2023 BSA Prospectus

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An introduction from Grant Thomson

Dear Friends,

It is my great pleasure to introduce to you Bible Society Australia's 2023 Project Prospectus. This prospectus outlines the Bible projects we will be focussing on this year as we continue to carry out our mission of Opening The Bible to all people, everywhere, ensuring that as many people as possible have access to the Bible and its lifetransforming message.

As we look forward to the year ahead, we are filled with hope for the future of our work in Australia and beyond. Our commitment to Opening The Bible with those who need it most remains unwavering, and we are excited to continue our efforts to translate, engage, advocate, and distribute the Bible to all people, everywhere.

In Australia, we remain committed to providing access to the Bible in people’s heart languages and in a format that is meaningful to all who desire to hear God’s message. We will continue to work with communities across the country to ensure that the Bible is available to everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Our work around the world in countries in South East Asia, the Oceania region, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, China and other areas will continue to be a priority for us. We are supporting Language projects in Vietnam, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the South Pacific and Sri Lanka, seeing the Bible translated into heart languages, accessible to all cultures. Our Bible Engagement projects will continue to connect God’s word to people’s hearts in practical ways, with literacy and trauma-based healing programs

in countries such as Syria, Slovenia, Cameroon and Laos helping people connect with the Bible and apply its teachings to their lives. Our Advocacy work will involve partnering with less well-resourced Bible Societies around the world, such as the ArabIsraeli Bible Society in Galilee, supporting them as they work to maintain a core presence and advocate for the relevance and truth of the Bible in their cultures. Finally, our Distribution work, in partnership with Bible Societies in countries such as China, Vietnam and Ukraine, will make the Bible available to everyone, everywhere, at a price they can afford — including free of charge.

As we embark on this new year, I am reminded of the words of Isaiah 55:11: "So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it." We are confident that our work in 2023 will be fruitful, and that the Bible will continue to transform lives and communities around the world.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to what the year ahead holds.

Wishing you God’s every blessing,


Language: We translate the Bible into the world’s languages.

We make the Bible available in people’s heart languages by supporting Bible translation work across the world, including Indigenous languages and sign language (Auslan) in Australia.


Supporting Indigenous Translation Overview

Bible Society Australia (BSA) is committed to helping Indigenous Australian’s Open The Bible in their heart languages. Working closely with local Indigenous translators, their churches, as well as mission partner organisations, Bible Society helps coordinate several translation projects. Amongst other things, BSA funds translation workshops and provides expertise through translation consultants.

The Need

In 2005 the National Indigenous Language Survey said, “all of Australia’s Indigenous languages face an uncertain future if immediate action and care are not taken.”

It is widely acknowledged that the Bible is the most important source of usable connected discourses in endangered Australian languages. Rev Dr John Harris, historian and author of One Blood says, “This is not simply a biased religious perspective but an undeniable historic fact, the only people in the past who have cared enough about Aboriginal languages to translate anything substantial have been Christian linguists. In so many cases, their texts are the only real record of the language. Such texts are now highly valued in universities and other secular institutions as the only materials with which to revive and preserve a language.”

Translating the Bible into Indigenous languages has always been, and remains, critically important. They are the heart languages of many people. A heart language is the language a person thinks and dreams in. Many Indigenous people speak some English, however much of what they read in English versions of the Bible can be confusing and complicated.

of the estimated 300 or more languages first spoken in Australia have disappeared.

languages are critically endangered (of the 145 languages left).

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Bible Society Australia’s goal is to continue supporting the translation of Indigenous heart languages into Scripture. As part the overall Bible Translation Process, Bible Society will continue to ensure there are adequately trained and mentored Translation Consultants to check and endorse Scripture translations. This is crucial to ensuring that any translated resources convey the original meaning of Scripture as accurately as possible.

In 2023, Bible Society will continue partnering with the Pitjantjatjara (Anangu) people of Central Australia to translate the Old Testament into Pitjantjatjara. Work will continue on drafting the


remaining Old Testament books into Pitjantjatjara language along with editing, community consultation and consultancy checking, before these translations are ready for publication. It is hoped that most of the Old Testament will be at the ‘first draft’ stage or beyond by the end of 2023.

Work also continues on the translation of the Gospel of Matthew into the Western Australian language of Noongar. Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7 were translated and checked in 2022, and another team of Noongar Translators completed the translation of the Story of Jesus’ Birth for Children. The Jesus is Born Children’s Christmas story

was launched and made available to Noongar speakers in late 2022. The Noongar Translation Team are also working on translating the Children’s Bible Storybook, Jesus and the Storm, and plans are in place to publish Jesus and the Storm in Noongar in 2023.

A National Gathering of Bible Translation Agencies is planned for early February 2023, at which future plans for Bible translation will be discussed.


More than 10,000 people will be impacted by the Pitjantjatjara Old Testament Translation.

The number of Noongar speakers, according to a 2016 census is at 443 and is increasing every year.

Prayer Needs

“It is an awesome thing for the word of God to be in the heart language of the people because it is Jesus coming to become like an Aboriginal person, knowing the people, their feelings, the hurts, the pain, in their whole identity.”

• Thank God for the many different languages that are spoken here in Australia, and for the early missionaries who learnt and translated many of these languages.

• Thank God also for the local mother tongue translators who shared their language with these missionaries, helping to make translation possible.

• Pray for the Indigenous languages of this nation, some are still spoken today but many have fallen asleep and are no longer heard.

• Pray that these languages may be preserved and revived through Bible translation.

• Thank God that we can continue to support the translation of Scripture into the Indigenous languages of Australia, that we can journey together with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, acknowledging them as the custodians of their languages.



Training Translators


To further the work of Bible translation in our country, Bible Society Australia supports the training of local Bible translators through a Certificate of Bible Translation at Nungalinya Theological College in Darwin and ‘In Community’ Bible translation workshops.

The Need

Mother Tongue translators are vital to the success of any Bible translation project — which have the potential to transform communities, breathing new life into languages and Opening The Bible with many people. Yet, while many translators are passionate about making the Scriptures available in their heart language, they lack essential knowledge and formal training.

students to enrol in the 2023 Certificate II in Indigenous Translating course in three cohorts: Yolngu, Murrinhpatha and Kunwinjku.

9 11

students graduated from the Certificate II ‘First Nations’Language Course in two language cohorts: Yolngu and Murrinhpatha.

students graduated from the Diploma of Translation course.

ipads were provided through Bible Society for the students to assist in their studies.



To address the need for training of Mother Tongue translators, Bible Society Australia gives ongoing support to the training of Indigenous Bible Translators through our partnership with Nungalinya Theological College in Darwin.

In 2022, Nungalinya College ran a Certificate II ‘First Nations’ Language Course, helping teach students to read and write in an Indigenous language. This course also formed an introduction for


those interested in training as a Bible Translator, who need help with the literacy requirements of a translation course.

In order to make Bible Translation training more accessible to a younger generation of translators, Nungalinya College has designed the new Certificate of Bible Translation Course. The Certificate of Bible Translation Course will allow students entry without the same requirements as the previous Diploma

level course. This new course is also specifically designed for Bible Translators, providing a more specialised focus. Plans are underway to commence the new Certificate II in Bible Translation in early 2023 and a new group of eager translation students have enrolled in order to learn the specialised skills and processes required to create good translations for their respective language group.


In 2022, two different language groups completed the ‘First Nations Language Course’ at Nungalinya College, a Murrinhpatha group from Wadeye and a Yolngu group from Arnhem Land. This course was run as a preparation for translators wanting to read and write in their own language.

Louise MacDonald, resource worker with the Uniting Church’s Coordinate says, “This is an ongoing project to increase the quality of translation work, but also to bring in a new generation, and because the students are usually also key church leaders within their communities, it will increase the profile of Bible translation work within those communities. It’s going to be really significant.”

Prayer Needs

“The course here is helping me build my capacity. It’s helping me build my courage.” Yurranydjil, a Diploma of Translation student and Wangurri Translator.

• Thank God for the desire among our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters to be trained and serve as Bible Translators.

• Pray that God will help them as they learn and protect them as they travel from their homes to study at Nungalinya College in Darwin.

• Pray also for Nungalinya College, for their principal Ben Van Gelderan as well as Diploma of Translation Course Coordinator Lizz Martin.

• Pray that God would guide them as they prepare lessons and for his strength, wisdom and patience as they teach.



Noongar Translation


Bible Society is supporting the Noongar people in the south-west of Western Australia translate the Bible into their language.

The Need

Since 1788, over 155 of the estimated 300 or more languages first spoken in Australia have disappeared, and the remaining 110 are critically endangered. In 2005, the National Indigenous Language Survey said, “all of Australia’s Indigenous languages face an uncertain future if immediate action and care are not taken.”

It is widely acknowledged that the Bible is the most important source of usable connected discourses in endangered Australian languages. Translating the Bible into Indigenous languages has always been, and remains, critically important. They are the heart languages of many people. A heart language is the language a person thinks and dreams in.

Many Indigenous people speak some English, however much of what they read in English versions of the Bible can be confusing and complicated. Dr John Harris, Bible Society Australia’s Translation Consultant, says, “Even though Noongar people read English, it’s not the language to which their emotions, their feelings and identity are attached. Even those who don’t speak Noongar well know they are Noongar people. The English Bible is the language of the invader.”

Noongar is the official language of the Aboriginal people of the south-west of Western Australia. Many Noongar people of today grew up speaking English in school and Noongar at home. The children who were taken away – the Stolen Generations – were forbidden from speaking Noongar. Speaking Noongar reinforces group identity; it is a statement of who Noongar people are. The Noongar people are working hard to restore their language; it speaks to the core of their being, their culture and their understanding of themselves. It is the wisdom of their hearts.

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of the estimated 300 or more languages first spoken in Australia have disappeared.

languages are critically endangered of the 145 languages left


Noongar speakers (2016 ABS census)


Work continues on the translation of the Gospel of Matthew into the Western Australian language of Noongar. After this has been translated, the ultimate goal is to do the book of James and then go back to the beginning and translate Genesis.

Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7 were translated and checked in 2022, and another team of Noongar Translators completed the translation of the Story of Jesus’ Birth for Children. The Jesus in Born Children’s Christmas story was launched and made available to Noongar speakers in late 2022.

The Noongar Translation Team are also working on translating the Children’s Bible Storybook, Jesus and the Storm, and plans are in place to publish Jesus and the Storm in Noongar in 2023.


Census figures show the number of Noongar speakers is at 443 speakers, however the numbers of people who identify as Noongar is much higher, and as revitalisation efforts increase, in the future the number of Noongar speakers will continue to grow as will the demand for Scripture resources in this language.

Another team of Noongar Translators have completed work on translating the story of Jesus’ birth into a Children’s Bible story and plans are underway to translate more children’s stories into Noongar, due to demand for further church resources in the Noongar language.

Impact Prayer Needs

“The story which just blew me away was ... Pastor Len Wallam from Bunbury who was our elder statesman in our translation project. He was one of those whose language had been taken from him and so he spoke and preached in English. We all loved Len, but...[he] was an angry preacher who preached with his fists clenched. After he began to have some Bible verses in Noongar, he began using those phrases in his sermons. And he began to preach with open hands, his palms outstretched to his people. He had been given back his language and his anger had been taken away.”

• Thank God for the mother tongue translators of Noongar who are making translation possible.

• Thank God for the Gospel of Luke and the book of Ruth, which have been translated into Noongar. Pray that these Scriptures would have an impact on those who read them in their heart language.

• Pray that Noongar may be preserved and revived through Bible translation.

Thank God that we can continue to support the translation of Scripture into the Indigenous languages of Australia, that we can journey together with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, acknowledging them as the custodians of their languages.



Pitjantjatjara Translation


Bible Society Australia is committed to helping Indigenous Australian’s Open The Bible in their heart languages. Bible Society is supporting the Pitjantjatjara (Anangu) people of Central Australia to translate the Old Testament into Pitjantjatjara. Amongst other things, BSA funds translation workshops and provides expertise through translation consultants.

The Need

Since 1788, over 155 of the estimated 300 or more languages first spoken in Australia have disappeared, and the remaining 110 are critically endangered. In 2005 the National Indigenous Language Survey said, “all of Australia’s Indigenous languages face an uncertain future if immediate action and care are not taken.” It is widely acknowledged that the Bible is the most important source of usable connected discourses in endangered Australian languages. Translating the Bible into Indigenous languages has always been, and remains, critically important. They are the heart languages of many people. A heart language is the language a person thinks and dreams in.

Many Indigenous people speak some English, however much of what they read in English versions of the Bible can be confusing and complicated. Pitjantjatjara is one of the few original Australian languages that are still used daily. It’s learned by children as a normal part of growing up and is spoken by several thousand people who live in their traditional homelands in the northwest of South Australia, as well as parts of Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Diaspora in Alice Springs, Port Augusta and Adelaide also speak Pitjantjatjara. With a full Bible in their language, Pitjantjatjara speakers will be better able to come face to face with God’s Living Word.

of the estimated 300 or more languages first spoken in Australia have disappeared.

languages are critically endangered of the 145 languages left.

Aboriginal Australians use Pitjantjatjara as their first language, with up to another 5,000 people speaking it as their second or third language.

155 110 3-5K


In 2022, work continues on finishing the translation of Habakkuk and Judges. A final front translator workshop is scheduled for May, and the final 2% of the front translation should be completed this year, in preparation for drafting.

In 2023, work will continue on drafting the remaining Old Testament books into Pitjantjatjara language along with editing, community consultation and consultancy checking, before these translations are ready for


Pitjantjatjara is the first language of about 3,000–5,000 Aboriginal Australians, with up to another 5000 people speaking it as their second or third language. These people are the ones who will be impacted by the finished Old Testament translation. Work continues steadily on the Pitjantjatjara Old Testament translation even amid the restrictions of the last few years of the pandemic . Translation of 1 Samuel and Joel were finalised in 2021.

In May 2022, the book of Hosea was the last book front-translated for the Pitjantjatjara Bible. A fronttranslation is a preliminary step in the translation process to help out the mother-tongue translators. It’s re-writing the English Bible in a way that is closer to how it’ll be written out in the target language. The next step is first drafting in language, and currently about 80% of the whole Bible has at least a first draft.

Prayer Needs

publication. It is hoped that most of the Old Testament will be at the ‘first draft’ stage or beyond by the end of 2023.


“One of the by-products of translating the Bible has been the steady collection and preservation of old words, that, with the passing of another generation, would otherwise soon be extinct... At last count we have recorded twenty-seven old Pitjantjatjara words over the last 5 or 6 years that are in the Pitjantjatjara Bible, but not in the Pitjantjatjara dictionary. We still have perhaps 40% of the Old Testament to translate, so who knows how many more words we’ll come across?”

Thank God that we can continue to support the translation of Scripture into the Indigenous languages of Australia, that we can journey together with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, acknowledging them as the custodians of their languages.

Pray for all those those working on the Pitjantjatjara Old Testament translation project, that God would keep them safe, give them wisdom, and sustain and encourage them in their work.



AUSLAN Bible Translation


The Auslan (Australian Sign Language) project provides Bible translations for deaf people in Australia. In 2020, the project paused to transition into a new committee. Now that the translation work has relaunched, the team is moving towards more translation work and Bible engagement resources, including the production of Auslan animation videos.

The Need

In 1996, Bible Society was approached by Christians in the Deaf community to help them translate the Bible into Auslan. In the two and a half decades since, the team has worked under translation consultant John Harris and project chair Mac Adam. Auslan is primarily used in Australia, and is one of about 130 sign languages worldwide. It dates back around 200 years and is used by about 20,000 people to communicate every day.

In 2020, when John and Mac both turned 80, the Auslan translation project began to transition towards new leadership under fellow Bible Society translation consultant, Amy Cruickshanks. Part of the transition to new leadership will involve the training of new deaf translators.

sign languages worldwide, AUSLAN is one of them.


people in Australia use Auslan at home (2021 Australian census).



In 2022, The Auslan team produced an animation video of the Who? What? Why? How? of Christmas story in partnership with, Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia. The video is based on a children’s book by Susannah Mcfarlane around the


questions children have about God and Christmas.

For 2023, this project will work on an Easter production for the Jesus. All About Life campaign as well as create other Bible engagement resources around key topics and

The impact of this project will be seen as 20,000 daily users of Auslan are able to engage with the Bible more fully. Through the Auslan translation, deaf people in Australia are provided the tools to understand the message of the Bible in greater depth — many to understand it for the first time.

The team have published Luke, John, Acts, selections of the Pentateuch, selections of Paul’s epistles, as well as a full retelling of the story of Jesus (a combination of all four Gospels).

Prayer Needs

events. More work is underway to produce materials for youth and children, including an Auslan translation of Jonah.


“After a lifetime of reading a printed Bible in English and trying to understand its detailed message, Mum found that the Bible came alive with the Auslan Bible. Mum was reading the Bible in her first language for the first time. Many deaf people have come to us and said how they have read a passage many times throughout their life, but this is the first time they have truly understood it.

“What a blessing it is for Deaf people to read the Bible in their language to understand more of the Bible’s message.”

Peter Bonser, a member of the Auslan translation team.

Please pray for ongoing translation work, especially with a new committee on board.

Pray for wisdom as the team chart the way forward.

• Praise God for the spiritual growth and sharing made possible by the Auslan Scriptures.

• Praise God for the team’s wonderful partnership with the Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia in creating engaging Auslan animation videos that teaches around the word of God.


Mongolia Bible Translation


This project aims to meet the demand for a new Mongolian translation that is easier to understand for both readers and listeners. The project seeks to produce an exemplary translation in Mongolian and to have a strong impact among Mongol-speakers around the world. Started in 2015, the translation is projected for completion in 2027.

The Need

The population of Mongolia is three million, which includes approximately 65,000 Christians.

Mongolia uses the Khalkh dialect in all its official documents and all Mongolians understand this main dialect. With literacy rates of over 95 per cent, most Mongolian people can read and write the Khalkh dialect.

A translation that is more understandable and naturally flowing in this dialect has been greatly needed for many years now, as expressed by church leaders and believers.

This translation has the potential of being widely used in all Protestant as well as Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches in Mongolia.

3m ±65k

people in Mongolia.

Christians in Mongolia.


of Mongolian people can read and write in the Khalkh dialect.



This project aims to fulfil Bible Society’s mission of providing the Bible in written form to every Mongolian family.

The goals of this project are: to translate the Bible from the original languages; to be accurate; to be natural with Mongolian sentence structures and phrases; to be easy to understand for both readers and listeners. Those working on the project will employ a balanced-

approach in translation, as well as an emphasis on Hebrew language acquisition by aural and reading immersion methods.

So far, the Old Testament was completed as a first draft and nineteen books have been fully translated. Work has begun on the New Testament — with emphasis on Greek language training and translation — and will continue throughout 2023.

This is a 14-year project, with portions of the Bible to be released for consultation and review throughout the process. The near-final translations are made accessible to readers as soon as possible through the project website. This helps in receiving immediate feedback and in encouraging the Scripture engagement aspect of the project.


This project will ultimately impact 80,000 people. This takes into account the approximate number of Christians in Mongolia (65,000) and abroad (1,000), plus those who would be interested in reading the Bible.

Mongolian Christians will be able to read the Bible with greater ease and comprehension. The newly translated version will benefit not only Mongolia but has the potential to be used by 5 million Khalkh speakers around the world, some of whom are also in China and Russia.

Impact Prayer Needs

“I was inspired many times while translating God’s word. I am moved [by] how biblical authors offer us [a] deeply profound diagnosis of human nature, especially our sinful nature. We try to find out the whole array of meanings of a word considering its different usages in different contexts. Having a whole picture of the words is very important in solving translation issues. Thank you for your prayer and support for our work in Mongolia.”

“We expect this project to have a lasting impact and contribution to the growth of Mongolian Church.”

• Pray for the effective training of translators in biblical languages, linguistics and Bible translation.

• Pray for cooperation and unity among translators, Mongolian churches, committee members and the Mongolian Bible Society.

• Pray for the team as they work to accurately and faithfully translate the New Testament in 2023.

• Pray for the staff working full-time on this project to overcome the economic hardships Mongolia is currently facing due to COVID-19 and the Russian war in Ukraine.


Papua New Guinea

Bible Translation for People without Bibles


Bible Society Papua New Guinea (BSPNG) is supporting seven Bible translation projects in seven different languages, working with partner agencies who will publish the completed works.

The Need

Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) 840 tribal groups are crying out for the Scriptures in their own languages. Literacy surveys indicate a high number of people who are unable to speak English, and therefore are not able to read the Bible in English.

In the past, Bible translation work was often coordinated by foreign missionaries who lived among the people, often for years. Today, community church groups are themselves taking up the task, frequently with no outside support. A number of local language groups have approached the Bible Society for assistance and guidance to carry out translations of the Bible, or portions of the Bible, into their own language. These groups, frequently church-based, are made up of dedicated souls, but often lack both material and technical resources to effectively carry out the work. Often these groups are in remote areas and working in isolation. They can only be reached by small dinghy or air travel, often in single engine mission planes landing on manually cleared grass airstrips. It is easy for these dedicated souls to lose their focus, and to even give up the work.

The Bible Society can offer technical support, but the simple costs of writing paper and pens, let alone computers or internet connections, are often beyond the means of the local groups.

of the population in PNG live in rural communities which have few or no facilities such as electricity, running water, telecommunications.

distinct languages have been identified in PNG.

85% 840


The goal of the project is to promote, encourage and support the Bible Translation work now being carried out by various language groups, often working in isolation in Papua New Guinea.

At present, the Bible Society of Papua New Guinea is supporting seven translation projects in Magi, Vula’a, Motu, Pa, Aekyom, Gogodala and Yuna. Bible Society also works with partner agencies publishing the completed works.

Bible Society’s goal is to encourage and support the seven translation groups, with financial and material support, direct support and supervision through the National Translation Manager and regular visits and training workshops from


Translation Consultants, providing fully equipped ‘Translation Centre’ workplaces for translators, covering printing costs for trial publications and providing training for BSPNG’s Translation Manager.

The project will also work closely with other translation partners — the Summer Institute of Linguistics, the Bible Translation Association (BTA) and Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) — to ensure the most efficient use of resources to reach the maximum number of people.

Specifically in 2023, consultant checks (and in some cases, community reviews) are planned for the Magi Old Testament, the Gogodala Old Testament, the Vula’a Old Testament, the Yuna Old

Testament, the Pa New Testament, the Aekyom Old Testament and the Motu Bible.

One thousand copies will be printed of both the Gogodala Genesis and Yuna Old Testament portion. There will be training seminars held for all translation teams, and solar power equipment for Yuna, Gogodala and Magi will be replaced. New solar panel and accessories will be purchased for the Pa project, and five laptop computers will be purchased for the Motu and Gogodala projects.

Though the actual number cannot be assessed until after the translation projects are complete, it is hoped that over 200,000 will be reached with these seven Bible translations.

To have the word of God in mother tongues will provide a solid base upon which to build community and family life in a rapidly changing world. Translation work will also lead into other related activities such as literacy, based on Bible teachings.

Prayer Needs

• Please pray for the dedicated souls and local communities carrying out translation work.

• Pray for availability of resources to support the translators’ minimal needs.

• Pray for additional consultants and training of the national Translation Officers.


Papua New Guinea

Renewing the Tok Pisin Bible


The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea (BSPNG) is revising the Tok Pisin Bible, which was first published in 1989 and became the biggest seller of any Bible in the country. The revision of the Bible will take into account the changes in the Tok Pisin language over the last 30+ years.

The Need

PNG’s population of 8.9 million predominantly live in remote rural areas. PNG has over 800 known languages. English, Tok Pisin and Hiri Motu (the lingua franca of the Papuan region) are the official languages. Most of the population now speaks Tok Pisin and many children learn it as a first language.

Since the Tok Pisin Bible was published in 1989 (the original translation work began in the 1960s), there have been significant changes in the language, and Christians and church leaders began requesting a revision of the Bible. The BSPNG and the local church believes that an updated and improved modern language version will encourage people to use it more. The churches are keenly awaiting a revision.

8.9m 800 120k

people in Papua New Guinea.

known languages in Papua New Guinea.

people speak Tok Pisin as their first language (as of 2004).


speak Tok Pisin as a second language (as of 2005).



The goals of the project are to:

1) make available a fully revised Tok Pisin Bible, in electronic, print and audio form for people to use at home and in church;

2) to produce a modern contemporary Bible version suitable for all age groups; and

3) to ensure that the Bible translation keeps in line with the

national standard of the Tok Pisin language.

The revision process began several years ago and, in 2023, the focus will be on drafting and checking the revised Bible text. There will be regional committee reviews and reviews by translation consultants. Training will also be conducted for seven new translators, two coordinating offices

will be established, and the Project Administrator and Translation Manager will visit teams in three regions to assess and evaluate performance.

In addition, reading groups will be established in the New Guinea Islands region, to identify any dialectal issues.


The total number of people this project aims to impact is 7 million. In a population of over eight million, almost the entire population speak Tik Pisin (as a first or additional language).

Once the revision is complete, Christians across PNG will be impacted by their access to a Tok Pisin Bible in contemporary language, which will breathe life, faith, hope and Christian values into their lives.

Impact Prayer Needs

“In Papua New Guinea the Bible is a huge treasure. People walk around carrying their Bible in a special bag, like a priceless gift. They do this even when the pages are worn and ragged around the edges and falling apart.”

NZ Salvation Army Commissioner Yvonne Westrupp, who spent three years serving in PNG.

“There are many young people giving their lives to the Lord who are without Bibles.”

Joel Peter, Bible Society of Papua New Guinea’s (BSPNG) General Secretary.

• Pray that the huge and growing spiritual hunger for the Bible in PNG will be quickly met by the completion of this Tok Pisin revised Bible.

• Pray for volunteers trained in translation work, that they will have more time for translation checking, an essential part of the translation process.

Pray that funds will be made available to provide power where there is no electricity, enabling translators and revisers to complete their work.

Pray for ongoing support from churches, and communities.


South Pacific Samoan Translation


This project seeks to complete the translation of the Samoan Old Testament in contemporary language, to join with the contemporary New Testament which was completed in 2009. With the completion of the Old Testament translation, it will be possible to publish the whole Bible in the contemporary language.

The Need

The Samoan communities have requested the translation of the Old Testament into the contemporary language after the completion of the New Testament in 2009. Samoa is politically stable, and the culture is very supportive of the Christian message. This religious freedom helps in gaining support and acceptance for Bible translation work.

The estimated population of Samoa is 200,149. About one-third of Samoans are less than 15 years old. Whilst the Bible Society have maintained the old versions to meet the older generation, it is also working at meeting the growing needs of younger and future generations. Nearly all Samoans are literate. Education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 14; however, only a small fraction of the population has completed secondary school. Moreover, there is still a great demand for printed Scriptures to benefit those living in rural areas.


people living in Samoa (as of July 2021)


of Samoans are under 15 years old.


years old is the maximum life expectancy.



The goal of this project is to publish in print and electronic formats a complete Contemporary Samoan Bible, thereby ensuring that younger generations of Samoan speakers will better understand the Scriptures. Specifically in 2023, the project will work on drafting Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah. Internal reviews will be organised for Malachi – Daniel. On the completion of this review (peer review), the original drafters of the books are to make the necessary


editorial work and improve their translation drafts. Next, they can print the books and give it out for community checking or community review. Further editorial work based on feedback received are to be done as translation drafts are improved further.

A written back-translation of the books must be produced by an uninitiated native speaker (UNS) or a selected translator who has no connection with that book. This is produced for the translation officer

to do his/her consultant checking. Any comments on the book from the Consultant (after working on the back translation) are to be reviewed again by the original translator before it is ready for draft typesetting. A final proofreading is to be done before printing the book.

The total number of people who may be impacted by this Bible translation project is 100,000.

It is hoped that this meaning-based translation will bring transformation in the lives of all Samoans (believers and non-believers). The completed Bible will also assist in equipping the Church for a new Samoan generation.

Prayer Needs

• Pray for the Samoa translation team, pray for committed individuals to join the team.

• Pray for Church support for Bible work in Samoa.

• Pray for the completion of the 12 Minor prophets’ books in 2023.


