performing arts 24 Falcon Frenzy | Athletics updates 26 Alumni Links | Alumni news and accomplishments BGSU Ma g a zine Online

Log on to BGSU Magazine’s website for more information. e-mail: USPS 787-800: Volume 11, Number 2/Fall 2010 POSTMASTER: BGSU Magazine is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications. It is distributed to alumni, active and retired faculty and staff, and friends of the University. Standard postage paid at Burlington, VT. Change of address notice should be sent to Alumni Records, Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0053, 419-372-2424,

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BGSU Magazine 1

Changing lives through surgical innovation Mention the word “inspiration” to 71-year-old Jimmy A. Light, M.D., and this nationally renowned organ transplant surgeon will soon find himself reminiscing about a remarkable event that took place in Bowling Green, way back in 1960. The life-changing incident occurred when Dr. Light– who recently made headlines by directing the world’s largest series of linked kidney transplants–dropped by the office of a “truly inspiring” BGSU chemistry professor, the late Dr. Joseph Weber. “Professor Weber taught me organic chemistry and was the advisor for pre-med students,” said Dr. Light ’60, a pioneering surgeon who was among the first U.S. doctors to perform the “simultaneous” kidney transplant procedure he helped develop. “But he was also a great friend and mentor. In a way, he was like a second father to me. And when I told him that I’d decided I couldn’t afford to attend medical school after graduating from BGSU, he absolutely refused to let me give up on my dream of becoming a doctor.” What Weber did to help his student attend medical school went far beyond the call of academic duty, and is emblematic of the BGSU faculty’s long-standing reputation for playing a caring, supportive role with students.

2 BGSU Magazine

B G inSpire U “After I explained to Dr. Weber that I’d paid my own way through BGSU by working at a downtown Sohio gas station at night and going to classes during the day,” recalled Dr. Light, “I told him that as a recently married man with a baby already on the way, I simply couldn’t afford to go to med school. “Well, he listened to me for a while, and just shook his head. And then he drove me downtown to one of the banks in Bowling Green…and he talked the bank president into giving me a loan of several thousand dollars! With the help of that loan, I was able to enroll at the University of Michigan School of Medicine…and I went on to spend the next 45 years as a practicing surgeon specializing in organ transplants.” After receiving his M.D. in 1964 and completing his training in surgery, Dr. Light went on to join one of the nation’s firstever organ-transplant surgical teams, which was headquartered at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. What followed was a remarkably productive surgical career in which Dr. Light became a pioneer of a new discipline – kidney transplantation. Today he’s the longtime medical director of the highly regarded Transplantation Services program at Washington Hospital Center in the nation’s capital. The prolific author or co-author of more than 600 research studies and abstracts on transplant surgical techniques and related topics, Jimmy Light (“I figured if Jimmy Carter could use that first name, so could I!”) estimates that he’s performed “somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000” organ transplants over the past four decades. In recent years, the hard-charging Dr. Light has become something of a legend in U.S. medical circles as a remarkably innovative surgeon. He continues the search for new techniques that will “give people’s lives back to them” through high-tech transplant surgery.

Organ transplant pioneer Jimmy Light ’60 found the inspiration for his life’s work from an ‘amazing teacher’

Among Dr. Light’s best-known innovations is an expanded “simultaneous kidney transplant” procedure in which a dozen or more pairs of kidney donors and recipients take part in an enormously complex mass operation that unfolds over several days. Last June, the former BGSU chemistry major staged the largest such operation ever – an 18-day surgical marathon involving 14 pairs of patients and donors that occurred simultaneously at four different hospitals. While gaining national fame as a surgical innovator, Dr. Light also found time to help raise three children with Sharon Light, his spouse of more than 50 years. The proud grandfather of seven, he has “absolutely no plans for retirement.” Now 71, he plans to “go right on giving lives back” as long as his surgical faculties remain intact. “I’ve loved every minute of being a doctor,” said Jimmy Light,

“and I’m eternally grateful that Dr. Weber refused to let me give up on my dream of becoming a surgeon, back when I was an undergrad in Bowling Green. “That was one of the greatest inspirations I ever received, and whenever I’m doing my own teaching with new hospital residents and interns, I do my best to pass Joe Weber’s gift along!”

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B G inSpire U

Taking on the Very few have hiked all 2,179 miles…

Andy Niekamp ’83 is one of only 30 to go end-to-end three times The diverse beauty of the Appalachian Trail continues to beckon Andy Niekamp, who refers to the AT as his “personal Fountain of Youth” – inspiring, relaxing and renewing him at every turn. 4 BGSU Magazine

Andy Niekamp, 49, a semi-retired management information specialist, calls Kettering, Ohio, home, but the Appalachian Trail is his Greek Siren. It first called to him in 1989 and he completed the journey. Then in 2000, the trail called and Andy set forth once more. In 2006, he heard it beckoning yet again. Andy (Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, 1983) is one of just 30 individuals in the world who have hiked the entire Appalachian Trail –more than 2,179 miles–three times. During those hikes, which he completes in sections of about 500 miles over a period of years, he’s learned quite a few lessons; many about nature, perhaps more about life. The trail inspires him, relaxes him, and renews him. Andy fondly refers to the trail as his “old friend,” and his “personal Fountain of Youth.” The Appalachian Trail, or “AT” as hikers like to call it, stretches from Maine to Georgia, traverses eight national forests and touches 14 states.

most, like Andy, complete it in sections. He finished the trail the first time over a period of nine years, and the second and third times in four years. Andy travels lightly, carrying just an 18-pound pack filled with essentials. A typical day of hiking begins around 8 a.m. and ends at 6 in the evening. He either pitches a tent or hunkers down in one of the 260 three-sided shelters hikers find along the trail. Bedtime is early, 7 or 8 p.m. When rations run low, Andy hitchhikes into a town where he has mailed provisions prior to beginning the hike. “I’ve never had a problem hitchhiking off the trail,” he said. “The townspeople know that you are hiking and that you’re coming into town for a break. I’ve had only wonderful, pleasant experiences.” The same can be said for the friendships he’s made along the AT. “When you’re on the AT, you’re a hiker,” he said. “It doesn’t really matter if you have a lot of money or no money or if you’re 70 years old or 20

the pieces of a puzzle back together once you’re on the trail,” he explained. “The trail brings me a sense of comfort. I notice more, see more, and enjoy it more each time. “The AT has helped me deal with life’s challenges,” said Andy. “It’s given me confidence. I know I can deal with whatever life hands me. “I just feel so renewed, vibrant and alive on the trail,” he said. It’s also made him more calm and relaxed. Granted, he has been apprehensive while on the AT, although not due to bears or creatures in the night. “What frightens me the most is lightning in the mountains. You hear the crack and boom of the thunder and see the lightning simultaneously, and you are right under it. There’s nothing you can really do except hunker down and wait it out.” Andy came face to face with a stubborn bear in Georgia and has encountered rattlesnakes as thick as baseball bats. But he’s also seen some of the most rugged and spectacular views

Hikers may see black bears, elk, moose, and some of the 2,000 rare, threatened and endangered species that are native to the wide swath of the Eastern U.S. crossed by its well-marked paths. No one postcard can do its diverse beauty justice. Andy, who worked for 26 years in MIS at Hewlett Packard and is a former Boy Scout, took his first trek across the AT beginning in 1989. While some tackle the trail in one long excursion,

years old. It’s so easy to strike up a conversation and make friends on the AT.” The first time he hiked the trail was physically demanding and exhausting. “My second hike was extremely enjoyable,” he said. “I was in better shape and brought lighter gear. My third time on the AT was even more delightful. “You remember certain things from one hike to another, but it’s like putting

in New Hampshire and Maine where the trail goes above the tree line. The bout of heat exhaustion and trench foot he experienced are simply reminders of his adventures; they don’t hinder him from coming back. “I just can’t seem to stay away from the trail; it calls me,” said Andy. And if that call persists as it has over the past two decades? He may return to visit his old friend once more.

Appalachian Trail BGSU Magazine 5

People magazine recognizes a Finding inspiration from others, Dena Krishnan ’07 ‘pays it forward’ in rural Appalachia

Dena Krishnan would not be in medical school if it weren’t for the support and encouragement she got at BGSU. Krishnan, a fourth-year osteopathic medical student at Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (LMU-DCOM) in Harrogate, Tenn., was recently featured in People magazine as one of its “Heroes Among Us” for her work in rural Appalachia. A straight-A student in high school, the Perrysburg, Ohio, native went to Xavier University and graduated feeling discouraged. “I thought I could do everything, but I wasn’t standing out,” she said. Krishnan decided to head to BGSU to take a few graduate courses and was encouraged to get her master’s degree. She joined the lab of Dr. Lee Meserve, a Distinguished Teaching Professor of biological sciences. The move would change her life. Krishnan gets tears in her eyes when she talks about the effect Meserve had on her. “He was my mentor; he took an interest in me as a person and wanted me to achieve my dreams. I went through some personal challenges while I was at BGSU and Dr. Meserve encouraged me every step of the way.” “Her personality, her warmth, the way she cares about people–it was obvious she would do well in a teaching assistance setting,” said Meserve. “When I got to the point of writing a reference letter I knew that if she wasn’t out there in health care the world was going to be worse off. I’m so proud of her. She’s going to make a big splash…she’s already making a big splash.” 6 BGSU Magazine

“So many young people get discouraged,” Krishnan said. “I was lucky to meet someone who took such an interest in my life and wanted me to be successful in all aspects – professionally and personally. If it weren’t for him I would not have applied to medical school.” Her first two years at LMU-DCOM were tough emotionally. “Medical school was very isolating for me. It was nonstop studying. The focus is on grades and class ranking. I just really wanted to start helping people. I needed to get rejuvenated.” That rejuvenation came from the Gesundheit! Institute, which is run by Dr. Patch Adams, the unconventional doctor immortalized in 1998 by Robin Williams in the movie Patch Adams. Krishnan reached out to the institute and received a voice mail from Dr. Adams himself. She ended up joining him and dozens of others on a life-altering trip to Costa Rica. “We dressed in clown costumes every day and visited everything from children’s hospitals to the slums. I saw Dr. Adams work tirelessly in the draining heat for hours on end. He would seek out a patient’s mother or a nurse, give them a hug, and tell them he loved them. It was incredible to see how much he cared about people.” Her time with Dr. Adams made her realize she wanted to continue humanitarian work, but the living conditions in rural Appalachia shocked her. “The people are proud and grateful for the help, but you never get used to seeing poverty and neglect. So many conditions are preventable.” Krishnan was encouraged to let her emotions show and to not be afraid to cry with her patients. A People journalist and photographer followed her for a week during the month-long rural primary-care rotation. Krishnan also kept a journal, which she gave to them when she was finished. Seeing the article came as a shock. “It was like winning Miss America. I was crying, screaming. I didn’t realize the photo of me would be the main focus.” Choking back tears, Krishnan said it’s wonderful to be recognized for all her hard work. “Doing what you love is the most revolutionary thing you can do.”

