020 7702 2141 DG DIARY
As Director General of the BHTA, I was very pleased in September to welcome one hundred guests to an Afternoon Tea at the House of Lords, part of the centenary celebrations marking one hundred years since our predecessor association, the Surgical Instrument Manufacturers Association, was formed. The event was originally planned for June but was postponed because the timing of the general election (and Royal Ascot!) meant that our booking was cancelled in order to make way for the Queen’s Speech. For those of you who couldn’t join us, extracts from my speech form my article for this Bulletin magazine:
The business of our member companies is providing products and services to help people with disabilities live their lives as independently as possible. Our Association, therefore, promotes reputable businesses providing high quality and innovative products in ways that protect the interests of their customers, many of whom are vulnerable people.
We are a ‘not for profit’ Association In the course of the BHTA’s history we aiming to have had a few promote patient name changes as care, which we have grown “The business of our often involves to represent helping the member companies is more sectors of NHS to get real the healthcare providing products and long-term value and assistive services to help people with for money and technology promoting British disabilities live their lives as industry. businesses to independently as possible.” We became create the jobs the British that the country Surgical Trades needs. Association, we merged with the British We are very proud of our 100-year Association of Wheelchair Distributors history and throughout the century and we eventually became the British promoting innovation in healthcare has Healthcare Trades Association, or BHTA, been very important to us. of today. One of our oldest member companies Of course, not everyone remembers was responsible, for example, for the what our initials stand for. introduction of the Colostomy Bag in A few people, some here today, have 1948, another was responsible for the even suggested that B.H.T.A. really first prosthetic knee that allowed for stands for ‘Bloody Hell, Them Again!’
stabilised weight bearing, providing great benefits to many World War Two amputees. 1917 was the year of Passchendaele, the year of the Russian Revolution and the year when King George the Fifth first began sending telegrams congratulating those of his subjects who reached the age of 100. The King’s telegrams were then sent by bicycle and in that year, just 24 people received them. Also in 1917, the manufacturers of surgical instruments got together to create a body that government could deal with, which represented their interests and which would work to promote British industry after the conclusion of the War. They designed an emblem to identify members and at the first AGM the chair said, “I hope that as the years go on, we shall be able to say, this firm is a member of the Association; I know their work is good.” The BHTA brand remains important to our members and people know that they can buy with confidence from our member companies. The Association represents them and one of its early successful campaigns was to see Purchase Tax, the precursor of VAT, removed from surgical instruments and appliances.
Contents Westminster Watch....... 4 BHTA News................... 6 Battles over VAT issues such as uniform rules and fairness have continued through to today.
awareness about pressure ulcers and to reduce the number of people affected by them.
In its early days the BHTA:
We helped to persuade the Department of Transport to increase the weight limit on scooters and powered wheelchairs in order to accommodate the introduction of more sophisticated devices to assist their users.
Provided representatives to serve on British Standard Institution Committees Worked with the Ministry of Health addressing issues such as the introduction of metric measurements Lobbied against the dumping of cheap and inferior products into the country
Major issues that were also addressed included: •
The need for a Code of Practice to prevent the reputation of all companies in the sector being tarnished by the bad practices of the worst
The introduction of Bar Coding
The need for a common insurance scheme which could cut member companies’ costs considerably, whilst providing the necessary cover for them
In the 1990s we successfully opposed changes to the re-imbursement scheme for appliances on the Drug Tariff, which would have had a devastating effect on the most vulnerable patients and we have continued to fight this battle ever since to ensure that patients have the choice that they need. We have done a great deal to raise
And we helped to get a new national standard agreed for workplace First Aid kits, and then for motor vehicle kits.
Event News................. 16 Member News............. 19 Section Chairs............. 22 New Members............. 23
More recently, we have: •
Taken over the management of the Shopmobility network
Established the very successful Trade Days, the very first trade only event in the UK
Launched the Healthcare and Assistive Technology Society to provide a professional body for individual practitioners
We continue to help our different sections to ‘slay their dragons’ or ‘realise their dreams’ whether they be: •
Continuing the fight against plans to impose a 10% duty on power scooters and unworkable suggestions about compulsory insurance for them
Helping our Hearing Care section to work effectively with the Hearing Loss Alliance to campaign for better provision of hearing aids
The work of our Children’s Section which commissioned work from the Centre for Economics and Business Research highlighting the level of unmet needs for disabled children in the UK and demanding action to address it
After 100 years, there is still much for us to do. Our vision is one that I am sure you will all share, and is based on achieving better health, better care and better value for healthcare across the country. Thank you for all your help in achieving it.
Find us on Twitter @wwwbhta British Healthcare Trades Association, Suite 4.6, The Loom, 14 Gowers Walk London E1 8PY 020 7702 2141
Tracey White, Director General 3
020 7702 2141
Westminster Watch by Lord Rennard
Brexit update: A personal view from Lord Rennard 15 months after the Brexit referendum and six months after the Government triggered ‘Article 50’, it is still far from clear what the UK’s relationship with the EU will be in future. The nature of the UK/EU relationship is so significant that nor can we have any idea yet about what sort of trading and regulatory arrangements may also be established for the UK’s relationship with the rest of the world. I recently met in the European Parliament with some of those working there on these issues, including Guy Verhofstadt MEP, who is the European Parliament’s Brexit negotiator. The European Parliament will have to approve any deal agreed with the UK on the terms of leaving and the remaining 27-member states will each have to approve any future Treaty setting out the future EU/UK relationship. There are clear divisions within the UK Government about what sort of relationship should now be sought with the EU. Reaching any kind of agreement is more problematic than many people realised at first, which is why so little progress has been made and also why the Government’s position is shifting. The Government cannot be seen to propose any deal in which the UK’s position will be seen to be worse than in its present relationship inside the EU, however, the rest of the EU cannot be seen to negotiate a more favourable relationship with a country outside than it provides for the members remaining within it. Hence the problem appears intractable. The shift in the UK Government’s thinking announced by the Prime-Minister in Florence was therefore predictable and is a very different position to that articulated previously. This includes senior civil servants from the ‘Department for Exiting the European Union’ when I met them when representing the BHTA at discussions with the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority). The MHRA were hosting a series of meetings with Trade Associations such as ours, as part of a series of 500 such sets of meetings covering different sectors of the UK economy to consider what needs to be negotiated in relationship to the EU and the rest of the world. The big shift in the Government’s position is to accept the principle of
‘transitional arrangements’, as I argued with the MHRA that most businesses needed, but which was previously considered politically unacceptable. The reason for this shift in my opinion, is based more on the realisation that a future UK/EU relationship will not be agreed prior to the UK leaving the EU as scheduled on 29th March 2019. It is therefore quite possible that the UK will remain part of a Customs Union with the EU (like Turkey) or part of the Single Market (like Norway) for at least two years from 2019. Any outcome of Brexit which looks ‘too like membership of the EU’ will enrage eurosceptics, whether of the ‘libertarian right’ (who seek a low tax, low regulation model) or the more ‘traditional left’ (who want a more nationalised industrial base, with state subsidies likely). Both sides of this euro-sceptic position believe that the EU and the rest of the world would allow the UK to compete on their favoured model without the present considerations of what is seen as fair competition rules applying. Others disagree that Trade Deals could be negotiated satisfactorily on either model. In the meantime, many businesses are already thinking about, planning or making some moves to relocate some of their operations from the UK to somewhere else in Europe. Regulatory bodies such as the EMA (European Medicines Authority) will have to relocate from London and other European cities are lobbying to host it. The opportunity to preserve many existing regulatory arrangements appears to have been lost when Article 50 was triggered and a two-year deadline for exiting the EU was set. Trade Associations such as the BHTA want to see issues of uncertainty addressed, including regulatory, tax and labelling issues, in order to allow businesses to be able to trade successfully in Europe and in a way which does not disadvantage them in trading with the rest of the world. Political divisions make this difficult, and public opinion may yet be the deciding factor in determining which approach the Government eventually decides to take.
