ISSUE 55 - MAY 2019
Working together with British Standards READ MORE INSIDE… BHTA NEWS… EVENT NEWS… MEMBER NEWS
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The excellent work and determination that I see daily from member companies of the BHTA, to continue driving their businesses forwards at a time of great challenge is heartening, and leads back to the defining fact that the customer comes first, with their needs and future prospects in so many areas being determined by the products and services that member companies provide. The demand for products and services in our marketplaces is increasing annually, but many of the established routes to funding and supply are changing dramatically. As such, the vital stakeholder engagement that BHTA is recognised for has been at the forefront of my time and efforts over recent months. I have been delighted with the reaction to our requests to present members’ issues and challenges to these key groups. Their willingness to listen and gain a full understanding of the impacts on member businesses has been positive in the majority of instances, with a willingness to develop engagement in more depth. An example of this is the meetings held with the Senior Leadership team at SCCL, which have resulted in BHTA representation at Stakeholder Boards supporting two key sections of the Association’s member activity, along with agreement to develop engagement across all relevant
workstreams within SCCL. This will ensure that supplier positions, views and experiences, are fully understood and integrated into future planning. There is much more we can do to ensure that BHTA is the “go to Association” for external stakeholders in respect of the ongoing changes and challenges for healthcare and independent living. For example, we will continue to develop our “Get Wise” leaflets and improve their reach. We have a number of exciting new initiatives to launch for members in the coming months. At a time of uncertainty in many areas of business, we are continuing to ensure that our members’ key issues are presented in a strong and positive manner and that together we can support our customer base now and in the future. Andrew Stevenson Interim DG BHTA
Contents Westminster Watch....................................................................... 3 Member News............................................................................... 6 News Round-up.......................................................................... 12 BHTA News................................................................................. 22 Section Chairs............................................................................. 25 New Members............................................................................. 27
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Westminster Watch by Lord Rennard, BHTA Director of Communications
Personal reflections on Brexit I occasionally represent the UK Parliament at meetings with parliamentarians from other countries. Just before Easter, I attended the Assembly of the Inter Parliamentary Union in Doha – an event attended this time by 800 members of Parliaments and Assemblies from over 140 countries. There was, of course, some vociferous discussion within the UK delegation about our current political situation. It was inevitable that the subject of Brexit would be raised at all our meetings with other parliamentary delegations, whose members generally expressed astonishment about where the UK now finds itself. I explained that on my last day in Westminster, I had voted 13 times in the House of Lords in favour of an extension to avoid the so called ‘No Deal Brexit’. This had involved walking from my office, around the division lobbies, and back again, on each occasion. My Fitbit monitor recorded over 10,000 steps and 7km in the process. Those peers opposed to an extension, and trying to ‘filibuster’ the debate, wanted what they called a ‘Managed No Deal’. But you cannot of course ‘manage’ the ending of a complex and long-standing relationship on a unilateral basis without damaging consequences, which is why we have another extension. The reason why finding a way of ‘Brexiting’ has proved so difficult is not very hard to explain. I set out my own view of this in my ‘Westminster Watch’ column shortly after visiting Brussels in the aftermath of the 2017 General Election when I met people on both sides of the negotiations. On the EU side, they explained that the UK could not be given a ‘better deal than the present one with the same benefits as members, but none of the costs of collaboration’. On the UK side, they explained that ‘they could not accept a deal that would be seen by the public as being inferior to the existing arrangements involving membership’. I was made aware of the immediate consequences of Brexit on a recent visit to the battlefields of Ypres and the Somme. It was an emotional experience. My father had fought at the 3rd battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) in 1917, losing a leg in the process. I
saw the name of his brother and other relatives on the Menem Gate and at the Thiepval memorial at the Somme. It is through reflecting on the human cost of such wars that led in part to my own pro- European views. But other considerations may be based on convenience, business or trade issues. As for convenience, my return through Calais took two hours longer than previous journeys as the new customs and security arrangements are already being applied by both sides for travel involving a non-EU member state. The problem with Brexit now is that about two-thirds of Conservative MPs are genuinely in favour of Leaving (some of them only because of the referendum vote). But almost twothirds of the House of Commons believes that *any* Withdrawal Agreement will be inferior to existing membership arrangements. Hence the deadlock. Theresa May’s position is weak, but it is hard to see another Conservative Leader and Prime-Minister persuading a majority in the House of Commons to go along with the Withdrawal Agreement. A further general election may be sought (Brexiteers on the delegation to Doha hoped that it would be). But there would be no guarantee of a different outcome in any such election and a good number of Conservative MPs will not be keen on putting their careers at risk. If Theresa May survives the summer, she will want to continue trying to persuade the existing House of Commons to accept a deal (but doing so may involve a Customs Union). But if she cannot persuade a majority of MPs, and if she is confident she can persuade people that a deal (outside the EU) is better than the present one (inside the EU), she will have to put the issue back to the people in a so called ‘confirmatory referendum’. Just before the Easter recess, a vote in the Commons indicating support for a Customs Union was lost by only 3 votes, whilst a vote for a further referendum was lost by only 12 votes. It has, therefore, become a question of if Brexit will happen. If it does, it is unlikely to be the kind of total separation favoured by those who argued most ardently in favour of ‘Leave’. The choice is coming down to a ‘softer’ version of Brexit, or no Brexit at all.
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Lewis Macdonald MSP
Scottish Government seeks views about the future of primary care in Scotland A major new inquiry has been launched into the future of primary care in Scotland by MSPs on the Health and Sport Committee. The inquiry calls on people to outline their hopes for the next generation of care, using a specially designed survey. Primary care is often the first point of contact with the NHS, whether that’s GPs in the local surgery, community nurses or midwives, physiotherapists or occupational therapists, dentists, opticians or pharmacists. In recent years, there has been increased pressure on primary care. Driven by patients’ changing needs, technological advancements, as well as cost and staffing pressures, there is now a need to improve the way primary care is organised and delivered. The Committee is looking for views on issues such as the key challenges to accessing services, whether the current system is sustainable and what areas of service delivery should be prioritised. The views collected will help shape the next phase of the inquiry, during which those responsible for designing and delivering
services will be asked how they can deliver what the public wants. Lewis Macdonald MSP, Convener of the Health and Sport Committee, said: “Primary care is often people’s first point of contact with the NHS and the provision of these services affects every single person in Scotland at some point in their life. Undoubtedly, there is a need for the delivery of primary care to adapt and the Committee feels that this is the right time to take a comprehensive look at services in the primary care setting. “At this important juncture for the next generation of care, the Committee wants to engage a nationwide debate into what that care should look like and how it should be accessed and delivered. Regardless of whether people have used these services or not, we want to hear from them. “We will use people’s views to task the Scottish Government and health service providers to design and deliver care in the way people want it.” The Committee is looking to hear from people of all ages and backgrounds,
and is particularly keen to hear from young people, people with complex care needs, people living in areas of socioeconomic deprivation, and people living in remote and rural areas of Scotland. Key topics in the survey include: • Views on the government vision for primary care • The range of professionals included in the primary care team, and whether people would want to access them without going through their GP • Priorities for people in their experience of primary care – access to appointments and services, length of appointment etc • The role of digital technology • Data sharing among health professionals • Satisfaction with services • Use of out of hours (NHS 24) services For more on the vision behind the inquiry and the steps that will be taken, see page 5.
