Home Seller's Guide

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TABLE OF CONTENTS How to get your house ready to sell in a month:


01. Gather the right paperwork 4

02. Make extra house keys


03. Buy some basic moving supplies


04. Take care of necessary repairs ahead of time


05. Keep, donate, sell, or toss


06. Tackle closets and other storage clutter


07. Assess your lighting


08. Handle paint touch-ups and re-dos


09. Spruce up the kitchen


10. Give your bedrooms some love


11. Tidy the bathrooms


12. Make your living room feel extra liveable


13. Detail your dining room


14. Spiff-up your basement


15. Find the right agent


16. Clean your carpet and floors


17. Set the stage for a perfect entrance


18. Focus on the garage


19. Give your front yard drive-by appeal


20. Create a backyard oasis


21. Don’t overlook the driveway


22. Make those windows shine


23. Don’t forget the roof and gutters


24. Avoid wall and door drama


25. Plan for your pets


26. Handle kid clutter


27. Do a final sweep before go time


28. Don’t underestimate the power of smell


29. Hide your valuables


30. It’s time for your home to say cheese


31. Last but not least: the final walkthrough


Ready to sell your home and move on?



HOW TO GET YOUR HOUSE READY TO SELL IN A MONTH: 31 TIPS TO SELL YOUR HOME IN 31 DAYS Getting your home ready for market can feel a bit overwhelming. There is plenty to think about and do before selling can become a reality. And let’s face it, humans are a judgy lot. Whether you like it or not, potential buyers will make snap judgments about your home. From the moment they pull up to the curb, until the


last glance from the car, they are sizing up whether or not your home is right for them. That’s why we’ve put together this handy list of steps you can take each day to get your home in tip-top shape to sell. With a bit of intention and elbow grease, you can have your home ready to be snatched up by the perfect buyer.





Nobody loves drowning in paperwork, but pulling

Don’t wait to start gathering moving essentials. You want

together the documentation you need ahead of time

them on hand when you need them. No one likes having

will help the entire selling process go smoothly.

to make a store run when you’re knee-deep in packing

Here are some of the relevant documents you’ll

or cleaning. And you’ll need some of these items ahead

want to find and make copies of for your agent:

of time anyway, as you start decluttering for showings.

• The title to your home • Recent utility bills • Renovation or repair warranties and receipts

Make a list of what you’ll need and stock up now on essentials like these: • Moving boxes (in a variety of sizes and shapes) • Packing paper or newspaper and peanuts

• HOA paperwork

• Bubble wrap

• Rental contracts

• Plastic bins and other storage containers

• Tax bills

• Furniture pads

• Warranties • Mortgage details

• Large, sturdy trash bags (wimpy kitchen bags will not do the trick)

• Survey info

• Permanent markers

• Survey, plot, and/or floor plans

• Box labels (color-coded for each room

02. MAKE EXTRA HOUSE KEYS Most agents will install a lockbox on your front door, which is just a combination box containing a house key.

can be helpful) • Packing, masking, and duct tape • Post-it notes • Extra scissors, utility knives, or box cutters

These boxes make it safe and convenient for a buyer and their agent to see your home without having to track down a key or make sure you are there. If you don’t already have a spare set of keys, now’s a great time to

TIP: While moving boxes can be purchased online or in stores, the cost adds up quickly. Consider sourcing free,

get one made. Luckily, it’s pretty easy and inexpensive

used boxes from local grocery or liquor stores, online

to do. Most hardware or home improvement stores, and

marketplaces like Craigslist, community forums like

even some large retailers or grocery stores, can quickly

Nextdoor, or even by simply asking friends and family.

make extra keys for just a few bucks each.



04. TAKE CARE OF NECESSARY REPAIRS AHEAD OF TIME You know that leaky faucet you’ve been ignoring? Or that bathroom lock that never worked right? Now’s the time to tackle these problems. It’s easy to gloss over minor annoyances when they are part of your day-to-day, but for someone new walking through your house, they can be glaring issues. Even small repairs and upgrades can make a big difference in how your home might be viewed by a potential buyer. Your agent will be able to give you feedback here, but it can also be helpful to have a friend or neighbor walk through your home to point out items of concern. Look for things like damaged doors or door knobs, broken or loose toilet seats, dripping faucets, lighting problems, or broken floor tiles. Make a list as you walk through your home and start tackling projects as soon as possible. Repair list too long to handle yourself? Hire a well-reputed handyman to get the jobs done quickly and professionally.

