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SINCE 1965


Residents celebrate Neiman Marcus’ decision to keep FreshMarket open. 4

The Ghosts of Mary Lincoln opens at Theatre 40. 4

August 2, 2013

Lisa Korbatov Files For School Board Re-Election By Laura Coleman Known for her sharp wit and tireless passion, lifelong Beverly Hills resident and former Board of Education President Lisa Korbatov yesterday made it official that she would be running for re-election in November. In anticipation of her campaign to spend an additional four years working on behalf of Beverly Hills students, The Courier spoke with Korbatov on her upcoming plans for another four years on the Board of Education. The Courier: Why are you seeking re-election? Lisa Korbatov: The last four years have been rewarding and challenging and I am proud of my record. I am IT’S OFFICIAL—Beverly Hills Board of Education member Lisa Korbatov files her re-elec- seeking re-election because the entire job I set out to do tion papers yesterday, officially becoming a candidate for the upcoming School Board race. is not yet complete - many important issues loom large Pictured above (from left): Jacob Schwartz, Max Schwartz, Lewis Hall, Lisa Korbatov, Alex Fuhrman, Marilyn Gallup, Jennifer Terrell-Schwartz, Tom Pease, and Joy Zaki.

(see ‘KORBATOV’ page 10)

Full Details Of Subway Plans For Beverly Hills – 9 Years Out

Greystone Mansion Community Garden continues to grow.


Dr. Fran talks how bullies are at high risk for trouble in adulthood. 15 •Real Estate •Health & Wellness •Birthdays

9 14 16

Editorial from Rabbi Pressman AND MORE


Announcements Real Estate Rentals Sales and More


(see ‘WILSHIRE’ page 13)

THEATRE GUILD KICKOFF –Three of the City’s favorite citizens (from right): Marilyn and Monty Hall and Janet Salter gathered at the latter’s home Sunday for a kickoff party for the Beverly Hills Theatre Guild upcoming “Spotlight Awards” honoring Debbie Reynolds Oct. 6 at the Four Seasons. BHTG President Carolyn Fried and playwright competition coordinator Candace Koster spoke with music by harpist Dorothy Victor. Photo by Amir

Mirisch Says City Manager Kolin ‘Usurped’ Authority By Matt Lopez Tensions continue to fester at Beverly Hills City Hall between Mayor John Mirisch and City Manager Jeff Kolin. The issue centers on a rescheduled City Council study session on July 16. Generally on every other Tuesday, the City Council meets for a 2:30 p.m. “study session,” followed by a formal council meeting at 7 p.m. A brief meeting had originally been scheduled for July 16, but

Kolin said Mirisch requested to cancel it after the July 2 council meeting because Vice Mayor Lili Bosse was to be out of town. A revised council calender was sent out to all council members, showing the meeting as canceled. Mirisch said he never asked to cancel it, but rather have all the few scheduled items moved to the night session. Mirisch then boarded a plane (see ‘CONFLICT’ page 2)

NEW FACE—Beverly Hills resident James Fabe officially became a candidate on Monday for the upcoming Board of Education election. Pictured left: Fabe (center) with daughters Natalie (left) and Naomi (right) along with son Sky.

George Christy, Page 6 Forty-eight Guests Celebrated the Birthday Of Marine Corporal Douglas Banker During a Glamorous Dinner at The Beverly Hills Hotel Hosted By Princess Lilly Lawrence.

Construction Metro is currently hoping to put dirt to shovel as early as 2014 to remain on a nine-year track to have the station open by 2023. Currently, Metro is moving to begin relocation of water, power and sewer lines from the construction area. The Wilshire/La Cienega station will have its entrance at the

Beverly Hills Resident James Fabe Enters School Board Race By Laura Coleman Resident James Fabe officially became a Board of Education candidate on Monday, when the L.A. County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk officially listed him as a candidate for the upcoming election, 11 days after he pulled papers.

Fresh on the heels of his July 29 file date, The Courier discussed with Fabe some of his reasons for entering the race. The Courier: Why are you running? James Fabe: I have been in(see ‘FABE’ page 11)

Planning Commission OK’s In-Lieu Parking Program By Matt Lopez In an effort to make it easier for new business to come into Beverly Hills, the Planning Commission at its meeting last Thursday OK’d a zone text amendment to establish a pilot in-lieu parking program.

The topic was originally broached in March by a request from Spaghettini, a proposed restaurant and jazz club at 184 N. Canon Dr. Spaghettini’s proposal required 59 additional parking (see ‘IN-LIEU’ page 12)

TIME OUT! — “Not easy being out there every minute of the day. We performers all need time out, and let’s not forget I have a son who needs mothering.”

Celebrity Photo/Scott Downie

Beverly Hills National Night Out set for Tuesday outside City Hall. 5

By Matt Lopez Metro gave a glimpse into the future of Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills, at least for the next decade, at a meeting on July 18 with the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs Committee. The meeting centered on the Wilshire/La Cienega station, part of “Phase 1” in Metro’s nine-mile, three-phase Purple Line Extension.

Christina Aguilera was talking to the press during NBC’s summer press tour at the Beverly Hilton. Her NBC colleagues at the reception included Carson Daly, Blair Underwood, James Spader, Linda Lavin, Monica Potter, Erica Christensen, Spencer Grammer (son of Kelsey), Joy Bryant, Craig T. Nelson, and Mae Whitman. For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.


Page 2 | August 2, 2013

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its special meeting to be held on Monday, August 12, 2013, at 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Room 280-A of the City Hall, 455 N. Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, will hold a public hearing to consider: RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BEVERLY HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PUBLIC NOTICE OF VARIOUS PLANNING APPLICATIONS.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: August 12, 2013 TIME: 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard LOCATION: Commission Meeting Room 280A Beverly Hills City Hall 455 North Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 The Planning Commission of the City of Beverly Hills, at its SPECIAL meeting on Monday, August 12, 2013, will hold a public hearing beginning at 1:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard to consider:

The proposed Ordinance would amend the Beverly Hills Municipal Code to revise the public noticing requirements for various planning applications and establishes standardized requirements for commissionlevel and director-level decisions. The proposed noticing would be expanded from current requirements in most instances and would include all property owners and tenants property along the same, or adjacent, blocks as the proposed project.

A request for a Zone Text Amendment to amend the Beverly Hills Municipal Code regarding development standards for lot line adjustments. Currently, lot line adjustments may only be requested when the properties involved comply with the City’s minimum lot standards. If approved, the Zone Text Amendment would establish a process to review lot line adjustment requests for existing, legal non-conforming properties that do not comply with the City’s minimum lot standards; and

The proposed notice revisions have been assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the environmental regulations of the City. It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the adoption and implementation of the notice revisions may have a significant effect on the environment. The notice revision project is therefore exempt from the environmental review requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations.

A request for a Lot Line Adjustment for the properties located at 1184 Loma Linda Drive and 1117 Sutton Way.

All interested persons are invited to attend and speak on this matter. Written comments may be submitted, c/o Planning Services, 455 N. Rexford Drive, 1st Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 and should be received prior to 5:00 p.m. on August 7, 2013 to be included with the Planning Commission’s agenda packet. Written materials may be submitted during the public hearing. Please note that if you challenge the City’s action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at a public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City, either at or prior to the end of the public comment period. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Peter Noonan, AICP CEP, Associate Planner, Community Development Department, Planning, at 310.285.1127 or The case file, including a copy of the proposed Ordinance, is available for review in the Community Development Department/Planning Services Section, 1st Floor, 455 N. Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, California. JONATHAN LAIT, AICP City Planner

CONFLICT (Continued from page 1)

for Australia under the knowledge that the meeting was canceled, only to return home Monday the 15th and find out the meeting had been re-scheduled while he was gone for the very next day. Kolin had scheduled the meeting while Mirisch was away and had placed two items on the 10-item agenda that were specifically requested by Mirisch: a discussion to review the City’s process for hiring department heads and a review of the height of the Millard Sheets mural at the Civic Center parking structure at City Hall. Although Mirisch and Bosse would not be present, Kolin had a quorum with three other councilmembers. Mirisch told The Courier both items would be put back on the agenda and called it a “complete waste of staff time” to have them on the agenda with he and Bosse not present.

At its June 4 meeting, the City Council discussed schedules for future meetings and July 16 in specific. Mirisch said it was clear to him after that discussion that the plan was only for one short meeting to take care of a couple of small items. “There may be a need for a very short meeting to approve one or two items," Mirisch said at the time. Kolin said he planned on two July 16 meetings until Mirisch asked after the July 2 meeting to combine the two into one night meeting. Kolin said after canceling it, two councilmembers contacted him with a desire to re-schedule the meeting. Kolin noted that “the mayor does not have the authority to cancel meetings.” On May 23, the council also talked future scheduling. Bosse requested the agenda be run by her prior to it being set. She said she wouldn’t want to miss a “significant issue.” Kolin agreed to run the agenda by

The proposed Zone Text Amendment and Lot Line Adjustment have been assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the environmental regulations of the City, and have been determined to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Article 5, Section 15061 (b)(3) of the Guidelines, which states that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Since the proposed Zone Text Amendment and Lot Line Adjustment would not result in physical changes to the property other than the relocation of property lines, no potential for causing a significant effect on the environment exists, and therefore, the project is exempt from CEQA. Any interested person may attend the meeting and be heard or present written comments to the Commission. According to Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge the Commission's action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City, either at or prior to the public hearing. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Shena Rojemann, Associate Planner in the Planning Division at 310.285.1192 or by email at Application materials associated with the project are on file with the Community Development Department and can be reviewed by any interested person. Please contact the project planner listed above to schedule an appointment to view the application materials. Appointments should be scheduled 72 hours in advance to ensure the documents are available for viewing. Approved as to form: Ryan Gohlich, Senior Planner her at the meeting, but told The Courier last week that he did not do so. “How he could think a full study session with major items is nothing momentous or important is beyond me,” Mirisch said. Kolin said he misinterpreted the comments and took them to mean that Bosse would want to be informed of any new important items outside of those carried over from previous agendas. “Perhaps in retrospect it would have been a better and more conservative approach to have it sent out to all members of the City Council,” Kolin said. Kolin said he thought Bosse had left for vacation assuming that items carried over from previous meetings would be discussed. “We always carry over the items we

didn’t get to,” Kolin said. “I did notify the entire council that we were polling regarding re-scheduling the meeting. I did that by e-mail and did not hear from her or the Mayor.” “It’s unfortunate this happened. I always want to make sure the agenda process goes smoothly and according to City policies and the municipal code.” Kolin said. Mirisch says Kolin overstepped his role by scheduling the meeting and setting the agenda. “He seems to be usurping the role of the Mayor in setting the agenda, which is the job of elected officials, not a bureaucrat. Quite frankly, if his goal is to supersede the Mayor and set policy, he should move to Beverly Hills and run for City Council,” Mirisch said.


August 2, 2013 | Page 3



B E V E R LY H I L L S M A I N N E W S COMMUNITY SUPPORT— Longtime Beverly Hills resident Taylor Van celebrates with her daughters at Neiman Marcus’ FreshMarket restaurant after the luxury Beverly Hills department store decided to reverse plans to close the restaurant.

Beverly Hills Unified Ramps Up Commitment To STEM Education By Laura Coleman On Monday, the Board of Education unanimously voted to move forward with the purchase of 60 laptop computers for STEM-related curriculum at an approximate total cost of $156,000. The Dell computers, which

will support high-end graphics, robotics programming and 3-D modeling, will be used for the 6th grade STEM curriculum with 15 computers going to each site. “The programs that are required really function best on (see ‘STEM’ page 12)

BHPD—BHPD officers chased down and arrested an unruly patron who was destroying items inside the Enoteca Drago restaurant in the 400 block of North Canon Drive.

Neiman Marcus Listens To Community, Agrees To Keep FreshMarket Restaurant Open By Laura Coleman In a nod to the community that has patronized Neiman Marcus for decades, the Beverly Hills luxury department store agreed to reverse a decision to close the popular FreshMarket restaurant in response to an outpouring of support for

the local nosh spot. “It’s really nice to know that Neiman Marcus listens to its customers,” said Taylor Van, a longtime resident and the driving force behind a petition against Neiman’s earlier proposal. “We had a great deal of support throughout the com-

munity and I’m really grateful to Neiman Marcus for listening.” Van said she still planned to submit the petition to Neiman Marcus because she felt the comments would prove helpful in the store’s plans to remodel FreshMarket.

Roxbury Park New Playground Equipment Discussed As Renovation Plans Continue By Matt Lopez Now that ground has finally been broken on the renovation of the Roxbury Park Community Center, the City is moving onto some of the more important matters of the renovation project.

Namely, exactly what kind of playground equipment will the next generations of Beverly Hills youth be playing on? The Rec and Parks Commission, along with City Council liaisons Nancy Krasne and Julian Gold, broached the top-

ic of Roxbury Park playground renovation at a joint meeting on Tuesday at City Hall. The City is currently considering two vendors for installation of the equipment: GameTime and Kompan. Both are (see ‘ROXBURY’ page 15)

BEVERLY HILLS BURBERRY—At its meeting on July 17, the Beverly Hills Architectural Commission approved a facade remodel, sign accommodation and construction barricade graphic for the proposed new three-story Burberry store at 301 N. Rodeo Dr.

Cheryl Boone Isaacs Elected President Of Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences Cheryl Boone Isaacs was elected president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences by the organization’s Board of Governors. She becomes the first African-American ever to serve as president and the first woman since Fay Kanin to hold the presidency

since 1983. Boone Isaacs, who is beginning her 21st year as a governor representing the Public Relations branch, served as AMPAS first VP during the past year. She also produced the 2012 Governors Awards. Boone Isaacs heads CBI En-

terprises, Inc., where she has consulted on films including The Call, The Artist, The King’s Speech, Precious: Based On The Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire, Spider-Man 2 and Tupac: Resurrection. She previously served as president of theatrical marketing for New Line Cinema.

New Israel-Based, 24-Hour TV News Station To Launch In United States Next Year The new Israel-based news channel, i24 News, launched its first broadcast last month, and expects to expand to the U.S. next year. According to a report in The New Yorker magazine, the 24-hour station will air in Eng-

lish, Arabic and French simultaneously. Founders of the channel told the magazine the station will dedicate roughly 70 percent of its coverage to international news and 30 percent to news from Israel.

Its broadcasts are now streamed live on the Web and expected to be available via satellite to more than 300 million homes worldwide, including Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. (see ‘TELEVISION’ page 15)

Courier Photo by Camille Shooshani

Fine Dining At Enoteca Drago Turns Into Police Pursuit Updated from By Matt Lopez A diner at Beverly Hills’ Enoteca Drago restaurant last Thursday night got a little too out of control. So out of control, in fact, that Beverly Hills had to apprehend him the hard way. According to information

released Friday by the BHPD, a male diner at Enoteca Drago, 410 N. Canon Dr., was vandalizing the inside of the restaurant. Police responded to a 911 call and chased the man on foot as he fled the restaurant. BHPD Lt. Renato Moreno (see ‘PURSUIT’ page 7)

THE PLAY’S THE THING—Michele Tauber stars as Mary Todd Lincoln in Tom Dugan’s new play The Ghosts Of Mary Todd Lincoln. Workshop performances debuted Wednesday at Theatre 40 in Beverly Hills.

