BGSU CBA Economics Alumni Newsletter

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December 2010

Department of Economics | College of Business Administration | Bowling Green State University | Bowling Green, OH

From the Chair

well happen that state support could slip to 10% over the next two years. Needless to say, the budget situation is troubling, and worrisome.

First, my best wishes for the holiday season and the New Year! Much has been going on at Bowling Green.

Dr. John Hoag

There are several matters that are external to the department that have gained some of our attention. First, the President of the University, Carol Cartwright, is retiring at the end of the year. A search for her replacement is in progress, and the timetable suggests that we should have a new President selected sometime in April or May. While this change does not immediately impact the department, it does signify change in the administration. A second change is that the faculty voted strongly to become unionized. The agent will be AAUP. This will have some impacts, but at this time, it is not clear what those impacts will be. It is, I think, unlikely that we will have a contract before sometime in 2012 or 2013. My guess is that the heavy bargaining will not start until the new President is in place. There is a proposal to change the General Education requirements at BGSU. While the plan is in flux, there are likely to be some substantial changes, which could affect economics as we teach a substantial number of students because of the general education requirements. Most of these changes are not matters we can have much impact on, but they do alter at least to some extent the environment at the University. The final important fact is that the State of Ohio budget was balanced last year on the back of one-time money provided by the US government. Because the state revenues still have not recovered, and are not likely to for some time, and because there won’t be more money for the state from the federal government, it is likely that higher education in Ohio will be badly hit. We do not know the magnitude of the cuts that are coming, but the size is likely to be substantial. At this point, the state of Ohio provides about 30% of our revenue, and it may

In This Issue BGSU Distinguished Teaching Professor Named Dr. Fuerst speaks at a FED conference A Conversation with Bill Easterly Report from the Economics Club Faculty Association Wins Right to Bargain Collectively

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Internally, we are moving along as well as can be expected. First, Economics has gained two faculty, faculty who were formerly with Legal Studies. We are delighted to have Sue Mota and Nancy Kubasek with us. Sue has been active in administration as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, and Nancy has been President of the Legal Studies Society as well as the author of several law texts. Sue is also a BGSU Distinguished Teaching Professor. We hired a new instructor this year, Adam Lucchesi, who has an MA in Financial Economics from Ohio University and also some experience teaching at OU. We are delighted to have him with us. Our colloquium series has been active with several speakers this fall including Bill Easterly who is an alumni of BG. Awards have gone to several faculty this year. Dr. Benedict was appointed BGSU Distinguished Teaching Professor. This is a lifetime award, and is very prestigious. We have had two others with this rank prior to Mary Ellen and Sue Mota, Neil Browne and Paul Haas. The department has a rich tradition of excellent teaching, and we are delighted for this added recognition. Mary Ellen richly deserves it. In addition, several of our students won awards this year which we will touch on later in the newsletter. We continue to do the undergraduate research contest and conference. We will have an expanded format this spring with a special section for MA level students. Times are tough in higher education, and we have been very pleased with the support you have provided to the department in these difficult times. We would, of course, continue to welcome whatever support you can provide. But most of all, we want to hear from you and to hear what you are doing.

Discussion on Cap and Trade Alumni Update The Economic Department’s 2009-10 Stars Colloquium Series for 2010 Successful graduates move on to further their education in Economics

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