BGSU Magazine Summer 2011

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BGSU’ s 11 President th

Dr. Mary Ellen Mazey

Adobe CEO returns to alma mater Page 5

Active duty grad speaks at commencement Page 13

Center of Excellence for Health and Wellness Page 18








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F e a t u r e s

on the cover Dr. Mary Ellen Mazey begins her tenure as BGSU’s 11th president with a strong commitment to dialogue and partnership, working with students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends to extend the University’s legacy of scholarship and service in an increasingly global environment. Managing Editor: Pete Fairbairn Creative Director: Jeff Artz ’92 Photographers: Craig Bell Brad Phalin ’88 Contributors: Rose Barto Joe Bellfy Bonnie Blankinship Julie Carle ’78 Tracy Egert ’09 Matt Markey ’76 Tom Nugent Ryan Smith Jennifer Sobolewski Bridget Tharp ’06 Production Manager: Linda Zieroff

2 Meet BGSU’s 11th president — Dr. Mary Ellen Mazey 5 Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen and wife, Reni,

return to campus 8 A confrontation with the “mega-bear” 10 A global commitment to community service 11 Alumnus wins prestigious Story Prize 12 Temple Grandin shares insights at autism summit 13 Tech grad earns degree while on active military duty 14 Message from former president Dr. Carol Cartwright 16 Original University seal is back on campus 17 BGSU Rugby: A winning tradition 38 New spaces, new places D epartments 18 Centers of Excellence | Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan 20 Firelands News | Theatre programs and family tradition 22 BeGreat | Celebrating excellence in scholarship at BGSU 24 Bravo BG | News from the fine and performing arts 26 Falcon Frenzy | Athletics updates 28 Alumni Links | Alumni news and accomplishments

Interim Chief Communications Officer: David Kielmeyer ’88, ’92 University Advancement Vice President: Thomas Hiles Director of Alumni Affairs: Montique Cotton Kelly ’94, ’04 Advertising Sales: Jack Hemple 419-450-7568 (          Printed on recycled paper

BGSU Ma g a zine Online

Log on to BGSU Magazine’s website for more information. e-mail: USPS 787-800: Volume 12, Number 1/Summer 2011 POSTMASTER: BGSU Magazine is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications. It is distributed to alumni, active and retired faculty and staff, and friends of the University. Standard postage paid at Burlington, Vt. Change of address notice should be sent to Alumni Records, Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0053, 419-372-2424, BGSU is an AA/EEO educator and employer.

BGSU Magazine 1

The Transformative Power of Community

BGSU’ s 11 President th

Dr. Mary Ellen Mazey 2 BGSU Magazine

Dr. Mary Ellen Mazey knows all about the fundamental importance of embracing change, and the transformative power of a University community that pulls together to accomplish common goals.

These concepts are key to Mazey’s leadership style and overall strategy to leverage the University’s considerable strengths within today’s competitive environment. They are also strong themes in a highly accomplished life that has equipped Auburn’s former provost to lead BGSU into its second century of excellence in learning, discovery and engagement. According to Mazey, “My whole life has been a journey closely linked to education.” That journey involved big changes early in life as part of a family facing some daunting challenges in rural West Virginia. Her father passed away when she was just a year old, leaving her mother to raise three children on her own. Various extended family members helped to raise Mazey and her siblings during this difficult time. She took her mother’s advice to “work hard and get an education” to heart at an early age, beginning her studies in a four-room, eight-grade school house at Organ Cave, W. Va. The future University president went on to excel in the classroom and was valedictorian of her high school, receiving scholarships to attend West Virginia University in Morgantown. Mazey earned her doctoral degree in urban geography from the University of Cincinnati, which hired her to teach physical geography upon her graduation. After two years, the young scholar and teacher was offered a position on

the faculty at Wright State University. Demonstrating her administrative skills early on, she created the Center for Urban and Public Affairs and served as its director from 1983-94. In 1996-1997, she was appointed director of the Office of University Partnerships for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), where she had oversight of the department’s $25 million in grant programs to colleges and universities across the country. Following her government service, Mazey returned to Wright State as interim dean of the College of Liberal Arts and was named dean in 1999. One of her first accomplishments in that role was to help create what has become Dayton’s premier arts event. Working closely with the college’s faculty, she organized the Arts Gala to showcase the university’s strong arts programs to the broader community. To date, the annual event has raised more than $1 million in scholarships for area students to study the fine and performing arts at Wright State. In 2005, Mazey was named dean of the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences at West Virginia University, and served in that capacity until 2009 when she was chosen to become provost at Auburn University. The BGSU Board of Trustees was unanimous in its decision to offer Mazey the position based on her “energy, communication skills, academic credentials and outstanding track record of administrative success,” according to former chairman Col. John Moore. “Her leadership style and commitment to open communications among all key groups will be greatly beneficial as we work through our most challenging issues.” BGSU’s new president has, in her own words, “hit the ground listening” during her first months at the helm. “Having spent a large part of my academic career in Ohio, I’m very familiar with both BGSU’s rich tradition and its potential,” she said. But it was crucial to get up to speed through face-to-face meetings with students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the University and community leaders. “Dr. Cartwright and the broader BGSU community have laid a strong foundation with the University’s strategic plan, and implementation of that plan must continue,” said

“I believe you need to bring everyone together around the table and ask all to weigh in on the possible solutions.” BGSU Magazine 3

Mazey. “Now, we need to get into specific actions and outcomes to realize our shared vision of BGSU as a premier learning community.” She believes the University’s biggest hurdles are external in nature. “These are the same problems facing higher education across the state, the country and the world, and that’s what we need to focus on,” observed Mazey. “First, without a doubt, budget is an issue, and we need to plan our destiny amidst difficult circumstances.” For her, the solution must be found through new collaborations and partnerships that leverage BGSU’s traditional strengths and substantial resources. The idea is to find new synergies to “do more with less” while continuing to add value for our students, the region and the state. Some areas of opportunity include: > Building partnerships across the University to address pressing needs that will attract more external grants and other new sources of revenue > Working with outside institutions — from nonprofits to local governments and other colleges and universities — to attract outside funding > Developing more international partnerships that focus on BGSU’s recognized academic strengths in traditional arts and sciences and professional disciplines Embracing positive change works best when all key players can reach consensus regarding goals and priorities. Of course, that’s often easier said than done. But BGSU’s new president brings a facilitative leadership style to the table that promises to do just that. “We developed a profile with input from students, alumni, faculty and staff,” recalled chair of the presidential search committee Bill Primrose. “Everyone agreed that it

was important to find a new leader with a strong sense of community and the ability to be inclusive yet decisive. After spending some time with Dr. Mazey, the search committee was very excited about her command of the issues, her refreshing openness, and her knack for building relationships.” “I believe you need to bring everyone together around the table and ask all to weigh in on the possible solutions,” noted Mazey. “Moreover, it’s important to not only listen, but to understand and respect diverse views and opinions, to seek buy-in from others and to give credit where credit is due.” According to BGSU’s new president, the University community is up to the challenge to fully capitalize on the many exciting opportunities that come with a commitment to academic excellence, a spirit of community service and a truly global perspective that embraces change. “I’m very excited to be here and look forward to working with the BGSU family to make this world-class institution even brighter and better.”

The Mazey Family

> Mary Ellen married her husband of 40 years, Bruce, in their hometown of White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. > They both earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees at West Virginia University in Morgantown. > Their two sons are Bryan and Zackary. > Bruce died of cancer last September. > Older son, Bryan, has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Wright State and a master’s degree in engineering management from the University of Dayton, and works in the aerospace industry. > He and his wife, Michele, have two young children and live near Cincinnati. > Zackary earned his bachelor’s degree in accountancy and finance from Miami University and a juris doctorate from the University of Dayton School of Law. > He practices law in Charleston, W. Va.

Technology innovator returns to BGSU Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen and his wife, Reni, recall how their life together started here It was 1984. Both came from colleges in India after meeting professors with connections to BGSU. Both were entering their graduate programs and settling into new lives far from their families. Back then, Shantanu Narayen ’86 wasn’t head of a Fortune 500 company. Reni Narayen ’86 wasn’t a psychologist and philanthropist. Neither would have attended BGSU had they not received assistantships to fund their master’s degrees: his in computer science and hers in psychology. Before continuing their educations in the United States, he worked as a part-time copyeditor for the Indian Express newspaper and she as a special education teacher. Shantanu would be chuckling at the television as his friend, Reni, peeked through the window of the student lounge during her daily walk home from campus. She’d smile, and often giggle to herself about his routine. He wouldn’t notice, as he slapped his knee along with the canned laughter in Three’s Company. Now married, the couple stays busy with their two teenage sons, Shantanu’s duties as president and chief operating officer of Adobe Systems Inc., and Reni’s community service. As the Falcon Flames recently visited

campus to accept an honorary degree for Shantanu, they reflected on how their friendship started here before developing into romance. Reni and Shantanu shared a cultural background and a circle of college friends that would often gather for meals. Both vegetarians, they still enjoy a debate over the best veggie pizza in Bowling Green. He prefers Myles, she Campus Pollyeyes. And so, their paths often crossed beyond their regular routes home. He enjoyed catching his favorite television program on campus because it offered a break before his long walk back to his apartment on Napoleon Road. Both grew close to their program advisors, professors and the friends they met here together. “They were so nice here,” Reni recalled. “The warm welcome that we received as foreign students made us feel so much more at home and made it possible for us to stay here. In that sense, it made it possible for Shantanu to do what he’s doing and for us to be together in this. I don’t think it would have been possible if our experience here had been negative in any way.” She turned to her husband. “I would have gone back. I don’t know about you.” BGSU Magazine 5

He laughed. “I was going to go wherever you were going to go.” They can’t recall the moment their friendship grew into something more. There is no special place on campus where they shared a first kiss, or where he got down on one knee. It seems they just knew they couldn’t be apart. After earning their master’s degrees, Shantanu moved to Silicon Valley for work at a startup software firm, and Reni moved to Cleveland to complete her doctorate at Case Western Reserve University. He promised to move to Cleveland to be with her, if only she would visit him in California first. The Palo Alto sun prevailed, and they settled there after a long-distance engagement. Their life continues to be busy. Before joining Adobe, Shantanu was co-founder of Pictra Inc. and was known as an early pioneer of online photo sharing. Now president and CEO of Adobe Systems Inc., he was also recently appointed by President Obama to serve on a new advisory board meant to help streamline government operations and better serve taxpayers. He serves with nine other corporate leaders on the president’s Management Advisory Board, which was created by executive order last year and is the first group of its kind in the nation. “It’s been a dream. It’s incredible when we think about the impact Adobe has had on all forms of communication — newspapers, magazines, websites, graphics, billboards, the video on the Web — none of this would exist without the innovation that Adobe has produced. So it is humbling to be part of the company that has made such a big difference in society,” Shantanu said. Shantanu is at the center of a continually evolving industry. Technology is now transforming more quickly and dramatically than ever before, he said, as consumers demand digital mobility, social interaction, computer ubiquity and “cloud” technology to access their personal information remotely. Adobe products are used by 90 percent of creative professionals. Its latest release, Creative Suite 5.5, offers users the opportunity to create their own applications for tablet computers and smart phones, and pushes the envelope by upgrading the interactive capabilities of such software. “I get to meet with people who are creating the next generation of products. That’s always a fun part of my job,” Shantanu said, adding later, “The fun thing about the computing industry is if you don’t obsolete your own stuff and reinvent the future, somebody else is going to. It is exciting. It is really exciting.”

