THE BG NEWS Thursday Tuesday
October April 25,28,2007 2008 Volume Volume101, 103,Issue IssueXXX 47
New Rabidstudentsquirrel run publication terrories at Falcon Focusunion concenstudent
trates on trying students and Squirrel, to get professors, with bit out of the building, content based on havok students, caused feedback. |student Page 14 | Page 3
Rabid squirrel Grandmother terrories at served as a student union
Squirrel, trying to get surrogate out of the building, bit A 56-year-old woman gave birthcaused to triplets, students, havok happened to be |who Page 14 her own grandchildren | Page 10
Rabid squirrel Take a look terrories at student union at the figures
Squirrel,columnist trying to get Guest Shawn Miller, discusses out of the building, bit the salary of the BGSU students, caused havok Police | PageDepartment, 14 making comparisons to other university police departments and Rabid squirrel noting their pay is terrories much lower | at Page 4
student union Bank Squirrel,receives trying to get out of the building, bit suspicious letter
students, caused havok Yesterday, a branch of | PageBank 14 received Chase an envelope filled with white powder, which Rabid squirrel contained terrories at non-hazardous student union material | Page 6 Squirrel, trying to get out of themurders building, bit Teen students, caused his family havok | Page 14 A 16-year-old boy from Maryland pleaded guilty to shooting his father, mother and brothers, before going to a friend’s house to play video games | Page 9
Women’s soccer gains two wins BG soccer’s Your streak dailyhas winning been extended to horoscope seven this past Aquarius: Conserve weekend | Page 7 your energy now. Avoid starting new projects or taking any big leaps. An intriguing someone is hard to read — even for you and your finely tuned sensitivity. It’s a good time to play it cool. You won’t scare them off, and you’l buy yourself more time to observe their methods. | Page 14 What issue would you like to see on the ballot? If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
JASMINE HERAK Sopohmore, Criminal Justice LINDSAY-RAE “Education,Senior, because the LEBRUN, cost is so high people Telecommunications
don’t go to school, drop “The ability to fly, out or graduate with cause then I wouldn’t $70,000 of debt.” have to wait in line at | Page 4 the airport.” | Page 4
TODAY TODAY PM PartlyShowers Sunny High: Low: 54 31 High: 46, 85, Low:
TOMORROW Sunny Partly Cloudy/Wind 85, Low: 31 54 High: 49,
Consent required at all times
University works to provide options for victims of sexual assault and educate others
The battle against hate crimes By Laura Simmons Contributing Reporter
Matthew Shepard
a decade later, to try and get a piece [of] federal hate crimes legislation passed that includes sexual orientation and gender identity.” Although the U.S. House and Senate passed the Matthew Shepard Act in 2007, it never made it into law. Initially part of a larger bill authorizing increased pay for military personal, the Shepard Act was dropped from the bill’s final version.
