Bayside High School Key Club | May 2014
Table Of Contents
I. Introduction................................................................................................Page 3 II. Message from Advisor.............................................................................Page 4 III. Message from Immediate Past Board.................................................Pages 5-7 i. President, Andrea Lin.....................................................................Page 5 ii. Secretary, Dylan Moderno...........................................................Page 5 iii. Secretary, Selina Chin..................................................................Page 6 iv. Treasurer, Brandon (Yejun) Hahn................................................Page 6 v. Editor, Rita Guo...............................................................................Page 7 IV. Message from Board..............................................................................Pages 8-12 i. President, Gina Chen.....................................................................Page 8 ii. Vice- President, Gina Lee.............................................................Page 9 iii. Secretary, Joanna Hsu.................................................................Page 10 iv. Secretary, Cindy Lin......................................................................Page 10 v. Treasurer, Chloe (Hyo Jeong) Lee...............................................Page 11 vi. Webmistress, Lucy Chen..............................................................Page 11 vii. Editor, Eden Wang.......................................................................Page 12 V. All about May...........................................................................................Page 13-22 i. Spaghetti Luncheon Fundraiser by Sandra Wong.....................Page 13 ii. Ronald McDonald House for dinner by Eden Wang................Page 14 iii. Japan Day by Melissa Ha...........................................................Page 15 iv. Divisional Training Conference by Eden Wang........................Page 16 v. AIDS Walk by Sandra Wong.........................................................Page 17 vi. AIDS Walk by Xiyi Zou...................................................................Page 18 vii. Car Wash by Sandra Wong.......................................................Page 19 viii. X-Men: Days of Future Past by Gina Lee................................Page 20 ix. Relay for Life by Eden Wang......................................................Page 21 x. Howard Beach Walk by Feng Yi Guan.......................................Page 22 VI. Members of the Month.........................................................................Page 23 VII. May Overall..........................................................................................Page 24 VIII. May in a Nutshell................................................................................Page 25 IX. Upcoming June Events.........................................................................Page 26 X. International Training Conference (ICON)...........................................Page 27 XI. Leadership Training Conference (LTC)................................................ Page 28 XII. Contact Information............................................................................Page 29 XIII. An Appreciation of Thanks................................................................Page 30 2
During May 2014 Bayside High school Key Club helped out in numerous places. Each member had shown dedication in Key Club that will be presented. All the efforts of our Key Club members would not go unseen. These members have taken their time going on trains buses, cars and even walking in order to participate in these events. Their motivation and pride in helping others to their joy and happiness displayed across their faces is something worth sharing. From personal perspectives told from those we helped through our experiences. Not only did we help, but we also built a stronger relationship for everyone else. Schools, divisions, districts and internationals we all unite as one. As each day goes on, our family will continue to grow. Your Editor, Eden Wang
Message From Advisor
My name is Mr. Jacoby and I have been the advisor of the Bayside High School Key Club for the past 7 years. Key club is the largest student-led community service organization in the world and as advisor, I guide our club as we participate in numerous community service projects. Key club is one of the largest clubs in bayside high school and every year we provide thousands of hours of service and fundraise thousands of dollars for various charities including UNICEF, Relay for Life and the Ronald McDonald House. Key club is different than other community service clubs in Bayside because there is no application or requirements to join. Anyone who is interested in performing community service can join Key Club and become involved. In addition to the satisfaction many members get from helping others who may be less fortunate, members also have the opportunity to make new friends and develop leadership skills. If you are interested in joining Key Club, our meetings are held every Friday in the auditorium at 3:30pm. Hope to see you at our first meeting of the year in September!
