TWE Brand book

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Trans World Explorations


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“There are no dreams too large, no innovation unimaginable and no frontiers beyond our reach.” ­—John S Herrington American Republican politician



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“Exploration is the engine that drives innovation. Innovation drives economic growth. So let us all go exploring.”


—Edith Widder A m eric a n o c ea n o g ra p h er a n d m a rin e b io l o g ist



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TWA History and Evolution

Our Brand Identity

• TWA History

• Our New Logo

• TWA Timeline

• Our Logo Anatomy and Clear Space

• Our Transition

• Using the Logo and Color Options

• Towards New Achievements

• Things Not To Do

• Who We Are Talking To

• Our Brand Typefaces • Our Color Standards • Out Image Style • Our Business System

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Our Commitments a nd F ut u re Vi s i o n • Our Brand Extentions • When The World Changes • Artificial Intelligence • Tech Labs and Research • Collaboration and Partnership • Tech Talks and Lectures • TWE Library • Educational Opportunities • Tech Workshops • The Future is Now



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TWA’s history can be traced back to the 1930 merger of Western Air

1986. Its main trans-Atlantic hub was the TWA Flight Center at John

and Transcontinental Air Transport to create Transcontinental and

F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City, an architectural icon

Western Air. The airlines were forced to merge by the U.S. government

designed by Eero Saarinen and completed in 1962.

in order to consolidate cross-country mail routes. Early on, the airline distinguished itself for being on the cutting edge of aviation technology. Transcontinental and Western was one of the driving forces behind getting Douglas Aircraft to produce the DC-3.

TWA fared well after the U.S. airlines deregulated in 1978. Due to a healthy balance sheet, two good hubs in St. Louis and New York City, and an attractive route network that focused on lucrative international routes, the airline became a takeover target. In 1985, corporate

In 1939, aviation pioneer Howard Hughes became Transcontinental

raider Carl lcahn purchased the airline. lcahn’s management focused

and Western Air’s principle shareholder. Hughes personally signed an

on squeezing short-term profit from TWA instead of focusing on its

agreement to introduce the airline’s new generation of aircraft, the

system. TWA was forced to go private, saddling it with debt. To pay

Lockheed Constellation, which received praise for its speed and striking

for its new debt, the airline sold profitable international routes and

appearance. The airline was contracted by the U.S. government to fly

airline gates.

trans-pacific routes, as well as routes to Europe. Due to its international reach, Hughes rebranded the airline Trans World Airlines in 1950.

In 1992, after years of poor management and losses, TWA declared bankruptcy. Only three years later, in 1995, the airline was bankrupt

TWA followed its archrival Pan Am into the jet age in the late 1950s.

again. The airline significantly pared down its international destina-

A major order by Howard Hughes for Convair 880s forced Hughes to

tions and regrouped domestic operations around its St. Louis Hub. TWA

relinquish control of the airline. The airline also ordered the larger

limped along until it was purchased by American Airlines in 2001

Boeing 707 for its transcontinental and transatlantic service. TWA

TWA was headquartered at one time in Kansas City, Missouri and

was also an early recipient of the Boeing 747 Jumbojet; it was the first

planned to make Kansas City International Airport its main domestic

to fly the massive aircraft domestically. During the 1960s and 1970s,

and international hub, but abandoned this plan in the 1970s.

TWA began to develop the hub-and-spoke system, setting up bases of operations in Kansas City and New York City. The airline later developed its largest hub at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, becoming the dominant carrier there by acquiring Ozark Airlines in

The TWA Flight Center opened in 1962 as the original terminal designed by Eero Saarinen for Trans World Airlines at New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.


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TWA begins transatlantic service flying to Paris, Rome, Athens, Cairo, Lisbon, and Madrid.

1930 The “TWA” brand is born when TAT and WAE merge to form Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc.

TWA inaugurates transpacific and roundthe-world service

1959 TWA initiates jet service from San Francisco to New York, using the Boeing 707.



Howard Hughes acquires control of TWA for the next 25 years.

TWA hub in Idlewild (later John F. Kennedy) International Airport, New York, is opened.