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Those who knew Shantanu best when he attended BGSU aren’t surprised he’s risen to superstar status in the world of software technology. Edwin Morris ’85 offered Shantanu rides to campus and shared an office with him as a graduate assistant and considers him “among the most brilliant I have ever met.” “By the way, never play Trivial Pursuit with him unless he is on your team. I considered myself good at remembering useless information, at least until I met Shantanu. He could best me and everybody else regardless of what the subject of the question was,” Morris said. Dr. Mohammad Dadfar, a computer science professor at BGSU, counts Shantanu among the brightest students he’s taught in 30 years. “From time to time I see those students that are not just satisfied to get an A in the course,” Dadfar recalled of Shantanu. “He was one of those students that I was expecting to see get a really high position, and I’m glad to see he’s done that. He is really a source of pride for us.” Both Reni and Shantanu say they’re surprised and pleased with how their lives turned out. Though Reni prepared for a career as an educator and psychologist, her choice to devote herself to family and community as a full-time mother and philanthropist came naturally. And besides, Shantanu said, “she practices her psychology on the kids and me.”

“I get to meet with people who are creating the next generation of products. That’s always a fun part of my job.”

Their most recent visit to campus was the first time they participated in the graduation festivities at BGSU. Busy after earning their master’s degrees, both opted to have their University credentials mailed to them. On the day that Shantanu earned his honorary doctorate, the couple spent time with college friends and participated in commencement. “I think the relationships you develop here, they go a long way. So, spend time nurturing them,” Reni said of BGSU. After the couple posed together for photos in front of Hayes Hall during their recent visit, Reni stepped away and watched. Between poses, Shantanu quizzed the photographer about technique and which versions of Adobe software were available on campus. “Never miss a chance to collect user data,” he quipped, smiling at Reni. She had to laugh before they took that familiar walk across campus, now hand in hand.

Above left: Adobe Systems CEO Shantanu Narayen receives an honorary doctorate at Spring Commencement. Assisting are Dr. Simon MorganRussell (left), dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and former provost Kenneth Borland. Above: Reni and Shantanu Narayen both earned their master’s degrees from BGSU. The Falcon Flames’ most recent visit to campus was the first time they participated in the graduation festivities at their alma mater.

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A Confrontation with the “mega-bear”! During a 37-year career with the National Park Service, Connie Backlund ’73 has enjoyed the company of some unusual “neighbors.”

8 BGSU Magazine

One summer evening back in the mid-1970s, a young woman who was working as a ranger in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia got a huge surprise. It happened as Connie Hudson (later Connie Backlund) was taking out the trash near her living quarters at Shenandoah National Park. As she moved in closer to the trash barrel, she was startled to see a large, furry creature examining its contents.

They looked at each other for a few seconds. Then Backlund made a prudent decision. “It was a black bear,” she says today, recalling that long-ago evening in the Shenandoah. “But this wasn’t just any bear; this was the mega-bear. “He was looking for his dinner. And I said to myself: Okay, that bear has the right-of-way! I think it’s time to go back inside now — I can always empty the trash later!” Having reasoned her way to this conclusion, the highly motivated ranger promptly ducked into her back door in what seemed about a micro-second. For the youthful Backlund, who would go on to spend the next 37 years as a dedicated ranger, educator and administrator in the National Park Service (NPS), that unforgettable encounter with the ursine version of King Kong would come to embody

“the wonder and excitement” she’s always found in the natural world. Since 1973, when she graduated from BGSU with a degree in education (her concentration was in biology), Backlund has been “incredibly fortunate” to work at some of America’s best-known national parks — including Shenandoah, the Everglades, Mount Rainier and Cape Hatteras. “I’ve worked in all aspects of park operations,” said Backlund, who these days serves as the superintendent at Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site in the mountains of North Carolina, “I feel very lucky to have served in so many different jobs over the years.” During her nearly four decades as an NPS staffer, Backlund has worked as a field ranger, an interpretive naturalist, an environmental education specialist, a supervisor and a trainer, in addition to her current role as superintendent at the great writer’s former home in Flat Rock, N.C. “On many occasions, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to live right in the national parks where I worked,” added the 60-year-old Backlund. “I’ve had alligators for neighbors in the Everglades — along with herons and wood storks — and I’ve had the butter stolen right off my kitchen table by a pine marten at Mount Rainier! “To have spent my working life among these fabulous creatures, while doing my best to help educate our visitors about the natural world, has been the perfect career.” Born and raised in St. Marys, Ohio, Backlund often accompanied her farmer-father, Virgil Hudson, on nature walks through the woods on the family farm. By the time she arrived at BGSU, Backlund knew she wanted to be a teacher. An education major, she decided to join a summer program that would change her life. That 1971 program was “The Western Biology Field Trip,” and it offered BGSU

undergraduate students an opportunity to ramble across the American West for five glorious weeks, while studying everything from grass prairies in South Dakota to dinosaur excavations in Utah. Directed by biology professors Gerald Acker and Ernest Hamilton (the father of world-renowned figure skater Scott Hamilton), the trip introduced Backlund to the national parks. “That was the defining college experience that shaped my future career goals,” she said. Married for the past 29 years to NPS Ranger Gib Backlund, she now spends her days directing the staff at the NPS historic site honoring Sandburg, the famed poet and biographer of Abe Lincoln. “It’s wonderful and I remain thrilled to work alongside my NPS colleagues at the 394 sites around the country, as we go about the mission of preserving America’s cultural and natural resources for generations to come!”

Backlund said she also enjoys working with the many volunteers who help out frequently at the national parks. At the Sandburg Home, she noted, the list of volunteers includes Dr. Ron Partin — a retired BGSU education professor who now lives in the Tar Heel state. “The great thing about the national parks is that there’s a place for everyone,” she said happily. “Whether you’re visiting with family and friends or volunteering, the people who serve in the parks are dedicated to doing their best to make you feel at home!”

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A global commitment to community As the Peace Corps celebrates its golden anniversary this year, its work remains as relevant as ever for people like Kristen Bunner ’09. After all, when has making the world a better place ever gone out of style? Bunner has worked in the African country of Namibia for the last year. There she acts primarily as an HIV/AIDS volunteer, establishing and running an after-school program for orphans and vulnerable children in an area where more than 10 percent of the population has been diagnosed with the virus. Her service halfway across the world will continue through April 2012. Closer to home is Donald Glasgow ’60, who found his international call to help just two hours away. The San Clemente, Calif., resident has spent the last three years supporting the poor of El Nino, a township of Tijuana, Mexico. Through his church, Glasgow leads monthly trips, providing provisions for a hospice and supporting orphaned children so they may continue their education. He also started his own organization, “Hearts Helping Hearts,” that has collected more than 6,000 pairs of shoes and other essentials. Both graduates proudly perpetuate BGSU’s legacy of serving others, whether it’s through the famed Peace Corps or smaller, grassroots efforts. Consider the exploits of Bunner from Maumee, Ohio, who arrived in southern Africa to find many harsh realities — and opportunities to do good. To children who are malnourished, she now offers food. To those lacking positive role models, she offers a place to learn, love and laugh with other kids. 10 BGSU Magazine

“The way I know that I am making a difference is through the emotional, behavioral, and health changes I see in the children that I work with,” she said. Bunner is a former member of BGSU’s Chapman Learning Community and the daughter of Betsy Bunner, the University’s AIDS education director. She said that her time on campus gave her important opportunities for servicelearning activities leading up to the Peace Corps. “It did help to cultivate my passion to serve others,” she said. Glasgow found his niche after retiring from the retail industry. In addition to his own significant local initiatives to help Marines and special needs children, Glasgow took part in a church mission that opened his eyes to extreme poverty conditions in Mexico: no running water, no sewage systems, and homes that were mere shacks. He had to help. Glasgow observed that no one can single-handedly put a dent in the number of people who are left behind in the world, but he knows he is making a difference. “I always felt that maybe one-on-one, if I just work with one heart at a time and stay with it over the long haul, I will change the hearts and hopes of many.”

A short story with a happy ending Anthony Doerr ’99 is full of great stories. Like the time he worked at a fish packing plant in Alaska. Or when he helped at a New Zealand sheep farm. The most recent tale he can tell, however, is perhaps his most impressive to date: This BGSU grad, globetrotter and author received two major fiction prizes this spring. It started in March when Memory Wall, Doerr’s worldspanning short story collection about memory, won the prestigious Story Prize, established seven years ago for collections of short fiction originally published in the United States. A month later, The Deep, set in Depression-era Detroit and featuring a boy not expected to live to adulthood because of a heart condition, beat out stiff competition to win the United Kingdom’s Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Short Story Award. At more than $48,000, it is the world’s largest cash prize for short fiction. Raised in rural Novelty, Ohio, the son of a science teacher said his work is about the intersections between the human and natural worlds. “I’ve spent my whole career arguing that the science building doesn’t necessarily have to be at the opposite end of campus from the liberal arts building,” Doerr said. “I can make any character interested in anything that I’m interested in, whether it’s snowflakes or ants or stars or the way mountains are formed.” Doerr received a Master of Fine Arts from BGSU and was named one of the 100 Most Prominent Alumni last year. In addition to short fiction, he has penned a novel, a memoir, and science columns for the Boston Globe. The 37-year-old lives in Boise, Idaho, with his wife and twin sons.

He credits generous BGSU faculty with showing him just how much work it takes to make a story great through the revision process. Wendell Mayo, a professor of creative writing and literature, said part of what makes Doerr superb is what BGSU tries to nurture in all its students: uniqueness. “We want to develop writers in their own way,” Mayo said.

