The Bulletin Issue 48 - May 2017

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ISSUE 48 - MAY 2017


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One Hundred Years of Supporting UK Healthcare & Assistive Technology Over the coming months, the BHTA will proudly host a number of events to mark a century of working on behalf of members and celebrating the incredible range of products, services and support provided by companies to transform lives. David Russell, Managing Editor of BHTA Engage, is in the process of producing a history of the Association to be launched to coincide with our official birthday in June. Like me, David has been struck during the course of his research with the regularity with which topics such as pricing, standards and competition arise. Looking back, what is clear going forward is that what drives our industry towards further innovation is the expertise, integrity and focus on vulnerable customers. Of course, like businesses in any sector, our members need to identify and meet demand and run operations efficiently and profitably, but our responsibility to our end users demands something more. The fact is that our products and services directly affect those that use them, providing greater independence, mobility and quality of life. BHTA member companies recognise this special responsibility by signing up to our CTSI approved Code of Practice and supporting the development of their staff through membership of the Healthcare & Assistive Technology Society.

In addition, the BHTA continues to take an active role in not only maintaining existing standards but in developing new ones. We also support campaigns that demonstrate the benefits to both the public purse and end users of healthcare and assistive technology. For instance, the Your Turn campaign; a national movement working to reduce the number of pressure ulcers in the UK, which works closely with hospital trusts to improve prevention, identification and treatment. Given the challenges ahead, whether Brexit or funding for the NHS and social care, it is as vital as ever for our industry to have a strong, cohesive, and respected voice. BHTA and its members will, I’m sure, continue to be at the forefront of best practice; driving our industry forward in 2017 and beyond.

Tracey Lloyd, Director General

Contents Westminster Watch.............................................................................................. 3 BHTA News.......................................................................................................... 4 The Centenary Calendar....................................................................................... 6 ICB Group’s responsibilities to the membership.................................................... 7 College of Occupational Therapists becomes Royal College of Occupational Therapists............................................................. 8 Could Treat-Eezi spell the end for pressure ulcers?............................................... 9 Event News........................................................................................................ 11 Member News.................................................................................................... 12 Section Chairs.................................................................................................... 14 New Members.................................................................................................... 15


Find us at wwwbhta British Healthcare Trades Association Suite 4.6, The Loom, 14 Gowers Walk London E1 8PY Tel: 020 7702 2141 Email: Website:

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Westminster Watch by Lord Rennard

The ‘purple pound’ is now becoming widely used as a term to describe the potential spending power of disabled people. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) recently suggested that it was worth £250 billion annually to the UK economy. Businesses which are not compliant with disabled access regulations are guilty of discriminating against many of their potential customers and need to recognise that they are increasingly being challenged over this. They need to recognise that investment in becoming compliant can boost their business. BHTA members are also very well aware of the growing demand for their products and services as demographic changes provide a rapidly growing market for them. But the same changes are making it harder for any government to sustain the kind of health and social care provision that we have come to expect. Businesses supplying the NHS and local government social care services know that they are expected to provide more to bodies which can generally afford to pay less for them. There is a projected funding gap of £20 billion across health services by 2020/21 and a further £6bn gap in social care. Given that the revenue raised from 1p of income tax is approximately £4.6 billion, then the scale of the problem becomes apparent. There are attempts to apply some shortterm fixes, with many Local Authorities increasing Council Tax to help meet the needs of people dependent upon them for social care. An extra £2bn funding nationally was also recently announced for the next three years. But the political debate about what to do in the long-run is now dividing between those who argue that we need to provide less health and social care through the state (and do it more efficiently) and those who believe that ways must be found to finance growing needs (and to do so more efficiently). The Chief Executive of NHS England, Simon Sevens, obviously gets the message that greater efficiency is demanded by everyone and that some difficult choices must be made now. As the NHS approaches its 70th anniversary, he has just published Next Steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View. This aims to prioritise certain services, particularly cancer, mental

