BHCourier 11-29-2013 E-edition

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The Courier Wishes You A ‘Happy Thanksgivukkah’


SINCE 1965


Noah Margo Prepares To Lead Beverly Hills Board Of Education Boasting the third successful write-in campaign in the history of California, Noah Margo is poised to begin his third year on the Beverly Hills Board of Education as President Margo at the community-invited installation ceremony on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 5:30 p.m. at the Salter Theatre.

The community celebrates the holiday season. 5

El Rodeo students raised $719.05 for victims in the Philippines. 4

HOLIDAY KICK-OFF ON RODEO DRIVE— Jim Jahant, president of the Rodeo Drive Committee, spreads holiday cheer (left); Vincente Mirisch (above) smiles in front of an ice-carved Menorah. Rodeo Drive lit it up with a spectacular ice carving show that culminated in the flip of an ice switch that turned on 150,000 lights and set off a blizzard of white-snow confetti that blanketed Rodeo and at The Beverly Wilshire across the boulevard. Children were treated to a visit with Mr. Kringle to the hip - holiday tunes of DJ’s Andrew Andrew. BH holiday festivities continue daily, with music, extended hours and more. For more holiday images see page 3!


The adorable Princess is looking for her forever home! 4

5 11 14 21

By Laura Coleman Former Beverly Hills Superintendent Kenneth Peters passed away peacefully on Monday evening. He was 98-years old. As BHUSD superintendent from 1959 to 1981, Peters was known statewide as an ardent champion for quality education programs. “BHUSD meant so much to him,” said Peters’ son Craig Peters. “He was simply Kenneth Peters

T H A N K S GIVUKKAH—El Rodeo's Third Graders celeb r a t e "Thanksgivukkah " this week. Pictured (from left): Sadie Dyner, Abby Wolf, Rebecca Katz, Max Cohen and Sydney Gasmer.

Editorial from Rabbi Pressman AND MORE


Announcements Real Estate Rentals Sales and More


Suite 100 Comes To The Peninsula Beverly Hills By Victoria Talbot “When The Peninsula opened its doors in Beverly Hills in 1991, we embodied modern luxury,” said Offer Nis-

years will pass before the first night of Hanukkah falls on Thanksgiving again) offered millions of Jewish (see ‘THANKSGIVUKKAH,’ page 12)

SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY Over 70 Beverly Hills businesses are participating in American Express’ Small Business Saturday Nov. 30! Shop locally and earn $10 back. The Courier and the Chamber of Commerce urge you to Shop Small this Saturday and support our local business. To find out details, see the full story on Page 4!

senbaum, managing director of The Peninsula Beverly Hills. “Suite 100 will display that ultimate luxury.” (see ‘SUITE 100,’ page 23)

SHOWOFFS — Rihanna and Taylor Swift proudly showed off their “bods” during the American Music Awards at the Nokia Theatre.

Millions Celebrate Once-In-ALifetime Thanksgivukkah By Laura Coleman The once-in-a-lifetime convergence known as Thanksgivukkah (one calculation predicts 77,794

Noah Margo

(see ‘PETERS,’ page 12)

George Christy, Page 6 If Only Los Angeles Had Other Nights Like This. Tributes To Honorees, A Three Course Dinner, Entertainment, And 500 Guests Heading Home By 9:10PM

(see ‘MARGO,’ page 10)

Former Beverly Hills Unified Supt. Kenneth Peters Dies At 98

American Airlines debuts nation’s first Airbus A321. •Health & Wellness •Arts & Entertainment •Birthdays

By Laura Coleman In anticipation of Noah Margo becoming the Board of Education president on Dec. 10, subject to board approval, The Courier sat down with Margo at La Provence in Beverly Hills to discuss his plans and experience. Here is the exclusive interview:

SUITE 100 AT THE PENINSUL A — O f f e r Nissenbaum, managing director of the multi-award winning The Peninsula Beverly Hills invites guests to “The Birth of Modern Luxury.” The hotel celebrates the glamour of the 1990’s as part of the BH Centennial celebration.

Celebrity Photo Agency

The Beverly Hills Active Adult Club celebrates Thanksgiving.

November 29, 2013

For more photos, see George Christy’s column on page 6.

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