WHAT IS agent+++?
An agent referral program designed to provide long-term residual revenue opportunities to all Woodmont Realty sales professionals To participate, an affiliated agent will help secure an appointment for the prospect candidate and ask for the form below to be completed and submitted.
The registration form must be completed prior to an appointment with the Principal Broker Registrations are valid for 90 days and may be renewed if prospect candidate is actively entertaining affiliation with the Broker If not renewed after 90 days, another Woodmont Realty affiliated agent will be eligible to become the referring agent of the candidate
Associates with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty who sponsor a new agent to the company qualify under the agent +++ program to receive a quarterly bonus equivalent to 1 5% of the Adjusted GCI* of the recruited agent as long as both agents are with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty or The Nashville Referral Group
R U L E S + G U I D
Registrations - In order to qualify as a sponsoring agent, an official registration form must be completed and accepted by the office managing broker The agent must actively assist broker in establishing and participating in the interview The official agent+++ registration form is available in three convenient locations: www woodmontrealty com site under 'join our team' located at the top navigation bar, the SkySlope platform, and the REsource Center 'Company Connections'
Registrations are valid for a 3-month period They can be renewed if the sponsoring agent is still "actively" involved in the recruiting process with the office managing broker If the registration is not renewed, another agent with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty is eligible to become the sponsoring agent of this recruit if all guidelines are met
If the sponsoring agent does not renew the registration and the agent is ultimately hired by the company, no bonus will be paid The registration must be active at the time of the hire to qualify for payments - NO EXCEPTIONS!
agent+++ bonuses WILL NOT be paid if a sponsored agent's hire date is prior to registration date
Former agents with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty are ineligible to be sponsored unless it has been a minimum of 12 months since their license has been transferred from Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty
Agents currently in The Nashville Referral Group are NOT eligible to be sponsored in the agent +++ program when they become an active agent There is no agent+++ sponsorship programs for agents referred into The Nashville Referral Group
Only employees with an active real estate license are eligible to receive agent+++ bonuses (Exception: Office Managing Brokers are NOT eligible )
ln order to receive a bonus, the sponsoring agent and the recruited agent must be active with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty However, sponsoring agents can transfer into the The Nashville Referral Group and continue to receive bonuses as long as the recruited agent is still active with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Woodmont Realty
If a recruited agent transfers into The Nashville Referral Group, no bonuses will be paid on transactions occurring through The Nashville Referral Group