1950 T&WA’s corporate name is officially changed to Trans World Airlines, TWA

1985 Carl Icahn acquires control of TWA.

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TWA introduces a distinctive new aircraft livery

TWA Ceased all flight operations as an LLC under American Airlines

1992 TWA files a petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code

2000 TWA celebrates its 75th Anniversary

1999 TWA announces a major service expansion, adding 46 roundtrip flights per week on routes to the Caribbean, Mexico, Hawaii and the Middle East.



TWA receives the 1994 J.D. Power & Associates award as the #1 U.S. airline for customer satisfaction on long flights.

TWA files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for a third time and agrees to sell most of its assets to American Airlines.

Trans World Airlines History Timeline This timeline is a highlight of the most significant events in the history of one of the most influential airlines of its time. The extremely creative and extravagant mind of Howard Hughes who acquired control of TWA for 25 years played a colossal role in it’s development and world class success. The company prospered and became one of America’s favorite airline during Hughes’ time as its Chief Executive Offices.


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It is a fact that natural resources and minerals vital for

By pushing the boundaries of technology and science

lives of humans and many animal species are diminishing

the TWE is developing innovative devices and equipment

as a result of endless extractions and other human

that makes fiction possible in real life. The TWE plans

activities. On the other side the social, political, and eco-

to launch earth-orbiting space telescopes to identify

nomic importance of efficiently extracting and safely

suitable mining targets and then use ‘swarms’ of robotic

transporting natural resources cannot be underestimated.

probes that will visit prospective asteroids and eventually

State, military, and geopolitical power, capital accumula-

mine them. We aim to make intergalactic flights, reach

tion, social stability, industrial production, and legitimacy

the speed of light to reach places on earth and universe

of the state and economy all depend on large, increasing,

that human foot hasn’t stepped before.

and ever more concentrated withdrawals of the natural resources from the earth. How we can achieve this goals efficiently without causing more harm to our environment in the mean time.

This might sound too ambitious but as the great Albert Einstein mentioned once “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we use when we created them”. A rather concerning condition of environment today

TWA was one of the leading airline companies of it’s time,

requires an extreme and even dangerous methods to

that had a huge impact on technological advancements

find new solutions and pursue goals that may seem impo-

in the air transportation area. Today we transform from

ssible. Innovation and evolution is impossible without

a leading airline company to a future-focused organiza-

mistakes, failures and tremendous risks to learn from.

tion and visionary leaders of our time. The new Trans

We have already shocked the world with our latest

World Explorations (TWE) is conducting biological and

achievements in science and engineering. We believe in

biochemical explorations in search of natural resources

out dreams and with a great vision of a better world for

in mountains, underwater and space. In collaboration

all of us on the planet or beyond we will create a future

with number of science research centers around the globe

that’s safe, prosperous and healthy.

we strive to find new sources of energy, new solutions for desalination of water, and explore the possibility of human habitation on other planets. The concept of mining in space has been in science-fiction for decades.

A natural resource may exist as a separate entity such as fresh water and air as well as a living organism such as a fish. It may exist in an alternate form which must be processed to obtain the resource such as metal ores, oil, and energy.

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The planet earth is a living entity that we’re unsparingly exploiting. Oil reserves exhaustion, issues of drinking water and radical environmental changes are already affecting our lives. Whether the nearest future will be devastating or prosperous depends on what we do today. A huge, thick cloud of haze hung over eastern China in early September 2010. In this image, haze covers China from the Bo Hai Bay coastline in the east to the mountains in the west. China is the world’s leading producer and consumer of coal. Coal is China’s primary source of energy, and the primary source of its air quality problems. Regional air pollution, physical geography and weather patterns are still a serious problem.

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Many scientists today argue that resource extraction from the moon and asteroids is essential for further space exploration and colonizing space.


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This is What We Were TWA was a major American airline from 1925 until 2001. It was originally formed as Transcontinental & Western Air to operate a transcontinental route from New York City to Los Angeles via St. Louis and Kansas City. Along with American, United, and Eastern, it was one of the “Big Four� domestic airlines in the United States formed by the Spoils Conference of 1930. An aviation pioneer Howard Hughes acquired control of TWA in 1939, and after World War II led the expansion of the airline to serve Europe, the Middle East and Asia, making TWA a second unofficial flag carrier of the United States after Pan Am.

