Conference on 7th Annual Pain Management Bharatbook
Conference on 7th Annual Pain Management announces the inclusion of latest conference on "Conference on 7th Annual Pain Management " 18th – 19th October 2010, BSG House, London, UK Background Info Key Speakers • Theo F. Meert, Senior Research Fellow, Neuroscience, Johnson & Johnson • Iain Chessell, VP Neuroscience, MedImmune • Steve England, Associate Research Fellow, Pfizer • Anne Estrup Olesen, Mech-Sense, Department of Gastroenterology,Aalborg University • Anastasia Liapi, Director Business Development & New Product Leader CNS & Pain, Astellas ( html) Extensive availability of generic drugs, pipeline products and increasing demand for efficient medical devices has accelerated growth of the global pain management marketplace. However recent issues involving patent expiries of top NSAID’s drugs, regulatory approvals and safety of analgesics classes are posing a huge challenge to this sector. How rapid will the pain management market grow in the next 10 years? What are the evolving segments of pain management and which new drugs in the pipeline will take the leap? Join us at 7th Annual Pain Management Conference, where our expert panel of speakers, will share insights on ‘first-to-market’ opportunities, pivotal to achieve success in the global pain market across drugs and devices. With a special spotlight on innovations in analgesics, pipeline drugs and clinical breakthrough for chronic pain therapies, the conference will be an unmissable opportunity to maximise your knowledge and network with diverse industry leaders from the pain management sector. Learn, exchange ideas and acquire knowledge on: • Maximising the role of opioids in treatment of persistent pain • Assessing the market dynamics of chronic pain and key pipeline development • Gaining new insights into migraine pain and the molecular basis of effective therapeutics • Developing spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for chronic pain of neuropathic • Evaluating analgesic effect in experimental visceral pain models through translational pain research • Examining pathophysiology of cancer pain and opioid tolerance • Understanding the role of voltage-gated sodium channels in neuropathic pain • Implementing target nerve growth factor (NGF) for pain therapy • Devising a new methodology to measure quality of recovery from anaesthesia • Developing a two step approach for treating diabetic neuropathy: eliminating the cause and relieving the symptoms file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/user29/Deskto...ference%20on%207th%20Annual%20Pain%20Management.htm (1 of 7)7/27/2010 10:33:25 AM