health and GP access, while transforming the way that care is delivered to ease pressure on hospitals. The measures, have been described as “probably the biggest national move towards integrated care currently underway in any Western country”. The plan “sets out an accelerated drive to improve efficiency and the use of technology in order to deliver better care and meet rising demand within the constraints of available resources.” A key aim is providing better care for older people by “bringing together services provided by GPs, hospitals, therapists, nurses and care staff, cutting emergency admissions and time spent in hospitals.” The plan also talks about driving “efficiency and tackling waste to make money invested in the NHS go further in delivering the services and staff that patients want, including the latest treatments and technology”. NHS England is now also leading a review of low value prescription items and introducing new guidance for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), with a view to substantially save NHS expenditure in this area. It says that this follows extensive work by NHS Clinical Commissioners which identified significant areas where potential savings can be made, up to potentially £400m per year. NHS England will work with clinicians and CCGs to develop guidelines initially around a set of 10 medicines which are ineffective, unnecessary, inappropriate for prescription on the NHS, or indeed unsafe, and combined cost the NHS £128m per year. But the biggest issues for the future will be whether or not to significantly scale back the provision of health and social care services through the sort of models that we have now, or whether or not to ask people to pay more through taxation - just as people in countries with social insurance systems are paying higher premiums. This may be necessary in order to keep financing the sort of provision the people in the UK have come to expect whilst still paying a significantly lower proportion of GDP for health and social care than in many neighbouring countries.


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Launch of the Shopmobility 2017 Directory April saw the launch of the National Federation of Shopmobility’s (NFSUK) 2017 directory at the Naidex exhibition. The directory, last published in 2012, has been designed in an A4 magazine style and contains a full listing of all the federation’s schemes across the UK, helping people to identify where a local shopmobility may be when out and about. The directory also features numerous useful articles providing advice to consumers looking to purchase their own independent living equipment, as well as information about national charities & voluntary organisations and guidance for those travelling through UK airports. Ray Hodgkinson, Chairman of the National Federation of Shopmobility Schemes, wrote in his opening piece of the directory: “Shopmobility schemes have been providing a valuable service for those with mobility issues since 1979 when the first scheme was established and remains an important part of local services.

“BHTA took over the responsibility for NFSUK several years ago and now works closely with members to help ensure their services meet the ever-changing needs from society. “The directory is just one way in which we can offer information to broaden the knowledge of consumers who are ageing or elderly and disabled.” The directory is available from all federation members and is priced at £4.99. To order a copy to be posted, contact Donna Eade at NFSUK’s main office on 01933 229 644 (£4.99 plus £1 postage and packing) For a full listing of where your nearest NFSUK scheme is, visit

Australian Trade Association gets onboard with GHT Global Healthcare Trader (GHT) has announced an agreement with Assistive Technology Suppliers Australasia (ATSA) which will see the Australian Trade Association promote the new worldwide distributor-finder website in the Australasian region. ATSA was originally formed as the Independent Rehabilitation Suppliers Association of NSW (IRSA) in 2000 by a small group of NSW based assistive technology (AT) suppliers with a vision to improve standards and service levels throughout the industry. The Association changed its name in 2010 to Assistive Technology Suppliers Australasia, with the new name more accurately reflecting the broader range of business activities of a growing member base across Australia and New Zealand. ATSA Executive Officer, David Sinclair, says that the timing of the agreement with GHT, which has been developed by BHTA’s commercial arm, BHTA Engage, could not be better. David said: “The timing of this initiative coincides with the changing market of AT in Australia with the onset of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the National


Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS) and the Aged Care Reforms. NDIS alone will support over 460,000 Australian participants by 2020 with a full support budget of $22 billion AUS per annum. “The Australian Government has legislated to ‘promote the provision of high quality and innovative supports that enable people with disability to maximise independent lifestyles and inclusion in the community.’” David says that this is a major shift from a historic environment of Government contracts based on ‘bulk’ style procurement models with the lowest price in mind, to a ‘consumer-directed’ model that empowers the participant to purchase the AT that enables them to live their lives the way they choose. He added: “By joining the GHT initiative, ATSA expects to assist members to develop their business by providing a gateway to the global offerings of AT and a greater choice of AT solutions to the Australasian community. ATSA anticipates that working with GHT will result in success for suppliers, the organisations and ultimately it will provide a greater choice of AT for the people who count, the end user.” Information on both ATSA and the two exhibitions it runs can be found in the Global Support and Global Exhibitions section of the GHT website at

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BHTAnews National Mobility Registration With mobility scooter theft being a continual problem, the National Federation of Shopmobility (NFSUK) decided to take action to help try to reunite users with their stolen mobility vehicles. The scheme was originally started by Littlehampton Shopmobility and the local Sussex Police who decided to set up a local database to assist tracking down the owners of stolen or abandoned mobility vehicles. Alan Gammon, Chairman of Littlehampton Shopmobility and Scheme Manager, June Caffyn, saw the harmful impact caused by the theft of mobility vehicles on their visitors who needed to hire a replacement. Following the successful pilot scheme, it was clear a national scheme would be needed to help mobility users across the country. The National Federation of Shopmobility created a dedicated website for member schemes to register their fleets and for the public to register their mobility vehicles. Donna Eade, Shopmobility Coordinator for the NFSUK, said: “Consumers see the benefits of the scheme immediately. The ones we have engaged with see the cost of £12.00 a year as small price to pay in the hope of tracking and recovering their vehicle should it be stolen.” When a consumer registers online with the scheme, they will be asked to provide their personal details, vehicle details and can also upload an image to assist identification. They receive a unique identification label which links them to their vehicle. NFSUK will be working with police forces across the UK to help a vulnerable section of society who relies on their vehicle for their mobility and independence. For more information, visit