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How the Scottish Health and Sport Committee’s inquiry will be conducted In 2015, the Scottish Government produced the National Clinical Strategy for Scotland. It was developed to look at how Healthcare needs to adapt to keep up with a growing and evolving population, huge changes in technology and the integration of Health and Social Care services across the country in the long term.
healthcare service. It focuses on multidisciplinary team working to reduce pressures on services. It also aims to ensure better outcomes for patients with access to the right professional, at the right time, as near to home as possible.
Committee approach The Health and Sport Committee have agreed to run an inquiry looking at the future of Primary Care in Scotland. The Committee are looking at:What does primary care look like for the next generation?
The results of the survey together with the deliberations of the three panels will inform a report by the Committee on Part One.
The second part of the inquiry is likely to be more like a “traditional” Parliamentary inquiry driven by the views of service users from the activities in Part One.
Part One March - June 2019: As outlined on the previous page, the first part of the inquiry will focus on gathering views and experiences mostly from the public and especially people who use primary care services across Scotland. We want people to tell them what they think primary care should look like to best serve their needs, how it can be accessible for all and also how the reality of cost impact can be managed.
Public Panels
Primary Care Transformation is about modernising primary care to deliver a safe, effective and person-centred
Watch this space to hear more about the Public Panels.
Part Two September 2019 onwards: Written submissions and evidence sessions
The Scottish Government’s vision for the future of primary care services is for multi-disciplinary teams, made up of a variety of health professionals working together to support people in their community and give GPs more time to spend with patients in specific need of their expertise. In line with its 2020 vision, the Scottish Government is working to transform primary care so healthcare professionals can work in new ways that will better meet changing needs and demands and allow for sustainable primary care services.
The panel gatherings will be located in the North, East and West of Scotland, which reflects how Regional Health Boards are organised in Scotland. They will have informed discussions and make recommendations to the Committee on what they think is the way forward.
A report on the findings of Part One will be published and people will be invited to make written submissions to comment on those findings. There will then be evidence sessions with health professionals and representatives of professional bodies coming as expert witnesses. To find out more about the inquiry go to the Scottish Parliament website: https://www.parliament. scot/parliamentarybusiness/ CurrentCommittees/111193.aspx
Three public panels are to be recruited to discuss issues similar to those in the survey. Each panel will contain up to 15 people recruited to meet a range of criteria including age, gender and socio-economic background.
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BHTA Information Day 2019 The 19th March 2019 saw a full house of members at the “BHTA Information Day (and Brexit Update)” event in Wellingborough, where key guest speakers from the UK and Europe came together to give members the latest insights on a range of topics. The key message from all guest speakers who touched upon Brexit was to plan ahead and not leave anything to the last minute. Members were also reminded that, with additional stock being held in warehouses for contingency planning, they should check their insurance levels to ensure these met the additional stock value. BSi – Richard Collins, Head of European and National Policy provided reassurance that the UK will continue to influence standards at all levels globally and in the EU. He also touched upon the plans to have a UKCA mark for certain products in the event of a no deal Brexit (it was clarified later in the day that this will not apply for medical devices) and he confirmed that standards which the EU regard as “harmonised” with regulations will be assigned “designated” status in the UK. BHTA Director of Communications Lord Chris Rennard spoke about the conundrum of attempts to bring about regulatory conformity with the EU and some kind of customs union, versus the desire for the UK to form its own trade deals, when some 50% of our existing trade is with the EU and negotiating
Richard Collins BSi Presenting BHTA Information Day
trade deals takes so long to do. He pointed out that a deal with the EU at this stage is only a deal to enable negotiation, so we are potentially facing cliff edge after cliff edge. Emergo UL– Ronald Boumans, Senior Global Regulatory Consultant entertained everyone with his insightful take on Brexit from a European perspective and the need to prepare for implementation of the Medical Device Regulations anyway. He emphasised that if there is “no deal” everyone will need to review the position of businesses in the supply chain. Distributors may become importers, product liability responsibility may need to be reviewed, and consideration will need to be given to who will register information with the MHRA in the UK (and in the EU’s EUDAMED database when it is ready) - just some of the aspects he touched upon. His final message was to “never waste a good crisis” and look for new opportunities. NHS Supply Chain – Carol Piggott, National Manager Category Tower 5 – built on previous presentations to BHTA members about how the towers, and particularly Tower 5 (which covers 18 categories), will operate. They are aiming to cover 80% of NHS spend and have been focusing on stoma and continence as a project, with work to be done on limbs, and on wheelchairs in the coming months. Tenders are in the pipeline for orthotics and for ADLs. She explained that the intent is to take into account the whole patient pathway when looking at costs and efficiencies. HealthTech Connect – Jessica LinvilleBoud, Project Manager, National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) outlined the way that HealthTech Connect, the new online system for supporting the development and adoption of innovative health technologies in the UK will work. The system will be free for businesses to access and will provide support at
Carol Piggott Presenting BHTA Information Day NHS Supply Chain
various stages of development, aiming to pick up on products that will the first of a kind, or feature new additional benefits, rather than ones that are “me too”. It should make it easier to gain adoption of innovative products within the NHS. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) - Graeme Tunbridge, Group Manager Devices Regulatory Affairs reassured the audience about the degree of preparation that the MHRA has undertaken for a no deal Brexit and explained the plans for registration in the UK in stages, starting with the highest risk devices, so that the IT system can cope. In the event of a deal, he was optimistic about the UK’s ability to continue influencing regulatory work regardless of what the deal may be. Please visit each of the links for the latest updates: Parliamentary - HealthTechConnect - https://www. MHRA Brexit - guidance/regulating-medical-devices-inthe-event-of-a-no-deal-scenario EU Commission MDR - https://
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BHTA collaborates with Newlife to help parents understand the equipment rights of disabled children The BHTA has been working with Newlife - the Charity for Disabled Children, looking at how to provide the parents of disabled children with the information they need to ensure their child gets essential equipment. Newlife commissioned a report by barristers, interpreting what the law says about the rights of disabled children to equipment, and who is responsible for the funding. The report forms the basis for their campaign, “Equipment Crisis #FixtheFour”, which calls for the government to cease the use of blanket bans for rationing equipment, establish an emergency equipment response service, introduce a maximum waiting time for equipment assessments across health and social care, and ensure every disabled child is counted. BHTA has subsequently published a complementary leaflet “Help for Families”, explaining about their rights in plain English and setting out: • • •
which laws can help them who is legally responsible for providing what for their child who they can go to for help if their child is not receiving what they are legally entitled to.
