BH Courier E-edition 010320

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JAN. 03, 2020



Mural Unveiling Set for Jan. 12


Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills Hosts Charity Auction 7

Awards Season Hideaway at AKA in Beverly Hills 1 0


Birds, vibrant colors and sunsets aren't the first images that come to mind when thinking of the Metro Purple Line Extension. But they soon will be in Beverly Hills, as the dominant themes of a new mural by renowned Japanese contemporary artist Tomokazu Matsuyama. The work, entitled “Thousand Regards/ Shape of Color,” is Matsuyama's 80 foot-by 20-foot homage to the City. It will grace the north side of the Metro construction sound wall at N. Canon Drive and Wilshire Boulevard for the next several years. An official ribbon-cutting ceremony for the mural is set for Jan. 12 on the 100 block of N. Canon at 1 p.m. North Canon was reconfigured into a

cul-de-sac in 2019, to accommodate ongoing work on the Purple Line Extension and the Wilshire/Rodeo station. “Not a lot of people were happy about the construction. But once we realized that there had to be a wall there, we wanted to make the best of it. Now we’re going to have something very cool,” Derrick Ontiveros, chair of the NEXT Beverly Hills Committee, told the Courier. The idea for the mural originated with NEXT Beverly Hills, said Ontiveros. The Committee worked with local businesses as well as the Beverly Hills Arts and Culture Commission on the project, which was fully funded by the City.

The Larchmont Village-based LeBasse Projects was hired to manage the entire process, including artist selection, logistics and implementation. "It was an extremely formal process, involving NEXT, the Arts and Culture Commission, City Council and lots of local stakeholders," Beau Basse, Creative Director of LeBasse Projects, told the Courier. Basse considered several factors in selecting Matsuyama. "We really wanted the artist to be unique to Canon and to Beverly Hills. He [Matsuyama] is a Japanese artist who's been in New York for 30 years." (Mural continues on page 3)

Wellness Tips and Trends from Organic Spa Magazine Guru Rona Berg 1 2

“Thousand Regards/ Shape of Color" by Tomokazu Matsuyama

Former Beverly Hills Laemmle Music Hall Employees Prove the Show Must Go On

News 4 Courier Calendar 6 Arts & Entertainment 7 Community 1 0 Health and Wellness 1 2


Birthdays 14

The renowned Laemmle Beverly Hills Music Hall has found new life under the direction of three former Laemmle Theatres employees. The three — Lauren Brown, Luis Orellana, and Peter Ambrosio — are leasing the theatre and operating it with new management as Lumiere Cinema at the Music Hall. The Music Hall is a Beverly Hills landmark which was built in the 1930’s and run by the Laemmle family under a 45-year tenancy since 1974. Laemmle owner Greg Laemmle told the Courier that the theatre was converted into a triplex in 1995. In late November, Laemmle made the surprise announcement that the company would cease operations at the location. (Laemmle continues on page 8)

Fun & Games 1 5 Classifieds 1 9



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SINCE 1965

Beverly Hills Police Increase Vigilance After Hate Crimes BY L AUR A COLEMAN

With the recent vandalism at the Beverly Hills Nessah Synagogue still fresh in everyone’s minds, last Sunday’s machete attack inside a New York rabbi’s home and the deadly Texas shooting at a church starkly reinforced that attacks on faith communities are not showing signs of abatement. In the wake of these attacks, on Dec. 31 Beverly Hills Police Chief Sandra Spagnoli assured the community that BHPD was doing everything possible to protect the City. “I wanted to let you know ... that your safety and security remain our highest priority,” Spagnoli wrote in a Nixle alert. (Vigilance continues on page 8)

The new operators of Lumiere Cinema

$145 PER YEAR — $3.00 PER COPY



January 23, 2020 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard

LOCATION: Room 280A – 2nd Floor Beverly Hills City Hall 455 North Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 PROJECT ADDRESS:

9111 Wilshire Boulevard

The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its REGULAR meeting on Thursday, January 23, 2020, will hold a public hearing beginning at 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider the following:

Conditional Use Permit (CUP). A CUP request pursuant to BHMC §10-3-2862 to allow a hotel use to operate on a property located within the C-3 Commercial Zone. The project proposes the adaptive reuse of an existing ten-story office building to a 154-room hotel with restaurant and ancillary uses. The proposed project will not increase the floor area or height of the existing building. The project site includes a detached 6,757 square foot restaurant (former Kate Mantelini) and a 5-story parking garage with 138 parking spaces. The proposed project also includes the use of an off-site parking garage located at 140 South Doheny Drive with 108 parking spaces. Additionally, pursuant to BHMC §§ 10-3-2733 and 10-3-2741(B), the CUP application includes a request for off-site parking in excess of ten spaces within 750’ of the site, and a request for modified vehicle loading spaces. Historic Incentive Permit (HIP). A HIP request pursuant to BHMC §10-3-3252 to allow deviations from development standards described in BHMC sections: 10-32863 (Ground Floor Street Frontage); 10-3-2865 (Capacity of Other Uses); 10-32867 (Hotel Access Area); 10-3-2868(B) (Residential Adjacency); 10-3-2868(C4) (Maximum Height and Floors); and 10-3-1953(A) (Solid Masonry Wall). This project has been assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.), the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Sections 15000 et seq.), and the environmental regulations of the City. Upon review, the project appears to qualify for a Class 1 Categorical Exemption (Existing Facilities) and a Class 31 Categorical Exemption (Historical Resources Restoration/Rehabilitation) in accordance with the requirements of Sections 15301 and 15331 of the state CEQA Guidelines. Class 1 Categorical Exemptions are applicable to the operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures and facilities, involving negligible or no expansion of use. Class 31 Categorical Exemptions are applicable to projects limited to maintenance, repair, stabilization, rehabilitation, restoration, preservation, conservation or reconstruction of historical resources. Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions set forth in CEQA, the Planning Commission consider a recommendation to find the project exempt from the environmental review requirements of CEQA. Any interested person may attend the meeting and be heard or present written comments to the Commission. Written comments may also be submitted prior to the public hearing to the Planning Division via mail at: attn. Juan Arauz, 455 N. Rexford Drive, 1st Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Comments may also be submitted via email at: Any written comments received by end of day Tuesday, January 14, 2020 will be attached to the agenda report regarding this item. Any comments received after Tuesday, January 14, 2020, but prior the public hearing, will be distributed to the Commission under separate cover. According to Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge the City’s action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City, either at or prior to the public hearing. Please note that any comments received prior to or during the public hearing will be considered as part of the public record. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Juan Arauz, AICP, Associate Planner in the Planning Division at (310) 285-1127, or by email at Copies of the project plans and associated application materials are on file in the Community Development Department, and can be reviewed by any interested person at 455 North Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Sincerely: Juan Arauz, AICP Associate Planner Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Beverly Hills will make reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance, please call (310) 285-1127 (voice) or (310) 2856881 (TTY). Providing at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice will help to ensure availability of services. City Hall, including the Council Chamber and Room 280A, is wheelchair accessible. The City Hall Council Chamber and Room 280A are also equipped with audio equipment for the hearing impaired.


The Council of the City of Beverly Hills, at its regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 455 N. Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, will hold a public hearing to consider:

EXTENSION OF AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS TO PROHIBIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS THAT FAIL TO COMPLY WITH INCLUSIONARY HOUSING REQUIREMENTS AND CERTAIN PUBLIC NOTICING REQUIREMENTS AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF. The Council will consider whether or not to extend the interim ordinance for a period of ten months and fifteen days, in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 65858. The extension of the interim Urgency Ordinance will require a four fifths vote by the City Council. This Interim Ordinance has been assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.), the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Sections 15000 et seq.), and the environmental regulations of the City. The adoption and implementation of the Interim Ordinance represents minor alterations in land use limitations and noticing procedures for certain projects and do not result in any changes in land use or density. It can therefore be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed amendments may have a significant effect on the environment. In addition, the Interim Ordinance consists of an action taken by a regulatory agency for the protection of the environment due to the fact that it will apply inclusionary housing regulations to all multi-family housing developments. Accordingly, the City Council will consider the staff recommendation to find the Interim Ordinance exempt from the environmental review requirements of CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3), 15305, and 15308 of the California Code of Regulations because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question would have a significant effect on the environment. All interested persons are invited to attend and speak on this matter. Written comments also may be submitted and should be addressed to the City Council, c/o City Clerk, 455 N. Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Written comments should be received prior to the public hearing date. Any written comments received by close of business on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 will be attached to the agenda report regarding this item. Any comments received after Tuesday, January 21, 2020, but prior to the public hearing, will be distributed to the Council under separate cover. Please note that if you challenge the City’s action in regards to this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at a public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City, either at or prior to the end of the public hearing. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Timmi Tway, Senior Planner, Community Development Department, at (310) 285-1122 or The case file, including a copy of the proposed urgency Ordinance, is available for review in the Community Development Department, 455 N. Rexford Drive, 1st Floor, Beverly Hills, California 90210. In addition, the staff report on this matter will be available at least ten days in advance of the meeting date at the office of the City Clerk located at 455 N. Rexford Drive, 2nd Floor, Beverly Hills, California 90210. HUMA AHMED City Clerk Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Beverly Hills will make reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance, please call (310) 285-2400 (voice) or (310) 285-6881 (TTY). Providing at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice will help to ensure availability of services. City Hall, including the Council Chamber and Room 280A, is wheelchair accessible. The City Hall Council Chamber and Room 280A are also equipped with audio equipment for the hearing impaired. JAN. 03, 2020


The artist at work in New York (Mural continued from page 1) He hadn't done murals in years, but recently did an important one in New York," said Basse. Additionally, while the City was in the process of hiring Matsuyama, he was selected to represent Japan in a major installation at Shinjuko Station in Tokyo for the 2020 Summer Olympics. "We're definitely catching him at a very exciting time in his career," said Basse. Ontiveros agrees that the City is "lucky to have the mural, which will elevate the social and public art here in Beverly Hills." Reaction to Matsuyama's finished product has been favorable from official quarters, as well as members of the public who commented during the installation process in November, said Basse. “The Arts and Culture Commission is excited to see the mural is finished and has created a beautiful visual for the City of Beverly Hills. We are always looking to

JAN. 03, 2020

bring new art and cultural experiences to the City and the mural exemplifies those efforts,” Arts and Culture Commission Chair Stephanie Vahn told the Courier. "Thousand Regards/Shape of Color" is described as a color explosion incorporating various shapes. Birds, in particular, are used as a universal symbol of happiness. Matsuyama is said to be influenced by Japanese art from the Edo and Meiji eras, classical Greek and Roman statuary, French Renaissance painting and postwar contemporary art. "All of his work is about juxtaposition of culture, East and West, historical versus contemporary," said Basse. As for whether the mural will survive once the wall comes down, Basse isn't hopeful. "It's affixed to walls that belong to Metro. When it's time to go away, we’ll lose it. Sometimes, there's a joy that must end."


News Federal Judge Halts California Beverly Hills City Council Ban on Alligator and Crocodile Hopefuls To Hold Kick-Off Products Events on Sunday, Jan. 5 BY SANDR A SIMS

The California law banning the import and sale of alligator and crocodile products was temporarily blocked by U.S. District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller of the Sacramento Division for the Eastern District of California. The law was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom and would have taken effect on Jan. 1. Judge Mueller’s temporary restraining order (TRO) blocking the California ban was hailed by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards as a “first step in protecting Louisiana’s alligator industry.” That industry, said Edwards, supports his state’s economy by creating jobs and contributing to coastal restoration efforts. Both sides agreed to the TRO. And, Judge Mueller scheduled an April 24 hearing


on Louisiana’s request for a preliminary injunction, a longer-lasting order that may be entered by a court prior to a final determination of the merits. Judge Mueller added that California is not conceding anything by agreeing to the TRO and may continue to enforce laws barring the importation of alligator and crocodile bodies and body parts that are forbidden under the Endangered Species Act. American alligators are one of only two alligator species. Chinese alligators are one of the world’s most endangered crocodilians, while American alligators are thriving, partly because of alligator farmers.

