Urban Design portfolio Bianca Lancee
Personal details
Last name Lancee First names Bianca Roseanna Address Dreef 8-D 4813EG Breda, the Netherlands Mobile +31 (0)6 20 40 33 87 Email biancaroseanna@gmail.com Date of Birth 15 July 1992 Birthplace Spijkenisse, the Netherlands Nationality Dutch
Education NHTV Breda, University of Applied Sciences, Breda Academy for Urban Development, Logistics and Mobility Specialisation: Urban Design Fourth year project: Minor The Sprawled City (Canada, Calgary) Re-Design/strategy of the Canadian suburb Marlborough 2014 - present
+ 316 20 40 33 8 7
bi an caro sean n a @ g m a il.c o m
2009 - 2013
I NTE R E S T S Travel
D e s ig n
Co o ki n g
D e c o r a tio n
Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam, Rotterdam MBO (compares to School of Further Education) Graduate as a certified Interior Designer 9 out of 10
2005 - 2009
Anna Hoeve / Wellant College Brielle Secondary school VMBO (compares to GCSE) English, German, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Economics.
S k i l l s
1 - 5
Dutch + + + + + English + + + German + + Adobe Photoshop ++++ Adobe Illustrator +++++ Adobe Indesign +++++ Autodesk Autocad +++ Autodesk 3Dstudio max ++++ Drawing + + + + + Model making ++++ Microsoft Office Package +++++ (Word, Powerpoint, Excel) Sketchup + + + Stop motion/movie maker +++
Courses March 2015 Academy
first price
of Architecture, Rotterdam, workshop ‘No material to waste’ -
March 2015 NHTV Breda workshop ‘Cities in Transition’ January 2015 – January 2015 Academy of Architecture, Rotterdam, weekend
December 2014 December 2014 August 2011 – May 2013
winter workshop - second
C1 International language level Hogeschooltaal Dutch certificate B2 International language level Hogeschooltaal English certificate Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam PLUS-class for talented students
Work expierence Owner of Blanco Jewelry, handmade jewelry of cuterly Freelance visualisation projects Intern Urban Designer Palmbout Urban Landscapes Biggest projects where I worked on: - Redesign site Zilverkwartier, Antwerpen (BE) - Smart compacting, Gent, (BE) - Transformation of the Cork Docklands, Cork, (IRE) - Design site, Slachthuissite, Antwerpen (BE) - Parkstad, Laan op Zuid, Rotterdam (NL) - Vision 2030 Izegem, Kachtem, Emelgem, (BE) - Report, Rubroek, Rotterdam (NL) - Lokeren (Transit-area) (BE) August 2012 – January 2013 Intern Designer at Studio Makkink & Bey January 2012 – July 2012 Intern Designer at DJGA Architects May 2015 – present September 2010 – present August 2015 - April 2016
Personal qualities Friendly Go-getter Eager to learn Teamplayer Independent Perfectionist
Study trips aboard Berlin, Germany Hamburg, Germany Kopenhagen, Denmark Malmö , Sweden Chemnitz, Germany (Fresh Brains trip, research of Plattenbau in Chemnitz) Lokeren, Belgium Brussel, Belgium
Index Study model, Laan op zuid, Rotterdam (NL)
Study model, Slachthuissite Antwerp (BE)
Research project, Rubroek, Rotterdam (NL)
Re-design, Zilverkwartier, Antwerp (BE)
10 - 13
Re-design, Izegem (BE)
14 - 15
City meets park, Rotterdam (NL)
16 - 17
Linear Almere, Flevoland (NL)
18 - 19
Argicultural living, Dinteloord (NL)
20 - 21
Pop-up shop, Graduation project Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam (NL)
22 - 23
Different projects, internship at Studio Makkink & Bey, Rotterdam (NL)
Portrait My name is Bianca Lancee, 24 years old, currently studying Urban Design at the NHTV Breda, University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands). My interest are traveling, sightseeing, designing, making jewelry and surfing. I am in my final year of study which helped me grow as a professional designer and is very inspiring. I am already a certified Interior Designer, having successfully graduated at the Grafisch Lyceum in Rotterdam before starting my study at the NHTV. During those years I’ve worked hard to improve my skills working with various software programs such as; Adobe Creative Suite, 3Ds Studio Max. Improving those skills made me more capable to visualize my designs at an even more professional level and turning me into a better designer. This hard work resulted in getting a rating of 9 (out of 10) for my graduation project during my previous study. Being inspired by my results at the Grafisch Lyceum I found that I was not only interested in designing the interior, but also the exterior. I really would like to help people and I wanted to design. This combination made me decide to go for the study Urban Design at the NHTV in Breda. What I find most interesting is to have an actual grip and influence on the environment around me and make better places for people, animals and the environment. During my study I started my own small business, I design silverware jewellery, interior & urban visualizations. I aspire to be a designer, working on sustainability issues.
