ICX Matching Training
What is Matching? • After the company has signed the contract, the matching process can begin. • Matching is the process of finding an EP that matches the company’s JQ. • How?
Matching Proces - Find potential EP’s – Upload TN form, search for EP’s on myaiesec.net, applications - Keep company informed about the moves you make – they pay for it! - Do Skype meetings with the potential EP’s
- Present the best CV’s to the company – let them choose. - Get Acceptance Notes from both EP and TN signed Match on myaiesec.net
ICX Matching Agenda • • • • •
Two important Rules Where can I find EPs? How should I work with them? What else is important? Key Learning Points
Two important Rules • Rule 1: You should try to raise only TNs where you from your research know that there are EPs available for it with a very high probability :D • Rule 2: If somehow that does not work out, try like hell to find some good EPs for your TN :D
Start with attractive TN forms
• Always remember: EPs that search for TNs must be able to find them (always make sure they are on “available“) and has to find them attractive to apply for them: – Better write more in the JD than less, describe detailedly what will be the intern‘s job – Use cool sounding special English words to describe the JD – Include all kind of “cool“ things if you have got them, such as links to testimonials of former interns, videos etc.
Where can I find EPs?
• Myaiesec.net: It is the only complete place to find out about all EPs that are currently available for your TNs, and good to find out what people know what kind of EPs may be turned to available soon • In the following you will find out how to find EPs and their contacts
Find EPs
•How to get there: “AIESEC Programmes“ -> “Browse Internships“ or “Connect“ -> “View Internship Opportunities“ •Search for all LCs/MCs/GNs/programs/EP statuses/durations/backgrounds/skills/la nguages/degrees
• Available Forms Tracker: Excel File that contains all EPs and TNs in the global network. When downloaded it is faster to use then myaiesec.net • DAAL Files: Excel Files that is useful for all kinds of questions regarding past realizations, that way we you can research about possible future developments in exchange
Find contacts Search names, positions, country wikis and much more Search for any team in any country of the world (Connect -> Network -> Search Page) Many contacts you already have (everyone in your LC, other LCs, NSTs, MCs, trainees, people you know from conferences etc.)
Where else can I find them? • Spreadsheets: With a longer time in @ you will get a longer collection automatically in your mail account. So far check the ICX worktool, check the contacts you have (former trainees especially) and you can make, ask your VPand check whether your sheets are updated (with myaiesec.net) • Facebook: Every person in @, has an account there. Always add the person you search for as EP/EP Manager up! )
• Facebook groups: Outgoing Exchange
How should I work with EPs? • They are the kings and queens of ICX GIP, at least until they are matched! =D (Afterwards also) • Use all means of communication to achieve them and make sure you message is received, but do not spam them or disturb them too much or frighten them away! It comes with practice • Put up internal quality standards in matching service for EPs (for instance answer no later than 48 hours max., politeness etc.) and always stick to them • Act professionally (It is about creating the mindest of being professional, also a matter of practice)
What else is important? • Clear and efficient communication with TN Taker, everyone in GIPi knows his roles here, especially during interview and selection stage • Push TN Taker as much as you can to follow you in the process, but do not push too far (matter of practice again) • Just don‘t give up and be proud to achieve ;) (Also small numbers of GIPi realizations do make a difference in Russia!!!)
Key Learning Points • Succesfull matching is a matter of action (How many EPs you contact how etc.), practice (How much experience you get in working with GIP trainees in your LC, how much help you get to yourself if you do not come further etc.) and preparation (how matchable your raised TNs are, how good is your research about EPs in your target countries etc.) • It is work, yes, but there is 1000 ways to make it so much fun (order pizza and match at the home of a GIP ICX member, funny competitions in the LC etc.)
