Have A Safe Cinco de Mayo Weekend!
BrItWeek invaded Beverly Hills last week. 4
Blanch, a 3-year-old lab/shepherd mix, is this issue’s Adoptable Pet of the Week. 4
The Beverly Hills community celebrated Arbor Day last weekend. 5
Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour is auctioning off guitars and they’ll be on display next week in Beverly Hills. 5
Court-ordered demolition has begun at 901 Strada Vecchia. 10 •Health & Wellness •Birthdays •Letters to the Editor
8 18 27
$145 PER YEAR - $3.00 PER COPY
The Having-A-Good-Time On Greek Easter Sunday Reminds Us Of The Greek Fest Held Every Autumn At St. Sophia’s. HomeCooked Food, Peppy Folk Music, High-Jump Dancing. This Year’s 21st Annual Greek Fest (Oct 4–6). Bring The Children, All Beg To Come Back
CLASSIFIEDS • Announcements • Real Estate • Rentals • Sales • and More
May 3, 2019
Virginia Robinson Gardens Tour & Showcase Set For May 18 By Matt Lopez Beverly Hills’ legendary Virginia Robinson Gardens is gearing up to welcome the community for its annual Garden Tour and Showcase. The annual communityfavorite event is set for Saturday, May 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visitors can tour the legendary private gardens and enjoy a designer fashion show and luncheon, taking in the work of top floral and interior designers who will transform the Virginia Robinson Gardens Estate for the event.
Ticket options include a general admission ticket for $250, which includes the luncheon, fashion show, exhibits and boutique. VIP entries for $350 will board a van that will visit the featured gardens, plus a bonus garden, before enjoying the luncheon and fashion show. Concierge tickets for $500 include the luxury van trip to the gardens for a guided tour led by a docent. For more information on the tour and showcase, and to purchase tickets, call 310-550-2068.
TOWN HALL — Hundreds of people turned out earlier this week for a town hall discussion on SB 50.
Mirisch, Koretz Meet With Cedars-Sinai Employees Agree Carthay Circle Residents To To Mediation Hours Before Oppose SB 50 Beverly Wilshire Protest By Victoria Talbot Just hours before a planned protest at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s annual gala at The Beverly Wilshire, representatives for the hopital’s employees union announced that the demonstration had been canceled. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center employees are members of the SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West (SEIU-UHW). Those employees staged a protest Wednesday on the hospital campus to protest
what they call “unfair labor practices, overpricing, excessive CEO pay and muzzling workers voices,” according to a press release. Employees had been planning to protest outside of Cedars’ annual gala at The Beverly Wilshire on Thursday at 6 p.m., but announced that the two sides had agreed to mediation in a press release sent out at 2:15 p.m. SEIU-UHW workers include environmental services, transport, (see ‘CEDARS-SINAI’ page 15)
MOTHER’S DAY IN BEVERLY HILLS The Beverly Hilton CIRCA 55 offers brunch with a wide array of options, including a sushi and seafood bar, breakfast toast station and carving station, along with an array of breakfast pastries and hand-crafted desserts from Executive Pastry Chef Thomas Henzi. Cost is $95 per adult, $45 per child 12-and-under. Brunch served from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 310-887-6055.
Waldorf-Astoria Beverly Hills George Christy, Page 6
SINCE 1965
Three-course prix-fixe Mother’s Day brunch at Jean-Georges includes seasonal menu options paired with highlighted selections from the hotel’s wine cellar, or festive brunch cocktails enjoyed alongside a performance from a live pianist. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., $155/adult and $65/child. Call 310-860-6566.
The Peninsula Beverly Hills The Belvedere’s special Mother’s Day three-course menu includes main course options such as Brazino, Polenta stuffed quail and Applewood smoked trout, with dessert selections from the buffet and free-flowing Champagne. Priced at $138 per person from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Also at The Peninsula, The Living Room hosts a special afternoon tea featuring a Diptyque fragrance bar where moms and others can sample Diptyque’s exotic French fragrances. Seatings are at 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. for $95/person. Call 310-9752736.
By Victoria Talbot It was a packed house Tuesday evening at Temple Beth Am where opponents of the controversial Senate Bill 50 were hosted by the South Carthay Neighborhood Association (SCNA) for a town hall on the subject. California State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) has resurrected last year’s failed SB 827, with a new controversial housing bill that would incentivize to developers to raze single-family homes in favor of multi-family dwellings in areas that are deemed “job-rich” or a major transit stop, eliminating local zoning laws allegedly to create more affordable housing. Beverly Hills Mayor John Mirisch, who delivered a scathing indictment of Sacramento politicians and SB 50 at his installation in March, and Los Angeles City Councilman (5th District) Paul Koretz joined fellow panelist L.A. Tenants Union member Carmen Bordas O’Connor, and
Celebrity Photo Agency/Scott Downie
Jill Stewart, former managing editor of the LA Weekly and currently, the executive director of the Coalition to Preserve LA, in opposition to the proposed bill. SCNA chair for Urban Affairs Walter Dominguez organized the event, together with SCNA President Brad Kane. Both men also serve on the much larger Pico Neighborhood Council, which represents 11 neighborhoods in the area. “This bill has no respect for community,” said Dominguez, who cited a history of community-building achieved through volunteerism, establishing and preserving neighborhood character. The bill would ban singlefamily zoning statewide and nullify 40 percent of L.A.’s Historic Preservation Overlay Zones (HPOZ) to build apartments,” said Stewart. The HPOZs came after prolonged and bloody battles with developers as piece by (see ‘SB 50 TOWN HALL’ page 17)
NEVER MISS — Paramount Chief Jim Gianopulos and wife Ann never miss the Holy Week commemorating Greek Easter. Which follows the Julian calendar (as opposed to the Gregorian). The calendar stipulates that the Holy Week services begin on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Jewish Passover. For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.
Page 2 | May 3, 2019
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT ADDRESS 425-429 North Palm Drive HEARING DATE May 23, 2019 HEARING TIME 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard HEARING LOCATION Room 280A – 2nd Floor Beverly Hills City Hall 455 North Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its REGULAR meeting on Thursday, May 23, 2019, will hold a public hearing beginning at 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider: An amendment to a previously approved project involving a Development Plan Review (DPR) and R-4 Permits, and a new Tentative Tract Map (TTM), to allow the construction of a new 63,841 square foot, 55-foot tall, five-story, 20-unit condominium development at 425-429 North Palm Drive.
Development Plan Review (DPR): Pursuant to the Beverly Hills Municipal Code (BHMC) §10-3-3100(A), a DPR is required for the construction of the proposed building. The proposal is an amendment to a previously approved project involving the construction of a new 5-story, 55-foot tall, 20-unit residential building. R-4 Permit: Pursuant to BHMC §10-3-2804 (B), the reviewing authority may issue an R-4 Permit to allow a maximum of two rooftop bathrooms associated with rooftop swimming pools or spas to exceed the height limit of a building in an R-4 zone. The proposed project involves two rooftop restrooms associated with a rooftop spa that would exceed the height limit of a building in an R-4 zone. R-4 Permit: Pursuant to BHMC §10-3-2813(E), the Planning Commission may grant the equivalent of one 5-foot wide walkway in the front yard per 50' of frontage along the front lot line of a site, in any configuration. The proposed project is requesting front yard paving that is the equivalent of one 5-foot wide walkway in the front yard per 50’ of frontage in any configuration. R-4 Permit: Pursuant to BHMC §10-3-2808(E), the Planning Commission may permit a reduction in the required rear setback for large scale multiple residential projects to a minimum of five feet. The proposed project is requesting a five foot setback along the rear setback. Tentative Tract Map (TTM): Pursuant to BHMC §10-2-202(E), the proposed project involves the subdivision of the site to allow 20 for-sale residential condominium units. This project has been assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.), the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Sections 15000 et seq.), and the environmental regulations of the City. The project appears to qualify for a Class 32 Categorical Exemption (Infill Development Projects) under CEQA. This exemption is applicable to infill projects which are consistent with local general plan and zoning requirements, and would not have any significant impacts to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. Accordingly, the Planning Commission will consider a recommendation to find the project exempt from the environmental review requirements of CEQA pursuant to Section 15332 (Infill Development Projects). Any interested person may attend the meeting and be heard or present written comments to the Planning Commission. Written comments may also be submitted prior to the public hearing to the Planning Division via mail at: attn. Juan Arauz, 455 N. Rexford Drive, 1st Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Comments may also be submitted via email at: jarauz@beverlyhills.org. Any written comments received by Tuesday, May 14, 2019 will be attached to the agenda report regarding this item. Any comments received after Tuesday, May 14, 2019, but prior the public hearing, will be distributed to the Planning Commission under separate cover. According to Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge the City’s action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City, either at or prior to the public hearing. Please note that any comments received prior to or during the public hearing will be considered as part of the public record. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Juan Arauz, Associate Planner in the Planning Division at (310) 285-1127, or by email at jarauz@beverlyhills.org. Copies of the project plans and associated application materials are on file in the Community Development Department, and can be reviewed by any interested person at 455 North Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Sincerely: Juan Arauz, Associate Planner In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Room 280A is wheelchair accessible and is equipped with audio equipment for the hearing impaired. If you need special assistance to attend this meeting, please call the Planning Division at (310) 285-1127 or TTY (310) 285-6881. Please notify the Planning Division at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting if you require captioning service so that reasonable arrangements can be made.
Spagnoli Announces Beverly Hills Police Mobile App Now Available By Victoria Talbot At a town hall meeting Wednesday, Beverly Hills Police Chief Sandra Spagnoli unveiled the new “Beverly Hills Police Department” smartphone application, now available in the app store for iPhone and Android devices. Using the app is like putting the resources of the Department in the palm of your hand. One of the app’s critical features is Submit a Tip, which enables users to submit tips about crime or suspicious activity, including the ability to upload photos, anonymously. “The app is another advancement in our community outreach efforts, accessibility to the public and supporting the tradition of police and community together,” said Chief Spagnoli. “The ability to file a police report or view crime mapping at the touch of a smartphone will assist the department in continuing to promote safety and security in Beverly Hills.” The new BHPD app has several features, including: • Anonymous Tipping; • Geographical Policing; • Departmental Phone Directory; • Connection with School Resource Officers; • Crime Statistics & Mapping; and • Links to Social Media. A link to Neighborhood Watch will assist residents to establish a Neighborhood Watch program in their area, promoting one of the most effective crime prevention tools by connecting to people most familiar with their own streets. A Vacation Watch Request form is available at the touch of a finger, quickly informing police to keep watch on your residence when you are away. In the Traffic section, users of the app will have access to information on scooter regulations, and will be able to request copies of collision reports online, check out holiday parking enforcement and obtain impounded vehicle release forms. In another section, users can view real crime statistics or check out the mapping section. Another section allows the user to connect with School Resource Officers at the touch of a finger. Users can even file online reports for non-emergency incidents, including lost property and harassing phone calls, without leaving home. The app is free and available to download now in the app store on Apple and Android smartphones.
May 3, 2019 | Page 3
Beverly Hills Police To Hold Cinco De Mayo DUI Checkpoint
COURIER IN ITALY – Longtime Beverly Hills residents, the Gordon family, took their copy of the Beverly Hills Courier on a family vacation to Florence, Italy last month. Pictured are Neil, Natalie, Victoria and Planning Commissioner Lori Greene Gordon. To join the Gordon family in the Carry The Courier Club, snap a photo of yourself on your next trip and email it, along with caption information, to mlopez@bhcourier.com.
Beverly Hills Police Department Citizen’s Academy Now Accepting Applications By Victoria Talbot The Beverly Hills Police Department Citizen’s Academy is now accepting applications for 25 residents interested in deepening their understanding of how law enforcement functions in Beverly Hills. Founded in 2015 with the mission of fostering trust and communication by educating the community about law enforcement, the academy has graduated two classes of about 50 residents. The Citizen’s Academy is a 10-week course that meets Tuesday evenings from 6 – 9 p.m., June 25 through August 27. The curriculum is designed to help citizens understand how law enforcement fights crime while providing insight into training and professional conduct, different functions within the department from SWAT to traffic enforcement, and the role of law enforcement in the criminal justice system. In Beverly Hills, the police department is an integral part of the community, businesses and schools. The Citizen’s Academy is another tool to reinforce the social bond and promote communication BRITWEEK – Beverly Hills got a bit of British flair last week with BritWeek celebrations throughout the City. The event featured a performance by the Cavern Club Beatles at The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts. The festivities culminated in a car rally last Sunday morning that toured the streets of Beverly Hills, featuring several classic cars, sponsored by O’Gara Coach of Beverly Hills. Pictured is Beverly Hills City Councilmember Robert Wunderlich ready to speed off in one of the classic cars on display.
between the police and the citizenry they serve. Each week exposes participants to a different facet of police work. In week one, participants receive a tour of the station, with role-playing and scenarios. Week two is an introduction to criminal law and procedures, a look at crimes against persons and a case study. The third week looks at the police identification bureau and how criminals get identified. Spoiler alert: it is not an adventure of the television show CSI. This session will also examine high-tech crimes and financial crimes with an optional component of a range day, to try the shooting range and test to become familiarized with firearms. Week four includes time with the K9 unit – there are five in the BHPD – and time with field training units. For BHPD officers, graduation from the Police Academy is followed by rigorous training, which continues throughout an officer’s career. The fifth week focuses on Traffic Enforcement, one of the City’s most insidious issues. Week six is about the SWAT Team and the Crisis
Negotiation Team (CNT), which negotiates to de-escalate potentially life-threatening situations with verbal management techniques for suicides, barricade situations, emotionally disturbed people and hostage situations. Week seven includes defensive tactics and less-thanlethal weapons, followed in Week eight with a look at the Professional Standards Unit, officer-involved shooting debriefs and the role of the Police Officers Association. Finally, in week nine, participants see how law enforcement interacts with the justice system with a mock trial experience. Following week 10 graduation, participants can experience a “ride-along,” to combine all the classroom learning with real-life with the officers who actually patrol the streets. Residents of Beverly Hills who are 18-or-older who have never participated in the academy may apply. Participants must pass a limited criminal background check and be able to commit to attending as many classes as possible. To apply, visit online at www.beverlyhills.org/citizensacademy.
By Matt Lopez Many people across Los Angeles and the country see Cinco de Mayo as a time for parties and celebrations that often involve drinking alcohol. Cinco de Mayo falls on a Sunday this year – Sunday, May 5 – and the Beverly Hills Police Department is warning residents to drink responsibly. The BHPD announced it will hold a DUI/driver’s license checkpoint at an undisclosed location within City limits this Sunday from 4-11 p.m. “We understand the importance of this day to many people, but it does not give you
an excuse to drink and drive,” BHPD Sgt. Jay Kim said. “There are many options to get home safely that don’t involve you driving.” The BHPD advises partygoers who plan on enjoying alcoholic beverages to use a designated driver, ride-share program or public transportation. Funding for the Cinco de Mayo DUI enforcement is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Safety Administration. BLANCH – Blanch is a 3year-old lab/shepherd mix searching for her forever home. She was purchased as a puppy by an active family and ended up not receiving as much attention as she needed. She was left outside one day when the gate was open and wandered into the street. A pedestrian found Blanch and called the owner, who sadly said they did not want her anymore. Blanch weighs 70 pounds and loves sleeping on a soft bed and taking short walks. She is great with kids and other dogs. To give Blanch her forever home, visit www.shelterhopepetshop.org or call 805379-3538.