Courier Photo by Camille Shooshani

Mary Lincoln’s Story Comes To Beverly Hills’ Theatre 40 By Camille Shooshani Drama Critics Circle Award-winning playwright Tom Dugan debuted his newest play, The Ghosts of Mary Todd Lincoln, at Theatre 40 on Wednesday, directed by Jenny Sullivan. The local series of these one-person workshop performances, which stars Michele Tauber as Mary Lincoln, will next run locally on

the evenings of Aug. 5-7, 1214 and 19-21 at 7:30 p.m. The play, which focuses on Lincoln's life after her husband's assassination, will premiere post-workshops at the University of West Georgia on Oct 15. “It's all based on truth,” Dugan told The Courier. Tickets will be available at the door or at 310-364-0535 for $25. LITTLE LEILA— Leila is a 10-weekold beagle mix puppy. She is five pounds of playful energy and incredible cuteness. Those interested in adopting Leila may contact Kira Lorsch at 4 D o g s @ or call at 818-453-5798.



MOVING ON—Beverly Hills Transfer and Storage helped The Courier move to its new Wilshire at Doheny Drive offices. Pictured left: the Beverly Hills Transfer and Storage moving truck packs the last of The Courier’s belongings from its old buildings. The Courier’s address is now 9100 Wilshire Boulevard. Ste. 360E. Courier Photo By Dwayne Ladd

Former CNPA President Anthony Allegretti Dies By John L. Seitz Anthony A. Allegretti, the popular former president of the California Newspaper Publishers Association, died Wednesday. He had been a fixture in the community newspaper business for more than four decades, starting his career at age seven as a carrier at his parents’ paper in Watseka, Illinois.

Allegretti went on to serve in senior executive positions with Park Communications, Ingersoll Publications and Media News Group before going out on his own in 1989 as president/CEO of Independent Media Group which grew from four to 44 dailies generating $47 million annually in the upper Midwest. After that company was

sold, he headed to California, joining Pacific-Sierra Publishing as president/CEO before forming MainStreet Media Group, which now publishes 20 separate entities in both northern and southern parts of the state. Allegretti was named “Newspaper Executive of the Year” by the California Press (see ‘ALLEGRETTI’ page 12)

CONSUL MEETING—L.A. Sheriff Lee Baca met with Consular Officals from 29 Countries at LASD headquarters. Consular and government officials from: Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czech, Ecuador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Guatemala, Guinea, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, and United Kingdom visited Baca at the department.

S A I N T LY — S t . Anne’s celebrated those who support the century-old community service organization last Saturday. Pictured (from left): Dolores Bononi and Board Chair Janet Feeley; Speaker Irene Opdyke.

St. Anne’s Honors Volunteers and Supporters With Celebration By Laura Coleman St. Anne’s feast day celebration last Saturday, in honor of supporters and volunteers whose efforts on behalf of young pregnant women, mothers and children, proved to be a particularly inspiring event with keynote speaker Jeannie

Officer Tony Adams with K-9 Aedan

(see ‘NATIONAL NIGHT OUT’ page 12)

GREEN INSPIRATION—Barbara Linder (far left) and volunteers Skip Zelenka, Christy Davis, and Lisa Davis, have all put in a tremendous amount of time and effort into making the Greystone Community Garden a success.

Courier Photo by Chantel Bernabo

Greystone Community Demonstration Garden Continues To Inspire By Chantel Bernabo For the Greystone Community Garden things have continued to blossom.

With their donations to weekly organizations and their mission to help children learn about gardening, their work has car-

ried on into helping give back to the community. The garden that began a lit(see ‘GARDEN’ page 12)

(see ‘ST. ANNE’ page 12)

Golda Berkman Readies For Star Role With L.A. Opera Camp By Steve Simmons Golda Berkman, daughter of Shallom and Jilla Berkman, will have a featured role as “the dog” in the LA Opera’s Summer Opera Camp performances of Hans Krasa’s Brundibar, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 10 and 11, at Barnsdall Gallery Theatre, 4800 Hollywood Blvd. Every summer, more than 50 students (ages 9 to 17) from all over Southern California take part in the opera compa-

Golda Berkman

(see ‘GOLDA’ page 14)

Beverly Hills National Night Out Set For Tuesday By Anton Saleh On Tuesday, Aug. 6, from 6-8 p.m. Beverly Hills will celebrate “National Night Out” on Rexford Drive in order to create a more prepared and safe community. This will be the City’s third year involved with the event. “We saw it as a great way to get residents together for the idea of keeping the community safe” said BHPD Sgt. Max Subin. “We hope they will learn about safety awareness, community preparedness, and understand what to do during emergencies.” Some of the highlights of the event include BHPD SWAT and K-9 displays, health screenings with Cedar-Sinai, disaster and safety information, and food trucks.

Smith sharing a very personal story about her own mother’s courage during WWII. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to show our appreciation to those who do so much for us,” St. Anne’s president/CEO Tony Walker told The Courier.

CRAFTY BITES— Newly opened Carson House Restaurant of Beverly Hills on Wilshire Boulevard offers locals and business people a fresh option for inventive cuisine including a variety of flatbread pizzas. Perhaps the best part of the new local restaurant is a wide selection of rotating local craft beers. Pictured left: bartender Emmet Bell.

Courier Photo by Laura Coleman

Antonovich: Gov. Brown’s Jail Realignment Not Working By Matt Lopez California’s public safety realignment program was a hot item of discussion at L.A. County Supervisor Mike Antonovich’s annual Police Chief’s luncheon. Antonovich, L.A. Sheriff Lee Baca and Probation Chief Jerry Powers discussed Assembly Bill 109, which transfers supervision of state prisoners to County probation departments.

The bill also transfers the custody of certain offenders from state prison to county jails. “With crime rates rising in many of our local cities, (Gov. Jerry Brown’s) realignment program is a proven threat to public safety which has overwhelmed probation departments and law enforcement agencies statewide,” (see ‘PRISON’ page 12)


George Christy T

he sunset sky is streaked with pink and violet as the bewitching hour approaches at The Beverly Hills Hotel. Fortyeight guests are arriving. Ladies in high style and gents at their sartorial best.


tepping out of a ’59 purple Cadillac (one of her 12 rare vintage classics), Lilly arrives. In an Art Deco diamond tiara topping an upswept hairstyle by Laszlo. She floats in Monique Lhullier’s couture frock of purple silk chiffon embroidered with a thousand Swarovski crystals. Her gown’s accessorized with a necklace created for the Queen of France. Rubies large as quail eggs ... an inheritance from Lilly’s mom, Mahin Fallah. A wedding anniversary gift from husband Dr. Reza Fallah, the ambassador for global oil during the reign of the Shah of Iran, who asked for Lilly’s hand in marriage. Refused. When Lilly and Mahin lost Reza, the International Herald Tribute devoted an entire page reviewing Reza’s worldly achievements.


responder to evacuate personnel aboard the USS Cole after the bombing of the ship by Al Qaeda in Yemen. Douglas’ military service is exemplary.


rinks were served in the bar of the hotel’s Rodeo Room, guests soon sharing a jaw-dropping exchange of disbelief as they entered the dining room. The table’s square design was complimented with a garden of showgirl roses and lush greenery in its spacious center. “Who else dreams of a ‘live’ garden as a centerpiece?” asked KTLA 5’s Emmy-winning anchor Wendy Burch to beau Bruce Taylor, adding that all the flowers were delivered the next morning to local hospitals.


the joy of everyone’s life, a sexy Chanel; California Closets’ mermaid in Elie Saab’s curva- Leslie and Scott Siegel; Douglas Banker’s dad George, a Vietnam ceous red sequins. war veteran; brother George lso: Los Angeles Fire Banker Jr. who flew in from Department Battalion Florida; army veteran Robert Commander Dennis Cross and Rosebrock bravely fighting to wife Sandy – Dennis saved Lilly save the VA land opposite the by minutes during the explosive Federal Building in Westwood Malibu fire when her Castle that developers are hot to take Kashan burned to ash; real over. “A disgrace,” claims estate champ Jade Mills, who’s Robert. “This land belongs to repping Lilly’s Malibu estate, all of us and those who fought with husband Adam Mills, who to save our country!” built and sold Elton John’s house; ABC reporter Ana illy gifted the men with a Garcia with business executive colorful paperweight of the Ming Fu; Fox 11’s Emmy win- globe in prening anchor Christine Devine; cious gemex-Marine Joe Bologna with stones, the Renee Taylor; Dr. Randy ladies with an Pokomo with wife Cheryl; Dr. Oleg Cassini Daniel Salvati with wife Megan; p e r f u m e couturier Aria Baracchi, who’s atomizer, and launching his House of Douglas with Baracchi on Wilshire Boulevard a Breitling this fall. Avenger wrist-

mong the evening’s Who and the Who: Lilly’s general counsel Amanda McClintock of the famed law firm Girardi Keese and husband Michael Swanson; world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Harold Karpman with wife Molinda; Fireside Convalescent Hospital’s kindhearted Howard Celnik, with wife Mina (if only every hospital illy is Lilly Fallah had a compassionate guy like Lawrence, the stunning Persian Howard); Shera Danese Falk, princess anointed as the Rose of Shiraz by The New York Times. Not long ago Lilly departed a luxurious life in Manhattan’s posh Essex House where Dad Reza gave her the penthouse. “I grew up as a hotel kid, and now am smitten by this comfortable life in California,” she says. “Not only our weather, but the easy lifestyle, friendly people, and surprises up and down the coast.”


Online at

The vintage ‘59 Cadillac from Lilly’s collection of 12 rare classics


dditionally, Rafinity’s jeweler Ann Mangini, whose fifth-grader pianist son Rio, 10, performed in concert at Carnegie Hall three times this year; O c c i d e n t a l Petroleum’s Jena

watch. Often known as Tiger and true to form, Douglas miraculously unearthed a rare 45 vinyl recording from Sam Phillips’ Sun Records in Memphis. It was Sam who discovered Howlin’ Wolf, B. B. King, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash. And Elvis Presley, who dedicated his first record of That’s All Right, Mama to his mother Gladys. An Elvis fan from birth, Lilly Fallah Lawrence, thanks to Tiger’s derring-do, now owns this musical treasure.

The ruby necklace belonged to the Queen of France Dr. Harold Karpman with wife Molinda


Hairstyle by Laszlo of Santa Monica

Ann Mangini

Marine Corporal Douglas Banker with dad George Banker


Andrea Gold

iving in Los Angeles inspires Lilly’s impressive (and nonstop) charity work. Financial support for women’s needs, medicine, education, city coffers, telecaster Wendy Burch’s Good News Foundation. Major gifts, although Lilly prefers remaining quiet.

Custom shoes by Shannon Cutfield of Gasoline Alley


owever, if lady chums admire a jewel or a Judith Lieber handbag while shopping at the tony boutiques in Beverly Hills after lunch with Lilly, it’s likely to be theirs the next day.

Howard Celnik and Shera Danese Falk

Amanda McClintock and huband Michael Swanson

Dr. Daniel Salvati with wife Megan


illy’s elegantly presented six-course dinner that evening honored the birthday of U.S. Marine Corp. Douglas Banker, the commander of the reactionary guard force that secured 66 percent of the country’s nuclear weapons at the Naval Submarine Base in Bangor, Washington. Douglas was later assigned to a TRAP platoon (Tactical Recovery of Airline Pilots), then deployed as a first Page 6 | August 2, 2013

Adam and Jade Mills

Bruce Taylor and Wendy Burch

Sandy and Dennis Cross

Princess Lilly Fallah Lawrence hosted a dinner for 48 guests to celebrate Marine Corporal Douglas Banker’s birthday at the Beverly Hills Hotel.



August 2, 2013 | Page 7

PURSUIT (Continued from page 4)

said the man ran south on Canon, at one point running into traffic and making contact with vehicles. He damaged the windshield of one vehicle and was on his way to more mayhem before police used a taser to subdue him.

Police identified the man as 29year-old Kishane Karim Almendarez of Los Angeles. Almendarez was arrested for felony vandalism and was transported to a local hospital for injuries sustained during the crime spree. Almendarez is scheduled to appear in the LAX courthouse to face his charges on August 23.




Fashion News & Notes They may lack the advertising clout of a Gucci or a Louis Vuitton, but designers launching into the crowded handbag segment are turning their smaller size into a key selling point.

advertising, and less on a one-toone relationship. I am fortunate to be closer to my customer and to be there to pass the message,” he added.

Mouret Roland Mouret, Andrew Gn described his and Alexandre Vauthier, who first collection, all show their collections in unveiled during Paris, have joined the ranks of Paris Fashion bag designers with collections Week in March, that put the onus on excepas “a guilty tional craftsmanship and perpleasure” that he sonal service. designed with friends in mind. In clean, For Mouret, meeting the custimeless shapes, the bags are tomer is key. made in Italy and come in materials such as calfskin, “I think part of the price of a goatskin and suede, with coldesigner bag is that the ors ranging from taupe and designer can be there to sign it clay to petrol blue, emerald or be there with the customer and burgundy. when the customer chooses it,” said the London-based Priced from $1,195 through Frenchman, who regularly $2,595, they are available holds trunk shows for his colfrom retailers including lections. Hudson’s Bay department stores in Canada, Boutique 1 “It’s my way to fight the big in Dubai, Boon The Shop in brands that base [more] on Seoul and the Roland Mouret

boutique in Mayfair, London.

eyes, amethysts and turquoise. The first pieces will retail between $1,300 and $2,800.

Gn is also relying on personal feedback from his customers to refine his handbag collection.

Vauthier also said he was more concerned with quality than quantity.

“We always believe in testing the product with the end client,” said the Singapore-born designer, who greets customers at his private salon in an 18th-century townhouse in Paris when he is not hosting pop-up salons in San Francisco or China. Known for his use of lavish fabrics and ornate embellishments, Gn took a different approach by putting the onus on functionality with his bags, which are characterized by streamlined silhouettes and multiple compartments. Made in France from Italian box-calf leather in a classic palette of rust, cognac, violet, forest green, blue and black, the bags feature chains and locks adorned with semiprecious stones such as tiger

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The French designer broke into the category with the (U)nfolder7, which can be folded into a clutch and a handbag, or stored flat like a sheet, through a unique system of locks thought up by the Renato Corti workshop in Italy.

“It’s 80 percent handmade. I wanted something super exclusive,” he explained. “I wasn’t looking to make it an ‘It’ bag either. I really wanted to create a bag that would make it from season to season with new interpretations.” Delivered in lambskin or crocodile leather in black, beige, red or white, the item retails $3,220 and is exclusively available at Le Bon Marché in Paris and Just One Eye in Los Angeles. WWD

...And In Los Angeles

Photo by Alireza Soroush

Smaller Handbag Designers Making Waves

Mahtab Mojab, former right hand to world renowned Beverly Hills’ designer Bijan,had a successful launch last night of her first handbag collection. Mohjab has sophisticated and avant garde taste and her signature piece is the DREAMER priced at $3300, shown here with a a black patent and crocodile exterior. All the hardware is gold plated and the interior is red lambskin with crocodile trim.



Opulent New Residences In BH Debut Soon new luxury living experience will be unveiled to the public at 432 Oakhurst in Beverly Hills this summer. These uncommonly refined residences feature a warm contemporar y style with expansive indoor/outdoor living spaces for the California lifestyle and enviable private rooftops boasting superb views, spas and expansive square footage that mirrors their penthouse units below. Designed to appeal to local and international buyers, 432 Oakhurst is in the 90210 zip code. On beautiful tree-lined Oakhurst Drive, 432 Oakhurst offers an oasis near the city’s lavish amenities: worldrenowned five-star hotels and dining, designer shopping, and the Annenberg Center for Performing Arts expected to open in the fall. The two- and three-bedroom residences spare no detail. Exceptional finishes flank each unit with Miele® and Sub-Zero® appliances and stainless steel sinks, Italian cabinetr y, and CaesarStone® counter tops in kitchens; and distinctive GESSI® fixtures and integral CaesarStone® sinks in all baths. Soaking tubs with decorative tiles enhance the luxury of the master bath. “These homes appeal to those with exceptional taste,” said Afshin Etebar,


TRANSFORMING SANTA MONICA—OMA will take the lead on a plan to create a new civic center in the heart of Santa Monica after winning a major design competition. Above is a rendering of OMA’s mixed-use proposal.

