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SINCE 1965
March 23, 2018
Loma Linda: Don’t Sign It Until You Read It!
Gold Rush Julian Gold installed as mayor, Mirisch becomes vice mayor
Tucker was left behind when his owners moved and is searching for his forever home. 4
BHHS Academic Decathlon Team heads to State championship. 5
King Tut’s golden relics to go on display at the California Science Center. 17 •Health & Wellness •Birthdays •Letters to the Editor
8 20 31
Pictured above: Julian Gold is installed as mayor with his wife Michele and daughter Becca. Pictured bottom: John Mirisch is installed as vice mayor by his mother, Wendy Goldberg. Photos by Victoria Talbot
By Victoria Talbot Beverly Hills residents turned out Tuesday evening for the annual reorganization and installation at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, a celebration of the transition of government as the gavel was passed from Lili Bosse to Julian Gold, who assumed the title of mayor, passing the vice mayor title to John Mirisch. In a video showing some of the accomplishments of outgoing Mayor Lili Bosse, she highlighted some of her more colorful moments. Public meditations with Dr. Deepak Chopra, yoga in the park, bicycling with the Mayor, Neon Nights, Rodeo Drive events, social media photo installations
MORE PHOTOS! See pictures from Tuesday’s City Council Installation on page 14.
and a plethora of other events that made Bosse’s year so successful and so visible. Gold and his fellow councilmembers acknowledged that he will probably find it challenging to follow Bosse, whose energy, dedication and “Can Do Now” philosophy united the Beverly Hills Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce and the Rodeo Drive Committee to create BOLD; listened and responded with compassion to the concerns of parents (see ‘INSTALLATION’ page 13)
Beverly Hills Poised To End Sale Of Flavored Tobacco George Christy, Page 6 Celebrating His Wife Paula Escher’s Birthday In Los Angeles, San Francisco’s Tom Escher Remarked, “We Realize Now That San Francisco Is A Village...And Los Angeles Is The Big Kahuna.”
CLASSIFIEDS • Announcements • Real Estate • Rentals • Sales • and More
By Laura Coleman Beverly Hills is poised to become an even healthier city in the coming months as the City Council moves forward in adopting a new ordinance to toughen its already strong stance on tobacco. Following input by the Health and Safety Commission on a draft ordinance that would ban the sale of flavored tobacco products in Beverly Hills, Mayor Julian Gold confirmed that the Council was poised to tackle the issue. “Over the last couple of years the City’s taken steps to reduce tobacco exposure in Beverly Hills and that has taken the form of our
have blocked the ordinance, paving the way not only for the Loma Linda development, but for the continued despoliation of the City's hillsides with oversized “basements,” removing wildlife habitat, destroying neighborhoods, and further degrading the natural landforms that are at risk of disappearing beneath steel and cement forever. If they get the signatures by April 5, “the Basement Ordinance will not go into effect on April 6,” wrote City Clerk Byron Pope in his Declaration. If the petitions are filed April 6-10, then the Ordinance will be suspended. Either way, the Basement Ordinance would be rendered ineffective, and residents will (see ‘LOMA LINDA’ page 22)
New Security Measures To Begin At BHHS On Monday
ordinance that limits not only smoking in public spaces, but now in multi-unit dwellings,” described Gold, who is an anesthesiologist. “It’s difficult to fully ban tobacco from the City, but at the end of the day that’s probably what should happen. There is no beneficial effect of smoking. Period.” Earlier this year, the American Lung Association awarded the City of Beverly Hills an ‘A’ grade in terms of overall tobacco control. It’s an incredible (see ‘FLAVORED TOBACCO’ page 23)
By Laura Coleman On the heels of yet another school shooting this week – a tragic national trend that shows no signs of abating – on Wednesday evening Beverly Hills High School Principal Mark Mead emailed BHHS students, families and staff alerting them to forthcoming security changes at the school. “As with any change, we understand that this process requires an adjustment period, with opportunities to make improvements or adaptations to best serve our BHHS community,” Mead wrote. “We welcome your valuable feedback, and ask for your patience and understanding as these important security improvements are underway.” While not specifically in response to Tuesday’s
Celebrity Photo Agency/Scott Downie
By Victoria Talbot Don’t sign any petition until you’ve read it very carefully - because it may be used to force the City of Beverly Hills into letting Loma Linda Ltd. build their projects on Loma Linda Drive. A petition is being circulated by signature gatherers throughout the City to rescind the Basement Ordinance, which was unanimously approved by both the City Council and the Planning Commission and is set to go into effect on April 6. The petition is for a referendum that would appear on the November ballot to recall the Basement Ordinance. If the signature gatherers are successful in collecting 10 percent, or 2,049 signatures, from registered voters, they will
Maryland high school shooting which was done by a student, Mead’s email primes the BHHS family to return from Spring Break with a new mentality as to just how the school will be dealing with security issues starting Monday morning. Director of School Safety Chris Hertz said it would be important for people coming to BHHS to allow for extra time to enter the campus in the wake of increasing security measures. As of last week, the high school now sports a brand new eight-foot high chain-link fence with 16 gates. Gone, it seems, are the days of students using the sidewalk along Moreno for passing periods between classes. (see ‘BHHS SECURITY’ page 23)
A HAPPY DAY — RuPaul, drag performer was honored with the 2,631st star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We erred in last week’s front page caption of Salma Hayek and husband, Francois-Henri Pinault. He is not the owner of Vuitton. He owns Gucci, YSL, Alexender McQueen, Balenciaga and other luxury brands. For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.