-Steven Jacoby, Advisor of Bayside High School Key Club
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Message From Immediate Past Board Board Hello fellow Key Clubbers! It has been such an amazing year. We have made some tremendous changes with every little thing that we have done. To end this year, I would just like to say how proud I am to call myself the distinguished Immediate Past Key Club President of the New York District and the very proud President of Bayside High school Key Club! I would like to congratulate Division 8 on all the accomplishments made. I would like to congratulate the old board for an amazing year and I wish the new board the very best. I have no doubt that the 2014-2015 service year will be nothing less than another exceptional year. Like I always say, "we make a difference every day. With every step, we color the world." I have had the most wonderful experience for the past four years and it saddens me to say farewell but I know that the legacy will continue on. Good luck to the 2014-2015 board! -Andrea Lin, Immediate Past Board President of Bayside High School Key Club Hey guys! It’s that time of the year again, school is ending, the dinner is around corner, and service is in full force. Throughout the year, I have seen members go above and beyond that which is expected. Key Clubbers’ immeasurable amount of dedication has led me to believe that Key Club is one of the greatest organizations/clubs in the world. Being a member since my first year of high school, I have seen many members come and go. The link between all members is that they share a common interest, volunteering through Key Club. Key Club has changed my life in the sense that I know see the extent to which something as simple as volunteering can benefit people/organizations. Know that your service is appreciated and you truly help people by donating your time to their causes. I have learned, experience, and grown so much through Key Club, and I can only hope that you have or will have the same experience with this amazing club! -Dylan Moderno, Immediate Past Board Secretary of Bayside High School Key Club 5 5
Message From Immediate Past Board Board Hello fellow Key Clubbers! The last few weeks marked the beginning of the new board and the end of the old. It has been my honor to serve as one of your secretaries and to serve under our distinguished president, Andrea. I remember when it was just freshman year when I joined. Events were hard work, but we had fun with friends. However, the work that we do is admirable. Everything is surreal now that I'm graduating and leaving key club behind. When I stood in front of key club as a candidate, delivering my speech, I don't think I've ever been that nervous. Im so grateful that you guys laughed at my really horrible pick up line. Thank you for helping me to open up and for being my friends. I've met a lot of you because of this club and we've become closer thanks to it. There are so many things that I've been grateful for in this club, but most of it is because of you guys. Thanks for making my last year at Bayside a not-so-sucky one. -Selina Chin, Immediate Past Board Secretary of Bayside High School Key Club
Hello Key Clubbers! How do you feel? My name is Brandon Hahn and I am your immediate past treasurer. I would like to thank every one of you for making such an amazing year. Your enthusiasms and hardships helped me to work hard and to become a better treasurer. I can honestly say that Key Club will grow even bigger than now. My four years of great experience in key club could not happened without your amazing services. I would like to congratulate our 2013-2014 board on amazing service and good luck on 2014-2015 board. I know you guys will do even better than us. Again, thank you everyone. -Brandon (Yejun) Hahn, Immediate Past Board Treasurer of Bayside High School Key Club
Message From Immediate Past Board Board Dear Key Clubbers, As a member, co-chair, and editor of the outstanding New York District Bayside High School Key Club, I have watched my fellow officers and Key Clubbers grow immeasurably through the organization, and continue on to achieve further ambitions. It is a huge privilege to be among individuals willing to make sacrifices in order to contribute to a greater cause. Through this community service organization, I realized that no good deed goes unappreciated- regardless of the measure of influence, your altruism makes a difference in both the lives of the assisted and yourselves. By devoting yourselves to community service, you’re choosing a worldly and more compassionate way of life. If you are newly committed to service, I encourage you to attend events often and to give without restraint. In the coming months, you’ll notice a change in not only your priorities, but also your perspective and open-mindedness towards others. Service will become a natural part of your lives! It is an indescribable feeling to know that you are a part of a community committed to achieving an unselfish kind of success, measured only by the number of lives you’ve touched and changed for the better. I congratulate each and every one of you on your efforts this year. Key Club was one of the highlights in my high school career, and I plan on joining Circle K when I begin college in the fall. I wish you all the best of luck in all that you do, and that you continue to carry on Bayside’s legacy as one of the greatest clubs in all of New York!