South Pacific Vanuatu



This project seeks to reach all the peoples of Vanuatu with God’s word, through the translation and provision of the Bible. The project is undertaking four new translations of the New Testament, a revision of two Scriptures and the digitisation of three Bible translations.

The Need

Between 80 and 90 percent of the residents of Vanuatu (approx. 234,000 people), belong to the Christian faith, but many do not have Scriptures in their own language and find it hard to read other languages. The Republic of Vanuatu has the world’s highest linguistic density per capita — that is, it has the most number of languages with the smallest population. For a population of about 300,000 people, Vanuatu is home to 138 indigenous Oceanic languages, with 70 spoken languages. There are over one hundred local languages spread over the archipelago. It currently shows an average of about 1,760 speakers for each indigenous language.

Although English, French, and local trade languages are generally understood, they are not fully adequate for many people’s spiritual and worship experiences. Research and proven testimonies from communities have confirmed that the reading of Scriptures in one’s own dialect or language during church worship and gatherings contributes immensely to people’s understanding of the Scriptures.

The need to communicate God’s word through the various languages/dialects of this country is great although the number of speakers of each language may be relatively small.


people in Vanuatu.



belong to the Christian faith indigenous Oceanic languages

80% literacy rate in Vanuatu as from 2018.



The heart of Bible Society’s mission is to reach every community with God’s word, and help people read the Scriptures in their mother tongues. The goal of this project is to support the development of Scripture products — Bibles, Scripture portions, comics, selections, Bible concordances, Bible engagement materials, etc. — all with the aim of deepening and strengthening the spiritual lives of the people, in partnership with the local body of Christ. Training


workshops to educate people on the new Scripture products will also be a critical part of this project.

This project aims to produce four new translations of the New Testament and the revision and digitisation of existing Scripture translations in other languages. The languages of the project are Mele, Ahamb, Aneityum, Lelepa, Nguna, Erromango and Futuna.

In 2023, the specific goals of the project are:

• Printing four Gospels (in print and electronic format) of the Mele New Testament.

• The final publication of the Nguna revised Bible in electronic and print formats.

• The publication of original texts of the Aneityum Bible and the Erromango New Testament in digital form.

The total number of people this project aims to impact with these Bible translations is 300,000 — the population of Vanuatu.

As a result of this Bible translation project, the people of Vanuatu who speak these languages will understand the Scriptures better and be more able to apply God’s word to their lives.

Prayer Needs

• Pray for ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

• Pray for the staff on the ground and the translation teams working on each project.


South Pacific

New Caledonia Bibles


Bible Society in the South Pacific is co-ordinating this project to see the translation of the Old Testament in Ajie, the New Testament in Nelemwa, and the digitisation of existing Bible translations among three other languages spoken in New Caledonia, to reach more speakers of each language with God’s word.

The Need

In meeting with church leaders and community elders, a great need for Bible translation among the people and languages of New Caledonia has been made known. The people are mainly Christians and are very supportive of the Christian message. There is a great demand for printed Scriptures to benefit those living in the rural areas and outskirts of the main towns.

In addition to this, the population of New Caledonia is young, with 48% of the population 24 years old and younger. These young people speak both their common national languages and their indigenous languages and, since a good number of young people are tech savvy, there is a great need for the production of the Bible as an electronic text. The ongoing work of digitising and reviewing the Bibles that were first translated by the early missionaries and translating/ adapting the Scriptures into contemporary languages is crucial in meeting the needs of the young population. More specifically, there are needs in five language groups for Bible translation. In the Ajie language (spoken by 4,000 – 5,000 people) the draft translation of the Old Testament has been completed and needs finalising, which will complete a full Bible. In the Nelemwa language (1,000 speakers), a draft translation of the New Testament has been completed in the major dialect of the community in 2021 and needs to be finalised. In the Drehu language (12,000 speakers), the Iaai language (the 6th-most-spoken language of New Caledonia, with 4,078 speakers), and the Nengone language (8,000 speakers) there is a need for proofreading and checking of the scanned digital Bible texts, after which the Bibles can be published electronically.


people live in New Caledonia (2020, UN data).

48% 97%

of the population are 24 years old and younger.

of adult population (aged 15 years and above) in New Caledonia are literate.

99.7% the overall youth literacy rate.



The goals of this project cover five languages spoken in New Caledonia. There are many Bible translation goals for this country, which this project seeks to address, including proofreading the scanned text of previous Bible translations, correcting old typo and spelling errors caused by old translation inconsistencies, and scan errors due to old ink stains and faulty fonts.

This project aims to complete translation work and publish a complete Ajie Bible by 2025


and publish the Nelemwa New Testament in 2026.

The project will also work to publish electronically the revised Drehu Bible by 2024; the revised Iaai Bible by 2026; and the revised Nengone Bible by 2025.

The plans for 2023 include: for the Ajie Old Testament, an internal review of the draft translation of Genesis – Malachi; for the Nelemwa New Testament, an internal review to be launched; for the proofreading

of the Drehu Bible, a visit from a Translation Consultant to continue reviewing the Wordlist of which 35% has been checked and corrected; for the proofreading of the Nengone Bible, a visit from a Translation Consultant to continue to pursue checking and correction of the Wordlist, which is 10% complete; and the launching of the proofread project for the Iaai Bible.

The total number of people this project aims to impact with Bible translation is 285,000. This is based on the population of New Caledonia.

The audience will be engaged by the Bible translation during the lifetime of the project, with language speakers involved at the translation stage as well as the review and checking of the translation process.

The people of New Caledonia who speak these five languages will understand the Scriptures better and be more able to apply them to their lives.

Prayer Needs

• Pray for New Caledonia and its people, pray for church leaders and the Bible Translation work and its successful completion.

• Pray for a replacement for the current Translation Coordinator to better coordinate the work.

• Pray for meaningful engagement with the Scriptures in New Caledonia.


South Pacific

Tongan Translation


Bible Society in the South Pacific are working on two new Bible translations and two Bible revisions in the Tongan language. The priority is the completion of the Tongan Contemporary Bible, which will meet the needs of the younger generations, as the translation uses today’s Tongan language.

The Need

There is a need in Tonga — reported by church leaders — to make the Bible available in contemporary language, as well as digitising the Bible, so that as many people as possible can have access to God’s word and be changed by God’s truth.

There are social issues of major concern in Tonga including domestic violence, disintegration of family and kinship, youth unemployment, alcohol and substance abuse. Numbers of secondary school dropouts have increased, especially males, adding to youth unemployment.

In addition to this, the country endured a huge crisis in 2022 with the eruption of the Hunga, a Tongan volcano, 65 km (40 mi) north of the main island of Tongatapu. The eruption caused a tsunami which inundated parts of the archipelago, including the capital Nuku’alofa. The eruption affected Tonga heavily, cutting off most communications, as it was expected to take weeks to repair a submarine fibre optic cable used for Internet and telephone connectivity. The sound of the eruptions, together with the tsunami and the rain of ash which followed, traumatised many people. People are still recovering from the trauma and displacement of the eruption and tsunami, and there is more need than ever for God’s word.


99.4% people in Tonga.

Tonga’s literacy rate



The goal of this project is to make a contemporary translation of the Bible in Tongan available by 2025 (published in electronic and print formats). Secondly, this project aims to make available a revised edition of the Tongan Bible (West translation) for easy access,

publishing it in electronic form in 2025. The revised work will include the insertion of book introductions and section headings, which will benefit the members of the churches that use it.

Another goal of the project (once

the Tongan Contemporary Bible has been completed) is to insert the deuterocanonical books into the Contemporary Bible for the benefit of Catholic congregations in Tonga.


This project aims to impact a total of 80,000 people with Bible translation and revision, based on the current population of Tonga. By the completion of a contemporary translation, and the digitisation of Scripture, this project will encourage access to the Bible and Bible engagement for the people of Tonga.

Impact Prayer Needs

“The Tongan Contemporary translation project is the one project that has the support and has unified the church leaders in Tonga to work together on the translations of the Bible.”

Mr. Viliami Falekaono, Coordinator of the project.

• Please pray for the people of Tonga, some who have had to move to the main island due to the severe damage caused by the volcano eruptions and the tsunami.

• Pray for the Tongan Translation Committee and their families and that they will return to normalcy soon.

• Pray that these translations will give the spirit of wisdom and insight so that people may know Jesus and trust in him.


Sri Lanka

Sign Language Gospel


The Ceylon Bible Society (CBS) is translating the Gospel Parables of Jesus into Sign Language for the Christian deaf community in Sri Lanka.

The Need

There are over 400,000 deaf and hearing-impaired people in Sri Lanka, of which it can be assumed 8% are Christians. The World Health Organisation in 2019 revealed that approximately 9% of the population in Sri Lanka has loss of hearing. The deaf community is marginalised socio-politically, and deaf people are unable to get required services efficiently from schools, hospitals, banks, courts and more, due to the lack of Sinhala to Sign Language interpretation support. There are only five Christian schools for the deaf, and only five church denominations translate their church services into Sign Language.

Before the year 2012 there weren’t any materials produced for Christian deaf children in Sri Lanka other than the government curriculum and other books. A visit to the School for the Deaf in Ratmalana convinced the Ceylon Bible Society of the importance of providing the children and young people with the Scriptures in their own language, Sign language.

1.7m 400k 8%

Sri Lankans live with a disability.

deaf or hearing-impaired people in Sri Lanka.

of Sri Lankans are Christians, with an estimated 20,000 who are deaf.



This project will produce Sign Language Scriptures to help the Deaf community of Sri Lanka to engage with the word of God. After researching the situation in schools for deaf students, the Ceylon Bible Society has taken steps to start recording sign language versions of Bible stories. They have employed

two deaf Christian youth, one as graphic designer and the other as a signer. With the help of the Sign Language planning committee, they aim to produce one Bible Story every 3-4 months.

By July 2023, the project will be fully completed and ready for distribution. Before December 2023,

all the recordings will be distributed to schools, churches and other authorities in the form of DVDs.


This project aims to impact at least 1,000 people, with a greater potential impact, as the estimated number of Christians who are deaf is around 20,000. The project will also strengthen churches to work more closely with the deaf community. The resources will improve the quality of churches for the deaf, and result in more deaf people being able to be involved in Bible ministry.

The Gospel Parables in Sign Language will be a resource for deaf people and may motivate them to study the Bible. Despite the challenges they face, they can experience more of the love and faithfulness of God. It is hoped that it will make them feel that they are a valuable gift from God.

Impact Prayer Needs

“When I was working as a young teacher in the deaf school in Rathmalana, it was a very difficult task to preach the word of God to the deaf people in sign language... I think this project will be of great benefit to the deaf, because (other) people who are normal have the Holy Bible in their own language in Sinhala, English and Tamil. But the deaf people’s reading ability is at a very low level. Therefore, it is very useful for them to learn and understand the word of God in their own sign language.”

• Please pray for the people who are signing this resource, that they would be able to learn the correct signs.

• Pray for wisdom in translating the Bible text into signs, and for the team to come to a common decision for certain sign words of the Bible.

• Pray for good collaboration among the team and continued funding for the project into the future.



Easy to use Study Bible


Bible Society Vietnam (BSV) is translating the Old Testament and related content to complete a Vietnamese Study Bible, an easy-to-use resource for Vietnamese Christians to deepen their engagement with the Bible and grow in their faith.

The Need

An increase in church planting has led to a strong need for accessible resources to improve biblical knowledge among lay preachers, Sunday school teachers and enthusiastic attendees. Vietnamese evangelical Christians received a revision of their Vietnamese Bible in 2010. They now need a one-volume, easy to use Study Bible to help them engage more meaningfully with the Bible. While BSV also understands there is a need for a scholarly edition of the Bible, for the time being, the needs of the average church goer are the most urgent — for an accessible Study Bible that aims to serve the majority of Vietnamese evangelicals.

Over two years (2018-2019) Bible Society completed work on the New Testament (NT) of a Vietnamese Study Bible, including the adaptation of the study notes of the CEV Learning Bible (NT) to the Vietnamese Study Bible, and the development of new materials relevant to the Vietnamese context.


<6% Vietnamese evangelical Christians (according to the 2009 Census).

of Vietnamese are non-literate.



The goal of this project consists of the development of the content related to the Old Testament for the Vietnamese Study Bible.

The projected Study Bible is aimed at the average Sunday School attendees and their teachers, plus the lay preachers and evangelists in remote areas who have little access to formal Biblical studies. The Vietnamese Study Bible is an easy-to-use accessible source of reference with helpful charts,

tables, diagrams, and information. It can help preachers to become more effective (and accurate) in their preaching and help believers to have better access to the Bible.

The goal is to extend this project for another year, until the end of 2023, to make it more adequate and relevant to Vietnamese Christians. Bible Society Vietnam are interested in developing better content by adding notes and adding/revising articles, especially

those addressing the following issues relevant to their readership: social aspects that have been neglected or spiritualised in the teaching of the church; women in leadership; inclusive love for wider society rather than just internal love that has separated the church from Vietnamese society; a positive worldview to balance out the Christians’ negative worldview; social justice including poverty, immigration, hospitality, etc.


This project has already been running for a few years, so all the books of the Bible have been translated and first edited. Psalms and Proverbs have also been second edited, and many Old Testament books have been reviewed. The Pauline letters have been checked by a Translation Officer.

The hope is that the Study Bible will help Vietnamese Christians and pastors understand the Bible better, come to know God more, love him more, and spread his love to their neighbours within the church and outside it.

Impact Prayer Needs

“My generation often contemplates the word of God within the modern context and brings God’s word to today’s social setting. If the last generation is concerned with exegesis and biblical doctrines, we are more drawn toward the application of biblical knowledge to solve today’s problems of young people. And the ideas should be presented in a concise and clear manner. Before I started my theological program at the Institute, I worked with many young adolescents. I saw that many of them have the urge to study the Bible more deeply. But the Bible study program at the church is too distant from every day’s vicissitudes of their life or the answer that they are looking for. I was driven to help them come closer to the Bible.

“When I was given a copy of the Gospel of Luke in Study Bible format, I was impressed by the design and layout of the book; it’s very catchy and helpful. Those who study the word of God will benefit from the Study Bible because there are many features. The pages are so lively and interesting to look at. The footnotes and illustrations help the readers easily imagine or visualize the background in which the biblical story happened.” - Sky is a 26-year-old student at the Institute of The Bible and Theology.

• Please pray for the translation team to be healthy and continue to make good progress.

• Pray that the team can also stay focused on the quality of the project. Thank God for the achievements of the last few years and pray that the Study Bible would be brought to completion soon.



First Bible for a Minority Group


This project will translate the full first Bible for a minority ethnic group*, living in Central Vietnam. Christians among this ethnic group face both poverty and persecution for their faith, and are in need of Scripture in their own language to persevere, grow and share their faith.

The Need

Christians among this minority ethnic group* have struggled to persevere in their faith without Scripture in their own language. The Gospel reached this community in 1957, yet only some small house churches with around 500 believers survived. They face poverty and persecution in their faith, and a closed door for evangelism, because their people think they practice a foreign religion, since the Bible is in a foreign language.

These Christians are desperately in need of a Bible translation in their own language, so their faith can stand firm and grow. Local church leaders from the Evangelical Church of Vietnam and some house churches, approached Bible Society Vietnam for help to translate the Bible into their language.

*The name of this ethnic minority, and their language, are kept private for security reasons.


speakers of this ethnic minority language in Vietnam.

55% 10%

of this ethnic group are Hindu

of this ethnic group are Muslim


Christian believers in this ethnic group.



The goal is to complete the translation of the First Bible into this minority ethnic group’s language by 2027, publishing it both in print and electronic forms. Additionally, the translated text will be provided to Faith Comes By Hearing with a recommendation to create an audio version of this Bible.

In 2023, the team will consist of two part-time translators, two part-time reviewers, and two-three community reviewers.

They will continue their work in drafting, checking and reviewing the translation of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy,

Ruth, Jonah, Judges, 1 Samuel. Work on 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles and Esther is planned for 2024.


This project aims to impact 133,000 people, the total population of this ethnic minority living in Vietnam. Once the translation is complete, Christians in this ethnic group will be able to read or listen to the Bible and find it easy to understand. The local churches will grow through Bible study groups. Non-believers will be able to access the Bible in their mother tongue and come to know Jesus.

Impact Prayer Needs

“Even though we have Bibles in Vietnamese, which we can read, we really need a Bible in the language [of our ethnic minority]. [Our] communities need to keep the language and their identity. And having a Bible in [our] language is important. It will not only help [our people] to know God but will also preserve the language of the people. We are [our own ethnic minority], we want to read in [our language].”

A pastor for this ethnic minority.

• Please pray for the translation workshops this year, that they bring good results and improve the skills of the translation team.

• Please also pray for God’s protection and wisdom upon the Bible Society Vietnam and the translation team during the project.


Engagement: We help people Open The Bible.

We encourage the faith journeys of Australian communities and people groups around the world through Bible engagement campaigns, Bible-based literacy programs and trauma healing programs.



Indigenous Community Bible Engagement


Bible Society Australia (BSA) develops Bible resources in Indigenous languages to meet people where they are at and help them engage with the Scriptures in a meaningful way.

These Scripture resources also build biblical literacy, and are specifically designed for various audiences, including children’s Bible activity books, resources for those in hospitals and prisons, and Christmas and Easter resources for remote church communities.

The Need

45-65% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults in Australia are functionally non-literate. Poor literacy adds to disadvantages, resulting in difficulties finding employment and managing health. It also limits a person’s ability to participate in the management of their community.

BSA is acutely aware of the great need for discipleship among Australia’s Indigenous population. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people identify as Christian, yet the inability to read the Scriptures makes it hard for Indigenous Christians to engage with the Bible. BSA is committed to creating Bible engagement resources, helping Indigenous Christians connect with Scripture in a way that is practical and relevant.


of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults in Australia are functionally non-literate (refer to the findings of the Literacy for Life Foundation, 2017).


of people identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander also identified as Christian.



The Pitjantjatjara Daily Prayer Book is being translated to encourage further engagement with Scripture. The Pitjantjatjara Translation Team has made good progress on the Pitjantjatjara Daily Prayer Book. Once the Prayer Book has had final checks completed, there are plans to print and distribute it during 2023.

Plans to develop Children’s Bible Storybooks in multiple key


languages across Australia to help meet demand for literacy resources in Indigenous languages are underway, and there are further plans to develop these stories into video stories for online distribution.

Some Children’s Bible Storybooks have already been translated, into the languages of Pitjantjatjara and Adnyamathanha. These will be printed and distributed in 2023.

A children’s Christmas storybook called Jesus is Born has been translated into Noongar and was launched in December 2022. Translation of the storybook Jesus and the Storm into Noongar is currently underway.

In 2022, Bible Society followed up the Jesus. All About Life Easter Posters for Indigenous communities with Christmas Posters for communities to celebrate with. These posters featured beautiful artwork by several different Indigenous artists and were available in 38 different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

The Scripture posters, with small portions of Scripture, have a great impact on communities. They can be hung on church walls and in people’s homes, are an effective way to help those with low literacy ‘engage’ with Scripture in a meaningful and manageable way. They will also be able to share this verse with their family and wider community in a very visual and obvious way.

Prayer Needs

Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in creating resources that help communities open their hearts to God.

Pray that these resources will breathe new life into Indigenous communities across Australia.

Pray that those away from their families in hospital or prison will find comfort through the Scriptures contained in these resources.

Pray that children across Australia will learn about God through the books, apps and recordings that Bible Society Australia produces.



Bibles for Bubs


The Bibles for Bubs project introduces children to the Bible from a very young age by providing their parents with age-appropriate Bibles and resources in the first five years of their life. The project enables families to engage with the Bible and encourages them to develop a family Bible reading practice.

The Need

Reading aloud to children is one of the most rewarding and beneficial activities an adult can choose to do.

A survey conducted by Australian publisher Scholastic showed that, across all ages, the overwhelming majority of children (86%) say they loved being read books aloud at home. The top reason children say they enjoy being read aloud to is because it’s a special time with their parents. Parents are encouraged to read to their children for at least 10 minutes a day. And what better book to read to children than the Bible?

Bibles For Bubs began in 2018 to celebrate Bible Society’s bicentenary. It is now in its sixth year and has become much bigger than anyone expected! The project helps enable parents to teach their young children the wonder of Opening The Bible and hearing God’s stories.


of children say they loved being read books aloud at home. 10 minutes a day is the length of time parents are encouraged to read to their children.



The goal of this project is to build a lifetime of faith and reliance on God’s word for children through early engagement with the stories of the Bible. Each year, the project aims to provide Bibles for 2,000

babies born in the previous year. For the next four years, during their birthday month, the children receive a birthday card with an insert for parents with ideas to encourage faith and family Bible reading. On

their fifth birthday, the children receive the gift of a CEV Big Rescue Bible they can read through their primary school years.


Since its establishment in 2018, the Bibles For Bubs program has Opened The Bible to over 10,000 Australian children and their families. The project has provided parents with helpful resources and content to engage their children with the Bible, which have been received well.

Just as Timothy was ‘made wise for salvation’ from his childhood knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, taught to him by his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice (2 Timothy 3:14-15), so these children are being helped to build a foundational knowledge of God’s word.

The project has gained popularity as grandparents and friends encourage their loved ones to apply. The influx of applications in 2022 (reaching over 2,000 applications) is a testimony to the value that parents, grandparents and friends see in giving children the gift of God’s word.

Impact Prayer Needs

“The Bible is such a vital way of getting to know God. The Bible has made a big difference in my life. I want my kids to love the Bible and grow to know God through it. The program has helped with making Bible reading with our children a priority. We now read a story at dinner time. There are so many options of children’s Bible out there, and I trust the Bible society to choose a good one.”

Amy, parent, 2022

“Just wanted to say thank you! While sitting and reading my daughter’s new Bible, we stumbled upon the interactive stickers in the back. So cool. The love and creativity that has been poured into this has blessed us. And even more so that it’s been sent free of cost. I can’t believe that is what you are all about. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Sam, parent.

• Pray for the children, that they would know God’s love through reading his word.

• Pray that parents will use the Bibles and resources to help build a lifetime of faith for their children.

• Pray for families that they may be united in Christ through reading God’s word.



Disaster Recovery Grant


Bible Society Australia (BSA) seeks to serve and equip groups who are ministering to Australians in all areas of life by providing Bibles and Scripture resources through the Disaster Recovery grant.

The Need

Emergency chaplains, front line gospel workers and local churches are often among the first responders in any emergency, helping people in difficult circumstances, sharing God’s hope and the good news of Jesus.

There is a great need for the Disaster Recovery grant in providing Scripture resources, so that those ministering can help people begin a journey of healing with God’s word.

2022 85k

saw a series of floods across eastern Australia which were one of the worst flood disasters in the country.

people were displaced in July alone in NSW’s Central Coast and areas of Sydney.


Bibles, New Testaments and Gospels were distributed in response to disaster in the 2021/2022 financial year.


‘Beyond Trauma’ Bible-based resources were distributed in the same time period.



The goal this project is to Open The Bible to people experiencing disaster. By resourcing front line workers with the Scriptures and gospel materials, they can engage people with God’s word.


This grant shares the transformative hope of the gospel and equips gospel workers with both God’s word and the ability to encourage and disciple those they work with.

The impact of these grants has been seen in the changed lives of recipients, and the stories and testimonies from chaplains, outreach workers and the recipients of Bibles and Scripture resources. In the 2021/2022 Financial Year, requests were made for:

• 715 Kids ‘No Worries’ tract

• 2,224 ‘Beyond Trauma’ booklets,

• 2,834 ‘Beyond Trauma’ postcard,

• 105 Bibles

• 680 New Testaments and

• 1,050 Gospels.

Prayer Needs

In 2023, this project is aiming to find and support more ministries, giving them the resources they need to share the Gospel and disciple people who are facing various emergency situations.


“We were one of those who were flooded in the massive floods that hit Lismore and surrounds earlier this year. Very graciously, Bible Society donated to us a good number of New Testaments, Gospel of Mark, and other helpful booklets / tracts that we have since fully donated to members of Lismore.” - Darryl, 2022

“I accepted the trauma related resources (Beyond trauma booklet, the beyond trauma post-card, and ’No Worries’ for children)...I’m glad I did! The card is a very accessible way for people to get some helpful and practical insights into what they’re experiencing. The booklet is also very accessible, is well informed, the ‘posture’ feels both pastoral and professional, the use of Biblical references and insights seems very appropriate - reassuring and powerful yet sensitive... God is at work even, and perhaps especially at a time like this...” - Rev Steve, Lismore, 2022

“It was wonderful to receive and share the Trauma information. I have been supporting many people who have been affected, either directly or indirectly, as a result of the bushfires and pandemic. Having a comforting and empathetic ear is just as important as a guiding piece of advice. However, the booklet has wonderful resources that can be drawn on in future conversations.” - Chaplain, 2021

Pray for continued opportunities to Open The Bible with Australians in crisis situations, such as floods, the COVID pandemic and other natural disasters.

• Pray for emergency workers to be raised up, and equipped with soft hearts, listening ears, and wisdom to share God’s word with those facing seemingly insurmountable troubles and deep sorrow.



Empowering Literacy


The Bangladesh Bible Society (BBS) are reaching non-literate women with the word of God through a literacy course in the rural areas of Bangladesh, giving them the opportunity to read and write, as well as listen and interact with the Bible. In turn, the skills they learn enable the women to teach their children, impacting their families and their church communities.

The Need

There are around 165 million people in Bangladesh, and only around 75% are literate. Most people in rural areas cannot read the Bible, or any book. Women living in remote areas of Bangladesh are poor and have had very little opportunity to access an education.

Many of these non-literate adults have a desire to learn and study. Some have the Scripture available to them, and are hungry for the word of God, even though they are not able to read it. They are eager for an education, so they can read God’s word.


people in Bangladesh.


of people in Bangladesh are literate.

61% 0.3%

of the population live in rural areas.

of the population are Christian.



The goal of the project is to teach literacy skills to 1,500 women each year, through a systematically developed curriculum, so that they may engage with the word of God, improving their literacy skills as well as enhancing their Bible knowledge and their relationship with God. Their new skills in literacy will in turn benefit and be passed on to their families, as well as their churches.

Each year, 500 women begin the literacy classes, which last for three years. They meet five days a week for 1 ½ hour lessons, in which they listen to lessons and learn to read with the help of a facilitator.

The ultimate goal is that the women can share their literacy skills and their understanding of the Bible with their children and neighbours. The

women are also encouraged towards independence in supporting their families, with BBS providing sewing machines, cattle and small aids for farming also.


This project is planned to run until 2025. The project impacts a total of 6,000 people each year. Every year, 1,500 women are participating in the three-year program, and pass on their new skills to their families, bringing the number of those impacted to approximately 6,000. The impact of the project increases again as each woman is able to participate and preach in their church communities and local gatherings.

In addition to this, graduates gain the necessary literacy skills to deal with government communications, legal matters and health related issues.

Impact Prayer Needs

• Pray that God would give the students wisdom to learn, and perseverance to continue through the three years of study.

“The teaching from the Bible stories in literacy class helped in my life and changed me. I realized that I got peace from Jesus that brings a joy in my life. I got the opportunity to know Jesus deeply during these classes. I learned how to love my neighbors, even love my enemies.”

Protima, 40-year-old mother of four children. She came from a Hindu family, but was interested to know Jesus, and joined in the literacy class in her village church.

• Pray for protection and provision for the participants, as they also strive for stable food, shelter and good health.

• Pray that the yearly monsoon season and the heavy rain it brings would not affect the Bible lessons.



Pre-Primary Literacy


The Bangladesh Bible Society is seeking to reach children with the word of God through a literacy course designed especially for preschool-aged children in the rural and remote areas of Bangladesh. These children are prevented from beginning their education by poverty and distance. When they are older and able to travel, their lack of familiarity with the national Bengali language means attaining literacy is challenging.

The Need

There are more than 165 million people in Bangladesh, and 40% of the population are children. A large percentage of people live in rural areas and do not have the opportunity to go to school and learn to read, because of distance. Furthermore, children are prevented from attending distant schools while still young, so early opportunities to introduce an education are missed.

In Bangladesh, tribal children (including those in the Garo, Santali, Chakma, Marma, and Tripura tribes) all start school in the Bengali language even though they speak in their mother tongue. Some of these tribes do not even have their language in written form, so learning literacy in Bengali is the only option.

