Happy Halloween!
SINCE 1965
October 26, 2018
Apartment Owners File Suit Against Beverly Hills
Project Site
Century City
Beverly Hilton
Waldorf Astoria
L.A. Country Club
Holocaust survivor and philanthropist Max Webb died this week. 4
9900 Wilshire
Single-Family Homes
The famous “Witch’s House” is set to celebrate another year of Halloween fun. 4
Winners from last week’s Beverly Hills artSHOW were announced. 5 • Real Estate • Birthdays • Letters to the Editor
8 20 31
George Christy, Page 6 The Changing Of The Seasons Every Autumn In The New England Countryside Attract Many Californians That Included Lucille Ball, Rita Hayworth, The High And Mighty Who Love Seeing The Leaves Turn To Scarlet And Gold
El Rodeo School
Supplemental EIR For Beverly Hilton Project Submitted For Public Comment By Victoria Talbot The Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for The Beverly Hilton Specific Plan Modified Project has been submitted for a 30-day public comment period, ending Monday, Dec. 3 for the project located at 9876 Wilshire Boulevard. The report is prepared by Rincon Consultants, a third-party contractor that is hired by the City
of Beverly Hills to perform the task and paid for by the Applicant. The report is available for review on the City’s website at www.beverlyhills.org/environmental and a hard copy is available for review at the Beverly Hills Public Library Reference Desk, in the City Clerk’s Office and at the Planning Division in City Hall. Comments should be emailed (see ‘HILTON PROJECT’ page 19)
Beverly Hills Unified Looks To Indiana Congressman Rokita To Fight Metro Tunnel By Laura Coleman Beverly Hills Unified School District is getting help from a rather unlikely source–Indiana. Ever since Congressman Todd Rokita (R-Indiana) learned about the school district’s battle to stop the L.A. County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) from running a subway tunnel
under Beverly Hills High School (BHHS), he has taken it upon himself to get informed and has since vowed to champion the school district’s position. “My angle here is looking out for the taxpayer,” said Rokita, who serves as chairman of the Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education (see ‘METRO’ page 16)
threatens to violate the constitutional and civic rights of AAGLA’s members… under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution in that similarly situated property owners and operators whose properties are not zoned and classified as subject to the RSO, such as hotels and motels, have not, and are not, being treated by the City as AAAGLA’s [sic] members are under the restrictions of the Ordinance.” Calling itself “Southern California’s leading advocate for affordable quality housing… that advocates to protect the rights of its members” the organization characterizes Orit Blau as a “member” who owns properties that are subject to (see ‘APARTMENT LAWSUIT’ page 16)
Board Of Education Could Vote On Reconfiguration As Early As Tuesday By Laura Coleman Notwithstanding the upcoming Nov. 6 election, which will yield the selection of two new members to the Board of Education, the current board could vote as early as Tuesday about reconfiguring the Beverly Hills Unified School District to include a dedicated middle school. Superintendent Michael Bregy is slated to bring a full proposal to the board for review at a Special Board Meeting set to begin at 10:30 a.m. in the John Cherney Lecture Hall at Beverly Hills High School. Multiple district sources confirmed that the item could be voted upon by the board at the upcoming formal meeting
Celebrity Photo Agency/Scott Downie
BLACK & WHITE BALL — The City of Beverly Hills turned out in droves Tuesday night at The Beverly Hilton to celebrate the City’s finest at the annual Black & White Ball. Pictured above, from left: Mayor Julian Gold, BHPD Lt. Elisabeth Albanese, BHPD Chief Sandra Spagnoli and BHPD Asst. Chief Marc Coopwood. For more photos of Tuesday’s gala, see page 17. Courier photo by Victoria Talbot
By Victoria Talbot The Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles (AAGLA) and Orit Blau, wife of Executive Director of the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles Daniel Yukelson, filed a Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief claiming a violation of Federal Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983. The complaint against the City of Beverly Hills was filed in the United States District Court Central District of California. The complaint claims that the Rent Stabilization Ordinance places an undue burden on apartment owners to collect information that the plaintiffs call “confidential.” The complaint alleges that the City… “violates and further
on Oct. 30. However, as of press time, the board agenda had yet to be made public to indicate whether it might be listed as a voting item. “The board will see the presentation on Friday,” said Board President Lisa Korbatov. “Hopefully, the presentation is comprehensive enough that the board will want it placed on the Oct. 30 agenda where, in all likelihood, it will receive an up or down vote.” Last week, precipitated by the public revelation by BHUSD Facilities Chief Donald Blake that the school district could save an estimated $16 million and 30 months in construction time simply by taking El Rodeo offline for a (see ‘RECONFIGURATION’ page 22)
HIGH DRAG — Ongina was applauded for his/her hijinks on the runway during The amfAR Gala Los Angeles 2018, the Foundation’s ninth annual benefit for AIDS research in LA, at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts. For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.