-Rita Guo, Immediate Past Editor of Bayside High School Key Club 7 7
Message From Board
I am Gina Chen, President of Bayside HS Key Club. Before I start telling you about why I joined Key Club I just want to say things. One we DO NOT make keys, but we DO make a difference. Second I am very corny, I love puns, and I am talkative. Lastly, Key Club is like a family within a family. We are role models to the builders club (the younger version of us). Now my story; I join Key Club because of my brother. He told me that I would make lots of friends and have lots of fun. Of course I didn’t believe him. I joined freshmen year as an excuse not to go home early. In sophomore year my two best friends, Gina Lee (Vice President) and Chloe Lee (treasurer), and I decided to give it a shot. The first thing that made me love Key Club was how welcoming it was. The board was so nice; they spoke to me as if I was in Key Club before. Then when I went to my first event, which was the Breast Cancer Walk, which is where I fell in love completely with key club. It was really fun and I did meet a lot of people. Within my sophomore year I became really active and close to the board. As a reward for that I got to go to the annual Key Club Dinner. In the start of my junior year I was always going to events when I can. When I was free I would try to go to all the events. After half of my junior year passed i realized that being a member was not enough for me. I wanted to make a bigger difference in Bayside Key Club. So I ran president. Unfortunately I became really sick on the day of my election. I hated myself for being so weak. I wanted to Key Club President because I wanted everyone to feel as welcomed as I did when I join Key Club. Lucky I still had the Chance at the next meeting. Even though I made a huge fool of myself I was so happy. Key Club made a huge difference in my life and I hope it makes one in yours -Gina Chen, President Of Bayside High School Key Club
Message From Board
Hello! I am Gina Lee, Vice President of Bayside HS Key Club (not to be mistaken of Gina CHEN, President of Bayside HS Key Club). I would have to say that Key Club is one of the greatest things that came into my life, because all the memories and experiences that I consumed being in Key Club is something that I’ll never forget! As an incoming freshman coming into Bayside High School, I remember the freshmen orientation that I had to attend, and it was the hottest day of the summer too. Towards the end, there was a club fair of the many clubs and sports of BHS, and I remember that day clearly because it was really crowded and hot. I walked around, being the loner I am as I came across “Key Club”. Probably like most Key Clubbers, I was confused. This confusion drew my attention even more and the volunteers caught my sudden interest. I asked questions and then found out it was a community service club, which was exactly the type of club I was looking for! I put my email down, but then realized later that they never emailed me anything. When Freshmen year actually arrived, I joined but I was VERY inactive. Sophomore year came, so I decided to give Key Club another go, this time with some friends. Next thing I know it, I’m running for the position of Webmaster, and won! Ever since then I have been very active, and had fun at the same time! I have met so many new people and just helping in any way for any cause makes me feel good in the inside. Hey, that’s probably why our chant is “I feel good, oh I feel so good!” To be completely candid though, I just realized that. Key Club makes me feel like a better person in general, and it will always have a place in my heart. I will be a Key Clubber in and out, always and forever! -Gina Lee, Vice-President Of Bayside High School Key Club
Message From Board
My name is Joanna Hsu and I'm a secretary of Bayside High School. To be honest I was totally nervous to enter high school. I thought I would be friendless and a loner. When my sister told me about Key Club I was a little hesitant, but not long after I attended some of the meetings and events. I began to jump at every chance given to be a part of what seemed to be an awesome club that genuinely cared about service. After that the rest seemed to fall in place I fell in love with Key Club and the amazing people inside. To me Key Club is a place that students can be comfortable just by being themselves and meet new people while giving back to the community. -Joanna Hsu, Secretary of Bayside High School Key Club Hi, my name is Cindy Lin and i am one of the two secretaries at Bayside High School Key Club. Key club wasn’t something I had anticipated on joining. I had never even heard Key Club before high school, before I had met this senior last year. When I first heard of Key Club, I thought it was going to boring and meaningless, however it isn’t. I only joined Key Club was because I had promised a friend I would join this and give this club a try, and I am glad I did. Key Club has allowed me to help out and lend a hand to those in need. The events made me realized that it can be fun doing community service, especially when you meet new friends and at times be competitive about the things you do. -Cindy Lin, Secretary of Bayside High School Key Club
