WWII powerpoint

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World War II

Treaty Of Versailles • Left Germany humiliated • Had to admit guilt • Forced to have a small military and pay reparations

What do you see here? What words would you use to describe the emotional state of the people in this image? Why might they be living in poverty? How do they feel about their government?

German Economy • The Great Depression was world wide- Germany was hit hard. • German money was virtually useless. • People blamed the German government for the defeat during the war and the bad economy.

Militarism • In times of crisis, military leaders often take over the government. • They take command by using nationalism and the growth of the military to unite people into a pride of their country. • In the years after WWI, disarmament treaties were ignored, the depression took over, and some countries fell to military leaders.

• Dictator- a ruler with total power, usually taken by force • Fascism- political movement that promotes extreme nationalism (superior feeling of your country), denies individual rights, and dictatorial one-party rule http://vimeo.com/channels/mrsderstinedesai/page:

Start Up • Write down 2 things you know about Adolph Hitler. • Review definitions of vocab words

Early Years • Born in Austria 1889 • Fought in World War I • Felt that the Weimar Republic betrayed Germany by signing the Treaty of Versailles

Nazi Party • Joined National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party) • Attacked the Weimar Republic in very emotional speeches • Led an uprising against the govt- jailed for a year • Mein Kampf (My Struggle)- political ideas for Germany. • Hitler claimed that Germans were a superior “Aryan” race and should control other races and rule the world. • He though Jews were inferior and caused Germany’s defeat in WWI. • Also hated the Soviet Union- territory.

Hitler Becomes Dictator • Promised help to workers and the middle class • More people joined the Nazi Party • 1931, Nazi Party biggest in Reichstag, the German legislature. • Hitler was named Chancellor of the government.

• Third Reich, Holy Roman Emperor, German Empire • All government members had to take an oath to obey him • Outlawed political opposition • Censored the media • Fascist State

Anti Semitism • Anti-Semitism (against Jewish people and religion) • Banned from professional and govt positions • Nuremburg Laws 1935- Jews couldn’t be German citizens and banned marriages between Jews and non-Jews • All Jews had to register with govt and wear stars of David on their clothes.

Why did People like him? • Promised economic recovery • More power and strength in the world • Military build up • National Pride • Aryan Master Race….Manifest Destiny? Began to re-build Germany

http://www.youtube.com /watch? v=KDQgQTyhFMo&feat ure=related

What emotions did you feel as you listened to this? Would you have been influenced by Hitler?

Left Side of Notebook…MEAT! 1. What was the economic state of Germany and its attitudes toward its government?

2. What were Hitler’s speeches and promises to the German people?

3. The German people accepted Hitler as a political leader because…

• Map activity

Homework • How can political speeches be used to influence the public? • Extra Credit: Find and listen to part of a speech from a former president, Obama, or a presidential candidate. Listen to it and write what you thought. Did they catch your attention? How did they try to get you to believe them? Gain their trust?

Start Up • You are walking through the mall and your child or younger sibling wants an expensive toy, when you say no they start screaming and crying…what do you do?

• A. Ignore them when they walk into the store and take it. • B. Allow them to have it so they stop crying • C. Take a stand and not let them have it even if they cry.

• Explain your reasoning.

• Look in blue book on pg. 785-786. Review “Third Reich” paragraph. • Which part of the Treaty of Versailles has Hitler already violated? • Hitler wanted to expand Germany’s territory. • Part of the Treaty of Versailles gave Germany’s territory- Rhineland- to France.

• 1936- Hitler invaded the Rhineland and claimed it for Germany. • 1938- Germany invaded Austria.

• Find these places on your map.

Europe’s Response • Violation of Treaty of Versailles • France formed an anti-Germany alliance with Russia but would not act without Britain’s support. • Neville Chamberlain, Britain’s Prime Minister, did not want to start another war.

• APPEASEMENT: giving in to what a hostile power wants to keep the peace.

• Is appeasement a good idea? • They wanted to prevent another World War…

• What are the consequences of appeasement? • What are the alternatives?

Sudetenland • No one stopped him… so Hitler turned to Czechoslovakia. • 3 million Germans lived in Sudetenland, the western border of Czechoslovakia and Hitler wanted to take it over to create a German Empire. • 1938- Looked likely that Germany was going to invade. • Neville Chamberlain stepped in.

• Appeasement!!! • Chamberlain and Hitler met (Czechoslovakia was not invited)- Chamberlain agreed to give the Sudetenland to Germany. • Hitler promised he would not expand any more territory in Europe. • The U.S. agreed with appeasement because Roosevelt did not want the world to begin another war.

• Dialogue • Create a dialogue between Chamberlain and Hitler • They are talking about how to deal with the situation of Hitler violating the Treaty of Versailles. • 5 lines for each character. • Classwork grade • Extra Credit if you present to class!

US Response • Read over notes

• Britain and France announce that they would go to war if Germany attacked Poland. • September 1st 1939- Germany attacks Poland. 2 days later, Britain and France declare war. • On map, color in Germany and Italy one color (Axis Powers) and France and Britain another (Allied Powers)

Deal with soviet union • Britain and France asked the Soviet Union to support them against Germany. • Stalin signed a nonaggression pact with Hitler. (Agreed not to attack one another). In a secret pact, they also agreed to split Poland between them. After Germany attacked Poland, the Soviet Union did as well. June 1941- Germany invades Soviet Union. (Not so good at keeping their promises) LOOK AT MAP ON P. 792

Homework • How did the actions of Chamberlain lead to WWII? • How did the actions of Hitler lead to WWII? • Use specific details • Use the vocabulary words: Appeasement, Treaty of Versailles, Rhineland, and Sudetenland in your answer.

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