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Territory Timeline ')* 19DEs

‘You Bet’ committee grooms Deadwood’s first bag lady !"#$%&'#&()*%+,-.%*/() !0123#45006#-57899: !"#!$%%! ' ()e be,ame a b/tton3ba435ie7din4 ma,)ine9 ba,: in t)e day< #==e,tionate7y branded ?!ead5ood@s =irst ba4 7adyB by t)e ,ommittee s)e stroCe to serCe9 @Do/ Eet@ o==i,e man3 a4er and a,tiCities ,oor3 dinator Linda E7air ,7ear3 7y earned )er )ard35on tit7e and =/rt)ermore9 =or t)at9 s)e )as no s)ame< Gere@s )o5 s)e 4ot branded ?t)e ba4 7adyHB ?I)ere 5ere t)ese sa,:s o= b/ttons 5e too: to t)e Le4is7at/re ear7y on in t)e pro,ess9B Linda eKp7ained< ?$e 5ere a77 4ettin4 o/t o= t)e ,ar in Pierre and M said @M@77 N/st 4o 4et my ba4 o= b/t3 . 2   tons<@B 6    ?#nd M said9 @Do/@77 N/st       be o/r ba4 7ady9@B said '=*2 )/sband Iom E7air< ?Mt '?@ 5as an inno,ent remar: -57899:#;<7=7#>?#$125#&78:1@,-91:678 and it st/,:< Orom t)en on9 5e a75ays ,a77ed )er o/r ba4 7ady< Linda 5as !ead5ood@s =irst ba4 7ady<B #77 No:in4 aside9 one o= t)e 7astin4 mementos o= t)e ?!ead5ood Do/ EetB days are t)e b/ttons< #nd a7t)o/4) Linda ,o/7d s)are story a=ter story re4ardin4 5)o 4ot one and /nder 5)at ,ir,/mstan,es9 one in,ident in parti,/7ar sti,:s o/t< ?#t one point in a parade9 somebody )it a spe,tator9 so t)en 5e )ad to be rea77y ,are=/7< M started t)in:in49 @7iabi7ity iss/es@ and M )ad to remind eCeryone t)at 5e need to be ,are=/7 abo/t )o5 5e t)ro5 t)ose t)in4s9 5)ere 5e@re tossin4 t)em aro/nd9B E7air said< I)e messa4e t)e @Do/ Eet@ b/ttons bear 5ere t)e brain,)i7d o= t)en3,)amber dire,tor !an (,)ein:)ein< ?Mt@s an eKpression peo3 p7e tend to /se aro/nd )ere a 7ot9 so 5e 5ent 5it) t)at9B Linda said< I)ey ended /p bein4 a r/n3a5ay s/,,ess< ?M t)in: 5e too: t)e =irst bat,) o= b/ttons to a 4ro/p o= Ceterans at Oort Peade and t)ere 5ere QRR o= t)em and M t)in: 5e paid aro/nd STRR9B Linda remembers< I)ey U/i,:7y ran o/t9 t)ere are aro/nd QR o= t)ose ori4ina7 b/ttons in eKisten,e and 5)at res/7ted 5as t)e prompt orderin4 o= VR9RRR to WR9RRR more< ?$e ended /p orderin4 en masse9B Iom said< Mn addition to b/tton detai79 Linda per=ormed seCera7 ot)er inte4ra7 d/ties< Li:e bai7in4 t5o random 4/ys o/t o= Nai7 t)at ,o73 7e,ted si4nat/res =or t)e petition driCe< ?I)ere 5ere t)ese t5o 4/ys t)at !aCid and Pary )ired o== t)e street to ,o77e,t si4na3 t/res =or t)e petition< #77 o= a s/dden t)ey didn@t s)o5 /p =or 5or: and 7ater 5e =ind o/t t)eir pi,:3/p@s been impo/nded be,a/se it 5as sto7en< $e ended /p bai7in4 t)em o/t< Ee,a/se by doin4 so9 5e bai7ed o/t t)e petitions in t)e pro,ess9B Linda eKp7ained< ?$e didn@t ne,essari7y bai7 t)em o/t9 5e 5anted t)e