020 7702 2141
Raising awareness at Disability Awareness Day For the first time, the BHTA attended the world’s largest ‘not-for-profit’ disability exhibition in Warrington, raising awareness of the Association to over 22,000 visitors. Held in July, the voluntary-led annual event aims to promote independence throughout life and work and attracts disabled people and their families from across the North of England and beyond. Handing out recently developed consumer leaflets, the BHTA spent time explaining to consumers the importance and the benefits of buying from BHTA members. Representing the Association at the event, Sally Edgington, Section Support Lead for the BHTA, commented: “From the moment the doors opened, there was a heavy and steay flow of people throughout the day.
Organisations from the voluntary, statutory and business sectors came together to promote independence throughout life and work, with support groups and services, equipment, transport, technology, holidays, benefits, employment, education, training, mobility, leisure, recreation, sport and much more.
Dave Thompson, CEO of Warrington Disability Partnership, said: “It was a great start to our partnership; the BHTA exhibiting at the Disability Awareness Day, the pre-event “It was a great start to promotion carried out by the BHTA and our partnership” the attendance at the event will help raise the profile of both organisations.” Dave Thompson, CEO of
The next Disability Awareness Day will Warrington Disability Partnership “The stand was exceptionally busy be held on Sunday 15th July 2018 at the and it was great being able to speak to Walton Hall & Gardens in Warrington. consumers about the benefits of buying products and services from BHTA members. It was also great Sally added: “It is great we have made such strong links with to hear how so many consumers already know the BHTA.” the Warrington Disability Partnership. The event had a great atmosphere and was so much fun; I would highly recommend The event, organised by Warrington Disability Partnership, has anyone who hasn’t attended as a visitor or exhibitor to take a seen consistent year on year growth, with over 250 spaces look’. being taken by exhibitors and over 22,000 visitors attending the 26th event Disability Awareness Day.
For more information, visit
020 7702 2141
Stepping up for Scope More than 120 participants set out to walk 300,000 steps across 30 days throughout the month of September, all to raise money for charity in the very first Steptember challenge. Conceived following the BHTA Stairlifts & Access section’s desire to make a difference and raise collaboration, Steptember challenged individuals to walk 10,000 steps (approximately five miles) each day in September. All money raised is being donated to Scope, a charity that exists to ensure disabled people have equal rights and opportunities in the UK. Craig Wills, Senior Community Relationships Executive at Scope, commented: “We’d all like to thank BHTA for choosing to support Scope with their fantastic Steptember challenge. With every step taken, every person involved raised valuable funds and awareness for our work with disabled people and their families. We are here to make this world a place where disabled people have the
same opportunities as everyone else, that just wouldn’t be possible without people like the BHTA team.”
“With every step taken,
every person involved raised valuable funds and awareness for our work with disabled people and their families”
Craig Wills, Senior Community Relationships Executive, Scope
Sally Edgington, Section Support Lead at the BHTA, said: “It is fantastic how
members from the Stairlifts & Access section have come together for this fantastic event and to raise money for such a good cause. Their commitment to supporting this event has created a real buzz amongst the section and I hope we exceed the £2500 target we have set”. Following the success of the event it is hoped this will become an annual event for the BHTA and will be opened up across all section membership next year, with a different charity being chosen to raise money for each year. All monies raised are being collected and donated via the BHTAsteptember Just Giving Page - fundraising/bhtasteptember. Once all the money has been received, a presentation to Scope will take place at the BHTA Awards Dinner on 30th November.
020 7702 2141
Supporting the next generation New Apprentice Charlie Lawrence has joined BHTA team under the government apprenticeship scheme. After completing his Business Studies course with a local college, Charlie is keen to see how the theory works in practice and will be working closely with Marketing and Communications Manager Steve Perry to learns the complex ins and outs of marketing. The varied role will see the young apprentice helping in all aspects of the Association’s online and offline marketing and communications, as well as events and exhibitions. Charlie has been actively supporting two BHTA campaigns on Twitter, covering the Steptember fundraising events and the Pressure Ulcer Guide. Whilst at the BHTA, he is eager to develop his business knowledge and looks forward to meeting members at section meetings, events and exhibitions over the coming months.
BHTA Scotland hosts centenary Garden Lobby Reception To celebrate 100-years, the BHTA Scotland will hold a Scottish Parliamentary reception on Tuesday 12th December 2017. Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP, Scottish Health Spokesman for the Lib Dems, is the Association’s sponsor and the Garden Lobby event will be addressed by Aileen Campbell MSP, the Scottish Government Public Health Minister. Guests will be attending from a variety of stakeholder organisations across the public, voluntary and private health and social care sectors. The evening is to celebrate 100-years of the BHTA, with the reception also providing the Scottish section companies the opportunity to showcase products, discuss innovation, engage with MSP’s in the areas where their businesses are situated and discuss the contribution they are making to the local and national economy. The BHTA Scottish section is actively involved in advising and engaging with the Scottish Parliament to deliver the best care for patients and product users.
