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Territory Timeline "#$ &>-.<*+. WA+0<0)1 <)< D*E\0**.

!The Deadwood Experience"  !"$%&'&()*%+,-.%*/() !0200-      

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Tom Blair’s memories of the Deadwood You Bet committee

Territory Timeline

 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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Territory Timeline 344F

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6789: #;<= <= 67>8? !e#p is many times #-r/in0 in p#a1es #east e2pe1ted4 as 5as t6e 1ase o8 9ead5ood:s sa;in0 0ra1e< =n t6e ear#y part o8 >?@A4 B#air attended a 1ity 0o;C ernment seminar in !ot Dprin0s entiC t#ed E9on:t Fein;ent Go-rse#8<H I6at 6e 8o-nd 5as t6at 9ead5ood 5asn:t -niJ-e in t6e 8a1t t6at it 1o-#dn:t pay its bi##s< I6o 6e sat ne2t to at #-n16 p#anted t6e seed 8or t6e 1ity:s 8-t-re and so#;ed t6at money prob#em< ELor #-n164 5e dre5 ti1/ets o-t o8 a 6at and = #anded a seat ne2t to t6e moderator 56o 5as -niJ-e#y interested in 9ead5ood< !e 8e#t t6at 5e 5ere one o8 t6e #ast 0reatest p#a1es #e8t in t6e M#d Iest4H B#air e2p#ained< E!e said4 :NO isn:t 0oin0 to 1ome b-i#d a p#ant in yo-r to5n< I6at yo- 6a;e is to-rism and peop#e 56o /no5 6o5 to mar/et t6at< Go- 6a;e 5onder8-# o#d b-i#din0s4 a 0reat ora# 6istory o8 9ead5ood< P#ay -pon 56at yo- are< 9on:t rein;ent yo-rse#8<:H B#air 5ent 6ome and 5it6 t6e 6e#p o8 a 8e5 1onne1tions 1a##ed Qt#anti1 City o88i1ia#s to see 6o5 t6at 6i06C ro##in0 Se5 Jersey 1ity 5as doin0 sin1e it #a-n16ed 0amb#in0 in t6e ear#y >?@Us< !e t6en met 5it6 t6e preC9ead5ood Go- Bet 0ro-p4 1omprised o8 Oain Dtreet b-siness o5ners Le5 Wee6n4 Bi## Ia#s64 Oi/e Xr-1ano4 L#oyd Iest4 Jerry Qpa and 9anny D16en/6ein< X6ey 6ad tied an ear#ier 0amb#in0 meas-re to #iJ-or #i1ense estab#is6ments4 56i16 5as -ns-11ess8-#<

Qt t6eir se1ond meetin0 in M1tober >?@A4 B#air re1a##s Wee6n sayin04 EIe need to p-t to0et6er a 1ommittee t6at doesn:t 6a;e ties to simp#y #iJ-or< Qnd it don:t need to be me<H B#air be1ame ;ery emotiona# at t6is point4 as a ;a#-ed #i8e#on0 8riends6ip 6as been 8or0ed be0innin0 t6e day 6e made 6is 8irst re1r-itment 1a##< !e 1omposed 6imse#8 and re1a##ed 6o5 m-16 6e re#ied on Oe#odee Se#son to 0et t6e ba## ro##in0< EOy 8irst p6one 1a## 8or 9ead5ood Go- Bet Y = 1a##ed Oe#odee -p and 0ot 6er o-t o8 t6e s6o5er< = said4 :=:m #oo/C in0 8or a 8res6 8a1e4 a b-siness person t6at:s not 1ontro;ersia#4 t6at:s 5e## respe1ted4 and yo-:re it<:H Se#son 5e## remembers t6e -ne2C pe1ted 1a##< E!e did< !e 0ot me o-t o8 t6e s6o5er< = remember o-r 1on;ersation ;ery 1#ear#y4H s6e said< E= 5as rea##y 6onored t6at 6e 5o-#d t6in/ o8 me< = 6ad 6eard t6e r-mb#in0s t6at t6ere 5as a 0ro-p tryin0 to brin0 0amin0 ba1/ to 9ead5ood and 5e 5ere sma## to5n Qmeri1a< Ie 5ere dyin0 and = t6o-06t it 5as a per8e1t 8it<H D6e 5as on#y Z[ years o#d 56en s6e 5as 16ar0ed 5it6 t6e seemin0#y ins-rC mo-ntab#e tas/ o8 #eadin0 t6e 16ar0e to 16an0e 9ead5ood4 b-t Se#son didC n:t ba1/ a5ay a bit< EXom and = 6ad been 5or/in0 6ard 8or a n-mber o8 years r-nnin0 o-r o5n b-siness4 5e 6ad t6ree yo-n0 16i#dren and t6is ne5 16a##en0e4 t6is ne5 opport-nity 5as 8as1inatin0 to