si4nat/res9B Iom added< Linda@s o==i,e9 @Do/ Eet@ )eadU/arters9 5as 7o,ated in t)e o7d #nt)ony@s department store and serCed as N/st an o==i,e =or t)e =irst year< I)e se,ond year t)e 4ro/p =e7t t)ey needed more o= a presen,e9 so t)ey did t)e m/se/m as 5e77 as an o==i,e< Orom t)at Cen/e9 s)e set /p ,a7endars9 arran4ed =or appear3 an,es at rodeos9 parades and 4ro/p a,tiCities< ()e 5o/7d a7so sear,) =or p7a,es to send t)e @Do/ Eet@ ,ommittee9 as 5e77 as bein4 responsib7e =or paper5or:9 bi77s and sear,)in4 =or ne5 and eK,itin4 eCents to boo: t)e 4ro/p at< #77 t)is9 5it) a =ami7y o= =o/r9 C)ristop)er9 Yobin9 Patt)e5 and C)ad9 at )ome< Zot bad =or a ba4 7ady<

CALAMITK LANE DAKS Eai7in4 peop7e o/t o= Nai7 5asn@t Linda@s on7y br/s) 5it) t)e 7a5 in a 4amin43re7ated in,ident< Gired ear7y on in 4amin4@s in,eption9 E7air 5or:ed =or Jo)n Ca7d5e77< Ca7d5e77 5as a ,)i7d3 )ood =riend o= Y/e P,Lana)an9 and E7air 5or:ed in t)e ,asino Ca7d5e77 and P,Lana)an p/r,)ased ,a77ed Ca7amity Jane@s9 =or3 mer7y 7o,ated in t)e Oren,) \/arter se,tion o= t)e ]o7d !/st b/i7din49 t)e (tern@s ^ ()edd Gard5are b/i7din4< Ee,a/se nei3 t)er o= t)em 5ere (o/t) !a:ota residents9 t)ey )ired Linda to r/n t)e ,asino and /sed )er name as t)e 7i,ense )o7der< Mn )er ,apa,ity as 4enera7 mana4er and as a res/7t o= bein4 7ist3 ed as t)e 7i,ense )o7der9 s)e 5as ,)ar4ed 5it) t)e =irst /ndera4e 4amin4 in=ra,tion in t)e ,ity o= !ead5ood in !e,ember o= T_`_< ?M 5ant to stip/7ate t)at M 5as at )ome in bed 5)en t)e po7i,e ,a77ed and it 5as be,a/se M 5as t)e 7i,ense )o7der t)at M 5as ,)ar4ed< M a7so 5ant it :no5n t)at M =ired a77 o= my sta== t)at ni4)t9 in,7/din4 my =7oor s/perCisor9B Linda said9 7oo:in4 side3 5ays at t)e man sittin4 neKt to )er< I)e =7oor s/perCisor )ap3 pened to be )er )/sband9 Iom< ?M ,o/7dn@t =ire t)e b7a,:Na,: dea7ers be,a/se t)ey 5ere ,ontra,ted o/t o= Eismar,:9 or t)ey 5o/7d )aCe been 4one9 too9B Linda added< I)e in,ident inCo7Ced a ,o77e4e rodeo ,ontestant 5)o 5as /nder QT9 drin:in4 a beer at t)e b7a,:Na,: tab7e< ?I)e s)eri==@s department ,ame in ,)e,:in4 M!s and t)e dea7er ass/med )e 5as o= a4e and didn@t ,ard )im< I)at 5as t)e =irst /ndera4e 4amin4 in=ra,tion in !ead5ood9B Linda said< Oo77o5in4 )er =irin4 rampa4e9 Linda attended )er reU/ired 4amin4 ,ommission )earin4 at t)e ]o7den Gi77s9 5as =ined STR9RRR and Ca7amity Jane@s 5as s)/t do5n =or t)ree days< Ger s)ort stint as 4enera7 mana4er 5as /p in J/ne o= T__R< Ca7amity Jane@s 5as 7ater so7d to !on ]ab7e9 as t)e o5ners 5ere /nab7e to 4et 7i,ensed< ()e does re,a77 t)e =irst mont)s o= 4amin4 5it) CiCid re,o77e,3 tions o= a to5n bein4 sore7y /nderprepared =or t)e ent)/siasti, 5e7,ome t)at 4amb7ers 4aCe !ead5ood< ?%penin4 mont) is a b7/r9B Linda said< ?$e 5ere /ndersta==ed9 /nder3prepared9 5e didn@t )aCe any ,oin ,o/ntin4 ma,)ines<B ?I)e =irst eCenin4 o= 4amin49 5e opened 5it) SWR9RRR 5ort) o= 4amin4 to:ens< I)ere 5ere aR deCi,es and TR ST ma,)ines9B said Iom< ?I)ere 5ere no proCisions to do emer4en,y drops< Coins ,ame po/rin4 o/t on t)e =7oor< $e 4amb7ed TR3TW )o/rs on SVR9RRR<B ?!roppin4 ma,)ines 5as a maNor p)ysi,a7 iss/e9B Linda said< ?#nd 5e man/a77y ,o/nted ,oins< Mt 5as /nbe7ieCab7e =or a 5)i7e<B

