A fontofthe Real i stnature,the i dea behi nd Novus Si m pl ex has been to create a fontthatrepresents the sam e i deal s as those thati nspi red the cl assi cs we know today,such as Hel veti ca,Uni vers and Meta.Every typeface i s a productof i ts envi ronm ent,and i s a cl eardepi cti on ofthe era i twas created i n.Descendi ng from the m echani zed typeface i ndustry,Hel veti ca has “ the shape ofsteam engi ne boi l ers and casti ron m achi nery”(Ni ck Shi nn).A typeface thatseeked to create a sense ofneutral i ty i n the postwarera even i ni ts appearance,i ti s therefore by no chance thatthe ti mi ng ofi ts rel ease was i nstrum entali ni ts wi despread popul ari ty and use.Al ternatel y,Uni vers,on the otherhand has,whatZapfterm s as the “ supercurve”ofthe CRT and the TV screens.Thi si s m ore obvi ous i n Fruti ger’ s ori gi naldrawi ngs ofUni vers.More recentdevel opm ents i n type desi gn take thei r sources from other,m ore recentm edi a thatare l ess fi nel y spaced than pri nt.
Digital mockup of Novus Simplex type book – designed to showcase the typeface and the research process behind its development.
Digital mockup of Novus Simplex posters – designed to showcase the typeface in an exhibition highlighting the design movement from which it is inspired.
Mauricio is an emerging digital artist with a collective experience in animation and visual effects, aims to cater the New Zealand market with best of his abilities. His brandig identity reflects his personality in the best possible way. Creative, playful and always keen to experiment, mauricio has a flamboyant personality which was a must to reflect in his brand identity.
Wood Oven Bakery was established in 1955. It is an artisan bakery which has an earthly look and feel highlighting the essence of hand-made and freshness. Using traditional wood ovens to bake products, there could be no better name to reflect its identity as clear. It was established by three migrant brothers from Iran – Rustom, Hormazdiar and Khodayar who migrated to Pune - India to work as a waiter during the British rule in early 1940’s.
Digital mockup of Wood Oven Bakery stationery to showcase the earthly, handcrafted and natural essence of the brand.
Digital mockup of Wood Oven Bakery stationery to showcase the earthly, hand-crafted and natural essence of the brand.
Vingt Jours – established in 1992 specialised in producing hand crafted wines. Carefully selected varieties of grapes, help us to achieve this aim while having minimal impact on environment. Vingt Jour – in english ‘20 days’ is time span for grapes to macerate and derive the beautiful color of wine. It’s often conducted for red wines as different varities of grapes can derive different colors. This process may exceed the fermentation process as well.
Digital mockup of VINGT JOURS – Branding & Packaging to showcase the boutique, hand-crafted, limited edition wine. A rich taste well complimented with a rich packaging.
Left: An inspirational typographic poster on Picasso’s quote showcasing design principles from Cubism Movement. Right: A conceptual typographic poster for The Rolling Stones concert in Auckland – part of an exercise from design school.
An illustration of creativity with lines – part of an exercise from design school.