BSA 2025 Project Prospectus

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Bible Translation


people in Australia use Auslan at home (2021 Australian census)


complete Bible books only (John and Acts) translated in Auslan

4% of the Old Testament translated, 37% of the New Testament translated


Bible Society Australia (BSA) is helping to coordinate the Auslan Bible Project, to make the Bible accessible to the Australian Deaf community in their primary language. Auslan (short for Australian Sign Language) is a distinct visual language with its own grammar and vocabulary used by over 16,000 people in Australia.

The Need

The Australia Census report (2021) indicates that just over 16,000 people use Auslan in Australia. This number includes both first language and second language users. Sign languages are unique languages with their own linguistic structures.

The Auslan Bible Project aims to translate the Bible into Auslan, allowing Deaf Australians to engage with Scripture in their primary language. This project addresses several crucial needs. Firstly, it enables direct access to God’s word for the Deaf community in Australia. Secondly, it recognises and affirms Auslan as a unique language, as well as acknowledging the cultural identity of the Deaf community in Australia.

Although in the past, the books of Jonah, Ruth, Mark and Luke were all completed, the material is no longer viable due to technology advancements over the last few decades. To date, 4% of the Old Testament and 37% of the New Testament has been translated into Auslan, though the only two books we currently have full translations of are John and Acts.

But as the Scriptures say, “Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard about him will understand.” - Romans 15:21, ERV


The new Auslan Bible website is set to be launched in 2025. This website has been tailor made for those who use Auslan as their primary language, where the focus is on visual rather than written communication.

In 2025, this project will also aim to translate more Bible stories for children, with an initial goal of 12 stories about Jesus.

The Auslan Bible project team will also continue to connect with the wider Deaf Christian community in Australia through forums, conferences, and workshops to find out what parts of the Bible should be translated next, and also to give people the opportunity to learn how they can become involved in different aspects of Bible translation work.

Another long-term goal is to update some of the materials which were recorded in the early days of the project and are no longer accessible due to changes in technology. In the coming months, work will begin on re-recording the book of Jonah.


In 2024, Bible Society Australia and Wycliffe Bible Translators collaborated to establish up a state-of-the-art video recording studio to assist in creating engaging Bible resources for the Deaf community.

Work also progressed on a new Auslan Bible website, to make translation more accessible to Auslan users.

Over the year, translation work began on a series of children’s Bible stories, focused on Jesus. Four of these were translated, filmed, and published on the new Auslan Bible YouTube channel, with two more drafted and slated for release in early 2025. These resources will have a significant impact among Deaf Christians, especially for children and young adults.

“Having the Bible in Auslan means people in the Deaf community can have full access to the Good News in their own language — not by text but on video. Their faces light up when they see the Gospel in Auslan — that is priceless!” — Trudy Fraser, Auslan Bible Project Translator

Prayer Points Impact

• Please pray for the Deaf community in Australia to access the Bible in Auslan and for more connections to better serve their unique needs.

• Pray for the translators involved in the Auslan Bible Project, that they may accurately translate the Bible in a way that resonates with the Deaf community, especially children and youth.

• Thank God for the provision of a state-of-the-art video recording studio and the partnership with Wycliffe Bible Translators, that it may lead to the creation of many Bible engagement resources.

Another exciting new development in 2024 was the translation and filming of an Auslan version of the Alpha course, thanks to a partnership between Bible Society Australia, Wycliffe Bible Translators and Alpha Australia. Eight sessions were recorded and are planned for trial and release in 2025. Australia

“I’ve been thinking a lot about creating resources for kids to put online to equip the church ... These videos provide the stories in a form that kids can easily understand. We have a dream for the Deaf community to be able to connect with the gospel.” — Rebecca Thurrowgood, Wycliffe Bible Translators


Bibles For Bubs


children have Opened The Bible throughout the course of this program (2018-2023)


CEV Big Rescue Bibles were distributed to children turning 5 years old in 2024


The Bibles for Bubs program introduces children to the Bible from a very young age by providing their parents with age-appropriate Bibles and resources in the first five years of their life. The program enables families to engage with the Bible and encourages them to develop a family Bible reading practice.

The Need

Reading aloud to children is one of the most rewarding and beneficial activities an adult can choose to do. A survey conducted by Australian publisher Scholastic showed that, across all ages, the overwhelming majority of children (86%) say they loved being read books aloud at home. The top reason children say they enjoy being read aloud to is because it’s a special time with their parents. Parents are encouraged to read to their children for at least 10 minutes a day. And what better book to read to children than the Bible?

Bibles For Bubs began in 2018 to celebrate Bible Society’s bicentenary. It is now in its seventh year and has become much bigger than anyone expected! There is a need to support this program to continue supplying Bibles to children in Australia. The program helps enable parents to teach their young children the wonder of Opening The Bible and hearing God’s stories.

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ - Matthew 19:14, NIV


The goal of the Bibles for Bubs program is to build a lifetime of faith and reliance on God’s word for children through early engagement with the stories of the Bible. In each year that the program has signed up babies, it has aimed to distribute around 2,000 toddler Bibles for them. For the next four years, during their birthday month, the children receive a hand-written birthday card with an insert for parents with ideas to encourage faith and family Bible reading. On their fifth birthday, the children receive the gift of a CEV Big Rescue Bible they can read through their primary years.

There are no open registrations for the Bible for Bubs program in 2024 and 2025. However, parents who have registered their children in 2023 and past years will continue to receive the toddler Bibles and birthday cards until their child’s 5th year.


Prayer Points Impact

Since its establishment in 2018, the Bibles For Bubs program has Opened The Bible to over 13,784 Australian children and their families. The program has provided parents with helpful resources and content to engage their children with the Bible, which have been received well.

Just as Timothy was ‘made wise for salvation’ from his childhood knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, taught to him by his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice (2 Timothy 3:14-15), so these children are being helped to build a foundational knowledge of God’s word.

The program has gained popularity as grandparents and friends encourage their loved ones to apply. The influx of applications in the program’s final registration intake in 2023 (reaching over 1,600 applications) is a testimony to the value that parents, grandparents and friends see in giving children the gift of God’s word.

“I absolutely love Bibles For Bubs! I signed my grandson up to this program and it has been such a blessing for him and his parents. They don’t go to church but are happy to have Jack participate and he loves getting mail. When I asked my daughter-in-law if she had received Jack’s little Bible, she said she had and that they read it with him all the time! Thanks Bible Society for this precious program and the gift it is so many families like mine.” — Lyn, Grandparent

• Pray for the children, that they would know God’s love through reading his word.

• Pray that parents will use the Bibles and resources to help build a lifetime of faith for their children.

• Pray for families that they may be united in Christ through reading God’s word.


Bibles in Schools


Bible Society Australia seeks to serve and equip volunteer teachers and instructors participating in Special Religious Education (SRE) and Christian Religious Instruction (CRI) by providing them with a Scripture Grant for Bibles to be used during lessons and/or home reading.

The Need

2.6m 45%

public school students in Australia

of Australians own a Bible (McCrindle Research, 2014)


of Generation Y’s own a Bible — that is, less than 1 in 3 (McCrindle Research, 2014)

Many public school students in Australia lack familiarity with the Bible, with a substantial number of the 2.6 million students having never been exposed to the narrative of God found in its pages. For some, the relevance of the Bible to their lives and the world around them remains unexplored, as no one has guided them in understanding its significance.

Nevertheless, certain public schools offer religious education classes facilitated by volunteers from local churches. Bible Society Australia is dedicated to supporting these committed volunteers in conveying the message of the Bible to Australian children. This commitment is manifested through the provision of free class sets of Bibles, made possible by the Bibles in Schools grant. This grant empowers Scripture Teachers to afford their students the unique opportunity to hold, navigate, and read a Bible during their classes in public schools.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. - Joshua 1:8, NIV


The goal of this project is to resource SRE teachers and CRI instructors with Scriptures to Open The Bible with their students, helping them to discover and engage with God’s word.

In 2024, 140 scripture teachers and scripture teacher coordinators ordered class sets of Bibles and/or Borrow Bible sets for use across multiple classes. Bible Society Australia supplied Class Sets of the CEV Big Rescue Bible for Primary schools and the CEV Youth Bibles for High Schools. These class sets can be for any number of students and are kept by volunteer teachers and instructors for many years, to Open The Bible with students during class.

This project also supplies Borrow Bibles – The Jesus Storybook Bible (suitable for K-3 classes). Borrow Bibles come as a set of three per class for weekly borrowing. Equipped with protective plastic pouches for longevity, and stickers to help prompt returns, they are designed so that as many class members as possible can have a turn borrowing them. These Bibles also stay with the teacher for many years, for K-3 students to borrow and read by themselves or with their family at home.


Prayer Points Impact

The impact of the Bibles in Schools Grant has been seen in the way it resources and encourages the Scripture Teachers who participate in the program. Furthermore, the stories and testimonies from the teachers reveal the impact of having Bibles available in their classes.

In the 2023-2024 financial year, 4,744 age-appropriate Bibles were supplied to 145 volunteer teachers to use with Australian school children in SRE and CRI in schools. These included The Jesus Storybook Bibles to be used as ‘Borrow Bibles’ as well as CEV Big Rescue Bibles and CEV Youth Bibles for classroom sets.

In addition to this, BSA partnered with Scripture teachers, chaplains, and a SRE provider to publish a new edition of the CEV Youth Compact Bible with an updated cover and custom pages, which is more accessible for youth.

“Have you ever seen a child SO keen to be chosen to answer a question that they rise up on their knees, taller than all the other students, with their hand stretched up as high as it can go? That’s the response I got from my SRE class when I asked them, ‘Who would like to borrow a [Jesus Storybook “Borrow”] Bible?’ It is such a blessing to be able to open God’s word with children and build their confidence so they can do that for themselves.” — Emily, SRE Teacher and Coordinator

• Thank God for the families that have opted to participate in Special Religious Education and Christian Religious Instruction this year. Pray that God’s word falls like seeds in good soil.

• Pray God will hold open the door for SRE/CRI and that many parents will opt their children in.

• Pray that children will be introduced to the Bible through Scripture classes, and guided by their teachers, will feel confident to turn to God’s word throughout their lives as their light and guide.


Disaster Recovery Grant


every year (estimated) is spent on flood recovery in NSW


to 60,000 bushfires require responses from fire services in Australia each year


Bible Society Australia (BSA) seeks to serve and equip groups who are ministering to Australians in all areas of life by providing Scripture Grants which can be used to acquire Bibles and Scripture resources. This includes the Disaster Recovery grant.

The Need

Emergency chaplains, front line gospel workers and local churches are often among the first responders in any emergency, helping people in difficult circumstances, sharing God’s hope and the good news of Jesus.

The Commonwealth and New South Wales governments have Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Networks (DRCN) as part of their emergency management plan. The DRCN is a network of trained chaplains from different Christian denominations and religious faiths who provide spiritual and emotional support during and after major disasters.

There is a need for the Disaster Recovery grant in providing Scripture resources, so that those ministering can help people begin a journey of healing with God’s word.

Look at the crows! They don’t plant or harvest, and they don’t have storehouses or barns. But God takes care of them. You are much more important than any birds. Can worry make you live longer?