Beverly Hills City Council to Decide Fate of $24 Million in Unallocated Funds BY L AUR A COLEMAN

With the financials now accounted for, the City of Beverly Hills rounded out the 2018/19 fiscal year with $24.4 million in unallocated funds, a City staff report found. The City Council is now in the midst of deciding what to do with the funds, which could include pre-funding a portion of its $280 million unfunded pension liability or spending millions to move forward on a plan to renovate La Cienega Park, which still needs Council approval. Staff recommendations for "Potential Projects to be Funded from the General Fund Available Balance" include: $7.5 million for the La Cienega Park Project; $7.5 million for the Subway Portal Project; $5 million for Property Acquisition; and $3 million for the Section 115 Pension Trust. Precisely, $1.123 million would subsequently remain undesignated in the fund's balance if all item allocations were to get approved as recommended in the Dec. 17, 2019 report. “We are fortunate that our local economy remains strong,” said City Manager George Chavez. “As economic forecasts can always change, we continue to remain fiscally prudent while focusing on City Council and community priorities.” Total General Fund operating revenue for 2018/19 increased by 3.5 percent (up $9.2 million) to $270 million compared to the previous fiscal year. At the City Council’s final Study Session of the year on Dec. 17, the General Fund balance of unallocated funds decreased slightly to just over $24.1 million after the Council unanimously voted to spend $290,000 to expand the successful Nurse PAGE 4

Practitioner Program (NPP). The staff report entitled “Fiscal Year 2018/19 General Fund Results and Available Balance Allocation; and Appropriation of Funding Fiscal Year 2019/20 for the Nurse Practitioner Program the amount $290,225,” was originally agendized to be reviewed on Dec. 10. The item on the unallocated funds, as set forth on the Study Session agenda both times, was slated to include “a discussion about how City Council would like to allocate the General Fund available balance as of June 30, 2019.” The item will once again be placed on the agenda for the next Study Session, on Jan. 9 at 2:30 p.m., confirmed City Spokesperson Keith Sterling. The report, which was prepared by Budget and Revenue Officer Don Harrison and Director of Finance Jeff Muir, states that the available General Fund monies would only “earmark” the dollars for a particular item. “The appropriation of funds would occur when a specific item returns to Council for approval at a later time,” states the report. The report concluded that “the prudent practice of conservatively budgeting revenues” allowed the City to achieve a total General Fund operating revenue which exceeded the original budget. While growth rates may have slowed in the major revenue categories, all revenue categories exceeded the previous years. “Overall the revenues performed strongly again FY 2018/19, although there are some signs of slowing,” stated the report. “The City is fortunate to have operating revenues that exceed operating expenditures.”

With the vote by mail ballots set to reach Beverly Hills voters in a month’s time, candidates vying for one of two seats on the Beverly Hills City Council are doing their best to let the community know they're running and why. On Sunday, Jan. 5, three of the five City Council candidates have planned campaign kick-off ’s during the afternoon. The kickoff ’s are intended to be an opportunity for the candidates to share their vision for the City’s future as well as a chance to interact with attendees for questions and answers. Incumbent City Council members Lili Bosse and Julian Gold, who are both running for a third term, as well as Planning Commissioner Lori Greene Gordon will all hold kick-off events on Jan. 5 in anticipation of the upcoming March 3 election. As a result of the California Voter Participation Rights Act, for the 2020 election, a vote can be cast at any L.A. County voting center via touchscreen ballot marking machines throughout an 11-day voting period. Vote by mail ballots can be left at any designated drop-off center through March 3 or sent in via the mail. Two-time Mayor Gold will start out the day’s round of City Council election kickoff events from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 616 N. Canon Dr. “The health and safety of our residents, openness and transparency within our City

Hon. Lili Bosse

government, and responsible management of our financial resources have been and will continue to be my top priorities as your City Councilmember,” Gold states on his election website (https://www.goldforbeverlyhills. com). Two-time Mayor Bosse plans to speak at 12:45 p.m. at her official kick-off, which is planned from noon to 2 p.m. at 804 N. Linden Dr. “I view all of my work on behalf of the City through that (Healthy City) lens - before every decision, I ask myself this question: ‘Will it contribute to the health of Beverly Hills?’” states Bosse on her election website ( Commissioner Gordon’s kick-off will close out the day, running from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. at 807 N. Bedford Dr. “I feel it is time for a new voice on City Council. The incumbent candidates have served in their positions since 2011. But nine years in one position does not allow for the free flow of new ideas that is necessary to keep our institutions vital,” Gordon states on her election website (https://www. Neither of the other two candidates, Rabbi Simchah Green or Robin Rowe (http://, have planned campaign kick-offs.

Hon. Julian Gold

Rabbi Simchah Green

Commissioner Lori Gordon

Robin Rowe

JAN. 03, 2020

City of Hope Wins Award at Tournament of Roses Parade

Beverly Hills To Welcome New Commissioners in 2020

The City of Hope took home the Past President’s Award for most innovative use of florals and non florals at the 131st Tournament of Roses Parade on Jan. 1, 2020. This is the third consecutive year that the institution has won an award at the world-renowned parade. The float featured eight City of Hope patients, including North Hollywood actress and former beauty queen Cierra Danielle Jackson who was born with sickle cell disease. This year marks the 48th time City of Hope, a world-renowned independent research and treatment center for cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases,


has participated in the Tournament of Roses Parade. At last year’s parade, City of Hope’s Harmony of Hope float won the President's Award for most outstanding use and presentation of flowers. The float theme of this year's winning City of Hope showcases a tree surrounded by flowers so that patients, physicians, nurses and staff can literally stop and smell the flowers. It is a representation of the Rose Garden and Japanese Garden on the City of Hope main campus, two places where patients and their loved ones can pause, relax and reflect.

Four new City of Beverly Hills Commissioners are set to be recognized at the upcoming City Council meeting on Jan. 9, having technically began their terms on Jan. 1. City Commissions allow residents to step up in service to the community. John Millan will join the City’s Public Works Commission. The Commission serves as advisors to the City Council on matters that deal with water, streets, alleys, solid waste collections, wastewater and storm drains. Commissioner Charles Alpert was also reappointed on Jan. 1 for a four-year term. Marc Teren will join the Cultural Heritage Commission. The Commission makes recommendations to the City Council on designation of historic properties and applications to the Mills Act program as well as other preservation issues. Lee H. Hilborne will join the Health and Safety Commission. The Commission strives to maintain and improve the overall health and safety of the community by promoting community awareness of health and safety

issues. Jodi Galen will join the Charitable Solicitations Commission. The Commission is designed to regulate charitable activities in the City with the purpose of protecting charitable assets for their intended use. The Commission also helps ensure that charitable donations contributed by the residents of Beverly Hills are not misappropriated through fraud or other dishonest means. Later this year, on July 1, Myra Demeter and Thomas C. Hudnut will join the Planning Commission. The Commission is responsible for recommending broad development policies to the City Council and reviewing development applications for their conformance to the General Plan. Also on July 1, Rhoda J. Sharp will join the Human Relations Commission. The Commission recommends and encourages activities and programs to be undertaken to promote positive human relations in all aspects of community life. (Commissioners continues on page 9)

City of Hope patients rode on the float. Photo Courtesy of City of Hope

City of Hope's winning entry at the 131st Rose Bowl Parade. Photo Courtesy of City of Hope

JAN. 03, 2020


Courier Calendar Tomokazu Matsuyama commissioned by the City of Beverly Hills. The mural is located on the construction wall in place for the Metro Purple Line Extension at the intersection of N. Canon Drive and Wilshire Boulevard.


L.A. ZOO LIGHTS Los Angeles Zoo 5333 Zoo Dr., Los Angeles 6 p.m. Glowing animals provide an unforgettable nighttime journey that includes an illuminated pop-up storybook, a magical disco ball forest, giant snowflakes, and a twinkling tunnel filled with dynamic swirls of color. Guests can enjoy seasonal treats and visits with Santa.


"DOGS! A SCIENCE TAIL" California Science Center 700 Exposition Park Dr., Los Angeles 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


JAN. 5

JAN. 9

GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS Beverly Hilton 9876 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills Airs live at 5 p.m. (with red carpet coverage before the show)

THE LOGIC OF POETRY AND DREAMS HOUMAN SARSHAR The Broad 221 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles 7 p.m.

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s 77th Golden Globe Awards ceremony recognizes 25 categories of achievement in film and television. The show marks the official start of the 2020 awards season and also raises money to fund scholarships for young performers. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association will bestow the 2020 Cecil B. DeMille Award on Tom Hanks.

In conjunction with the continuing exhibit, “Shirin Neshat: I Will Greet the Sun Again,” and taking place in the galleries, poets and artists across a range of media and from varied backgrounds will read, perform, and reflect upon Neshat’s works, and delve into the universality of his themes. Co-organized with independent literary curators Louise Steinman and Maureen Moore. logic-poetry-and-dreams-houman-sarshar

JAN. 5

The popular “DOGS! A Science Tail” exhibit is coming to a close at the California Science Center. The groundbreaking show explores the science behind the evolution of dogs from ancient wolves to loyal companions. Hands-on stations explore how dogs see, hear, and smell the world. exhibits/dogs-a-science-tail THROUGH JAN. 5

GILMORE GIRLS HOLIDAY Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood 3400 Warner Blvd., Burbank 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Celebrate the holidays at Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood. Fans of “Gilmore Girls” can explore the backlot as it transforms into Stars Hollow, including the famous town square, Lorelai’s yard, Luke’s diner, Sookie’s front porch and Stars Hollow High School. https://www.wbstudiotourcom/news/ gilmore-girls-holiday/

A PLACE CALLED HOME “NEW YEAR’S RACE 2020” Grand Park, DTLA 200 N. Spring St., Los Angeles Registration: 3 p.m.; Kids Run Start 4 p.m.; 5k Start: 5 p.m.; Basecamp Challenge Start: 5:35 p.m. 10k Start: 6:30 p.m. Celebrate the New Year with this evening race that begins and ends in Grand Park. Run a 5K, 10K, or both for the 9.3 mile challenge. A Kids Run option is also available. The event benefits A Place Called Home, which provides a safe, nurturing environment with programs in arts, education and wellness for young people in South Central Los Angeles.


MATTHEW BOURNE’S “SWAN LAKE” Ahmanson Theatre 135 N. Grand Ave., Los Angeles 8 p.m. JAN. 7

Retaining the iconic elements of the original production loved by millions around the world, Matthew Bourne and award-winning designers Lez Brotherston and Paule Constable create an exciting reimagining of this classic. Bourne’s “Swan Lake” is best known for replacing the female corps-de-ballet with a menacing male ensemble. Collecting over 30 international accolades including an Olivier Award in the UK and three Tony’s on Broadway, the interpretation of Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece is a contemporary “Swan Lake” for our times.


BEVERLY HILLS BARN DANCE SING-ALONG The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts 9390 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills 7 p.m. The City of Beverly Hills invites the public to a Barn Dance Sing-Along featuring Mayor John Mirisch and Country Nation, with special guest performances by Paulette Ivory, Victoria Gordon and Grace Mirisch. Light refreshments to follow the event, which is free but RSVP is required. For ticketing, call 310-746-4000. Complimentary parking is available at 450 N. Crescent Dr.

JAN. 9

DINNERSTEIN/HAIMOVITZ: BEETHOVEN/GLASS The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts 9390 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills 7:30 p.m. Pianist Simone Dinnerstein and cellist Matt Haimovitz perform works by Beethoven and Philip Glass in a program celebrating Beethoven’s 250th anniversary. “Then and Now” pairs the legendary composer’s works with one of contemporary music’s most influential composers – Philip Glass. The virtuosos are presented as both collaborators and soloists in a program that includes Beethoven's Cello Sonatas Op. 102 No. 1 and No. 2, as well as Philip Glass’ "Partita No. 2" for Solo Cello and "Mad Rush" for Solo Piano. A Preludes @ The Wallis pre-concert conversation moderated by Classical KUSC’s Brian Lauritzen will be held before the concert at 6:30 p.m. and includes a complimentary glass of wine. To purchase tickets and for more information, call 310-746-4000. JAN. 12

NORTH CANON MURAL RIBBON CUTTING 100 Block of Canon Dr., Beverly Hills 1 p.m. The public is invited to the official ribbon cutting ceremony for the “Thousand Regards/Shape of Color” mural by

31ST ANNUAL PALM SPRINGS Palm Springs Convention Center 277 N. Avenida Caballeros, Palm Springs The Palm Springs International Film Festival is one of the largest film festivals in North America, welcoming over 135,000 attendees each year for its lineup of new and celebrated international features and documentaries. The Film Festival has screenings until Jan. 13. film-festival-2020 JAN. 18

MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY CELEBRATION CONCERT Skirball Cultural Center 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles 7 p.m. At this 10th annual tribute concert, under the direction of Charles Dickerson, the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles and their Community Chorus will perform an array of uplifting numbers, including “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” “From Sea to Shining Sea,” and “I Have a Dream”—an orchestral and choral setting of Dr. King’s 1963 speech delivered during the March on Washington. The program will also feature the winners of the SCLC Annual Oratorical and Essay Contest. Co-presented with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Southern California and the Inner-City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles.