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Temple Grandin

shares insights at autism summit

Dr. Temple Grandin knows about autism. As a person with autism who is very high functioning, she lives with it day-in and day-out, and she is able to share her insights with others on a regular basis. Grandin, a renowned animal scientist who is also the focus of the award-winning HBO movie Temple Grandin, talked openly and honestly about autism to a sell-out crowd at BGSU’s 10th annual Autism Summit of Northwest Ohio in June. The summit was founded by Drs. Ellen Williams and Lessie Cochran in the School of Intervention Services, and the Office of Continuing and Extended Education. More than 800 individuals with autism, parents, educators and healthcare professionals packed the BowenThompson Student Union ballroom and theater to absorb some of her advice and wisdom. “Hearing Dr. Grandin speak was so inspiring; she gave me such hope both as an educator and a parent of a child with autism. I got to see from the inside out. What a blessing,” said Christi Morgan.

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Not only did Grandin speak for most of the one-day conference, she also looked at artwork from a young adult on the autism spectrum asking for guidance and watched a grandfather’s short video clip of his grandson who is autistic. And Grandin autographed hundreds of books, T-shirts and programs for people who wanted to connect with her even for a brief moment. During one of her presentations, she explained that for her the “circuits between different regions of the brain are compartmentalized. “The incoming data lines are like a four-lane highway rather than a one-lane highway,” she described. “I didn’t know everyone didn’t think in pictures.” Among her life lessons she thought were important to share: • “In my job, I had to get rid of the anger; I switched to crying. You don’t get fired for crying; you get fired for throwing things.” • “It’s important to develop kids’ strengths, but it’s also important to broaden their scope. For example, if they are artistic, they need to learn how

to do drawings that other people want, not just what they like to draw.” • Keep trying different avenues. “If they can’t do algebra, try geometry.” • “Everything is learned by specific examples — bottom up, not top down.” • “Children have gotten away from doing projects. Give children tasks to accomplish.” The advice was well received. “Temple was amazing,” said Sabrina Schnipke, a parent of a child on the autism spectrum. “She gave us wonderful insight into our son’s world. She is an inspiration to us on what he may be able to accomplish in his life.”

Commencement speaker earned degree while on active military duty While commencement day is often the last time graduating students see their alma mater — at least for a while — for Air Force Staff Sgt. Joshua Falso ’11, commencement was the first time he had physically been on campus. Falso received his bachelor’s degree May 7 after completing a completely online program through the College of Technology. He came to Bowling Green to receive his diploma and to be the college’s commencement speaker. To help illustrate the difference of his college experience, during his talk Falso showed a video of a desert sandstorm, one of many he endured. “Four years ago, most of you were preparing for your freshman year while I was just arriving at my first duty station,” he said. “Most of you dealt with the stress of starting at a new school and worried how you would fit in. I was nervous about being at a new base and making a good first impression on my troop sergeant.” Now in his sixth year as an active duty computer and network technician, Falso earned his degree in Advanced Technological Education while serving in several states and countries, including Germany and Iraq. Despite his travels and extensive military responsibilities, he graduated with a near-perfect 3.9 grade point average. “As a Combat Network Technician, I was responsible for establishing communications for the Special Forces, which meant dealing with ‘no notice’ trips to anywhere in the world, a constantly changing work schedule, and the expectation of being available to do anything 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Thanks to BGSU, I was able to take classes no matter where in the world I was.” Falso transferred to Bowling Green in fall 2009 from the Community College of the Air Force, where he earned an Associate of Science degree in electronic systems technology. BGSU’s College of Technology is a member of the Air University Associate to Baccalaureate Consortium, part of the University’s ongoing efforts to meet service men and women’s educational needs. Originally from Cleveland, Falso lives in Tampa, Fla., with his wife, Miranda. He plans to take his Air Force career to the next level with Officer Training School.

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y S ta t e U n i v e r S i t B ow l i n g g r e e n

220 McFall Center ohio 43403-0010 en, gre Bowling Phone: 419-372-2211 Fax: 419-372-6050

Office of the President

Carol Cartwright t en id es Pr er rm Fo om Fr Message Dear Friends of BgSU:

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Carol A. Cartwright een State University 10th President of Bowling Gr

14 BGSU Magazine

Public investment in higher education pays big dividends By CAROL A. CARTWRIGHT

As I end my tenure as president of Bowling Green State University, and a 45-year career in higher education, I want to share some thoughts on the importance of investing in Ohio’s public universities. After devoting all of my professional life to public higher education, I believe there is a compelling case for making higher education a strategic investment priority for our state. Ohio’s system of high-quality public universities delivers a broad array of benefits to our citizens and state. The dividends produced by investments in higher education are well documented. College graduates earn substantially more over their lifetimes than people who have no education beyond high school — as much as $1 million or more, according to some sources. People with college degrees have better job opportunities and are about 50 percent less likely to be unemployed. Investing in higher education also benefits the broader society. The higher incomes that college graduates earn generate higher tax revenues for federal, state and local governments. College graduates are much less likely to rely on public assistance programs, and are more likely to vote and to volunteer in their communities. Ohio’s public universities create economic opportunity for individuals and drive economic development for our communities, regions and state. Research documents what most of us know intuitively: Most new jobs, especially in the fastest-growing economic clusters, will require post-secondary education. Without an appropriately, competitively educated work force and citizenry, Ohio’s future prosperity will be at risk. In large measure, Ohio’s ability to thrive in the global economy will depend on universities’ success at developing the human capital needed to attract business investment and jobs. It also will depend on continued collaborations between higher education and private industry on research that creates new knowledge, commercializes new technologies, and positions Ohio as a leader in innovation. It is essential that a college education remain within the reach of all Ohioans. Ensuring that access requires continued public investment in our public universities. Ohioans might be surprised at how significantly the funding formula for public higher education has changed over the past two decades. We have moved from state support to a system that requires a much larger contribution from

students in tuition and fees. When I became president of Kent State University in 1991, about half of our funding came from the state of Ohio. At BGSU this year, less than 25 percent of our budget will be funded by the state. If this erosion of public financial support continues, it will limit accessibility and jeopardize Ohio’s long-term economic prospects. College education changes lives. Public investment in a state system of higher education put college within my reach and allowed me — a first-generation college student — to accomplish more than I ever dreamed. Higher education’s value proposition also includes accountability for results. Ohio uses a nationally lauded, performance-based formula that ties universities’ basic state funding support directly to student success, measured by course completion, degree attainment, and other indicators. BGSU and Ohio’s other public colleges and universities are responding to heightened public demands for enhanced productivity and efficiency. Policy makers can help universities achieve this objective by eliminating costly, burdensome regulations. Relief from unnecessary mandates will enable universities to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively. Higher education is one of the soundest investments we can make to ensure a prosperous future for our citizens and our state. In tough economic times, public investment in higher education is a smart strategy that optimizes public benefits and delivers a robust return on investment. For that reason, higher education should continue to be a state budget priority. In my retirement, like all other Ohioans, I will have a continued vested interest in public higher education and what it means for our state. This op-ed piece was originally published in The (Toledo) Blade newspaper on Sunday, June 26.

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Original seal is back on campus

Most BGSU alumni remember the University seal as the bronze landmark they passed daily as students on campus. Denise Daniels Yeager ’74, ’79 remembers the seal as a family heirloom that once hung on her wall. Yeager’s grandmother, Grace Risden Moes, designed the original seal in an art class and carved it into leather before she was counted among the first graduates of Bowling Green State Normal College in 1915. Her contest entry was chosen as the model seal, which remains the most recognizable and timeless symbol of the University to nearly 170,000 alumni. Yeager recently donated the piece to the University. “My family has a long history at BG,” Yeager said in an e-mail. “My mother and I are so pleased to be able to return this seal back to Bowling Green after it’s been in our family for nearly 100 years. We know it would make my grandmother very proud.” Moes was one of the first students to earn a degree at the college, which was founded in 1910 as a normal school to train women to be teachers. Moes and her classmates regularly shared Sunday meals with the college president, who was also known to personally scold students who disobeyed campus-wide “lights out” rules. After graduation, Moes taught in a one-room schoolhouse in the Sandusky area until 1921 when she married. Because female teachers were barred from being married at that time, she abandoned her career to start a family. Until her death in 1967, Moes continued raising sheep and boarding horses on the farm she and her husband cultivated in Vermilion.

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Other women in the family prepared for their teaching careers at BGSU. Moes’ sister, Gladys Risden ’22, earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education from the University. Yeager’s mother, Charity Moes Daniels, studied physical education in the early 1940s until her marriage barred her from teaching. Yeager was the only one of her four siblings to attend BGSU, where she earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees, with dual majors in health and physical education. The Falcon family thanks Denise and Jeff Yeager ’80 for their generous gift-in-kind, and is pleased that such an important part of University history has returned to campus. The seal will be prominently displayed during Homecoming 2011 festivities, and will soon be placed in a permanent display on campus.

Denise Daniels Yeager received a heartfelt “thank you” from Vice President for University Advancement Tom Hiles on behalf of the entire BGSU community for her generous gift-in-kind of the original University seal designed by her grandmother Grace Risden Moes nearly 100 years ago.

A Winning Tradition Falcon club finished third in nation in 2011, has won 28 straight Mid-American Conference titles Okay, sports fans, here’s a 10-second quiz aimed at finding out just how much you know about “the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” as experienced by BGSU in recent decades. Q. Can you name the most successful college-affiliated rugby team in the entire Midwest during the past 25 years? A. Believe it or not, that honor goes to the BGSU Rugby Football Club … which has won 28 consecutive MidAmerican Conference championships and again this year finished among the top 10 U.S. collegiate rugby teams. Make no mistake: these Falcon rugby players haven’t just been good during the past 25 years. As the all-time team statistics (since the program began in 1969) clearly demonstrate, the BGSU scrum-battlers have been nothing less than terrific. If you don’t believe it, just look at these all-time stats:

1,771 wins


369 losses


Four at Stanford) and lost to U-Cal Santa Barbara, or we might well have won the national title.” En route to the Final Four, the Falcons out-kicked and out-ran powerhouse teams from the University of Florida, Ohio State and Penn State, among others. They also won their quarter-final match-ups during an April showdown at BGSU’s Mickey Cochrane Stadium that drew more than 1,000 rugby fans. “The friendships these athletes make are what’s really important,” said rugby guru Roger Mazzarella. “In this sport, teamwork is essential. “Success in rugby is a matter of 15 guys working together, and I think that’s why the guys and gals who play here love it so much!” To learn more about BGSU rugby and how you can play or otherwise contribute, visit

83 ties

An astonishing record of success? You bet. “If you look at our record, this past season was pretty typical,” said current coach Tony Mazzarella, the 36-year-old son of BGSU rugby coaching legend Roger Mazzarella, who directed the Falcon footballers for two decades before handing his whistle to Tony three years ago. “Once again this year, we were highly ranked — we were even No. 1 for a while — and we wound up right in the middle of the hunt for a national championship. “BGSU rugby has long been recognized as one of the premier programs in the country. We played one sub-par game at the end of the season (during the May 13-14 Final

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BGSU centers research, programs on health and wellness Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan

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With more than $11 million in research grants and an additional $1.1 million in student support grants, BGSU’s center of excellence is firmly rooted in the concepts of disease prevention, health promotion and economic savings and sensibility. The focus is to train practitioners, researchers and teachers who will work in a variety of fields to raise the level of long-term public physical and mental health, contribute to the existing body of knowledge and inform policymakers. Already, several programs that are part of the center of excellence are targeting the health and wellness concepts: > BGSU’s Gerontology Program — one of the first to study the new phenomenon and impact of sexually transmitted disease and HIV-AIDS among older adults — has shared findings at a White House conference.