- Luke 12:24-25, CEV


The goal of this project is to Open The Bible to people experiencing disaster. By resourcing front line workers, churches, and individuals close to the situation with the Scriptures and gospel materials, they can engage and support people with God’s word. This grant shares the transformative hope of the gospel and equips gospel workers with both God’s word and the ability to encourage and disciple those they come in contact with.

This project aims to support more ministries, giving them the resources they need to share the gospel and disciple people who are facing various emergency situations. This grant also supports those who seek to train and equip chaplains who work in this space.

We pray that this grant will not be needed in 2025 but if it is, we will provide the materials to enable churches, ministries, and individuals to reach out with lasting impact.


Prayer Points Impact

The impact of these grants has been seen in the changed lives of recipients, and the stories and testimonies from chaplains, outreach workers and the recipients of Bibles and Scripture resources.

Many victims of disasters and tragedies need help immediately but also over the longer term. During the 2023-2024 financial year, BSA provisioned minstries for follow up in communities previously affected by floods. BSA reached out to churches in areas that suffered from fire, recent floods and traumatic events such as those violent incidents that happened in densely populated spaces in NSW. In VIC, BSA responded to requests from those seeking to support people affected by the Ballarat gold mine disaster in March and towns struggling with crime waves.

BSA also supplied a range of resources to chaplain training events. The materials provided include full Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels, a BSA published, ‘No Worries’ tract for children, ‘Soar Above the Storm’, and Christian Mindfulness books by Katherine Thompson, ‘Meet Jesus’ Bible studies, and BSA’s specialty trauma healing booklets and trauma healing postcards.

“We have had 500 homes and businesses impacted ... neighbouring villages and towns have been equally devastated. We will offer aid in the way of vouchers and conversation. We can share the love and gospel of Jesus. The resources you provide will assist people. The trauma booklets and cards can be given to each home we visit, the other resources being made available to those who express interest. Pray the church may be a light in this time of darkness and that through this disaster, many will come to know our Lord Jesus.” — Ryan

• Pray for continued opportunities to Open The Bible with Australians in crisis situations, such as floods, the COVID pandemic and other natural disasters.

• Pray for emergency workers to be raised up, and equipped with soft hearts, listening ears, and wisdom to share God’s word with those facing seemingly insurmountable troubles and deep sorrow.

• Pray churches in communities suffering large traumatic events can mobilise with the Disaster recovery grant materials to minister to the people in need around them.


54% 21.4%

of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people identify as Christian of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people live in remote or very remote areas


live in regional areas


The Need

Each year, Bible Society Australia (BSA) distributes Indigenous Bibles and Scripture Resources to organisations and churches who minister to Indigenous communities around Australia, where access to Scripture resources is limited. Through this Scripture Grants program, BSA ensures these communities can engage with the Scriptures and experience transformation. There are many challenges and difficulties in ensuring the distribution of Scriptures to Indigenous communities around the country, and a need to address vital spiritual and cultural needs. With 54% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people identifying as Christian, access to Scripture in their languages is crucial. However, limited resources hinder engagement, especially since 45-65% of these adults are functionally non-literate in English. Additionally, 21.4% live in remote areas, complicating distribution efforts further.

There is also a need for audio Bible versions for non-literate individuals and providing culturally relevant study materials. This comprehensive approach to Bible distribution allows Indigenous Australians to connect with Scripture in ways that resonate with their cultural heritage.

The need is pressing, as many translations are concentrated in remote communities across Australia, including the Top End of the Northern Territory and the central desert areas. Without effective distribution, years of translation efforts risk going unrecognised. A reliable method of distribution is needed, so that communities can receive and celebrate the availability of God’s word in their heart languages.

When the good news about the kingdom has been preached all over the world and told to all nations, the end will come. - Matthew 24:14 CEV


BSA aims to establish and sustain effective distribution channels that provide remote and Indigenous communities with access to translated Scriptures and Bible engagement resources. This includes initiatives like the Indigenous Scripture Grants Program, partnerships with ministries and churches, and utilising Koorong stores and digital technology.

In 2025, BSA will focus on overcoming remoteness challenges, particularly in regions such as the Top End of the Northern Territory, central desert communities, and remote areas in Kimberley and Far North Queensland. Key goals include maintaining connections with local church leaders and ensuring community-level engagement through chaplains. BSA will collaborate with mission partners like AuSIL and YWAM to create a reliable distribution network. The goal is to implement sustainable efforts that foster local impact by working alongside churches and organisations. Additionally, BSA will integrate Bible distribution with support services such as pastoral care and community building, while offering the Scripture Grant Program to provide free Bibles and resources, enhance outreach, discipleship, and children’s ministry efforts within these communities.


Prayer Points Impact

Ministries, churches and communities are impacted by receiving access to Scripture in their languages, empowering thousands to face life’s challenges with Scripture.

In 2024, this project had a significant impact, distributing over $85,000 worth of Bibles and Scripture materials to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The program had a particular impact in reaching remote areas, including the Top End of the Northern Territory and central desert regions, ensuring access to translated Scriptures in languages like Kriol, Pitjantjatjara, and Yumplatok. Notably, more than 1,500 Scripture tracts and 683 Indigenous Bibles reached these communities.

This project impacts diverse groups, including children, youth, non-literate individuals, and prisoners, facilitating engagement with God’s word. Additionally, the use of digital technology and audio players have enhanced accessibility, catering to ongoing requests from hospital and prison chaplains. This comprehensive support not only aids Indigenous Christians in deepening their faith but also affirms their cultural identity and language, fostering a stronger connection to their spiritual heritage.

“Back home, I will teach God’s message for future generations so they can see and they will learn, so together we will help each other and understand fully the Word of God. What the Word of God is saying to all of us.” — Theresa Mathayalma Dhamarrardji, Bible Translator

• Please pray for open hearts among those who receive Bibles, that they may be receptive to God’s word and experience spiritual awakening and renewal in their faith.

• Thank God for the strength and dedication of all individuals involved in the Bible distribution process, from warehouse workers to ministry leaders.

• Please pray for effective follow-up to disciple those who receive Bibles, so they may grow in their faith. Pray too for local churches, that they would be able to support new believers with resources to help them grow.


Equipping Chaplains


of millennials in Australia have reported having no religion and have the highest proportion of ‘No religion’ across other age groups in Australia (2021 ABS census)


(an average daily number) prisoners in Australia in September 2023, up from 40,907 in September 2022)


hospitalisations in Australia from 2021-2022


Bible Society Australia (BSA) seeks to serve and equip groups who are ministering to Australians in all areas of life by providing Scripture Grants which can be used to acquire Bibles and Scripture resources. This includes the Chaplaincy and Parachurch grant (C&P), through which BSA supplies Scriptures and gospel resources in English and also heart languages for people from other nations via chaplains and gospel workers.

The Need

The C&P grant allows chaplains and those serving with Christian ministries to reach out to people in prisons, detention centres, hospitals, aged care homes, youth hubs, red-light districts and other circumstances of vulnerability, providing resources relevant and helpful for whatever situation people find themselves in.

The needs vary. For those in prisons, many have never been exposed to the Bible’s message or haven’t been involved in church life for a long while. With the trauma of arrest, going through legal processes and facing the daunting reality of incarceration, prisoners are often open to seriously reading about and contemplating Jesus’ call on their lives. Coupled with suddenly having more time to read and the availability of compassionate, helpful Christian chaplains to assist them in their discovery, many prisoners find Jesus irrisistible and their lives forever changed.

There is such a range of ministries supported by this grant all over Australia, putting Bibles into the hands of gospel workers as they reach out with the good news of Jesus.

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.

- Titus 2:11-12, NIV


The goal of this project is to Open The Bible to people in vulnerable situations, and to meet them where they are at. By resourcing front line workers with the Scriptures and gospel materials, they can engage people with God’s word. This grant shares the transformative hope of the gospel as gospel workers are equipped with God’s word and the ability to encourage and disciple those they work with.

A goal of the project is to support gospel ministries who are reaching out to a specific group where the need has been found compelling. Ministries have stepped up to address the need of these people to hear of the love of Jesus. To support gospel workers and chaplains in this valuable way, Bible Society Australia partners with people on the frontline to be as effective as they possibly can in their gospel ministry.

In 2025, this project will continue to serve chaplains and gospel workers, giving them the Scriptures and resources they need to share the gospel and disciple people who have come to faith.


Prayer Points Impact

The impact of the C&P Scripture Grant has been seen in the changed lives of recipients, and the stories and testimonies from chaplains, outreach workers and the beneficiaries who have received Bibles and Scripture resources.

In the 2023–2024 financial year, BSA partnered with chaplains and supplied Scripture resources to:

• 36 prison ministries

• 22 hospitals chaplaincy teams

• 62 ‘other’ ministries.

From July 2023–June 2024, BSA gave away tens of thousands of Bibles and Scripture resources to front line gospel workers, including Bibles in languages other than English and specialised Christian tracts.

We continue to partner with Chaplains and front-line ministries who are reaching out and opening God’s word with vulnerable and needy people in Australia’s prisons, hospitals, camps and all manner of front-line ministries. In 2024, BSA have given away over $100K of Scriptures and gospel resources.

“There are six to eight men in [this prison] who come regularly to the chapel for prayer and church services who have begun a new journey to come and know and love God more deeply. When they are back in their living quarters during the week and on weekends when the chapel is closed, they gather together in small groups and do some Bible study together ... This is made possible because of the generous grant that is provided for Bibles we as chaplains are able to give to the men.” — Brett, Prison Chaplain, QLD

• Pray for continued opportunities to Open The Bible with Australians, for workers to be raised up, and for open hearts to hear God’s word, particularly those suffering great loss, seemingly insurmountable troubles and deep sorrow.

• Pray that many will turn to Christ and continue to grow as Christians with God’s word as their light and guide.

• Pray that front line workers will be able to engage people with God’s living word.


Indigenous Audio Bibles

5 billion

people around the world, on estimate, are oral learners


Indigenous Australian languages have Scripture translated that don’t yet have audio recordings available


Indigenous languages with translated Scripture now have some audio available


Bible Society Australia (BSA) is leading innovative Bible engagement by working to produce audio recordings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scriptures. These projects address cultural needs by aligning with oral traditions, making Scripture accessible to low-literacy individuals, and enhancing spiritual engagement through storytelling rather than written text.

The Need

Most people in Indigenous Australian communities are oral learners; around the world, an estimated two-thirds of people prefer to learn and communicate orally. This preference shapes their worldview and cultural identity from an early age. Indigenous Australians primarily fall into the categories of primary and secondary oral learners. Primary oral learners may not read or possess a written language, while secondary oral learners can read but favour verbal, visual, and digital communication. Notably, younger generations, particularly those under 35, are increasingly secondary oral learners, making audio Bibles especially impactful for them.

Audio Bibles present the gospel in a format that is easily accessible, particularly for those with low literacy levels. Both children and adults engage more deeply with Bible stories when delivered in their heart language through audio formats. BSA’s audio Bible projects also aid in language preservation and literacy development, as audio Bible apps highlight text as it is spoken, serving as learning tools. With mobile apps and durable audio players designed for challenging environments, audio Bibles significantly enhance access to Scripture, fulfilling the linguistic, cultural, and spiritual needs of Indigenous communities.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. - Revelation 3:20, NIV


BSA aims to enhance the accessibility of Scripture for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through audio recording projects in 2025.