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Message From Board Hi my name is Hyo Jeong Lee, as known as Chloe Lee. I first joined Key Club because of my friends because they knew about Key Club but not me. My first impression of Key Club was "Oh, it's for lame people." Yet, I'm writing this as a Key Club treasurer. One of the most memorable thing I remember about Key Club was that it had helped go through a depression (or teenage adolescence). Through my Key Club life I always wanted to become the treasurer and even through my depression I kept thriving for the position of Key Club treasurer. Through that experience I realized Key Club grew inside me, something that I treasure not just because I'm treasurer (ha-ha), but because of the things it gave me like the coolest advisor, genuine thank you, I've gotten throughout services, and relationships I have built. I love our KEY Club! And I feel good. Oh, I feel so good. Uh! -Chloe(Hyo Jeong) Lee, Treasurer of Bayside High School Key Club
Hey everyone! I am Lucy Chen, Webmistress of Bayside High School Key Club. One of the things that I can officially say is, joining Key Club is one of the best decisions I've made this year. As I became more involved, I was introduced to a whole new atmosphere. Being a freshman, Key Club allowed me to meet many new faces, not just in Bayside, but throughout the whole division. I've created strong friendships with a bunch of people, to the point where Key Club now feels like a second family. I love lending a hand, serving the community, and putting a smile on other people's faces, and through Key Club, this is achieved in the most fun way possible. -Lucy Chen, Webmistress of Bayside High School Key Club
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Message From Board Hey Key Clubbers! I'm Eden Wang, your editor for 2014-2015. Honestly speaking, I never thought about joining Key Club during my freshman year, but after all of the nagging of my friends, I finally joined this year and I am so glad I did. I wasn't convinced about it at first, simply because of the name, "Key Club." I had no interest whatsoever in making keys. I basically saw the word key and left. Soon after I was told Key Club wasn't about keys but it was helping the community and lending a hand to others. Being a part of Key Club had made me experience how small things can mean so much to others. For instance, cooking in Ronald McDonald House, cleaning up parks, and just by going to walks make a huge difference in someone else's life. have never met so many people who were so enthusiastic and eager to help the community in any possible way. At first, I thought Key Club was going to be a waste of my time, but it wasn't at all, and starting from the first day I stepped into Key Club, not once did I ever regret joining. Key Club isn't only about helping the community - Key Club is also about meeting new people and establishing new relationships. Throughout every event I have been to, I have never failed to make a least one new friend, and I truly doubt that there is anyone who wouldn't enjoy having an additional friend. Thank you, Key Club, for helping me create beautiful and unforgettable memories, and for giving me so many fun and exciting experiences that I would not have gotten elsewhere. -Eden Wang, Editor Of Bayside High School Key Club
Spaghetti Luncheon Fundraiser by Sandra Wong One word to describe this fundraiser is successful! On the sunny and rainy May 4, 2014, various clubs from Division 8 including Bayside attended the spaghetti fundraising event located at Fort Totten. The event began at around 2:00 PM. At this time, Key Clubbers were asked by Kiwanians to sit in a room and wait for further instructions. Bayside Key Club member, Jimmy Qu, took this opportunity to introduce himself and interact with the other Key Clubbers from other schools. Soon enough, Key Clubbers were asked to serve various types of food. Bayside was in charge of water and juice. Shortly after serving drinks, Bayside Key Club members each donated money for spaghetti and other types of food. While we were waiting for the ceremony to begin, Webmistress Lucy Chen, Secretary Joanna Hsu, and I had a couple of photos taken of us with some of the soldiers. Highlights of this Spaghetti Luncheon Fundraiser included a talent show from the soldiers and an abundance of speeches from Kiwanians such as Kiwanis International New York District Governor Joseph Aiello, Kiwanis Queens West Lieutenant Governor Stephen Sirgiovanni, Kiwanis Queens East Lieutenant Governor Nodia Chambers, and many soldiers. Before the conclusion of the fundraiser, there were raffles and people won great prizes. Lucy Chen got lucky and won a handbag. Lastly, the event ended with everyone hold hands and singing Dionne Warwick’s “That’s What Friends Are For”. I had a plethora of fun at this event and I gained a great amount of knowledge. This Spaghetti Luncheon Fundraiser was an incredible event.
