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August 25, 2008 Volume 103, Issue 2 WWW.BGNEWS.COM



Watch out for parking violations Commuter students looking to avoid long walks to class often park illegally, racking up around 40,000 tickets per year | Page 3

An interview with Carol Cartwright

Q&A with University’s acting president asks her about her past experiences and her future aspirations | Page 9


Surviving the first year

Columnist Levi Joseph Wonder gives advice to freshmen for dealing with stress and balancing their social and academic life | Page 4

Forum feedback can create intelligent debate


Difference of opinion is inevitable and readers are encouraged to send their responses to The BG News | Page 4

Obama selects Biden, not Clinton

McCain suggests his rival was sore over Clinton’s criticism during the race for the Democratic nomination | Page 13




Expectations are high for Falcon football After a disheartening bowl loss last season, the Falcons strive for a strong showing in the MAC | Page 17

Which is harder to get into: Clown College or Mime Academy?

DAKOTA DAY Sophomore, Undecided

“Mime. You got to have skills with your hands.”

TODAY Sunny High: 77, Low: 50

TOMORROW Sunny High: 80, Low: 57

ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community

Zoning code petition gets rejected By Kristin Vasas City Editor

After spending nearly a month attempting to alter the zoning code regarding occupancy limits in single family zoning districts, a group of students and city residents led by Undergraduate Student Government met a major roadblock when they discovered they were 12 signatures short of inclusion on the Nov. 4 ballot. The petition, which was

spearheaded by USG President John Waynick; City, State and National Liaison Jeremy Lehman; and Student Welfare Committee Chair Jon Dinan, planned to expand the longstanding three-people-toa-house limit to include four non-related roommates. In order for the petition to be included on the upcoming Nov. 4 ballot, the Wood County Board of Elections would have had to deem 805 of the peti-

“We collected almost twice the amount needed, and we still fell short.” John Waynick | USG President

tion’s signatures valid. Although USG members, University students and community members collected and

University sees lower student enrollment

See ENROLL | Page 7

Elections Director Terry Burton, 469 signatures were thrown out because they were deemed invalid. One of the main reasons behind the invalid signatures was due to the registration of the signer, Burton said. According to him, a majority of the signatures thrown out were signed by citizens who were not registered to

See ZONING | Page 2

The BG News rides along with Campus Police patrolman

By Alexandria Clark Reporter

Some people say change is good. The University is going through many changes such as staff changes, along with adapting to a new interim president while simultaneously searching for a new one. But not all change has been positive — particularly the University’s new enrollment numbers. As of this week, the University is down around 400 students from last year, which includes undergraduates, graduates and students at the Firelands campus. But Gary Swegan, director of undergraduate admission, said comparing this year’s numbers to last year isn’t fair. “It’s like comparing apples and oranges because last year, at this time, we would have been in our fourth day of school, but we haven’t even started school yet,” Swegan said. Swegan said we have been down in numbers for the last two years in a row. Last year there were 3,295 first-year students compared to around 3,175 for this year’s firstyear students. Swegan said one of the reasons why numbers are low is because the class of 2004 is all graduating. “We brought in a huge class in 2004, over 3,900 students, and we have been successful in graduating them,” he said. “And now they are gone and we have been bringing in smaller classes.” But Alberto Gonzalez, vice provost, said enrollment for firstyear students is down because of scholarship cuts. “The central administration has cut freshman scholarships by 40 percent; BGSU simply isn’t creating the access that was the hallmark of the Ribeau years,” Gonzalez said. “In these tough economic times, BGSU has reduced support for students and other institutions like University of Toledo, Ohio University and Ohio State University are providing better scholarships and enrolling the students that would have come here.” Agreeing with Gonzalez is Ed Whipple, vice president of student affairs, who believes some students may be taking a semester off so they may earn enough money to return the following semester. “I think for incoming students, it’s still the lack of enough financial aid, the cost, even though we did not raise tuition for next year, its still expensive,” Whipple said. In the last two years some scholarships have been cut or requirements have changed. Recently, the scholarship, which used to be called the Historically Underrepresented Scholarship, is now called University Tuition Scholarship for Underrepresented Students. This scholarship has been opened to all students and not just students of color. Due to this change the numbers for students of color has dropped.

originally submitted 1,572 signatures to the Wood County Board of Elections, only 793 of those signatures were considered valid – leaving them 12 shy of their goal. “We collected almost twice the amount needed, and we still fell short,” Waynick said. “We made the issue as aware as possible and to fall 12 short on a highly debatable issue is very disheartening.” According to the Board of


TO SERVE AND PROTECT: Officer Jon Luidhardt conducts searches of University and campus-owned properties during his shift on Friday night.

