British Healthcare Trades Association BHTA 23rd AGM Minutes of the Zoom meeting held at 12.00 on Friday, 04 December 2020
Open the meeting
The meeting was opened at 12:02 and the Chair, Alastair Maxwell, confirmed the quorum of 15 was exceeded.
Welcome & arrangements / zoom proceedings
The Chair welcomed the attendees. He noted that this would be a first for the British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) taking place via Zoom. The Chairman advised that the meeting was being recorded. He confirmed that in the event of a nonagreement on a resolution, a Zoom poll would be displayed by Jane Weller for members to vote.
Apologies for absence
Received from Amy Hadlow and Ben Ludzker.
To approve the minutes of the previous AGM
The Chairman confirmed that the previous AGM was held at the Devere Hotel in Daventry on 5th December 2019. It was proposed by Leyton Stevens and seconded by Phil Rice that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record.
To approve Special Resolution 1 amending the Articles of Association (see below)
Barend ter Haar proposed the approval of Special Resolution 1 and Phil Rice seconded the motion. The motion was confirmed by a show of hands, and was deemed to have immediate effect.
To receive the Audited Accounts
The CEO delivered the financial report. The income figure for the year had been £908k, of which 90% was membership renewals at ~£808k, reflecting a renewal rate of 88%. The 5% increase in the subscription rate had translated into 5% increase in amounts received vs the previous year. The Association still receives significant sums through a large number of small subscriptions, for example 62% of members employ 10 or less employees & account for 30% of revenue. The increase in total income for the year had been only £14k, and this was because new membership income and other income had both been relatively poor. The bulk of this other income is still associated with membership, e.g comes from Verlingue or from Annual Awards Dinner or other member events. BHTA Engage offers new sources of revenue in the future, but starting from a small base. British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA), Suite 4.6, The Loom, 14 Gowers Walk, London, E1 8PY Tel: 020 7702 2141 | E-mail:| A Company Limited by Guarantee – Registered in England No: 154121 – VAT Registration No: 702845545
In terms of expenditure, overheads had been less than the previous year. Much of this occurred in the 4th quarter due to furloughing of staff (reducing staff costs by £9.5k) and travel/meeting costs being £18k below budget (due to lockdown). The CEO pointed out his opinion that historically operational costs for the Association had been significantly higher than would be expected (e.g. maintaining two offices) for an organisation of the size, and this would mean that after modernisation we should be able to offer a better service going forward at no additional overall cost. Mike Lord asked for the reporting to the AGM to include the group financial position, and the CEO confirmed that this would be put into place. The CEO also confirmed that BHTA Engage had made a profit for the financial year (which resulted in a surplus after tax for the year of £13,856).
To ratify the recommendation for the appointment of Director(s) of the Board of Management
The Chairman thanked outgoing Director Andrew Barker on behalf of the Board, Chairman and Members for his commitment, support and leadership of the BHTA during his tenure. The AGM ratified the appointment of Ian Jones as a new Director of the Association, to be effective from first of January 2021.
To approve delegated Board authority to appoint an auditor in the best interests of the Association
The AGM approved delegated Board authority to appoint an auditor on the understanding that our current auditor has resigned (on the grounds of retirement) and we have not yet been through a selection process for a new auditor, which is planned for next year.
Any other business, and questions (if submitted in advance)
With respect to agenda item 5, Mike Lord queried whether formalising that the annual accounts are “received” would undermine the ability of the AGM to reject the financial management of the Association. The CEO explained that there was not any weakening of the current requirements, since in any case the annual accounts have historically been presented, but not for approval. Barend ter Haar raised a question about the role of Council in making strategic decisions such as purchasing Engage and setting up the Wellingborough office. He felt that this is a grey area. The Chairman replied that this should be noted and addressed in the future.
Close the meeting
The Chairman confirmed that there was no other business or questions. He thanked SF and the BHTA team for their work throughout the year and the membership for their support. The Chair closed the meeting at 12:28 Attendees Mike Lord, Stilz James Bennett, Care & Independence Jackie McPhail, Hollister Mike Lord, Stiltz
Dave Thompson, Disability Trading Company Phi Rice, Anglia Stairlifts Andrew Stevenson, Grosvenor Healthcare Consulting Alastair Maxwell, Crest Medical Andrew Barker Mike Sawers, Hollister David Beavis, Medismart Technologies Jill Morony, Safespaces (Cornholme) Leyton Stevens Jeremy Stokes, Fittleworth Medical Barend ter Haar, BES Rehab Ian Wenman, Wenman Mobility Paul Newman, Peak Medical Jonathon Scott, Salts Healthcare Marie Martinalli, Medequip Kay Purnell, KMP Consulting James Parramore Ross Care Centres Haydn Pugh, Inspire Community Trust Dale Spademan, KingKraft Tom Pear, Reliance Medical Simon Tempest, Ottobock In attendance from BHTA Dr Simon Festing Dawn Hall Sarah Lepak Calvin Barnett Jane Weller Kevin Hodges Kelly Edworthy Karim Udin