Ronald McDonald House for dinner By Eden Wang Every month Bayside High School Key Club would go to Ronald McDonald house; this month it was on Saturday, May 10th, 2014, seven key clubbers and Mr. Jacoby went to Ronald McDonald House to kook dinner for families! Gina Lee said, "Ronald McDonald House gives me the opportunity to cook for a great cause. For the residents of the Ronald McDonald house, I would give up my Saturday just to make them a great meal with my fellow Key Clubbers." They cooked a large variety of food such as fries, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta and more! While key clubbers were cooking, they listened to music and had a great time! According to Gina Chen, she said "Ronald McDonald is a great event that helps your cooking and get you closer to other members." They played many games, for example, they enjoyed flicking soda tabs off soda cans, engaging in staring contests and competing to see who can go the longest without smiling or laughing. When it was time to depart, Key Clubbers took their signature picture with the Ronald McDonald statue. They also took a picture with the Bayside High School Key Club 2009 brick with their shoes. In the conclusion, Lucy Chen said "Ronald McDonald is one of my personal favorite events. I love cooking with friends, and being able to provide a healthy, delicious meal to the children in local hospital facilities (and eating some too). The Ronald McDonald House of Long Island is also visually appealing inside and out, as well, and it's always fun to see Ronald McDonald himself and take pictures. Overall, it's a great experience and I recommend that everyone volunteer at Ronald McDonald House at least once!" Overall, Key Clubbers had a lot of fun and created many wonderful memories that day! In the end Joanna Hsu said "Volunteering at a Ronald McDonald house is one of the most rewarding things to do because sometimes it's just so sad to know that the most innocent people in the world could be affected by an unprejudice disease so being able to help their families in any small way such as not letting them worry about cooking dinner for themselves or their children is a small comfort that they can have at least even though it could never make up for their misfortune."
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Japan Day By Melissa Ha Konnichiwa! Honestly, I did not plan to attend Japan Day, until I was notified about this event by my friend, Eden Wang until just the day before. I was told that Key Club had an event planned for May 11th, however Bayside had not taken part to volunteer. Although it was a sudden invitation to go, I am glad that I didn't turn down the offer because I would not have been able to make new memories and friends. But how could I deny the extravagant culture of the Japanese? That morning, I was feeling a unknown weariness, yet exhilarated on the way to Central Park. In spite of that, my mood lightened up the moment I stepped foot into the Park and engulfed myself into the Japanese culture. Enthusiastically, either my friend or I dragged each other to stands to have a chance to change into a kimono or to play a water balloon fishing game, whether it was to get an abundance of free snacks or drinks. Unfortunately, I was not able to volunteer, so I am not able to tell a behind-the-scenes perspective; though, during my exploration, we bumped into familiar faces who were currently volunteering-members of other Key Clubs. At first, it was awkward to face these people that I had not had a full conversation with before. Slowly but surely, I was able to open up and ultimately become friends. Other than this, Japan Day was like no other, simply because not only while being mesmerized in the Japanese culture, I was making new friends and memories simultaneously. But to be out of energy on this day was filled with emotions than that of regret. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. I knew if I had not gone to Japan Day, I would definitely regret not experiencing it at least once in my life. May there be another day in 2015, I'd be missing out on an adventure of meeting new people that may not be there the following year. Japan Day was undoubtedly an event worthwhile. I did not regret going one bit, nor do I now. To be able to make closer or to mend new bonds amongst Key Clubbers are unforgettable memories. I'd say that those who decided to bail out on going, must have undeniably regretted their actions. Why would someone NOT want to go to an event full of fun, happiness, and laughter 15
Divisional Training Conference By Eden Wang On Saturday May 17th, 2014, Bayside High School held the 2014 DTC, also known as Divisional Training Conference. Key Clubbers from three divisions attended this event: 8, 8a, and 11. During this event, there were many workshops to choose from that enriched the known of those who went. Lucy Chen summarized DTC as "The Divisional Training Conference provided me with informative workshops and connections with more key clubbers throughout the division. I learned how to improve at being a Webmistress, gained helpful insight about key club in general, participated in fun icebreakers, and had a yummy lunch." This year there was also a new addition to DTC, which was K-Fair! K-Fair is a play-fair that 2013 LTC or as known as Leadership Training Conference. Everyone was given the opportunity to meet many Key Clubbers from different divisions and clubs. Gina Chen said "DTC is a great learning experience to meet all the board." Joanna Hsu also included "It's an experience to remember to have your neighboring divisions visit your school and to get to know one another." The event of DTC had ended with happy dollar, in which Key Clubbers would donate money to the Eliminate Project and say why they're happy. Gina Lee said "Unfortunately, I missed the first half of DTC due to my Saturday class at QC, however the last half of DTC was a great experience. The workshops I went to allowed me to learn valuable information and to meet other division 8 Key Clubbers." Key Club had raised so much money for the Eliminated Project. Like many other Key Club events, DTC 2014 was definitely an event to learn from.