political science at the University of Wyoming and was openly gay. Because of his sexual orientation, Killed in a violent Little more than 10 years after Shepard was specifically targeted hate crime Matthew Shepard was pistolby Russell Henderson and Aaron outside of whipped, tortured, tied to a fence McKinney on the night of Oct. 7, Laramie, Wyo. post and left to die in the country 1998. Both men are serving two outside of Laramie, Wyo., there consecutive life-sentences in prisstill is no federal hate crime legisla- Renna, an expert on lesbian, gay, on for his kidnapping and murder. “We can’t get a federal law tion inclusive of sexual orientation bisexual and transgender rights or gender identity. and managing partner of Renna through — it’s called the Matthew “I think people expected a ton of Communications, an LGBT advo- Shepard Act for God’s sake. ... It’s a change and progress to happen cacy group based in Washington, no brainer, and somehow it can’t get passed,” Renna said. “So we’re in the wake of his death, and that D.C. just didn’t happen,” said Cathy Shepard, then 21, was studying waiting for new administration, for
See HATE CRIMES | Page 2
Proposed Constitutional Amendment to provide for earlier filing deadlines for statewide ballot issues
By Michelle Bosserman Reporter
No means no, and Campus Police Officer Anthony Dotson makes sure offenders are aware of this. “It’s the biggest load of garbage I’ve ever heard,” Dotson said, referring to male perpetrators who try using the excuse female victims said no, but didn’t really mean it. “I convince and educate young men [about sexual assault],” said Dotson, who has worked at the University for 10 years. “When [a potential victim] says no, she means no.” According to Dotson, the majority of sexual assault cases on campus are males assaulting females. There are some cases of male assaulting males and females assaulting females, but in both of those scenarios there is more stigma attached so often times they go unreported, Dotson said. Consent is amongst the most important things to consider about sexual assault. Consent for any sexual activity must be received by both parties in order to continue on with the activity, or else it is considered a violation. Director of the Wellness Connection Faith Yingling stresses that consent has to be consistent and verbal. Consent can be taken away at any time, Yingling said, and it has to be received at every level of intimacy. It has to be a clear ‘yes’ and it has to be made while sober. Yingling also pointed out at the Wellness Connection they typically find 90 percent of sexual assault cases reported are by someone the victim knew and alcohol was almost always involved. Alcohol is the number one predatory drug and the cause of most sexual assault cases on campus. Dotson, who said the amount of sexual assaults on campus has remained steady in the past few years, has yet to work a case where alcohol was not involved. Crime reports from the last three years show forcible sex offenses have increased from seven in 2005 to 11 in 2007. Rapes decreased in the past few years, with seven in 2005 and one in 2007.
ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community
Currently, petitions for IF PASSED, the proposed amendment would: of citizen-initiated petitions proposed constitutional amend- ■ require a citizen-initiated statewide ballot issue be considered ■ give Ohio Supreme Court jurisdicments and state laws must be for the next general election if tion to consider citizen-initiated filed at least 90 days before the petitions are filed 125 days before petition cases election. Referendum petitions the election ■ establish speedy deadlines for the must be filed at least 60 days ■ create deadlines for boards of Ohio Supreme Court to make before the election. elections to determine the validity case-by-case decisions
Proposed Constitutional Amendment to authorize the state to issue bonds to continue the Clean Ohio program for environmental revitalization and conservation. IF PASSED, the proposed amendment would: NAME NAME NAME | THE BG NEWS
Get informed about Ohio’s important issues
■ allow the state to issue up to $200 million of bonds for conservation and preservation of natural areas, open spaces, farmlands and other lands devoted to agriculture
■ allow the state to issue up to
$200 million for environmental revitalization and redevelopment of publicly and privately owned lands
■ limit the amount that could be
borrowed in any one fiscal year for either conservation or revitalization purposes to no more
What’s on your
Proposed Constitutional Amendment to protect private property rights in ground water, lakes and other waterways IF PASSED, the proposed amendment would: ■ ensure private property owners
have rights to make reasonable use of the ground water that lies beneath the owner’s land ■ ensure private property owners who own land on the border of
a lake or other watercourse have rights to make reasonable use of water located on or flowing through the owner’s land ■ not affect the public’s use of Lake Erie and other navigable
waters of the state
■ prevent the rights confirmed
by this proposed amendment from being impaired or limited by other sections of the Ohio Constitution