OMA Wins Major Design Competition To Transform Downtown Santa Monica Santa Monica last week unveiled a proposal to transform its downtown civic center, unveiling its selection of architecture firm OMA New York, led by Shohei Shigematsu, as the winner of a major design competition. The mixed-use plan for the heart of downtown Santa Monica, which is intended to created a hub for Los Angeles’ growing tech industry, will be anchored by office space in addition to a civic plaza, a cultural venue, retail stores and residences. There will also be a 225-room boutique hotel with views of the city, beach and mountains. “Our ambition was to contribute to Santa Monica’s diverse network of public spaces, from the recreational plazas at the Pier and Palisades Park to contained commercial centers like Third Street Promenade and Santa Monica Place,” Shigematsu said. “Our design provides residents, tourists, and entrepreneurs a dynamic new public realm – a stepped building that achieves a strong interaction between interior program and exterior environments.” BEHIND THE GATES—Gregory Peck’s one-time 1.3acre Holmby Hills estate is listed for $24.99 million.

Courier Photo by Camille Shooshani

Beverly Hills Realtor Jade Mills Lists Gregory Peck Estate For $25 Million (CNS) The long-time home of famed actor Gregory Peck is for sale, and it's going to cost a bushel. The lavish Veronique and Gregory Peck estate has been listed for $24.99 million. It sits on a 1.3-acre lot in swank Holmby Hills, not far from Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion and the 57,000-square-foot former Aaron Spelling manor sold in 2011 for $85 million to auto-racing heiress Petra Ecclestone. Peck was best known for his performance as Atticus Finch in the film To Kill A Mockingbird, from which he won an Academy Award in 1962. He received four other Oscar nominations. Peck died in June 2003 at age 87. His French-born socialite wife, Veronique, who died in August of last year, was well-known for her philanthropy to the arts and to the Los Angeles Public Library. This Peck estate, built in 1932, sits at the end of a long private driveway and features five bedrooms and seven bathrooms in more than 9,000 square feet of living space. The house is listed by Beverly Hills real estate agent Jade Mills.

Beverly Hills Home Market Snapshot Median List Average SF 6-Month Median Sale Average SF Price List Price Sales Sale Price Price

Zip Code

Active Listings



$4 Million



$2.7 Million




$2.2 Million



$1.5 Million




$3.2 Million



$2.6 Million


Market Analysis Prepared by Joyce Rey/Coldwell Banker per CLAW MLS on Aug. 1, 2013

co-founder and president of etco HOMES. “etco HOMES is rooted in Beverly Hills, and we want to create residences that leave a legacy addition to this world-class city.” Complete with professional doorman ser vice and around-the-clock security surveillance, 432 Oakhurst gives jet-setters “lock and go” freedom. And, a state-of-the-art fitness center and adjoining outside patio on the main level are included amenities for residents to enjoy. 432 Oakhurst has generated wide interest with residences expected to sell out quickly. Priced from the mid $1 millions, the model home unveiling and public grand opening is slated for September. For more information, or to be added to the interest list, visit or call 310-2050625 to schedule a private tour today.


Page 10 | August 2, 2013

KORBATOV (Continued from page 1)

for BHUSD in the coming months and years and I am motivated to continue championing those issues for the children and families of Beverly Hills. Among my fellow school board members, I have very much led the charge to stop Metro from tunneling under our only high school–a scenario that caters to the special interests of wealthy developers and, if realized, will endanger the safety of our children and interfere with BHUSD’s ability to expand campus facilities in the future. I have a unique and deep knowledge of this complex litigation, and of the special interests’ lobbying strategy, and made a promise to the

public to prevent this from happening. With a second term I plan to see this promise through. I also have a strong record of advocating for heightened investments in our school libraries primarily by hiring Library Media Teachers to run them, supporting our students in their quests for knowledge and further invigorating their early-development. California ranks 51st in the nation in librarian-to-pupil ratio–dead last –and Beverly Hills ranks no better with only one librarian to support the needs of nearly 5,000 students. Libraries are the largest classrooms and effective exploration of information and research is a very real factor for educational success. Re-electing me would mean a

swift and serious solution for our kids. Additionally, the debate over our Measure E bond will continue through to next year as voters may again weigh in on how to restructure the bond, if at all. As that important conversation progresses, I hope to be able to offer valuable and informed contributions throughout. This is an issue that requires much attention and thorough understanding to navigate properly and, unlike other candidates, re-election to the Board would mean that I would be able to hit the ground running on day one. The Courier: Can you elaborate a little more on why BHUSD's struggle against Metro is so important? Korbatov: The Metro Transit Board is threatening the sovereignty and safety at our only high school campus by insisting on building subway tunnels under it - this is not the only possible route that they can build. An alternate construction proposal exists that detours around BHHS, is equally safe for subway riders, and even costs them less to build. If this occurs, it will present a real safety risk to our children learning in the schools above ground - risk that can otherwise be avoided. Nobody should tell our community what level of risk is tolerable, but frankly any safety risk that can be avoided for our students, staff and community is unacceptable in my book. The Courier: What are the most important current and future issues confronting the board? Korbatov: Always top-ofmind is the academic achievement of our students. Through-

out BHUSD we have raised our overall District Academic Performance Index (API) scores to their highest rates in recent history, with three of five schools scoring API’s above 900. The board remains committed to pressing forward with strategies to further improve the academic performance and curriculums of our students. Also on the near horizon is how we will rebuild and modernize our aging school sites, how much of this construction we will be able to pay for through our bond, and over what time frame we can accomplish it. The Courier: What unique strengths do you feel you bring? Korbatov: I do not know if my strengths in this regard are unique, but I am currently the only woman and mom on this board. I know that my perspective as a boardmember is shaded by that fact that I am a mother. There is no way to separate who you are from how you think and operate on a very granular level. I care deeply about our children, have a deep focus on the issues that affect their learning and wellbeing in school, and can withstand pressures and to remain resolute when needed. We all bring our life experiences, successes and setbacks to any enterprise, and the Board of Education is no different. I am always impressed when my colleagues give their take on a subject, even when we disagree, and do believe it can be helpful to hear a different point of view. We also bring our experience and wisdom to the board. My experience as a businesswoman, as a partner in a commercial real estate business, has developed in me a strong



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sense of urgency and that quality is one that I believe I have brought with me to the school board. I am ever-mindful and motivated by the clock, time wasted and opportunities forsaken are time and opportunities that are lost forever. Our students live out life in real time and attend our schools once in their lives and it is important that we do our best to solve problems as quickly as possible and not kick the can down the road. I have a long history of community involvement but my serving the families in Beverly Hills as a member of the Board of Education for the past four years has been my highest priority. In addition, I have been a longtime member and past president of the El Rodeo PTA and am involved in local charities that are primarily youth-focused including Aviva Family and Children Services and Vista Del Mar. I am also a trustee of the Jewish Community Foundation and a boardmember of the Israel Grants Fund.

IN-LIEU (Continued from page 1)

spaces provided by the City’s in-lieu program, which previously only allowed for the purchase of parking structures. Thursday’s amendment by the Planning Commission allows the spaces to be leased. An in-lieu parking fee is a fee developers pay instead of providing parking spaces required by code. The City then uses that revenue to finance public parking spaces to provide the private parking the developer would have provided. According to City Planner Ryan Golich, the purchase price of each parking space would have been about $28,000 in Spaghettini’s example, but it will only be half of that to lease the space. The commission made several changes to the proposed amendment. Staff suggested the program be available to any restaurant or retail operation, but the commission amended that to only restaurants. “I don’t want to see someone from Rodeo utilizing this program, that’s not what it’s intended for,” Rosenstein said. The commission agreed with a 20-year term limit suggested by staff, but amended that to add that the term would renew automatically as long as the business met all the criteria to continue in the program at the end of the term limit. The commission bumped up the number of proposed parking spaces from 125 to 150 and said it could see adding even more. “I think this is a good program to bring new business into Beverly Hills that would otherwise be economically infeasible.” Commissioner Alan Block said.


August 2, 2013 | Page 11

FABE (Continued from page 1)

volved as a parent for 25 years in Horace Mann. My eldest daughter is 30 and my son is 12. I would like to focus on some of the problems that I see. I think there’s a difficult transition in the middle school and I'd like to see some incremental perspective. The Courier: Why are you running now? Fabe: My son is in middle school. I want to make sure his experience, and the experience of his classmates, approaches or exceeds the excellent experience my two daughters had in the BHUSD. The Courier: What experience do you bring as a candidate? Fabe: I’ve attended the PTA meetings... I was a Major in 2009, 2010 and 2011 in the U.S. National Guard and was focusing on public service at the state level. I find it very rewarding to serve the public. I was a of the first five Transportation Commissions for West Hollywood (1981-86) was a very unique experience helping start a city. The Courier: What is your platform? Fabe: Constant incremental improvement, early active intervention, ergonomic education to avoid excess repetitive stress, I would like to see avoidance of overloaded carried backpacks, simultaneous success in academics, art, athletics and character, and emphasis on internet and library science. One of the strange thing about Beverly Hills is there’s a dual track of education. There’s the schools and there’s the tutors. And I’d like to certainly have

some discussion on what is the role of tutors and what is the role of schools in preparing kids for education. We need to find out what the best combination would be. Certainly the benchmark would be acceptance at the University of California. The Courier: What are the biggest challenges facing the district? Fabe: Should children outside the district be allowed to attend? And that has to be looked at by a supply and demand point of view. It’s variable. It’s not a policy that should be set in stone. Beverly Hills should be primarily reserved for students who live in Beverly Hills...but in gap years, in those years, perhaps more kids should be allowed outside the district. The Courier: What is your stance related to Metro’s proposal to put a subway tunnel under the high school? Fabe: The combination of two things I’ve done gives me an excellent perspective on this. [As a West Hollywood Transportation Commissioner] we did studies very early on where to put the Metro lines…in the late 80s. I’ve experience with the National Guard and….served in anti-terrorist training. If there’ a shallow tunnel under Beverly Hills High School, a terrorist could easily plant a bomb under the high school and create significant damage. In addition, it should be under Santa Monica Boulevard...If it’s under Santa Monica [and a bomb explodes] it’s going to take out a lot of asphalt and a few people, but it’s not going to damage our entire school system and some of our children.


Page 12 | August 2, 2013

BEVERLY HILLS Now In Our 48th Year 9100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 360E. Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-278-1322 Fax: 310-271-5118 Publisher

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ALLEGRETTI (Continued from page 5)

Association. His colleagues lauded him for playing a vital role in local journalism, achieving this by giving his unstinting support to his publishers and their staffs. Allegretti was universally liked by his fellow CNPA colleagues. Gene Lieb (Los Banos Enterprise): “He took me from

GREYSTONE (Continued from page 5)

tle over a year ago has transformed into growing all types of produce such as root vegetables that transpire from fall to spring. “We have a lot of participation at times for the kids. The produce is not the main pur-

the newsroom and made me a publisher.” Eric Johnston (Modesto Bee): “He helped me feel at home among new friends.” Ron Redfern (Riverside Press Enterprise): “... a warm and caring person. Pluria Marshall, Jr. (Wave Newspapers): echoed the same. Services are pending. pose. Seeing the joy of the children and helping people to learn about gardening is something you can't buy,” said Barbara Linder, who started the demonstration garden. Greystone will host an open volunteer day Sept. 11 in the afternoon that will be sponsored by Whole Foods.

STEM (Continued from page 4)

these models,” Chief Administrative Officer Dawnalyn Murakawa-Leopard told the board before the vote.

ANTONOVICH (Continued from page 5)

Antonovich said. He noted that there are more than 43,000 prisoners in local jails instead of state prison and that number could reach 52,000 by 2014. Antonovich explained that of those, 14,377 are in L.A.

NATIONAL NIGHT OUT (Continued from page 5)

“National Night Out” involves 37 million people and 15,000 communities world-

ST. ANNE (Continued from page 5)

“Without our volunteers and supporters, the critical work we are doing in the community would not be possible.” St. Anne's Foundation is dedicated to creating brighter futures for at-risk pregnant young women, mothers and children through targeted programs.

The purchase will be made using the California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) and Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) purchasing contracts. County, 5,901 of whom are in county jail. On July 12, the state shifted more than 16,409 parolees country probation for supervision. Antonovich said 638 of those are very high risk offenders, 8,288 are high risk, 5,512 are medium risk an only 220 are low risk. wide. Parking will be free in the Rexford and Crescent public parking structures. For information, contact A special award was presented to St. Anne’s Board of Directors member, Dolores Bononi for her dedication and longevity in supporting St. Anne’s. Among other things, Bonani runs St. Anne’s Thrift Shop in Burbank and is the force behind the annual fashion show fundraiser, to be held this year on Sept. 26.


its August 20 study session, the Beverly Hills City Council will discuss how to proceed several of those exemptions. One such exemption is to allow construction during “peak hours” (meaning rush hours). These peak hours are generally from 6-9 a.m. and around 3:30-7 p.m. Metro will also seek exemptions to complete

Station Box Deck Installation at the Hollywood/Vine Station

Advanced Utility Relocation

overnight work, as long as it is conducted within the City’s specified noise limits. Metro also seeks to have a holiday construction moratorium that would allow for construction between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. Pile installation and street decking in particular will require peak hour exemptions, while most of the other activities, such as tunnel construction, station construction, hauling, deliveries and demolition will require night-time noise variances, the holiday moratorium, weekend closures, or in some cases all three. The exemptions will prove crucial for Metro’s nine-year timeline. When asked for a synopsis of recent construction timelines at the meeting, Metro’s Jody Litvak said she did not know how long each of the recently-built stations took to construct. Schedule Metro presented two different options for each phase of construction. Final scheduling will be decided on after working with the City on details. For advanced utility location, two options were presented: working nights from Sunday-Thursday from 8 p.m.-6 a.m., for 40 hours per week for 12 months. The second option is a daytime option, working Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., for 28 hours per week over 19 months.

Station Box Construction: Initial Excavation and Decking

Soldier Pile Installation

Option 1 for pile installation includes day and night work from MondayFriday from 7 a.m. to midnight, for 80 hours a week over 30 weeks. Option 2 includes Sunday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. work and Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. work for 28 hours a week over 120 weeks. Deck installation is proposed on weekend days and nights, from Friday at 11:59 p.m. to Monday at 6 a.m., for 54 hours a week over a span of 20 weekends. During that time, full street closures will be required, along with a peak hour work exemption and after hours permit. As noted last week in The Courier, Metro has no plans laid out yet on where traffic will be directed during this construction. When questioned at the meeting, Metro reps said traffic detour details remained to be worked out with the City.

Soldier Pile Installation During Metro Red Line Construction In Hollywood (1995). Litvak also said the timing of the closures remains to be determined. Among those in attendance were BHUSD superintendent Gary Woods, councilmember Willie Brien, Andrea Kune, Murray Fischer and former mayors Joe Tilem, Mark Egerman and Allan Alexander.