020 7702 2141
BHTAnews BBC Rogue Traders investigation leads to ‘Arise Mobility’ resigning from BHTA prior to disciplinary hearing The British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) began disciplinary action in July against a company following allegations made in a BBC Rogue Traders investigation that its selling techniques breached the approved Code of Practice. The company concerned, ‘Arise Mobility’, was featured in the popular BBC programme on Wednesday 12th July 2017. The programme questioned the company in relation to evidence about cold calling, the length of time their sales staff spent at potential customers’ homes, and lack of pricing transparency. During the programme, the BHTA’s Director of Governance & Policy, Sarah Lepak, confirmed that disciplinary action had begun in relation to the allegations and further information which had come to light. “Our aim is to prevent companies from cold calling customers, either by telephone, or at home. No assessment or sale should last longer than three hours, except in very exceptional circumstances. Inappropriate selling tactics, such as high
pressure selling with a high initial price followed by a discount, withholding price information until the end of a sale, or any form of price conditioning, are banned,” commented Sarah. “We work hard to ensure that all BHTA members adhere to the Code through the use of mystery shoppers, regular audits and through customer feedback. The BHTA provides information to assist consumers with purchasing goods. Every member company is required to make our advice available to assist people when purchasing products that help to maintain independent living.” The company resigned from membership before the disciplinary hearing could take place and has since gone into liquidation. “It is important people know that they can buy with confidence from our member companies because only BHTA member companies are covered by our Code of Practice” added Sarah. BHTA has reminded all members that it is important they constantly manage their business within the Code of Practice framework and meet the standards of the association. Everyone should be giving customers the advice leaflet “Get Wise to Buying Safely”:
Golf day proves to be a hole-in-one This year’s annual BHTA/ICB Golf Day saw members and guests pitch up at a championship PGA course and putt their skills to the test.
To celebrate the Association’s centenary, Kevin was also awarded a specially commissioned paperweight as winner of the event in our celebratory year.
Held at the Foxhills Golf Club in Surrey on Thursday 13th July, the Golf Day saw members and guests from across the UK come together to compete for individual and team prizes.
Presentations were made by BHTA Chairman Alastair Maxwell and BHTA president Mike Lord.
Playing the Longcross Championship Golf Course, a PGA tournament course, the ultimate individual winner of the Phil Isherwood Trophy was Kevin Atkins from Quantum / Pride Mobility. The event was finished off with an opportunity to relax at the clubhouse, catch up with other members and enjoy a barbeque lunch.
The BHTA would like to wish the team at ICB, the preferred Insurance provider for BHTA members, for their support in helping stage the event successfully again this year. A confirmed date for the 2018 Golf Day will be publicised to all members as soon as possible. If any players would like a link to all the photographs for the day or register for information about next year’s event, contact Karim Uddin via email:
020 7702 2141
BHTAnews Orthotic & Prosthetic technician qualification to start in 2018 Following a successful event to set a date for the next Student Technician intake for the National Qualification for Technicians Induction, companies in the sector are being urged to enrol their technicians. Requiring a great deal of hard work and investment from the Orthotic and Prosthetic section to set up, the Professional Development Award course is unique for member’s technicians.
Succes for the first Disability Awareness Workshop
With the Government and the Department of Health discussing the requirement for more qualified personnel working for and within the NHS, as well as the potential for future contracts either demanding qualifications or differentiating companies by their qualified staff, the course may become essential for companies employing technicians. The technicians course not only offers opportunity to show a willingness to invest in staff but also could be the difference between winning a contract or not. With a strong reputation for innovation and professionalism with the Department of Health, this venture shows how the Orthotic section are investing into the future. The PDA course will start in January 2018 and those interested should contact the college to enrol. Contact John Rafferty at or Rosemary Stewart at
The BHTA have been working in partnership with Warrington Disability Partnership since late last year to offer members ‘Disability Awareness Workshops’. Taking place on Wednesday 13th September at the Warrington Disability Partnership’s Centre for Independence, the first workshop was a sell-out event, with participants learning what disability means, attitudes, legislation, working to remove the barriers and much more. Encouraging inclusivity and engagement, the event saw every participant speaking and giving their views and opinions throughout the day, whilst also being given the opportunity to have a tour of the showroom at the centre and meet team members, many of whom have a disability. With positive feedback from participants who found speakers to be ‘friendly and knowledgeable’, the majority of the attendees said they enjoyed the event. Sally Edgington, Section Support Lead at the BHTA working with Warrington Disability Partnership to deliver these events, commented: “From my very first meeting with Dave Thompson, I had every confidence that a great workshop would be delivered. Having now attended the first workshop, I can honestly say this exceeded my already high expectations and I look forward to working on other projects in the future with Dave and his team”. To find out more about a range of services Warrington Disability Partnership offer, visit
020 7702 2141
Lifetime achievers assemble for centenary
From top left: Barry Payne - Dr Barend ter Haar - John Payne - Gerald Simonds Rupert Talbot – Garman (on behalf of David Garman) - John Prout - Colin Peacock. Front: Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
As part of the Association’s centenary celebrations, previous Lifetime Achiever Award winners gathered for a special lunch held at the House of Lords on the 11th September 2017. Hosted by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, each member received a specially produced paperweight at the formal lunch whilst BHTA President Mike Lord congratulated guests and thanked them for their valuable contributions to the healthcare industry. Steve Perry, Marketing and Communications Manager for Trades Association, commented: “This was a unique opportunity to bring our lifetime achievers together to celebrate their remarkable contributions to the healthcare industry.
“The lunch was followed by an Afternoon Tea with 100 members and guests hosted by Baroness Walmsley. Both events are part of several events taking place over 2017 to celebrate 100 years of BHTA, with a further event to be held in the Scottish Parliament in December for Scottish BHTA members.” Following the lunch, attendees were taken to the House of Lords viewing gallery where they had a chance to watch democracy in action.
