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THE BG NEWS Thursday April 16, 2009

Taking a closer look at the flashing lights

Volume 103, Issue 138 WWW.BGVIEWS.COM


ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community

Just drumming...

Local policeman devotes life to Bowling Green community

The University’s Chamber Percussion Ensemble will be performing a piece that’s a little different than most others | Page 3

By Kristen Vasas City Editor



Attracting negative attention

In her letter to the editor, sophomore Rene Chaffins believes that a University swimsuit calender will attract negative attention to the University, and in her own letter, freshman Jestine Weaver wonders why students would even want a swimsuit calender for the University | Page 4


DEDICATED SERVICE: Lt. Ken Fortney stands behind his desk at the Bowling Green Police Division, where he’s served for 30 years.

A new use for wrinkle cream


See POLICE | Page 2

Steering away the call

After exhausting other options, monks in Massachusetts are now selling wrinkle cream to raise money for their charitable work | Page 12

Ordinance proposes ban on cell phones while driving

Stepping up their game The football team lost a total of 14 players last season and are hoping several guys step up to fill those shoes | Page 7


TAN TIME: Many people venture to tanning beds without thought to the consequences of tanning, which can include a higher risk of skin cancer and excessive wrinkling.

By Andy Ouriel Reporter

Motorists driving in and through Bowling Green might have to resist the urge to talk and ignore a call while driving next month if an ordinance banning handheld devices such as cell phones is passed. Up until May 4, registered voters of Bowling Green can place their vote on the ballot whether or not they are in support of people operating mobile telephones while driving within the city limits in Bowling Green, Interstate 75


BAN: Bob McOmber talks about the cellphone ban, which residents will vote on May 5. Community members were informed about the issue last night at the Simpson Center.

excluded. By voting yes, residents will want a cell phone ban to exist. By voting no, this ordinance would not be adopted. If the ordinance is passed and a person driving is found talking, listening, dialing, texting or using a phone in any other way by tak-

ing away one arm from the steering wheel, the Bowling Green Police Department can pull the driver over on the account of a primary offense, which means a person isn’t violating any other

See BAN | Page 9

UFO’s Film and Media Festival has arrived for students’ viewing pleasure By Brittany Washington Reporter


For the past 30 years, Lt. Ken Fortney has been a staple of the Bowling Green Police Division. He has spent countless hours digging up investigations and coordinating training activities, as well as patrolling the streets of the city on a nightly basis. But for the officers Fortney has spent every day with since 1979, he is more than the epitome of an outstanding policeman. Instead, his reputation as a soldier, a prankster and a family-man follow him wherever he goes. And for Fortney's family members and close colleagues, these qualities are what make him one of the most well-known and respected citizens in the community. “I’ve had more than one person in the law enforcement family come to me and

tell me, ‘Wow, you’re dealing with a great guy,’” Fortney’s wife, Pam, said. “He is well known in this town by young people and old people, and in a small town, it’s cool that he can touch so many people’s lives.” Fortney never saw himself working as a police officer when he was growing up only 15 miles away from Bowling Green in Grand Rapids, Ohio. Instead, the athletic and outgoing teen decided he wanted to be a teacher and high school coach so he could pursue his passion for sports even off the field. But Fortney’s career path changed dramatically after he was drafted into the Army in June of 1972, where he would spend three years as a military policeman in

What’s more distracting than talking on the cell phone while driving?

NICOLE TRAUTMAN Senior, Environmental Health

“Eating Taco Bell. That is the hardest thing to do while driving.” | Page 4

Spotting UFO around campus won’t be difficult come April 18 and 19. No, not an unidentified flying object, but the University Film Organization (UFO). This year will mark UFO’s 9th Annual BGSU Film and Media Festival taking place at the Gish Film Theater Saturday and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m., which is free and open to the public. For several years now UFO has been making a huge impact on campus. “UFO was established to explore the curiosity of student film making,” said Dustin Meadows, UFO vice president. According to UFO’s mission statement, they “provide service, support and community to all students who share an interest in the

art of film, and nurture the rapidly growing film and arts community on campus.” “Rapidly growing” can be the perfect phrase to describe the participation UFO has seen this year alone. “For the film festival this year, we are expecting a full house,” Meadows said. Over the past few months, members and supporters of UFO have been preparing diligently to make this year’s event memorable and enjoyable for the viewing public. “It gets more crunch time toward the end of the school year,” Meadows said. “What most people don’t realize is that we have been preparing for this event all school year through fundraising and the 48 hour film project, one of our biggest programs besides the film festival.” The 48 hour film project is held

twice every school year and once every semester. Students are given the chance to film, produce and edit any genre of their choice within a 48 hour time period. Any student can participate. Most of the films that are produced during the 48 film project will be debuted during the Film and Media Film festival. “I participate in the 48 hour film project every year,” said UFO member Greg Mullin, junior. “I like to produce dark, satirical comedy, although recently I have been trying to branch out to drama.” Two of Mullin’s films will be presented at the festival this year. “The films at the festival all have a unique approach and are truly a joy to watch,” said film teacher and UFO supporter Moonsik

See FILM | Page 2

Welcome to the dark side of the tanning bed Despite knowing the risks of tanning, countless people continue to tan, saying its addicting By Michelle Olmstead Reporter

According to the American Cancer Society Web site, 62,480 new cases of melanoma were predicted in 2008, with about 8,420 people dying of the disease. These statistics are perhaps the last thought on the minds of many women preparing for summer vacation, prom or their wedding at this time of year. Preoccupied with attaining that perfect bronze complexion, many people do not consider their looks years down the road after the skin damage becomes apparent. Barbara Hoffman, the interim associate director for Clinical & Educational Services of the Student Health Service, gave a keen insight into the damage that any type of tanning can incur. Spending the past 24 years working at the University Health Center, Hoffman had many tanning bed warnings. “Obviously, there is the concern of aging—the excessive wrinkling and drying of the skin, a kind of leathery appearance,” Hoffman said in regard to the long-term consequences of tanning. “But the most

important is the concern, as far as the increased risk, for skin cancer.” Additionally, Hoffman pointed out that skin damage is not the only concern when it comes to tanning beds. “Another thing that can happen is not related to skin at all,” she said. “It involves the concern for fungi and lice. If they don’t clean the bed, you know, with disinfectants, and then you lay in that… we’ve had students who have contracted pubic lice, or a fungus. “And then there’s the potential eye damage, too,” Hoffman added. People may legitimize their “fake baking” with the defense that tanning clears up their complexion. While it may temporarily get rid of unwanted acne, Hoffman said a doctor would never prescribe tanning for any ailment. “There’s other things that can be used for the skin, whether it be antibiotic ointments, or antibiotics, or birth control pills,” she said. “There are enough other things that can be used that can be safe.”

See TANNING | Page 2


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