Happy Independence Day - 238 Years!
SINCE 1965
July 4, 2014
City Employees Demand Residents Foot Benefits Bill By Victoria Talbot About 100 employees of the City of Beverly Hills showed up at the City Council meeting Tuesday to express their disappointment over the failed approval of the Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) proffered at last week’s meeting. The proposed MOUs would have capped health care costs for the City, ended sur-
Paula Kent Meehan’s family accepted a proclamation at Woofstock. 1
veys and brought employee retirement contributions into compliance with the Public Employees Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) by requiring employees to make the entire eight percent contribution for their own retirements. To compensate, the City had negotiated a controversial ten percent pay increase that would have in(see ‘CITY SALARIES,’ page 9)
Justin Bieber just moved to Beverly Hills and he’s already causing a stir. 4
PAYING TRIBUTE—About 1,000 mourners were present at Beth Jacob Congregation Tuesday evening to pay respects to slain Israeli teenagers Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach. Pictured above (From left): Rabbi Adir Posy of Beth Jacob Congregation, Jonathan Gerber of Bnei The Landry Design Group Akiva of Los Angeles, and two Bnei Akiva won the 2014 Gold Nugget youth representatives. Pictured right: award. 5 Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles David Siegel addresses the capacity crowd. 50th District Assemblyman Richard Bloom was also among those who spoke.
The Farrah Fawcett Foundation honored the 5th anniversary of her death. 5
Dr. Fran Walfish on hiring a life coach for relationship therapy. 13
PROTEST—Beverly Hills City employees packed into the City Council chambers Tuesday to protest the council’s refusal to sign off on an 11percent raise over two years for employees. Courier Photo by Victoria Talbot.
Beverly Hills’ Woofstock Once Again A Howling Success By Victoria Talbot Sunday, Beverly Hills’ La Cienega Park went to the dogs as thousands of them took over Wriggly Field and wagged their way through hoards of treats, toys and fellow canines at Woofstock 2014! The event was a huge success for the pups and their owners. Some dogs came dressed for suc-
cess for the doggie costume competition (and some owners joined in the fun). Others came to show off their tricks in the doggie talent contest. Event highlights included pups (see ‘WOOFSTOCK,’ page 10)
See what fashionable dogs were wearing on page 8 . . .
Luxe Rodeo Drive Receives AAA Four Diamond Rating
•Arts & Entertainment 11 •Birthdays 16 •Letters to the Editor 27
George Christy, Page 6
Editorial from Rabbi Pressman AND MORE
Announcements Real Estate Rentals Sales and More
City Council Rejects Metro Bullying on MOA for Utilities By Victoria Talbot A redlined version of the City’s draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City of Beverly Hills and Metro for the Advanced Utility Relocation (AUR) Phase of the Purple Line Extension Project – Segment One – bore little resemblance to the spirit or intent of the proposed MOA sent to
Metro in February. Metro staff reviewed the draft and returned it with their own suggested revisions. At the City Council Study Session, council members expressed their frustration with the redlined agreement. The City Council reviewed the (see ‘METRO MOA,’ page 7)
tel,” said Luxe owner Efrem Harkam. “It’s been a wonderful year.” It’s an important step, said Harkam. The designation “validates our dedication to taking care of people. And making sure they have a genuinely memorable experience at a great value.” Harkam scores (see ‘LUXE RODEO DRIVE,’ page 9)
SHE’S BACK — Melissa McCarthy takes over the cinema palaces this week with Tammy which she cowrote with her directorhusband Ben Falcone. Celebrity Photo Agency
A Rising Moon And Seaside Breezes Brought Out The Taverna Tony “Faithful” In Malibu, Where Lilly Fallah Lawrence Was Hosting A Dinner Party For Car Connoisseur Steve Karsh
TO THE DOGS—Pictured above: Canine crews of Disc Dogs entertained the crowd with their athletic feats. Pictured left: Shanna Olson with her “hippie dog” Jack.
By Victoria Talbot The Luxe Rodeo Drive Hotel has been awarded the prestigious AAA Four-Diamond rating. The flagship of the Luxe Hotel brand, the Luxe Rodeo, has the distinction of being the only hotel located directly on Rodeo Drive. “The street, Rodeo Drive, deserves a Four Diamond ho-
They have two daughters, Vivian and Georgette. For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.