A primary goal is to plan and execute audio recording workshops for translated Scriptures. BSA is committed to supporting the Kriol Old Testament Recording Project and the PEV Audio Recording Project, alongside workshops for smaller language groups. Collaborations with recording organisations like Global Recordings Network (GRN) and Faith Comes by Hearing will bridge the gap between written and recorded Scriptures, ensuring all Indigenous language translations are available in audio format.

BSA will also enhance access to these recordings by offering them for free through the Australian Bibles app and the aboriginal.bibles website. To further distribute Bible audio recordings, BSA will invest in additional audio players preloaded with Scripture. Following the distribution of 1,000 players in early 2023, more are needed to meet growing community demands. Additionally, BSA will support Oral Bible Translation Projects and explore innovations in recording technology.


Prayer Points Impact

In 2024, progress was made recording the Kriol Old Testament, which, when finished, will impact 30,000 Kriol speakers, giving them access to Scripture. The project progressed significantly with three recording workshops in Darwin, organised in partnership with AuSIL (Australian Society for Indigenous Languages) and GRN (Global Recording Network). The Old Testament is now over 70% recorded, up from just 20% in 2020, with 1 Chronicles and 30 Psalms completed in the latest workshop.

Also in 2024, work continued on the recording of the PEV (Plain English Version) Mini Bible. Completed translations include 1 & 2 Samuel and the Gospel of Matthew, with final edits for Psalms, Mark, Luke, and some recordings of John’s Gospel in progress.

BSA also made recordings in several other Indigenous languages, including Adnyamathanha, Kuninjku, and Barkly English. Once finalised, these recordings will be accessible through the Australian Bibles App, aboriginal.bibles website, and GRN’s 5 Fish app, ensuring communities can access transformative Scripture in their languages.

“I have been busy loading the Australian Bibles app on to as many phones in each community as possible, so hoping this app will spread like wildfire. People are so impressed with it.” — Dave Barnett, Translation Facilitator for the Pitjantjatjara Old Testament Project on a recent distribution trip to the APY Lands in central Australia

• Please pray for God’s guiding hand over audio Scripture recording projects in Australia, providing the necessary resources and technology to support this vital ministry.

• Pray for improved literacy levels in communities through audio Bible recordings, helping younger generations learn to read and understand their language. Pray that these resources bring hope and transformation.

• Pray for the translators and those reading at recording workshops; grant them stamina and strength. May they witness the impact of the gospel message on their families and communities, inspiring them to continue this important work.


Indigenous Publishing for Bible Engagement


Bible Society Australia (BSA) prints, reprints and distributes Indigenous language Scriptures across Australia, ensuring communities’ access to the Bible and culturally relevant Scripture resources to promote Bible engagement within Indigenous communities.

The Need

Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christians depend on English translations, yet these translations can often be confusing, leading to misunderstanding and poor theology. Easy-to-understand materials in Indigenous languages are needed for personal understanding of God’s teachings, enabling individuals to mature in their faith and share their faith with others in their communities.

of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders identify as Christians of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults are functionally nonliterate

the first full Indigenous Bible was published in Kriol

Low English literacy, which affects approximately 40% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (rising to 70% in remote areas), adds another layer of need for access to easy-tounderstand Bible study materials. There also is a need for digital Bibles and Scripture resources, which utilise new technology, to help younger generations connect with the Bible.

Moreover, as all Australian Indigenous languages are considered to be at risk (vulnerable or endangered), there is a pressing need to safeguard these languages. Culturally appropriate resources not only enhance Bible engagement but also play a vital role in protecting cultural heritage and promoting literacy development. By addressing these needs, BSA can empower Indigenous communities to connect with their faith and heritage more effectively.

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, - Isaiah 55:10-11a, NIV


BSA aims to publish Indigenous language Bibles immediately after translations are complete. The goal in publishing these Bibles and Scripture resources is to reinforce Christian foundations in these communities, and enable the non-literate, children, youth, prisoners and hospital patients to engage with God’s word. In doing so, BSA aims to share the love of Jesus, aiding Christians in their faith and understanding of God. These resources also provide support for hospital chaplains, community workers, local ministers and Sunday school workers.

A current focus is providing children’s resources in language for remote communities. A Pitjantjatjara children’s book based on the Apostle’s Creed is scheduled for publishing in early 2025, and work is ongoing on a Big Picture Children’s Bible in the Kriol language. Children’s Bible Storybooks in both Pitjantjatjara and Adnyamathanha have been printed and will be distributed in 2025, along with a children’s ‘Life of Joseph’ storybook in Western Arrarnta. In addition, Bible Society Australia aims to develop effective English and vernacular Literacy Programs to address the low level of literacy within Indigenous communities.


Prayer Points Impact

In 2024, BSA developed and published Scripture Engagement resources in Indigenous languages, making them practical, beautiful, and affordable for communities. One notable example is the Pitjantjatjara Children’s Art Bible, Godaku Tjukurpa, inspired by artist and translator, Nami Kulyuru. With support from fellow Pitjantjatjara translators, Godaku Tjukurpa was completed and published in late 2024. The launch event on November 2 at Emmaus Christian College in Adelaide showcased all 54 paintings and drew over 200 attendees, resulting in the sale of over 130 books.

Digital resources remain effective for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to engage with the Bible. In 2024, the aboriginal.bibles website and the Australian Bibles app (which contain all published Scripture in Indigenous languages) received updates. This included the addition of three Lumo Jesus Films in the languages of Ngaanyatjarra, Kriol and Yumplatok, with assistance from Faith Comes by Hearing. These films will be embraced by these language’s communities and will aid in both outreach and discipleship.

“We adults have been translating God’s story only for older people! But [Nami] showed that it’s for children as well, and so now they have come together and made this book. Children can now look at this book and realised, ‘Oh wow, Jesus truly is for us, for children as well.’” — Tjikatu Burton, Anangu Translator speaking at the launch of Godaku Tjukurpa

• Please pray for wisdom as we develop culturally appropriate Bible engagement resources for Indigenous communities in Australia, sowing seeds of faith among youth, and providing hope and comfort to those in hospitals and prisons.

• Thank God for the Indigenous Christian leaders being raised up to effectively teach the Bible, especially to younger generations, and pray that Bible Society can support these ministries with strong theological resources.

• Please pray for effective collaboration between Bible Society Australia, Indigenous translators, communities, churches, and other organisations, fostering Christ-like unity and love in Bible engagement initiatives.


Indigenous Translation


languages are listed on BSA’s Translation Roadmap, with only 1 complete Bible, the Kriol Bible Indigenous languages across Australia have active translation projects


Bible Society Australia (BSA) is dedicated to making the Bible accessible to all Australians, with a special focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. Our goal is to enable Bible translation in every key Indigenous language requesting it, using both traditional Translation methods and Oral Bible Translation (OBT).

The Need

Of the 415 Australian Indigenous languages and dialects identified on the Bible Society Australia’s Translation Roadmap only one has a completed Bible available — the Kriol Bible. This stark reality underscores the pressing need for more translation work to ensure Indigenous communities across Australia can access Scripture in their heart languages.

The importance of this work extends beyond spiritual considerations. Bible translation serves as a powerful tool for language preservation and cultural identity. With many Indigenous languages at risk of extinction, translating the Bible provides a means to document, revitalise, and maintain these unique linguistic heritages. It also affirms the value of Indigenous cultures, hearing God’s word in your heart language conveys the message that ‘God loves my people too’.

Currently, translation projects are active in at least 25 Indigenous languages across Australia. However, with only 30% of Australian Indigenous languages having some portion of Scripture, there remains a significant need for continued efforts in this field in the future.

After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands. - Revelation 7:9, NLT


BSA aims to facilitate Bible translation in key Indigenous languages. In 2025, the Pitjantjatjara Old Testament translation project will hold consultant workshops to finalise checks for 2 Samuel, Proverbs, and Psalms, with plans to publish these works as a single volume, improving community access to Scripture.

The Noongar Bible Translation Project will engage the Noongar community in 2025, offering translated Scriptures, including the Creation Story and final checks on Matthew’s Gospel draft translations. This project integrates translation with language preservation techniques to enhance language revitalisation through new audio and digital resources, strengthening cultural identity and spiritual connections for future generations.

Additionally, BSA will continue its partnership with Nungalinya College in Darwin, providing formal training for Indigenous translators. BSA’s support helps fund the Certificate II in Bible Translation. In 2025, the first two language groups will graduate, while the Kunwok Biniji group continues and a new Tiwi group begins. There are also plans for a Certificate III course in Bible Translation.


Prayer Points Impact

Indigenous Bible translation projects in Australia significantly impact cultural identity and language revitalisation. Translators emphasise the importance of Scripture in their heart languages, which strengthens community ties and personal understanding of faith.

The Pitjantjatjara Old Testament Project is now 55% complete, progressing at 15% annually. The team’s aim in the coming years is to finish this first complete Bible in a traditional Indigenous language, impacting over 3,000 Pitjantjatjara speakers and an additional 5,000 who use it as a second or third language.

Meanwhile, the Noongar translation project has completed 60% of the Gospel of Matthew, with chapters 1-21 drafted in 2024 and key passages from Genesis and John’s Gospel checked. This effort empowers Noongar communities by providing access to Scripture and enabling them to reclaim and preserve their languages, fostering deeper connections to their cultural heritage and spirituality. These projects position the Bible as a crucial tool for reinforcing identity and restoring language, ensuring meaningful engagement with faith for future generations.

“It’s important to my people, to learn about the Bible and understand in language. It will touch their hearts deeper because in English they don’t understand those big words. So we decided to make a Bible in Iwaidja so they can understand deeper.” — Isobel Lamilami, Iwaidja Bible Translator

• Please pray for wisdom and guidance for Indigenous brothers and sisters working on Bible Translation in Australia, that God raises up new young Indigenous Bible Translators to contribute to this important work.

• Pray for unity and collaboration among the various organisations and churches involved in Indigenous Bible translation across Australia. Pray that all may work together as one, honouring each other and reflecting God’s love and unity.


Scriptures for the ADF


full time and part time Army chaplains spread across Australia, and 95% are Christian chaplains


people have served in the ADF / 2.8% of the Australian population aged 15 years and over (2021 census)

60,300 people were currently serving in Regular service

Bible Society Australia (BSA) seeks to serve and equip chaplains and Christian ministries who are working with the Australian Defence Forces, ministering to Australians serving with the armed forces, by providing Bibles and Scripture Resources through Scripture Grants.

The Need

There is sustained demand for specialty Scriptures in the ADF, as men and women take up the opportunity to search the truths of the Bible, encouraged by their ‘padres’. There are many chaplains and ministries serving the armed forces, who are in need of Bibles and Scripture resources to share as a part of their work with servicemen and women. BSA has provided specialised ADF badged Bibles for members of the armed forces for over 100 years.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15, NIV


The goal of this project is to Open The Bible to people serving in the ADF. By resourcing ADF chaplains and other Christian ministries with Scriptures and Gospel materials, they can engage people with God’s word. This grant shares the transformative hope of the gospel, equipping gospel workers with both God’s word and the ability to encourage and disciple those they work with.

In 2025, BSA is looking to deepen our warm relationships with the ADF chaplaincy and provide vital Scriptures and resources that they need to support and encourage Australian Armed Forces personnel.


