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THE BG NEWS Wednesday July 2, 2008 Volume 101, Issue 156 WWW.BGNEWS.COM


Books at lower cost and are returnable

By Tony Hunter Reporter

After a trial run last year, the University Bookstore may open up the option of textbook rentals to students | Page 3

While most in his original freshmen class are either graduating from college or taking graduate classes, Donovan Powell is now back in the U.S. and ready for the rest of his life to start. After just a few semesters at the University, Powell decided to join the Marine Corp. in 2002. “I just wasn’t ready for college at the time,” Powell said. “I wanted to do something bigger with my life.” Powell’s timing couldn’t have been worse, with the US just coming off the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. With the U.S. on the brink of war, Powell’s family urged him not to join the service for fear he would be sent to war. “I didn’t want him to join the service because we knew a war


iGames sets up shop in BG A new style of arcade comes to Bowling Green, where customers can play a variety of games for a small fee per hour | Page 6

‘Wall-E’ shoots for the stars Pixar Animation Studios has created another top notch animated film audiences love | Page 6

Board of Trustees farewell


How to live in harmony Columnist Brian Eggenberger offers incoming freshmen useful tips for surviving life with a roommate | Page 4

A time to grow up Do people really mature in college? Columnist Levi Joseph Wonder insists that he is one of the few who will change very little | Page 4

BG alumnus continues success in AFL


University student returns to classes

Former Falcon, Robert Redd, caught four touchdown passes in an Arena Football League victory for the Cleveland Gladiators | Page 9

By Gina Potthoff Editor-in-chief

President Sidney Ribeau’s last University Board of Trustee meeting was full of good-byes, thank yous and business as usual. RibeauwelcomedCarolCartwright to the University at the meeting, confident the board and the campus are in good hands. “Now it’s time for Dr. Cartwright to focus the University,” he said. Board chair Michael Marsh gave Ribeau a “BGTownie” hat as a reminder of his 13 years at the University. Marsh’s term as chair ended and board member John Harbal was picked to replace him. Then the board got to work. Personnel changes made since the board’s last meeting were approved, as well as granting Trustee Professorship to secretary to the board Linda Dobb for her years of serving with distinction. The Wolfe Center for the Arts construction was approved and is scheduled to begin in April 2009. Expected completion of the $40 million project is January 2011. University Chief Financial Officer Sherideen Stoll said state capital appropriations would pay for $38 million for the project, with private funds paying the difference. The center is supposed to bring together the facilities currently scattered across campus, including performance, design and instructional


Blake McClory, Sophomore, VCT

“I never get any.” | Page 4

TODAY Mostly Sunny High: 87, Low: 66

TOMORROW Scattered T-storms High: 74, Low: 58


Donovan Powell Local soldier returns to the University after serving in Iraq was breaking out,” said Powell’s father, Don. “Everyone knew it was coming.” Powell’s sister Donielle said her family was very supportive and respected his decision to join the Marines. “Once he makes up his mind to do something, he is going to do it,” Donielle said. “He is one of the most stubborn people you will meet.” Powell served in Afghanistan briefly before being sent to Iraq in 2005 for 11 months.

See IRAQ | Page 2


CHANGE OF SCENERY: El Zarape’s move to a new location has resulted in good business. The added benefits from moving have been 40 extra seats, increased visibility and proximity to Wooster Street. “The customer flow has increased notably, as is common with any new business, but we hope to maintain the flow increase permanently,” said El Zarape General Manager David Olivarez.

Vegetarians look for best option

By Jasmine Nash Reporter

Some on-campus students find the number of vegetarian options offered by the University few and far between. Sophomore Natalie O’Brien is one of those students. “I think at times the campus provided decent food for vegetarians, but more often than not, finding a well balanced, healthy and affordable vegetarian option was hard,” she said.

