BGSU Magazine Summer 2010

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Our Centennial Issue


A legacy of scholarship and service

Master Plan to transform campus

Remembering the house that roars

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100 Bowling Green

State Universit y



A Legacy of Excellence A Future Without Limits




Timeless Falcon Spirit




BGSU students, faculty, staff and

F e a t u r e s

alumni have made it a point to

2 A legacy of scholarship and service

commemorate the University’s

8 Master Plan to transform campus

milestone anniversaries every 25


years, standing shoulder-to-shoulder


in the finest tradition of Falcon spirit.

13 14 15

Managing Editor: Pete Fairbairn Creative Director: Jeff Artz ’92 Photographers: Craig Bell Brad Phalin ’88






Embracing diversity Top-secret fun with SICSIC Remembering BGSU’s live falcon mascot Century Trees LEED-certified dining center Remembering the House That Roars

D e p a r t m e n t s

Contributors: Arlene Bachanov Joe Bellfy Bonnie Blankinship Julie Carle ’78 Julianne Jardine Dave Kielmeyer ’88, ’92 Matt Markey ’76 Tom Nugent Jennifer Sobolewski

18 Advancement News | Centennial Alumni Awards 21 Enrollment News | Second largest freshman class 22 BeGreat | Celebrating excellence in scholarship at BGSU 24 Bravo BG | News from the fine and performing arts 26 Falcon Frenzy | Athletics updates 28 Alumni Links | Alumni news and accomplishments

Production Manager: Amy West Chief Communications Officer: Kimberly McBroom

BGSU Ma g a zine Online

University Advancement

Log on to BGSU Magazine’s website for more information. e-mail:

Vice President: Thomas Hiles

USPS 787-800: Volume 11, Number 1/SUMMER 2010

Senior Associate Vice President: Marcia Sloan Latta ’83, ’93          Printed on recycled paper

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BGSU Magazine 1

BGSU: A legacy of scholarship Over the last century, Bowling Green State University has continually adapted to meet the needs of students from around the world. At its 100th anniversary, the small normal school created to train teachers in northwest Ohio is now a vibrant, nationally recognized university. This brief overview–largely based on discussions with Dr. Gary Hess, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of history at BGSU, and on his new book entitled Bowling Green State University, 1910-2010: A Legacy of Excellence –provides a look back at the University’s first century of service and how BGSU evolved over the years. We expect your Falcon pride will be even stronger after reading about Bowling Green’s legacy of scholarship and service.

Meeting the need for high-quality educators

As the farm-based communities of northwest Ohio continued to prosper at the turn of the last century, there was a growing call for teachers with the proper training. Private efforts were unable to keep pace with population growth, often resulting in local classrooms falling below acceptable standards. The Lowry Act, passed in 1910 by Ohio’s legislature, established both Bowling Green Normal College and Kent State Normal School to help address teacher education in two underserved areas of the state. As an interesting side note, the town of Napoleon was thought to be the frontrunner for getting the northwest Ohio normal school, largely due to its offer of a beautiful site along the Maumee River. Its application, however, was rejected because of an abundance of saloons and questions about the community’s “moral atmosphere.” While this episode pre-dated Prohibition (1920-33), it reflected growing middle class political sentiment of the time.

2 BGSU Magazine

In the early years, Bowling Green Normal College had an Agriculture Department that included such courses as “Farm Animals” and “Dairying.” Here, students judge stock in the basement of the Science Building in 1920.

and service Williams continued as president until he was forced into retirement after a quarter century as the school’s first leader. His successor, Roy Offenhauer, passed away after only 16 months in office and Williams returned for a short stint as acting president until Frank Prout was installed as BGSU’s third president. The Great Depression and early financial pressures

The Great Depression devastated the economy of Ohio, leading to drastic reductions in state revenues and cutbacks in funding to state institutions. Hess discusses one rather unfortunate result: the State Senate Finance Committee proposed in 1933 that Bowling Green State College be converted, at least temporarily, into a mental hospital. Regional opposition to the proposal was immediate and strong, and a grass-roots campaign to save Bowling Green State College quickly took shape with support from President Homer Williams, who remained in the background, believing it would be best for concerned citizens to take the lead on the issue. Fortunately, Williams’ calculation proved correct and the lobbying effort was successful, underscoring the high regard in which the school was held. Even during the worst pressures of the Depression, new student and community needs were becoming evident, notably for training in business at the undergraduate level and offering of a master’s degree for secondary school teachers. This provided additional impetus for not only the college’s survival, but for its ascension to fledgling university status in 1935.

WWII transforms campus life

World War II radically affected higher education in Bowling Green as it did across the globe. Within just a few years after Prout took office, the school experienced a rapid and severe drop in enrollment, as millions of young men poured into the military. After enrollment peaked in 1940-41 at 1,600 students, it began a steady decline, plunging in 1943-44 to 842. In that year, only 69 men were enrolled. While this turn of events threatened the University’s finances, a couple of military programs helped to compensate for some of the losses, beginning with a full-time program for Navy V-5 enlistees who were brought to campus for an eight-week instruction program. Then, in July 1943, the Navy College Training Program known as V-12 began bringing in students who enrolled in regular University courses. The program included men between 17 and 23 who were candidates for the U.S. Naval Reserve, the U.S. Marine Reserve or the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. The two military programs not only helped to soften the loss of male civilian students, but actually triggered a housing shortage. Hess provides some interesting details on how a variety of buildings across campus were pressed into service to accommodate the influx of naval students. BGSU Magazine 3

Falcon Heights — a trailer camp consisting of 40 units — became home base for married veterans who came to campus on the GI Bill after World War II.

GI Bill brings on even greater changes

The GI Bill introduced in 1944 was designed to help the country transition to a peacetime economy by reducing the flow of veterans into the job market and building a better-educated middle class. As the war ended, this pivotal legislation brought about the greatest expansion of higher education in the nation’s history. Remarkably, by 1947 half of all college and university students were veterans. BGSU experienced unprecedented growth in its enrollment: from 1,349 in 1944-45 to over 4,400 in 194748. Not surprisingly, temporary housing like “The Huts” and Falcon Heights (a trailer park for married veterans) was established to accommodate the veteran student population. Perhaps the biggest permanent impact of the post-war boom on BGSU was its transformation from a regional emphasis to a national presence. “Before World War II, most students lived on farms and in small towns within 50 miles of Bowling Green,” writes Hess. “The training programs during the war brought to campus young men from all over the country, some of whom chose to stay as they continued their education after the war, and the veterans who came under the GI Bill were from all parts of Ohio and other states.” By 1950, BGSU students came from 74 Ohio counties and 30 states.

Cold War fears shape new priorities

The Soviet Union tested its first fission bomb in 1949, ending America’s short-lived monopoly on nuclear weapons. The response in the U.S. has been described as one of apprehension, fear and scapegoating (as in the “Red-baiting” tactics of McCarthyism). There was, however, a silver lining when it came to funding of higher education. When Ralph McDonald succeeded Frank Prout as president in 1951, state and federal funding of postsecondary education was shifting into high gear against this Cold War backdrop. The situation had continued to pick up momentum when the appearance in October 1957 of Sputnik 1–the first earth-orbiting artificial satellite –created an even greater sense of urgency. This was fertile ground for McDonald the visionary, who was determined to bring BGSU out of the era of the singlefocus teachers college and into the era of the diverse, modern university. Hess notes that during McDonald’s tenure as president, “BGSU vastly improved the quality of faculty, gave greater attention to research, and expanded a modest graduate program to include its first Ph.D. programs (1961) with support from the Ohio legislature and U.S. government.” McDonald had more than his share of detractors among students and faculty, becoming known as “Black Mac” for his authoritarian approach. He was succeeded by Ralph Harshman, a member of the faculty since 1936 who had served as the first dean of the School of Business Administration. Harshman enjoyed wide respect, which helped him to restore campus morale and a sense of direction and cohesiveness. When William Jerome became BGSU’s fifth president in 1963, University enrollment stood at 8,238. By his last year in office in 1970, the student population had grown by 67 percent, reaching 13,782. And full-time faculty numbers increased by more than one-and-a-half times during the same period.

Residence hall life in the 1950s was not so different from today; it was and remains a supportive environment and a place to make lifelong friends. 4 BGSU Magazine

Search for mission and balance

Under President William Jerome’s leadership, students, faculty, staff and BG residents came together to grapple with the shocking news of the Kent State shootings in May 1970. BGSU was the only residential state university in Ohio to remain open immediately following the incident.

Relative calm in A time of turmoil and social unrest

Jerome proved to be a particularly effective leader, building on Harshman’s efforts to re-establish trust and a productive working relationship with students and faculty, who had become increasingly disenchanted with the McDonald administration. Many believe Jerome’s finest moment occurred just before he departed from BGSU, as campuses across the state and throughout the country reacted to the Kent State shootings in May 1970. Under Jerome’s composed leadership, students, faculty, staff and BG residents came together to grapple with the shocking news from BGSU’s sister university, as well as the issues that had precipitated the deadly confrontation. “It was one of the brightest defining moments in our history,” observed BGSU Centennial Commission CoChair Larry Weiss. “The University distinguished itself from all others by remaining open while protesting the Vietnam War and the killings at Kent State in a proactive but completely non-violent way.” The most emblematic event was a candlelight procession along East Wooster Street that prompted the mayor of Bowling Green to later write, “I have never witnessed a more serious and impressive memorial service than that conducted solely by 8,000 of the students of BGSU when they passed in dead silence … through the main streets of our little city.” While the 1970s began in turmoil, they ended on a conservative note, with some lamenting what has been described as the “steady state institution.” Reaction against student protests and a general turn toward the more “practical” and vocational aspects of higher education helped define the calm but tepid waters of campus life at the end of the decade.

The seventh president of BGSU, Hollis Moore, presided over this relatively quiet period, managing to introduce some innovations that attempted to balance the new emphasis on “practicality” with the traditional liberal education mission of the University, despite unreliable state support and occasional cuts in funding. These financial challenges–reversing a trend of increased support for higher education that helped power expansion during the ’50s and ’60s–slowed growth and shifted more cost onto students. According to Hess, internal competition for limited resources came to a head during Paul Olscamp’s tenure as president from 1982 to 1995. The ongoing tension between undergraduate and graduate/research priorities became more contentious as Olscamp worked to strengthen the University’s academic programs and stature. While there was a perception by some that graduate programs were favored above the undergraduate curriculum, resources were allocated to support areas of excellence and establish programs to attract outstanding undergraduate students. With Sidney Ribeau’s arrival in 1995, some perceived a pendulum swing back to the undergraduate mission of the University. “Yet faculty became more research-oriented than ever before,” writes Hess, adding that this apparent contradiction can be attributed “in part to the redefinition of criteria for faculty tenure and promotion, which placed a clearer emphasis on research and creative activity than had been true in previous personnel policy.” This was a harbinger of BGSU’s next evolutionary phase, preparing students in new, innovative ways for high performance and personal fulfillment amid a rapidly changing global environment.

