BGSU Magazine Winter 2010

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b o w l in g

g r e e n

s t a t e

u ni v e r s i t y


Win t e r

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A father’s odyssey 75 marathons, 75 consecutive days

Strokes of friendship Competition unites Swan Club friends









Larger than life study of light and form



Celebrate BGSU’s

C e n t eAnniversary n n iina2010l > Participate in Alumni Chapter events at various locations throughout the year. Check for more details. > Attend on-campus activities, from alumni lectures throughout the year to special events including the Alumni Awards in April and the convocation and Homecoming next fall.

a legacy of excellence a Future without limits

100 Facts for 100 Years

> Coming Soon: 100 Facts for 100 years – a special Centennial memento

Bowling green State Univer Sit y

> Get involved in the Centennial’s service component. More details to follow. one hundred 100 Facts for 100 Years | 1910-2010

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g r e e n

Stat e

U n i v e r S i t y

> View photo gallery of Student Kickoff Concert at > Add photos, stories, video or audio files to the University Libraries’ Centennial Memories digital scrapbook–

A Legacy of Excellence A Future Without Limits

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The BGSU Student Centennial Kickoff Concert on Jan. 10 featured Gavin DeGraw with special guests Michelle


2 A father’s odyssey |

than 1,000 people enjoyed the concert

4 Sky-high views |

in Anderson Arena. Additional

8 Strokes of Friendship |

listed at

Editor: Amy Prigge Creative Director: Jeff Artz ’92 Assistant Editor: Julie Carle ’78

Contributors: Joe Bellfy Bonnie Blankinship Scott Borgelt ’85 Fred Connor Dave Kielmeyer ’88 Elaine Michalak Pat Pencheff Kathleen Rarey ’76





75 marathons, 75 consecutive days

Larger than life study of light and form Competition unites Swan Club friends


Life Lessons |


BGSU ‘Renaissance’ prepares campus for future


Lacrosse team reunites with record turnout |

A call for essays

Deep pride, irrepressible spirit

D e p a r t m e n t s

15 Falcon Frenzy |

Photographers: Craig Bell Brad Phalin ’88


F e a t u r e s

Branch and Red Wanting Blue. More

Centennial events and activities are


18 Leadership |

Leading the University into the next century of service

20 The BGScoop | 26 Bravo BG |

Athletic updates

Campus news and notes

News from the fine and performing arts

27 Building Dreams | 28 Alumni Links |

Making a difference: University Advancement news

Alumni news and accomplishments

Production Assistant: Amy West Chief Communications Officer: Kimberly McBroom University Advancement Interim Vice President: Marcia Latta ’83, ’93

Alumni Director: Montique Cotton Kelly ’94, ’04

Printed on recycled paper

BGSU M agaz ine On line

Log on to BGSU Magazine’s Web site for more information. Email address: USPS 787-800: Volume 10, Number 2/winter 2010 POSTMASTER: BGSU Magazine is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications. It is distributed to alumni, active and retired faculty and staff, and friends of the University. Standard postage paid at Burlington, Vt. Change of address notice should be sent to Alumni Records, Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0053, 419-372-2424, BGSU is an AA/EEO educator and employer.

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BGSU Magazine 1

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Father’s Odyssey 75 marathons, 75 consecutive days

At the age of 57, Terry Hitchcock decided to take on the greatest physical challenge of his life–running 75 marathons on 75 consecutive days. As a grieving father who had lost his wife and “soul-mate” to breast cancer, he was running on empty, but wanted to prove there was sustaining power in love. The incredibly determined Hitchcock set out to make a powerful statement about the obstacles faced by single parents everywhere. His decision followed the second-worst moment of his entire life. Earlier, Hitchcock ’67 had lost the mother of his three children. Nearly paralyzed by wracking grief, he’d somehow managed to get through Sue’s funeral without falling apart. On a blustery morning in 1984, he finally found the strength to return to his job in downtown Minneapolis, where he worked as a corporate officer for a large U.S. credit-card manufacturer. Hitchcock had three kids to raise on his own and needed the income from this job in order to do it. As soon as he walked into the corporate offices of his employer, he received another brutal shock: his position at the company had been eliminated during his two-month (board-approved) absence. Stunned and incredulous, the dazed Hitchcock staggered home through a cloud of whirling snow. He was alone in the world…he had three kids to bring up…and now he also was unemployed only a couple days after Sue’s funeral. “I sat on the floor in my bedroom and cried,” Hitchcock recalled. “I’d been raised to be a provider, and now I was suddenly out of work. My wife had been taken, my income had been taken and I realized that I would have to start again.” And that’s exactly what he did. The next morning, he called an attorney for advice. Armed with a fistful of arguments from the lawyer and having a law degree himself, Hitchcock went back to his company and cut a deal: he wouldn’t sue for “wrongful termination,” provided the credit-card maker paid him his salary for another year. BGSU Magazine 3

“As soon as I got that settlement, I decided I wasn’t going to work for a while,” Hitchcock remembers. “I said, ‘Goodbye, Corporate America!’ I told myself I was going to be a good parent to my kids, who were then 11, 8 and 6. I was going to stay home and raise them and worry about making a living later. “The first thing I did was buy a new license plate for the car. ‘Mr. Mom’ had already been taken–so I settled for ‘Dr. Mom’–and as soon as I put that plate on the car, I began feeling better.” What followed Hitchcock’s “worst day on earth” is now a parenting legend. Day by day and step by step, he taught himself how to raise children on his own. He washed thousands of dishes and ran endless loads of laundry. He made school lunches and drove kids to the dentist and watched dozens of Saturday morning soccer games from beginning to end. 4 BGSU Magazine

He became a highly effective single parent. Then, as the kids got older and spent more time on school and related activities, the former BGSU business major began to build a national marketing firm. And once again, his efforts were crowned with success. Assured of an adequate income after a few years, he sat down and meditated on his extraordinary experiences as a single parent. That’s when the dream of running across America was born. “I woke up one morning and realized I wanted to do something bold,” he says, “something that would tell the world about the enormous obstacles faced by single parents.” Hitchcock’s breathtaking challenge: he would run a 26-mile marathon every day for 75 consecutive days, while trekking from Minnesota to Georgia, as a way of making his point about the need to support single parents raising kids.

Along Hitchcock’s journey, he was met with an outpouring of encouragement by family, friends and supporters.

In May 1996, Hitchcock and a small team of assistants hit the road. During the next three months, he would endure endless fatigue, muscle cramps and mental exhaustion as he fought his way across the American heartland. But he hung on gamely, and his journey finally ended on schedule in Atlanta… to tumultuous applause and media coverage from all around the world. Documented in a recent book (A Father’s Odyssey, available at, with all profits donated to research in diabetes, breast cancer and Asperger/autism), Hitchcock’s astonishing feat ranks easily as one of the longest running events ever accomplished by an athlete in his mid-50s.

Ask him about his motivation for “MegaMarathon ’96” and Hitchcock will tell you quite simply: “I think my run showed the power of love as a motivator. And it taught me a lesson I now want to share with people everywhere: Nothing is impossible. If you have a dream, never let it go!” Today, Hitchcock is an accomplished public speaker, motivator, author and consultant. His story was captured in a Hollywood documentary called My Run narrated by Academy Award-winner Billy Bob Thornton and soon will be made into the feature film Pushing Life. My Run was honored at the Austin Film Festival (among a field of more than 4,000 films) and it also received the DOVE Award for films representing family values. Tom Nugent

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Eric Mull doesn’t think in small terms. When he shoots photographs, he prefers panorama. When he picks a topic for his book, he chooses skyscrapers. When he commits to a career, well, you get the idea. “Photography is not what I do. It’s who I am,” the 1991 visual communication technology graduate said from his home in Bay Village, Ohio. Mull, who spends his days shooting photographs for magazines and corporations, spends his free time shooting images for himself. “The focus of my life is based on nothing but photography,” he said. And his true love is panoramic photography. “I shoot panoramic wherever I go,” Mull said, noting that he prefers to use traditional film rather than digital photography for his fine art images. “It’s still an art form.” He likes to shoot vertical rather than horizontal panoramic images. “Shooting vertically is part of separating myself from the field of panoramic photographers,” he said. However, looking at the world from that angle severely limited his subject matter. “There are almost no structures that can hold a panoramic vertically,” Mull said. So looking upward, skyscrapers seemed a natural fit in the viewfinder. During a trip to New York City in 2003, he was inspired to photograph the gallant Empire State Building. He snapped off two quick shots of the towering treasure. “The light was perfect.”

Larger than life study of light and form That photo stood solo for a while until Mull came across a list of the tallest skyscrapers in America. That gave him an idea. Over a year and a half, Mull loaded up his panoramic lens and headed to 17 cities, from New York City to Los Angeles, and from Chicago to Dallas. The resulting photographs span the long vertical pages of his book, The American Skyscraper. The black and white images stretch skyward in all their majesty–true marvels of steel, glass and concrete. Their statures vary from the Gothic style of the Woolworth Building built nearly 100 years ago in New York City, to the environmentally conscious New York Times building built just two years ago. “You could drive yourself nuts going to every city,” he said. Though he fell in love with many of the architectural wonders, his favorites include the Columbia Center in Seattle and Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco. Mull has now lowered his lens to two new horizontal subjects. When he’s not shooting for his day jobs, he is aiming at beaches and horses. “The buildings just sat there and stood still,” he said. “I figured I was done with cityscapes, and I was going to do something fun.” But while the subject matter has changed, Mull is sticking with the ultra-wide view. He credits Toledo photographer Stevie Grand Lubell with introducing him to panoramic photography. “It’s because of her that I’m shooting panoramic,” he said. 6 BGSU Magazine

“Photography is not what I do. It’s who I am.” Lubell has fond memories of working with Mull as her intern when she was head of the photography department at St. Charles Mercy Hospital in Oregon. “He’s very energetic and very charming,” she said of Mull. “He’s just invigorating.” She respects the fact that Mull has remained committed to old-fashioned, fixed lens photography. While at BGSU, Mull also worked as an assistant to Tim Westhoven at WBGU-PBS. In the dedication of the skyscraper book, Mull refers to Westhoven, now a Bowling Green realtor, as his “biggest fan.”