BGSU’s Center of Excellence for Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan is all about preventing major health problems related to lifestyle or behavior involving poor diet, inactivity, obesity, smoking or risky actions. More than 5,000 students and 100 faculty and staff within 78 departments, programs and organizations are involved in this center of excellence, said Dr. Linda Petrosino, dean of the College of Health and Human Services and one of the key health and wellness leaders on campus. “We are reaching across colleges and programs, and working together to promote wellness and improved quality of life,” she said. “Community partnerships have been the very fabric of our health and wellness programs here for many years.” According to Dr. Michael Ogawa, interim dean of the graduate college and vice president for research and economic development, “This center of excellence advances the University’s distinctive educational role, builds on its nationally recognized research programs and emphasizes community partnerships, all with a focus on disease prevention and fostering healthy behaviors. “BGSU is addressing the promotion of wellness and improved quality of life, rather than the medical aspect of curing disease,” he added. “The outcomes include lower costs for health care and less lost time at work for Ohio citizens.” Petrosino explained that BGSU’s center encompasses two perspectives: human ecology, or the interaction of people with their natural, social and created environments; and lifespan development, or the growth and development of an individual from before birth through old age. “From programs in public health to speech and hearing to marriage research, BGSU addresses both perspectives,” she said. Dr. Christopher Dunn, associate dean in the College of Health and Human Services, has been involved in much of the analysis for the Center. “In the U.S. for every dollar spent on health care, only three cents is spent on prevention,” he reported. “Studies show that by reducing chronic diseases, prevention programs will reduce the social, economic and personal costs. “In Ohio, a five-year investment of $10 per person per year in strategic disease prevention programs will yield net annual savings of approximately $686 million and a return on investment of six to one,” he added.

> Faculty and students in the Kinesiology Program in the School of Human Movement, Sport and Leisure Studies investigate exercise’s multiple roles in health across the lifespan, from physical skills to implications for diseases such as diabetes.

> BGSU’s Healthy Living Program — a collaborative effort between the psychology and nutrition programs and the School of Human Movement, Sport and Leisure Studies — is helping individuals lose weight and live healthier lives. Psychology faculty member Dr. Robert Carels, who is one of the lead researchers of the program, has been quoted in many national and online publications about some of the findings, including “Studies show that recording meals may help you lose up to 5 percent of your weight.”


> The Center for Family and Demographic Research and the National Center for Marriage Research are two nationally recognized, federally funded research centers hosted by the BGSU sociology department. Their signature research themes are adolescent development and emerging adulthood; health, morbidity and mortality; immigration; the social demography of families and households; marriage and cohabitation; and family formation, development and problems. “People are more aware of the importance of taking care of themselves from birth through death,” Petrosino said. “With this attention to health and wellness, BGSU is poised to be at the forefront of research and programs that will benefit Ohio, the region and the nation.”

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Firelands education a family affair for Rathbuns

When it came time to go to college, Craig ’83, Tim ’86 and Jodi Rathbun chose BGSU Firelands for different reasons. Craig attended in 1979 and 1980 so he could work full time at the new family business, and later went on to earn a bachelor of science degree from BGSU. Brother Tim used his 1984 associate degree in computer science from Firelands as a foundation for a bachelor’s in accounting from BGSU. And their sister Jodi Rathbun Conley earned an associate degree in legal studies at the Huron campus in 1987 before continuing her studies. All three credit their BGSU experience with helping them become better people and better business owners. Thanks to their time at BGSU Firelands, the siblings went on to earn multiple degrees and grow a family business that now includes a cutting-edge wind energy company. “At the time I wasn’t even sure college was my thing,” said Conley. “My mom encouraged me to give it a try, and once I got there I fell in love with higher education.” Attending BGSU Firelands has become a family tradition for many in the region. “It’s an affordable educational option for families,” said Dr. Cindy Miglietti, an associate professor of accounting and finance, who organized the recent 38th annual University Business Symposium where the Rathbuns were keynote speakers. “The college provides students with a great education.” For Tim Rathbun, it was a chance to grow up a little.

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“If I went off to main campus at 18, I probably would not have been mature enough to make all the right choices,” he said. “For me Firelands was two years of growing up. I needed a bit more time to transition to adulthood.” The three siblings now work together in business. They began SUREnergy in 2009 as an offshoot of another family business, Sandusky-based Encore Plastics. It began with the idea of harnessing wind-generated power to reduce energy costs at Encore, but has grown to include the design and installation of wind power systems for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural uses. This summer the company signed a $6.5 million contract to provide wind turbines to the Oregon (Ohio) school system. “The people who know us can’t believe we get along in business — my brother and I are complete opposites,” said Craig Rathbun. “We don’t agree on anything in the beginning but we usually reach consensus on decisions in the end.” And they agree that their decision to attend BGSU Firelands was a good one — so much so that they have encouraged their own children to consider continuing the family tradition. “It’s common to make mistakes when you are 18 but it’s nice to have family around to help guide you,” said Craig Rathbun, whose oldest son has also attended BGSU Firelands. “It’s a great educational opportunity for him and close to home.”

Center Stage:

Two theatre companies put Firelands in the spotlight Cody Noon wanted to continue his passion for performing while in college. As a BGSU Firelands student, he is able to study communications and participate in two very strong theatre programs — Firelands College Theatre and the Caryl Crane Children’s Theatre (CCCT). “Theatre has been a big part of my life since age 9,” said Noon, 20, a junior communications major from Milan, Ohio. “There are many schools and colleges that don’t offer any type of theatre productions, so we are fortunate to have two distinct opportunities here at Firelands.” Noon is one of about 50 BGSU Firelands students who participate in Firelands College Theatre, which offers three major productions a year and features a guest artist program and three theatre scholarships. Together with the Caryl Crane Children’s Theatre, the program gives BGSU Firelands a thriving thespian tradition that continues to grow and entertain the community. “It is a powerful statement about the level of community support we have for the arts at Firelands,” said Dr. Kate Dailey, an associate professor of English and chair of the humanities department, of which the theatre program is a part. Firelands is the only college in Ohio with a resident children’s theatre program, said Artistic and Business Director Brian Marshall. The CCCT, now celebrating its 25th season and housed at BGSU Firelands since 1990, has had thousands of children ages 10 to 18 participate in productions throughout the years. “We’re in such a growth stage at Crane because we are the only program that offers tuition-free (performance) opportunities,” said Marshall. “Our performers are able to step on stage and find themselves as they never have before.” One of those area youths is Kelsea Freeman, 17, of Vermilion, Ohio. A member of the CCCT’s teen board, she has been in every production in some way since the age of 10. “It definitely shaped my life,” said Freeman, who plans to study theatre and education. “I can go out and know who I am and have a voice.” For more information, visit, friend us on Facebook and Twitter, or call 419-372-0642.

2011 - 2012 Application for Admission Enclosed BGSU Magazine 21

BeGreat Celebrating excellence in scholarship at Bowling Green State University

Division of Research and Economic Development rewards innovative ideas The Division of Research and Economic Development has awarded two innovative projects developed by University faculty a total of $100,000 in “seed money.” Four finalists were chosen from a total of 10 proposals submitted by nearly all of BGSU’s colleges in response to a call for economic development projects. “We hope by linking the intellectual and human assets of the University with the needs of regional businesses and organizations, BGSU can become a more active participant in advancing the economy of Ohio,” explained Dr. Michael Ogawa, vice president for research and economic development. The proposal submitted by Dr. Timothy Pogacar, an associate professor and chair of the Department of German, Russian and East Asian Languages; Dr. Irina Stakhanova, an associate professor of Russian; and Dr. Amy Robinson, an associate professor of romance and classical studies, was awarded money to create The Language Services Group (LSG). LSG will employ undergraduate

Discussing how to build external awareness of LSG services are (from left) Drs. Timothy Pogacar, Irina Stakhanova and Amy Robinson from the Department of German, Russian and East Asian Languages and Dr. Marcia Salazar-Valentine, executive director of economic development and Continuing & Extended Education.

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and graduate students, as well as faculty, to offer interpreting services, culture training and short- and long-term language courses to area businesses. “This partnership between the University and the broader community has great potential to create a significant economic impact as community members gain the ability to move themselves and their products or services across linguistic and cultural boundaries,” said Robinson. “Moreover, it has tremendous potential to enrich the regional culture by promoting communication and understanding among the diverse groups that make up northwest Ohio.” Businesses of all sizes often need consulting or other professional services to grow. The second winning proposal aims to provide that service. Dr. William Balzer, dean of BGSU Firelands, and Kelly Cusack, assistant director in the Office of Education Outreach at BGSU Firelands, submitted a proposal for the Regional Incubator for Sustainability and Entrepreneurship (RISE). A partnership between Erie County Economic Development Corp., Great Lakes Innovation and Development Enterprise, and BGSU Firelands, the incubator will develop a framework to provide any business or potential business with the resources and tools needed to achieve commercial success. This includes offering the research and consulting services of faculty at the Firelands and Bowling Green campuses. Students will be invited to participate through internships, co-ops and class-related projects to support these efforts. “The RISE partnership is a critical asset to the economic growth and development of this area and the grant funding will allow us to build on our initial successes,” Balzer said. “Within the first three months of operation, RISE has already provided counseling to five start-up companies and six existing businesses, ranging from manufacturing to retail sales.”