There is a need for these students to be taught at a younger age, so that they can gain a basis in education which will help them when they begin their primary school education, or catch up on the studies they have missed due to language difficulties at national schools.


56% people in Bangladesh.

of people in these languages are literate.

40% of the population are children.



Bible Society Bangladesh have begun a literacy program focusing on remote areas where there are children who cannot access distant education and are additionally hindered by poverty. Furthermore, the children who this project will reach are pre-school aged, and are too young to travel to school, so education in their villages is the only viable option. Bible Society’s literacy


class will help them learn basic literacy skills, beginning at four years old. Students will study for up to two years. The classes will begin in 2023, with the first group finishing at the end of 2024 and new students continuing until 2026.

Students will learn to read, recite and write in Bengali, preparing them for formal schooling, which is also conducted in Bengali.

Local church denominations will partner with Bible Society to implement the literacy program.


The total number of people this project aims to impact is 1,500. This project will bring children together in groups to learn to read, equipping them for their formal schooling ahead. It will also allow them to learn to read the word of God.

Prayer Needs

“This program is excellent for the children which I could not have in my [childhood]. Everyone should support to this program.’’

Bishop Philip, Chairman, Talitha Koumi Evangelical Church, Dhaka

• Please pray that God would guide the pastors and lay leaders by his Holy Spirit in this special program for the children in the hills and plain land areas.

• Pray for the facilitators, who will be actively leading the classes

• Also pray for the field supervisors who will supervise several groups.

• Pray for the Bible Society staff who are involved in this children’s literacy program.



Literacy by Listening


Bible Society Cambodia launched The Learning Through Listening literacy project in 2003 to teach people how to read, by reading the Bible. Each year the program empowers non-literate people so they can read the Scriptures for their own personal growth and contribute more effectively to their communities.

The Need

Illiteracy exposes Cambodian people to shame and exploitation and keeps people in poverty. Many of the youth and adult populations of rural Cambodia have not had the opportunity to receive a quality education due to the nation’s history of devastating war and genocide. Teachers are paid very low salaries, particularly in rural areas, where many only teach their students for two hours a day so they can earn additional income elsewhere.

The general literacy level in Cambodia is 80.5 per cent. The most non-literate people in Cambodia are those who are hard to reach (remote populations, ethnic minorities, migrants, and people with disabilities), and this accounts for the slow improvement rate in literacy.

The net enrolment ratio for Primary School students in Cambodia is high (98.2 per cent), but the attendance rate is lower (between 83-85 per cent). United Nations data suggests that only 61.3 per cent of children complete primary school. Secondary school attendance drops dramatically to around 40 per cent.

Additionally, most churches are still quite poor, with an average of 75 per cent of Cambodian church leaders not being paid for their work. Illiteracy continues to block many Cambodian Christians and seekers from accessing the Scriptures for themselves.


the general literacy level in Cambodia.


of students complete primary school (UN data) despite a 98.2% net enrolment ratio.


the adult literacy rate in Cambodia. 70.53% for male and female respectively.



Bible Society Cambodia is partnering with Cambodian churches to offer this literacy training to disadvantaged communities. Each year the program aims to provide literacy skills to a total of 5,000 –6,000 students.

The Literacy program is an audio and Bible based program, running for one-hour, five days a week. A class is made up of 10-15 students who listen to a pre-recorded lesson and work from a provided textbook.

The classes do not require teachers. Instead, Bible Society trains volunteers to facilitate the group. Many volunteers have been through the classes themselves.

Each year the program aims to provide literacy skills to both disadvantaged Christians and nonChristians who have not learned to read or write Khmer. Students who finish the course will receive a New Testament and New Reader Scripture Portions.

Bible Society Cambodia aims to conduct a total of 750 level one classes, and 250 level two classes throughout 2023. As well as the classes, 5 training workshops for new facilitators and 10 graduation ceremonies are planned. Graduates from the literacy course, will be rewarded with a certificate and a New Testament Bible.


Since this project has been running in Cambodia, tens of thousands of previously non-literate people have learned to read. Those who take the class diligently and stick with the program are able to read a simple text after three months.

Students learn to read the Scriptures for themselves and participate more fully in their churches and communities. Churches are also using the program as an outreach to non-Christians.

The social impact of this program is very apparent. Wherever the project is implemented there is less domestic violence and crime, and the relationships between parents and their children improves. People are able to find jobs or start small businesses as a result of following the program. Local authorities covet having the program in their villages, having witnessed the results in other neighbouring communities.

Impact Prayer Needs

“The textbooks contain the words of God, so besides becoming literate, the students also learn about the true God, his word and his love... This literacy program makes it easy to share the gospel. I am keen to see the Bible Society continue helping non-literate people in the rural areas. I believe God will bless our nation and all the volunteers who serve him from their hearts with cheerfulness.”

Pastor Keo

“When I saw the kids are not going to school but working hard in the field or brick factory, it broke my heart. But when I heard about this literacy project of BSC, it convinces me to conduct a class to help those kids learn literature in their free time. Most importantly, they’re learning about the word of God.”

Saly, (class coordinator, Phnom Penh).

• Pray that God will use the program to bring salvation to students and spiritual growth to believers.

• Pray for protection and strength for staff and volunteers as they implement the program.

• Pray that churches will be diligent in recruiting and training new volunteers so that more classes can be offered.

• Pray that God will continue to transform rural communities through the literacy projects.



The Esther Project


Project Esther works to offer support services to young mothers and those who have experienced sexual abuse or exploitation. The project aims to biblically equip young women to develop self-esteem, confidence, and the capacity to build their lives on positive values while overcoming past experiences.

The Need

According to the United Nations, more than 55 per cent of women over 15-years-old in Cameroon have experienced physical violence. Twenty per cent of women report that their first sexual intercourse experience was against their will, especially those who had intercourse before they were 15-year sold (30 per cent). Teenage pregnancy is prevalent as many girls in Cameroon are victims of sexual abuse from a very young age. For fear of stigmatisation and reprisals, they become timid and remain silent. This trauma usually lasts a lifetime and there is a great need for internal healing, restoration, forgiveness, love and reconciliation.

Project Esther aims to offer various channels of support to such women to assist them in navigating challenges and achieving a better future for themselves and their children.

>55% 20%

of women over 15-years-old in Cameroon have experienced physical violence

of women report that their first sexual intercourse experience was against their will



In 2023, the Esther project will offer rehabilitation services to at least 120 teenage mothers who are victims of sexual exploitation through training camps. This will include ministry that focuses on developing self- esteem and confidence, and recognising biblical values as a foundation for a restored and flourishing life.

The camps will offer counselling, spiritual retreats and spaces to share experiences and read the Bible together. Additionally, the project will offer practical support to assist young women to generate an income and help them regain financial independence.

An awareness campaign on the prevalence of sexual abuse will also be conducted for 1,000 adolescents in schools and churches.


Overall, the Esther project aims to impact 1,500 people in 2023.

The Impact will be measured by assessing the following goals:

• Participants discover spiritual values and their own value through biblical teaching about their bodies and their rights.

• Adolescents recognise sexual dangers and choose to lead their lives according to God’s values.

• Young women receive access to rehabilitation services that help them recover from abuse and exploitation trauma.

• Participants gain skills in business opportunities and income generation activities.

• Participants become involved in church activities and reading the Bible.

Impact Prayer Needs

“Before coming to Project Esther, I had a lot of anger in me, a hard bitterness. I was depressed and my thinking was just negative all the time. I discovered forgiveness. It’s good to forgive. We were taught how to let go and how to put our problems in front of God. My emotional trauma has been healed thanks to Project Esther.

“(I also learnt) entrepreneurship. We learned how to make hand sanitiser, how to sew, how to make yoghurt, how to make sheets – all these things to show that women are talented enough and there are things we can do to set up our own enterprise.”

Erline, 21 years old, attended a Project Esther camp in 2021

“I decided to choose the right path of life, take care of my body... to stop despising others, because God created us all at his own image. So, falling in(to) the temptation of (looking down on) others is not good, for we are all special.”

• Pray for the girls and young women of Cameroon who have experienced abuse and exploitation, that they may find healing in the word of God.

• Pray for a changing social environment and legal system that protects young and vulnerable women.

• Thank God that this project is reaching the lives of hundreds of young women who need support.

• Pray that former beneficiaries would begin training up new beneficiaries.



Life Changing Literacy


This project will teach non-literate Podoka and Maga people in Cameroon to read, write and engage in Scriptures through Bible-based literacy classes. Through these classes, many will be spiritually fed and equipped to improve their family and community life.

The Need

Translations of the Bible for the Podoko and Mafa people in Cameroon are well underway. Yet most of the people cannot read or write. While literacy rates in Cameroon are estimated at 77% in the official languages, the literacy rate of the Podokos and Mafas is far lower, at 30.7%. This percentage is even lower in their native languages.

The proximity of the Podoko and Mafa communities to the Nigerian border exposes them to attacks by terrorist group, Boko Haram. Over 600,000 people in Cameroon have been victimised by Boko Haram, with villages looted and villagers abducted or killed. Many have left their villages to find refuge in camps away from the borders. The church in Cameroon wants to encourage the Podoko and Mafa people to stand firm in God despite these challenges and reach out to them with the word of God. Therefore, the church has identified improving literacy rates as an important step in helping these communities strengthen their faith.

30% ~80% ~70%

of general population are non-literate.

of people who speak Parkwa are non-literate.

of people who speak Mafas are non-literate.



This project aims to reach 13,400 people so they may to better engage with the Bible and improve their living conditions.

In 2023, the plan is to run a cumulative total of 398 classes in the year, with 284 teachers and

facilitators, focusing on the Mafa, Parkwa and Kapsiki languages. The team will lead workshops in incomegenerating activities, along with printing 5,000 primers and 3,000 sets of other reading materials. These goals will require capacity-

building training sessions for new teachers to better equip them with the skills to teach the classes effectively.


The impact of this project will be holistic. As well as imparting literacy skills, this project will teach general knowledge on topics such as respecting others, human rights, the harmful effects of violence, and health and sexuality information. This will help Podoko and Mafa communities improve their way of life.

This program makes a great contribution to participants, and not just by teaching them to read and giving them access to the Bible. Testimonies reveal significant benefits across personal, family, professional and social parts of life.

Impact Prayer Needs

“I am already a source of blessing to others today. I could neither read nor write, nothing! Now I read, I calculate, I write. Every evening, we get together with my family and my neighbours. I read the Bible in Mafa, I explain it and we pray together. There is a big change in my life on all levels. Really, thank you.”

• Pray for good implementation of the project and for the spiritual growth of the participants.

• Pray for the teachers, that they will teach effectively and passionately.

• Pray for a climate of security so implementation of the program is not hindered.



Scripture and Literacy


This project provides literacy classes for rural Chinese Christians, allowing greater accessibility to the Bible. The majority of the Christians in China live in rural areas - and a high percentage of them are non-literate or semi-literate. The goal of this project is to help Christians become grounded in the word of God and able to resist false teaching.

The Need

According to the Census in 2020, there are over 37.75 million non-literate people above 15-years-old in China. Of this number, about 75% are women, due to cultural and traditional practices that deprioritise female education.

Most Chinese Christians are among this number and are too poor to receive any form of education. The need for literacy classes is significant. Additionally, improved literacy helps to address the church’s concern over the widespread infiltration of cults found mainly in rural areas. Biblical literacy will help Christians discern between true and false teachings and prevent believers from being swayed by heresies.


non-literate adults in China.


literacy rate (as of 2020 census).


of non-literate adults are women.



In 2023, the hope is to reach 18,000 non-literate people across the Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui, Chongqing, Yunnan and Gansu provinces.

The project will take place in about five provinces, through 340 Literacy classes, with about 50 participants per class. This will mainly include

elderly people and women. The project aims to carry out most literacy classes in Chinese Han. In Yunnan, in addition to Han speakers, they will provide literacy classes in another eight minority languages. This encompasses: West Lisu, East Lisu, Baiyi, Large Flowery Miao, Wa, Gan Yi and Black Yi, and Zaiwa.

They will also encourage 900 minority ethnic people who have recently had a Bible translation completed in their language –including West Lisu, East Lisu, Bai Yi and Wa.


With improved literacy, spiritual growth can be expected for all believers as they are better able to understand sermons and Bible teaching.

Improved literacy also enhances the quality of life experienced in other areas. For example, people can be better informed of developments and changes in policies that affect them and be able to make more informed decisions for themselves.

As a result of the Scripture literacy program, these Christians are motivated to learn basic literacy skills enabling them to understand the Bible. Ultimately, they come to a deeper understanding of God’s love and have a better grasp of the Bible. They also receive a Bible upon graduating from the classes.

Impact Prayer Needs

“Scripture literacy classes not only teach us how to read and write, but more importantly, they also teach us about God’s truth. And God’s truth protects us from the lies of the evil one.”

Yingli, literacy student

“My Grandma is 64 years old. When she was young, her family was very poor and she didn’t have a chance to read or write, so when she knew that the church is starting a literacy class, she signed up immediately! I have been attending the Scripture literacy lessons with my grandmother since the first lesson and I have never missed a single lesson. The instructor would teach the class how to read and write new words and sentences from the Bible.”

Zhao, granddaughter of literacy student

• Pray for the Provincial Christian Council as they work with the local churches to run the Scripture literacy classes.

• Pray that the teachers will be motivated, wise and resilient.

• Pray that participants would learn quickly and be transformed by understanding God’s word.

• Pray for the research efforts for running new classes.

Pray for wisdom for the team, as they respond to the uncertainties of the pandemic situation.



The Light of Literacy


The Children and Adult Post Literacy project aims to build on literary skills in students of all ages and prevent a relapse into illiteracy. This project makes Scriptures available, accessible and affordable to adults and children. Additionally, the project facilitates personal and spiritual development as individuals accept responsibility and take initiative for their ongoing learning.

The Need

The quality of education in Egypt is low on the world scale. Teaching styles can sometimes be rigid; pupil participation is not encouraged enough. Many schools have poor infrastructure. Children often fail to properly learn literacy skills and a lack of practice can cause them to fall back into illiteracy. Those who are nonliterate, often have poor communication skills and difficulties in focusing, listening, and understanding. Without this life skill, opportunities are limited, and personal confidence is also reduced.

This need is greater than ever, as children have missed out on school and church activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

25% 10-15%

of people in Egypt are non-literate.

of the population are Christians.


of children leave Sunday school when they reach secondary school.



The Children and Adult Post Literacy Project has been running for 23 years, with the aim of benefiting the lower socio-economic segment of Egyptian society, particularly in the North. It is continuously recruiting new students and new teachers, seeking to expand into new churches and new areas.

Using a participatory method, the project not only helps the students to develop their reading and writing skills but encourages them to develop personal responsibility and a desire for change. The programs begin with well-known Bible stories

and passages, progressing on to more complex ones. Each student also receives a package containing Scripture portions, exercise books, audio material, games, exercises and activities that contribute to their reading and writing skills.

Operating throughout Egypt, this project is intended predominantly for school children (90 per cent) but also for adults who have just learned to read and write.

Each year, the aim is to impact 10,000 students over a period of 18-24 months. The project will run 700 classes led by 500-800 trained

volunteer facilitators, trained and encouraged by 21 supervisors. The project runs across the country, with a focus on Upper Egypt, and the course teaches Arabic literacy. There are usually 10-15 students per class, and they meet weekly. It takes about a year and a half to two years to go completely through the program, but there is wide variance. All program materials are subsidised to minimise costs and allow for greater participation.


The curriculum follows the philosophy of education by participation, which is very different from the style of learning generally used in Egyptian education system. Learners are encouraged to think for themselves, discuss and participate in the process. The impact of the program is seen as students develop a lifestyle of literacy, ensuring a continuity of learning.

Those who are involved in the program nearly always become involved in the church. Their improved literacy skills make church more meaningful to them, as they are better able to participate and contribute.

Impact Prayer Needs

This literacy program teaches the Participatory Approach wherein students are encouraged to confidently and respectfully disagree and state what they truly think and feel. When asked by the director (with put-on discouraging tone) what he thought of the literacy program, a young student demonstrated he had learnt from the Participatory Approach of the classes, saying in contradiction to his teacher’s tone, “In my opinion, it’s an excellent program.”

• Pray for efficiency and creativity in developing new resources and flexible programs for Bible engagement, especially in the context of the ongoing COVID pandemic.

• Pray for a better understanding of Scriptures for all students who take part in this project.

• Pray for security and a continued increase and growth in the program, despite the political uncertainty and upheaval of the country.



Jesus. All About Life.


Although Kenya is seen as a Christian nation, many Christians have a shallow understanding of their faith, and evangelism is a low priority for a majority of believers and churches. This Easter, in partnership with Bible Society, African Enterprise Kenya is taking the opportunity presented by the season to champion, prioritise and centre evangelism in the local church by running the Jesus. All About Life campaign.

The Need

The lack of sound biblical teaching in Kenya has left many Christians with a very shallow understanding of the core tenets of the Christian faith. Moreover, the widespread emphasis on prosperity gospel and Christian nominalism means that many people have not considered making a personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives.

Evangelism is no longer a priority for a majority of believers and churches in Kenya. If not slowed or stopped, this trend will result to very little or no growth of the church in Kenya in the long run. As individuals and communities continue to grapple with the disruptions brought about by COVID-19, the question of what life is all about is in many people’s hearts and minds.

47.6m 85.5% people in Kenya (2019 census).

of Kenyans are Christian (53.9% Protestant and 20.6% Roman Catholic).


Goals Impact

The main goal of running the Jesus. All About Life campaign this Easter is to encourage Christian believers to keep holding on to Jesus, to practically live out their faith in Jesus Christ, wherever God has placed them, and to actively participate in winning others to him.

This project will primarily focus on empowering the local churches to effectively proclaim the gospel in three sub-counties of Nairobi County (Embakasi, Dagoretti South and Kibra). This project will specifically work with evangelists, lay church leaders and the clergy.

The project will seek to reach as many people as possible with the gospel through various evangelism and discipleship outreach, collaborating with influencers and community leaders to proclaim the gospel and empower the local church for discipleship.

The project will seek to: train local community leaders and pastors in ongoing discipleship; provide young believers with biblical discipleship materials through the local church; train children and youth ministry leaders with effective skills and biblical materials; and to train evangelists with effective digital and marketplace evangelism skills and tools.

Activities of the project will include community sports activities as opportunities for evangelism, radio and television outreach (with evangelistic messages and trained counsellors to pray and answer questions following the broadcasts), outreach activities in the open air, in the street, and door-to-door, outreach activities in selected schools, and audio-visual materials and resources for youth.

Prayer Needs

This Jesus. All About Life project aims to reach 500,000 people. This will include:

• 80,000 people effectively reached with the gospel within the target communities.

• 1,200 pastors and evangelists are trained in stratified evangelism

• 20,000 youth are reached with the gospel through sports and music extravaganzas

• 300,000 people are reached with the gospel through radio and TV broadcasts

• 120,000 people are effectively reached with the gospel in the target areas.

• 80,000 people are reached with the gospel through institutional ministry in target areas.

The impact of this project will be seen in local churches being empowered for on-going evangelism and discipleship outreach, many people brought into the Kingdom of God and enrolled in effective discipleship groups during the forthcoming Easter season, communities transformed by the word of God (resulting in reduced crime and peaceful coexistence), collaboration and partnership amongst different churches and pastors leading to Christian unity.

Thank God for African Enterprise Kenya and their passion to champion, prioritise and centre evangelism in the local church.

Pray that many Christians would be encouraged and challenged to deepen their faith and share Jesus with others this Easter

Pray for the many events which will be organised as a part of the JAAL campaign, that plans would fall into place, logistics would run smoothly, and many would be introduced to Jesus.



Literacy by Listening


This project provides reading skills to people throughout Laos who have missed out on literacy education, contributing to individual and community growth and enabling better interaction with authorities. The literacy program also enables participants to read the Scriptures for their own personal growth and to more actively participate in church life.

The Need

Approximately 84.7 percent of the 7.5 million people in Laos are considered literate. While the enrolment ratio and attendance rate for primary school students is high, secondary school attendance drops radically to around 42 per cent. There is also disparity between the literacy levels of men (90 per cent) and women (79.4 per cent) across the country.

The Lao people group represent 55 per cent of the population and have good access to education. However, the other 45 per cent of the population is composed of ethnic minorities who often live in remote mountain areas. This typically hinders access to education, resulting in a very low literacy rate for minorities. This project aims at reaching out to this neglected population and the underprivileged in Laos.


people in Laos.

45% 20% 40%

of the Laos population are ethnic minorities.

of men in Laos are unable to read or write.

of women in Laos are unable to read or write.



This project has been established as a response to the needs of churches, who wish to teach their non-literate members to read the Bible. This program uses the Bible and a textbook to teach literacy skills, while a local church volunteer conducts the classes, with the help of an audio device that dictates the lessons.

The Laos Partnership within Bible Society is working closely with Bible Society Cambodia on implementing the literacy project. They also work closely with the churches in Laos, who host and run the classes.

Each year the goal is to start 150200 classes with 1,500-2,500 students, in the national language, Lao. There is a currently a long waiting list in local churches for members who want to be part of the program, so the need for more classes is clear.

In 2023, as well as starting new classes, the year will be a time of evaluation. There will be 40-80 classes, with 40-100 facilitators throughout the program. The project will print 900 literary primers, 900 supplementary reading materials,

and 3,300 copies of Scripture materials – including 800 New Testaments, 900 “Stories of Jesus” New Reader Portions, and 1,600 Children’s Portions.

The team will run evaluation sessions to determine the impact of the project and to develop the most appropriate materials for learning.


In recent years, Bible Society has achieved annual a distribution of over 1,500 New Testaments, 6,000 new reader Bible portions and 6,000 children’s Bible portions to those who participate in the classes, and other members of the community who may be impacted by this project in their area.

In 2023, the team plans to meet to develop 10 new Bible stories for the students in Level 1. This will increase the capacity of the project to impact and advance the skills of participants with the Bible.

Significant impact is seen as people from ethnic minorities gain literacy skills. Literate adults are able to read the Bible and become better equipped to contribute to their communities and to church life.

Impact Prayer Needs

“God loved me so much because he has provided me the opportunity to learn how to read and write. I was very sad when I had to leave school after two years of study, in order to work on the farm with my family. I am definitely illiterate. After I received Jesus Christ and came to the church, the Bible Society introduced this Literacy project to our church. I am very grateful that God gives me the chance to learn and soon I will be able to read the words of God.”

Bao, 30, Literacy project student

• Pray for the livelihood of the Laotians, as they are struggling with the impact of COVID-19.

• Pray that the churches and facilitators would inspire the students to attend classes consistently and focus their attention towards learning.

• Pray that churches will be motivated to run literacy programs as part of their outreach to both believers and unbelievers.

• Please pray that local authorities in rural areas will allow classes to take place, as there can be restrictions on Christian activity.



God’s Word for Refugees


Working with humanitarian aid agencies, Bible Society Lebanon is offering hope to refugee children through an interactive drama presentation about reconciliation and orgiveness, based on Bible stories. The presentation — called “Reconcile!” — is accompanied by the distribution of literature which paraphrases Bible stories about reconciliation.

The Need

Lebanon is hosting over 1.5 million registered Syrian refugees, along with Palestinian refugees. Hundreds of aid and humanitarian agencies are struggling to keep up with the refugees’ basic needs. Entire generations are being born and brought up in confined camp facilities with very low hygiene and an absence of social and educational platforms. Children are being brought up amid hate, despair and vengeance. No one is focusing on this negative atmosphere or on helping children to overcome their trauma.

Bible Society has been approached by several humanitarian agencies to provide assistance in entertaining children in the camps, using hopeful and positive strategies as well as appropriate trauma healing techniques. The Bible, the book of hope, will be the source of these presentations in the camps.


Syrian refugees (along with 210,000 Palestinian refugees) are taking refuge in Lebanon.


of Syrian refugee families suffer from food insecurity.


of Syrian refugee families live in overcrowded, endangered, or substandard housing.



The goal of this project is to create a positive atmosphere of reconciliation among refugee children based on the creative presentation of Bible Stories. In addition to this, Bible literature on reconciliation and forgiveness will be distributed in parallel with the performances.


The program also distributes the Arabic Peace and Justice Bible to refugee camp leaders and family heads. The objective is to lessen the negative atmosphere that refugee children and families are currently experiencing, helping them overcome their trauma.

At the start of 2023, the team will spend January preparing the presentation and printing portions of Scripture to share. Throughout the remainder of 2023, they will visit camps and present their programs — sharing portions of the Bible with 100 children at each visit.


This project aims to impact 16,000 people. This will include 15,000 children who will be ‘entertained’ with the creative program on reconciliation and forgiveness, as well as receive Scripture portions with Bible stories on the same topic. In addition, 1,000 camp leaders and heads of families will receive copies of the Arabic Peace & Justice Bible. So far, the project has impacts 4,980 people. It is hoped that this outreach will result in a more positive atmosphere and further ‘entertainment’ opportunities in the camps, and in changed behaviour among the children. Furthermore, it is hoped that the camp leaders and heads of families would come to understand the Christian and biblical values of peace and social justice.

Prayer Needs

“No matter how bad conditions we face, and we feel that we are alone in the forest, and problems overcome us, we must believe that God is with us, and we are not alone and we will overcome difficulties.” - Sham, 10 years old

“I learned from the program that God takes care of us and does not leave us and always searches for us because God is love.” - Roy, 8 years old

“I learned that a person can be disgusting like a worm, but God’s love turns us into a beautiful butterfly.” - Matthew, 9 years old, after participating in a juggling game about a worm that turns into a butterfly

“I learned not to allow bad behaviour to constrain me, and I ask God to help me overcome it and be free from it to serve God freely.” - Hussein, 11 years old, participated in the game of lightness (handcuffs)

• Pray for the children growing up in the unacceptable conditions of these camps.

• Pray for the leaders, that they would facilitate this program and willingly receive the Arabic Peace & Justice Bible.

• Pray that Bible Society’s program will help heal the children’s wounds of trauma.



Literacy for Refugees


This project aims to provide children in refugee communities in Lebanon — and in the underprivileged communities who host them — with a Bible-based literacy course designed to help them back into the formal education system.

The Need

The number of Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Lebanon is now well above two million people. More than 50% of these refugees are aged 17 or younger. Integrating these children into Lebanon’s school system is a challenge, as they face social, economic and bureaucratic obstacles, as well as language difficulties, particularly in Science and Math. Many don’t go back to formal education, because of these difficulties.

Education exclusion has negative implications for social wellbeing and exposes already vulnerable children to greater risks. This lack of education can reverberate for generations; these children will have more difficulty in meeting the physical, economic, social and political demands for reconstructing their countries. According to a study by Human Rights Watch in 2016, more than half of the nearly 500,000 schoolaged Syrian children registered in Lebanon are not enrolled in formal education, with some never having stepped inside a classroom.

50% of Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Lebanon are <17years old.


school-aged Syrian children are not enrolled in school.

45% of project participants can read or write in Arabic.

2% of project participants can read or write in a language other than Arabic.

33% of the population are Christian.



Bible Society Lebanon is seeking to provide these children a safe and loving environment where they can take a literacy course based on Bible stories, to help them get back to the formal education system.

The project involves a three-month program of 2-3 sessions per week, which includes reading Bible stories — and listening to them via a CD —


in a safe and positive atmosphere. There will be 25 students per class, meeting for hour-long sessions. Programs are designed to specifically meet the needs of refugee children; all participants receive their own copies of Scripture along with an audio CD.

In 2023, due to the high demand, Bible Society plans to introduce an

English level 1 curriculum, for those who have successfully achieved the Arabic level 2. 1,000 children will learn the Arabic level 1 curriculum, 1,000 will learn the Arabic level 2, and 2,000 will learn the English curriculum.


Overall, the project has the potential to reach 6,000 people.

Since its beginnings, over 2,200 people have benefitted from this project – with the impact being seen in the improvement in literacy of the children, and in their incentive to read more. It is also seen by the fact that the major Bible stories are common knowledge amongst the students.