“FIJI: ART AND LIFE IN THE PACIFIC” L.A. County Museum of Art 5905 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles The exhibit showcases over 280 artworks drawn from major international collections, including Fiji Museum, the British Museum, the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Cambridge), the Smithsonian, and distinguished private collections. The exhibition includes figurative sculpture, ritual kava bowls, breastplates of pearl shell and whale ivory, large-scale barkcloths, small portable temples, weapons, and European watercolors and paintings as well as a newly commissioned 26-foot double-hulled sailing canoe (drua) constructed in Fiji using traditional materials and techniques. fiji-art-and-life-pacific

JAN. 03, 2020

Arts & Entertainment Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills Hosts Charity Auction

Street Closures Set for 77th Golden Globe Awards


Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills is hosting a special online charity auction in conjunction with the MusiCares Person Of The Year benefit gala to be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center on Jan. 24. “Julien’s Auctions is proud to continue our long-standing partnership with MusiCares in this Grammy week auction event honoring one of America’s most beloved and iconic bands, Aerosmith,” Julien’s President/Chief Executive Officer Darren Julien told the Courier. "For nearly two decades, Julien’s Auctions has proudly called Beverly Hills home to our record breaking auctions in the film, music, sports and art markets,” Julien said. All proceeds from the online auction will go towards the organization’s mission to aid musicians and artists in need. Among the items to be auctioned at Julien’s Auctions are instruments from Rock & Roll Hall of Fame- inducted rock band Aerosmith. In addition, a Steven Tyler and Joe Perry “Rockin’ Vegas Nights VIP Meet and Greet Package” will be offered at the auction. The package includes two first class airline tickets and two nights hotel accommodation

JAN. 03, 2020

Aerosmith Photo by Zack Whitford to attend the band’s concert in Las Vegas; an exclusive backstage tour of the Aerosmith “Deuces are Wild” show with an Aerosmith VIP host, photo opportunities and more. Other auction items include two platinum tickets to attend the exclusive Person of the Year gala with hotel accommodations for four nights from Jan. 23-26 and two platinum-level seats to the Grammy Awards telecast on Jan. 26 at Staples Center in Los Angeles. There are also auction items from other recording artists including BTS. Julien said, “We congratulate MusiCares for their 30 years of recognizing the musical and philanthropic achievements of some of our greatest artists.”

Ricky Gervais will host the Golden Globes The 77th Golden Globe Awards will take place Jan. 5 at the Beverly Hilton. Residents should take note of the following street closures: The westbound side of North Santa Monica Boulevard will be closed from Wilshire Boulevard at 9 p.m. Jan. 3 until 4 a.m. on Jan. 6. The eastbound lanes will close at 2 p.m. on Jan. 4, until 4 a.m. on Jan.

6. South Santa Monica Boulevard will remain open. Westbound Wilshire Boulevard will be completely closed at South Santa Monica Boulevard from 6 a.m. on Jan 4 to 4 a.m. on Jan. 6. There will be a limited closure on the eastbound side at Beverly Glen Boulevard, with local access only for residents in the 10200 to 10300 blocks of Wilshire and to visitors of the Los Angeles Country Club from 7 a.m. on Jan. 5 to 4 a.m. on Jan. 6. Limited closures will be in place on Whittier, Greenway and Trenton Drives and Carmelita, Elevado and Lomitas Avenues, with access provided to residents only from 7 a.m. on Jan. 5 to 1 a.m. on Jan. 6. Parking will be completely restricted with no exceptions from 6 a.m. on Jan. 5 to midnight that night on Whittier Drive from Wilshire to Sunset Boulevard, and on Greenway Drive from Sunset to Whittier Drive. Residents only with permits will be permitted to park during the same hours on Carmelita Avenue from Wilshire to Walden Drive; Lomitas Avenue from Whittier to Walden; Elevado Avenue from Wilshire to Walden; Trenton Drive from Whittier to Wilshire; and Walden Drive from Santa Monica Boulevard to Whittier.



(Laemmle continued from page 1) "We're happy to see that the theatre is still offering films to the public and couldn't be happier that some of our ex-employees make up the team that is continuing to keep the venue operating. We wish them well,” Laemmle told the Courier. The new lessees explained to the Courier the inspiration behind their decision to create a new chapter for the Music Hall. “After working at the theatre for years, we all had our own ideas about how we would want to run it. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity because the equipment and the space were available for this limited period, and we had the skills to put it all to use,” said Ambrosio. He first started working at the Music Hall in 2010 as a part-time projectionist and became a staff member and later manager after the theatre went digital in 2013. “We are intimately familiar with the Music Hall so we knew what we were getting into. With the major changes we saw on the horizon, we knew we had to make something happen,” he added. Ambrosio returned to the Music Hall as part of the new team after having left in 2018 to become a full-time freelance filmmaker. Lauren Brown, who began working for Laemmle in 2001 when she was 16, shared some of the plans for the new venture. “In terms of programming, we plan to carry on the tradition as well as incorporate repertory films and culturally relevant films, expecting exciting things to come,” she said. Fellow lessee Luis Orellana noted there


has been positive feedback from patrons who are happy that the theatre is still open. He began working at the Laemmle Music Hall in 2013. “I've worked at several Laemmle theatres ... Sunset 5, Fairfax and Playhouse. I've also worked a few shifts at the Royal and Monica,” said Orellana. “We had been dialoguing about running our own theatre for a few months prior to it all coming together. I also didn't want to see the theatre turn into something else which it almost did,” he added. Orellana explained that the transition didn’t take much time to put in place. “The theatre closed on 11/21/19 as a Laemmle theatre. We reopened eight days later on 11/29/19 as Lumiere Cinema. We actually just celebrated our first month of operation,” he said. Orellana said that Lumiere Cinema will continue with established traditions as well as introduce new marketing techniques to grow its brand and community outreach. “Carrying on the tradition in the sense that we'd still be showcasing foreign films, documentaries and independent films as well as ballet, opera and other theatrical arts,” he said. The venue will also host film festivals and other showcases. Ambrosio added, “I think the idea is to live up to the Laemmle tradition but also try to maximize the potential of the theatre. Los Angeles has a vibrant and storied film community, and we really want to make sure it’s well served by our programming.”

(Vigilance continued from page 1) “The Beverly Hills Police Department has directed significant resources to enhancing security at all of our religious institutions and schools,” Spagnoli emphasized In addition to conducting high visibility patrols, security checks and foot patrols, Spagnoli wrote that the BHPD also offers security assessments and safety training to mitigate threats as part of the City’s crime prevention efforts. Following the attack in the rabbi’s home in Monsey, New York, on the seventh night of Hanukkah, Simon Wiesenthal Center Dean Rabbi Marvin Heir called on the president to instruct the FBI to create a special task force on anti-Semitism. Hier established the international Jewish human rights organization in the Pico-Robertson district in 1977 to combat hate and anti-Semitism around the world. Spagnoli said the BHPD Intelligence Unit remains in close contact with Federal and community partners, including the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federation, to stay connected and respond appropriately when there is a threat. “We are committed to continue to work closely with our faith-based institutions on crime prevention, security assessments and safety,” she said. Anton Nathaniel Redding, 24, was arrested and charged with the Dec. 14 vandalism at Nessah Synagogue where after

breaking in and ransacking the building, he damaged Jewish relics and holy books. He plead not guilty during his arraignment and is scheduled to return to court on Jan. 30 Grafton E. Thomas, 37, was arrested and charged in connection with the stabbing attack of five Hasidic Jews in the home of Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg, roughly 36 miles north of New York City, on Dec. 29. He pleaded not guilty to five counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary. His next court date is set for Jan. 13. Keith Thomas Kinnunen, 43, opened fire in the West Freeway Church of Christ in Fort Worth, Texas on Dec. 29, killing two people before being shot dead by Jack Wilson, the head of the church's volunteer security team. “As demonstrated in our comprehensive police response to the Nessah Synagogue Hate Crime, we stand with our community in solidarity, to protect and serve, and commit to keeping Beverly Hills a safe place to live, work and worship,” Spagnoli wrote the community. Residents are encouraged to report any suspicious activity directly to 911, the City’s non-emergency line at 310-550-4951 or text “TIP BEVHILLSPD” and an anonymous message to 888-777. BHPD Sgt. Matt Stout can be contacted for questions related to a security assessment or training at 310-285-2192.

JAN. 03, 2020


Rams Player Brings Cheer to Cedars-Sinai Cancer Patients To finish out 2019, Los Angeles Rams' Chandler Brewer greeted patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment at the Samuel Oschin Cancer Center at Cedars-Sinai, offering hugs and his own inspiring story of cancer survivorship. The tall, burly 22-year-old offensive tackle with an easy smile and eagerness to engage met individually with several patients in the cancer infusion center. He told the story of how he handled learning about his non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis about two years ago, before his senior year of college. He discovered a lump on his leg during football practice, and at first dismissed it. How could a young, fit athlete have anything serious to worry about, he thought. At the time, he served as team captain and a starter for the Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders. To his surprise, he found out that he had a rare form of cancer, a diagnosis that stopped him in his tracks. Additional tests revealed that he actually had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer that originates in the lymphatic system – the disease-fighting network spread throughout the body. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is more common than the other general type of the disease – Hodgkin lymphoma. Undeterred, Brewer continued to play throughout his chemotherapy, which helped

him maintain a positive attitude, he said. "It was tough, but I tried to stay upbeat during the time I had treatments," said Brewer, who grew up playing football in Alabama. "It helps to stay positive, and to share your own story with other people. I know I feel the energy in the rooms of patients I visit." Earlier in 2019, Brewer joined his Rams teammates for a visit to Cedars-Sinai, when he also connected with patients in the cancer infusion units. Among those he chatted with was Hannah Lottenberg, 20, who had just wrapped up an appointment with her physician. The two cancer survivors exchanged stories for 10 minutes. Lottenberg, a college student, emerged from their private conversation with a big smile on her face. That reaction was contagious as Brewer made his rounds. "It's crazy that I get to do what I love," Brewer said, referring both to playing professional football and engaging with patients with whom he shares common life challenges. "I want to talk about cancer as a teaching moment, to help take away the fear," Brewer said. "Being able to do this is a no-brainer," Brewer added. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Los Angeles Rams offensive player Chandler Brewer. Photo courtesy of Cedars-Sinai (Commissioners continued from page 5) The City is also currently going through the review and interview process for additional appointments to the Traffic and Parking Commission, the Arts and Culture Commission, and the new Rent Stabilization Commission. According to City Clerk Huma Ahmed, those names have not been confirmed with the City Council, but should

be forthcoming in early 2020. In the coming months, Ahmed added, residents will be able to apply to fill one of the upcoming Commission vacancies for terms ending Dec. 31. Such Commissions include: Charitable Solicitations Commission, Design Review Commission, Health and Safety Commission, Human Relations Commission, and Public Works Commission.

Police Blotter The following incidents of Grand Thefts, Petty Thefts, Rape, Vandalism and Vehicle Theft have been reported by Law Enforcement. Streets are indicated by block numbers. BEVERLY HILLS GRAND THEFTS


12/28 – 9500 Block Wilshire Blvd.

12/28 – 11200 Block W. Pico Blvd.

VANDALISM 12/27 – 400 Block Roxbury Dr. 12/27 – 8500 Block Wilshire Blvd.


12/28 – 11700 Block Mayfield Ave. 12/28 – 10900 Block W. Pico Blvd.

VEHICLE 12/27 – 1800 Block Pelham Ave. 12/27 – 10400 Block Eastborne Ave. 12/27 – 10200 Block Santa Monica Blvd.


12/27 – 1700 Block Westwood Blvd.

12/27 – 1400 Block S. Bundy Dr.

12/27 – 1400 Block Greenfield Ave.

12/27 – 400 Block Roxbury Dr.