“I am his biggest fan,” the 1981 BGSU alumnus confirmed. “I don’t have any more wall space for his stuff.” Mull has taken all the elements of good design and combined them with strong technical skills–plus an obvious love for his art form. “He’s a hard, hard worker. I don’t think anyone can outwork Eric,” Westhoven said. That effort is apparent whether he’s on a busy city street, on a deserted sandy beach or in a lush horse pasture. “He tells a good story with his photos,” Westhoven said. “When you look at his work, there’s a certain joy in everything he does.” Jan Larson ’84 BGSU Magazine 5

Strokes of

Friendship Connie (Harris) Southworth and Pat (Toole) Ziegman

Competition Unites Swan Club Friends

They told themselves that age is just a number. They repeated that mantra over and over again, shrouded in foggy, frigid open waters with two-foot waves slapping all around them. Clad in wet suits, swimming blindly with 600 other competitors, Pat (Toole) Ziegman ’72 of Fostoria, Ohio, and Connie (Harris) Southworth ’72 of Eureka, Mo., swam for a mile and a half in the Alcatraz Challenge in July, proving that age is indeed just a number. Ziegman, 60, and Southworth, 59, were the oldest women to complete in the annual swim from Alcatraz Island through the open waters of San Francisco Bay. The event draws swimmers from all over the United States, offering an opportunity to see the Golden Gate Bridge and other landmarks during the challenging swim. Lifelong friends who once competed as Swan Club duet partners on BGSU’s synchronized swim team, now live hundreds of miles apart, but swimming has always brought them together. So when Ziegman, a physical education teacher and mother of three, read an article in AARP magazine about the Alcatraz Challenge her first thought was, “I can do this.” Her second thought: “Connie would love to compete with me and we can count on each other.” “I think we were naïve going into this,” admits Ziegman. “We were always confident that we would finish. We’re in good shape and swim regularly but had no idea what a gnarly swim it would be.” On the day of the swim, the duet partners headed off to Alcatraz on a ferry with 600 other determined swimmers. Before the swim ended, 80 in the group were picked up because they were unable to complete or had veered too far off course. 8 BGSU Magazine

“I jumped into the waters and it was bone chilling,” recalls Ziegman. “The fog was so thick that 20 minutes after I began, I turned around and could not see a single other swimmer.” So much for using landmarks to lead the way, as the guides had suggested they do. “I went into this knowing I could swim far and strong,” adds Southworth, a teacher’s aide and mother of three who swims two to three times a week. “But neither of us were open water swimmers. The waves and currents were much more than we bargained for.” The sharks that swimmers were warned about were actually the least of their concerns. “Most of the sharks in the San Francisco Bay are bottom feeders and they haven’t attacked previous competitors, so that was not one of our main concerns,” says Southworth. “Once I started, my goal was just to survive and finish,” says Ziegman. “I thought, ‘This is the hardest I’ve ever worked for a T-shirt (the complimentary gift to swimmers) in my life.’” Both completed the swim; Southworth finished in just one hour with Ziegman following soon after, at one hour and seven minutes. It was the residual effects of the swim, however, that truly surprised and delighted the women. “The Alcatraz Challenge gave us a source of confidence and strength that hasn’t faded,” says Ziegman. “I don’t know that either of us could have experienced this without the other one there. It was really a powerful experience.” Julianne Jardine

“I jumped into the waters and it was bone chilling. The fog was so thick that 20 minutes after I began, I turned around and could not see a single other swimmer.” – Pat Ziegman

Third from left: Pat (Toole) Ziegman and Connie (Harris) Southworth

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Next issue’s theme: One Hundred Years and Counting We were thrilled with the number of essays submitted for this issue’s Life Lessons theme: Once in a blue moon. We only wish we had the space to print them all. Enjoy. The theme for the next issue is in honor of BGSU’s Centennial Anniversary: One hundred years and counting. The momentum of ideas. We’re asking readers to help celebrate the continuing momentum of BGSU and its mission by writing about the power and persistence of a single idea across their lifetime. The challenge to think critically and creatively is at the core of our mission and endurance. We’d love to hear your personal account of how the spark of an idea has evolved into a full-blown insight or creative accomplishment. Please keep the length of your submission to 500 words or less. The submission deadline is March 15.

Once in a Blue Moon I struck up a conversation with a stranger as we shared a cab to the Miami International Airport. “Where are you from?” He replied, “Dayton, Ohio.” “You may have heard of Hillsboro, that’s my home town.” “Heard of it, I’ve been there many times. My grandparents lived on a farm just a mile from Hillsboro. This is a once-in-a-blue-moon encounter.” At the airport we went our separate ways. I headed for Belize City, Belize. From there I flew on a small island-hopping plane to Ambergris Caye to go scuba diving. Normally I wouldn’t initiate a conversation with a stranger, nor would I expect more than a nod or a stare in return, but on vacation and 2,500 miles from home I’m not so reserved. “Hello. Looks like you’re getting some time on the beach and in the ocean.” “Hello. Yes, this a great place to relax and let the cares of the world pass by.” “Just out of curiosity, are you from Texas? Or did I misread your drawl?” “You’ve got a good ear. I’m from Dallas. Let me guess, you’re from the Midwest.” “Right on. I’m from a small town in southern Ohio.” “Where? I received a degree in engineering from the University of Cincinnati.” “Then you may have heard of Hillsboro, 60 miles east of Cincinnati.” “Heard of it, I dated a girl from there. I believe it cost one dollar for us to go to the movies and fifty cents for two frozen-mug root beers from the A&W Drive In.”

10 BGSU Magazine

Send your essay to:

BGSU Magazine Office of Marketing & Communications 504 Administration Building Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0102 BGSU reserves the right to edit or omit submissions.

“I live a half mile from where the A&W used to be.” Remembering the cab ride in Miami I said, “Once in a blue moon will you meet someone this far from home that knows your home town.” The trouble with vacations, they end before they should. On the return flight to the international airport I sat next to a gentleman who had a set of wings pinned to the collar of his white shirt. I inquired, “You look like a pilot?” “I am, part time with this airline and the rest with my own water plane charter service. I do a lot of charters for scuba divers.” “I scuba dive, that’s what brought me to Ambergris Caye.” “If you ever get back this way, I do a popular charter to the Blue Hole for divers. For five passengers it’s about what a dive boat will charge, but it will save about six hours of travel time.” “I did the Blue Hole and would love to do it again. And you’re right, it’s a long boat trip.” “It appears you’re headed home to the U.S.?” “Yes.” “Where do you live in the States?” “I live in Ohio.” “I know about Ohio. I went to a university in northern Ohio. I got my initial pilot’s license through the university.” “Then you’ve probably heard of Bowling Green State University.” “Sure have ... That’s where I attended.” Once in a blue moon ... no ... three times.

Frank Hedges ’63 | Education Hillsboro, Ohio

nce in a

Universal Calling

Once in a Blue Moon

The aurora borealis, or northern lights, is a phenomenon caused by the interaction between the Earth’s magnetic field and solar wind. The aurora is best seen in the Arctic Circle, followed by areas of Canada, and can occasionally be seen in northern Michigan. However, I was able to see it from the roof of the physics and astronomy building at BGSU one night. I was on duty as a planetarium console operator, preparing for a show, when the planetarium director rushed inside to announce that the aurora was visible. The show, normally on a strict schedule, was delayed as we excitedly moved people onto the elevators and up to the roof. The aurora was everything I had understood it to be. Green and red bands of misty glowing light silently shifted across the sky from the horizon to the zenith. Its rare presence made it all the more beautiful as it illuminated the campus in ways we had never seen before, transforming a small Midwestern town into something fantastical. I wondered how many people in Bowling Green had noticed the aurora that night. How many had been inside studying or talking or sleeping instead? How many had taken the time to look up at the sky for an extra 10 minutes? There is never a “right time” to do anything important in life. To get married. To have children. To move. To start a business. To go back to school. Always, a new project, the next promotion, or a more promising situation tempts our future. But planning for the future poses the risk of not leaving ourselves open to the opportunities of the present. The aurora had been ours for an evening because we set aside our plans for something that we would possibly never see again, especially from our particular vantage point. An advertisement says, “Life comes at you in a hurry,” and urges us to plan ahead. This advice is prudent to a certain extent. However, no “master plan” will ever allow us to maximize all of our experiences, prevent all mishaps or exert control over all the factors that threaten to derail the course of our lives. Occasionally, allowing ourselves to deviate from our plans will bring new challenges, rewards or experiences that we could have never planned for ourselves. Indeed, having control of our lives is realizing that the universe we marvel at is not to be mastered, but rather to be experienced and understood.