Matching is the process, when you are selecting the most suitable EP candidates for your TN. It is a technical process, one of the last ones, before you physically welcome your trainee to Finland. It is an extremely interesting experience, by which you will communicate with many different countries, make friends and gain HR working experience. You will have the feeling of success, when you have found the right candidate profile, and when later the trainee will land in Finland and you will first time see her/him. From this Key Resource you will find information about Tips on how to fill the JQ How to add TN form to myaiesec.net Different search tools on myaiesec.net Acceptance procedures and guidelines Few things to remember when matching
Tips for filling the Job Questionnaire • The better you will define the job/task description as well as the skills and knowledge required in the TN form, the easier and faster you will find a suitable match. It’s also very useful if and AIESECer assists the company when they are filling the JQ. • Building a deeper understanding of the company’s needs. This helps you to target your search as well as answer to the questions of the EP candidates. • Having a deeper knowledge about our EP pools than the company enables you to advice them • Be very careful and push company to add as many details to the job/task description part as possible. Read the job description and find out if it’s clear for potential applicants. The main parts, which have to be stated are: • Tasks of the trainee • What is the expected outcome/goals of the internship • What will be the role of the intern inside the organization
Tips for filling the Job Questionnaire • Have a look at the academic and working backgrounds (AWBs) and skills part of the TN form. Are they mirroring what is written in the job description? Has the company mentioned all the needed AWBs and skills? Are all of them needed, or does the company only want to have a multi skilled robot? It’s good to have 3 required AWBs, so you can target your search. If you have more, you are risking that there will be no candidates filling the suitable profile, if you have less; there will be too many EPs with various quality. • Cross-check if the language and regional requirements are mirroring the job description (e.g. if it is really necessary to require native knowledge for that type of job description, or if it is really necessary from the nature of the job description to limit only for few regions, etc…). • Cross check the TN form again, if it makes sense in whole (for example having too short/long internship for the tasks described…) • Remember that you can always do a pre-search based on the JQ before signing the contract.
Adding the TN form to myaiesec.net • Once the Job Questionnaire has been filled and the contract signed by both parties is time to raise the TN in myaiesec.net. First of all, check from the Partnership menu if the company/organization already exists on the database. • If the company hasn’t been added yet follow these instructions: • Go to myaiesec.net -> Partnerships -> Organizations -> Add Organization • Follow the instructions and fill the details needed • Account manager = the person who is adding the organization to the database • Phone number & e-mail address = The details of the contact person from the company (it might also require a password so you can just put 12345, etc.) • Add organizational contact = This can be the same person whose phone and e-mail you already added
Adding the TN form to myaiesec.net • Once the company has been added or if the company was on the database already follow these instructions: • Go to myaiesec.net -> Exchange -> TN -> Add TN form -> Search organization (now it should find the organization you just added) • From “national” and “local” choose the one suitable for you, for ex. “Local: Tampere” and then search organization • Choose the correct organization and follow the instructions. Fill in and save every section of the TN form • Once you have completed the whole TN form (aligned with the JQ) go to Exchange -> TN -> Search TN -> “Local:Tampere”, “status: New” -> Search • Open the TN form and make sure all the details are correct and then change the status to “available” • Congratulations! You have successfully raised a TN!
EP search tools – How to find the best EPs for our TN? • When you start matching, you have to find as many suitable EPs as possible and attract them to send you an EP acceptance note (which means commitment to come to Finland). Prepare a motivational email, which you can send to the EPs. Small advice is that you should send a personal email, rather than a spam, because the chances to get response will be higher. • Find a suitable EP –function • Match function – finds you up to 3 forms matching all the required and preferred criteria; good way to start the search • Search function – allows changing the preferred items in the form; will find you every suitable EP filling the required criteria
EP search tools – How to find the best EPs for our TN? Search EP database –function You can search EPs in the whole database based on various criteria you will define. This is good when you want to increase your target pool and you are playing with different skills and backgrounds of the EPs. EPs older than 6 months/Start date within 30 days This menu allows you to view TNs and EPs which are Urgent to Match. This means that the EP has either been on Available for more than 6 months or has a starting date of less than 30 days. You can view the Urgent to Match form of your own country and the ones that are Urgent to Match from other countries. Contact the countries that have Urgent to Match forms to increase your realization rate!