020 7702 2141
BHTA lifetime achiever commended by American association Winner of the 2013 award, Sir Saeed Zahedi - who had flown back from the USA to attend the Lifetime Achievers lunch - was also recently awarded the American Orthotic Prosthetic Association’s (AOPA) Lifetime achievement for 2017 as part of the AOPA’s own centenary celebrations. Technical Director of Chas A Blatchford & Sons, Sir Saeed Zahedi OBE was knighted at 2017 Queen’s birthday honour for services to Engineering and Innovation and received a Special Commendation in the Prince Philip Designer prize in 2011. His work at Blatchford led to the organisation achieving three of their four Queen’s Awards and the EEF Winner of Winners in 2014. Author and co-author to over 125 scientific papers, Sir Saeed Zahedi is Chair of UK International Society of Prosthetic and Orthotic and a member of protocol and scientific committee, representing UK in ISO, CEN and IEC committees on prosthetics and robotics. He has received several prizes for scientific papers, 5 BLESMA awards, IMechE Special Needs, and Forchheimer as far back in 1989, for his PhD work conducted at Strathclyde University. In 2016, he and his team were the winners of UK Engineering Mac Robert Award and in 2017, won the German Design and US Medical Design Excellence Award. He actively supports various committees in Royal Academy of Engineering. He is part of US AOPA 2020, Medical advisory board and in their 100th anniversary was awarded the lifetime achievement this year.
Philip Salt presented the centenary paperweight to Mike Sawers at DAC and Stoma section meeting
2008 David Thompson
2015 Ray Hodgkinson MBE
2007 David Garman OBE
2014 Lynn Palmer
2006 Bill and Elaine Ellis
2013 Professor Saeed Zahedi
2005 Barry Payne
2012 Sam Gallop CBE
2004 John Prout
2011 John Payne
2003 Gerald Simonds
2010 Geoff Seal
2002 Colin Peacock
2009 Mike Sawers
2001 David Hull
020 7702 2141
BHTA Awards Dinner 2017 The 2017 British Healthcare Trades Awards are nearing, with attendees getting ready for another great evening of recognising the achievements of members and companies across the industry. The host of this year’s dinner and presenting the awards to the lucky winners is the Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE.
Most Effective Marketing Campaign
The British Healthcare Trades Awards are particularly special this year as the BHTA celebrates its 100th anniversary, providing a great opportunity for past and present members of the Association to get together and exchange memories of their years in the healthcare industry.
Best Contribution to the Community
Also in this year’s event will be the introduction of two awards for Retailers of the Year and for Businesses that provide patient services as NHS contractors. Additionally, important honours recognising the BHTA Team of the Year and Individual of the Year - based on the customer satisfaction forms returned by members’ customers – will also be presented.
Being presented are two sets of awards for companies; The British Healthcare Trades Awards and the 22nd Independent Living Design Awards. The evening will also see the presentation of the BHTA Lifetime Achievement Award, a special honour presented each year to someone who has made, what the BHTA believes to be, an outstanding and inspirational contribution to the industry. The British Healthcare Trades Awards fall within the following categories:
Best Product
Best Service
The event will take place at the Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel, London, SE1 7TJ
To book a table, download the Dinner Booking Forms directly from the BHTA website to attend the British Healthcare Trades Awards 2017. For any further assistance about the event, email
020 7702 2141
Get Wise to Flying with Disability Planning a holiday or travel as a disabled person or with a disabled family member can seem challenging. The question asked when it comes to offering travel options for people with disabilities or injuries is ‘how can travel change to positively benefit people’s lives and increase their independence?’ BHTA are working in partnership with QEF’s (Queen Elizabeth Foundation) TryB4uFly service to raise the awareness of the questions you need to consider when travelling. Working together, the BHTA and QEF have produced ‘Get Wise to Flying with a Disability’, launched at the QEF Mobility Day on the 6th October 2017. QEF have three centres around the UK where parents and consumers can talk to their TryB4uFly service and try out various seating and transfer options in real aircraft seating.
Staff are able to give advice to help the travelling experience be as easy as possible and QEF have a range of equipment that can be hired or bought to assist travel arrangements. The Foundation has been holding events around the UK aimed at helping people with disabilities prepare for air travel. Comments about the services have included people saying that “it makes the impossible seem possible.” The New Get Wise to Flying with a Disability pdf can be downloaded from the BHTA website BHTA are also working closely with the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) and IATA (International Air Transport Association) on other projects to assist disabled travellers and will be bringing updates in future editions of The Bulletin.
QEF CENTRES QEF Mobility Services Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 4AW 020 8770 1151 • Regional Driving Assessment Centre Unit 11, Network Park, Duddeston Mill Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B81AU 0121 359 4222 • William Merritt Disabled Living Centre and Mobility Service Aire House, Town Street, Leeds, LS13 1HP 0113 350 8989 •
Care Show 2017 round-up At this year’s Care Show, Barend ter Haar (BSc DPhil) was one of the expert speakers at the many conference talks held at the show. Introducing the BHTA Pressure Ulcer Guide, Barend also delivered a comprehensive and interesting presentation on shear, pressure and the latest technology & innovations in the market.
The event also provided the Association another platform to discuss the BHTA’s Code of Practice, breadth of membership sections and work with the Chartered Trading Standard Institute.
Over the two days of the Care Show, the BHTA team engaged with many healthcare professionals, with the recent Pressure Ulcer Guide proving to be particularly popular with the audience. Many copies of the guide were taken by healthcare professionals who commented that the subject was very relevant to their day to day work in roles caring for clients in nursing and residential care environments. The Pressure Ulcer guide has been backed by a mailing and social media campaign and will continue to be promoted throughout November in support of World Stop Pressure Ulcers on 16th November 2017 in conjunction with the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. (EPUAP).
020 7702 2141
Implications of Grenfell Tower disaster It is now a little while since the tragic events of the Grenfell Tower fire disaster and there are many investigations going on as to what the issues were, and what issues remain, in other buildings of a similar construction. Inevitably, this has led to questions from a number of our clients and contacts as to what the implications may be for them and their businesses and what can be done about it. To briefly summarise the position, usually for the sake of aesthetics, but occasionally for thermal efficiency, (or a combination of these), buildings are covered with a nonstructural cladding. This is mounted on the building a short distance away from the actual walls. It usually takes the form of a composite material comprising two sheets of typically, aluminium, with a very thin filling of another material. It looks nice and modern, is relatively cheap to install and improves energy efficiency. It will also usually pass building control if properly fitted. The filling is the main issue that is causing the current problem and the government have focussed on a type of cladding known as aluminium composite material (ACM), which was described above. The filling varies in type and flammability and is usually one of three types: •
Polyethylene often known as PE
A mixture of 60-70% mineral filling in combination with other materials such as polyethylene. Often known as FR (or fire retardant)
A product commonly referred to by manufacturers as their A2 product, in which the filling is about 90% mineral material
The polyethylene core material has been shown in tests carried out on behalf of the government in England to be capable of spreading fire rapidly up the wall and so has been deemed to be a significant hazard in buildings over 18 metres (typically six storeys) in height. It can sometimes be difficult to tell which one you have by looking at it and is likely to require specialist knowledge by an RICS surveyor or façade specialist to identify the material. One way is to look at the original design specs of the construction, which should tell you what any cladding panels are made of, though it would be important to be sure that what was installed is what was specified.