~ Many o( Deadwood-s historic Main Street structures undergo renovations8 additions8 or change the types o( businesses they house during this time. Many also change hands. ~ Automobiles open Black Hills to tourism.

19DE ~ Deadwood-s Chinese population dwindles to less than 5E Chinese residents. ~ Air mail service to the Midwest begins.

~ 11D8589 cars8 788E6 trucks Vmost (armerQownedW8 & 777 motorcycles take to the state-s expanding highway system.



~ New Kork Kankees Babe Ruth & Bob Meusel play in AllQStar game against Deadwood-s Rlympic Club nine8 winners o( this year-s Black Hills league pennant8 (or a seasonQcloser treat in Deadwood. ~ First state highway map published.


%&+ A day in the life of .irst Gold 2otel 3 Gaming s Brad 2emmah !"#$%&'#&()*%+,-.%*/() !0123#45006#-57899: '            @B                                                          [     [                                                   

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TUV :Q * :.   + ,


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: UI  F

Register at the Gold Club Center for the cash drawings and use your Gold Club Card to qualify for the Hot Seat Drawings!

                                                      Y                                                                                       #8

Continued fro6 PAGE 5 en#e - fi(urin( it out.. To 0eep lines at t5e 6oney #a(es down, t5ree ;#usto6er-friendly. 0ios0s rese6<lin( ATMs 5a?e <een added w5ere #usto6ers #an #as5 in t5eir paper ti#0ets for #as5 at any ti6e. Also re#ently inte(rated to t5e Oasis syste6, w5i#5 6ana(es t5e propertyAs nu6<ers, was t5e point of sale syste6 in t5e restaurant. T5at effort was o?erseen <y Ron Si6pson, food and <e?era(e 6ana(er and Dan Do<0in, t5e exe#uti?e #5ef.

in( 6ix is t5e strea6in( ?ideo on tele?isions and (a6in( de?i#es t5rou(5out t5e property, allowin( state of t5e art, one-to-one #onta#t for t5e First Gold 6ar0etin( 6essa(e. ;IA6 really i6pressed wit5 w5at t5ese two #an do. ItAs all in-5ouse. Fro6 t5e flyer in t5e 5otel roo6 to

ot5er. To stay #o6petiti?e, we #anAt (et #o6pla#ent. We 6ust #onstantly 5a?e a plan t5at is #o5esi?e and wor0in( wit5 all depart6ents intertwined. T5ere is a w5ole #5ain of depart6ents. T5e #5allen(e is to 6a0e #ertain #5an(e #an a#ti?ely flow t5rou(5 to fruition,. He66a5 said.