Wilshire Boulevard


corner of Wilshire/La Cienega and northwest corner of Wilshire/Gale). Crossover tracks will extend the box to the east and there will be a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) removal site at the conclusion of tunneling. Metro representatives described the station stops as anywhere between 800-1000 feet long, 70-feet wide and around 60-feet deep. Station box construction begins with soldier pile installation, an earth-retention technique that retains soil by use of vertical steel piles with horizontal lagging. From there, initial excavation and decking installation begins. Once the concrete decking is installed, site preparation is complete and excavation and construction commences underneath. Exemptions To complete the station construction within its proposed nine-year window, Metro will seek several exemptions from both the cities of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills. At

Phase 1 of Metro’s Purple Line Extension Along Wilshire Boulevard

Fairfa x

WILSHIRE (Continued from page 1)

August 2, 2013 | Page 13



M E D I C I N E , H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S

Egg Freezing Helps Women Have Families ‘When The Time Is Right’ By Marta Waller Gabrielle is a 37-year-old Beverly Hills artist who wants to have a family when the time is right. Recently, she realized her biological clock could run out before she is ready to conceive. Delaying pregnancy until a woman is in her 40s is becoming increasingly common. Women look and feel like they’re 30 until they are close to 50. Celebrities are on magazine covers pregnant in their late 40s, so when a woman of 42 is unable to conceive, she is frustrated and angry. When told she is suffering from age-related infertility, her reaction is stunned disbelief. Cryo-vitrification, or “flash freezing” is the most advanced technology available to freeze

oocytes (eggs), offers young women a way to freeze the biological clock. Southern California Reproductive Center, 450 N. Roxbury Dr. in Beverly Hills, is among the first fertility centers in the area to offer patients an innovative technique that prevents damage to the delicate eggs so they may be successfully thawed later for use in IVF cycles. Gabrielle consulted with fertility specialist Dr. Mark Surrey, medical director of SCRC, “I felt I was taking control of my life,” she says of having her eggs frozen. Only a few years after introducing cryo-vitrification Dr. Surrey says: “we have successful pregnancies, and babies born as

A technician freezing eggs.

those patients return, ready to become pregnant.” The egg is the largest cell in the human body and it contains a great deal of water. Freezing causes the development of ice crystals that can destroy the cell. Cryo-vitrification dehydrates the egg and replacing the water with an organic material that prevents ice crystals from forming. The eggs are then stored in liquid nitrogen at -196°c until the patient is ready to become

pregnant. A woman is born with all her eggs, and her fertility declines as she ages. After 40, the chances of conceiving naturally declines steeply, dropping to only 5 percent by age 45. The chance of birth defects and miscarriage in-creases as a woman ages, therefore freezing eggs while younger reduces this risk. Infertility can be caused by chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Cryo-vitrification of several eggs before cancer treatment begins gives a woman coping with cancer the opportunity to preserve her fertility. SCRC patients receive all treatment under one roof from initial consult with one of the fertility experts to retrieving eggs, and egg storage, for which there is a nominal annual fee.

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(continued from page 5)

ny’s intensive two-week program – for singers and nonsingers alike. This session, which began Monday, culminates in four performances of the opera, a 35-minute piece for children. A June graduate of Beverly Vista, Berkman will start at Los Angeles High School for the Arts in September. She will also be studying voice with Vladimir Chernov in UCLA’s Division of Voice and Opera and continue to give voice recitals and study piano at The Colburn School. Brundibár was originally written for the children of the Jewish orphanage in Prague. With the Nazi takeover of the country, Krása and the Jewish children were sent to the Czech concentration camp, Terezín. The dog is the leader of a pack of animals and teaches the other animals how to sing and perform and save the children's mother. “The dog is like a mother to the other animals, and I’m like a mother to my friends; so I can relate to the role,” Berkman said. At the conclusion of each performance, Ela Weissberger, a survivor of the Terezín concentration camp, will take part in a Q&A with audience members and performers. Berkman has become a friend of Weissberger and dedicated and performed a song in Hebrew for her, now available on YouTube. Students will also take a field trip to the Museum of the Holocaust to learn about the opera’s historical context. Performances are at noon and 2 p.m. both days. Tickets, available now, are free (with a $1 handling fee; four ticket limit per household) . For information, visit


August 2, 2013 | Page 15

In Bullying, Aggressors At High Risk For Trouble In Adulthood Dear Dr. Fran: I saw you a few weeks ago on TV discussing a new study on sibling bullying. As quoted on the show, “the study showed that regardless of whether the aggression was mild or severe, bullied kids had significantly worse mental health than children who were not bullied.” What can parents do to eliminate any mentally unhealthy fighting between siblings? According to the study, sibling bullying can lead to “anger, depression or anxiety” in the child on the receiving end. At what point can natural sibling fights become detrimental psychologically to a child? Madeleine K. A. Dear Madeline: Parents need to keep their eyes and ears wide open for patterns of repetition. An occasional sibling tiff is normal and expected. If, for example, you observe a pattern of your older son pounding on his younger brother that is cause for concern. If your younger daughter constantly teases, belittles, and demeans her older sister about being “fat,” “stupid,” “friendless,” or any other hurtful names that is cause for intervention. These patterns penetrate the receiving child’s selfesteem. This is the focus of

the study. What the study does not address, however, is the extremely negative effect on the bullying sibling. In my vast experience, the aggressor is a higher risk for trouble in adulthood. Aggressors often grow up with an angry chip on their shoulders and may become adults with poor and failed relationships. Both kids suffer. Parents should begin early when the bullying starts and kids are young. The role of mom and dad is to become mediators. Never judge, blame, take sides, or decide who is right or wrong. That can lead to one child feeling like the “good” one while the other one’s identity emerges as the “bad” child. Instead, teach your kids how to take turns talking and listening. When upset everyone has a hard time waiting their turn to express powerful feelings. Help the listener wait and take in her sister’s words. Then, support the child to switch places and tolerate listening and repeating/reflecting what her sibling is saying. This slows the process down and teaches good communication skills, rather than leaping to judgments. It is absolutely natural for siblings to fight. No matter what the object of dispute is, it is always mom’s attention that the children seek. You can

Dr. Fran Walfish Answers Your Questions define attention as favorite, righteousness, and love. Bottom line, children have a hard time sharing the four eyes of their moms and dads. If a sibling gets a bigger piece of cake, the better seat in the car or gets to go first they unconsciously, or automatically, perceive that Mommy likes him better. They will tell you so over and over. Too many parents feel guilty and get caught in that discussion. If after trying the mediation technique you decide the kids need to chill, then, offer them a “cool down” time. Separate the kids and encourage solo play for a while to give the kids a chance to lower the heat on intense emotions and wind down. In a short while the kids can try again. In most families, siblings want to play with each other. There is love, hate, jealousy and rivalry all mixed together. It’s great for parents to play a thinking game in which everyone takes turns going around to pitch a “what if” scenario and ask “how would

you handle it?.” This gives the kids a role-playing opportunity to create and develop vignettes and solutions to sibling and social conflicts. Serve yourself up as referee. Help each child stay within the bounds of imagining the scenario and problem-solving. Also, parents must take an honest look within at how they truly feel about each child. Do you have favorites? Are you equal and fair about dividing your time and attention among the kids? How do you treat your spouse and how does he treat you? This is an important question because children tend to repeat family patterns they observe. Kids also want to identify with the aggressor. The aggressor in a family is perceived as the one who holds power. No one chooses to be weak. True power does come in anger or aggression. Power is being able to feel and hold strong emotions and use restraint. Self-discipline is your goal for each of your sons and daughters, as well as for yourself.

Dr. Fran Walfish–Beverly Hills psychotherapist and author of The Self-Aware Parent at Send questions to

ROXBURY (Continued from page 4)

reputable companies whose products are in a variety of parks nationwide. Staff said final proposals from both companies are expected in August. No decision was made at Tuesday’s meeting as to which plan to move forward with, as the council liaisons opted to wait to see final pricing plans before making any finalized decision. GameTime’s playground equipment is currently installed at La Cienega Park. “I’m not prepared to make any decision. We’ve got two great vendors, let’s explore the financial piece,” Gold said, adding he wanted to see a photoshopped visual of the proposed playground equipment in the current park. There is $425,000 in the approved budget currently to cover the entire playground renovation.

TELEVISION (Continued from page 4)

Headquartered in Jaffa Port, outside Tel Aviv, the station is the creation of Frank Melloul, a former French diplomat and media advisor. Financial backing is coming from Franco-Israeli communications mogul Patrick Drahi, the magazine reports. The channel will not broadcast in Hebrew, Melloul told The New Yorker. It wants to reach an international, not domestic, audience. Melloul reports hiring 160 journalists, many of whom are bilingual Israelis, with others coming from such countries as South Africa, France, Belgium. Melloul’s goal was to “change the point of view about Israel,” and said i24 News did received no government funding and was not state propaganda.

A N O T H E R B I RT H D AY ! ?


Astrology by Holiday Mathis

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. 2). You have a special gift for knowing what people need and want and will use this to make both Brigette Martens Ann Lund Richard Rosenzewig Cliff Waeschle Connie Stevens Richard Anderson John Landis Michael Libow Bonnie Webb friends and money. You’ll come BIRTHDAY GREETINGS—Victor- ia Jackson, Betty Hollingsworth, Polly Holiday and Peter O’Toole (Aug. 2); Tony Bennett, Tom Brady, John out of September with an entirely Landis and Martin Sheen (Aug. 3); Cliff Waeschle, Bonnie Webb, Jeff Gordon, Barack Obama and Gil Garcetti (Aug. 4); Brigitte Martens, updated identity. November is Marilyn Heller, Loni Anderson, Neil Armstrong, John Saxon and Erika Slezak (Aug. 5); Dodo Gayle and Dorian Harewood (Aug. 6); Norman Beck, your chance at a prize you’ve Michael Libow, Charlize Theron, David Duchovny, Laura Cantrell, Stan Freberg and Mickey Kantor (Aug. 7); Richard Anderson, Keith Carradine, long had your eye on. January and February are the most Dustin Hoffman, Richard Rosenzweig, Connie Stevens, Mel Tillis, Peter Weir, and Ann Lund (Aug. 8). romantic. Capricorn and ‘YESSSS!’ INDEED– Sagittarius adore you. Patrons of the MuseLEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The things um of Contemporary you think you will need are much Arts’ annual gala different from the things you will “YESSSS!” hosted a actually need. It may feel as star-studded guest though you’ve been packing all Patrons of the Museum of Contemporary Art turned out 650list. Pictured (left): are wrong for this journey called life. Ari and Sarah strong for its star-studded annual gala, “YESSSS!,”which grossed VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). If you Emanuel; (below, from catch a tiger by the tail, will it eat $2.5 million. This came on the heels of the board of trustees’ anleft): actor Owen you? Or will it see you as more of nouncement it has received commitments which raises the value Wilson, Swiss artist an annoyance than a threat and of the endowment to $75 million toward the goal of boosting it to Urs Fischer, and gala merely snarl to scare you off? an initial $100 million. co-chair Maria Arena Today, much depends on the Bell. Photos by Billy The gala celebrated the opening of the inaugural retrospective degree of risk you’re willing to Farrell take. of works by Swiss-born Urs Fischer, the first time an exhibition by LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Many a living artist has been presented at both MOCA Grand Avenue who have achieved in the highest and The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA. ranks can’t say they are The event was envisioned with creative direction by artist Rob happy–something to consider Pruitt as a “culture” or “power” clash of mismatched ideas, comwhen you’re choosing what to want. Striving won’t bring profit. plementing Fischer’s propensity to bridge the banal and the fanTo be content with where you are tastical through unexpected combinations. The collage-style is the greatest satisfaction there evening mash up, where nothing worked with anything and is. everything had its place, began with a private preview of the FisSCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). cher exhibition, a reception with cocktails provided by Russian The day requires you to be both Standard vodka and a special performance by L.A.’s “No Age” pieces included bong vases with hemp, Rob Pruitt napkins cov- decisive and committed. As band. After previewing the exhibition at Grand Avenue, guests ered in seemingly drug-induced doodles and waiters wearing t- Homer said in the Odyssey: “The boarded shuttles presenting a video by artist Cheech Marin giving shirts with phrases from a poem by artist Marc Hundley, that when minds of the everlasting gods are not changed suddenly.” an impromptu pottery lesson filmed while he was making clay taken together said: “Amazing things/Are happening/In this SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. sculptures for the exhibition, as they headed to The Geffen Con- world.” 21). You’ll be in charge of leading Video projections streamed across the walls over the course people and teaching them, but temporary at MOCA for dinner and performances and a continuing preview of Fischer’s expansive sculpture installation present- of the evening, alternating between images of the latest YouTube really you will just be helping ing thousands of clay works made by the artist with the help of sensations, Internet cat memes, how-to videos, deep sea crea- them find something that was tures, wild life documentaries, and a “Wolfgang-Puck-making- already inside themselves. 1,500 people in L.A. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The Geffen building was transformed by a variety of incon- dinner” video. Festivities continued with Renaissance Faire char- Communication devices will be acters in costume, a goat petting zoo, and a giant panda directing gruous, fantastical and absurd images. Guests donned Hawaiian used to help us get around, meet leis, at Italian trattoria-style tables covered in red and white the way to the restrooms. Guests had their pick between the taffy and connect. Bonus: They can checkered table cloths with Chianti bottle drip candles. Center- making area, a goat milk creamery, and an old-fashioned cotton also be used to gather a multitude of needless details from discandy machine. During the Parisian Bistro-style dinner by Wolfgang Puck tant places and bring them to clutter up the place where we Catering, USC’s Trojan Band marched around the room and be- are. tween the many tables... guests were clapping and cheering. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It’s During the dinner, there were musical performances by Mark time to check in with your variMothersbaugh and pop superstars The Go-Go’s with Belinda ous relationships. You'll be setCarlisle... Also stand up and comedy appearances by Nick Kroll, ting things right in the social balYou’ll pass on a favor or Kumail Nanjiani and soap star Steven Nichols... and an after par- ance. return it. You’ll issue invites ty with performances by Jennifer Herrema and Black Bananas, where due or overdue. and comedian Rory Scovel... PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20). You Making it all happen were gala chairs Maria Arena Bell and have more kindred spirits in the Eli Broad; honorary gala chairs Stephanie and Peter Brant, Ariel world than you would have Proof of this will be in and Sarah Emanuel, Larry Gagosian, Eugenio Lopez, Maurice thought. the eyes of someone you meet Marciano and Peter Morton; dinner chairs NancyJane and Mark today. There will be a glimmer of Goldston, Carolyn Powers, Lilly Tartikoff Karatz and Bruce Karatz; recognition upon first meeting. honorary co-chairs Dan Aloni, Jim Berkus, Irving and Jackie Blum, ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19). SomeEva and Michael Chow, Mandy and Cliff Einstein, Suzanne and times opposition comes from the globe, and sometimes David Johnson, Amalia Dayan and Adam Lindemann, Margaret across you are nose-to-nose with it. and Dan Loeb, Rosette Delug, Dallas Price-Van Breda and Bob Today’s opposition is but a step Van Breda, Steven Roth and Kaayla Cevan, Carla and Fred Sands, from you. If you change direction Catharine Soros, Elham and Tony Salame, Darren Star, Maria Se- for a moment, you’ll be right in ferian, Benjamin and Jennifer Silverman, Pamela Skaist-Levy and line with it. Jefery Levy, Lauren Taschen together with MOCA Trustees Chip TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20). Because you love yourself, you’ll do Conlan, Laurent Degryse, Susan and David Gersh, Michael Har- the things that are good for you rison, Audrey Irmas, Steven Mnuchin, Sutton Stracke, and Orna and be a role model for others. Everything falls in line from there. Amir Wolens. So dare to love yourself. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Visualization works, especially with the brilliant intellectual vibration you’re buzzing along today. You’ll mentally revel in the sparkling details then hop to your feet and actually do something about these dreams. CANCER (June 22-July 22). There 310.275.0579 • 434 N. CANON DRIVE will be moments to remind you of something you’ve been missMON. - THURS. 11:30 AM - 10:00 PM ing from relationships–something FRI. & SAT. 12:00 AM - 10:00 PM you didn’t even realize you needed or wanted, but your feelings I TA L I A N R E S TA U R A N T will tell you otherwise.