To find out more about the campaign visit the Newlife website where you can find the individual barristers reports for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland:
Former BHTA Director General joins the CTSI Consumer Codes Approval Board Ray Hodgkinson MBE is joining the Board that oversees the Consumer Codes Approval Scheme, run by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute as a Community Interest Company. The Board is responsible for determining all matters relating to the approval of codes of practice and discharging its fiduciary responsibilities for the company; it consists of up to seven members. Ray has long been a supporter of codes of practice as a means of identifying trustworthy businesses, having led the work by BHTA for approved status of its own Code of Practice, enabling BHTA members to use the Approved Code logo. Having started his working life in the official solicitors department at the Law Courts, he joined the pharmaceutical industry, and that led him into the many facets of the healthcare and assistive technology industry where his career has spanned some 59 years. He pioneered the introduction of new devices for treatment of pressure ulcers, nerve stimulation for birth pain control, and introduced the first mobility scooter onto the UK market in 1978. Formerly Director General of BHTA for 16 years he continues to have an advisory role with GS1 UK’s Healthcare Advisory Board, participates in the National Wheelchair Alliance and is the convenor for the ISO support surfaces standards committee. His role with BHTA involved him in a broad spectrum of activities, including advising groups at government level. He wishes to continue establishing standards and ethics to the benefit of industry, earning the respect of healthcare professionals, as well as gaining trust from members of the public and influencing policy. The BHTA leaflet can be found at:
Safe Carriage of Electric Mobility Aids Workshop LGW – 13th March 2019
Aviation 2050 The future of UK aviation A consultation
With air transport an expanding challenge for airlines around the world EasyJet held a workshop to bring together British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) mobility manufacturers, retailers and other stakeholders from the industry to work together to find solutions to the day to day challenges of the safe carriage of mobility aids 8
December 2018
CEU ARTICLE | NRRTS is pleased to offer another CEU article. This article is
approved by NRRTS, as an accredited IACET provider, for .1 CEU (1 contact hour). After reading the article, please visit to order the article. Upon passing the exam, you will be sent a CEU certificate.
We work closely with people who use wheelchairs and their families, often developing relationships where it is very comfortable to share experiences and information. Flying on a commercial airline using a wheelchair requires specific procedures to assure a safe and comfortable flight without loss or damage to mobility equipment. This article is a synopsis of research I have completed with Peter Axelson and Seanna Hurley-Kringen, presentations I have done with Mary Shea, OTR/L, amendments to laws, and information from the RESNA Assistive Technology for Air Travel (ATAT) Standards Committee. This article is meant to provide wheelchair procurement professionals with information for themselves and to share with others in an effort to decrease loss or damage to wheelchairs during air travel. CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
Representatives from Airbus, British Airways, Heathrow Access Advisory group (HAAG) and Queen Elizabeth Foundation (QEF) all joined forces to explore the issues that the airlines, ground handling teams and consumers experience when travelling with a mobility product.
Baroness Sugg in November last year we discussed the Government’s New Aviation Strategy to understand the longer term solutions to improve the travel experience for people with a disability. From this meeting we organised the events at both Heathrow Terminal 5 and Gatwick airport.”
Steve Perry Aviation Lead for BHTA said, “Following a roundtable meeting at the Department for Transport with
The industry are now engaged in finding practical solutions, improving information and how new documentation can be
introduced to assist consumers and airport staff. It is also important that the airlines and special assistance teams around the UK work together to improve the information for passengers at the booking stage, prior to flying, to try and reduce any issues on arrival at the airport.
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Department for education confirm first aid will be taught in schools The Department for Education have recently written to our First Aid and Medical Equipment manufacturers section to confirm “from 2020 onwards, all state-funded schools in England will be required to teach first aid as part of health education. This will include basic first aid for primary school children, for example dealing with common injuries, such as head injuries. Pupils in secondary schools will be taught first aid. For example, how to administer CPR and the purpose of defibrillators”. BHTA First Aid and Medical Equipment (FAME) section has been working in recent years with the many organisations concerned about First Aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in schools. The British Red Cross, the British Heart Foundation and St John Ambulance all welcomed the way in which evidence about the issues was sought. It was clear that the teaching of first aid in schools could sit happily within Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PHSE) education. It was shown that the teaching of first aid, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as a mandatory component of statutory PSHE in both primary and secondary school, could be done in one hour a year, each year. It is known that only 5% of adults feel knowledgeable or willing to act in an emergency and that up to 59% of prehospital deaths from injury could have been prevented with basic first aid. More than 30,000 cardiac arrests occur out of hospital every year in the UK, and
fewer than one in 10 people survive. If, however, we could match the survival rates found in parts of Norway, where CPR is routinely taught in secondary schools, then it would be possible to save around 5,000 lives per year in the UK.
“The British Red
Cross, the British Heart Foundation and St John Ambulance all welcomed the way in which evidence about the issues was sought”
Fewer than 1 in 10 people survive an out of hospital cardiac arrest in the UK, but survival rates double in those countries where CPR is taught in schools. BHTA Chairman Alastair Maxwell said, “We very much welcome the fact that
the Government is to make first aid education compulsory in England. We understand that this will apply to all state funded schools, Academies and Free Schools from 2020, with voluntary teaching beginning this year. “BHTA will continue working with all other stakeholders to ensure that people have the necessary skills and most appropriate equipment. If anyone can share with BHTA any information about plans for implementing policies about the teaching of first aid, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, in all types of school it would be really appreciated.”
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New BS 8599-1:2019 workplace first aid kits update Following work by the BHTA First Aid and Medical Equipment (FAME) section a NEW British Standard specification has just been launched to update the contents of workplace first aid BS 85991:2019 What is this standard about? It details what should be contained in workplace first aid kits of various sizes. Who is this standard for? • Buyers of first aid kits • Manufacturers of first aid kits • Anyone compiling the contents of a first aid kit • Procurers of kits for employers • Anyone, in any industry or workplace environment, with responsibilities for workplace safety, e.g. Health and safety officers, HR managers, CEOs, Office managers, Operations managers Why should you use this standard? It details the components required in small, medium, large, travel and motoring, and personal issue first aid kits and critical injury packs for use in workplace environments. It also gives requirements for the container holding the components.
