Asian-Australian Energy Relations Bharatbook added a new report on "Asian-Australian Energy Relations" which gives growing role of natural gas and uranium in the Asia-Pacific and Australia's involvement in both markets. Asian-Australian Energy Relations Asian energy markets have been growing furiously in recent years. Even the global recession struggled to curb their demand for all types of fuel. Recent policy announcements from the likes of China, Japan, Korea and India indicate that if anything, growth is likely to accelerate in the years to come. How will this be possible and what effect will this have particularly on resource rich Australia.( http://www. ) Scope * An overview of the Asia-Pacific and how recent changes in country relations will affect Australia's interaction with the region. * Analysis of Asia's big four energy markets and how these are likely to change as a result of recent energy policy changes. Highlights China and India are becoming global superpowers but both face energy crises that Australia can alleviate. Their insatiable appetites for coal have prompted policy changes that could benefit Australia's natural gas market. Reasons to Purchase * Understand the growing role of natural gas and uranium in the Asia-Pacific and Australia's involvement in both markets. Analyse the impact of plans to expand LNG and nuclear. * Formulate a strategic response to changing resource demand hotspots and understand the new supply dynamics this will create. To know more and to buy a copy of your report feel free to visit : id=144581&rt=Asian-Australian-Energy-Relations.html Related Reports : Asia National Oil Companies: Overseas Acquisitions To Secure Future Energy Needs