National Qualification for Technicians Induction Afternoon Members of the BHTA Orthotics and Prosthetics (O&P) section joined NHS colleagues and associated organisations from industry in Leeds last week for the launch of a new National Qualification for O&P Technicians. Presented by members of Clyde College Health & Social Care Department, The Professional Development Award (PDA) in Rehabilitation Technologies is a new course to recognise the skills required to produce orthoses, prostheses and orthopaedic footwear. Delivered through a mix of interactive on-line modules and workbooks representing candidates’ practical skills, the course provides a robust and certified award that equips individuals with a range of knowledge, specialist skills and values to enable them to improve practice and contribute towards continuous professional development. Borne out of a collaboration between BHTA, British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) and the NHS, the course is designed for those working in a workshop located in the hospital where the service is provided as well as those working at a central fabrication site covering more than one hospital facility. Until now there has been no nationally recognised, standardised, accredited training programme for these technical staff, with in-house training typically been provided by individual employers for their own staff.

“ The ones we have engaged with see the cost of £12.00 a year as small price to pay ”

Donna Eade

Including both mandatory (on-line) learning modules and a choice of practical (work-based) modules, the course aims to develop and apply a broad range of specialised vocational knowledge and skills which supports both recognition of the skills of those currently working in a Technician role as well as attracting new talent to an often hidden, but highly rewarding, area of rehabilitation. Financial support for Orthotic technicians is available through the OETT, who also provided funds to pump prime the course development. Anyone requiring more information about the course or how to enrol should contact Rosemary Stewart on rstewart@


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The Centenary Calendar Have you booked your places yet for the exciting Centenary events taking place this year? If not, here is a reminder of some of the proceedings scheduled for the summer. Holyrood Garden Lobby Wednesday 24th May 2017 BHTA Scotland will be holding their strategy meeting, Scottish Conference and Garden Lobby reception on the 24th May. The strategy meeting will take place in the morning at the MacDonald Holyrood hotel, followed by the Scottish Conference in the afternoon. The conference will offer an opportunity to hear from expert speakers in their fields. Professor June Andrews will discuss the role equipment and assistive technology can play in caring for older people with dementia whilst Dr Mike Winter Medical Director – Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities; will talk about health and social care integration, partnership working, innovation in procurement and the independent living agenda. Any further speakers will be announced in due course. The conference will provide a chance to find out about changes that are affecting healthcare and assistive technology. The evening event will be the Garden Lobby Reception in the Scottish parliament building. Why not take the opportunity if you have premises or staff representing your company in Scotland to attend the BHTA Scotland event and have a business trip to support your staff. Full details of the events booking forms will be available before the event and should you have any questions, email

Centenary Golf Day

Lifetime Achievement Award winners’ lunch

Thursday 13th July 2017

Wednesday 21st June 2017

In 2017, the golf day returns to Foxhills Golf course in Surrey, a championship quality course that will be hosting the PGA Trophy this year. If you are a golfer and have members of your team who would enjoy playing on some of the same greens as the pros, contact us to get a booking form today. The event takes place on Thursday 13th July. For a booking form to enter a team, contact

Wednesday 21st June is double Centenary celebration, with the first being a lunch for all the previous Lifetime Achievement Award Winners to recognise their achievements in our 100th year anniversary. Hosted by The Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE, there will be winners from 2002 to today’s date joining together for a relaxing lunch at the House of Lords, giving friends from the industry a chance to catch up.

Afternoon Tea at the House of Lords Wednesday 21st June 2017 The second event on the 21st June is a rare opportunity for members to visit the House of Lords and indulge in Afternoon Tea. Booking is already underway and some organisations have used the event as an occasion to invite members of their team along as a way of saying thank you for their past services to their company. There a limited number of places available for thus event so booking early is advised in order to avoid disappointment.

From left: Dom Claxton (Winner of Phil Isherwood Trophy in 2016) Matt Isherwood & Nicki Isherwood


To make booking easier for all members, there is a link to an online booking page, details of which are in the weekly BHTA newsletter which has been circulated.