Deadline For Piesta Applications Is May 26 By Victoria Talbot Beverly Hills’ annual Piesta pie-baking contest is coming June 9 and the City of Beverly Hills is seeking some talented and creative bakers to enter the competition. Dust off your grandma’s recipes because applications are now online at www.beverlyhills. org/piesta and the deadline for applications is May 26. Every summer, Piesta kicks off the Farmers’ Market season with this delicious event, featuring California-grown produce exclusively, with supporting sponsor, Clementine Bakery & Café. Last year’s event featured more than 25 pies in two categories including Best Tasting and Most Pieutiful. As always, a panel of distinguished judges with pie on their face will judge the entries. Best Tasting Pies will be judged on flavor; filling consistency, doneness, moistness and flavor; crust color, flavor texture and doneness; overall appearance and creativity. Winners will receive gift cards from Clementine - $200
for first place, $100 for second place and $50 for third place. ‘Pieutiful’ pies will be judged solely on appearance. The winner will receive a $50 gift card from Clementine. Other activities include Mike the Juggler, pie-making for kids, a pie-eating contest for adults and kids, rolling the dough and sifting for treasures. Pony rides and a petting zoo will also be available for a nominal fee. Entry fees are non-refundable, $5; one pie per applicant. Registrants can also apply at the Farmer’s Market Information Booth each Sunday. Only the first 20 contestants will be entered and applications must be complete and submitted with a printed copy of the recipe. The Beverly Hills Farmers’ Market is open every Sunday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and located in the 9300 block of Civic Center Drive. Two-hour free parking is available in the Civic Center lot adjacent to the Beverly Hills Public Library.
The Courier Responds To BHUSD “Attack” Letter
I THINK THAT I SHALL NEVER SEE ANYTHING AS LOVELY AS A TREE – In recognition of Arbor Day, Roxbury preschoolers sang a song for dignitaries including (pictured, left to right) Councilmembers Julian Gold, Recreation and Parks Commissioner Susan Mishler, Councilmember Lili Bosse and Mayor John Mirisch. The children helped to plant the tree, a California Live Oak, and also helped release some Lady Bugs for the occasion.
Chamber Of Commerce Emphasizes Powerful Women At Innovate Beverly Hills
By Victoria Talbot The Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce Innovate Beverly Hills signature event at the Wallis Annenberg Center for Performing Arts last week celebrated the accomplishments of women at the top of their fields, punctuated with a unique dance experience that combined the traditional Indian dance with current American dance themes in a synergy of art and energy. Led by Host Dete Meserve, award-winning novelist and television producer, the evening began with a stunning performance of dance that thoroughly engaged the audience. Gently rocking with the music, the auditorium was momentarily spellbound by the blend of ancient and modern dance in a compelling swirl of colorful costumes and music. Meserve conducted interviews with women who have
able in its coverage of BHUSD business and that we have constantly tried to shed a positive light on the district while other local publications steered toward the negative. We would be remiss in not mentioning that some of the current sitting school board members who signed the letter in question, have remarked privately and publicly in the past that this newspaper’s coverage of the district was too “positive” and have gone as far as to call us “cheerleaders” for the district, all while they themselves were running for election to the school board on platforms largely based on the idea that district operations were in shambles and needed an overhaul. (see ‘BHUSD LETTER’ page 11)
Dancers combined Indian and American dance themes to entertain guests at last week’s Innovate Beverly Hills event.
reached the arch of success, including KCRW President Jennifer Ferro, Ph.D., President Aston Martin the Americas Laura Schwab and Executive Chairman, Founder ClassPass and Artistic Director of the Sa Dance Company Payal Kadakia. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Sarah J. Kilpatrick MD shared some startling women’s health statistics that indicate that physician education remains dominated by
male-centric models that impact the lives of women, especially with acute myocardial infarction, or heart attacks, which presents differently in women. Finally, two-time mayor of Beverly Hills Lili Bosse closed the event as guests streamed to the patio for drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Innovation Beverly Hills is the chamber’s showcase event. Next up is the Member Appreciation & Board Installation Night Summer Garden Party June 26.
Christie’s Los Angeles To Showcase Guitars From David Gilmour Collection By Matt Lopez Legendary guitarist David Gilmour will have 10 guitars on display at Christie’s Los Angeles in Beverly Hills from May 7 to 11. Gilmour is the guitarist, singer and songwriter of Pink Floyd. His virtuoso guitar work can be heard on rock classics like Comfortably Numb and Another Brick In The Wall, among other timeless Pink Floyd tunes. The L.A. display is part of a larger 120 guitar auction, the David Gilmour Collection, to be held June 20 in New York’s Rockefeller Center. The total collection includes more than 120 of Gilmour’s preferred Fender models of Broadcsters, Esquires, Telecasters and
The Courier was surprised this week to receive a letter emailed out by Beverly Hills Unified School District spokesperson Rebecca Starkins to the entire school district mailing list. The letter, signed by all five members of the Beverly Hills Board of Education, attempts to take the Courier to task for “impartial coverage of district business” and a failure to “report factually on the District’s progress under Dr. [Michael] Bregy’s leadership.” The letter went on to condemn the Courier for its “attacks on Dr. Bregy and the District.” This publication believes there is some incredible irony in the fact that the narrative that has been spun in this community for years is that the Courier is often too favor-
David Gilmour's Rickenbacker Incorporated, Santa Ana 1973 12-string electric guitar.
Stratocasters. “Many of the guitars in this sale are guitars that have given me a tune, so a lot of them have earned their keep, you might say,” Gilmore said.
“These guitars have given so much to me, and it’s time for them to move on to other people who hopefully will find joy and perhaps create something new.” Christie’s is located at 336 N. Camden Dr. The 10 guitars at Christie’s Los Angeles will be on display at the following times: Tuesday, May 7 (1-4 p.m.); Wednesday, May 8 (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.); Thursday, May 9 (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.); Friday, May 10 (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.); Saturday, May 11 (1-4 p.m.). For more information on the auction, visit https://www.christies.com/auc tions/the-david-gilmour-collection.
BUBBLEFEST– Almost 500 community members turned out last week for Beverly Vista’s BubbleFest and Carnival. Kids enjoyed giant bubbles, rides, laser tag, food and much more. The event was made possible by the work of several volunteers, including: Elizabeth Nejad, Nathan Kruger, Liane Mark, Farnaz Barkhordar, Shilla Naimian, Sam Naimian, Jill Tiernan, Kim Hartley, Rebecca Ishida, Claire Dardashti and Gimol Bentes. Also, many district staffers volunteered their time, such as: Chris Regan, Craig Bugbee, Jamie Weddle, Todd Radonsky, and Cindy Reitzenstein and Andi Barron.
Mother’s Day 2019 Dining Options In Beverly Hills
By Matt Lopez Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and there are no shortage of excellent local options to treat mom on Sunday, May 12. Here are some local Mother’s Day offerings in Beverly Hills. The Montage Beverly Hills: The Restaurant’s Mother’s Day buffet features an array of seasonal favorites, including made-to-order omelettes, French toast with house-made compotes, salads, a carving station, a raw bar, several pasta dishes and much more. From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., $132/person and $69/child aged 4-to-12. The Rooftop Grill will offer a weekend brunch overlooking the Hollywood Hills with several à la carte specials. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call 310-8607970. Beverly Hills Hotel: The Polo Lounge's special threecourse Mother's Day brunch menu offers a vast array of
options, including main course options like American wagyu beef burger, Delta asparagus risotto, apricot-baked Semolina pancake and much more. There will also be a dessert buffet with more than a half dozen options. Priced at $175/person. Call 310-8872777. The Beverly Wilshire: THE Blvd offers a three-course meal that includes choices like smoked salmon avocado tartine, 8 oz. tenderloin, seafood pasta, a milk chocolate crème and much more. From 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., $95/person, call 310-385-3901. L’Ermitage Beverly Hills: L'Ermitage Beverly Hills: Avec Nous will offer a lavish Mother's Day brunch buffet from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Priced at $110/adult and $35 for children 12-and-under. Call 310860-8660. (see ‘MOTHER’S DAY’ page 11)
Allen Altchech, with thanks to John Kopatsis
George Christy
Father Christopher Kolentsas assists the Reverand Father John Bakas, Dean of St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Cathedral.
The majestic Good Friday Service at St. Sophia’s Cathedral is embraced by Greeks, who commemorate the unforgettable evening with their lighted candles and prayers under the guidance of the Reverend Father John Bakas.
oining the hundreds of the devout of all ages, including parents with sweet infants, rewarded with their first religious experience.
very Greek worthy of his Orthodox soul carries lighted white candles to commemorate the burial of their Lord. As they did this past weekend.
T he
Cathedral was founded by the Skouras dynasty with funding from the international faithful in 1952 (The Los Angeles Greek Community was Incorporated in 1908 with a church on San Julian Street).
worshippers are beholden to Reverend Father John Bakas, our Dean, who led the haunting Byzantine lamentations with his resounding tenor voice. Interacting with the psaltes (canters) and the women’s choir.
Father John’s multitude
of selfless accomplishments Page 6 | May 3, 2019
for the Church are worthy of a Nobel Prize. He received the call from our Lord while a police officer in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
major exception this year is the addition of a new sound system, created by Andrew Setos of BlackStar Engineering, that replaced the existing forty-year-old failure.
hese centuries-old sacred Holy Week Services melt the hearts of the parishioners, who’ve grown up with this rich tradition.
s they walk outdoors on Holy Friday night under the flower-bedecked tomb with the image of Christ, holding their lighted candles while listening to prayers about the immortality of their Lord and asking for mercy.
H oly
Saturday night commemorates the Resurrection during the midnight service that Jim Gianopulos considers “the most beautiful.” Bringing worshippers to the ancient ritual that “Christ Has Risen.”
eflecting, as we have, from time to time, on the hierarchy of the Greek Orthodoxy, we’ve come to acknowledge that the hierarchy is our royalty.
T he
Constantinople, the original site of our Orthodoxy.
ollowed by the Metropolitans, Bishops, and Priests. Who share their wisdom from their worldliness about the salvation of humankind.
nce upon a time were Greek kings queens, but emerged as ing card figures, and ultimately deposed.
there and playwere
n Los Angeles, Easter Sunday evolves into “let’s party.” Jim and Ann Gianopulos generously invite our faithful locals and visitors to their Westside estate. To savor Inna Poncher’s feast of the roasted spring lamb, Greek delicacies and Easter bread (not unlike the Jewish halal).
ouzouki music and folk dancing. And, boy oh boy, Jim Gianopulos struts his vigor dancing a la Grecque. A champ.
nn Gianopulos’ mom, Bebe McRae with husband Colin McRae, fly south from their Bay Area life to participate in the high spirits of the fun and the popular cracking of the red Easter egg.
G reeting
the Gianopulos family and Jim’s sister, Despina with husband Jay Landers (who records
The Cathedral, built in 1952, is at 1324 S. Normandie Ave. (at Pico Blvd.)
Celebrity Photo/Scott Downie
im Gianopulos and wife Ann, with their beautiful children Alexa, Nikki and Mimi, arrive year in and year out, for the Holy Friday Evening Services at the magnificent St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in midtown Los Angeles.
Jim and Ann Gianopulos with daughters Mimi, Alexa and Nikki
Barbra Streisand’s albums) were Athenian shipping heir George Kulukundis, Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), Jim’s loyal assistant Dawn Knepley (a new dog owner), Michelle and Michael Chiklis.
ew daddy John Stamos with Caitlin McHugh, Nancy and Sid Ganis, Alex Berliner, Lilly Reeves, Lisa Harbach, whose dad, Bill Harbach partnered with the producer Nick Vanoff to produce the timeless Perry Como Show and dozens more.
dditionally, The Tonight Show hosted by Steve Allen, the fabled Kennedy Center Honors, The Judy
Garland Show, Sonny And Cher, etc.
uffalo-born Nick, growing up in his father’s cafe, danced his way into Broadway with the Charles Weidman’s Dance Theatre. Before performing as the lead dancer with New York City Opera. Soon becoming the extraordinary showman, whose first job was as a cue card holder, and later produced ten successful television hours a week.
Genius! Online at www.bhcourier.com/category/george-christy
May 3, 2019 | Page 7
HOW DO Y O U F E E L ? Spirit Of Judi Organization To Launch With
H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S
Art Show By Brain-Cancer Patients, May 5 The Spirit of Judi organization—a new group of “Judi’s Brian Buddies”— brain cancer patients and families “who celebrate art and life undefeated by brain cancer”—will launch with a “Spirit of Judi Celebration” and art show from 6-8 p.m., Sunday, May 5 at the Annenberg Beach House, 415 Pacific Coast Highway, Santa Monica. The organization is dedicated to honoring the legacy and vision of longtime Beverly Hills resident Judi Kaufman, an entrepreneur and poet who became an advocate for brain cancer patients and their families after she was diagnosed with her first brain-cancer tumor in 1997. The organization is based on Kaufman’s vision to help fellow brain cancer patients heal through art and creativity. There is empirical evidence suggesting creative outlets have helped brain-cancer patients live full, and in some cases, longer lives. Kaufman, who died in 2015, turned to poetry to help her cope with the damaging effects of brain cancer and its treatments. A published poet, her books include Passion And Shadow: The Light Of Brain Cancer and Do You Want Your Brain To Hurt Now Or Later? The event will feature works by brain-cancer patients who have teamed with artists to create art inspired by the struggle with brain cancer. Artists who have donated their time and talent to help patients tell their stories
Judi Kaufman, who died in 2015, and her husband Roy Kaufman, who died in 2016.
include: Dominic Dettorem, Elisa Goodman, Marlene Cappell, Patty and Mark Balch, Nada Aridi and Davia King. Many of the artists will be on hand at the event to discuss the pieces. The Spirit of Judi will also build on Kaufman’s mentorship legacy via developing and growing an informal network of “Judi’s Brain Buddies” who will be available to counsel individuals and families struggling with brain cancer on a one-to-one basis. The Spirit of Judi organization’s goals are to raise awareness of brain cancer through creative pursuits, “spotlight the strength and courage of brain cancer patients and their families,” and help raise money for brain cancer research. For tickets and information, contact Patti Lawhon, spiritofJudi@gmail.com or call 310-600-1673. All proceeds benefit UCLA Neuro-Oncology.
UP IN THE AIR—Taking part in the ribbon cutting in front of the CHLA-branded Sikorsky helicopter, were (from left): Jeffrey Worthe, board of directors chair; Arnold J. Kleiner, trustee; Paul Viviano, CHLA president/CEO; Kathryn Purwin, Helinet CEO and CHLA Foundation board trustee; Kevin Brogan, Foundation board of trustees chair; and Alexandra Carter, CHLA senior VP and chief development officer.
CHLA Dedicates New Helinet Aviation Helipad For The Perwin Family Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) recognized the Alan Purwin Emergency Transport Program Wednesday by naming the hospital’s helipad The Purwin Family – Helinet Aviation Helipad. The ceremony included a ribbon cutting in front of the new Sikorsky helicopter, the 323 Charlie Hotel, which will serve as the primary airship for CHLA. Pilot, aerial film operator and philanthropist Alan Purwin founded
Helinet Aviation 30 years ago. Nearly four years ago, he was killed in a plane crash, but his legacy as a philanthropist and a humanitarian is seen every hour, of every day, when one of his company’s helicopters transports CHLA patients. Purwin’s wife, Kathryn Purwin, is the Helinet Aviation CEO. Helinet donates 100 percent of the emergency transport service to CHLA. Over the years, nearly 9,000 emergency missions for CHLA patients have been flown.