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JANUARY 23, 2004                                          

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                                                                   

!" #$#%&'(" &( )#*#*+#)                                                                                                                                                                                  

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Territory Timeline 1890s

~ FullGscale crusades against gambling begin in Deadwood.

The Franklin Hotel: Then... and now

1890s ~ Poker Alice arrives in Deadwood.


~ AntiGgambling legislation being passed.

Oistoric PhotoQ =he Franklin Ootel> as it appeared in May 1903> immediately prior to its grand opening date of June L> 1903. ;7<727=:<96>7?<;9 @1A6B=69=AC47=69


~ A fire starts in a boarding house A destroys Deadwood s business district.


~ Fire closes the Gem =heater for good. Swearengen leaves town A is killed not long after while trying to board a train to Denver s rail yard.


~ Census records estimate Deadwood s population to be 3>L98.

See our

Deadwood Winning Big video at

Now PhotoQ =he Franklin Ootel> as it appeared in February 2009> nearly 20 years after hosting the party celebrating the return of legaliTed gambling to Deadwood and nearly 110 years after it was erected. 57899:D;7<7E>$12578:1@,91:678 !$+, !01234500657899: !!$! ' ()* )+,-./+0 1/2345+3 6.-*57 89:2+3-=+3!*2>?..>7+,5.02-*>.3-)*0./@ 3*/ .A 2+3 23> )+3* -/**-, +3 !*2>?..>= .AA+0+255C.D*3*>.3EF3*G7H:9I= >2J, F,*FJ K 6.F,* F/2-./ /5*--* 623,*37 *,-+J2-*> -.-25 0.3,-/F0-+.3 0.,-, -. M* 2/.F3> NH9979997 23 2,-.F3>+3O 2J.F3- .A J.3*CM204-)*3= P35+4*J.,-MF+5>+3O,2--)*-F/3.A-)*Q9-) 0*3-F/C7 -)* 1/2345+3 6.-*57 ?)+0) ?2, MF+5- +3 R/**4 *T+T25 ,-C5*7 A*2-F/*> -*5*D).3*,7 /F3@ 3+3O ?2-*/7 /2>+23- )*2-7 23> *5*0-/+0+-C +3 *20) /..J= 204 +3 H:HI7 -)* M2,*J*3- ,25..3 +3 -)* MF+5>+3O?2,.3*.A-)/**2+3-/**-*,-2M5+,)@ J*3-, /2+>*> >F/+3O 2 0/204>.?3 .3 O2JM5+3O +3-)*0+-C= 12,-@A./?2/> -. -)* >2C, .A -)* !*2>?..> .F *- .JJ+--**7 /.FO)5C H:WX -)/.FO) H:W:= ()* 1/2345+3 6.-*5 23> -)* >.?3,-2+/, M2/7 MC

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Deadwood Winning Big =he rise> fall A resurrection of Deadwood gambling

on Saturday> March 28.

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