Two students take advantage of the latest in computer technology at Jerome Library in the mid-1980s.

BGSU Magazine 5

BGSU today: Redefining the undergraduate experience

BGSU entered the 21st century at the forefront of a national movement to provide a more integrated and fulfilling undergraduate learning experience. Feeding into this were a number of Ribeau-era innovations. The Chapman Learning Community was introduced in 1997 in the belief that students learn best when their personal and academic lives are closely linked. Other communities such as Natural and Health Sciences, Arts Village and La Communidad were to follow, becoming a signature feature of the Bowling Green undergraduate curriculum. The Bowling Green Experience, or BGeX, was introduced in 2001 to make “critical thinking about values” the unifying theme of BGSU’s undergraduate curriculum. It was designed to help connect first-year students to the BGSU community while promoting the critical thinking and communication skills needed for academic and personal success. These programs in particular have been singled out as outstanding examples of academic programs believed to lead to student success by U.S. News & World Report, beginning in its 2003 edition of “America’s Best Colleges.” Most recently, BGSU was cited in the 2009-10 edition of the high-profile report for excellence in undergraduate education in these areas as well as for its strong commitment to teaching.

6 BGSU Magazine

BGSU is committed to leveraging its cutting-edge research to enhance undergraduate learning and drive academic excellence. Here, marine biology junior and ‘master sampler’ Katrina Thomas gathers water from Grand Lake St. Mary’s in Celina, Ohio, for testing as part of a study of harmful algae.

Centennial renaissance builds on momentum

Led by BGSU’s current president, Dr. Carol Cartwright, a centennial renaissance is under way that builds on this solid foundation of academic excellence and firm commitment to undergraduate teaching. There is also a strong emphasis on creating a state-of-the-art infrastructure to support the University’s focus on teaching, learning, scholarship and service. Be sure to read about BGSU’s ambitious Master Plan for new residence halls, dining facilities, academic buildings and interconnected green spaces on pages 8-9. Cartwright and her team are working in a deliberate, strategic way to build upon existing strengths to position the University for ongoing growth and success. The importance of attracting new students and optimizing retention amid state budget uncertainties is reflected in a highly strategic approach to enrollment planning and outreach. The approach appears to be working as overall enrollment is projected to be up by 4 percent and the incoming freshman class will be the second largest in the University’s history. (See the article on page 21 for details.)

Under Cartwright’s leadership, BGSU has embarked on a comprehensive plan to re-tool its undergraduate curriculum to ensure all its students graduate with a well-rounded education and the kind of complex problem-solving skills that are imperative within today’s highly fluid, global environment. Connecting the Undergraduate Experience, or CUE, is charged with creating distinctive, coherent undergraduate learning experiences that link curricular and co-curricular programs. Drawing upon national research as well as BGSU’s own widely respected “best practices,” the CUE Committee is creating a curriculum designed around the achievement of University learning outcomes that are common across all colleges and disciplines. The four-year program emphasizes mastery of communication skills, mathematical literacy, and critical thinking through a series of thematically connected inquiry and interdisciplinary problem-solving courses.

BGSU has embarked on a comprehensive plan to re-tool its undergraduate curriculum to ensure all students graduate with a well-rounded education that prepares them to succeed in today’s highly fluid, global environment.

CUEin g up to break d o w n barri ers CUE is all about connecting the various components of a student’s total learning experience. This concept also extends to faculty, who are at the center of implementing the new curriculum. It’s no coincidence that the kind of interdisciplinary collaboration that will make CUE a resounding success is already widely practiced among BGSU’s award-winning faculty. One prominent example is the Arts Roundtable, which has brought together art and business leaders at BGSU and across northwest Ohio. Its long list of accomplishments includes creation of the Arts Village residential learning community, development of an Acting for Entrepreneurs class, and the provision of shared arts productions through collaboration by students in musical arts, theater, film and dance. Another area where collaboration is resulting in new synergies is the interaction of undergraduate learning with graduate research programs. One of the high-impact “best practices” that the CUE Committee is proposing to further develop is undergraduate research that leverages the wealth of talent, knowledge and creativity that has won worldwide acclaim for many of BGSU’s graduate programs. Undergraduate students are already partnering with graduate students and faculty to carry forward the research that, in turn, enriches our academics and enhances our community. Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Ken Borland has observed that the process of inquiry and discovery inherent in all research is one of the most valuable experiences a student can have, and is a powerful engine driving academic excellence. According to Borland, BGSU’s undergraduate teaching must be continuously informed by the faculty’s cuttingedge research to distinguish the University and its students. This new paradigm also has the potential to completely eliminate the historic tug-of-war between graduate and undergraduate programs. Be sure to read the fall issue of BGSU Magazine for more on how CUE’s proposed general education curriculum is bringing many of the high-impact practices that are already a recognized BGSU forte to bear in a more focused, intentional manner. We will be exploring how the program is built upon a solid foundation of academic excellence, and is set to enhance the learning experience for students across all programs and disciplines. BGSU Magazine 7

Major new-building construction can be seen across campus. Pictured: Wolfe Center for the Arts, which will serve as an ideal place for students and faculty to learn and work on theatrical, dance, musical, film and digital arts productions. The new Center will also offer the community an exceptional venue for a wide range of performances.

Master Development Plan to transform campus

Sweeping renovation of “traditional core academic buildings” — along with new construction and introduction of “interconnected green spaces”—will highlight a 15-year, $120-200 million effort to create a state-of-the-art, “next generation” learning environment with a much closer connection to the city of Bowling Green. It’s official: The long-anticipated BGSU Master Campus Development Plan is now poised on the runway and ready for takeoff. About one year in the making, the ambitious architectural and landscaping Master Plan calls for some of the most dramatic and aesthetically pleasing changes in the 100-year history of the university. Those changes include a wholesale transformation of four traditional buildings that form the “academic core” of the campus (Moseley, Hanna, University and South halls), along with construction of the soaring new Wolfe Center for the Arts, Stroh Center sports and convocation complex, and new residence and dining halls. The upgrades and new buildings promise to significantly enhance learning, teaching and student life at BGSU during the years ahead. Based on what University officials describe as “a toughminded prioritization” of building projects in a recessionstressed era of uncertain state support for higher education, the 15-year Master Plan was designed to enhance BGSU’s 8 BGSU Magazine

teaching mission. The plan emphasizes both building renovations and new construction to achieve the maximum impact in the most cost-effective manner possible. “The great thing about the Master Plan is that it balances the needs of everybody,” said BGSU Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Ken Borland. “Under the approach we’re taking, undergraduate and graduate students will benefit greatly, but so will the teaching faculty. And while the plan calls for new construction, it also will provide major renovations for many traditional buildings at the heart of the original campus.” “Our goal is to preserve the best of the past–while also introducing the new, flexible ‘teaching platforms’ and multi-use spaces that are critical to our academic future,” added BGSU Associate Vice President Steven P. Krakoff in the Office of Capital Planning & Design. “To achieve that goal, we came up with a creative, cost-conscious mix that gives us the best improvement we can get for the money.”

The plan has already entered its initial seven-year phase and includes the following key elements: > A design for the physical layout of the University that will highlight the “core campus” through sweeping renovations of traditional buildings. The design also calls for strengthening the connection to downtown Bowling Green by demolishing the 10-story Administration Building to open a new sightcorridor between west campus and downtown. > The creation of new linked open spaces (“greens”) and building improvements that will allow for easier access and improved pedestrian traffic flow. The open spaces will better connect the four major “Learning Districts” (Traditional District, Student Union District, Library Quad District and Northwest District) of the soon-to-be-revamped campus.

“Our goal in putting together the Master Plan was to touch the greatest number of undergraduate learners we could reach,” said Krakoff. “To accomplish that with limited funds, we had to be very tough-minded about every dollar. “The real beauty of the Master Plan is the way it provides significant enhancements for the many different groups within the BGSU community. I believe we have a fabulous opportunity to make this one of the most impactful and effective campus development initiatives in the Midwest, if not the entire nation.” Added Borland: “This is an exciting time for all of us who live and work on campus each day, and the new Master Plan is well-designed to greatly enhance both teaching and learning at BGSU, far into the future.”

> Develop new “collaborative teaching platforms” and flexible teaching and faculty spaces in Hanna, Moseley and South halls in order to enhance learning, along with state-ofthe-art upgrades to science and technology labs and classrooms. > Site a new College of Business Administration building at the south edge of the Library Commons. > Construct two new residence halls and rebuild the East Dining Commons, while also erecting the new McDonald dining center in the northwest sector. > Proceed with the ongoing construction of the high-profile Wolfe Center for the Arts and the 5,000-seat Stroh Center sports and convocation complex.

The 5,000-seat Stroh Center will be completed in late 2011 as BGSU’s new, state-of-the-art home for Falcon basketball and volleyball, as well as the site for graduation ceremonies, student orientation, concerts and other campus events. BGSU Magazine 9



When Anna Mae Thomas became the first African-American woman to graduate from BGSU in 1943, two decades would pass before Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. It was 26 years until students formed the Black Student Union on campus, and 66 years before Barack Obama became the nation’s first African-American president. For the first half of BGSU’s century of existence, minority students came to campus eager for an education, but they were also realistic. They knew they would receive a quality education, but opportunities for socialization and other campus activities were minimal. Fraternities and sororities were out of reach and programs and services directly associated with multiculturalism or diversity were nonexistent. At the same time, some BGSU students, faculty and staff were ahead of the curve when social and economic justice for minority citizens was just beginning to gain real traction. Chosen to be among “100 of the 10 BGSU Magazine