BGSU students launch new market research business The popular drama show CSI follows investigators who study crime scenes. Students from the College of Business Administration have launched a business called CSI (short for College Student Insights) that studies something much different: college students’ purchasing habits and behaviors. This large target market is a very popular demographic for companies wanting to sell their products and services. At the same time, CSI offers a unique opportunity for business students to receive hands-on experience by operating a student-run business. These very capable and motivated students are being graded on their work as part of Marketing 4010, taught by Dr. David Reid, an associate professor of marketing. The students “employed” by this business are responsible for not only finding client companies and updating CSI’s webpages and advertising materials, but also finding

students to participate in the various research projects. In addition, the student “employees” must hire other students to ensure the continuation of the business into future semesters. CSI is set to launch this fall and will start off with a customer satisfaction index of students focusing on a wide variety of products. The student-run research company has a board of directors made up of BGSU faculty members and business executives from a variety of area companies. This expert panel will advise the students regarding the continued operation of CSI into future semesters. For businesses interested in hiring CSI to conduct research into college students’ buying habits and behavior, contact Reid at You can also find more information at

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bravoBG Shrude wins national honor as Guggenheim Fellow This time next year, Distinguished Artist Professor Marilyn Shrude will likely not be thinking of class schedules or her duties as chair of the department of musicology/ composition/theory. Instead, with support of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, she expects to be deeply immersed in writing music. Shrude has been named a 2011 Guggenheim Fellow. Designed to help nurture scholarship and creative activity, the prestigious awards are intended for scholars or artists who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. Shrude personifies that description. Her compositions have been performed across the United States, Europe and Asia, and she often performs as a guest artist at festivals around the world. Nearly 20 of her compositions have been recorded professionally. Her numerous honors include a composer fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and an Academy Award in Music from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. In 1984 she became the first woman to receive the Kennedy Center Friedheim Award for Orchestral Music, and in 1998 the first woman to receive the Cleveland Arts Prize in music. Shrude holds a bachelor’s degree from Alverno College and a master’s degree and doctorate from Northwestern University. She will use her time as a fellow to write two commissioned compositions — a large chamber piece for the Brave New Works ensemble, for its 2012-13 concert series; and a trio for the fifth anniversary of the Walla Walla Chamber Music Festival in Washington, to be performed in June 2012. Being free of administrative and teaching duties “is a different mode of operation,” she said. “It lets my imaginative side come out. I feel so privileged to be able to have this time and the support of the colleagues who chose me for this award.”

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Conrad Art Song Competition winners announced

CMA Dean Richard Kennell retires As College of Musical Arts Dean Richard Kennell retires after 31 years, he leaves a legacy that includes record student enrollment, an innovative doctoral program, new international partnerships, and the establishment of the Center for Excellence in the Arts (see the article in the Spring 2011 issue of BGSU Magazine). His important contributions as dean and professor of performance studies were acknowledged recently by both the Board of Trustees, which granted him faculty emeritus status in June, and Faculty Senate, which conferred Lifetime Achievement Recognition in March. Kennell was hired at BGSU in 1980 and was named dean of the college in 2002. Under his leadership, the College of Musical Arts achieved its highest ever enrollment and gained national attention for the doctoral program in contemporary music. He also successfully created a summer exchange program with Ionian University in Corfu, Greece, in which Bowling Green faculty and students may teach and learn there, and invite colleagues from there to share their experiences at BGSU. Kennell has also earned praise for his efforts to foster multidisciplinary collaboration among the arts. He was a founder of the Arts Roundtable, which has engendered cooperation among influential artists on campus and across the region. Gifts in honor of Kennell may be made to the Richard Kennell Scholarship, c/o BGSU Foundation, Inc., Mileti Alumni Center, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403.

Six singer-piano duos at BGSU’s College of Musical Arts won prizes at the 12th annual Dr. Marjorie Conrad Art Song Competition in April. The first-place winning duo in the graduate division consisted of mezzo-soprano Christine Amon from Grand Rapids, Mich., and pianist Heidi Clausius from Toledo, Ohio. Second prize went to the duo of soprano Theresa Zapata from Grand Rapids, Mich., and pianist Tatiana Gorbunova from Sarov, Russia; and third place in the graduate division went to soprano Amanda DeBoer from Papillion, Neb., and pianist Karl Larson from McFarland, Wis. First-place winner in the undergraduate division was the duo of mezzo-soprano Melissa Penkava from North Ridgeville, Ohio, and pianist Jacintha Ratnasamy from Findlay, Ohio. Winning second place in the undergraduate division were soprano Rachel Taylor from Oxford, Ohio, and pianist Melinda Sondag from Columbus, Ohio. The third-place winners were soprano Cassandra Utt from Salem, Ohio, and pianist Sara Tobe from Minster, Ohio. The total prize money for the competition is $6,500. All prizes were awarded in voice and piano, with the funds equally distributed between both musicians. For the third year in a row, the event was taped for a documentary to be broadcast by WBGU-PBS.

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BGSU to host NCAA tournament games The new Stroh Center has taken its place as an eye-catching showpiece on the primary entranceway to campus. Packed with innovation, practicality and style, the Stroh is set to host concerts, graduation ceremonies and its first full seasons of volleyball and basketball. While BGSU students, athletes, alumni and the community are treated to the Stroh’s cutting-edge amenities — all carefully melded with the preservation of a cozy home court advantage — senior women’s basketball player Jessica Slagle is anticipating March of 2012 when the rest of the country gets treated to a taste of the Stroh. In a historic milestone for BGSU, the Stroh will host firstand second-round games of the NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Tournament. “The women’s basketball program here has accomplished great things, and now we’ll be playing in one of the best facilities in the country,” Slagle said. “You sometimes get the feeling not many people know those things. Now, with the NCAA Tournament coming to the Stroh, that’s not a secret anymore.” Everyone involved senses the opportunity to showcase the University on national television and provide the Bowling Green community with a substantial economic boost. “This is huge on so many levels,” said Associate Athletics Director Lesley Irvine, who was instrumental in landing the NCAA games at the Stroh Center.

“We have this beautiful new facility and now it gets to reintroduce Bowling Green to a lot of the greater athletic world. With everyone benefiting and coming on board to help make this a success, we expect that hosting the NCAA Tournament at the Stroh is going to be a phenomenal experience.” BGSU women’s head basketball coach Curt Miller sees an opportunity for the Stroh to develop a long-term relationship with the tournament. “We believe this will be first class all the way, and that opens the door for the Stroh Center to become a place the NCAA looks at as potentially a regular part of the tournament. That’s exciting to think about.” Pairings and game times will be announced Monday, March 12, at 7 p.m. Eastern Time on ESPN. Tickets will start at $30 and are for two games on Sunday, March 18, and one game on Tuesday, March 20.

New era begins Lou Snelling has been named the new head coach for the BGSU men’s and women’s cross country and women’s track and field programs. Snelling was most recently the head cross country coach and assistant track and field coach at Stephen F. Austin in Nacogdoches, Texas. “Lou stood out through our search process and is the perfect fit for the future of our program,” said Athletics Director Greg Christopher. “His background, passion and drive will help our current team reach its potential, and he will help us build and recruit for the future.”

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A day in the life of Chris Jones

At any one time Chris Jones has several challenging jobs to fill. As a pre-exercise science major, Jones takes 12 to 15 credits a semester. As a star football player for the Falcons, he spends up to 20 hours each week practicing, training and watching films. And as a regular college student he tries to find the right balance and have some fun along the way. But Jones, a 21-year-old junior from Brownsburg, Ind., is used to this life. In fact, the standout nose guard has learned the balancing act between student and athlete can be complicated and busy, but rarely boring. “Chris came to Bowling Green with a unique maturity level and an understanding of the demands and sacrifices it takes to be a successful college athlete,” said head coach Dave Clawson. “Chris has an incredible work ethic that, when combined with his natural talent, makes him a special player and person for our football program at Bowling Green.” During the season, Jones’ day begins with a 7 a.m. football practice. After team meetings, he heads to the field for an hour or two. After practice, it’s off to class and studying. “Before anything we’re all students,” said Jones, who maintains a 3.0 GPA. “The coaches say take care of your schoolwork first.” Football continues after schoolwork, too. Jones lifts weights and reviews films on his own, as well as seeing team trainers to ease any aches. He usually tries to be in bed by 10:30 p.m. Through it all Jones tries to enjoy life as a regular college student when he can. “The day after a Saturday game, I just try to chill,” he said. “Usually I’ll study a little bit, watch TV or go out with the guys to get a bite.” Jones’ success on the field and in the classroom exemplifies the talent and dedication that is a hallmark of Falcon student-athletes, who won the MAC Institutional Academic Achievement Award last year. “Some people might consider it a job, but it’s something I enjoy doing,” said Jones. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so I try to enjoy it.”

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alumniaccomplishments 1950s-1960s


Richard A. Clark ’58, Paradisa,

Sara Holland Rostetter ’71,

Calif., published a book, Back to the Bennington-Tales in the Wake. Karrie (Smith) King ’62,

Swanton, Ohio, is this year’s Ohio Art Education Association’s secondary divisional award winner. King is an art instructor at Anthony Wayne High School.

Gerald Petersen ’64, Ft. Myers, Fla., published his first book, A Right to Bear Arms? What Were the Founders Thinking? He is working on his second project and is a member of the Gulf Coast Writers Association. James R. Kesler ’65, Lansing, Mich., is an author and artist. Kesler has published eight books, including Truth Baby and Love Means Nothing.

Wooster, Ohio, retired from preschool administration and teaching after 29 years in early childhood education. Charles A. (Al) Summers ’71, Pataskala, Ohio, retired after 39 years in education: 28 as a teacher and coach at St. Henry Local Schools, three as vice president with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and eight as director of the National Middle School Association.

Randall G. Meuser ’77, Findlay, Ohio, retired after working more than 33 years at Marathon Oil Co. He was a member of the American Petroleum Institute, ISACA and the FBI Infragard.

Michael Kovack ’82, Medina, Ohio, was elected as president of the County Auditors Association of Ohio (CAAO) for 2011. Kovack has served as Medina County auditor since 1993.

Rick A. Walton ’79, Medina, Ohio, retired from Elyria City Schools as an earth science teacher after 31 years. Walton accepted a position with Cleveland State University as the CSUTeach master teacher/ administrator, the first program in the state of Ohio.

Lorraine Schuchart ’82,

Christine Bradley ’73, Nashville, Tenn., was named the 2011 ATHENA Award recipient. The award honors Nashville women for their skills in business, leadership and service to the community.


Alan Carey ’73, Gilbert, Ariz.,

Lynn (Zickefoose) Hendricks

Marc W. Fruth ’80, Archbold,

Ohio, was promoted to executive vice president, human resources & consumer services at Sauder Woodworking Co.