Visualisatie, Geldersedam 6A , Den Bosch
De luchtsingel, Rotterdam (The Bridge)
Spoon ring, Blanco Jewelry
Visualisation, ‘t Bolletje, Kralingen Rotterdam Visualisatie, ‘t Bolletje, Kralingen Rotterdam
Visualisatie, Geldersedam 6C , Den Bosch Shop with selling my rings (Blanco Jewelry)
Visualisaton, Back Office Rotterdam University 5
Designed lamp made of car parts
2016 study model, Laan op zuid, rotterdam (NL), Palmbout Urban Landscapes and the city council of Rotterdam Task During my internship I made a model of ‘De Laan Op Zuid’, A well-known street in the City of Rotterdam. Palmbout has made the master plan of this area and when I joined it was in one of the last phases. They are creating a new city block. In this city block several architects will combine their designs. Palmbout is the ‘curator’ of those models. My study model was the basis for the architects to test their models. By doing this we could see what they had designed and if it fitted in the context. It helped us to give them feedback on their designs. Result The model needed to be built on a scale of 1:500 and must contain height differences because the street is situated on a historical dike. When the study model was finished, the architects came together to elaborate on the new situation. We discussed if the new models fit in the context of the neighbourhood. This is an on-going process until Palmbout, city council and the architects agree on the best design.
PRODUCTVERSLAG - ROTTERDAM PARKSTAD 1. Plankaart met markering gebied (PB)
2. Foto maquette met inpassingsmaquette van de architecten (BL)
Map of Laan op Zuid and study model area (red line)
Section of quay
Een aantal gestelde randvoorwaarden zijn het volgende: - Accenten op uitkijkplaatsen - Gesloten hoeken die een strakke en stedelijke uitstraling hebben - Minimale blokmaat van 14 meter en een maximale blokmaat van 32 meter. Er zijn vijf verschillende 6 architecten die ontwerpen aan
verwerkt worden in de maquette. Ook is er gedacht aan de groenstrook in de maquette, de Laan op Zuid heet natuurlijk niet voor niets de Laan op Zuid. Zo zijn er takjes gebruikt om dit in de maquette te verwerken en het een levendiger beeld te geven. Dit alles heeft ertoe geleidt dat iedere deelnemer aan het project, een beter overzicht heeft door de werkmaquette. Dus ook betere ontwerpkeuzes over hun eigen belangen kunnen maken.
2016 study model, Slachthuis site, Antwerp (Be) Palmbout Urban Landscapes Task Palmbout Urban Landscapes was chosen as winner to design the master plan for the Slachthuisterrein (former stockyard area). The area is located between Park Spoor Noord, the Antwerp Ring and adjacent to a compact neighbourhood. To make this master plan into a success, a (study) work model was required. I helped with making this model and it turned out really useful to obtain a better understanding of the surroundings. Result We worked a lot with this study model, when we changed things in the master plan, we changed it also in this study model. It showed us if it was a good idea or if we had to make adjustments, giving us a clear spatial image. We used this model to present the final master plan.