EP search tools – How to find the best EPs for our TN? Other options • Usually the internships in Finland are so wanted that you as the TN manager will get many applications for the internship in questions. In this case, remember to answer all the candidates -> create a system for yourself, for ex. in your mail have a separate folder for all those who apply a specific TN, etc. • Keep checking the TN Match Monitor, if somebody has shown interest on your TN form. Remember also your own networks, personal contacts, etc. When trying to find a suitable candidate for the TN taker, keep in mind few things: • Check the start and end date of the TN taker and Intern • Check the language requirements • Check the background and skills marked as required by the TN taker
Presenting the candidates to the TN taker • When the contacted EPs respond positively to your email and you think that they are excellent candidates for the TN taker, ask for following material so that you can send them to the organization (preferably for ex. 3 at the same time): • CV (with valid address and date of birth) • Motivation Letter – Ask for a specific one for your TN, not a general one • EP Acceptance Note – Scanned version is enough. It needs to include the dates of preference and the signature of the EP and the VP OGX • Get the material of three candidates at the same time before you approach the company! Set deadline for sending all materials in the email which you send to these candidates. • Remember to double-check that all EPs which you send to the organization fill the criteria they had written in the TN-questionnaire! • If you want, you can have a Skype interview with the candidates to check out for ex. their language skills
TN Acceptance Procedures • Once you have the EP acceptance note, check once more that you’ve got all required documentation from the EP (CV and Motivation Letter) and send them to the organization / or go and present them personally (advised). • Ask from the company how they want the CVs and motivation letters to be presented (by mail or in a meeting) • • Make sure that the company knows what the next steps are: TN taker has 10 days time to accept or reject the candidates presented for them: • Encourage them to agree on an interview time with the candidates • The TN taker can agree with the candidates for a possible extension to the 10 days limit • The matcher has to push the company pretty hard (but politely) to get the answer
TN Acceptance Procedures •
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If the company accepts a candidate they need to fill in Company Acceptance Note (TN AN) You can pre-fill it and send it to the company as an e-mail attachment (check that all the details are correctly filled: date of birth, salary, dates, etc.) Ask the company to fill it in, print (3 copies) and sign them all (company keeps one, one is for the LC and one for the trainee) and then send them by normal post to you + one signed version should be scanned and sent to you so that you can provide it for the EP Send scanned version by mail to the EP and to the MC VP X Ask from the company if they wish to let the EP know that he/she has been selected to the position Congratulate the company, EP and yourself for a job well done! Once you have the company acceptance note, make the match in MyAIESEC.net (TN/ TN match monitor) and ask EP to make the final acceptance. If EP will refuse to do that, contact MC immediately! You can also use the “Assign Quick Match” – function in myaiesec.net!
Guideline to match a TN on my@.net Changing TN Status to “Matched” The following instructions provide useful hints for TN and EP Managers who should cooperate when changing a TN and EP status to “Matched”. Each “Step” indicates the person in charge of the task. Some remarks beforehand: 1. This procedure can take some days to finish. If you want to finish it at once, make an appointment with the EP or EP Manager for a Skype chat or phone conference; 2. Share this document with the respective EP or EP Manager so that he/she knows what to do; 3. Both EP and TN Status have to be “Available”, otherwise it will not work!
Step 1 – The EP or EP Manager a) Log in on www.myaiesec.net ; b) Open the TN Form you wish to match with; c) Click on “Accept Form” at the bottom of the form Step2 – The TN Manager a) Log in on www.myaiesec.net ; b) Go to Exchange/TN and click on “TN Match Monitor” in the right side bar (red circle)
c) Select your LC and the TN Status of the respective form; d) Click on the TN you wish to match; e) In the field “Forms waiting for TN response” (green circle) you will be shown the details of the EP who accepted the form; f) Click on “Show Interest” g) Click on “Accept” h) After clicking on “Accept”, you need to upload the Acceptance Note
Step 3 – The EP or EP Manager a) Go to Exchange/EP and click on “EP Match Monitor” in the right side bar (pink circle); b) Select your LC. If you wish, you may also indicate the EP’s name and EP Status; c) Select the EP Form you wish to match from the list; d) In the field “Forms waiting for EP response” you will be shown the details of the TN which has shown interest and accepted your form; e) Click on “Final Confirmation”; f) Upload your Acceptance Note. FINISH! The TN and EP are now matched.
Time issues of the matching process • Matching itself is not very time consuming, if you have time work on it regularly and you have at least an average knowledge management system (folder structure in email or matching excel sheet). • At the beginning of the whole process, you have to allocate a bit higher amount of time to find and contact most suitable EPs. This might take altogether around 4-6 hours (prepare emails and search for candidates) • Regular communication is very important, because you will start receiving responses: EPs or their possible managers will start to contact you, etc. Count with approx. 1 hour x 2-3/week. • Once collected all profiles, you have to go through them and select up to 3 best. This is dependent on the amount of profiles, might take some 2-3 hrs. • We are coming close to finish, now only visit company, present candidates and make all communication to successful and unsuccessful candidates. Might take 5-6 hrs together. • Matching of one TN will take from 1-4 months; depending on the job description and company preferences.
Things to consider: • It’s a good idea to establish certain times of day / days of week for matching • Design an intelligent classification / archiving system for your emails, utilize folders • How do you want to document your progress? Maybe make some kind of tracking doc…or just store all the messages you receive and cc yourself in all the messages you send -> you’ll see what’s happened by taking a look at your correspondence • Might be a good idea to make a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about your TN (at least popular ones), which you then can send to everyone who asks basic questions about the TN. • In theory, you’re only allowed to request three EP acceptances at any one time, but since EPs response times are highly unpredictable, ask for the acceptance as a routine measure from all interesting candidates