Brecksville, Ohio, was named director of marketing and communications for the Cleveland Institute of Music.

Alan Binger ’83, Clyde, Ohio,

was awarded the 2011 Rich Unger Professionalism Award by the Ohio Association of School Business Officials. Binger has been the treasurer/ CFO for the Clyde-Green Springs Schools since 1990.

George E. Sine, Jr. ’84,

South Dartmouth, Mass., was recognized for 20 years of service and promoted to general manager/VP for Asia Pacific and EMEA.

Ron Leybovich ’92, Lithia, Fla., joined Citigroup as an anti-money laundering department senior analyst. David McKee ’92, Flagstaff, Ariz., received the first annual Tom Moody Award for committed service to the restoration of the Rio de Flag. Anthony (Tony) Snyder ’92, Appleton, Wis., has been given Silver Medallion Status by Delta Airlines. Snyder also received a District Award of Merit from the Gathering Waters District of the Boy Scouts of America. Adam L. Kratzert ’93, Kalamazoo, Mich., was promoted to vice president group controller – CIC operations for Parker Hannifin Corp.

Timothy L. Harper ’85, Troy,

Estelle Marie (Pope) Chisholm

Massillon, Ohio, recently opened an Irish Shoppe in Wilmont, Ohio.

’80, Denver, was named one of Denver’s top wealth managers/ financial planners by 5280 Magazine and Colorado Biz Magazine. Hendricks has been the president of Hendricks Financial Services for the past 20 years.

N.Y., is an associate professor and department chair at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

Dale Carlson ’94, Fountain Hills, Ariz., is the owner and president of Falcon Sales, named after BGSU. Carlson is also approaching five years in remission from leukemia after receiving a bone marrow transplant.

Cassandra Harris-Williams

’81, University Heights, Ohio, passed oral defense on April 1 at Kent State University and is scheduled to graduate in August 2011 with a Ph.D. in counseling and human development services.

Judith Pryor ’85, Washington,

Marc Majers ’94, Broadview

Karen (Stankiewicz) Barta

Fred W. Farschman ’76, Amherst, Ohio, retired after 35 years of teaching art at Elyria High School. Farschman was named Outstanding Art Teacher of Northeast Ohio for his efforts at Elyria High School. Bruce May ’76, Spencer, Ohio,

Richard (Rick) Eugene Eakin II ’82, Findlay, Ohio,

Jack L. Thompson ’65,

Delaware, Ohio, was elected into the Dayton Amateur Baseball Hall of Fame. ’66, Jacksonville, Fla., is a Certified Master Gardener, board member of The Guild of the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra and a member of the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra Chorus.

’67, Akron, Ohio, received a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from Ursuline College in Cleveland. Donald Henry Nau ’67, Sparta,

Ga., was elected president of the Old Capitol Chapter of Military Officers Association of America.

Dennis Berger ’68,

Bronxville, N.Y., spent 30 years in advertising and wrote numerous famous campaigns including: Have It Your Way for Burger King, We Bring Good Things to Life for GE, Life Takes Visa and We Love to Fly and It Shows for Delta Airlines.

James Albert Booth ’68,

Beavercreek, Ohio, received his fourth M.S. degree from the University of Dayton with a M.S. in applied mathematics.

co-authored and published a book, S’installer et s’implanter aux USA ave succes.

Karen & Mike McVeen ’73,

was awarded first prize in the 2011 Appalachian Film Festival for his music video entitled Another Day in (Retired) Paradise.

Jean Carnahan VanNess

’76, Randolph, N.Y., retired from Cassadaga Valley Central School after 33 years as a business education teacher. VanNess was the 2009 recipient of the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) Local Outstanding Service Award.

Steven T. Hammond ’77,

Brecksville, Ohio, is chief information officer for Kichler Lighting.

received the Findlay Rotary Club “Golden Apple” Award May 2, 2011, as the outstanding high school educator in the Findlay/ Hancock County Schools.

Kenneth Going ’82,

Northport, N.Y., was named global head of strategic sourcing for MF Global.

Beth Hallisy ’82, Aurora,

Ohio, received the 2011 Lighthouse Award from the Greater Cleveland Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, recognizing lifetime achievement in public relations and community service.

D.C., was appointed to vice president of external affairs for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), a U.S. Government agency.

Gregory Ruffer ’87, Tampa

was named music department chair at the Patel Conservatory of the Straz Center for the Performing Arts. Ruffer was also named chorus master for Opera Tampa.

Lisa Kowalski ’88, Olmsted Falls, Ohio, is employed with NASA’s Glenn Research Center as project specialist in Cleveland.

1990s Michelle Monhart ’90,

Walnut Creek, Calif., was honored with the Affiliate Coordinator of the Year award for her volunteer efforts with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

Eileen O’Neill ’90, Laurel,

Md., was listed on the Hollywood Reporters Power Reality List – List of Power players in Reality TV.

Heights, Ohio, launched his first book, Don’t Fear the Forward: The Secret to Building Successful Websites.

Jonathan Broadfoot ’95,

Columbus, Ohio, has joined WD Partners as director of account strategy for the digital services team.

Tom Griffin ’96, Willowick, Ohio, earned his Ph.D. in urban education from Cleveland State University. He is a marketing instructor at Maple Heights High School. Heather Gozdan-Bynum

’97, Athens, Ga., graduated with a doctorate in musical arts in clarinet pedagogy and performance from the University of Iowa and is currently a freelance clarinetist and teacher. Patrick ’99 and Shannon ’97 Puhl & Sean Williams ’95,

Hilliard, Ohio, established Families for a Cure, a nonprofit cancer research foundation and have donated $100,000 toward their $1 million dollar goal for cancer research.

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu 28 BGSU Magazine

2000s Kimberly J. (Ruffing) Stults

’00, Bellevue, Ohio, published a book, Lessons from Lorena: Living with Autism. Bradley Chambers ’01,

Canton, Ohio, finished his Master’s in Education in Organizational Leadership from Grand Canyon University. Chambers released his first book, 21 Days of Refreshing.

Scott Sawyer ’04, Chicago, accepted a position in group sales with the Chicago Cubs. Tristan Ula ’04, Poland, Ohio,

Allison Halco ’05, Cleveland,

founded Fashionably Cleveland, a new print magazine about the style community in Northeast Ohio.

is a community relations Matthew Saxton ’05, specialist with Southern Care Hospice in Youngstown, Ohio. Knoxville, Tenn., received his Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Tennessee. Travis J. Whisler ’04, North Royalton, Ohio, is employed Nicole Serene ’06, Sarasota, with Westfield Insurance Fla., graduated from Gannon Co. as a middle market University with a doctor of underwriter. physical therapy degree. Serene is a physical therapist with HCR ManorCare in Sarasota.

Send us your


Keep your classmates and the University current on your achievements, career, honors and activities by submitting information for inclusion in Alumni Accomplishments. Articles written about you in some other media may be submitted along with a note giving your permission to include the information in BGSU Magazine. To protect your privacy, we do not publish street addresses. It is not our practice to print engagement, marriage or birth announcements, although graduates should notify the Office of Alumni and Development to receive an Honorary Falcon certificate. BGSU reserves the right to edit or omit any information submitted. Send accomplishments or change of address to: Alumni Accomplishments, Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0053. Accomplishments may also be submitted online at

Samantha Chada ’07, Parma,

Ohio, earned a Master’s of Library and Information Science from Kent State University and accepted the emerging technologies librarian position at Sandusky Library.

Amy Lauren Paling ’07,

Westland, Mich., is a member of the athletic department at The University of Detroit Mercy as assistant director of NCAA compliance and the academic coordinator.

Matthew Skitzki ’07,

Cleveland, received the 2011 COSE Young Artist Entrepreneur Business and Innovation Award.

Tony Wagener ’07, Arlington,

Capt. Nicholas Orr, M.D. ’02, of Washington, D.C., is a third-year internal medicine resident at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He has published numerous research articles and presented on sleep medicine and global military medicine. In April 2011, he and his team from Walter Reed excelled in two rounds and went to the finals of Doctor’s Dilemma, a medical Jeopardy-style competition that tested the knowledge and skill of residents from around the country at the American College of Physicians annual meeting in San Diego. He completed his residency in June and will be starting a cardiology fellowship later this year.

Va., has been appointed major gifts coordinator for the Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, D.C.

Matthew Ryan Lautenschlager ’08, Atlanta,

Your full name (include maiden name if appropriate) Date of birth and graduation year (earliest degree) Street address City


Is this a new address?


E-mail address, if applicable Place of employment Position/title Work address Location (city/state) Work telephone number (include area code)

Is this

A promotion?

E-mail address, if applicable

is employed with SpeedPro Imaging as a marketing assistant.



Your spouse’s full name (include maiden name if appropriate)

Susan M. Lavalley ’08,

Faye Oakes ’08, Piqua, Ohio,

A new employer?

Are you currently married?

Is he/she a BGSU graduate?

Judy M. Marcum ’08, Junction City, Ohio, graduated from Tiffin University with a Master of Science in Criminal Justice concentrating in forensic psychology.


Home telephone number (include area code)

is employed at the Centers for Disease Control on a two-year microbiology fellowship. Mentor, Ohio, received a juris doctorate degree from The University of Akron School of Law.

Zip code



Spouse’s date of birth and graduation year

Place of employment Position/title Work address Location (city/state) Work telephone number (include area code)

Is this

A promotion?

A new employer?

If you have additional news for BGSU Magazine, please enclose. Thank you. SUMMER11

umnilinks alumnilinks alumn BGSU Magazine 29

First black alumna dies at 100 years old

(Alumni Accomplishments continued) Brooke S. Chidester ’09, Bowling Green, is employed at Lake School District as a second grade teacher and is finishing her master’s degree at BGSU.

Emily Kenney ’09, Bowling Green, completed her first year of teaching at Crim Elementary in Bowling Green as a fifth grade teacher. Kenney is currently teaching science, social studies and language arts.

BGSU Welcomes New Members of the Presidents Club Dean L. Shappell ‘62 Edward ‘89 & Monika Leedom Mary Jo ‘75 & Jim ‘74 Fisher Dennis & Kathy East Nicole Fratianne ‘10 Sherideen S. Stoll & Michael S. McDonald John E. ’66 & Debra Plousha ’75, ’90 Moore Derik ‘95 & Beth ‘96 Utz John & Arleen Hoag George ‘67 & Marilyn ‘67 Braatz Wayne and Cynthia ’74, ’82 Colvin

30 BGSU Magazine

Lori Claire Petrick ’09, Willoughby, Ohio, was recognized as 2010-2011 Cleveland State Law Review Associate of the Year and will serve as an editor of Cleveland State Law Review next year. This summer, Lori will work as a judicial extern in the chambers of the Honorable Solomon Oliver, Jr., chief judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, and will continue her work as senior law clerk at Shaker Heights Municipal Court.