Most Prominent Alumni” during the University’s centennial year, James Tucker Jr. (Class of ’57 and member of the men’s basketball team) recalled a particularly compelling example: “There were many professors and administrators who were committed to providing opportunities for all BGSU students. During a game with Marshall in 1955, I was refused service at a restaurant.” Tucker went on to describe how his fellow Falcons showed their support: “The team ordered steak dinners and left them on the table in protest of the restaurant’s action, and Coach Harold ‘Andy’ Anderson led the protest.” In subsequent years, this sort of fundamental sense of right and wrong, and a growing awareness of the civil rights ethic, led to more and more opportunities for a true university experience for all BGSU students. Today, the Office of Multicultural Affairs offers a variety of programs and services designed to attract and retain diverse student populations and to ensure that multicultural opportunities

are available to all students, faculty and staff. Minority students currently comprise about 20 percent of BGSU’s total student population. “Today, we have more than 25 multicultural organizations that students can join,” said Emily Monago, interim director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs. She noted that some of the most significant milestones in enhancing diversity were the creation of an Ethnic Studies program in 1971, the addition of Africana Studies in the 1990s and a cultural diversity and international perspectives course requirement for undergraduate degree programs. While minority students make up an increased percentage of the student population, retention remains a primary challenge for this group. “Our biggest hurdle is the retention of minority students,” observed Dr. Bettina Shuford, assistant vice president for Student Affairs. “The retention rate for underrepresented ethnic students from the freshman to sophomore years is about the same as the overall student

To help keep these students on track, BGSU offers Student Support Services, Partners in Excellence, a tuition scholarship program for underrepresented students, the SMART program, a Freshman Development Program, and the President’s Leadership Academy, among others. BGSU’s TRIO program also offers academic, mentoring, and success programs to underrepresented students. “Our goal is to help minority students survive and thrive at BGSU,” says Sidney Childs, director of Student Support Services. “We ask them when they first arrive, ‘What are your intentions for engaging with other students and groups while you are a student here?’” To further promote and enhance diversity, Shuford says a Diversity Task Force will convene this fall and address diversity from a campuswide perspective. Current BGSU students can expect to witness even more changes to the overall racial mix during their lifetime. In the next 40 years, nearly one in five Americans will be immigrants, according to the Pew Research Center. The Hispanic population is expected to triple, representing 29 percent of the population; Asian-Americans, African-Americans and whites will comprise 9, 13 and 47 percent respectively. “We would like to see the numbers on campus be representative of the national population,” says Shuford. “Ideally, we want to offer an educational environment that embraces every aspect of the differences in our community.”

1972 BGSU creates the Office of Student Development for Black, Hispanic and Appalachian White students. BGSU students form the Latino Student Union. 1985 BGSU’s Student Development Program functions are incorporated into the Minority Student Affairs Office. BGSU students form the India Student Association. 1990-91 Minority Affairs Office becomes Multicultural Affairs. African-American students experienced greater opportunities on campus in the mid- to late‘60s. Here, students participate in a Career Day.

1998 Name changed to Center for Multicultural and Academic Initiatives to reflect its missions and programs. 2009 BGSU creates the Office of Multicultural Affairs and a new mission is established. Today, the Office of Multicultural Affairs has three primary focuses: retention of diverse student populations; multicultural programming, and diversity education.

M i l e s t o n e s

1969 BGSU students form the Black Student Union.

Proactive approach to minority student retention

D i v e rs i t y

1943 Anna Mae Thomas becomes the first African-American woman to graduate from Bowling Green State University.


population, but in the subsequent years, the retention rate for these students decreases.” A number of issues affect retention, including finances, family issues and difficulty transitioning to college. “Multicultural students often feel the pressure to represent their culture as a whole and to educate others about it,” said Shuford. “That requires more energy and can add to the normal stresses of academic life.”

Sondra Jackson was crowned BGSU’s Homecoming Queen in 1965. BGSU Magazine 11


“College life should also include some healthy fun!” It’s the oldest active student group on the BGSU campus, and one of the most secretive, difficult-to-penetrate entities in the entire history of the University: SICSIC! Ask Associate Dean of Students Michael Ginsburg to describe this 64-year-old, top-secret student organization (its daring mission: to promote school spirit), and the cheerfully upbeat administrator will respond by quoting from his own all-time favorite SICSIC poster. According to Ginsburg, the black-and-red graffiti classic appeared suddenly on campus buildings a few years ago–on the night before a football game with Ypsilanti-based Eastern Michigan University: SICSIC Sez: EMU Wears Ypsipanties! Explained the youthful-looking and laughter-loving associate dean: “That was a terrific poster, and it was also a wonderful example of how the anonymous students who belong to SICSIC can strike any time, any place in order to promote school spirit and get everybody revved up before a big football or basketball game. “There’s nothing wrong with having a little healthy fun in college, and when the agents from SICSIC set out in their coveralls and masks to shake things up, fun is exactly what you get!” Launched way back in 1946 by former BGSU President Frank J. Prout, SICSIC was created as a way to boost student support for Falcon athletic teams. The secret membership consists of two sophomores, two juniors and two seniors. Their identities are kept totally secret until the seniors reach their final semester. Clad in their traditional baggy coveralls and enigmatic facemasks, the SICSIC agents periodically emerge from their secret headquarters to post dramatic messages all around campus. They also appear frequently at campus events where they can be seen skulking across the background, intent on shadowy purposes that the rest of us can never hope to fully understand. Like Ginsburg, former BGSU SICSIC operative Darin Hohman (BA ’01) is convinced that fostering school spirit–while having lots of fun–should be an important part of undergraduate life. “For me, making people laugh and helping to boost school spirit were both very enjoyable activities,” says the 31-year-old video producer and digital media manager at Corpcomm Group in Lima, Ohio. “We had a fabulous time with SICSIC, running all over campus and putting up signs and throwing candy at kids and just plain having a blast! To this day, it’s a wonderful memory.” The SICSIC tradition lives on, even spawning imitators like the University of Toledo’s recently established Blue Crew. With no signs of letting up, don’t be surprised if you spot the SICSIC crew “on the job” helping build Falcon spirit the next time you’re on campus for a game or other event. 12 BGSU Magazine

Launched back in 1946 by BGSU President Frank Prout, the secretive SICSIC crew continues to rev up Falcon fans in their own, unique way.

Remembering the “Glory Days” of BGSU’s live falcon mascot He’ll never forget “that thrilling moment” when he first strolled out to the end zone goal posts at BGSU’s Doyt Perry Stadium with the regal-looking Prince Frederick fluttering from his leather-gloved wrist. John A. Blakeman ’70 vividly recalls how the huge football crowd roared its approval…and also the astonishing sight of his majestic prairie falcon displaying proudly on his fist in the bright sunshine of a crisp fall afternoon more than 40 years ago. It happened back in the autumn of 1968, when Blakeman –now a 62-year-old retired high school biology teacher– helped launch a brief era in which the BGSU mascot was a live prairie falcon. The bird had been trained to perfection, en route to appearing at dozens of university sporting events and other public gatherings over the next few years. “Serving as BGSU’s falconer was one of the most exciting and satisfying experiences of my life,” said Blakeman. “During the summer before I introduced the bird, I spent hundreds of hours training him. And then at the first home game, I put on my gauntlet [leather glove], and attached the jesses [leather straps] to Prince Frederick’s legs. “With the falcon perched on my gloved fist, we headed for the 50-yard line, where the team was warming up. But then a security guard challenged me: ‘Where’s your badge?’ So I held up the bird and I told him: ‘My badge is the falcon on my wrist!’ 12 BGSU Magazine

“He stepped back, and his jaw dropped. A moment later, I was headed toward the center of the field, and the loudspeaker was booming: ‘LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, MEET PRINCE FREDERICK, THE BGSU FALCON!” The “glory days” of a live falcon mascot were short-lived, however. After Blakeman graduated and began his Ohio teaching career in 1970, a few of his raptor-loving colleagues carried on the tradition until the death of Prince Frederick in the early 1970s. Although two costumed BGSU falcon mascots– “Freddie and Frieda,” played by dozens of students over the years–have been an important tradition on campus since they first appeared at sporting events in 1950, Blakeman is quick to point out that there was “a special kind of power in presenting the spectacle of a live falcon at BGSU events. “These magnificent birds of prey are spectacular to watch,” he said with a note of quiet pride. “And when Prince Frederick took flight, or when he was presented in the stands, everybody felt the impact. “As a biologist who specialized in birds of prey over the years, I feel lucky to have been part of this fabulous tradition at BGSU.” BGSU Magazine 13

Bowling Green State


U n i v e r s i t y


Honoring a special “senior class” This unique group of centenarians is literally rooted in BGSU history. They have outlived many of our hardiest alumni and faculty, outlasted buildings on campus and seen every student in the University’s history come and go. They are, of course, some of the towering trees on the Bowling Green campus. To help mark the centennial, the University set out to identify trees that have been around at least as long as BGSU. Twenty-three met that 100-year minimum age requirement and are sporting green and orange banners throughout 2010, designating them as Century Trees. BGSU’s oldest tree is around 259 years old. It’s a white oak in the center of campus near Williams Hall. Because it leans dramatically toward the south, it can be easily spotted in the earliest photos of campus, including one taken from the steps of University Hall in 1920. The youngest of the group is about 112 years old. All of the trees are some variety of oak–either white, red, black, swamp white, or chinquapin.

14 BGSU Magazine

Ages of the trees were determined by taking a small core sample with the help of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources forestry division. Historic photos of campus were used to identify likely candidates. BGSU President Carol Cartwright announced the Century Tree project on Arbor Day. She said the University couldn’t mark its centennial without acknowledging its oldest senior class. “They’ve provided beauty, shade, fall color, added some serenity and perhaps even romance to the lives of our students, faculty and staff for our entire history. I think this project will make us all more appreciative of these wonderful members of our University.” University horticulturalist Frank Schemenauer, associate professor of biology Dr. Helen Michaels, and University spokesman Dave Kielmeyer (’88) led the project. Information on BGSU’s Century Trees, including photos, the location, age and species of each tree, can be found at

The new McDonald dining center will open its doors next fall, bringing an award-winning residential dining experience to the BGSU campus. The facility is designed to be LEED-certified, making it one of the most environmentally friendly buildings of its kind in the country.

BGSU students Jordan Krutsch (left) and Matthew Boeing flank President Carol Cartwright at the groundbreaking while displaying the ceremonial shovels they created using recycled materials from the job site.

BGSU students will be able to eat at one of the country’s most environmentally friendly dining facilities beginning next fall. On July 1, the University and Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services broke ground on the new McDonald dining center. The building will be Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified, a nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings as recognized by the U.S. Green Building Council. The dining center is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2011 and will house Chartwells’ awardwinning “Pulse on Dining” residential dining brand, along with a number of nationally recognized retailers. Among its many “green” features are solar energy panels, wind-generated power to help charge the electric catering vehicles that will travel across campus, a rainwater collector and a rooftop

Environmentally friendly dining center takes shape garden, which will provide fresh produce for the kitchen. “We’re confident that the building we’re constructing will set a new standard for dining facilities nationally,” said Steve Krakoff, associate vice president for capital planning and design. Located on the corner of Thurstin and Ridge streets, a portion of McDonald Residence Hall’s west wing was demolished to make room for the dining center. The current McDonald dining center and residence hall will remain open during the renovations. The new building, with seating for 700, will be more than a place to get a bite to eat. Students can grab a donut and coffee at the Dunkin’ Donuts franchise and head outside to enjoy the patio and fire pit, while cooking fans will appreciate the open, “exhibitionstyle” kitchen. There’s also room for private parties.