Such kits encourage those responsible for first aid kits to build a comprehensive kit for common workplace first aid requirements. These promote employer and employee safety and help first aiders and emergency responders provide treatment based on available resources. The standard also supports the requirement for all employers to have first aid kits in the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 – although this standard’s use is not mandatory. What’s changed since the last update? Two principal changes have been made since the 2011 standard was published: •
Personal issue kit and critical injury pack categories have been added to the list The travel kit has been altered and renamed (Travel and Motoring) to match the medium vehicle kit covered in the revision of BS 85992:2014
The revised relaunched standard can be purchased at the BSi Shop:
The standard contains two key tables: one covering what should be contained in a workplace first aid kit and one providing information on the appropriate size of the first aid kit for the workplace environment.
020 7702 2141
newsround-up New product and loan scheme to aid disabled parents Design charity Designability is developing a new wheelchair baby carrier and is seeking input from wheelchair users to help with the design.
Industry, council and NHS combine to collect unwanted aids NRS Healthcare has joined Herefordshire Council and Wye Valley NHS Trust’s ‘Hand it Back’ campaign, encouraging patients to return unwanted equipment and stop unnecessary equipment waste. The initiative aims to prevent thousands of walking aids, wheelchairs, crutches and beds from being discarded when they are no longer needed, cutting down on landfill and finding new homes back in the community. “We ordered 6,300 walking aids last year to be loaned to patients with mobility issues at a cost of nearly £56,000,” described Jo Burns, Clinical Manager for Physiotherapy at Wye Valley NHS Trust.
Fiona Cromwell, Marketing and Fundraising Officer for Designability, said the charity had previously designed a wheelchair baby carrier a number of years ago and was now relaunching it with a more accessible and fit for purpose design. “We hope to look at launching a loan scheme service whereby parents are able to have them for free for as long as they need them,” she said. The charity is now appealing for parents who have experience of using a manual wheelchair, as well as healthcare professionals, to help shape the outcome of the new product. For more information, contact Nina Evans at ninaevans@designability. or call on 01225 824107
“This equipment has been loaned to patients, but sometimes people don’t realise it can be re-used.” NRS Healthcare is offering a free collection service to help retrieve the unwanted aids from the community. The charity plans to make the first wheelchair baby carriers available in 2020
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in association with
Industry remembers David Edmund Talbot Garman OBE David Edmund Talbot Garman, the inventor of the world's first portable powered bath lift, amongst other products, died peacefully at his home in mid-Wales on 4th January 2019, aged 96. A well-liked and respected figure in the industry, David invented, designed and manufactured a number of products that went on to shape the industry and help people all across the globe. In 2007, aged 85, he was presented the British Healthcare Trades Association’s (BHTA) Lifetime Achievement Award and in 2015, David was awarded an OBE for services
to the healthcare industry. The founder of Mangar International, a company founded with his wife, Francesca, back in 1981, the couple ran the Presteignebased company until he was well into his 90s, before selling the company in 2014. David is survived by his wife and their four sons, Rupert, Jocelyn, Benedict and Dominic, as well as eight grandchildren.
Wheelchair Service calls on users to shape its future Three NHS CCGs serving Portsmouth, Fareham and Gosport, and South Eastern Hampshire are asking for feedback from long-term users of Wheelchair Services as part of a review to improve the service. Aiming to tackle longstanding concerns locally about the length of time that long-term wheelchair users can face before receiving their chairs, the review hopes to go beyond just tackling waiting times and examine other issues according to Portsmouth CCG, including whether people want more opportunity to buy their own wheelchairs with NHS budgets and whether the system of assessment and appointments can be improved.
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Get Wise to accessing a wheelchair or mobility scooter Need a wheelchair or mobility scooter? Not sure where to go and how to get one? Do you know your options?
Get Wise to accessing a wheelchair or mobility scooter Conscious that people can struggle when confronted with mobility issues for the first time, BHTA’s Mobility Group has developed a new addition to the “Get Wise” series of leaflets. Aimed at members of the public, it sets out the options that people should consider when accessing a wheelchair or mobility scooter. Here are some of the highlights from the text: When you find yourself, or someone you know requiring a wheelchair, mobility scooter or powered wheelchair then you should be talking to your local BHTA member retailer. Dealing with a lack of mobility, whether due to an ongoing, chronic illness, or to a sudden incident, can be a confusing and stressful time. We all see manual and powered wheelchairs and mobility scooters being used, but where do they come from? How do you get one? Until you find yourself in a situation of needing one, it’s not something most people think about. The wheelchair may be needed full time to get around the house, or to work, which may be a different model from something that may be used occasionally for trips to the doctors or for visiting friends where you may need assistance. Your options NHS You can ask your GP for a referral to your local NHS Wheelchair Service if you are having mobility issues. They will discuss your situation with you, and may provide an assessment for your
When you find yourself, or someone you know requiring a wheelchair, mobility scooter or powered wheelchair then you should be talking to your local BHTA member retailer. Dealing with a lack of mobility, whether due to an ongoing, chronic illness, or to a sudden incident, can be a confusing and stressful time. We all see manual and powered wheelchairs and mobility scooters being used, but where do they come from? How do you get one? Until you find yourself in a situation of needing one, it’s not something most people think about. The wheelchair may be needed full time to get around the house, or to work, which may be a different model from something that may be used occasionally for trips to the doctors or for visiting friends where you may need assistance.
Private Purchase
If you do not qualify for a wheelchair through NHS Wheelchair Services, or simply wish to purchase your own wheelchair or a mobility scooter, you can contact a BHTA registered mobility retailer. BHTA member retailers
BHTA members across the UK offer mobility products and many independent living aids to enhance your life and keep you independent at home and outdoors. They will guide you through a detailed assessment to ensure the product meets your current needs. The BHTA member retailer will discuss the model that will most suit your lifestyle and demonstrate this to ensure you are capable of controlling the mobility product in a safe environment before you head out on your adventures. Once you have identified the correct model, the BHTA member retailer will be able to also advise you on other topics such as finance, insurance and any extended warranty packages that are available. All BHTA members sign up to a Code of Practice which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. This ensures you are dealing with a company that will give you good advice, guide you in your discussion making and will not cold call you or use pressure selling techniques.
needs. If they determine that you require a wheelchair, and you meet their criteria, they will offer to provide you with one. Wheelchair services provide both manual and powered wheelchairs, but do not currently provide mobility scooters. You may have an option to request a voucher, or to use a Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB), which can be used to purchase a chair from a mobility retailer if you want a higher specification or options that they cannot provide. Your options
You can ask your GP for a referral to your local NHS Wheelchair Service if you are having mobility issues. They will discuss your situation with you, and may provide an assessment for your needs. If they determine that you require a wheelchair, and you meet their criteria, they will offer to provide you with one. Wheelchair services provide both manual and powered wheelchairs, but do not currently provide mobility scooters.
