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April 2013 Dedicated to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Grand ceremony marks the 40th Anniversary

Srila Prabhupada:

The changes of the body do not affect the soul. The soul does not deteriorate like a tree, nor anything material. The soul has no by-product either. The by-products of the body, namely children, are also different individual souls; and, owing to the body, they appear as children of a particular man. The body develops because of the soul's presence, but the soul has neither offshoots nor change. Bhagavad gita 2.20 purport

A grand ceremonious event to launch the 40th Anniversary of Bhaktivedanta Manor took place on Sunday 24th March. With a wide range of devotees including representatives from the Manor’s huge community and supportbase, VIPs, a host of media, and a fire ceremony with 4 separate kunds (pits), the event was a resounding success. Radhanath Swami, the chief speaker at the event, praised all the hard work that

had gone into making Bhaktivedanta Manor what it is today, and spoke of the importance of maintaining a devotional attitude of humility and simplicity. Dhananjaya das, one of the first devotees to have met George Harrison of the Beatles, was instrumental in securing The Manor. He said “this is a time of reflection, a handful of devotees struggling...continued on page 3

40th Anniversary at the House of Lords Her Royal Highness Princess Katrina of Yugoslavia welcomed devotees from Bhaktivedanta Manor and a host of dignitaries at the River Room of the House of Lords. Her Royal Highness warmly congratulated Bhaktivedanta Manor on its 40th Anniversary, adding "...the Manor facilitates so much education, culture and spirituality in the community. It is wonderful how it gives the opportunity for people to work closely with the land with its farming and horticultural activities. It is also noteworthy that...continued on page 5

Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter

April 2013

Mentorship Retreat in the Welsh Countryside As part of the 40th Anniversary, over the April Bank Holiday members of the Mentorship system went on a pastoral skills development weekend at Buckland Hall in Wales. The event was part of the Manor's on-going commitment to training and education at all levels of community membership. Many classes were derived from the relationship values found in the sacred Ramayana and Mahabharata. All the lively sessions throughout the three days highlighted skills and values important for spiritual progress and particularly in guiding others. Special guests from Mumbai, India and Vancouver, Canada, were Gaura Gopal das and Visakha dasi respectively, who both delighted their audiences with stories and colourful examples. Old hands Akhandadhi das and Kripamoya das were there for additional reflections

on 'Dharma and Decision-Making' and 'Developing the Attitude of Gratitude.' Children's activities gave parents the opportunity to attend classes, and as usual the first-class catering and accommodation made everyone comfortable, despite the wintry weather of the Brecon Beacons. The weekend, one of a series, was organised by the Bhaktivedanta Manor Mentorship Committee.

Looking for a mentor? Email mentorship@krishnatemple. com with your telephone number and a member of our team will contact you to help you find a suitable mentor. Some of our most experienced mentors still have some spaces in their mentee groups so contact us asap to take advantage of their guidance. Let your spiritual life reach new heights!

Spring here at last! In front of hundreds of devotees, on Sunday 14th April the barn doors of Manor’s New Gokul farm were swung open to allow its lively herd of cows and bulls to gallop onto the rich pastures, after they had been kept inside after a particularly long winter. Everyone cheered as the herd raced across the fields, jumped, moo-ed and some of the bulls locked horns in excitement! Page 2

Jayadev rocks in honour of the cows

A rock kirtan was organised by the Holy Cow Foundation as part of the Holy Cow Festival at Select City Walk in New Delhi . The intention of the event was to promote vegetarianism, the ancient wisdom of honouring cows and living a more eco-friendly way of life. Jayadev das, leading member of

the Mantra Choir, performed devotional songs and chanted the Hare Krishna mantra. “Cow slaughter is not just cruel but also foolish,” he explained. Jayadev’s music had the audience dancing along, and even some of the participants dressed as cows joined in.

Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter

April 2013

40 Years of the Manor - Precious Memories As part of the 40th Anniversary celebrations this year, Rama devi dasi, Visakha devi dasi and Mother Kulangana shared precious memories from Bhaktivedanta Manor's early days and their association with Srila Prabhupada. Throughout the year there are going to be a number of senior devotees sharing their precious memories from the early days of Bhaktivedanta Manor, the installation

of Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda and, of course, Srila Prabhupada's pastimes in the London area. As the year unfolds there will be other devotees sharing their memories about the 40 year history of Bhaktivedanta Manor. Keep your eyes on Bhaktivedanta Manor’s website and Facebook page for all the latest information: www.krishnatemple.com

Nityananda’s cakes On Lord Nityananda's Appearance day over 500 cupcakes were made to celebrate the Manor’s 40th Anniversary celebrations. Cooks ranging from Srila Prabhupada disciples to congregation members made offered and distributed the cakes. As a special treat 108 cakes had the “40th” logo on them.