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This is Where We’re Going The new Trans World Explorations (TWE) is conducting biological and biochemical explorations in search of new natural resources in mountains, underwater and space. In collaboration with number of science research centers around the globe we strive to find new sources of energy, new solutions for desalination of water, and explore the possibility of human habitation on other planets. W e b e l i eve i n o u r d re a m s a n d w i t h a g re a t vision of a better world for all of us on the planet or beyond we will create a future that’s safe, prosperous and healthy.

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The diagrams below display the TWA and its competitors’ positions on the market, in areas of scientific research and technological innovations in the past and where we’re going in our new ventures










This diagram represents TWA distance and price relation with its competitors the way it was in the past, and how we envision it to be in the future for the new TWE. As you can see TWA affordability was decent in the past but the flight map did not include long distance travel. The new TWE performs unprecedentedly long distance expeditions on earth, underwater and in space.









This diagram represents TWA innovation and leadership efficiency relation with its competitors the way it was in the past, and how we envision it to be in the future. TWA inventiveness was average in the past and they had a more community like vision. The new TWE is a singular visionary leader and is extremely innovative.


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Who We Are Talking To

Our target audience mainly consists of three groups of people. The first group are scientists in areas of biology, chemistry, earth science, astronomy, computer science and engineers in the areas of aerospace, automotive, mining and software. These are the people we hire or partner with. They organize expeditions and participate in them, extract and analyze the data, experiment with new ideas in labs, engineer devices and work in different research centers around the world. The second group includes entrepreneurs and investors. Young entrepreneurs who are passionate about being part of the latest developments in science and are willing to put their efforts in globally beneficial and future focused projects. Same with investors who are concerned with the daily degrading environment, exhaustion of oil and other natural resources and want to secure the future of their generations. And the third group are students and people who are passionate about new discoveries and dream about distant travels on earth and in space. Students with majors in science and engineering are being recruited by the company all over the world. They are being given an opportunity to participate in research projects, expeditions, learn and create a future the want for themselves.

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Computer Scientist Dave Age 28

Dave’s day begins around 8am with the cup of strong coffee. He works in a small startup company that develops software for private aerospace agencies. Dave decided to dedicate his life to computers at a very young age shortly after receiving Atari computer as a gift for his 7th birthday. Dave doesn’t like any kinds of outdoor activities and instead of that he likes playing fantastic games on his computer. Dave lives alone in his cozy loft in the city downtown. Dave does not have a car for and he uses his bicycle to get to work.

Entrepreneur Michael Age 23

Michael created his first business while he was 15 years old. Michael is a big fan of sci-fi literature and he especially likes Ray Bradbury. He likes speed and in his free time he goes skiing in the mountains. Sports cars are his passion and he is a big fan of high-end design in technologies. Combining his creative mind with his ideas and dreams from his favorite books he believes he can create something that will change people lives and make it better.


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Biochemist Peter Age 45

Peter graduated from Stanford University and he has Master Degree in Biochemistry. He is married and he has a son. He works for governmental biochemical agency and is involved in development of new energy sources for future of humans on earth and beyond. He is concerned about exhaustible resources on the planet Earth and he believes that further exploration of space and mining of resources in nearby planets will be beneficial for the future generations.

Investor Kenneth Age 42

Kenneth lives in Northern California and wakes up everyday at 5am that is the time when NYSE opens. Kenneth likes playing guitar and loves classic rock. He likes to gamble and usually travels to Las Vegas on the weekends. He received MBA in finance at Yale University. Kenneth loves his job and he invests a lot of money in companies that innovate using the latest cutting-edge technologies. Stocks of aerospace, ecology and energy companies are in his main focus.

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MIT Student Emma Age 21

Emma is astrophysics student in MIT. Emma is very dedicated student but she also likes to hang out and party with her friends. Emma likes romance literature and she writes her own poems as well. Her favorite book is Little Price by A. de Saint-Exupery. Emma is very romantic person and she loves watching stars and constellations using her telescope at night. She wants to become a professional in her area of study life in yet unknown for humankind environments.