020 7702 2141

ICB Group’s responsibilities to the membership ICB have a number of responsibilities to the BHTA and its Members. Following the successful relaunch of the insurance scheme with XLCatlin in January this year, here is a run-down of what it means to us to be the trusted insurance advisor for the BHTA and its membership. Member’s insurance scheme •

Listening to the insurance requirements of the Members, to ensure the Scheme provides the appropriate specialist protection. Historically this has always included a Product Recall extension, Cyber Liability and Crime have been added to the policy this year for no additional charge as well as cover for the hiring out of equipment, which was specifically raised by the Members in the last year as something they would like to see. Constant monitoring of the insurance market to confirm the pricing under the Scheme remains competitive – the average premium saving for Members joining the Scheme is 25% in the first year. Insurance Market Intelligence to ensure the most up to date policy wordings are being provided by the Insurers of the Scheme. This includes ongoing management of the Insurers to keep service standards, to the highest levels, in particular on claims. Regular Scheme Reviews - seeking alternative quotes to safeguard the integrity of the Scheme in terms of quality of product, pricing and service. ICB Group have put the Scheme to tender three times over the past nine years.

Broker Service •

Personal day to day service and support to each BHTA Member Company. There are no call centres, just a direct dial number for the person who will help you. Our claims

After more years than he wishes to admit, Richard Fenn is stepping down from the insurance industry. Many members will know Richard as their account executive meeting him at review meetings, the annual golf day and awards dinner. Over the past months, Richard has been introducing Steve Aldridge at review meetings, so we wanted to take the opportunity to introduce him formally in the Bulletin. Steve Aldridge has 30 years’ experience in the insurance industry, working in personal and commercial business as a broker and also as an underwriter for Zurich. He holds an Advanced Diploma in Insurance and has been awarded Chartered Insurance Broker status. He joined ICB Group in 2012, managing the commercial department in their Egham Office, before moving to Redhill to take over the management of the BHTA scheme. Steve enjoys watching football and is a season ticket holder

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service is in-house and can be contacted 24/7. Assessment of risk exposures and development of a bespoke insurance programme to meet the individual needs of each Member. Whilst the cover offered by the Scheme remains market-leading in its breadth, we assess each Member individually and tailor the cover appropriately and review this annually. Comprehensive broker service provision – ICB is not restricted solely to the Scheme product and has access to the whole insurance market, making a wide range of insurance products available to BHTA Members, from Private Medical provision to Credit Insurance, our reach goes to all corners of the UK Insurance market Regular newsletters with advice on management of risk, legislation and insurance related topics. Risk management advice and assistance including free seminars focusing on a range of topics including emerging risks, Health & Safety and Risk Management. Sponsorship of the BHTA Golf Day and BHTA Awards Dinner.

We are always happy to catch up with members and regularly attend Naidex and Trade Days, as well as the Golf Day and annual Awards Dinner. We remain proud to have been associated with the BHTA for as long as we have and look forward to celebrating their Centenary Year in 2017, seeing you at the many events being held to celebrate.

at Fulham. He also plays golf - although admits his enthusiasm possibly exceeds his natural talent! He has represented Tolworth and Surrey at junior and young adult levels at tenpin bowling and has even represented England at young adult level. After a ten-year hiatus, he has recently come out of retirement and has recommenced league bowling. Steve is married to Sue and has a teenage daughter. To get in touch with Steve, email stephen.aldridge@ or call him directly on +44 (0) 208 282 8595


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College of Occupational Therapists becomes Royal College of Occupational Therapists It has been confirmed that Her Majesty the Queen has granted permission for the Royal title to be used by the College of Occupational Therapists and is now the Royal College of Occupational Therapists. Tracing its origins back to 1936, the college is the professional body for occupational therapy representing over 31,700 occupational therapists across the whole of the United Kingdom. Occupational therapists provide life-changing support to people managing illness, injuries and a wide range of physical and mental health conditions across both health and social care settings. Uniquely, they work to enable people to carry out daily activities which are essential for health and happiness. This vital care helps people recover and build new skills to enjoy a full and independent life. Permission to use the title ‘Royal’ or any personal title of the reigning Monarch is granted by the Queen, acting on the advice of her Ministers. The title ‘Royal’ and any other personal title is therefore very sparingly granted and strict standards are applied. Chief Executive, Julia Scott said: “I am proud and delighted that Her Majesty has seen fit to grant us permission to become a Royal College. It is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and highest level of professional standards which our members demonstrate day in, day out that we have been granted this honour and should ensure that the profession is more involved in shaping health and social care policy. I look forward to embarking on the next chapter in our history as the Royal College of Occupational Therapists.” The College’s Chair of Council, Dr Patricia McClure added: “I am hugely excited at today’s news. It will add further impetus to our work to raise the profile of the vital work that occupational therapists do, almost uniquely across physical and mental health, within the NHS and in Social Care. I hope that our members will be proud to say that they are represented by a Royal College.”