The impact of this Scripture grant is ultimately seen in the changed lives of recipients. BSA has supported and partnered with Military Christian Fellowship-Australia (MCF-A), Focus Military Ministry, Solid Rock ministries, Sallyman/Sallyma’am, Everyman’s Welfare Service, and AMCF (the international arm of MCF-A) as well as the chaplains who work within the ADF, and ADFA. In addition to this, BSA reprinted the Waterproof New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs for the Navy, Army and RAAF, as well as the CEV full Bible.

BSA continued to provide its current range of camouflage scriptures, ADF specialty books and other supportive gospel materials to the ADF. BSA partnered with ADF support ministries to produce new materials that help ADFA graduates dig into the Bible and think through the issues of service in light of Christ.

“[Having specialist ADF scriptures is an] amazing opportunity to talk about the love of Jesus Christ. Thank you. Our members love the devotionals and Bibles to take to sea.’’ — Chaplain

“Thank you so much. Words fail to describe the expression on the face of someone who is receiving the first Bible that is theirs to own and read, and was produced for them as members of the military. These resources bring hope, reassurance, comfort. Officer training raises questions about life and values, many trainees are keen to re-engage with their Christian upbringing, others are searching for meaning. This grant helps me offer them something tangible.” — Chaplain

“The ADF is a very demanding and stressful environment sometimes; being able to give our people a Bible for when they need it most, is invaluable. We have two… units on our base who are constantly requesting help and guidance in their setting. These Bibles will enable us to provide more care and resources for our people and equip them with the Word of God when we can’t be with them” — Chaplain

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray for continued opportunities to Open The Bible with Australians in the Defence Forces, for chaplains to be encouraged and strengthened in their work, and for open hearts to hear God’s word.

• Pray that many ADF members will find hope and peace through reading God’s word in their ADF Bibles.

• Pray that God would give words of wisdom, life and grace to chaplains as they support ADF members.

New Caledonia

Bible Translation

285,498 48%

people live in New Caledonia (2020, UN data) of the population are 24 years old and younger

96.94% of adult population (aged 15 years and above) in New Caledonia are literate


Project: 102956

Bible Society in the South Pacific is coordinating this project to see the translation of the Old Testament in Ajië, the New Testament in Nelemwa and the digitisation of existing Bible translations among three other languages spoken in New Caledonia, to reach more speakers of each language with God’s word.

The Need

There is a great need for Bible translation among the people and languages of New Caledonia. With a predominately Christian population, there is much support of the Christian message, and a great demand for Scriptures to benefit those living in rural areas and the outskirts of the main towns.

The population of New Caledonia is young, with 48% of the population being 24 years old and younger. These young people speak both their common national languages and their indigenous languages, and there is a great need to produce the Bible as an electronic text.

The work of digitising and reviewing the Bibles that were first translated by the early missionaries and translating or adapting the Scriptures into contemporary languages is ongoing, and crucial to meet the needs of the younger population.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

- John 10:10, ESV


The goal of this project is to enhance scriptural accessibility and understanding among the diverse linguistic communities of New Caledonia. The project also aims to digitise texts to meet modern demands while continuing to provide printed versions for rural communities. Ultimately, this effort seeks to empower individuals to connect deeply with the scriptures, fostering a greater understanding of their faith in everyday life.

By 2026, the project plans to publish the Nengone Bible and the complete Ajie Bible in both print and digital formats. The Nelemwa New Testament (NT) is scheduled for digital publication in 2027, alongside the Iaai Bible, which will be available on YouVersion and BSSP apps.

In 2025, the goal is to complete final reviews for the Ajië OT and Nelemwa NT, while also finalising and preparing the Nengone and Iaai Bibles for typesetting and digital publication. The revised Drehu Bible will be printed and digitally published, making it available on the YouVersion and BSSP apps.

Prayer Points


The total number of people this project aims to impact with Bible translation is 285,000. This is based on the population of New Caledonia.

The audience will be engaged by the Bible translation during the lifetime of the project, with language speakers involved at the translation stage as well as the review and checking of the translation process.

The people of New Caledonia who speak these five languages will understand the Scriptures better and be more able to apply them to their lives.

In 2025, the people of Lifou will be impacted by the trial printing and electronic publication of their Drehu Bible.

• Praise God for the progress in Bible translation work and for the lives of translators and reviewers.

• Pray for increased awareness of Bible translation efforts and church support in New Caledonia. Pray for peace and calm in the country, as well as for the Bible Society to strengthen relationships with church leaders to effectively meet community spiritual needs.

• Pray for a replacement for the current Translation Coordinator to enhance coordination. Also, pray for meaningful engagement with the Scriptures and the successful completion of translation work in New Caledonia.

Papua New Guinea

Renewing the Tok Pisin Bible


The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea (BSPNG) is revising the widely popular Tok Pisin Bible, taking into account the changes in the Tok Pisin language over the last 30+ years.

The Need

Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) population of 8.9 million predominantly live in remote rural areas. PNG has over 840 known languages. English, Tok Pisin and Hiri Motu (the lingua franca of the Papuan region) are the official languages. Most of the population now speaks Tok Pisin and many children learn it as a first language.

population in Papua New Guinea

known languages in Papua New Guinea

overall project goals completed

Since the Tok Pisin Bible was published in 1989 (the original translation work began in the 1960s), there have been significant changes in the language, and Christians and church leaders began requesting a revision of the Bible. The BSPNG and the local church believes that an updated and improved modern language version will encourage people to use it more. The churches are keenly awaiting a revision.

There are many different languages in the world, and every language has meaning. - 1 Cor 14.10, NLT


The goals of the project are to 1) make available a fully revised Tok Pisin Bible, in electronic, print and audio form for people to use at home and in church; 2) to produce a modern contemporary Bible version suitable for all age groups; and 3) to ensure that the Bible translation keeps in line with the national standard of the Tok Pisin language.

The revision process began several years ago and in 2025 the focus will be to make available the fully revised Tok Pisin Bible in electronic, print and audio formats. The Tok Pisin Revised Bible is currently 41% translated.


Prayer Points Impact

The total number of people this project aims to impact is seven million. In a population of over eight million, almost the entire population speak Tok Pisin (as a first or additional language).

In 2024, the project saw the progress of consultant checks for five NT books, full committee review for 18 mostly OT books and translator revision of 35 books of the Bible. In 2025 the project hopes to achieve consultant checks for 15 books, committee review of 30 books, translator revision of 21 books, as well as three rounds of regional reviews.

Once this translation revision is complete, Christians across PNG will be impacted by their access to a Tok Pisin Bible in contemporary language, which will breathe life, faith, hope and Christian values into their lives. Having the Tok Pisin Bible in modern day language will help people in their homes, their social values, their education and in sharing the gospel with others.

“It is our belief and hope that by serving others together as a team will ensure greater impact from increased capabilities and multiplied power for the Kingdom business. In this training we covered Biblical terms rendering, progress and assignment, roles and responsibilities, Scripture reference settings, punctuation and character inventories, and different features of Publishing Assistant and InDesign program as well for Translation Officers.” — Joel Peter, BSPNG General Secretary

• Pray that the huge and growing spiritual hunger for the Bible in PNG will be quickly met by the completion of this Tok Pisin revised Bible. Pray for ongoing support from churches, and communities.

• Pray for volunteers trained in translation work, that they will have more time for translation checking, an essential part of the translation process.

• Pray that funds will be made available to provide power where there is no electricity, enabling translators and revisers to complete their work.

Papua New Guinea

Supporting Bible Translators


Bible Society Papua New Guinea (BSPNG) is supporting seven Bible translation projects in seven different languages, working with partner agencies who will publish the completed works.

The Need

Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) 840 tribal groups are crying out for the Scriptures in their own languages. While Tok Pisin and English Bibles are available, many — especially in rural villages — do not speak English and are not fluent readers of languages other than their own first language.

of the population in Papua New Guinea live in rural communities, which have few or no facilities such as electricity, running water, telecommunications

distinct languages have been identified in Papua New Guinea

In the past, Bible translation work was often coordinated by foreign missionaries who lived among the people, often for years. Today, community church groups are themselves taking up the task, frequently with no outside support. Several local language groups have approached the Bible Society for assistance and guidance to carry out translations of the Bible, or portions of the Bible, into their own language.

Technical translation support is needed, as well as help with the simple costs of writing paper and pens, computers and internet connectivity, which are often beyond the means of the local groups.

God is not unfair. He will not forget the work you did or the love you showed for him in the help you gave and are still giving to other Christians. - Hebrews 6:10, GNT


The project aims to support Bible Translation work in Papua New Guinea, specifically for seven language groups: Magi, Vulaa, Motu, Pa, Aekom, Gogodala, and Yuna. The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea will provide financial, material, and direct support, supervised by the National Translation Manager. Translation consultants conduct training workshops and offer equipped Translation Centre workplaces.

BSPNG will collaborate with partners such as the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), Bible Translation Association (BTA), and Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) for efficient resource utilisation.

In 2025, the project will aim to complete consultant checking and proofreading for Vulaa and Magi translations, translator checking of Motu translation, continued translation of NT books into Pa, completion of the translation of Genesis in Aekom, consultant check of remaining OT in Yuna, and consultant checking and continued translation in Gogodala. Training workshops, reviews, printing and other consultant activities are also planned.


Prayer Points Impact

It is hoped that over 200,000 will be reached and impacted by these seven Bible translations, though the actual number cannot be assessed until after the translation projects are complete.

To have the word of God in mother tongues will provide a solid base upon which to build community and family life in a rapidly changing world. Translation work will also lead into other related activities such as Bible-based literacy courses.

The enduring impact of this program will be seen and felt when thousands of Bibles in first languages are distributed among the people groups.

“On the job training for national translators working under the supervision of Bible Society of PNG. Seven translators from the Central province have attended a two-day Paratext training to learn and be shown how to do resolve issues that teams are grappling with. It was a time well spent with the teams.” — Joel Peter, BSPNG General Secretary

• Please pray for the dedicated souls and local communities carrying out this translation work.

• Pray for availability of resources to support the translators’ needs, which are in fact minimal.

• Pray for additional consultants and training of the national Translation Officers.

Papua New Guinea

Supporting Harvest Workers


languages in Papua New Guinea

languages yet to receive any Bible translation 89% of the population are in remote rural areas

The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea (BSPNG) is working to enhance its capacity to reach future generations with God’s word. Through this project, BSPNG will work to establish sustainable and impactful Bible-based mission work.

The Need

Papua New Guinea has significant spiritual needs, with over 300 languages lacking Bible translations and an urgent demand for Scriptures, especially in remote areas. Much of the population is uneducated and lives in poverty, with literacy also a challenge. BSPNG needs support to improve their capacity to serve the community, with only two current staff members, and a lack of suitable facilities to advance staff recruitment and productivity.

Training and mentorship of BSPNG staff and volunteers are important, empowering them to effect change within the organisation and their communities. Organisational capacity building is also essential, focusing on sustainability, governance, and collaboration with other entities to enhance operational efficiency. Additionally, systemic capacity building will address policy development and resource allocation to tackle national issues.

Current and future staff will gain valuable skills and knowledge through this project, ultimately benefiting the broader community that relies on BSPNG for access to the word of God. This initiative is crucial for revitalising BSPNG and ensuring it can meet the spiritual hunger of the people it serves.

Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ - Matthew 9:37-38, NIV


This project aims to enhance BSPNG’s sustainability and effectiveness through targeted training, governance improvements, and infrastructure development. The overall goals include improving staff knowledge and skills via mentorship, establishing sustainable partnerships, and implementing robust systems and policies.

In 2025, the project aims to complete the renovation of Bible Society’s Koki property in three phases. Key positions, such as the Operations Manager, will be advertised and filled to ensure effective management. Finance and HR policies will be developed and reviewed to enhance organisational functionality. Training sessions will cover project management, financial literacy, and database management. Furthermore, BSPNG will engage in regional collaborations and participate in ongoing training offered by the United Bible Societies (UBS) to strengthen communication and collaboration skills among staff.

Prayer Points Impact

The impact of this project will be seen as BSPNG is equipped and enabled to Open The Bible with the people they serve. By improving individual, organisational, and systemic capacities, BSPNG will better serve the country with Bible mission work, impacting many in the years to come.

In 2025, the project will significantly improve staff’s ability to serve. As staff and board members develop their skills, they will be better equipped to fulfil their roles, ultimately enhancing the BSPNG’s ability to distribute Bibles more widely. This increased distribution means more individuals will have access to Scripture, fostering greater engagement with the Bible. Additionally, improved office management and well-maintained infrastructure will lead to more Scripture engagement projects, leading to transformed lives and communities, now and into the future.

• Please pray for the BSPNG team as they seek more workers to join them in their mission, new staff and volunteers who are mission minded and have servant hearts.

• Pray for guidance and wisdom from God as they start building their capacity, strength and endurance to continue, until the impact of their efforts is seen.

• Pray for the leadership of BSPNG and Bible Societies Oceania as they work together to implement key planned activities for the project.


Samoan Translation


people may be impacted by this Bible translation project.


of Samoans are under 15 years old, emphasising the need for this translation in contemporary language


Project: 102798 Non Tax Deductible

This project seeks to complete the translation of the Samoan Old Testament in contemporary language, to join with the contemporary New Testament which was completed in 2009. With the completion of the Old Testament translation, it will be possible to publish the whole Bible in contemporary Samoan language.

The Need

The Samoan communities have requested the translation of the Old Testament into the contemporary language after the completion of the New Testament in 2009. Samoa is politically stable, and the culture is very supportive of the Christian message. This religious freedom helps in gaining support and acceptance for Bible translation work.

The estimated population of Samoa is 205,557 (Census 2021), and 27% of Samoans are under 15 years old. Whilst the Bible Society has maintained the old versions to meet the older generation, it is also working at meeting the growing needs of younger and future generations. Nearly all Samoans are literate. Education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 14; however, only a small fraction of the population has completed secondary school. Moreover, there is still a great demand for printed Scriptures to benefit those living in rural areas.

Minor Prophets books have had a complete community (external) review.


The goal of this project is to publish, in print and electronic formats, a complete Contemporary Samoan Bible, thereby ensuring that younger generations of Samoan speakers will better understand the Scriptures.

In 2025, the translation team will focus on drafting several Old Testament books, conducting reviews, and advancing the translation process. The drafting of Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, 2 Kings, and Proverbs will be prioritised early in the year, while internal reviews will be conducted for books such as Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Psalms.

Community reviews for Ezekiel and Jeremiah will be carried out, allowing local input to refine the translations. Consultant checking for Ezra, Esther, Song of Songs, Lamentations, and Daniel will be facilitated, ensuring accuracy and alignment with biblical standards.


Prayer Points Impact

The total number of people who may be impacted by this Bible translation project is 100,000.

It is hoped that this meaning-based translation will bring transformation in the lives of all Samoans from all walks of life. The completed Bible will also assist in equipping the Church for a new Samoan generation.

“The Samoan Contemporary Old Testament project [members] met in Apia, March 18–22. They worked through the translation of Jonah and Zech 1–8. Two of the translators were present, Reverend Nu’u and Elizabeth, along with a team of local Christians (previously unassociated with the project) who came to help check the level of the language of the translation as well as help assess the accuracy of the text ... There were another 3 or 4 who joined us during the week too. They’re involved to help read and proof the translation, and are excited to work on a Bible that will be able to be understood by lots of people.” — Sam Freney, Bible Translation Consultant, Bible Society Australia

• Pray for the Samoa translation team, for God to give them strength, inspiring their commitment and dedication to this project.

• Pray for Church leaders in Samoa and the Samoan church community. Pray for more awareness of this project in Samoa so that more will support this Bible mission work.

• Pray for the completion of the 12 Minor prophets’ books in 2025.

Solomon Islands

Opening Eyes Through Literacy


people live in the Solomon Islands


languages have been recorded in the Solomon Islands (4 of which are now extinct)


of the population are affiliated with Christianity


Project: 103046

Bible Society Australia are partnering with the Bible Society of the South Pacific and the Literacy Association, Solomon Islands, to implement the literacy project, ‘Open My Eyes’. This project is aimed at increasing literacy, and equipping people to read and engage with the Scriptures, which have now been translated into many local languages.

The Need

While 90% of Solomon Islanders surveyed had some formal schooling, functional literacy rates in major provinces can be as low as 7 to 17%. Young people lack the education and experience they need to find paid work, which is a major problem in the Solomon Islands.

There is good availability of Scriptures in local languages, with the New Testament translated into 19 languages so far, and the full Bible into three, including the Pijin language, which is widely spoken.

However, with literacy rates so low, reading the Scriptures – let alone understanding them – is a struggle for many people. Many youths and adults also struggle to participate in church activities because of illiteracy, and are deprived of the confidence they need to participate in their communities. The lack of functional literacy constrains the life and livelihood of many Solomon Islanders.

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. - Psalm 119:18, NIV


This project’s goal is to collaborate with local literacy agencies and churches to promote reading and writing, specifically with a focus on languages in Malaita Province, known for its linguistic diversity, including Baeggu, Kwaio, and Fataleka.

By 2026, the project aims to empower 1,500 individuals to attain literacy in their native languages. Through 10 annual literacy training events, literacy teachers will be equipped with skills to teach literacy to others, and to pass on the training they receive.

Through developing literacy, this project aims to enable involvement in community activities, address youth unemployment and other social issues such as domestic violence and sexual exploitation of women (linked with illiteracy). An additional aim of the project is to deepen the connection between participants and the Scriptures, encouraging daily Bible reading and study. This will enable them to actively engage in church.

In 2025, the plan is to enrol 480 students with 10 teachers, aiming for 300 graduates; 1,500 literacy primers, supplementary reading materials, and 500 copies of Scripture will be distributed.

Prayer Points Impact

Around 1,500 people will be impacted directly by this project, learning literacy skills, and being equipped to read and engage with the Bible, actively participate in church and community life, and better their lives and livelihoods.

In addition to this, school children will also benefit as the community are able to supply trained literacy teachers from the course, to conduct after school literacy classes. Children will also benefit as their parents learn to read, as will church communities by the increased participation of their newly literate members.

• Pray for agencies and churches working together on improving literacy in the Solomon Islands.

• Pray for funding for effective implementation of these plans, to help increase functional literacy amongst youths and children. Pray for young people who lack the education and experience to find paid work, a major problem in the Solomon Islands.

• Pray for women for whose lack of literacy increases their vulnerability to gender-based violence and sexual exploitation.

South Pacific

Bible Translation for Island Communities


Project: 102801

of the Tahitian population is literate; many primarily speak Tahitian, making access to Scripture in their native language essential

years is the median age of individuals in the South Pacific, thus the need for accessible digital resources in heart languages

20,000 (estimate) Wallisian speakers — a significant population who would benefit from a Bible in their own language

Bible Society Australia is partnering with the Bible Society of the South Pacific to digitise and revise the 1884 Tahitian Bible, ensuring wider access through apps and the internet. This project also aims to provide the first complete Bibles in Marquesan and Wallisian, transforming lives and equipping local churches by 2026.

The Need

This project for the Tahitian, Marquesan, and Wallisian Bibles addresses the linguistic and spiritual needs of these island communities. Tahitian is widely spoken in French Polynesia, while Marquesan dialects are used in the Marquesas Islands, and Wallisian is spoken on Wallis Island. Despite high literacy rates, many still rely on spoken language, emphasising the importance of accessible Scripture.

The project aims to provide contemporary translations that resonate with younger, tech-savvy generations while ensuring traditional texts remain available for older community members. By including the Deuterocanon, the translations will meet the specific needs of local congregations. This project is a critical step toward preserving cultural identity and fostering community cohesion, especially in a region grappling with both historical and contemporary social challenges.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

- John 10:10, ESV


Bible Society Australia is supporting Bible Society of the South Pacific in their strategy to digitise all Pacific Bible texts by 2025 and provide Scripture portions in every South Pacific language by 2033. This project, among others, aims to enhance and accelerate Bible translation work across the Pacific Region, ensuring every South Pacific language has access to Scripture.

This project specifically aims to provide Tahitian speakers worldwide with access to the Tahitian Bible in electronic form by 2025. The project also aims to make the Marquesan Bible available in both print and electronic formats for Marquesan speakers by 2026. Additionally, it seeks to deliver the first Bible in Wallisian for Wallisian Christians, significantly enriching their spiritual resources.

In 2025, this project will focus on typesetting and publishing the Tahitian Bible, completing community checking and corrections for the Marquesan Bible, and continuing the checking and correction process for the Wallisian Bible.

Prayer Points Impact

Completing these translation projects will enable the publication of the entire Bible in the heart languages of these communities, fostering greater accessibility for all language speakers. Bible Society envisions that these efforts will transform the lives of Tahitian, Wallisian, and Marquesan islanders — both believers and non-believers — while equipping local churches for future generations.

In 2025, 750 copies of the Tahitian Bible will be produced (in print and as an e-Bible). This will impact 95% of the global population, who will then have access to the corrected Tahitian Bible both in print and electronically.

There are also plans to print 1,500 copies of the Marquesan Bible and 500 copies of the Wallisian New Testament over the next two years.

• Thank God for the Tahitian pastor who has worked with Dr. Hong, the translation consultant, to complete the proofreading and correction of the Tahitian Bible scanned text.

• Please pray for the follow-up work uploading the Tahitian Bible text and preparing a new print edition.

• Pray too for the Marquesan and Wallisian translators and reviewers.

South Pacific

Enabling Growth


Bible Society Australia is supporting the Bible Society of the South Pacific (BSSP) to boost its effectiveness and sustainability. BSSP’s mission is to make God’s word easily understood, available and affordable so that people can engage with it in all situations.

The Need

independent islands which the Bible Society serves, covering 15% of the world’s surface.


of the population live between minimum wage and poverty threshold

BSSP serves 16 independent island nations within the South Pacific region, totalling 2.8 million people, with 60% (1.7 million) falling between minimum wage and the poverty threshold. To effectively reach this population with God’s word, BSSP requires improved connectivity and accessibility. It is essential to address challenges in transitioning mission and outreach information to digital platforms, including addressing the lack of skills and proper IT equipment.

Additionally, supporting full-time staff and Regional Coordinators is crucial for accelerating the implementation and impact of BSSP’s projects across Bible mission and translation efforts.


In 2025 this project will continue to bolster the capacity and sustainability of BSSP. Activities planned for this year include recruitment, staff development, and infrastructure improvements. BSSP is recruiting a new Bible Translation Officer for Oral and Sign Language, a Tonga National Collaboration Coordinator, and a Trade and Distribution Officer. New laptops will be provided to all new hires, and an iCloud server will be set up for efficient collaboration and data management.