‘Hero Among Us’ B G inSpire U Recognized as a “Hero Among Us” by People magazine, Dena Krishnan found the inspiration to pursue her medical career while working in the lab of Dr. Lee Meserve, a BGSU Distinguished Teaching Professor of biological sciences.

Krishnan is shown making patient rounds with a group of residents under the direction of Dr. James Tita, D.O., at St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo, Ohio.

BGSU Magazine 7

Proving the ‘Dismal Science’ is anything but!

Famed economist Bill Easterly ’79 points to local solutions to Third World problems B G inSpire U

Bill Easterly is pictured during a recent trip to Ghana...a country that has provided inspiration for his writing on local solutions to socio-economic problems in Third World countries. 8 BGSU Magazine

Ask William Russell Easterly why U.S. “foreign aid” to the Third World is so often ineffective, and the renowned economist will respond by telling you the story of an African water pipe. Easterly, the controversial author of paradigm-challenging books such as White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good (Penguin Press, 2006), came across that water pipe in rural Ghana, back in the summer of 2004. For Easterly–today a professor of development economics at New York University–the recently installed pipe was “a powerful example of how a locally designed solution to a local problem turned out to be far more effective at eliminating a public health hazard than anything that could have been provided by foreign aid.” What impressed Easterly about the pipe was the way local residents had come up with it as the “perfect strategy” for protecting themselves against the Guinea worm–a dreaded parasite that lives in contaminated ponds and invades drinking water. To wipe out the worm, the residents of Mprumem had done some of their own medical research and discovered that they could eliminate the parasite’s threat by tapping into an uninfected source. Soon they identified a nearby municipal water supply that was free of the vicious predator and linked it to a central well in town. Goodbye, Guinea worm!

For Bill Easterly, who had earlier spent 16 years as a research economist at the World Bank, the great thing about the Mprumem water pipe was that it “didn’t require a million-dollar grant from a foreign aid program.” The installation of the pipe was a local response to a major health problem, and it showed how local solutions are usually better than “top-down” planning efforts by outside experts. Easterly’s visit to the West African water pipe was a “classic Eureka! moment,” which is why he used the incident to introduce White Man’s Burden–his recent book about how foreign aid so often fails to achieve its objectives. It was a dramatic incident, to say the least. But the revealing stopover in the Ghana village would also prove to be “a very nostalgic moment” for the 53-year-old Easterly, who had once journeyed through this same region of West Africa with his scientist-father– former BGSU botany professor Dr. Nathan W. Easterly. “I was 12 when my father first took our family to Ghana on a Fulbright (teaching) Fellowship (in 1969),” Easterly recalled. “My brother and my sister and I spent a year living and going to school there, and that experience changed us forever. “That was the beginning of my education about foreign aid and international development. For me, Ghana has been an extremely interesting place in which to study the impact of international development programs on a local populace.” Born in Morgantown, W.Va., (where his biologist father was earning a doctorate), Bill Easterly grew up in Bowling Green. “When I look back on the early years, I realize that my father was a great role model for an economist,” said the celebrated author.

“He taught us the scientific method… and he illustrated it in places like Ghana. And by the time I got to the BGSU campus, I was well-prepared to begin studying my particular discipline in earnest. “Of course, I was also fortunate to wind up taking courses from some terrific professors, many of whom I’ve stayed in touch with to this very day. I’m thinking of people like economics professor Leo Navin and (College of Business Chair) John Hoag.” Easterly went on to earn a 1985 Ph.D. in development economics at MIT, then began a 16-year stint as an economic researcher at the World Bank. While working on international economics there and during his past seven years of teaching economics at NYU, the indefatigable researcher has been publishing an endless stream of academic papers (62 at last count). These treatises, along with his books, are aimed at showing how the “rich world” can’t solve the economic problems of the “poor world” with foreign aid programs that are orchestrated from above. “Since World War II, we’ve spent an estimated $2.3 billion trillion on foreign aid and international development, and the sad truth is that most of that money has been essentially wasted,” he said. “We can do better than that – and we must!”

BGSU Magazine 9

Laying the foundation for

women’s athletics

BGSU’s ultra-successful women’s basketball program is a product of the efforts of many, both on and off the court. Before the current Falcons could string together six straight Mid-American Conference championships, someone had to put a foundation in place. One individual’s vision and tireless efforts stand out when it comes to BGSU’s nationally ranked women’s basketball program, as well as all other Falcon women’s sports. The late Dorothy Luedtke is the pioneering figure generally credited with showing young women a half century ago that they could compete on an intercollegiate level, the same as the men. “Someone had to carry the ball and lead the way, and it was Dorothy,” former BGSU women’s coach Sue Hager said. “She was the catalyst that got women’s sports established here. A lot of people had talked about it, but Dorothy fought to give our students the opportunity. They saw her as someone who would work tirelessly to make their dreams a reality.”

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Luedtke earned her undergraduate degree from the University in 1947 and a master’s in 1950. She was an instructor in physical education and health-related curricula at BGSU for 35 years. Besides founding the women’s basketball program, she also served as BGSU’s director of intramural programs from 1955-68. And in her role as the director of women’s athletics from 1962-67, Luedtke was also instrumental in developing the varsity teams in volleyball, swimming and field hockey. “Dorothy grew up in an era when it was not considered ladylike to be a part of any kind of athletic event,” Hager said. “So when our women students came to her asking about opportunities, she saw it as a way to help them grow, and not live with the stigma she had grown up with.” Current head coach Curt Miller, who has been the architect of the most successful championship run in the history of the program, said Luedtke–and those who were similarly involved in establishing an environment where women could compete on an intercollegiate level–deserve much more credit than they typically receive. “With every player I have ever coached, someone has pushed them to go for it and prove they can compete in college basketball,” he said. “Inspiration is a huge part of what each one of them has accomplished, individually and as a team. We owe a great deal to people like Dorothy, because it took a lot of guts and confidence on her part to pave the way.”

Coach Hager pointed out that Luedtke’s efforts were not without risk, and that she fought the battles to build BGSU’s women’s programs, armed with a soft voice and a steely determination. “She went out on a limb, because you really didn’t know how these kinds of ideas would be received,” Hager said. “Dorothy wasn’t rowdy or boisterous about it, but she had a firm conviction in what she was doing. And she was the one that people seemed to listen to.” Miller said he stresses to his current players the importance of knowing about the pioneers of women’s sports, such as Dorothy Luedtke, and hoisting the same torch. “It’s so essential that they understand history and the people who came before them, and what those women did to motivate others to play the game and coach the game,” he said. “They also need to represent this program with integrity, knowing that there are young girls in the stands who need inspirational role models, too, just like those young women Dorothy Luedtke encouraged to participate so many years ago.”

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Dorothy Luedtke was a visionary who inspired generations of Falcon women athletes, and helped establish BGSU as a force to be reckoned with at the most competitive intercollegiate levels.

A Legacy of Excellence Documentary celebrates BGSU Women’s Basketball Women’s basketball at BGSU has produced numerous championships and awards, but it’s the people who have made the program, and their story is told in a documentary titled “BGSU Women’s Basketball: A Legacy of Excellence.” BGSU’s public television station, WBGU, produced the show, which includes highlight clips from each era, still shots, and interviews with current and former coaches and players. “I think it is terribly important,” said Dr. Janet Parks, a distinguished teaching professor emeritus who coached women‘s tennis and golf at the University. “If we don’t document this, the words of the people who built the program will be lost forever.” The film celebrates the stunning number of wins (640) and multiple championships, recognizes the NCAA Sweet 16 trip in 2007, and features an interview with Dorothy Luedtke, credited as the program’s founder. The documentary is dedicated to Luedtke, who passed away earlier this year. “One of the greatest values of this film is that our young women today will get to see it, and realize that this didn’t all start a few years ago,“ said Dr. Parks, who worked with Luedtke for 20 years. “Some wonderful people have been working at building this basketball program for many, many decades.” The documentary was spearheaded by retired BGSU administrator Larry Weiss at the request of former president Sidney Ribeau. “There was such a rich story to tell, and we felt like we couldn’t allow any more time to go by without making a permanent record recognizing the contributions of these outstanding individuals and how they helped build our nationally ranked women’s basketball program,” Weiss said. Visit to purchase the DVD for $30 ($10 goes directly to support women’s basketball at BGSU.) BGSU Magazine 11

New leadership Hiles heads up University Advancement Thomas Hiles, the new vice president for University Advancement and president of the BGSU Foundation, Inc., came from Western Kentucky University, which is also located in the city of Bowling Green. Hiles has had a wide range of responsibilities and successes in his 20-plus years in development and advancement. At WKU, he secured one of the largest gifts ever for a public university in Kentucky. Hiles oversaw the growth of Western Kentucky’s endowment from $24 million to $105 million and an increase in cash donations from $3.5 million to $17.5 million. “I’m impressed by BGSU’s bold strategic plan, which is the framework for seeking private support,” he said. “I look forward to working with the administration, the campus community, and the advancement team to strengthen and broaden the support of BGSU’s alumni and friends.” Hiles has been recognized numerous times by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, including the CASE Circle of Excellence Silver Award for Campaigns in 2008.

