Bharatbook announces the inclusion of latest conference on "Conference on 6th Annual Drug Delivery Systems " Moving towards effective drug delivery technologies and deal making 1st - 2nd February 2011, BSG Conference Centre, London, UK Key Speakers: Dr. Sven Stegemann, Director, Pfizer Dr. Sophie Van Tomme, Pharmaceutical Scientist, Abbott Gerrit Hauck, Head PSD R&D Operations, Sanofi -Aventis Matthew Roe, Senior Director-Business Development and Licensing, Genzyme Dr. Oliver Steinbach, Department Head, Philips Research Laboratories Dr. Rajan K. Verma, Senior Manager Early Development Formulations – Generics Integrated Product Development (IPDO), Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Dr. Deirdre McIntosh, Director, McIntosh Scientific Advice Services Dr. Michel Deleers, CEO, OncoBel Dr. Andrew Lewis, Operations Director, Critical Pharmaceuticals Dr. Ben Forbes, Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutics, King’s College, London Ketan Pancholi, Lecturer, The Robert Gordon University Gerry Kamstra Partner, IP & Life Sciences, Bird and Bird Conference Introduction Shrinking global capital markets, new healthcare policies, ageing populations, the growth of emerging economies, technological advances and the advent of regenerative and biological medicines are just some of the factors expected to shape the future drug delivery device market. (Source: Cambridge Consultants UK, September 2009) ( With increased competition and the growing importance of patience compliance, pharmaceutical companies are working towards developing effective and targeted drug delivery systems, to transform disease treatments. Now in its 6th year, Drug Delivery Systems Conference showcases the basics and latest developments for inhaled drug, RNAi based therapies and protein and peptide methods. We have put together an unparalleled scientific programme comprising insightful presentations by leading experts from Pfizer, Philips Research, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories and Genzyme. This conference will feature keynote addresses, case studies and interactive discussions ranging from current and evolving drug delivery technologies to advancement and manufacturing of more efficient formulations. Attendance at this conference will enable you to:
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