Study model of Slachthuissite (stockyard Area)
Map of Slachthuis site 7
t volledig uitgevoerd. Verschillende tijdslagen
2016 Research project, Rubroek, Rotterdam (NL) Palmbout Urban Landscapes
tuur ederoipbouwplannen om een nieuwe oostealiseren tussen hofplein en Kralingen is broek. De Admiraliteitskade loopt van een middenberm over in de Goudes rijweg, een
ProefProject rubroek oud crooswijk
ProefProject rubroek oud crooswijk
Frederiks plein
Martin plein
Frederiks plein
wi jk s
van Meekerenstraat
Cr o
Result We concluded from the analysis that there are unattractive, unsafe places, illogical infrastructure and no connection with the city centre. We made several plans to create a better neighbourhood and make a better connection with the city centre. Most of those projects are inline with the programs. This is proposed to the city council of Rotterdam who starts these projects and programs.
Croosw ijks
Martin plein
wi jk s
van Meekerenstraat
Gou dse Rijweg
Cr o
te ij
Stedelijke infrastructuur
Groenstructuur Green structure
t ij
eg Gou dse Rijw eg
G.vd Heijdenplein
at Ve em arktstra
Jonker Fransstra at
w er
G.vd Heijdenplein
at Ve em arktstra
Urban Stedelijke infrastructuur
Jonker Fransstr aat
Croosw ijks
G o u dses ingel
Original city Stadsblokken originele bouwblokken vs stadsblocks vs. urban vernieuwing, renewal, fronts voorkant vs achterkant andoriginele backs Stadsblokken bouwblokken vs stadsstructure vernieuwing, voorkant vs achterkant
Pattern of the landscape comes together in Rubroek
Task tuur Palmbout Urban Landscapes was asked, By the city council of Rotterdam, to make a historical and urban ederopbouwplannen om noord-zuid verbinanalysis of Rubroek. We used this analysis to make sbrug en het Noordplein te maken is doodgea plan ofVondelweg approach. is This approach contained et profiel van de hierplan van of over several programs which can be used in the neighborhood. Those programs are: loneliness, healthy food and healthy weight (sports and food). These subjects issues inverkeer the neighbourhood that inhabel van een groeneare langzaam verbinitants are faced with. e en Kralingen. Deze groene verbinding is nu e groenstrook met verkeersweg. Idea We first made the historical analysis. We discovthat the landscape pattern en comes together in ken vanered het vooroorlogse Oud crooswijk This resulted in different ngen uitRubroek. de stadsvernieuwingsperiode slui- kinds of building directions. The urban of the neighbourhood op elkaar aan. resultaat is dat layout voorkanten wasofillogical and didn’t have any nten liggen bouwblokken niet geheel zijnconnection with the neighbours or the environment. The introvert neighbourhood and the infrastructure wasn’t that helpful either. We wanted to make better places and connect them with several programs in the neighbourhood.
Goudsesi ngel
Urban Layout Rubroek and de Rotte 8
Excess ofaan hardening Overmaat verharding Goudseplein
Front homes directly across backs ofachterkanten homes, no Voorkant van woningen direct the tegenover
ProefProject rubroek oud crooswijk social interaction
Left Rottekade as barrier between residential and quay van woningen Linker Rottekade als barriere tussen woonwijk en kade
1) Neighbourhood Integral 1. Buurtpleinsquare, Oud crooswijk development among community integrale ontwikkeling tussen buurthui center,buurttuin, neighborhood garden, buurtschool en buurtplein p neighbourhood schools and rond eenzaamhe send in programma’s neighbourhood square fitting into en voeding programs around loneliness and healthy food
park Warande, park Schuttersveld 2) Park2.Warande, Park Schuttersveld Ontwikkeling vanpark groene parkruimtes i Development of green spaces in wijk met het programma the program of healthy weight Gezond Gewic
3) Promising place for development 3. rubroek/Oud crooswijk aan de rotte to strengthen theplek localom economy by Kansrijke wijkeconomie te ves tightening existing op success of ken.the Aanhaken het bestaande succe De Meent and Noordplein (shopping van Meent en Noordplein. streets in Rotterdam)
4. Goudseplein 4) Central square in the district, de wijk op oude kru Clutch,centraal possibleplein care voor center sing tussen crooswijksewg en Goudse (loneliness) neighborhood restaurant (food).weg. Urban integration projectsmet andzorgcentr Koppeling mogelijk improvements to publicHutspot space Hotspot (voed (eenzaamheid), , stedelijk inpassingsprojecten en verbe ring openbare ruimte
5) Rubroekse block Het rubroekse bouwblok How to5.address street blocks on the, Hoe adresseeren bouwblokken greening public spaces, how we deal aan de straat, hoe kunnen we openbare ruimte with unfinished blocks. Regional vergroenen, hoe gaan we om met ‘onprograms can be linked to programs affe’ bouwblokken. (loneliness). Improvementsruimtelijke of public vragen space gekoppeld invites you kunnen to stay. worden aan het pro gramma eenzaamheid. Verbeteringen i openbare ruimte nodigt uit tot verblijf i openbare ruimte.