JAN. 03, 2020


Community Awards Season Hideaway at AKA in Beverly Hills BY CAROLE DIXON

AKA fan Jennifer Lawrence

AKA fan Richard Gere

for a half-day experience and $3,600 for a full-day experience, is also available. Walsh will schedule a one-on-one consultation to understand each resident’s specific style and vision for their wardrobe, and personally escort them on a private shopping excursion along Rodeo Drive near the property. Walsh will show residents how to dress and feel like a star, with a custom styling session in-suite at AKA, utilizing items already in their closet, or newly-purchased. Due to the long-stay residential demand and services, a sister property, AKA West Hollywood, opened on Sunset Boulevard offering stays of 31 days or more. This location caters to the artists, musicians, athletes, and high-profile guests renovating their homes. The perks include in-suite dining from Tesse, along with a “Suite Sommelier” featuring wine selections from Boutellier and a spacious pool deck overlooking the Los Angeles skyline. We decided to speak with Managing Director Brittney Ruland to find out more about the mass appeal of booking this type of property during a busy, high-profile season.

What do you offer that traditional hotels do not? Our one-and-two-bedroom suites range in size from 815 square feet to 1,810 square feet – perfect for those seeking the space needed for pre-show fittings – and feature full kitchens. AKA Beverly Hills has an exclusive collaboration with Wolfgang Puck’s Spago, which offers residents in-suite dining. Complimentary to residents is a.cinema, an intimate 20 seat screening room equipped with reclining leather seats to watch a film of their choice on AKA’s deluxe cinema screen. Residents can reserve the cinema for their own screenings or can choose from AKA’s film selection inspired by the locale.

Exterior Townhomes Once again, awards season is upon us kicking-off just after the New Year with the Golden Globes on Jan. 5, and continuing until the Oscars on Feb. 9. While celebrities will descend upon Beverly Hills and surrounding environs filling up top suites, there is a hidden long-stay hideaway where many award-winners will check-in before they ever walk a red carpet. Located at Crescent Drive and Wilshire Boulevard near top restaurants and shops, AKA Beverly Hills is a brand of luxury residences catering to entertainment and industry insiders. The goal is to balance the style, hospitality and services of an intimate hotel with the space and comfort of an elegantly appointed temporary home with a minimum seven-night stay. This location is also turning-out to be a top hideaway for post-surgical recovery, as well. Signature amenities include special bookings at Spago via a private entrance, complimentary use of AKA’s screening room,

bicycles, and a dedicated doorman 24/7. All suites include fully accessorized kitchens, washer-dryers, fireplaces, contemporary furnishings, walk-in closets, and full housekeeping. It’s no wonder celebrities who crave privacy and convenience from Richard Gere and Jennifer Lawrence, to Andy Garcia and Shannen Dougherty, among others, have publicly praised AKA. Other recognizable fans include Mandy Moore, Jane Fonda, and Michael Douglas to name a few. During this time of year, the residences also have access to celebrity stylists such as Erin Walsh to curate a brand-new wardrobe fit for the red-carpet galas. Walsh’s career began in the fashion department at Vogue. Today, she dresses A-listers including, Kerry Washington, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zachary Quinto, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lily Aldridge, Thandie Newton, Alison Brie, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and many others. Exclusively at AKA Beverly Hills, a personal shopping spree ranging from $1,800

Why is the awards season your busiest time of year? Our location is ideal for the award season. Not only for the actual proximity to the awards but also where celebrities want to be, while still having their privacy. AKA is an innovative luxury serviced residence which becomes a temporary home to many entertainment industry insiders and celebrities who are seeking high-end condominium-style accommodations, specializing in stays of seven nights or longer. AKA is Ideal for the Award Season as it is a hybrid balancing the style and hospitality of an intimate hotel with the space, comfort, and privacy of luxury residence. The industry insiders seeking accommodations for a week or so during awards season are looking for a spacious, more home-like environment, along with personalized service.

What is one of the most unique or sought-after request from your regular clients? We strive to make AKA home. We always reach out prior to arrival to make every resident that stays with us as personal as possible – whether that be your favorite groceries stocked before you get here, or arranging a full VIP experience from the airport, in our Tesla house car, to the property. Is there anything new that our readers or potential guests should know about? We have recently renovated our new penthouse suites with beautiful cashmere Carrara marble in both kitchens and bathrooms, coupled with stunning hardwood floors and new Bosch appliances. The AKA motto is: “Don’t just visit, live it!” AKA Beverly Hills’ LIVE IT! program provides residents with unique opportunities to enjoy new experiences, learn new skills and develop new talents while residing in Los Angeles. AKA Beverly Hills’ current lineup of offerings includes a private Helicopter day-trip to Napa, surf lessons in Malibu with Sergio Peñaloza, and horseback riding through Griffith Park.

Front Desk PAGE 10

JAN. 03, 2020

BHUSD Construction Continues BY SANDR A SIMS

The Beverly Hills Unified School District (BHUSD) will continue with construction school site projects in 2020 at Beverly Hills High School (BHHS) and El Rodeo School. Construction work at the BHHS theatrical and music facilities, which began in the summer of 2019, involves demolition, and abatement completion, along with foundation work including structural modernization of areas such as the BHHS school auditorium and theater. Theater arts performances at BHHS currently take place at other local venues, such as the Saban Theatre on Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills. El Rodeo School is currently closed due to work there, which entails structural seismic retrofitting this year. Construction at the BHUSD sites is managed by Team Concept Development Services (TCDS), Inc. Jeff Pylman, Executive Bond Program Manager for BHUSD, spoke with the Courier about the projects. BHHS Construction work at the BHHS site is designated as B1, B2, B3, and B4. B1 and B2 includes classrooms, administrative offices, media center (library), and college counseling centers. Pylman stated that as of the most recent construction update (Oct. 31, 2019) for building B1, the structural

JAN. 03, 2020

concrete and shear walls are complete. For B2, structural concrete and shear walls are 98 percent complete. The scope of B3 and B4 includes, but is not limited to, construction work on Peters Auditorium and a smaller Salter Theater, band/choir/drama rooms. To date, the lead abatement is completed and structural demo is in progress. El Rodeo School Construction at El Rodeo School also involves modernization and retrofitting of all classrooms, administrative offices, cafeteria, and exterior areas such as basketball courts playfields and parking areas. To date, the modular classrooms have been removed. El Rodeo School remains vacant, and a BHUSD spokesperson told the Courier that the Board has not yet reported on the final completion date and what school project will be housed at the El Rodeo site. BHHS buildings B1 and B2 have an anticipated completion date of April 2021 according to Pylman. He also stated that construction on BHHS B3 and B4 sites will continue and a final date of completion has not yet been reported. The constructon projects are funded by Measure E Bond and Measure BH Bond.

Lawry’s The Prime Rib's annual Beef Bowl college football feast (since 1956) took place before the Rose Bowl game this past weekend in Beverly Hills. The winning Oregon team.

University of Wisconsin at Lawry's Beef Bowl.


Health and Wellness Wellness Tips and Trends from Organic Spa Magazine Guru Rona Berg BY CAROLE DIXON

(L to R) Founder, CEO & Publisher of Organic Spa Media, Beverly Maloney-Fischback; Actress and Producer, Alysia Reiner; Organic Spa Editorial Director Rona Berg at Viceroy L’Ermitage in Beverly Hills. As the busy editorial director for Organic Spa Media, New York-based author, public speaker, and industry expert Rona Berg is frequently on the road combing the exotic corners of the globe for the best treatments, products and wellness retreats. Every year, Berg and her team at the magazine host a wellness event on the roof of the Viceroy L’Ermitage in Beverly Hills where brands, properties, and holistic leaders are on hand showcasing the latest must-haves for everything from relaxation to sore muscles or younger-looking skin, followed by an informative panel discussion. We decided to ask Berg to look back on the past year, help navigate the vast new CBD landscape, and prepare us for a stress-free 2020. What were some of the wellness trends that surprised you in 2019? Well, it’s my job to peer into my crystal ball and foresee what’s coming around the corner, so there really wasn’t anything too surprising for me. Anyone who travels as much as I do could see that over-tourism (too many tourists in too few places) was a problem, and that the wellness travel trend would provide a solution, by promoting the benefits of tourism destinations that are off the beaten path. For example, Japan Tourism’s attempt to shift human traffic jams away from crowded corridors like Tokyo and Kyoto, by focusing on hot spring and onsen wellness destinations, and multi-day immersive forest walks, in less-developed parts of the country. With stress levels skyrocketing, it makes good sense that nature is “trending” as more of us are making an effort to spend time outdoors in nature, and reap the benefits of “forest bathing,” “mindfulness walks,” and “grounding,” as well as outdoor workouts. And speaking of stress, meditation and mindfulness are two trends that hit critical PAGE 12

mass this year. Hand-in-hand with the explosion of self-care, we saw a growing move toward one-to-one customization: all sorts of bespoke and custom nutritional programs, wellness travel initiatives, meditation and mindfulness workshops that tailor to you. Any personal favorites? For 2020, I am happy to see the beginning of a shift that is very close to my heart: a move toward wellness in fashion, i.e., ethical and sustainable textiles. The fashion industry is the second most polluting on the planet (oil and gas is the first). Aside from water waste and carbon emissions that come from making clothes, the average American throws away about 81 pounds of clothing every year, which adds up to billions of pounds of textiles in landfill. The saddest thing is, according to the EPA, 95 percent of that is recyclable. What many of us don’t realize is that a lot of synthetic fabrics are made with plastic. With all the attention on plastic straws and bags, plastic in textiles is a much bigger problem. We need to think about this, along with the polluting effects of synthetic dyes and toxic chemical compounds in our clothing, as well as the nine-year-old in a sweatshop in South Asia who is manufacturing fast fashion. “Slow fashion” is slowly moving into the spotlight, with incredibly talented designers working with natural fibers and sustainable sourcing, and consumers focusing more on quality, not quantity. Speaking of trends, what advice can you give us for wading through all of the CBD options available on the market now? A new one seems to be coming out almost daily. Yes, ever since Congress passed the 2018 Farm Bill, which allowed hemp to be grown legally in all 50 states, CBD is booming. And

the science on CBD is good: oral CBD can help with sleep issues and relieve pain and anxiety, and topicals can be very effective in treating muscle pain and skin inflammation—i.e., eczema, rosacea, dermatitis, and breakouts. But it is largely unregulated, marketing claims can be out of control and consumers are very confused, especially about what to look for and how much to take. In fact, the FDA recently issued warning letters to 15 CBD companies for illegally selling products that contain CBD in ways that violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Plus, the FDA published a revised consumer safety update with general concerns about CBD products. To start, look for full-spectrum hemp extracts, which means that the product contains more than one cannabinoid, important because CBD seems to work best when interacting with other elements in the plant. If possible, shop organic and pesticide-free. Ask the company for third-party lab results, where independent labs ensure the product is what it purports to be. Find out how it was extracted (info should be on the company website) and look for one of these means: organic, pharmaceutical grade ethanol (grain alcohol) or supercritical CO2 extraction. Most important, if you are taking prescription medication, consult with your doctor before taking CBD, as certain meds can interact poorly with CBD. What do you think will be the big wellness news or trends in 2020? Climate activism will continue to grow, thanks to leaders like Greta Thunberg, because addressing climate change can no longer be a want, it’s a need. This is relevant to wellness because human health is inextricably tied to the health of the planet. “Spiritual wellness” is on the rise. I’m seeing more “spirit guides” leading wellness

retreats, and programs geared toward helping us make a greater connection outside ourselves. Self-care has been a strong movement this past year, so it’s natural for us to evolve outward toward enlightenment and compassion for the greater good moving forward—especially in an election year! Also, what I call “cultural wellness” is starting to grab hold in spa and beyond, and that is so important—the idea that immersion in arts and culture can be healing, which, of course, it can. Wellness travel journeys that nurture mind, body and spirit; ocean cleanups; increasing bans on plastic straws and bags. And an increasing shift toward ethical and sustainable textiles and fashion. Wellness needs context, it is not as powerful when it lives in a bubble. We need to look outside ourselves to find greater connections with people and planet, because that is true wellness. What is your 'go-to' for relaxing after a long day? Ah, well, when I’m home, I love to take long walks in New York City or Central Park, even though that is just as stimulating as it is relaxing. Spending time with family and friends, reading a book—I just rediscovered the joy of Willa Cather’s "My Antonia," and I’m reading "The Sixth Extinction" by Elizabeth Kolbert, which is important, though terrifying. When I’m not on the road, I love to cook and enjoy a glass of wine. I am also a news junkie, but that is most certainly not relaxing! Any exciting new locations on the horizon for you to visit? I look forward to visiting Madeira, South Africa and Southeast Asia this year. It is my fervent desire to see Antarctica, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and get back to Copenhagen (I love the North.) I also want to write about the Bolivian salt flats, Japanese

Sparitual continues to be a favorite on the spa circut. JAN. 03, 2020

aestheticians are stellar and the spa features a three-story waterfall in the relaxation area, where you can sit and be lulled by the sound of the water.

making time for a treatment when I’m there. If I can, I grab lunch outside at the Cabana Restaurant [menu by Matthew Kenney], it’s just lovely. The hotel just launched a new Wellness Weekend, and it’s divine!