It’s not every day that you celebrate the 20th anniversary of your 20th birthday. Yes, I turned 40 this year. I use the term “celebrate” loosely, as I both feel and look my age. My mother and husband will lie through their teeth and tell me that I don’t look a day over thirty-something. I know better. My husband threw me a surprise party. Ok, I suspected it; I’m rotten that way. I always guess what my Christmas gifts are, too. There were no gifts at this party; not tangible ones anyway. Once in a blue moon you get to spend the day with all the people who have stitched up the fabric of your life. My surprise was not that there was a party, but rather that such a great number of people from snippets of my history were in one place at one time. I don’t know about you, but my life is compartmentalized into knowing certain people within a certain context. I have my family, work friends, church friends, high school friends, college friends. I think of my life, too often, in these small circles so that a reticence approaching a feeling of insignificance can take hold. No, I don’t want you to think that I feel the people in my small social circles are insignificant. Really, the feeling is that my influence on the world around me is trivial. But the gift I received at my 40th birthday party was the realization that these small patches of my existence really do make up life’s quilt, like an heirloom I can treasure always. As I feigned shock when everyone yelled “surprise,” I slowly took stock of the vast array of people who had taken time out of a Saturday just for me. Like a blanket spread out before me, the blocks of friends, family and neighbors there for me were overwhelming and humbling. A couple sorority sisters drove a few hours to attend. (Hello to all you BGSU Alpha Phis!) People with whom I used to work showed up in good number. Of course my family, the backing of my life’s quilt, was there in full force. What I had not understood, until that moment, was that the daily minutiae in my life were actually the weaving of a singular, seemingly unimportant thread that ultimately holds the whole thing together. Snip that thread, and the pieces fall apart. The big 4-0, the day I had been dreading for months, turned into a blue moon moment. At times when it seems I’m going through the motions day after day, I try to remind myself that even a waning crescent moon will eventually grow full, illuminating the dark.

Laura Dachenbach ’93 | Education

Rachel Laughbaum Dilley ’91 | English

Columbus, Ohio

Marysville, Ohio

Blue Moon BGSU Magazine 11

BGSU ‘Renaissance’ Stroh Center breaks ground on next century of excellence September marked the official groundbreaking for the new Stroh Center–BGSU’s future convocation center near Doyt Perry Stadium. When construction is complete, the facility will be home to Falcon basketball and volleyball as well as the site of the new student convocations, graduation ceremonies, concerts and other campus–and community–events. During the groundbreaking ceremony, the president thanked the donors to the $36 million project beginning with former BGSU trustee Kermit Stroh and his family. Their lead donation of $7.7 million is the largest single private gift in the University’s soon-to-be 100-year history. Stroh said the 4,700 seat center will be “one of the best venues in the country. Whether it is a concert, a graduation or a community gathering, our BG friends and family will enjoy a truly first-class experience in the Sroh Center.” The center will also be the “most environmentally friendly building on campus,” the president added. “The building is being designed to meet specifications for Leadership in Energy and environmental Design or LEED certification–one of the most prestigious and recognized ratings for “green” buildings in the world.”

prepares campus for future BGSU has embarked on what University President Carol Cartwright calls “one of the most significant building and remodeling programs in our history.” Construction has started on the Stroh Center and the Wolfe Center for the Arts. In addition, two new or remodeled residence halls will be opening in the fall of 2011. And, additional investments in academic buildings will soon follow. By the end of 2010, BGSU will have invested $100 million in the revitalization of campus. According to Cartwright, “The funding comes from the capital budgets, and in some cases private donations and not the general fund or operating budget. We are required to use capital funds for capital projects–these funds cannot be moved to the operating budget.” Rodgers Quadrangle and two fraternities–Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Tau–will be demolished to make way for one of the residence halls. The second residence hall will be built on what is now a commuter parking lot north of Offenhauer Towers.

“We should all be excited about the construction and renovation that will soon be taking place because quality programs need quality space,” Cartwright said. “Decisions that are being made regarding the building program are guided and influenced by the University Master Plan, which will be completed in February of next year. Our goal is to help create a long-term environment that links all of our academic and other support facilities to better deliver our mission.” She added, “New construction and renovation contributes to a strong sense of positive momentum, excitement and energy across the University. “It’s all part of preparing BGSU for its second century of service–giving our University the world-class facilities it needs to support its world class programs.”

BGSU Magazine 13

Lacrosse team reunites with record turnout Deep pride, irrepressible spirit They came, not for a banquet or an anniversary or a formal event, but simply to reconnect, relive those glory years, and reaffirm their devotion to their coaches, their school, and to the program they built that put Bowling Green lacrosse on the national map. More than 50 players who were the core of Bowling Green lacrosse during its brief but brilliant run in the 1960s and 1970s gathered at the University on a recent weekend to honor their legendary coach Mickey Cochrane, and to cast time aside. “That was part of the magic for me–that so many guys wanted to come back to Bowling Green and just celebrate,” Cochrane says. “For those few days, we were just one big team again.” BGSU lacrosse won more than 75 percent of its games and three Midwest Lacrosse Association championships. “The program had an amazing amount of success,” says Dennis Vereb. “And that was the product of putting together a quality group of guys with some great coaches. We were a team and a family, and clearly we still are.” The Falcons were ranked in the top 25 nationally in five different seasons, and at one point in the mid-1970s won 27 straight league games. “Playing lacrosse at Bowling Green was all about working hard and showing your true character,” says Pete Farrell. “Our coaches showed us we had what it takes to get things done.” Five Falcon lacrosse coaches and players are in the BGSU Athletics Hall of Fame–Pete Farrell, Mike Wilcox, Chuck Winters, John Brizendine and Mickey Cochrane. “I knew nothing about the place, but I came here because Bowling Green had a great lacrosse program, and being a part of this changed my life,” former BGSU All-American Wilcox says. “Coming back and reliving those days–it‘s a marvelous gift they have given to all of us,” Cochrane says.

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n o c fal


Treasured tradition gets boost from Vivian Bowling Green State University’s treasured hockey tradition is making headway in a $5 million fundraising campaign to support the program and the BGSU Ice Arena. Jack Vivian, the first varsity coach for the Falcons when they took the ice in 1967, and his wife Elaine have made a $250,000 contribution to the “Bring Back the Glory Campaign.” The University announced the gift at a Nov. 14 reception honoring the 1969 and 1984 Falcon teams. “Jack Vivian established hockey at BGSU and has been a tremendous supporter over the years,” said BGSU President Carol Cartwright. “I don’t think anyone is surprised that he was the first to step forward with a gift for the campaign. We greatly appreciate his leadership and passion for the program.” In addition to helping develop the Falcon program, Vivian was instrumental in establishing the Central Collegiate Hockey Association and served as its first commissioner. He is CEO of JRV Consulting, a firm specializing in ice arena construction, operation and management. “I cannot imagine BGSU and the community without hockey,” Vivian said. “That is why Elaine and I want to continue to support the program and work in concert with the University, former players and the community to restore the arena to its former status so the next generation can enjoy skating and hockey.”

The committee overseeing the fundraising campaign was recently announced. Scott Hamilton, the Bowling Green native and Olympic gold medalist in figure skating is honorary chair. Garry Galley and Mike Pikul, members of BGSU’s 1984 National Championship team, have reunited to co-chair the campaign. In addition to Vivan, members of the committee include Rob Blake, a former Falcon and current defenseman for the San Jose Sharks; Tom Blakely, co-owner of Blakely Care Center in Bowling Green; Alissa Czisny, the 2009 national figure skating champion and 2009 BGSU graduate; Steve Green, a Bowling Green real estate agent with A.A. Green Realty and Mecca Management; Michael Marsh, a Bowling Green attorney, former University trustee and BGSU graduate; Van Wright, alumnus and assistant. According to Cartwright, four million dollars appropriated by the state and the University will aid in the renovation of the Ice Arena to upgrade the compressors, chillers and infrastructure. Additional improvements will be considered based on the Ice Arena’s business performance and the interest of private donors in supporting the arena. For more information, visit

BGSU Magazine 15

Barnes breaks NCAA reception record

16 BGSU Magazine

Dinner at the Doyt The 1959 football team–Bowling Green’s only unbeaten and untied football team in program history–was honored during a celebration program in October. The team went 9-0 and earned the Small College National Championship. The 50th anniversary was highlighted with the presentation of championship rings. Bob Colburn, 1959 co-captain and team MVP, teammate Ron Blackledge and assistant coach Bill Mallory engaged the crowd with stories from the season as well as memories of the late Doyt Perry, head coach.


BGSU’s male mascot isn’t the only Freddie firmly ensconced in Falcon athletic lore. Freddie Barnes secured his spot this fall with a record-breaking football season, capped when the wide receiver, a fifth-year senior, set a NCAA single-season mark for receptions with 155. Barnes broke the 20-year-old record of 142 receptions early in the Roady’s Humanitarian Bowl, which Idaho won in the final seconds, 43-42. He ended the game with 17 catches for 219 yards–both Humanitarian Bowl records–and three touchdowns. For the season, his 1,770 receiving yards were a BGSU record and his 19 touchdowns led the nation. The Chicago Heights, Ill., native set other school records in all-purpose yards (1,965) and by scoring in each of his last eight games, when he racked up 17 touchdowns. Barnes, who was among three finalists for the Biletnikoff Award as the nation’s top receiver, came within one reception of the NCAA single-game mark when he made 22 catches in the Falcons’ win over Kent State. His efforts garnered Barnes an invitation to play in the 85th annual East-West Shrine Game Jan. 23 in Orlando, Fla. Barnes ended his BGSU career with 297 receptions for 3,290 yards and 30 touchdowns.