Grand ceremony marks the 40th Anniversary against all odds to secure a temple for Krishna which has now become such an important pilgrimage site.” Shailesh Vara MP said "I have seen Bhaktivedanta Manor grow into a place of great significance for the community and that influence has even reached the Houses of Parliament." Temple President Sruitdharma das said “from the struggles of saving the temple to the granting of the planning brief for the new Haveli, I have seen the devotion of our congregation grow.”

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“Celebrating 40 years of Radha Gokulananda is about celebrating the people and the events that have made 40 years of devotion” explained the Manor’s Project Manager of the Festival Committee Ajay Kumar. “In 1973 a handful of devotees embarked on a journey that provided Krishna a wonderful home in the green, tranquil English countryside. Following on from this Bhaktivedanta Manor has become the home of Lord Krishna for thousands of pilgrims here in the UK.”

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter

April 2013

Celebrating multi-culture in Peterborough

Matilda the Musical Bhaktivedanta Manor sponsored its school, pre-school, families and some staff members to see a performance of "Matilda" at Berkhampstead School. The musical was put on by Spotlight

Musical Theatre which supports Kidz Come 1st, a children's charity which helps parents with disabled children. The performance was Directed by Gopi Keilman, assisted by Rasalila Grant and facilitated by Gopi's mother Asta Sakhi dasi

The Peterborough Nama Hatta group has been hosting ISKCON programs since the arrival of Mother Gandhari in 2010. They observe all the Vaishnava festivals, including holding local mini Ratha Yatras. Nearly 100 devotees staged a kirtan in a public event promoting multiculture, attended by the local Mayor Cllr George Simon and other local Councillors.

Prayojana das visits Korea Prayojana das and Patanjali Muni das were met by two new devotees as they entered South Korea. Prayojana’s program in the country was to assist in the daily programs at the Vedic Cultural Centre in Seoul, and Patanjali Muni’s mission was to meet university students, give Bhagavad Gita lectures in the Yoga Centre and to meet professors. They then combined forces at the Seoul Yoga Studio: The event was enthusiastically received and they were invited back. The president of organisation is now distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books there. There was special help kindly given by Mahendra Vaidya, an Indian businessman who lives in Seoul, who provided accommodation and transport. South Korean devotee Bhakta Young completed the Introductory Course at Bhaktivedanta Manor in February 2013, and is seeking further training. Page 4

The Academy of Arts

Hare Krishna in the Modern World Dr Graham Dwyer and Radha Mohan das have edited and compiled a new book called Hare Krishna in the Modern World, published by Arktos. “It is a deeply reflective, caring, and updated probing into various aspects of the history and development of ISKCON,” said Dr Graham Schweig (Garuda das). “It’s scholarly contributors seek to examine personal-experiential, sociocultural, and philosophical-theological themes for purposes of addressing the challenges of the Movement's future growth”.

Sakshi Gopal das, Parasuram das and others hit the road and went to Liverpool’s Academy of Arts to take part in a special exhibition about the life of George Harrison. The devotees performed bhajans, kirtan and distributed copious prasad (vegetarian food) to all.


Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter

April 2013

Launch of 40th Anniversary at the House of Lords

during Her Majesty's Golden Jubilee, she visited The Krishna Avanti School".

President of Bhaktivedanta Manor His Grace Srutidharma das said “ we are standing on the shoulders of previous generations of devotees who with great determination and devotion have left a lasting legacy so that now many thousands can worship their lordships Shri Shri Radha Gokulanda”. The guest speaker Radhanath Swami

spoke of love and service “it is knowledge through service that culminates in love, otherwise it will not touch the lives of others”. The evening reception was concluded by Patti Boulaye who sang the Hare Krishna mantra opera style, to an enthusiastic applause. She then expressed that she is really looking forward to visit the Manor during this special year. Patti is a British-Nigerian international singer and a favourite among the Royal Family.

The Art of Hedge-laying After learning about trees and the art of Hedge-laying last Autumn, the children of The Manor School embarked on a project to further enhance the wildlife and beauty of the hedgerow along the access road. In consultation with Donato Cinicolo, a professional hedgelayer and with support of head gardener Uddhava das, the children planted over hundred trees including crab-apple, wild plum, wild cherry and spindle. The Manor School is currently accepting applications for Reception Class September 2013. www.bhaktivedantamanorschool.co.uk

The Spirit of Northampton The Festival of Spirit team, including monks based at Bhaktivedanta Manor, organised a successful festival at the Quaker Meeting House in Northampton. The evening included melodious kirtan by Yamuna Priya dasi and team, story-

telling and magic tricks by Parasurama das, a play by the Bhaktivedanta Players, Kathak dancing by Charlotte and, of course, a delicious feast! 75 locals showed up and many stayed on afterwards to learn more, so the evening led to a membership boost for the local ISKCON group.