Where do you like to go for pampering when you visit L.A. or Beverly Hills? My LA go-to is the Four Seasons on Doheny, it is so cozy and charming. The spa is a little jewel, and I always look forward to

(L to R) Alysia Reiner, Emlyn Brown, Emily Barth Isler onsen, the mountains of Bhutan and the Tibetan Plateau. And I hope to spend more time on boats and trains, which I enjoy. Do you have a tried and true spa that you like to frequent? Most of my spa visits take place when I’m traveling. New York City is, surprisingly,

a bit of a spa wasteland. There aren’t as many great spas here as you might expect, probably because spas need a lot of space, and that is precisely what we don’t have in Manhattan. My go-to in NYC is the Great Jones Spa. They have a wide range of beautiful natural skincare, their massage therapists and

New products on display at the annual event.

Face Gym: The New Workout for Your Skin BY CAROLE DIXON

Face Gym on Sunset For the New Year-New You, it’s time to kick your traditional facial to the curb and join a face gym. A British-born import (with a New York outlet), has recently opened at the 1 Hotel on Sunset Boulevard near the street level entrance. Just like you work your body at the gym, this tiny studio works the 40 forgotten muscles of your face to help you look taut and youthful. As Founder, Inge Theron says, “Your muscles are the scaffolding of your JAN. 03, 2020

face. Just like your body- take it to the gym.” And, they literally take the whole workout approach seriously. The staff “trainers” are decked out in gym gear and the open “treatment” space looks like a workout room complete with a ballet bar. You won’t find any gooey-green facial masks but devices designed to lift, sculpt, tone and tighten. “We focus on muscles first, skin second,” Studio Manager Marco Herrera told the Courier. “Our [facial] workouts consist of

specific hand movements that we do. We mimic everything that you do at the gym for your body but we do it on your face.” You literally start with a warm-up, move to cardio, sculpt and cool down. The trainers stimulate blood flow and collagen production with a small mini-yoga ball to loosen up the muscles and then go into a deep tissue massage. Depending on which of the seven workouts you choose, the signature is an all-hands movement, or the electrical uses a muscle stimulator that contacts the muscles but is reportedly stronger than other similar devices on the market and you can see the muscles contracting. Yes, there are some familiar looking hightech tools and cryofacial machines but this is a truly unique and fun approach for helping to achieve muscle memory. Skincare focused workouts include “Party Face” that uses the Skin ID machine which is a pressurized oxygen system (like a mini-power-wash for the face) that deep cleans. There are “cocktails” for the face and vitamin infusions as well with this treatment. The pressurized hyaluronic acid, is according to Herrera, “Equal to 10 glasses of water for your skin.” “Game Face” adds a radio frequency element that works with water molecules and your skin to speed up the production of cells and tighten the face. This is a dermatology level treatment and the strongest

they offer. “We don’t have anything super relaxing,” confirms Herrera. “But what clients really love about us is you see an instant result before you leave. Your skin is lifted and defined.” “Yoga Face” is a little more relaxing as there are no devices involved, just slower hand movements. Some gadgets used include the Gua stone which is 100 percent certified jade and operates like a roller but it’s flat and fits all of the contours of your face and is good for lymphatic drainage. “Great for depuffing your eyes in the morning,” recommends Herrera. Or, the gold derma roller to stimulate collagen production. Different serums are made with cold press vegan oil and blended on-site in the studio at the “make it” bar after you fill out a questionnaire and custom blend a serum based on your skin type, concerns, and lifestyle. They even produce a training stick that looks like deodorant but holds skin-care for when you work out. According to Herrera, “It’s heat-activated by our body’s natural temperature, so it’s like getting a facial while you [actually] work-out.” L.A. seems to be embracing this latest beauty trend, another location is already being scouted in the Brentwood-Santa Monica area. Prices start from $70.


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send it at least two weeks in advance of your birthday, and we’ll do our best to include it on our Birthday Page. Send the photos, along with your full name and birthday to:

JAN. 03, 2020

Fun & Games







JAN. 03, 2020


Deli Catering

Fine Grocery

(310) 657-FOOD

(310) 274-2229


MEATS Chicken Breast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$199 lb


Ocean Spray



3 $1

3 $1



Extra Lean Beef Stew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $459 lb

lbs for

Ground Turkey Breast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$399 lb




lbs for




Apples lbs for









Beets lbs for


USDA Choice Rib Eye Steak . . . . . . . . . . $1299 lb

WINES & SPIRITS Abagta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$999 Cabernet Sauvignon

Golden Delicious Apples . . . . . . . . . . . 2

lbs for $1 Large Eggplants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for $1 Organic Thin Skin Avocados . . . . . . . . . . . $.79 Each Green or Red Leaf Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . . $.79 Each

GROCERY Luxe Alkaline Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 1 Liter Ph 9.5 + CRV


Listel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $799 French Rose


Beringer Main & Vine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499 Chardonnay


Chivas Regal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2199 Scotch Whiskey



Sadaf Grapeseed Oil Blend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $399

Organic Sweet

Organic Dole

$1499 Basmati Rice 10 lb Bag Velbreso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $799


3 for $1


2 Liter

Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6 oz

French Feta Cheese

Bud Light







$ 99


12 oz. cans 12 pack


2 for $3



Seedless Mini



$.79 lb 2 for $5


Sale prices valid 01/03/20 and 01/04/20

Sale Prices Effective Jan 3, 2020 to Jan. 9, 2020 Sales are limited to stock on hand


WE DELIVER 303 N. Crescent Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210 PAGE 16

JAN. 03, 2020

Public Notices Public Notice of Unclaimed Funds Being held by the City of Beverly Hills The City of Beverly Hills hereby provides notice to owners of record of unclaimed funds in the City’s possession that the unclaimed funds will escheat to the City by operation of law if not claimed by the date and time set forth below. Below is a list of unclaimed funds in the City’s possession that have not been claimed, along with the owners of record. This publication notice is the final notice to the owners that these moneys will escheat to the City at 12:01 am on February 25, 2020 by operation of law pursuant to Government Code sections 50050 through 50056, if not claimed by the date specified below. Any claim for these unclaimed funds must be received by the City no later than 5:30 pm on February 24, 2020. Claims should be filed with the City of Beverly Hills, Accounting Division, ATTN: Unclaimed Property, 455 N Rexford Dr #350, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. A claim form may be obtained from the Accounting Division or on the City’s website at: http://www.beverlyhills. org/unclaimedfunds. Proof of identity will be required. ASTM 129.00, Abraham Belai 86.38, Abraham Belai 20.80, Adam Asherson 23.90, Affirmed Medical Services 384.68, Afsameh Hakim 27.50, Alan Koplin 38.00, Alec Traub 21.67, Alex Vinnitsky 120.58, Alice Malouf 31.85, Alva or Julie Wade 38.00, Amadeus Restaurant 291.20, Ameritemp 309.45, Andrea Arms 75.36, Andrew & Lisa Lee 223.70, Angela Bruzzese 104.98, Anokye Creighton 23.72, Antoinette Jaccard 30.00, April Anthony 46.13, Arai Corp of America Inc 27.76, Arlen Alexander 141.62, Arlen Alexander 42.26, Artashes Tokmadjian 68.00, Arthur Pierson or Rena Kramer 38.00, Ary Lima 33.60, Bahadur or Ron Eghbali 38.00, Barbara Dozier 60.00, Barbara or James Kirk 38.00, Baron Chantal C or Sheffield LSG 38.00, Baruch Levy 38.00, Beate Aschoff 38.00, Bernadine Garcia 28.00, Beth MartinLichter 312.99, Beth Sternlieb 23.00, Beverly Stationers Inc 239.74, Bill Blankenship 285.63, Bill Ramsey 60.00, Bobbi Zifkin 150.00, Bobby Moussazadeh 35.00, Bobwell Productions 72.97, Bongiorno 25.00, Brad H. Dorsey 38.00, Bronislava Kaganovich 20.00, Brooke Walkow 41.06, Brynna Gauer 24.60, Bud T Porter 51.31, CAFI 30.00, Café Roma 40.00, Cal Chiefs JAN. 3, 2020

Communications 25.00, Cameron J Moulene 16.00, Carlos Lens 28.00, Carol Sauvion 60.00, Catherine Schatz 225.79, Cecil McNab 26.95, Ceres Bainbridge 45.00, Cereza A Marks 23.72, Cesareo Bernardo 38.00, Charan Levitan 450.00, Chonique L Sneed 15.98, Christine Nye 17.50, Christopher D. Brooke 38.00, Clay Hunt 38.00, D Disalvo or P Young 38.00, D. Remy or Julie Lynn Marple 38.00, Dana Ritter 167.15, Daniel Gamliel 23.68, Daniel Landver 22.90, Daniela London 26.00, Data911 250.00, David Reyes 43.00, David S. or Michelle M. Lamden 38.00, David Safran 79.17, Dean R. Varga 28.00, Deborah Farkas 79.11, Debra Dimaio 45.23, Debroch Clark 23.24, Deidre Franklin 40.00, Denise Rene 60.08, Diana Bryantseva 109.30, Diane Sher 41.72, Diane Sher 24.05, Dog Films 23.36, Dog Training Center of Calif 375.00, Donna Vierling 153.17, Doranea Silva 38.00, Edgar Mendieta 117.30, Edward H Kelly 83.12, Elizabeth Cortez 38.00, Elizabeth Jones 110.72, Elizabeth R Rubin 22.95, Ellen Mcgovern 51.50, Erin Grey 21.30, Eugene Tanner 380.00, Evan R Bogart 48.00, Exec Car LSG & Sivan 38.00, F. Kamali or J. Banafsheha 38.00, Fardik Kamali or Jack Banafsheha 23.00, Farid Besharat or Jessica Farrah Anvar 38.00, Farid Pakravan 280.79, Frank Rodd 23.00, Frank Rodd 38.00, Frederic Berner 16.50, Frederic Brandfon 18.95, Gabriele Bailey 51.20, Gabrielle Gonzalez 38.00, George Dritsas 38.00, George Tyne 38.00, Gerardo Flores 23.00, Gordon Goodwin 180.00, GRC Int’L Inc 129.90, Gregory C Wilkinson 51.18, Guiti or Gahador Saviss 28.00, HCA Parnters 300.32, Hani Khalil 261.97, Hanivaty Fnu 21.25, Hary Hartjen 38.00, Hary Hartjen 38.00, Hazel Watts 284.00, Heather Nicksay 25.95, Heather Nicksay 46.00, Helen W Rogaway 71.65, Henry or Kimiko Kiyohara 35.00, Hilliard J. Stuart Inc. 39.65, Hiroto Uehara 28.00, Honey K Amado 18.93, Horn of The Moon Productions 27.50, Ilan Sharone 78.62, Int’L Paging Corp. 60.90, Iraj Eli Raguf 23.00, Irell & Manella 252.00, Irene Kim 23.00, Irene Kim 28.00, Ivan or Shelli Tollman 38.00, Jacques Fiorentino 38.00, Jakie Zarabian 77.50, Janine M Sherman 31.90, Jay or Lisa Stolper 38.00, Jeanette Agaronoff 38.00, Jeanette Heimberg 32.99, Jeff Cadarid 22.50, Jeff N. Davis 256.31, Jeff Sebens 38.00, Jeffery Eastman 20.87, Jenny Shechet 120.00, Jerry Black Ii 228.78, Joann Alvarez 38.00, John