As part of its staff development, members of the BSSP staff will be attending the South Pacific Bible Forum, meeting with various organisations and partners in Bible translation work. They will also attend literacy and publishing development trainings. Certain staff members will also receive education in Human Resources and Typesetting.

Additionally, BSSP plans for the demolition of their old building to be followed by a new property development. These efforts aim to strengthen BSSP’s operational capacity in the years to come.


Prayer Points Impact

The impact of this project will be seen in the improved technical capacity of BSSP staff, especially in the areas of inventory and marketing skills, and in their use of key fundraising, translation and publishing software, as well as increased competency in BSSP staff performance and organisation development.

This project will improve the infrastructure and resources of BSSP, ensuring it can reach rural communities when needed for their spiritual renewal, distribution of Scripture resources, and to build relationships. BSSP’s relevance, responsiveness and resilience will grow, as BSSP staff are provided with upgraded IT equipment, software and internet access, that will ensure accessibility, connectivity and productivity from home or remotely.

BSSP will be better able to manage the supply of Bibles held in the warehouse to meet trade demands on a timely basis and be able to generate income at the same time, that will boost cash flow and sustainability. BSSP will have the human resources and manpower to extend and expand Bibe Society mission and translation work within the region.

“We distribute to major bookshops in the towns of Fiji. We have Fijian Bibles here, we have Tahitian, we have Samoans ... Bislama, Tongans, and some languages of New Caledonia. We bought two thousand of the compact sizes of this [Fijian] Bible and now it’s all sold out, within two weeks.” — Ledua, BSSP Operations Manager

• Pray for the safety and wellbeing of all BSSP Staff, translators, volunteers and mission partners across the South Pacific and the Oceania Alliance. Pray that the Lord will lead the right staff to Bible Society, to take up the positions under recruitment.

• Pray for BSSP and the Christian churches to discover new approaches, ideas, and strategies for mission during these challenging and rapidly changing times, and for greater collaboration within the Oceania Alliance.

• Pray for the Bible mission work in the Pacific, or its expansion and reach to more Pacific islands.

South Pacific

Jesus. All About Life & Bible Mission


population in the South Pacific


Easter resources were distributed to 37 villages over Easter 2024


people attended the Easter Production over 3 nights in the greater Suva area as part of the Jesus. All About Life campaign in 2024


Project: 102836 Non Tax Deductible

This project aims to expand Bible mission in the South Pacific, starting with the Jesus. All About Life campaign. By supporting the church with Bible resources and campaigns to promote Scripture awareness, advocacy and engagement, Bible Society aims to contribute to spiritual growth and renewal in the South Pacific. The project also supports the Bible month celebrations, preparing study booklets for churches and other groups. The Bible Society team also conducts Trauma Healing workshops for individuals and families.

The Need

Most of the South Pacific’s youth, severely impacted by the global pandemic, have faced job loss, school closures, and increased substance abuse. Communities often grapple with financial and emotional challenges, compounded by existing issues like violence, abuse, and addiction. Natural disasters also worsen fears and trauma.

Church leaders in this region have met with Bible Society, stressing the urgent need for Trauma Healing and Youth Camps amid rising secularism in the Pacific islands. Restoring relationships, fostering peace within families and promoting personal healing are vital in addressing these multifaceted challenges, alongside building resilience in communities affected by disasters and political or ethnic conflicts.


This project aims to expand the mission of the Bible Society in the South Pacific through working in partnership with churches to advocate and re-tell the story of Jesus to people nationwide. Through the Jesus. All About Life Easter campaign, Bible Society South Pacific (BSSP) aims to serve the church in Fiji and Samoa, offering digital resources and Scriptural material for their Easter programs. An Easter Production (drama) will also take place, designed to engage youth in the word of God during Easter. The campaign also seeks to connect churches to the Bible Society South Pacific and grow awareness about Bible work in the South Pacific.

In 2025, BSSP will continue to hold Bible Month Celebrations, a month-long celebration of honouring the Holy Bible in church communities as part of the mission to expand awareness about their mission. Activities include a distribution of study booklets for churches, broadcasting services, and outreach activities in Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu. The study materials will address issues such as suicide, addiction and depression, aiming to reach the nation’s young people. In addition, sports events and a music festival are planned for 2025 in Fiji and Vanuatu, engaging young people through community outreach.


Prayer Points Impact

Thousands of free Bible-based resources were distributed in 2024, including the Who? What? Why? of Easter storybook, Mary and the Gardener, the Good News Bible (Youth edition) and digital resources from Bible Society Australia.

During Easter 2024, the people of the South Pacific were encouraged by engagement with Scripture and exposure to godly wisdom. The three-night Easter production — depicting the Easter story, the story of Mary Jones, and the story of the Bible in Fiji — engaged approximately 4,400 people with the gospel message, an increase of 900 on 2023’s attendance.

The impact will be ultimately seen in the extent to which there is a renewed commitment to Christ and active church participation. Whether it is through direct or indirect exposure to Scripture engagement and the message of the JAAL campaign, the project aims to impact around 100,000 people.

“We praise God for the opening march and church service held on Sunday 24th June in Suva, Fiji, for the official opening of the Bible Month ... We were pleased with the turnout of approximately 500 people from around the Suva area and 12,000 people joining on livestream for the church service held at the Centenary church … The study booklets (with 7 daily devotionals) have been shared online for churches to access and to use during the month as the Fiji Mission team continues with visiting communities holding Trauma Healing, Sunday school teacher training and Hermeneutics training.” — Bible Society South Pacific team I

• Please pray the Jesus. All About Life Easter Campaign would have an ongoing impact.

• Pray that churches in Fiji will be engaged in this campaign and the Bible Month program.

• Pray that God would guide and protect South Pacific youth through the issues they are facing.

• Pray for the Bible Society team, that they would have strength, wisdom and faithfulness to advocate effectively.


Tongan Translation



Project: 102799 Non Tax Deductible

The Bible Society in the South Pacific is working on two new Bible translations and two Bible revisions in the Tongan language. The priority is the completion of the Tongan Contemporary Bible, which will meet the needs of the younger generations, as the translation uses contemporary Tongan language.

The Need

There is a need in Tonga, reported by church leaders, to make the Bible available in contemporary language, as well as to digitise the Bible, so that as many people as possible can have access to God’s word and be changed by God’s truth.

There are social issues of major concern in Tonga including domestic violence, disintegration of family and kinship, youth unemployment, alcohol and substance abuse. Numbers of secondary school dropouts have increased, especially males, adding to youth unemployment.

people this Bible translation project is aiming to impact

80,000 99.4%

literacy rate in Tonga

In addition to this, the country endured a huge crisis in 2022 with the eruption of the Hunga, a Tongan volcano, 65 km (40 mi) north of the main island of Tongatapu. People are still recovering from the trauma and displacement of the eruption and tsunami, and there is more need than ever for God’s word.

population of Tonga

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. - John 10:10b, ESV


The goal of this project is to make a contemporary translation of the Bible in Tongan available and published in electronic and print formats. Secondly, this project aims to make available a revised edition of the Tongan Bible (West translation) for easy access, publishing it in electronic form. The revised work will include the insertion of book introductions and section headings, which will benefit the members of the churches that use it.

In 2025, consultant checks and proofreading will continue for the Tongan Contemporary Bible, after which printing preparations will commence. The Tongan Revised West Bible is on its final proofreading and checking stages and is scheduled to launch during the last quarter of 2025.

The project is also working on a revision of the Tongan Moulton Bible and publishing it in print form. Another goal of the project (once the Tongan Contemporary Bible has been completed) is to insert the deuterocanonical books into the Contemporary Bible for the benefit of Catholic congregations in Tonga.


Prayer Points Impact

This project aims to impact a total of 80,000 people with Bible translation and revision, based on the current population of Tonga. By the completion of a contemporary translation, and the digitisation of Scripture, this project will have a wider reach for the people of Tonga, encourage access to the Bible and Bible engagement for the people of Tonga, offering them an easily accessible understanding and engagement with God’s word.

“The Tongan Contemporary translation project is the one project that has the support and has unified the church leaders in Tonga to work together on the translations of the Bible.” — Mr. Viliami Falekaono, Project Coordinator

• Pray for the people in Tonga and the work of the Bible Society and the churches in spreading God’s word.

• Continue to pray for unity and relationship building among churches and church representatives in Tonga and the Bible Society South Pacific as they support and work on this translation project.

• Please pray for the team members of this project, especially for its Translation Consultant who is battling an illness.


Bringing Hope and Healing to Women




of women in Vanuatu have experienced some form of genderbased violence


people could be impacted by this project

Project: 102430

The Bible Society of the South Pacific, in partnership with World Day of Prayer, is taking a holistic approach to advocating and empowering women who are victims of domestic violence in Vanuatu. This project continues the work begun in 2021 with the World Day of Prayer celebrations on the theme: “Building on a Strong Foundation.”

The Need

Approximately 42% of women in Vanuatu have experienced some form of violence. Domestic violence and child abuse are embedded in gender and power relations, underpinned by the low status of women and children in Vanuatu.

What happens within the family is seen as a ‘private family matter’. This means that community members will not intervene to protect a woman from an abusive husband. Community Chiefs counsel women to preserve the sanctity of the family unit, to maintain family and village harmony. Most churches don’t proactively denounce violence against women.

It is often very difficult for women to leave a violent relationship. Married women cannot accumulate personal wealth and men have stronger rights than women to their shared children.

women call Vanuatu home

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. - Matthew 7:24, NIV


To reach women in Vanuatu who have experienced some form of gender-based violence, this project focuses on three main activities: 1) trauma healing programs to meet the needs of women who suffer from gender-based violence; 2) violence prevention activities including human rights and legal workshops; and 3) helping women acquire reading and writing skills through literacy programs.

In 2025, Trauma Healing workshops are planned in the following provinces and islands: Torba, Sanma, West Ambae, Penama, Malo Island, Paama and Epi islands.

The ultimate goal of this project is to bring healing, understanding, hope and care to the women of Vanuatu who have experienced gender-based violence, through Bible Society’s Trauma Healing program. This initiative further seeks to enhance advocacy efforts with churches and other agencies to bring an end to violence against women.


Prayer Points Impact

This project aims to impact a total of 60,000 people from Vanuatu, especially women and girls.

As a result of this project, other programs conducted by faith-based organisations in Vanuatu which are raising awareness of gender-based violence will be supported. Additionally, enhancing legal literacy will empower and educate women, particularly young women, about their rights within society.

“At the Domestic Abuse session in Mele Village, one of the male participants from Malekula who attended the session shared that when NGO’s Women’s organisations come to share about Women’s rights they usually offend the men but he decided that because it is a Bible Society program, he will attend the session. He shared that he was blessed that he attended the session because it is using God’s word and so he has extended the invitation to his village, ‘Please come to my home island and run this training.’” — Staff Member, Bible Society of the South Pacific

• Pray for the people of Port Vila and surrounding communities as they recover from the devastation caused by the 7.3 magnitude earthquake in January. Pray for comfort, strength and resilience as families rebuild their lives and homes.

• Give thanks for the progress of the Domestic Violence workshops so far and its impact on the communities. Pray that the workshops happening in 2025 will be effective in bringing much needed healing and transformation among families and households in Vanuatu.