Bowling Green native Jon Luidhardt describes life as a police officer By Ryan Sullivan Campus Editor

Growing up in the city of Bowling Green, University patrolman Jon Luidhardt knew he wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. “I’ve lived here my whole life and I have a lot of pride in the city,” Luidhardt said. Luidhardt, who has been with the campus police force for five years, recently took part in a ride along interview with The BG News. At the start of the shift, all officers assigned to a car check their vehicle to make sure it is stocked with all of the necessary equipment, as well as making sure all of the lights and sirens are working. “We don’t really want to pull somebody over for one headlight when we have a front headlight out,” Luidhardt said.

After doing a visual check over of the car, it is time to hit the streets. University officers watch over the main campus and all University-owned property around the city of Bowling Green, including the president’s house and several other buildings around the city. “We are just looking for anything out of the ordinary,” Luidhardt said. “We’re not out here to see who can write the most tickets. We just want to help people but we have that as a last resort.” After patrolling the streets of the city, the officers then go through the buildings to make sure they are secure and nobody is inside who shouldn’t be. During the walks through the buildings, the officers look, listen and smell for signs of underage drinking and drug use.

See PATROL | Page 2

Reopened Cla-Zel theater will hit broader audience By Matt Liasse Reporter

A piece of Bowling Green history will soon be open once again for public enjoyment. The Cla-Zel Theater, located on Main Street, has been restored under the management of new owner, Ammar Mufleh. Mufleh and Jason Karcher, the director specialist, have been busy with the plans for the ClaZel Theatre since it was bought in 2007. Their intentions to make it into a multi-entertainment venue are well underway. They are currently involved in renovations for its reopening. The two plan to open the theater for not only showing films, but also for live productions, a dance floor with a DJ on the weekends, jazz and blues bands around happy hour and a banquet in order to hold private events such as weddings and birthday parties. The theater has also recently acquired an alcohol and liquor license for those wanting a nice drink. “The theatre has been struggling over the years. Through previous owners, it was not doing so hot,” Karcher explained. He felt the ideas for it to become once again an entertainment venue for the city was essentially


REOPENING: Traditional venue in the Bowling Green area, the Cla-Zel theater, is under new management and is preparing to offer the public a wide variety of entertainment events.

due to its colorful history. The Cla-Zel theater first opened in 1926 and was designed by architect Jack Raney. The community was able to catch what were then called “talking pictures” at the theater. In 2000 it was purcahsed by a group of local business owners. Karcher said the theater didn’t

last long under its new ownership and closed shortly after. Mufleh and Karcher are still pondering different ideas for shows, but nothing is set in stone. Karcher said he and Mufleh are focused on remodeling before they get too involved in planning, although several events are in the works.

Good news for all students just getting settled in their living arrangements in Bowling Green: the theater is now hiring starting staff. Many are anticipating the opening. Young students at the University are awaiting the announcement of its opening, like junior, Amber Bryan, who loves the idea of revitalizing the theater after she became familiar with being involved with one of the theater’s productions, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” “It really has always been a special type of place,” sophomore Alison Wittenmyer said, who has lived in Bowling Green her entire life. She even recalls some special memories revolving around the Cla-Zel. “Every year after the annual holiday parade, the Cla-Zel used to show a free movie that would completely pack the old theater. These memories made are a heartbreak to see the theater shut down and unused. This renovation and reopening will be great for the community,” Wittenmyer added. But not only are University students looking forward to the event, older Bowling Green residents are

See CLA-ZEL | Page 7


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