See LIONS | Page 2

See PHONE | Page 2

See VEGGIES | Page 3


The Bowling Green Evening Lions Club wants to help out those who cannot afford glasses or an eye exam in the Wood County area. According to public information officer Robert Segna, the Bowling Green Lions Club is a volunteer service organization that helps those in need in Bowling Green. They have many projects they work on, such as Christmas Food Baskets for the Needy, Little League Uniforms and Lions Sight and Hearing Projects, Segna said. But one of the primary projects is Blindness Prevention, Sight Preservation and raising funds for families that cannot afford eye glasses and exams, he said. A fundraiser was held at Kroger this past Saturday and Sunday, with a table set up for donations. Club President Sandra Metzger said it was the third year for the successful fundraiser. She said people are grateful and sometimes tell her a stories

“When people come up to us at the fundraiser and they thank us for helping someone in their family, it is very rewarding...” Sandra Metzger | Club President about how the donations have helped them. “When people come up to us at the fundraiser and they thank us for helping someone in their family, it is very rewarding to know that they recognize the Lions Club for our mission to serve others,” she said. She added that when people donated money, members handed out flags. Another fundraiser to support eye care needs is July 3 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Wendy’s, located at 1504 East Wooster St. Segna said Wendy’s will donate 15 percent of their total sales to the Bowling Green Lions Club. There will also be a table set up inside with information about

the Lions Club and a box for collecting glasses, he said. Glasses are collected throughout the year around Bowling Green at places such as Wendy’s, Ben Franklin, Kroger Pharmacy and others. The eyeglasses are given to an organization called VOSH — Volunteer Optometrists Serving Humanity — and they redistribute them to people in third world countries, Segna said. Metzger said she hopes a lot of people will come and support the organization. “It is our first fundraiser at Wendy’s and we are hoping people come out and join us for dinner,” she said. Funds collected during the

By Jessica Spies Reporter

fundraisers will be distributed when people go to the Wood County Health Department and speak to Peggy Naus, a public health nurse. Naus said people call the health department and then fill out a referral form. After the form is filled out, she decides which agency will fulfill the eye care need request. She said the Lions Club is the only agency that looks at the need first and not the income guidelines. Some Lions clubs only accept school-aged children, but Bowling Green Evening Lions Club accepts both children and adults, she said. If someone isn’t able to get a hold of the health department, they can call an agency on the ‘No Wrong Door’ list — which is a group of social service agencies helping residents in need — according to the Wood County ‘No Wrong Door’ pamphlet.

While some of the dining areas on campus do offer vegetarian substitutes, it is still not satisfying the students. Sophomore Candace Woodworth is not a vegetarian, but feels the school does not accommodate them as well as they could. “I know a couple people who are vegetarians who had a very hard time getting food that they could eat,” Woodworth said.

BG Lions and Wendy’s help eye care patients Semira Chowdhury Reporter

Phone cards help troops stay connected The Iraq War has been at the center of controversy nearly since its start. However, University professor Brett Holden realizes the most important element is not the war itself, but the troops. “Despite the way people feel about the war, the Vietnam experience has showed us that we need to help the people that we deploy,” Holden said. This is one of the reasons why Holden has partnered with Mike Przysiecki, 2003 graduate of the University and natural resources specialist at Bowling Green Parks and Recreation, and Margret Szymanski, member of the Family Readiness Group, to provide phone cards to troops through Operation Phone Card. Holden is also the director and faculty advisor of the Veteran Assessment and Service Team on campus. Operation Phone Card works with families of National Guard members, which includes Bowling Green residents. Przysiecki wanted to help troops deployed but was not sure how. First, he wanted to send care packages but realized that wasn’t what troops needed. “Everything they needed they have,” Przysiecki said. “What they needed most was phone cards.” Being a former member of the Ohio Air National Guard, Przysiecki realized there was a “very limited opportunity to call home and family members.” “I know what it’s like to be away from your family; it’s nice to know that people back home actually care,” Przysiecki said. “When guys get back, they feel disenfranchised because it’s business as usual at home.” While Przysiecki, who was deployed last summer, realizes Operation Phone Card will not help the troops once they are home, he does think staying in contact with family members will help to alleviate the feeling of disenfranchisement. Some troops have a baby on the way or children and are in dire need to contact their families back home, Przysiecki said. Szymanski, whose husband was just deployed to Kuwait this past Sunday, is already counting the days until he gets back. “It really helps to have that phone card handy ... if they’re out on a mission and they can squeeze in a 10 minute phone call,” Szymanski said. “I can’t tell you how much it means as a wife at home or to the kids.” Przysiecki sees the benefits of

Students on the search for veggies

See BOARD | Page 2

Where are good places, if any, to get your veggies on campus?

ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community


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