Naples site of 2010 Doyt Perry Florida Classic

BGSU mourns former NBA player ‘Butch’ Komives Howard “Butch” Komives, who led the nation in scoring at Bowling Green in 1964 and went on to play 10 seasons in the NBA, has died. He was 67 and had been battling health problems for the last decade. Komives led Bowling Green to two MidAmerican Conference titles and NCAA tournament appearances in 1962 and 1963. During his senior year, the left-handed shooter with a high-arcing jump shot led the nation in scoring with just under 37 points per game. He also set a national record that season by making 50 consecutive free throws. Komives played in the NBA with the New York Knicks, Detroit Pistons, Buffalo Braves and Kansas City-Omaha Kings. His two best years came with the Knicks in 1966 and 1967, when he scored over 1,000 points each season. He was inducted into the Ohio Basketball Hall of Fame in 2007.

Hosted by the Falcon Club February 21-22 The Vineyards Country Club Naples, Fla. BGSU’s Falcon Club invites you to the Vineyards Country Club in beautiful Naples, Fla. Vineyards boasts an impressive 36-hole PGA Championship golf course with lush landscaping and challenging fairways. February 21 5 p.m., “Falcon Greats” reception 6 p.m., Dinner and program February 22 11:30 a.m., Golf scramble registration 12:45 p.m., Tee times 5 p.m., 19th hole gathering For more information: Jane Myers, 419-372-7062,

. m a e T 1 . s t 18 Spor


For athletic schedules, tickets and game results: 877-BGSU TICKET

Leadership Leading the University into the next century of service

Volunteers invaluable in leading BGSU boards Dr. Kevin B. Lake and Skyler Rogers

Physician and business student named new trustees The Board of Trustees welcomed new members Dr. Kevin B. Lake, medical director of the Columbus Southern Medical Center, to a nine-year term, and Skyler Rogers, a business student, to a two-year term as the undergraduate student trustee. A board-certified physician in Columbus, Lake is a full-time senior attending physician in family practice and has been in private practice since 1994. He is a member of the attending medical staffs in the Department of Family Medicine at Doctors Hospital, Grant Medical Center and Mount Carmel St. Ann’s Hospital in Columbus. Lake is certified in family practice and osteopathic manipulative treatment by the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians. He graduated cum laude from Capital University in 1988 with a bachelor’s degree in biology and received his doctorate at OUCOM in 1992. Skyler Rogers, a Kenton, Ohio, native who will graduate in 2011, is majoring in finance and marketing, with a double minor in entrepreneurship and international business. He has been involved with and held leadership positions in the Student Alumni Connection, the World Student Association and the Student Wellness Network. In addition, he is a representative to the University Diversity Committee. Rogers has participated in a study-abroad program in Shanghai, China, and has explored the United States on the GeoJourney program. On campus, he is a student tour guide and student financial educator.

18 BGSU Magazine

At the helm of the boards that direct the University, the BGSU Foundation Inc. and the Alumni Association is a group of dedicated volunteers. Every year thousands of hours of service and counsel are provided by alumni and friends of BGSU who believe in the missions of the various boards and committees on campus. 2009-10 Board Leadership: Chair J. Robert Sebo ’58 Board of Trustees, is a retired senior vice president for Paychex Inc., of Rochester, N.Y., and resides in Salem, Ohio. Chair Thomas A. Orchard ’75 Foundation Board of Directors, is senior vice president, portfolio manager at UBS in Columbus, and resides in Westerville, Ohio. Chair Jan Ruma ’86 Alumni Board of Directors, is vice president of the Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio and executive director of Toledo-Lucas County CareNet, and resides in Toledo.

Cabinet members comprise new BGSU leadership team The President’s Cabinet works with Dr. Carol Cartwright to lead the central administration at BGSU. These twelve individuals contribute to the daily operation of the University in so many ways. Members of cabinet include (from the left): • Dr. Carol Cartwright, President • Kimberly McBroom, Chief Communications Officer • Albert Colom, Vice President for Enrollment Management • Sherideen S. Stoll, Chief Financial Officer & Vice President for Finance and Administration • Dr. Edward Whipple, Vice President for Student Affairs • Sean FitzGerald, General Counsel & Assistant to the President • Dr. Kenneth Borland, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost • Marcia Sloan Latta, Interim Vice President for University Advancement & Interim President of the BGSU Foundation, Inc. • Bruce Petryshak, Chief Information Officer • Greg Christopher, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs & Director of Athletics • Rebecca Ferguson, Chief Human Resources Officer • Dr. Patrick Pauken, Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Provost selected to help achieve even higher levels of academic excellence and student success Dr. Kenneth W. Borland Jr. has been named senior vice president for academic affairs and provost, responsible for all academic programs at the University, including oversight of BGSU’s colleges, enrollment and research. The position is second only to the president in leadership at the University. Prior to being named East Stroudsburg University’s provost in 2004, Borland was an associate provost at the university. He and served as interim president for five months in 2008. He held the rank of professor in the areas of leadership and interdisciplinary studies.

BGSU Magazine 19

School of Media and Communication

BGScoop What’s in a name? Reflection of real-time communication trends The School of Media and Communication and its departments have made name changes to better reflect current professional trends and competitive needs of BGSU students. The newly named departments of Communication, Journalism and Public Relations, and Telecommunications serve more than 1,000 undergraduate students plus 75 master’s and doctoral students. Undergraduate students gain real-world experiences through on- and off-campus internships and study abroad experiences as well as BGSU’s daily newspaper, television station and two radio stations. At the graduate level, master’s and doctorate degrees emphasize media studies and communication and culture. The program is known as a global center for teaching and research in communication studies where students study with a diverse faculty who publish extensively with top publishers and academic journals.

20 BGSU Magazine

BGSU Firelands marks largest enrollment in college’s history BGSU Firelands reached a new milestone with a fall enrollment of 2,416, the largest in the college’s history. The college experienced double digit growth in freshmen and sophomores, 14.4 percent and 11.3 percent, respectively. Juniors increased 0.4 percent and seniors by 8.5 percent. “We are delighted with our growth, particularly in the numbers of undergraduate students who have chosen BGSU Firelands as their college. Our growth is particularly satisfying since we have lost approximately 113 undergraduate nondegree students due to the discontinuation of the statewide dual enrollment program,” said Dean William Balzer. “We also are exceptionally proud of our work with developmental students and our lowest tuition among Ohio’s regional campuses. They speak directly to the issues of access and affordability that are hallmarks of the chancellor’s plan for higher education across the state.” BGSU Firelands seeks students from inaugural class of 1968-69 On Sept. 25, 1968, BGSU Firelands opened its doors to hundreds of new students from Erie, Huron and Ottawa counties. As the University moves toward its Centennial in 2010, the college would like to invite members of its first class for a special 40th anniversary celebration on the Huron campus. Known originally as Firelands Campus of Bowling Green State University, or, simply, Firelands Campus, there were two buildings, East and West, classes were scheduled in quarters, many eager young faculty taught and the director was Dr. James H. McBride. If you were part of our start, please email your updated information to

DVD sets record straight on Title IV “Title IX: Implications for Women in Sport and Education,” a three-part series, is a collaboration between WBGU-PBS and the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport. It chronicles the history and impact of Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments, which mandated gender equity in federally assisted programs and activities. The series was written and produced by Dr. Janet Parks, Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus of human movement, sport and leisure studies. WBGU’s Marcus Harrison produced and directed the series. The three-DVD set was originally designed to be a curriculum and research tool, to be used in a variety of courses to help students understand Title IX and women’s sport experiences. Teachers can select chapters to view and discuss, and study questions are included at the end of each chapter. “From a historical perspective, this documentary series provides viewers the exceptionally rare opportunity to see and hear directly from more than 30 experts in Title IX and women’s sport,” said Parks. “From an instructional perspective, it contains information that could transform viewers’ understanding of Title IX and its impact on women’s experiences in sport and education.”

WBGU-PBS receives national award for outreach projects WBGU-PBS was one of 26 public television stations across the country to receive national recognition for community engagement efforts. The station was presented the My Source Community Impact Award for Engagement from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The station was honored for its “Building a Living Legacy of Hope,” a cancer awareness project, and “There’s No Place Like Home,” a mortgage foreclosure outreach project. “The My Source Community Engagement project is one of the most rewarding endeavors we’ve been involved with,” said Mark Erstling, CPB senior vice president, who came from Washington, D.C., to present the award during a reception for the station’s community partners in the projects. “This award demonstrates the important services WBGU-PBS provides to the community and is a reflection of the staff’s skill and sensitivity to tuning in to the needs of individuals at two of the most difficult times of their lives—facing cancer or mortgage foreclosure.” President Carol Cartwright thanked the CPB for “this important recognition of partnerships,” as well as community partners and WBGU staff members for “having the ideas and stepping forward to launch these two important initiatives. For over 45 years, WBGUPBS has been a very important part of our public service mission, connecting Bowling Green State University with our communities,” she said. “These two projects show the power of what locally owned and operated public television can do. BGSU and locally based community agencies are extending the impact of services well beyond what otherwise could be accomplished,” Patrick Fitzgerald, WBGU general manager, said.

For “Building a Living Legacy of Hope,” WBGU and its partners launched an extensive campaign that included building awareness of “standard-of-care” services and support available locally, and providing cancer survivors who might be isolated with information and sources of support. 
The culminating event, held at the station, enabled cancer survivors and their loved ones to record and share their experiences and inspirational advice with others. Area agencies and organizations donated $8,000 to the “There’s No Place Like Home” project. WBGU and a group of new community partners joined to present information on community resources available for those who might be at risk for foreclosure in a “NW Ohio Journal Special Report: Mortgage Foreclosure Intervention.” Local experts answered calls throughout the broadcast offering advice on how to prepare for and prevent foreclosure and presented phone numbers of agencies and resources, by county.