Joan Mangum


August 2, 2013 | Page 17

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Page 18 | August 2, 2013 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. 09-0153880 Doc ID #000853313882005N Title Order No. 09-8467881 Investor/Insurer No. 085331388 APN No. 4385-024-009 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 11/30/2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by MARTIN LIPSIC AND JANE LIPSIC, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS, dated 11/30/2004 and recorded 12/7/2004, as Instrument No. 04 3155583, in Book N/A, Page N/A, of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, will sell on 09/05/2013 at 9:00AM, Doubletree Hotel Los AngelesNorwalk, 13111 Sycamore Drive, Norwalk, CA 90650, Vineyard Ballroom at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said

County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 9662 WENDOVER DRIVE, BEVERLY HILLS, CA, 90210. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $1,707,316.93. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier's checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an ''AS IS'' condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereun-

der, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on a property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder's office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER The sale date shown on this notice

of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 1-800-281-8219 or visit this Internet Web site, using the file number assigned to this case TS No. 09-0153880. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. DATED: 01/31/2010 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-91401-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: (800) 281 8219, Sale Information (626) 927-4399 By: Trustee's Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. A-4405106 08/02/2013, 08/09/2013, 08/16/2013

ARTFUL THINKING By Tracy Bennett / Edited by Will Shortz







Across 1 Whammy

54 Daughter of James II

5 Where les enfants might play

5 5 W h e r e t h e r e ’s Wi - F i availability

9 Rendered speechless

57 Get ready to drive

15 Female lobsters

60 Former six-term senator from Indiana

19 Every which way 20 Subject for a mariachi band


21 Insubstantial

61 More yang than yin: A b b r.

2 2 L i k e Vo l d e m o r t

62 Monetary bribes, in slang

2 3 A r t i s t ’s f a v o r i t e spiritual?

64 What a star probably has

26 Ablution, e.g.

65 N.R.A. piece?: A b b r.

2 7 F i r e f i g h t e r ’s n e e d , maybe 28 Summer Olympics host after London 29 ___ vu 30 Food item a cook might flip 32 Prescription pain medication 35 Nos. in a directory 37 Look for 38 Several, in Seville 40 Cool with what others are doing 42 Go (for) 43 Christmas song line from an artist? 47 Batman villain 51 What Mississippi cheerleaders ask for a lot 52 How you might do something gross 53 Cagney or Lacey: A b b r.

For any three answers, call from a touch-tone phone: 1-900-285-5656, ANSWERS FOUND $1.49 IN eachNEXT minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800WEEK’S PAPER… 814-5554.

6 8 A r t i s t ’s f a v o r i t e Broadway musical? 70 Revival meeting miracles 71 ___ Zulu (warrior d u b b e d A f r i c a ’s Napoleon)

99 Cuts some slack

11 To p p e r

103 “Zero Dark Thirty” locale

12 Ancient

1 0 5 C a s t a w a y ’s construction 107 Rough position? 108 Sedona maker 111 T h e R o m a n w a y 11 2 H o w t h e e x p e r t artist passed her exam? 11 6 “ T h e C o s b y S h o w ” boy 11 7 L a s t w o r d i n t h e To r a h 11 8 R a i n m a n ? 11 9 I n c l i n a t i o n 120___ Club 121 River that “sweats o i l a n d t a r ” i n T. S . E l i o t ’s “ T h e Wa s t e Land”

72 Atlantean superhero of DC Comics

122 Predoctoral tests, for short

73 ___ Field

123 Approximately

75 Defrocked villain on “ B u ff y t h e Va m p i r e Slayer” 7 6 Vi s t a o p e n e r ? 77 Roman of film 81 Michigan college 82 ___ generis 8 3 P a r t o f a n u m p i r e ’s count 86 Put in writing 87 Parts of an orrery 8 9 A r t i s t ’s e x p r e s s i o n for “Such is life”? 92 Easter purchase 9 3 Wo r t h a l l t h e h y p e , as a film













S O C L L D ¢ F P F A R S I C S A P S U I L C A




A G P I E C O R N S T O ¢ K S S C I E J E N S S A P E C O M C K I E R R A N G E E S T A S T S S B A D P O R E O R N I N N E D A Y S S R P S A L M E R T I E C O $ T S O N E A M G R S


















70 73




83 89












26 30















C O P Z A Z Z Y I T P O S I P A T C F R R $ A Y S M E C E S A N L T N Y C M B A P E S H A T O M E




















100 101 102

105 106




108 109 110












39 Little muchacho

4 Certain Jaguar

10 Bronze






45 First chimp to orbit Earth

98 Finger



36 Before, poetically

44 Pay to cross town, maybe

9 5 “ Ts k ! ”



3 Like old unrecyclable bottles

8 B u ff e t c a b i n e t



34 What Morehouse College lacks

42 Liz of “Garfield,” e.g.

9 K e y o f S c h u b e r t ’s “ Tr o u t ” Q u i n t e t : A b b r.

94 Snorkeling aids

33 “Laborare ___ orare” (Freemasons’ motto)

2 W h a t ’s b i g a t t h e movies?

7 S o u t h K o r e a ’s _ _ _ Ta e Wo o


1 7 C a p o n e ’s t o p henchman

31 Reposed


C A A M $ N H E O S N I H A A C N S D D B I O S T M T A O Y M S L ¢ K N I E A



2 5 P a r t y h o s t ’s convenience




24 Flawed, as mdse.



16 “On This Night of a Thousand Stars” musical

1 8 Wi n t r y m i x




41 What the tipsy artist had at the bar?

6 Playground retort



1 Ta t o o i n e r a c e i n t h e “ S t a r Wa r s ” s a g a

5 Pre-exam feeling, maybe

24 28

1 5 A r t i s t ’s l i n e o f weary resignation?

38 Home of Kings Peak Down

23 27


07/26/13 ISSUE


13 Patchwork quilts have lots of them 14 “Good point”


46 Pay to cross town, maybe 47 Pop icon? 48 “The Odd Couple” role 49 Daft

56 What the artist confused people with?

66 “Congress ___ make no law …”

8 8 Wa t c h f u l o n e s ?

67 Actress Hayek 69 Prefix with poise

9 0 A c c e s s c h a rg e , o f a sort

101 Some templegoers

58 Norse source for Loki lore

7 4 P a i n a n d s u ff e r i n g

91 Debatable sighting

104 Birdbrain

59 Dash

77 “Gay” capital

9 3 Wo r d s t o l i v e b y

106 “___ fair …”

6 0 D a i r y c o n s u m e r ’s enzyme

78 Summer lawn sight

95 Blurts (out)

7 9 N e w J e r s e y ’s _ _ _ University

96 ___ yoga

109 Discoveries of Michael Faraday

62 Erotic

8 0 Q B m i s t a k e s : A b b r.

50 “Phooey!”

63 Good wife in “The Good Earth”

5 3 G a u n t l e t t h r o w e r ’s challenge

6 5 O rg . p r o t e c t i n g music copyrights

8 4 Tu r n t o b o n e

82 Holy mlle. 8 5 A p i a r i s t ’s w o e

89 Holy city of Iran

97 Arabic name meaning “wise” 98 J. Carrol ___, Oscar nominee for “Sahara”

1 0 0 P h y c o l o g i s t ’s study 102 Pro vote

11 0 R e g a r d i n g 11 3 E a s t e r p u r c h a s e 11 4 _ _ _ ’ e a s t e r 11 5 “ B o a r d w a l k Empire” network



NOTICE TO BIDDERS for the 2013-2014 “ON-CALL PAVING SPOT REPAIRS” AND SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APPROACH SPOT REPAIRS within the Cities of BEVERLY HILLS AND WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA ooooo BIDS - Sealed proposals for the 2013-2014 “ON-CALL PAVING SPOT REPAIRS” AND SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APPROACH SPOT REPAIRS within the Cities of Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, California, will be received up to the hour of 2:00 p.m., on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at the office of the City Clerk of said City, located in Room 290 at 455 North Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, California. Bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 p.m. on the above-mentioned date in the office of the City Clerk of said City Hall and award of the contract will be made during a subsequent meeting of the City Council. SCOPE OF THE WORK - The work to be done shall consist of furnishing all the required labor, materials, equipment, parts, implements, supplies and permits necessary for, or appurtenant to, the construction and completion of the project indicated above in accordance with Standard Drawings and the Specifications prepared for this project. In general terms, the contract work for this project shall consist of the following items of work: ITEM NO.













































ITEM DESCRIPTION On-Call depth: 6” AC on On-CallAsphalt Asphalt Pavement Pavement spot repairs – full depth: 6” onCAB 4” min. CAB withinand COBH 4”AC min. within COBH WHoand WHo Sidewalk Replace (Related Sidewalkspot spotrepairs repairs”, ”,Remove Removeand and Replace (Related to to “On-Call Pavement Spot Repairs”) withinCOBH COBHand andWHo WHo “On-Call Pavement Spot Repairs”) within Remove 8” curb w/24”w/24” min. wide Removeand andReplace Replace 8” curb min.gutter wide gutter (Related (Relatedto to“On-Call “On-Call Pavement Pavement Spot Spot Repairs”) Repairs”) within within COBH COBH and WHo and WHo On-Call depth: 6” 6” conOn-CallConcrete Concrete Pavement Pavement spot spot repairs – full depth: concrete 4” min. CAB within COBH WHo crete on on 4” min. CAB within COBH andand WHo Adjust Adjustwater watervalve valvebox boxcover covertotograde grade(Related (Relatedtoto“On“On-Call Call Pavement Repairs”) within COBH Pavement SpotSpot Repairs”) within COBH and and WHoWHo Adjust boxbox to grade (Related to “On-Call Adjustwater watermeter meter to grade (Related to “On-Call Pavement PavementSpot SpotRepairs”) Repairs”)within withinCOBH COBHand andWHo WHo Adjust to grade Adjustcity-owned city-ownedsewer/stormdrain sewer/stormdrainmanhole manhole to grade (Related (Relatedto to“On-Call “On-Call Pavement Pavement Spot Spot Repairs”) Repairs”) within within COBH COBH and WHo and WHo Remove Removeand andReplace Replace 8” 8”Curb Curb w/24” w/24”min. min.wide wide Gutter Gutter at at 682 682 Locations s/o SMBN (within COBH) Locations s/o SMBN (within COBH) Remove Removeand and Replace Replace Sidewalk Sidewalk at at 605 Locations s/o SMBN SMBN (within(within COBH)COBH) Remove Driveway Approach Removeand andReplace ReplaceResidential Residential Driveway Approach s/o s/o SMBN (within COBH) SMBN (within COBH) Remove Removeand andReplace ReplaceNon-Residential Non-ResidentialDriveway Driveway Approach Approach SMBN (within COBH) s/o SMBNs/o (within COBH) Sidewalk SidewalkSpot SpotRepair, Repair,Repair RepairofofTrip TripHazards Hazardsfrom from1/4” 1/4” up up 1/2” SMBN (within COBH) to to 1/2” s/os/o SMBN (within COBH) Sidewalk SidewalkSpot SpotRepair, Repair,Repair RepairofofTrip TripHazards Hazardsfrom from5/8” 5/8” up up SMBN (within COBH) to to 1” 1” s/os/o SMBN (within COBH) Sidewalk SidewalkSpot Spot Repair, Repair, Repair Repair of of Trip Trip Hazards from 1 1/8” up up 2 1/2” SMBN (within COBH) to to 2 1/2” s/os/o SMBN (within COBH)

Copies of the Specifications and Proposal Form may be inspected and obtained at the office of the City Engineer, 345 Foothill Road, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 . There is no charge or deposit required for this material; therefore, they are not to be returned to the City for refund. Each bidder shall furnish the City, the name, address, and telephone number of the firm requesting Specifications. References in the project specifications to specific sections of the Standard Specifications refer to the book of "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction”, 2012 Edition, written by a Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Association and Southern California District of the Associated General Contractors of California ( GreenBook ). Contractors wishing to obtain this book may purchase copies directly from the publisher, Building News, Inc., 1612 South Clementine Street, Anaheim, CA, 92802. There is no charge or deposit for the other items listed above. AMENDMENTS - The "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction”, 2012 Edition is amended as follow: 1)

The following is in addition to the provisions of Section 2-9.1 of the GreenBook:

The Contractor is required to locate and tie out survey monuments in the project area prior to construction involving street and highways, and to file with the County Surveyor a Corner Record of any such work. Prior to the issuance of a completion certificate, the Contractor is required to file a Corner Record for survey monumentation that is replaced. All such survey work shall be performed under the supervision of a California licensed Land Surveyor or a Civil Engineer authorized to perform such work. The Contractor shall provide the City a copy of the office calculations and documents submitted to the County for filing in connection with the aforementioned work. The payment for surveying, related professional services, permit processing, office calculations, and furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals, and for doing work involved shall be considered as included in the various items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore.

a) Labor b) Materials c) Tools & Equipment Rental d) Other Items

August 2, 2013 | Page 19 20% 15% 15% 15%

3- Work by Subcontractor. When any of the extra work is performed by a Subcontractor, the markup established in 3- shall be applied to the Subcontractor’s costs as determined under 3-3.2.2 . An allowance for the Contractor’s overhead and profit shall be added to the sum of the Subcontractor’s costs and markup and shall constitute the full and complete markup for all overhead and profit for the Contractor on work by the Subcontractor. For Contractor markup of Subcontractor’s costs, the allowance shall be 10% on the first $2,000 or portion thereof, and 5% on costs in excess of $2,000. 5) The first paragraph of Section 6-9 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES shall be replaced by the following: Failure of the Contractor to complete the Work within the time allowed will result in damages being sustained by the Agency. Such damages are, and will continue to be, impracticable and extremely difficult to determine. For each consecutive calendar day in excess of the time specified for completion of the Work, as adjusted in accordance with 6-6, the Contractor shall pay to the Agency, or have withheld from monies due it, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). PREVAILING WAGES - In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 et seq ., of the Labor Code, the Director of the Industrial Relations of the State of California has determined the general prevailing rate of wages applicable to the work to be done. The Contractor will be required to pay to all workers employed on the project sums not less than the sums set forth in the documents entitled "General Prevailing Wage Determination made by the Director of Industrial Relations pursuant to California Labor Code Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, Sections 1770, 1773, 1773.1" . A copy of said documents is on file and may be inspected in the office of the City Engineer, located in 345 Foothill Road, Beverly Hills, California 90210 . Attention is directed to the provisions of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. The Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of said sections in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards and administration of the apprenticeship program may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. PAYROLL RECORDS - The Contractor's attention is directed to Section 1776 of the Labor Code, relating to accurate payroll records, which imposes responsibility upon the Contractor for the maintenance, certification, and availability for inspection of such records for all persons employed by the Contractor or by the Subcontractors in connection with the project. The Contractor shall agree through the Contract to comply with this section and the remaining provisions of the Labor Code. INSURANCE AND BOND REQUIREMENTS - The Contractor shall provide insurance in accordance with Section 3-13 of the City of Beverly Hills, Public Works Department, Standard Contractual Requirements, included as part of these Specifications. In addition, the Contractor shall guarantee all work against defective workmanship and materials furnished by the Contractor for a period of one (1) year from the date the work was accepted in accordance with Section 2-11 of the Standard Contractual Requirements. The Contractor's sureties for the "Performance Bond" shall be liable for any work that the Contractor fails to replace within a specified time. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - Bids must be submitted on the Proposal Form prepared for this project and shall be delivered at the office of the City Clerk within a sealed envelope supplied by the City and marked on the outside as follows: “2013-2014 "ONCALL PAVING SPOT REPAIRS” AND SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APPROACH SPOT REPAIRS." THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY BID OR ALL THE BIDS AND TO WAIVE ANY INFORMALITY OR IRREGULARITY IN ANY BID, BUT IF THE BIDS ARE ACCEPTED, THE CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT WILL BE LET TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE PROJECT AS A WHOLE.