“This one-of-a-kind public/private partnership will allow us to build this facility faster, cheaper and smarter,” said President Carol Cartwright. “Most importantly, it will provide great food and a wonderful dining experience for our students. We expect this dining hall to be a destination for the campus and community.” John Cautillo, chief financial officer with Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services, called the building a “one-of-a-kind promise and one-ofa-kind dedication” to students and faculty. “Chartwells is honored to make a new home and build a lasting partnership with BGSU.” BGSU and Chartwells joined forces in 2009. The company now manages all dining and catering operations on campus. Chartwells, a division of Compass Group, provides dining services for more than 210 colleges and universities around the country.

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Anderson Arena has been the site of Falcon basketball action since 1960, bringing an “electric” atmosphere that Falcon athletes and fans feed upon and visiting teams find more than a little intimidating.

Anderson Remembering the House That Roars

Falcon Women’s Basketball has thrived at Anderson, becoming one of the country’s top programs. Here, the team celebrates its 2009 WNIT win over Syracuse. 16 BGSU Magazine

Thirty straight regular-season opponents have entered Anderson Arena with the calculated intention of defeating the Falcon women’s basketball team. And 30 have departed in defeat. The building that has been home to BGSU basketball and volleyball for more than half a century, and the place that bears the name of the legendary men’s coach Harold Anderson has been a willing accomplice in the victories of generations of Falcons. “You can see it in their eyes when other teams come in there…the place kind of gets to them,” current women’s standout Lauren Prochaska said. “Playing there makes a difference. It’s a big factor in our success.” Falcon teams and fans have loved the building since it opened in 1960, not for its brick exterior, or for the exposed steel girders inside, or the linear symmetry of its maple floor boards. It’s the generous intangibles of the grand, old barn that have made it so valued. “I always felt like playing in Anderson Arena was worth eight or 10 points for us,” former men’s player Paul


Abendroth said. “If it was packed on game night, it just came alive. It became something different than just a building.” The facility’s intimate configuration–one that puts many of the fans right at court level and just a few feet off the edge of the playing surface–is truly unique, especially in this era of spacious fieldhouses where the crowd is usually elevated and situated behind wide aisles and metal railings. “I talked to players we faced, and they said they hated it,” Bowling Green women’s career scoring leader Jackie Motycka Mossing said. “The fans are so close. It distracted the other team, and they couldn’t concentrate on the game. Our crowd was literally breathing down their necks.” The place that has been so harsh for the opposition has been a sanctuary for the Bowling Green teams. Anderson Arena is the site of those snapshot moments that comprise some of the finest hours of BGSU athletics.

“This is truly one of the most special places to play,” current women’s coach Curt Miller said. “There are very few atmospheres in women’s college basketball like that inside Anderson Arena. We’ve had teams from the power conferences come in here, and the environment has taken them out of their game.” The distinct character of the place–the aura of the arena–was exposed only when the nondescript building was packed with fans and its space made electric on their collective energy. That is not a recent phenomenon. Shortly after the facility opened, a crush of fans packed the arena to encourage a Falcon team led by All-Americans Howard “Butch” Komives and Nate Thurmond to defeat No. 2 ranked Loyola, that season’s national champion. “There was definitely a mystique about it,” said Thurmond. “The students and the other fans were so close, it was like they were part of the game. The atmosphere inside that facility was alive every time we played.” The Anderson Arena setting hasn’t been exclusively enjoyed by the BG basketball teams. Denise Van De Walle has coached her volleyball teams inside the building for the past 27 years. “It’s like family,” she said. “I can remember our 1989 MAC Championship here like it was yesterday, with a thousand-plus fans doing the wave and then rushing the floor when we won. I think of the many different teams that we’ve played and beaten in here. The memories flood my mind.” Dan Dakich, who coached the Falcon men’s team for 10 years, thinks the new Stroh Center, scheduled to open in the fall of 2011, is well designed to capture that edge. Dakich said he expects the new arena to marry all of the amenities of the present with the coziness that has made Anderson Arena so cherished over the years. “I’ve been a lot of places,” the former standout at Indiana said, “and to this day, I honestly believe that when we played Kent State there in 2000 and David Esterkamp dunked in transition–that’s the loudest crowd I’ve ever heard. When it was full, there was a tremendous homecourt advantage no one else in our league had. With the Stroh, I think they did it right by preserving the intimacy, and preserving that aspect of keeping the students so close to the floor.” BGSU Magazine 17

100 100 Years | 100 People

BGSU Centennial Alumni Awards 100 of the Most Prominent Alumni

“From Boston to Buenos Aires and from Maine to Moscow, BGSU graduates are making significant contributions to their professions and are shaping the world for the next generation,” President Carol Cartwright announced to a record crowd in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom at the Bowen-Thompson Student Union. Nearly 900 people gathered April 24 to celebrate 100 years and 100 people of BGSU. The Centennial Alumni Awards event celebrated the accomplishments of 100 very special people who “represent the more than 160,000 BGSU alumni living around the world,” Cartwright said. “The accomplishments of our honorees are certainly transformational. You represent the very best of Bowling Green State University, and everyone associated with BGSU congratulates you for your accomplishments. You set the standard for all of our current students and all who will attend BGSU in the future,” Cartwright said.

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Individuals selected as 100 of BGSU’s Most Prominent Alumni are (listed alphabetically): A-C John Nelson Abrams ’72, a retired four-star Army general; Richard Allen ’71, founder and CEO of The Allen Group; David Anderson ’51, ’52, a retired Michigan State University

literature professor and expert on author Sherwood Anderson; Daniel Ayalon ’83, former Israeli Ambassador to the United States; James Bailey ’67, retired executive vice president of Citibank; Ned Baker ’50, a longtime advocate for public health; Russell Barkley ’75, ’77, a leading expert in the field of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; Mark Berman ’74, ’76, founder and CEO of CompliGlobe Limited; Ashel Bryan ’46, retired chair and CEO of MidAmerican National Bank; Julie Callens ’89, United Airlines First Officer for the Dulles Domicile; the late William Carl ’63, co-founder and former director of Golden Corral Family Restaurants; Bernard “Bernie” Casey ’61, ’66, actor, artist and former professional football player; Carroll Cheek ’47, founder and CEO of Bowling Green Banking Company and CWC Companies; Scott Clark ’75, sportscaster for WABCTV in New York City; Robert Clasen ’66, ’69, media mogul who has served as chair and CEO of Starz LLC; and Thomas “Tim” Conway ’56, internationally known actor and comedian. D-G William Dallas ’77, entrepreneur who helped launch banks, financial services companies and Fox Sports Grill; Steve Demos ’70, founder of White Wave (producer of Silk brand soymilk) and NextFoods Inc.; Frank Dick ’49, ’51, longtime school superintendent and chairman emeritus for Gleaner Life Insurance Society; Anthony Doerr ’99, award-winning poet and author and Idaho’s writer-inresidence; Albert Dyckes ’53, ’58, former deputy director of the Ohio Department of Health; William Easterly ’79, New York University economics professor, named one of the Top 100 Global Public Intellectuals by Foreign Policy magazine in 2001; Crystal Ellis ’57, ’75, ’93, former Toledo Public Schools superintendent and BGSU Hall of Fame member; William Evans ’53, world-renowned marine mammal acoustician and ecologist; Gary Fahle ’86, director of the Microbiology Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory at the National Institutes of Health; Edward Ferkany ’59, ’60, CEO of Steel Consulting Services and retired president of Worthington Steel; Susan Finn ’66, president/CEO of the American Council for Fitness & Nutrition; Carol Forche ’75, director of the Lannan Center for Poetics and Social Practice at Georgetown University; the late Ollie Glass Jr. ’52, the first African-American athlete at BGSU, who went on to a

successful career as a teacher and coach; Thomas Gouttierre ’62, expert on Afghanistan and dean of International Studies and Programs at the University of Nebraska at Omaha; Keith Grass ’78, CEO of The David J. Joseph Company and executive vice president of Nucor Corp. H-J Martina Hanulova ’08, advocate for world peace who has worked in Third World countries; William P. Harper ’76, former assistant director for the Ohio Department of Mental Health; John L. Hayes ’70, director of the National Weather Service; the late Helen (Crom) Henderson ’15, president of the first graduating class in 1915; Jennifer Higdon ’86, Grammy- and Pulitzer Prize-winning musical composer; Brenda Hollis ’70, legal expert on international criminal law and procedure, and currently prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone; Paul Hooker ’75, president/CEO of SFERRA and co-founder of Challenge Youth Sports Inc.; Michael Hoskins ’77, chief technology officer of Pervasive Software and founder of SaudiSoft; Andrew Housholder ’55, retired choral and orchestral conductor and active community advocate; William Ingram III ’72, president and CEO of White Castle Systems; Iris Jones ’74, chief business development and marketing officer at Chadbourne & Parke LLP.