A number of participating churches have requested that the program be increased in their local community, demonstrating a strong appetite for these materials and training which enable disadvantaged children to learn more about God’s message.

Prayer Needs

“The Biblical Arabic literacy class is one of the most important and enjoyable programs! Watching videos about how did God create the world, Noah, Abraham… motivate me to focus more on the lesson. After the class, a LOT of information are learned! I feel that I cannot keep them to myself so I share them with my family.”

Siham*, 11 years old.

“I have now the opportunity not only to learn how to read and write but to also know more about Jesus. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, I want to help others and heal them like he did”.

Samir*, 8 years old, Beirut.

*Name changed for security reasons.

• Pray that Bible Society will be able to show God’s love to children who have come from desperate situations.

• Pray that more children will be encouraged and enabled to integrate into the formal education system.

• Pray for those refugees and underprivileged children whose suffering and lack of resources have been dramatically increased by the economic and financial crisis in Lebanon since 2020.



Mother Tongue Literacy


This literacy project seeks to increase the reading population of the Goia, Mann, Dan and Grebo speaking people in Liberia. As well as improving the quality of the people’s lives and their contribution to society, their newfound literacy skills will mean the Bible is available to them ahead of the publication of Scriptures currently being translated into these heart languages.

The Need

Although there has been significant improvement in the literacy rate in Liberia since the reintroduction of a government literacy program in 2005, literacy among the adult population remains a challenge. Unemployment, poor health, and access to educational facilities are factors affecting the growth and development of the country. Seventy percent of the population live on less than US$2 per day. The 48% of the population who are literate are mostly adults in urban communities with school facilities and enrolment opportunities. Due to illiteracy, the Gola, Mann, Dan, and Grebo-speaking people are unable to access the word of God. There is a need for a basic literacy program among this population, which would enable them to read the Scriptures as well as allow them to read other materials that would improve their health, participation and standing in society.


people live in Liberia.

52.4% >557k

of the population are non-literate.

people speak the four target languages of this project, 85% of whom are Christians.



This program seeks to reach adults who missed the opportunity for a formal education during their childhood. The intent is to spread the truth of Scripture with love through a mother tongue literacy program which will positively impact Christian adults in churches and communities.

The goal is to make Scripture available and affordable to everyone, with the belief that literacy arouses hope in society and among individuals who strive for a better life.


The goal is to train 450 adults from four language groups (Gola, Mann, Dahn and Grebo) through this project. Students will also be encouraged to share Bible lessons with their families and contacts, to increase their interest in God’s word, which will in turn promote participation in Church activities. The project will produce instructional materials, train facilitators, and recruit students. The goal is to have between 15-20 students per class and establish ten literacy classes each in five different

locations within each of the four language communities. Students will be taught how to identify, pronounce, read, and write in their language. Students are given homework at the end of every week and instructors will administer regular testing to track individual progress. Classes will run three days a week for 2 hours daily.


The total number of people this project aims to impact is 1,350 over the years of the project. Through this project, underprivileged Gola, Mann, Dan, and Grebo will have the opportunity to learn how to read and write in their local languages. With reading skills, they will be able to understand the Gospel as well as broader life circumstances. It will also increase their participation in church activities and help them grow in Christ.

People who have been neglected by society because they are non-literate, will be able to see themselves as part of the national development process as they contribute to the social, political, religious, and economic development of their country.

Prayer Needs

“I came to know Christ when I was much younger, somewhere in my teens, because we had a church in our village. Blessedly, a foreign missionary woman visited our church and provided some basic things like clothes and food items for us and our parents as she was teaching the good news to us. She always did her teaching alongside an interpreter who, if absent, the teaching would not be held. Because of this, I have always wished to read the Bible myself. The opening of a literacy class in our community has helped me achieve my wish. Now that I can read with understanding and read for others to understand as well, my faith as a Christian had grown. As a traditional midwife, along with some of the doctors and health workers who are literate in the Dan language, I am going to be among the best at the Clinic I am working at. With the help of the literacy program, all my personal records are now kept in the Dan script.”

• Thank God for people like Elizabeth, who have achieved their desire to read the Bible for themselves because of this literacy project.

• Please pray for Bible Society, that the right staff would be found for the implementation of this project.

• Pray for the project partners, teachers and students, that this project would succeed in reaching people with new literacy skills.


Mozambique Literacy for Life


Mission Educate are running a Bible based literacy project designed to teach people to read the Bible and provide basic literacy, numeracy and life skills. It targets those living in impoverished city areas and rural communities who have little access to education and works with churches who have very few literate people amongst their communities.

The Need

Mozambique is considered to be one of the world’s poorest nations with more than 50% of the population living below the poverty line. It is ranked 181 out of 188 nations in the Human Project Development Ranking. According to the UNESCO report of 2015, 44% of the Sofala province and 32% of the population of the Inhambane province are non-literate. Mozambique has a broad expression of religious beliefs, with a significant portion of the population Christian. However, the literacy level in many congregations means that the Bible is not easily read or understood, even by pastors.

#181 44% 32% 64%

out of 188 nations in the Human Project Development Ranking.

of the Sofala province are non-literate.

of the Inhambane province are non-literate.

of the Nampula province are non-literate.



The literacy project targets disadvantaged individuals and families within the Sofala and Inhambane provinces. Literacy classes will be held in community settings with the immediate objective being to provide 546 individuals, both men and women with literacy skills. This will be done by conducting the Literacy project


in 19 groups across three provinces and eight districts.

The success of the project will be measured by an exit assessment of the individual’s literacy competency for each module of the program. Curriculum has been developed and facilitators trained and supported as they teach participants.

In 2021, classes were established in 26 villages across five provinces with 544 students completing the literary program. These students achieved a Grade 3 literacy standard. The project developed an effective pedagogic methodology for the development of literacy, basic numeracy, health and fundamental agricultural skills.

In 2023, the project will run 19 groups across three provinces, directly benefitting 546 participants (501 women and 45 men).

The Literacy for Life Project will transform individuals, families and communities, potentially resulting in 2,750 indirect beneficiaries. Church congregations are expected to be transformed with an increase in literate members who can read the Bible and engage in meaningful Bible discussions, encouraging the formation of personal faith.

Prayer Needs

In 2023, the project will continue to work towards seeing Mozambicans provided with the skills to read and write, and fulfil the plan God has for their lives. The team will employ four full time staff and 19 group facilitators across three provinces. All participants will be presented with their own Bible at the completion of Module One.


“I was happy to know that the literacy project is happening in this location. This was the fulfillment of a dream for all of us, who had been waiting for this wonderful moment for a long time and God used Mission Educate to confirm this dream. Through teaching literacy many ladies and men are acquiring the skills of reading, writing, and maths and also in the knowledge of divine truth. Through this knowledge that they are gradually acquiring, they will benefit the town and also development the district. And in the skills training component, particularly in agriculture and poultry, will save many lives because the participants will apply the knowledge acquired in the appropriate areas for self-support.” - Alberto, head of the town of Nensa in the district of Marromeu.

“I am very happy with the start of the 2022 academic year because I am increasing my academic level; learning some more skills for selfsupport and also learning from God for spiritual growth. I am so happy to receive the teaching material, and to take notes, thus improving my writing. From the day I signed up for the Project until today, my life is gradually changing in all areas such as writing, knowing the alphabet, doing calculations and in-depth knowledge of the word of God.” - Olivia, resident in the district of Homoine.

• Pray for the students and their families that they will learn to read and love God’s word.

• That opportunities will come for graduates to continue education or training or gain employment.

• Pray for a positive relationship with churches and governments.


Myanmar Literacy by Listening


In partnership with churches, the Bible Society of Myanmar is running the ‘Literacy through Listening’ program, which focuses on the Sgaw Karen and Asho Chin ethnic groups as well as the Myanmar native speakers.

The Need

The population of Myanmar is about 54 million, with between 80% - 89% practicing Buddhism. Christians constitute around 6.2% of the population. The government recognizes 135 different ethnic groups and estimates that there are about 200 spoken languages in Myanmar.

While literacy rates across the country have improved dramatically in recent decades, there are still many people who need access to an education in literacy. To date, the government has not encouraged literacy development for ethnic minority groups in their respective mother languages. Myanmar (Bamar), Sgaw Karen and Asho Chin are the focus of this project. Karen people are the largest Christian population and the biggest population among the ethnic minorities. Surprisingly, there are many non-literate Karen communities, particularly in remote areas. Asho Chin communities also experience very low rates of literacy, and have a sizeable Christian population (around 40%).

54m 6.2%

people in Myanmar.

of the population are Christian.


spoken languages in Myanmar.


of Karen population are Christian.



Overall, each year this project hopes to help 2,250 Sgaw Karen people learn to read, write and count. They will mainly focus on raising literacy levels in 100 villages among Sgaw Karen, 50 villages among Myanmar speaking communities and 30 villages among Asho Chin speaking communities.

The project aims to improve literacy rates in these three languages using

audio material, though Scripture portions for new readers, New Testaments and comics will also be made available. Workshops, training sessions and village visits will take place in different communities for an initial period of five years.

In 2023, the goal is to reach 2,250 adults among the Sgaw Karen people in rural areas, through 100 classes. Ten workshops will be held

for 150 new facilitators. January –March will be book and material preparation; April-June will build awareness of the course in the target areas; July-September will be the learning period, and OctoberDecember will be the presentation of certificates of completion.


Eradicating illiteracy will help the people to be able to claim their basic human rights, access Scripture for themselves and gain the knowledge of the Gospel. It is expected that the Karen people will genuinely receive the light of God’s love through the literacy books, as these books are Bible based and contain tasks relating to God’s love. The use of the books will impact students, as they are not only for literacy skills but also for their spiritual growth in the knowledge of God.

So far, the project has impacted 5,000 people.

Impact Prayer Needs

“Because of civil war, I have no chance to study about my own language. Because of this program, I can read, write and speak my language with confidence. I feel so glad and blessed that I can read and write my own language and I also taught my parents how to read, write and sing. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to learn.”

Kyaw*, 16 years old, from a village in the Kyaukkyi township, 2021

“Although I am Karen, I cannot speak and read Karen well. Whenever I think about that I feel so shy... God knows my feeling and HE open the door for me to learn Karen language... Because of this class I can read and write our mother language. Now I can know the meaning and pronunciation exactly and deeply. Whatever I learn from this class I will share to our next generation. I am deeply thankful to God for giving me this opportunity...”

Wah*, from a Karen village

*Name changed for security reasons.

Please pray that this literacy program will be well established in the rural villages and accepted by the people.

Please pray also that this project will play a vital role in bringing the Gospel to those searching for truth.

Pray for safety and wellbeing of the Bible Society staff and local facilitators.

Pray for the country’s leaders and authorities as they navigate political situations and the COVID-19 pandemic.


Northern Ireland

The Bible for All


As a part of World Day of Prayer 2022, Bible Society Northern Ireland (BSNI) began implementing a Whole Family Bible Engagement plan, which helps to bring children, young people, families and individuals closer to the Bible and therefore closer to faith in Jesus. Churches are supported by this project to engage with their members, encouraging family Bible reading, and helping adults come to terms with changes and loss from COVID-19.

The Need

Northern Ireland is still a very divided place after decades of conflict, which many blame on religion. Also, although the number of people identifying with a Christian denomination is higher than in other parts of the UK (In 2011, 42% identified as Protestant, and a similar number as Catholic), often identity and religion are intertwined without necessarily involving church attendance or faith. Despite the focus of some organisations on Bible engagement, the levels of Biblical literacy in Northern Ireland – especially amongst young people – are declining. There is a unique opportunity for Bible Society to work across denominations with the Bible, and other engagement resources, to help bring more unity to Christians and society.


people in Northern Ireland.


of Northern Irish people identify as Catholic (as per 2011 UK census).


identify with Protestant Christianity.


stated they have no religion or did not state a religion, and members of non-Christian religions were 0.8%.



In 2022, BSNI began actioning a three-year plan to engage children and families across Northern Island. The project aims to sign up 1,000 babies each year for their Bibles for Babies project, to receive Bibles, Birthday cards and other resources on their birthdays, up until their 5th year.

A family Bible engagement resource, ‘52 journeys through the Big Story of the Bible’ was collated into a printed volume for families. It is anticipated that 100 copies of the book will be sold each year, giving families helpful activities and content.

Adults within churches will be connected through the small

group ‘Lament’ resource, which helps participants pause, reflect, lament, mourn and learn from their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is hoped the Lament small group resource will reach 100 people per year.


The total number of people this project aims to impact over eight years is 20,000. By reaching people with Bibles and other resources in their homes, communities and churches, the impact of this project will be in beginning healthy Bible reading habits amongst children, young people, families and individuals, which will in turn impact society in the longer term. Additionally, it is hoped this project will help bring about more collaboration between denominations in Northern Ireland. Since its beginning in 2022, the project has impacted 4,000 people.

Impact Prayer Needs

“We are a Christian family who read the Bible with our little girl every night but have been in a tight financial period, so we greatly appreciate this Bible for her and see it as God’s provision for us.”

Recipient of The Bibles for Babies project

“I learned about Bibles for Babies from reading the magazine and thought about Psalm 119:105 and Proverbs 22:6. I was brought up in church with hymns from an early age with hymns and a lot of the lyrics are embedded in a child’s mind. The word needs to be embedded in a child’s mind from an early age as most people will come to faith as children. Overall, I just think it’s brilliant! I love coming once a month on a Thursday! You feel you’re doing something useful and reaching out to others. When I’m packing the Bibles and writing the birthday cards, I pray for the babies and the adults who will be receiving them.”

Jean M., volunteer

• Pray that all people, young and old, would be impacted by the Bible and develop and grow in Bible reading habits.

• Pray that the Lament program would help people deal with all that has happened during the pandemic, as they prepare for the future.

• Pray for greater awareness of the Bible Society NI and its work within churches across Northern Island.



Light through Literacy


Bible Society Pakistan established this literacy program in 2014 and have been providing Bible-based literacy classes for non-literate Pakistani women since then. Bible Society believe that if a woman is taught to read and write, she becomes a ‘beacon of light’ to her community, with the word of God.

The Need

The current literacy rate for women in Pakistan is one of the lowest in the world, largely due to the social structure that suppresses women’s rights. Without the basic skill of reading and writing, social and economic opportunities are limited for women.

Women’s literacy rates vary throughout the country — from 60+ per cent in the capital city of Islamabad, to less than 20 per cent in some rural areas. Overall, millions are lacking this life skill. Christian women, who mostly live in these rural areas and slums, most likely lack basic literacy skills.

Being a non-literate typically leads to further marginalisation in households, workplaces, and communities. Non-literate women in Pakistan are often restricted to inferior positions at work and an inferior social standing.

non-literate adults in Pakistan.

of the population are women.

women literacy rate

>58m 52% 64% 34%

literacy among Pakistani Christian women



The program teaches women the skills to read, write and understand the Bible, leading to spiritual growth and development for themselves and their whole family. These women are then equipped to impact their communities and encourage the next generation of girls towards education. These women will also be empowered in their daily spiritual lives by being able to read and Open The Bible to their families and communities.

In 2023, this project aims to

empower 3,500 - 4,500 women with reading, writing and numeracy skills (such as being able to correctly calculate the wages owed to them, being able to accurately pay utilities bills on time, etc.). This project aims to organise 300 centres throughout the country, training 300 teachers, with an average of 20 students per class.

In 2023, a Teachers Training and Refresher course will be held before starting the classes in February. The classes will run for 9 months,

culminating in October 2023.

The project also plans to begin a Program Evaluation via an external organisation in the hope that this will see areas of improvements and ways to scale up the project.

The project will also be distributing Bibles, Scripture portions, a Christian syllabus as well as certificates as awards for the literacy graduates.


Since it began in 2014, there have been 52,174 women who have graduated from the literacy program. Since the average family consists of 5 people, the impact of the project so far is around 260,870 people.

This project primarily impacts Christian Pakistani women who live in a country where their Christian faith is not always welcomed. Equipping this target group will strengthen Christian families and will empower women to develop spiritually and take on the mandate to reach others, beginning with their families.

The Church in Pakistani is very active in this project, and fellowship among churches — especially among newly literate women who are church members — are developing through this project. Bible Society Pakistan also reports that the women’s capacity as leaders is developing through this project.

Impact Prayer Needs

“One day, our pastor announced that literacy classes for women are starting in the Church compound. My daughters and I joined the classes and now we are able to read the Bible,” says Razia, a 65-year-old mother of 8 children from Peshawar. Since Raiza and her daughters’ literacy journey, they have been reading the Bible at home and have even taken the opportunity to read the Bible in their church pulpit.

• Pray that program participants will quickly embrace the new teaching available to them, and be impacted by God’s word.

• Please pray that partner churches will continue to respond positively to the program and have an impact in their community.

• Pray for wisdom and for the safety of Bible Society staff working on this project.



Literacy and Reconciliation


With this project, BSA’s mission partner, African Enterprise, are seeking to address emerging issues linked to a declining commitment to Christian faith, and a resultant decline in moral and ethical foundations. It will do so by addressing the problem areas of basic literacy, Bible literacy, and healing and reconciliation through biblical principles.

The Need

Rwanda is a densely populated (with 12 million people), land-locked country, in east-central Africa. Despite dramatic progress in reducing poverty and lifting living standards in the last three decades, Rwanda still ranks 160 out of 189 countries according to the Human Development Index. Thirteen per cent of young people below 24 are functionally non-literate. While it’s been decades since the genocide, the trauma of that period is still very close to the surface. The children born during the genocide are now adults, and many are confused by the differing narratives around the massacres and reconciliation processes. Former prisoners, who were jailed for their involvement in the genocide, are now being released back into the community. Many people are struggling with revived feelings of pain, vengeance and retribution. Social cohesion is elusive.


people in Rwanda.


out of 189 countries according to the Human Development Index.


of young people below 24 are functionally non literate.



Now in its third year, this project aims to improve the literacy skills of young people through intensive study of various resources and materials focusing on healing and reconciliation, including Bible-based resources. Five specific groups are being targeted in this project: school students and out of school youth; teachers; parents; pastors and grassroots leaders.

In 2023 the project will: reach 10,400 school children, 3,840 out of school youth, 67 parents and 22 community leaders on healing and reconciliation. It aims to build the capacity of 55 pastors and 40 youth church leaders to promote activities of improved literacy; along with educating 44 teachers on how to conduct reconciliation education.

It also aims to educate 164 peer leaders to be facilitators of reconciliation; facilitate the mainstreaming of Bible based programs on healing and peacebuilding; and increase the knowledge of the word of God through use of Scripture-based reconciliation instruction materials, New Testament, and other Christian books.


Through enhancing biblical knowledge at primary and secondary schools, along with parental and teacher training support, the project will facilitate healing of wounds and restoration of relationships, with God, among individuals and ultimately entire communities. The impact of this will be demonstrated by surveys, reports, literacy tests and decreased violence between the Hutus and Tutsis.

More specifically, among the youth, there is a reduction in genocide ideology, increased reconciliation between the two people groups and improved literacy and analytical skills. For teachers, they have gained confidence in transmitting the message of peacebuilding and reconciliation. Parents exhibit a greater understanding of the foundations of repentance and forgiveness and provide guidance to their children. And for pastors and leaders, their ability to objectively approach division in their congregations has improved, and they show active participation in the peacebuilding, healing and reconciliation program. Since its beginning, the project has reached 19,602 students/youth, who were direct and indirect beneficiaries, having their literacy skills improved through education in reconciliation.

Impact Prayer Needs

“Joining the peace building and reconciliation community-based club in Kayonza District, Rukara Sector has been one of the best and greatest decisions I have made in my entire life because it has changed my beliefs, restored my confidence and self-esteem, and helped me view people as friends and not as threats. I can now say I live in harmony with my neighbours and the public generally.”

Sehene Ignace, a father of three.

“For us, we see this project bringing impact among the young people who will grow with it and become the agents of change in the community. We were empowered through training, and we were given resources and teaching guides that we are using to teach students in the class setting and have started to see how students are growing in critical thinking.”

Claudine, a head teacher.

• Please pray for the staffing, resources, gatherings and logistics of this large-scale project.

• Pray that the on-ground partnership between African Enterprise Rwanda and Bible Society of Rwanda will be strong, cohesive and collaborative.

• Pray that all involved will model the Christian principles of forgiveness, peace-building, kindness and grace that they are wanting to sow into these young people’s lives.



Jesus. All About Life.


In partnership with Bible Society, African Enterprise (AE) Rwanda is planning to empower local churches in running the Jesus. All About Life campaign this Easter. This project aims to mobilise churches to reach out to their communities with the Easter message through cultural, community and arts events.

The Need

Although it is 28 years since the genocide against the Tutsi happened in Rwanda, the scars are still noticeable among many Rwandans. There is an ongoing questioning of the culpability of the church in the violence, since it is estimated that as many as 90% of the Rwandan population was Christian at the time of the genocide. Many people are still caught up in questioning the love and sovereignty of God.

While many Rwandans profess to be Christians, many are just church goer nominal Christians. Most churches are inward looking and have lost evangelistic zeal to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ. There is a need among Rwandans to understand the importance of Christian faith which brings about a change of heart and behaviour, a more-than-nominal faith in a God who is sovereign yet has given people the freedom to choose the way they live.


Rwandans died in 100 days during the genocide of 1994.

of Rwandans professed Christian faith at the time of the Genocide.

of Rwandans identify as Christians in 2021.

90% 93% >12.6m

people live in Rwanda.


Goals Impact

The goal of this Jesus. All About Life (JAAL) project is to raise awareness of Jesus Christ and the relevance of his teaching in today’s modern world, by mobilizing Christian churches to re-engage with their local community through cultural, community and arts events. For the effective implementation of the JAAL campaign activities, AE Rwanda will target churches and evangelistic organisations to work with.

In 2023, this project aims to:

• Train 300 pastors, 300 young evangelists, 30 Prison Fellowship chaplains, 100 selected teachers and youth leaders on home-based and street evangelism, as well as follow up of new believers using the Jesus. All About Life materials.

• Reach 10,000 people through sports activities

• Reach 100,000 people in Kigali City, secondary and satellite cities

• Reach 50,000 students

• Evangelise 700,000 people through mass media — radio programs

The goal is to reach people living in Kigali City as well as the cities of Muhanga and Huye (Southern Province), Rusizi and Rubavu (Western Province), Rwamagana and Nyagatare (Eastern Province), Musanze in the Northern Province, and the satellite cities (Kirehe and Kayonza).

To resource the campaign, AE Rwanda will look facilitate the translation of the JAAL materials into the local language - Kinyarwanda. Materials and Bibles will be distributed to Pastors, evangelists, Sunday school teachers and facilitators so that they can use them during the JAAL activities, and thereafter.

Prayer Needs

The Jesus. All About Life (JAAL) campaign will give quiet Christians the motivation to share their faith. This campaign is intended to serve as a healing tool for Rwandans who have experienced trauma; the celebration of Easter emphasises themes of forgiveness, hope, faith, and a new chapter for a better future.

It is expected that at least 10,000 people among the beneficiaries will receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of their lives. The trained pastors, young evangelists and facilitators will use the skills to disciple the young believers and continually reach out to other community members with evangelistic messages. In addition, it is hoped that about 60,000 Christians will change their practice and perception of evangelism as an event-based activity to a lifestyle practiced by every Christian.

• Pray that the many Rwandans who are nominal Christians would experience the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

• Pray that the many Rwandans who suffer from the scars of the genocide and other challenges of life – like the impact of COVID – would know that God does love them and cares for them.

• Thank God that African Enterprise are burdened with helping people experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by receiving him as Lord and Saviour of their lives. Pray that their work would be blessed, and that many would come to know the eternal love of God, which does not change with circumstances.



Re-engaging Faith


This project is planning and implementing Bible reading opportunities and community building activities to re-engage Slovenians in church attendance and their Christian faith in a post-Christian environment.

The Need

Slovenia is a country seeing increasing secularisation, as well as a lack of priests in the Catholic Church. Although the Catholic Church has 70% of the population’s adherence, it is mostly nominal — there is a decline in attendance in Catholic parishes throughout Slovenia, further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As well as a decline in attendance, within the churches there is a lack of programs for engaging people with the word of God. While the priests are looking for different approaches to pastoral work, there is a growing need to systematically introduce believers to reading God’s word. There are many traditional Christians who would like to deepen their faith and engage with the Bible, but they don’t know how. Simple discipleship activities are needed to involve lay people at the heart level, helping them to strengthen their faith in facing the challenges of everyday life.

70% ↓6% 90%

of Slovenians are nominally Catholic.

of Catholic population between 2009 and 2019.

of 70 parishes surveyed indicated a desire to be a part of Bible Society’s Bible reading programs.



This project aims to build on the foundation laid by Bible Society’s Bible Reading Marathon project which began fourteen years ago and has become known in all dioceses in Slovenia. Many parishes (in 2022 more than 50) organise mini-Bible reading marathons.

The goal of this project is to respond further to these groups, who need accompaniment and occasional encouragement for engaging with the Bible. This project will create and implement programs to help parish groups enter into everyday life with God’s word.

Bible Society will help to introduce a regular reading of God’s word by helping priests and other Catholic pastoral lay workers to form small Bible reading groups/communities, where people can actively engage with the word of God, learn to apply it to their daily lives and share it with their friends.

Specifically, this project will: provide first contact with the word of God through the Bible Reading Marathon, and other mission outreach; expand the engagement with the Scripture in Bible reading groups/ communities and encourage a daily

encounter with God’s word; train and support leaders/facilitators of the groups; raise up contact people in the parishes who will liaise with Bible Society; and finally, promote Bible Society’s special Journaling New Testament in parishes and general public with the intention of introducing its Scripture engagement materials.


This project is aiming to impact 7,500 people between January – December 2023. The impact of the project will be seen in an increase of regular Bible reading, indicated by growth of groups dedicated to regular Bible reading. The impact will also be seen in a readiness to organise Bible related events in parishes, such as subscribing to a mini marathon or Bible Sunday.

Impact Prayer Needs

“Thank you for the wonderful and special energy that this Bible Marathon emanated. It moved me and made me remember my grandmother and the values we learned from the Holy Bible. Truly a unique experience.” - Daniela

“Several times during the week (during the day, as well as late in the evening or early in the morning) I listened for a short time to the live broadcast on YouTube. It was really great to watch countless young and old faces read the word of God. I think that Slovenians have shown in this way that the Bible means a lot to us. What we need now is the next step which is to respond to what we have read and live accordingly!” - Gregor, a listener and a reader in one of the Bible Marathon groups on YouTube

Please pray to find the right volunteers who would be willing to devote their time to take on the responsibility as group leaders.

For the parish priests to be receptive and to recommend this initiative to others.

For Bible reading groups to be formed among priests themselves, which would help them in finding new approaches to share the Gospel.

Please pray for the young people who are open but lack perseverance to form regular Bible reading groups.


South Africa

Hope for Prisoners


In a country that is desperate for change, Bible Society is working with World Hope Ministries to offer hope with God’s powerful word in some of South Africa’s darkest places — its prisons. The objectives of this project are for prisoners to engage with the Scriptures through lessons on practical issues of Christian life.

The Need

South Africa has suffered extreme poverty, violence, and a history of racism. Almost 22% of South Africans (over 12 million people) live in extreme poverty, living on less than US$2.34 a day and unable to afford basic nutritional requirements. South Africa has the world’s 12th highest number of prisoners, outranking countries with nearly five times its population. There are a total of 240 prisons countrywide, with approximately 164,000 inmates at any given time. The prison population remains overwhelmingly overcrowded, with more than 45,000 inmates without proper accommodation. Most of the prisoners have never owned a Bible and have a great need to hear the transformative message of God’s love. In addition to this, there’s an opportunity to reach out to Department of Correctional Services (DCS) Officials, who experience many challenges and among who there is a high suicide rate.

22% 45k

of South Africans (over 12 million people) live in extreme poverty.

prison inmates without proper accommodation.



In South African prisons, the aim is to reach 4,000 prisoners and 1,000 DCS Officials in 2023 in over 50 prisons.

The Bible Discipleship course will be run both in person and by correspondence, teaching inmates the love of God and help with their


rehabilitation. Upon completion of the course, participants receive a Bible in their own language.

