China Turns to Communism

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China- From Dynasty to Communism

Start Up What do you know about China?

Dynastic China Powerful emperors ruled China for 2, 000 years. Emperors were believed to have a “Mandate from Heaven� According to Confucian tradition, dynasties could be overthrown if they governed poorly. Absolute Power- obedience of authority is taught in Confucianism. Social Structure is a pyramid.

Fall of Dynastic China Qing Dynasty in power Intended to keep China isolated from other countries and foreign trade. Starting in the late 1700s, the British traded opium illegally. When Chinese authorities objected, the British defeated China in a series of wars and forced it to open itself up to trade. Other European countries and the U.S. also began trading with China.

Besides foreign trade, China had other internal problems. Population Growth Short food production Corruption

Boxer Rebellion Although it failed, led to nationalism. Chinese revolted against foreign influence Wants government to be responsive to their needs.

Discuss Were the opium wars harmful or beneficial to China?

Write What influence did foreign nations have on China? Give specific evidence. Use pages 335-339 in your books for more information.

Create Create a Venn Diagram comparing China under Dynastic rule and China under socialist/communist rule.

Start Up Write 3 things you know about Communism.

Sun Yixian, leader to the Nationalist Party was successful in overthrowing the emperor of the Qing Dynasty- last dynasty in China. Wanted to make China a democracy Government was unstable- turned into military dictatorship- civil wars.

Mao Zedong China was unhappy about the Treaty of Versailles after WWI- thought European imperialists would leave China. Rallies and Revolts led by Mao Zedong. People turned against the idea of democracy in favor of Lenin’s Soviet Communism.

Lenin and China become allies and share resources and ideas for a communist country. Civil War between Nationalist Party and Communist Party. Mao Zedong unites the peasants to his side. Communist Revolution- China officially becomes Communist in 1949.

Most Importantly, the leaders wanted to modernize the economy while giving everyone an equal share in the wealth. By 1956, Mao rejected the Soviet system which he thought relied too much on technology. He began a unique communist experiment relying on hard work and sacrifice.

Used propaganda to INDOCTRINATE everyone to his beliefs

Intro Mao’s reforms brought some positive changes But also ended all freedoms And destroyed traditions that had lasted thousands of years 1953--5-year plan focused all nat’l efforts on improving factory output Remarkably successful Led to a terrible disaster:

The Great Leap Forward 195861 2nd 5-year plan focused on agriculture Created massive collective farms Peasants forced to live in military-like conditions With 25,000 others

Great Leap Forward People were forced to work together on large industrial projects. Had to work long hours- were compensated with health care, clothing, and food. People had to study the communist ideals to rid themselves of anti-Communist thoughts.

GLF, cont. Total disaster Widespread resentment Repeated crop failures Famine led to 25 million deaths Even industrial production fell Govt cancelled program in 1961

Results of Great Leap Forward Failure Poor Management People realized they could work little and still get benefits. One of the largest famines in history between 19581961

New Leaders In wake of this disaster, Mao surrendered some duties New leaders tried to modernize economy Allowed peasants to sell crops for profit •

Bonuses for hard workers in factories & fields


Brought in experts w/ special skills

Cultural revolution, 19661969 •

By 1965, economy had recovered

But Mao disliked changes it brought:

Higher wages weakened revolutionary spirit

A privileged class of “experts” emerged

He wanted complete equality

Red Guards •

1966, Mao trained 11 million young people

Formed units called Red Guards

“TheLittleRed Book” •

Each person carried “Quotations of Chairman Mao”

Goals: •

To REJUVENATE the revolution

By eliminating all opposition to Mao

And all special privileges

Also, to remove all reverence for for Confucius and other traditions

Methods •

Attacked professors, writers, scholars, musicians, & scientists

Thousands killed or imprisoned

Perceived enemies put on trial

Then “purged & humiliated”

Entire economy disrupted by the chaos

End of Cultural Revolution •

Mao finally realized students had gone too far


Red Guards disbanded in 1969

Open Door Policy Improved relations w/ US •

Pres. Nixon visited 1972

Normalized relations in 1979

But 1st step, in 1971:

Deng Xiaoping •

Took over when Mao Zedong died.

Encouraged economic reform and an incentive system.

People were now allowed to sell their crops, if they first met the quota to give to the government.

Allowed capitalist business form other countries to enter China and use Chinese labor in specific places.

Successful, but did not fix everything.

Tiananmen Square, 1989 •

1980s: reforms lifted std. of living

More material. goods available

But new capitalist ideas clashed w/ communist values

By late ‘80s, students, writers, & artists calling for greater political freedom


Many people, especially students wanted political reforms to match economic reforms.


They wanted some freedoms such as freedom of the press, some wanted democracy.

Tiananmen Square •

April, May 1989

Hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in T.S. in Beijing

The world watched, hoping for the best

Soldiers broke up crowd w/ tanks and gunfire

Killed hundreds, wounded thousands

Across China, those who spoke up were shot, imprisoned, or tortured

The Chinese still wait for true freedom


Protest of about 2 million people in Tianamen Square (in Beijing)- military put down the protest with force. Up to 3,000 killed.

Write •

What prevented the Great Leap forward from being successful?


Read the last paragraph on pg. 555. Do you think China will ever allow more political freedom? Do economic and political freedom have to exist? Or can you have one without the other?

Homework •

Make a study guide- Study for the Test!

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