K- M James Karugu ’62, former Attorney General of Kenya and a retired farmer; Ginger Kathrens ’68, Emmy Award-

winning producer, cinematographer, writer and editor; David Kennedy ’76, ’81, CEO of Flycast Inc. cutting-edge entertainment technology; Cheryl Krueger ’74, founder of Cheryl & Co. and a Female Entrepreneur of the Year (Working Woman magazine); Charles Kurfess ’51, former state legislator (Ohio House of Representatives) and retired judge for Wood County Court of Common Pleas; Stanley Kutler ’56, nationally known expert and author on Watergate and President Richard Nixon; Jimmy Light ’60, organ transplant pioneer and director of transplantation services at Washington Hospital Center; Richard Mathey ’71, longtime choral director at BGSU and award-winning music educator; Harold “Hal” McGrady Jr. ’54, international leader in the areas of communication disorders and learning disabilities; George McPhee ’82, former National Hockey League player and current general manager of the Washington Capitals; John Meier ’70, chairman and CEO of Libbey Inc.; Nick Mileti ’53, entrepreneur and business leader in the Cleveland area and a former area prosecutor; Mary Minnick ’81, a partner of Lion Capital and a former executive with The BGSU Magazine 19

Coca-Cola Company; Betty Montgomery ’70, Ohio’s first female attorney general and auditor, who also served as a state senator and as Wood County prosecutor; George Mylander ’58, ’70, a retired Sandusky (Ohio) teacher and administrator, a dedicated community leader and a generous philanthropist. N-R Hiroko Nakamoto ’54, an internationally acclaimed interior designer; Shantanu Narayen ’86, president and CEO of Adobe Systems Inc.; Richard Nedelkoff ’80, a nationally known leader in criminal justice strategies; Don Nehlen ’58, successful football coach at West Virginia University and BGSU; Eileen O’Neill ’90, president and general manager of The Learning Channel, who is credited with launching the Planet Green network; Donald Percy ’55, executive in the fields of research, higher education, finance, health and human services and management consulting; Charles Perry ’58, ’59, ’61, founding president of Florida International University and an entrepreneur; the late Doyt Perry ’32, successful BGSU football coach and athletic director; James Pickens Jr. ’76, actor, currently in the ABC hit “Grey’s Anatomy”; Martin Porter ’81, founding director of the nationally recognized Toledo School for the Arts; William Primrose ’42, retired president and chairman of DickeyGrabler steel stampings manufacturer; Geoffrey Radbill ’68, retired senior vice president and chief operating officer of retail distribution at AXA-Equitable; Arnold Rampersad ’67, ’68, the Sara Hart Kimball Professor Emeritus in the Humanities at Stanford University and an accomplished biographer known for interpreting the African-American experience; Edward Reiter ’62, retired senior chairman of Sky Financial Group and a business and civic leader in northwest Ohio; Randolph Rowe ’85, vice president for IngersollRand Co.

S-T Eugene Sanders ’80, ’85, ’92, CEO

of Cleveland Metropolitan School District and former superintendent of Toledo Public Schools; Eva Marie Saint ’46, Emmy Award-winning actress known for her roles in “On the Waterfront”, “North by Northwest”, “Exodus” and “Nothing in Common”; Otto Schoeppler ’47, international banker, primarily with Chase Manhattan Bank; J. Robert Sebo ’58, retired senior vice president for Paychex and current chair of the BGSU Board of Trustees; the late Charles Shanklin ’51, former attorney for Baker and Hostetler law firm and chairman of the board for

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Crestview Aerospace Corp.; the late Franklin “Gus” Skibbie ’26, former Bowling Green mayor, teacher, coach, and college basketball and football official; Hugh Smith ’91, ’94, tenor who has performed in major opera houses in the U.S. and many important venues in Europe; David Sokol ’84, president of Garland Industries; Robert Thompson ’55, retired president and former owner of Thompson-McCully Co.; Nate Thurmond ’63, former standout basketball player for the BGSU Falcons, San Francisco Warriors, Chicago Bulls and Cleveland Cavaliers; John Tozzi ’66, president and CEO of Cambridge Investments Ltd.; Dorothy Tucker ’58, police psychologist for the Los Angeles Police Department and a consulting professor with Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center; James Tucker Jr. ’57, retired Ford Motor Company executive who helped coordinate local negotiations and was director of UAW-Ford Joint Programs. U-Z Shawn Ulreich ’80, chief nurse executive and vice president

of patient care services for Spectrum Health Hospital Group;

Ron Van Lieu ’63, the Lloyd Richards Professor and Chair of

Acting at the Yale School of Drama and founding member of the Actors’ Center in New York City; Fran Voll ’68, current BGSU trustee and former successful BGSU women’s basketball coach; John Voorhees ’60, expert in the treatment of psoriasis and the Duncan and Ella Poth Distinguished Professor at the University of Michigan Medical School; Kevin Webb ’79, ’82, president of The Toledo Hospital and Toledo Children’s Hospital; Stephen Weber ’64, president of San Diego State University; Philip Weller ’70, managing partner of DLA Piper’s Dallas office; Jon Fredric West ’74, acclaimed opera singer, who recently sang the role of Siegfried in the Ring Cycle at The Metropolitan Opera; Ronald Whitehouse ’67, retired past chairman of the board for HQ Network Systems Inc. and former CEO and owner of HQ affiliates in Chicago, Florida, Indianapolis and San Diego; Michael Wilcox ’75, chairman and CEO of Wilcox Financial and Wilcox Sports Management; Mary Wolfe ’68, a corporate art consultant and interior designer for Kingston Healthcare Co., known for her involvement in the arts; David Wottle ’73, dean of admissions and financial aid at Rhodes College, who won the Olympic gold medal in the 800-meter race in 1972; Kenneth Yontz ’71, current investor in startup companies and former CEO of Sybron Dental Specialties; Willie Young ’72, ’73, senior director of offcampus student services at Ohio State University; Sheldon Zedeck ’69, professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley and vice provost for academic affairs and faculty welfare. For detailed information about each of the honorees and photos from the event, visit alumni/programs/page18614.html.


BGSU welcomes

new Falcons

Bowling Green State University students and faculty will encounter thousands of new faces this fall. More than 3,800 new students are becoming Falcons–making it the second largest freshman class in the University’s history. Transfer student numbers are up as well, with 675 enrolling for the fall semester. After experiencing several years of declining enrollment, the University made a significant investment in bringing more prospective students to campus. It’s an investment that has certainly paid off. Applications for the freshman class were up 34 percent from last year, setting a record of nearly 14,000. “It allowed us to bring on additional temporary staff,” said Albert Colom, vice president for enrollment management. “We increased our recruitment outreach to high schools and the number of students we brought to campus by over 100 percent. “Bowling Green has always had a solid reputation in the market because we provide an outstanding option for many students. The investment the University made helped us get out in front of these individuals, and the campus sold itself.” Colom says the U.S. News & World Report ranking for excellence in undergraduate education and the significant building projects on campus also made a lasting impression on students and their parents.

This large incoming class was held to the same admission standards and ACT test score requirements as in previous years, and is made up of students who will help increase diversity at the University, according to Colom. The push to increase enrollment went beyond faceto-face interaction. Admissions staff worked the phones, far surpassing last year’s numbers. “We engaged students much earlier in the process,” said Gary Swegan, assistant vice president for enrollment management and director of admissions. “The student enrollment communications center just passed 130,000 calls to prospective students.” Colom says the objective would have never been met without the commitment from faculty and staff representing the entire University. “Everyone embraced the goal with the understanding that additional students benefit everyone. Faculty and staff created a friendly campus environment that helped prospective students feel this is where they should go to school.”

education w o r th c e le br at !ng

BGSU Magazine 21

BeGreat Celebrating excellence in scholarship at Bowling Green State University

BGSU researchers (left to right) Drs. Neocles Leontis and Craig Zirbel, along with graduate student Anton Petrov, are combining their respective areas of expertise to translate genetic codes into usable forms.

RNA researchers decode genes to find form, function A group of BGSU researchers is immersed in a project that expands our knowledge about genes. Their work translates the existing information into a form that tells biologists more about the organisms they study. Funded by a four-year, $1.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Neocles Leontis, a professor of chemistry; Dr. Craig Zirbel, an associate professor of mathematics and statistics; and doctoral students Anton Petrov, bioinformatics, and James Roll, statistics, are creating tools that will enable biomedical researchers to use the new knowledge for drug development and gene therapy, among many other applications. They are collaborating with the international Protein Data Bank and the Nucleic Acid Database, and with colleagues at Rutgers University. Though the NIH funding is new, Zirbel and Leontis have been working for about 10 years on the effort. BGSU students have made significant contributions throughout; many have moved on to teaching and research positions at other prestigious universities. “Our research collaboration is training new scientist/ scholar/teachers for the U.S. STEM (science, technology, 22 BGSU Magazine

engineering and math) work force, a top priority of the state of Ohio and the nation,” Leontis said. It is now possible to “sequence” the DNA of a bacterium in a day, and a human being in a week. But while those long chains of nucleotide bases contain the chemical “recipe” for each organism, they do not paint a three-dimensional picture of its actual structure. And it is the structure–how the sequences of ribonucleic acids (RNAs) and proteins twist, turn, fold and loop–that determines what the organism is and how it functions. The team is looking specifically at RNA molecules, which are unique in being able to store and transmit information as well as process that information. “We’re developing software and data-mining tools that can be used to look for 3-D motifs, or repeating patterns, in 3-D structures and in sequences. Identifying and classifying these motifs will enable researchers to begin to predict their functions,” Leontis said. The new technology will greatly speed up the identification process. The “motif atlas” the team creates will serve as an important resource in the quest to harness these minute but critical building blocks of life.

Journalism major gets opportunity of a lifetime

BGSU Firelands senior lecturer honored For almost 30 years, Mona Burke has helped lead the way in health information management technology education in Ohio. Recently, the senior lecturer and director of the program at BGSU Firelands was elected a fellow of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Firelands is the only college or university in the state with a fellow in the AHIMA. The fellowship program recognizes AHIMA members who have made significant and sustained contributions to the profession. Fewer than 100 members nationwide have been awarded fellowship status. “I was a little stunned to receive it the first time I was nominated, but I was more excited for our program to be recognized,” Burke said. “It’s a great opportunity for BGSU and will open a lot of doors.” Health information management technology is considered one of the top 10 growing fields in the country. It focuses on advancing the quality, availability and security of a person’s health information, with the ultimate goal of building an electronic database. Graduates are the people behind the scenes who manage that information–getting it to the right places for continuity of care, as well as assessing the accuracy. The program has received long-term accreditation and Burke says that’s due to Firelands leaders. “They’ve devoted lab and computer space, which is critical to our success. The fact that we’re held up as a model curriculum in the state is a great testament to their continued support.”

Alesia Hill still has three semesters left to go at BGSU, but she already knows where she will work after graduation. Hill, a journalism major from Pickerington, Ohio, was picked to participate in the 2010 LIN Media Minority Scholar and Training Program. The highly coveted, national award is given to just one student each year. Winners receive a $20,000 scholarship for each of the next two years, paid summer internships at one of LIN’s television stations and a job after graduation. LIN also provides housing and a car during the internship. Hill applied after learning about the scholarship through an e-mail sent by the journalism department. “I was in New York when I got the news,” Hill said. “I started crying and thanking them and I called my mom who also started crying. I was just so excited and feel really blessed to get this opportunity.” Despite the long hours and often low pay, Hill would like to be a reporter. She spent the summer at WDTN, the NBC affiliate in Dayton, where she got hands-on experience in all of the station’s departments. “I really love people, interacting and talking with them, getting stories and investigative journalism. Watching the newscasts in Dayton, they really have it down to an art. It takes a lot of discipline.” This fall, Hill will be the editor of The Obsidian, a monthly campus publication covering minority communities and related issues.