AIDS Walk By Sandra Wong Often people associate the AIDS Walk with the longest walk in the city. But on May 18, 2014, Division 8 came together and conquered the walk. Division 8 all met up at the fountain across from Central Park. Dozens of Key Clubbers all came together and participated in the extremely long event. After our divisional signature picture with the fountain, we were ready to progress to the next step. We were one step closer to the actual walk. Shortly after, we were on the hunt for a stick for our beautiful Division 8 poster made by Division 8 Bulletin Editor, Emilly Tan. At the start of the walk, the race began. The race was between the Bayside, Francis Lewis, and Division 8 sign. Who would walk faster and who would hold the sign higher? That was the question. Throughout the whole 6.2 miles, it was a constant battle between schools. In my opinion, this race motivated us to complete the walk. Although we were tired, we were determined to finish the walk because of the competition. Despite who won at the end, we were all winners. At each of the checkpoints, the food and snacks got better. At checkpoint one, we started out with water, tea, and apples. At the last checkpoint, we got ice cream! Although this walk was very tiring, it was a lot of fun because we, as a division, got to spend time with each other. This walk was so long and tiring, but I’m not complaining because it was not raining like the AIDS Walk 2013.
AIDS Walk By Xiyi Zou I was planning to go to AIDS walk as soon as I saw it on the weekly agenda. Through my past Key Club event, the Breast Cancer Walk, I had found it fun, so that's when I decided I wanted to go to this walk as well. I was excited and asked some friends to go, I even asked some friends from other Key Clubs to go. That morning, I woke up really early just to get ready for the walk. However, I called up my friends that were going with me, none of them picked up. I didn't know what to do, but finally decided to go without them. When I arrived at the library for the meet-up, I realized I barely knew anyone or I was not close to any of them. My friends from Robert F. Kennedy and Francis Lewis Key Club were there, but since we were in different schools, we were separated. On the train ride, I basically isolated myself away from everyone else, since I barely knew any of them. At first, I listened to music on my phone during the train ride. Everyone around me were either laughing or smiling. I felt a bit left out but that's when I decided, finally after 20 minutes just sitting there, I decided to talk to other Key Clubbers. I opened up to the others. That's when I made my new friends. When the walk began, I remained with my newly made friends and we had become closer. As we walked, there were people who were on the walk singing along to songs that were being played by stereos. Throughout the walk, I met many other new faces through other Key Clubs. I may sound like I did not enjoy the walk, but I beg to differ. Whether my friends decided to ditch me, sadly; I was able to make new friends and enjoy myself. Similar to the Breast Cancer Walk, the Aids Walk was also a charitable experience. Not only is this walk helping others in need, the walk also provides a nice long walk with friends. The Aids Walk might have been tedious, however the 6.2 miles was ready to be conquered. The walk was long and tiring but fun and left a memorable moment and hey! I finished the 6.2 miles! 18 18
Bayside Key Club’s 8th Annual Car Wash By Sandra Wong On May 24, 2014 Bayside Key Club hosted their annual car wash event. No, this car wash was not an ordinary event. We did so much more than “just wash cars”. While waiting for the car wash to begin, Key Clubbers created signs to advertise the event. A suggested donated of $5 is a bargain to get your car nice and clean. Some signs were held and other signs were taped to trees. At the start of the car wash event, business was pretty good because friends, security guards, and family brought their cars for us to wash. Throughout the event, we took turns holding various signs to alert drivers about the car wash. Some point mid car wash, business was slow. Nobody wanted their car washed. The weather was constantly changing from being sunny to cloudy and vice versa. This was when of the many highlights of the day occurred with many laughs and memories. One of the highlights was that Bayside Key Club surprised me with a cake for my 18th birthday! Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me and of course I got birthday punches. As a result of the cake, some of us ended up multi-tasking by eating cake and washing cars at the same time. Despite the rain a couple of hours after the end of the event, over $100 was raised from the car wash. I had a plethora of fun at the car wash and I am glad I chose to attend this event instead of skipping it just because it was my birthday.
