FREE Workshop: Supported Internships The workshop will look into the world of Supported Internships. Our team will be there to answer any of your questions and provide information, advice and guidance to anyone who is exploring Supported Internships for themselves or for someone else. It will also support employers and professional wanting to know more and how to get involved.
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The workshop will explain what Supported Internships and Employment programmes are including how to access them and who is eligible to access them. We will start our workshop with:
• An introduction from the Supported Internship & Employment team at Expanse Learning • Explore the Supported Internship programme via a case study short film with a previous student and their employer. • Q&A session to answer any of your questions. • Steph Howard - College Manager • Andrew Galligan- Employability & Interns co-ordinator • Dawn Watson - Work Placement & Supported Internship Tutor
Book Online: d/ online/ 125323230155
FREE Workshop: Hel and Su for PA's and their Employers
ort Disabili Awarenes Da Skills for Care is an independent charity with 18 years'
experience in workforce development, working as a delivery partner for the Department of Health and Social Care. We also work closely with related services such as health and housing and are the membership organisation for registered managers. Skills for Care's work in supporting individual employers and developing the PA workforce, includes development of resources and disbursal of funding to pay for training. This webinar will provide participants with:
• An overview of the information available from Skills for Care • Links to useful websites and resources • What a PA does and why it is a good choice for PAs and those who employ them • How to access learning and development, and funding to pay for it • How you can keep in touch about what Skills for Care is doing and local support
• Carol Reeves, Project Manager, Skills for Care
HOSTED BY: illsforcare
Book Online: 125493320901/
FREE Workshop: Journey to independence for Young Disabled People
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The workshop will give you the opportunity to take a journey with Ellie and her friends and family as she shares an insight into her life from a child to young independent woman. The workshop focuses on preparation for adulthood, transition from education, support networks, housing and supported living. We will start our workshop with:
• An Introduction from Ellie and her family through a short film on her life from childhood to today. • Q&A session with Ellie and family to answer questions from her personal perspective about Ellie's journey including the good times, the challenging times and how it has all come together. • Q&A session with Expanse Learning Head of Care providing information, advice and guidance from an Education and Social Care setting.
• Lorraine Woosey - Head of Care • Julie-Anne Prescott - Care and Development Officer • Ellie Prescott - Former Expanse Students and Current Adult Social Care Member
Book Online: d/ online/ 125499033989
FREE Workshop: How we are Disabili improving the health and Awarenes Da well-bein of our most vulnerable residents Warrington Together is an initiative dedicated to streamlining the planning and provision of health and social care in Warrington. Local health and care providers, including voluntary sector and housing, have come together to form an Alliance where the interests and needs of the borough as a whole are considered. T his Alliance works together to explore ways of delivering improved, integrated services to the people of Warrington in order to improve outcomes for residents. T he workshop will primarily focus on the work we have done to date on our integrated community teams and wider frailty work. We will describe how we are keeping some of our most vulnerable residents in their own homes and how we are supporting people to live independently in their own communities.
• Simon Kenton, Programme Director, Warrington Together • Alex Robertson, Director, AJM Robertson Consulting
HOSTED BY: Warringtontogether Together for a happier and healthierWanington
Book Online: d/ online/ 125502396045
FREE Workshop: Accessible Technology Tips: Phones, Tablets and Computers
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T he workshop will be perfect for those looking to find out how technology can help people with disabilities to live, learn and work more independently. This will be a session full of experience and resources from years of supporting in both specialist and mainstream settings. You can expect outlines of the DfE EdTech Demonstrator Programme, free resources to help you audit and improve your AT use and much more.. We will start our workshop with:
• The key advances in Assistive Technology in recent years. Including features built into mainstream platforms like Microsoft and Google, Apps on your Android/Apple phones and easy changes to make all of your devices more accessible. • T here will be timely support on accessibility in video calls so you can take what you have learned and improve accessibility whatever context you are in. • Q&A session to answer any of your questions.