ERASING THE STIGMA – New York Times bestselling authors David Sheff and Nic Sheff, the NFL Players Association, Inc., filmmaker William “Michael” Barbee, and YouTube music sensation Alex Boyé were honored at the 23rd Annual Erasing the Stigma Awards on Thursday, April 25. The event was emceed by TV host/producer Melissa Rivers, a suicide prevention advocate who recently joined Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services’ Board of Directors. Pictured, back row, from left: Will Lippincott, Carlos E. Garcia, Martin J. Frank, Sara Rutenberg, Andrew Rubin, Michael C. Wierwille, and Thomas J. Hann. Front row, from left: Charlotte Fletcher, Janine B. Lichstein, Pamela Kluft, Christopher Harrer, Dr. Kita S. Curry, Melissa Rivers, Laura Ornest, Nancy Rubin, and Gail Kamer Lieberfarb.
May 3, 2019 | Page 9
L.A. Councilman Koretz Moves To Provide Funding For Eviction Counseling By Victoria Talbot Los Angeles 5th District Councilmember Paul Koretz introduced two motions, totaling $10 million, for the implementation of Right to Counsel to provide support for Angelenos facing eviction in an increasingly hostile rental market Thursday. With evictions and rents on the rise, over 45,000 Los Angeles residents are being displaced every year. According to the recent city homelessness count, nearly 10,000 city residents face homelessness for the first time. Increasingly unaffordable rents and a lack of housing for low-income residents has exacerbated the crisis. “With our existing, naturally occurring affordable rental market being steadily eroded by redevelopment and by unscrupulous landlords trying to push tenants out so they can raise rents, L.A.’s large renter community has never been under more pressure and we need to help protect them from becoming homeless,” said Koretz. Thousands of tenants are pushed into homelessness because they lack legal representation in eviction proceedings. Thursday’s motions, backed by Mayor Garcetti’s support for dedicating more money to the issue, are a step in the right direction.
Paul Koretz
Los Angeles Right to Counsel coalition includes Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, Basta, Inc., Bet Tzedek, East LA Community Corporation, Eviction Defense Network, HEART LA, Housing Rights Center, Inner City Law Center, Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN), Los Angeles Tenants Union, Los Angeles Center for Community Law and Action (LACCLA), Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, Neighborhood Legal Services, OneLA, Public Counsel, People Organized for Westside Renewal (POWER), SEIU Local 721, and Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE).
DEMOLITION – Court-ordered demolition on the site is occurring daily on the controversial Mohamed Hadid-developed 901 Strada Vecchia in Bel Air. The top floor is to be removed by the end of May, while the pool deck and apartment suites are to be removed by September, before the start of the rainy season anticipated in October.
Save Our Canyon, Tree People Offer Workshop On Taking Action Effectively By Victoria Talbot The Benedict Canyon Association is inviting residents to a meeting Saturday morning at TreePeople where Mark Levin, president of Save Our Canyon and TreePeople CEO Cindy Montanez will hold a workshop, “Be an Effective Champion,” to empower the community with tools to protect their way of life. Save Our Canyon was formed to oppose a proposed 99-room hotel that would be situated on a 33-acre site located at the nexus of Wanda Park, Hutton Drive and Oak Pass Road. The hotel project is currently in the development stages, and plans are for a total of about 782,000 square feet of floor space with 26 additional detached structures and parking for over 700 vehicles. In addition to more than 100 staff members, the facilities could accommodate as many as 438 guests. The developer wants the city to create a new zoning category that would change allow a change from low-density, single-family homes in a high-fire risk area to a transient occupancy hotel that allows commercial use, including a proposed 5,500 square foot bar, restaurant and banquet facility that could be able to host weddings, fundraisers and other parties for over 700 people. The project is opposed by the Benedict Canyon Association and Los Angeles City Council Member Paul Koretz (5th District), as well as other organizations in the Santa Monica Mountains and Los Angeles area. In a rare move, TreePeople has also publicly opposed the project. “TreePeople does not generally take positions on individual development projects. However, the organization’s Board of Directors has approved TreePeople to take a stand against this proposed zone change because it would introduce a new and legal
measure that would drastically change the landscape. This proposal would create an entirely new and currently non-existent zoning classification of ‘Specialized Hospitality’... TreePeople opposes the proposed zone change, which would threaten the fragile ecosystem of the Santa Monica Mountains, because it would… set a precedent for inappropriate or inconsistent development throughout the Santa Monica Mountains.” Now, TreePeople is joining with Save Our Canyon to help interested people with acquiring the tools they need to express their opposition effectively. With a long history of advocacy on behalf of the urban environment, TreePeople has valuable experience communicating with government and the public. Unfortunately, many residents of Benedict Canyon and the Santa Monica Mountains who find their residential environment suddenly threatened by an outside developer may not have those skills. The workshop will be an opportunity to gain insight into the process, what a “zone-change” means, and how it could affect the entire Los Angeles area. Mark Levin, president, Save Our Canyon, will discuss the project and what Save Our Canyon is doing about it. The workshop will take place at the TreePeople Conference Center (12601 Mulholland Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210) with a light breakfast being served at 9:30 am. The seminar will take place from 10 am to 11 am. Space is limited to 50 participants from the Save Our Canyon and Benedict Canyon Association members only. Invitations to members have been sent with RSVP details. For additional information, email: info@s.org.
May 3, 2019 | Page 11
BEVERLY HILLS CONGRESSIONAL ART – On Saturday, April 6, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D-Los Angeles County) hosted his congressional district’s fifth-annual reception for the Congressional Art Competition at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts. The Congressional Art Competition is an opportunity to recognize and encourage the artistic talent in the nation, as well as in the Congressional District. The competition is open to all high school students who either reside or attend school in the 33rd District. The second and third place winners were both Beverly Hills High School Students. BHHS junior Hudson Auerbach’s piece “End of the Tunnel” came in second place, earning him a $1,000 scholarship. His work will be displayed in Congressman Lieu’s Los Angeles office for the next year. Fellow BHHS junior Galaxia Miller’s piece “L.A. Familia” ranked third, winning a $500 scholarship and her work will also displayed in Lieu’s office. Several hundred students entered the 33rd Congressional District competition.
MOTHER’S DAY (continued from page 5)
SIXTY Beverly Hills: Caulfield's Bar and Dining Room in the SIXTY Beverly Hills will offer brunch with bottomless mimosas and a prixfixe menu with options such as avocado toast, smoked salmon and much more for $50 per person. Call 310-388-6860. 208 Rodeo: Mother's Day offerings will include seasonal specials and an a la carte menu throughout the day. Call 310275-2428. Barneys New York: Fred's Beverly Hills at Barneys offers a prix-fixe three-course Mother's Day menu for $60/person. Entree choices include pan roasted chicken breast, pan seared jumbo scallops and much more. All moms will receive a special sweet treat.
Il Cielo: Brunch and dinner will be offered on Mother’s Day. Three-course brunch (11 a.m. to 4 p.m.) includes several main-course options, such as roasted jidori half chicken and braised veal shank, for $65/person. Three-course dinner (5:3011 p.m.) for $75/person includes entree options like braised short ribs with horse radish sweet potato and baby carrots, homemade pappardelle a la bolognese and more. Call 310-276-9990. The Bazaar by José Andrés: An extravagant Mother's Day brunch offering includes a la carte egg dishes, a Bloody Mary bar and much more for $120/person and $45 for children aged 3-11. Call 310-2465555. La Dolce Vita: Mother's Day will feature La Dolce Vita's regular menu of Italian classics,
as well as a complimentary Champagne toast for all moms. Call 310-278-1845. Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills: Cattle & Claw's special Mother's Day buffet comes priced at $69 per person and includes a complimentary glass of wine for each mom. Buffet includes an egg station, a bagel bar and much more. From noon to 5 p.m. Call 310770-1654. Spago: Three-course jazz brunch will be accompanied by the musical stylings of the Jennifer Keith Quintet. Prix-fixe menu includes main course options like handmade tortelloni and smoked salmon pizza. Chef Della Gossett will have a bake shop that includes her specialty pies. From 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., $155/person and $65/child 12-and-under. Call 310-385-0880.
BHUSD LETTER (continued from page 5)
As the letter signed by all five boardmembers points out, “the truth is not always positive.” We believe if you look through our history of coverage of the district since Dr. Bregy was hired, it has been more than fair. Not all “positive” and not all “negative.” Just how it should be. The Courier has had private discussions with district personnel in which both sides elaborated on their hopes and expectations for a positive relationship between both parties. We made it clear that the Courier, and community, expect full transparency and timeliness in receiving information from the district. Promises made to that effect have not been followed up on. The letter states that the district expects “to be held to a transparent standard allowing the public to receive facts and necessary information” but yet has stonewalled the Courier’s attempts to obtain expense records of Bregy and his “cabinet” members via the California Public Records Act. There is no campaign against the school district. In fact, it is quite the opposite. We have had a long, positive, fruitful relationship with
both the Beverly Hills Education Foundation and the Beverly Hills Unified School District. We constantly publish pictures and stories on great achievements being made by students within the school district. We do these things, quite literally, on a weekly basis. You will see some of those positive pieces published once again in the pages of this week’s Courier. The Beverly Hills Unified School District has had a revolving door of superintendents come through the district in recent years and we don’t want to see that continue. We hope Dr. Bregy and the school district are successful in all their endeavors, but our job is not to be the 24/7 personal public relations firm for the district. The Beverly Hills Unified School District already has someone to fill that role who is paid very, very well and they probably don’t need our advice – but if they were to ask, we would say the district might be better served spending its time letting the community know about its plans to improve test scores and raise enrollment rather than picking a fight with the local newspaper. Marcia Wilson Hobbs President & Publisher
BODYTRAFFIC Is Company-In-Residence
Dance, Music Theater, Cinema, Even A Circus To Highlight Wallis’ 2019-20 Season
From left, Arlette Jones, Paula Kelley, Cindy Shields, Trace Taylor and Gina Jourard in Hot Flashin.’ Photo by Asbury PR Agency
BH Resident Shana Golden Is Lighting, Sound Director For New Musical Longtime Beverly Hills resident Shana Golden is serving as lighting and sound director for the new musical Hot Flashin’ which debuts at 8 p.m., Thursday, May 9 at the Odyssey Theatre, 2055 S Sepulveda Blvd., L.A. Subsequent performances will be at 8 p.m., May 10-12 and 16-19. Written by Gina Jourard, with help from Ruth Mercado, and featuring 16 original songs, including 13 by musician/songwriter/composer Tom Pergola, Hot Flashin’ is described as a “feel good musical comedy that tells the story of a group of five women in their middle to later years, who have seen it all!” Says Director Dan Berkowitz, “Hot Flashin’ is a wonderful combination of
outrageous comedy set against a backdrop of real-world situations.” Golden’s first professional job was at The Laugh Factory and she went on to work in other clubs like The Gardenia, The Roxy and Gazzari’s and with many major production companies. Golden previously worked with Jourard as her guitar player in the band Kona Wind. The two women have worked together since 2001, beginning their collaboration with a CD, Come Into My World, which appeared on Snailworks/Sony Records. For tickets, visit https://web.ovationtix.com/trs/pr/1008002. For more information on the play, visit https://www.hotflashinmusical.com/.
The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts announced its 20192020 season Tuesday, expanding to 12 months of produced and presented works in dance, music, theater, cinema, and contemporary circus from artists and companies around Southern California, the country, and the world. The season begins Sept. 17, marking the fourth year of programming under the leadership of Artistic Director Paul Crewes and Executive Director/CEO Rachel Fine, and the seventh for the institution. Season highlights include: • Dance @ The Wallis with BODYTRAFFIC returning as 2019/2020 company-in-residence. One of the company’s two programs, The Minghella Project, is produced by The Wallis as a world premiere collaboration with director/choreographer Jonathan Lunn and the late celebrated film director Anthony Minghella, featuring actors and artists who were close to both. • Herb Albert and Grammy-winning vocalist Lani Hall open Music @ The Wallis also featuring the return of National Sawdust with folds, and an evening with Broadway star Megan Hilty and Grammy-nominated actor-singersongwriter Cheyenne Jackson. Simone Dinnerstein, piano, and Matt Haimovitz, cello, pair Beethoven, in cel-
Erwin Washington, co-founder/executive director of Lula Washington Dance Theatre, left, and Paul Crewes, artistic director of The Wallis Annenberg Center of the Performing Arts at the center’s announcement of its 2019-20 season. Photo by Rob Latour.
ebration of the 250th anniversary of his birth, with music of Philip Glass. Among the season’s classical artists are Garrick Ohlsson, piano; The Emerson String Quartet, Violins of Hope concert (see ‘SEASON,’ page 16)
Jacob Jonas The Company Ends Wallis Residency With Two World Premieres By Steve Simmons Jacob Jonas The Company is ending it’s 2018/2019 company-in-residence run at The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts with two world premieres and a collaboration with director, choreographer and one of Jonas’ mentors, Daniel Ezralow. Performances will be at 7:30 p.m., Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11 in The Wallis’ Bram Goldsmith Theater. “We are deeply grateful to The Wallis, which we consider our home venue, for its continued support,” says Jonas. “We have been able to expand and explore our repertoire in exciting new ways.” Jonas, a 2010 BHHS graduate, first auditioned for Ezralow’s company at 19. “I didn’t get the job, but there was a lot of creative chemistry over the years as I was building my company,” says Jonas. “Daniel was always supportive and we’d meet at events and he’d says ‘let’s do a duet together.’” The work, viceversa, created and performed by Ezralow and Jonas explores the unique voices of two choreographers across generations with similar backgrounds, but different perspectives. The months of rehearsal have been “human and raw,” says Jonas. “We’re different in how we approach dance, how we think about dance and our expectations of dance. The differences accelerate the relationship and what the piece will be like. It’s been a lot of fun.” Since Jonas believes in using dance to tackle serious themes, the other premiere is There’s Been A Study, about how the education system stifles creativity.
Daniel Ezralow and Jacob Jonas. Photo by Matthew Brush
“This is a piece I’ve wanted to do since high school, says Jonas. It was inspired by a virtual TED talk Jonas came across by educational thought leader Sir Ken Robinson. “It made a big impact on me.” When he told the Wallis’ Director of Education Mark Slavkin about hearing Robinson’s speech, Slavkin replied, “why don’t I connect you two,” Jonas recalled. The pair had two meetings to bounce ideas off Robinson’s research and “he’s on board,” says Jonas. “It’s exciting.” “The education system conforms people to think the same way,” says Jonas “and doesn’t encourage individuality, passion and purpose. There was definitely a time in school when I did not have a sense of value. And I wanted to explore that in a dance work.“ Jonas’ choreography for the nine dancers in the piece is to an original score by Nicole Miglis, lead singer of Hundred Waters. As of this week, the art(see ‘SEASON,’ page 16)
May 3, 2019 | Page 13
THE FASHION OF BEVERLY HILLS RISING STAR—The Jo Malone London Boutique on Brighton Way in Beverly Hills hosted a listening party last Friday that featured artist Manda Malina, who debuted and performed her latest single Crocodile Tears. She also premiered her music video for the single. “It was a huge turnout and everyone had a great time,” says Ashley Crawford, store manager.