Patrick Fitzgerald, WBGU general manager; Mark Erstling, senior vice president at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; President Carol Cartwright, and Jan Osborn, chair of WBGU’s Public Advisory Council for Television BGSU Magazine 21

Energy research makes BGSU center of excellence BGSU has one of nine Ohio centers of excellence in advanced energy, as named in October by Gov. Ted Strickland and Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Eric Fingerhut. BGSU’s center on Sustainability and the Environment is among those singled out by the state for commitment to focusing academic and research activities on advanced energy development, in part to meet the requirements of Ohio Senate Bill 221. The 2008 law mandates that 25 percent of all electricity sold in the state come from advanced energy sources by 2025. “Meeting our advanced energy standard depends on making sure we continue to develop new technologies,” Strickland said. “These centers of excellence will play a key 22 BGSU Magazine

role in meeting that goal, as well as strengthening Ohio’s position as a market leader in supplying the world’s advanced energy economies. That is important for a simple reason– when we grow these industries, we create jobs.” Partners in the BGSU center come from across the University, from photochemical sciences and the Electric Vehicle Institute to physics and astronomy and the Department of the Environment and Sustainability. The partners have an established record in basic and applied research, engagement and education related to sustainability and the environment. Externally funded research programs in alternative energy, environmental monitoring and global change have achieved international reputations. BGSU’s efforts in alternative energy focus on organic

photovoltaics for solar conversion and internal lighting, wind energy production, and the environmental impact of wind energy and fuels from algae. “Ohio’s universities are committed to driving economic growth in this state,” said Fingerhut. “The centers of excellence in advanced energy will create the technologies and innovations needed to make Ohio a global leader in an economy that requires a modern, cheap and clean energy infrastructure.” The other eight centers are located at Case Western Reserve, Central State, Ohio State and Ohio universities, and the universities of Cincinnati, Dayton and Toledo. The University of Dayton has two designated centers.

BGSU senior attracts attention and support for breakthrough idea In August 2008 James Baker, a senior majoring in engineering technology from Rossford, Ohio, recorded an idea in his journal for an improved method of converting organic material into usable energy. Known as biomass gasification, the process reduces sources such as grass or wood to produce synthetic gas similar to natural gas or propane. These fuels can be used in a variety of applications, from automobiles to heating furnaces. The ultimate goal is to make a different type of hybrid/dual fuel processor small enough to fit in the trunk of an automobile. The gasifier would convert cellulose derived from biomass into a clean, burnable gas that could supplement the gasoline used in the vehicle’s engine. In its first test, it outperformed expectations. The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research found enough merit in the processor to be willing to help fund its development. “The Patent Advisory and Technology Development Oversight Committee members were impressed with the knowledge and initiative evidenced by James in his invention,” said Dr. Deanne Snavely, interim vice provost for research and dean of the Graduate College. Barry Piersol, director of the BGSU Electric Vehicle Institute (EVI), is the principal investigator on the project and has handled all the financial aspects. Charles Codding Jr., EVI process engineer and former engineering instructor, guided the physical building of the apparatus. Baker has been intrigued with science and physics since he was a child reading a set of scientific encyclopedias on inventions that he described as a “catalog of ideas.” “I’m always thinking of how to mesh ideas to create a new idea,” he said. BGSU Magazine 23



























education w o r th c e le br at !ng Enrollment management boosts outreach to students BGSU is breaking records like never before in some aspects of the enrollment process. Student applications have increased 27 percent. Admission rates are up 28 percent. December’s Preview Day had the second highest number of attendees in the history of the event. Campus visits are at an all-time high and students are applying earlier. It’s all part of a major initiative to enhance the University’s enrollment management program. “We have to work harder and smarter to attract students,” says Albert Colom, vice president for enrollment management. “We take great students and turn them into terrific baccalaureate degree earners. That is our DNA. That’s why we are number 11 in the nation in teaching undergraduates.” “We’re moving from the scalpel to the laser in our efforts,” he explains. That means doing things sooner, reaching a greater market share in Ohio and beyond, and aligning enrollment with the strategic and fiscal plan of the University. The comprehensive effort includes nearly every University department and is centered in a new Office of Enrollment Management, which also includes a Student Enrollment Communication Center and a Nontraditional Student Center.

The “fine tuning” of the process to attract more students includes efforts such as making over 1,000 high school visits to every high school in Ohio this year and offering on-site admissions at the visits. BGSU admissions staff will attend 350 college fairs and make at least 80 visits to community colleges. Campus visits this year number over 10,000 and the goal for 2010 is 15,000 visits. More and more alumni are helping to tell the “BGSU story” at recruitment events throughout Ohio. “We are trying to get on students’ and parents’ radars earlier in the process,” explains Gary Swegan, director of admissions. “This year, we opened our application process in May rather than August,” he says. “We’re moving the calendar up for housing arrangements, new student orientation and other steps to enrolling.” If the aggressive enrollment program continues at this unprecedented pace, it will be “10 for 10” in 2010, according to Swegan. BGSU will see a 10 percent increase in 10 areas of the enrollment process, including a 10 percent increase in the freshmen class and a 10 percent increase in student transfers. “Every decision we make is student centric,” says Colom. “We want to engage students before they’re enrolled and continue as they become alumni and donors.” Julianne Jardine

24 BGSU Magazine

Nationally ranked

easy ways to help BGSU

BGSU is nationally recognized among the best by the U.S.News & World Report for

Volunteers can choose their level of involvement from a variety of opportunities. This allows alumni to continue to feel connected to their alma mater while promoting BGSU’s outstanding faculty, programs and core values in their own communities.

> Teaching Undergraduates > First-Year Programs > Residential Learning Communities This year “America’s Best Colleges” ranked BGSU 11th in the nation for its strong commitment to teaching undergraduate students. Our 900 full-time faculty make teaching a priority and remain involved in research and other activities that enable them to bring life experiences as well as scholarship to their classrooms. BGSU’s strong commitment to teaching undergraduates stands out 1. Dartmouth College (NH) 2. Princeton University (NJ) 3. Yale University (CT) 4. Stanford University (CA) 4. U. Of Maryland-Baltimore County* 6. Brown University 6. College of William and Mary (VA)* 8. Duke University (NC) 8. Miami University-Oxford (OH)* 8. University of Notre Dame (IN)

> Speak to a prospective student about the University. > Talk about BGSU to parents of high school students. > Mention BGSU when speaking about your job at a high school career day. > Assist with the BGSU table at a high school college night. > Bring a student to visit campus. > Call accepted students. > Volunteer to work at a BGSU open house. > Consider employing a BGSU student to intern in your office. > Become a contact person on a local BGSU career network. > Place a BGSU decal on your car, purchase a license plate frame or support the alumni license plate program. To learn how you can join our outreach efforts, contact Katrina Caldwell in the BGSU Office of Admissions, 419-372-9680 (Toll-fee, 1-866-CHOOSEBGSU),

11. Bowling Green State University (OH)* 11. Howard University (DC) 11. Rice University (TX) 11. U. of California-Berkeley* 11. University of Chicago 11. U. of Michigan-Ann Arbor* 11. U. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 11. University of St. Thomas (MN) 11. Wake Forest University (NC) * Public BGSU Magazine 25

bravoBG Student composer premieres work from Carnegie Hall to Peristyle Audiences from Toledo to New York City to Boston have been treated to music by up-and-coming composer Timothy Stulman. Stulman is pursuing his doctor of musical arts degree in contemporary music at Bowling Green State University with Distinguished Artist Professor Marilyn Shrude. Stulman was among five composers to receive a prestigious First Music commission from the New York Youth Symphony, an independent, not-for-profit institution dedicated to enriching the lives of young people through the study and performance of music. His orchestral work “Element Cycle” will be premiered by the symphony in March 2010 at Carnegie Hall. Shrude, who has worked with Stulman since he was a high school student in Findlay, said, “He is very gifted and very focused. I’ve watched him grow tremendously. His music is very colorful and imaginative. It tends to be atonal in nature but not inaccessible. There’s always a strong narrative thread that draws you into his musical intention.”

26 BGSU Magazine

Keys to Success

The David D. Dubois Piano Competition The College of Musical Arts will spotlight piano performances during the current academic year in celebration of The Year of the Piano. According to Dr. Richard Kennell, dean of the college, one of the highlights of the year is the introduction of the David D. Dubois Piano Competition. BGSU’s competition was selected for funding from the trust of David D. Dubois. Dubois, who had never visited BGSU’s campus, was an internationally recognized authority on competency-based human resource practices. He started his career as a mathematics resource teacher and later worked for the U.S. Post Office, where he developed a deep understanding of personnel management. He became a noted speaker, consultant and author, sharing the techniques he had developed. He also loved music and had a special interest in piano and organ performance. “He sang in the Washington, D.C., Cathedral Choral Society and cultivated that interest over the years,” said Robert E. Swinehart, a 1961 BGSU alumnus, a friend of Dubois and a trustee for the trust. “David was a natural-born leader, who would take possession of the room when he walked in,” Swinehart said. After Dubois’ untimely death in 2007, Swinehart and three other friends were entrusted to ensure his legacy would live on in programs that would have been meaningful to him. The panel of friends agreed to fund universities or colleges that could offer the most innovative proposals for piano and organ programs. The trustees decided which schools would be offered the chance to present proposals; Swinehart’s alma mater–BGSU–was on the list of 17 with piano programs. “BGSU’s piano proposal caught everyone’s attention,” Swinehart said. “They liked the broad scope of the piano scholar–from high school to freshmen to undergraduates,” he added. “We thought it was an excellent and innovative way to handle distribution of the money,” which ended up being more than $600,000 when the distribution was finalized earlier this year. The David D. Dubois Piano Competition will: > Support current BGSU piano students in their educational quest for unique summer experiences with scholarships for participation in music festivals around the world. > Encourage undergraduate piano majors to develop innovative programming ideas for outreach performance projects. > Recruit talented high school students through a competition for scholarships.