Traveler Nick Age 25

Nick is a professional traveler. He wakes up early in the morning and goes for a short morning run. Nick loves wild nature and he likes finding new interesting places during his travels. He loves walking along the seashore, righting and enjoying fresh air in the forests. Nick is an avid photographer and some of his pictures participated in many international photo exhibitions and were highly rated by the jury. He dreams to see the Earth from the space one day and maybe have a trip around the earth.


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Our New Logo

Aesthetically the brand identity is designed based on an

The same diagonal shapes from the logo are used in

expressive 20 degree diagonal shapes, vibrant colors and

the graphic language with photography. The subtle thin

combination of elegant grays. The letters in logo are

lines remind the vernacular of science books, maps and

consistently repeating diagonal shapes in both right and

diagrams. Applied with photography they also guide your

left directions from Y axis. The flying curve on the top

eye towards the text on the layout.

left corner is an upper part of letter T and simultaneously reminds some kind of flying object. With a second smaller curve beneath it brings the feeling of movement and energy directed toward future. That’s an intentional solution that addresses back to the soul of the brand about evolution, inventiveness and ingenuity.

The stylistic approach of photography is slightly abstract, edgy and futuristic. It has particluar depth to it with the right level of sophistication. The same tonalities of blues and greys are used for the color management of the photography and the emphasis of a particular parts if needed. I believe the logo with

Two of the main brand colors are used in the main

graphic and photographic language work together in

mark. The bright aquamarine blue brings freshness and

a nice harmony supporting the content of the peace and

edginess, the black is powerful and deep.

aesthetically enriching it.

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The full name of the company “Trans World Explorations� if being used should never be too close to the main mark. The mark should always be used alone with enough space around it as further specified.


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The 20° angle of diagonals have an important symbolic meaning since in 1920s Western Air Express (WAE) merged with Transcontinental Air Transport to form “TWA”.

20° 1/7X





OUR LOGO ANATOMY The new logo design in based on 20° diagonals that represent speed and movement forward. The particular angle degree also has an important symbolic meaning since in 1920s Western Air Express (WAE) merged with Transcontinental Air Transport to form “TWA”. All the shapes of all the three letterform of the mark repeat the exact same X size. The negative space in between also answers back to the X size. The diagonals shapes along with an impetuous curve above convey the idea of a progress toward future, flight of thought and soul that goes back to core of the new TWE’s mission of evolution, exploration and ingenuity.


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3X The relation of the two curves from the mark are also based on the X size from the letterforms. This is efficient since it allows to maintain the right scale proportions and balace the mark. It’s also important for the legibility of letter T with its extravagant upper part.



CLEAR SPACE As already mentioned the logo should always be used alone with negative space around it. The X size represents the thinkness of the letterform shapes. As depicted above the negative space should be at least the same as X size from the logo. This allows the logo to stand alone and feel spacious. Since the logo is the most important element of your brand it should always be used consistently.



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USING THE LOGO 1 / Main logo applied on white background 2 / Blue and white logo applied on a background, use only dark and blurred backgrounds and photos 3 / Main logo applied on light grey background 4 / Main logo applied on dark grey background 5 / White logo applied on blue background 6 / White logo applied on red background, use only 6 / brand colors for color backgrounds

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COLOR OPTIONS AND SIZE 1 / Main colors of the logo 2 / Black or white logo 3 / Secondary colors of the logo, red and black 4 / Only brand blue color version of the logo The standard size of using the logo is 1.25in wide. The minimum size of using logo is 0.75 in wide.


Standart Sise

Minimum Sise


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THINGS NOT TO DO 1 / Do not color all diagonal shapes in black and curves in blue 2 / Do not use brand red and blue together on the logo 3 / Do not mess with colors of diagonal shapes 4 / Do not use only one of the curves without the other 5 / Do not increase the curve size 5 / Do not rotate the curve above

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1 / Do not stretch the logo 2 / Do not rotate the logo 3 / Do not apply the logo on colorful or sharp background and graphics 4 / Do not apply the logo on colorful ot not blurred photos and landscapes 5 / Do not mess with the scale and composition of the curves 6 / Do not squeeze the logo



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OUR BRAND TYPEFACES Our brand typefaces are Neo Tech and Soho. The Neo Tech is selected for headlines and captions, the Soho for the body text. The futuristic and expressive shape of Neo Tech mainly used in light weights is perfectly conveying the future-focused and scientific character of the brand and content of the piece. The Soho beautifully pairs with Neo Tech with its subtle serifs and a bit tech character when used in light weights. The combination of these two typefaces work nicely together within the context looking classy and aesthetically appealing.