What should be my next course of action? Well, the first thing to do is to find out if you are affected. If your property is brick, stone or similar, it is unlikely that you will have an external cladding problem unless it has been refurbished with the panels. However, there may have been alterations to your property internally, (such as partitioning) or add on extensions, (such as a temporary coldstore), which may be constructed of particularly flammable materials. Equally, you may be considering erecting a new structure and to offer a pleasing façade, you may be looking at cladding as an option. Where any of these are the case, it is most important and a legal requirement that a proper fire risk assessment is carried out. If you are in a managed building with cladding, you also need to liaise with the landlord accordingly to review any shared areas that may affect you.
You also need to tell your broker / insurer It is important that all material information is disclosed to insurers as part of a fair presentation of risk and this would include the existence of any combustible panels such as those noted above. Nothing has changed in this respect. Please liaise with your usual ICB Group contact if you have any queries.
020 7702 2141
Accessible Boat Club takes to the water An inclusive, community initiative aiming to get disabled people from Wallingford and the surrounding area out and about on the river seeks a home base. The initiative, entitled the Wallingford Accessible Boat Club (WABC), enables disabled people to enjoy the River Thames and is the work of a small group of ‘river folk’ in the Wallingford community. Striving to offer disabled people the opportunity to independently participate in river-bourne experiences, such as picnicing, fishing and boating on the Thames, the project is the first of its kind in Oxfordshire. The initiative is now looking for a ‘home base’ with a mooring facility ideally in easy reach of Wallingford. The project is the vision of Wallingford-born John Jenkins MBE, who contracted polio in Wallingford Swimming Pool in the summer of 1953 and started his business career working in the family business, ‘Jenkins, the newsagents and stationers’, in St Mary’s Street until the business closed in 1970. John commented: “I grew up on the river, spending every spare moment boating and fishing, particularly in Benson weir. I had a wonderful time and now I have retired back to Wallingford, I am determined to once again get out onto the river. “I am a full-time wheelchair user and currently opportunities to do that independently are non-existent, not only for me but the majority of disabled people. “ Opportunities for wheelchair users to go out onto the river in group, typically on cruises, do exist, however John says the opportunity to go boating independently is nearly impossible
“The Wallingford Accessible Boat Club will change all that,” continued John. “It will enable this disadvantaged segment of the community to achieve what able-bodied people do – to just get out on the river. We are situated not only on a lovely stretch of the Thames but also on the longest lock-free reach on the river – so a Wallingford base is ideal.” The Wallingford Accessible Boat Club will be a voluntary, community project where able-bodied and disabled will be encouraged to get involved. The facility will be based on a wheelchair accessible powerboat, the Coulam V20, which has been proven on other waterways around the UK. The project set-up is estimated at £51,000, which it is hoped will be raised from a community appeal, grant making bodies and other water-loving bodies, as well as assistance from the Wheelyboat Trust. John added: “We have an exciting project which is worthwhile and promises to deliver a great deal to disabled people and the community. A small but dedicated project team is in place, plus a group of volunteer helpers and, as well as the Wheelyboat Trust support, we have achieved RYA Sailability Club accreditation. The missing piece of the jigsaw is the availability of a mooring facility and slipway, a home for WABC if you like, and I earnestly appeal to the Wallingford community for help with that. “If anyone has any ideas on this, please contact me: email john. or mobile 07976 297835.”
020 7702 2141
Celebrate 100-years of occupational therapy with the Occupational Therapy Show A message from organisers CloserStill The Occupational Therapy Show is the perfect place for you and your colleagues to celebrate 100 years of occupational therapy with all that is occupational therapy! The show offers an outstanding educational programme, with speakers from around the world presenting sessions tailored to all occupational therapists. However, the event offers so much more than initially meets the eye. Here’s what you can expect from our fifth edition of the show this November...
Clinical excellence Spread across the various educational features will be some of the biggest names in the occupational therapy profession right now. These will include Dr Michael Iwama, Dr Jenny Preston MBE, Dr Joanne Fillingham, Gillian Leng, Michael Mandelstam, Stephanie Saenger, Dr Alison Warren, Alice Hortop, and many, many more.
Free major exhibition In addition to the clinical experts, those at the top of the product development and research field will also be in attendance, with more than 270 suppliers and manufacturers represented across the bustling trade floor. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your practice service, seeking new equipment for current clients or wishing to find new solutions to existing issues, we have it all at fantastic prices! Check out the latest innovations, technologies and services on the show floor and make sure you take this opportunity to try out new products for yourself! You’ll be able to find out more about the products available from Stannah, Handicare, Invacare, AKW, JCM/Sunrise, to name but a few! Or you can get information on the latest training courses available from reputable providers, and there’ll be experts in recruitment and finance on hand too. You can also source information from some of the leading charities to find out about their inspiring projects and see how you can get involved. What’s more, the exhibition floor will host an array of leading associations and societies who will be more than happy to show how membership could benefit you.
New! Posture and wheelchair essentials theatre Brand new to The Occupational Therapy Show this year will be the Posture and Wheelchair Essentials Theatre, supported
by PMG & NWMF. Designed to help focus on wheelchair and seating assessments, particularly looking at pressure management, special seating and manual wheelchairs. It will be useful for anyone working regularly with clients requiring wheelchairs or special seating equipment, whether on a permanent basis or for occasional use. So, make sure you make time at the show this year to pay this brand-new theatre a visit!
