ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community
March 17, 2009
Volume 103, Issue 117
Minority vs. Diversity
USG debates the pros and cons of changing the name of the Minority Affairs Senator | Page 3
The cable confrontation of the century occurred between “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart and “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer, according to columnist Marisha Pietrowski, and it brought with it questions about CNBC’s content | Page 4
The secret to success
Faculty columnist Phil Schurrer reveals the one surprising secret to success: working hard and often towards one’s goal | Page 5
A longer wait for a promise
Despite the recent press coverage, it may take years before embryonic stem cell research will help the seriously ill | Page 7
Moving spring break to avoid holidayrelated incidents futile, faculty says
Thanks to University, St. Patrick’s Day not only for drinkers of alcohol
A war of words
By Craig Vanderkam Web Editor
Kegs ‘n’ Eggs, green beer and leprechauns may most commonly be associated with St. Patrick’s Day, but the University is offering several events for students who hope to remain sober. For students who either have a plethora of classes they would prefer not to miss or simply do not want to drink downtown all day, they can still enjoy some festivities of St. Patrick’s Day. A St. Patrick’s Day lunch is being offered in both the Falcon’s Nest at the Union and Founders Food Court from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Josh Knudsen, a manager of dining services, said the Falcon’s Nest lunch menu and décor will reflect the holiday. “We are going with a traditional green theme, try-
ing to get in the spirit of the color,” Knudsen said. “We are decorating the food court to make it festive, and we are allowing staff to wear green shirts or green aprons if they have them.” During dinner hours, students are invited to dine at Cinco de Mayo in support of the University’s Dance Marathon, which will receive up to 10 percent of profits earned between 5 and 7 p.m. Dance Marathon is this weekend. Junior Kelli Marvel is a moraler for the event and explained the significance of the fundraiser. “It was just a coincidence this year that Dance Marathon fell on the week of St. Patrick’s Day,” Marvel said. “We figure people will [be going out], so we are looking to take advantage of that.” For students wanting a few drinks but hoping to avoid the ruckus of downtown,
See SOBER | Page 2
By Ella Fowler Reporter
Once a year students shed their ethnic heritage to be Irish for just one day. But in 2007, the University proposed an alternative that would change the way students celebrated St. Patrick’s Day. In an effort to reduce the problems coinciding with the Irish holiday, a proposal was made to move the week of spring break to cover St. Patrick’s Day. “We have had instances in the week where students will go out drinking in the morning and then become disruptive and get sick in class,” said Michael Ginsburg, associate dean of students. “To be perfectly honest, the people who choose not to do that have a right not to be disturbed in their academic environment, and the faculty have a right to teach without that disruption.” According to Ginsburg, the drug, alcohol and sexual coalition has been trying to get spring break moved for several
years in order to help improve town relations. But Ginsburg added that even if the University moved spring break, students and bar owners would find a way to celebrate the holiday while students were on campus. “There are plenty of institutions that don’t have classes over St. Patrick’s Day but one of the drawbacks is … their student population and their bar owners have created, what I think they call, green beer day and it is the Saturday before spring break,” he said. Campus Quarters owner Joe Kostelnik feels if the University did move spring break, establishments like his own would find a way to celebrate the holiday. “I think it’s pointless to move it,” he said. “People are going to go out and do what they are going to do regardless of what the University does.” The proposal to move spring break was given to the Committee on Academic
See BARS | Page 2
Heading for Nebraska
After receiving a No. 8 seed, Men’s basketball will play against No. 1 Creighton in Omaha, Neb., for the NIT Tournament tomorrow night | Page 9
(Compiled by Kristen Vasas. Next Meeting: April 6) Action: A resolution was adopted approving revision to the Housing Section of the Comprehensive Master Plan regarding Section O. What this means to students: Required property maintenance standards and enforcement within the city of Bowling Green is now mandatory.
Invested funds may have been swindled
BGSU announces $15 million fraud
By Gina Potthoff Managing Editor
What would you do with a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?