• Neil Beck, Assistive Technologist for Natspec's TechAbility Service
Book Online: d/ online/ 125506993797
FREE Workshop: How United Utilities can help and support vulnerable customers in the North West
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United Utilities not only supplies clean water and wastewater services to over 7 million customers right across the North West, but also provides a substantial level of support for assisting customers in vulnerable circumstances, including those with affordability challenges. In the North West of England we have: • 41% of the most deprived areas in the country • 4 7% of households have less than £100 savings to cope with unexpected bills • 18% of households are affected by water poverty, 20% higher than the national average As a provider of a vital public service, United Utilities has a responsibility to assist customers in vulnerable situations and we are striving to deliver continuous improvements to these services. We do this through effective customer engagement; working with partner organisations to engage the hardest to reach in our communities and empowering customers by giving them the tools to get the services they want and need. So find out more by joining us online, and we'll share what we're doing to help and support those customers that need additional help, whether that's problems with paying their bills or customers living in vulnerable circumstances. Presenters:
• Amanda Phillips and Carole Quinn from United Utilities
I •A united � Utilities Water for the North West
Book Online: d/ online/ 125508038923
FREE Workshop: Everything you ever wanted to know about driving adaptations now and in the future
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In December 1997, Helen Dolphin MBE lost all of her limbs. She thought driving would be completely impossible but with a small number of adaptations, she was back on the road. Helen now works for many organisations such as the Department for Transport, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Motability and Heathrow Airport where she advises them on making transport more accessible for disabled people. In this seminar, Helen joins Bill Bradley from vehicle adaptations specialists BAS (NW) and Sean Barratt from Driving Mobility. Together they will cover the entire process of driving with vehicle adaptations, from the initial assessment, right through to receiving the car with your new adaptations fitted. Bill will share his thoughts on electric vehicles and future innovations to help disabled motorists. You will then be able to put your driving questions to Helen, Bill and Sean.
• Bill Bradley, Managing Director, BAS (NW)
Helen Dolphin MBE, Consultant and BAS (NW) Brand Ambassador • Sean Barrett, Driving Mobility
Book Online: d/ online/ 125510271601
FREE Workshop: Disability Confident in the Workplace Disability Confident in the workplace, is not just about recruiting disabled people. It involves creating a workplace where disabled employees and those with long-term health conditions are valued for their strengths and have the same opportunities to succeed, and to grow. With over 83% of disabled people acquiring their impairment during their working life, it is important to understand how to make reasonable adjustments that ensure your talented employees can be retained.
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This webinar will provide participants with:
• An overview of the legislative framework • Awareness of the needs of disabled employees • An understanding of good and bad practice • Tools to assist you in recruiting and retaining disabled staff • Information about local and national support
• Time for Q&A
• Derek Jones, Deputy Chief Executive, Warrington Disability Partnership
• Sue Savage, Cheshire Disability Employment Advisor Lead, Jobcentre Plus • Julie Hall, Employer Advisor, Jobcentre Plus
Book Online: d/ online/ 125511352835
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FREE Workshop: Personal Disabilit Experiences of Disability Equality Awarenes
Through this session we will hear the personal experiences from four disabled people about how society's barriers and attitudes affect them in their daily lives. We will highlight the role we can all play in the removal of those barriers and in the changing of attitudes. The session will look at education, the workplace and our home life.
Disability Statistics in the UK: • 14.1 million disabled people in the UK, 8% of children are disabled, 19% of working age adults are disabled and 44% of pension age adults are disabled Disabled people are more than twice as likely to be unemployed as non-disabled people
The total spending power of families with at least one disabled person is estimated at £274 billion a year Most reasonable adjustments in the workplace have little cost, they simply require good communication and understanding
• 1 in 3 disabled people feel there's a lot of disability prejudice, mainly based on myths, misconceptions and misunderstanding
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Derek Jones, Deputy Chief Executive, Warrington Disability Partnership John Balshaw, Administrator, Warrington Disability Partnership Laura Atkinson, Social Media & Communications Officer Warrington Disability Partnership Tom Coleridge, Equipment Showroom Advisor, Warrington Disability Partnership Esstta Hayes - Care & Support Advisor, Warrington Disability Partnership
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Book Online: d/online/125514744981