Flowers chosen to lead BGSU libraries This fall, BGSU and University Libraries welcomed Kay Flowers as its new dean. She brings more than 30 years’ experience in university libraries, and was dean of the library faculty at Idaho State University. In her 12 years at Idaho, Flowers doubled the number of the library’s endowments, created a “friends” group of supporters, and began an outreach program to donors and alumni. She also procured a grant for the library related to digital collections standards. “BGSU has a strong commitment to the success of undergraduates, and I am pleased to join a library that plays an important role in that effort,” Flowers said. “I am also impressed by the library’s strong electronic and special collections that offer opportunities for researchers. The BGSU University Libraries are well-positioned for a changing future, and I am looking forward to being a part of it.”

Colwell named dean of education college Dr. Brad Colwell, formerly professor and associate dean at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, was appointed dean of BGSU’s College of Education and Human Development in July. Colwell’s involvement with curricular assessment and program accreditation has led to his being appointed to a three-year term on the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. He is also president of the national Education Law Association. The new dean is committed to building a student body and work force that is diverse and dedicated to issues of social justice and ethics, helping prepare students for the school settings of the future. His philosophy of education complements BGSU’s commitment to the critical exploration of values, said Dr. Ken Borland, senior vice president for academic affairs and provost. 12 BGSU Magazine

Robert ’55, ’06 (Hon.) and Ellen ’54, ’06 (Hon.) Thompson have provided generous support for a group of students, the “Thompson Scholars,” who are enrolled in BGSU’s Sidney A. Ribeau President’s Leadership Academy. PLA scholars cultivate their leadership skills and follow a curriculum that engages them beyond the classroom in workshops, experiential learning and community service activities. The Thompsons, who continue to be actively involved with the Academy, met with freshman PLA scholars during Homecoming 2010. Robert has served on the board of directors of the BGSU Foundation, and Ellen is currently on the Foundation board.


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BGSU Magazine 13

BGSU named ‘veteran-friendly campus’ Transitioning from life on a military base to life on a college campus can be a mission in and of itself. Take, for example, student-veteran Ashley Kindle. When she first applied to BGSU, Kindle was unsure of the enrollment process. “I had a lot of questions and didn’t know who to talk to,” recalled the junior social work major. “BGSU really helped out,” and Kindle received the input and direction she needed to get accepted into her program. It’s a high level of support she’s been able to count on ever since. “I had training last semester around the last week of school and I wasn’t sure how going away would affect my grades,” said Kindle. “My professors helped work around my schedule and I was able to set up alternate times to take exams.” Master Sgt. Robert Cook has also found BGSU’s faculty to be particularly helpful. Arriving in August of 2008 to serve as a senior military instructor with BGSU’s Army ROTC program, Cook was coming off the rigors of a 15-month deployment in Iraq. Even this toughened Army veteran with more than 22 years of military service found being a nontraditional student a little intimidating at first.

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“It was a new experience to attend class with others who are the same age as my own kids,” Cook recalled. “But my professors went out of their way to make me feel like I fit in and to provide the support I needed.” These kinds of efforts to ease the way for those who have served the country have earned BGSU recognition as a military-friendly school by G.I. Jobs magazine. The honor places the University in the top 15 percent of schools nationwide. BGSU has also been recognized by Military Times EDGE, ranking it 77th from more than 4,000 accredited institutions of higher learning. These designations are the result of strong campuswide involvement in helping student-veterans, said Duane Whitmire, a retired administrator who headed a special Student-Veteran Task Force. Task Force co-chair Dr. Brett Holden from the Theatre and Film department pointed to the many “hidden concerns” facing student-veterans: “With the chance they may be deployed during any given semester, active-duty military personnel–as well as members of the National Guard and Reserve–often find it difficult to plan life around

school.” This ongoing uncertainty, in turn, can lead to a great deal of anxiety. Such circumstances prompted Dean of Students Jill Carr to commission the task force, charging it with developing a cost-effective action plan. Of its 40 recommendations, 90 percent involve reconfiguring existing resources. One of the most notable innovations was the creation of the Nontraditional and Transfer Student Services Office (NTSS), which has consolidated once-scattered veterans services into “one-stop shopping.” Cook noted that the new office has been a great resource for him and his wife Artisha, who is also pursuing a degree at BGSU. “We’ve had a very good experience as nontraditional students, and I’ve heard the same from other student-veterans on campus.”

Ashley Kindle, Robert Cook and other veterans and active duty military personnel at BGSU are benefiting from BGSU’s military-friendly policies, which include waiving application fees, as well as refunding the cost of textbooks if soldiers are facing deployment or are called up during the semester. Most importantly, the University community remains committed to making BGSU as veteran- and military-friendly as possible now and for the future. The Bowling Green community has a long history of welcoming military personnel, going back to WWII-era Navy college training programs and the post-war influx of veterans taking advantage of the GI Bill. It is a legacy that’s still evident today. It’s manifested in things large and small, including expressions of support and gratitude to veterans for their personal sacrifice and service to our country. “I know I speak for other soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines when I say that we don’t generally look for thanks,” observed Cook. “But, we really do appreciate it when our service is acknowledged and appreciated.”

Student-veteran Ashley Kindle and active-duty Master Sgt. Robert Cook (with wife Artisha) have experienced the helpful faculty and staff– and progressive policies– that have earned BGSU national recognition as exceptionally veteranand military-friendly.

BGSU Magazine 15

Center of Excellence in Sustainability and the Environment

The Challenge … The Opportunity

At BGSU, we see the development of new technologies and strategies to promote sustainability and improve environmental quality as one of today’s most pressing challenges. It also presents an exciting opportunity to leverage the University’s internationally recognized leadership across disciplines. Recognizing an exceptional record of success in a number of relevant areas, BGSU’s Board of Trustees designated Sustainability and the Environment as a Center of Excellence in June of 2009. A short time later, BGSU was named a Center of Advanced Energy by Gov. Ted Strickland and the Ohio Board of Regents. Interdisciplinary Approach

In keeping with the governor’s 10-year Strategic Plan for Higher Education, centers of excellence should be multidisciplinary, of high enough quality to attract students and faculty, and contribute to the economic development of the state. BGSU’s Center of Excellence in Sustainability and the Environment excels in all three areas, beginning with its strong interdisciplinary approach. A quick glance at the list of participating departments and programs across the colleges of Arts and Sciences and Technology reveals a diverse, well-rounded team with recognized expertise in areas related to environmental sustainability (see the accompanying sidebar). The Center 16 BGSU Magazine

is designed to create new synergies by linking basic and applied research with economic and technological development. In addition, the interdisciplinary effort seeks to expand the number and quality of graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) areas related to environmental sciences and technology. Through innovative collaborations among BGSU participants and with outside partners, the Center of Excellence is helping shape a sustainable future in two key, interrelated areas: alternative energy and environmental quality. Alternative Energy

The Center and its partners have established a leadership role in developing alternative and renewable energy sources: > Photovoltaics –World renowned for research and development in solar cells and photovoltaics > Wind energy –Determining the suitability of Lake Erie for wind farms > Biofuels –Developing algal biofuels > Electric and hybrid vehicle design –Designing and promoting electric and hybrid electric vehicles > Nanoparticles –Developing nanoscale-size semiconductors (quantum dots) for harvesting solar energy through photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications

Environmental Quality

Economic Impact

BGSU faculty and students are involved in a wide range of internationally recognized research programs, including: > Remote sensing –Monitoring and predicting toxic algal blooms in Lake Erie, and monitoring greenhouse gas formation

With a history of success in scientific, technological and environmental research, BGSU’s Center for Excellence in Sustainability and the Environment is taking a leadership position in Ohio and the nation. There are many examples that highlight the Center’s accomplishments and capacity for continued innovation. First, the program has generated an impressive list of invention disclosures, patents, and startup companies in collaboration with external partners. For example, Blue Water Satellite, Inc., evolved from research by BGSU faculty, which led to a patent to the University to detect cyanobacteria using satellite data. Another clear example of the Center’s prolific work output and influence can be seen in its ability to attract external funding. Nearly $12 million has been received over the past five years from both government and private institutions such as the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and major energy companies. Enormously relevant and timely, much of the Center’s teaching and research is central to the Ohio Third Frontier initiative and falls into areas identified in the President’s High Growth Job Training initiative. And, several hundred undergraduate and graduate students from these programs have entered the work force in the past few years, many in Ohio. This legacy of scholarship and service is just the beginning…there’s no end in sight as the Center continues to grow and help solve some of today’s most pressing environmental and energy resource issues.

> Dead zone monitoring –Determining the causes of the Lake Erie dead zone > Sediment core studies –Documenting climate change through the study of lake sediments > Microbial bioreporters –Assessing the presence of toxins in the environment > Game fish studies –Developing technologies for tracking fish populations in Lake Erie > Landscape modeling –Designing sustainable models for endangered species > Integrated pest management –Developing safer agricultural practices > Dam removal –Assessing the effects of removing dams in Ohio > Public health –Determining the effects of applying sewage sludge on farm fields Prominent examples of important research in alternative/ renewable energy sources and environmental quality at BGSU include monitoring the Lake Erie “dead zone,” developing the latest photovoltaic technologies, and studying global climate change.

B G S U Pa r t n e r s The Center of Excellence in Sustainability and the Environment is a collaborative effort between the colleges of Arts & Sciences and Technology, bringing in a broad array of departments and programs: > Center for Photochemical Sciences

> School of Earth, Environment

> Department of Geography

> Department of Chemistry

and Society

> Center for Environmental Programs

> Department of Biological Sciences

> Electric Vehicle Institute

> Forum for Campus Sustainability

> Department of Geology

> Department of Architecture and

> Office of Technology Transfer

> Department of the Environment

Environmental Design

and Services

& Sustainability

> Department of Physics & Astronomy > Department of Technology Systems BGSU Magazine 17

Student Support Services: A holistic approach to student success Thanks to the Student Support Services (SSS) program, Alayna Bickerstaff is backed by a knowledgeable team committed to her personal success. Administered through the TRIO Programs office, SSS recently received its largest grant ever–nearly $3 million over five years–to help low-income students and students with disabilities. The grant also stood out as the biggest program award of its kind in the state. “We’ve been very successful for over 35 years,” said Sidney Childs, TRIO Programs executive director. “Our goal is to increase the retention and graduation rate of the program’s participants and, as a pipeline program, to help prepare them for graduate school. It’s very holistic; we prepare our students both academically and socially.” Bickerstaff is one of about 350 students who are currently benefiting from the program’s many services, which include academic and career counseling, free tutoring in most courses, and individualized assistance in math, reading and writing, and study skills. “The best part (of the program) is having a lot of resources available to me,” said Bickerstaff, 18, a freshman from Cleveland. “I now have two tutors and a mentor to support me in all my classes. “The program gives me someone to talk to whenever I need it,” observed Bickerstaff. “And, the staff provides so much support in so many ways that there are no excuses for a person not to pass all of their classes.”













presidents’ dAY open house • February 21 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.