Key dates in the history of the British Association and College of Occupational Therapist 1932 The Scottish Association of Occupational Therapists (SAOT) is founded. 1936 The Association of Occupational Therapists (AOT) is founded for England, Wales, Northern Ireland. 1938 AOT offers the first diploma examinations for occupational therapy in England the AOT journal ‘Occupational Therapy’ is launched. 1945 AOT sets up its first office in Brompton Road, London. 1948 The NHS is established and AOT and SAOT appoint representatives to the Whitley Council to negotiate national pay and conditions for NHS occupational therapists. 1954 SAOT establishes its first office in George Street, Edinburgh.


1969 A referendum shows the membership of AOT and SAOT in favour of a merger. 1974 The British Association of Occupational Therapists (BAOT) is formed from a merger of AOT and SAOT. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy is launched. 1978 BAOT becomes a registered trade union in line with members’ wishes and sets up the College of Occupational Therapists (COT), a registered charity, to deal with the professional, educational and research business of the organisation. 1986 HRH The Princess Royal becomes Patron of the College of Occupational Therapists. 1993 BAOT members vote to contract with UNISON for trade union services. 1998 BAOT/COT moves into its current headquarters building in Borough High Street, London. 1999 Devolution leads to the establishment of Country Boards for the four countries and Policy Officer roles for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 2016 The College of Occupational Therapists releases its first ‘Improving Lives, Saving Money report which demonstrates how deploying Occupational Therapists alongside ambulance services or in A&E departments could cut the number of people who need to visit A&E dramatically and can reduce the number of people admitted into hospital by up to 80%.

020 7702 2141

Could Treat-Eezi spell the end for pressure ulcers? For over 20 years, the healthcare industry has relied on Alternating Air Beds, either as an overlay or a deep profiling bed system, as a means of preventing and tackling pressure ulcers. Derek Timm, Co-Director at Dan Medica South, discusses a revolutionary new solution that could effectively tackle the issue. Derek explains that traditional Alternating Air Beds that rely on different pumps and mediums such as sand and air can have inherent issues. The systems, designed to stimulate blood flow through a massaging effect as they pump air or sand in and out of plastic or cloth membranes, can be costly ranging in price and quality from £150 to £30,000. These electric systems also cost to operate and should the mattress be punctured or if the air being pumped to a cell escapes into the atmosphere – with the cells running flat then creating pressure on the contacting tissue- then the system would need to be replaced. Derek added: “They also require massive contracts to be put in place for daily running to keep the pumps going, plus avoiding punctures in plastic mattresses. It has also been known some of these devices increase sweating, can cause sea sickness type effect and can have noisy pumps which do not help patients sleep.” Various methods of prevention and treatment have been explored for more than a decade and there has been significant growth in the world of fabric technology, with different healthcare departments investigating polyester fibres capable of supporting the body without the need for pumps as a possible solution. Derek told us: “Medical papers from The Exogenous Dermatology Review dated as far back as September 2002 and written with findings of Chronic Wounds-Pressure Relief by the Department of Dermatology, Dresden University Hospital Germany, prove that single weave spacer fabrics were useful in treating chronic venous insufficiency.” “With this in mind, we set about to create a fabric that could be pressure mapped below capillary blood flow at just 28mm Hg. This would avoid any arterial insufficiency and allow steady