You may have an option to request a voucher, or to use a Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB), which can be used to purchase a chair from a mobility retailer if you want a higher specification or options that they cannot provide.
Sometimes you may require a wheelchair temporarily, whilst you rehabilitate, or while awaiting delivery of an NHS wheelchair. The British Red Cross in your area will usually have wheelchairs available for temporary use. You can also contact your local BHTA Member retailer, who may have different types of wheelchairs available for temporary hire.
A copy of the Code of Practice is available to download from the website at
Once you have had your assessment, agreed your needs and purchased all you need, your local BHTA member retailer will set up your mobility product, carry out pre-delivery inspection and ensure you know how to charge your vehicle so you are ready to get out and about, unless you opt to take it away with you from their showroom. Having someone local for
Sometimes you may require a wheelchair temporarily, whilst you rehabilitate, or while awaiting delivery of an NHS wheelchair. The British Red Cross in your area will usually have wheelchairs available for temporary use. You can also contact your local BHTA Member retailer, who may have different types of wheelchairs available for temporary hire. Private Purchase If you do not qualify for a wheelchair through NHS Wheelchair Services, or simply wish to purchase your own wheelchair or a mobility scooter, you can contact a BHTA registered mobility retailer.
Did you know you have a choice? With funding in the NHS and hospital discharges creating pressure on health and care services on a daily basis, it is possible to find equipment solutions with help from British Healthcare Trades Association members. “Did you know you have a choice?” is a guidance document produced by the BHTA’s Independent Living Section to advise consumers, of the options available to them when self-funding, paying for equipment themselves that can help them or a family member return home quicker and maintain an independent life. Highlights in the text include: Some independent living products are less expensive than you think, and can make all the difference between
a longer stay in hospital or a quicker discharge. Accepting using a product that improves your independence can also prevent the need to go to hospital in the first place. Member companies have skilled and trained staff across the UK, who are already working closely with the NHS and other healthcare professionals and are uniquely placed to help. Take the first steps by talking to your local BHTA retailer and find out about the products that can assist you to be independent and mobile. The BHTA “Did you know you have a choice?” takes you around the home room by room offering an insight into the types of products that are readily available from its members to help you
improve your lifestyle. It’s important that the products available today can help prevent slips, fall and general health conditions that do not look out of place in your daily life. If you wanted help you would normally ask. Why not find out more about the products for your home that allow you to be independent. You can read a copy of the BHTA “Did you know you have a choice?” online at:
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Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) Spotted! Campaign CTSI have launched a SPOTTED! Campaign that is generating a lot of interest across all media platforms and are asking for photographs to be sent in, of the CTSI logo proudly displayed in shops, on vans or on websites alongside Code Sponsor company logos.
decided to offer a monthly prize to encourage them to send photographs in.
British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) members adhere to a Code of Practice ensuring customers get advice and guidance about the products they need to maintain their independence. The Code of Practice has been granted approval under the Consumer Codes Approval Scheme (CCAS).Â
If you would like to enter next month’s competition please send your photographs to charlie.lawrence@bhta. com to be in with a chance of winning and promoting your business as a BHTA Code Sponsor member.
The Winner for March was Tracy Matthews, Pennington Mobility, pictured with Charlie Lawrence from BHTA at the recent Naidex Exhibition at the NEC.
To encourage BHTA members to join in with the Spotted! Campaign they
The winning photo
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New aid helps users switch between seating and standing Joerns Healthcare’s new Oxford Switch is designed to help those with reduced mobility stand from a seated position and facilitate their transfer to another location. According to the company, the Switch actively encourages the end-user to participate in the standing process, engaging core muscle groups while improving strength and function. As a secondary function, the Switch can also be utilised to help re-position a patient who has slouched or slipped forward in a chair. With a safe working load of 180kg, the compact Switch features four swivel castors, alongside two independently braked central wheels, ensuring the user’s weight is distributed more widely for enhanced stability. The aid includes a choice of hand hold points for the user and a carefully selected frame angle ensuring optimum user positioning, while height and angle adjustable knee pads coupled with optional padded covers help to provide added comfort. Additionally, an accessible foot bar allows the carer to provide counterbalance support during standing. Designed for use with the Switch as a
complimentary accessory, the Oxford Patient Handling Belt is also available separately in a choice of sizes, offering additional reassurance when standing and during transfer.
For more information, contact Joerns Healthcare on 0844 811 1156 or email
Global market growth drivers A recent market report by Data Bridge Market Research, the Global Patient Handling Equipment Market, predicted that the market is expected to reach £20.21billion by 2025, up from £9.1billion in 2017, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 10.5 percent during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025.
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in association with
Medstrom Healthcare’s new facility, Medstrom House
It’s coming home… Ahead of the UK’s exit from the EU and with a desire for more control over production quality and turnaround times, some manufacturers have began shifting production from overseas back to the UK.
of beds including 800 to the Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in July and 750 sold to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board at the end of 2018.
Last year, a number of manufacturers reported moving elements of their production back into the UK, with a weaker pound making British exports more competitive in global markets.
According to Medstrom, the decision to relocate manufacturing to the UK will offer customers a range of benefits, boost the local economy, as well as grant “a level of security against the uncertainties and risks relating to Brexit”.
Drive DeVilbiss In October 2018, Drive DeVilbliss announced it had moved the manufacturing of its range of electrically profiling beds produced for its French sister company to Leeds from Vietnam, citing manufacturing efficiencies and product quality behind the decision. Medstrom moves manufacturing In January 2019, Medstrom Healthcare announced plans to start manufacturing its ultra-low 5000 specialist profiling bed from its brand-new facility, Medstrom House, located close to the company’s headquarters in Castle Donnington in Derbyshire. Medstrom launched its 5000 profiling bed in 2015 and enjoyed a considerably successful 2018, selling a record number
Buckingham Healthcare takes control Originally manufactured under license by Performance Health as part of a long-standing agreement, Buckingham Healthcare has now taken full control of the manufacture and distribution of its Buckingham Walking Frame Caddy. The Buckingham Caddy was the first product designed by Buckingham Healthcare founder Chris Buckingham. It consists of a tray and storage container, allowing the walking frame user to safely carry personal items and meals easily.
distribution. UK based production gives us greater control over the production process and allows us to react to changes in demand. This also allows us to protect our customers from currency fluctuations as Britain prepares to exit the EU.” The daily living aid is predominantly sold in the UK through a network of distributors, NHS Trusts, Local Authorities, mobility retailers and online retailers. According to the company, Performance Health will remain the main distributor for the Caddy, ensuring a smooth transition for existing customers.