2) Park Warande, Park Schuttersveld Development of green park spaces in the program healthy weight 2. parkofWarande, park Schuttersveld Ontwikkeling van groene parkruimtes i wijk met het programma Gezond Gewic
2016 Winner competition, Zilverkwartier, Antwerp (Be) Palmbout Urban Landscapes Task Palmbout Urban Landscapes was asked, by the city of Antwerp, to participate in a competition for redesigning the area; ‘Het Zilverkwartier’. On this location there currently is a factory, which mainly produces film rolls. The disappointing production forces the factory to shrink. The question to us: create a design for this factory site. Idea This plan creates opportunities to connect the inhabited area. Currently you can’t enter the factory site. There is a lot of security which makes you feel unwelcome. The hard edges around the site with offices, labs and parking places doesn’t help to create a welcome and a connected feeling with the neighbourhood. We now want to create a connection between the plant and the neighbourhood. By doing this the site will become a part of the neighborhood, people can use it and enjoy the factory site from its characteristics outside. Result This project was designed within three weeks. I have worked on the visual work and in the design process. Ultimately, we won the competition, Which resulted in a further design.
Green structure, street network, services
The site and surroundings
(the tattered edges)
(connection in the neighborhood)
Developing backbone
Maintain scale contrast
Creating an informal route 11
- Redevelopment - Offices - Restaurant Houses - Workshops - Cafe - Offices - Theater - Labs Houses Care complex - Appartments - Houses - Houses - Shops - Houses - Shops - Shops - Offices
Impression of the site
- Offices - Labs
Parking - Offices - Labs
Impression of the site 12
Former electricity building
Current situation
2016 Re-design Vision 2030, izegem (Be) Palmbout Urban Landscapes Task Redevelopment of several centres of Izegem, Belgium. The task is redesign the current complicated traffic system to convert in an attractive village centre. This redesign is part of a larger plan: Vision 2030 for the entire area of Izegem. Idea The starting point is Emelgem (a centre of Izegem), to create a more rural appearance which is missing now. Currently, the neighbourhood seems like one large parking lot where many roads cross, this results in a chaos of parked cars. Result A village square is designed, bringing together the inhabitants, the church building and the existing snack bar while at the same time more green (plantation) is added. The roads are also straightened which improves mobility in the area. Additional properties are added to the plan. Parking is now done more orderly in the designated parking spaces which creates an uncluttered space.
Before (current situation), view from the church
After (visualisation), view from the church
Before: a lot of parking places and messy infra- After: Straightening of infrastructure and better structure transitions 15
2015 City meets park (1st price best presentation), Rotterdam (NL), atelier project, NHTV Breda Task Studio of 10 weeks. Individual assignment to make a design of the former hospital, ‘Zuider Ziekenhuis’ in Rotterdam. Within the healthcare theme (which I chose) I started working on my design. Idea My plan was to create a school for children who are chronically ill. The school is a community school (the former hospital) which children can attend at the first stages of basic education to upper secondary education and health care is offered on site. I also designed houses where the families of the children may stay during the school career of their children. This way, the children are given a chance to follow classes and live a 'normal' life. Result The concept of the plan is that it has a connecting function. These connections apply to both: the park and the city, but also school children, parents and neighbours. They are formed at different angles special points where one function meets another. The red line through the plan is ensuring that the blocks and the school are connected. The parking will be solved within these blocks by a half-sunken parking garage with a green cover which is as a semi-public space.