Referendum on legislation making changes to check cashing lending, sometimes known as “payday lending,” fees, interest rates and practices IF PASSED, the proposed amendment would make all short-term lenders subject to the following limitations: ■ the maximum loan would be $500 ■ borrowers would have at least 30 days to repay loan ■ maximum interest rate would be 28 percent APR on all loans
IF REJECTED, check cashing lenders would be allowed to continue under these previous laws:
■ the maximum loan amount would continue to be $800 ■ would continue to have no minimum repayment period ■ would continue to charge rates and fees, resulting in a total charge for a loan that substantially exceeds an equivalent APR of 28 percent
Proposed Constitutional Amendment by initiative petition for a casino near Wilmington in Southwest Ohio and distribute tax monies from the casino to all Ohio counties IF PASSED, the proposed amendment would: ■ allow one privately owned casino with a required minimum initial investment of $600 million on a 94-acre site located near the northwest corner of State Route 73 and Interstate 71 in southwest Ohio in Chester Township near Wilmington ■ require the casino to pay a tax of up to 30 percent on its gross receipts for gaming less payouts ■ the taxes will first be used to pay expenses of regulating and collecting taxes from the casino, then
See ASSAULT | Page 2
for funding of gambling prevention and treatment programs, and the remainder will be distributed in the amount of 10 percent to Clinton County and 90 percent to the remaining counties based on population ■ reduce the tax paid by the casino to the lesser of the rate taxed on another casino or 25 percent, in the event another casino is permitted in Ohio in the future ■ require the casino to be subject to
all other applicable types of taxes that are currently in affect in Ohio ■ authorize the casino to allow any game permitted in the state of Nevada or any state adjacent to Ohio, including any type of card or table games, slot machines and electronic gaming devices, except bets on races or sporting events. ■ set aside all local and state laws and any constitutional provisions that would prohibit the operation of the casino, including zoning laws | COMPILED BY KRISTEN VASAS, CITY EDITOR
Arkansas shooting leaves two students dead By Jon Gambrell The Associated Press
CONWAY, Ark. — A shooting that left two students dead at the University of Central Arkansas did not appear to be random, authorities said yesterday as the school’s president pronounced the campus secure. Three people are being questioned but no one has been charged in Sunday night’s shooting, which wounded a third person at the 12,500-student campus. Though investigators have not determined a motive for the shooting, “It does not seem at this time that it was a random act,” campus police Lt. Preston Grumbles said.
Interim president Tom Courtway canceled classes yesterday but said they would resume today. “Our campus is safe,” he said. The victims were shot in an alley between a dormitory and the Snow Fine Arts Center. One victim died on the sidewalk; police said the others rushed into the dorm, where paramedics found them. Freshman T.J. Frix said he heard five gunshots as he studied for a communication exam in his dorm room. “I was like, ‘Maybe it’s just fireworks,’” the 18-year-old said. But soon, two bleeding men
See SHOOTING | Page 2
Lots of options for Greek recruitment CAMPUS “A lot of chapters look for leadership qualities Going Greek is an opportu- ... you have to bond nity that allows its members to share in service, scholastic, with a sorority” philanthropic and leadership By Jasmine Nash Reporter
experiences. Recruitment often takes place the first two to three weeks of the semester, but members are always actively recruiting. Kristi Sulewski, Panhellenic VP of recruitment, has been a member of Phi Mu for four years. “A lot of chapters look for leadership qualities and having a personal relationship with the people,” she said. “You have to bond with a sorority.” Every September the Panhellenic holds a formal recruitment where women are split up in groups and go
Kristi Sulewski | VP of Recruitment
look at the 14 sorority houses. Formal recruitment helps narrow down choices. Another option is open recruitment where students go to the houses on their own and meet the other members or some are recruited from members. Lindsay Blosser, sophomore, is the House Manager for Chi Omega and chose to do open recruitment.
Palin to speak at Anderson Arena Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin will hold a rally for supporters at the University’s Anderson Arena tomorrow. Doors open for the event at 8:15 a.m. and the program is expected to begin at 10:15 a.m. Tickets to the event are free and available at the following locations: Wood County McCain/Palin Headquarters 134 West South Boundary St. Suite MM Perrysburg, OH 43551 Hours: 9a.m. - 9p.m. Mon-Sat Wood County Republican Headquarters 980 West Poe Road #2 Bowling Green, OH (at the corner of Poe and Haskins near the fairgrounds) Hours: 9a.m. - 7p.m. Mon-Fri Seneca County GOP HQ 103 North Washington Street Tiffin, Ohio 44883 (Fort Ball Pizza Palace Parking Lot) Hours : 10a.m. - 8p.m. Sandusky County GOP HQ 906 West State Street Fremont, Ohio 43420 Open: 9a.m. – 9p.m.