HANRO Beverly Hills Unveils Mural By Contemporary Artist Blanda By Steve Simmons Artist Blanda, showcased the new cobalt and azure mural she created on the walls of the Swiss luxury clothing store HANRO Beverly Hills last week. Names from fashion, art and television attended the night, including artist and photographer Tasya Van Ree, Nick Simmons, designer and stylist Philip Bloch, Blanda’s boyfriend, designer Simon Spir. and Britt Stewart from Dancing With The Stars. Blanda is a Swiss, contemporary artist livNick Simmons and Blanda ing and working between New York and L.A.. Her style, a mélange of mural artwork strives to create a composition that collage, printmaking, drawing visual and painting has drawn the harmoniously flows with the attention of many International fabrics, colors, and textures of brands, including OBEY, Kiehl’s, the HANRO garments.” Jan Snodgrass, president of Volvo and DC Shoes, Elena HANRO in the United States Ghisellini, TopShop and Barbara said, “We are honored to have Bui. Blanda shared her vision Blanda transition our space. Her for the piece. “The HANRO x work is unparalleled and highBLANDA mural is inspired by lights the fusion between art and the space it lives in and the indi- fashion. This collaboration will viduals who are moving through mark the first art campaign in that space. The two-dimensional our new store.” HANRO was established in image works in perfect synergy Switzerland in 1884, and is with the room and is rendered known for lingerie, nightwear three-dimensional by the architecture. In that respect, the store and loungewear. HANRO opened its Beverly visit can become an experience Hills location. 9475 S Santa on many levels and blurs the lines between creative and com- Monica Blvd, last fall with Debra Rogers as manager. The mercial.” She added, “Inspired by store offers styling, custom fitshape, form, and movement the tings, special orders and same day delivery.
Remembering Rudi Gernreich At The Skirball By Victoria Talbot Fearless Fashion: Rudi Gernreich, an exhibit of culture, art and fashion, comes to the Skirball Center May 9-Sept. 1, celebrating the life and creativity of a man who used fashion as a social statement to affect change by elevating his designs to question boundaries. What the fashion revolution of the 1960s did to couture was analogous to what the French Revolution did to monarchies, and Rudi Gernreich was the bad boy of the resistance. He was a rebel. Innovative and daring, Gernreich dominated futuristic fashion, predicting with a vision that defied gender norms and ignored racial differences. For women, he created the No Bra, the thong alternative and the monokini and democratized the boundaries of haute couture, refusing to ever show in Paris. Gernreich was born Aug. 8, 1922, in Vienna, Austria. His father, a WWI veteran, committed suicide when he was eight years old. Following the German Anschluss, he immigrated to Los Angeles with his mother in 1938 as a Jewish refugee at 17. He attended Los Angeles City College and Los Angeles Art Center until 1942. In 1951, after a series of jobs, he was designing his own line of clothing which caught the attention of William Bass, a fellow emigre from Vienna. He signed a seven-year contract and produced a line of dresses that were sold to Jack Hanson. Hanson owned one of the trendiest boutiques in town, Jax, edgy and avant-garde, on Rodeo Drive. Across the street Hanson opened The Daisy, the super-hip nightclub where OJ met a young Nicole Brown and everyone who was anyone came to play. Gernreich designed shoes and swimwear, until finally opening his own firm in 1960. Among the firsts Gernreich created is what is considered the first fashion video, Basic
Black: William Claxton w/Peggy Moffitt, in 1966. He wanted his designs to be affordable and signed a contract with Montgomery Ward, despite the rule that designers do not sell to chain stores. He designed Moonbase Alpha costumes for a popular British futuristic television show, Space: 1999. He produced clothing that was minimalist that could be worn by both men and women. His designs were often shocking because they did not Pictured: Gernreich’s Monokini. conform to social norms - but his fame came overnight with the topless bathing and his work as a costume suit, the monokini. designer in Hollywood with He said that the design was Edith Head and Hattie to allow women more free- Carnegie. It chronicles the time dom. "To me, the only respect he worked with Lester Horton you can give to a woman is to Dance Theatre and his brief make her a human being. A times with fashion designers totally emancipated woman Morris Nagel and George who is totally free," he said. Carmel in New York. His designs were also He met Communist Harry meant to be worn without a Hay in July 1950 and together bra, or with his own sheer, they founded the Mattachine seamless nylon No Bra, an Society in support of gay rights. unstructured undergarment Over 80 ensembles are on that allowed for the breast to display, including Becoming assume its natural shape at a Rudi Gernreich about his early time when bras sculpted transformation; Dance & breasts into cones. Theatre, the early emphasis on “At the Skirball, where we freedom of movement; and are guided by the Jewish tradi- Minis Mods & Pantsuits shows tion of welcoming the stranger, how Gernreich pushed the we are inspired by how boundaries with the microGernreich did just that: his mini and pantsuits. Other secapparel welcomed everyone tions include Swimsuits & into the fold – regardless of Undergarments; Youth Culture race, religion, gender, sexuality & Politics; Unisex Solidarity; and body type – broadening and Experimental Fashion & the scope of who is ‘fashion- Legacy able.’ We hope that visitors are The Skirball Center, locatinspired by Gernreich’s fearless ed at 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., fashions and his lifelong credo open Tuesday-Friday 12-5 p.m. that style is about freedom and Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. – authenticity,” said Bethany 5 p.m. Admission is free to Montagano, Skirball exhibition Skirball members; otherwise, curator. admission is $12 for general; The exhibition portrays the $9 for seniors, children over 12 early years in Los Angeles, his and full-time students; and first jobs in the fashion industry children 2-12 are $7.
May 3, 2019 | Page 15
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clinical partners and other classifications that have been in negotiation for their contracts with Cedars-Sinai since Jan. 30. Their contract was up March 31. “We just want to be treated fairly,” said “Willie,” a union negotiator who has worked for Cedars-Sinai for 10 years. An environmental services worker, he said it took four years to achieve a dollar more an hour. The sole breadwinner for his family, he earns $17 an hour. His wife has a chronic health condition which can sometimes mean unscheduled doctor visits. “They’re going to try to take control of our sick time and discipline me to take care of my wife,” he said. “We just want to be treated fairly. We don’t want our ability to bargain over changes from management taken away.” Cedars Sinai has 1,800 SEIU-UHW employees. Willie, who spoke at the rally, was one of the hospital’s employees who pointed out that the hospital campus treats numerous high-profile individuals, including celebrities and other wealthy patrons. US News & World Report last year ranked Cedars-Sinai as one of the nation’s Top 10 Hospitals, ranking it #8, and, according to Willie, increasing donations to the hospital, which includes locations in Marina Del Rey, Century City and Torrance.
But employees say that wealth isn’t trickling down. “We’re asking for a wage increase. They say they can’t accommodate,” said Willie. With its nonprofit status, Cedars-Sinai reported profits Pictured: Protestors march Wednesday outof $452 million side of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. in 2017, the latest available staer. Patients diagnosed with psytistics, and paid their CEO $4.3 choses were charged 307% million in compensation, more, $116,384 vs. $28,588 according to tax documents statewide. and Form 990, required for taxMost egregious to the SEIUexempt organizations. Cedars- UHW workers, hospital execuSinai pays no income taxes and tives proposed a revision to very low property taxes. their agreement that would give SEIU-UHW workers say, them the ability to fire workers according to State records, for speaking out. Cedars-Sinai charges patients The “No Strike – No more than other California hos- Lockout” provision states that pitals for some services. there will be “no strike, stopA comparison shows that page, slowdown, sit-down, for heart failure & shock with refusal to perform work, sympaMCC, the average charge per thy strike, negative public stay at Cedars-Sinai (in 2017) image campaign against the cost $150,887. The average Employer… or any other intercharge statewide, however, was ference... in connection with $72,094, a 109 percent differ- any grievance or dispute…” ence. SEIU-UHW says that workCedars-Sinai patients that ers are speaking out - about gave birth by Cesarean Section understaffing that they claim were charged an average of threatens patient care. “Clinical $73,377; statewide, the average partners have 10 or more charge was $38,864, a 78% dif- patients to care for,” said Willie, ference. Vaginal deliveries were and that means patient care suf$49,499 compared to $21,162 fers. statewide average, 134% high-
Reinventing Rosalee – A True Story Of Living Life To The Max By John L. Seitz When noted Beverly Hills author and body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass, Ph.D., decided to turn her 102 year old mother’s inspirational life story into a documentary, the results have been extraordinary. Reinventing Rosalee has already screened at some 90 film festivals worldwide and garnered 36 awards in the process. It is now being released Tuesday (May 7) via Random Media Digital HD, DVD and VOD. Polish-born Rosalee Glass, is a Holocaust survivor who taken was taken prisoner and sent to a Siberian gulag. Despite surviving those labor camps during World War II, and later the loss of her husband of 60 years as well as three of her children, she transformed her destiny. From devastation and not wanting to go on, she woke up one day and decided to live the rest of her life to the fullest. In her late 80s, Rosalee began an acting career, took piano lessons, tai chi, boxing, tango dancing, swimming, and French language classes. In her 90s she won a beauty pageant and after hiring an agent, appeared in TV commercials for Google, Porsche, Hallmark, Blue Cross and ESPN's X Games during the Super Bowl.
Rosalee Glass and Dr. Lillian Glass with Annabelle.
Now at 100+, she traveled to Alaska where she rode sled dogs down the glaciers, then authored 100 Years Of Wisdom, started an online life advice service, and travels with daughter Lillian to all the places she has lived during her 10 decades. The film chronicles mother/daughter travels around the world to places where Rosalee lived during the war to new ones she longed to experience, and unfolds a heart-warming story of new beginnings, mother and daughter bonding, and the strength of the entire human spirit. Reinventing Rosalee is a true story of inspiration and of living life to the fullest.
Page 16 | May 3, 2019
BEVERLY HILLS Now In Our 54th Year 499 N. Cañon Dr., Suite. 100 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-278-1322 Fax: 310-271-5118 www.bhcourier.com Chairman Emeritus
Paula Kent Meehan ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖
President & Publisher
Marcia Wilson Hobbs ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖
Founding Publisher 1965-2004
March Schwartz Publisher 2004-2014
Clifton S. Smith, Jr. ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖
Senior Editor
John L. Seitz Special Sections & Features
Steve Simmons Editors
Matt Lopez Victoria Talbot ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖
George Christy Joan Mangum Frances Allen ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖
Contributing Writers
Jerry Cutler Roger Lefkon ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖
Cartoonist Janet Salter ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖
Display Advertising Manager
Evelyn A. Portugal Classified Advertising Manager
Rod Pingul Account Executive
George Recinos Accounting
Ana Llorens ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖
Manager Business Operations
Beverly Weitzman ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖
Production Managers
Ferry Simanjuntak Robert Knight
OUTLOOK B E V E R LY H I L L S The second Team Shelby Movie Night and 7th Annual Carroll Shelby Tribute Car Show, featuring a display by Shelby American, Ford-powered performance car show, entertainment and automotive celebrities, will be today and tomorrow at the headquarters of Carroll Shelby International, 19021 S. Figueroa St., Gardena. • Friday, May 3 festivities from 6-9 p.m., include a showing of Spinout featuring a Shelby Cobra, games and food. • From 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, May 4, the car show will feature many current and historic performance vehicles, live music, beer and wine garden, children’s activities, raffles and live auctions. Providing the backbeat to Saturday’s activities will be resident and songwriter/performer Carol Connors, known for cowriting the Rip Chords’ Hey Little Cobra. Admission is free. Visit http://CarrollShelbyTribute.com/ for more information. • • • • • Union Station will celebrate it’s 80th anniversary with a community celebration with food, music, entertainment, a model train exhibition, a family fun zone, and docent-led art and architecture tours, today and tomorrow at the historic station, 800 N Alameda St. • From 1 - 7 p.m., Friday May 3, the Waiting Room will feature live entertainment from L.A. bands the California Feetwarmers and the New Recessionaries along with guest performers on the station’s public piano. • From 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Saturday, May 4, the station’s South Patio will feature a lineup of DJs and performances by Mariachi Arcoiris de Los Angeles and Latin soul band Jungle Fire. The patio will become a
(continued from page 12)
2019 MEMBER California Newspaper Publishers Association
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All contents copyright © 2019 Beverly Hills Courier, LLC, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, transmitted or otherwise reproduced without the prior written consent of the Beverly Hills Courier, LLC. Member: Agence France Presse, City News Service.
with Delirium Musicum; Ory Shihor, piano; Joshua Roman, cello, and Conor Hanick, piano; David Orlowsky, clarinet Brooklyn Rider and Magos Herrera and Angela Hewitt. • The Wallis will produce, in association with Don Franzen and Elizabeth Weber, Sisters In Law as its first Theater @ The Wallis production, a West Coast premiere portraying the first female Supreme Court Justices, Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Virtuoso Hershey Felder will return in Anna & Sergei, a new play featuring the music of Sergei Rachmaninoff. Other productions are Nina & Me starring 12-time Grammynominated vocal powerhouse Ledisi singing music by Nina Simone and her own work; the U.S. premiere of Romantics Anonymous, a new musical
The weekly update
of local and SoCal events. May 5 at the Palisades Methodist Church, 801 Via de la Paz, Pacific Palisades. For more information, visit http://palisadessymphony.org/Concert20190505.htm. • • • • •
Los Angeles Museum Of The Holocaust, LA Jewish Film Festival to Present ‘Voices Of Hope: Student Film Showcase’ The Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, in partnership with the Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival, will present “Voices of Hope: Student Film Showcase,” at 11 a.m., Sunday May 5 at the museum, 100 The Grove Dr., in Pan Pacific Park, L.A. The program will feature works by middle and high school student filmmakers on themes of social justice, genocide awareness, memory and oral history. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. Tickets are $8 for adults, $5 for students and children, and available at https://brownpapertickets.com/event/4213159. For more information, visit http://lamoth.org/news-events/events/lajff/.
marketplace showcasing local artists and artisans with L.A.inspired art, crafts and gifts. For more information and a schedule of events and activities visit unionstationla.com. • • • • • The Petersen Automotive Museum will feature a deconsturcted Audi R8 V10 originally driven by Marvel Super Hero Tony Stark in its upcoming “Hollywood Dream Machines Vehicles of Science Fiction and Fantasy,” opening at 10 a.m., Sunday, May 5 at the museum, 6060 Wilshire Blvd., L.A. The installation, inspired by the work of famed Swiss artist Fabian Oefner, will offer a view into the inner workings of the iconic vehicle. Produced in collaboration with The Comic-Con Museum, the exhibit will also feature more than 40 iconic Hollywood
vehicles, artwork, props and costumes. The Audi R8 V10 installation will feature an “exploded view” of the actual vehicle by suspending the car’s many components in midair on wires, staged alongside one of the iconic red-and-gold armored Iron Man costumes worn by Robert Downey Jr.’s character. The exhibit will also include the futuristic Audi RSQ concept driven by Will Smith in I, Robot. The exhibit will run through March 15, 2020. For more information, visit www.Petersen.org. • • • • • The Palisades Symphony Orchestra, under conductor Joel B. Lish, and Brentwood Palisades Chorale, under the direction of Susan S. Rosenstein, will present Haydn’s The Creation, at 7:30 p.m., Sunday,
adapted by Emma Rice from the French-Belgian film Les Émotifs Anonymes; and a Wallis-commissioned world premiere production of Frankenstein, celebrating the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley's novel, in partnership with Four Larks, an immersive theater group. • Leading Australian company Circa makes its debut as The Wallis’ first foray into contemporary circus with its acclaimed production of Humans. • Cinema presentations include events in partnership with Film Independent, and The Sorting Room, the series that transforms the Lovelace Studio Theater into an intimate nightclub. • Among free, familyfriendly presentations is the return of Debbie Allen & Friends with the Dance Sundays series beginning Oct. 13; and Story Pirates along with newly added
guitarist Parker Bent, all on The Wallis’ Promenade Terrace. • The center will continue its commitment to education through GRoW @ The Wallis again welcoming school groups from across L.A. County to student matinee performances. All dance companies performing in the season will also offer master classes for young dancers. Other programs under the GRoW banner include Student Arts Reporters, The Miracle Project, a performing arts program for young people with autism and all abilities; and The Wallis Studio Ensemble led by Madeline Dahm. Season tickets are currently only available through subscription. Single tickets will go on sale in August. For updates, and more information, visit TheWallis.org/Subscribe, call 310-746-4000, or visit the box office at 9390 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills.