blood flow at even under the most direct pressure points of the body when laying in a supine position on a normal hospital bed.” The result was the Treat-Eezi fabric, a unique, patent-pending three weave polyester fabric that is vastly more complicated than the original one weave design. To the company’s knowledge, there is only one factory in the world that is able to weave a three-layer construction that collapses in a sideways motion when under body weight, enveloping the contact areas to offer support. “Treat-Eezi went one step further by adding a slippery surface inter-layer under the first layer of fibres,” Derek explains. “When the body moves on the top surface, the under-layer glides to compensate for shearing forces and friction. Although at this moment in time it is impossible to measure shearing forces on a cushion or mattress surface, we know a good 95% of pressure ulcers are caused by this. To bring those down to little more than zero is another reason our Treat-Eezi static system has been able to help heal even stage four pressure ulcers.” The company says that now with the advantage of Vapour Permeable Covers designed to prevent cross-infection in the Acute Care sectors, there is no reason why TreatEezi technology cannot be used in any Community or Hospital setting. Further work is also continuing using the Treat Eezi fabric in between skin and plaster casts, on stretchers in ambulances and for use with epilepsy monitors and more. Derek concluded: “It aids better sleep and offers the same high-risk protection but without the need for maintenance, lasting longer than nearly every alternating air bed plus proving more cost effective over a 4-year period.” The company owns the exclusive worldwide rights to the Treat-Eezi brand and has supplied over 4,000 clients with Treat Eezi in the UK, estimating savings to the NHS of well over £1 million+, as well as working with a range of manufacturers in the industry, including Simple Stuff Works. To find out more, visit


Doing business around the world just got easier Global Healthcare Trader (GHT) is designed for companies looking to find distributors around the world. A simple search facility enables companies looking to import new products the ability to find businesses looking to sell into their own country in just a couple of clicks. If your company is looking to build business around the world, then it could well be the easiest, quickest and simplest way to do it. GHT is currently in a ‘soft launch’ period when companies can take advantage of a FREE listing.

Take a look at GHT today... To discuss the opportunity, call 01536 710050 today R SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFE


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Care Show 2017 – building on 2016 success Following a successful 2016 show with an overall visitor growth of 4% from 2015, the Care Show has been busy finding ways to make the 2017 event even better for visitors and exhibitors.

The Mobility Roadshow The next main event on the exhibition calendar is the Mobility Roadshow, Europe’s largest test drive and independent mobility event being held at NAEC Stoneleigh, Warwickshire on the 1st – 3rd June 2017. The roadshow gives consumers the opportunity to test drive and compare the latest accessible vehicles, adapted driving controls, mobility vehicles, wheelchairs, ramps and hoists. The event will see Nic Hamilton, brother of F1 champion Lewis Hamilton, open the show. For the second year running, the BHTA will exhibit at the show, as well as being an official show partner. Steve Perry, Marketing & Communications Manager, said: “It is very important to be at the consumer lead show as it enables us to talk directly to people who need advice about healthcare, mobility and assistive technology products. “The Get Wise information leaflets help us talk about the advice and services our members offer and also raises awareness of the Code of Practice to reaffirm to consumers that buying from a BHTA member is the right thing to do.” The Mobility Roadshow is one of the oldest mobility shows in the events calendar, with many consumers looking at full lifestyle decisions when matching their car, mobility vehicle and hoisting requirements all under one roof. To find out more information, visit

BHTA members Having welcomed several BHTA members to 2016’s show, the Care Show are continuing to offer members discounted stand prices for 2017. For more information, contact Arissa Ames at arissa. or call 0207 921 8356.

Last year’s show saw the launch of ‘Care Connects’, a dedicated matchmaking service that hosted over 200 meetings over two days, and a 60% growth in the audience of architects and developers visiting the new ‘Care in Construction’ zone. The organisers are now looking to bring further innovation in 2017, whilst also bringing back crowd-pleasers from 2016. This includes the Virtual Dementia Tour which gave over 700 attendees the opportunity to step into the shoes of someone living with dementia and the return of Professor June Andrews OBE, who will again be chairing and programming the Dementia Care Seminar Theatre. New to the 2017 will be the Integrated Care Show, the Relaxation and Activity Zone and Group Therapy. The Integrated Care Show – in partnership with NHS England – is a new area focusing on sharing best practice examples of the NHS and social care providers working together for better patient outcomes. The new area will provide both NHS and social care audiences tailored advice and education to help them achieve better relationships. Chris Edwards, Brand Director, commented: “This partnership with NHS England will give us the chance to tell Clinical Commissioning Groups right across the country what is going on at the Care Show and how they could benefit from attending.” The Relaxation and Activity Zone will showcase various options available to care providers to help keep their residents stimulated and differentiate themselves from competition, with some care homes now boasting anything from spas to nail salons. The zone also offers attendees the opportunity to relax, with the area being filled with pleasant smells, soothing sounds and general relaxation. Lastly, Group Therapy is a new content format with smaller groups and more open discussion. The discussions will encourage networking and the sharing of knowledge in an industry with so many different forms of care being provided. The Care Show will take place on 10 - 11 October 2017 at Hall 3, NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT. To find out more, visit


