BH Courier E-edition 012420

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VOL . X VI NO. 4

JAN. 24, 2020


Pope Francis Meets Delegates of Simon Wiesenthal Center 5



Beverly Hills Chamber Hosts First City Council Candidates Forum BY L AUR A COLEMAN

Screen Actors Guild Awards 7

Exclusive: Nerano Opens BG Speakeasy Restaurant Upstairs 1 6

Beverly Hills City Council candidates engaged in the first of five planned debates on Jan. 21, offering voters insight into how they might behave if seated on the dais at City Hall. Five candidates are running for two open seats, including incumbent Councilmembers Lili Bosse and Julian Gold. Other candidates include Planning Commissioner Lori Greene Gordon, technologist Robin Rowe, and Rabbi Sidney Green, who was unable to participate in the debate following the tragic death of his daughter just days before the scheduled forum. Organized by the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs Committee and moderated by longtime Chamber Board Member Mark Egerman, the candidates were provided with the eight questions in advance of the debate, which primarily centered on the business community. Between the forthcoming subway stations, the changing retail landscape and the City’s impending need to likely add 3,000 new housing units in the next decade, the decisions made by the City Council will be critical to ensuring a prosperous future for Beverly Hills residents and businesses. “The next four years is really going

The Scene 6 Community 8 Courier Calendar 1 0 Arts & Entertainment 1 3


Health and Wellness 14

The City of Beverly Hills has filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court over concerns regarding Los Angeles County’s new Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) touchscreen electronic voting system in place for the Super Tuesday election on March 3. As voters prepare to cast their ballots in-person at the new Vote Centers countywide, only four candidates for Beverly Hills City Council will appear on the first screen of the ballot marking device. Namely, Robin Rowe, Councilwoman Lili Bosse, Rabbi Sidney Green and Planning Commissioner Lori Greene Gordon. To view the fifth candidate in the race, Councilman Julian Gold, M.D., voters must select the MORE button. However, if the voter instead presses the NEXT button, they will not see all the candidates. “We are deeply troubled that voters will be disenfranchised by the new VSAP system,” said Beverly Hills City Attorney Laurence S.

Food & Wine 1 6 Birthdays 1 8 Fun & Games 2 0 Classifieds 2 6



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tandem with having the presidential primary on the ballot is expected to bring an increase in voter turnout. Vote by Mail ballots will be mailed out by L.A. County on Monday, Feb. 3. (Chamber continues on page 23)

Beverly Hills City Council candidates discussed their visions for the City at a candidate forum held by the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce. Pictured (from left): Mark Egerman (moderator), Commissioner Lori Greene Gordon, Councilman Julian Gold, M.D., Councilwoman Lili Bosse, and Robin Rowe. Photo by Laura Coleman

Beverly Hills Files Lawsuit Regarding Ballot Devices

News 4

SINCE 1965

to affect the generations to come,” stated two-time former Mayor Bosse, who in 2018 received the Chamber’s Fred Hayman Visionary Award. For the first time in Beverly Hills’ history, voters can vote in the upcoming March 3 at any L.A. County polling place. That in

Wiener. “All candidates should be presented in an equitable and transparent way to the voters. As the system is currently designed, a voter may not realize they are bypassing additional candidates. We believe this issue can be easily resolved.” The City is asking L.A. County to gray out or delete the NEXT button until the voter has moved to the last page of that individual race and viewed all candidates. Alternatively, the City is asking that instructions be included on the first screen indicating there may be additional candidates than the first four names listed and to select MORE to view all choices. The California Secretary of State has not yet certified the new VSAP system, although that action is expected to take place this week. Weiner told the Courier that it was important to get the lawsuit on file now. (Lawsuit continues on page 3)

Beverly Hills Completes Homeless Count BY SANDR A SIMS

The Beverly Hills Police Department took part in the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority’s (LAHSA) Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count on Jan. 22. Participants also included over 60 local volunteers, City staff, Beverly Hills Homeless Outreach Team, and Beverly Hills Ambassadors. City of Beverly Hills Ambassador Services Operation Manager Kris Zagyva told the Courier, “We were in attendance along with several city commissioners, PD, and lots of volunteers. It was a large turn out.” The annual homeless count is part of a three night Los Angeles County-wide effort. (Homeless continues on page 19)

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