Baylor 28.00, John Burnham Josselyn or Andrew Hunt 38.00, John Crawford 65.00, John Harding C/O BD Management 25.00, John Jewels Eubanks 38.00, John Lennertz 100.00, John or Donomy Snodgrass 38.00, John or Lucille Magana 65.00, Johnson Jodi or Cherun Jeff 38.00, Jonas Livingstone 38.00, Jonathan Calmus 24.26, Josmar Ricardo Santo Filho 28.00, Juan David De Jesus 100.90, Judith Hollombe 23.00, Julio or Berta Gomez 38.00, Karl or Wei Chaun Lin 38.00, Katherine or Emilio Fontana 38.00, Kathy Erdelyi 191.60, Katri P Tontti 27.15, Kena Chin 46.17, Kimberly or Peggy or Thomas Justice 38.00, Klary Strempel 52.18, Kyoko Ishikawa 82.50, LA Cellular 44.79, Lacoya Newsome 77.50, Laface 35.00, Lahn Kim 38.00, Lajos Koltai 129.24, Lbia M Seamon 24.95, Leslie C Beckwith 100.00, Lillian Mackey 72.81, Linda Best 23.00, Linday Gegenberg 61.93, London/Weekend Television 127.66, Long or Pauline W. Ellis 23.00, Long or Pauline W. Ellis 38.00, Luis Gascon 75.00, Lurene or Kelley Brooks 38.00, Majid Makhsoos 35.00, Marc Riffon 38.00, Margaret Penney 16.92, Margit Gordon 51.07, Maria Cardoza 38.52, Maria Miramontes 422.70, Mark Carapezza 25.97, Mark or Agnes Gugan 25.00, Mark Randall Macur 38.00, Mark Randall Macur 38.00, Martin M. Schapira or Roberto Gorosticta 38.00, Mary T Kennedy 25.95, Mathew B. Herrell 38.00, Matthew L Sultan 81.41, Mc Service Co or Gonterman 38.00, Mehrshid Issari 45.49, Melissa Kenin 38.00, Melvin Rubio 31.10, Mercedes Limousine Svc or Hassani Mounir 33.00, Michael Faez 38.00, Michael Geszel 21.00, Michael M Gerardi 188.00, Michael or Valerie Collins or Valerue Kwan 38.00, Michael Thompson Books 297.00, Michael’S Art Store 117.10, Michele or John Scott Ciganko 38.00, Mikhail or Maya Krotin 38.00, Mikhail or Maya Krotin 38.00, Mildred Simon 80.00, Mildred Simon 120.00, Minassie Yimer 134.55, Mirian Mori 20.00, Moise or Layla Arastoozad 38.00, Mojgan Benyamin 71.70, Naima Nemanim 83.59, Nat’L Guardian 124.35, Neely S Margo 30.16, Nikolay Vishmid or Leslie Naor Biringer 38.00, Norma Tarrow or Howard Irving 38.00, OCTOA 90.00, OCTOA 75.00, Oleg Fur 32.00, Olson Farms Inc 56.00, Oscar Alvarado 139.97, Pacific Rim Transport Inc. 97.00, Pamela Azar 38.00, Paperdirect Inc. 122.75, Patricia Graham 26.40, Patricia Vicari 23.00, Paul or

Margarette Laffitte 23.00, Peggy J Dewey 33.00, Pellec Chaim 38.00, Peter Steinberg 66.00, Peter Wolff 100.00, Phyllis Poplawski 91.00, Propaganda Films 233.61, PSSI 88.25, Quenton Segal or J. Nelstein 38.00, R & R 81.19, Rafael Esparza Ruiz 33.00, Rafail Golberg 20.00, Ramesh Akhtarzad 37.50, Randy Beard 33.00, Rani N Gowrinathan 23.10, Richard Contreras 29.67, Richard F Smith 40.56, Richard F Smith 41.56, Richard Franklin 129.43, Richard W. Williams 38.00, Robert L. Deming 38.00, Roberta R Soto 93.87, Rochelle Wright or Ron Adams 46.00, Roger Reese 27.00, Rolando Sanchez 38.00, Ronald or Leanna Watts 25.00, Roosa Toivonen or Team Fleet Financing 38.00, Russell Fleming 81.00, Ruth Baker 49.87, Ryan Cooper 247.15, S. Gi Lee or S. Kyn Chang 38.00, Scan-Natoa 25.00, Schoenhof’S Foreign Books 75.80, Sean Harrington 183.12, Sean Zantinjab 422.70, Sg Cowen 20.00, Sharon Jean Reed 38.00, Sharon Zurflieh 29.95, Sharona Shokri 30.00, Shelly Chen 70.00, Shred-It Calif Ince 149.85, SLBG Inc 374.97, Southern United Rent A Car 28.00, Stanley Lopez 23.00, Stapleton Development Concrete 75.00, Stephanie Catron 38.00, Steve Martinizzi 25.00, Steven Kamara 235.48, Steven Roberson 20.00, Sullivan & Porter Court Reporters 265.40, Suzanne Joelson 20.00, Svetlana Weber 63.00, Swami Atma 24.00, Swana 325.00, Sylvia Epstein & Gayle Levin 395.03, Tajgardoun Fereydoun or Ora Hakimi 38.00, Tanya Youssephzadeh 68.00, Tara Agace 38.00, The Film Makers Alliance 75.04, The Museum of TV & Radio 50.00, The Patina Group LLC 202.29, Thomas Cook Foreign Exchange 21.30, Tim Stolowski 412.00, Timothy or Sondra Maher 38.00, Todd Bradley 55.35, Tony Crittendon 20.00, Tracey L Benger 41.00, Traci M Bank 15.29, Traffic Signal Assoc. Inc. 80.00, Trudy Rodgers 227.60, TVM Production, Inc 291.39, Twyla C. Williams 86.96, Urisa 20.00, Urisa 20.00, Vic or Melissa Cohen 255.00, Victor K 38.00, Victoria Brown 32.58, Virgin Records America Inc 259.68, Virginia Cohen 38.00, Vogue Magazine 159.53, Vogue Magazine 159.53, Warren Roston MD 20.00, Wendy Burnett 39.97, Westside Urban Forum 60.00, Westside Urban Forum 30.00, William Fields 190.61, William Lucas 279.46, Witt-Thomas Productions 185.18, Yaakov Wickzyk 38.00, Yonathan Araya 142.46.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019324358 The following is/are doing business as: WALL ARTING 1016 Hauser Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019; Karen Bowman 1016 Hauser Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Karen Bowman, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: December 18, 2019; Published: December 20, 27, 2019, January 03, 10, 2020 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019324360 The following is/are doing business as: 1) MARK FIENBERG INC. 2) MAF INC. 2861 Anchor Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90064; Mark Fienberg & Associates, A Professional Corporation 2861 Anchor Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90064; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed November 2019: Mark Fienberg, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: December 18, 2019; Published: December 20, 27, 2019, January 03, 10, 2020 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019324362 The following is/are doing business as: HARRY HARRIS SHOES 409 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210; RAHT Corporation 409 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed January 2015: Andy Harris, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: December 18, 2019; Published: December 20, 27, 2019, January 03, 10, 2020 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019324396 The following is/are doing business as: LE BRA BEVERLY HILLS 818 N. Doheny Dr. #701, West Hollywood, CA 90069; Jason Amirmajdi 818 N. Doheny Dr. #701, West Hollywood, CA 90069; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Jason Amirmajdi, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: December 18, 2019; Published: December 20, 27, 2019, January 03, 10, 2020 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019324398 The following is/are doing business as: 1) DAN 2) DAN MODERN CHINESE 12775 W. Millennium Dr. Suite #110 Playa Vista, CA 90064; 140 S. Lake Ave. Suite #225, Pasadena, CA 91101; DAN Playa Vista, LLC 140 S. Lake Ave. Suite #225, Pasadena, CA 91101; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed December 2019: James Kim, Managing Member: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: December 18, 2019; Published: December 20, 27, 2019, January 03, 10, 2020 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019324400 The following is/are doing business as: 1) DAN 2) DAN MODERN CHINESE 3) LKEK INVESTMENTS, LLC

146 S. Lake Ave. Suite #105, Pasadena, CA 91101; 140 S. Lake Ave. Suite #225, Pasadena, CA 91101; DAN Pasadena, LLC 140 S. Lake Ave. Suite #225, Pasadena, CA 91101; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed November 2018: James Kim, Managing Member: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: December 18, 2019; Published: December 20, 27, 2019, January 03, 10, 2020 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019324402 The following is/are doing business as: 1) DAN 2) DAN MODERN CHINESE 2049 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025; 140 S. Lake Ave. Suite #225, Pasadena, CA 91101; DAN Sawtelle, LLC 140 S. Lake Ave. Suite #225, Pasadena, CA 91101; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed December 2019: James Kim, Managing Member: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: December 18, 2019; Published: December 20, 27, 2019, January 03, 10, 2020 LACC N/C –––––– A.P.N.: 4337-011-086 Trustee Sale No.:20191527 Title Order No: .1336586CAD Reference No: 637-B NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE UNDER A NOTICE OF A NOTICE OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT AND CLAIM OF LIEN. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A NOTICE OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT DATED 7/9/2019. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Notice is hereby given that on 2/4/2020 at 11:00 AM, S.B.S. Lien Services, As the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Notice of Delinquent Assessment, recorded on 7/18/2019, as Document No. 20190701125, Book , Page , of Official Records in the Office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, The original owner: Joshua M Rodin The purported new owner Joshua M Rodin WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by a cashier’s check drawn by a State or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or a savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state.): BEHIND THE FOUNTAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, POMONA, CA 91766 All right, title and interest under said Notice of Delinquent Assessment in the property situated in said County, as more fully described on the above referenced assessment lien. The street address and other common des-

ignation, if any of the real property described above is purported to be: 637 WESTBOURNE DRIVE # B WEST HOLLYWOOD CA 90069. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum due under said Notice of Delinquent Assessment, with interest thereon, as provided in said notice, advances, if any, estimated fees, charges, and expenses of the Trustee, to wit: $19,330.20 accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The claimant: WESTBOURNE T O W N H O M E S H O M E O W N E R S ASSOCIATION under said Notice of Delinquent Assessment heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Notice of Delinquent Assessment and Claim of Lien. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender m or more times by the nternet

Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. THE PROPERTY IS BEING SOLD SUBJECT TO THE NINETY DAY RIGHT OF REDEMPTION CONTAINED IN CIVIL CODE SECTION 5715(b). PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE A DEBT COLLECTOR AND ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: 12/27/2019. S.B.S LIEN SERVICES, 31194 La Baya Drive, Suite 106, Westlake Village, California, 91362. By: Annissa Young, Sr. Trustee Sale Officer PAGE 17

Public Notices TSG No.: 8758242 TS No.: CA1900285705 APN: 4357-007-007 Property Address: 1365 SHADYBROOK DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS AREA, CA 90210 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 04/11/2016. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 01/28/2020 at 10:00 A.M., First American Title Insurance Company, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 04/19/2016, as Instrument No. 20160436287, in book , page , , of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, State of California. Executed by: FALLAH ALFALLAH, A MARRIED MAN, AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY., WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/ CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (Payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) Behind the fountain located in Civic Center Plaza, 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona CA 91766 All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DEED OF TRUST APN# 4357-007-007 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1365 SHADYBROOK DRIVE, BEVERLY HILLS AREA, CA 90210 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured PAGE 18

by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $ 3,952,070.64. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust has deposited all documents evidencing the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust and has declared all sums secured thereby immediately due and payable, and has caused a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be executed. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that informa-

tion about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call (916)9390772 or visit this Internet Web http://, using the file number assigned to this case CA1900285705 Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Date: First American Title Insurance Company 4795 Regent Blvd, Mail Code 1011F Irving, TX 75063 First American Title Insurance Company MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE FOR TRUSTEES SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL ( 9 1 6 ) 9 3 9 0772NPP0365531 To: BEVERLY HILLS COURIER 01/03/2020, 0 1 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 0 , 01/17/2020

NOTICE— Fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14400, et seq., Business and Professions Code).