2) The second paragraph of Section 3-2.2.1 “Contract Unit Prices”, of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction is deleted. 3) The first paragraph of Section 3- shall be changed as follows: 3- Labor. The costs of labor will be the actual cost for wages of workers performing the extra work at the time the extra work is done, plus the employer payments of payroll taxes, health and welfare, pension, vacation, apprenticeship funds, and other direct costs, resulting from Federal, State, or local laws, as well as assessments or benefits required by collective bargaining agreements. 4) Section 3-3.2.3 Markup shall be replaced by the following: 3- Work by Contractor. An allowance for overhead and profit shall be added to the Contractor’s cost as determined under 3-3.2.2 and shall constitute the full and complete markup for all overhead and profit on extra work performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be compensated for the actual increase in the Contractor’s bond premium caused by the extra work. For costs determined under each subsection in 3-3.2.2, the markup shall be:


The Beverly Hills Courier reserves the right to refuse the publishing of any advertisement and to delete any objectionable word(s) or phrase(s). Submission of an advertisement to a Beverly Hills Courier salesperson does not represent an agreement by the Beverly Hills Courier to print the advertisement. The Beverly Hills Courier will not be liable for failure t o p u b l i s h a n a d v e r t i s e ment as requested. If there is an error or an omission in the printing or the publication of an advertisement, the liability of the Beverly Hills Courier shall be limited to a maximum of the cost of the incorrect advertisement or the reprinting of the correct advertisement. The Beverly Hills Courier, under no circumstances, shall be liable for other damages. The Beverly Hills Courier will not accept any cancellations or changes to a classified ad/ads after 12:00 PM Wednesday, and display ads after 5:00 PM Tuesday of that requested week of publication. Legal notices already published once is 10 days prior to publication date. We will reserve one major change to a classified ad running on a five-week term. Changes in addition to the one alteration will incur a minimal charge of $3.00 per change.

For additional policies on advertising, please contact the Beverly Hills Courier at: (310) 278-1322.

Page 20 | August 2, 2013 ORDINANCE NO. 13-O-2643 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS AMENDING SECTION 10-3-3107 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR ROOFTOP USES. WHEREAS, on March 14, 2013 the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the development standards for rooftop uses approved pursuant to a Development Plan Review as set forth in the Beverly Hills Municipal Code and recommended that the City Council approve the proposed amendment. WHEREAS, on July 2, 2013, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing to consider proposed amendments to the development standards for rooftop uses approved pursuant to a Development Plan Review and introduced the Ordinance. WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and concludes that the Amendment has been environmentally reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Sections 21000, et seq.(“CEQA”), the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Sections 15000, et seq.), and the City’s Local CEQA Guidelines (hereafter the “Guidelines”), and that the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to the Class 5 Categorical Exemption (Section 15305 of the Guidelines) which exempts minor alterations in land use limitations from CEQA’s requirements. The Class 5 exemption is applicable because the ordinance would not result in any changes in land use, density, or building height. Further, any approval of a Development Plan Review for rooftop uses is subject to discretionary review and analysis on a case-bycase basis by the Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:

“10-3-3107: ROOFTOP use fees shall be USES: charged for the use of the rooftop facilities. A. Notwithstanding any provisions to the 8. The additional contrary contained in structure permitted purthis title, the planning suant to this article shall commission may permit, be set back from the pursuant to the develop- property line or from the ment plan review proce- required setback line dure contained in this immediately adjacent article and subject to the thereto, whichever is the restrictions set forth in more restrictive, so that this subsection, devel- a forty five degree (45°) opment in the C-3, C-R, angle to such line is not C-3A, and C-3B zones intersected. to exceed height, story and density limitations 9. Notwithstanding otherwise applicable to the provisions of subthe development in section A8 of this secorder to permit the tion, unenclosed archiestablishment of rooftop tectural features (i) gymnasiums, (ii) approved pursuant to lunchrooms and struc- this section may intertures or uses ancillary to sect a forty five degree such lunchrooms, and (45°) angle to the verti(iii) unenclosed architec- cal plane of the nearest tural features that are outside wall if the not otherwise excluded Planning Commission from the definition of finds that such features “height of building” in are architecturally comsection 10-3-100 of this patible with the building chapter, provided that and will not adversely as to any such rooftop impact the building’s structures or uses: scale and massing. In addition, any other addi1. The planning tional structure commission makes the approved pursuant to findings set forth in sec- this section may intertion 10-3-3104 of this sect a forty five degree chapter regarding the (45°) angle to the vertirooftop use. cal plane of the nearest outside wall provided 2. The additional that the exterior wall of height above the maxi- the additional structure mum height limit other- permitted is constructed wise applicable to the in the same plane as the development will not exterior wall of the floor exceed fifteen feet (15'). below and the additional Furthermore, in no structure will not exceed event shall the distance the applicable maximum between the floor and allowable height otherceiling of the gymnasi- wise permitted by more um or lunchroom and than forty five inches structures or uses ancil- (45"). lary to such lunchroom exceed fifteen feet (15'). 10. Notwithstanding the provisions in the def3. The total floor inition of "height of buildarea of the development ing" in section 10-3-100 shall not exceed the of this chapter permitmaximum allowable ting certain elements to floor area otherwise be located above maxiapplicable to the devel- mum height limits, only opment by more than those elements required three thousand five hun- by law to project above dred (3,500) square feet the roof deck shall be or fifty percent (50%) of permitted to exceed the the total area of the fifteen foot (15') height story immediately below limit of the structure the rooftop use, enclosing the rooftop whichever is less. use permitted hereby. 4. No food service, other than vending machines, shall be provided in connection with the rooftop use.

Section 2. The City Council hereby approves this Ordinance and authorizes the Mayor to execute the Ordinance on behalf of 5. The subject the City. structure provides not less than the minimum Section 3. Publication. number of parking The City Clerk shall spaces required by this cause this Ordinance to section as of the date be published at least when building permits once in a newspaper of for the structure were general circulation pubissued. In addition, two lished and circulated in (2) parking spaces shall the City within fifteen be provided for any (15) days after its pasrooftop gymnasium. sage in accordance with Section 36933 of the 6. Unless author- Government Code, shall ized by the Planning certify to the adoption of Commission as part of this Ordinance and shall the Development Plan cause this Ordinance Review, only persons and his certification, who work in the building together with proof of or are registered hotel publication, to be guests will be permit- entered in the Book of ted to use the rooftop Ordinances of the facilities. Council of this City.”

Section 1. Subsection A of Section 10-3-3107 (Rooftop Uses) of Article 31 of Chapter 3 of Title 10 of the Beverly Hills Municipal Code is amended to read as follows with all other portions of Section 10-33107 remaining in effect without amendment: 7.



No admittance or Section



Date. This Ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after its passage. Adopted: July 16, 2013 Effective: August 16, 2013 JOHN A. MIRISCH Mayor of the City of Beverly Hills, California ATTEST: BYRON POPE (SEAL) City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: LAURENCE S.WIENER City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JEFFREY C. KOLIN City Manager SUSAN HEALY KEENE Director of Community Development VOTE: AYES: Councilmembers Krasne, Gold, Brien and Mayor Mirisch NOES: None ABSENT: Vice Mayor Bosse CARRIED ––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013137790 The following is/are doing business as: STYLE VOUS PLAIT 268 S. Van Ness Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90004; Kathy LaValle 2224 Fox Hills Dr. #301, Los Angeles, CA 90064; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein January 01, 2013: Kathy LaValle: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 02, 2013; Published: July 12, 19, 26, August 02, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140448 The following is/are doing business as: 1) ALTERNATIVES ADDICTION TREATMENT 2) ALTERNATIVES 3) ALTERNATIVES BRAIN INSTITUTE 226 S. Beverly Dr. #225, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Alternatives Behavioral Health, LLC 226 S. Beverly Dr. #225, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein May 17, 2013: Adi Jaffe, Member/Executive Director: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140442 The following is/are doing business as: 1) GERALD DAVID BAUMAN 2) NOBLE SHIELD 9013-1/2 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood, CA 90069; A Box Of Rocks, Inc. 9013-1/2 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood, CA 90069; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein May 28, 2013: Gerald David Bauman, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140468 The following is/are doing business as: BABY BOOT CAMP LOS ANGELES (RANCHO PARK-BEVERLY HILLS) 269 S. Beverly Dr. #365, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Lauren Bendixen 269 S. Beverly Dr. #365, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein July 01, 2013: Lauren Bendixen: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July

08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140474 The following is/are doing business as: SIMI VALLEY LOS ANGELES CENTER 12121 Wilshire Blvd. #602, Los Angeles, CA 90025; Wyoming Partners LLC 12121 Wilshire Blvd. #602, Los Angeles, CA 90025; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Hooshang Namvar, Manager: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140476 The following is/are doing business as: M K ENTERTAINMENT 8306 Wilshire Blvd. #1535, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; Megan J. Kaspar 8306 Wilshire Blvd. #1535, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Megan Kaspar: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140477 The following is/are doing business as: 1) FMS EVENT ACCOUNT 2) FCG EVENT ACCOUNT 3) APOST EVENT ACCOUNT 4) AFE EVENT ACCOUNT 5) POLICE CHARITY EVENT ACCOUNT 6) FIRE FIGHTERS EVENT ACCOUNT 7) SHERIFF CHARITY EVENT ACCOUNT 8) CRIME STOPPERS CHARITY EVENT ACCOUNT 264 S. La Cienega Blvd. #1072, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; Entertainment MD Sports Events & P.R. Inc. 264 S. La Cienega Blvd. #1072, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein March 2008: Gary Greene, Director: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140500 The following is/are doing business as: SAPPHIRE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES 215 S. Doheny Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90211; Grace Imamura 215 S. Doheny Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90211; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Grace Imamura: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140499 The following is/are doing business as: 1) PIX 4 NET 2) PROD TV-NET 902 S. Wooster St., Los Angeles, CA 90035; Zaba Chic, Inc. 902 S. Wooster St., Los Angeles, CA 90035; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Frank Perez, Owner: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140492 The following is/are doing business as: AUGUST 6527 Olympic Place, Los Angeles, CA 90035; The Third Floor Productions, Inc. 6527 Olympic Place, Los Angeles, CA 90035; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein July 01, 2013: William Hermsen, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013140490 The

following is/are doing business as: OAXACA HAULING & TRASH 1524 2nd Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019; Crispin Pedro 1524 2nd Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein June 03, 2013: Crispin Pedro: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 08, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013133701 The following is/are doing business as: 1) LA VAPE 2) ECHO VAPE 3) ECHO PARK VAPE 4) ECHO PARK VAPOR 5) ECHO VAPOR 6) LA VAPOR LOUNGE 7) LA VAPORIUM 1166 Glendale Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026; Dave Nelson 657-D LaVeta Terrace, Los Angeles, CA 90026; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Dave Nelson: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: June 26, 2013; Published: July 19, 26, August 02, 09, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013141727 The following is/are doing business as: DIART INTERIORS 447 N. Doheny Dr. #403, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; Diana B. Greenberg 447 N. Doheny Dr. #403, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Diana B. Greenberg: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 09, 2013; Published: July 26, August 02, 09, 16, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013152762 The following is/are doing business as: 1) BEST SENIOR CARE 2) ANGELS ON CALL SENIOR CARE 10366 Northvale Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90064; Kensongin, Inc. 10366 Northvale Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90064; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Sony Alonso, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 23, 2013; Published: August 02, 09, 16, 23, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013148330 The following is/are doing business as: BK VANTAGE 3932 Wilshire Blvd. #100, Los Angeles, CA 90010; Brent Ryan Kaplan 3932 Wilshire Blvd. #100, Los Angeles, CA 90010; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Brent R. Kaplan: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 23, 2013; Published: August 02, 09, 16, 23, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013148395 The following is/are doing business as: ARTIST’S DREAM 264 S. La Cienega Blvd. #536, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; Michelle D. Reese 264 S. La Cienega Blvd. #536, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Michelle D. Reese: Statement is

filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 23, 2013; Published: August 02, 09, 16, 23, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013148399 The following is/are doing business as: 1) WALLY’S 2) WALLY’S WINE STORAGE 3) WALLY’S WINE 4) WALLY’S WINES 5) WALLY’S CHEESE BOX 6) CHEESE BOX 2107 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025; Southwest Wine & Spirits LLC 2107 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein June 22, 2013: Christian Navarro, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 23, 2013; Published: August 02, 09, 16, 23, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013148404 The following is/are doing business as: 1) WALLY’S WINE AUCTION 2) WALLY’S AUCTION 2107 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025; Wally’s Auction House LLC 2107 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Christian Navarro, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 23, 2013; Published: August 02, 09, 16, 23, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013148411 The following is/are doing business as: 1) CORNUCOPIA CATERERS 2) THE KITCHEN AT CONSTELLATION 16015 Arminta St., Van Nuys, CA 91406; Quincy’s BBQ, Inc. 10359 Rochester Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024; The business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, registrant(s) has begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein January 15, 2011: Elliot Mahn, President: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 23, 2013; Published: August 02, 09, 16, 23, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013148421 The following is/are doing business as: TRATTORIA NATALIE 8681 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035; Gourmandise Paris, inc. 8681 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Leslie Sultan, Managing Member: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 23, 2013; Published: August 02, 09, 16, 23, 2013 LACC N/C –––––– FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2013148430 The following is/are doing business as: 26 RESTAURANT 8657 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035; Gourmandise Paris, inc. 8657 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035; The business is conducted by: A CORPORATION, registrant(s) has NOT begun to transact business under the name(s) listed herein: Leslie Sultan, Managing Member: Statement is filed with the County of Los Angeles: July 23, 2013; Published: August 02, 09, 16, 23, 2013 LACC N/C

NOTICE— Fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14400, et seq., Business and Professions Code).


August 2, 2013 | Page 21








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Private Exit Approx. 2500 sq ft Next door to Beverly Hills Call Benny

WILSHIRE BLVD 12% - 15% A n n u a l R e t u r n RETAIL FRONTAGE GUARANTEED & SMALL OFFICE C AR T ITLE L OAN *** SUITES *** 310.843.0411 COMPANY LOOKING NO NNN FOR CAPITAL . All Utilities Included. Secured Loan. Must Lease Now! www. Interest P a i d M o n t h l y. 213/407-4767

Call 310/237-2977 or 713/266-1444

all listings are on

This Weeks Listings CENTURY PARK EAST 2 BEDROOM / 2 BATH $625,000

Designed for Luxury. Total Renovation. Open Kitchen Stone Counters. Hardwood Floors Unobstructed City Views 2 Large Balconies


2 BEDROOM / 2 BATH $625000 Leased Investment Income $3,000/month Renovated Kitchen & Baths






• BEL AIR • Private Guest Wing

427 Montana Ave.

Storage Space Av a i l a b l e for Rent. Close to Beach . 310/394-7132

Large Balcony. Quiet Location Tree Top Views. Real Hardwood Floors. Granite Counters


Luxurious Baths.