X-Men Movie By Gina Lee On Sunday, May 25th, I attended the Cardozo movie event of “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” at Douglaston Movie World. I traveled to the movie theater with some key clubbers from my club at Bayside High School and in some time we finally arrived. As I walk to the movie theater with my other fellow key clubbers, advisor, and past President of Bayside High School Key Club, I immediately recognized the president of Cardozo key club waiting outside. I’m glad she was waiting outside because she let us know what to do and where to go. We then went in and followed her instructions, as we got our ticket, popcorn and drink. After that we went in and sat in our seats. Usually movie theaters are cold, but to my surprise this movie theater was a perfect temperature. And so, we watched the movie, in which I must say was FREAKING AMAZING. After the movie was when I met some other key clubbers, mainly from Cardozo HS Key Club. We discussed about how awesome the movie was, and the certain parts I didn’t understand. I would have to say that I had a great time with other key clubbers, and maybe enjoying the movie way too much. I had a great experience and found others that share the same passion for the X-Men series as I do, and I would definitely do that again. A movie event is really a great way to raise money, and it is great that some of the money collected by Cardozo Key Club was donated to The Eliminate Project
Relay For Life By Eden Wang The weather was beautiful yesterday, I guess that's why Relay For Life was on May 31st, 2014. This event was held at Fort Totten, to be honest, I originally didn't feel like attending this event that day. I had crawled out of bed in attempt to get up and go to my College Now class at Queens College in the morning. Afterwards, finishing an awfully long session of learning I had to go around Grand Central in Manhattan with my friend, Melissa Ha looking for a store we saw the other day. I became discouraged to go to Relay For Life after that, since we knew we were going to be late and therefore we wouldn't be able to volunteer. Nevertheless, we still decided to go in the end, because we had been missing out on all the Key Club events I had been hearing about all month, and I'm glad I went. Fortunately, it turned out that we weren't too late to help out. That day I saw so many people I had met in past events and befriended even more Key Clubbers from other schools. Within the event, we moved tables, helped set up bags that were to be filled with a candle on top of soil and placed in bags on a plate. Those bags were $10 donations filled with memories. There were so many donations from the people who were there that it kept us busy for hours, with us moving back and forth to place bags on floors. Empty bags and bags were being filled rapidly. We were told to spread the bags out an inch apart of each other, because there wasn't enough bags. Surprisingly, however, it turned out the other way around, because we didn't have enough space to put all the bags! After all out hard work, we joined a few members from Benjamin Cardozo High School Key Club who had just came from color run in volleyball. In the end though, Melissa and I had only planned to stay until 8PM, but we decided to stay an extra hour to just hang out and to have fun and take pictures. Despite the amount of work, everyone had a lot of fun from eating to playing, to resting.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation By Feng Yi Guan This walk was for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation or other known as JDRF. It happened on Saturday, May 31st, on the same day as Relay For Life. It was a 5K walk around the Howard Beach neighborhood to support people who are living with type one diabetes. It was also to help raise funding for the JDRF. This event was pretty early in the cold morning and it was a long ride to get to Howard Beach from Flushing. However, it was worth it to be with friends, meeting new people, and seeing kids having fun with the bouncy houses. Different groups there wore the same shirt to show their support by unity. Many people were recording their helpful day by taking group photos. There was also a free photo booth provided with funny and cute props. The Bayside Key Clubbers and along with other Circle K members had gone there to help out and to attend the walk. There were foods like bagels, juice, water, and yogurt supplied before and during the walk. Since it was going to be hot throughout the walk, paper fans were also supplied for the walkers. Considering the fact that we were walking in the middle of the streets, police officers were there to make sure we were safe from all the cars. More people should come to such a helpful and honorable event next time. Although it was tiring, it was worth having to walk because it was for a good cause. It was a safe, cheerful, and enjoyable walk. It was a meaningful event that I would attend more of the same type in the future.
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Members Of The Month In the month of May, the board of Bayside High School Key Club couldn't decide between two hardworking members for member of the month. Melissa Ha and Christopher Lu have both donated a great deal of time in Key Club and their continuation is what keeps Key Club going. Thank you for all of what you guys have done!
Melissa Ha has been in Key Club since her freshman year. Each month, her volunteering hours of the month would increase. She is always attentive and ready to go. Although she didn't run for a position this year, she still soars high into getting selected for Humans Of Key Club. Her determination and enthusiastic behavior is just what our Key Club needs. She always makes time in between her schedules on the weekends in order to go to Key Club events and has never missed any of our Key Club meetings. I honestly couldn't think of any other way she wouldn't get this award. Congratulations.
