Celebrate Hawthorne’s Centennial Year At Sunday’s Carnival
SINCE 1965
State Labels Beverly Hills High For ‘Program Improvement’ By Laura Coleman Next week, Beverly Hills High School parents and guardians will receive a letter from the Beverly Hills Unified School District letting parents know that the school is in Program Improvement. It is a wake-up call for everyone who leads the district. “We all have to stop pretending that we're a lighthouse district when the numbers and statistics don't show this,” Boardmember Lisa Korbatov said. “We have a lot of room for improvement.” It’s the first time BHUSD has been identified as a Program Improvement school since it began receiving Title 1 funds from the state in 2001. According to Superintendent Gary Woods, it doesn’t mean much beyond a bit of bad publicity and a letter that goes out
Hawthorne School celebrated its 100th birthday. Carnival is Sunday. 4
Infiniti of Beverly Hills held its grand opening ribbon cutting last Thursday. 4
Roxbury Park playground equipment will be donated to Equador & Philipines. 5
Pets 90210’s grooming van now visits the Pasadena Humane Society. 5
Ferrari took over Beverly Hills on Sunday to celebrate its 60th anniversary. 17 •Real Estate 10 •Sports 18 •Birthdays 20
CHLA —In recognition of their compassion and dedicated support for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), Academy Award winning actress Natalie Portman, prominent philanthropists Sally and Bill Hurt, and global retailer Costco Wholesale were honored Saturday night with the “Courage to Care” award at the hospital’s signature biennial gala – “Noche de Niños.” More than 1,200 prominent philanthropists, local dignitaries and supporters joined them at The Events Deck at L.A. LIVE and helped raise more than $3.1 million in unrestricted funds which allow the hospital to fill its most critical needs, such as patient care, medical research and help families in need. Pictured (top row, from left): “Weird Al" Yankovic, Trisha Cardoso (Showtime Networks’ EVP of Corporate Communications), Christopher Guest (Jamie Lee Curtis’ husband), Jim Rishwain, Ryan Gallagher and Dr. Brent Polk. Bottom row (from left): Suzanne Yankovic, Ginny Gallagher, Jamie Lee Curtis and Melanie Griffith.
The Courier Endorses Elan Carr For Congress The Courier endorsed State Sen. Ted Lieu in the 17-candidate primary to fill Henry Waxman's 33rd Congressional seat. In recent in-depth interviews with both top candidates from the primary, we find ourselves now endorsing Beverly Hills resident Elan Carr for this critical seat. In the intervening months since the primary, Carr took the time to walk the high school campus alongside his BHHS alumna wife and educate himself on the facts of exactly what Metro is planning. "We need to protect our kids," he told us, emphasizing that his commitment to public safety is the most important issue to him. We also like Carr's stance on Israel and believe that his experience serving in the IDF, as did members of his family, in addition to his fluency in Arabic because of his Iraqi
heritage, give him unique qualities. The issues in the Middle East will not be gone before or after the election and while we are certain that Lieu would continue to ask the right questions and maintain his independence on difficult issues, as he has done in the past, we are particularly appreciative of Carr's recognition that the government is indeed dysfunctional. From Carr's commitment to strengthening literacy to his drive to rectify the onerous tax laws that have made it virtually untenable for major companies to base here (resulting in the exodus of hundreds of billions of dollars), The Courier believes that Carr will promote job growth and the economy, in addition to not letting the local transportation authority bully the town where he lives.
By Laura Coleman Approximately $1 Billion worth of Ferraris rolled into Beverly Hills on Sunday when Ferrari North America celebrated 60 years in the U.S. with a lavish display of iconic Ferraris on Rodeo Drive. “We really broke new
Editorial from Rabbi Pressman AND MORE
Announcements Real Estate Rentals Sales and More
31 25
Part 8 in a series on Beverly Hills residents who have grown with the Centennial City. By Laura Coleman It was a different world when Rose Norton, 85, moved to South Rodeo Drive in 1956. The treelined, family-filled street, just a few steps away from Wilshire Boulevard, seemed like the perfect place to raise her young son, Philip. There wasn’t much commercial activity north of Wilshire and the location was convenient enough for her son to walk to Beverly Vista and later, Beverly Hills High School. The Nortons originally planned to purchase one of the new lots up in Trousdale, but a trip
(see ‘BEVERLY HILLS HIGH,’ page 2)
ground on this event,” said the event’s co-originator, Peterson Automotive Museum Vice Chairman Bruce Meyer. “I think we exceeded every expectation that Ferrari had conceived.” The festivities began (see ‘FERRARI,’ page 16)
FERRARI F60 — Pictured left: Sunday on Rodeo Drive, Ferrari unveiled its new F60 car. Only 10 Ferrari F60’s have been made and all 10 have already been sold by Ferrari, for around $3.1 million each. See page 17 for more photos from the event. See page 17 for more photos. Photo By Reggie Sully KILLER TIME — Jennifer Hudson slaughtered the audience with her performance during the Carousel of Hope Ball, attended by the distinguished Dr. David Boyer of retina vitreous fame. Regulars included George Schlatter, who produced the evening, and musical director David Foster.
Rose Norton
in boots with a realtor to explore the newly developing area, and in particular, the lot adjacent to Groucho Marx, changed that decision. “I said, who’s Philip going to (see ‘ROSE NORTON,’ page 16)
Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds was among entertainers who have contributed their talents for years in support of this major charity. More than one million guests raised more than $2 million. Slate PR
In 1978 Lucille Ball Invited Friends To Denver For The First Carousel Of Hope Ball Hosted By Barbara And Marvin Davis. Barbara Has Since Created The Barbara Davis Center For Childhood Diabetes.
to families letting them know there’s an alternative school to send their kids to that doesn’t have that designation. He noted that BHUSD is not alone in its new classification, which includes Manhattan Beach among the multitude of districts. However, Chief Academic Officer Jennifer Tedford said if the BHUSD fails to get back on track by next year, “that results in consequences.” Tedford said the reason BHUSD was now in Program Improvement is because the district essentially failed to pass a pop-quiz given by the government which chose the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) to be the measure and opted to make schools accountable if 10th grade students did not achieve 100 proficiency on the test. The
Ferrari Celebrates 60th Anniversary In Beverly Hills
Beverly Elder: Rose Norton, Came For UCLA, Found Love In B.H. George Christy, Page 6
October 17, 2014
For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.