Alongside this, World Hope Ministries also reaches out to DCS Officials, making time to encourage DCS officials in their spiritual life as they promote the Biblical

Lives are changed through this program, as prisoners receive the opportunity to understand the forgiveness and mercy of Christ. For many, their hope has been restored in God, in man, and in themselves. Many also begin to seek restoration with their families and ask forgiveness from those they have affected by their actions.

Prayer Needs

Discipleship materials.


Charlie received a small Good News Bible from Bible Society while he was in prison. “My comfort was only like King David’s, when he says, “I become comforted only through the word of God.” Now a free man, Charlie willingly goes back to prison to give hundreds of other inmates what he freely received. He has become a facilitator for the Discipleship Courses, visiting some of South Africa’s most notorious prisons several times a week. “If I can see only one soul change and be like what I am today, then I can praise God for that,” he says.

• Praise God for the opportunity to enter South African prisons and preach God’s word. Thank him that prisons are open to their inmates receiving the Bible and learning from it.

• Pray for course facilitators, that they may be wise in leading prisoners to the Lord.

• Pray that lives will be changed in South Africa’s prisons, that eyes and ears will be opened to the word of God.


South Africa

God’s Word for Kids


In a country that is desperate for change, Bible Society is working with World Hope Ministries to offer hope with God’s powerful word in South Africa’s schools. The objectives of this project are to engage children with the Bible Memory Verse calendar, challenging them to commit God’s word to heart.

The Need

South Africa has suffered extreme poverty, violence, and a history of racism. Almost 22% of South Africans (over 12 million people) live in extreme poverty, living on less than US$2.34 a day and unable to afford basic nutritional requirements.

Education is critical for the development of the country, but the system is experiencing real challenges. Many primary school students, especially in disadvantaged areas, cannot read or perform basic addition. More than 80% of students from disadvantaged beginnings will not reach the highest level of school. In poor areas of South Africa (about 50% of the population) children are not exposed to literacy in their earliest years.

22% >80%

of South Africans (over 12 million people) live in extreme poverty.

of students from disadvantaged beginnings will not reach the highest level of school.


of children not exposed to literacy in their earliest years.



The project will reach primary and high school children by distributing Bible Memory Verse Calendars across the region.

In January, the calendars will be distributed. In April the schools will be followed up and given guidance

in motivating students to continue to memorize the Bible Verses, which will be repeated in August after school exams.

In October, Awards Ceremonies will be held to reward those who’ve participated and recited the Bible

Verses with a Certificate and a Bible, and with a Special Gift for those who’ve said the most verses fluently.


In schools, the project can impact over 8,000 students, along with their teachers, families and community. Connecting with 10 schools as they participate in the Bible Memory Verse Calendar Program, the project encourages individuals involved and helps them grow in their faith.

Impact Prayer Needs

“It has truly been an honour to share the Gospel with so many young people in Secondary and Primary Schools. Most of the students in these schools come from marginalised and underprivileged communities, and we were warned about unruly behaviour from those practicing witchcraft and substance abuse. Despite this, the students sat quietly and respectfully as we shared with them. So many of them were impacted by what we had to share and allowed us to lead them through a prayer of salvation. Many also requested personal prayer for themselves and family members. The light shines brightest in the darkness!”

• Pray that lives will be changed in South Africa’s schools, that God’s words would reach deep into the hearts of children, and remain there throughout their lives.


South Sudan

Literacy for Shilluks


This literacy project aims to bring growth and reconciliation to people in South Sudan — one of the world’s most troubled nations. By providing Bibles to Shilluk Christians in their native language and offering literacy classes, this project will give Christians the ability to read and put into practice the word of God.

The Need

Since they received their independence in mid-2011, social unrest, armed conflicts, tribal disputes and other challenges continue to impact the daily lives of the South Sudanese. Only 34.5% of South Sudanese are literate (according to a 2018 Global Report on Literacy). With 70 major ethnic groups — each with its own language — only 1 out of 10 women and 3 out of 10 men are able to read in any language. The Shilluk people in particular (of whom about 45% are Christian) were badly affected by the conflict of the civil war. Illiteracy concerns mostly women above the age of 15.

It is in this context that the Bible Society considers this literacy project a priority. A focus on adult literacy is crucial for many areas of life: reading the Bible, learning basic rules of sanitation for their homes, selling or buying in a marketplace, and helping children with schooling at home.


of South Sudanese people are non-literate.

1 in 10

women are able to read.

3 in 10 men are able to read.

45% of Shilluk people are Christian.


Collo speakers in South Sudan.



The goal of this project is to enable Shilluk churches to help the nonliterate communities around them to read and understand the word of God and thereby empower them to receive the message of love, hope and reconciliation in the context of a troubled world.

Overall, the project aims to reach 5,000 learners, with each graduate reaching 10 non-literate fellow family members, friends and neighbours.

In 2023, the goal is to teach 1,000 students (500 women, 200 men and 300 children). The team will

print 315 literacy primers, 100 supplementary reading materials and 305 Scripture materials to share. It is hoped that in imparting literacy skills, they will be able to improve their family health, be able to read the Bible for themselves and participate in both church and social activities.


It is hoped across the life of this project the whole Shilluk people group, 1.5 million people, will be impacted.

It is anticipated that literacy will have a great impact on the Shilluk people, including helping people to learn how to build better relationships and minimize conflicts between communities.

Being able to access the Bible themselves will help Christians to become an example to others when it comes to reconciliation and living in harmony, for the rebuilding of their nation. The word of God has power to bring healing for the many who have lost loved ones in the conflict, who may be living with bitterness and hatred.

Impact Prayer Needs

“Before I was not confident enough to participate in singing and reading of the Bibles, because I could not read and write. But now after joining literacy class, I have gained confidence in serving my Lord by joining the choir and reading of the Bible to the congregation. I can read the Bible to my family and pray to God with full understanding of his word.”

Monique*, just one of the many who has benefited from the literacy class by the Bible Society in South Sudan

*Name has been changed to protect identity.

• Pray for those who will take the step to begin literacy classes.

• Pray for the volunteers — that volunteer numbers would increase and that these people would be equipped to teach effectively.

• Pray for peace and reconciliation in South Sudan.


Sri Lanka Literacy for

the Young


Each year, the Ceylon Bible Society aim to run literacy classes through the network of churches and Christian organisations in Sri Lanka, especially in rural, slum and undeveloped areas. These classes increase the access to the Scriptures for those who are uneducated and neglected in the undeveloped areas of Sri Lanka.

The Need

Despite the official literacy rate for Sri Lanka — 92.3% in 2019, in a population of 21.4 million people — there are still a significant number of people in rural areas, slums, undeveloped areas and among ethnic minority groups who do not have proper access to education. These include street children, children and youth in orphanages, underprivileged children, disabled children, those growing up in slum areas and poor children growing up in rural areas who don’t even have their basic needs met. The financial crises of 2022 have increased the needs of the people, with 28% of the population facing food insecurity and the poverty rate doubling in the last year. Churches have been trying to reach out to children and young people who have some literacy, but struggle in reading and writing in their mother language. Yet the churches have lacked a systematic approach and have approached Bible Society asking for assistance.

21.4m 1.25m

people living in Sri Lanka.

adult non-literates in Sri Lanka.


of people are Christians.



The goal of this project is to provide reading, listening and writing skills to non-literate youth and children, so they can access Scripture for their own personal growth, as well as contribute to the development of their communities. Planned over three years, the project’s focus will be on young people who have little access to education, and to young people helped by churches to improve

their literacy skills, so they can read the Bible for themselves.

The classes will be run in the Sinhala and Tamil languages and include reading Scripture through simple Bible stories (both printed and digital), explaining stories from the Bible and Christian books, and covering simple teachings of Jesus, Gospel parables, songs and other audio material.

In 2023, the plan is to develop Bible Society’s materials based on the experience and lessons learned from the pilot programs in 2022. There will also be Training and Capacitybuilding workshops for 25 teachers each year, so they can have a clear idea of what and how they teach the children.


At the end of this project, the Ceylon Bible Society expects to have impacted 1,200 beneficiaries.

Utilising the newly revised materials in the weekly 2-hour classes, facilitators will be able to target and serve 800 students per year.

Impact Prayer Needs

“This literacy class that the Ceylon Bible Society is conducting is a great blessing to our Church. Most of the children in our church are unable to read and write. From this literacy class, we can find such children in our church. God has given us a blessing to find such students and make their future brighter.“

Jagath, Pastor of the Gospel Tabernacle Church

“On the first day, the teachers taught me how to read and write letters. From the very first day, I felt that participating in this class will be beneficial to my future...After learning to read and write, my ambition in life is to become a good businessman.”

Literacy student, 2022

• Pray for the people who are suffering due to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka, as poverty rates doubled in 2022 and many people face food insecurity.

Pray for enough trained people to facilitate the literacy classes.

• Pray for the Bible Society Literacy team as they travel through the country, training and implementing the program.

• Pray for the protection of participants and their families, as the area is often at risk of natural disaster.


Sri Lanka

E-Bible For Children


In line with digital trends, the Ceylon Bible Society (CBS) is producing an E-Bible for children. This will assist children in Sri Lanka to learn God’s word, via digital platforms. This project will reach children in Sri Lanka who spend a lot of time online and will encourage people of faith.

The Need

Children are used to reading on tablets, laptops and desktop computers for their hobbies, entertainment and education. There is a growing demand for tools and formats — electronic access — to the Scriptures on the most common platforms (mobile, the web). Online users have a need for interaction with other similar minded people, which can in turn grow into real (‘offline’) community building.

With this project, CBS is integrating digital technology into their mission, helping children engage with the Scriptures using electronic media.

52.6% ↑528k

Sri Lanka’s internet penetration rate, of the total population at the start of 2022.

internet users in Sri Lanka (+4.9%) between 2021 and 2022.



This project aims to facilitate Bible engagement for children aged 9 to 15 by developing and implementing digital tools. It will make the Bible available for junior members of the Bible Society, train Sunday School teachers on the use of the E-Bible for use in Sunday School, and in the

process, reach children in Sri Lanka with God’s word. All three languages of Sri Lanka — Sinhala, Tamil and English — will be catered for.

In 2023, the team plans to format the E-Books in English, Tamil and Sinhala by the end of the first quarter. Then, after promoting the

E-Books through social media and the website, the E-Books will be published in December 2023.


This E-Bible will reach up to 2,500 children when the three years of the project are complete. In 2023, the total number it will impact is 500, through promoting the E-Bible on digital platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and CBS’ website.

Impact Prayer Needs

This project will help parents like Tanya support their children to enjoy God’s word. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for electronic access to the Scriptures has increased. Having access to the Christian E-books means that Tanya and her children can read more online, engaging in God’s word and strengthening their faith.

• Pray that this project would truly help Christian children and encourage them to share God’s word and apply it in their lives.

• Pray that God’s word would reach other children in Sri Lanka who spend a lot of time online, and that it would speak to them powerfully.

• Pray for God’s wisdom for the developers of the E-Bible.


Syria Trauma Healing


The purpose of this project is to provide Trauma Healing Seminars to equip local churches to run their own Trauma Healing Centres. These churches will in turn be able to reach out to their communities and support people dealing with the experience of trauma. This project, which began in 2016, will use a new improved curriculum based on their experience with trauma counselling, which is suitable for different kinds of trauma as well as different age groups.

The Need

More than eleven years of war have inflicted immense suffering on the Syrian people. Most people in Syria are suffering from some form of trauma, Christian Syrians in particular. Due to violence and conflict in the country as well as increasing Islamic fundamentalism, the number of Christians in Syria has decreased from around two million before the war began in 2011 (10% of Syria’s population) to less than 1 million. There is a high demand for trauma-healing programs in communities, both among Christian and non-Christians. The aim of this project is to act as a catalyst and an encouragement to all groups, regardless of religious background or political affinity.

In the past three years the humanitarian crisis has been compounded by an unprecedented economic downturn, triggered by a number of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic. It is hoped that the traumahealing training program will equip people and promote individual and family restoration.

On February 6, 2023, towns in northwest Syria were close to the epicentre of a 7.8 Richter earthquake in southern Turkey and witnessed massive devastation. Other areas of Syria including the cities of Aleppo, Lattakia and Hama recorded significant impacts, including lives lost and building collapses. Before the earthquake, north-western Syria already had more than 4 million people relying on humanitarian assistance.


Christians in Syria (From around 2 million in 2011 before the war began).

90% 6.9m

of families in the country live in poverty, while more than 50 per cent are food insecure.

people are internally displaced within Syria.


children were out of school (late 2022), and 1.6 million at risk of dropping out.



The main goal of Bible Society in Syria is to reach out to people with a message of hope and life. This project began in 2015 with the goal of creating a network of 500 trained personnel, who would impact 6,000 family members in all parts of Syria over the nine years of the project. The Trauma Training Seminars are run in cooperation with specialists to train personnel in various types of trauma therapy for diverse age groups. Once trained, the specialists work with various organisations and monastic orders in the field of trauma in different parts of Syria.

This project aims to see rehabilitation, healing and developing mental health in Syria. It will aim to be a continuous investment in good spiritual and mental health among those born just before the war and during the war. It aims to see the churches turned into places where people come for healing. The highest goal is to reconnect people with God through his healing power and his healing word.

In 2023 the program will:

• select, train, equip and empower highly motivated specialists,

• follow-up with the newly trained

specialists and help them use their newly acquired skills,

• developing psycho-social manuals for the different kinds of trauma which arise as a result of the Syrian war, and the devastating earthquake in February,

• continue supporting the Trauma Centres based in churches around Syria,

• continue to look for more people within the church in slightly neglected areas of the country to be trained in the Trauma Healing Seminars, and support the many existing volunteers.


The impact of this project will be seen in how it 1) equips leaders in the trauma healing field; 2) brings about changed behaviour in traumatised families; and 3) changes the atmosphere of communities and encourages hope for the future.

Over the years of the project, it has been proved beyond doubt that those receiving training have increased hope and confidence, not only through the material they learn from, but also from the healing and comforting word of God that Bible Society distribute to all trainees in the training seminars. Another identifiable impact is the resulting network of relationships between Bible Society and the various institutions inside and outside Syria.

In 2023, the aim is to have at least 200 new committed trainers to equip others to facilitate trauma-healing therapies. Through this project 300 Children will be reached through trauma-healing group camps, while another 200 individuals will receive trauma-healing sessions with trained psychologists. The total number of people this project aims to impact is 6,000.

Impact Prayer Needs

• Pray for the trainers, trainees, and participating families.

• Pray for the leaders to facilitate this program with wisdom.

“As we started up our Trauma Healing Ministry we didn’t know where it would take us. It’s been a tearful experience going through the deepest of valleys together with the most precious people who have suffered so much....we want to thank Jesus with all our hearts for having been with us and the many who have been with us in “the darkness of the valley”....We couldn’t have continued for (seven) intensive years without Jesus being there in all our seminars giving strength to us all and giving healing to us all.”

Nabil, a former Bible Society Syria staff member.

Pray for some political stability to enable us to complete the program successfully.



Bible in High Schools


Three Anglican Dioceses in Tanzania are running a program to promote and support the teaching of the Bible Knowledge subject in secondary schools, and to provide all the teaching materials (free of charge) to schools that are willing to teach the subject.

The Need

Tanzania is the largest and most populous country in East Africa. It is a poor country, with nearly 70% of the 62 million people living in poverty. Government secondary schools (attended by 90% of students) are typically poorly equipped and some lack teachers for all the core subjects. The constitution provides for freedom of religion, which has enabled different religious groups to coexist peacefully. While the majority of Tanzanians identify as Christians (61.4%), their knowledge of the Bible is shallow because most households do not have a Bible. There is an optional subject in the government curriculum for all secondary schools in Tanzania — on Bible Knowledge. Unfortunately, only 3% of some 5,000 secondary schools offer this subject to students; In 2020, less than 4% of over 400,000 students doing their Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations sat the Bible Knowledge final exam.

70% 61.4%

of the population live in poverty.

of Tanzanians identify as Christians.


of 5,000 secondary schools offer Bible Knowledge.

2.5m secondary school students in Tanzania



The program will promote the Bible Knowledge subject among local schools. It will enable interested schools to set up the Bible Knowledge course by giving them text books, reference Bibles, a teaching guide, sample class tests and answers, and general advice on getting started. The program will also support teachers new to the Bible Knowledge subject with regular visits, advice and further


resources if needed. A professional development seminar will be provided mid year to help improve outcomes and encourage isolated teachers to persevere.

The program already has 84 secondary schools teaching the Bible Knowledge subject via three neighbouring Anglican dioceses; 25 in Kagera, 19 in Lweru and 40 in Biharmulo. By early 2023, all three dioceses aim to have 100

out of a total of 292 secondary schools within their three diocesan boundaries. However, there are many more secondary schools to reach, and more work needed to retain the schools already teaching on Bible Knowledge.


This program has great potential for reaching thousands of youths within the dioceses. It can give students a deep understanding of the Bible, and students tend to grow in faith in God when they grow in their knowledge of the Bible. This program will help to grow the Kingdom of God and promote Christian unity. It will also help ensure that more leaders in Tanzania will have a stronger Christian grounding, having potentially huge long-term benefits for Tanzanian society.

Prayer Needs

“Bible Knowledge is an important subject in preparing citizens with good moral and ethical conduct in day-to-day life. Therefore, all educational stakeholders, teachers, parents, guardians and religious leaders in various Christian communities should take necessary measures to improve the candidates’ performance in this subject.”

Please pray that more schools and teachers would be interested in teaching the Bible Knowledge subject, with the support of the program.

Pray that students would be eager to learn more about the Bible, to deepen their understanding of God and his love for them, which would in turn impact their lives.


The Gambia

Literacy Equality


This literacy project, in The Gambia, aims to assist girls and young women from four tribes, teaching them how to read and write in the languages of these tribal groups. This project fills a gap, since many young girls are utilised by their families as farm hands and home helpers for their mothers rather than being sent to school.

The Need

In many parts of Africa, sons receive the benefits of schooling while daughters do not. This has clear ramifications for individual families, communities and the broader society as women remain marginalised from the workplace and opportunities to improve their lives. The Gambia in West Africa is the smallest country within the African mainland. Its needs are great as poverty is high, close to 50% of the 2.7 million population cannot read or write and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has ranked the country in the ‘Low Human Development’ category. Most of its people work as farmers. Girls are married very young and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is still widely practiced. Daughters have no right to inherit their father’s property, this goes to the first-born son. Girls are often seen as inferior and of less value to the family.


people in The Gambia.


of older women are non-literate.


of young women are non-literate.


of the population are Christian.



Bible Society in The Gambia is partnering with local churches to offer literacy classes for all girls, where they are encouraged and empowered to be all God created them to be. Research shows that poor reading ability impacts spiritual growth and understanding of God’s message so these girls will be equipped to not only read but understand the Bible and the message of the Gospel.

In 2022, training workshops for literacy teachers were held in

Mandinka, Manjako, Wolof, English, and Jola, with the goal to start new Literacy and ESL classes. The classes teach literacy through Scripture engagement. Attendees are provided with Scriptures of their own. They also receive skills training at the conclusion of each class to help them generate income and become productive members of society.

Due to the demand for the literacy program, Bible Society in The Gambia intends to introduce more

than 1,500 girls and young women to learn how to read, write, count and most of all, engage with the Bible by 2030 in their local languages — Mandinka, Manjako, Wolof, Karon, and Jola — as well English as a second language. They also aim to set up 75-100 literacy classes and train 150-200 literacy teachers to support these classes by 2030.


Overall, this project aims to impact 10,000 people. The impact with be measured by the literacy attainment of the participants through reading sessions, short quizzes, assignments, encouraging peer-to-peer learning sessions, and the use of audio Bibles to test their listening abilities.

Around 1143 learners are currently registered in the program, with 364 of those as new beginners. There are currently 63 facilitators, 15 coordinators and 75 classes running. There has been an overall improvement on the reading skills and interest to read in the church. Volunteers and participants have motivated others to take part as they demonstrate how they are now able to make use of the Bible during church services.

Impact Prayer Needs

Pray for a successful literacy program.

• Pray against the discrimination of women and girls.

“We are in prison and need to be free”, say women in The Gambia, who remain uneducated and nonliterate. “Those who read for us at times give us wrong information, or sometimes are reluctant to assist us,” some non-literate women say. Freedom for these women comes when they can read for themselves, including the Scriptures. This was Fabiana’s experience, and she says, “they laughed at me when I started the class but today, I can read and even teaching those who were laughing at me.”

• Pray that as attendees become more competent in their literacy and other skills, they will be able to apply for a formal job.

• Pray that owning their own Bible written in the language of their heart will bring these new readers closer to God and to understanding his calling on their lives.


Togo Literacy through the Bible


Bible Society is working in Togo to help non-literate people — predominately women — in poor rural areas of Togo to learn to read and write, using the Scriptures, teaching in four indigenous languages.

The Need

Togo, officially the Togolese Republic, is a country in West Africa bordered by Ghana to the west, Benin to the east and Burkina Faso to the north. Togo is a tiny slip of land (a width of less than 115 km from east to west), with a population of approximately 8 million. Thirty-nine distinct languages are spoken in Togo, although its official language is French. The two most widely spoken indigenous languages — Ewe and Kabiye — are ‘national languages’ and are used in formal education and in the media. These two languages, along with Ikposso, Bassar and Lama, are the literacy focus of this project.

Two fifths of Togo’s population are non-literate. However, there is a region and gender divide which sharply accentuates that figure. Illiteracy and poverty go hand-in-hand. The Savanes (Savannah) in the north is the poorest region with a poverty rate of 90.8%. Illiteracy in that region is close to 70%. Another region, Central, has a poverty rate of 80.2%, with illiteracy at 42.2%.

Poverty also leads to early drop-outs from state-funded education. The most dominant age category of out-ofschool children is between 12-15 years. In Togo, girls also leave school earlier than boys, and most women are beginner learners in their mother tongue.

43.3% illiteracy rate in Togo of people aged 15-44.

52.1% illiteracy rate among women.

26% illiteracy rate among men.

74% literacy rate in urban population.

47.4% literacy rate in rural population.



Bible Society of Togo has developed the project to align with major education objectives set by the government:

• To extend literacy and non-formal education programs to non-literate young people and adults aged 15-45 and to children aged 9-14 excluded from the education system.

• To reorganise and strengthen the institutional framework for literacy and non-formal education. This project will enable the


beneficiaries to read and write in their mother tongue. Using the Literacy and Evangelism International (LEI) model, the program will initially focus on up to 1,000 non-literate women. Women in rural areas are the main focus of this project because they are the most affected by illiteracy.

The Project will be offered in five languages: Ikposso, Lama, Kabiye, Bassar and Ewe, impacting up to 4,000 people (including the students, family members of those

attending class, along with teachers and supervisors) in villages located in Plateaux, Centrale, Savanne and Kara. For each of these five languages, the project aims to install 10 literacy centres; a total of 50 literacy centres overall. It is also a goal of the project to introduce 1,000 people to reading, writing and numeracy as well as identify and train 100 teachers for the educational support of the centres (20 students per language).


Not only will the participants learn how to read and write, they will also be empowered in their own spiritual and social development by their increased literacy in their heart language. This will have a flow on effect across families and communities. As they grow in confidence, these newly literate adolescents and adults will have a stronger connection to the word of God, giving the beneficiaries a renewed sense of Jesus’ love for them and their families.

Prayer Needs

“Since finishing these (literacy) classes, we have been doing family worship every day…We have found a solution to some of our problems, and we understand even better how God loves us through the Lord Jesus.”

A participant from the Kara Tchinchindaa Parish

• Pray that funding will be available to ensure the training workshops and literacy classes can begin on schedule.

• Pray that those most in need may find places in the classes

Pray that local churches and partners will appoint facilitators for the program.



Holistic Literacy Skills


This project aims at developing literacy skills among non-literate Kupsapiiny, Ma’di and Ng’akarajong speakers, enabling men, women and young people with literacy skills to empower them in engaging with the Bible and in developing holistically.

The Need

When the Bible Society of Uganda published and distributed some newly translated Bible portions in the Sabiiny, Ma’di and Karamoja sub-regions, the reception of the Scriptures faced the challenge of illiteracy among those communities. The literacy levels in Uganda are about 70%, especially in urban centres. In regions like Karamoja sub-region, Sebie sub-region and Ma’di sub-region, literacy levels have been low despite the said economic growth of the country.

If the Bible is to be read and engaged with meaningfully, then the people need to be literate. Newly translated Bible resources will also be left futile if the community can’t read. Having literacy skills will also help the communities liberate themselves from poverty as they develop during holistic training sessions.

12% literacy level in the Karamoja sub-region.

66% literacy level in the Ma’di sub-region.

60.8% literacy level in the Sebei sub-region.

70.2% adult literacy rate in Uganda.


Goals Impact

The Bible Society of Uganda is teaming up with churches and Church related organisations to help people improve their literacy levels in their localities. The Bible Society of Uganda can’t wait to see this dream come true.

This project will run ‘train the trainers’ workshops, in which participants will be equipped with skills to instruct and teach adults Functional Adult Literacy. Bible Society will also train teachers in Primary Teacher’s Colleges so that they can teach school children in their mother tongue.

This project will provide literacy materials for teaching and reading on their own. This project also aims at improving literacy levels among the people in Sebei, Ma’di and Karamoja sub regions.

The goals of this project are:

• to develop a Bible based Literacy Curriculum and materials in Ng’akarimojong, Kupsapiiny and Ma’di;

• to begin Bible Based Literacy Projects in Kapchorwa (Kupsapiiny), Moyo-Adjumani (Ma’di) and Karamoja sub-regions;

• to conduct three sensitisation workshops (Each having 100 Community leaders) per region, in order to create awareness for the need of improving literacy levels in Sebei, Ma’di and Karamoja regions;

• to train 17 classroom facilitators who will conduct 17 classes of 40 pupils in order to train 680 Children (290 boys and 390 girls) in numeracy and literacy per region

• to train 8 adult facilitators who will train about 320 adults and youths (200 women & 120 men) in Adult Functional Literacy in the first phase of the project.

Prayer Needs

Each year, 3,000 graduates are expected (1,000 from each of the three regions). These will include primary school students as well as adult learners. It can be expected that each graduate will influence or benefit 20 more people, providing a projected 360,000 people impacted over six years.

The hope is that this literacy program will equip the people with basic skills of reading and writing so that they can read the Bible as well as improve their social status. This would mean they can take part in church activities, share their experiences with others, take part in community governance issues and improve their health practices. These literacy skills will also aid the development of numeracy skills, which will further equip these communities with practical tools for living.

If the people learn how to read and write, they will be able to meaningfully engage with the word of God translated for them in their mother tongue.

• Pray for the participants, that this project might impact their lives as they get to know the word of God.

• Pray that God may appoint his servants to generously support this project for the people in Karamoja, Sebei and Ma’di Regions.


United Bible Societies

Equip a Literacy Advisor


This capacity building project for Bible Society literacy workers will impact about 30 literacy staff of Bible Societies in the Asia Pacific, thereby benefiting their literacy projects and thousands of learners in the coming years.

The Need

Many Bible Societies in the Asia Pacific region are running literacy projects in their respective countries, seeking to meet the need for literacy in their countries and empower people with reading and writing skills.

There is a need to build the capacity of the literacy staff in these Bible Societies. A competency survey (scheduled for 2023) will demonstrate the specific needs of all the Bible Society staff conducting literacy work in their Bible Societies.


non-literate adults in Pakistan.

41.25m non-literates in Bangladesh.

1.25m non-literate adults in Sri Lanka.

1.14m non-literate adults in Laos.


Bible Societies work in 52 countries in the Asia Pacific Region.



In 2023, this project (informed by the competency survey results) will conduct appropriate training events to build the capacity of literacy staff in the region. One such training event which has been recommended for 2023 is a virtual workshop series or webinar on Literacy Principles, after which, a

series of themed-based workshops like Literacy Materials Production, Bloom software application, Writing Workshop, will be identified accordingly.

The specific goals of this project are to conduct two training events in 2023 for the literacy staff of Bible

Societies in the Asia Pacific Region. The over-arching aim of these two training events will be to strengthen the capacity-building efforts of Bible Society literacy staff in the Asia Pacific region. One training will be virtual, using the Zoom platform and the other will be an in-person training in 2023.