O u r Bra n d I d e n ti ty

ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ123 4567890#&* Neo Tech Std_Light Use the Light Weight for titles, headlines and quotes

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890#&* Neo Tech Std_Regular Use the Regular Weight for captions

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890#&* Soho Std _ExtraLight Use the Extralight for the body text

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890#&* Soho Std _Light Use the Extralight for the body text smaller then 7points



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OUR COLOR STANDARDS Our brand colors are an aquamarine bright blue, bright red and tonalities of elegant cool grey. Freshness of the blue with an extremely expressive red works in a nice harmony and brings a particular edge to the identity. Considering the content of the piece the selected blue feels high tech, scientific, edgy but confident and safe simultaneously. The red adds a nice touch of adventures, risks and innovations. The greys are a great addition expressing elegance and coolness.

O u r Bra n d I d e n ti ty

Aquamarine Bright Blue

Radical Red Bright

Outer Space Blue

Pantone 3255C, 124-6U Pantone 325M C:55 M:0 Y:25 K:0 R:75 G:220 B:210 HEX 00CED1

Pantone 492C, 57-8U Pantone 185M C:0 M:100 Y:75 K:0 R:255 G:0 B:60 HEX D42436

Pantone 5395C, 175-16U Pantone 433 M C:100 M:65 Y:60 K:45 R:0 G:60 B:65 HEX 081f2c

Deep Black

Deep Silver

Cool Grey

Pantone 3255C, 179-16U Pantone 5467 M C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0100 R:0 G:0 B:0 HEX 222223

Pantone 1341C, 179-6U Pantone 8M C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:40 R:165 G:170 B:170 HEX D42436

Pantone 3C, 179-3U Pantone 4M C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:20 R:210 G:210 B:210 HEX c8c9c7

The combination of bright hues with cool greys and blacks bring depth, feel futuristic, and express the right level of scientific sophistication. The dark aquamarine serves as a great base for blurry backgrounds and photo manipulation.



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OUR IMAGE STYLE 1 / First step is finding a photo in macro style 2 / Overlay a photo, once or twice if need 3 / Identify an emphasis you want and blur the rest creating a nice depth of field 4 / Overlay or color again with the brand blue 5 / Darken the edges of the photo with black 6 / Create thin lines around the emphasis considering its shape

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The selected style of photographic manipulation is an important part of your brand. With the use of brand aquamarine bright blue, depth of field and subtle line it creates nice harmony and consistency with the content and the Identity.



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OUR BUSINESS SYSTEM Our business system naturally combines the brand typefaces, brand colors and the graphics elements. Thin lines, blue bars used with light grey backgrounds with diagonal shapes answer back to the anatomy of the brand and it’s main character. Mainly the brand system is designed with the same futuristic expression with the touch of simplicity and spaciousness.


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OUR BRAND EXTENSIONS Keeping with the soul of the brand. TWE

and new energy sources that can help us

is now pushing the boundaries of latest

to dive deeper in ocean and make intergalac-

technological innovations even further to

tic flights. Expeditions determined to

come up with solutions that can allow us

discover resources vital for human life and

to reach places underwater and in space that

even allow us to find new environments

human leg hasn’t stepped before. Devices

for human habitation.





Discovery of new environments around the world and galaxies for human habitation.

Quarterly Underwater expeditions in search for rare earth elements and analysis of endangered minerals.



Discovery of new minerals, earth elements and energy sources for healthy and safe future of humanity.

Outer space expeditions in search for new sources of energy and potential planets for habitation.



Collaboration with NASA and SpaceX in space sector explorations and provision of technical assistance.