A Very British Wedding BBC2’s “A Very British Wedding” featured a wedding at Bhaktivedanta Manor including interviews with Wedding Manager Reena Patel as well as relatives of the bride and groom. This documentary followed Anj and Alan, a mixed-race couple who tied the knot both at Bhaktivedanta Manor and with a Christian-style white wedding.

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter

April 2013

Bhagavad Gita

A Short Summary in Acronyms

by Sutapa das Based on Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

4 - Transcendental Knowledge

Spiritual knowledge is known as sruti – “that which is heard”. In bygone ages, people would hear such knowledge, remember it, assimilate it, and perfectly communicate it to the next person without any adulteration. Chapter Four is entitled “Transcendental Knowledge” for it is this knowledge which outlines how one can establish their divine connection with God. The famous Vedic aphorism thus encourages, “Aim to see God through the ears rather than the eyes’.

A - Accurate Understanding (Verses

11-15) - Most people know something about religion, and something about God, but their understanding can often be quite hazy and confused. However, when transcendental knowledge is received through the eternal educational system one gains an accurate understanding. In three verses, Krishna clears up three common misunderstandings of Eastern spirituality. Verse 11 addresses the misconception that all spiritual paths lead to the same

E - Eternal education (Verses 1-10) - Just as every gadget comes with an instruction manual, this entire universe comes with guidelines which enlighten one about its purpose and function. Such guidelines are found inthe ancient scriptures, which contain knowledge of divine origin, imparted at the time of creation. Krishna explains how this eternal educational system was originally set up by Him. This system perpetuates in the universe through qualified and saintly persons, who impart spiritual knowledge to the masses in a dynamic, relevant and practical way. Thus, the material creation is essentially a university wherein we rediscover our relationship with God. As the creator and maintainer, Krishna periodically appears in the world to re-inject spirituality, remove materialistic influences and ensure the smooth functioning of the universe. Page 6

outlines the true criteria and purpose of such classification.

R –

Removing Reactions (Verses 16-24) - While transcendental knowledge helps one to clear up philosophical doubts, it also helps one to clear up their “karmic bank balance”. Karma is a universal law of nature – for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. While bad karma is obviously undesirable, Krishna further explains that even good karma should be avoided since it also binds one to material existence. Beyond good and bad are activities performed on the spiritual level, that is, action which yields no reaction and ultimately frees one from the anxieties and entanglements of this world. Such action is known as akarma.

S – Sacrifice (Verses 25-42) - In

destination – Krishna explains that while there is unity in diversity, there are also different gradations of spiritual elevation. Verse 12 addresses the misconception that Eastern scriptures talk of polytheism and the worship of many “gods” - Krishna re-emphasises the monotheistic stance that there is only one God. Verse 13 addresses the concern that the caste system is unfair and exploitative - Krishna

order to acquire, understand and realise transcendental knowledge one must make a sacrifice. While material knowledge is dependent on calibre, spiritual knowledge is dependent upon character. Sacrifices help refine one’s character so they become eligible to achieve this knowledge. One of the biggest sacrifices is to relinquish one’s pride by humbly submitting oneself before the bona fide guru. By faithful service and sincere inquiry within such a relationship, the heart becomes fertile ground for spiritual knowledge to blossom. http://sutapamonk.blogspot.com/

Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter

April 2013


Radhika J

SENAGETAWAY 2013 Soleggiato Italia vi aspetta. Si sarebbe uno sciocco a perdere! To all you Italians out there reading this ignore the grammar. I used google translate but, what this means is “Sunny Italy is waiting for you. You would be a fool to miss it!” This year, Senagetaway is flying you to the rolling hills of Florence, a stone’s throw away from the leaning Tower of Pisa, to the

excitement will come when we add one thing: Kirtan. Kirtan is a mantra meditation experience like none other; a form of yoga which awakens the individuals spiritual nature. Russell Brand says ...’some connect to God through prayer, some connect through speaking to him … I connect to God through Kirtan.’ All over the world, especially in the USA, this divine art of loving God, which bring peace to the mind and is the best ever experience is taking off and we’re bringing it to you in one of the most picturesque locations on the planet. Kirtan is like chocolate fudge cake with

Age: 21 Studying g rchandisin Visual Me r College @ Windso

How did you find out about Psena? Initially, I heard about this youth group ‘Pandava Sena’ while coming to the Manor. I asked a few people around the temple about it and found out the nearest event for me is ‘Harrow Jammin’ which is literally minutes from my house! To my surprise I found my brother Abhishek already attends and he encouraged me to come.