• Pray for more support from faith-based organisations and agencies who are familiar with the work in this area.


Vanuatu Bible Translation


Project: 102850 Non Tax Deductible

people in Vanuatu

303,009 80-90%

(approx. 234,000 people) belong to the Christian faith

This project seeks to reach the people of Vanuatu with God’s word by making the Bible accessible through its translation in their heart languages. This project involves four new translations of the New Testament, and the revision and digitisation of existing Scripture translations in other languages.

The Need

In Vanuatu, 80-90% of the 234,000 Christian residents face a language barrier, as many do not have Scriptures in their own language and find it hard to read other languages. Vanuatu is home to 138 indigenous languages in a population of over 300,000, and each language averages only 1,760 speakers. While English, French, and local trade languages are generally understood, they are not enough to meet the needs of many Vanuatu Christians’ faith practices. Research affirms that reading Scriptures in one’s dialect in church contributes immensely to people’s understanding of the Scriptures.

The need to translate God’s word into these languages is urgent, despite the smaller number of speakers in each language.

indigenous Oceanic languages


This project aims to produce four new translations of the New Testament, a revision of two existing Scripture translations and the digitisation of three Bible translations. The goal of this project is to see the speakers of these languages understand the Scriptures better, so they are more equipped and encouraged to apply God’s word in their lives. Training workshops to educate people on the new scripture products being produced will also be a critical part of this project.

In 2025, the activities and goals for each of the project’s translations are as follows:

• Mele New Testament: reviewing the book of Acts and Romans, typesetting and proofreading the Gospel of Mark, launch of the Gospel of Matthew

• Ahamb (Axamb) New Testament: final proofreading, printing and launch of the Gospel of Luke

• Erromango New Testament (revision): final review and typesetting of the Gospel of Mark

• Futuna New Testament: reviewing the Gospel of Mark, drafting and reviewing Bible study questions

• Lelepa New Testament: reviewing the book of James, Matthew and Philippians

• Ngunese translation (revision): comprehensive reviews of various Old Testament books

Prayer Points Impact

This project has the potential to make a lasting impact on the people of Vanuatu as it addresses their spiritual and cultural needs through the translation and provision of God’s word in their heart languages. Those who speak these languages are equipped and encouraged to better understand Scripture and therefore apply God’s word in their lives.

As the project proposes to research more languages for possible translations in the future, it is helping preserve Vanuatu’s diverse linguistic heritage, ensuring that even small language communities have access to Scripture.

• Pray for the people of Port Vila and surrounding communities as they recover from the devastation caused by the 7.3 magnitude earthquake in January. Pray for comfort, strength and resilience as families rebuild their lives and homes.

• Pray that despite challenges, the progress of this Bible translation project will continue to bring hope and encouragement to the people of Vanuatu.

• Pray for the translators’ training and for the successful continuity of their work. Pray that God blesses them with wisdom, strength and commitment.


Bible Translation


is the population in Mongolia

Christians in Mongolia

65,000 95%

of Mongolian people can read and write in the Khalkh dialect


Project: 82200 Non Tax Deductible

This project aims to meet the demand for a new Mongolian translation that is easier to understand for both readers and listeners. The project seeks to produce an exemplary translation in Mongolian and to have a strong impact among Mongol-speakers around the world. Started in 2015, the translation is projected for completion in 2027.

The Need

The population of Mongolia is over three million, which includes approximately 65,000 Christians.

Мongolia uses the Khalkh dialect in all its official documents and all Mongolians understand this main dialect. With literacy rates of over 95 per cent, most Mongolian people can read and write the Khalkh dialect.

A translation that is more understandable and naturally flowing in this dialect has been greatly needed for many years now, as expressed by church leaders and believers.

This translation has the potential of being widely used in all Protestant, Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches in Mongolia.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

- 2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV


The goal of this project is to translate the Bible from the original languages; to be accurate; to be natural with Mongolian sentence structures and phrases; to be easy to understand for both readers and listeners.

In 2023, the Old Testament translation was prepared for print in trial version. In 2024 the project saw external reviews of New Testament books, apart from Mark and Matthew, as well as the review of footnotes and NT book introductions. Translation consultant checks and digital publication of 16 NT books, including the gospels, progressed. These will be accessible to readers through the project website, which helps to generate immediate feedback and encourages the Scripture engagement aspect of the project.

In 2025 translation consultant checks and digital publication will continue, with a focus on 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 John, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Hebrews and Romans. This year preparations to print the whole Bible will also progress.


Prayer Points Impact

This project will ultimately impact 80,000 people. This takes into account the approximate number of Christians in Mongolia (65,000) and abroad (1,000), plus those who would be interested in reading the Bible.

Mongolian Christians (and non-Christians) will be able to read the Bible with greater ease and comprehension. The newly translated version will benefit not only 3.3 million in Mongolia, but has the potential to be used by 5 million Mongolic speakers around the world, some of whom are also in China and Russia.

“I was inspired many times while translating God’s word. I am moved [by] how biblical authors offer us [a] deeply profound diagnosis of human nature, especially our sinful nature. We try to find out the whole array of meanings of a word considering its different usages in different contexts. Having a whole picture of the words is very important in solving translation issues. Thank you for your prayer and support for our work in Mongolia.” — B Orgi, Project Translator

• Pray for the effective training of translators in biblical languages, linguistics and Bible translation.

• Pray for cooperation and unity among translators, Mongolian churches, committee members and the Mongolian Bible Society.

• Pray for the team as they work to review the draft translations of the New Testament, as well as footnotes and introductions. Pray too for the consultant translation checks and the digital publication of 16 New Testament books.

Sri Lanka

Sign Language Gospel


The Ceylon Bible Society (CBS) is translating the Gospel Parables of Jesus into Sign Language for the Christian deaf community in Sri Lanka, partnering with Christian Churches and other organisations in the country.

The Need

deaf or hearing-impaired people in Sri Lanka

300,000+ <8%

of Sri Lankans are Christians

schools for the deaf in Sri Lanka, 5 of them are Christian schools

There are more than 300,000 deaf and hearing-impaired people in Sri Lanka. Approximately 9% of Sri Lanka’s population suffer from some form of hearing disorder (World Health Organization, 2019). Moreover, Sri Lanka’s deaf community is marginalised socio-politically, and deaf people are unable to get required services efficiently from schools, hospitals, banks, courts and more, due to the lack of Sinhala to Sign Language interpretation support.

There are currently only five Christian schools for the deaf in Sri Lanka, and only five church denominations translate their church services into Sign Language. A visit to the School for the Deaf in Ratmalana convinced the Ceylon Bible Society of the importance of providing the children and young people with the Scriptures in their own language — sign language.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. - Proverbs 31: 8-9, NIV


This project aims to make key biblical narratives accessible to the deaf community in Sri Lanka by creating gospel selections in Sri Lankan Sign Language in video format.

Training and regular committee meetings to plan and coordinate the project’s key components are also part of the process, to ensure an accurate representation and clear communication using Sri Lankan Sign Language.

In 2024, the team successfully launched a series of videos telling stories of Jesus’ ministry. In 2025, this project will launch ‘Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand ‘ (John 6:1-15), ‘The Beatitudes’ (Mathew 5 to 7), ‘The Parable of Weeds among Wheat’ (Matthew 13:24 – 30), ‘The Parable of the Mustard Seed’ and ‘The Parable of the Yeast’ (Matthew 13:31- 34).


Prayer Points Impact

This project aims to impact at least 1,000 people, with a greater potential impact, as the estimated number of Christians who are deaf is around 20,000. The project will also strengthen churches to work more closely with the deaf community. The resources will improve the quality of church teaching for the deaf, and result in more deaf people being able to be involved in Bible ministry.

The Gospel Parables in Sign Language is a resource for deaf people that can motivate them to study the Bible. Despite the challenges they face, through these resources, they can experience more of the love and faithfulness of God. It is hoped that having Gospel Parables in sign language will make them feel that they are valuable in God’s eyes.

“After two years, we have successfully completed and launched a video series depicting the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Sri Lankan Sign Language ... Feedback from the launch has been overwhelmingly positive, with many attendees expressing profound gratitude for the opportunity to witness the Gospel story in their heart language. This project has not only enriched spiritual lives but has also fostered a greater sense of belonging and community among the deaf in Sri Lanka.” — Ceylon Bible Society

• Please pray for the people who are signing this resource, that they would be able to learn the correct signs, and that God grant them wisdom in translating Bible texts into signs.

• Pray for the editing and recording of the ‘Life story of Jesus’ series. Thank God for the wonderful work that is currently in progress and pray that it would be a blessing to the deaf community in Sri Lanka.

• Pray for good collaboration among the team and continued funding for the project into the future as the economic crisis in the country has affected everyone.


Easy to Use Study Bible

10% <6%

of the population of Vietnam are Christians, with 1 million+ evangelical Christians as well as 7 million Catholics of Vietnamese are non-literate


Bible Society Vietnam is translating the Old Testament and related content to complete a Vietnamese Study Bible, an easy-to-use resource for Vietnamese Christians to deepen their engagement with the Bible and grow in their faith.

The Need

The increase in church planting has led to a strong need for accessible resources to improve biblical knowledge among lay preachers, Sunday school teachers, and enthusiastic attendees. Vietnamese evangelical Christians received a revision of their Vietnamese Bible in 2010. They now need a one-volume, easy-to-use Study Bible to help them engage more meaningfully with the Bible.

While Bible Society Vietnam also understands that there is a need for a scholarly edition of the Bible, for the time being, the needs of the average churchgoer are the most urgent — for an accessible Study Bible that aims to serve the majority of Vietnamese evangelicals.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. - 2 Timothy 3:16, NIV


The goal of this project is to develop an easy-to-use Vietnamese Study Bible, which is an accessible source of reference with helpful charts, tables, diagrams, and information. The goal is to complete the translation of the Study Bible by December 31, 2025, ensuring it serves as a vital resource for Vietnamese Christians and pastors to deepen their understanding of God and share his love with others.

In 2025, the goal is to finalise the translation process through a structured plan that includes thorough checking, editing, and typesetting. The translation consultant will check the historical books (Jan-Mar), poetic and wisdom literature books (April – June), and the prophetic books (July-Sept). From October-December, all Old Testament books, maps and photos will be finalised by the Translation Consultant and then typeset. Upon completion, Bible Society Vietnam will print 1,000 copies of the Study Bible, facilitating ongoing engagement with the text.


This Study Bible will help Vietnamese Christians and pastors understand the Bible better, come to know God more, love him more, and spread his love to their neighbours within and without church.

The Study Bible is aimed at the average Sunday School attendees and their teachers, plus the lay preachers and evangelists in remote areas who have little access to formal biblical studies. It will help preachers to become more effective (and accurate) in their preaching and help believers to have better access to the Bible.

By the end of 2024, this 13-year project (which began in 2018) was 98% complete. The New Testament was finalised and ready for typesetting in 2024, and the Old Testament books were all reviewed (Stage 1 of the translation process).

“When I learned more about this project, I was convinced that this is what the church in Vietnam needs. This could be the first-ever study Bible in the Vietnamese language. Churches could benefit from the book. Missionaries, for example, can use it to help people in rural and remote areas better understand the Word of God. It is because people in poorer areas lack access to high-quality Christian materials. And the book will provide pastors with valuable information when they are preparing for sermons.” — Callie*, a Bible college graduate and reviewer of the Study Bible

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray that the project produces a Study Bible that meets the needs of Vietnamese Christians.