Research in areas of antigravity, artificial intelligence and quantum computing.


Joined partnership with MIT, CERN, in development of emerging exploration technologies.


Research in areas of body implants, genetic engineering and regenerative medicine.

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Submersibles, Observing systems and sensors Atmospheric Diving Suits (up to 30.000ft)


Interstellar spaceships, Jet Powered exoskeleton, scientific miniaturized satellites.


AI devices for distant explorations missions in the space sector.


Underwater observation, spacecraft and AI devices control software. data analysis platform development.



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WHEN THE WORLD CHANGES WE WILL BE READY Today, in rapidly degrading environment and exhaustion of natural resources we are already in the need of alternative sources for energy, water and minerals. The space colonization by humans is an option that needs to be not only considered but actively explored and performed. Asteroids and other celestial objects are today considered to be much better place to get the supplies by many scientists Early scientific observations suggested that there are trillions of dollars’ worth of minerals and metals buried in asteroids that come close to the Earth. Asteroids are so close that an asteroid mining mission is easily feasible. TWE organization is developing plans for going up to get these natural space resources. One of the main goals of TWE’s annual space expeditions is devoted to asteroid mining and raw material processing. The next vital objective of intergalactic flights performed by highly innovative ships and devices is an exploration of planets and other galaxies for potential habitation possibilities of mankind in space.



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UNDERWATER EXPEDITIONS The underwater expeditions are another important area of TWE’s activities. TWE is working on the concept of high-tech moving laboratory combining ideas of space exploration with deep-sea exploration. This craft is envisioned as a sort of aquatic research, carrying scientists on long treks through an environment not inherently friendly to human life. The annual underwater missions in this highly advance ships are determined to explore and discover resources and minerals vital for mankind. Technology developed for those kind of advanced systems allow us to further develop technology on a smaller scale, for every day use. It also allows for humans to live in environments that are typically impossible long term – expanding human colonization. The ideas behind this ship extend much further than an ocean based laboratory – these are the concepts of the future! We can have entire cities both on land and off based around these concepts. Where we combine technology with nature and work together to bring forth a green, thriving world where everyone can live freely!

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Submersibles will hunt for underwater archaeological remains and new life forms, investigate ocean chemistry, and map vast swathes of the ocean floor while providing unprecedented capability for sending aquanauts continually on deep dives.

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ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Artificial intelligence (AI) will transform the world later this century. AI is already powerful enough to make a dramatic difference to human life. It can already enhance human endeavour by complementing what people can do. AI’s impact will be especially powerful in in areas of science and engineering. Recognizing the objectives of TWE it’s quite logical that we spend large amount of it’s resources in collaboration with scientists and research centers around the world to come up with AI robotic devices that can help us in our often dangerous exploration missions in space and underwater. It can support our activites in the air and highly unfriendly human environments during research, in finding of raw materials and their safe transportation to the earth.



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SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT One of things that is vital for our goals to succeed is the process of data extraction and analysis. The extensive amount of information we gather from our expedition and discoveries is being analyzed and manipulated to prove theoretical concepts and extracts important data sets. Our software engineers use the latest software development techniques and frameworks to build cutting edge programs to serve our goals.

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TECHNOLOGICAL LABORATORIES TWE Technology Laboratories are creating next-gen technology to help our engineers built advanced machines and devices for our exploratory missions. TWE looks beyond current requirements to envision future capabilities and needs, exploring technology in cyber, materials, robotics, informatics, spectrum systems and others.

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BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER Over the last 40 years, biochemistry has become extremely successful at explaining living processes. Today, the main focus of biochemistry is in understanding how biological molecules give rise to the processes that occur within living cells, which relates greatly to the study and understanding of whole organisms. Only the profound and thorough understanding of living organism, cells and molecules on earth, in water and in space can allow us to maintain healthy life circle on this planet or any other environment. Which is why our biochemistry and molecular biology research centers attempt to understand biochemical processes at the most fundamental level—that of quantum mechanics, It could be the most important step toward making biochemistry a predictive science, which is exactly what we need to built a better future.

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When you look at a plant or an animal, be it a majestic redwood, your golden retriever, or even another person, what you see is and the entire organism, a smoothly functioning whole. But beneath the surface is a living machine.