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bravoBG Puppeteer helps bring dinosaurs back to life

After 65 million years, they’re back! Plateosaurus, allosaurus, ankylosaurus –names well known to children and all who have an ongoing fascination with dinosaurs. With help from BGSU alumna Megan McNerney ’02, the prehistoric creatures are appearing around the country in “Walking with Dinosaurs,” a stadium show featuring mechanized puppets. At about the size of a family car and one and a half tons, they challenge our

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usual conception of puppets. A feat of engineering and of skill on the part of the puppeteers, the lumbering giants have amazingly subtle, lifelike movements. McNerney is on the North American tour of the show. A graduate of the BGSU theatre and film program, she studied with Bradford Clark, an internationally renowned puppet expert.

“My official job title is Voodoo Puppeteer,” she said. “The ‘voodoo’ refers to the remote-control system used to control the dinosaurs. It all sounds a little technical, but the fact is that the fundamentals of puppet performance that I began learning with Brad at Bowling Green are universal. All good puppetry requires an understanding of breath, focus, economy of movement, and ensemble coordination, and this show is no exception–it’s just on a much larger scale.”

Each of the dinosaurs is run by a team of three people: a driver and two puppeteers. McNerney controls the facial movements and sounds for three of the large dinosaurs. What’s unusual is that the puppeteers don’t actually touch the puppets, so must rely on the rhythm of the music, visual cues and directions they hear over their headsets. “We ‘call’ the show to each other,” she said. “Before moving to the position of puppeteer, I also worked for ‘Walking with Dinosaurs’ as a Skins technician, responsible for maintaining all the foam and fabric structures of the dinos –which is a lot of foam and fabric, being used in some very technical applications,” observed McNerney. “The dinosaurs require constant maintenance and attention, as they are very complex, utterly unique, hand-crafted puppets. (And did I mention LARGE?) So I have worked on both sides of the curtain with this show, and I consider myself fortunate to know the dinos literally inside and out.”

“The show is absolutely stunning, and actually quite moving, with stateof-the-art puppetry and robotics,” said Clark. “It’s a major professional credit for Megan.” Always innovative, McNerney and her Puppet Odyssey Productions co-founder Ulysses Jones are studying methods to incorporate biomechanical theory into the puppets’ movements. The company has produced puppets

for a variety of shows, including the Thomas the Tank Engine stage productions. They have also been artists in residence at the annual O’Neill Puppetry Conference at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center in Connecticut. McNerney owes more than her career to Bowling Green, she says. Her parents, Lisa (Boulanger) and Michael McNerney, are also alumni and met while students here.

Helping foster cultural pride The School of Art, the Sofia Quintero Arts Community Center of Toledo, and residents and businesses in the Old South End–Toledo’s center of Hispanic culture–teamed up with artist Mario Torero this spring to paint a mural on a retaining wall and a support pylon at Broadway and I-75, which borders the neighborhood. LEFT: School of Art Instructor Ricardo Quinonez, on the ladder, and student Marilyn Kay Borer were two of the painters who helped. RIGHT: The mural includes five figures central to local Hispanic life, left to right: Toledo community leader Sofia Quintero, Mexican national hero Emiliano Zapata; Old South End community leader Aurora Gonzalez; Cesar Chavez, founder of the United Farm Workers; and Frida Kahlo, the renowned Mexican artist.

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Season two under Clawson begins The BGSU football team finished the 2009 season 7-6 overall and 6-2 in MAC play, while advancing to the Humanitarian Bowl in Boise, Idaho. All of this while being picked to finish fifth in the MAC East and introducing a brand new coaching staff, led by head coach Dave Clawson. Senior running back Willie Geter–along with offensive linemen Tyler Donahue and Ben Bojicic, and wide receiver Adrian Hodges–will lead a young offense heading into 2010. But with the departure of Tyler Sheehan, the biggest question mark will be who will be under center as five quarterbacks battle to take the reins of the Clawson offense. Defensively the Falcons return four starters as well, including three up front on the defensive line. BGSU will have to find a way to replace all three starters at linebacker, and three of the four secondary spots will be up for grabs. We look forward to seeing a great turnout of loyal Falcon fans at Doyt Perry Stadium as a young Falcon team battles conference and non-conference foes, defying the pundits once again! 2010 BGSU Football Home Schedule SEPTEMBER 18 MARSHALL OCTOBER 2 BUFFALO* (Homecoming) 23 KENT STATE* (Family Weekend) NOVEMBER 10 MIAMI* 26 WESTERN MICHIGAN*

7 p.m.

3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 8 p.m. TBA

*Indicates a MAC game. All dates and times subject to change. Complete schedule available at BGSUFALCONS.COM

Order your tickets today! > Season tickets start at ONLY $65 > The Falcon Flex Pack is back … the ultimate in ticket package affordability and flexibility! > Single-game group rates as low as ONLY $8

26 BGSU Magazine

Falcon Leadership Academy The concept of leadership training for Falcon studentathletes was born out of sport program reviews in the spring of 2007. “A common theme from almost every coach was the desire to mold new leaders on their teams,” said Director of Athletics Greg Christopher. In response, a class was developed to teach “rising sophomores” the fundamentals of leadership. It combined lectures, experiential activities, and group work to cover personal values, character and ethics, and much more. The response has been extremely positive. “The practical skills taught in this course have given each of us a better understanding of what it means to be a positive role model and an effective team leader,” said women’s tennis player Christine Chiricosta. Mark Shook, associate athletics director for compliance and student-athlete services, added: “Feedback from the student-athletes was positive, but it was also fulfilling from our end. This class isn’t a short-term fix, but instead part of a long-term plan for BGSU Athletics.” Class size has increased in order to touch more studentathletes who can make a difference. Notably, over 70 percent of Falcon team captains have participated in the leadership class to date. A more comprehensive Falcon Leadership Academy is planned to cover student-athletes throughout their careers at BGSU. But we need your support to keep the curriculum current. Every gift–regardless of the size– is a great investment in our student-athletes and will help us to continue growing the program. For more information, contact Mary Ellen Gillespie at 419-372-7675 (

Bergeron to lead

new era of BGSU Hockey BGSU Hockey begins a new era thanks to the “Bring Back the Glory” campaign that is raising funds for scholarships and facility upgrades, and with the arrival of Chris Bergeron as the seventh head coach in the program’s storied history. Bergeron comes to Bowling Green after spending 10 seasons as an assistant coach at Miami University. “Chris’ passion, energy and commitment to excellence won us over,” said BGSU Director of Athletics Greg Christopher. “As a player he set the foundation for Miami’s program, then as a coach he helped build the program to its current championship caliber.” As an assistant coach at Miami since 2000, Bergeron was part of eight 20-win seasons and six trips to the NCAA Tournament. The RedHawks advanced to the Frozen Four in each of the past two seasons, playing in the national championship game during the 2008-09 campaign. Bergeron was heavily involved in the recruiting process, bringing in six players who would become All-Americans, and worked extensively with the team’s forwards. “We are excited to welcome Chris to Bowling Green,” said BGSU President Carol Cartwright. “As we honor our strong commitment to bring BGSU hockey back to the top ranks and continue the success of the Bring Back the Glory fund-raising campaign, Chris is the right leader for the program.” “I’m very excited to be a part of putting Bowling Green back where it belongs in the hockey world,” Bergeron said. “My family and I are looking forward to becoming part of the Bowling Green community. What excites me the most, though, is seeing how hungry everyone is to make Bowling Green hockey successful again.”

BGSU Magazine 27

alumniaccomplishments 1960s Douglas A. Lind ’64,

Murrells Inlet, S.C., released a new edition of his textbook Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics.

Sandra K. Friend ’67,

Rochester, Minn., is the executive officer of Rochester Area Builders.

Nick Licata ’69, Seattle, Wash.,

was elected to a fourth fouryear term to the Seattle City Council last November. 1970s Barry Cook ’70, Charlotte,

N.C., retired from the Mecklenburg County District Attorney’s Office after 29 years, completing a 37-year career of public service, which included being an assistant Shelby County prosecutor and an Air Force judge advocate.

Thomas Ealey ’71, Alma,

Mich., was awarded tenure at Alma College, where he is an associate professor of business administration.

Cathie Shaffer ’71, Ashland,

Ky., wrote a series of vampire romance suspense novels, Shadow Ancients, that is being published under the pseudonym Cammie Eicher.

Rita Jo Graf O’Neill ’72,

Temecula, Calif., was selected as the “Good Neighbor of the Year” for the city of Temecula, where she was the grand marshal for the Fourth of July parade.

Belinda West-O’Neal ’76, St.

Thomas, V.I., retired after 32 years with the V.I. Government Department of Education. She is the executive director of Inter Island Parent Coalition for Change Inc.

John Bowers ’84, Creston, Ohio, is in his 20th year as a season ticket account executive with the Cleveland Indians. He was also named one of Creston’s Citizens of the Year.

Gaynelle (Myers) Predmore

Kurt McClurg ’84, Maumee,

’77, Bowling Green, is treasurer of the Academic Library Association of Ohio and is on the steering committee for Ohio Library Support Staff Institute (OLSSI). She was also rated the top instructor at OLSSI 2009, held at Denison University.

Richard C. Kindberg ’79,

Raleigh, N.C., is president of Polyzen Inc.

1980s Sean Christopher McConnell

’80, Franklin, Tenn., is working in donor resource development at the American Red Cross in Nashville.

Keith Jameson ’81, Fairview Park, Ohio, is manager of communications and marketing at the Cleveland Clinic Nursing Institute. David Bennett ’82,

Cambridge, Ohio, was elected to a one-year term as president of the Ohio State Bar Foundation Board of Trustees.

Lindsey, Ohio, was recently appointed clerk/treasurer of Lindsey; she retired from curriculum development.

Ohio, retired in 2008 after 35 years teaching at Croghan Elementary School.

Kathy (Welter) Brough ’74,

Fremont, Ohio, retired in 2009 from the Fremont City Schools after 35 years of teaching.

Michele Abraham ’75, Columbia, S.C., is state director of the Frank L. Roddy S.C. Small Business Development Center. She is also chief executive of the South Carolina SBDC. Karen Cosenza ’76, Rockville

Centre, N.Y., is the director of major case liability at Travelers Insurance.

Northfield, Ohio, has been transferred from St. Patrick Church in Cleveland to serve as the parochial vicar at St. Barnabas Church.

Va., received the 2010 Thomas Ashley Graves Jr. Award for sustained excellence in teaching.

Joe Galano ’77, Williamsburg,

Sharon A. Barnett ’73,

Jon Brough ’73, Fremont,

Edward John Janoch ’83,

John R. Cummings ’83 of Pendleton, S.C. (center), was named the Alumni Master Teacher for 2010 at Clemson University. Cummings, a senior lecturer in biological sciences, was presented the award for outstanding undergraduate classroom instruction by the Clemson University’s Student Alumni Council.