Violinist Joshua Bell, pianist Jeremy Denk and cellist Steven Isserlis.
Longtime musical collaborators and friends, violinist Joshua Bell, cellist Steven Isserlis and pianist Jeremy Denk, will launch their spring tour at 8 a.m., Wednesday, May 8 at the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts (the Soraya), 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge. The artists will perform hallmarks of the trio repertoire Mendelssohn’s Piano Trio No. 2, in C minor, Op. 66: Shostakovich’s Piano Trio No. 2, in E minor, Op. 67, and Ravel’s Piano Trio in A minor. “Through telephone diplomacy, the three of us were able to agree on this substantial programme,“ notes Isserlis. “Two gloriously romantic trios are paired with two major wartime masterpieces. It should be quite an emotional journey,” Though Bell, Isserlis and Denk have previously released the 2016 recording For the Love of Brahms together on Sony Classical, the tour marks the first occasions in which they will tour live as an ensemble. Tickets range from $49$109 and are available by calling 818-677-3000 or online at TheSoraya.org.
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rock pianists/electric guitarist was finalizing the music which she will perform live. The program will also see Jonas reprise Crash, his abstract piece emulating waves breaking on the shore that premiered at The Wallis last fall with Afropop singer-songwriter and drummer Okaidja Afroso, once again flying in from Ghana to perform his original score live. “It’s nice to share the stage with so many brilliant artists,” adds Jonas. To The Dollar, another Jonas work, rounds out the program with a physical representation of Elizabeth Warren’s speech about equal pay for women. Tickets, ranging from $29$89, are available online at TheWallis.org, by phone at 310746-4000 or at the box office, 9390 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills.
May 3, 2019 | Page 17
ANNIE – On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last week, El Rodeo Musical Theater presented the musical Annie at the Salter Family Theater, directed by Fred Pinto and Assistant Director Vergine Makhmudyan.
Median Price Of SoCal Home Drops For First Time In Seven Years By Matt Lopez The median price of Southern California homes saw their first price drop in seven years, according to a new report by real estate information service CoreLogic. The report found the median price of a Southern California home to be $518,500 in March, down a slight 0.1 percent from $519,000 in March 2018, marking the first annual decrease in seven years. “This reflects both a flattening of
home prices in recent months as well as a shift in market mix, where sales in higher-cost areas represent a slightly lower share of all activity,” said CoreLogic research analyst Andrew LePage. In Los Angeles County, home prices inched up to $597,000 in March, an increase of $12,000 compared to March 2018. A total of 5,749 homes were sold in L.A. County, down from 6,801 during the same period last year.
reach them is the mystery,” said Stewart. “The handful of legislative aides, anonymous but there in the audience, must have been unsettled by this massive turnout. YIMBY California (an organization formed to support the bill) … was given five minutes to speak, but had only three or four takers in this room.” In her presentation, Stewart pointed out that many Californians are not taking this bill seriously. Unlike its predecessor, which never got out of committee, this one passed through the Senate’s Housing Committee, which Wiener chairs, with only one vote (Sen. Bob Hertzberg, D-LA) opposing it. Last week, it made its way out of the Government and Finance Committee and next, it will go to the Appropriations Committee. Though the Los Angeles City Council has opposed it, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti has not taken a position. Neither has the West Hollywood City Council. Support has come from organizations such as the California Apartment Owners Association, the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California, the California Labor Federation, and California YIMBY, the non-profit organization associated with the bill. In her presentation, Stewart said that she thinks the bill has not died because Wiener “is a true believer who says single-family homes are ‘immoral’ and yards take up space.” Stewart says “Many Angelenos don’t take SB 50 seriously, because it’s so unbelievable.” Ambiguity amongst the state’s representatives including Assemblyman Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) and Sen. Ben Allen (D- Santa Monica) doesn’t help. Sen. Holly Mitchell (D- Los Angeles) has said she will probably not take a position until the bill reaches the Senate floor. Beverly Hills is both job-rich and a transit corridor. To see an impact map visit www.liveablecalifornia.org.
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piece, L.A. residents sought protections for their historic homes and neighborhoods from City Council. “This whole area would be destroyed. Raped, really,” said Dominguez. “This is a war on single-family homes and it is a war on Southern California,” said Mirisch. The bill reflects the disconnect between Northern and Southern California. Mirisch points out that the bill exempts areas with under 600,000 people, including Marin County, Mill Valley, Sausalito and Tiburon, for example, with higher household incomes than Beverly Hills, which has, he says, “20 times the density.” “He’s always referring to Beverly Hills as ‘wealthy,’” said Mirisch. “He’s using anti-Semitic tropes and stereotypes of our City that aren’t true to score cheap political points. It’s irresponsible and also shameful. He also mischaracterizes a City where over 50 percent of residents are renters.” The Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing (SCANPH) invited Mirisch and Wiener to debate at the SCANPH annual Conference Oct. 24-25. Mirisch accepted. The South Carthay organizers felt good about the event. “It was a great town hall, a real dialogue… respectful, informational… It was clear that the majority of people were opposed to it,” said Dominguez, who reported that attendees were from throughout Los Angeles, not just Carthay. “From South Los Angeles to the Valley, people have devoted thousands of hours [to their community zoning laws] and now, suddenly, it all goes up… whoosh – because someone decided we’re all selfish,” said Kane. “The hundreds of homeowner organizations across California are the sleeping giant in this struggle. How to
Pictured: Bruce Makowsky’s 924 Bel Air Rd.
Beverly Hills Lawyer To Represent Makowsky In Lawsuit Against Zillow By Victoria Talbot Billionaire mega-mansion developer Bruce Makowsky has filed suit against real estate listing tech giant Zillow, alleging that the company allowed a fake user to alter information that led users to believe that his billionaire’s mansion in Bel-Air sold for less than the $150 million asking price. The 38,000 square foot residence features a candy room, a 40-seat home theatre, an inoperable helicopter on a rooftop terrace, 21 bathrooms, two Champagne rooms and a moat surrounding the property at 924 Bel Air Rd. A user hacked the site by pretending to be the homeowner and using a
phone number without an area code to get in. On February 4, the user said the home had sold for $110 million, according to the lawsuit. Then on Feb. 8, it announced that there would be an open house. On February 9, the Zillow page reported that the home sold for $90.5 million and Feb. 10, reported it sold for $94.3 million. Beverly Hills attorney Ronald Richards is representing Makowsky is seeking $60 million in damages. Richards said that the erroneous information impacted the sale. The house is on the market for $150 million, far below its original ask of $250 million.
A N O T H E R B I RT H D AY ! ? William Fitzgerald Alyce Winston
Lynn Ziman
Nancy Nebenzahl Jill Black Zalben
Lillian Raffel
Candice Bergen
James Brooks
Doris Lazner
Pam Kurtz
Emilia Mandel
Roger Lefkon
BIRTHDAY GREETINGS— The Courier’s Roger Lefkon, Lillian Raffel, Nancy Nebenzahl, Emilia Mandel, Frankie Valli, and Pam Kurtz (May 3); William Fitzgerald, Erin Andrews, Chuck Avis, and Alyce Morris Winston (May 4); Adele and Lynn Ziman (May 5); George Clooney, Bob Seger, Willie Mays, and Tom Bergeron (May 6); David Attenborough, and Jill Black Zalben (May 7); Enrique Iglesias, Toni Tennille and Melissa Gilbert (May 8); James L. Brooks, Candice Bergen, Rosario Dawson, Billy Joel, and Doris Lazner (May 9).
Joan Mangum
L.A. BALLET GALA–Almost $1 million was raised at the Los Angeles Ballet’s “Season 13 Gala” in The Beverly Hilton. Pictured above (from left): Nigel Lythgoe, Adam Shankman, and Kenny Ortega; below are co-honoree Johnese Spisso (left) with Los Angeles Ballet artistic directors Colleen Neary and Thordal Christensen. Photos by Ryan Miller/Image Capturing
Los Angeles Ballet, the area’s only professional classical ballet company, celebrated its “Season 13 Gala” at The Beverly Hilton. This year’s honorees were Johnese Spisso, president of UCLA Health and CEO UCLA Hospital System, who received the Global Impact Award and actress/singer Sofia Carson, the Los Angeles Ballet Ambassador Award. Hosted by director/producer/choreographer Adam Shankman, the evening raised almost 41 million and included a stunning performance of Balanchine’s Serenade. The gala’s cochairs were Leslie Kavanaugh and Kirsten Sarkisian and the evening raised almost $1 million. Guests included Camilla Belle, Nigel Lythgoe, Dita Von Teese, Lori and Michael Milken, Bari Milken Bernstein and Fred Bernstein, Mary Hart and Burt Sugarman, Kenny Ortega, Arianne Phillips, Richard Riordan, Mark L. Wahlberg and Nancy Davis among others. ****** Friends of Sheba Medical Center hosted its annual “Women of Achievement Luncheon” at the Four Seasons. The event brought together members of our community in support of Israel’s Sheba Medical Center, Tel HaShomer and benefited the new pediatric laser treatment center there. With Brittney Hopper of CBS-2/KCAL-9 handling the emcee duties, two outstanding community leaders were hon-
998 S. Robertson Blvd., Beverly Hills (310) 855-9380
ored. Philanthropist Rosalie Zalis was presented with the Woman of Achievement Award and Yafa Hakim received the Marjorie Pressman Legacy Award for her longstanding service and dedication to Israel’s hospitals, including Sheba. Co-chairing the luncheon were Judy Shapiro and Lynn Ziman while Beverly Cohen handled the decor. The committee included Marianne Berman, Helene Boston, Jennifer E. Cohen, Sorelle Cohen, Parvin Djavaheri, Judy Flesh Rosenberg, Aviva Harari, Adrian Miller, Melody Pakravan, Jeannine Sefton, Ruth Steinberger, DeeDee Sussman and Inna Tuler, while Carrie Sherman was honorary chair. A special guest who flew in from Israel was Prof. Josef Haik, director of Sheba’s National Burn Center, who spoke about the center’s vision for pediatric laser technology to treat severe burn scars which cause children physical and emotional pain. Advanced research. and pediatric laser application will also be taught to all dermatologists and plastic surgeons throughout Sheba Medical Center. The unique combination of research, pediatric laser treatment, and teaching makes this center the first of its kind in the world. ****** Well known Beverly Hills caterer Michael Hollingsworth (many of us have used him for years) has expanded his horizons and been performing stand-up comedy, in some of the most popular comedy venues around town. Recently, he performed at the famed Comedy Store, the building which once housed the legendary Ciro’s night club. Many clients and well-wishers turned out to see Michael perform and left as fans as the laughs kept on coming. When asked about this new venture, Michael said: “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and thought, if not now, when?” When he’s not in his kitchen, preparing exquisite cuisine for his clients, Michael is writing material for the act. Not one to sit still, he is also at work on a cookbook about his journey with food... I’ll let you know when that comes out.
NATALEE THAI CUISINE 10101 Venice Blvd., Culver City (310) 202-7013
Frances Allen’s Desert
HONOREES– Friends of Sheba Medical Center held its “Women of Achievement Luncheon” at the Four Seasons. Honored were Yafa Hakim (left) and Rosalie Zalis. Photo by Kyle Espeleta!
310.275.0579 • 434 N. CANON DRIVE MON. - THURS. 11:30 AM - 10:00 PM FRI. & SAT. NOON - 10:00 PM I TA L I A N R E S TA U R A N T
ONE NIGHT ONLY– Famed photographer Michael Childers (left) staged his annual “One Night Only” fundraiser for the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center featuring some of Broadway’s major players. Helene Galen (right) hosted a lavish party for the performers the night before at her Desert estate. Photo by Pat Krause
It’s true! Once a year, for just one single evening, the country tilts on it’s theatrical axis and the stars of past and present Broadway shows slide down from New York to Palm Desert, each appearing on stage at the McCallum Theatre to perform one song; one all-to-brief appearance. However, it is hardly as simple as that. Imagine the effort of the producers to accommodate more than two-dozen divas (male as well as female) for a mostly volunteer performance thousands of miles from home. Only one person could bring it off flawlessly, and with such class: Michael Childers. Childers, a world renowned celebrity photographer, has become one of the Desert’s most successful producers of charitable fundraisers, bringing in almost $13 million for various charities and performing arts centers in the Coachella Valley, L.A. and Santa Fe. He created the concept of “One Night Only” and this year’s production benefited the work of the Barbara Sinatra Children Center, a non-sectarian, nonprofit that provides an array of counseling and social services to those in need regardless of age, income, ethnicity, lifestyle or a family’s ability to pay. Tickets for this single-evening performance, themed “Broadway Show Stoppers,” were sold out within hours of becoming available; but it was the cast party the night before “curtains up” that set out the lavishness of “One Night Only.” Helene Galen opened her art-filled Tamarisk Country Club estate for what turned into a high-powered meet-andgreat, surprise-filled night-before-theevent evening. An example: as guests were admiring Galen’s museum-quality works of modern art they where drawn to the pool area and the sight of the Palm Springs High School Band, in full uniforms, marching in formation down the lush green Tamarisk fairway before stopping and serenading the guests on the back patio, all of whom were in awe at this unprecedented bit of showmanship. Honorary co-chairs of “One Night Only” and the top-tier after-party held at the Galen Auditorium on the campus of the Eisenhower Medical Center in near-by Rancho Mirage were Barry Manilow and Garry Kiel, Barbara Fromm, Helene Galen, Terri Ketover, and Harold Matzner. Event co-chairs were Barbara Fromm and Terri Ketover. The program also honored the untimely passing of prominent Desert philanthropist Barbara Keller. The equally generous performers who gave of their love and talent were: Jason Garaee and The Musical University Students; Liisi Lafontaine; Liz Callaway; Laura Dickinson; Scott Coulter; Ann Hampton Callaway; Brent Barrett with Desiree Gillespie, Jenna Gillespie and Natalie Wachen; Alex Korey; Valerie Perri; Nita Whitaker; Sean McDermott; Lucie Arnaz; John Barrowman; Karen Ziemba; Loni Ackerman and Allegra Hannah; Davis Gaines; and, Christine Andreas. Wow. what a night!