The Buckingham Caddy
Discussing the decision to shift production of the aid back to the UK, Chris commented: “Bringing the Caddy back under our management allows us to focus on future development and
020 7702 2141
2019 sees the Shopmobility organisation turn 40! to provide mobility aid to those who would otherwise be unable to access the area where the scheme is based. The NFSUK and its members aim to provide a high quality service to all, from one off users to regular clients. In 2014, the management of the NFSUK passed to the British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA). This change provided the opportunity to extend the BHTA’s Code of Practice into the member schemes. The BHTA Code of Practice is the first for consumers in the healthcare industry to achieve approval under the Chartered Trading Standards Institute’s Consumer Codes Approval Scheme. This Code of Wanting to ensure that everyone could Practice has help to increase standards enjoy the benefits of the shopping centre within the those involved in Shopmobility the development “Many Shopmobility schemes and explored the idea schemes now offer reinforce good of providing free consumer hire of mobility scooter hire, meet and practices and scooters. Anyone greet service, some hire procedures. who needed help other pieces of mobility getting around the equipment, some retail Many centre could borrow small daily living aids” Shopmobility a scooter and with schemes now the scooter, they offer scooter hire, could access all the meet and greet service, some hire other same facilities as able-bodied visitors. pieces of mobility equipment, some The scheme is still running today in The retail small daily living aids and many Centre: MK. offer tea, biscuits, a friendly face and a sympathetic ear. Over the following years a number of similar operations started up across East Equally if you have a few hours to spare Midlands and East Anglia and those and would like to volunteer at a scheme running the schemes thought a national then go to the website and call your presence was necessary. In 1989 the local member and see if they have any National Federation of Shopmobility vacancies. Volunteers are worth their (NFSUK) was born, an organisation that weight in gold to shopmobility, helping aimed to raise awareness of the services up to 90% of schemes. offered by shopmobility as well as strengthening the voice of its members. In 1979 Milton Keynes opened the The Centre: MK. During the development of the shopping centre, the issue of accessibility was explored. Shopping centres are great for having everything under one roof without the need to go outside making them perfect destinations for shoppers whatever the weather. However, if you have a mobility impairment a large shopping centre is a no go zone. The complex with the inclusion of Intu in 2000, is the 14th largest shopping centre in the UK, with the size of 120,773 sq metres.
Every shopmobility is run independently by different charities, non-profits, councils and volunteers. Their key service and aim however is the same,
Shopmobility has a challenge ahead. With an aging population, an increase in conditions such as fibromyalgia and arthritis, and a huge increase in pedestrianised areas and shopping malls, the need for shopmobility is likely to increase over the coming years. You can buy a Shopmobility Directory online or make a donation to support their work at their website at
020 7702 2141
Part 2 – A Solution to your more than Average problem – at a below average price In the last Bulletin I discussed the often overlooked issue of Average and the negative affect it can have in a claim, and conversely the importance of getting it right in the first instance.
BHTA / ICB Golf Day at Foxhills 2019 This year’s BHTA Golf Day will be held at Foxhills on Wednesday 4th September 2019 together with ICB the BHTA preferred business insurance provider. It's a great opportunity to enjoy a good day of golf and invite a guest to join you. Foxhills features two Championship golf courses, one par 3 course (the first of its kind in Britain), 70 bedrooms, three restaurants, eleven tennis courts, four squash courts, four swimming pools, an award-winning health spa, conference and meeting facilities, and a weekly cycling club, capitalising on its status as official resort partner to the Aviva Tour of Britain and home to Team GB’s road race cycling team during the London 2012 Olympic Games. For booking forms please contact:
I am pleased to confirm that we have come up with a solution which is exclusively available to BHTA members. Buildings should always be insured for the amount it would cost to rebuild them. However, fewer than one in ten commercial properties in the UK are covered correctly. If you are over-insured you are probably paying too much for your buildings insurance. If you are under-insured, you face a reduced payout in the event of a claim. Insurance claims can be reduced by hundreds of thousands of pounds due to under-insurance. Getting someone to visit your property to carry out a professional assessment can be time-consuming and very expensive. However, thanks to ICB’s partnership with we can offer you a reliable low-cost service from a ‘Regulated by RICS’ (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) organisation. You’ll receive a comprehensive Rebuild Cost Assessment (RCA) report guiding you on what sum insured you should set for your buildings insurance. This is a fantastic and affordable online service which can protect your organisation from the potentially severe consequences of underinsurance. The price for all of this is £100.00 excluding VAT and is available to BHTA members who apply via ICB Group. Please contact myself via david. or 01784 608 148 or Grant Pye via or 0208 282 8510 and we will be happy to assist.
020 7702 2141
newsround-up Digital projects to improve social care receive funding Nine councils have been awarded extra funding for social care digitisation projects by NHS Digital and the Local Government Association. Commissioned by NHS Digital and managed by the Local Government Association, the Social Care Digital Innovation Programme tasked councils to create digital pilots to improve systems and integration across the adult social care sector. 12 councils initially received £20,000 each to investigate local challenges that could be addressed using digital technology. Up to £700,000 has now been made available and nine projects have been selected, including exoskeleton devices for carers.
The nine successful councils were Bracknell Forest, London Borough Havering, Isle of Wight, Lincolnshire County, Nottingham City, Shropshire, Stockport Metropolitan Borough, Sunderland City and Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council.
Available for companies that meet the following criteria: • Small to medium sized companies • Have developed innovative healthcare technology • Have gained a CE marking • Have marketed the product in the UK for under five years
Fraud prevention in the NHS The NHS Counter Fraud Authority (NHSCFA) is a new special health authority charged with identifying, investigating and preventing fraud and other economic crime within the NHS and the wider health group. According to their latest estimate, fraud costs the NHS £1.29 billion a year. That's enough money to pay for over 40,000 staff nurses, or to purchase over 5,000 frontline ambulances. It is taxpayers' money that is taken away from patient care and falls into the hands of criminals via a range of economic crimes, such as fraud, bribery and corruption. Examples include: •
Payment diversion fraud - This happens when fraudsters trick an NHS organisation into paying money to them, for example by pretending to be from one of the organisation's regular suppliers.