Ohio, was inducted into the Ohio Athletic Trainers’ Association Hall of Fame.

Jedd Emans ’87, Bluffton, Ohio, is vice president of sales at Hercules Tires & Rubber Company in Findlay. Robert C. Doyle ’87, Steubenville, Ohio, released a new book, The Enemy in Our Hands: American Treatment of POWs from the Revolution to the War on Terror. David K. Luttrull ’87, Phoenix, Ariz., is the director at Isola Group SARL. Therese Dunphy ’88, Silver

Lake, Ohio, was elected president of Cuyahoga Falls City School District Board.

Casey Reason ’88, Scottsdale,

Ariz., released his second book, Leading a Learning Organization: The Science of Working With Others.

Julaine Pfund ’89, Winchester,

Va., is certified as an early childhood generalist by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. In 2007 she was named the state’s Elementary Math Teacher of the Year and was among the top five finalists for the county’s Teacher of the Year in 2008.

Matt Daniel Telfer ’89, Hilliard, Ohio, earned the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification and was named human resources manager for the Ohio Department of Aging.

1990s Stephanie (Prim) Blackmon

’90, Lexington, S.C., who achieved national board certification in early adolescent English language arts, is teaching seventh grade English language arts at White Knoll Middle School, Lexington.

Joseph Marzano ’92,

Stephen P. Anway ’99,

Anthony E. Snyder ’92,

Brett W. Hunter ’99, Hornell, N.Y, is an associate professor of sculpture at Alfred University.

Austintown, Ohio, is the president and owner of Advanced Council Solutions LLC.

Appleton, Wis., is chapter alignment leader at Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. David A. Winters ’92, Atlanta,

is the CEO of IntelliOne Technologies Inc.

Janet Aquilar ’93, Maumee,

Ohio, is marketing director for the law firm of Gallon, Takacs, Boissoneault & Schaffer, L.P.A. in Toledo.

Christopher R. Cape

’93, Lakewood, Ohio, is commissary manager for Delaware North Companies (DNC) Sportservice at Progressive Field in Cleveland. Dawn (Hartman) Marzano

’93, Austintown, Ohio, is a speech therapist for Mahoning County.

Chris Lewter ’94, Northville, Mich., a member of Verizon Wireless’ National President’s Cabinet, is director of business sales for the Michigan/Indiana/ Kentucky Region’s Business Sales team. Philipp Breuss-Schneeweis

’96, Hallein, Austria, won the grand prize at the Navteq Challenge 2010 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, with his mobile navigation software Wikitude. Todd W. McIlrath ’96, Milan,

Ohio, is playing hockey with the Battle Creek Revolution minor league team.

Bill Balderaz ’97, Columbus, Ohio, was named to Business Firsts “40 Under 40” list and was named Interactive Marketer of the Year at the Ohio Interactive Awards. Ana Eugen Lita ’97, Jefferson

City, Mo., is a Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies for 2010.

Denise Knowlton ’98, Kansas City, Mo., who earned a Doctor of Musical Arts in Vocal Music Performance, is playing the role of Ruth in the Pirates of Penzance at Union Avenue Opera Theatre in St. Louis.

Olmsted Falls, Ohio, is a partner with the law firm Squire, Sanders & Dempsey.

2000s Robert Leese ’00, Alexandria, Va., is assigned to the 438th Air Expeditionary Advisory Group at the Kabul International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, serving a one-year deployment as director of public affairs and advisor to the Afghan National Army Air Corps Public Affairs Officer. Shaun Moorman ’00, New York, N.Y., is the company manager for the new Broadway national tour of Billy Elliot, which will start touring this fall. Meredith Thiede ’01, St. Louis, is the director of marketing and brand management for Signature Medical Group. Elizabeth Fleitz ’03, Cape Girardeau, Mo., is an assistant professor of English at Southeast Missouri State University. Seneca D. Vaught ’03, Niagara Falls, N.Y., is assistant professor of history at Niagara University. Nicole Betschman ’04,

Greenville, N.C., has been selected 2010 Woman of the Year by the Pirate Charter Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association. Betschman is employed by Easter Seals UCP at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and teaches online for the University of Phoenix.

Stephanie Fife ’06, Youngstown, Ohio, is working as the box office/merchandising manager of the Mahoning Valley Scrappers Baseball Team. David Chambliss ’07,

Columbus, Ohio, is associate director of development at Ohio Wesleyan University.

Jay H. Wood ’07, Muncie, Ind., is defensive coordinator with the Ball State University football team. Erica Brummitt ’09, Chardon,

Ohio, is the assistant firm administrator for Neece, Malec, Seifer & Vitaz.

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu 28 BGSU Magazine

Kyle Chudzinski ’09, Gilbert, Ariz., is an engineer with Kiewit Construction in Phoenix.

Send us your


Glenn David Holler ’09,

Grand Island, N.Y., is a junior project estimator for Uniland Development Company.

Darren Lamb ’09, Dunkirk, Ohio, is the eServices Web-toprint specialist with Metzger’s Printing and Mailing, Toledo.

Michael J. Popovitch ’09,

Maumee, Ohio, is a production supervisor for Dean Foods/ Frostbite.

Michael Ruiz ’09, Van Buren,

Ohio, is a controls engineer for Whirlpool Corporation.

Mike Simecek ’09, Avon Lake,

Ohio, is a manufacturing engineer for Q-Lab Corp.

SAVE THE DATE — February 20-21

2011 Doyt Perry Florida Classic

Jacqueline Pierson ’09, Toledo, is an associate account manager for Root Learning.

James Spratt ’09, Chesterfield,

Mich., is a goaltender with the Las Vegas Wranglers.

Daniel C. Weber ’09, Bowling

Green, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training with honors at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Ill.

LOCATION — The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club; Falcon Greats reception at Gulf Shore home of Bob and Linda Sebo Join other Falcon Club members and coaches to enjoy world-class resort amenities at the Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club. And, as a very special addition to this year’s program, Bob and Linda Sebo invite you to join them for a Falcon Greats reception at their new Gulf Shore home… all within a short walk of beautiful downtown Naples, Fla.

Keep your classmates and the University current on your achievements, career, honors and activities by submitting information for inclusion in Alumni Accomplishments. Articles written about you in some other media may be submitted along with a note giving your permission to include the information in BGSU Magazine. To protect your privacy, we do not publish street addresses. It is not our practice to print engagement, marriage or birth announcements, although graduates should notify the Office of Alumni and Development to receive an Honorary Falcon certificate. BGSU reserves the right to edit or omit any information submitted. Send accomplishments or change of address to: Alumni Accomplishments, Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0053. Accomplishments may also be submitted online at Your full name (include maiden name if appropriate) Date of birth and graduation year (earliest degree) Street address City


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Home telephone number (include area code) Email address, if applicable Place of employment Position/title Work address

Sunday, February 20

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4:30 p.m. Falcon Greats reception–meet Falcon letter winners and former coaches

Work telephone number (include area code)

Dinner and remarks by Director of Athletics Greg Christopher and Head Football Coach Dave Clawson

Monday, February 21 1 p.m. Golf scramble (or enjoy the spa, shopping, etc.) 5 p.m. “19th hole” sunset gathering For more information, contact Jane Myers at 419-372-7062 (

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Spouse’s date of birth and graduation year Email address, if applicable Place of employment Position/title Work address Location (city/state) Work telephone number (include area code)

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If you have additional news for BGSU Magazine, please enclose. Thank you. SUM10

Hosted by BGSU Falcon Club

umnilinks alumnilinks alumn BGSU Magazine 29

In memoriam BGSU Magazine has received notices of the following deaths. For additional information or to make a memorial gift, please contact the Office of Alumni and Development at 419-372-2424. Alumni Hildegarde W. (Springhorn) Scholl ’25 Margaret Z. (Zimmerly) Gottshall ’28 Twila G. (Bush) James ’29 Lola M. (Albright) Lovell ’31 Lillian G. (Kalb) Prior ’32 Victoria (Ammons) Kunkle ’36 Janet R. (McCann) Robinson ’38 William H. Kerruish ’43 Martha A. (Loudenslagel) Carver ’44 George M. MacDonald ’48 Suzanne T. (Tonkin) Schindler ’48 Peter J. Sherry ’48 Norma J. (Hahn) White ’48 Robert J. Hughes ’49 William C. Wirick ’49 Virginia (Grod) Heban ’50 Wanda M. (Mermer) Tschiegg ’50 Joan J. (Jobe) Kughn ’51 Robert G. Green ’51 W. Richard Wissler ’51 Richard E. Ede ’52 George H. Kinsman ’52 Rita M. (Nussle) Wells ’52 Edyth M. (Bolton) Schirch ’54 Kermit C. Rudolph ’55 James L. Stein ’57 Helene C. (Hollstein) Guinther ’58 Nancy A. (Reed) Lewis ’58 Jean V. (Ewing-Roberts) Miller ’58 Richard B. Bugeda ’60 Daniel J. Roberds ’60 Michael W. Wise ’60 Robert M. Colburn ’60 David A. Young ’62 Jack L. Kreinbihl ’63

Janet C. (James) Barnes ’64 Walter E. Stutsman ’65 G. Jack Davis Jr. ’65 John A. Ramsey ’65 Gregory H. Hanna ’66 John L. Schillereff ’67 Donald R. Gardner ’67 Michael A. Maggiano ’68 Robert W. Decker Sr. ’68 Thomas J. Perew ’68 Claudette L. (Lindsey) Woodard ’68 James B. Fitzpatrick ’69 Wilma (Sallee) Stacey’’69 Robert S. Erdman ’70 Natalie M. (Hunter) Demuth ’70 Douglas C. Essman ’71 Raymond E. Fahler ’71 Kenneth E. Snider ’71 Daniel R. Barrick ’72 John G. Torres ’73 Constance A. (Gallant) Weisman ’73 Stephen A. Komosinski ’73 Robert J. Feltner ’74 Richard L. Newkirk ’74 Harry R. Gianneschi ’75 Patricia A. Barnett ’76 Gerard J. Pangallo ’76 Darlene S. (Kopas) Barnes ’77 Paul E. Braun Jr. ’77 Gloria A. (Durkin) Fidler ’77 Joseph M. Solarz ’78 William T. Cavalcante ’78 Robert W. Edington ’78 Cletah M. (Dudgeon) Garen ’79 David D. Omstead ’79 Rosalie M. (Green) Noble ’80 Emily L. (Cleary) Wadsworth ’80 Samuel A. Mohr ’81 Norman Richard Kozan II ’83 Michelle L. (Cordy) Brooks ’92 Christopher A. Fobes ’98 Michael R. Carter ’99 Jonathan M. Selmek ’01

One text can make a difference Faculty & Staff William Fichthorn, professor emeritus, finance Dorothy E. Hang, dining services Robert W. Hohn, retired music education faculty Robert Livengood ‘60, associate professor, health, physical education and recreation Dorothy Bergen Luedtke, associate professor emeritus, health, physical education and recreation Joseph Perry, professor emeritus, sociology Ronald Thompson, facilities services Josephine Vollmar, retired, dining services Retraction Ralph C. Rogers ’64

In these difficult economic times, BGSU is working to ensure that all endowed scholarships and programs will be funded for the 2010-11 academic year. Given the recent economic downturn and resulting diminished returns of the endowed accounts, the BGSU Foundation has created Sustaining Tomorrow’s Scholars, which will direct funding to those areas where there are insufficient earnings. Every gift helps, and you can make a difference! To donate, simply text “BGSU” to 20222. A gift of $5 will appear on your next month’s cell phone bill. All money will go to support the Sustaining Tomorrow’s Scholars Initiative.