May 3, 2019 | Page 19
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WE DELIVER 303 N. Crescent Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Page 20 | May 3, 2019
PUBLIC NOTICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL BEVERLY HILLS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the BEVERLY HILLS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT of Los Angeles County, California, acting by and through its Governing Board, hereinafter referred to as "District," will receive sealed proposals for BID NO. 700-18/19 HAWTHORNE SCHOOL CCTV SECURITY CAMERAS/WAP/VOIP/PA/BELL PROJECT at the District Purchasing Department Office, 255 Lasky Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212, no later than 2:00 PM on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. Those bids timely received shall be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids shall be valid for 60 Calendar days after the bid opening date. The Project consists of furnishing all necessary labor, materials and equipment for installation of conduit and pulling of fiber and copper cabling for new security cameras, network connections and wireless access points at Hawthorne School. Scope of work also includes reconfiguration of the campus clock, bell, and PA systems. Security cameras will be owner furnished contractor installed. *Note that the Security Cameras are OFCI The overall construction schedule is 61 calendar days long, running from June 1, 2019 to July 31, 2019. The Bid Documents, Plans and Specifications will be available on the District’s website, www.bhusd.org, under Departments drop-down, then Facilities and then by clicking Bond Program Bidding Opportunities or by contacting Lance Blair at lblair@bhusd.org. One "MANDATORY" Pre-Bid Conference and walk will be held at 3:30 PM on Monday, May 13, 2019, at the Hawthorne School, 624 N. Rexford Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Attendees must be on time. All attendees will be escorted through the school site by a District Representative. It is highly recommended that prospective bidders and subcontractors attend the job walk. Prospective bidders may not visit the Project Site without making arrangements through the Facilities and Planning Department. In accordance with the provisions of California Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15 and Public Contract Code Section 3300, the District requires that the bidder possess the following classification(s) of contractor's license(s) at the time the bid is submitted: CLASS B or C-7 or C-10. Any bidder not so licensed at the time of the bid opening will be rejected as nonresponsive. The last day to submit questions shall be 4:00 PM on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. All questions must be submitted in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Information for Bidders. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid security in the form of cash, a certified or cashier's check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid price, payable to the District. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any bids or in the bidding process. The project shall require prevailing wage compliance. The District has obtained
from the California Department of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which this work is to be performed for each craft or type of worker needed for the Project. It shall be mandatory upon the successful bidder to whom the contract is awarded, and upon any subcontractor listed, to pay not less than the said specified rates to all workers employed by them for the Project. No bidder may withdraw any bid for a period of Sixty (60) calendar days after the date set for the opening of bids. Pursuant to Section 22300 of the Public Contract Code, the Agreement will contain provisions permitting the successful bidder to substitute securities for any monies withheld by the District to ensure performance under the Agreement or permitting payment of retentions earned directly into escrow. Award of Contract: The District shall award the Contract for the Project to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder as determined from the base bid alone by the District. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any bid or in the bidding process. Bid protests, if any, must comply with the requirements set forth in the information for Bidders in order to be timely and considered by the District. Publication Dates: May 3, 2019 & May 10, 2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019089675 The following is/are doing business as: 1) STYLETEX 2) FABRIC AND SEWING 1000 E. 14th St., Los Angeles, CA 90021; Bassirat, Inc. 1000 14th St., Los Angeles, CA 90021; The business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed April 1994: Mayer Bassirat, Secretary: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 04, 2019; Published: April 12, 19, 26, May 03, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019089673 The following is/are doing business as: 585 SPRING HILL DRIVE 300 S. Reeves Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Eric Melz 300 S. Reeves Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Randi Curtis 300 S. Reves Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; The business is conducted by: A MARRIED COUPLE, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed January 2019: Eric Melz, Husband: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 04, 2019; Published: April 12, 19, 26, May 03, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019089671 The following is/are doing business as: 15151 ENCANTO DRIVE 300 S. Reeves Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Eric Melz 300 S. Reeves Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Randi Curtis 300 S. Reeves Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; The business is conducted by: A MARRIED COUPLE, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed January 2019: Eric Melz, Husband: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 04, 2019; Published: April 12, 19, 26, May 03, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019089755 The following is/are doing business as: LINEAR A 404 Shatto Pl. #446-A, Los Angeles, CA 90020; Eyal Cohen 461 S. Wetherly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90211; Oren Cohen 404 Shatto Pl. #446-A, Los Angeles, CA 90020; Michael Dubois 690 S. Catalina St. #PH-T, Los Angeles, CA 90005; The business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Eyal Cohen, Partner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 04, 2019; Published: April 12, 19, 26, May 03, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019089751 The following is/are doing business as: BAI HU CAPITAL 1141 Highland Avenue Suite-C, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266; Mortgage Bank of California 1141 Highland Avenue Suite-C, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed: Michael Dallal, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 04, 2019; Published: April 12, 19, 26, May 03, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019089753 The following is/are doing business as: JWC LEGAL 445 S. Figueroa Street 31st Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071; One Market Street Spear Tower 36th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105 Jodie W. Cheng, P.C. One Market Street Spear Tower 36th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed March 2019: Jodie Cheng, CEO: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 04, 2019; Published: April 12, 19, 26, May 03, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019089749 The following is/are doing business as: 1) DAN 2) DAN, DUMPLING AND NOODLE 3) DAN, MODERN CHINESE 146 S. Lake Avenue #105, Pasadena, CA 91101; LKEK Investments, LLC 146 S. Lake Avenue #105, Pasadena, CA 91101; The business
is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed August 2018: James Kim, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 04, 2019; Published: April 12, 19, 26, May 03, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019089677 The following is/are doing business as: ZUBIETOVSKY MAINTENANCE 1231-1/2 4th St., Los Angeles, CA 90037; Francisco Zubieta 1231-1/2 4th St., Los Angeles, CA 90037; Aracely Zubieta 1231-1/2 4th St., Los Angeles, CA 90037; The business is conducted by: A MARRIED COUPLE, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed March 2009: Francisco Zubieta, Husband: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 04, 2019; Published: April 12, 19, 26, May 03, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019097597 The following is/are doing business as: BEVERLY HILLS ENDODONTIC SPECIALISTS 9301 Wilshire Blvd. #407, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; Beverly Hills Specialty Dental Care, Dental Group of Dr. Barkhordar 9301 Wilshire Blvd. #407, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed January 2017: Nicole Barkhordar, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 11, 2019; Published: May 03, 10, 17, 24, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019097599 The
following is/are doing business as: SILVER LAKE ENDODONTICS 2390 Glendale Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90039; Beverly Hills Specialty Dental Care, Dental Group of Dr. Barkhordar 9301 Wilshire Blvd. #407, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed January 2017: Nicole Barkhordar, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 11, 2019; Published: May 03, 10, 17, 24, 2019 LACC N/C FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019097601 The following is/are doing business as: SILVERLAKE ENDODONTICS 2390 Glendale Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90039; Beverly Hills Specialty Dental Care, Dental Group of Dr. Barkhordar 9301 Wilshire Blvd. #407, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; The business is conducted by: COPARTNERS, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed January 2017: Nicole Barkhordar, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 11, 2019; Published: May 03, 10, 17, 24, 2019 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019098296 The following is/are doing business as: SHARP SHOOTER STUDIOS 1121 W. 109th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90044; Shaquille Akeem Lamb 1121 W. 109th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90044; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed in ON April 2019: Shaquille Akeem Lamb, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: April 12, 2019; Published: May 3, 10, 17, 24, 2019 LACC N/C
NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS Project: Beverly Hills High School Modernization Buildings B3 - B4 Owner: Beverly Hills Unified School District Lease / Lease Back Contractor: ProWest Constructors, CSLB #: 706619 PROPOSAL RELEASE #2 PROPOSAL DATE: MAY 30, 2019 PROPOSAL TIME: 2:00 PM PROPOSAL PACKAGES 01 02
Sound Blanket Fencing Temporary Plywood Sheathing
Email proposals to bid@prowestconstrucotrs.com or submit sealed hard copies of proposals to ProWest Constructors, 22710 Palomar Street, Wildomar, CA 92595. For Proposals in the amount of $150,000 and over, a Proposal Bond in the amount of 10% of the Lump Sum Base Price shall accompany the Proposal. For Lump Sum Base Price amounts of less than $150,000, Proposal Bond shall not be required. Proposal Documents available May 13, 2019 at IB Reprographics (951) 6821850, www.ibrepro.com and www.BidMail.com. One non-mandatory Job Walk has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 16, 2019 at 9:00 AM. ATTENDANCE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Participants shall meet at the ProWest jobsite trailer at Beverly Hills High School, 241 S. Moreno Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. The project is a modernization and seismic upgrade of a 1928 masonry building that was upgraded in 1936 by a gunite seismic upgrade, and is located at 241 S. Moreno Drive, Beverly Hills, CA. This project changes the use of the B3 & B4 buildings to a new and upgraded theater, auditorium, band and choral area, classrooms, media center, and support staff functions. It consists of approximately 75,775 SF in one-story, two-story, and three-story portions of the building. The modernization will include selective demolition and abatement, seismic upgrades in the form of expanded footings, new shear walls, new Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite System, new and revised framing, new floor, ceiling and roof diaphragms, new MEP systems, new life safety systems, new IT and AV systems, new stage equipment and theater seating, new wall and floor finishes, new partitions, temporary sound wall, and new windows and exterior upgrade corrections and finishes. There will be upgrades and seismic replacements of some historical features. Prequalification of MEP Subcontractors. In accordance with California Public Contract Code section 20111.6, all mechanical, electrical or plumbing (“MEP”) Subcontractors of any tier (contractors that hold C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 or C-46 licenses), must be prequalified. All MEP Subcontractors holding any of the licenses listed must be prequalified. This prequalification requirement for MEP Subcontractors applies even if the subcontractor will perform, or is designated to perform, work that does not require one of the licenses listed above, but the subcontractor holds one of the licenses listed above. Prequalification packets may be submitted up to twelve (12) days before the proposal due date. The purpose of the proposal is to enable ProWest Constructors to select the most qualified firm that provides the best value to ProWest Constructors and the Owner and with whom ProWest Constructors will subcontract. Based on the received proposals, ProWest Constructors will create a list of the highest-ranking respondents, based on a best value selection criteria and will identify the selected firm(s) to enter negotiations for specific scopes of work to be subcontracted. Formal award of any subcontracts will not occur unless and until the Owner has concurred to the scope of the subcontracted work and to the price of the subcontracted work. ProWest Constructors reserves the right to request additional information at any time, which in its sole opinion, is necessary to assure that a proposer’s competence, business organization, and financial resources are adequate to perform the requested work. ProWest Constructors also reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality or nonsubstantive irregularity in any proposal. Contact Lease / Lease Back Contractor, ProWest Constructors – (951) 678-1038 for further information. Published May 3, 10, 2019
May 3, 2019 | Page 21
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Live-In / Live-Out
Experienced in all aspects of household duties. Fun meals, transportation provided to any destination, pet care. Fluent English. CPR Certified. References Audrey: 562/208-2213
In-Home Quality Affordable Caregivers
Light housekeeping, meal prep, incontinent care, COMPANION medication mgmt, post With 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE recovery, transportation, hospice care support, etc. Driving, shopping, 24/7 Care•Long/shortDr. appointments, term, P/T or as needed. prepare meals, etc. EXCELLENT SERVICE. Excellent References! Great Beverly Bonded & Insured Hills references. Free Consultation @ Call Sandy: 24-Hrs 805/915-7751 • 323/681-9339 818/433-0182 • 818/208-9439 Owned/Operated by Nurses
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Beverly Hills Jewelry Broker W/ Over 40 Years Experience! Top Specialist To Sell For Private People Only
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BBB A+ Rated
Referral Agency
Page 22 | May 3, 2019
922 S. Barrington Av.
IN BEVERLY HILLS { { { { { {
Days/Hours • Sun.-Thurs 1pm-9pm. Must have 5 plus years experience, non-smoker, speak English and must be legal to work in the U.S.
Please call Jackie at 310/278-2401
————— NEED HELP? W E U N D E R S TA N D . . . Mama’s caregivers are loving, caring, trained & bonded. Live in or out.
M AMA’ S H OME C ARE 323/655-2622 CNA/Caregiver Caretaker Available Experienced Trustworthy & Reliable well trained Care for elderly or deprofessional who bilitated relatives at home. loves her work!
Beverly Hills Law Office Seeks Part-Time Receptionist Good Skills, Typing.
Please Email Resume To:
Fax: 310/278-7776 Call For Appointment:
Experienced & friendly, Providing full service: personal care, errands, providing companionship, cooking, housekeeping security, meal prep., etc. Experience w/ stroke and much more. 1 & 2 - PERSON Reasonable Rates & patients, 104-year-old RESIDENT Great Beverly Hills woman that required a MANAGEMENT References. live-in caregiver to Call Kim Today: TEAM continue the lifestyle 310/488-6675 Professional appearance. Get The Care she was accustomed to. Small complex, Flexible: F/T or Hourly, You Deserve! Live-Out/In. Speak English B.H.+Westside Area & Hebrew. References & Management/ recommendations avail. Maintenance, Please Call/Text Meira: Leasing ARE YOU A 210/778-3923 Experience a Plus.
We provide experienced Cargivers, CNA’s & HHA’s for seniors needing companions to drive them to doctors, prepare meals, light housekeeping, etc... We offer responsible and nurturing care. Our staff is thoroughly screened and we care. Live In/Out.
Call Lisa 24hrs. 323/877-8121 323/806-3046
BEVERLY HILLS BEAUTY SALON HAS STATION FOR RENT Great location and atmosphere. Established salon.
Please Call For More Details:
ADVERTISE YOUR LISTINGS Contact Rod at 310-278-1322
North Palm Dr.
Between Burton Way & Beverly Blvd.
1495 Barrymore Dr.
Secured garage for your vehicle.
Build Your Dream Home
1+ acre of flat land with ocean views — $1.3 M
3 1 0. 975 . 470 0 DRE#02055045
No coastal commission Permitted residential
Beverly Hills Shopping Center Beautiful Office / Semi-Retail Space For Lease
Bank of America Building Wilshire Bl./Beverly Dr. Shared reception / kitchen areas.
Call 310/277-4662
————— *** FOR LEASE ***
Great Opportunity! Starting at $1,500 Free Rent + Salary! Adj. Beverly Hills
License 00957281
$11,495,000 · 6 BED · 10 BAT TH H
$10,995,000 · 6 BED · 8 BAT TH
155 S SWA ALL DR #1101
1333 BEVERLY Y GLEN #306
$1,100,000 · 2 BED · 2 BAT TH
3 BDRMS, 2 BATHS $5,950/MONTH Tree Top Views. 2 Jumbo Balconies. Quiet Corner Location. New Appliances Hardwood Floors Move-In Now
$859,000 · 2 BED · 3 BAT TH
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2 BDRMS, 2 BATHS $4,950/MONTH High Floor. Ocean Views Jumbo Balcony. Corner Location. New Appliances Hardwood Floors Move-In Now CENTURY PARK EAST $4,000 to $5,300/month
PARK PLACE $4,200 to $4,950/month
CENTURY TOWERS $6,500 to $7,000/month
CAREGIVERS NEEDED At least 5 years in home
English and can also speak Farsi, Russian, Hebrew, Armenian or Polish. Must have car and available for live-in positions. Call 323/655-2622 Mon.-Fri. • 10am-5pm DO NOT APPLY IF NOT EXPERIENCED
Fax Resume:
310/829-2630 Or Email:
all listings are on
————— Attorney Suite
310/652-7210 Best Price!