;Sout5 Da0ota s5ould <e so proud of Deadwood (a6in(. And IA6 not sayin( GETTING THE W(RD AR(,ND THE t5at in a nefarious way. T5is is a ?ery PR(PERTY AND (,T (N THE responsi<le (a6in( industry in STREETS Deadwood and t5e reason I say itAs responsi<le is t5at our #usto6ers 5a?e to ;We are one of t5e 5ardest tax-payin( (a66a0e a #ons#ious de#ision to dri?e to in( 6ar0ets in t5e #ountry, <e#ause of (eoDeadwood and not Nust (a6e on a #apri(rap5i# lo#ation,. He66a5 said. ;WeAre so far #ious a#t. We stay responsi<le, as our 6araway fro6 lar(e population (roups, we try to 0et is a senior 6ar0et. We donAt want to rea#5 to e?eryone we #an in different ways, ta0e t5e <a<yAs s5oes or t5e (ro#ery 6oney <ut itAs a #5allen(e. We stay in #onta#t wit5 and weAre not tryin( to. A ne(ati?e i6pa#t our PlayerAs Clu< 6e6<ers, <ut weAre li6ited on fa6iliesA li?es ends a responsi<ility we on 5ow far people will dri?e in. T5ere are #er-  5a?e to t5e industry,. He66a5 said. tain 6ont5s we #anAt (et people to #o6e  T5e senior de6o(rap5i#, wit5 (a6in( as a#ross t5e 6ountains, for exa6ple, so we 6ar-          one of its leisure-ti6e a#ti?ities, tends to 0et to different re(ions dependin( on t5e ti6e <  (a6e 6ore responsi<ly, and is one t5at First of year,. He66a5 explained. Pioneer photo by -aci Conrad-Pearson Gold fo#uses on. ;T5atAs w5y we 5a?e su#5 First Gold ad?ertisin( and 6ar0etin( dire#a tre6endous followin(. ItAs t5e senior tor Ki6 Morris de?elops and i6ple6ents t5e 6ar- t5e dire#t 6ail pie#e in t5e 6ail<ox, t5ese two #on#rowd enNoyin( t5e6sel?es. WeAre not 0nown for 0etin( #a6pai(ns t5at are dri?en <y t5e data sup- stantly and #onsistently 0eep our lo(o in peoplesA t5e <ar #rowd. We 5a?e a ni#e, Quiet (a6in( plied <y t5e ot5er depart6ents, wit5 t5e aid of one 6inds,. He66a5 said. staff person, Mi#5elle Roselles. ;W5et5er itAs dire#t A di(ital strate(ies di?ision 5eaded up <y Pade at6osp5ere t5at attra#ts t5at de6o(rap5i#,. 6ail, di(ital, our ad?ertisin( as a w5ole, t5ese two Te6ple was added in De#e6<er wit5 t5e intention of He66a5 said. He #o6pares t5e (a6in( industry to one of are a (reat tea6 and itAs a6aMin( t5e a6ount of wor0 rea#5in( any potential #usto6ers t5at 6i(5t <e t5ey (et done, Nust t5e two of t5e6,. He66a5 said. 6issed wit5 6ore traditional 6ar0etin( strate(ies. A6eri#aAs fa?orite pasti6es. ;I always relate it to a ;ItAs so #on?enient for us to wor0 wit5 Pa#0 Daniels, T5e 5otelAs updated We< site www.first(old.#o6 was <ase<all (a6e. WeAre an industry of statisti#s. ItAs w5o is t5e ?oi#e of First Gold. He 0eeps t5e 6essa(e laun#5ed t5is 6ont5. rewardin(, fun, ex#itin( and t5ereAs so 6u#5 fres5 and out t5ere.. ;I enNoy wor0in( wit5 t5is tea6 so 6u#5. #5an(e in t5is <usiness. It definitely 0eeps 6y T5e 6ost re#ent addition to t5e First Gold 6ar0et- T5eyAre all forward-t5in0ers. T5ey #5allen(e ea#5 6ind a#ti?e wit5 new t5ou(5ts..






JUNE 5, 2007 T5e se?ent5 <i((est IGT Me(aPa#0potR in Deadwood 5istory totaled S41V,W0Y.9[. It was won at t5e Wild West Winners Clu< on Pune 5, V00W on a Quarter 6a#5ine. Wild West Winners Clu< is one of se?eral Deadwood #asinos <elon(in( to a town-wide pro(ressi?e (a6in( networ0. Deadwood #asinos were so6e of t5e first in t5e nation to #arry IGT pro(ressi?e (a6es. T5e pro(ressi?e Na#0pots for ea#5 (a6e are lin0ed. Any ti6e a #oin is played on a 6a#5ine at any #asino, t5e Na#0pot (rows and #ontinues to <uild until it is won.

Territory Timeline

Saloon No. 10: Then ... and now UW U&G&G&)2 3XR@@ 34SX2



U )W  U& G& G& =YZRYY& 2

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20 Years

of Preservation and Gaming



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