05. KEEP, DONATE, SELL, OR TOSS These four options are about to become your best friends. As you’re knee-deep in preparing to sell your home, it’s important to think critically about each and every belonging you come across. Chances are, you have many things you don’t really want or need anymore. We all have a way of accumulating unnecessary stuff over the years. It’s time to figure out what you can part with and where to strategically put the rest. Start by setting up four separate storage containers (large garbage bags, boxes, or bins) for each category: keep, donate, sell, or toss. As you’re tackling an area of your home, spend a moment eyeballing every item you find and decide quickly which category it belongs in. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help make the call: • When is the last time I used or enjoyed this item? • Does it hold any emotional significance or meaning? • Will I likely need or use this in the next six months? • Does it just need cleaned or fixed to be useful again? • Is this a duplicate? Do I have other items that will do the same? • Would someone else benefit more from this item than I? • Would I eagerly buy this today if I saw it in a store or online shop? For items you decide to keep, find the best place for them. If you don’t need easy access in the weeks to come, go ahead and box the items up for storage to free up space. For everything else that’s sticking around, store belongings appropriately and don’t just stash in a disorganized manner. This only makes more work for later. A note about selling your items: You might be tempted to sell items you are ready to part with to make a little extra money. But, keep in mind that selling takes time and effort, both of which are in short supply when you’re in the midst of selling your home. Consider donating as much as possible, and only sell high-value items worth the time and effort.



06. TACKLE CLOSETS AND OTHER STORAGE CLUTTER We’re all guilty of cramming the storage areas in our homes with too much stuff. Maybe it’s your jam-packed bedroom closet or the overflowing junk drawer, but wherever you’ve stashed clutter, it’s time to clean things out. Buyers almost always open closets, drawers, and pantries as they tour homes. And not only does clutter leave a bad impression, but it can also raise questions about whether your home has enough room to begin with. Tackling the clutter hot spots in your home can feel insurmountable, but it doesn’t have to. Simply pick one area a day, and follow the routine described above in tip #5. Consider purchasing some inexpensive storage solutions to help conquer the mess. Dividers, bins, baskets, cubbies, and racks can bring order to chaos in no time.

07. ASSESS YOUR LIGHTING Good lighting can make or break a showing. When a house appears dark inside or lights aren’t working properly, the vibe that potential buyers get isn’t good. For one, your home might feel dingy, bleak, and depressing. And buyers might assume the dim lighting is hiding flaws. Go through each room and figure out if any of these problems need addressing: • Broken light fixtures • Dim or dysfunctional bulbs (consider upgrading to higher wattage or LED bulbs) • Outdated fixtures • Dark areas or corners needing additional lighting • Lights that just need a good cleaning

08. HANDLE PAINT TOUCH-UPS AND RE-DOS You may love that bold, red kitchen of yours, but a prospective buyer may instantly be turned off. Most agents recommend going with light, neutral colors to entice buyers. And a fresh coat of paint can pack a powerful visual punch without eating into your budget or time too much. It’s usually not necessary to repaint your entire home before it hits the market. But be mindful of rooms that might have overpowering or outdated colors, or areas with stained, chipped, or other paint problems. And don’t forget to inspect baseboards and ceilings, too. They can often benefit from a quick touch-up.

There are also a couple of non-light fixture improvements

Also, most agents recommend stripping any wallpaper,

to make your home feel lighter and airier. Try replacing

especially bold patterns. While no one loves this task,

dark or heavy curtains with light-colored or sheer ones.

it’s usually worth the effort. You want a buyer to be

Add mirrors to reflect existing light. And lightening up

able to imagine him or herself in your home—and

paint colors, furniture, and accent pieces can make a

your taste in wallpaper might make that tricky.

huge difference, too.





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09. SPRUCE UP THE KITCHEN Kitchens are known as the heartbeat of a home—a place for gathering, enjoying meals, and catching up after a long day. That’s why buyers will pay extra special attention to this part of your house. When it comes to your budget for updating and preparing for sale, don’t skimp on your kitchen! Here are some key things to address in this well-loved room: • Clear your counters. Stow appliances,

• Address the fridge. First, remove any photos

cookbooks, and knick-knacks as much

and magnetic items from your fridge’s outer

as possible.

surface. Next, deep clean both the interior

• Organize and clean the cupboards. Remember, buyers look everywhere! Make sure the inside of your cabinets and cupboards are clean and neatly organized. • Deodorize everything! Foul or strong smells can turn away buyers quickly. Use baking soda, cleaners, or deodorizers to ensure kitchen smells

and exterior. While this isn’t anyone’s favorite job, a tidy and sparkling fridge will help your kitchen shine. • Add some homey accents. Give your kitchen a warm, cozy feel by adding a vase of fresh flowers, a fruit bowl, or even a plate of cookies for prospective buyers when the time comes.

aren’t a problem. Pay extra attention to the garbage disposal, dishwasher, and trash cans.