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REACHING SPEED OF LIGHT Our current understanding of the laws of physics say that nothing can go faster than the speed of light, and that objects with mass cannot even get up to the speed of light, since it requires an infinite amount of energy. Recognizing this fact TWE conducts experiments in search of new sources of energy in our Bio Laboratories, that we will refer to later on. Subjecting the possibility that this kind of energy can be found TWE is working on a concept of interstellar spaceship that can travel at the speed of light. As a new step of evolution this will serve our main goal in reaching galaxies further than we have ever been before, explore environments for purposes of colonization and finding resources and natural minerals for our future.

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COLLABORATION Constructing knowledge requires working together toward a common goal. At TWE we do not underestimate the collaboration and take it as serious as it is. Getting any product or service into the market is the result of work of a large set of people. We collaborate with leading institutions such as Russian Aerospace Agency, Sony Robotics from Japan, European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company. A true global scientific collaboration was always something like a dream, but it’s also the only solution in confronting to all kinds of environmental problems and ensuring the best possible future for next generations.


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O u r C o m m i tm e n ts a n d F u tu re V i s i o n

SCIENTIFIC PARTNERSHIP TWE is unique organization where scientists are able to use their training and expertise to make a difference in people’s lives. There are many different opportunities for scientists to volunteer in various aspects of TWE interests. Currently TWE has developed several partnership programs with NASA, SpaceX, CERN and a few other organizations around the world. This programs are intended for research data sharing in the areas of alternate power resources, bioengineering, earth, space and underwater explorations as well as artificial intelligence.



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We believe that only common efforts can allow us to create a better future and a healthy prosperous life for everyone.


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TECH TALKS AND LECTURES TWE, being one of the industry leaders in areas of science and engineering regularly organizes tech talks and lectures to share our experiences with an interested audience. Our lectures are a series of presentations by invited speakers sponsored by TWE given at various TWE offices throughout the world. The lecture series has feature categories such as Natural Resources in Space, Underwater Explorations, Colonization of Planets, Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Brain and many others. Our tech talk events are interactive and allow audience to participate in discussion via internet or in person. We believe your participation with our efforts will built bright future for the mankind altogether!

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We discover new resources in universal explorations and new environments for the healthy future of humankind as a new step of evolution in science and engineering



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TWE LIBRARY As we all know reading is important in development of our mind. This is why here at TWE we’ve created one of the best scientific libraries with extensive collection of books in areas of engineering, biology, chemistry, physics and technology. Library access is open to scientists, engineers and students all over the world. It’s also a great opportunity to meet new people that share the same passions and dreams.



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EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TWE offers wide range of learning opportunities for students around the world to participate in various educational programs. We collaborate with world’s best educational institutions such as Stanford University, USC Berkeley and MIT by providing scholarships and internships to those students who show unprecedentedly high interest and results in the areas of chemistry, biology and engineering. Students have great opportunity to become part of our growing community and contribute to the success of our future developments.

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Visionary Leaders

TECHNOLOGICAL WORKSHOPS Tech workshops at TWE are monthly forums to discuss the best approaches for designing, modeling, analyzing and testing variety of systems and frameworks. Intended for use in space and earth missions they also have a potential of revolutionizing the face of the earth and mediums of human affairs. Some of those systems, such as directed energy lasers, molecular energy extractors and few others, have groundbreaking success and prove to be efficient in multiple exploratory missions.


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THE FUTURE IS NOW Bio laboratory experiments are one of the most important component of THE activities. As mentioned earlier they aim to find alternative sources of energy, which in nearest future will replace current sources such as natural gas and oil. Our staff of world’s leading biologists, bio chemists and physicists are working towards solving this problem by extracting the molecular energy from active cells and store it in efficient batteries for further consumption. With current human potential and latest scientific achievements we believe the future has already arrived and we have the power to be on the same page with it.

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The future depends on what we do today. Lets create a better future with TWE!

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Biayna Ohanyan IMAGES and TYPEFACES

Neo Tech and Soho INSTRUCTOR

Hunter Wimmer SPRING 2015

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