Building Dreams

Shawn’s story– A l e g a c y o f l if e a ffi r min g c o u r a g e Clockwise: Craig, Shawn, Denise and Ian Potter

At the top of Shawn Potter’s to do list was to endow a scholarship at Bowling Green State University. His idea was not to create a traditional academic scholarship, but one that will forever benefit students whose lives are impacted by cancer. He was still working on that project when a second bout with cancer took his life Sept. 5, 2009. Shawn, of Mentor, Ohio, knew all too well the effect of cancer. When he was 12, doctors found a tumor on his left pelvis that was affecting the sciatic nerve. He responded well to the treatment, which included surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. His father, Craig Potter, recalled that Shawn was annoyed more than saddened by the first cancer diagnosis. “He didn’t like that the treatments were interrupting his schedule,” Craig said. After the treatment, Shawn went back to a regular schedule, a regular life. He was an accomplished saxophonist in junior high and high school band; he held part-time jobs to earn spending money, and enjoyed being with his friends.

When it came time for college, he chose BGSU, from which his mother, Denise, had graduated in 1983. He loved his BGSU experience. On campus, he was an active member of the business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi and he worked at Chily’s convenience store. As a 2005 marketing graduate, Shawn returned to the Cleveland area to work. He was working as a technical sales representative for Avery Dennison’s Fasson Division when the cancer returned nearly two years ago. When he was no longer able to sustain the position, his life’s work became focused on leaving a legacy for others impacted by cancer. Shawn’s philosophy was: “Cancer taught me to value the present and to make the most of every opportunity today, because you are not guaranteed a tomorrow.” In a letter to friends and family, seeking donations for the scholarship, Shawn wrote, “I cherish the memories of my BG days (as do the rest of my family of their time there) and would like to enable others who share a cancer experience to attend BG.”

He could not guarantee his tomorrow, but with the scholarship he created, he wanted to guarantee that BGSU students who are cancer survivors or who are battling cancer or a family member’s cancer might have a little less of a financial struggle. In addition to his estate, Shawn’s parents, his brother, Ian, a 2008 BGSU alumnus, relatives and friends are supporting the scholarship. Others who are interested in making a contribution in honor of Shawn’s gift may do so by sending a check to the BGSU Foundation, Inc., Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling Green, Ohio 434030055, Attention: Shawn Potter Cancer Scholarship. For more scholarship information visit

The Presidents Club expands Joseph* and Nancy Mancuso Peter J. Winovich III ‘08 * deceased

BGSU Magazine 27

alumniaccomplishments 1920s


Ruth Irma (Mann) Scheerer

Michael J. Molyet ’70,

’29, Clyde, Ohio, retired after 35 years of elementary school teaching. She turned 100 years old this year. 1940s James Heininger ’49,

Granville, Ohio, published Name, Rank, and Serial Number–My 1,000 Days of Working for Uncle Sam and is working on a second book, The Thicks and Thins of the Christian Ministry.

1950s Ronald L. Oglesbee ’59, Seal

Beach, Calif., retired after 40 years as a Presbyterian pastor and is now teaching at Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, for the third year.

1960s Robert Benjamin ’62, Upland,

Ind., retired as an accounting professor at Taylor University after 26 years. He was also a CPA, CMA and CFM.

Marcia Benjamin ’63, Upland, Ind., retired as an administrative assistant at Taylor University after 25 years. George R. Verber ’64, Arlington Heights, Ill., was inducted into the Main South High School Hall of Fame as a baseball, basketball and track coach. He coached the 1979 state championship basketball team whose players and coaches were inducted into the Illinois High School Basketball Association Hall of Fame. Philip L. Airulla ’65, Tucson, Ariz., retired as vice president from Mosaic Printing in June 2009. Sharon Seesholtz ’65,

Alexandria, Va., is a human resource specialist with the Department of Justice/Office of Justice Programs, Washington, D.C. In July, she completed 23 years of federal service.

Todd Fisher ’68, Stow, Ohio,

is director of operations at AtNetPlus Inc.

Suzanne (Bovenzi) Moldovan

’68, Cleveland, ran for mayor of Cleveland. RuthAnn (Shehan) Rinto

’69, Winona, Ohio, is superintendent at United Local Schools.

Painesville, Ohio, retired from Morton Salt where he was the human resources manager.

Bert Snyder ’70, Las Vegas,

retired from teaching at Coronado High School in Henderson, Nev.

Ralph Andrew Clapp ’72,

Lima, N.Y., retired after 35 years as a teacher and baseball coach from Honeoye FallsLima Central Schools.

Cathy Dietlin ’72, Lorain,

Ohio, is executive director at REACHigher.

Mark Nixon ’72, Statesville, N.C., is the new principal for Mint Hill High School. Connie Brown ’73, Marion, Ohio, retired from Marion City Schools after 35½ years of teaching. She won the 2009 Presidential Award. Debra Taylor Ramey ’73,

Noblesville, Ind., retired in 2008 as an operations production manager for RR Donnelley, where she worked for 29 years, after six years of teaching high school.

Lorraine F. Kuczynski ’74,

Columbus, Ohio, retired from education after 35 years. She served as a school counselor for Upper Arlington High School and previously was an English teacher for Rossford Schools. Chuck Maniscalco ’75,

Winnetka, Ill., is the CEO of Seventh Generation in Burlington, Vt.

Sandra (Hensley) McDonald

’75, Little Rock, Ark., is an assistant concertmaster for the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and a violin teacher for Adventures in the Arts. She received a Governor’s Arts Award for individual achievement in music. Steve Meador ’75 of Lithia,

Fla., wrote the book Throwing Percy from the Cherry Tree, which was an entrant for a Pulitzer and a National Book Award.

Linda Cherry ’76, Fort Mill,

S.C., is in her seventh year as superintendent of Catholic schools for the Diocese of Charlotte, N.C., overseeing all Catholic schools in western North Carolina.

John Thomas Ebert ’76, Findlay, Ohio, is a director of Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. Janet K. Koenig ’76,

Cincinnati, who has been competing in powerlifting for four years, placed first in Women 50-54 and second in Women’s open in the USAPL Raw Nationals powerlifting competition. Harolyn Legg ’76, Findlay,

Ohio, retired after 32 years from Liberty-Benton High School as the district media specialist. Legg received the 1987 OELMA/SIRS Intellectual Freedom Award and the 1992 Cable in the Classroom Award. She served as the head statistician for the football, volleyball and girls basketball teams for 30 years and the Blanchard Valley Conference Statistician for football and girls basketball for 20 years.

Michael Benson ’77, Clearfield, Utah, is Canada/ USA manager of the Imaging Services Division of FamilySearch International in Salt Lake City.

1980s Thomas Abrahamson ’80,

Oak Park, Ill., was honored by the American Marketing Association Foundation with the 2009 Nonprofit Marketing Volunteer of the Year Award at the AMA Nonprofit Marketing Conference in Chicago.

Kelley A. Bosecker ’80, Tampa, Fla., has been designated a Florida Super Lawyer, which is a list of the top 5 percent of attorneys in Florida representing more than 70 practice areas. Nance Cunningham ’80,

Oklahoma City, received her doctorate from the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Oklahoma UniversityNorman. She is a research associate for the College of Nursing at Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center.

Jeffrey Simer ’80, McKinney, Texas, is an account executive with DMS Health Technologies.

vice chancellor of Karakoram International University GilgitBalistan.

Nancy A. Miller ’81, Sylvania, Ohio, assistant chief magistrate for the Lucas County Probate Court, joined the Ohio State Bar Foundation.

James Abbuhl ’79, Lansdale,

Mary K. Clark ’82, Belleville,

Najma Najam ’78, Pakistan, is

Pa., is vice president for admission and financial aid at Hiram College.

Steven C. Hook ’79, Cape

Coral, Fla., served as the administrator and principal for the Cape Coral Municipal Charter System, which has obtained the state’s highest ranking since opening three years ago.

Roger K. Lowe ’79, Burke, Va., is senior vice president for communications at the American Red Cross. Previously, he was a senior vice president at APCO Worldwide public affairs firm in Washington, D.C. Joanette Novak Romero ’79,

Lorain, Ohio, is marketing communications manager for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio for CenturyLink, formerly CenturyTel.

Mich., is assistant dean for Student and Alumni Affairs in the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Wayne State University. From 19972006, she served in various administrative positions at the University of Michigan.

Debbie Psihountas ’83,

Cincinnati, has been appointed chair of the Department of Business at the Webster University’s School of Business & Technology. Thomas J. Balkin ’84,

Ellicott City, Md., is the new chairman for the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), and becomes the eighth chair of the board.

Eileen Welton Barrett ’84, Brunswick, Ohio, has been a licensed massage therapist for the Ritz-Carlton Hotel for the past 11 years. Brian Kittner ’84, Dayton, Ohio, is the pastor at Emmanuel Lutheran Church.

Todd Music ’84, Painesville, Ohio, is president and chief operating officer of JGB Distributing Inc. Previously, he was director of wholesale operations. Eric De Nijs ’84, Richmond,

Va., owns his own coaching/ consulting business and has recently been re-appointed as co-program director of Georgetown University’s Leadership Coaching Program.