What did you like about the events? beautiful olive gardens of the renaissance mansion of Villa Vrindavana. What is senagetaway I hear you ask? Every year, for the last twenty years Pandava Sena has been taking over a hundred-and-fifty students and professionals all across Europe to summer spiritual retreats and this years is no different except it’s going to be bigger and better than ever. Spiritual seminars, festivals in Florence, fresh Italian cuisine

at the Villa, a trip to one of the Top 5 European Theme Parks, laughing with likeminded people are only some of the things we have planned. However, the real

hot caramel on top: you have to try it to see why it’s so good. Our special guests this year are world renowned singer of Kirtan His Holiness BB Govinda Swami and Gaur Gopal das who is known for his thought provocative and entertaining seminars. The trip dates are between 9th August – 18th August and is for a price of £375, which includes everything from flights to food. This Kirtan Experience is not to be missed. Non vediamo l’ora di vedervi lì! (We can’t wait to see you there!) For more details and to see videos of previous trips visit www.psena. com

There are so many events that take place within Pandava Sena I feel like their is always something to do. From fortnightly Jammin’s, taking part in drama’s, designing the website, promoting and especially something you should not miss out on are the ‘Summer Trips.’ They are just amazing and honestly you come back inspired with all the fantastic activities that we do. I truthfully can’t define how many things I like about the events and can’t forget the fact of meeting so many new people and making so many lifelong friends.

What do you do in Psena? I am in charge of cooking for Harrow Jammin’. From, Italian to Indian to Chinese I love experimenting and letting between eighty to a hundred students taste my cooking – which doesn’t always go well! I also help with promoting on Sunday Night Kirtan @ the Manor, where we interact with young people on the range of activities we do.

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter

April 2013

Under the Full Moon: Lord Caitanya is born This year’s Gaura Purnima festival celebrating the birth of Lord Caitanya, fell on 27th March. During the morning, special guest Radhanath Swami spoke of the glories of the most merciful incarnation of Krishna, and this was followed by abhikseka (bathing of the sacred deities). In the afternoon, the devotees went on a chanting procession in London’s West End which warmed up a particularly cold day. In the evening at the local Allum Hall there were devotional performances by the Manor School, and the Bhaktivedanta Players’ drama endeavoured to portray the deep emotions experienced by Lord Caitanya during the latter period in His life.

Join a Spiritual Retreat in the Italian countryside

From June 14th- 18th there will be a spiritual retreat at one of ISKCON Europe’s most scenic spots with daily classes from Kripamoya das and a lively temple program. Villa Vrindavan is situated near the township of San Casciano, close to Florence in Italy. The main building, a sumptuous Renaissance villa dating back to the first half of the sixteen century dominates the 198 acres of property, with its lush woods and hundreds of olive plants. Beautiful exotic plants embellish the grounds and peacocks freely roam the property.

In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is described that Lord Caitanya appeared during a lunar eclipse, during which time it was the custom of the public to bathe in sacred rivers and chant mantras for purification. At this time all India was roaring with the holy sound of the Hare Krishna mantra as Lord Caitanya descended to this world.

The fee is 200 Euros which includes accommodation, prasad and travel from the airport. All devotees are welcome. For more information contact Ganga: gailstaveacre@gmail.com

Multi-coloured snowballs On the morning of Sunday 24th March, the day of the Manor’s Holi festival, it was zero degrees and a thin layer of snow carpeted the ground. Holi is traditionally an event to celebrate the coming of spring, but as the snow came down the weather seemed anything but that! Yet, that didn’t stop hundreds of brave and some might say gallant festivalgoers from playing Holi to the fullest! During the evening there were even a few of the younger revellers pelting each other with multi-coloured snowballs! “It turned out to be a lovely occasion,” said congregational member Vithal Patel, “it was our Holi in zero degrees cold, very unlike India! I wish all my friends in different parts of the world could witness this festival being enjoyed at the Manor in such a unique way.”

www.ahimsamilk.org May 2013

Bhaktivedanta Manor Dharam Marg · Hilfield Lane Aldenham · Herts (for sat-nav only, please use postcode WD25 8DT) 01923 851000 www.krishnatemple.com Please send your news, photos and comments to: Radha Mohan das newsletter@krishnatemple.com Page 8

Sun 5 Mon 6 Thur 9 Sun 19 Tues 21 Fri 24 Sat 25

Varuthini Ekadasi Early May Bank Holiday App of Sri Gadadhara Pandit App of Srimati Sita Devi (consort of Lord Sri Rama) App of Srimati Jahnava Devi (consort of Lord Nityananda) Mohini Ekadasi App of Lord Nrsimhadeva (fast till twilight) App of Sri Madhavendra Puri & Sri Srinivasa Acarya

© 2013, All articles & photographs copyright of Bhaktivedanta Manor

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