2010s Julie C. Martin ’10, North

Royalton, Ohio, obtained her Master’s of Business Administration with a specialization in accounting at Cleveland State University.

Ellen Rooney ’10, Olmsted Falls, Ohio, directed the Cleveland Play House Residency premiere, A Turn in the Night, a dance-drama inspired by real events surrounding the tornado of June 5, 2010, in MillburyLake Township, Ohio.

Anna Mae Thomas ’43, of Sandusky, the first African-American to enroll and earn a degree from the University, died April 5. Just three months earlier, she celebrated her 100th birthday. As she pursued her bachelor’s degree in home economics, Thomas worked for Dr. Frank Prout. He was the superintendent of city schools, and later became president of BGSU. Before her death, Thomas made a commitment to empower other students like her to succeed at BGSU. Through her generosity, the Anna Mae Thomas Educational Scholarship was created in 1995 for students of African-American descent who demonstrate financial need. The scholarship has defrayed the cost of books and tuition for at least six students pursuing degrees in education, technology or the sciences. “Anna Mae was a trailblazer for her time,” said former BGSU president Dr. Carol Cartwright. “Her contributions, first as a student and later as an alumna, helped to shape Bowling Green State University into the diverse, inclusive community that it is today. It is fitting to celebrate her life as the University welcomes the largest, most diverse incoming class of students.” To learn more about giving to the Anna Mae Thomas Educational Scholarship or any other scholarship, visit


In memoriam BGSU Magazine has received notices of the following deaths. For additional information or to make a memorial gift, please contact the Office of Alumni and Development at 419-372-2424. Alumni Margaret E. (Forrester) Schroeder ’27 Alice M. (Mylander) Sabin ’34 Agnes N. (Altaffer) Brillhart ’34 Dorothy W. (Blair) Rowan ’35 Eleanor M. (Hopper) Peters ’35 Lucile G. (Baker) Gordon ’36 Helen P. (Park) Haver ’36 Inez I. (Raifsnider) Lutz ’36 Vivian W. (Williams) Snuggs ’37 Ruth M. Heitzman ’38 Marian L. (Lea) Erwin ’38 Pauline J. (Egnew) Boyers ’40 Russell L. Emans ’41 Ruth E. (Grossman) Leatherman ’42 Phyllis L. (Portmann) Moser ’42 Kathryn E. (Ellsworth) Noyes ’42 Newton C. Rochte ’42 Harriet E. (Rupp) Householder ’43 Anna M. Thomas ’43 Douglas Dauterman ’43 Virginia A. Crockett ’43 Ruth W. (Wigman) Leathers ’44 Kathryn R. (Rhodes) Ackerman ’45 Vivian G. (Amos) Hepfinger ’45 Peggy (Davison) Nuffer ’45 Neva J. (Spilker) Snyder ’46 Carl E. Hoy ’46 Leon L. Kantor ’47 Betty I. (Knecht) Longworth ’47 Phyllis A. (Davis) Wellman ’47 Margaret R. (Richard) Bowlus ’47 Earl M. Leatherman ’48 Helen D. (Dombrady) Inman ’48 Lillian G. (Gray) Bingman ’48 Joseph A. Cantanese ’49 Lois K. (Krohn) Ingle ’49 John W. Sockman ’49 William E. Weidner ’49 Paul C. Lugibihl ’49 Stanley R. Weber ’50

James L. Geiger ’50 David R. Miller ’50 Donald A. Vorweck ’50 David J.T. Kihlken ’51 Fred H. Kamps ’51 Anthony F. Marko ’51 William E. Reline ’51 Dominick J. Gruttadauria ’51 Meyer Weinstein ’51 Roger U. Day ’52 Carol A. (Fosty) Zavac ’52 Suzanne P. (Prinz) Hudson ’53 John M. Youngpeter ’53 Robert C. Lamberjack ’53 Doris J. (Oberg) Mitchell ’53 Barbara A. (Flanders) Labbe ’53 Richard A. Malek ’54 Fred B. Pompei ’54 Harold S. Molotsky ’55 William J. Baugh ’56 Edward J. Dimare ’56 Lynne F. (Fauley) Emery ’56 Jack N. Conley ’57 Frank Toth ’57 Donald W. Hanson ’57 Elwood R. Darken ’58 Robert E. Clark ’58 Donald E. Shoemaker Jr. ’58 Janet M. (Franz) Saneholtz ’59 Morris W. Shepherd ’59 Thomas M. Amato ’60 Marian H. Horn ’60 John E. Saucier ’60 Ronald R. Lancaster ’60 Wilma J. (Bush) Lang ’60 John C. Hershey Jr. ’61 Rodger J. Peer ’61 Lawrence A. Haynes ’61 Ann E. (Dauch) Von Gruenigen ’61 Donald L. Blosser ’61 Neva Joy List ’62 Lois A. Blinn ’62 Janet R. Bernicke ’62 Joseph L. Thompson ’63 Georgia L. (Gendron) Running ’64 Margaret L. (Meece) Ralston ’64 Gerald O. Coburn ’64 Anthony T. Trent ’65 Eric R. Braun ’65 Ruth J. (Lempke) Lovell ’65 Rita M. (Kallis) Caufman ’65 David O. Leiendecker ’65 Robert B. Benham ’66 David F. Boyd Sr. ’66 Jerry L. Oberhaus ’66 L. Jane (Nessell) Preston ’67 Carl R. Spitler ’67 Jon F. Lillevig ’67

Lorraine B. (Dureska) Lahey ’67 Fred C. Stofer ’67 Calvin J. Eckman ’68 Marilyn A. (Schroeder) Boyers ’68 Charles R. Burley ’68 Jean A. (Snyder) Vanaman ’68 William R. Brenneman ’69 Janice E. (Recher) Donnelly ’69 Jane V. (Parnham) Hermann ’69 Dorothy E. (Clary) Roush ’69 Ethel M. (Neeb) Knipp ’69 David R. Compton ’70 Marcia L. (Johnson) Enck ’70 Kenneth L. Brush ’71 Genevieve E. (Oman) Wright ’71 Marian J. (Stevens) Stephens ’71 Susan J. (Johnson) Allgire ’71 Rebecca J. Cochran ’71 Robert J. Daugherty ’71 Elaine M. Fortney ’71 Doris L. (Miller) Steed ’71 Aldyth (Ford) Graham ’71 Christopher M. Hawk ’72 Keith N. Settles ’72 Sharon J. Carpenter ’73 Daniel Krugman Jr. ’74 Gary L. Lewis ’74 Nancy B. (Belville) Young ’74 Kathleen A. (Bertsch) Bolen ’75 Peggy A. Leatherman ’75 Carol F. (Fliegenschmidt) Miller ’75 Jose A. Vasquez ’75 Lee W. Prazer ’75 David A. Shevin ’76 Janet D. (White) Richmond ’76 Caron L. (Hollingsworth) Paulson ’78 Jennifer D. (Day) Wilson ’78 Sarah M. (Wilson) Strasbourg ’78 Bruce C. Klopfenstein ’79 Nicholas A. Vassalo Jr. ’79 Lovell H. Gaston ’79 Marsha L. Hanna ’80 Dolphus R. Smith ’80 Mary Ann (Whitticar) Huber ’82 Mary N. Irwin ’82 Debra A. Leshinski ’84 Cindy (Shoupe) Parke ’84 Sharon L. (Rees) Gearhart ’85 Robert B. Blackwell Jr. ’85 Melissa B. (Lensch) Hattersley ’86

George V. Klebacha ’87 Nancy Jo (Theis) Rethman ’87 William A. Elliott ’87 Trisha L. (O’Hara) McCallister ’88 Matthew J. Seman ’93 Kathleen A. (Sloma) Barnes ’95 Ronald E. Straley ’98 Stephen D. Adams ’00 Donna Sue Sparkman ’00 Bonnie L. Cunningham Derr ’00 Robert M. Dutcher ’03 Matthew C. Spryszak ’04 Ian S. Little ’04 Sandra L. (Gailbraith) Cooper ’06 Sara C. Horn ’07 Faculty/Staff Thomas R. Jensen Donald K. Enholm John T. Warren Morgan M. Brent Robert K. Clark Lynn C. Wilkins Wilma E. Converse

nks alumnilinks alumnilinks a BGSU Magazine 31

Register now for Homecoming 2011 With special guest Tim Conway | October 14-15

Homecoming is a huge tradition at BGSU, and with I-75 rival University of Toledo visiting Doyt Perry Stadium, you won’t want to miss this year’s festivities for alumni and friends on Oct. 14-15. Registration is now available at Sign up by Friday, Sept. 30, and save — prices for some events increase effective Oct. 1! > Arts and cultural events throughout campus > Campus tours > Homecoming pep rally and parade > Friday night reception with 11th BGSU President Mary Ellen Mazey > Classes of 1961 and 1971 reunion events > Annual Freddie & Frieda 5K Fun Run/Walk — open to the public > Golf outing sponsored by the Young Alumni Council > Other special events for young alumni and black alumni > Greek and student organization events > Alumni B!G Barbecue > Falcon football vs. Toledo: discount packages with barbecue are available Join us for an engaging celebration for the whole family with live music, unique food selections and more! To learn more or to register today, visit or call 888-839-2586.

President Mary Ellen Mazey touring alumni chapters in fall 2011 The largest class of incoming students in BGSU’s history will be welcomed by a new face in the president’s office this fall: Dr. Mary Ellen Mazey, the University’s 11th president, will be visiting alumni chapters around the country for a series of informal gatherings. Invitations will be sent via postal and e-mail to targeted locations. For complete details on these events as they become available, please visit

Save the Date: BGSU at West Virginia, Oct. 1

The BGSU Alumni Association will host a football game day party when the Falcons visit the West Virginia Mountaineers:

Saturday, Oct. 1

2 hours prior to kickoff (TBA) The Erickson Alumni Center One Alumni Drive Morgantown, WV 26506

The Alumni Association may host other game-day events throughout the season. Visit for registration and other details as they become available. We hope to see you there!

