BHCourier E-edition 060118

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Don’t Forget To VOTE On Tuesday!



SINCE 1965

June 1, 2018

Election Endorsements Governor: Antonio Villaraigosa or John Cox Lt. Gov: Cole Harris • U.S. Senator: Dianne Feinstein

METERS ARE BACK– “I never thought I would be happy to see a parking meter,” quipped Councilmember Lili Bosse. James Anderton, owner of the boutique WEST (pictured above with Bosse), agreed. Every meter was full Thursday morning, and shops on the south side of South Santa Monica Boulevard were as well. Anderton, the unofficial spokesperson for the merchants on the south side of the street, closed his shop on several occasions to attend Traffic and Parking Commission meetings to repeatedly ask for the meters to be replaced. When the City covered them at the onset of the North Santa Monica Boulevard reconstruction nearly two years ago, the merchants held onto the promise that they would be returned. But City staff said that there was no concrete evidence that the parking affected retail sales, and promoted a plan that would have smoothed traffic without parking on the south side. Bosse, however, visited every merchant on the south side and reported back to her colleagues regarding their plight, resulting in a reassessment of the street not as a thoroughfare - but as a local shopping and pedestrian-friendly area. The City will soon be installing “scramble” crosswalks at Rodeo, Bedford and Camden Drives to encourage safer pedestrian use and add diagonal crossing options.

One of the friendliest faces at Beverly Hills City Hall retired last week. 4

Rick Caruso was named Chair of the USC Board of Trustees Thursday. 4 • Real Estate • Birthdays • Letters to the Editor

10 18 27

George Christy, Page 6 Our Hostess With The Mostest, Mitzi Gaynor, Birthday-Partied Friends At Her Palatial New Digs In Beverly Hills. She’s Writing Her Memoir, Which Is Destined To Be A Best Seller, We Hope She Will Add A Chapter On Entertaining.

CLASSIFIEDS • Announcements • Real Estate • Rentals • Sales • and More


Beverly Hills Voters To Decide Fate Of Local Schools By Laura Coleman With over half of its student body learning from within portable classrooms, the Beverly Hills Unified School District is clearly in need of an upgrade. On Tuesday, Beverly Hills voters will decide if the solution is Measure BH, a $385 million construction bond which will return students to permanent classroom buildings in addition to making other upgrades, including repairing Hawthorne’s century-old

auditorium. “Cost escalations and inflation are running at 20 percent per year, compounded, every year. We can’t wait any longer,” emphasized Board of Education President Lisa Korbatov. “We’re going to end up paying much more to get much less if we don’t pass that bond on June 5.” The resolution is expected to cost property owners an average of (see ‘MEASURE BH’ page 17)

Sarah Kaber Named New Principal At Hawthorne School By Laura Coleman Hawthorne Interim Assistant Principal Sarah Kaber, who had been filling the role for the majority of the past academic year, has been tapped to take over the role of principal for the 2018/19 academic year. She replaces Interim Principal Rich Waters who will return to his former role as assistant principal. Sources say Waters did not apply to the position after Hawthorne’s former principal, Michelle Dar, left on maternity leave and later decided to return to the classroom as a teacher instead of continuing to lead Hawthorne. Kaber is a familiar face throughout the district She previously served as a Technology Coach, Kindergarten, Third Grade, Fifth Grade and Middle School Math Intervention teacher at Hawthorne, Horace Mann and

By Victoria Talbot For over two years, the City of Beverly Hills has pursued plans to re-forest the south side of Lots 12 & 13, a process that, residents say, continues to frustrate and anger the community. Toward that end, Deputy Building Official David Yelton sent Bruce Howard, attorney for the Beverly Hills Land Company (BHLC), which owns the approximately 5-acre strip of land, a request for a “Temporary Construction Easement” (TCE) on Parcel 13 for access to the City’s right-ofway, which was denied. Instead, the BHLC attorney wrote a five-page letter objecting to the City’s plans. Plans call for filling in areas where the trees are thin with new, healthy trees; removing dangerous and diseased trees; and replacing those trees with healthy new trees. At a meeting on April 11, community members selected, with the help of Master

Sarah Kaber

Beverly Vista Schools. Superintendent Michael Bregy described her has having a “natural ability” to connect with students, parents and staff . “I love our Hawthorne community and how well I’ve been able to get to know our students this year,” says Kaber, “I’ve spent time in every grade and in every classroom, and I can’t wait to see how much our kids continue to grow.”

Superior Court Judges No. 4: Alfred Coletta No. 16: Hubert Yun No. 60: Tony Cho No. 63: Malcolm Mackey No. 67: Dennis Vincent No. 71: David Berger No. 113: Javier Perez No. 118: Troy Davis No. 126: Ken Fuller No. 146: Armando Duron

For detailed information on the candidates and measures in the June 5 election, as well as to find your polling place, visit

Konheim Uncooperative In Efforts To Re-Forest Lots 12-13

Puck Archives


Measure BH: Yes L.A. County Sheriff: Jim McDonnell 33rd District Rep: Kenneth Wright State Senator: Ben Allen County Assessor: Jeffrey Prang County Supervisor: Daniel Glaser Treasurer: Jack Guerrero Controller: Konstantinos Roditis Attorney General: Steven C. Bailey State Superintendent: Marshall Tuck Secretary of State: Mark P. Meuser Board of Equalization: G. Rick Marshall Prop 68: No Prop 69: No Prop 70: No Prop 71: Yes Prop 72: Yes

Arborist Nick Araya of TreeCare LA, to plant Brisbane Box trees and Bailey Acacias, species compatible with the soil changes resulting from the eucalyptus trees, depending on the availability of the species and the size of the specimens. The City is currently scheduled to release a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the project Friday, which is set to begin work Aug. 1. However, an RFP was also set to be released Dec. 15, 2017 for work to begin by April 2018 under then-assistant director of Public Works Trish Rhay. She left the City and the RFP was then set to be released on March 1, 2018, with work to begin by May 30 with the project now assigned to Deputy Director of Public Works Erik Lee. But Lee left the City and the project is now under Assistant Director of Public Works Chad Lynn. The trees on Lots 12 & 13 (see ‘LOTS 12 & 13’ page 13)

A TERRIFIC TEAM — Tom Kaplan came to Spago in 1982, and is now Spago’s senior partner, masterminding the Wolfgang Puck empire from Las Vegas. We asked Wolfgang how he finds such a wonderful staff, and his answer was, “Not hard finding them, but not always easy to keep them.” For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.

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