REAL ESTATE (310) 966-0900
8950 W. Olympic Bl. #213, B.H., 90211 Please Call: 323/655-1212
Call For Details:
2nd floor, 500 sq ft., easy access & parking.
Call 310/529-9012 experience. Speak fluent
Apprx 550 Sq. Ft. Parking Included.
GARAGE FOR RENT Do You Live in The Neighborhood with Not Enough Parking?
$4,950 to $8,900/month
ONE CENTURY $16,500 to $27,000/month
Some Complexes include Heated Pools, Sundeck, Tennis, Doorman, Houseman, Staff Engineers, Switchboard, Security Staff, Switchboard, Saunas, Business Center, Pet PlayLand, Restaurant, Acres of Flower Gardens and Grassy Lawns.
• WESTWOOD • Luxury Hi-Rise Condos
Wilshire Marquis
10535 Wilshire Blvd.
2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Light and bright with 2 Bdrm. 2 Baths CONDO WITH BALCONY hardwood floors, laundry Full Amenities! Wood/tile floors, fully facility & parking space. • $3,800 1,088sf. equipped kitchen, closets * * * * * * * * * * * • Jr. Penthouse galore, new A/C, washer 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH $4,500 1,352sf. $2,700/MO. and dryer in unit with Joan Fields-Evans 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Realtor, Keller Williams gated garage parking. $1,850/MO. $2,950/MO. • 310/714-2151 • *********** Call 323/377-8674 Sam: 310/422-6026
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 2000 sf. $4,200/MO. Large living room and formal dining room with beamed ceilings, fireplace and hardwood floors. Beautiful kitchen, separate breakfast and laundry rooms. No pets
Call 323/934-2488
2 Bd.+1 Ba. • $2,495
Best Apt./Price On The Block!
plan, full of sunlight, hardwood floors in living & dining room, fireplace. Marble tile floors in kitchen, break-
BRIGHT 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath $2,895/MO. 1 Year Minimum Text to view: 310-420-7641 2nd floor-has stairs
24-hr. security, swimming pool, tennis court, gym, upgraded. High-rise bldg. Avail. June 1st. Next to Four Seasons Hotel.
washer/dryer. Double garage. 2 blocks from Beverly Vista School $4,000/MO.
Call 310/617-1642
————— BEVERLY HILLS North Almont Dr.
Large Deluxe 1 Bd.+Den+2 Ba. • With Office • Hi-celings, recessed lighting, central air, pool, elevator, subterranean parking, intercom entry. $3,100/Month MARTIN GEIMER • Broker
218 S. Tower Dr.
BEVERLY HILLS Perfectly Located
BRENTWOOD 11618 Kiowa Ave. • • • • • • • • Newly Updated
< < < < <
Newly Remodeled
• 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • 3 Bd.+2 Ba.
120 Granville Ave.
• Bachelor • Single • • • • • • • • A/C, internet access, pool, controlled access, on-sight laundry. No pets. Close to Whole Foods, Transportation and Restaurants.
417 S. Barrington Av.
• 2 Bd. + 2 1/ 2 Ba.
2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath 3 Bdrm.+ 21/2 Bath
Very private, hi-ceilings, large veranda, luxury kitchen+bathrooms, walk-in closet, all new appliances, washer/dryer in unit, central air, prkg. Please Call:
GRAND OPENING 11931 Goshen Ave. • • * * •• 1 Bd.+1 Ba. •• * * * * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Brand New 1 2 Ba. + • 3 B d . 2 / •• • Brand New Bldg. 2018 Construction Single •• • Large Luxury Units • • * * * * * * = BRENTWOOD = * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Sanremo Old World Charm! Large units, walk-in closet,
• • • 2 Bd. + 2 Ba. • • • • • • • • •• •• • B R I G H T & S PA C I O U S B E V E R LY H I L L S LIVING.
:::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Open floor plan, high ceilings, French oak flrs+porcelain tiles, x-lrg. walk-in closets, stain310/473-1509 424/272-6596 • less steel appliances, • Easy Move-In • Close to Brentwood quartz countertops, pool, Village, Restaurants, state of the art gym, B R E N T W O O D UCLA, Mt. Saint Mary’s, laundry hook-ups, 11730 SUNSET BLVD. & Transportation. controlled access, prkg, NEWLY REMODELED free WiFi. Close to • • • • • • BRENTWOOD Brentwood Village. •
The Carlton Balcony, dishwasher, • 310/440-0208 • • Jr. Executive UPDATED skylight, elevator, inter- 11666 Goshen Ave. VERY UNIQUE • MUST SEE 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath • 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath com entry, on-site (•)(•)(•)(•)(•) • laundry, parking. Olympic & Peck 90212 ••••••• Very Spacious • BRENTWOOD •
1 year minimum
Text to view 310-420-7641
tops, stainless steel sink, dishwasher, stove &
• BrentwooD • 11815 Mayfield Ave.
Hardwood floors, elevator, dishwasher, impressive living room, controlled access. Close dining room, balcony, to Cedars/shops/trans. a/c unit, fridge, dish310/247-8689 washer, walk-in closet, intercom entry, laundry Grand Opening facility, carport parking.
custom kitchen, built-in washer/dryer, all appliances, hardwood floors throughout, some units Lower Front 323/651-2598 w/ skylights+high ceilings. 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • $2,195 • 310/704-4656 • Health club, wifi, sauna, Close Cedars/dining/shops BEVERLY HILLS heated pool, controlled 443 S. Oakhurst Dr. acess, parking.
$2,850/MO fast room and service Call 310/892-4166 porch. Granite counter
New appliances, bamboo floors, in unit washer/dryer. a/c-heat, ceiling fans, small yard, 1 designated prkg. $2,100/Month
Newly remodeled bathroom, spacious liv. rm., dining area, new carpet stove, fridge, a/c, new Bright, intercom entry, dishwasher, glass fridge, stove, laundry fac. closets, recessed lights, C LOSE TO RESTAURANTS laundry facility, parking. & SHOPPING.
1 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 1 BDRM., 1 /2 BATH.
2000 sf. Center hall
BEVERLY HILLS ADJ. CHARMING 2 Bdrm.+2 Ba. 309 S. Sherbourne Dr. ( • • • ----- • • • ) Ground Floor Apt. Conveniently Located 1 Bd. +Den +1.5 Ba. Beverly Hills Adj. • • • • • • Good closet space, a/c, on Quiet Street
BRENTWOOD ’s 310/473-1509 Most Spectacular Close: great restaurants, BEVERLY HILLS Apartments shops, UCLA, beach. Newly Updated BEVERLY HILLS
New Plantation Shutters.
————— ————— —————
May 3, 2019 | Page 23
PRIME BEVERLY HILLS LOCATIONS! 337 Palm Drive & 220 Lasky Drive GORGEOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Units have hardwood floor, carpet and tile. Granite countertop, stainless steel appliances includes gas range, refrigerator and dishwasher. Some units come
with parking. Rent ranges from: $2,395 - $2,795
Call Catherine to schedule a viewing at (310) 482-8699
(323) 937-6468
Rooftop pool,
1 Bd.+Den+11/2 Ba. 125 N. Barrington Av. deck, central air, Single + 1 Bath N E W LY U P D AT E D elevator, intercom (•)(•)(•)(•)(•) BEVERLY HILLS entry, on-sight laundry, • • • • • WiFi, central air/heat, • 2 Bdrm. 221 S. Doheny Dr. gym, parking. fireplace, balcony, • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • Free WiFi Access • + 2 Bath • controlled access, • 3 Bd. + 2 Ba. ~ 310/476-3824 ~ Upscale, Bright, pool, elevator, parking, Gorgeous & Spacious. • • • • • • BRENTWOOD & U.C.L.A. CLOSE Spacious, hardwood flrs., laundry facility. • • • • • huge closets, built-in 310/312-9871 310/274-8840
a/c, dishwasher, pool, elevator, controlled access, laundry facilities. No pets.
Great Location!
120 S. Swall Dr. • • • • • • • • • •
• 1 Bd.+1 Bath • • • • • • • • • •
Upscale, Bright, Shopping & Dining in Gorgeous & Spacious. • BRENTWOOD • Brentwood Village With Pool, hardwood 922 S. Barrington Av. • 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath • floors, balcony, central Fireplace, balcony, BRENTWOOD air, fireplace, stainless wet bar, dishwasher, 11640 Kiowa Ave. laundry facility, steel appliances, elevator, parking. •••••••• elevator, intercom Close to shops +dining. entry, parking. gym. Newly Updated
• 310/476-2181 •
1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath Close to shopping, CULVER CITY • 2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath dining & schools. 3830 Vinton Ave. ••
Balcony, dishwasher, B R E N T W O O D • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • 904-908 Granville Av. a/c, heated pool, Very Spacious, A/C, • • • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • • •• WiFi, elevator balcony, intercom entry, Pool, sauna, on-sight laundry, prkg. controlled access, Includes: Air conditioning unit, intercom entry, Close to Cedars-Sinai, on-site laundry, prkg. elevator, on-site laundry facility, Beverly Center, Close to laundry, parking. subterranean prkg. shops, cafes Brentwood Village, All Utilities Paid. Near Whole Foods. & transportation. Shops & Restaurants.
• 310/826-4889 •
Page 24 | May 3, 2019
WESTWOOD L.A. **C **CENTURY CITY** W E S T 1 2220 S. Beverly Glen 1236 Amhearst Ave. 0 9 0 5 O h i o A v e . ••
• • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • •• S i n g l e •• •• •• L o t s o f • • • •
Wifi, Bright, controlled access, balcony, pool, e levator, laundry facility, prkg.
————— Close To U.C.L.A. 310/477-6856 —————
North of Wilshire
• CONDO QUALITY • 8 4 3 4 th S t . * * * * * Newly Remodeled 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath
Balcony, a/c, wet bar, large closets, walk-in closet, controlled access, elevator, laundry room, parking. Heated pool/gym/sauna.
• WESTWOOD • The Clarige
•• •• 670 Kelton Ave. • Spacious Units • • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba.• • Brand New Building ^^^^ •• ^ ^ •• ^^^^ • 1 Bd. +1 Ba. •• Single • • • 3 Bd.+3 Ba. 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath •• •• Dishwasher, a/c, Everything Brand New •• • • controlled access,
Character & Charm! on-site parking Glass Fireplace & laundry facility. Newly Remodeled. 310/820-8584 New hardwood flrs., granite counters, stainless steel appl., ~ WEST L.A. ~ 1675 Colby Ave. alcove fireplace, * fridge, laundry facility, * * * * * 1 Bd.+1 Ba. gated parking, intercom entry, WiFi and more. Spacious & Bright. • 310/552-8064 • A / C , b a l c o n y, Rooftop jacuzzi dishwasher, stove, with panoramic intercom entry, city views. on-sight laundry, prkg.
Hardwood floors, appliances, washer/ dryer in each unit, central air. Pool, jacuzzi spa, fitness center, rooftop garden patio+ fire pits, courtyard, controlled access, prkg.
550 Veteran Ave. 310/209-0006 • • • • • Steps to UCLA & • 2 Bd. Westwood Village. +2 • Ba. • • • • • • 310/478-1979 WILSHIRE Very spacious, CORRIDOR granite counters, ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ WEST L.A. 1343 Carmelina Ave. microwave, intercom 10530-10540 ////// \ \ \ \ \ \ entry, on-sight launWilshire Bl. - 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath dry, parking & WiFi. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ • Bright Unit • Very close to UCLA • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. ∞∞∞∞∞∞ On-site laundry, & Westwood Village. • on-site parking. ∞ 310/208-5166 Close to • Luxury Living • transportation. with valet, lush garden • 310/442-8265 • • WESTWOOD •
1769-1775 N. Sycamore Av.
• • • • • • Single • • • Bachelor Controlled access, laundry facility. Utilities Included.
Close to Everything.
—————–––– MID-WILSHIRE
340 S. St. Andrews Pl.
• • • • • Spacious 2 Bdrm + 2 Bath • • • • •
Balcony, controlled access, parking, elevator, on-site laundry. Close to shopping, great restaurants and Metro.
Balcony, air conditioning, controlled access bldg., covered parking, laundry facility.
2600 Virginia Ave.
310/477-6885 Close to U.C.L.A.
————— 1433 Brockton Ave. Spacious 1 Bdrm+1 Bath
* * * * * *
• • • • •
Laundry facility, “The Mission” parking. • Westwood • Close to shopping, dining & transportation. • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. Please Call: • • • • •
6-Month Lease Avail.
* * * * * * Every Extra Luxury
————— 12333 TeXaS Ave. 2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath
Granite counters, dishwasher, balcony, stove, intercom-entry, on-site laundry, parking.
custom cabinets, granite countertops, stone entry, pool, health club, spa. • Free WiFi Access • • Close to UCLA • 1350 S. MIDVALE AVE. L.A., 90024 Contact Mgr.:
• 310/864-0319 •
Newly Remodeled 1422-1428 Kelton Av. • Single • • Spacious Controlled access, 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • on-sight laundry, S I N G L E • a/c unit, kitchenette. Hardwood floors, 323/879-9611 dishwasher, controlled Close to Museums, access, on-site The Grove laundry & parking. & Restaurants. C LOSE TO U.C.L.A. 310/864-0319 * HOLLYWOOD *
SUN. & MON. - May 5th-6th 10am-3pm Kitty Eva Bernharth passes away after a short illness in February 2019. She was born in Budapest, Hungary. She married George Kenneth Bernarth in 1952 in Hungary. Kitty and George escaped from Hungary to the United States in 1956, during the ill-fated Hungarian Revolution. They established a new life in New York, both of them working for Parsons Brincherhoff, a leading engineering and design firm. Longing for a warmer climate and to be near the ocean, they moved to Los Angeles in 1960. Kitty became a proud citizen of the United States in 1962. Effortlessly glamorous and stylish, Kitty found herself right at home in Los Angeles and, in 1961, found her true calling when she opened "KITTY B", a high-end fashion boutique on Santa Monica Blvd in Beverly Hills. Her boutique was dedicated to timeless elegance and her illustrious clients included some of the best known figures in the entertainment business.
Kitty traveled several times a year to Europe, where she sought • KOREATOWN • out the most talented emerging designers. Her boutique was 423 S. Hoover St. featured in many newspapers and documentaries here and in • Single • Hungary. • 1 Bd. +1 Ba. •
FRI. & SAT. May 3rd-4th - 9am-4pm
surrounding pool, 213/385-4751 gym, elevator, etc. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 310/473-5061 Hardwood flrs., granite Close to transportation, 4 Blks. to Beach. WESTWOOD 2 Bd.+2 Ba. downtown & counters, dishwasher, 1370 Veteran Ave. Spacious a/c, fireplace, great restaurants. SANTA MONICA 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath pool, controlled access, central air, balcony, laundry facility. •••• •• • Spacious • K OREATOWN • •••• • • Free WiFi • 3 Bdrm. + 2 Bath Balcony, air conditioning laundry fac., prkg. 269 S. Lafayette Park Pl. Dishwasher, on-site dishwasher, controlled • Free WiFi Access • Call: 310/470-4474 / / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ • BACHELOR laundry, parking. 310/473-5061 access bldg., WiFi, • SINGLE C LOSE TO F REEWAY pool, on-sight laundry, Close To U.C.L.A. • MIRACLE MILE • • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. & T RANSPORTATION . 615 S. Cochran Ave. • 2 Bd. + 2 Ba. gym, parking. 10933 Rochester Ave.