Continued commitment to the profession The Occupational Therapy Show has delivered more than 30,600 hours of FREE CPD to occupational therapists in the past four years. Not only is it THE place to go for education and sourcing new products, The Occupational Therapy Show also provides the profession with various platforms and initiatives to get the most from their visit, this includes: •
The Paediatric Trail
The Poster Zone
The Occupational Therapy Show Awards
Network and have fun It is just as important to us that you have fun at The Occupational Therapy Show, while learning and developing your skills. More than 4,700 professionals are expected to attend the event – which will be co-located with Therapy Expo– offering the perfect opportunity to network with friends and colleagues from all corners of the industry. So, if you haven’t registered for your free pass yet, make sure you do now! 0207 013 4989 or 0207 013 4659
020 7702 2141
eventnews Mobility Roadshow to close after 34 years The Mobility Roadshow, which has been providing opportunities for disabled and older people to find out about driving and other mobility options since 1983, is to close. The decision has been taken by the Board of the Charity, Mobility Choice, which has run the event since 1998, in the light of falling exhibitor numbers over recent years. In particular, the growth of the Motability One Big Day and other events, which many of the Mobility Roadshow exhibitors can attend free of charge, has had a significant impact on the viability of the Mobility Roadshow. Ann Frye, chair of Mobility Choice commented: “Over the years, many thousands of disabled and older people have benefitted from the Mobility Roadshow, in particular from the ability to test drive a wide range of adapted vehicles in a safe off-road environment. For many this has been the starting point
on the road to independent mobility. We are immensely sad that we have to close the event. We still believe that there are many disabled and older people, outside the remit of Motability, who need the unique opportunity we offered to find out if they are able to begin driving. We are in discussion with Driving Mobility, the charity representing the UK’s mobility centres, and with Disability Driving Instructors, about opportunities for them to organise local events under
our “Get Going Live!” banner which focusses on driving opportunities for young and newly disabled people. We would like to say that we are enormously grateful to Motability for their generous sponsorship of the Mobility Roadshow and Get Going Live! events over the years, both in terms of financial support and the provision of vehicles for adapted test drives.” More details will be available in due course from Driving Mobility on https://
Dementia Care & Nursing Home Expo 2018 partnership announced The BHTA has partnered with the Dementia Care & Nursing Home Expo, the only dedicated trade show for care home owners.
Dementia Care & Nursing Home Expo. With 113 stands in prime locations already sold, now is the time to discuss the range of exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities available.
The show will run alongside Naidex at NEC, Birmingham on the 25th & 26th April 2018. With supply at an all-time low, it is vital there is growth in the sector. Accordingly, the Dementia Care & Nursing Home Expo strives to facilitate growth and improve the level of care in the industry.
To discuss your stand requirements, contact Nick Woore, Prysm Media Group Ltd on 0117 929 6097 or email: Nick. For more information, visit
With the UK population of those older than 85 set to double over the next 25-30 years, there has never been a more urgent time to reinvent a care industry that isn’t working. The show will attract over 3,000 care home owners, managers and senior decision makers, all with an agenda focussed on progressing and innovating their business. Alongside the exhibitor line-up, the show will provide expert insight into the care industry through CPD accredited seminars. The seminars, led by exclusively selected speakers, will provide unparalleled advice on how to obtain, among other topics, an outstanding rating from CQC. As a show partner, the BHTA has secured a 10% discount off any stand space booked by BHTA members at the
Please remember to mention you are a BHTA member when booking to gain your 10% discount as it is not possible to obtain the discount retrospectively after booking.
020 7702 2141
Invictus Games triumph for TGA’s WHILL ambassador Disabled Army veteran and WHILL Powerchair Ambassador for TGA Lamin Manneh returns from the Invictus Games with four winning medals. The father of five from Manchester was injured in Afghanistan whilst serving as an Irish Guard. He has rebuilt his life as a triple amputee and rose to fame following a starring role in the BBC TV programme DIY-SOS ‘Homes for Veteran’s Special’. Lamin built a bond with the show’s presenter Nick Knowles and Prince Harry who visited the site whilst filming. As the founder of Invictus, Prince Harry re-visited Lamin recently at home to wish him good luck before the Games. Lamin competed at the Invictus Games with the assistance of a pioneering WHILL powerchair supplied by TGA Mobility, with vehicle ramps also loaned by Enable Access. WHILL is a new type of stylish Personal Electric Vehicle (PEV) that provides revolutionary manoeuvrability through its ‘omni’ all-directional front wheels. Both front wheels include 24 individual rollers which can rotate laterally so WHILL can turn on its own axis, delivering the tightest turning circle possible. Lamin was able to use this remarkable feature for maximum accessibility whilst travelling and during the Games – enhanced by powerful four-wheeldrive, he was able to access the whole competition site and Toronto with ease. Discussing the experience, Lamin said: “I underestimated how big the Games would be this year; it was unforgettable. Being part of the Invictus spirit makes you feel great. Whenever I play sport or enter competitions I never aim to win, I always enter just to enjoy myself. Winning a medal is always a bonus, winning four is something else. WHILL was very helpful for me throughout the Games, it allowed me to save energy for LAMIN’S FINAL RESULTS: Gold: Men’s IF6 Shotput (7.53m) Silver: Men’s IF6 Discus (20.65m) Silver: Sitting Volley Ball (Lost to Georgia in the Final Gold Match, 2-0) Bronze: Rowing (Achieved 891m in the Men’s IR1 Four-minute endurance final)
the events so I could give each sport my all.”
sitting volleyball and visit the gym on a regular basis.
“There was a lot of interest in WHILL from competitors and spectators, I was asked about it many times as it looks so different. Driving around the athletics track, venues, airport and hotel was straightforward and I could spend quality time with my family in the city – we had such a good time in Toronto, everyone was so helpful.”
Daniel Stone, TGA Managing Director, adds: “On behalf of TGA I would like to congratulate Lamin on his quadruple medal success at the Invictus Games – an awe-inspiring effort. Lamin is an exceptional individual and we are proud to be associated with him. We are delighted to see how our WHILL helped Lamin enjoy the Games with complete accessibility and comfort whilst ensuring his energy was saved for the competition. We wish him well with his future sporting success.”
Returning to everyday life and already considering his application for the 2018 Invictus Games which will be held in Sydney, Lamin will continue to play
020 7702 2141
membernews Simplyhealth to close The Unlimited Company stores Everyday healthcare provider Simplyhealth announced that it has taken the difficult decision to close its store based retail proposition, developed as The Unlimited Company. Ten stores closed immediately, including seven that are branded The Unlimited Company as well as three that operated under the Independent Living and Collins Care brands. The ten stores are located in Andover, Bristol, Bicester, Blackburn, Burnham, Droitwich, Leeds, Morton Park, Norwich and Radstock. Five other stores that fall under the Care and Mobility banner will remain open while a possible sale of this part of the business is considered.
The company said it has already developed Simplyhealth Care for Life, an online service providing a wide range of guidance, from access to legal, financial, care at home and care home information to finding a trusted trader or localised support services and help groups close to home. Romana Abdin, Chief Executive of Simplyhealth said: “This is not the outcome we wanted when we created The Unlimited Company proposition. It was a very difficult decision to make, not just taking into account the thousands of customers that we have helped but because our own people will be affected. However, we remain committed to ensuring that people who need help with mobility or caring get the best advice and products possible.