Come back to Bowling Green State University for Presidents’ Day and introduce your student to an exceptional University that engages, challenges and prepares them for a meaningful future. You’ll find the top faculty, diverse activities and dynamic campus that you remember as well as a host of new buildings, programs and services. Show your student what it means to be a Falcon and how a BGSU education can transform their life and future.

Plan the morning to fit your student’s interests > Financial Aid and Honors presentations > Choose the Right Major presentation > 45-minute walking tour of campus > Speak with representatives of more than 100 student service areas > Departmental activities and tours > Residence hall tours register now for presidents’ day by visiting or by calling 1-866-CHOOse BGsU. 18 BGSU Magazine

education w o r th c e le br at !ng


TLC Firelands expands

and enhances TLC

For the past 25 years, thousands of students have come to the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) at BGSU Firelands’ campus in Huron. They come for many reasons, but ultimately, to be a successful student. In January 2011, the TLC will have a new look and even more resources to enrich students’ learning experiences and help them to achieve their goals. “The new design is very open and inviting,” said Penny Nemitz, director of Student Academic Enhancement. “Our renovations and expansion will almost double the center’s physical space and number of computers and make the center even more inviting for students.” The new and improved Center will include an area for group tutoring, smart boards and small group discussions. A computer station will offer Macintosh computers and adjustable computer tables for persons with disabilities, as well as scanners that can enlarge text for those with visual impairments. A quiet area will be used for one-on-one tutoring, testing and counseling. “These changes reflect BGSU’s strategic plan to enroll more students and provide the support they need to complete their education and achieve their academic goals,” said Nemitz. “We have more students with special needs coming to school than ever before and more nontraditional students who return to school. “Our mission is to help everyone learn in the way that works for them,” she observed. “There is no right or wrong way.” Nemitz noted that the TLC has seen many students overcome challenges and begin rewarding careers. For example, a single mother with two children with special needs earned her master’s degree with the help of the TLC; and a newly divorced woman, unsure of her career direction, earned a doctoral degree and is now a faculty member at Firelands. The TLC receives more than 3,000 tutoring requests annually and has over 40 part-time professional and student tutors on staff. BGSU Magazine 19

BeGreat Celebrating excellence in scholarship at Bowling Green State University

Undergraduate research opportunities Music, art, philosophy, science, and telecommunications–all of these disciplines and more are covered by students participating in the Center for Undergraduate Research (CURS) program. Established in 2004, CURS provides visibility, prestige and material support for undergraduate research and creative activities for both students and faculty. The Center’s mission is to enhance undergraduate education through active student participation in meaningful research and creative activities in all fields of study. The Center awards $500 research grants in the fall and spring. This past summer, 13 BGSU students dedicated themselves to a number of diverse projects as part of a 10-week program. They received a $2,500 stipend to work on research in partnership with a faculty mentor, plus an additional grant that covered research supplies or activities up to $500. And, participating faculty mentors received an additional $400 toward their own research or professional development. Currently, 11 students are taking advantage of the fall grants opportunity. “The wealth of knowledge I acquired is far beyond anything I had expected to get out of this experience and I am a better student, scientist and schoolteacher because of it,” said Lauren Trombley, a senior majoring in chemistry and earth science with a focus on education. Trombley collected water samples from Sandusky Bay and Sandusky Watershed to measure the water chemistry and metal content of the sediment. Her measurements were used to create contour maps of the bay and river that reflect regional changes in concentrations of trace metals in fish spawning and nursery areas. Max Manning, a 2-D studies major from St. Marys, Ohio, completed a series of five paintings with the key themes of human interaction with film and television, voyeurism and spatial relationships, creating portraits with a contemporary twist. “The paintings that I made this summer are definitely among the best I have created in my lifetime,” said Manning. “This grant facilitated tremendous artistic growth for me, and after this experience I am optimistic about my future as a scholar.” Dr. Paul Moore, professor of biological sciences and director of the program, said students routinely call their research time the single best educational experience they have had on campus. “Many of our students have either presented their work at national conferences or even been published in peer review literature. It shows a level of intellectual achievement not normally found among undergraduates.”

The multidisciplinary nature of CURS is well illustrated by its support of Michael Romanin’s three-dimensional art (top two photos), as well as Lauren Trombley and Katie Barlak’s field and lab work investigating water and sediment quality issues (Trombley is pictured in the third and fourth photos, Barlak is at bottom).

20 BGSU Magazine

Researcher seeks to reverse poverty’s impact on early language development Poverty isn’t just about dollars and cents. Often, it can affect children’s language skills and ability to learn. This persistent problem is the focus of research by Emily Rusnak, who is completing her Ph.D. at BGSU and is a recent addition to the communication sciences and disorders faculty. Her new intervention program, part of a broader research agenda related to the effects of poverty on early language development, is designed for speech-language pathologists working with young children who are from atrisk home environments. “The program targets low-income households where a lack of resources and the many stresses of poverty often affect parents’ time and ability to talk and interact with their preschoolers,” said Rusnak. “Barriers to enriching parentchild interactions can have a devastating impact on language development and later academic achievement.” The training provides information to parents about vocabulary and the richness of words, language stimulation and creative conversations, and other child development issues. Overcoming the effects of poverty isn’t a typical focus within speech-language pathology, Rusnak observed, but her work caught the attention of those trying to make a difference with low-income families. She was one of only seven graduate students nationwide to receive a $10,000 grant from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation. And her research interest is part of a larger national trend toward using education to break the vicious cycle of cross-generational poverty.

Rusnak pointed to the federal Promise Neighborhoods Program, which seeks to do just that by improving the educational outcomes and overall life prospects of lowincome children and their families. Part of President Obama’s campaign promise to help alleviate poverty through a comprehensive approach to supporting children from birth to college, the program was inspired by Geoffrey Canada’s work with the Harlem Children’s Zone. It takes a holistic approach to intervention that includes parenting workshops for expectant and new parents and cradle-through-college educational and community enrichment programs for both children and their families. These national programs and trends are complemented by Rusnak’s research into the relationship between poverty and early language development. If children aren’t exposed to enriching language input at home, she said, they can be ill-equipped to learn how to read both at home and in school. “We need to do everything we can to intervene early and creatively to assist parents in preparing their children to succeed in school and take their rightful place in society.”

BGSU Magazine 21

Alumnus joins ‘The President’s Own’ U.S. Marine Band Alumnus Ryan Nowlin ’00 has composed, conducted and arranged music for various schools’ concert and marching bands as well as recording artists. Now he is using his talents in the service of “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band as a staff arranger. The multitalented musician is familiar to BGSU audiences as the composer of “Fanfare: Sounds of the Centennial,” premiered by the BGSU Wind Symphony in January (visit and go to the Centennial website found under “LINKS” to hear Nowlin’s Fanfare). Behind the scenes, he has also been an arranger for the Falcons Marching Band. As a member of the Marine Band production staff, Staff Sgt. Nowlin is responsible for creating musical arrangements that encompass numerous styles for a variety of instrumental ensembles. Many of these arrangements are performed at the White House for the president and visiting dignitaries. Nowlin began his musical instruction on piano at age 5, trumpet at age 10, and French horn at age 17. Upon graduating in 1996 from North Royalton High School in Cleveland, he earned a bachelor’s degree in music and a master’s degree in music education and conducting at BGSU. While here, Nowlin studied with Herbert Spencer and Bruce Moss, and he has also worked with prolific composer Anne McGinty. Before joining “The President’s Own,” Nowlin was an instructor at BGSU as well as staff arranger for the Kansas State University Marching Band. He was the band director at Jackson City Schools in Ohio and most recently was the director of bands at the Brecksville-Broadview Heights School District. The Marine Band is America’s oldest continuously active professional musical organization. Founded in 1798, the band has performed for every U.S. president since John Adams. Known as “The President’s Own” since the days of Thomas Jefferson, the Marine Band’s primary mission is to provide music for the president and the commandant of the Marine Corps. 22 BGSU Magazine

BGSU dominates Toledo Area Artists show

BGSU School of Art faculty, students, alumni and former instructors blew away the competition at the 92nd Toledo Area Artists Exhibition, one of the oldest and largest regional museum shows in the country, taking home 11 of the 20 awards presented. “We have a highly accomplished and dedicated faculty, who give lots of personal attention to our students in a culture of mutual respect,” Katerina Ruedi Ray, director of the School of Art, explained. “Our students have a strong work ethic and an endless openness and curiosity that leads to original and extremely well-executed work.” There were more than 800 entries, of which just over 100 were exhibited. The BGSU-affiliated winners were: > Felicia Szorad ’94, alumna, Athena Art Society Award > Alison Parsons, alumna, Molly Morpeth Canaday Award > Ross Roadruck, senior, UT Art Dept. Award > Kelly Sheehan ’80, alumna, Dominick Labino Glass Award > Michael Arrigo, associate professor, School of Art, Roulet Medal > Tyler Benjamin, senior, ACGT Purchase Award > Spencer Cunningham ’95, alumnus and former instructor, Third Award > Brandon Briggs, graduate student, Second Place

> > >

Joseph Pintz, instructor, School of Art, Second Place Haik Avanian, former student, First Place Scott Darlington, visiting assistant professor, School of Art, First Place

Michael Arrigo took home the Roulet Medal for “Hobson’s Choice” and “Leaky Redaction.” He is also president of the Toledo Federation of Art Societies, which co-organized the exhibition. “When you consider the number of entries and look again at how many are from BGSU and how many won awards, it speaks well to the position of the University within the regional arts community.” Ross Roadruck, an art education major from Cincinnati, received the University of Toledo Art Department Award for his “Wall Fragment I.” The deceptively simple-looking piece is actually made out of silver duct tape, blue builders tape, pink primer and white household paint. Roadruck credits the School of Art with giving him countless opportunities to build his career and grow as an artist. “We have a program that can truly stand up with any in the state and, I would say, even the country.” Senior Ross Roadruck (far left) won an award for “Wall Fragment I” (at top). Other BGSU-affiliated winners included School of Art associate professor Michael Arrigo, School of Art instructor Joseph Pintz, and alumnus and former instructor Spencer Cunningham.