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BAFFIN – Bringing Assistance for Future Independent Needs Based at the Northampton University Innovation Centre, BAFFIN Technology Systems (BTS) brings together people with extensive experience of working with disabled children and young people. Their aim is to improve the lives of both users and carers across the country with their BAFFIN range. Parents of children with degenerative diseases such as cerebral palsy know that poor posture leads to complications that can have painful and heart-breaking consequences. Many patients who suffer from muscular or skeletal defects, or are recovering from a serious injury or an operation, need constant postural management and substantial physical support to help them maintain their independence and prevent further deterioration. The BAFFIN range of multifunctional chairs and standing frames uses patented Second Spine Technology and includes the BAFFIN TRIO, NEOsit RS and BUGGY, with each one fitted to the user’s anatomy by a physiotherapist. Sitting, standing or lying down, the multifunctional standing and sitting systems enable the carer (and even the user) to change the user’s position easily and safely, helping to prevent long-term deterioration and a number of other problems associated with just sitting in a traditional wheelchair. The Second Spine reduces pressure on the respiratory, circulatory and gastrointestinal systems and not only supports the spine but by keeps the whole posture in the correct position, enhancing independence and facilitating feeding, learning and playing. Marianne Lopez-Sanchez from the FH Joanneum University


of Applied Sciences in Austria commented that the Second Spine “without doubt, prevents future surgical interventions and consequently reduces the amount of stress for the patient and their carers.” BTS says that whilst the technology may not be able to prevent the tragedy of diseases like cerebral palsy, they hope it will significantly improve the lives of those that suffer from it. For more information, visit

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membernews Ross Care opens new flagship location – Ross Care Independent Living The company has said the unique location is a fantastic resource for local residents and indicative of the company’s steps to go above and beyond in supporting their work with Local Authority. Ross Care, a major provider of wheelchair services and community equipment on behalf of the NHS and Local Authority, operates out of 9 service centres across the north of England, Midlands and Wales. Additionally, its three existing retail locations provide shopmobility services in busy shopping centre environments. The new venture opens its doors to the public and healthcare professionals as a unique facility offering both clinical expertise and equipment sales. Located amongst several GP practices and a large pharmacy, the site provides a hub for a range of different groups. Ross Care Independent Living hosts training and meeting facilities for therapists and also more informal gatherings where groups can meet for peer support. The staff comprise of professional clinicians, experienced product specialists and individuals with a background in care environments. Through working with local commissioners for community equipment who are faced with tough decisions due to pressures on social care budgets, Ross Care have responded by investing in a credible and professional option for those selffunding their equipment. Chris McComiskey, an Occupational Therapist based at the site with 30 years’ experience, commented: “If a customer

came looking for a powered chair, we can look at options over and above what is usually available from statutory services, supported with clinical advice. “We’ve spent time with local disability action groups and other charities, as well as statutory providers, to see where we can help find solutions for Oldham residents. It’s all about where we can complement local services.” The modern, friendly environment is equipped with a range of demonstration and assessment facilities, including an accessible shower unit & bathroom facilities, kitchen area and stairlifts. Professionals are supported with a free to book meeting room and work space, as well as an informal coffee area open to all. Additionally, there is a ‘Changing Places’ W.C. which includes an adult sized changing bench & ceiling track hoist. Initial feedback has been incredibly positive according to the company, being described as ‘just what is needed’ as an addition to local services, which is being delivered through a sustainable model. Ross Care Independent Living is located at Unit G4, Keppel Building, Ashton Road West, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 0AD Visit for more information

SuperPole success at Naidex Midlands based Chapter Mobility visited this year’s Naidex to showcase the unique SuperPole with SuperBar to show attendees. The company came across the safety pole whilst on the hunt for something innovative at last year’s Rehacare. Designed and produced by Canadian manufacturer HealthCraft, the SuperPole offers a vast improvement on traditional grab rails and support frame devices currently used in the home according to the company. The SuperPole can be positioned anywhere in a room, locking into place between floor and ceiling without the need for screws or fasteners whilst the SuperBar attachment can rotate through 360 degrees - locking off every 45 degrees - and can be positioned easily with one hand. Ivor Allchurch, Managing Director of Chapter Mobility, said: “Our commitment and faith in the product, following experience with our own customers, has grown to the extent that we have become the exclusive Distributor for HealthCraft in the UK. Using the Naidex Show as a launchpad, we wanted to spread the word to everyone in the Disability & Mobility Community.” With the SuperPole not requiring a permanent fixing, it allows users to reposition it where required to best suit a user’s needs and can be particularly useful in rental properties where landlords do not want to install permanent fixings.