TV & Stereo Sound

Private Office Suite at 9595 Wilshire Bl.


Heated Pools, Sundeck, Tennis, Doorman, Houseman, Gardens & Lawns, Security Staff, Switchboard, Saunas, Business Center CENTURY PARK EAST CENTURY TOWERS PARK PLACE CENTURY HILL LE PARC CENTURY WOODS For Lease See our Ad Sec. 440

* * * * * * Bdrm.+Ba.+Bonus Rm. Furnished, 2nd flr., sundeck, central air, prkg. Seeking professional w/ good credit. No smoking. No pets. LAURIEWYNNGOLDEN@ AOL . COM







• • • • • • • ÇARBON BEACH • • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. Luxury Beach • 2 Bd. + 2 Ba. • • GORGEOUS UNITS • Front Rental Central air, large Pool, spa, private beach. balcony, pool, elevator, on-site laundry, AVAILABLE AUG.-SEPT. intercom entry. MINIMUM 2-4 WEEKS. 320 N. La Peer Dr. 2-wks = $4,500 • 310/246-0290 •

2 Bdrm.+2 Bath

4-wks = $8,800






California Dreaming ® CENTURY CITY

OFFICE FOR LEASE Immaculate Wilshire / San Vicente Large Operating Room Three 9” x 13’ Offices + Recovery Furnished/Unfurnished Exams Rooms + $600/MO. Each Offices Available immediately. Ground Floor with Call 323/761-7909


Sweeping Views Large Office and Exams Rooms Over 2000 sq ft Next door to Beverly Hills Easy ingress and egress Call Benny

508 RSF • $2,300/Mo. 1 Large Executive EXECUTIVE OFFICES Window Office & AVAILABLE in 1 Support/ THE BEVERLY HILLS GOLDEN TRIANGLE Reception Area. •••••• Contact: Stan Gerlach • JUST REMODELED • Or: Bryan Dunne Elevator access. Rent Includes: 310/550-2500

HVAC, electricity, phone, high-speed internet, use of conference room.

1 Room For Lease

Penthouse Medical Suite Avail


bhcourier .com

* * * * *

2+2 • $949,000 7th Flr • Century Towers Dramatic Unobstructed Century City+Mountain Views! Remodeled, Elevated Ceilings * * * * *

“Hard to Find” 3+2.5 • $1,098,000 5th Flr • Century Towers Pretty, Bright, Spacious Beautiful Mountain, Golf Course & Ocean Views!

* * * * *

MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME. Condo Style Living In Beverly Hills


L UXURY 2 B EDROOM $3150 fromA PARTMENTS $3150 to FROM $3995


$3350 Condo Sales & Leases

Gourmet Granite Kitchens & Baths, Pool, Gym, In Home Laundry Rooms


133 North Almont Towers


310/203-8333 • 310.888.8875




August 2, 2013 | Page 23















BEVERLY HILLS 443 S. Oakhurst Dr.


• • 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. • • B E V E R L Y H I L L S • • • • • • BRIGHT & S PACIOUS BEVERLY HILLS LIVING. Balcony, dishwasher, elevator, intercom entry, on-site laundry, parking. 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH P LEASE C ALL : Apt. on Doheny w/garage 310/435-3693 for 2 tandem spots, *BEVERLY HILLS* W/D on site, LARGE, 8725 Clifton Way Newly Remodeled lots of closets and light • 1 Bdrm. + dishwasher, central air/heat. Den + 1 Bath • Contact Haim at • 2 Bdrm. + 323/244-9470 Den + 2 Bath •


Lrg. unit. Balcony, Walk-in closet, SANTA MONICA intercom entry, laundry 808 4th St. facility, elevator, prkg. ** ** • CHARMING & BRIGHT • * 1 Bd.+Den+1 Ba. * * * Close to Cedars, * * restaurants, shopping Large, Unique & & transportation. Gorgeous. Fireplace, • 310/276-1528 • balcony, dishwasher, intercom entry, elevator, prkg., pool. Border of


—————–––– BEVERLY HILLS 321 S. Sherbourne Dr.

• • Spacious • • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • • J r. E xe c u t i v e • Balcony, controlled access, a/c, stove, elevator, laundry facility, parking.

• 310/247-8689 • Close to Cedars-Sinai, Beverly Center & Trendy Robertson Bl.


• WESTWOOD • W E S T W O O D ~ WEST ~ 10933 Rochester Ave. 1380 Midvale Ave. L O S A N G E L E S • 1 Bdrm. +1 Bath • Jr . Executive •••••• • • • • • Fireplace, balcony,

125 N. Barrington Av. 922 S. Barrington Av.

• 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath • • • • • •

wet bar, dishwasher, 2 Bdrm. + 1 Bath Patio, stove, laundry facility, Upscale, Bright, controlled access, elevator, parking. Gorgeous & Spacious. Close to shops + dining. on-site laundry, prkg. With Pool, balcony, 310/826-0541 1307 Barry Ave. central air, fireplace, stove, elevator, BRENTWOOD S310/473-1509 MALL QUIET BLDG. intercom entry, prkg. 11640 Kiowa Ave. gym. Newly Updated


2 B d . + 2 B•a . Spacious a/c, fireplace, 1 B d . + 1 B a . pool, controlled access, • • • • • laundry fac., prkg. 2 Bd.+2 Ba.

WiFi, pool, elevator,

• Free WiFi Access • controlled access, on310/473-5061

Close To U.C.L.A. —————–––– — ————––––

sight laundry, parking. Close to U.C.L.A.

≈ WEST ≈ + 1 Bath 310/473-1509 • • • • • • • • L O S A N G E L E S W E S T W O O D —————–––– —————–––– Balcony, dishwasher, 11305 Graham Pl. 1 0 9 0 5 O h i o A v e . = BRENTWOOD = a/c, heated pool, WiFi, ~~~~~ • •• WESTWOOD • 417 S. Barrington Av. elevator controlled 1 Bd. 1 Ba. + • 1409 Midvale Ave. : : : : : : : : : : : : access, on-site laundry, 1 B d r m . + 1 B a t h • • • Intercom entry, a/c, • • Single • • • • • • • • • • • • • parking. Close to • 2 Bdrm. dishwasher, on-sight +1 Bath • • 310/476-2181 • 1 Bdrm.

Close to shopping.

• 1 Bdrm.


Brentwood Village, Shops & Restaurants.

Bath • • 310/826-4889 •

:::::::::::: Hardwood floors,

—————–––– BRENTWOOD

laundry & parking. CLOSE TO SCHOOL.



Wifi, Bright, controlled access, balcony, pool, elevator, laundry facility, prkg.

• • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. .• • • • • • • •

WiFi, a/c, intercom pool, laundry facility, 519 S. Barrington Ave. ~ WESTWOOD ~ Close To U.C.L.A. controlled access, prkg. entry, laundry facility, ˚Δ˚Δ˚Δ˚Δ˚Δ˚Δ˚ 310/864-0319 Close to 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath 10992 Ashton Ave. elevator, parking, pool. Brentwood Village. • • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • • Bright unit. Close to U.C.L.A. • 310/440-5051 • Dishwasher, On-site • Single • VERY UNIQUE • MUST SEE 310/478-8616 laundry, parking. LOW MOVE -IN ! Balcony, intercom Close to L.A.’S FINEST, MOST BRENTWOOD Brentwood Village. entry, elevator, on- LUXURIOUS APT. RENTAL • WESTWOOD • The Carlton 310/472-8915 * * * * * * sight laundry, prkg. 11666 Goshen Ave. 550 Veteran Ave. Close to UCLA & (•)(•)(•)(•)() BRENTWOOD “The Mission ” S i n g l e 11931 Goshen Ave. Westwood Village . • W e s t w o o d • • S i n g l e • Close to Beach • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. 310/479-8977 310/394-7132 Single+Loft+1 Ba. • Granite counters,• 1 • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. 1 Bd.+Loft+1 /2 Ba. built-in appliances, +1 Ba. • 1 Bd. • BRENTWOOD • • WESTWOOD • dishwasher, on-sight = = = = = = = (•)(•)(•)(•)(•) • • • • • 120 Granville Ave. laundry, parking. Very spacious, 672 Kelton Ave. 6-Month Lease Avail. WiFi, central air/heat, 310/207-1965 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * granite counters, fireplace, patio, X-St. Strathmore Every Extra Luxury : 1 Bd.+1 Ba. controlled access, microwave, intercom custom cabinets, granite Large, Sunny & Bright. pool, elevator, parking, W E S T L . A . • 2 Bdrm. +1 Bath • countertops, stone entry, 1342 Centinela Ave. entry, on-sight laundry, Hrwd. flrs., dishwasher, pool, health club, spa. - 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath laundry facility. • 1 B d r m . 1 B a t h • + • Free WiFi Access • parking & WiFi. heated pool, intercom • Bright Unit • 310/312-9871 • Close to UCLA • Controlled access, Granite countertops, entry, on-sight lndry., prkg. Very close to UCLA Shopping & Dining in patio, on-site parking, laundry facility. 1350 S. MIDVALE AVE. Close to Everything. L.A., 90024 & Westwood Village . Brentwood Village laundry, On-site Close to U.C.L.A. 424/202-7286 Contact Mgr.: parking. Close to 310/208-5166 • 310/864-0319 • 310/208-3121 transportation.








—————–––– —————–––– —————––––

• 424/744-6342 •

— W—— S —— L .–––– E T


1236 Amhearst Ave.

• Spacious Units • 3 Bdrm.+2 Bath 2 Bdrm.+2 Bath



Classicc Beverly Hills

Dishwasher, a/c, controlled access, on-site parking & laundry facility.


—————–––– WEST L.A.

12333 TeXaS Ave.


2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath 1 Bdrm. + 1 Bath

Granite counters, dishwasher, balcony, stove, intercom-entry, on-site laundry, parking.


—————–––– WEST L.A.

1628 Westgate Ave.

~ 1 Bd. + 1 Ba. ~ Bright & Airy. Dishwasher, Intercom entry, on-sight parking, on-sight laundry facility. Close to transportation.


132 South Bedford Drive Open Saturday August 3rd • 11am - 3pm Large and bright newly renovated apartments in an architecturally significant building. Fabulous location. Walk to world class shopping and popular restaurants. Hardwood floors, high ceilings, large closets, washer/dryer in unit, new kitchen appliances, gated subterranean parking. Many charming features. Must see! Junior 1 Bedrooms and 1 Bedroom.



Page 24 | August 2, 2013

**CENTURY CITY** 2220 S. Beverly Glen

• • • 1 Bd. +1 Ba. • •• •• • L o t s o f • •Character & Charm !• Alcove fireplace, fridge, laundry facility, gated parking, intercom entry, WiFi and more.

• 310/552-8064 • Rooftop jacuzzi with panoramic city views.



Beverly Hills SUPERB L O C AT I O N Newly Remodeled

JUNIOR 1 BDRMS & 1 BEDROOM LARGE & BRIGHT, Hardwood floors, large closets, washer & dryer in unit, new kitchen appliances, and subterranean parking.


10530-10540 Wilshire Bl.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ AUG. 3 • 11am-3pm RD

• 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • • Single •


∞ Luxury ∞ ∞ ∞Living ∞ ∞ ∞ 310/990-3266


with valet, lush garden surrounding pool, * H O L L Y W O O D * gym, elevator, etc. 1134 N. SYCAMORE AV. • 1 Bdrm.+1 Bath Dishwasher, central air, balcony. • Single Call: 310/470-4474 Newly Remodeled Great Views CULVER CITY Great views, controlled 3830 Vinton Ave. • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • access, balcony, elevator, lrg. pool, • • prkg, on-sight laundry. • •Single• • • • • H IKING IN R UNYON Pool, sauna, fridge, C ANYON , H OLLYWOOD dishwasher intercom B OWL /N IGHTLIFE .


entry, elevator, on-site laundry, parking.


Call for latest properties

CENTURY PARK EAST 1 BED / DEN / 2 BATH $2,550/MO Quiet Location, Lower floor Balcony


JUMBO 1 BED / 1 BATH $2,850MO Totally Renovated Huge private patio Quiet Location


1 BED /1 BATH $3,250/MO Top Floor Penthouse. Ocean Views Brand New Renovation. Real Hardwood Floors. State of the Art Kitchen. Quartz Counters Stainless Steel Appliances Spa Tub. Huge Crystal Stall Shower Fitted Closets. Fabulous Sunsets



2 BED /2 BATHS $3,600/MO



1769-1775 Sycamore Av.

401 S. HOOVER St.

all listings are on Valet and Guest Parking. Huge Heated Pool, Security Staff, Doorman & Houseman, Switchboard Tennis, Fitness Center Business Center




*KELEMEN* REAL ESTATE (310) 966-0900

• Single

• • • • • • • • • Bachelor • 2 Bd.+2 Ba. • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. Controlled access, • • • • • • • • laundry facility. Control access, pool, dishwasher, elevator, on-site laundry and parking.

Utilities Included.


Close to Everything.


—————–––– —————––––

High Floor. Fabulous Renovation. Unobstructed City Views. Hardwood Floors. Open Kitchen. Stone Counters 2 Jumbo Balconies



MID-WILSHIRE 340 S. St. Andrews Pl.

Luxury 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath Duplex A/C & heat, washer/ dryer hook up, New Balcony, controlled kitchen, carpeted, No access, parking, elevator, on-site laundry. garage. Retired profesClose to shopping, sional couple preferred. great restaurants No Smokers. Must See! and Metro. $2,900/MO. 213/738-9849 Owner upstairs Call 323/829-2933 Spacious 1 Bdrm + 1 Bath • • • • •


HUGE 3,000 SQ. FT. 3 BD + 2 BA CONDO In Spanish 4-Plex Lower corner unit. private entry, balcony, hardwood floors, fireplace, Central A/C, high ceilings, alarm, double garage. Pets OK. Close to shops & restaurants. $3,990/MO. Call 310/890-5576


• Upper Front • Breathtaking Views


Pico/Robertson New carpet, new stove, 2 Bd.+2 Ba. $2,150 LIGHT & A IRY CORNER . ceiling fan, parking. New custom built-ins in Cat Ok. Special: 1/2 kitchen, dry bar, balcony, Securtiy deposit OAC. patio, huge closets, a/c, Call 310/278-8999 central heat, 2-car prkg., laundry facility. Cat OK.

Exceptional Condition! 323/937-3737

————— BEVERLY HILLS ADJ Bedford/Olympic 2 BD, 2 BA CONDO $2,150/MO.

Bright/Airy • B.H. Adj. Approx. 1400 Sq. ft. Lower unit with fridge, 2 + 2 • $2,695


Steve Geller



New Carpet, drapes, w/d hook-ups, hi-ceilings, mirrored closets. Shared backyard. No pets.


S A N T A M O N I C A Cell: 310/994-4122

N o r t h o f W i l s h i r e Must see! 439 S. Rexford


320 S. CLARK DR. Robertson/Burton Way IMMACULATE

ONE BEDROOM $1,550/MO. Balcony, ceiling fan, tub + stall shower, ELEVATOR, A/C, gated garage, controlled access in quiet building. No pets. Non-smoking facility.