BGSU Magazine 23

Petra Martin to lead BGSU Swimming Petra Martin has been named the seventh head coach in the history of the BGSU swimming program, bringing her extensive experience as both an elite swimmer and successful team leader. “Petra stood out through our search process as the perfect fit for our program’s future,” said BGSU Director of Athletics Greg Christopher. “Her background, passion and drive will help our current team reach its potential, and she will help us build and recruit as we move forward.” Martin’s background includes eight years competing on the Czech National Swim Team and four years as a collegiate assistant coach. She also served in a handful of posts as head coach of various swim programs and clubs. Most recently, she spent three seasons as an assistant coach at George Mason University. While at George Mason, the 32-year-old coached several World Championship trials qualifiers and worked directly with swimmers who finished as high as second at the NCAA National Championships. Her sprinters broke numerous school and Colonial Athletic Association records, and they achieved NCAA Division I “A” and “B” qualifying standards. “I am very excited to start a new era of Bowling Green swimming,” Martin said. “I can sense tremendous support for the program within the athletics department and the university, and I look forward to leading the Falcons to their true potential.”

ion BGSU Limited edit

Show your Falcon spirit while celebrating BGSU’s Centennial with warmth and style. Made in the USA of soft, thick acrylic, this machine washable blanket (63”x 63”) is destined to become a cozy family favorite at home and on game day at the stadium. Available for a limited time during BGSU’s Centennial year – exclusively through the BGSU Athletics Department – for $80, including shipping and handling.

Order toll free 1.800.776.6100 or by email, 24 BGSU Magazine

Join us at the ’BiG EVENT‘ The “Closing The Doors Of The House That Roars” year-long celebration continues towards its culmination with the BiG EVENT in March. You are invited to be on hand when the Women’s Basketball All-Anderson Team receives well-deserved honors prior to the Ball State game on Saturday, Feb. 5…be sure to get your tickets early by calling 877-BGSU TICKET! Men’s Basketball is well into its marathon, 31-game schedule, which features exciting non-conference play against formidable opponents that include Howard, powerhouse Michigan State and Isiah Thomas’ Florida International team. Be sure to catch the MAC home opener against Miami on Jan. 16. A special “Closing The Doors” weekend is slated for the first weekend in March. Included will be the final men’s basketball game to be played in Anderson Arena, with a pre-game ceremony recognizing the Men’s Basketball AllAnderson Team. On Saturday, March 5, the BiG EVENT will bring together Falcon fans for a final farewell celebration at 8 p.m. This once-in-a-lifetime event will be attended by hundreds of Falcon faithful, along with members from all three AllAnderson Teams, other former letterwinners, current players and coaching staffs. You are invited to help “Close The Doors” while enjoying live music and plenty of food and beverages with your fellow Falcons. Also, Jerry Anderson will be there to auction some volleyball, basketball and Anderson Arena memorabilia with help from BGSU great Nate Thurmond. For more information, contact the Athletic Department at 419-372-2401 or e-mail

Brother/sister duo brings talent and drive The Cleveland-area brother and sister duo of John and Jeanette Pettigrew are standout football and track stars at BGSU. Both agree there is no competition when it comes to being each other’s biggest fan. “Even outside of athletics, we made it our goal to always be there for each other,” says Jeanette, a sophomore physical therapy major and the younger sibling. “I’m at most of his football games and he comes to most of my track meets.” John started football around age 9, and also participated in wrestling and track. Jeanette started track in the seventh grade, and also played basketball and golf in high school. At one point, both ran track at the same time, leading to some friendly sibling rivalry. “When we were running track, people would ask who was faster, but we didn’t run against each other,” says John, a running back and sophomore business major. “It’s always been about showing love and supporting each other.” John says he liked the competitiveness of football– the chance to increase his stats with every game, and the possibility of making it to the pros. Jeanette, a sprinter in the 60m, 100m and 200m dash, also enjoyed being the best. “People always said I was fast, so I said why not (start track),” recalled Jeanette. “I just wanted to beat everybody.” Both brought that drive to BGSU. In addition to athletic achievement, they also share every student-athlete’s challenge of balancing the demands of competitive sports and school. And they have benefited from having each other on campus for support. “Having someone really close here at school when you are far away from home helps,” says John. “If something ever happens, I know I have my sister close by.”

BGSU Magazine 25

alumniaccomplishments 1940s Blanche (Spangler) Allen ’48,

Glen Ellyn, Ill., was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Central/ DuPage Hospital. She is a jewelry volunteer at a resale shop, and founder and director of Village Theatre Guild, where she has been a member for 38 years.

1950s Harold Manhart ’52,

Bill Chambers ’67, Ocoee,

Fla., retired after 44 years in education. He served as the athletic director of Ocoee High School in the Orange County (Fla.) Public Schools. He was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame for West Orange High School for his 20 years of service there as a coach before he took the position at Ocoee High School.

Peggy Federici ’67, Lake Havasu City, Ariz., is the education program director with Mohave Community College.

Montrose, Colo., is retired but continues to manage Indian Springs Farm, a 300-acre family tree farm in Wisconsin. He developed the farm in 1966 and has been awarded Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year twice for Western Wisconsin.

Ray Presgrave ’68, Placerville, Calif., retired as the CEO of CIC Inc. He will continue on the board of directors of three corporations.

Leona (Kronmann) Contruvo

Timothy Lee Combs ’69,

Marion, Ohio, is chair of the Marion County Democratic Central and Executive Committees for 2010-12.

’54, Huntsville, Ala., was awarded the Harold J. Williams award from the Huntsville Youth Orchestra, which she has conducted for 18 years. She also has conducted symphony orchestras in Jackson, Miss., Columbus, Ga., and Portland, Maine. Contruvo is owner and manager of the Smith String Studio where she teaches violin and viola.

Fla., retired from her position as executive director with the Florida Marlins after 14 seasons. She is an adjunct faculty member at Nova Southeastern University.

Theodore G. Jenkins ’54,

Judi (Miller) Roller ’69,

Toledo, was inducted into the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame in 2009. He was honored for more than 30 years with Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company, and for his service to local and statewide nonprofit organizations, plus educational, health care, religious, military and civic groups.

Patricia (Burkett) Schanke

’55, Naples, Fla., taught in Grantville, Pa., and Sandusky, Fremont, Maumee and Toledo, Ohio, before accepting her current position at the Collier County Public Schools as a guest teacher. 1960s Donald C. McFadyen ’60,

Fernandina, Fla., began his 14th year as a volunteer chaplain with the city of Fernandina Police Dept., where he recently was promoted to senior chaplain.

Glenn H. Honeycutt ’63, Huntsville, Ohio, has written The Woodshed Parenting Revival, after four decades of working with 15,000 students, their parents and 550 teachers and support staff.

Nancy Olson ’69, Davie,

Mazomanie, Wis., retired as associate dean in the College of Letters and Science at the University of WisconsinMadison after a 30-year career in university administration. 1970s Carol Kimball ’72, Chicago,

announced that “Lust ’n Rust, The Trailer Park Musical,” which she and her creative partners produced, will be performed at the Lyric Theatre in Hollywood in spring 2011. W. Patrick Monaghan ’72, Yulee, Fla., has earned the Department of Defense Lifetime Achievement Award for research and education contributions to the Armed Services Blood Program. Annie Dinerman ’73, Long Island City, N.Y., has released her latest CD, Broken Cookies. Judith (Belsan) Hudson ’74,

Bowling Green, retired in 2009 after 33 years of teaching in the Bowling Green City Schools.

John Leverence ’74, Studio City, Calif., senior vice president of awards for the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, received the Syd Cassyd Founders Award at the Emmy ceremony in September. Jack LoGiudice ’74, Encino,

Calif. is the co-executive producer of AMC’s new television show, “The Walking Dead.” Previously, he was coexecutive producer of “Sons of Anarchy” on FX.

Catherine Maxey ’74, Bella

Vista, Ariz., senior vice president with RE/MAX Real Estate Results, was inducted into the RE/MAX Hall of Fame for earning more than $1 million in gross commissions.

Paul Miles ’74, Southfield,

Mich., has released a new CD, Moods. For more information, visit myspace. com/paulmilesmusic.

Larry Willett ’74, Scottsdale, Ariz., is an executive producer on the new TV series “twentysixmiles,” which premiered on in June. Roland Terry Williams ’74,

Kallaroo, Australia, retired from Edith Cowan University after lecturing there for more than 25 years. His 1974 BGSU thesis was cited recently in the book Source of Wisdom: Old English and Early Medieval Latin Studies in Honour of Thomas D. Hill.

Cynthia (Fissel) Crockett ’75,

Olmsted Falls, Ohio, retired in June after 35 years as an intervention specialist with the Westlake City Schools. Cynthia (Chmelik) Ferrini ’76,

Strongsville, Ohio, and her husband, Joe, have authored Unexpected Journey – When Special Needs Change Our Course.

Lynn Kostoff ’76, Florence, S.C., is the author of Late Rain. In the community, Kostoff is a creative writing consultant working with teachers and students. He also helps students prepare their portfolios for entrance into the Governor’s School of the Arts. Edward T. Montgomery ’76,

Annandale, Va., is a lab director of communication systems at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, which was recognized by U.S.News and World Report in 2007, 2008 and 2009 as the best high school in the nation.

Julie Ann Scheiner ’76, Solon, Ohio, retired from Richmond Heights School after 34 years. Thomas M. Scott ’77, Chagrin

Falls, Ohio, is director of music ministries at First Congregational Church in Hudson. He continues on the adjunct faculty of Trinity High School as director of vocal music and director of the Men of Independence, a men’s chorus.

