I LOOK UP betsy rodes Things are going well. You have a good head on your abdomen. Sometimes it gets hard Because everyone else is either Trying to eat you Or running away. You tentatively clean an antenna And hope that preying mantis over there doesn't see you. It's a little bit easy to spot your vibrant colors, But you just don't move and hope it thinks you're poisonous. On top of the long green strand, You look upwards toward the wide expanse of blue nothing? What is that? Why is it blue? Whatever.
GROWTH IN 3 PARTS maggie rushton i. it's been resting in me for a while. it looks like scribbled-out sentences, having no partner in class when everyone stands, food left on plates, swinging on swingsets alone. ii. it's been growing in me for a while. i'm not sure if i'm bigger than it. iii. it's started to leak out of me. i let it. i want to be bigger, and it's a part of me now. we grow together into this twisted rose, wrapping around all that we touch.
2 AM - WRITE ME STORIES sydney piercy when there's nothing else there you are standing under the streetlights between your house and mine but you my love shine brighter in the dark insanity comes only when games for the mind start to affect the heart.
AN EXCERPT FROM "SWEAT STAINS," A SHORT STORY isabel garcia VIII. “TICKLE ME PINK” there isn’t enough oxygen in the whole wide world to keep me alive now; i’m too far gone. i am the masked man i am the spit between your two front teeth and i am growing bigger and bigger and no one can stop me. IX. LOVE DOT COM i’m in class again. i walked a mile to get here because my bicycle got a flat. the soles of my shoes are stained green from walking in the freshly mowed grass. mom told me she loved me as i left the house this morning. it’d be easier if she hadn’t. my calves are burning now and my mind keeps wandering to the people around me. i make up stories about them. the girl with the nose ring and bangs doesn’t know what love feels like. wikipedia is no longer a credible source because it never told her that it would make her stomach pinch and contort at times, and that those times would increase every single day. love is a heart attack, and it doesn’t even occur in the heart. X. DOCTOR, DOCTOR my bruises heal. my cuts and scrapes scab and scar. my body is constantly mending itself. so why can’t my mind?