The Unlimited Company proposition was developed in 2016 as an innovative retail format to provide better support to an ageing population, “It was a very difficult people with mobility requirements and decision to make, not just their carers.
“As someone with a disability myself I know there is a need for better support networks taking into account the for people. Its approach Unfortunately, thousands of customers centred on wellit has become that we have helped but designed stores clear that offering a wide and physical shops because our own people more appealing are not a viable will be affected” range of products, way forward for complemented by Simplyhealth and Raman Sankaran, Chief dedicated online from a business Commercial Officer, Simplyhealth and in-the-field viewpoint we have expertise providing to ensure we look high levels of service at better ways of and advice. providing people with the support they need.” Since then, the company has seen a real shift in the requirements of customers Raman Sankaran, Chief Commercial and a wider availability of mobility Officer for Simplyhealth, took over products being provided by large general day-to-day running of The Unlimited retailers and online providers which Company in July 2017 and has led a changed the future sustainability of the planned review of the business. proposition. He said: “We understand that health A total of 85 employees, [including those and care is one journey for customers at Care and Mobility] will be affected, and we will continue to focus on how with Simplyhealth confirming that it will best to meet their needs, both on our be supporting them individually and own, and by working with partners. exploring the available options with Our new online eldercare guidance them. and advice proposition, Care for Life, which we launched as an employee The Unlimited Company will also fulfil all benefit last week, is just one example orders that have already been placed of how we’re aiming to meet changing and will continue to support customers. healthcare needs by being innovative Simplyhealth state it will continue to and collaborative.” innovate in this space, exploring different Customers with any queries can contact ways to meet the growing demand for a dedicated team on 0808 271 6481. advice and guidance in the health and care markets.
Repose invests in life-saving equipment Back in 2014, Repose’s company director John Elcocks survived a heart attack on the company’s premises. Now, the Cradley Health based furniture specialists have installed a defibrillator in its headquarters, ensuring access to the life-saving equipment is available should the worst occur. The idea of purchasing the defibrillator came from company directors John Elcocks & Lisa Wardley and was a deeply personal decision following the events of 2014. Lisa Wardley, Managing Director of Repose, commented: “Every year, there are over 30,000 cardiac arrests suffered by people outside of a hospital environment in the UK, so life-saving equipment such as this is priceless.” Once the defibrillator had been installed, a training day was put on by Defib Machines, who also supplied the equipment, to ensure the office staff, management team and majority of the factory staff all knew how to use the equipment in the event of someone needing rapid assistance whilst waiting for an ambulance. “As a family, we have seen first-hand the affects that a heart attack can have and the vital importance of prompt medical intervention so as a company we felt it was our duty to install a defibrillator here in Cradley Heath to offer peace of mind to our staff and their families. “I would urge other companies to do the same, as this costs us as little as £1 per day which is a small price to pay for saving a life” added Lisa.
020 7702 2141
Grant helps put new manufacturer on path to rapid growth A manufacturer of pressure relieving products used in the wider care industry and by the National Health Service is on course for £2 million turnover with a very healthy EBITDA this financial year, just 18 months after the business started trading. Set up by entrepreneurs Neil Smith and John Kay, Herida Healthcare manufactures a range of specialised mattresses and cushions, designed to help manage the pressure, shear and friction forces, which can cause pressure ulcers for patients who remain immobile or bed-bound for any length of time. With grant support from the ERDF-funded AD:VENTURE programme, set up to support early stage businesses and help them grow, the Leeds-based company has invested in new manufacturing resource planning equipment, including a complete IT install and barcoding & scanning items, allowing full traceability of materials; a key requirement for suppliers to the NHS. Specialised ‘bar tacking’ equipment, used to attach handles onto the mattresses, has also been purchased and a state of the art decontamination unit for cleaning mattress and cushion covers and cells has been installed. The grant funding, totalling £6,675, is part of a package of support the company has accessed through the LEP Growth Service, designed to help SMEs tap into the broad range of business advice and support programmes available in the Leeds City Region. Herida Healthcare also received a £5,000 grant from the Digital Enterprise programme, together with support through the Manufacturing Growth Programme towards consultancy costs involved in achieving the ISO 14001 (2015) environmental management standard and the latest ISO 9001 (2015) standards. Managing Director Neil Smith commented: “The support we’ve received has been fantastic and has really helped us move the business forward in a number of key areas, all of which has been achieved in such a short period of time. We expect to exceed the turnover target and, more importantly, profitability budgets that we originally set for this year. As such, the need to recruit new staff in a number of areas is a positive result of this rapid growth.” In addition, the fast growing and existing staff network, two new production operatives are set to join the company following completion of the investment and up to seven new jobs, including further roles in sales and business development, should be created over the next 12 months. Herida Healthcare’s innovative product range has won the endorsement of clinicians and industry professionals and is already attracting a great deal of interest from overseas. The company recently shipped its first containers to various export markets and repeat orders are expected to be worth up to £750,000 over the next 12 months.
Operations Director John Kay said: “We saw a great opportunity here and as such are investing a lot of money, energy and time in developing what is proving to be a really successful venture. “Regardless of how well capitalised you are, managing cashflow, at the same time as investing in and growing a successful business, is always a challenge, particularly when you are in the developmental stages. So, the grants and other support we’ve received are always welcome.” Roger Marsh OBE, chair of the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership, speaking on behalf of the AD:VENTURE programme, added: “Supporting SMEs and new business ventures are the real lifeblood of the Leeds City Region economy – it’s where new jobs and new prosperity comes from so it’s vital that we support them. Relatively small amounts of financial support in the right place and the right time can make a huge difference and help accelerate the growth of businesses like Herida Healthcare.”
