Congratulations To Principal Steve Kessler - 39 Years With BHUSD
Roni’s Deli delivery man apprehends suspected woman beater. 4
SINCE 1965
August 15, 2014
Lone Soldier Max Steinberg Honored At Saban Theatre By Laura Coleman and Matt Lopez On Tuesday, around 1,000 people gathered at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills to honor the life of Max Steinberg, the lone soldier from the valley who dedicated his life to protect the State of Israel and became a hero to both America and Israel. Steinberg, 24, a Los Angeles
native and IDF volunteer soldier, died on July 19 after Hamas rebels ambushed the tanker he was riding in on the Gaza Strip. “Max represented the best of America and Israel,” Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles David Siegel said at the ceremony. “Max found himself in Israel and Israel found itself in Max.” Tuesday, he was honored as
a Jewish and American hero, but two years ago Steinberg was just a curious young Jewish man, making his first ever trip to Israel with his brother Jake and sister Paige in 2012 via the Birthright Israel program. It was there, visiting his homeland for the first time, that he felt compelled to give his life to protect it.
Upon returning home, Max began going through the proper channels to join the IDF, where he eventually served as a sharp shooter in Golani. His mother, Evie, shared the story of how her 5-foot-3 son would stop at nothing to realize his dream of being a soldier with the unit he wanted - even scaling (see ‘MAX STEINBERG’ page 20)
Panda is a 1-year-old male japanese chin puppy who is looking for a new home. 4
The Peninsula Beverly Hills celebrated its 23rd anniversary. 5
Beverly Hills CPR instructed BHUSD staffers earlier this week. 5
Mayor Lili Bosse celebrates Woman of the Year Janet Salter. 8 •Health & Wellness 12 •Arts & Entertainment 16 •Birthdays 22
BIG HEARTED HERO—Inside The Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills, Jewish leaders, elders, holocaust survivors and those with open hearts filled the Saban Theatre on Tuesday evening to celebrate the passing of Max Steinberg. L.A.-native Steinberg, “the little guy with a big heart” according to his sister (pictured above, blonde braids), was killed in July while serving in the Israel Defense Forces. Pictured above (left): Ronen Pertz, Consul Dani Gadot, Rabbi Dov Lipman and David Siegel, Consul General of Israel in Los Angeles. Pictured above (right) Paige, Evie, Stuart and Jake Steinberg. Photos by Orly Halevy
City $212 Million Short On City Council Caves On Employee Pension Obligations Employee Pay, OK’s 11% Hike By Laura Coleman and Matt Lopez Beverly Hills guarantees its employees a fixed pension amount regardless of how California's CalPERS public retirement system performs. If Beverly Hills had to pay its accrued pension obligations today, it would be $212 million short according to the City's chief financial officer, Don Rhoads. Beverly Hills contributes to CalPERS and expects CalPERS to pay the retirement amounts, but CalPERS bases its earnings on an arbitrary return-on-investment of 7% when it either loses money or only earns 1% as in 2012. Beverly Hills taxpayers will be forced to make up the difference.
A Moment In Time With Lauren Bacall Partying The Night Away At A Vanity Fair Event, Inviting Us To Boogie With Our Broken Toe And Then Foxtrotting Cheek-to-Cheek Editorial from Rabbi Pressman AND MORE Announcements Real Estate Rentals Sales and More
25 Vanity Fair
(see ‘CALPERS’ page 20)
BEHIND CLOSED DOORS — Author Bill Stadiem, a Harvard lawyer, has written 44 racy biographies, many being best sellers, such as the tell-all by Frank Sinatra’s valet George Jacobs. In the September 2014 issue of Vanity Fair, he updates the saga of the infamous Madame Claude and her Claudettes, who she often introduced to make-over doctors and stylists, with Madam Claude marrying them into jet-set society. Her rivals included Madam Alex, the Filipina former florist, who was the mentor of Heidi Fleiss.
George Christy, Page 6
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Up to now, CalPERS has invested in speculative investments such as tradable indexes linked to food, energy, metals and specific countries placing bets to win the rich but uncertain returns they can provide. CalPERS appears to be now backing away from that stratgy according to an article in this weeks Wall Street Journal, which says CalPERS is considering pulling out of those “risky” investments for more traditional ones. Beverly Hills City Treasurer Eliot Finkel has long been a skeptic of CalPERS’ investment strategy and said the possible change as a good first step.
For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.
By Victoria Talbot The Beverly Hills City Council Tuesday approved 4-1 a new 11 percent pay hike over the next two years for most City employees, raising their average compensation from this year's $116,440. The current year's compensation is up 28 percent over 2009 when the average compensation to most
City employees was $91,096. The five-year comparisons were omitted from the staff report given to councilmembers for their vote to approve the pay hike. In comparison, residents' median household (including two-wage families) income in 90211 is $70,388 and 90212 (see ‘CITY SALARIES’ page 10)
Loma Vista Truck Driver Files Claim Against City By Victoria Talbot Truck driver Brandon Cascio, who was severely injured in the accident May 9 on Loma Vista Dr. that killed off-duty LAPD Detective Ernest Allen, has filed a claim against the Cities of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles.
According to the claim, Cascio “remains in a vegetative state in a long-term care facility.” He is the 42-year-old father of two, said the claim. The complaint says Cascio suffered “spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, severe (see ‘LOMA VISTA’ page 18)
Centennial Film Debuts At Newly Revamped Roxbury By Laura Coleman It’s been a century in the making, Phil Savenick’s Beverly Hills: 100 Years, 100 Stories premiered Monday night as the inaugural event for The Beverly Hills Historical Society and Beverly Hills Heritage’s monthly history program at Roxbury
Park on Mondays. “I wanted to honor the people from the past who made this community,” Savenick said on Monday to scores of residents and history buffs seated inside the newly remolded Roxbury Park (see ‘CENTENNIAL FILM’ page 20)