In 2022, the impact of this project was felt by 4 literacy staff from Ceylon Bible Society, who were further equipped to develop, design, and implement their current literacy project. They are currently applying what they have learned in the online platform into their field practice. In the same way, the 3 literacy and admin staff from Laos Bible Society have learned the basic principles of literacy and literacy project implementation. They are currently reviewing the materials they are using to fit with the current audience of their project. The Bible Society Literacy Staff who attended the literacy materials development and software training in previous years have been equipped in developing age-appropriate materials for their learners.

This project will primarily impact Bible Society literacy staff, especially those involved in the delivery of literacy programs. When trained in different aspects of literacy programs (planning, implementation, evaluation) they will be able to use it in the context of their literacy projects. It is hoped that these staff will be able to strengthen their program implementation and develop several Bible engagement products for non-literate audiences.

Impact Prayer Needs

“Please pray for the literacy projects, that we will have adequate specialists. There was a time we did not have specialists in literacy, but now there are literacy specialists. They’re able to make an impact. We need to not simply do the work of literacy education, but do the work in the right way. And that is where the specialists come in.”

• Pray that the competency assessment survey will bring out the capacity needs of literacy staff in the Asia Pacific, and that these needs would be addressed by the project.

Pray that all the participating Bible Societies will be able to understand the principles behind literacy practices, materials production, implementation, and the Bloom technology and use it effectively for the development of their literacy projects in the years to come.

• Pray that the COVID-19 pandemic will totally end and restrictions on international travel will completely end in 2023.



Bringing Hope and Healing to Women


In 2021, the World Day of Prayer celebrations were hosted by Vanuatu with the theme: “Building on a Strong Foundation.” Bible Society of the South Pacific, in partnership with World Day of Prayer, seeks to take a holistic approach by advocating and empowering women who are victims of domestic violence.

The Need

Too many Pacific women and girls experience violence, even though the call to acknowledge, address and act to end all forms of violence against women and girls is not new. Governments, NGOs and faith-based organisations are working together to close the gap between national commitments to gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Statistics reveal that 72% of women in Vanuatu have experienced some form of violence. Domestic violence and child abuse are embedded in the gender and power relations that underpin the low status of women and children in Vanuatu. What happens within the family is seen to be a family matter and community members will not intervene to protect a woman from an abusive husband. Chiefs counsel women to preserve the sanctity of the family unit to maintain family and village harmony. It may be very difficult for women to leave a violent relationship. Married women cannot accumulate personal wealth and men have better rights than women to the children of a marriage.


current population of women in Vanuatu.


of women in Vanuatu have experienced some form of violence.



This project aims to reach women who have experienced some form of gender-based violence from all walks of life. This project focuses on three main goals:

1) trauma healing programs to meet the needs of women who suffer from gender-based violence; and

2) violence prevention activities including human rights and legal workshops

In 2022, the publication of 2,000

copies of the Domestic Violence booklet in Bislama were completed, along with 2,000 copies of the Bislama edition of the Scripture Companion booklet. More prints of the Bislama Bibles, Bislama Five Core Lessons, and other materials are also underway to be used in the healing session workshops.

In 2023, this project will continue to provide training and healing sessions in communities that are yet to be reached, as well as plan

educational awareness programs and develop learning materials for communities to use.


The total number of people this project aims to impact is 60,000, through the three years of the project.

The project aims to bring healing, hope, forgiveness and an increase on awareness of God’s word to women who have been traumatized by genderbased violence, through the Bible Society Trauma Healing program.

As a result of Bible Society raising awareness of gender-based violence, other programs run by faith-based organisations in Vanuatu will be supported. Also, improving legal literacy will elevate and educate women — especially young women — to know their rights within their society.

Impact Prayer Needs

“The workshop has helped me. I am ready to help our women in the community who are facing domestic abuse. I am thankful...for this workshop,” said one of the men who attended a workshop in 2022.

Thank God for the recruitment of a new program coordinator who is passionate and committed to supporting women impacted by genderbased violence.

• Pray for support from faith-based organisations and agencies who are familiar with the work in this area.

• Pray that the women of Vanuatu will embrace and benefit from the program.


Advocacy: We promote the beauty and power of God’s Word.

We strengthen the capacity of Bible

Societies around the world as they work to recommend, defend and champion the truth and goodness of the Bible in their cultures.


Arab Israel Support for Christians


This project works to ensure an ongoing presence and viable operation for the Arab Israeli Bible Society (AIBS). Located in Galilee, the project is needed to serve the Arab Israeli community with Scripture resources and interactive community events focused primarily on women and family issues. This will serve both the local church and broader community.

The Need

The Arab Israeli Bible Society exists in a war zone, and their country is tense. The 1.7 million Arab citizens of Israel live as second-class citizens and are considered as a demographic threat by many. Arab Israelis are often ignored in political decisions, and many live below the poverty line, suffering economically in comparison to the standards of the state.

The Arab Israeli people (Arabs who became citizens of the State of Israel after its establishment in 1948) are a group lost between Jewish Israelis and Arab Palestinians. Arab Israeli Christians are a minority twice over: only 20% of Israelis are Arabs (1.2 million), and only 2% of Israelis are Christian. With such a small population of Arab-Israeli Christians, the AIBS is struggling to maintain a core presence or operations from domestic Bible sales and fundraising income.


Arab citizens of Israel.


Christians in Israel.


of Christians in Israel are Arabs.



This project enables the AIBS to provide Arabic Bibles and other tools to help Arab Israeli’s understand and engage with the biblical worldview. There are 163,000 Christians in Israel of which 130,000 (80%) are Arabs. Each year, the AIBS aims to serve the local church and become

an instrument of peace, security and hope for a region plagued by war and division.

Each year, AIBS focuses on women and families, hosting events (online when necessary) and producing resources centred on God’s word.

AIBS maintains a physical presence in Galilee, with a centre open to the public for the community to visit, ask questions, engage with biblical resources and attend events.


AIBS is growing, despite challenges from the pandemic, war and unemployment rates.

Their workshops, conferences, and events have doubled in attendance. These include workshops and conferences for families, as well as supporting churches and schools, impacting thousands of people per year. They have also grown their partnerships with the various local church denominations.

The impact of these relationships will be seen in increased participation by local Christians at events as well as their take-up of AIBS developed resources, and the quantity of Bibles and materials distributed.

Impact Prayer Needs

“The blessing was great … in the second workshop on parenting and the Biblical principles to raise our children. I was confronted with some of my mistaken methods of parenting that I inherited from my past. I received a lot of help and learned new methods and tools to help my kids. I was able to share with my teenage son some of the things I learned. My conversation with him led me to ask forgiveness for the setbacks that I caused as a parent. He on his part was encouraged and put for himself some goals to walk closer with and to the Lord. Parents started to accept their children and show love to them in all circumstances.”

Ola is a mother of four children. In 2022, Ola participated with her children in one of AIBS’s family conferences, telling them that the conference as a whole was a blessing to her.

• Pray that God will continue to lead AIBS and fulfill his will through them.

• Pray that God will provide leadership for AIBS and empower it with his presence.

• Pray that God will meet all AIBS’ needs.



Care for Martyr Families


This project is assisting the widows, families and communities of two literacy facilitators of Bible Society Cameroon who were murdered by Islamic militant group, Boko Haram, in 2020. This project is enabling the two widows and their 15 children to be housed, fed, clothed, educated and to undergo trauma counselling. It will also train trauma healing facilitators to ensure the broader community can begin the process of healing.

The Need

The death of two of Bible Society of Cameroon’s literacy facilitators has been a massive loss, not just to their families but to the translation project in the Podoko language (Parkwa). Other members of the community are also victims of frequent attacks and live in fear, often taking refuge in caves. In July 2022, a Bible reviewer was killed in the region of Godigong. These people are traumatised by what they have witnessed.

were killed by the Boko Haram group in the Far North region of Cameroon, from January to April 2021.

were internally displaced as of August 2021.



The goals of this project are to:

1) meet the physical, psychological, educational and spiritual needs of the 15 children and their mothers over 3-5 years; and

2) to train additional facilitators to

help families and the community heal from their trauma.

In 2023, the project will continue to meet the needs of the two families in medical, food and education, as well as ongoing trauma healing

support in the communities.

This project will aim to impact over 485 people, which includes the families of the murdered literacy workers, the trauma counsellors to be trained, and the people in their communities reached with the healing groups.

So far, the widows have been relocated into a new village, away from the fear and insecurity of the

Impact Prayer Needs

Kassa area. Minor finishing works were done to their house in July 2022.

Also in 2022, 12 children from both families returned to school in September with school fees and school supplies covered. However, since July 2022, terrorist attacks have intensified and spread into other villages, making it difficult to

hold activities including the healing sessions planned.

• Please pray for the healing of wounds created by the loss of the two men, both in their families, and their communities.

• Pray for health and harmony in these families, where the widows care for their children without their fathers.

• Pray that the children will learn to trust in God, and that despite it all, they will be encouraged to perform at their best in school.

• For those being persecuted in this region, pray that they will overcome and that God’s guiding presence will be with them through this trial.



Equipping Christian Leaders


This project is providing study Bibles and Scripture resources to preachers, Bible school students, and Bible teachers in China who experience poverty and financial hardship. Without this project, many ministers and church leaders would be unable to access reference books or Bible study tools that significantly assist them in their studies and preaching preparation.

The Need

There are huge ongoing challenges to the church in China, including a shortage of church leaders, poverty and the prevalence of heretical teachings. The lack of trained preachers and leaders is one of the biggest challenges facing churches in China today. The number of believers in China continues to grow each year, yet the number of trained leaders is not keeping pace. On average, one ordained pastor in China has 6,700 believers under their care.

Many Christians live in the rural areas (at least 60% of the church in China are found in the rural region), and many Bible college students come from poor farming families. Every student who enters the Bible School is a highly treasured resource. Most students are young, ranging from 18 to 30 years of age. When these students graduate, many will return to their home communities to serve; however, they often do so without a salary because their farming communities are too poor to pay them.

Many students in Bible Training Schools are barely able to cover course fees or access Bible study tools. Sadly, many current preachers are barely able to support themselves and their families due to highly unstable incomes.

The need for more trained preachers and leaders is urgent.


ratio of ordained pastors to believers

60% 18-30

of churches are in rural regions

average age of student preachers/leaders



This goal of this project is to provide Study Bibles and Bible resources to students, Bible School teachers and preachers. In doing so, this project will assist them in their study, equipping them to correctly handle the word of God and shepherd the growing number of Chinese believers.

In 2023, the goal is to provide 4,000 sets of Bibles and Bible study resources to students, Bible school teachers and preachers who find it difficult to afford Bible literature and resources.

In rural areas, there have been more reports of heresy and false teaching,

and sharing study resources and Scriptures will help in the truthful teaching of God’s word.


The project aims to impact 640,000 people — but it has the potential to reach up to two million. This is based on the hope that each of the 4,000 Bibles and Bible study resources shared (with preachers, Bible school students or teachers) will impact an average of 800 lives (and more will be impacted indirectly through these preachers, Bible school students or teachers).

Impact Prayer Needs

“We often feel inadequate when we minister to believers, lest we lead the congregation astray... [because] people like me (from the countryside) do not have much formal education and enough theological training... It’s difficult for us to access these books. We do not have the money to buy them. These books are indeed valuable and helpful...There are limited channels for us to acquire reliable Biblical resources. Now I have trustworthy reference books and resources to minister to believers.”

Jishun, who graduated from a training centre and began serving in a rural church in central Yunnan, 2022

• Pray that more preachers and pastors in China could be raised up and be trained to shepherd the millions.

• Pray for preachers and pastors to grow in their knowledge of the Lord through diligent study of God’s word and responsible use of the resources provided.

• Pray that they will persevere to preach and teach the Word responsibly even in challenging circumstances.


Bibles and Bread


Bible Society Jordan is reaching out to refugee families and underprivileged Jordanian families with practical support, basic needs, and the word of God. In addition, it is supporting the local church in their ministry to both local and refugee families.

The Need

Over the years, Jordan has been known to be a land of refuge for many Arab and Non-Arab populations. Since 2011, millions of Syrian refugees have fled to safety in Jordan, residing inside camps and the outside. As wars continue, many refugees have had to prolong their stay in Jordan with minimal living situations, and furthermore, were followed by hundreds of thousands of persecuted Iraqis. These Iraqi refugees in Jordan have fled persecution in defence of their Christian faith and have sacrificed everything they own for their faith.

In addition to this, Jordan continues to be an economically challenged country, with limited resources and high unemployment rates. Many families live in extreme poverty and lack basic living necessities. With the financial situation after the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, things have turned worse, which resulted in a bigger need and more suffering for both local and refugee families.

The needs of these families have urged Bible Society Jordan to take a step forward and extend help to those in need.

refugees hosted by Jordan, mainly Syrian (670k), Iraqis, Yemenis, and other nationalities.


of refugees live among Jordanians in the communities

Jordan 760k


Bible Society Jordan are easing both the emotional and physical suffering of families by providing their basic needs, food and any urgent special items. This project aims to put the word of God into action, to reflect the love of Jesus by loving refugees. In addition, this project is empowering the local churches with resources to care for those in need in their communities.

This project serves three groups: Jordanian, Syrian and Iraqi families. Distribution of emergency supplies for these families (food packages, supplies for babies, etc.) and Bibles for those who long to read it are done in cooperation with volunteer partners in local churches in different locations, and through home distributions and church visits. University and school tuition


The number of people this project aims to impact is 50,000. This will include 10,000 refugee families and underprivileged Jordanian families each year (with each family consisting of 4-5 members). This project has a crucial impact on refugee families. Many families have gone from being without very basic needs for their families, to seeking the word of God and finding their hope again.

Through partnering with Bible Society in this project, the Jordanian church has become more empowered and active in serving families in need in their communities.

Prayer Needs

support are also being given for students.


“The need for food is endless, and when you feed the hungry, you give them the chance to look for something more...”

Project Coordinator, Bible Society of Jordan.

• Pray for the stability and safety of Jordan despite the continuously rising conflicts surrounding it.

• Pray that each and every refugee will find and get to know Jesus, their ‘Rock of Salvation’ and source of real strength amidst the hardship they are undergoing.

• Pray for the volunteers who are direct contact with suffering families, for their emotional and physical protection, and for strength as they offer helping hands and listening ears.

• Pray that the Lord will console the hurt and wounded.


Papua New Guinea Rebuilding

Bible Society


There is an urgent need to build the capacity of Bible Society Papua New Guinea (BSPNG) in order to reach future generations with the word of God. This process has at its centre the task of establishing sustainable, impactful Bible based mission work.

The Need

There are more than 880 languages in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with more than 300 languages yet to receive any Bible translation. Almost 89% of the approximately 8.9 million people are in the (largely remote) rural areas. Much of the population are uneducated and live in poverty. Literacy is a major challenge; many would not be able to read the Bible. There is a vast need for Bible translation, Bible distribution, literacy and church partnerships, especially in the rural areas.

The word of God already has a place in the rural communities of PNG, so the distribution of Bibles to these remote communities is of paramount spiritual importance to the people living there.

To meet these needs, it is essential that the Bible Society is present and sustainable.

89% 880 300

of people are in rural areas.

languages in PNG.

languages yet to receive any Bible translation.


PNG's literacy rate as of 2015 and only increased slightly by 2018, when 9 of the 22 provinces were still at an unacceptable level of literacy.



Rebuilding a functioning Bible Society in PNG began in 2019, with the appointment of a new board and a new General Secretary. Sadly, along with the delays and setbacks caused by COVID-19, the new General Secretary also lost his life in 2021.

The goal of this project continues to enable the Bible Society to ensure Scriptures are available to all in PNG, so that all people may Open The Bible. Despite all the challenges in 2020-2021, Bible Society PNG,

under the leadership of new General Secretary, Joel Peter, was able to successfully complete the majority of renovations on properties they own in Paga, and Lae. Their FiveYear Strategic plan was finalized for implementation in 2022 onwards. In 2023, the plans and proposed activities for the project will continue to be implemented. In addition, the project aims to start the year by recruiting a Finance Manager, conducting an Annual General Meeting, and re-launching

BSPNG operations under the new management. As the year progresses, they will organise a major fundraising event, construct new staff accommodation at Paga Hill, review current Scripture Distribution arrangements, and recruit a new Project Manager, some Program Co-ordinators and IT staff. Throughout the year they will develop new partnerships and review their income generation plans, building on BSPNG’s capacity and expertise.


The impact of the successful renovation of BSPNG properties will be felt in the local income generated from renting the properties, which will support ministry work in PNG.

Although recruitment of some new staff and the distribution of Bibles are still on the way (due to delays with COVID-19), both will have an impact on evangelism and Christian growth: individuals and families will be transformed by Opening The Bible. There will also be freedom to plant new churches, and to continue education in the schools and colleges with God’s word, thus reducing illiteracy.

Impact Prayer Needs

“The foundation Vere [Verenagi Ravu], BSPNG’s General Secretary created is solid. Vere planted good seed in good soil. Now someone else will water and many will continue to be impacted by the work he started.” - Andre Minnaar, United Bible Societies Global Mission Team.

“My vision for Bible Society Papua New Guinea is to see that the nation is filled with the knowledge of the word of God, as the waters cover the sea. This is a biblical vision and I want to have it for Bible Society Papua New Guinea, as I work to resurrect Bible Society PNG. I want to set a Scriptural, a biblical vision...to see a full resurrection, and the infiltration and penetration of the word of God, the growth and development of the word of God, in the nation of Papua New Guinea. That this vision would drive me and staff that will come on, and every brother and sister Bible Society who are supporting us, that this will be a driving motivational vision for us going forward from 2022.” - Joel Peter, General Secretary

• Please pray for these foundational stages of development, as they are vital in ensuring residents of PNG can access and engage with the word of God for many generations to come.

• Pray that God will provide the right people to be recruited to be part of the rebuilding team.

• Pray that BSPNG ministries will be successfully reactivated.


South Pacific

Jesus. All About Life & Bible Mission


This project is aimed at expanding Bible mission in the South Pacific, including the Easter 2023 Jesus. All About Life campaign. By distributing Bible resources and connecting the people of the South Pacific with churches, Bible Society South Pacific aims to bring about spiritual revival.

The Need

On the islands of the South Pacific, the global pandemic has hit the youth population the hardest. Most have lost their jobs and schools were closed in COVID lockdowns, leading to a high number of young people engaging in substance abuse and other harmful behaviour.

Communities have been faced with financial hardships and emotional breakdown, with traumatic issues like fear of death, hopelessness after loss of employment, suicidal thoughts, and more. These struggles are in addition to other existing issues such as domestic and family violence, child abuse, suicide, and drug and alcohol addictions. The Pacific is also prone to natural disasters, which affect the people and their livelihoods, leaving them suffering from fear and trauma. Church leaders met with Bible Society and voiced the need for Trauma Healing amongst their communities, as well as Youth Camps to work with young people. The Pacific Islands are becoming increasingly secularised, with young people especially turning away from God and the church.

There is a desperate need in the South Pacific to restore relationships and build peace in families and communities, and to bring about personal healing. There is also a need to build resilience in communities that have faced disasters and political or ethnic conflict.


population in the South Pacific.

Youth population most affected by the COVID Pandemic.

A need for Trauma Healing workshops voiced by church leaders.



This project aims to expand the mission of the Bible Society in the South Pacific through working in partnership with Churches to advocate and re-tell the story of Jesus to people nationwide. The campaign to unite churches in the South Pacific for Easter 2023 — the Jesus. All About Life campaign — will enable partnering churches to grow as they run their own evangelistic events. Bible Society will promote the campaign and build interest through various media channels to

start a national conversation about Jesus.

Through the Jesus. All About Life campaign, Bible Society South Pacific aims to serve the church, offering digital resources and Scriptural material for their Easter programs. An Easter Production (drama) will also take place, designed to engage the youth in the great Suva area with the word of God during Easter. The campaign will also connect churches to the Bible Society South Pacific, and grow

awareness about Bible work in the South Pacific.

In 2023, Bible Society South Pacific will also hold Bible Month Celebrations, a month-long celebration of honouring the Holy Bible in church communities as part of the mission to expand awareness about the BSSP mission. The Fiji Missions Team will travel to remote islands, Rabi and Rotuma, where the Bible Month Celebrations will be held in July.

Impact Prayer Needs

The project aims to impact a total of 100,000 people.

Thousands of free Bible-based resources were distributed over the Easter period of 2022 and will be again during Easter 2023, including the Who? What? Why? Easter Storybooks, The Really Surprising Story, the New Beginners Bibles and digital resources from Bible Society Australia.

In 2022, the people of the South Pacific were encouraged by engagement with Scripture and exposure to Godly wisdom over the Easter period. In 2022 this encouragement and exposure which will be from Easter into the rest of the year.

The impact of these, along with the ‘He Sees You’ Easter Production — which in 2022 engaged more than 1,500 people with the gospel message — will be ultimately seen in renewed commitment and spiritual revival.

• Please pray for ongoing impact of the Jesus. All About Life Easter Campaign (6th-8th of April 2023).

• Pray that churches in Fiji will be engaged in this campaign and the Bible Month program

• Pray that God would guide and protect South Pacific youths through the issues they are facing.

• Pray for the Bible Society team, that they would have strength, wisdom and faithfulness to advocate effectively.


South Pacific Building

Translation Capacity


This project will build new headquarters for Bible Translation work in Vanuatu and relocate the Bible Society South Pacific (BSSP) Translation team there. Capacity Building training for project management will also take place there.

The Need

In an ever-changing and challenging post-pandemic world, the Bible Society of the South Pacific must adapt, evolve and restructure to ensure sustainability, continuity, and productivity — especially with its Bible Translation work. The translation of Bibles into 16 major languages within Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Samoa are the major needs that will be met by this project. Currently, there are major project coordination issues and relational strain caused by cost, distance, and isolation.

There is a great need for BSSP to restructure, to ensure sustainability, continuity, and productivity, especially with its Bible Translation work.

island nations and major languages.

people in South Pacific.

earn minimum wage or live below the poverty line

16 2.8m 1.7m 30-60%

adults are literate.



Vanuatu is a major focus for Bible Society translation work. Having the Bible Translation Department based in Vanuatu will bring about sustainability, regional collaboration and continuity of projects, even in the face of the COVID pandemic. The goal of this project is threefold. Firstly, to build a two flat residence and office building that caters for office space and training by

December 2024. Secondly, to decentralise BSSP’s Translation Department and relocate the two senior staff to Vanuatu by mid 2024. Finally, to recruit and train a Translation Project Manager by December 2024, to help with the reporting and writing of Project proposals, conduct monitoring and evaluations, and communicate with key stakeholders

Ultimately, the vision is to have 45 translation projects within Vanuatu by 2025.


The total number of people this project will impact is the 2.8 million people living in the South Pacific Islands.

This project will give unity to Bible Society translation work in the 16 Island nations that BSSP serves. It will enable teams to work together more efficiently for the future and benefit of Bible Translation in the Pacific, reaching millions with new and revised Bible translations. After starting in 2022, the project has already impacted over 2,000 people.

Impact Prayer Needs

“After my Covid-19 lockdown experience in Vanuatu, I would love to go back and work there. Having the Translation Department based there would benefit the BSSP translation work in many ways.”

• Pray that BSSP Leadership and staff — and all the regional staff and volunteers — will embrace this new regional mission mindset and heart.

• Pray that the 16 island countries of the South Pacific would be the heart of BSSP mission with collaboration, sustainability, accessibility, and continuity.

• Pray that the transitions, decentralization initiatives and stages would be smooth and move swiftly


South Pacific

Enabling Growth Overview

This capacity-building project is intended to boost the effectiveness and sustainability of Bible Society South Pacific (BSSP), addressing economic obstacles caused by COVID-19 and communication challenges due to poor access to technology. Bible Society Australia will provide technical and consultative help with the project.

The Need

BSSP serves 16 independent island nations, with a total population of 2.8 million. More than half (1.7M) live between minimum wage and the poverty threshold. The impact of COVID-19 has been especially severe for these economies, as they are small islands with limited natural resources, distant from major markets and often reliant on tourism. Demand for Bibles is growing within the South Pacific. However, Bible Society is struggling to bring in new stock. COVID-19 has also impacted the Bible Society’s sustainability, due to the evaporation of tourism, disruptions to international trade and supply chains, and reduced donations. Addressing their financial situation is urgent. The team is using inadequate equipment, and technological limitations make it difficult to communicate with mission and translation coordinators based in the islands.


independent islands which the Bible Society serves, covering 15% of the world’s surface.


of the population live between minimum wage and poverty threshold.



In 2023, this project aims to revitalise the ministry of Bible Society South Pacific, helping them address broader societal challenges, and ensure continuity and sustainability. Bible Society hopes to purchase new stock, especially of Bibles. The project will also provide necessary upgraded IT equipment and internet,

improving staff productivity internally and remotely. They also hope to enable stock orders ahead of time, replenishing supplies and ensuring the program can continue.

Better technology will enable greater access to mission and outreach content as they are transferred to online platforms. It will also maximise

the impact of partnerships like the Oceania Alliance, especially improving communication. Through this project, Bible Society will continue to bring God's word to the islands of the South Pacific.


This project will impact the 2.8 million people living on the 16 independent islands which Bible Society South Pacific serves. Building the capacity of Bible Society South Pacific’s team will enable more effective and sustainable outreach to these islands, as well as better collaboration with partners like Bible Society Australia.

The project will counteract the effects of COVID-19, ensuring continuity for Bible Society. Better access to resources, including technology and replenished stock, will enable the team to meet growing demands for Bibles and Bible resources, addressing many community requests. Biblical materials will spread further as they are uploaded to social media, webpages and digital applications.

Impact Prayer Needs

“[A] major challenge is how we have been set up and the infrastructures we have. Most of the communication and infrastructure that helps us do the work has aged over the years and we are currently implementing some changes, but it takes time when we are dealing with the vast body that we serve here in the South Pacific.”

Geoffry Miller, BSSP General Secretary.

"Bible Society South Pacific definitely needs an upgraded version of its IT equipment that will allow for better work execution, remote access and better connectivity."

Ernest and Young, auditors.

“The Bible Society of the South Pacific is the Hub for Bible Trade and has the greatest opportunity to develop into a major wholesaler for the Pacific Region because it is trading one of the world’s best sellers (the Bible).”

• Please pray that Bible Society South Pacific and local churches will find new strategies amidst challenging and rapidly changing circumstances, spreading God's word through the South Pacific.

• Pray for the safety and well-being of Bible Society staff, translators, volunteers and mission partners.

• Thank God for the Oceania Alliance and pray for effective collaboration.


United Bible Societies

Global Literacy


Since January 2010, the United Bible Societies’ (UBS) Global Literacy Coordination team have been working to help Bible Societies around the world meet the literacy needs of their people, by helping the nonliterate Open The Bible. As well as continuing to fund two part-time Literacy Officers, the project aims to employ two additional part-time assistants to assist the French and Spanish speaking Bible Societies with their literacy projects.

The Need

With 20 literacy projects being proposed in 42 languages by 15 Bible Societies in Francophone Africa, there is an urgent need to extend dedicated services to the French speaking Bible Societies. The need in Latin America is also real and therefore dedicated service in Spanish to the Spanish speaking Bible Societies will be needed.

20 68% ↓35%

literacy projects have been proposed by 15 Bible Societies in Francophone Africa (in 42 languages).

identify themselves as Christian ‘believers’ (2022 Razumkov study)

of Ukraine’s real GDP in 2022 as forecasted by The World Bank



In 2023, the UBS is launching a new Global Literacy Strategy – proposing four years of action. The goals of this project are to provide continued assistance to the global literacy work of Bible Society, strengthening the various activities of the global literacy office. This project will coordinate and supply all the required data and statistics to the

literacy working group and provide effective assistance to literacy work carried out in the French and Spanish speaking Bible Societies.

In 2023, through this project, the United Bible Societies (UBS) will continue to provide support to Bible Societies worldwide in their literacy work, as well as expanding that support for French and Spanish

speaking Bible Societies. They hope to fund two part-time Literacy Offers to assist the Literacy Coordinator, and aim for both of the support staff to join in one international planning meetings on literacy.