El Rodeo School Campus Seismic Retrofit and Modernization Project

Owner: Beverly Hills Unified School District Lease / Lease Back Contractor: ProWest Constructors, CSLB #: 706619

PROPOSAL RELEASE #3 PROPOSAL DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 2020 PROPOSAL TIME: 2:00 PM PROPOSAL PACKAGES 19 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Waterproofing Doors, Frames, Hardware & Installation Glass, Aluminum, & Skylights Metal Studs, Drywall, Insulation, Plaster & Stucco – A,B,C Metal Studs, Drywall, Insulation, Plaster & Stucco – D,E Tile Wood Floor & Finishing Acoustical Ceilings Epoxy Flooring Flooring & VETM – A,B,C Flooring & VETM – D,E Painting & Special Coatings – A,B,C Painting & Special Coatings – D,E Specialties

Submit sealed proposals to: ProWest Constructors, 22710 Palomar Street, Wildomar, CA 92595. For Proposals in the amount of $150,000 and over, a Proposal Bond in the amount of 10% of the Lump Sum Base Price shall accompany the Proposal. For Lump Sum Base Price amounts of less than $150,000, Proposal Bond shall not be required. Proposal Documents available January 7, 2020 at IB Reprographics (951) 682-1850, www. and One non-mandatory Job Walk has been scheduled for Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 8:00 AM. ATTENDANCE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Participants shall meet at El Rodeo School 605 Whittier Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, front gate on Whittier Drive. The project is a seismic retrofit and modernization of multi-story Buildings A, B, C, D and E encompassing +/- 122,250 SF of building area situated on a 6.5-acre site, originally constructed in 1927 as cast-in-place structures. The buildings are adorned with approximately 4,200 SF of historic Spanish Renaissance Revival cast stone clad facades receiving new reinforcing anchorage and an ornate tower whose dome will be removed and replicated to provide appropriate structural stability. The entire campus will receive a new fire alarm system, new fire protection throughout, new HVAC, electrical upgrades as well as new exterior windows including steel windows in Buildings A, B, and C. There are a total of (44) teaching stations that include (2) Computer Labs, (4) Science Classrooms, (2) Music Classrooms, (1) STEM Classroom, and (1) Media Center. The 679-seat auditorium, with a mezzanine level, includes the replication of the original ceiling as well as incorporating new theater rigging and audio-visual systems. The majority of the 6.5-acre site will include new accessible path of travel throughout including new asphalt paving, concrete paving, artificial turf field, landscaping, irrigation, fencing, and (3) shade shelters. Prequalification of MEP Subcontractors. In accordance with California Public Contract Code section 20111.6, all mechanical, electrical or plumbing (“MEP”) Subcontractors of any tier (contractors that hold C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 or C-46 licenses), must be prequalified. All MEP Subcontractors holding any of the licenses listed must be prequalified. This prequalification requirement for MEP Subcontractors applies even if the subcontractor will perform, or is designated to perform, work that does not require one of the licenses listed above, but the subcontractor holds one of the licenses listed above. The purpose of the proposal is to enable ProWest Constructors to select the most qualified firm that provides the best value to ProWest Constructors and the District and with whom ProWest Constructors will subcontract. Based on the received proposals, ProWest Constructors will create a list of the highest-ranking respondents, based on a best value selection criteria and will identify the selected firm(s) to enter negotiations for specific scopes of work to be subcontracted. Formal award of any subcontracts will not occur unless and until the District has reviewed and approved the scope and price of the subcontracted work. ProWest Constructors reserves the right to request additional information at any time, which in its sole opinion, is necessary to assure that a proposer’s competence, business organization, and financial resources are adequate to perform the requested work. ProWest Constructors also reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality or nonsubstantive irregularity in any proposal. Contact Lease / Lease Back Contractor, ProWest Constructors – (951) 678-1038 for further information. Published December 27, 2019 & January 3, 2020

JAN. 3, 2020

Classifieds 38 HEALTH & WELLNESS




Experience Physical, Mental, Emotional & Cellular Well-Being

Beverly Hills Bridge Club, 325 South La Cienega Blvd., one-half block north of Olympic. Free parking in garage. FUN, Fast, Fundamentals. 2 ½ -hour class covers the basics of bridge. Please register in advance. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED!


Collection of Delinquent Support & Personal Injury Auto & Motorcycle Accident Cases, Civil, Real Estate & Construction Law.

No Recovery, No Fee! Free Consultation.




I Offer Top Quality Work! Full Charge All Levels • All Ages Housekeeper, Homework assistance, Caregiver, Companion

PRIVATE TUTOR K through College

30+ Years Experience Ivy League Graduate 213/537-9670

• Bradford L. Treusch •



AMAZING Help For Seniors & Everyone Who D JUHDW Needs ASSISTANCE:

SRUWUDLW SDLQWHG RI D bathing, prepare meals, EHORYHG SHW V house cleaning+more ,·P WKH YHU\ EHVW DUWLVW Our Caregivers & HouseIRU WKH MRE keepers are prepared FDOO -DQH


& ready to provide you with excellent service.

Contact GRACE: 310/963-8374

—————––– 55 JOBS WANTED


Personal care assistance,

companionship, meal prep, med’s reminder, lite housekeeping. W/ car+ins. for Dr. appts, errands+shopping.

Live-In or Live-Out Emma C.N.A./C.H.H.A. 323/302-3969

In-Home Quality Affordable Caregivers Light housekeeping, meal prep, incontinent care, medication mgmt, post recovery, transportation, hospice care support, etc. 24/7 Care•Long/shortterm, P/T or as needed.

Excellent References! 310.278.1322


• Companions • Live-In / Live-Out

Experienced • Compassionate • Fully Screened


BBB A+ Rated

Referral Agency

High End Salon with Stations For Rent 8419 W. 3rd. St. • Prime Location • Great Street Frontage • Lots of Foot Traffic Includes: back bar shampoo, client refreshments, WiFi, utilities.

For Info. Contact Yaffa:






I Am Seeking A Companion/ Caregiver Position

Serving g Alll Yourr Immigration n Needs


Dependable, Honest & Compassionate.

JLIW LGHD Driving/errands, help w/ +DYH D

Workk and d Investmentt Visas!! Greenn Card d throughh employmentt inn approx.. 18 8 Months! Now w processing g Portuguese e Citizenship p forr Sephardicc descendants! Representing g Religiouss Workerss forr schools/synagogues/churchess around d the e country!

Call Lisa 24hrs. 323/877-8121 323/806-3046

test preperation, college With Excellent application essays, Experience. Love pets. English, Spanish, ESL, Background Check Avail. organizational skills 818/770-0312


Overr 30 0 Years’’ Experience

We provide experienced Cargivers, CNA’s & HHA’s for seniors needing companions to drive them to doctors, prepare meals, light housekeeping, etc... We offer responsible and nurturing care. Our staff is thoroughly screened and we care. Live In/Out.

FREE Admission


We can help YOU!

“All Is In The Realm Of Possibility” Call or Text 424-354-1713

To register or for more information, contact Nancy Heck: Call (323) 236-2924 or email:

JAN. 03, 2020



Sunday, January 12th, 2020 – From 9:00 am – 11:30 am


Bonded & Insured Free Consultation @

24-Hrs 805/915-7751


Owned/Operated by Nurses

1 & 2 - PERSON RESIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM Professional appearane. Small complex. B.H.+Westside Area

Management/ Maintenance Leasing Experience a Plus. Great Opportunity! Free Rent + Salary!

Fax Resume: 310/829-2630 Or Email: TheRobertsCo@ PAGE 19



RN Investment Group Looking For Partners/ Investors For Home Development


No Risk • High Profits

We own 49 properties (vacant lots) to build: San Bernandino, North of Glendale, Crescent Heights. Email: contact@ Ph: 323/898-8603 3 3 898 8603



852 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035


Adj. Beverly Hills 323/782-1144

Prime Beverly Hills Boutique Bldg. Adjacent to Montage Hotel on Canon Dr. • Large Offices • 16ft.x18ft. • $2,500 10ft.x16ft. • $1,500 With reception, library and kitchen.




Apprx 550 Sq. Ft. Kichenette, bathroom w/ shower, double garaged parking incld.

{{ {{{{

}}}} }}

Please Call For More Details:

310/826-0541 PAGE 20


top to bottom! Quiet & Sunny. 24-hour guard.

$1,125,000 Please Call: 310/557-1900 Rick@




PENTHOUSE Condo High Ceilings $1,099,000. 2 Bed/2 Bath MODERN Condo $1,049,000. 2 Bed/2 Bath CENTURY CITY LEASE $4,250/MO. 2 Bed /2.5 Bath Remodeled! 24-hour guard gated! Pools,Tennis,Gyms CalDRE# 00854639




}}}} }}

Penthouse Condo Century City


{{ {{{{

License 00957281

all listings are on



Lawyer, Doctor, Real Estate Broker,, etc.

REAL ESTATE (310) 966-0900

$19 Million

2 Bdrm. +2 Bath Remodeled



Private Road. Mostly Flat. Incredible Setting. Must see!

310/273-0136 Close to shops & restaurants.

922 S. Barrington Av. Ideal for Professional:

Beverly Hills Adj.

Single Resident Only BEVERLY HILLS 344 S. Spalding Dr. Perfect For Mature Professional Across Beverly High Private entrance. 3 BDRM. + 2 BATH Cozy & Quiet. Apprx. $3,900/MO.

Quiet 4-unit bldg. Large 1st flr. unit, private yard, prkg. No pets. hardwood flrs., washer/ Please contact the Exclusive Agents Cory Schaffel & Sy Schaffel $2,175 Utilities Incld. dryer, modern updated Leasing info: 310-289-7855 • Offic: 310-550-8710 310/927-1796 & kitchen, patio, side Very close to Cedars Sinai & Beverly Center entrance, gated windows. 310/277-5476 260 280

Residential Lot *** FOR LEASE *** 3.4 Acres in BHPO



• Approximately 1805 Sq. Ft. Medical Space Available • Asking $5.00 + NNN of $1.10 600sf. Full kitchen, hrwd. • 9 parking in rear of building flrs, walk-in cedar closet, 3 lanes 3 deep



Perfect for UCLA Student or Westwood Village Business/Office. $150/Month Great Value! • 310/209-0006 • Blocks to UCLA/ Westwood Village


Outstanding Renovation Over 2,100 sq. ft. New Appliances, 2 Balconies, Hardwood Floors, Tandem Parking.



Furnished. Totally Renovated Jumbo Balcony. Skyliner Views Luxurious Kitchen. Super Large Shower. Electric Curtains Hardwood Floors. Quiet Location

1 BDRM , 1 BATH $3,850/MONTH


GUESTHOUSE FOR LEASE Windsor Square English Garden, Private Entry, Total Remodel, New Kitchen, Bath w/ Spa Tub, Hardwood & Tile Floors, Central Air & Heat, Washer/Dryer. • All Utilities Paid • Attic Storage. $2,400/Mont h Call Peter:


Corner High Floor. Unobstructed City Views. Renovated Kitchen Extra Large Shower. Jumbo Balcony. Hardwood Floors Quiet Location CENTURY PARK EAST $4,000 to $5,300/month

PARK PLACE $4,200 to $4,950/month

CENTURY TOWERS $6,500 to $7,000/month

CENTURY HILL $4,950 to $8,900/month


ONE CENTURY $16,500 to $27,000/month


—————––– BEVERLY HILLS S. Oakhurst Dr. 2 Bdrm.+1 Bath

1st floor, hardwood floors, central air, walk-in closet, washer/dryer in unit. Secured 6-Unit Bldg.

$2,800/Month 213/305-1346





•• • • • • • • • • • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • • • open to large balcony • overlooking pool •

• GORGEOUS UNITS • Hardwood flrs., central air, pool, elevator, on-site laundry, intercom entry.

Easy Move-In! *1+1 only 320 N. La Peer Dr.

• 310/246-0290 •


11618 Kiowa Ave. ••••• •• • Newly Updated • Single ••••• •• • A/C, internet access, pool, controlled access, on-sight laundry. No pets. Close to Whole Foods, Transportation and Restaurants.


————— BRENTWOOD The C ar lto n

11666 Goshen Ave. (•)(•)(•)(•)(•)

Very Spacious 1 Bd.+Den+1.5 Ba. Single + 1 Bath (•)(•)(•)(•)(•)

WiFi, central air/heat, fireplace, walk-in BEVERLY HILLS closet, balcony, BEVERLY HILLS 443 S. Oakhurst Dr. controlled access, 141 N. Hamilton Dr. #c • • pool, elevator, parking, 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • laundry facility. 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • Newly Remodeled 310/312-9871 •• • • • • kitchen/bath, stainless Shopping & Dining in • • • • steel appliances, Brentwood Village wood/vinyl floors, BRIGHT & SPACIOUS BRENTWOOD parking, laundry. BEVERLY HILLS 11640 Kiowa Ave. $1,995/Month LIVING. Please Call: •••••••• Balcony, dishwasher, 310/278-8999 skylight, elevator, inter- Newly Updated com entry, on-site 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath laundry, parking. 2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath P LEASE C ALL : • •• •

—————––– —————


————— BEVERLY HILLS 218 S. Tower Dr.

