Drug Tariff Committee, DHSC and NHSBSA Meeting Thursday 28th January 2021 Key discussions points and actions Latest DT statistics: NHSBSA Joanna updated the group on the latest information on applications: o 58 applications are waiting assessment o 33 applications are being worked on following additional information being received o 35 applications are waiting on applicant information (some of this is due to incorrect order codes or unsigned certificates. Joanna noted that one supplier had submitted 30 individual applications, which had caused some challenges, and that there had been a number of submissions from new companies who were still getting used to the process. In addition, working remotely on multiple documents is proving challenging, no staff are allowed into the office due to Covid restrictions. Joanna also presented a proposed change to the way the data will be published on a monthly basis to demonstrate trends in both submissions and approvals. She asked for feedback from industry once we have had time to review the new format. The plan would be to start the new monthly publication in April 2021. Website guidance updates DHSC is leading on this and there is a NHSBSA/DHSC discussion planned for week commencing 1st February. The guidance will have more detail on a number of areas including what is and is not allowed on packaging and what can be added to the tariff as a prescribed appliance. There will be clear information on signposting applicants to the MHRA website for the most up to date information particularly regarding the CE/UKCA/UKNI mark. (Change the DT1A form to include these). A first draft for review should be available week commencing 8th February, after a legal review by DHSC. The new guidance will be sent to the Drug Tariff Committee who committed to provide feedback as soon as possible. Shortage notifications Joanna gave a reminder for all manufacturers to advise the tariff of any shortages as soon as possible and that a mark can be added to the tariff on any product that may be liable to be out of stock. (With EU Exit, there may be more issues over the coming months.) Price increase mechanism process in light of negative GDP forecasts Carol updated the group on the status of the Part IX price increases mechanism in light of the OBR forecasts for negative GDP as per the link below. https://obr.uk/efo/economic-and-fiscal-outlook-november-2020/
She stated that DHSC have looked at a number of options and feel that a price reduction or a price freeze would not be palatable. Carol suggested alternatives could be taking a moment in time figure, currently 2.12% or a fixed figure of 2% (less .75%) would give predictability to both DHSC and industry. DHSC will come back to the Drug Tariff Committee with written proposals shortly. Graham Collyer stated that the DTC would need to discuss the proposals and then respond to DHSC as part of the agreed process. DTC DT Part IX position paper a. Updated document: Graham stated that the position paper had been distributed and presented to the Drug Tariff Forum at the meeting on 20th January and had been received very positively. b. A communication plan to key stakeholders was outlined by Kevin Hodges which will include an introductory letter and the position paper being sent to DHSC and NHSBSA officially in mid-February, then to interested APPG’s, patient groups and nursing associations by the end of February. National Wound Care strategy project and National Bladder and Bowel Health Project DHSC are aware of both the above projects but their involvement so far has been very low but they do receive the newsletters from the NWCS Project.