Rick Arnold ’85, Canton, Ohio, was inducted into the Bowling Green State University Army ROTC Hall of Fame for his service and leadership in the program. Ron Binder ’86, Columbia, S.C., was named Greek Advisor of the Year by the Lambda Chi Alpha International Fraternity. Binder was given this award for his work with the USC chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha and for 20 years of service as a Greek advisor at various institutions. Michael James Arvanitis

’87, Huntington, W.V., is a board certified interventional radiologist and is working with Radiology Inc.

Shannon Cutting ’87, Agana, Guam, is the diving coach for Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y. She was on the diving team at BGSU and coached at the club level for four years in Westport, Conn. Laura Roesch ’87,

Miamisburg, Ohio, is the executive director of Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley.

Michael S. York ’87, Mayfield

Heights, Ohio, is a landscaping consultant with Nelsonville National Forrest.

SueAnn Naso ’88, Cleveland, is president of Staffing Solutions Enterprises. Timothy Saxton ’89, Columbiana, Ohio, is superintendent of Brookfield School District. Previously he was principal of Columbiana High School.

1990s Kimberlie Goldsberry ’90, Cincinnati, is dean of students at Ohio Wesleyan University. Michael E. Byerly ’91, Cape May Courthouse, N.J., is vice president of CMR Construction Developers LLC, and an independent marketing executive with Harrah’s National Casino Marketing.

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu 28 BGSU Magazine

Khaled Khorshid ’91,

Schaumburg, Ill., is an official for the Zain Nigeria Commercial and Operations Groups and Human Resources Directorate.

Susan M. Willis ’91, Houston, has been a consultant in higher education for the last seven years. Her work has taken her to several state governing boards and institutions, as well as Lithuania. David Heflinger ’92, Huron,

Ohio, is superintendent of the Crestline Exempted Village School District. This is his 10th year as an administrator.

Arlene M. Hill ’92, Kensington, Mo., is the director of the Kogod Center for Career Development. Leanne (Lempeck) Katterheinrich ’92, Dublin,

Ohio, is the special education coordinator in Marysville Exempted Village Schools. Previously she was principal for six years. Henry Householder ’94,

Uniontown, Ohio, is assistant principal at Louisville High School.

Kirk Pavelich ’94, Norwalk,

Ohio, is principal at North Royalton Middle School.

Sophie W. Penney ’94, State

College, Pa., is the inaugural director of development for Foxdale Village, a continuingcare retirement community. The move marks an end to her 30-year career in higher education.

Johnathan Michael Reichenbach ’94, Florence,

S.C., is the owner of Mike Reichenbach Ford Lincoln Mercury. Makeba Clay ’95, Ewing,

N.J., is the director of the Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding at Princeton University. This summer, she co-directed a seminar in Ghana on sustainable design.

Heather Van Doren ’95,

Toledo, received a master of fine arts in creative writing and is the medical editor with Arbor Research Collaborative for Health in Ann Arbor, Mich.

Vince Palko ’95, Sylvania,

Ohio, is the owner of Vince Palko Enterprises LLC.

Lillian B. Schumacher ’95, Fort Wayne, Ind., is director of the Global Leadership doctoral program at Indiana Tech.

Jennifer F. Wood ’99,

Jennifer Goshe Boos ’96,

Megan Roberts Young ’99,

Lancaster, Pa., was granted tenure at Millersville University of Pennsylvania.

Candler, N.C., is sales and marketing director for FastPivot, a Yahoo! store design, development and strategy agency in Asheville.

Lorain, Ohio, received her educational administration license and is currently a principal in Lorain County Schools.

Tera Harmon ’96, Columbus, Ohio, is senior editor for the Ohio office of GSW Worldwide.


Jason A. Hill ’96, Sylvania, Ohio, was recognized by the Ohio Democratic Party at the annual state dinner as 2009 Democrat of the Year for his volunteer work with the party’s Promote the Vote program. He was also elected treasurer of the Northern District of Ohio Chapter of the Federal Bar Association and recognized for inclusion in the 2010 Edition of Best Lawyers in America. Corey Minor Smith ’96,

Canton, Ohio, was chosen as one of the 20 dynamic young professionals under 40 in Stark County this year.

Christopher Newsom ’97,

Xenia, Ohio, is the music editor at chicmommagazine. com.

Jeffrey Alan Stankunas ’97, Newark, Ohio, is an attorney with Isaac, Brant, Ledman & Teetor LLP in Columbus, Ohio and was recently elected partner. Christy A. Zeyer ’97, Eastlake,

Ohio, is an Ohio State Bar Association certified paralegal.

Jim Fogarty ’98, Warren, Ohio, creative director for 2 Ticks & The Dog Productions Inc., had an article featured in the May issue of Politics Magazine. Staci L. James ’98, Logan,

Ohio, has accepted membership in Golden Key International Honour Society and was honored during a recent induction ceremony at Ball State University. Jessica Swartz ’98, Bluffton,

S.C., is a consultant manager at Hilton Head Health, one of the nation’s leading weight loss and health resorts. Ron E. Buchanan ’99,

Louisville, Ky., is the president and owner of Argan Software Inc.

Emily Anderson ’00, Columbus, Ohio, won third prize in the 2009 William Redding Memorial Poetry Competition. She joined the MFA program in creative writing at Pennsylvania State University this fall, where she received the Katey Lehman Fellowship in Writing. John Wesley Lowery ’00,

Indiana, Pa., is an affiliated consultant with the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management.

Michelle A. Love-Day ’01, Salt Lake City, is an assistant principal of two elementary schools. John R. Meisner ’01, Tiffin,

Ohio, is engineering manager at Whirlpool’s Clyde, Ohio, Manufacturing Division, leading a team on a major project that will bring additional products and jobs to the area.

Eric Vachon ’01, St. Louis,

was elected to the Board of Directors for the Episcopal City Mission. He has also gained acceptance into American MENSA.

Babacar M’Baye ’02, Kent,

Ohio, authored a book titled The Trickster Comes West: Pan-African Influence in Early Black Diasporan Narratives. William J. Wilcox ’02,

Bloomington, Ind., received a master’s degree in engineering management from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Andrea Ansted ’03, Toledo,

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Keep your classmates and the University current on your achievements, career, honors and activities by submitting information for inclusion in Alumni Accomplishments. Articles written about you in some other media may be submitted along with a note giving your permission to include the information in BGSU Magazine. To protect your privacy, we do not publish street addresses. It is not our practice to print engagement, marriage or birth announcements, although graduates should notify the Office of Alumni and Development to receive an Honorary Falcon certificate. BGSU reserves the right to edit or omit any information submitted. Send accomplishments or change of address to: Alumni Accomplishments, Mileti Alumni Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0053. Accomplishments may also be submitted online at Your full name (include maiden name if appropriate) Date of birth and graduation year (earliest degree) Street address City


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Ohio, is a registered nurse at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center.

Is this

Alisha Coplin ’03, Bethel,

If you have additional news for BGSU Magazine, please enclose. Thank you.

Alaska, is a science teacher in the Lower Kuskokwine School District. The robotics team that she coaches came in seventh at the state tournament this year.

A promotion?

A new employer?


Steve Langemo ’03, Dayton,

Ohio, is a finalist in this year’s Guitar Player magazine competition for undiscovered talent.

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Alumni chapter & society news

Mark W. Pontious ’07, Sandy,

Utah, is assistant director of orientation and leadership development at the University of Utah.

Alumni engaged in special events from coast to coast

Upcoming events for Falcon Alumni BGSU alumni chapters around the country are holding events this winter and spring. To learn more about special pricing for alumni or RSVP for any of these engagements, please call 888-839-2586 or visit

Carolyn (Carley) Ann Hrusovsky ’08, Hanover,

N.H., is assistant athletic director of compliance for Dartmouth College.

Florence Elizabeth Bacabac

’08, St. George, Utah, received a tenure-track assistant professor position in professional and technical writing at Dixie State College of Utah.

Alumni chapters celebrate BGSU’s 100th

2010 marks BGSU’s Centennial, and plans are already under way for special events and festivities for alumni! Mark your calendar for these events and stay connected with the Alumni Association for more information:

Benjamin Derkin ’08, Toledo,

February | North Carolina, Florida and Indiana March | Cleveland and Colorado April | Georgia and Michigan May | California, Washington, D.C., and Indiana June | Cincinnati and New York September | Toledo October | Columbus

is a self-employed photographer and owner of Derks Works.

Jessica Dill ’08, Lima, Ohio, spoke on behalf of the Master of Science in journalism for the Medill Convocation in June. Nicholas Douce ’08, Houston, is a field engineer/estimator with Kiewit Energy. Drew Gatliff ’08, Houston,

Save the date: Alumni and Friends Centennial Weekend, June 25-27, 2010

is an architectural intern with Merriman Holt Architects.

Following a successful debut in 2008, the next Alumni and Friends Weekend will be a part of the BGSU Centennial festivities in summer 2010. The weekend will include a Centennial birthday celebration, a vow renewal ceremony for Falcon Flames, and reunion events for classes and student organizations.

Matthew McComas ’08, East Liverpool, Ohio, joined the United States Army under the Delayed Entry Program.

As the event approaches, additional details will be available in the spring BGSU Magazine, on the Web at or by calling 888-839-2586.