Charles D. Hanson ’78, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich., served as a U.S. delegate to the World Library & Information Congress in Gothenburg, Sweden. In November he received the Michigan Library Association’s 2010 Award of Excellence for his service to the library profession. He is currently director of library services at Kettering University in Flint, and president of the Friends of the Michigan Libraries. Bruce W. Thomas ’78, Solon,

Ohio, is superintendent for the Marietta City School District.

Susan Chmelik ’79, Medina, Ohio, retired after teaching 31 years in the Strongsville City School Music Department.

Hendrick (Rick) P. Van Den Bossche ’84, Vermilion, Ohio,

is president of the Board of Trustees of the Ritter Public Library in Vermilion. He also is a business education teacher and department chairman at Woodward High School in Toledo.

Matthew Balensuela ’85, Terre Haute, Ind., recently had his article, “Music History/ History of Theory: Dynamic Tensions Between Theory and Composition in the Classical Era”, published in Vitalizing Music History Teacher. He also is the first editor-in-chief of the Journal of Music History Pedagogy. Dean Bresciani ’85, Fargo,

N.D., is president at North Dakota State University.

Robin (Weyandt) McConnell

’85, Perrysburg, Ohio, is chair of the Clay High School English department in Oregon, Ohio. Kristy (Bogard) Folkwein ’86, New Albany, Ohio, is the chief information officer at Dow Corning Corp. Allison M. Morrow ’86,


Grafton, Ohio, is the regional director of operations with HCR Manorcare.

David Folkwein ’82, New

Matthew W. Borer ’87,

Albany, Ohio, is the executive vice president at the Delaware County Bank.

William Billiter ’83, Clinton,

N.Y., director of foundation, corporate and government relations, is a 2010 winner in the National Poetry Series. Billiter’s book is titled Stutter and will be published by University of Georgia Press next summer.

Andrew Fitch ’83, Bridgeport, Ohio, is superintendent at the Martins Ferry City Schools. Gary Moses ’83, Kalispell, Mont., received the National Park Service’s Harry Yount National Park Ranger Award for excellence in the field of “rangering.” Frederick Rudin ’83, Elma,

N.Y., is the residential sales manager at Amherst Alarm.

Thomas Armstrong Pearsall

’84, Statesboro, Ga., was promoted to full professor within the Department of Music at Georgia Southern University.

Indianapolis, an advisor at Eli Lilly & Co., has been elected to the U.S. Pharmacopeia Council of Experts and chair of the Reference Standards Expert Committee. He received his Ph.D. in chemistry in 1992 from Indiana University, Bloomington.

Beth (Jackson) Klosterboer

’87, Miamisburg, Ohio, released a cookbook, Hungry Halloween: Featuring Movie Monster Munchies, Bewitched Buffet and Dead Man’s Diner. Don Mihokovich ’87, Odessa,

Fla., was listed in the July/ August 2010 edition of Tampa Bay Magazine’s “Tampa Bay’s Top Lawyers.”

Debbi (Deborah) Mazor

’89, Marina del Rey, Calif., is a stunt performer for such shows as “Dexter,” “Young & the Restless,” “Desperate Housewives” and “The Closer,” doubling for Hilary Swank, Diane Lane, Kyra Sedgwick, Cybil Shepherd and many more.

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu 26 BGSU Magazine

1990s James M. Vrtis II ’90, Lake

Charles, La., a manager with Norandex, has had one of the top five branches in sales and profit for the company for the past six years.

Karen (Brown) Vrtis ’90,

Lake Charles, La., is a medical technologist at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital. She continues to be active in her children’s schools and to teach exercise classes at a local gym.

Joel Yashinsky ’90, Aurora,

Ontario, is vice president of marketing at McDonald’s Corp., Canada.

Jason Finke ’91, Nixa, Mo.,

was named 2010 Buyer of the Year–Large Entity, by the Missouri Association of Public Purchasing.

Wendy A. Woloson ’93,

Philadelphia, an independent and consulting historian, recently released a book, In Hock: Pawning in America from Independence through the Great Depression.

Debra (Hanson) Campbell

’94, Miamisburg, Ohio, founder and owner of Wallartistry, a decorating finishing business, is celebrating 10 years in business. She is one of only two authorized instructors in the U.S. teaching Safra Italian Plasters of Verona, Italy. Wallartistry was chosen to participate in ABC’s “Extreme Makeover Home Edition,” which aired Nov. 8.

William Thomas Allison ’95,

Statesboro, Ga., professor of history at Georgia Southern University, is a visiting professor of military history at the Air Force School for Advanced Air and Space Studies at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Ala.

Holly Lynn Baumgartner ’95,

Toledo, is a full professor in the Language and Literature Department at Lourdes College.

Jennifer Lynn Wiebe ’95, Amelia, Ohio, teaches fifth grade pre-algebra and kindergarten music for the Schilling School for Gifted Children.

Valerie Kay (Trout) Boothe

’96, Sandusky, Ohio, is an engineering processing manager for FM GlobalCleveland Operations in North Olmsted.

Edward Posaski ’96, Corpus

Christi, Texas, is associate athletic director for business and finance at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Brian Stier ’96, Westerville,

Ohio, is the Bible and physical education teacher at Tree of Life Christian High School in Columbus.

Bill Balderaz ’97, Upper Arlington, Ohio, was named Interactive Marketer of the Year by the Ohio Interactive Awards and as a member of Business First’s “40 under 40.” Darrah Courter ’97, Powell,

Ohio, was named the 2010 Business Person of the Year by the Greater Powell Area Chamber of Commerce.

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Blair Miller ’98, Cornelius, N.C., is the primary news anchor for WSOC-TV, ABC News in Charlotte, where he anchors the 5, 6 and 11 p.m. newscasts. Catherine Calko ’99, Warren,

Ohio, received her juris doctorate degree from the University of Akron School of Law in May. Luke A. Nichter ’99,

Alexandria, Va., is an executive producer with C-SPAN. 2000s Adele Huber ’01, Munich,

Germany, completed her doctoral dissertation on “Effective Strategy Implementation in Marketing” in the Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Bern in Switzerland in May.

Kristalyn Shefveland ’01,

Oxford, Miss., graduated in May with a doctor of philosophy degree in history from the University of Mississippi and is a tenuretrack assistant professor of history at the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville.

Peter Stella ’01, Los Angeles,

is a staff editor at FOXSports. com. Previously, he worked for three Florida newspapers for nine years and for CBS Sports for more than three years. Steven Mears ’02, Pittsburgh,

is a radio/TV broadcaster for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

John Robert Houser ’03, Las Cruces, N.M., is an assistant athletic director of marketing and promotions at Abilene Christian University.

Talie Elizabeth Massoli ’03, Oakland, Calif., is a high school special education teacher for the Spectrum Center Schools. Last year, along with her students and staff, Massoli developed and advocated in favor of a bill to assist students with developmental disabilities in nonpublic schools to access technology. Jamie Naragon ’03, Rossford,

Ohio, completed her master’s degree in criminal justice. Naragon has taught social studies at the Toledo School for the Arts for the past eight years. She has studied at the Phillip Exeter Academy’s Humanities Institute and participated in a three-week education expedition to the Middle East. She also is a freelance cycling journalist/publicist. Matt Nobles ’03, Cleveland,

is an associate at the law firm Plante & Moran, PLLC.

Matt Stoessner ’03, Hilliard,

Ohio, a producer/editor and post-production manager at Brainstorm Media in Columbus, received an Emmy Award in Graphic Arts for his Motion Graphics Composite from the Ohio Valley Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

Karishma Amina Anik ’04,

Bowling Green, was awarded the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Anik is continuing her medical training in obstetrics-gynecology at Lenox Hill Hospital, Manhattan, N.Y.

Adam G. Campbell ’04, New York, is the director of sales for the New York Knicks and New York Rangers.

Nycole Hampton ’04,

Chicago, received the Chicago Archdiocesan Development Council’s 2010 Impact Award.

Courtney Vuich ’04, Chicago,

earned National Board Certification as an early childhood generalist teacher.

Melissa Foos ’05, Rocky River, Ohio, is an epidemiologist at the Cleveland Department of Public Health. Kimberlee (Taylor) Kiner ’05, Columbus, Ohio, is studio manager and Columbus area director for Prestige Music Studios Inc.

Jake L. Rowell ’07, Studio

City, Calif., is art director on the film Astroboy. Since graduating from BGSU, he has worked on several film and game projects, including: Beowulf, Superman Returns, BeWitched, SharkTale, Animatrix, Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy IX.

Dan Wyak ’07, Ypsilanti, Mich., is an assistant director of media relations for athletics at Elon University. Matthew Ryan Burkholder

’08, Brunswick, Ohio, is the plant manager for Americarb in Ashland.

Melvin A. Moss ’05, Detroit,

Michael W. Kingsmill ’08, Findlay, Ohio, is an IT specialist for Marathon Oil.

Park W. Bateson ’06, New

Lisa M. (Cool) Maag ’08, Findlay, Ohio, is a second grade teacher at Ridgedale Elementary.

is president and CEO at Moss International LLC. London, Ohio, graduated in May from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine with the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree.

Jennifer Marie Ammons ’07,

Columbus, Ohio, is an account executive at GSW Worldwide.

John A. Jurko II ’07, Bowling Green, is the filmmaker behind Mud Trucks and Beer, a documentary of Truck Night at Yankee Lake that will be released Dec. 7. For more information, visit trucknight. com/dvd. Ashley M. Krumdieck ’07,

Cleveland, graduated with a doctor of physical therapy degree from the University of Toledo and is presently employed with the Cleveland Clinic.

Matt Maynard ’08, Dayton, Ohio, is a director of communications for The Miami Valley School during the daytime. He spends his evenings interviewing Big Brother contestants by phone and occasionally takes trips to Los Angeles as a reporter for the fan site welovebigbrother. com. Stephen Paigos ’08, North

Haven, Conn., is assistant director of the student center and campus life at Quinnipiac University.

Luke James Shaffer ’08,

Wayne, Ohio, participated in the last season of American Idol. He auditioned in Boston, moved on to compete in Hollywood and made it through the first round of auditions.

Holly A. Signor ’08, Lakewood, Ohio, is a medical technician at the Cleveland Clinic in the Automated Chemistry Laboratory. Aysen Ulupinar ’08, Fairview

Park, Ohio, is a residence life coordinator for co-curricular programs and activities at the University of Akron.