Procurement fraud - This relates to the purchasing of goods and services by an NHS organisation. An example is bid rigging, when bidders agree between themselves to eliminate competition, denying the organisation a fair price or delivering poor quality goods or services.
Mobility retailer invests in personal digital development
The digital world is one of constant innovation that offers savvy companies new ways to do business. Aiming to take full advantage of this, People First Mobility’s Karen Sheppard has completed the first module of the The Duke of York Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award’s (iDEA).
chemo and the ongoing medication for cancer. A side effect of going through that process is that the brain isn’t as good as it once was so to keep on the learning path and give the brain things to do is a way of keeping it healthy and active,” she told THIIS.
A free international programme that helps participants develop digital, enterprise and employability skills through completing online modules, Karen was awarded iDEA’s bronze badge having successfully completed a number of digital topics, including growth hacking, social media, web development and GIF making.
“Also, it’s making sure that in the world of fast-growing technology and digital advances, I can stay one step ahead and always be looking at ways to grow.”
“To achieve this award is an accomplishment personally, both as a mature learner and also after having
Now working towards completing the rest of the program, Karen highly recommends the iDEA program to other retailers in the industry.
Anyone can report fraud. You can call the anonymous, 24-hour reporting line on 0800 028 4060 (powered by Crimestoppers) or use the confidential online reporting form at https://cfa.nhs. uk/reportfraud.
020 7702 2141
in association with
Exclusive German hospital bed distribution for Innova German hospital bed manufacturer Völker has partnered with Innova Care Concepts to expand its presence in the UK healthcare market, with the Yorkshire-based company gaining UK exclusivity. Having recently won a number of high-profile contracts with the NHS and private hospitals across the country, the partnership will see Innova’s product offering expand. The company is now supplying Völker beds to Spire Healthcare Group hospitals as well as trialling the range at hospices and other healthcare facilities. Managing Director of Innova Tom Hulbert said: “Volker has designed a range of cutting-edge beds where the design fits into any healthcare environment without it feeling too clinical.
Joe Hulbert with Volker beds ready to be delivered to Barnsley Hospice
That’s exactly what we want to offer to patients – we don’t want them to be intimidated by the equipment. “By becoming exclusive UK distributors of Völker hospital beds, it helps us to achieve our vision of becoming the most soughtafter brand in the healthcare sector.”
New Welsh support surface testing facility opens doors The Welsh Wound Innovation Centre (WWIC) has recently opened the UK’s first support surface testing facility in South Wales, offering testing for manufacturers and health services, including pressure redistribution and strength, impact and durability testing. In development for two years, the project has been led by Lab Director Professor Michael Clark, past president of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, alongside an established team of clinicians. The WWIC will now look to align with the new international standard for pressure care mattress and cushion testing, ISO 20342.
020 7702 2141
BHTA Staff member reaches 20 years with the organisation “Emails were less common back then and the DG hand wrote all communication and this was then typed up by our one typist / secretary and then individually signed by the DG. Every week the “Today at BHTA” was photocopied and posted out to all members, and once a month, we had an all Susan said “I can’t believe it has been so long. I can still member mailing (again by post), where it was all staff to drop remember my interview and first day, when we were based in everything, paperwork laid out on the board room table, and we Sevenoaks. all walked round the table collating the individual items as we went, and then “Things were a lot different back then, we put in envelopes, individually franked were a small team with 5 members of staff, “Emails were less and walked to the post office…… no we hadn’t developed our Code of Practice common back then and pressing of a few buttons on a keyboard and just held a few section meetings. The the DG hand wrote all and attaching items as it is now! BHTA Awards Dinner was held with the communication and this charity Phab, who did most of the event was then typed up” “When I started I had a 13 month old organisation. The events were always baby and my ‘baby’ turned 21 last held during the daytime and were not as month so people like Sarah Lepak, who glamorous as the events we hold today. has been there even longer than me, have had to endure me for 20 years and the growing up issues of my son too. “When I started at BHTA, our Director General (who was just a Director in those days!) was Trevor Barker and then 6 months “Thank you all the team at BHTA for all your help over the years later, Ray Hodgkinson became the Director General. When our and, once again, thank you so much for the lovely flowers.” new DG starts I will have outlasted 4 DG’s and 2 interim DG’s. (Not quite as good as the Queen and the number of Prime Ministers she has welcomed to Buckingham Palace)!! Susan Burberry, BHTA’s Finance Officer, recently celebrated 20 years with the BHTA. Our thank you gift from all BHTA staff was a beautiful basket of flowers.
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PMG Conference 2019: why you should book! The PMG Conference 2019 will bring together a multi-disciplinary group of professionals working in the field of posture and mobility – predominantly occupational therapists, physiotherapists, rehabilitation engineers, clinical scientists and technicians, working at many levels including managerial. The event programme is organised by a committee of the professionals it is aimed at, making it the UK’s ‘go to’ annual event for professionals working in NHScommissioned wheelchair services. The conference, now entering its 27th year, is run by charity and membership organisation, Posture & Mobility Group (PMG) and also offers an industry exhibition, allowing manufacturers and distributors of relevant products to reach this important group of professionals. Regular exhibitors include companies offering manual and powered wheelchairs, special seating, pressure cushions, postural management solutions, belts and harnesses, head supports, assistive technology, wheelchair controls and software solutions.
It’s a welcoming event, with a friendly atmosphere, providing plenty of opportunities to network both within the exhibition and in more social settings, such as a welcome event at a local restaurant, and at our annual Gala Dinner. Delegates consistently tell us that they make an effort to visit every stand in the exhibition during the breaks in the conference programme – they want to learn about all the products and services available for their clients – making it a really rewarding few days for everyone involved. But don’t take our word for it, here are some quotes from recent bursars: “Not a single moment of my time was wasted while in the exhibition hall – I visited all the companies, inviting many for demonstrations to our workplace following the event” – Floraida Bautista, Neuro-physiotherapist
demonstrations by several companies” – Lee Dupree, Rehabilitation Engineer “the exhibition hall provided a hub where I could supplement my learning, ask detailed questions, gather information, and make contacts to help me in the future” – Maureen Evans, Physiotherapist If your company is looking to supply products to NHS-commissioned wheelchair services, the PMG Conference is the ideal event for you this year! Join us at the PMG Conference 2019 from Monday 15th – Wednesday 17th July 2019 at The International Centre, Telford. More details, including stand prices, availability and a floor plan, are available via: conference. You can also contact us via or 01392 4777710.