Suitable for safe use on wet room floors, the SuperPole and SuperBar is capable of providing a solution where traditional transfer aids may not be a viable option. Chapter Mobility, who provide home adaptations and products to help people retain independence, first discovered the device whilst searching for different products not readily in the UK at 2016’s Rehacare. The product has already proved popular in North America, being used by over 250,000 individuals in the Canadian Disability Market, typically in bathroom and bedroom environments as a means to prevent falls. Chapter Mobility hopes to see the success replicated in the UK. Discussing the response at Naidex, Ivor told us: “Interest has been fantastic, with over 50 serious enquirers. Follow up meetings have been arranged with national charities, local social services teams, OT groups, housing associations and numerous independent retailers, both large and small.” For more information, email or call 01562 312048


020 7702 2141

Section Chairs 2017 The BHTA is the largest trade body in the healthcare field in Britain representing nearly 500 companies, small, medium and large, organised in one or more of 12 sections covering most sectors of the industry. This unique sectional structure provides a platform for all companies to have an effective voice within BHTA and, through the Association, to influence the development of healthcare policies in the UK. The sections and the Section Chairs are: Beds and Support Surfaces David Beavis Invacare Ltd Tel: 01656 776200

FAME Andy Pear Reliance Medical Tel: 07801 597596

Childrens’ Equipment Jill Morony Safespaces (Cornholme) Ltd Tel: 01706 816274 Dispensing Appliance Contractors Philip Salt Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000

Hearing Care Steve Witts The Outside Clinic Tel: 01793 648680 Independent Living Products & Services Vacancy Mobility Group Jeanette Warner Better Mobility Ltd Tel: 01442 768782

Orthotics Colin Hurley Colin Hurley Business Development Consultant Tel: 07921 917100 Pressure Care, Seating and Positioning Debbie Williams Invacare Ltd Tel: 01656 776200 Prosthetics Mark Davies Steeper Tel: 0113 2704841

Chairman Alastair Maxwell tel 07974 980201

Stairlifts and Access Phil Rice Anglia Stairlifts Tel: 07753 441623 Stoma and Continence Products Philip Salt Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000 BHTA Scotland Group Jonathan Scott Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000



Tracey Lloyd Director General

Ray Hodgkinson MBE Director of Public Affairs

Sarah Lepak Director of Governance & Policy

Lord Rennard Director of Communications

Sally Edginton Research & Support Lead

Nadim Anwar Operations Manager

Nigel Woods Administration Officer

Kevin Hodges Section Support Lead

Greg Askew Sales & Relationship Manager

Susan Burberry Finance Officer

Karim Uddin Sales & Relationship Officer

Donna Eade Shopmobility Co-ordinator

Philip Woodward Accreditation & Professional Development Manager

Steve Perry Marketing & Communications Manager

Jane Weller Research & Support Lead

Margaret Smith BHTA Scotland

Nigel Bliss Finance Manager

New members A warm welcome to all these new member companies:




e w 6 11

2. ITS DESIGNS Desford, Leicestershire t 01530 239900 e w

10. GUERNSEY MOBILITY Guernsey t 07911 765917 e w

3. PROMOVE UK LTD Dyfed t 01970 820 893 e w

11. ALINE MOBILITY Merseyside t 01744 602602 e w

4. BRITTON PRICE HOISTS Brighton, East Sussex t 01273 231012 e w


STOMA & CONTINENCE 5. VANILLA BLUSH Bridgeton, Glasgow t 0141 763 0991 e w MOBILITY GROUP

8 18

14 15 2



12 19



12. VITA CELLULAR FOAMS (UK) Bedford t 01234 213121 e w 13. CONSTRUCTIVE Chelmsford, Essex t 01245 279042 e W:






17. SEATING MATTERS LTD Co. Derry, N. Ireland t 028 777 666 24 e w FAME

6. VROSS WHEELCHAIRS LTD Liverpool t 0151 548 1999 e w

14. RISE AND RECLINE Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire t 0115 913 3572 e w

7. DAILY MOBILITY Edgware, Middlesex t 0208 952 6698 e w



15. CHGIP Nottingham t 01202 045830 e w

19. COBANA ENERGY Watford, Hertfordshire t 01923 729329 e w



16. DAN MEDICA SOUTH Pulborough, West Sussex t 0208 133 2851 e w

20. BAFFIN TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS Northampton t 01604 379020 e w

8. ABILITY AWARE LTD Trentham, Stoke on Trent t 0845 330 1144 e w 9. MOBILITY EXTRA LTD Birmingham t 0121 320 2047

18. CLICK MEDICAL West Bromwich t 0121 524 2323 e w


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