Bryan Kingsmill ’09, Fayetteville, N.C., is a third grade teacher at Gallberry Farm Elementary School. Lori Claire Petrick ’09, Willoughby, Ohio, is a second-year law student at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. She was inducted into the Cleveland State Law Review as an associate. During her first year, she earned CALI Awards in Torts and Legal Writing, Research & Advocacy. She is currently working as a law clerk at the Shaker Heights Municipal Court. Andrew Snowden ’09, North

Bend, Ohio, is an inkjet programmer/CAD artist with General Data Company Inc.

Tessa Yahr ’09, Aisho-cho,

Japan, is teaching English to K-5 to 6th graders in four schools. She is also writing monthly articles about Japan for the Daily News in West Bend, Wis., Aisho-cho’s sister city.

Megan Zurkey ’09, Avon

Lake, Ohio, is part of the membership department at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland. She is also singing in Rock Hall’s Exhibit A band, and her own Megan Zurkey Band.

Ashley Hanna ’10, Broadview

Heights, Ohio, is a paid search specialist for Fathom SEO.

Shawn Wendell ’10, Rome, Ohio, is a project manager for Hummel Construction.

Becky Minger ’10 of Sylvania, Ohio, was crowned Miss Ohio 2010, capturing the title from a field of 26 candidates. Minger will go on to compete for the Miss America 2011 title in January.

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu 28 BGSU Magazine

In memoriam BGSU Magazine has received notices of the following deaths. For additional information or to make a memorial gift, please contact the Office of Alumni and Development at 419-372-2424. Alumni Helen E. (Red) Rockwell ’26 Lillian C. (Turner) Jacobs ’32 Grace L. (Fashbaugh) Hansen ’32 Lenna M. (Heiby) Henson ’32 Margaret R. (Widman) Bauman ’32 Mirmiam K. (Kimball) Burnham ’32 Vera L. (Borton) Gamble ’32 Mildred I. (Peoples) Ringer ’34 Glendola G. (Groth) Jewell ’37 Carl F. Hawver ’37 Elizabeth (Bringe) Witt ’38 Margaret R. (Bassitt) Sells ’39 Rosemary J. (Johnston) Baker ’41 Doris A. (Holland) Jolliff ’41 Rex K. Moorhead ’41 Lelia M. (Mallas) Freeman ’42 Mary Catherine (Stahl) Primrose ’42 Carroll D. Miller ’43 Jean M. (Shaw) Flack ’44 Elizabeth J. (Segrist) Borton ’45 Florence M. (Hayzlett) Hartley ’45 Mary L. (Deisler) Kinkade ’45 Celia E. (Mooers) Squires ’45 Ashel G. Bryan ’46 Dorothy M. (Main) Kern ’46 Cloyce M. Leatherman ’47 John P. Stark ’47 William W. Adamchak ’48 John H. Wilson Jr. ’48 Lenore J. (Lusk) Askins ’48 Maurice E. Seiple II ’49 Jolene B. (Bassett) Weaver ’49 Earl J. Wright ’49 Howard W. Dickerson ’49 Robert H. Huntebrinker ’49 Irene E. (Ellis) Mitchell ’49 Robert Calas ’49 Richard E. Voorhies ’49 Glen M. Knerr ’49 Robert J. Haarmann ’49 Donald H. Kahil ’50 Jack L. Lewis ’50 Robert C. Maloney Sr. ’50 Gerald B. Harms ’50 Jean M. Mersereua ’50 Joyce K. (Keller) Ernsthausen ’50

Austin E. Sweeney ’50 Janet G. (Sautter) Waters ’50 George G. Group ’51 George Kenderes ’51 Morris R. Ort ’51 Shirley I. (Scott) Atkins ’51 Mary M. (McBride) Brainard ’51 Patricia (Wickerham) Hetko ’51 Allen L. Root ’51 Howard C. Hahn Jr. ’52 Elizabeth P. (Pierson) Koontz ’52 Ollie Glass Jr. ’52 Guy E. Kersh ’52 Donald E. Schanke ’52 Clifford M. Michaelis ’52 William E. Evans ’53 Patricia L. Soares ’53 Carolyn M. (Graves) Goforth ’53 Joan Case ’54 Jerry B. Helwig ’54 Charles E. Dowdell ’55 John F. McDonnell ’55 James Zickes ’55 Gerald D. Murray ’55 Robert L. Pinney ’55 Harry J. Shutt ’55 Mary C. (Noffsinger) Van Winkle ’55 Richard L. Stephenson ’55 Lois J. (Brockett) Malmberg ’55 Kermit C. Rudolph ’55 Edmond Wheelden ’55 Jack R. Trice ’56 Benjamin D. Rowe ’56 Fred S. Stone ’56 John L. Chambers ’56 Barbara B. (Bendall) Derrick ’56 Kay C. (Crawford) Corbin ’57 James M. Hoyt ’57 Roy E. Stack ’58 Viola R. McDowell ’58 Bernadine F. (Steininger) Traucht ’59 Charles W. Green Jr. ’59 Virginia A. (Pennell) Salchow ’59 Carol L. (Craig) Sarkisian ’59 Barbara M. (Waters) Schramm ’60 Dorothy J. (Metzger) Linke ’60 Constance C. (Saubers) Strawman ’60 Marvena M. Hershey ’60 Carol D. (Clark) Keesecker ’60 Del R. Tonguette ’60 Geraldine C. (Curl) Knauss ’61 William L. Lehman ’61

Ruth C. (Gardner) D’clute ’61 Ruth A. (Johnson) Agee ’61 Leola E. (Taylor) Lindhurst ’61 Marion (Graeve) Russo ’61 James E. Kimmey ’61 David M. Chism ’61 James E. Barbic ’62 Wanda L. Stock ’62 Esther S. (Long) Ricard ’62 Nina I. (Miller) Overmyer ’62 Louis M. Youskievicz ’63 Raymond F. Knitt ’63 Carolyn L. (Brown) Smithers ’63 Paul N. Windisch ’63 Betty L. (Tharp) Burnett ’64 Marilee J. Eschbach ’64 Lyla L. (Strauch) Lett ’64 Mary L. (Beagle) Bauman ’64 Sharon F. (Karun) Griffiths ’64 Blaine H. Orwig ’64 Joan W. (Willson) Plassman ’64 Gary D. Caldwell ’64 Dennis K. Fillinger ’65 Evelyn A. (Corbin) Bibb ’65 Adah L. Lehman ’65 Judith H. (Horvath) Lewis ’65 Richard B. Carnahan ’65 Joseph P. Cassidy ’66 Jolene A. Pennington ’66 John C. Depler ’66 Charles G. Prior ’67 Penelope K. (Grisso) Polyak ’67 Alta J. (Brown) Saunders ’67 Michael A. Maggiano ’68 Joan K. (Rode) Ziss ’68 Karen H. (Wilcoxon) Izso ’68 Elizabeth K. Miller ’68 Kamila M. Plesmid-Huff ’68 Jeanette A. Damman ’69 Robert E. Kennedy ’69 Sheila A. (White) Edmund ’69 Geoffrey J. O’Connor Jr. ’69 Ruthanne Roller ’69 Ronald L. Blasdel ’69 Janice A. (Rose) Jones ’69 Kathleen A. (Zigler) Wise ’69 Joanne J. Bobey ’69 John S. Steeb ’70 Phyllis S. (Stephens) Huss ’70 Robert G. Coker ’70 Jean M. Burger-Daniels ’70 Lois A. (Lockard) Keiser ’70 Alva M. Lewis Jr. ’70 Brenda G. (Gruver) Albert ’70 Wesley K. Hoffman ’71 Bruce A. Fittler ’71 Thomas L. Gray ’71 Howard Francis Thomas ’71 Dorothy N. (Nuesmeyer) Hertenstein ’71 Ned W. Roeder ’71

Damon V. Beck ’72 H. Joseph Keetle ’72 Garry A. Schwartz 72 James E. Hawley ’72 Nancy A. (Nagel) Hanson ’72 Jeffrey D. Zerby ’73 Kenneth D. Larson ’73 David J. Gaede Jr. ’73 Mark A. Brecklen ’73 Marcia L. McFarland ’73 Philip A. Pagano ’74 Nancy L. McWilliams ’74 Thomas J. Burke ’75 Michaelene M. (Michael) Fenstemacher ’75 Hope F. (Fosnaught) Mathwig ’75 Ingeboard W. (Knol) Grunewald ’75 Darryl L. Rolandelli ’76 Peggy A. (Lear) Bender ’76 Stephen A. Dubendorfer ’76 Kathleen E. (Morris) Hammitt ’76 Jeanne Mary Stack ’76 Rosa Roberta Carter ’76 Michael F. Luisi ’76 Randy N. Stang ’76 Mary J. Calderon ’77 Larry D. Kirian ’78 Marcia J. (Guilford) Kerr ’78 Josefina Linares Garcia ’78 Cynthia A. Myers ’78 Rohan E. Champion ’78 Rodney C. Hinshaw ’79 John T. Douglas ’79 Barbara Anne (McCoy) Parker ’79 Laurie Lynn (Parr) Henke ’80 Elizabeth A. Tyson Fitzhugh ’80 Thomas J. Roche ’80 Lee E. Hohl ’81 Elizabeth C. (Irvin) Weidig ’81 Denise M. (Butler) Wolfe ’82 James R. Sekely ’82 Elizabeth Y. Warren Ephraim ’83 Mark C. McIlrath ’84 France J. (Johnson) Perry ’85 Terry J. Putman ’85 Karen M. (Dunipace) Goins ’86 Pauline A. (Scott) Nagy ’87 Stephen L. Branham ’88 Patti Jo Rood ’89 Julie A. Vernars ’89 Ann M. (Urbas) Blankenship ’91 Thomas P. Belkofer ’92 John S. Magada ’92 Jamie Sexton Stockfleth ’92 Cynthia L. Higgs ’93