“The exhibition hall was a real highlight of the conference for me… I have been able to pass on the benefits to my entire team through setting up product
020 7702 2141
BHTAnews Two new staff members join the BHTA team
BHTA Chairman’s Dinner February saw the Associations dinner in the Atlee Room at the House of Lords organised by Alastair Maxwell, BHTA Chairman.
Millie York Millie joins BHTA as our Digital Marketing Apprentice at our Wellingborough offices. She will be working with the marketing team while she undertakes her training, which will lead to a Digital Marketing qualification by the British Computer Society in 2020. Millie is the second apprentice to join BHTA.
Alex Hanrahan Alex joins BHTA as the Membership Engagement Manager for the Children’s, Stairlift & Access, Independent Living and Mobility sections and associated companies within these groups. Alex is not new to the healthcare market and is looking forward to the challenge she undertakes with BHTA.
The event was hosted by Baroness Walmsley who also kindly hosted our centenary afternoon tea marking 100 years of the BHTA in 2017. Policy areas where her interests cross over with BHTA are education, health services, science and technology. The Baroness Walmsley
Lisa Cameron MP (Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Disability and a member of the House of Commons Health & Social Care Select Committee) also supported the evening. She outlined some of the issues concerning businesses in the assistive technology and healthcare sector at this very interesting time with the NHS 10 year plan having just been released. This stimulated an interesting open discussion, with questions around the current healthcare agenda in both England and Scotland.
Dr Lisa Cameron
020 7702 2141
Are you getting all the news in our weekly updates? The weekly newsletter from BHTA keeps you up to date with industry and healthcare news stories in an easy to access format via PC, Tablets or mobile so you can catch up on the move. If you currently do not receive the weekly update about what we have been up to, which meetings we have attended, which Sections are doing something different and interesting, along with industry news and plenty of other snippets that could be useful for your business, then please let us know. Just send a request to and we will add you to the distribution list.
Section Chairs 2019 The BHTA is a trade association with members in healthcare and assistive Chairman technology, all of whom Alastair Maxwell commit to the BHTA Code of Practice, the only one in 07974 980201 this industry to be approved by The Chartered Trading Standards Institute. BHTA member companies operate to higher standards of customer protection than the law requires. Organised in one or more of 12 sections covering most sectors of the industry. This unique sectional structure provides a platform for all companies to have an effective voice within BHTA and, through the Association, to influence the development of healthcare policies in the UK. The sections and the Section Chairs are:
Beds and Support Surfaces David Beavis Task Force Matters Tel: 07488 326179
BHTA Advantage, the member’s benefits package for all your staff
Childrens’ Equipment
One of the benefits of being a BHTA members is FREE access for you and all your staff to great deals on Cinema Tickets, Offers at Theme parks, Flowers and Spa Days for those special occasions and many more…
Dispensing Appliance Contractors
We have a weekly offer in our Newsletter and monthly Super Mailers but you can also access the benefits website at any time during the year if you are looking at shopping on-line for something you need. If you and any of your staff have not registered for BHTA Advantage offers, please send an email to charlie.lawrence@bhta. com and we will send you the link to the website and your personal login details.
Jill Morony Safespaces (Cornholme) Ltd Tel: 01706 816274
Philip Salt Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000
First Aid Medical Equipment (FAME) And Defibrillators Ben Ludzker Kays Medical Tel: 07780 952275
Independent Living & Hearing Care Matthew Spooner NRS Healthcare Tel: 01530 232390
Mobility Group Jeanette Warner Better Mobility Ltd Tel: 01442 768782
Orthotics & Prosthetics
Mark Turner Peacocks Medical Group Limited Tel: 07702 865718
Pressure Care, Seating and Positioning Debbie Williams Invacare Ltd Tel: 01656 776200
Stairlifts and Access Amy Hadlow Higher Elevation Limited Tel: 01622 682973
Stoma and Continence Products Philip Salt Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000
Decontamination and Infection Prevention Haydn Pugh Apex Medical Tel. 07964 556057
BHTA Scotland Group
Jonathan Scott Salts Healthcare Ltd Tel: 0121 333 2000
020 7702 2141
Andrew Stevenson
Andrew Barker
Sarah Lepak
Lord Rennard
Kevin Hodges
Susan Burberry
Nigel Woods
Alex Hanrahan
Margaret Smith
Steve Perry
Nadim Anwar
Karim Uddin
Donna Eade
Jane Weller
Nigel Bliss
Charlie Lawrence
Millie York
Calvin Barnett
Sarah Sarsby
Joe Fahey
Interim Director General
Finance Officer
Operations Manager
Marketing & Communications Assistant
Interim Commercial Director
Administration Officer
Business Development Manager
Digital Marketing Apprentice
Director of Governance & Policy
Membership Engagement Manager
Shopmobility Co-ordinator
BHTA Engage Managing Editor
Director of Communications
BHTA Scotland
Membership Engagement Manager
BHTA Engage Content Writer
Membership Engagement Manager
Marketing & Communications Manager
Finance Manager
BHTA Engage Sales Manager
020 7702 2141
New members A warm welcome to all these new member companies: 1. LINET UK LTD 11 Brunel Way, Segensworth East, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5TX t 01489 559944 e w 2. MOORINGS MEDIQUIP LTD 51 Slaght Road, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland BT42 2JH t 028 2563 2777 e w
t 01352 750099 e w
10. KAPITEX HEALTHCARE LTD Unit 1, Erivan Park, Sandbeck Way, Wetherby, Yorkshire LS22 7DN t 01937 580211 e w
9. INSIGHT MEDICAL PRODUCTS LTD Unit 3, Priority Industrial Estate, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ t 01666 500055 e w
11. ABLE MOVE LTD The Barn, 117 London Road, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5NA t 0777 051 0766 e w
3. EDEN MOBILITY 16-20 High Street East, Scunthorpe, N. Lincolnshire DN15 6UH t 01724 748727 e w 4. OTTO BOCK HEALTHCARE PLC 32 Parsonage Road, Englefield Green. Egham, Surrey TW20 0LD t 01784 744900 e w 5. LIDA DISABILITY CONSULTANTS Unit K, Newhouse Business Park, Newhouse Road, Grangemouth, Falkirk FK3 8LL t 01324 227549 e w 6. SEVERN HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES LTD 42 Kingfisher Court, Hambridge Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5SJ t 01635 887640 e w 7. MOBILE MOBILITY LTD 84 Winchester Avenue Industrial Estate, Blaby, Leicester LE8 4GZ t 0116 278 4422 e w
10 3 8 7
9 11
6 4 1
8. FREEDOM SHOWERS LTD 12 New Street, Mold, Flintshire CH7 1NZ
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For more information on how you can get your products in front of the trade, call Joe on 07384 258372