BH Courier 05-25-12 Edition

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Remember Our Fallen Heroes On Memorial Day, Monday


SINCE 1965

Beverly Hills Subway: Metro OK’s Tunnel


By Courier Staff The Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors approved the Westside Subway Extension tunnel underneath Beverly Hills High School with a station at Constellation Boulevard and Avenue of the Stars. The decision came despite massive scientific evidence presented by qualified licensed experts working for the City of Beverly Hills and Beverly Hills Unified School District. Not one concern raised by Beverly Hills’ experts was accommodated as all were rejected – often in a demeaning and insulting manner especially by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Vil-

The BHPD hosts its annual retirement dinner Friday. 4

The Amgen Tour of the California Bike Race started in Beverly Hills on Sunday. 4

May 25, 2012

PROTECTING BEVERLY—Beverly Hills residents and Beverly Hills Unified School District faculty, boardmembers and staff gathered at the Metro meeting yesterday to advocate against a tunnel going underneath Beverly Hills High School. Front row (from left): Terre Thomas, Donna Flade, Susie Roberts, Nancy Krasne, Susan Mischler and Lili Bosse. Back row (from left): Gary Woods, Brian Goldberg, Noah Margo, Thomas Pease, Ray Flade, Alma Ordaz, Tim Buresh and Howard Goldstein. Inset: Boardmember Lisa Korbatov speaks to the Metro board. Courier Photo by Marla Schevker

(see ‘METRO,’ page 7)

Beverly Hills Subway: Metro’s Jones, Dolan, No State Licenses Alex Rohani runs fastest time in the state for Beverly Hills High track team. 5

Joan Rivers enthuses about Tracie Bennett’s staggering portrayal of Judy Garland. 11

Sunday’s Tower of Hope Gala raised $750,000 for cancer research. 18 •Arts & Entertainment •Birthdays

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By Courier Staff Experts hired by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, whose opinions Metro cites to support a subway tunnel under Beverly Hills High School, admitted Thursday they are not licensed by the the California State Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists to practice geology, geophysics or engineering. These two key experts are widely-recognized television scientist

Lucy Jones, Ph.D., of the U.S. Geologic Survey and USC assistant professor James F. Dolan, Ph.D. Both Jones and Dolan have testified to the Metro Board that earthquake faults on Santa Monica Boulevard at Avenue of the Stars in Century City make that location too dangerous for Metro to build a solid concrete-and-steel underground station. The California State Board of Professional Engineers, Land Sur-

Beverly High Athletes To Face Random Drug Tests

New Staff Positions, Budget, Condos Face Council Study

By Matt Lopez Athletes at Beverly Hills High School will soon face random drug testing after the Board of Education voted 4-1 to approve a drug testing policy at Tuesday night’s board meeting. Boardmember Lewis Hall was the lone “no” vote. The approved policy includ-

By Laura Coleman City Council study sessions on the budget can be boring, but the issues are not. The one for June 7 will look at adding many new highly-paid administrative positions to the City’s staff, despite the alleged budget shortfalls facing the City. Many City administrators now want assis-

ed an amendment made by Board Vice President Jake Manaster stating the first failed test for a student would result in a letter home via certified mail to the parent or guardian, followed by a second drug test to take place at a random time within 60 days. (see ‘DRUG TESTING,’ page 14)

Beverly Hills High Named One of Newsweek’s “Top 1,000” George Christy, Page 6 A Family Treat At The Restored Rancho Los Alamitos; The Academy Celebrates The Centenary Of Gene Kelly, Who Never Dreamed Of Being A Dancer And Wanted To Be A Shortstop For The Pittsburgh Pirates

Beverly Hills High School was recently ranked among the nation’s top public high schools by Newsweek. Beverly received an overall national ranking of 324 and a California ranking of

CLASSIFIEDS Announcements Real Estate Rentals Sales and More

(see ‘BHHS,’ page 15)

Patek Philippe, Rolex Make Rodeo Drive A Place To Watch By Laura Coleman When Geary’s opens the nation’s first Patek Philippe boutique in July at 360 N. Rodeo Dr., the Swiss luxury watch-maker’s biggest competition may just come from next door - the Rolex store Geary’s is opening on Father’s Day next month.

Editorial from Rabbi Pressman AND MORE • • • • •

49. Newsweek’s “Top 1000” schools were classified based on their particular enrollment model including open, charter, magnet, selective, and lottery admis-


Tom Blumenthal

(see ‘GEARYS,’ page 15)

(see ‘EXPERTS,’ page 14)

TAKING A BREAK— India Irving relaxed from the whirligig of screenings during the Cannes International Film Festival. India’s the multi-talented daughter of the Ivy’s Lynn von Kersting and Richard Irving. She has written and coproduced Mont Reve, a movie about a Swiss boarding school with her costar Mario Rivelli that’s won top prizes in Las Vegas, LA and Ischia. Mont Reve’s a refreshing cocktail of screen charm with a great soundtrack and pretty young things. More photos in George Christy’s column on page 6. David Alay

tants. Some will be brought up on the 7th. The most important matter for the future of the City may be a decision on how to respond to Metro’s rejection yesterday of all concerns raised by Beverly Hills. Vice Mayor John Mirisch’s is bringing back the Metro Resolu(see ‘COUNCIL UPDATE,’ page 14)

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