Hardwood/carpet/tile flrs., a/c, balcony, ceiling fans. Marble & granite counters, new stainless steel appliances, dishwasher, fridge, microwave. Controlled access, laundry facility, gated parking. Club house, enclosed pool, jacuzzi, gym, wifi. Pets OK.
Kitty was a true globetrotter and she and George went on more than 55 cruises and she visited some of the most exotic places on earth from Papua, New Guinea to the Amazon. This is an exceptional estate sale filled with unique furnishings, art, silver, china, sculptures, carpets, porcelains, crystal, wonderful women's clothing and accessories , collectibles from travels, costume jewelry, tribal artifacts, copper, pewter, books, t.v.'s , outdoor furnishings, so many plants, kitchen items, bar items, books, washer-dryer-one yr old, tools, this estate is so packed we cannot possibly mention everything. MERCEDES-WHITE S430-2001-67,000 MILES Please view photos at www.pacificestatesales.com There are 17 brick stairs to enter, please wear appropriate shoes. No parking in driveway. Security on premises 24 hrs.
•• LEGACY •• 60” Beutiful Italian ————— 213/302-2674 ESTATE SALE Glass Dining Table Close to Downtown, BEVERLY HILLS Handcarved Marble ————— 1134 N. SYCAMORE AV. transit & great dining Italian furnishings, —————–––– Ornateantiques, WESTWOOD & Wood Coffee Table sterling, * * * * * LAFAYETTE PARK 1409 Midvale Ave.
• 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. 274 LAFAYETTE PARK PL. silverplate, art, bronzes, •••• ••• •••• • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • * * * * * 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath Persian rugs, crystal, Newly Remodeled •••••• • • Granite counter tops, china, art deco clock set, Great Views stainless steel appliances, • Single • figurines, statuary, •• • • Great views, controlled air conditioned, new • • • sconces, clothes, hrwd. flrs., designer access, balcony, • • finishes, balcony, ceiling handbags, linens, jewelry WiFi, a/c, intercom elevator, lrg. pool, entry, laundry facility, prkg, on-sight laundry. elevator, parking, pool. H IKING IN R UNYON CLOSE TO U.C.L.A., C ANYON , H OLLYWOOD SHOPPING & 1 BLK. B OWL /N IGHTLIFE .
WESTWOOD PARK. 310/478-8616
fan, elevator, controlled access. Fitness ctr, yoga room, wi-fi, skyview lounge w/ outdoor fireplace, laundry facilities. 213/382-102 1 Easy freeway access
and so much more!! May 4th (8-4), 5th (9-4)
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“I Do My Own Work”
BY SAMUEL A. DONALDSON AND DOUG PETERSON / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ Samuel A. Donaldson is a law professor, specializing in taxes and estates, at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Doug Peterson is a professional crossword constructor in Pasadena, Calif. They met at the 2008 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, became friends and started making puzzles together — working back and forth by email. Doug attended Sam’s wedding in 2012. They are prolific contributors both individually and with others. – W.S.
1 Measure of a stone 6 Purchase of proof? 13 Takes up a lot of space 20 “Don’t cry for me” singer 21 Enchant 22 Mine transport 23 Scratch paper? 25 Hangs around 26 Most stylish 27 2013 film whose lead actress is never seen 28 Liquid paper? 29 Acted as 30 What Oberon orbits 32 Relay closer 36 Construction paper? 44 Bugs from the underworld 45 Jane Austen heroine 46 Grp. that usually meets in the evening 47 Veiled criticism, in slang 48 Fly paper? 52 Assn. 54 That stinks! 55 Mormon Church, for short 56 Spreads in the kitchen 57 Hyundai model 60 Horror director Roth 61 K-12 Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 4,000 past puzzles, ANSWERS FOUND nytimes.com/crosswords IN NEXT ($39.95 a year).
63 Broadway’s Cariou 64 Periods of note 65 Pop group whose name derives from the initials of its members’ first names 67 Wax paper? 70 Note paper? 75 Bygone auto whose name sounds like a command 76 “I want details!” 78 506, in old Rome 79 Trade jabs (with) 80 Ending with body or spy 82 Expresses exasperation toward 85 Some trumpeters 87 Size above med. 88 Bygone sitcom set around Houston 90 La-la lead-in 91 Position paper? 94 Competitor of Reach 96 Settings for some TV dramas, for short 98 First place? 99 Prophet who inveighed against the “sins of Israel” 100 Wall paper? 103 Segue to the next part of a story 104 Contribute 105 Warhol subject 106 Term paper? 110 Exclamation that’s usually doubled
113 Doggy treat 118 The least little bit 119 Crepe paper? 121 Terrapin catcher 122 Humanitarian operation 123 Trap at a ski lodge, perhaps 124 Wound 125 Chilean catch 126 Bridge positions
16 Human rights lawyer Clooney 17 Depression follower, for short 18 Office PC connections 19 Routine: Abbr. 24 Body part whose name contains another body part 28 Deliberate and unprovoked 31 Grave letters 32 Unhurried walker DOWN 33 Noggin 1 Hanna-Barbera 34 Drum kit component collectibles 35 Half a laugh? 2 Profess 36 “Shoo!” 3 Singer Ora with three 37 Ones making calls, solo #1 hits in informally Britain 38 “____ Pepper …” 4 Abbr. on an envelope (classic soda jingle) 5 Class one might take 39 Eye surgeon’s tool for kicks? 40 π + 1? 6 Deep hole 41 Debuted to great 7 Baltic dweller acclaim 8 It helped bring dinos 42 Talent show that to life in “Jurassic jumped networks, Park” familiarly 9 “That’s a good burn!” 43 Actress Polo 10 Take a walk on the 49 Volunteer’s offer wild side? 50 Grant factor, 11 John ____, three-time sometimes Gold Glove first 51 Symbol in many a baseman URL 12 Authorize to 53 Harsh 13 Craft created on a 58 Neutral color board with nails 14 Rules of engagement? 59 SALT subject, for short 15 “The Ten 62 Marker, informally Commandments” 64 Inventor Howe villain
57 63
91 96
79 86
87 93
103 105
66 Part of an after-school lineup 68 Some N.F.L. linemen: Abbr. 69 App annoyances 71 Actress Findley 72 Welsh “John” 73 “What she said” 74 El Greco, e.g. 77 Symbol of strength 80 Critter that likes to lie in the sun 81 Prefix with -naut
104 106
90 95
47 52
45 49
28 30
29 33
83 Immigrant’s desire 84 Really busy doing 85 Modern education acronym 86 Clothing symbol for a graduate of Oxford or Cambridge 89 Exclusively 92 Running around 93 Sexy 95 Portable place to sleep 97 Take a load off
101 Relative of a Vandyke 102 Family name on “The Dick Van Dyke Show” 103 “Do the Right Thing” pizzeria 105 Butcher’s stock 106 Portable places to sleep 107 “Movin’ ____” (“The Jeffersons” theme) 108 Old Roman autocrat 109 One of the Jacksons
111 Hospital fluids 112 Former “Meet the Press” host Marvin 113 People who are totes close 114 Often-pantomimed hit song of the 1970s 115 “Cheers” actor Roger 116 Soldier’s assignment 117 Tush 119 Some undergrad degs. 120 Soul from Seoul?
May 3, 2019 | Page 27
Chairman Emeritus Paula Kent Meehan President & Publisher Marcia Wilson Hobbs ****** Senior Editor John L. Seitz Special Sections Editor Stephen P. Simmons
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A late April article in the Courier titled “BHUSD Reconfiguration Process Challenges School District's Ability to Effectively Communicate” reminded me of the concern I've always had of a dedicated middle school. That concern is how does it affect the students? Administrators tend to forget that most students, especially those in middle school, struggle with staying focused, maintaining their confidence and understanding their priorities. It sounds as if the adults running BHUSD are lacking these qualities themselves. If true, how can such qualities be communicated and taught to the students? The new Beverly Vista middle school could very well hurt our students, not help them. Meanwhile, a few weeks ago just before 9:30 a.m., an earthquake centered in Century City rattled the region. Residents reported shaking throughout the Westside, South Bay and across much of L.A. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, shaking was felt as far north as Santa Clarita and east into the San Gabriel Valley. Over a two-day period, a total of six earthquakes – not all felt – originated in Century City. It has now been eight years since Metro made its “bait and switch” of the subway station from Santa Monica Boulevard to Constellation. At that time, Metro proffered seismic experts to testify how an earthquake fault “might” be running along Santa Monica Boulevard. Its evidence was scarping in the ground near the Mormon Temple. Metro's earthquake experts said that moving the subway station from Santa Monica Boulevard to Constellation Boulevard was done for safety reasons. Of course we are hearing nothing from Metro nor its experts now about the series of earthquakes around its current station on Constellation where active faults are now proven to exist! Instead, Metro continues to quietly spend an additional $500 million of taxpayer money to put its station and the route where it wants it, regardless of subjecting our students and teachers to safety risks by drilling through pockets of explosive and deadly methane and hydrogen sulfide gases. Metro has ignored three alternative routes offered by the BHUSD–through the campus, but less injurious and not under instructional buildings. This rogue public agency doesn’t care if it destroys a high school, places students in harms’ way, or brings down our property values. The plan doesn't even increase ridership since making a longer and slower route with a station buried deep in the ground, as the Constellation unit will be, does just the opposite. Despite a federal court hearing scheduled this summer, Metro has arrogantly started digging a hole on Constellation Boulevard while a certain real estate company has begun excavating its property on the corner of Constellation and Avenue of the Stars. Will Federal Court Judge Wu do more than say Metro is acting in an “arbitrary and capricious manner” as he did three years ago? Or will Judge Wu finally do the right thing–stop this insanity and order Metro to seriously consider a safer, less expensive route, such as under Santa Monica Boulevard? Lewis Hall Former member of the BHUSD Board of Education
****** Can someone explain our City's obsession with bike lanes? Aren't the unsafe, unused, traffic inhibiting lanes on Santa Monica Boulevard enough to say “enough.” While I am certain those involved thought it would be “nice,” nice is not justification for ignoring potential danger to both
driver and cyclist and the narrowing of traffic lanes meant to facilitate a better traffic flow. Check out the cities of Marina del Rey and Playa del Rey---there the citizens forced their respective governments to remove the lanes and recalled the representative who had proposed the bike lanes. (Not certain the status in Pasadena--the majority of citizens were fighting bike lanes placed in that city) Now, the “Complete Streets Plan” is proposing to place bike lanes literally throughout the City based upon a survey of only .006 percent or (approximately 235 people) of the City's population and the promise of 60% of the 235 surveyed or (approximately 140 people) to ride bikes. May I address the City politic and agencies involved with a phrase made popular by a former TV personality, Susan Powter–”Stop the Inanity.” Robert Block ****** Would you place a stairwell to your underground garage in your front yard? That is justwhat the Beverly Hills Planning Commission approved last week. Would you be upset if a developer was allowed to construct a 6-foot, “see-through fence,” when your neighbors’ “wall, fence, or hedge” on your block was 3-foot high? But that is what our Planning Commission approved last week. The property in question is a proposed 3-unit, 3-story condominium for a vacant lot at 340 S. Rexford Dr., which has sat vacant since 1985. With the roof-top recreation area, it is effectively a 4-story, 42-foot pillbox in a block of 2story, one and two bedroom apartments graced by the unique architecture of the 1950’s. Arguments were put forth that the highest and best use was either a 2-story building of six single apartments or a mini-park / community garden. Last month, the City Council emphasized that two of its highest priorities are solving the affordable apartment housing crisis and/or acquiring green space, with a special emphasis in the southeast. But the Planning Commission must actually believe that it is not permitted to look at alternatives. Will the City Council do the right thing and conduct a de novo hearing of this proposed (chose your word) abomination/monstrosity/ aberration to a neighborhood? Steve Mayer ****** The recent vote of the Beverly Hills City Council to prohibit the sale of all tobacco products in our City simply does not go far enough. If the council, like any good parent, wishes to keep noxious substances away from its citizenry, juvenile or no, then may I propose the following: (1) Ban tobacco sales! (2) Ban alcohol sales! (3) Ban the sale of anything sold in our fair City that is less than optimal to good health. Since there is even some science which suggests botox is dangerous–so let's be on the safe side, and ban that too! In fact, let's assume that everyone who lives here is incapable of making decisions for themselves–even bad ones–and have, at the very least, the mayor and councilmembers make those decisions for them. Of course, what with all that lost revenue from smoke, drink and botox, we'll need more hotels. The Waldorf-Astoria project comes to mind. And wait! We'll need more night-life, too, isn't that so? But if people cannot smoke–and let's hope, cannot drink!–well, why should they come here at all? But I leave all this social engineering in the capable hands of the currently elected City Council. After all, its members certainly know best!! Sara Willen
Cartoon for the Courier by Janet Salter
By Holiday Mathis TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (May 3). Make big plans because your projections and calculations will be extremely lucky over the next 30 days. It's like you're writing some kind of computer program that reality will follow along and flesh out as it runs. A change at work will have you adding new skills. There's a test in September, and then you'll advance quickly. Cancer and Scorpio adore you. TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20). Shadows of the soul are easy to clear. You don't have to scrub or organize or manage anything. All you have to do is turn up the heart light (or just generally lighten up) and the darkness disappears. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Whoever told you that making yourself happy was selfish was sadly mistaken. It is, in fact, your job to make yourself happy. And when you follow your bliss, you inspire others to do so, too. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Relationships change in tone as you get to know people better. This will be a good thing -- a delightful thing -- as comfort breeds fun, laughter and interesting developments. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The problem with chasing rainbows is that you can never get to where they are. You arrive and they either disappear or move. It's the same with chasing other lovely illusions, but there's still a lot of fun to be had in the pursuit. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You may not be an instantaneous fit for a situation, but that doesn't mean it's not for you. Try it on. There's some tailoring that could be done, so to speak. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). There are many reasons why a person might earn the label of “difficult.” A lot of times it's just because that person isn't conforming. And maybe the norm isn't worthy of conforming to. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your skills are getting sharper in the way that most things do -- through friction. It's why you don't bemoan the challenges. They give you the practice you need to become great. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Things are being worked out behind the scenes while the stage appears to be nothing but a blank space in front of a curtain. Keep watching. You're going to like what happens when that curtain opens. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your feelings will change quickly and completely, so it's better not to air them straight away. Give it time. Don't send the first email, text or letter. Sleep on it. Come back and look at it tomorrow. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). After a time of being indecisive and not very excited about your choices, suddenly something new drops in. You want it. You throw your best energy after it. Your aim is true. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20). Because you've been so warm and inviting, new relationships spring up like green shoots from the ground, a fresh change of your emotional landscape. ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19). As the warrior of the zodiac, you're very careful to determine what's really worth fighting for before you even think about suiting up. Your time and effort are valuable commodities.
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Page 28 | May 3, 2019