Christopher Lu has been in Key Club even before his freshman year at Bayside High School. He had followed his sister to various events that were being held and was completely engaged. Once he entered Bayside High School, the first thing he did was join Key Club. Christopher is an outstanding member. He always comes to events and meetings and never fails to bring a bunch of his friends with him. He is outgoing and his wild spirit during our events cheers up the mood. Christopher is just what 23 Key Club needs.
May Overall
Member #:
Hours #:
$ Raised:
May 4th
5 Members
$65 Raised
9 Members
4 Hours Each 20 Hours in Total 4 Hours Each, 36 Hours in Total
May 11th
2 Members
No Money Raised
Divisional Training Conference
May 17th
May 18th
21 Members
Car Wash
May 24
10 Members
X-Men: Days of Future Past
May 25th
3 Members
8 Hours 16 Hours in Total 5 Hours and 15 Minutes Each 42 Hours in total 4 Hours Each 84 Hours in Total 3 Hours Each 30 Hours in Total 2 Hours Each, 6 Hours in Total
Relay for Life
May 31st
10 Members
$100 Raised
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
May 31st
3 Members
9 Hours and 18 Minutes Each, Total of 93 hours 5 Hours Each, 15 Hours in Total
Events: Spaghetti Luncheon Fundraiser Ronald McDonald House for Dinner Japan Day
No Money Raised
$80 Raised
$42 Raised
$100 Raised
No Money Raised
No Money Raised
May In A Nutshell
Upcoming June Events
Bayside High School Carnival! Friday June6th Located at Bayside High School South Lawn Starting from 4PM to 7PM $5 With SO card $7 Without SO card/ outsiders
Family Fun Days! There will be two events of Family Fun Day in different locations and dates. Saturday June 7th Located at Springfield Park Starting from 12PM to 4PM Saturday June 14th Located at Crocheron Park Starting from 12PM to 3PM
Divisional 8 Barbecue! Saturday June 28th Located at Flushing Meadow Corona Park Starting from 10AM to 3:30PM
International Training Conference (ICON) The International Convention also known as ICON, is less than a month away! Key Clubbers from across the country will join together at California and share their ideas and experiences! This event is the biggest event of Key Club year! There will be over 1,600 Key Clubbers! This year, ICON will be held at Anaheim, California from June 30th to July 5th. The deadline for the deposit has passed, but next year, members will have the chance to experience ICON once again at a different location..
27 27
Leadership Training Conference (LTC)
Don't miss out! The 2015 Leadership Training Conference will be held during March 27th to 29th, 2015 at the Desmon Hotel. The theme will be Spies/Espionage, so get ready and get excited beavers! Its never too early to start fundraising!
Contact Information Gina Chen (President) Email- Phone Number- 1-(347)-399-4882 Gina Lee (Vice President) Email- Phone Number- 1-(718)-689-0716 Joanna Hsu (Secretary) Email- Phone Number- 1-(917)-882-1889 Cindy Lin (Secretary) Email- Phone Number- 1-(917)-365-8406 Hyojeong (Chloe) Lee (Treasurer) Email- Phone Number 1-(347)-885-1867 Eden Wang (Editor) Email- Phone Number- 1-(347)-553-6072 Lucy Chen (Webmistress) Email- Phone Number- 1-(718)-791-6414 29 29
An Appreciation of Thanks
I would like to thank all those who spent their time writing an article or articles for the May newsletter of 2014. A special thanks to the advisor, Mr. Jacoby, for making Key Club happen; the immediate board, President Andrea Lin, Secretary Selina Chin, Secretary Dylan Moderno, Treasurer Brandon Hahn, and Editor Rita Guo for their messages, and the board members President Gina Chen, Vice President Gina lee, Secretary Joanna Hsu, Secretary Cindy Lin, Treasurer Chloe (Hyojeong) Lee, and Webmitress Lucy Chen. I would also like to thank those who wrote articles including Sandra Wong, Melissa Ha, Xiyi Zuo, Gina Lee and Feng Yi Guan. I couldn't have done it without you guys!
-Your Editor Eden Wang