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membernews APEX and Nexus to add more cards to customers’ decks APEX Medical’s recent acquisition of NEXUS, both members of the BHTA, can help customers offer a better range of quality products by combining expertise in pressure area care with a pedigree in profiling beds of all sizes and specifications, according to the company. Nicola Rodker, APEX Medical UK Managing Director, commented: “The acquisition of NEXUS DMS will further strengthen APEX Medical’s presence in the UK market, offering us a greater range of specialist products and strengthening our service capabilities so we can increase our offering to our valued customers. All of us at APEX Medical are very excited by the acquisition and look forward to welcoming all the staff at NEXUS DMS to the APEX family. “As part of this acquisition APEX will
significantly enhance its offering to the UK market place and support the provision of world-class products and services to its customer base across the UK.” Managing Director of NEXUS DMS, Simon Robinson, affirmed: “This means we have created the perfect dovetail between the APEX ranges of dynamic mattress surfaces and the NEXUS care bed portfolio, offering our valued customers an all-encompassing bed and mattress solution, along with all manner of accessories and the time-proven expertise of both companies to help you make the very best clinical and financial decisions.” The APEX-NEXUS range now includes cost-effective options like the ICON
Community Care bed and Domus 4 mattress combination, offering something different from the norm and giving greater opportunities for conversations with care professionals and end-users alike. Additionally, the unique collection of specialist solutions including the programmable Rota-Pro chair bed, aims to bring customers new ways to diversify their customer offerings in a saturated “me-too” market, where product differentiation is harder to come by, says the company.
Mohicans and graffiti in the mobility industry? Brighton-based mobility retailer Essential Aids is aiming to tackle stereotypes and challenge perceptions head-on with their bold, new ‘Express Yourself’ campaign. Scope, a charity that works towards equality for disabled people, released research that revealed that eighty percent of disabled people do not feel they are well-represented in the media. Keen to address this, the online mobility retailer’s new campaign centres around imagery of vibrant graffiti and JT, their striking 28-year-old model who has a Mohican, piercings, tattoos and Cerebral Palsy. Essential Aids’ Managing Director, Alex Wrenn, explained what the campaign was aimed to achieve: “We are determined to break down stereotypes that the word ‘disabled’ has historically provoked. We’re very aware that our customers are hugely diverse and we’re confident that this campaign highlights that fact.”
Explaining why he was keen to get involved in the campaign, JT said: “I feel specialist equipment can create a barrier whereby instead of helping the users in their everyday life, it emphasises their disability more. This is why I like the Essential Aids campaign; it is more about the user than the aid.” A graduate in industrial design, JT is now continuing his final year university project which aims to help people with the bereavement process. Having been established for 14 years, Essential Aids has built a reputation for quality e-commerce retail and looks set to continue expanding their message of inclusion through enablement with their engaging, creative campaigns.
Known for pushing the boundaries, this is not the first time Essential Aids’ has challenged the norm with their marketing campaigns. The online retailer grabbed attention last year with the popular ‘Quadrosenior’ campaign, which saw the team creatively putting their own spin on the cult movie Quadraphonia and adapting walking frames into the style of Rockers and Mods. “The premise behind all our campaigns, including ‘Express Yourself’, is that our mobility products help people to celebrate their identity, interests and above all their individuality,” said Alex. hopes the colourful, thought-provoking project helps represent disabled people and their mobility products in a fresh, exciting way.
020 7702 2141
Section Chairs 2017 The BHTA is the largest trade body in the healthcare field in Britain representing nearly 500 companies, small, medium and large, organised in one or more of 12 sections covering most sectors of the industry. This unique sectional structure provides a platform for all companies to have an effective voice within BHTA and, through the Association, to influence the development of healthcare policies in the UK. The sections and the Section Chairs are: Hearing Care Steve Witts The Outside Clinic Tel: 01793 648680
Beds and Support Surfaces David Beavis Task Force Matters Tel: 07977 980723 Childrens’ Equipment Jill Morony Safespaces (Cornholme) Ltd Tel: 01706 816274 Dispensing Appliance Contractors Philip Salt Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000 FAME Andy Pear Reliance Medical Tel: 07801 597596
Independent Living Products & Services Matthew Spooner NRS Healthcare Tel: 01530 232390
Pressure Care, Seating and Positioning Debbie Williams Invacare Ltd Tel: 01656 776200 Prosthetics Mark Davies Steeper Tel: 0113 2704841
Mobility Group Jeanette Warner Better Mobility Ltd Tel: 01442 768782
Stairlifts and Access Phil Rice Anglia Stairlifts Tel: 07753 441623
Orthotics Colin Hurley Colin Hurley Business Development Consultant Tel: 07921 917100
Stoma and Continence Products Philip Salt Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000
Chairman Alastair Maxwell 07974 980201
Decontamination and Infection Juliette Osborne GIPskins (PPE) Tel. 012020 45 830 BHTA Scotland Group Jonathan Scott Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000
Tracey White Director General
Ray Hodgkinson MBE Director of Public Affairs
Sarah Lepak Director of Governance & Policy
Lord Rennard Director of Communications
Sally Edginton Research & Support Lead
Nadim Anwar Operations Manager
Nigel Woods Administration Officer
Kevin Hodges Section Support Lead
Susan Burberry Finance Officer
Karim Uddin Membership & Relations Manager
Donna Eade Shopmobility Co-ordinator
Philip Woodward Accreditation & Professional Development Manager
Steve Perry Marketing & Communications Manager
Jane Weller Research & Support Lead
Margaret Smith BHTA Scotland
Nigel Bliss Finance Manager
Charlie Lawrence Business Administration Apprentice
New members A warm welcome to all these new member companies: BEDS & SUPPORT SURFACES 1. TASK FORCE MATTERS LTD Devon t 01647 441552 e 2. DIRECT HEALTHCARE GROUP Caerphilly, South Wales t 0845 459 9831 e w 6
3. MEDEQUIP Middlesex t 020 8750 1580 e w
4. HOSPITAL DIRECT (MARKETING) LTD Shropshire t 01588 640144 e w
5. EAST KENT MOBILITY LTD Ashford, Kent t 01233 878959 e w 6. DOABILITY LTD Harrogate t 01423 740450 e w MULTI-SECTION
9. OTTO BOCK HEALTHCARE PLC Surrey t 01784 744900 e w
7. LMB LTD Beverley, Yorkshire t 01482 587311 e w
10. MEDISMART TECHNOLOGIES LTD Luton, Bedfordshire t 01582 344974 e w
8. GUIDEPOSTS TRUST Witney, Oxfordshire t 01993 893560 e w
11. ACTIVATE FOR KIDS LTD Salisbury, Wiltshire t 01722 340600 e w
STAIRLIFTS & ACCESS 12. PRIORITY LIFT SERVICES LTD Derbyshire t 0115 849 2386 e w STOMA & CONTINENCE 13. INCY WINCY LTD Reading, Berkshire t 0844 875 4645 e w
WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU NEXT YEAR ON th th 7 AND 8 OCTOBER! Join us at Europe’s sole TRADE ONLY business to business event for the mobility, living aids and assistive technology industry