The entire UBS Fellowship benefits from this project — with the potential to impact up to 750 million adult non-literates globally. There will be two part-time Literacy Officers assisting in the global literacy office, and all the activities they undertake will mean that the global literacy coordination work of Bible Societies will be taken to new heights in the coming year.

Impact Prayer Needs

“At United Bible Societies we believe that literacy is about dignity, independence and wholeness. Being able to read and write gives people access to essential information, empowering them to make well-informed decisions about their lives. It opens up opportunities for employment, further education and helps people get themselves out of poverty... Pray for the literacy projects that we will have adequate specialists. There was a time we did not have specialists and literacy, but now there are literacy specialists. They have time with the literacy teams. They're able to make an impact. And so we need that also, not simply doing the work, but doing the work in the right way.”

• Please pray that the literacy coordination work will take the literacy initiatives of several Bible Societies to new heights this year.

• Pray for wisdom and knowledge for the entire team during our discussions and strategy planning.

• Please pray for the strategy focus that is emerging in literacy work now and for an effective functioning of the literacy affinity group.

• Pray for new donors to catch the vision of the importance of literacy work.


United Bible Societies

Literacy Advice in Asia Pacific


This project aims to strengthen the capacity of Bible Societies in the Asia Pacific for Bible based literacy work. The project funds the position of the UBS Literacy Advisor for the Asia Pacific region, who works with the Global Literacy Coordinator of UBS to establish a global framework for literacy (including project prioritisation, quality assurance and development) and will serve as professional advisors to Bible Societies in their planning and implementation of literacy programs.

The Need

Without help from literacy experts, Bible Society literacy projects can lack quality in design and implementation. Literacy experts are required to ensure that projects are the very best in both of these areas. Literacy work is a central part of Bible Societies mission around the world. The United Bible Societies are committed to focus on the 750 million non-literate adults around the world.

non-literate adults around the world.

Bible Societies in The United Bible Societies Asia Pacific Region with work in 52 countries.

750m 18


The goal of this project is the funding of a literacy specialist for the Asia Pacific, who works to enhance the standard of literacy projects and provides literacy staff and projects of Bible Societies in the Asia Pacific with direct benefit and support.

Among other things, the Literacy Advisor will: develop a global strategy for literacy work within the UBS; develop and strengthen

links between Bible translation and literacy; encourage and guide Bible Societies in initiating relevant literacy programmes; help Bible Societies to assess the literacy need of a given language/group; develop partnerships with other agencies involved in literacy; help with the planning, implementation and evaluation of UBS literacy projects.

The goal of this project is the continuation of services of the

literacy specialist for Asia for the next three years, who will seek to enhance the standard of literacy projects run by Bible Societies in the regions to new heights.


It is expected that there will ultimately be 100,000 beneficiaries of this project over the 3 ½ years of the project. The direct beneficiaries are the Bible Society staff involved in literacy work; all the staff involved in literacy projects in the Asia Pacific will receive quality support and hands-on assistance from a literacy expert. The indirect beneficiaries will be the literacy graduates and their families and communities.

Impact Prayer Needs

“The work of Bible society in literacy is crucially important in the sense that ... people...who have no idea of about reading and writing, when they see a printed text, they don't know how to engage with it, and more so with reading the Bible. They don't have that gift of unpacking the meaning of the Bible. And how can they know the Lord Jesus if they don't know how to read and write?”

Mansueto (Cito) Casquite – UBS Literacy Advisor (Asia-Pacific)

“Pray for the literacy projects, that we will have adequate specialists. There was a time we did not have specialists and literacy, but now there are literacy specialists. They're able to make an impact. And so we need [them]... to not simply doing the work but do the work in the right way.”

Julian Sundersingh, Global Literacy Coordinator, UBS

• Praise God that BSA is able to commit to and support this project.

Praise God for Cito, the Literacy Advisor for Asia Pacific, and for the quality assistance he has been providing to Bible Societies.

Pray that more non-literate people would be provided with the opportunity to attend literacy classes, especially in the Asia Pacific, as a result of the service provided by this project.

• Praise God that some international borders are now open and that field visits and face-to-face interactions are once again possible.



Preserving Bible Work Overview

This project is aimed at supporting Bible Society Ukraine as they continue supporting their people as they go through one of the darkest times in its history. The full-fledged war with Russia is ongoing and the outlook isn’t optimistic — both Ukrainian and international experts forecast it might last until the end of 2023 or even longer. Ukrainians need God’s word now and will need it after the war is over.

The Need

As the military actions continue, the Ukrainian people are facing unspeakable amounts of pain, stress and practical challenges. Therefore, the need for spiritual support and healing remains huge and urgent. Even when this war is over, the depth of trauma is so great that it would take many years for Ukrainians to deal with it and find peace and comfort. Whatever 2023 may bring for Ukraine, it is absolutely crucial that Bible Society remains active and continues bringing the word of God to every soul in need. The team at Bible Society Ukraine are also in need of continued support as they experience immense financial pressures — sales have declined while the need for free or subsidised Scriptures is multiplying. There is also a need to preserve their most valuable resource, their staff, some of whom were forced to leave their homes due to the threat to their lives and families.

>7,000 68%

deaths of civilians during the war as of February 2023.

identify themselves as Christian ‘believers’ (2022 Razumkov study).

↓35% ±8.08m

of Ukraine’s real GDP in 2022 as forecasted by The World Bank.

people have fled Ukraine to neighbouring countries as of Feb 2023.



This project’s goal is to maintain the Bible Society presence and operations while the country goes through an unprecedented period of war, when the Bible is needed most of all by those who seek


comfort, hope and encouragement. This project will be implemented day-to-day, aimed at maintaining Bible Society operations at a level required to meet the existing Scripture needs in Ukraine amidst

With God’s help and incredible support from the United Bible Societies fellowship, Bible Society Ukraine was able to maintain its presence during the first months of the war and it became a huge blessing to the local churches, relief organisations, military chaplains and individual Ukrainians.

Bible Society Ukraine has been blessed with wide and efficient network of contacts with churches and other organisations. Bible Society Ukraine facilitates cooperation between various organisations having resources and needing resources (e.g., group of Christian counsellors, relief organisations, etc.).

In some cases, with the support of Bible Societies around the world, they are also uniquely positioned to provide humanitarian aid to those in need, and therefore, continue to include this aspect in their activities.

Prayer Needs

the war and in the post-war period.


“We all see people’s incredible openness to the Bible across the whole country and, again and again, this means that we will need many more Bibles to meet the existing needs of millions who were affected with this war.”

• Please pray for the physical safety of the Bible Society staff and their families, for God’s protection as they serve churches and individuals with the word of God.

• Pray for wisdom of the Bible Society leadership on how to carry out the Bible work under very complicated circumstances in the best possible way.

• Pray that every Bible distributed brings the best possible result and leads its reader to God and his truth.

Rostyslav, Bible Society Ukraine


The First Christian Library


Bible Society Vietnam (BSV) has established The Christian Library in Ho Chi Minh City and is aiming for it to be locally sufficient by 2024. BSV is keen to grow its capacity in Bible engagement and advocacy through this project, along with deepening relationships with churches and the Vietnamese community of Christian businesspeople.

The Need

Up to 3,000 students are enrolled in theological education and ministerial training programs in Ho Chi Minh City. Most of these theological programs have no library, which means the students are under equipped in their theological training.

Preachers and church workers are desperate to refresh their Bible engagement and theological reflection in order to improve their preaching. Evangelical lay people are also keen to gain a greater understanding of the Bible.

Yet, before this project, there was no Christian library anywhere in Communist Vietnam. Praise God that this inaugural Christian Library, with BSV holding the operating licence, has official governmental approval!

±3k >60k

students enrolled in theological education and ministerial training programs in Ho Chi Minh City.

Christians reside in Ho Chi Minh City.



Bible Society Vietnam (BSV), in partnership with the Christian Business & Marketplace Connection Vietnam has established The Christian Library. The ultimate goal of this project is to initiate Bible engagement activities among Vietnamese Christians through Bible reading, learning, and preaching, as


well as facilitating and sustaining biblical and theological studies. This project will support two key staff and grow the library resources to 20,000 titles. Once this library is well established, BSV and other donors would like to replicate The Christian Library in Hanoi City in North Vietnam.

The Library Trustees are keen that after three years of international support (2021-2023), the Vietnamese Christian community will be able to take ownership of the ongoing running costs. In the meantime, a key cost of this project is the salaries of the library director and library officer.


The total number of people this project aims to impact is 5,000. This includes the 3,000+ theological students as well as 2,000 other hoped for patrons of the library (among the 60,000+ Christians who reside in Ho Chi Minh City). Since its beginning, the project has successfully imported 1,200 new Biblical studies and theology books. This has increased the library to around 10,000 books, with the board considering e-library options for future proofing.

This library will provide easy access for Vietnamese Christians by providing a wealth of both Vietnamese and English Biblical and theological resources and other evangelical Christian literature. Access to these resources will increase the theological insight of generations of students into the future.

The Christian Library will also be a source of great encouragement for lay people, enabling them to do their own theological study and reflection, leading to a strengthening of faith.

So far, the project has already impacted 3,500 people.

Prayer Needs

“My dream is that this library will be a model of Christian partnership in Vietnam. Vietnamese Christians must take ownership of Christian ministry in Vietnam.”

John, businessman and supporter of The Christian Library

“The Library makes it easier for me to find relevant materials for my term papers. I will certainly visit it in the future.”

Rebecca, MA student at an underground seminary and wife of a Protestant pastor in Ho Chi Minh City

• Pray for the governance of the library, especially that the Board of Trustees and the Office of the Directors will function well and help the library to achieve its mission

• Pray for the resource development program of the library – the Board envisages the library holding up to 20,000 titles in the three years of the project.

• Pray that the development of The Christian Library will strengthen church relations, particularly helping to equip ministers and lay people in Bible engagement ministry.


Distribution: We provide Bibles to those who want one.

We support various Bible-distribution projects as well as provide Scripture Grants for Bibles in schools, to chaplains of hospitals, prisons, the Australian defence force, and to churches that run evangelism courses.



Bibles in Schools


Bible Society Australia (BSA) seeks to serve and equip volunteer teachers and instructors participating in Special Religious Education (SRE) and Christian Religious Instruction (CRI) by providing them with a Scripture Grant for Bibles in Schools.

The Need

Many students in public schools are not familiar with the Bible; for many of the 2.6 million public school students across Australia, God’s Story found in the Bible is, amazingly, a new story. For some of them, no one has ever shown them how the Bible is relevant to them and the world they live in.

However, in some public schools, religious education classes can be conducted by volunteers from various churches.

Bible Society Australia is committed to helping these teams of dedicated volunteers bring the message of the Bible to the children of Australia by providing them free class sets of Bibles. The Bibles in Schools grant enables Scripture Teachers to give their students the privilege of holding, navigating, and reading a Bible within their classes in public schools.


public school students in Australia.

<45% <32%

of Australians own a Bible.

of Generation Y own a Bible.



The goal of this project is to help SRE teachers and CRI instructors to Open The Bible with their students, helping them to discover and engage with God’s word. This grant aims to resource Scripture teachers with God’s word.

In 2023, Bible Society Australia will again supply Class Sets of the CEV Big Rescue Bible (for Primary schools) or the CEV Youth Bibles (for

High Schools). These class sets can be for any number of students and are kept by volunteer teachers and instructors for many years, to Open The Bible with students during class. This project will also supply Borrow Bibles – The Jesus Storybook Bible (suitable for K-3 classes). Borrow Bibles come as a set of three per class for weekly borrowing.  Equipped with protective plastic

pouches for longevity, and stickers to help prompt returns, they are designed so that as many class members as possible can have a turn borrowing them. These Bibles also stay with the teacher for many years of Bible borrowing, for K-3 students to read by themselves or with their family at home (not sent home as gifts).


The impact of these grants has been seen in the way it resources and encourages the Scripture Teachers who partake in the program. Furthermore, the stories and testimonies from the teachers reveal the impact of having Bibles available in their classes.

In the 2021-2022 financial year, 4,408 ‘Borrow Bibles’ were requested through the Scripture Grant.

2,854 CEV Big Rescue Bibles were requested for classroom sets and 727 CEV Youth Bibles were requested for classroom sets.

Impact Prayer Needs

“Students were able to use the Bibles to read the Word of God for themselves. I emphasised this in classes, that reading a Bible is hearing from God. Many people can say or write different things about God online, but we have to ability to read his word for ourselves and discover who Jesus really is... This grant program is so helpful to give practical experience of using a Bible in class time. It’s great!”

- High School SRE teacher Carly, 2022

“My SRE K/1 and Yr 3 classes were very happy to have their first use of our Borrow Bibles. ... Thanks to all those who have made it possible for the children to have this resource. The first 6 children are very excited.” - Wendy, 2022

• Thank God for the families that have opted to participate in Special Religious Education and Christian Religious Instruction this year. Pray that God’s word falls like seeds in good soil.

• Pray for continued opportunities to Open the Bible with Australian school students.

• Pray that children will be introduced to the Bible through Scripture classes, and guided by their teachers, will feel confident to turn to God’s word throughout their lives as their light and guide.



Indigenous Audio Bibles


Bible Society Australia is working to produce audio Scriptures for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, which provide the gospel in a format communities can readily access.

The Need

A printed Bible, even translated into a heart language, is at times not sufficient for people to Open The Bible for themselves. Some people are unable to fully engage with the printed text of their Scriptures due to poor eye health, low literacy skills, or other reasons.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are oral cultures; important information is conveyed through story telling rather than the written word. This means that Indigenous communities readily engage with audio content in a way non-Indigenous cultures do not often appreciate or understand.

Indigenous Australian languages with Scripture translated that don’t yet have audio recordings available.



Bible Society’s goal is to ensure all the Indigenous languages which have been translated also have audio Scripture recorded, so that the Bible is accessible to as many people as possible. Also, the audio recordings serve as a literacy tool, developing skills as people listen to the Bible.

In 2023, BSA will be coordinating several Bible Audio Projects including a multi-voice recording of the PEV (Plain English Version) Bible. This translation is specifically designed for Aboriginal audiences in


which English is not a first language. Plans are underway to expand Bible Society’s involvement in Oral Bible Translation (OBT) projects. Currently, BSA assists with Translation Consultancy for Oral Bible Translation in partnership with YWAM’s Every Tongue Ministry in the language of Kimberley Kriol. Work commenced on several Northern Territory languages in 2022: the Rembarrnga and Gurindji. There are also plans to hold an OBT workshop for the Ndjebbana language of

In 2022, Bible Society was involved in Oral Bible Translation work, a new approach to Bible translation. Four traditional language groups (with 833 speakers) in the Kimberley expressed interest in an Oral Bible Translation Project.

Approximately 5,000 people in the Kimberley region of Western Australia speak Kimberley Kriol, all who will have the chance to hear God’s word in their heart language.

The Western Arrarnta New Testament Audio Recording will reach approximately 1,000 people in and around Hermannsburg (Ntaria) in the Northern Territory.

The Kriol Audio Recording will reach approximately 30,000 people from Western Australia, across the top of the Northern Territory and into Queensland. Also in 2022, the Rembarrnga and Gurindji language groups commenced Oral Bible Translation, and initial drafts of Bible stories have already been recorded.

Prayer Needs

Maningrida in the Northern Territory. Once the Scripture recordings are completed, a mobile App is developed which unites the readings (the spoken word) with the printed text. As the audio is played, the words are highlighted in the text, forming an effective literacy tool. These apps are made available for free download from the Google Apps store and www.aboriginalbibles.com.


“There’s been lots of interest recently in audio recordings of existing translations, as the entire community of a language can listen to a recording of the Bible, but not everyone can read a printed version... Oral Bible translation...makes translation not only accessible as a process to those who can’t or prefer not to read and write in their language. But even more than that, the result is already an audio recording, making it easy to distribute to a group of people who are often far more ready to listen to God’s word than to read it.”

- Sam Freney, BSA Translation Consultant, 2022

“I came to the conclusion that the translation was in fact more than adequate, and I realised that the material had been rearranged deliberately to fit into the Kriol discourse structure, and what I was hearing was a genuine translation in which the source text had been dismantled and reworked in the form of the receptor language. I don’t think I have seen this process done as clearly before.” - Dr Carl Gross, Bible Society Translation Consultant, who in 2022 attended an Oral Bible Translation workshop in Kununurra, working closely with a team of Kimberley Kriol translators.

• Pray that these audio recordings of Scripture will bless many generations across Australia.

• Thank God that many people who are unable to read can embrace the Gospel and know God’s love through the spoken word.

• Pray for more opportunities to record Scripture in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

• Pray for capable readers to offer their time and abilities to serve God and his people.



Scriptures for the ADF


Bible Society Australia (BSA) seeks to serve and equip chaplains who are working with the Australian Defence Forces, ministering to Australians serving with the armed forces, by providing Bibles and Scripture Resources through a Scripture Grant.

The Need

There is sustained demand for specialty Scriptures in the ADF, as men and women take up the opportunity to search the truths of the Bible, encouraged by their “padres”. Bible Society has provided specialised ADF badged Bibles for members of the armed forces for over 100 years.

>581k >60k

people have served in the ADF. 2.8% of the Australian population aged 15 years and over (as per 2021 census).

people were currently serving in Regular service (as of 2021).


years, Bible Society has provided special ADF Bibles.


Impact Goals

The goal of this project is to Open The Bible to people serving in the ADF. By resourcing ADF chaplains with Scriptures and Gospel materials, they can engage people with God’s word. This grant shares the transformative hope of the Gospel, equipping Gospel workers with both God’s word and the ability to encourage and disciple those they work with.

In 2023, the goal of this project is to continue responding to the needs of the ADF chaplains and approved ministry support partners as they work with the personnel in the Australian armed forces.


“Thank you for your contributions towards supporting Army Chaplaincy, I have used the Bibles and resources on field exercises and overseas deployment. It has brought much encouragement to my soldiers and the wider Coalition Armed Forces during my time in Iraq.” - Ricky, a chaplain

“[The Tri-Service devotional] is a fruitful resource with potential to help ADF members explore or grow in faith for years to come.” - Darren, a chaplian, from a review in the Australian Army Chaplaincy Journal

“It’s just so encouraging to know there are donors of BSA who want to support us as we minister to the ADF.” - Julie, Military Christian Fellowship

“The Bibles are highly needed as the recruits are showing interest to have one for themselves and read in their own time. Thank you for the support and God Bless.” - Ivan, an army chaplain

The impact of this Scripture grant is ultimately seen in the changed lives of recipients.

In the 2021-2022 financial year, ADF Chaplains requested: 1,640 ADF CEV Bibles, 737 NLT Army waterproof New Testaments with Psalms and Proverbs, 320 NLT Navy waterproof New Testaments with Psalms and Proverbs and 240 NLT RAAF waterproof New Testaments with Psalms and Proverbs.

Prayer Needs

“During that week I had the joy of giving 90 Bibles to the attending cadets. There were discussions with various cadets about their Bibles during that week. During quiet times in the lecture theatre, many cadets would get their Bible out, reading them during those periods. Numerous cadets came to me at the end of the course and asked me to sign the inside of their Bible and I was able to write verses in the front for them to look at later. It’s such a privilege to distribute many Bibles to young people who are hungry for meaning and purpose in their lives. Thank you, Bible Society.” - David, an ADF chaplain

“Faith is one of the ADF engagement pillars in the Pacific and it is fantastic that we are able to access the ADF tri-service devotion publication for our members. Thank you to BSA and its partners, for upholding the faith of Christians in the ADF...” - An ADF Commander posted on a Pacific Island

• Pray for continued opportunities to Open The Bible with Australians in the Defence Forces, for chaplains to be encouraged and strengthened in their work, and for open hearts to hear God’s word.



New Believer’s Bibles


Bible Society Australia’s (BSA) New Believers Scripture Grant offers support to churches running evangelistic courses, such as the Alpha Course. In doing so, BSA seeks to serve and equip believers with a heart for evangelism who are ministering to Australians in all areas of life.

The Need

People meet Jesus through evangelistic courses run by many different denominations across Australia. Participants are encouraged to discover the joy of God’s word and develop a thirst for reading it. While participating in evangelistic courses, some people can’t afford a Bible or find it difficult to access a Bible of their own.

people globally have attended an Alpha course since 1993.

Australians attend Alpha every year.

±28m ±50k


The goal of this Scripture Grant is to Open The Bible with people who are exploring Christianity. The goal of the New Believers Scripture grant is to provide free Bibles to course participants in need. Because of the support given by this grant, participants can have a Bible of their own to read as they continue


engaging with God’s word on their journey to faith.This grant also aims to serve and equip gospel workers running the courses with God’s word and the ability to encourage and disciple those they work with. This year, the goal of this project is to expand, to reach more ministries

In 2022, BSA launched the ‘New Beginnings Bible’, which was created especially for the new believer, to help them open the Bible in the new walk with the Lord. With contributions from across the Australian church, new inserts were created and designed to be simple, clear and inviting into God’s word. When the Bibles were received, Geoff from a church in Queensland responded, “The (New Beginnings) Bibles arrived today, and they are absolutely awesome. I can hardly wait to give them out and I know they will be greatly appreciated. It almost seems like someone was eavesdropping on the Alpha conversations regarding what Bibles new Christians should purchase. These are them exactly. Please pass on our heartfelt thanks to all those... involved in the decision to make these available.”

The Scripture Grant runs across the financial year. From July 2021 – June 2022, 705 Bibles were distributed to Alpha course participants in the form of NIV Bibles, Youth Bibles and NRSV Bibles.

The impact of the Scripture Grant can be seen in the stories and testimonies of both course coordinators and course participants, as their lives have been changed by engaging with God through his word.

Prayer Needs

who are running Alpha and other evangelistic courses for seekers in their communities.

Course organisers can choose between Bible Society’s New Beginnings Bible, the NRSV or a Youth Bible when ordering using the Scripture Grant.


“Thank you for the Bibles for our Alpha. We presented them at our two services on Sunday. In each of the two services on Sunday we had a short time set aside for some of the Alpha participants to take part in a brief interview about their Alpha experience. Happy to say the comments were overwhelmingly positive and, when asked if they would recommend Alpha to one of their friends, the universal answer was absolutely.” - Geoff

“I prayerfully look for a Scripture reading for each person and write it on the first page of their Bible. I am sure the Holy Spirit guides me to the need of that person. Again, thanking you for your generosity. God’s blessing on you and your organisation.” - Regina

“We have just received a shipment of beautiful Bibles from the Bible Society. Thank you for granting our request. Please pray that the recipients will place as much value on this gift as we do.” - Kay

“This is such a blessing. God bless you and the work that your team do!” - Chris

“Thank you so much Bible Society for your generous contribution of Alpha Bibles for our course participants. It will be such a blessing for our guests to receive the Bibles. Thank you again. God Bless your ministry.” -

• Pray that many Australians would be led to Open The Bible for the first time this year, and that they would find evangelistic courses to guide them in their journey to faith.

• Pray for workers to be raised up and equipped in running evangelistic courses, and that BSA would be able to expand this grant to supply new ministries with Bibles.

• Pray that many will turn to Christ and continue to grow as Christians with God’s word as their light and guide.



Equipping Chaplains


Bible Society Australia (BSA) seeks to serve and equip groups who are ministering to Australians in all areas of life, by providing Scripture Grants which can be used to acquire Bibles and Scripture resources. This includes the Chaplaincy and Parachurch grant (C&P), through which BSA supplies Scriptures and gospel resources in English and also heart languages for people from other nations via chaplains and gospel workers.

The Need

The C&P grant allows chaplains and gospel workers to reach out to people in prisons, detention centres, hospitals, aged care homes, youth hubs, red-light districts and other situations of vulnerability.

The needs vary. Many of the patients in hospitals that these chaplains would minister to, for example, haven’t been to church for years and have no regular Christian teaching input. Hospital admissions, serious illnesses or injuries are often catalysts for them to rethink about their relationship with God. The Bibles and Scripture resources provide for them a gentle reminder of God’s goodness, love and mercy.

This grant also supports ministries running English as a second language (ESL) groups and classes. The grant helps fund Bibles and resources for all these groups.


of people affiliated with Christianity in Australia (52% in 2016 to 44% in 2021. Source: ABS).


of millennials in Australia have reported having no religion (the highest proportion of ‘No religion’ across other age groups in Australia (2021 ABS census).

↑5% 11.8m

Australian prisoners from June 2020 to June 2021.

hospitalisations in Australia from 20202021.


Impact Goals

The goal this project is to Open The Bible to people in vulnerable situations. By resourcing front line workers with the Scriptures and gospel materials, they can engage people with God’s word. This grant shares the transformative hope of the gospel, as they equip gospel workers with both God’s word and the ability to encourage and disciple those they work with.

One example of the work of C&P partners are gospel ministries who are reaching out to their culturally diverse neighbours with friendship, English lessons and the good news about Jesus.

In 2023, this project is aiming to continue to serve existing partners, as well as find and support more ministries, giving them the resources they need to share the gospel and disciple people who have come to faith.


“This African bloke, he’d really been through so much, fled to Kenya then Australia. Due to work commitments, he couldn’t come to church, so we kept meeting with him, sharing God’s word. When I gave him his own Bible to study with us, he said ‘You have really loved me today.’” - Sue, evangelist in WA

“I knocked on the door of a boy ‘Josh’ who’s in jail on very serious charges. Josh asked, ‘Is this random...Last night God showed me the consequences of the road I’m on. I had a dream. I was in Hell...I’ve been reading the Bible for the last couple of months...So I knew by the end that God was saying to me this is where I’m heading... And then you turned up. So, I want to know is this random?!’ I said: ‘No, I don’t think it is’, telling Josh

Prayer Needs

The impact of these grants has been seen in the changed lives of recipients, and the stories and testimonies from chaplains, outreach workers and the recipients of Bibles and Scripture resources. In the 2021-2022 financial year there were eight new hospitals and 21 returning hospitals with a total of 29 chaplaincy departments served. Scripture Grants also supplied material in seven new correctional facilities, 36 returning facilities, bringing the total correctional centre chaplaincies and ministries to 44. There were 41 new ‘other’ gospel ministries, with 36 returning ministries for a total of 77 other ministries supported last financial year.

In total, 28,327 pieces of Scripture and Scripture resources were supplied in the 2021/2022 financial year to correctional, hospital and other chaplain and Bible engagement ministries. Special bookmarks were made and supplied to chaplains to give away with the Scriptures and other resources. 6,375 bookmarks were given away over the last financial year.

that I was a Christian and that I believed that what he had seen was indeed a vision of his possible future. I also told him … that I also believed that God had sent me to speak with him that morning to tell him some very good news...” - Mike, NSW prison chaplain

At the weekly ESL classes, Ying would read stories about Jesus’ life in English. He says, “Week by week, I believed a little bit more of Jesus’ story.” Over his years at ESL classes, Ying says that “Jesus opened my eyes to understand that the Bible is true.” Ying joined a church and got baptised in 2019. There are countless stories like this from ESL classes all around the country. At these classes, there are thousands of people learning English — and meeting Jesus.

• Pray for continued opportunities to Open the Bible with Australians, for workers to be raised up, and for open hearts to hear God’s word, particularly those suffering great loss, seemingly insurmountable troubles and deep sorrow.

• Pray that many will turn to Christ and continue to grow as Christians with God’s word as their light and guide.



Distributing God’s Word


Each year Bible Society Australia distributes Indigenous Bibles and Scripture Resources to organisations and churches who minister to Indigenous communities around Australia, free of charge, through our Scripture Grants program. This ensures that Indigenous Scriptures are not only published but are made available to the local church communities, engaged with, and lead to transformation.

The Need

There are many challenges and difficulties in ensuring the distribution of Indigenous Scriptures around the country. Most of the languages translated belong to remote communities in the Top End of the Northern Territory, central desert communities and remote communities in the Kimberley and Far North Queensland.

There is a great need for this work of distribution, as without it, decades of work on Bible translations would not be realised. A reliable method of distribution is needed, so that communities can receive and celebrate the availability of God’s word in their heart languages.


of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people live in remote or very remote areas.


live in regional areas



Bible Society is committed to implementing the most efficient and effective distribution methods. These include a combination of traditional postage methods; travelling partnerships; vehicles; technology (online resources) and the Indigenous Scripture Grant Program.