Teresa D. (Henry) Pauley ’93 Angela R. Rockymore ’94 Daniel L. Rush ’95 Holly M. Trimble ’96 Tara L. Scare ’98 Brent A. Burkheimer ’99 Emme E. Stiles ’00 Rebecca L. Zibbel ’00 Andrea L. (Relue) Andrews ’00 Patricia E. (Cole) Milazzo ’00 Pamela Ann Warren ’00 Matthew K. Robinson ’04 Adam J. Danhauer ’08 Faculty & Staff William D. Alexander, retired music education faculty Bruce H. Bellard ’48, professor emeritus, health, physical education and recreation Cecelia V. Bennett, assistant professor, music education Elaine M. Brents, retired secretary, criminal justice Beth A. Casey, retired associate professor, English Edgar F. Daniels, professor emeritus, English Raymond Endres, associate professor, history Kirill F. Hartman, assistant professor emeritus, German-Russian-East Asian languages Margit Heskett, professor emeritus, health, physical education and recreation William B. Jackson, Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, biological sciences John C. Kiehl, facilities services Helen Lakofsky, retired, piano instructor, Creative Arts Program Martha Mendieta, facilities services Leota Neal, facilities services Jeanettie Pultz, retired, facilities services Robert L. Reed, associate professor emeritus, educational foundations and inquiry Elizabeth A. Stimson, retired education faculty

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The College is committed to developing a student body and faculty/staff that are diverse and dedicated to pursuing excellence in the preparation of classroom teachers as well as leaders in the human development professions. We work hard to promote a dynamic community of lifelong learners and leaders that provide educational opportunities across the life span. > School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy > School of Family and Consumer Sciences > School of Human Movement, Sport and Leisure Studies > School of Intervention Services > School of Teaching and Learning > Department of Higher Education and Human Affairs College of Education and Human Development 444 Education Building 419-372-7372

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Prestigious Alumni Laureate Scholarship applications due Dec. 1

Homecoming 2010 BGSU’s Centennial Homecoming 2010 welcomed alumni and friends from across the country who participated in traditions such as the 10th Annual Freddie & Frieda 5K Run/Walk, Alumni B!G Barbeque, Black Alumni Brunch and Mixer, and Falcon football vs. Buffalo. Unique to the festivities was a special celebration of the University’s 100th anniversary at Jerome Library that included live entertainment, commemorative displays, appearances by President Carol Cartwright and others, and a light-up-the-sky fireworks display. Past Homecoming kings and queens also came together for a royal reunion at the Mileti Alumni Center. Visit us online for Homecoming 2010 photo galleries and more at

The Alumni Laureate Scholars program, which has been offered by the BGSU Alumni Association since 2002, will accept applications through Wednesday, Dec. 1. The scholarship currently covers the cost of any educational expense up to the cost of tuition, is renewable for four years, and includes a $1,000 book award each year. The program allows students to take part in leadership workshops, community engagement activities and meetings with university, community and alumni leaders and volunteers. To be considered, students must be accepted to BGSU as first-year freshmen, have a 3.5 grade point average in high school, an ACT score at or above 27, or a score of 1100 or above on the SAT. Applicants must also complete an essay, document their leadership experience and be recommended for the scholarship. Do you know an outstanding future Falcon? Encourage them to learn more or apply at or call 888-839-2586 for more information.

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University welcomes incoming members to Alumni Board of Directors Scott Irelan ’98, ’02, an assistant professor of theatre at Augustana College in Rock Island, Ill., teaches theater history, dramaturgy and introduction to theatre. He also is involved in research, publishing and advising for senior thesis projects. His first book, The Process of Dramaturgy: A Handbook, was published in January. Among his awards are the 2007 Robert A. Schawke Research Award and the 2004 Mid America Theatre Conference’s Emerging Scholar Award. He received a bachelor’s degree in communications in 1998 and a master’s degree in theatre in 2002, both from BGSU. He earned his Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 2006. His memberships include the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, the American Theatre and Drama Society, and several honorary societies. He also volunteers at Safe Harbor Food Bank and Shelter. Ron Parthemore ’73, ’89, is president of Strategic Planning Solutions, a marketing and

communications firm in Sandusky, Ohio. For nearly 25 years he worked at Firelands Regional Medical Center as director of human resources and strategic planning, and vice president of marketing and planning. He has taught business and allied technology and marketing at BGSU Firelands. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from BGSU in 1973. He did post-graduate studies in BGSU’s organization development program and then received a master’s degree in business administration in 1989. He serves as president of the Sandusky State Theatre Board, and as a member of the Erie County Department of Human Services Planning Committee and the Carousel Museum Board. He and his wife, Warrenette, have two grown children.

J. Rockne “Roc” Starks ’88, director and senior vice president of corporate insurance

for Citizens Bank in Smithfield, R.I., is responsible for corporate insurance, safety, health and well-being, and loss prevention for the company. He earned a degree in biology in 1988 from BGSU. He is a member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Certified Risk Managers and Certified Insurance Counselors. He teaches financial institution seminars for the National Alliance of Insurance Education, volunteers for a local golf fund-raiser and teaches Sunday school. He and his wife, Lee Fields Stark, a 1986 BGSU business alumna, have two teenagers and live in Coventry, R.I.

Karen Dempsey Volke ’74, is director of development, media and community relations

at the YWCA in Dayton. Previously she served at the Kettering Medical Center Foundation, The Children’s Medical Center and United Rehabilitation Services in Dayton. She has received the BGSU Distinguished Service Award and is a member of Delta Zeta sorority. She was named the 2009 Outstanding Fundraising Executive by the Association of Fundraising Executives, Greater Dayton Chapter, and has held memberships in several professional organizations. She has also served on several community boards, including the Centerville-Washington Diversity Council, Leadership Dayton Alumni Association and The Junior League of Dayton. She received a bachelor’s degree in secondary education and English from BGSU in 1974 and holds several professional certifications. She and her husband, Edward Volke, live in Dayton.

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Executive Business Programs at BGSU

Alumni Day 2011 to celebrate basketball, hockey programs Join fellow alumni for an exciting day of Falcon athletics and classic Bowling Green pizza on Jan. 29, 2011. The men’s basketball team will play MAC rival Eastern Michigan as part of Closing The Doors Of The House that Roars, celebrating the final season in Anderson Arena before moving to the Stroh Center for the 2011-12 season. The day will also include Falcon hockey vs. Lake Superior. Help support the $5 million “Bring Back the Glory” campaign, set up to endow scholarships and enhance the Ice Arena, by joining us for the day’s festivities. For full event details and registration as the event draws closer, visit

Advance your career with BGSU’s competitively priced, convenient, accelerated MBA and MOD programs designed for experienced working professionals. We have a program that meets your needs: Professional MBA – 23 month, meets two nights per week Executive MBA – one weekend per month and a Study Abroad Experience Executive MOD – 18 month, online blended program with three weekends per semester

Build your future and your company’s future today. For more information, call 1-800-BGSU MBA or visit

Former Falcon, Stanley Cup champion returns to BGSU Stanley Cup champion and Canadian Olympic gold medalist Rob Blake returned to BGSU and the University’s Ice Arena Nov. 6 to support the “Bring Back the Glory” campaign. Blake, an All-American defenseman for the Falcons from 1987-90, was the guest of honor at a campaign fund-raising reception before BGSU’s hockey game against Notre Dame. He won a Stanley Cup championship in 2001 with the Colorado Avalanche after joining the team mid-season and registering 19 points during a 23-game playoff run. In the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Blake played in 18 games with Team Canada en route to winning a gold medal that year. He also played on Canadian National hockey teams in 1998 and 2006. Launched in October 2009, the “Bring Back the Glory” campaign’s goal is $5 million to endow scholarships and enhance the Ice Arena.

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(888) 839-2586

A single gift to BGSU has the potential to plant seeds that fuel the University’s growth for generations. Tax-deductible contributions of any size to the Excellence Fund for BGSU benet students directly by providing scholarships, world-class guest lectures, support for faculty and funding for nationally recognized programs.

Make yours today.

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Bowling Green State University

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looking ahead

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noteworthy events Oct. 26-Dec. 5

Erwin Redl Willard Wankelman Gallery, Fine Arts Center, 419-372-8525


Dec. 1

Seeing Red: A Panel Discussion on HIV/AIDS 101A Olscamp Hall, Wellness Connection





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Centennial history book now available Bowling Green State University, 1910-2010: A Legacy of Excellence, written by Dr. Gary R. Hess, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of history at BGSU, describes the growth of BGSU from its beginnings as a small teacher-training school to its current reputation as a major, nationally recognized university. The 120-page book includes many historical photos and is available for $46.99 at the BGSU Bookstore or online at

Dec. 1

Narcissistic Personality Disorders BGSU at Levis Commons, Continuing & Extended Education, 419-372-8181, 1-877-650-8165 Dec. 2-5

The Winter’s Tale By William Shakespeare. Joe E. Brown Theatre, University Hall 419-372-2719 Dec. 3-13

60th Annual Faculty/Staff Exhibition Dorothy Uber Bryan Gallery, 419-372-8525 Dec. 3

Festival Series Concert featuring the Empire Brass and Elisabeth von Trapp Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center, 419-372-8171 Dec. 4

Preview Day Office of Admissions, 1-866-CHOOSEBGSU Dec. 4

Young People’s Concert: Holiday Brass Bryan Recital Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center, 419-372-8171 Dec. 5

University Choral Society with the Toledo Symphony: Handel’s Messiah Peristyle at the Toledo Museum of Art. Visit for details.

Dec. 8

Dr. Annette Mahoney:
Unpacking the Spiritual Dimensions of the Transition to Parenthood 314 Bowen-Thompson Student Union, Center for Family and Demographic Research, 419-372-7279 Dec. 8

Couples Coping with Addiction BGSU at Levis Commons, Continuing & Extended Education, 419-372-8181, 1-877-650-8165 Dec. 10

Centennial Celebration Concert Lenhart Grand Ballroom, Bowen-Thompson Student Union, 419-372-8171 Jan. 20

Distinguished Visiting Writer: Josh Weil, fiction writer, College of Arts and Sciences, Prout Chapel, 419-372-2015 Feb. 1

Tuesdays at the Gish “Hi, Mom!” (1970) The Dorothy and Lillian Gish Film Theater, 419-372-GISH Feb. 17-20

Blood Poetry By Howard Brenton, Joe E. Brown Theatre, University Hall, 419-372-2719

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