————— 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Starting at $1,400

New carpet, new stove, ceiling fan, parking. Pet Ok. Special: 1/2 Securtiy deposit OAC. Call 310/278-8999


Coldwell Banker


2 Entrances, lrg living washer/dryer in unit Call 323/252-5600 Rooftop Garden and 2 car parking. or 424/249-3012 Panoramic B.H. Views Call 310/880-7281 tile+carpet. Pool, sauna, balcony, elevator, central 439 S. LE DOUX BEVERLY HILLS air, prkg., marble lobby.

T REE - LINED STREET. 3 BD + 2 BA CONDO 1259 S. Camden Dr. 310/849-3858 Prime Location Clifton & Crescent Bright Open floor Plan • BEVE1RLY HILLS • Granite Kitchen 2 Bd.+1 /2 Ba.• $2,690 Inside Laundry X-LARGE ELEGANT APT. $3,900/MO. • Newly Updated •


Hills Adj. 2 BEDROOM + 2 BATH Beverly 3 rd & L a C i e n e g a Hardwood floors, w/d • 1 BEDROOM • hook-up, dishwasher. Carpets, drapes, mini-blinds, $1,900MO. stove, refrigerator, By appointment only. laundry, parking. Call 323/244-9470 No pets. $1,125Month



BEVERLY HILLS Adj 843 4 St. 2 BD + 1 BA LOWER B E V E R L Y H I L L S Remodeled 9160 BEVERLY BLVD. $2,650/MO. 2 Bd. + Den + 2 Ba. 2 Bdrm. + 1 1/ 2 Bath CHARMING SPANISH New $3,695/Month tile in kitchen & New kitchen w/ granite, DUPLEX SPLIT LEVEL bath-counters+flrs. New th

S.S. appl., hrwd.+stone+ tile flrs., french doors, balcony, a/c, lrg. closets, dishwasher, controlled access, elevator, laundry room, parking. Heated pool/gym/sauna.

Hardwood floors, 10ft ceilings. A/C, No Pets. 1221 Smithwood Dr. Call 310/283-6653



—————–––– BEVERLY HILLS ADJ. 1017 S. SHERBOURNE Very Private & Spacious 2 BDRM. + 1.5 BATH upper unit with breakfast and formal dining room. Yard, laundry & parking.

Beverly Hills, Ca 90211 Beverly Hills' most recent architectural restoration. Architecturally and functionally perfect. Don't miss the opportunity to live here, there are only eight of these and that's all there will ever be! Charming one bedrooms with dressing area. Call For Pricing Leasing Office: 310-888-8875



4 Blks. to Beach.

203. N Almont Drive




carpet, 2nd flr. rear of bldg. Patio, appliances, carpet, laundry facility, 2-parkiing. No dogs. $1,850/Month



MT. SINAI Hollywood Hills Kedron Section • Single Plot • Map-6, Lot-8217, Space-4




336 S. Rexford Dr. $12,900 2 BDRM, 2 BA. CONDO TO: $11,900 • 1 Bd.+1 Ba. • Newly remodeled Contact Felix: • • N E W L Y • • Cell: 310/696-3113 with hardwood floors/carpet, granite •• U P D A T E D •• kitchen, shutters, Hardwood floors, a/c, E D E N M E M O R I A L PARK wet bar, balcony and laundry, covered prkg. Mt. Hagiborim 2 side-by-side parking. PRIVATE FRONT YARD. Row-514 • Space-F $2,600/MO. $11,500


Call 702/491-8060 $3,500/MO. Call 213/804-3761

—————–––– —————


310/860-9991 310/433-1949



321 S. San Vicente P R I M E L O C A T I O N 424/279-3690 Near Cedars-Sinai S A N T A M O N I C A • BEVERLY HILLS • WESTWOOD COMPLETELY REMODELED North of Wilshire VERY LARGE SINGLE 2 Bdrm. + 2 Bath M E MORIAL PARK 2 Bd.+2 Ba. Condo with patio, fridge, stove, Double Plot L ARGE & B EAUTIFUL Large living room, For Sale Upper front unit. Hard- laundry room, parking. granite tops, wood flrs, in Sold Out wood floors, appliances, 1 block from Century City jaccuzi, large deck, Exclusive Area patio, front+back yard. $1,595/MO. tennis court, 2-prkg. Opposite Chapel. 7-Blocks to Beach $3,300/Month

Call: 323/870-5884

By appointment only:





Please Call For More Information:









Los Angeles Auctioneers is pleased to accept your estate items for our upcoming auctions. Whether it's simply a handful of items or your entire estate; your fine art, antiquities and collectibles are in trusted and experienced hands! For more info. call us

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GREAT ESTATE SALE BEVERLY HILLS This Weekend 10-4pm Fri., Sat., Sun. Aug. 02+03+04 625 Mountain Dr.

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90210, north of Sunset

Socially Prominant Family Their Residence, Over 40 Yrs. House Loaded: beautiful furniture, lots of accessories, vintage, antiques (high-end & reproductions), rugs, lighting, china, crystal, silver, good art, custom jewelry, women’s designer clothes (small-lrg).


Need Cash?

Call for your appt. today Bring us • Confidential Collateral Loans this! Diamonds & Precious Gems, Gold & Precious Metals, Fine Jewelry & Watches, Coins, Cars

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August 2, 2013 | Page 25








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Call Martin or Batia 310/275- 8072 LIC.# 1910-1088


Serving Beverly Hills for 32 years, with discretion and integrity. We are now buying for immediate cash Diamonds 1ct - 20cts , gold, and signed jewelry Patek Philippe, Rolex, Cartier


S T E V E N & C O business:

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PRICES PAID •••••••••• Antiques - Old Coins Tiffany Items Paintings - Objets d’Art Estate Jewelry: Gold - DiamondsVintage Watches Lalique - Art Glass Fine Porcelains: Meissen - Sevres Marble Statues Bronze Sculptures Clocks - Silver Furniture: French English - American One Item or Entire Estates Purchased For Cash. Prompt & Considerate Response to All Inquiries. House Calls O.K. ••••••••••


310/276-0188 818/888-9200

Visit my website at beverlyhil

Paintings Arte Deco Art Nouveau Marble Statues Russian Items

Chinese Art Clocks Chandeliers Porcelain Dresden

Meissen KPM Royal Vienna Islamic Art Bronze

Sculpture Glass Tifanny Lalique Galle Daum



Edan Sassoon

Tel: 310.858.7666 • Fax: 310.858.0525


BEVERLY HILLS Bring us your watches, diamonds, estate jewelry, gold/silver, coins, art, & antiques. We have over 100 combined years of expertise in buying, selling, and appraisals. WE PAY PREMIUM PRICES! *WE BEAT MOST AUCTION HOUSE PRICES*

B U Y •S E L L •L O A N •T R A D E •C O N S I G N 203 S. Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills 90212 310.205.0093 • info @ license# 19100971


Page 26 | August 2, 2013





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Page 27 | August 2, 2013 Publisher Clifton S. Smith, Jr *******

Associate Publisher Marcia W. Hobbs Senior Editor John L. Seitz Special Sections Editor Steve Simmons ******* Fashion Director Tawny Sanders Society Editor Joan Mangum

******* Founding Publisher March Schwartz (Publisher 1965 - 2004) The Courier is proud to be a

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Guest Editorial

THE IRS NOW WANTS TO PREPARE OUR TAX RETURNS, NOT JUST COLLECT TAXES By Brian David Goldberg, Ph.D As a professor of political science, an advocate for education and economic empowerment, and a concerned resident of this community, I am deeply alarmed to learn of the IRS’s newest problem. In the midst of scandal regarding the targeting of conservative groups, the IRS has a much bigger and concerning issue at play. Currently lobbying Congress for support, the IRS has proposed a “Return Free Program” that will give the agency the responsibility to file taxes for every single American taxpayer. That means that in addition to its current role of collecting taxes, the IRS will independently decide how much you pay and how much of a refund you will receive, without the use of third party preparers. The conflict of interest should be enough to stop the proposal in its tracks. The IRS is successful when as much in taxes are collected as possible, and the tax gap needs closing, so the odds are not in the taxpayers favor. But to add insult to injury, the IRS has poor performance standards with its current responsibilities, so it’s pretty terrifying to imagine how badly it will manage this. The U.K. attempted a similar fiasco and is shutting it down because it was messy and outrageously expensive for the U.K.’s IRS equivalent to manage, and too many cases of security breach that lead to fraud. The IRS is not strong enough to tackle this, and even if it were done successfully, it would rob us of the opportunity to hire representation and assure the maximization of our refund. This is an issue for those of us with resources and complex tax returns which require attention to nuance and detailed preparation. We give to charities, own businesses, and send our children off to college while supporting our elderly parents. These deductible factors complicate our tax returns and require expert support in the filing process. Yet as social change leaders responsible for those of less fortune, we must also express our outrage at the impact this program will have on our most vulnerable members of society. Lower and middle income families rely on their tax refunds to cover the most essential expenses: keeping the gas on, paying the mortgage, and–as it is across socioeconomic lines–caring for children and elderly parents. People of means will hire accountants and lawyers to remediate the mistakes the IRS will

make should this proposal go through, but the rest of America will have no chance at protecting their taxes and will undeniably pay more and receive less each year. The elderly, veterans, students, nonnative-English speakers, and countless other vulnerable Americans will lose a powerful tool toward economic empowerment should their taxes be hijacked by the IRS. The proposal will also serve as a severe economic burden to small and large businesses alike, as the IRS proposes that businesses report employee payroll to the IRS in real time, as it is generally processed for payment, and use that information to work their “return-free” program. This means that anyone who employs anyone will have the added task of reporting payroll information to the federal government for every single pay period. There is a lot to lose from all vantage points, with the singular gain on the IRS’s side, because they will collect more and they will issue less in refunds. We have a responsibility to ourselves as leaders in our community, and as leaders in a city and nation striving toward economic prosperity in uncertain times. We all know that the federal government is struggling to identify its strengths, and the IRS has a history of undermining its own weaknesses. The Government Accountability Office estimates that the IRS answers 1 in 5 tax-related questions incorrectly. The agency has a current and long standing history of poor administrative management; miscalculating refunds and taxes owed, mixing addresses, preventing security threats, and failing to fix these mistakes, even years after they were made. The fact that the IRS wants to take on the preposterous task of filing our taxes is reflective of just how out of touch and irresponsible they really are. We cannot let this happen and we have to make that known to Congress. Brian David Goldberg is a member of the Beverly Hills Unified School District Board of Education and its former president. He earned his BA degree from the University of Judaism, and both his MA degree and doctorate in political science from USC.

The Courier appreciates and welcomes “Letters to the Editor” on topics of interest to the Beverly Hills community. Remember to follow these simple guidelines: (1) The shorter the better; (2) Refrain from personal attacks or insults; (3) Keep to a single topic; (4) Do not send letters appearing elsewhere.

Please note our new mailing address: Mail: The Beverly Hills Courier 9100 Wilshire Blvd. (#360E), Beverly Hills CA 90212 Email: Fax: 310-271-5118

Rabbi Jacob Pressman OUR LITTLE TOWN OF INTERNATIONAL REPUTE At a cocktail party at the home of Janet Salter, I was sitting at an interesting table with our publisher and his wife, Clif and Candace Smith. The table was briefly visited by Janet, and I realized we were human representations of the editorial page of the weekly Courier. On that page, as you know, publisher Clif writes a column, I write a column, and Janet does a clever cartoon. So there we were under one roof, namely the roof of the sky, representing the three facets of the page on which this article appears. Considering that Beverly Hills is not a very large city at all, it is blessed with a richness of talent, not the least of which is represented by the page I am describing. To have the three writers who share that page in intimate proximity struck me. I thought to myself: here we are, in a city of small population but worldwide renown, representing this triple talent. Interestingly enough, the publisher does not live in our community but in Pasadena. When I joshed him about owning a Beverly Hills paper, he said: “Nothing much happens where we live.” He was pointing up the reality that little Beverly Hills, small in size and population, is an internationally recognized symbol of what people elsewhere regard as a garden of plenty. With a total population of little more than 30,000 citizens, Beverly Hills enjoys international repute. We, who live in it and write for it, are privileged indeed to do so.

Cartoon for The Courier by Janet Salter

POLICE BLOTTER The following assaults, burglaries,and grand thefts have been reported by BHPD. Streets are usually indicated by block numbers. Losses in brackets.

ASSAULT 1/17 9800 Wilshire Bl. 7/16 200 N. Crescent Dr. 7/20 Burton Wy. & N. Doheny Dr. 7/27 300 N. Crescent Dr. 7/27 100 S. Reeves Dr. 7/28 400 N. Beverly Dr. BURGLARIES 6/28 1100 Coldwater Canyon Bl. 7/08 600 N. Canon Dr. 7/08 200 N. La Peer Dr.($1,000) 7/08 9500 Olympic Bl. ($1,400) 7/08 400 N. Oakhurst Dr. ($60) 7/11 300 Reeves Dr. 7/11 400 N. Oakhurst Dr. 7/12 200 S. Clark Dr. ($11,000) 7/14 200 S. Robertson Bl.($300) 7/14 200 S. Robertson Bl.($110) 7/14 300 S. Robertson Bl. 7/14 500 S. Bedford Dr. 7/14 200 S. Robertson Bl. 7/15 300 N. Beverly Dr. ($20,000) 7/15 300 N. Beverly Dr. 7/15 200 Spalding Dr. ($900) 7/16 400 N. Rodeo Dr. 7/17 8900 Wilshire Bl. ($20) 7/18 600 N. Palm Dr. ($18,540) 7/21 400 N. Oakhurst Dr.($700) 7/22 100 S. Bedford Dr.($1,500) 7/22 100 N. Robertson Bl. 7/22 400 N. Rodeo Dr. 7/22 9800 S. Santa Monica Bl. 7/22 9500 Wilshire Bl.($14,124) 7/23 200 S. Clark Dr. ($1,230) 7/24 100 Peck Dr. ($31,550) 7/24 9400 Wilshire Bl.

7/24 300 N. Palm Dr. ($2,000) 7/28 700 N. Roxbury Dr. ($2,200) ROBBERIES 7/19 9700 Wilshire Bl. ($2,729) 7/28 9600 Wilshire Bl. ($472) GRAND THEFTS 2/12 100 N. Gale Dr. 4/29 9100 Wilshire Bl. 6/04 200 N. Beverly Dr. ($40,500) 6/18 400 N. Palm Dr. ($11,000) 6/26 200 N. Swall Dr. ($52,000) 6/28 400 N. Rodeo Dr.($45,000) 6/29 9500 Wilshire Bl.($10,000) 7/02 800 N. Beverly Dr. 7/02 Gregory Wy. & S. Swall Dr. 7/04 8700 Clifton Wy.($10,000) 7/06 9500 Wilshire Bl. ($1,335) 7/08 200 S. Beverly Dr.($1,950) 7/08 300 N. Rodeo Dr. ($11,520) 7/08 200 N. Rodeo Dr. ($6,350) 7/09 9500 Olympic Bl. $1,200) 7/09 9800 Wilshire Bl. ($3,680) 7/11 700 N. Camden Dr. ($2,900) 7/13 100 N. La Cienega Bl. ($8,110) 7/14 400 S. Camden Dr. ($1,200) 7/15 9600 Wilshire Bl. ($8,000) 7/15 300 N. Canon Dr. ($2,000) 7/17 400 N. Rodeo Dr. ($4,140) 7/19 300 Foothill Rd. ($1,000) 7/20 700 N. Sierra Dr. ($502) 7/25 9600 Wilshire Bl. ($12,000) 7/26 400 N. Canon Dr.($28,000) 7/28 100 S. Rexford Dr. ($460)

Page 28 | August 2, 2013


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