32 BGSU Magazine

Help recruit students to BGSU One of BGSU’s most valuable resources is its network of nearly 170,000 living alumni. More colleges and programs than ever are competing for a limited number of college-age applicants, and this challenging environment isn’t likely to ease in the near future. That’s why you are so important: first-hand experience of BGSU’s history, traditions and spirit gives Falcon graduates a unique voice in speaking to young people about the value of a BGSU diploma. If you are interested in volunteering on behalf of BGSU Admissions, or referring a prospective student, visit us online at

Network with more than 18,000 Falcons now on and The BGSU alumni page on Facebook is a great way to reconnect with old friends or get the latest campus news, photos and video. For career resources, visit us on LinkedIn to network with Falcon professionals, search job postings and more. First things first: check out to learn more about these websites and get started. While anyone can view the BGSU pages of certain websites, accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn are free, easy to use and also required to take advantage of the full networking opportunities the sites have to offer.

August 2011 grads: Congratulations and welcome to the Alumni Association! You might be surprised to know that the benefits of belonging to the BGSU Alumni Association are free and automatic upon graduation: stay connected with friends, keep tabs on the latest trends in your career field and enjoy discounted rates on events and services, all at no cost to you. With nearly 170,000 alumni around the world — including a network more than 18,000 strong on Facebook and LinkedIn — you’ve already got a huge network of fellow Falcons to tap into, no matter where life takes you. Get info about special service discounts, upcoming events, local alumni chapters, career networking resources and more at And, congratulations on receiving your diploma!

Put your

Falcon spirit

on display

The BGSU Alumni Association has partnered with a variety of organizations that offer competitive benefits and special services for our members, including the state of Ohio’s Falcon license plate, with all proceeds helping support the BGSU Alumni Laureate Scholarship Program. Falcons may also apply for the BGSU Alumni Association credit card, offered by Bank of America, which contributes 1.5 percent of every purchase toward BGSU alumni programs. Learn more about these and other programs including life, home and auto insurance at

BGSU Magazine 33

B ow l i n g G ree n S tate U n i vers i t y

Advancement Update Funding an endowment through the BGSU Foundation, Inc. is a permanent way to support the University. Because endowments generate income through strategic investments managed by the BGSU Foundation, Inc., gifts support the University for generations to come.

The Student Affairs Advocates Board Scholarship endowment will benefit student leaders. Funded by the generosity of the Student Affairs Advocates Board and a challenge gift from a board member, Sharon Swigart Cook ’61.

The Class of 1960 40th Reunion endowment supports the Sidney A. Ribeau President’s Leadership Academy Scholarship. Shown below are Ray Marvin (left), chair of the class gift committee, and Bob Battaglia (right), chair of the reunion committee, presenting a check for $703,280 to Tom Orchard of the BGSU Foundation.

The John Hoag Economics Scholarship endowment will benefit students with a declared major in the subject. Funded through the generosity of the chair of the Economics Department. The Yves Pelland Memorial Hockey Scholarship Endowment will benefit scholarships for student-athletes. Created by Katia De Bouvries-Pelland of Quebec, in honor of her late husband and Falcon hockey player. The Herbert T. Goetschius Excellence in Services Endowment benefits the annual marketing symposium organized by the Institute for Excellence in Services at BGSU. The Cal Majure HESA Department Enhancement Fund will provide undesignated support to the Higher Education and Student Affairs Department.

The Braatz Family Scholarship endowment will benefit students with financial need who are involved in Freemasonry activities. Created by George ’67 and Marilyn Braatz ’67, of Westerville, Ohio. The Trisha McCallister Memorial Scholarship will benefit female students with a declared major in finance or accounting and financial need. Created with a corporate gift from McCallister’s (’88) former employer, Lennox International Inc.

The Glenn H. and Ruth P. Varney CBA Graduate Scholarship supports scholarships for graduate students pursuing their master of organizational development degree. The Communications Disorders Clinical Grand Rounds endowment is funded with a leadership gift from Kelley Recker ’88, ’89 to create exercises in which clinical scenarios are presented by health-care professionals for students and faculty. The John and Lee Pitman Department of Finance Scholarship will benefit students majoring in finance. The Colvin Family Scholarship will benefit students with a declared major within the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Technology. The gift from Wayne S. and Cynthia C. Colvin ’74, ’82 will honor their children, Amy Jayne Colvin and Robert Scott Colvin.

34 BGSU Magazine

Join the Leadership Circle

Leadership Circle is a new recognition society to thank friends and alumni who make an annual investment of $1,000 or more. The generosity of those in the Leadership Circle will be celebrated at the University’s inaugural distinguished donors dinner in the spring. Gifts that are recognized by the Leadership Circle may be designated for any college, scholarship or program at BGSU or could provide unrestricted dollars via The Excellence Fund. “Annual gifts allow the University to respond quickly to new opportunities and unforeseen challenges,” said Shannon Spencer, director of annual giving. “They provide direct support to students through scholarships and enhance the programs that elevate the BGSU experience. We are excited about this way to honor donors who make an impact through annual support.” To join the Leadership Circle, contact Spencer at or 419-372-6389.

Invest in the future of BGSU Hockey The “Bring Back the Glory” campaign has raised almost $2.7 million of the $5 million goal to preserve the strong tradition of BGSU hockey. The continuing success of the campaign is thanks to leadership gifts from the Pioneer Fund of Denver; Dr. Jack R. Vivian ’67, ’90, the first Falcon hockey coach; Steven A. Green ’90, local real estate entrepreneur; and Scott Slater ’73, a lifelong hockey enthusiast. BGSU boasted one of the country’s best hockey programs in the 1970s and 1980s. The Falcons won the 1984 NCAA National Championship in Lake Placid, N.Y., in four overtimes, the longest collegiate hockey championship game in history. Support of the Bring Back the Glory campaign is an investment in that legacy and the future of BGSU hockey. To contribute, visit

B o wl i n g G re e n, Ohio

Visit us online at

Katia De Bouvries-Pelland and her daughter, Klara, joined Falcon hockey great and NHL Stanley Cup Champion Rob Blake at a special event for the Bring Back the Glory campaign. Blake congratulated the Pellands for recently establishing a scholarship in memory of late husband and father, Yves Pelland ’80, another BGSU great who led the Falcons to a number three ranking in the NCAA in 1978. BGSU Magazine 35

Allie Bandy ’11

Brian Gulko ’11

Stephanie Kuharik ’11

Alumni Laureate Scholars continue to excel One will continue to medical school, another will start her own business, and the other had her job offer months before graduation. The graduating Alumni Laureate Scholars have big plans and bright futures. At BGSU, Brian Gulko split his free time between volunteer projects — translating for migrant farm workers seeking health care, and volunteering as an HIV/AIDS counselor. He also spent a summer organizing camps for children and teenagers in Nicaragua. Now he is preparing for medical school. “These are students that are really trying to educate themselves, have a liberal education and become involved in the community,” Gulko said of his ALS peers. Allie Bandy, who earned her bachelor’s degree in visual communication technology, found support through the program to help her to establish a limited liability corporation and create her own graphic design and marketing firm. Bandy said

36 BGSU Magazine

she is grateful the scholarship gave her the opportunity to attend BGSU and volunteer at The BG News and with the Homecoming steering committee. “ALS breeds great leaders,” Bandy said. “ALS allowed me to not have to work two or three jobs, to become involved, and be a leader.” Stephanie Kuharik was a first-year student when she started networking for her first job. The Bryan, Ohio, native then participated in a sales competition which led to an internship. The contest sponsor, Marathon Petroleum Corp., ultimately offered her a job eight months before she would graduate. Each year, several high-achieving high school students receive fulltuition and book scholarships as Alumni Laureate Scholars at Bowling Green State University. Funded by the generosity of BGSU alumni and founded in 2002, the program shapes students into leaders.

“Alumni Laureate Scholars are ambitious, gifted students who contribute greatly to campus life,” said Kelli Daniels, assistant director of alumni and development at BGSU and ALS adviser. New scholarship recipients scheduled to begin the program in fall 2011 include: Marjorie R. Williams of Bloomfield Township, Mich., a senior at Andover High School who intends to major in economics at BGSU; Amelia C. Hewitt of Portage, Mich., a senior at Portage Central High School who intends to study interior design at BGSU; and Leah Oliver of Bucyrus, Ohio, a senior at Wynford High School who is considering a major in education at BGSU. To learn more about the Alumni Laureate Scholarship program, visit

Executive Business Programs at BGSU Advance your career with BGSU’s competitively priced, convenient, accelerated MBA and MOD programs designed for experienced working professionals. We have a program that meets your needs: Professional MBA – 23 month, meets two nights per week Executive MBA – one weekend per month and a Study Abroad Experience Executive MOD – 18 month, online blended program with three weekends per semester

Build your future and your company’s future today. For more information, call 1-800-BGSU MBA or visit

In our 60th year providing healthcare to Wood County families, we continue our steadfast commitment to this community. Wood County Hospital is a valued resource, ready to serve you and your loved ones 24 hours a day, every day of the year with high quality, state-of-the-art, compassionate care. We’re proud to say you can depend on us. BGSU Magazine 37

N e w S pa c e s | N e w P l a c e s at BGSU Centennial Hall Fa lc o n H e i g h t s H a ll

Stroh Center

Wolfe Center for the arts

The Oaks dining center

For the last two years, the catchphrase on campus has been “pardon our dust” as BGSU undergoes the largest construction and remodeling efforts in its history. The Stroh Center, the new arena and convocation center, is already open for business. New residence halls Falcon Heights and Centennial Hall will welcome students this fall along with The Oaks and Carillon Place dining centers. And, the soaring new Wolfe Center for the Arts will open its doors for spring semester. These new spaces are part of a Residence Life and Dining Services Master Plan aimed at providing a better undergraduate student experience — a major objective of the University’s Strategic Plan. The ultimate goal is to develop a campus that feels much more like a series of neighborhoods.

carillon place dining center

38 BGSU Magazine

Proud sponsor of the BGSU Falcons Steve Taylor

Taylor Cadillac ~ 419-842-8800 6100 W. Central Ave., Toledo,OH Taylor KIA of Toledo ~ 419-842-8811 6300 W. Central Ave., Toledo, OH Taylor Hyundai ~ 419-931-8000 12681 Eckel Jct. Rd., Perrysburg, OH Taylor KIA of Findlay ~ 567-429-7100 12002 County Road 99, Findlay, OH Visit us online at


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N E T W OR K Stay in touch with friends and classmates using personal and professional communities for Falcon alumni online.

SU PPORT The Alumni Association dedicates thousands in aid to scholarships for deserving students each year. Refer a student online for details.


B ENEF I T Thanks to exclusive partnerships, BGSU alumni enjoy specially priced events, services and other benefits upon graduation.

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