Beverly Hills Courier August 30, 2013 E-edition

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Shana Tova – The Courier Wishes You A Happy & Healthy New Year!

BEVERLY HILLS VOLUME XXXXVIII NUMBER 34 $135 PER YEAR - $1.25 PER COPY • READY FOR 9/11— Pictured right: Victor Aguilar uses a ladder to get to the top of the Beverly Hills 9/11 memorial statue for some cleaning and general maintenance. Aguilar was one of Get ready to sink your teeth many volunteers from into the new Rodeo Nancie Brown Chocolate Cronet. 4 Cleaning, which detailed and polished the Beverly Hills 9/11 Memorial earlier this week, free of charge, in anticipation of the City’s 9/11 memorial ceremony. This year’s memorial event takes Grandchildren of Beverly place on Wednesday, Hills resident participate in Maccabi games. 4 Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. at the Beverly Hills fire station. The ceremony will feature the Los Angeles Lawyers Philharmonic Orchestra and is open to the public.


El Rodeo welcomed new parents to school last week. 5

SINCE 1965

August 30, 2013

California API School Test Scores Released 4 of 5 BHUSD Schools See API Scores Drop In Annual Ranking By Courier staff Beverly Hills schools hit a bit of a roadblock this week in their effort to overhaul student test scores at BHUSD schools.

The Academic Performance Index (API) released its annual scores on Thursday and four Beverly Hills schools saw (see ‘API,’ page 14)

Sunshine Task Force Takes On Lobbyist Disclosure By Matt Lopez Mayor John Mirisch’s Sunshine Task Force took steps Tuesday to shine a light on lobbyists registering within the City of Beverly Hills. The task force, designed by Mirisch to bring transparency to issues at City Hall, held its monthly meeting Tuesday at City Hall and discussed revisions to Beverly Hills’ lobbyist disclosure forms.

Photo by Reggie Sully

“The lobbyist issue is one the task force as a whole judged to be the most important issue facing us, considering the role paid advocates have in the decision-making process,” Mirisch told The Courier. “If you look at the form we currently have, it truly is a joke.” Currently, all the City’s lobbyist forms ask for is name, telephone number, business (see ‘LOBBYIST,’ page 18)

Beverly Hills CPR gave free training to women at Good Shepherd Center. 5

Dr. Fran talks about three reasons to get back with your ex. 13 •Real Estate 10 •Health & Wellness 12 •Birthdays 16

George Christy, Page 6 Christian Brechneff Escaped Into a World That’s Out Of This World on the Greek Island of Sifnos, Where He Spent 30 Years and Installed the Island’s First Indoor Plumbing. His Memoir is a Devouring Read Editorial from Rabbi Pressman AND MORE


Announcements Real Estate Rentals Sales and More


The Italians Are Coming! To Beverly Hills In September By Laura Coleman What do Valentino, Versace and Gucci have in common? In addition to drawing millions of visitors to Rodeo Drive, they're among a bevy of Italian brands the Italian Consultate will celebrate next Sat-

urday (Sept. 7) in Beverly Canon Gardens starting at 7:30 at “Under the Stars.” “Beverly Hills doesn't certainly need a reminder of its strong Italian imprint,” Italian Consul General (see ‘UNDER THE STARS,’ page 7)

Fate Of Bel-Air’s Hannah Carter Garden Still Up In The Air By Laura Coleman On Wednesday, the 2nd Appellate District Calfornia Court of Appeal considered the fate of UCLA’s Hannah Carter Garden when it listened to attorneys argue why - or why not - the appeals court should uphold a preliminary injunction against selling the 1.5-acre Bel-Air garden bequeathed to the university by former UC Regent Edward Carter in 1964. Over a year has passed since L.A. Superior Court Judge Lisa Hart Cole called UCLA “duplicitous” on July 27, 2012 and issued a preliminary injunction halting the Pictured: The Koi Pond at the 1.5 acre Kyotouniversity’s attempt to sell the style Hannah Carter Gardens in Bel-Air. traditional Japanese garden, which the university had 1982. No matter which way the appeals agreed to maintain “in perpetuity” after Carter amended court rules (the decision could take (see ‘GARDEN,’ page 18) his original agreement in

A FAMILY AFFAIR —Ethan Hawke escorted his son Levon and daughter Maya to the Los Angeles premiere of Getaway. Their mother is Uma Thurman. For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.

John Dohm Fourth, Final School Board Candidate By Laura Coleman John Dohm, the fourth and final candidate to join the race for a seat on the Beverly Hills Board of Education, is no stranger to school boards or elections. The son of an Illinois judge who served on the Chicago Board of Education, Dohm, a 47year-old Beverly Hills resident with two children in the school district, told The Courier that he chose to file his candidacy papers at the urging of many “folks” active in the education community, including (see ‘DOHM,’ page 14)

John Dohm

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