Wooden model
Public green
Semi-public Private green Street
Section of plan
Apartments function in the lower layer
Ground bounded property
2015 Linear Almere, Flevoland (NL), atelier project, NHTV Breda Task Design studio of 10 weeks. Convert the opportunities and the threats of Almere into a design. The design needs to result into an “eye-opener” for Almere, with which they can start improving their city and making it more livable and attractive for the future. Idea Almere is often overshadowed by Amsterdam. This results in Almere not having a strong own identity. Almere has been built using the “garden city” principle. The result of this principle is that everything has a separate function like; infrastructure, buildings, retail etc. Infrastructure is such a separation that the neighborhoods aren’t connected. The challenge is how to remove that separation and create more unity between the neighborhoods. Result The idea which I came up with is to connect the infrastructure with the surrounding buildings. What I designed was “Linear Almere”, the main ring road will become 2x3 lanes divided at both sides. Directly next to the ring road there will be ‘city’ buildings’ creating an urban feeling. Between the lanes I planned a city park covering the whole length of Almere. I am trying to keep it as green as possible, as a city park is where people go to interact with each other. A large city park where people go to connect, relax and enjoy themselves creates an identity for Almere and gives an urban feeling. Impression of linear Almere
Map with sections 18
Visualisation of the linear park 19
2014 Agricultural living, Dinteloord (NL), atelier project NHTV Breda, Task Studio of 10 weeks. Make Dinteloord a bustling place at the Volkerrakmeer.
Doorsnede 1:500 gehele gebied Dinteloor Doorsnede 1:500 gehele gebied Dinteloor
Idea Dinteloord has many opportunities, if you know where to look. I have chosen to look at the ‘heart’ of Dinteloord because that is where I have seen most potential. The idea was to make a harbor with a boulevard. This boulevard has several functions, like living, shopping and dinning. For both sides of Dinteloord I have used the principle of ‘Landbouwlijk Wonen’ (agricultural living). The reason I have chosen this principle because of Dinteloord isDinteloord a place with an agricultural sualisatie surrounding. The people who are living in the Agricultural neighborhood are living in-between the fruit trees and vegetable gardens.
Concept ‘Open landscape’ connection between water and the agriculture
Result By doing this, Dinteloord gets their attractive character. Dinteloord has been known for its agriculture and water. Dinteloord is more meaningful for the Volkerrakmeer and will get its own identity. Several yachts can moor in the ‘heart’ of Dinteloord. Visitors can sleep in the bed and breakfast, have some drinks at the boulevard and enjoy the landscape. Dinteloord is a perfect place Plankaart to stay, it is close to the big cities like Rotterdam, Antwerp and Breda because they are just 30 minutes away.
Visualisaties Waterhart + Landbouwlijkwonen
Bi At Ur
Visualisation quay
Kade uitzicht vanaf de dijk (waterhart wonen)
3 2 5
2 5
ouwlijk wonen (referentie geworteld wonen)
Landbouwlijk wonen (referentie Geworteld wonen)
/ade/ neren
g weg
2 5
dlpad ntuin
3 2 5
ntuin neren epace ntuin
avenhuis, omgevormd tot hotel & restaurant s er verkoop van regio producten (Landbouwlijkwonen)
ref. geworteldwonen
We ligg har het een em om ien kad kad bou ver Aan vol len reg vru bed dez ma vin sch het wo van als ach Do kel het toe bij
rd: Waterhart + Landbouwlijkwonen rd: Waterhart + Landbouwlijkwonen
n 1:2000
4 2
epace neren
4 2
2013 POP-UP SHOP, GRADUATION PROJECT, Grafisch lyceum ROTTERDAM As my graduation project I had to design for a popup store. The rules were: only use wooden slats and rope. The store has to have the size of 4x3x2,5 meters. And the only adjustments were allowed to make was shortening the wooden slats. With this information I went to work. I have devised a store that is modular. I also wanted to create a real eye catcher. The walls are at an angle of 30 degrees, but stand straight. By doing this you get a perspective effect, what I wanted to achieve. So I saw my studies as a perspective for the future.. and I use this in my graduation project. The braided walls and ceiling are braided together. For this construction was there no rope needed because the whole held together by tension. only the walls had to be knotted to the roof. The floor slats are laid next to each other. The counters are stacked wooden slats.