• •• S I N G L E •• ••

• •• •• ••

Old World Charm! Bright, intercom entry, fridge, stove, laundry fac.





• • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • 2 Bd.+2 Ba.



310/247-8689 Close to Dining, Shops, Transportation BEVERLY HILLS 221 S. Doheny Dr.


Balcony, dishwasher, a/c, heated pool, WiFi, elevator 1-Block To Cedars-Sinai Hospital controlled access, Beverly Hills Adj. on-site laundry, prkg. Close to 310 S. Sherbourne Dr. Brentwood Village, 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath Shops & Restaurants. Newly Remodeled. Balcony, hardwood flrs., • 310/826-4889 • elevator, controlled Grand Opening access pool, on-site BRENTWOOD’s laundry, parking.

Most Spectacular Apartments

120 Granville Ave.

————— • 2* B* d*. +*2* B*a*. * Beverly Hills Adj.

120 S. Swall Dr. • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Bd.+1 Bath • • • • • • • • • Spacious, hardwood flrs., • • • • • • • •

* * * * * * * *

Large units, walk-in closet, custom kitchen, built-in washer/dryer, all appliances, hardwood floors throughout, some units huge closets, built-in Very Spacious, A/C, w/ skylights+high ceilings. a/c, dishwasher, pool, balcony, intercom entry, Health club, wifi, sauna, heated pool, controlled elevator, controlled on-sight laundry, prkg. acess, parking. Close to Cedars-Sinai, access, laundry • 424/272-6596 • Beverly Center, facilities. No pets. Close to Brentwood shops, cafes Village, Restaurants, 424/343-0015 & transportation. UCLA, Mt. Saint Mary’s, Great Location! 424/303-7142 & Transportation. JAN. 03, 2020





Entertainers Dream!

Living andand Dining Room,Room, GourmetGourmet Kitchen w/Top of the Line of Stainless SteelStainless Appliances LivingRoom Room Dining Kitchen w/Top the Line Steel Appliances Including Sub-Zero Refrigerator, Built-In Oven, Cook-Top Including Sub-Zero Refrigerator, Built-In Oven, Cook-Top Microwave and Dishwasher, Custom Microwave and Dishwasher, Custom Hardwood CabinetsFloors, and Recessed GraniteCeilings Countertops Cabinets and Granite Countertops Throughout, w/Crown Throughout, Hardwood Floors, Recessed Ceilings w/Crown Molding and Molding and Recessed Lighting, Central Air and Heat, Washer/Dryer in Unit, Two Car Garage. Recessed Lighting, Central Air and Heat, Washer/Dryer Hook-Ups in Unit, Immediate Move-In. No Pets Allowed. Two Car Garage. Immediate Move-In. No Pets Allowed. For more more info info call call:(310) 310/276-2119 For 276-2024

~ BRENTWOOD ~ 11988 Kiowa Ave. •••••••

1 Bd. + 1 Ba. •••••••

Large & Bright Unit.


Brand New 2018 Construction = BRENTWOOD = The Sanremo

WEST L.A. 1628 Westgate Ave.

~ 1 Bd.+1 Ba. ~ Bright & Airy.

Dishwasher, 417 S. Barrington Av. Intercom entry, on-sight :::::::::::::: parking, on-sight 2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath laundry facility. 3 Bdrm.+ 21/2 Bath Close to transportation.

Elevator, controlled access, on-site :::::::::::::: laundry facility, 310/820-7828 floor plan, high Open balcony, parking. ceilings, French oak Close to ~ WEST ~ flrs+porcelain tiles, x-lrg. Brentwood Village, walk-in closets, stainLOS ANGELES Shops less steel appliances, 12424 TeXaS Ave. & Restaurants. quartz countertops, pool, • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • • 310/826-4889 • state of the art gym, PACIOUS U NIT . S laundry hook-ups, • BrentwooD • controlled access, prkg, •••••• 11815 Mayfield Ave. free WiFi. Close to On-site laundry, 405, Veterans Park & < < < < < covered parking, Newly Remodeled Brentwood Village. access. controlled • 310/440-0208 • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. 310/442-8265 VERY UNIQUE • MUST SEE Hardwood floors, impressive living room, BRENTWOOD WESTWOOD dining room, balcony, 11730 SUNSET BLVD. 1 0 9 0 5 O h i o A v e . a/c unit, fridge, dish•• washer, walk-in closet, • • • • • NEWLY REMODELED •• • • intercom entry, laundry • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba.• • •• facility, carport parking. • Jr. Executive • •



————— —————–––


Close: great restaurants, shops, UCLA, beach.

————— • BRENTWOOD •

North of Montana St. 11692 Chenault Dr. • • • • • • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • •

Large Unit


Rooftop pool, deck, central air, elevator, intercom entry, on-sight laundry, gym, parking.

Wood+carpet floors, WEST L.A. spacious kitchen, dish- 1236 Amhearst Ave. • Spacious Units • washer, fridge, stove, ^^^^^ balcony, walk-in closet, +1 Bath Bdrm. 1 gated entry, pool, on-site +2 Bath Bdrm. 2 laundry, elevator. No pets. Dishwasher, a/c, 310/208-0111 controlled access, Close to Whole Foods, on-site parking Brentwood Park, & laundry facility.

Tennis Courts.

JAN. 03, 2020


• WESTWOOD • The Clarige

670 Kelton Ave.

Brand New Building • 3 Bd.+3 Ba.

• • • • • •

Everything Brand New

Wifi, Bright, controlled access, balcony, pool, e levator, laundry facility, prkg.

————— • WESTWOOD •

10933 Rochester Ave.

Jr. Executive

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Spacious a/c, fireplace, pool, controlled access, laundry fac., prkg.

• Free WiFi Access • 310/473-5061

Close To U.C.L.A.







148 N. St. Andrews Pl. 550 Veteran Ave. 3830 Vinton Ave. ••••• 2 Bdrm.+2 Bath • Single+1 Bath • • Remodeled~ ~Newly • Single • • Hardwood flrs., a/c unit, • 2 Bd. + 2 Ba. • •• controlled access, pool, • • •• ••••• elevator, gated prkg., Very spacious, Pool, sauna, laundry, pool. on-sight granite counters, entry, intercom 323/380-6792 microwave, intercom Close to transportation, elevator, on-site entry, on-sight laundry, great restaurants. parking & WiFi. laundry, parking. Very close to UCLA All Utilities Paid. & Westwood Village. • KOREATOWN • 310/841-2367 310/208-5166 423 S. Hoover St. • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. •

Hardwood floors, appliances, washer/ dryer in each unit, central air. Pool, jacuzzi spa, fitness center, rooftop garden patio+ SANTA MONICA 427 Montana Ave. fire pits, courtyard, • •• ••• • ••• controlled access, prkg. • • 310/209-0006 •• SINGLE ••• • Steps to UCLA • • • •• & Westwood Village. • ••• •••


————— —————


1409 Midvale Ave.


1769-1775 N. Sycamore Av.

• • • • • • Single • Controlled access, • garage, laundry facility. • Bachelor Close to Beach.



Controlled access, laundry facility. Utilities Included.

MONICA • •• • • • • • •• • SANTA 323/851-3790 • • Spacious • • 3 Bdrm. + 2 Bath Close to Everything. • Dishwasher, on-site • Single ————— • • laundry, parking. •• • • C LOSE TO F REEWAY & * HOLLYWOOD * T RANSPORTATION . 1134 N. SYCAMORE AV. • • • 310/449-1100 • • * * * * * WiFi, a/c, intercom 2600 Virginia Ave. entry, laundry facility, elevator, parking, pool.



CLOSE TO U.C.L.A., WILSHIRE CORRIDOR SHOPPING & 1 BLK. ∞∞∞∞∞ ∞ ∞ TO WESTWOOD PARK. 10530-10540 310/478-8616 Wilshire Bl.



• 2 Bd.+1 Ba. • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. •


• Luxury Living •

• Free WiFi •


CITY** CENTURY CITY 6-Month Lease Avail. **CENTURY

* * * * * * Every Extra Luxury custom cabinets, granite countertops, stone entry, pool, health club, spa. • Free WiFi Access • • Close to UCLA •

1350 S. MIDVALE AVE. L.A., 90024 Contact Mgr.:

• 310/864-0319 •

2220 S. Beverly Glen



• • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • • •• •• •• • • • Lots of • •


274 LAFAYETTE PARK PL. • 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath


• • • • • • • •

Control access, pool, dishwasher,f elevator, on-site laundry and parking.



• 1 Bd.+1 Ba.

480 PETS

• 2 Bd.+2 Ba.

\\\\\\ //////

Hardwood/carpet/tile flrs., a/c, balcony, ceiling fans. Marble & granite counters, Character & Charm! new stainless steel Glass Fireplace Newly Remodeled. appliances, dishwasher, New hardwood flrs., fridge, microwave. granite counters, Controlled access, stainless steel appl., laundry facility, gated alcove fireplace, fridge, laundry facility, parking. Club house, gated parking, intercom enclosed pool, jacuzzi, entry, WiFi and more. gym, wifi. Pets OK. • 310/552-8064 •

Rooftop jacuzzi with panoramic city views.

213/385-4751 Close to transportation, downtown & great restaurants.



Call: 310/470-4474

Balcony, air conditioning controlled access bldg., covered parking, laundry facility.

Granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, air conditioned, new hrwd. flrs., designer finishes, balcony, ceiling fan, elevator, controlled • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. access. Fitness ctr, yoga * * * * * room, wi-fi, skyview Newly Remodeled lounge w/ outdoor fireGreat Views place, laundry facilities. 213/382-102 1 Great views, controlled Easy freeway access access, balcony, elevator, lrg. pool, LOS ANGELES prkg, on-sight laundry. 401 S. HOOVER St. H IKING IN R UNYON • • • • • • • • C ANYON , H OLLYWOOD • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • B OWL /N IGHTLIFE .

323/467-8172 with valet, lush garden surrounding pool, gym, elevator, etc. “The Mission” KOREATOWN flrs., granite Hardwood • Westwood• S. Lafayette Park Pl. 269 counters, dishwasher, ////// \\\\\\ central air, balcony, ••••• laundry facility.

* * * * * *

• • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. •• •• • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. •• •• •••••

• Free WiFi Access • ~ 310/476-3824 ~ Close To U.C.L.A. 310/477-6856 BRENTWOOD VILLAGE & U.C.L.A. CLOSE




Close to Downtown, transit & great dining

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

1 Ruby Male Remaining. $2,000

Ready to go home.

Vet checked+shots done.

D.O.B: 10/15/19 Call: 818/605-3033 PAGE 21

Classifieds 500 AUTOS FOR SALE




Intrinsic Beauty, Infinite Value

Buyers & Sellers of Diamonds, Engagement Rings & Estate Jewelry

Please Call For Appointment:

• 310-276-1280 •



9454 Wilshire Blvd 6th Floor Beverly Hills

w w

CARE ELECTRIC All Electrical Needs! Residential/ Commercial Expert Repair Small Jobs OK Fully Insured All Work Guaranteed!

McLaren 600LT Coupe 8833 W Olympic Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (323) 302-9184 /

310/901-9411 Lic.# 568446


MBG Home Improvements • Painting • Remodeling • General Repairs • • • • • • • Please Call: Cell: 310/430-1808 Bus: 310/275-4528 Insured • Bonded CA State Lic. #934284 & Painting Lic. C-33


R. Zach Jewelers. Buying and selling the most unusual pieces of estate and modern jewelry, watches and gutiars since 1988. 310-859-8666 Insta: @rzachjewelry • 9897 Santa Monica Blvd., BH

DAVID’S RUG GALLERY Where Exquisite Rugs, Priceless Experience and Friendly Service Come Together!

MARBLE RESTORATION Specializing in the Finest Hand-Woven Rugs Unique, Old, New, Antique, Repoduction & Modern LOWEST PRICES EVER LARGEST POSSIBLE SELECTION

Also available, professional:

CLEANING REPARATION RESTORATION FREE pick-up on room-size rugs and larger



505 N. LA CIENEGA BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 ( 31 0) ) 65 7-4 623



Marble Polishing Sealing Floor Restoration Grout Cleaning Call For Free Estimate:

• 818/348-3266 • • Cell: 818/422-9493 • • Member of BBB • REAL ESTATE AGENTS/SELLERS, PREP YOUR PROPERTY. JAN. 03, 2020

JAN. 03, 2020



JAN. 03, 2020

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