10. GIVE YOUR BEDROOMS SOME LOVE Bedrooms should feel inviting and soothing. Neutral colors, clean surroundings, and a lack of clutter will help buyers imagine kicking off their shoes there at the end of a long day. Tackle one bedroom at a time, focusing your attention on these key tasks: • Thoroughly clean and declutter. This includes wiping down the walls and baseboards, repairing wall or paint issues, washing windows, cleaning and ironing window treatments, and doing a major declutter. Store or get rid of unnecessary items. • Store personal items. Make sure all personal knick-knacks, health and beauty products, photos, and other mementos are out of site. • Organize the closets, armoires, and dresser interiors. Assume that a buyer will look in every nook and cranny. Make sure these areas are neat and uncluttered inside. • Re-convert rooms if needed. Even if you’ve used a bedroom as an office, craft room, or other area, it’s best to create a bedroom look and feel for prospective buyers. • Remove unnecessary furniture. To create the illusion of a larger room, move any unneeded or bulky furniture items into storage or another area of your home.

11. TIDY THE BATHROOMS Dirty bathrooms are an instant turn-off for potential buyers. Ensure your bathrooms are spotless and clutter-free when it’s time for a showing. Showers, tubs, sinks, faucets, mirrors, toilets, walls, and floors should be properly scrubbed and wiped down. Repair or replace any broken tiles, damaged walls, old fixtures, or other obvious defects. Store any personal grooming items out of sight. Also, consider investing in a new set of white towels and replacing any aging accessories like toilet paper holders, towel racks, toilet seats, bath mats, or shower curtains. Add a touch of hospitality by setting out guest soaps or fancy hand towels. With just a little money and a bit of attention, you’ll have buyer-ready bathrooms in a jiffy.

12. MAKE YOUR LIVING ROOM FEEL EXTRA LIVEABLE Living rooms should be inviting and tidy. Help create this look and feel by doing a thorough cleaning and taking a few extra steps. Replace or store any dated or deteriorating furniture or accents. Even buying new throw pillows, a cozy blanket, or slipcovers can go a long way! Stash any personal decor or items, as well as any unnecessary furniture. Make sure electronic wires are neatly tucked away. If you have a fireplace, degrease and get rid of soot stains as much as possible. Lastly, consider staging a simple relational scene by setting out a tea set or family board game.





Create an atmosphere of connection, cleanliness,

It’s time to look down and see what needs done under

and relaxation in the dining area of your home.

your feet. Dirty floors are gross, and definitely not what

Start by cleaning the room from top to bottom, looking

buyers want to see. Start with sweeping and vacuuming

carefully for any stains or disrepair. If your table and

the floors throughout your entire home. Next, it’s time for

chairs have seen better days, consider an upgrade

a deeper clean by either hiring a professional, or doing

or borrowing a set.

it yourself. A good scrubbing and waxing can go a long

Even little details can make a big difference. Invest in quick fixes with a fresh coat of neutral paint, an updated light fixture, and an eye-catching tablecloth. Add an air of entertainment by setting the table with attractive dishes, displaying a few wine glasses, or adding some candles.

14. SPIFF-UP YOUR BASEMENT Whether or not your basement is finished or a total eyesore, the goal is to make it look as spacious and clean as possible. Start by decluttering and then do a top-to-bottom cleaning. Make sure any water damage, mildew, or other issues are properly addressed.

way on tile, linoleum, or hardwoods. And you can easily rent a steam cleaner at your local home improvement store for carpet. If flooring or carpet doesn’t perk up with a good cleaning, you might need to replace it with something new.

17. SET THE STAGE FOR A PERFECT ENTRANCE The impression a buyer forms in the first 15 seconds inside your home can make all the difference. Once they’ve dismissed your home as an option, it’s really hard to convince them otherwise. So it’s crucial to create a great first impression in the entryway.