MATT BROWN Sophomore, Sports Management
“Look for the leprechaun.” | Page 4
The University publicly announced yesterday it could be a victim of financial fraud involving $15 million of its operating funds held in a short-term enhancement account. University Chief Financial Officer Sherideen Stoll announced at a meeting yesterday morning with reporters that $15 million was invested with Westridge Capital Management, Inc., a California-based company that is under federal investigation. The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission filed enforcement actions against Westridge Feb. 25, freezing its assets pending investigation. A receiver has been appointed to assess the actions of the company’s money managers Stephen Walsh and Paul Greenwood and to develop a document allocating distribution of funds. However, the University may have seen hints something was wrong. On Friday, Feb. 13, the University received a call informing them the National Futures Association, which oversees U.S. investments and market integrity, was taking action against
Westridge. Three days later the University filed a liquidation request to cash out their investment, automatically freezing the funds. The University has no access to the $15 million, which was invested with Westridge as part of a short-term measure earning interest on money the University has acquired over time from tuition and fee dollars and all the institution’s resources, including state funds, Stoll said. “We are cautiously optimistic that the funds will be returned,” said Dave Kielmeyer, director of communications, in a release sent out at noon yesterday. “The University is moving aggressively to recover its assets.” President Carol Cartwright sent out an e-mail to faculty and staff at 11:10 a.m. yesterday explaining the situation as a waiting game. “I want to assure you that we are aggressively working to protect the University’s interests,” Cartwright said in the e-mail. “I will keep you apprised as this situation evolves.” Stoll said the funds will not affect day-to-day operations of the University and she doesn’t know when they will regain
See FRAUD | Page 2
Action: An ordinance was adopted authorizing Utilities Director Kevin Maynard to apply for and enter into a contract with the Ohio EPA Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance for a $1.73 million construction loan. Maynard will also apply to accept an Ohio Public Works Commission grant of $400,000 for the purchase of equipment and the construction of the ultraviolet disinfection replacement and Parshall flume project at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Vote: 7-0 Action: An ordinance was adopted authorizing Maynard to enter into a $124,000 engineering services contract with
Poggemeyer Design Group for ultraviolet disinfection replacement project bidding and construction services. Maynard will also be allowed to advertise for bids and enter into a contract for the equipment and construction of the ultraviolet disinfection system to treat 30 million gallons per day at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Vote: 7-0 Action: An ordinance was adopted authorizing Maynard to advertise for bids and enter into a contract for Water Treatment Plant construction and installation services, including microfiltration and low pressure reverse osmosis improvements. Vote: 7-0 Action: An ordinance was tabled until the next city council meeting April 6 establishing interim zoning of R-2 residential zoning for the properties on the south side of East Gypsy Lane Road. Vote: 7-0
Egypt to open inner chambers of pyramid By Paul Schemm The Associated Press
CAIRO — Travelers to Egypt will soon be able to explore the inner chambers of the 4,500-year-old “bent” pyramid, known for its oddly shaped profile, and other nearby ancient tombs, Egypt’s antiquities chief announced yesterday. The increased access to the pyramids south of Cairo is part of a new sustainable development campaign that Egypt hopes will attract more visitors but also to avoid some of the problems of the urban sprawl that have
plagued the famed pyramids of Giza. Egypt’s chief archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, said the chambers of the 330-foot-pyramid outside the village of Dahshur, 50 miles south of Cairo, will be opened for the first time to tourists within the next “month or two.” “This is going to be an adventure,” he told reporters. Dahshur’s bent pyramid is famous for its irregular profile. AMR NABIL | AP PHOTO The massive tomb’s sides rise at a steep angle but then abrupt- GIZA: Photo says the crowded environment ly tapers off at a more shallow around the famous great pyramid of Giza surrounded by hundreds of hawkers and See EGYPT | Page 2 Cairo’s buildings.
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