Centennial alumni events in your area BGSU alumni chapters around the country are hosting special centennial-themed events this fall. To learn more about special pricing for alumni or RSVP for any of these engagements, please call 888-839-2586 or visit Tuesday, Sept. 14 New York, N.Y. Wednesday, Oct. 6 Cleveland, Ohio Thursday, Oct. 7 Chicago, Illinois Tuesday, Oct. 12 Dallas, Texas and Columbus, Ohio Wednesday, Oct. 13 Austin, Texas Thursday, Oct. 14 Houston, Texas Wednesday, Oct. 20 Indianapolis, Indiana Wednesday, Oct. 27 San Francisco, California

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu 30 BGSU Magazine

campaign tops $2 million in donations Bowling Green State University’s “Bring Back the Glory” campaign has surpassed $2 million in contributions, reaching an important milestone.
 Launched last October, the campaign will raise $5 million to endow scholarships for the BGSU hockey program and enhance the Ice Arena. Garry Galley and Mike Pikul, members of BGSU’s 1984 National Championship team, have reunited to co-chair the effort. According to Marcia Sloan Latta, senior associate vice president for University advancement, who is overseeing the campaign, a gift from Al and Mary Green of Bowling Green put the campaign over the $2 million mark. “We appreciate the Green family’s generosity and the support of all of our donors in helping us surpass this initial goal,” Latta said.

“We’ve been pleased that the outpouring of support for BGSU hockey has translated into some major gifts,” Galley said. “If we can sustain this momentum, we can be successful.”
 Pikul agreed that there is still much work to be done. “A coach would say that we had a great first period, but we can’t let up,” he said. “That’s true here. We’ve got two periods left to play in this campaign.”
 BGSU President Carol Cartwright credits the campaign’s leadership for the early success of the fund-raising effort. “We have a great group of leaders who have unparalleled passion for BGSU hockey,” she said. “They understand the rich tradition of both the program and the Ice Arena.”

 According to Cartwright, $4 million appropriated by the state and the University will support the renovation of the Ice Arena to upgrade the compressors, chillers and infrastructure. That work is currently under way.

Bowling Green State University


2010 t h e n

n o w

Kick off Falcon home games with fellow alumni

a l w a y s

Save the date: Homecoming 2010 October 1-3 > > > > > > >

Arts and cultural events throughout campus Homecoming pep rally and parade Annual Freddie & Frieda 5K Fun Run/Walk Campus tours Greek and other student organization events B!G Alumni BBQ Falcon Football vs. Buffalo Bulls

For more details as Homecoming gets closer, visit or call 888-839-2586.

Looking for the perfect place to hang out before the big games this fall? Join fellow Falcon grads, friends and others at the Mileti Alumni Zone, held two hours prior to select home football games. Pricing, location and other details will be available soon at Sept. 18 v. Marshall Oct. 2 v. Buffalo Oct. 23 v. Kent State

Special Friday night celebration of BGSU Centennial Friday, October 1 7-11 p.m. | Jerome Library $35 per person Join us for an engaging celebration of the past, present and future at BGSU: live music, unique food selections and more! For details, visit

Homecoming sponsored in part by Medical Mutual of Ohio

umnilinks alumnilinks alumn BGSU Magazine 31

Centennial Alumni and Friends Weekend brings spirit to summer Summer is a time for several great traditions, and from June 25-27, BGSU added another to the list: Centennial Alumni and Friends Weekend, where we welcomed back alumni, family and friends for a fun-filled weekend with all the spirit of Homecoming!

Falcon Flock Parties

> Reunion festivities were held for the classes of 1960, 1970 and 1985, in a shift from their traditional celebrations during the fall.

Each year, the Alumni Association and local chapters host Falcon Flock Parties to welcome incoming freshmen to BGSU. Several chapters hosted parties for the new students from their areas who will be part of the second largest freshman class in BGSU history. The chapters that hosted the parties prior to school starting in August included the Chicago Alumni Chapter, Cuyahoga County Black Alumni Chapter and West Central Ohio Alumni Chapter. If you are interested in hosting a party in your area to welcome or honor BGSU students, call the alumni office at 888-839-2586 or email


> Centennial Workshops offered a chance to interact with special guest presenters on the history of BGSU, wine tasting, volunteerism and more. > Falcon Flames, couples who both attended BGSU and were later married, participated in a special vow renewal ceremony at Prout Chapel. > The Centennial Birthday Bash was the weekend’s main event, where everyone on campus came together to wish BGSU a happy 100 years and look forward to its next century.



Extraordinary students named Alumni Laureate Scholars The BGSU Alumni Association welcomed this fall’s class of Alumni Laureate Scholars. The program offers the largest and most prestigious scholarship at BGSU. The 2010 class of Alumni Laureate Scholars includes Ohio residents Matthew Bruening of Montville, a premedicine/biology major; Hannah Burkhart of New Knoxville, who plans to major in English education, and Ryan Sowers of Cincinnati, a secondary education major. Each year, the program introduces extraordinary individuals into the student body and provides a framework for them to leave the University as visionary leaders equipped to meet the challenges of the future. The scholarship covers any educational expense up to the cost of tuition and a $1,000 book award. The scholarship is renewable for three additional years.

Alumni Laureate Scholars are involved in leadership workshops, community engagement activities and meetings with campus, community and alumni leaders and volunteers. Students who are selected as first-year freshmen in the program must have a minimum 3.5 grade point average and an ACT score at or above 27 or a score of 1100 or above on the SAT. They must document leadership and community service experiences and participate in an on-campus interview process. Additional information about this year’s scholars can be found at

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu

Network with more than15,000 Falcons now on & Put your

The BGSU alumni page on Facebook is a great way to reconnect with old friends or get the latest campus news, photos and video. For career resources, visit us on LinkedIn to network with Falcon professionals, search job postings and more. First things first: check out to learn more about these websites and get started. While anyone can view the BGSU pages of certain websites, accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn are free, easy to use, and also required to take advantage of the full networking opportunities the sites have to offer.

Falcon Spirit on display The BGSU Alumni Association has partnered with a variety of organizations that offer competitive benefits and special services for our members, including the state of Ohio’s Falcon license plate, with all proceeds helping support the BGSU Alumni Laureate Scholarship Program. Falcons may also apply for the BGSU Alumni Association credit card, offered by Bank of America, which contributes 1.5 percent of every purchase toward BGSU alumni programs. Learn more about these and other programs including life, home and auto insurance at

May 2010 grads: Congratulations and welcome to the Alumni Association! You might be surprised to know that the benefits of belonging to the BGSU Alumni Association are free and automatic upon graduation: stay connected with friends, keep tabs on the latest trends in your career field and enjoy discounted rates on events and services, all at no cost to you. With more than 160,000 alumni around the world–including a network more than 10,000 strong on Facebook and LinkedIn–you’ve already got a huge network of fellow Falcons to tap into, no matter where life takes you. Get info about special service discounts, upcoming events, local alumni chapters, career networking resources and more at And, congratulations on receiving your diploma!

BGSU Welcomes New Members of the Presidents Club Michael ’84 & Donna Pikul AA Green Realty, Inc. – Reps. Steve & Michelle Green, Michelle ’92 & Mark ’91 Remeis Thomas ’69 & Judith Bohardt Gary & Debbie Haas

umnilinks alumnilinks alumn BGSU Magazine 33

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looking ahead noteworthy events

BGSU, Kent State University celebrate their centennials State Rep. Randy Gardner presents a proclamation to President Carol Cartwright commemorating BGSU’s 100th anniversary. BGSU and Kent State were both honored during a special program at the Ohio Statehouse Atrium in Columbus. Both schools were created in 1910 with passage of the Lowry Bill.

Sept. 16

College of Education and Human Development Centennial Lecture Wiley Blevins ’85, vice president/editorial director, Macmillan/McGraw– Hill Publishers, College of Education and Human Development, 419-372-7401 Sept. 17

Contextual Intelligence Seminar for Business and Industry Professionals Continuing & Extended Education, 419-372-8181, 877-650-8165

Oct. 1-3

Sept. 24-25

Oct. 7


Bowling Green Opera Forum The Impresario and Acis & Galatea Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center, 419-372-8171, 800-589-2224

Dorothy E. and DuWayne H. Hansen Musical Arts Series and Festival Series: Branford Marsalis, 8 p.m., Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center, 419-372-8171, 800-589-2224

Sept. 29

Fall State Fire School Continuing & Extended Education, 419-372-8181, 877-650-8165

Chamber Orchestra 8 p.m., Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center, 419-372-8171, 800-589-2224 Sept. 30

College of Technology Centennial Lecture Dr. Jerry Streichler, Trustee Professor Emeritus, College of Technology, 419-372-2438 Sept. 30 & Oct. 1-3

Eurydice Joe E. Brown Theatre, University Hall, 419-372-2719 Oct. 1

College of Health and Human Services Centennial Lecture William Harper ’76, Executive Director, United Way of Greater Lorain County, College of Health and Human Services,

Oct. 9-13

Oct. 18

Music Discovery Day College of Musical Arts, 419-372-8577 Oct. 21-23

31st Annual New Music Festival MidAmerican Center for Contemporary Music, 419-372-2685 Oct. 22-24

Falcon Family Weekend Nov. 9

University Libraries’ Centennial Lecture Series Archivist Steve Charter and Conservator Eric Honneffer present “The History of BGSU,” University Libraries, 419-372-2842 Nov. 9

Centennial Academic Convocation Memorial Hall, Anderson Arena

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