Add lighting as needed to give a positive

Start by thoroughly decluttering. Make sure all coats,

impression of this area.

shoes, bags, and other items are stored neatly out of

15. FIND THE RIGHT AGENT In today’s market, it’s more important than ever to work with an experienced, savvy agent. Look for someone with a strong track record and excellent referrals and testimonials. You want an advocate— someone who will act quickly and aggressively with your best interest in mind. Your agent will need at least two weeks to take

sight. The area needs to be as spotless as possible, so wipe up any footprints, smudges, dust, or anything else that may have accumulated since your last cleaning. As with the rest of the home, you want the entryway to have neutral walls without blemish. If you have family photos or artwork lining the walls, consider replacing with mirrors to brighten and give the illusion of more space. Lastly, replace any old welcome mats or entry rugs with brand new ones. These little touches don’t cost much, and can make a huge difference in appeal.

care of listing requirements, scheduling, and preparing marketing for your home to sell. A solid listing agent should be able to devote plenty of time to answering your questions and guiding you through each and every step of the process.



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18. FOCUS ON THE GARAGE You might be surprised by how much attention is paid to


garages during home tours. And these often-neglected

Many homebuyers drive past homes before even

areas usually need some TLC before prospective buyers come through. Here are a few steps you can take to ensure your garage isn’t a total turn-off: • Minimize the mess. Store or get rid of unnecessary items to create as much space as possible. Make sure the appropriate number of cars can comfortably fit inside. • Add storage solutions if needed. To keep things off the floor and help with decluttering, add shelves, pegboards, storage racks, or cabinets. • Power-wash or paint floors. Get rid of the grime and grease by power or pressure washing your garage floors. If this doesn’t do the trick, cover stains up with a sealant or dark paint. • Check the lighting. Poor or broken lighting can easily go unnoticed in our garages. Replace any burned-out bulbs or non-working fixtures. Upgrade to higher wattage or LED bulbs or add fixtures if the room still seems poorly lit.

setting up a showing. This first impression cannot be overrated. Make sure your yard looks tidy and inviting. Clean up flower beds, mow or rake the lawn, add fresh mulch, trim bushes and trees, and consider adding seasonal touches like potted plants or front porch ferns. Remove any yard clutter like toys, hoses, or other outdoor items. Take care of any obvious disrepair such as busted or loose fence posts, chipped paint, broken shutters, moss-covered siding, window problems, or door issues. Check your exterior lighting to make sure everything’s in working order.

20. CREATE A BACKYARD OASIS Nothing’s better than unwinding in the back yard after a long day. Help buyers envision this moment when they look out your back door and step foot onto the lawn. Just like the front yard, remove any and all clutter and take care of the grass. If your deck could use a refresh, power wash and stain as needed. Clean or replace patio furniture and arrange in a conversational position. If the season allows, add potted flowers or outdoor lights for an ambiance of fun. Double-check that fences, gates, and storage sheds are in good shape, too. Keep any outdoor toys, tools, or other materials tucked away.



21. DON’T OVERLOOK THE DRIVEWAY Buyers are going to begin their journey into your home by walking up your driveway. And this walkway will set the tone for their entire tour. Park any vehicles down the street. Repair any glaring problems like large cracks or holes. Add extra touches with tasteful landscaping like natural stone or floral edging.

22. MAKE THOSE WINDOWS SHINE Cleaning windows can feel like a real chore, but it’s totally worth the effort when it comes to selling your home. You may not look at them on a daily basis, but you can bet your buyer will. Clean windows inside and out (or hire someone to do this) and repair any issues. Look for broken or loose screens or latches. Make sure ledges are dusted and free of any clutter. Not only will sparkling windows look great, but they’ll allow natural light to pour in, giving your home the desired bright and airy feel.

23. DON’T FORGET THE ROOF AND GUTTERS A solid-looking roof and gutters make a home look cared-for and secure. They also help relieve any concerns about potential water damage or similar problems in the near future. Assess your exterior for any damaged or loose shingles. Make sure gutters are thoroughly cleaned out and in proper working order.

24. AVOID WALL AND DOOR DRAMA In our everyday comings and goings, we usually don’t give our walls and doors a second thought. But buyers will be eyeing them up and down to see what shape they’re in. Fix any loose doors, door knobs, or broken locks. Remove door and wall scuffs (hello, Magic Eraser ®!) and touch up with paint if needed.

25. PLAN FOR YOUR PETS Remove all signs of pets living in your home (or at least as much as possible). That might sound crazy, but you don’t know whether a buyer is a fan of Fido or not. If you can’t completely hide the evidence, so to speak, at least minimize the signs. Stow all pet-related items such as kitty litter boxes, carriers, pet toys, and food out of sight. And whatever you do, make sure pet odors and stains are not an issue. This can be a complete deal-breaker for a homebuyer. Avoid covering up smells with air fresheners and try a cleaning or deodorizing solution instead. Also, it’s super important to vacuum or sweep up any pet hair on your furniture and floors. As much as it might feel unreasonable, it’s best to relocate your pet(s) to a friend or family’s house while your home is on the market. It’ll make keeping your house clean and allowing for last-minute showings much easier. If that’s not possible, at least do your very best to remove your pet(s) from your home during the actual showing and keep supplies hidden.