For the 2022 – 2023 financial year, Bible Society will provide Indigenous Ministers, Sunday school workers, teachers, prison and hospital chaplains with free Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scripture resources to the value of $80,000. These Scripture resources will be supplied through the Indigenous

Scripture Grants program. This is an increase in funds from previous years, and is likely to be repeated in July 2023 for the following financial year, as the demand for Scripture resources remains high across the country.


The impact of this Bible distribution is seen in both the ministries and churches who receive Scriptures to help them as they minister, and in the communities who receive Bibles in their heart languages. Through the distribution of Indigenous Scripture resources, many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will be able to face life’s challenges with Scripture in their hands and hearts.

In the first six months of 2022 approximately 22,708 Bibles and Scripture resources were distributed for free to remote communities for ministry needs as part of the Bible Society’s Remote and Indigenous Scripture Grants Program. Indigenous children and youth received almost half of these resources.

In October, new resources — a series of three books in Pitjantjatjara, 1 Samuel, the Gospel of Mark and Paul’s Letters — were distributed among the communities in the APY lands. These resources were designed for outreach in remote communities, prisons and hospitals and it is hoped will have a particular impact on the younger generations of Pitjantjatjara speakers.

“A big thank you for the Bibles in language that you have supplied to Pupanya, Central Australia! We run Bible studies every Thursday night, missional focused Sunday services and children’s ministry every week and study the Bible with friends and in small groups spontaneously through the week too… Our team did a mission trip this last weekend and distributed Bibles you have sent to us… We prayed they would get to the right ones through us. Deannie (who received a Bible) gave her life to Jesus three weeks ago...We thank you so much for sowing the word of God into the people toward an eternal harvest! It’s been so encouraging hearing the word of God taught back to us through the people!”

Katy Spakman, Iris Global Australia Ministry, Alice Springs.

Prayer Needs

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it”. Isaiah 55:10-11

• Please pray that as these resources are sent out around the country, they will yield spiritual fruit and achieve God’s purposes.



Indigenous Publishing


Bible Society Australia (BSA) remains the key publisher of Indigenous Bibles in Australia. Working with churches, parachurch organisations as well as Indigenous leaders and translators, Bible Society coordinates the publication, design and typesetting of the Bibles.

The Need

Prior to the arrival of European settlement, it is estimated that around 400 Indigenous languages were spoken in Australia. Unfortunately, since that time Australia has suffered the highest rate of language extinction in the world and currently only about 10% of these languages are still being used in daily life. There is a need for Bible translation, publishing and distribution to often very remote communities, and a need to keep the cost of published Scriptures at a price people can afford.

“[The first] Gumatj New Testament was available for many years, but the copies ran out and Gumatj people were asking for more. It is not always easy to make more copies, especially when the old way of printing books has changed. A ‘print button’ could not just be pressed straightaway for more copies, because the first Gumatj New Testament was made before there were computers and fancy printers. In order to get the Gumatj New Testament on today’s computers, there were many steps to take to prepare it for printing. Transferring words onto computers doesn’t always go smoothly. Computers, scanners and their machines can be a bit ‘rough’, especially when they do not know and understand Gumatj. But Gumatj people know when the words have been copied correctly into the new computer systems.” - Margaret Miller, Uniting Church Support Worker.


of the estimated

400 Indigenous languages originally spoken are still being used in daily life.

was the year that Bible Society published the Ngarrindjeri Scriptures.

was the year that the first full Indigenous Bible was published in Kriol.

1864 2007


Since 1864, Bible Society’s goal has been to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in translating – and publishing – the Scriptures into their heart languages. Once published, BSA coordinates the distribution of the Bibles to individuals and communities (some of which are very remote), at whatever price they can afford.

By publishing Indigenous Scripture — both in print and online — BSA

hopes to encourage interest and value in keeping Indigenous languages alive from Indigenous and non-indigenous people alike. BSA ensures Indigenous translations are published and distributed in a culturally sensitive and respectful way.

In 2023 Bible Society will support the publication of several translation projects. As well as the publication of various Scripture translations,

Bible Society publishing will be working on a book exploring the story of Indigenous Bible Translation in Australia. This book will feature translations in over 40 different languages, including some Bible translations in languages which have never been published before.


In 2022 Bible Society supported several translation projects. The long-awaited Gumatj New Testament revised edition was dedicated in Yirrkala in April, with much celebration. Many translators dedicated their lives to this work but passed away before seeing it come to fruition, notably the two main Gumatj senior women, Gulumbu and Mutilŋa, who were involved in the earlier work of the Gumatj Bible Translation.

A small book series was also printed, made up of small volumes of Scripture in Pitjantjatjara. The 3 books were: 1 Samuel; Mark’s Gospel and Paul’s Letters. These books were very popular in hospitals and across the APY Lands for outreach.

Impact Prayer Needs

“When it came time for me to open the box and hand out the [revised Gumatj NT] Bibles, all the translators and their families came down to the front. As I gave each person the Bible, their faces lit up, and tears of joy could be seen from many – and there was a wonderful sense of unity.”

Louise Sherman, Bible Society Australia’s Production Coordinator – Remote & Indigenous Ministry Support (RIMS)

There has been a great movement of God at Yirrkala since the revised Gumatj New Testament dedication took place in early April 2022. “They’ve been having fellowship every night since then. There is a move of God’s Spirit that has happened. We’ve been waiting for this Gumatj New Testament dedication for months. But the timing has been absolutely amazing because of this growing encouragement and enthusiasm in the Lord and in God’s work and in his Spirit.”

Margaret Miller, the Uniting Church Support Worker who oversaw the reprint of the Gumatj New Testament.

Pray for God’s healing and restoration for Australia’s first nations people, that as communities Open The Bible in their heart language they will be transformed and will know God’s love for them.

• Pray that communities will have the strength and conviction to share God’s love with others.



Bibles for Millions


The United Bible Society’s China Partnership (CP) exists to serve and support the church in China. Through this project, CP aims to ensure that as many Chinese people as possible can own their own Bible. It does so by providing Bible paper to support the printing and distribution of Bibles to the growing number of Christians in China, and to offer free Bibles to those who cannot afford to buy their own.

The Need

Mainland China continues to be a powerhouse of Christian growth in the 21st century. Although the Chinese government is strictly atheist and party members are prohibited from practicing religion, there are officially 40 million Christians (both Protestant and Catholic) and unofficially 100 million Christians in the country. This represents between 3 to 7 per cent of the population, second only to Buddhists (18 per cent). The demand for Bibles increases each year.

In China today, poverty refers mainly to the rural poor, since decades of economic development has reduced urban extreme poverty. The majority of the Christian population live in rural areas.

Chinese Christians need to hear and know the word of God. They acknowledge that the Bible is the basis of faith and the means to draw wisdom for their daily life. In the face of increasing threats from false teachings and heresies, the need is pressing for their faith to be firmly founded and strengthened by the Bible.

46m 93% 60%

Christians (100m unoficially).

of China has no access to Bibles

of Christians live in rural areas.



The goal of this project is twofold. Firstly, to provide Bible paper to support the Church in China in printing and distributing more Bibles to the growing number of Chinese coming to know Jesus, and to support the outreach efforts of the church by sharing the word of God. These Bibles will be more affordable and will help millions of Christians to be able to purchase their own


copy. Secondly, this project aims to provide free Bibles to those who do not have the financial means to buy their own Bibles.

In 2023, the project plans to distribute 70,000 free Bibles and 1,100,000 copies of Bible paper.

This includes:

• 40,000 large-print Bibles and

500,000 copies of Bible paper

• 20,000 standard-sized Bibles and 200,000 copies of Bible paper

• 10,000 Seeker’s Bibles and 200,000 copies of Bible paper

• 100,000 pocket-sized Bible papers


From the establishment of Amity Printing Company in 1987 until the end of 2019, over 86 million Bibles have been printed and distributed in China.

In 2021, this project supported the cost of Bible paper to print 417,981 affordable Bibles. Also, 148,298 copies of the Bible were supported for free distribution.

Millions of Christians in China will be encouraged by receiving their own copy of the Bible. They will have the opportunity to grow in faith and to mature in God’s word. Chinese Christians also give Bibles to non-Christian friends or relatives as a form of outreach.

Through this project, at least 1,170,000 Chinese will be able to own a copy of the Bible. Their faith will also be strengthened to resist false teaching and heresy, which is an identified problem in the church in China.

Prayer Needs

“This is my first Bible. I was a little overwhelmed when I held it in my hands, thinking to myself that this is no ordinary book, it is the word of God!”

Yuan, a 65-year-old woman from Hebei Province.

“The Bible points to me my life’s direction and goals, I started to read the Bible daily. Through reading the reading the Bible, I learn how to pray and live my life.”

30-year-old farmer in the north-eastern city of Fenyang

Please pray for smooth co-ordination of the free Bible distribution and that the beneficiaries will be encouraged to read God’s word and obey it.

Pray for the millions of poor rural Christians who still do not have their own Bible.

Pray for China Partnership’s continued strengthening of relationships with authorities.

Pray that each non-believer or seeker who receives a copy of the Bible has their heart opened to the word of God.

Pray for more Bibles for the growing population of Christians, that the Word of God would help the reader to grow in their understanding and belief in Jesus Christ.



Bibles for the Young


The Bible Society of Kenya is committed to placing a Bible in the hands of marginalised young people, one student at a time, so that even when they are old, they will turn to God’s word and not away. These Bibles will be distributed as a part of the Christian Religious Education in schools.

The Need

According to UNESCO, there are 8.3 million primary and 7.5 million secondary Kenyan students, all of whom can participate in Christian religious education at school. Kenya is a Christian country and as a result both Christian Religious Education (in primary and secondary school) and the Program for Pastoral Instruction (PPI in primary school) are approved by the Kenya School system.

However, according to research by a child outreach network, 98% of public primary schools do not have Bibles available in the classroom to assist in these lessons. Kenya is described as a lower-middle income economy. However, due to poverty, many families do not own a Bible.


Kenyan primary students.


Kenyan secondary students

98% 30%

of public primary schools do not have Bibles.

of the 47 million population in Kenya live in poverty



Each year, this project seeks to place a Bible in the hands of 5,500 children in urban poor and rural Kenya, through children’s homes, slum schools, and other schools, with the aim of transforming lives through engagement with God’s word.


In 2023, from January to February, schools and children’s homes in the prioritised areas will be contacted and dates set for distribution. From March to November, Scriptures will be distributed, and teachers trained in systematic Bible engagement techniques through the programme

While the ultimate goal of this project is audacious and eternal — that when they are grown, students will continue to turn to God’s word and not away from it — the initial impact will be seen in improved performance in the CRE subject. It is hoped that with the availability of Bibles, the PPI classes will be brought to life for primary students.

Since 2016, the Bible Society has distributed over 31,497 copies of appropriate Scriptures to children in 24 children’s homes, 190 schools in over 38 counties in Kenya. Impact reports received indicate that Bible knowledge among young people has increased, leading to noticeable behavioural change, especially in children’s homes and slum schools.

Continued distribution of Bibles among children from low-income backgrounds increases regular Bible reading across the whole family. Through this project, families with no Scriptures are now exposed to God’s word, and Bible engagement is increasing among the children who receive Bibles for themselves.

Prayer Needs

for pastoral instruction (PPI). Every three months the project will monitor, evaluate and report on progress.


“The English version of GNB is...very easy to search Bible verses since there are reference section which can easily look into. I also enjoy carrying my Bible and notebook to church when I go to church, a new behaviour which I had not embraced before I got this Bible. My favourite scripture is Psalm 91: 11 and it reminds me always that God is my protector.”

Victor, who received his Good News Bible when he was in grade 6. He is currently about to sit for his Kenya Certificates for Primary Education (K.C.P.E) for grade 8 learners.

“Before 2020, I had dropped out of school for 5 years... I was a young man with anger issues. I would cause havoc in my village. Everybody feared me. Come 2020, Bible Society of Kenya visited my school. I had just resumed and joined Form 2. I received a copy of Revised Standard Version and that marked the turnaround of my life. That Bible was like honey in my mouth. Interesting, right? God caused me to seriously read the Bible, and, in the process, I got born again. Moreover, God enabled me to be a calm man...I am a changed man, and my grades are better than before. I look forward to attaining a C+ in my forthcoming K.C.S.E examination...Currently am helping the school administration rehabilitate other boys who are into drugs in school. I take it as my duty to speak to them about the dangers using my story. I would say I have become a fisher of men.”

Mark, 24 years old, Kagumo Secondary School, 2022

• Pray that Bibles will be available so the children and youth will be reached with Scriptures.

• Pray for positive transformation for students and their families as God’s word touches their hearts and minds.



God’s word for Kids with Cancer


Since 2009, the Bible Society of Nicaragua (BSN) has run the Hope and Smile for Children with Cancer project in the Manuel de Jesus Rivera Children’s Hospital, or “La Mascota”, the only hospital in the country to offer specialised care for children with cancer. Through trained pastors and volunteers, BSN provides regular and ongoing spiritual support to families through Bibles and devotional classes, plus practical assistance to cover costs associated with transport, medicine, nutrition and funerals when needed.

The Need

Unlike public healthcare in developed countries, the hospital system in Nicaragua is under resourced and unable to provide the complete level of care many patients need. Many families lack the personal resources to fill gaps left by the hospital - which compromises their child’s chance of recovery.

Many of the children seen at La Mascota have come from remote and inaccessible places inside the country, where there is a lack of basic services such as clean water and electricity. Some children are living in extreme poverty in the slums of the capital city. Some 17 percent of children aged under five suffer from chronic malnutrition.

Many parents are not able to pay for public transport to and from the hospital, so their children can receive care. This means many children cease their treatment before they are well.


of families live in poverty (>8% struggle in extreme poverty).


increase of childhood cancer rates from Jan 2014.

~300 1:12

children diagnosed with cancer each year.

ratio of nurse to beds (when it should be 1:5).



Bible Society Nicaragua works to offer a comprehensive support service to many disadvantaged families who struggle financially to help their child fully recover, working to address existing inequalities that are further exacerbated by ill health.

BSN project staff, trained pastors and volunteers are recognised by the hospital as an important part of the care team. Spiritual and emotional support is needed to give strength to the children undergoing treatment, as well as to their parents. Doctors at the hospital particularly depend on the project to offer pastoral support to families when their child enters palliative care, and especially as family members come to terms with the

tragic early death of a child. In 2023, the goals of the project are to:

• Reach 240 pastors and volunteers, who will be trained by the project in pastoral care for children, child psychology and hand hygiene in attending to children and their families. They will also receive a free Bible, to help provide spiritual support.

• Support 3,090 children, giving them free Bibles, and teaching about God’s love, comfort and hope through his word.

• Come alongside 2,890 parents who will receive a free Bible so they may also understand God’s love and receive encouragement and


• Encourage 125 doctors and nurses who will also receive free Bibles.

• Engage 180 churches in Managua, to let them know the project is happening and to encourage volunteers.

• Hire 3 nurses to assist children in their shelter

• Champion their 240 volunteers Children and families will also receive free Bible portions in the hospital outpatient clinic, so they can understand the love of God and receive comfort and hope.


Overall, the project aims to impact 351,463 people. BSN aim to reach 80,000 in 2023, inclusive of hospital patients, their families and medical staff at the hospital. This project helps children with cancer to understand God’s love through his word and receive comfort and hope. Together with their parents they will receive spiritual strength through praying, reading and learning the word of God. At the end of each year, BSN consults hospital staff and parents to gauge the effectiveness of the project.

Impact Prayer Needs

After travelling 26 hours from the health centre to La Mascota, the doctors told Jonny’s mother that his osteosarcoma case was terminal. The BSN came alongside Jonny’s family, praying and reading the Bible together. Jonny had five surgeries and his condition has improved – he will soon complete his treatment. He is happy and well, and his family now regularly participate in their local church.

Before embarking on his long journey home, he took time to thank the donors - knowing their care has supported his success. “Thank you for all your support,” says Jonny. “God bless you!”

• Pray for God’s provision of health and protection to the hospital patients and their families.

• Pray that the families reached through this project will continue seeking God in prayer and grow in confidence in their faith.

• Pray for God’s blessing on the pastors and volunteers who serve patients and their families in this project.


Papua New Guinea

Bibles and Maternal Health Care


Bible Society Australia is partnering with MegaVoice in supplying audio Scriptures and health messages for maternal and newborn baby care, through the work of Living Child Inc. in Papua New Guinea, in the most remote areas of East Sepik Province.

The Need

The villages in the Keram River system are some of the most remote in PNG. The local people — the ‘River People’ — are strong and resourceful, surviving on local produce. Churches are strong in this area. Yet these areas are not reached by government services; there are no telecommunications or government health services, and most people are non-literate. For years there have been cries for help and stories of suffering from people in these remote villages, especially in relation to youth and children.


population in the Keram area across 50 villages, with 150 households in each village.


hour drive is needed to get villages to Wewak, the provincial capital (preceded by a boat trip from their villages)



Bible Society will be supporting MegaVoice, a leading provider of solar-powered audio Bibles, who are partnering with the charity, Living Child, which, in turn, works with the Melanesian Evangelical Churches of Christ (MECOC).

This Bible distribution project works with local Sepik-based women to develop culturally appropriate health information, including radio stories with key health messages to improve outcomes for mothers and babies, distributed through the local Christian Radio Station. They provide


essential equipment for mothers and birthing to support frontline maternity health workers, as well as a boat and motor for transport. The project is also translating and recording voice-overs in Tok Pisin for maternal and newborn health training videos to be played on the MegaVoice device, along with colourful training flipcharts which are created with each lesson. The MegaVoice audio players are also loaded with the Tok Pisin Bible and then distributed in the villages. The project is currently reaching five

villages and 1,000 homes. In 2023, the goal is that every household in participating villages will have access to the audio Bible in Tok Pisin and the heath training material. Specifically, the goal is to distribute 1,000 MegaVoice audio Bibles and 50 Megavoice Envision video players.

Another goal is to include two to three more villages in the project.

Overall, the project aims to impact 351,463 people. BSN aim to reach 80,000 in 2023, inclusive of hospital patients, their families and medical staff at the hospital. This project helps children with cancer to understand God’s love through his word and receive comfort and hope. Together with their This project has the potential to educate the mind, the body and the soul, as it includes both health training messages and the audio Bible on the MegaVoice players.

Since the introduction of the program groups in villages, church leaders say their churches are growing. They report that women are going to church as a result of listening to the audio Bibles, and many of their husbands are following them. There is the potential for a huge revival and church growth. Even children want to listen to the Tok Pisin audio Bibles. praying, reading and learning the word of God. At the end of each year, BSN consults hospital staff and parents to gauge the effectiveness of the project.

Prayer Needs

• Pray for the team working within the project.

• Pray that the villages would receive Christ. Pray for safe travel in this very remote area.

• Pray for the expansion of this project into more villages.



Hope Amidst Fear


This project is aimed at supporting Ukrainian people with God’s word, as they seek comfort and encouragement experiencing horrors of a large-scale, violent war.

The Need

Ukraine is going through a period of unseen darkness and desperation in its modern history — thousands have been killed, cities and towns are ruined, people under occupation experience terrible violence and inhumane treatment. In many areas, a humanitarian catastrophe exists, where people are deprived of basic things like drinking water, food and access to medical treatment. There is no safe place in the whole country as rockets have been hitting even its furthest areas. It is the war for the very existence of Ukrainian nation and state. This war has also affected the nation economically: towards the end of 2022, over 40% population lost their jobs or stable income.

Amidst this, overwhelming spiritual mobilization is occurring in Ukraine. Churches and Christian organizations are actively involved in helping people, bringing supplies to the frontline areas, offering shelter, psychological help and sharing the Gospel in full confidence that this is the only truth that can guide the nation through this valley of darkness. Bible Society

Ukraine workers are seeing unprecedented interest in the Bible: every day, pastors and priests call or visit our offices and ask for free Scriptures as they reach out to people living next to the frontlines, to the military and their families, and even to those further away but being filled with fear and desperation.

>10m >8.08m

people living in Ukraine are now left internally displaced. people left Ukraine seeking refuge in neighbouring countries as of Feb 2023.

>40% >7,000

of the population lost their jobs or stable income by the end of 2022.

deaths of civilians in Ukraine during the war as of February 2023.



The goal of this project is to provide Scriptures to individuals and especially churches who aim to bring the comforting and encouraging message of God’s love to Ukrainian people amidst a time of war. The project will focus the Bible distribution on four main areas: frontline areas, recently freed territories, occupied territories and the rest of the country where displaced people and those affected with the war live.

This project aims to reach various audiences — children, youth, adults and elderly people — all who feel fear and uncertainty at this time and are looking for hope.

From January to March 2023, planning for the project will take place, as they prepare the Scriptures for distribution and plan production and delivery early in the year. From January to November, Bible distribution and project visits will take place. An evaluation and

reporting of the project is planned by the end of the year.

This project aims to distribute around 150,500 Bibles for various audiences would be distributed which includes 39,500 regular Bibles, 11,000 youth Bibles, 52,000 New Testament and 48,000 children’s Bibles.


So far, in 2022, the estimated number of people impacted by this project is at 119,000. Bible Society Ukraine expect that at least two people will be impacted by every copy of Scripture distributed, as they are shared with family, friends and neighbours. The total number of people this project aims to impact for 2023 is 301,000.

Through this project, Bible Society Ukraine hopes to continue supporting Ukrainian individuals and churches in an attempt to bring message of hope, peace and encouragement to people living in Ukraine. This is a unique opportunity as people are in desperate need in certainty and firm ground — something God, through his word, freely offers.

Impact Prayer Needs

“I want to express my gratefulness for all the support. [The Scriptures] printed for us have been a blessing – the New Testaments, the Gospels, the Word of Hope book. These have been excellent for people on the move who can’t take much with them.”

Anatoliy, Deputy General Secretary of Bible Society Ukraine.

Anatoly also remarks as volunteers have been helping to man Bible Society offices and warehouses, “It is not about heroism — staying in Kyiv and keeping the Bible House open — but about the message being sent to our partners that we are together, that we support them, and we rely on God.”

• Please pray for peace in Ukraine and Russia, pray for the governments involved, for the military, for churches and individuals, and for Bible Society.

• Pray for the staff at Bible Society Ukraine and project partners who would be implementing this project and following up with all those who receive Scriptures to lead them on their journey with God.



Engaging Ethnic Minorities


This project aims to reach out to ethnic minority groups in Vietnam who have a small percentage of believers, by distributing illustrated stories of Jesus, the book of Mark with new vocabulary and Bible study guide for pre-believers and new believers in their own languages.

The Need

Christians from ethnic minorities are often subjected to severe persecution. These marginalised Christians need encouragement, as they face daily challenges imposed by their circumstances.

The people speak their indigenous languages but are not familiar with reading the Bible printed in their own language; the education system only teaches Vietnamese, and there are no books in the minority languages. Now that Scripture translation is underway in these ethnic minority languages, there is a great need to meet the peoples’ immediate need: to help them engage with God’s word in their own language.


people in Vietnam.


of the population are Christians.


on Open Door’s 2022 World Watch List for Christian persecution (ranking just after Iraq, Syria, China and Qatar, for example, with Afghanistan and North Korea at numbers 1 and 2).



This project aims to give ethnic minorities immediate access to God’s word in their own languages. It will do so by developing, printing and distributing books in the languages of four tribes: ‘Stories of Jesus’, the ‘Gospel of Mark’, as well as Bible study guides.

Sharing translations in these four languages will provide opportunities for those who have not heard the Gospel to get to know the stories of Jesus.

It will enable both believers and non-believers to engage with the Bible by participating in Bible Study

groups, following a simple Bible study method.


In 2023, the goal is to impact a total of 9,000 people, after reaching a total of 10,000 people in 2022. 1,000 sets of Jesus story books, Gospels of Mark and Bible study guides will be distributed among four new ethnic minority tribes. Audio books of Mark’s Gospel will also be produced in these four languages.

These resources will impact both long term believers from ethnic minorities whose levels of Bible engagement have been very low, as well as new believers and those who have not yet come to faith. People will be able to read God’s word and apply it in their daily lives, which will in turn impact their communities.

Impact Prayer Needs

“The stories are more interested in [my language]!”, says Susan. This project aims to impact young people like Susan, who lives in a remote area.

As a small child, Susan enjoyed regularly reading the Bible, but never had access to Scripture in the ethnic minority language of her family. Her fluency had started to diminish when she connected with this Bible Engagement project, hosted by Bible Society Vietnam.

Susan, along with 650 other families in her province, received translations of Mark’s gospel and the stories of Jesus in their minority language, allowing them to experience God’s Word in their heart language and preserve the use of it in their community.

• Pray that Christians would be empowered as they learn to read God’s word.

• Pray that non-believers would come to know the Lord through this program.

• Pray that there would be fruitful collaboration with local churches, ensuring the success and sustainability of the project.

• Pray for the distribution of Bible stories and the Gospel of Mark to people from the different tribes, that they would get to know about Jesus in their own languages, and put their faith in him.


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Articles inside


pages 157-158, 160-161

Impact Prayer Needs

page 156


page 156


pages 155-156

Papua New Guinea

pages 153-154

Impact Prayer Needs

page 152


pages 151-152


page 150


page 150


pages 149-150


pages 147-148


pages 145-146


pages 143-144

Prayer Needs

page 142


page 142

Impact Goals

page 142


page 141


pages 139-140


pages 133-138

Ukraine Preserving Bible Work Overview

pages 129-130

United Bible Societies

pages 127-128

Impact Prayer Needs

page 126

United Bible Societies

pages 125-126

South Pacific

pages 123-124

South Pacific

pages 121-122

Impact Prayer Needs

page 120

South Pacific

pages 119-120

Papua New Guinea Rebuilding

pages 117-118

Impact Prayer Needs

pages 114-116


pages 113-114

Impact Prayer Needs

page 112


pages 111-112

Arab Israel Support for Christians

pages 109-110


pages 105-106

Impact Prayer Needs

page 104


page 104

United Bible Societies

pages 103-104

Prayer Needs

page 102

Goals Impact

page 102


page 101

Togo Literacy through the Bible

pages 99-100

The Gambia

pages 97-98


pages 95-96

Impact Prayer Needs

page 94

Syria Trauma Healing

pages 93-94

Impact Prayer Needs

page 92

Sri Lanka

pages 91-92

Sri Lanka Literacy for

pages 89-90

Impact Prayer Needs

page 88


page 88

South Sudan

pages 87-88

South Africa

pages 85-86

South Africa

pages 83-84


pages 81-82

Goals Impact

page 80


page 79


pages 77-78

Impact Prayer Needs

page 76


page 76

Pakistan Light through Literacy

pages 75-76

Impact Prayer Needs

page 74

Northern Ireland

pages 73-74

Myanmar Literacy by Listening

pages 71-72

Mozambique Literacy for Life

pages 69-70


pages 67-68


pages 65-66


pages 63-64

Impact Prayer Needs

page 62


page 62


pages 61-62

Prayer Needs

page 60

Goals Impact

page 60


page 59

Egypt The Light of Literacy

pages 57-58

Impact Prayer Needs

page 56


page 56


pages 55-56

Impact Prayer Needs

page 54


page 53

Cameroon The Esther Project

pages 51-52


pages 49-50

Bangladesh Pre-Primary Literacy

pages 47-48

Impact Prayer Needs

page 46


pages 45-46


pages 43-44


pages 41-42


pages 39-40

Impact Prayer Needs

page 36

First Bible for a Minority Group

pages 35-36

Vietnam Easy to use Study Bible

pages 33-34

Impact Prayer Needs

page 32


page 32

Sri Lanka

pages 31-32

Impact Prayer Needs

page 30

South Pacific

pages 29-30

South Pacific

pages 27-28

South Pacific Vanuatu

pages 25-26

South Pacific Samoan Translation

pages 23-24

Impact Prayer Needs

page 22

Papua New Guinea

pages 21-22

Papua New Guinea

pages 19-20

Australia AUSLAN Bible Translation

pages 15-18


pages 13-14


pages 11-12


pages 9-10

Language: We translate the Bible into the world’s languages.

pages 6-8

An introduction from Grant

page 5
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