Kenneth Rogers Jr. ’08, Bowling Green, published his first novel, Writing in the Margins. Isaac Whitney ’08, New London, Ohio, is an asphalt foreman for Kokosing Construction Co. in Fredericktown, Ohio. Kim (Monnier) Zeigler ’08,

Sidney, Ohio, received Best of Show in the Toledo Area Artist Exhibition for her “Bee Harmony” artwork.

Edward O. Manyibe ’03, Oklahoma City, wrote an article, “Disability in Kenya, Situational Analysis” that was included in Disabilities– Responses: Practice, Legal and Political Frameworks, published by the Greenwood Publishing Group. Michael T. Schoen ’03, Ottawa

Lake, Mich., is a sales executive with Prescription Supply.

Nycole Hampton ’04,

Kristin L. Ellis ’05, Washington, D.C., is employed with Walter Reed Hospital in public relations.

Civil Engineering Squadron where he was the engineering construction manager for six months.

Rhys Richards ’04,

Ryan M. Helbling ’05, Fort Walton Beach, Fla., returned from Manas A.F.B. in Kyrgyzstan to his base in Florida in July, after completing his second tour of duty with the 376th Expeditionary

Bre Arnost ’06, Montville,

Chicago, is vice president of advancement at the Schools of St. Benedict.

Cincinnati, has been re-appointed to chair the Insurance Law Committee for the Ohio State Bar Association.

Ohio, is a graphic designer for Tiger Studio of Zeeland, Mich.

Laura Muhlberger ’07,

Houston, is senior benefits specialist for Landmark Aviation.

alumnilinks alumnilinks alu 30 BGSU Magazine

In memoriam

Ray Browne, 87, founder of pop-culture studies, dies Dr. Ray B. Browne, who was instrumental in establishing the first fullfledged department of popular culture in the United States at BGSU in 1973, died Oct. 22 at home in Bowling Green. He was 87. Internationally recognized as a publisher and expert in popular culture, Browne is often credited with coining the term and as being among the first to propose its serious study. In 1967, he created the Center for the Study of Popular Culture and published the Journal of Popular Culture, the nation’s first publication of its kind, which includes writings of popular culturists, folklorists and American studies enthusiasts. He founded the Popular Culture Association and organized the Bowling Green Popular Press in 1970 and, in 1978, founded the Journal of American Culture. Browne was a Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of popular culture at BGSU, where he taught from 1967-92. He established the popular culture department in 1973 with colleagues Michael Marsden and Jack Nachbar. In 1977, he received the title of Distinguished University Professor. After his retirement from full-time teaching, Browne continued to contribute to the University’s popular culture book collection through his writing and donations. BGSU’s now 40-year-old popular culture library is named in honor of Browne and his wife Pat. They were coeditors of the 1,010-page “Guide to United States Popular Culture,” published by the Bowling Green Popular Press in 2001.

BGSU Magazine has received notices of the following deaths. For additional information or to make a memorial gift, please contact the Office of Alumni and Development at 419-372-2424. Alumni Mary Phillips Williams ’31 Robert Christy ’32 Rema Purdy Barber ’34 Ruth Hoodlebrink Lemmerbrock ’34 Delora McClenathan Hetrick ’34 Caroline Showman Matthews ’36 Margaret Groty Marohn ’38 Stanley Bortel ’39 Clyde Kinney ’39 Helyn Sheffer Schlea ’40 Kathryn Rogers Adams ’40 Jane Dickson ’40 Ruth Allen Mustain ’40 Wayne C. Rudy ’43 Mary Lou Mertz Errett ’43 Robert Bressler ’47 Domenick Spoto ’48 John Arn ’50 Richard Huss ’50 Robert Oller ’50 Ivan Stearns ’50 Paul Wiseley ’50 Joseph De Santis ’50 Clifford Leider ’50 Warren Baightel ’51 Dora Wood ’51 Gordon Beck ’51 Eleanor Bechtel ’52 Richard Hyll ’53 Eleanor Carlson Gallovich ’54 Laura McClain Graham ’55 Eunice Dorst Coppage ’55 Kenneth Hille ’55 Gerald Nysewander ’56 Alfred Cain ’57 Earl Ott ’57 Shirley Angle Farnsworth ’58 Nancy Harrington Rowland ’58 Alan Anthony ’59 Montana Hoops Cuff ’59 Shirley Clem Wolfe ’59 James Hardy ’60 Doris Gamble Randels ’60 William Wagner ’60 Neil P. Meinke ’61 Doris Guttinger Boyd ’61 Harold Nye ’61 James Reynolds ’63 Ann Harrold Jones ’64 James Nawrocki ’64 M. Ronald Price ’64 Nancy Since Meckstroth ’64 David Haas ’65

Linda Sarvis Roth ’65 Herbert Tillett ’65 Sharon Mazur Plank ’65 Stanley Rickel ’66 George Christman ’66 Michael Watkins ’67 Marjorie Bowen Gottschalk ’68 Dennis Robarge ’68 Robert Ripley ’68 D. Keith Fowler ’69 Gary Gehm ’69 Jack D. Kohler ‘69 Robert Merrill ’69 Sherry Hayes Ruschkofski ’69 James Sidle ’69 William Weldon ’70 Constance Slee Orewiler MacAfferty ’71 Harry Wilcox ’71 Paul Jessup ’72 James Derda ’73 R. Edward Lodico ’73 Marilyn Pender ’73 Bonnie Spurgeon Glass ’75 Gary Graff ’76 Elizabeth Remar ’76 Moya Fay Warrick ’77 Mark Emmert ’78 Thelma Hack Veres ’78 Kathleen Jo Riedy ’80 John Prosak ’82 Donald Wilch ’82 Kaylene Smith ’83 Cynthia Deszell Peterson ’84 Stuart Tolle ’87 Helen Moye ’88 Kourtney Kean Peterson ’92 Davis Broughton ’95 William Smithers ’96 David Feltner ’96 Robert Biggs ’01 Shawn Potter ’05 Faculty/staff David Gedeon, professor emeritus, technology David Meronk, professor emeritus, mathematics and statistics John Merriam, professor emeritus, political science Kenneth Robb, associate professor emeritus, English Richard Stoner, retired director, operational planning and support services Retraction Roger Dudley ’06

umnilinks alumnilinks alumn BGSU Magazine 31


BGStore Find all your favorite BGSU Bookstore items–clothing, alumni gear, spirit, books, auto, gift cards and more–by shopping at

Join more than 7,000 Falcons now on & The BGSU alumni page on Facebook is a great way to reconnect with old friends or get the latest campus news, photos and video; for career resources, visit us on LinkedIn to network with professional alumni, search job postings and more. To learn more about these Web sites and to get started, check out While anyone can view the BGSU pages of certain Web sites, accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn are free, easy to use and also required to take advantage of the full networking opportunities the sites have to offer.

Returning classes showcase their generosity More than $270,000 in gifts were announced during reunion festivities of Homecoming 2009. To date, the Class of 1959 has raised $147,602 while 1969 graduates have contributed $122,495. While the majority of the gifts from both classes will support the Sidney A. Ribeau President’s Leadership Academy (PLA), several thousands of dollars were also dedicated to scholarships and other valuable initiatives. The BGSU Alumni Association thanks ’59 and ’69 grads for their continuing generosity to BGSU.

December 2009 grads:

Welcome to the Alumni Association! You might be surprised to know that the benefits of belonging to the BGSU Alumni Association are free and automatic upon graduation: stay connected with friends, keep tabs on the latest trends in your career field and enjoy discounted rates on events and services, all at no cost to you. With more than 158,000 alumni around the world–including more than 7,000 between Facebook and LinkedIn–you’ve already got a huge network of fellow Falcons to tap into, no matter where life takes you. Get info about special service discounts, upcoming events, local alumni chapters, career networking resources and more at and congratulations on receiving your diploma!

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looking ahead noteworthy events

Feb. 7-March 2

Annual Undergraduate Art & Design Exhibition Dorothy Uber Bryan and Willard Wankelman Galleries, Fine Arts Center, Feb. 13

Young People’s Concert: LEVS (Lift Every Voice and Sing) Bryan Recital Hall, Moore Musical Arts, 419-372-8171 or 1-800-589-2224 Feb. 15

Summer Session Open Enrollment Continuing & Extended Education, 419-372-8181 or 1-877-650-8165 Feb. 25-28

Almost, Maine by John Cariani Joe E. Brown Theatre, University Hall, 419-372-2719 Feb. 26 & 28

Bowling Green Opera Theater: “The Elixer of Love.” Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts, 419-372-8171 or 1-800-589-2224 March 3

Festival Series: Chanticleer Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts, 419-372-8171 or 1-800-589-2224 March 5

Women in Science, Technology Engineering and Math Continuing & Extended Education, 419-372-8181 or 1-877-650-8165

Sixty members of the BGSU Marching Band shared their musical talents and Falcon spirit at the 2009 Humanitarian Bowl in Boise Idaho in December. They performed on the blue turf of the stadium and cheered on the football team.

March 21-April 3

BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition Dorothy Uber Bryan, Willard Wankelman and Bowen-Thompson Student Union Galleries, March 22-24

Jazz Week 2010 with featured guest pianist Arturo O’Farrill March 25-28

Working, A Musical from the book by Studs Terkel, Adapted by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso Joe E. Brown Theatre, University Hall, 419-372-2719 March 27

Young People’s Concert: Funharmonia Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts, 419-372-8171 or 1-800-589-2224 March 27

Dr. Marjorie Conrad Peatee Art Song Competition Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts, 419-372-8171 or 1-800-589-2224 April 9-11

Sibs N Kids and 15th Anniversary Dance Marathon Office of Campus Activities, 419-372-2343 or

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