26. HANDLE KID CLUTTER Your kids are amazing, we know. But these awesome


little (or big) people can add a ton of clutter to your home.

Believe it or not, one smell can make or break the sale

And even if your buyer has or plans to have kids, they don’t need to see evidence of yours. Stow as many toys, art supplies and projects, personal items, and kid-related accessories like changing tables and high chairs as possible. Use baskets, bins, and other storage containers to help control the mess. Explain to kids the importance of keeping the house picked up while it’s on the market. Make daily clean-ups a family affair to minimize the work.

27. DO A FINAL SWEEP BEFORE GO TIME Once you’ve done a head-to-toe once-over in your home, it’s time to do a final walkthrough and touch-up. Remember, the devil’s in the details here. Don’t overlook any nook or cranny. Hire a professional or even a college student to handle any outstanding cleaning, organizing, or staging issues if you need the help. The effort will all pay off when the keys are handed over.

of your home. Everyone has their own smell preferences and aversions, but one thing is for sure: smells matter. You want to avoid overpowering smells of all kinds in your home, so don’t just plan on dousing everything with air freshener. But there are some things you can do to avoid turning a buyer away: • Air out your home. Open windows to let out any stink or stale air prior to showings. • Beware of notorious nose killers. Strong food smells (think fish, cabbage, onion, and garlic, for example), pet odors, dirty clothes or shoes, mold and mildew, bleach, smoke, chemicals, and overpowering cover-ups like air fresheners, intense scented candles, or even perfume can turn off a buyer in an instant. • Take out the trash. While it’s impossible to keep the trash out of your house 100% of the time, make sure all trash cans are empty when it’s time for a showing. Your home will look and smell so much better. • Avoid cooking right before a showing. Grab takeout or better yet, dine out prior to a showing to avoid the smell of food getting to a buyer. • Add a subtle scent. It’s best to add pleasant aromas in an understated way and to just stick with one. Consider simmering some cinnamon, orange, and clove on the stove prior to a showing. Or use an oil diffuser or oil-infused humidifier beforehand. Stick with more neutral scents like very light florals, citrus, or mint.




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29. HIDE YOUR VALUABLES We’d love to think that nobody would attend a showing just to swipe things, but unfortunately it does happen. Play it safe by securely stowing any high-value items such as jewelry, heirlooms, sports memorabilia, and other precious mementos, as well as prescription medication and cash. If you don’t have a good spot for valuables, buy a small safe or store precious items off-site while your home is on the market.

30. IT’S TIME FOR YOUR HOME TO SAY CHEESE A picture really is worth 1,000 words. And with nearly all buyers looking at prospective homes online first, your home’s photos can make all the difference. Once you have your home in tip-top shape, your listing agent will either schedule a photographer or take photos themself. This might include interior and exterior shots during different times of day, drone footage, and panoramic views. Add some final touches during picture day like fresh flowers, a bottle of wine, or an attractive plate of cookies or cupcakes.

31. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: THE FINAL WALKTHROUGH Before your showings begin, it’s best to do a last walkthrough looking for anything and everything that might distract or displease a buyer. Keep your eyes out for clutter, personalized belongings, disrepair, dirt, smudges, or stains. It’s always helpful to have a neutral party who doesn’t live in your home look it over with you, too. They’ll likely see things you’ve overlooked. Once all final cleaning has been done, repairs are made, and items stowed, it’s time to sit back and wait for the fun to begin!



Ready To Sell Your Home And Move On? Having a driven and experienced real estate pro on your side makes all the difference. Today’s housing market requires expertise, intuition, and focus on the selling end. The local agents of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Indiana Realty are committed to doing whatever it takes to get your home in front of the right buyer. And from our initial meet-up to signing the final closing documents, we’re in this with you. We’ve come to be well-known for our integrity, innovation, and high standards. Together we can get you the best price for your home with the least amount of hassle. Reach out today to get the process started.

home.bhhsinrealty.com | (866) 628-5039 3801 E. 82nd St, Indianapolis, IN 46240 | Email: clientservices@bhhsin.com

©2019 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity.

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3801 E. 82nd St, Indianapolis, IN 46240 (800) 747-7797 | berkshirehathawayhs.com/Indiana-Realty-IN302

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