2013 / Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam / afstudeerwerk ruimtelijke vormgeving en presentatie / de pop-up store Voor het eindexamen moest er een pop-up store/concept store ontworpen worden. Echter zaten hier voorwaarden aan, je mocht alleen gebruik maken van houtenlatten en touw. De houtenlatten mochten alleen korter gemaakt worden. Het touw mocht wel worden bewerkt (bv. verharden) Ik heb een store bedacht die modulair is. Tevens wilde ik een echte eyecatcher creĂŤren. De wanden staan in een hoek van 30 graden. Door dit te doen krijg je een perspectief-effect, wat ik wilde bereiken. Ik heb mijn studie gezien als een perspectief naar de toekomst, dit wilde ik er in verwerken. De wanden en het plafond zijn gevlochten wat zorgt voor een spanning in het geheel daardoor had het geen bewerking nodig. De wanden moesten alleen aan het plafond worden geknoopt. Ik heb voor mijn afstudeerproject de Pop-Up Store een 9 behaald. 3Dsmax visual of pop-up shop
2013 / Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam / afstudeerwerk ruimtelijke vormgeving en presentatie / de pop-up store Voor het eindexamen moest er een pop-up store/concept store ontworpen worden. Echter zaten hier voorwaarden aan, je mocht alleen gebruik maken van houtenlatten en touw. De houtenlatten mochten alleen korter gemaakt worden. Het touw mocht wel worden bewerkt (bv. verharden)
Ik heb een store bedacht die modulair is. Tevens wilde ik een echte eyecatcher creĂŤren. De wanden staan in een hoek van 30 graden. Door dit te doen krijg je een perspectief-effect, wat ik wilde bereiken. Ik heb mijn studie gezien als een perspectief naar de toekomst, dit wilde ik er in verwerken. De wanden en het plafond zijn gevlochten wat zorgt voor een spanning in het geheel daardoor had het geen bewerking nodig. De Model wanden moesten alleen aan het plafond worden geknoopt. Ik heb voor mijn afstudeerproject de Pop-Up Store een 9 behaald.
2013 different projects, internship, studio makkink & bey
2013 / stage Studio Makkink & Bey / de zeven hoofdzonden tentoonstelling Centraal Museum Utrecht / Utrecht In mei 2014 zal er een tentoonstelling plaatsvinden ter eren van Jeroen Bosch en Jurgen Bey. Het werd een tentoonstelling over de zeven hoofdzondes Jurgen Bey nam het beroemde gelijknamige schilderij van Jeroen Bosch als uitgangspunt. In ‘de taal der dingen’; hebben voorwerpen naast een vorm en een functie vaak ook een betekenis. ‘De taal der dingen’ is soms logisch rationeel en soms associatief. De Zeven Hoofd zonden zijn op deze manier naar de buitenwereld vertaald. Ik kreeg de opdracht om het project te gaan opstarten. Er was keuze uit de gehele collectie, veel werk van Jurgen Bey had het museum ook al aangekocht. De zeven hoofdzonden, stond in het project centraal, er zullen zeven kamers komen die ieder zijn eigen hoofdzonde verbeeld d.m.v. kunstobjecten of door ons gemaakte illustraties. Zie meer informatie op de website: http:// centraalmuseum.nl/bezoeken/tentoonstellingen/zeven-hoofdzonden/
At this internship I worked on two big projects: first I made a design for a 40-meter (131 ft) long curtain. This was a real challenge because I had to make the skyline of Eindhoven. I made the design in Illustrator, it was really nice to do and helped me improve skills. (see image below) During my second project, I was part of the team to make an exhibition of the seven deadly sins for Schilderij Jeroen Bosch - De Zeven Hoofdzonden the Central Museum of Utrecht. We could choose several objects out of their depot for the exhibition 36 together with a representative selection of work from Studio Makkink & Bey. After we finished this, we made a study model of the floor to see where the objects would be exhibited. After some months of work and designing, the expo opened its doors. For more information: http://centraalmuseum.nl/en/ visit/exhibitions/seven-deadly-sins/
Model museum Werkmaquette - Centraal Museum Utrecht
Map 1st floor, sleeping rooms
End result