• Pray for the translation team, the translation consultant, and that the team will be blessed with wisdom and skills as they adapt the contents and designs from the CEV Learning Bible to the Vietnamese Study Bible.

• Pray for the publication of the Bible in 2025.


First Old Testament


people belonging to this ethnic minority live in Vietnam


are Christians, approximately 1,400


Project: 103024

This project will translate the Old Testament for a Vietnamese ethnic minority* to join the recently translated New Testament and complete the first full Bible for this marginalised community.

The Need

These people are one of the most influential ethnic groups in the mountainous areas of North Vietnam. The growth of Christianity among the people is slow, perhaps because the current New Testament in use by the churches was translated by a diaspora group of the same ethnicity. While similar to their language, it cannot express and communicate God’s word naturally for the people living in Vietnam.

Many of this ethnic minority, especially the young, cannot read the ancient text of their language and there is currently no Scripture in their contemporary language for them to read. There is a great need for Bibles to be translated into today’s language.

The local people requested a New Testament in their language from Bible Society Vietnam, which was completed at the end of 2023 after four years work. To complete the full Bible, the ethnic group need the Old Testament in their language so they can use it to preach, study, and share their faith.

*Name of ethnic minority group is kept private for security reasons.

Jesus answered, ‘It is written: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”’ - Matthew 4:4, NIV


The goal of this project is to complete and print the Old Testament translation by 2030. Bible Society Vietnam will also give permission for Faith Comes By Hearing to record an audio version, and by uploading it to the Digitial Bible Library, the Scriptures in this minority language will be accessible online through YouVersion.

In 2025, the project will focus on key stages of the translation process, including drafting, internal review, translation consultant checking, and community review, covering significant portions of the Old Testament.

Beyond the physical product, the project aims to spiritually enrich the lives of Christians in this minority group. By providing the Bible in their heart language, Bible Society hopes to foster deeper faith, stronger community bonds, and a more profound love for God and neighbour among the people.


The total number of people this project aims to impact is the 842,000 who speak this ethnic minority language in Vietnam. A short-term impact of the project will be that on listening to and reading the completed book of Genesis, the people will feel connected to the new translation and begin using it. In addition to this, the translation team members will be impacted by their training and work on Bible translation, and will be equipped to lead Bible study groups, Sunday schools, and inspire their communities to love the word of God as well as to follow it.

In 2025, it is hoped that the distribution of 3,000 copies of the New Testament will impact the audience, helping them feel connected to the new translation and accept it. The ultimate impact of this project is that Christians in this ethnic minority will be strengthened by reading and understanding the Bible in their own language, and will love God more, love one another, and love their neighbours.

“What I appreciate most is that my family reads the Bible together every evening after dinner. Regardless of the quantity, we make it a point to read it consistently. I believe that the Bible needs to be studied and understood. It teaches us valuable lessons about family behaviour and interactions with relatives and friends... Our Church has recently been provided with additional Vietnamese Bibles... However ... everyone wishes to have a Bible [in our language] for personal use. Additionally, parents could use the Bible to teach their children about their ethnic language.” — Katy*, 53 mother and wife, Vietnam

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Please pray for the setting up of the translation team for the Old Testament work, and for the project to go smoothly.

• Please pray for successful outcomes in the translation workshops, leading to the adoption of best practices and the enhancement of the team’s translation skills.

• Please ask for God’s protection and wisdom for the Bible Society Vietnam and the translation team throughout the project.


Empowering Literacy

172m 74% 61%

people in Bangladesh of people are functionally literate of the population live in rural areas


The Bangladesh Bible Society (BBS) are reaching nonliterate women with the word of God through a literacy course in the rural areas of Bangladesh, giving them the opportunity to read and write, as well as listen and interact with the Bible. In turn, the skills they learn enable the women to teach their children, impacting their families and their church communities.

The Need

There are around 172 million people in Bangladesh, and around 74% are functionally literate. Most people in rural areas cannot read the Bible, or any book. Women living in remote areas of Bangladesh are poor and have had very little opportunity to access an education.

Many of these non-literate adults have a desire to learn and study. Some have the Scripture available to them, and are hungry for the word of God, even though they are not able to read it. They are eager for an education, so they can read God’s word.

Although the Christian population of Bangladesh is at 0.3%, in the target communities of this literacy course, the majority have Christian faith; the Garo community are all Christians, the Santali community are 95% Christian, and the rest are Bengali Christians.

Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. - Revelation 1:3, NIV


The ultimate goal of the project is to teach literacy skills to 1,500 women each year.

Each year, 500 women begin the literacy classes in 75 rural classes, with the program lasting for three years. They meet five days a week for 1.5-hour lessons, in which they listen to lessons and learn to read with the help of a facilitator. The goal is that they will be able to read the newspapers, books, and the Bengali Common Language Bible.

BBS plan to distribute 500 Bibles each year to those who join the literacy classes, along with literacy books, audio Scripture for the classes, and 50 sewing machines for the third-year groups to share. The goal is to see 500 students graduate each year.


By gaining literacy skills, each student is encouraged towards independence in supporting their families. In the final year of studies, BBS provide sewing machines, cattle and small aids for farming also to graduates. In addition to this, graduates gain the necessary literacy skills to navigate government communications, legal matters and health related issues.

The women come to understand the word of God through the curriculum and share their experience among their children and their neighbours. The indirect impact of this project each year is 6,000, as each student influences at least 4 people, passing on their new skills to their families.

The impact of the project increases again as each woman is able to participate and preach in their church communities and local gatherings.

“The teaching from the Bible stories in literacy class helped in my life and changed me. I realised that I got peace from Jesus that brings a joy in my life. I got the opportunity to know Jesus deeply during these classes. I learned how to love my neighbors, even love my enemies.” — Rafsan*, 40-year-old mother of four children. She came from a Hindu family, but was interested to know Jesus, and joined in the literacy class in her village church.

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray that God would give the students wisdom to learn, and perseverance to continue through the three years of study. Please pray for the first-year students who struggle to read and write.

• Pray for protection and provision for the participants, as they also strive for stable food, shelter and good health.

• Pray that the yearly monsoon season and the heavy rain it brings would not affect the lessons.


Pre-Primary Literacy


74.66% 26%

people in Bangladesh is the literacy rate in Bangladesh of the population are children


Project: 102454

The Bangladesh Bible Society (BBS) is seeking to reach preschool-aged children with the word of God through a literacy course in the rural and remote areas of Bangladesh.

The Need

There are more than 172 million people in Bangladesh, and approximately 26% of the population are children. A large percentage of people live in rural areas and children are prevented by distance from attending pre-schools. In later schooling, their lack of familiarity with the national Bengali language means attaining literacy is challenging.

In Bangladesh, tribal children all start school in the Bengali language even though they speak in their mother tongue. Some of these tribes do not even have their language in written form, so learning literacy in Bengali is the only option.

With the literacy rate in Bangladesh is still under 40%, education remains a significant need in this nation. These children need to be taught at a younger age to gain a basis in education that will help them when they begin their primary school education or catch up on the studies they have missed due to language difficulties at national schools.

My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways, - Proverbs 23:26, NIV


The goal of the literacy program is to educate pre-school aged children in remote areas in Bangladesh, who cannot access distant schools due to their youth and poverty. Bible Society’s literacy class will help them learn basic literacy skills, beginning at four years old, in their villages. Students will learn to read, recite and write in Bengali, preparing them for formal schooling. Children will also learn to connect with the word of God through the classes and have their relationship with God strengthened.

The program goal is for 600 children in 30 literacy classes to follow a two-year pre-school curriculum. At the end of 2024, 300 students from 15 classes move into the next class and the 300 students in their second year complete a final exam and graduate, ready to start primary school in grade one. In 2025 BBS will start 15 new literacy classes for Santal language communities.


The total number of people this project aims to impact is 3,000, providing long-term educational, social and spiritual benefits for the rural children involved.

In 2023, BBS started 15 pre-primary literacy schools in three locations, with a total of 300 students studying from July. In 2024, 600 children in 30 literacy classes continue the two-year curriculum, with the class running four days each week.

Books were distributed in each school, with the local church leaders, pastors and community leaders all working together for the schools. This project brings children together in groups to learn to read, equipping them for their formal schooling ahead. It will also allow them to learn to read the word of God.

Keya*, a 4-year-old student at the Binodpur Pre-Primary Education Center, has shown remarkable development. Her mother shares, “At first, Keya didn’t want to go and cried when we brought her there, so I had to sit with her during the classes. She couldn’t speak or write vowels, consonants, or English letters, nor could she count numbers. But now, she confidently goes to the centre alone, and has made significant progress in both literacy and social skills. I believe this experience will help her transition smoothly into primary school, and she will thrive on her own.”

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Please pray for the children that they will be encouraged to come to class regularly.

• Continue to pray for the teachers, that they will be successful in teaching the students.

• Pray for the church leaders, pastors, and community leaders, for their full support of this program.

• Please continue to pray for the betterment of the political situation in the country.

Burkina Faso

Empowering Women Through Literacy


of women over 15 are non-literate (2019, National Institue of Statistics)


women will graduate over the 4 years of this literacy project


people will be indirectly impacted through these literacy graduates


Project: 103116

Bible Society Australia is partnering with Bible Society Burkina Faso to launch a women’s literacy program, incorporating income-generating activities in local languages. The initiative empowers women with reading, writing, and socio-economic skills, fostering spiritual growth through Bible engagement.

The Need

Burkina Faso faces a dire literacy challenge, with one of the world’s lowest rates. In 2019, only 29.7% of individuals aged 15 and above were literate. This issue predominantly affects women, who comprise over half of the population. Millions of women, including countless adolescent girls, lack access to fundamental literacy. They seek knowledge for spiritual growth, socio-economic integration, and self-sufficiency. This literacy need is emphasised by the local churches partnering with the Bible Society of Burkina Faso (BSBF). This challenge is compounded by the region’s instability due to terrorism since 2015. Illiteracy perpetuates high female unemployment, low income, financial instability, poor health, and adverse family impacts.


The goal of the project is to enhance reading and writing fluency in native languages, promoting Scriptural engagement and spiritual growth while also bolstering living conditions. BSBF will partner with churches, who will host classes as hubs for students and teachers, with an evangelistic purpose. Ultimately, BSBF aims to transition program ownership to the church.

Beginning in 2024, Level 1 focused on students across four languages. In 2025, Level 2 expands to five languages while maintaining the student count. From 2026 to 2029, six languages will be taught, alternating between Levels 1 and 2.

The anticipated outcomes include 2,400 annual students, 80 educators, and 1,940 graduates every two years, coupled with literacy and Scripture materials creation and distribution. These efforts impart essential skills in reading, writing, numeracy, and entrepreneurship, leading to a more fulfilling life.


Over four years, this project will directly impact 3,880 students, equipping them with literacy and incomegenerating skills. Indirectly, at least 19,400 individuals, including immediate and extended family members, will benefit from the women’s newfound expertise.

The initiative aims to transform lives by providing vital skills in reading, writing, and basic arithmetic. These competencies enhance their understanding of God’s word and empower them to navigate both Christian and daily life effectively. The project also broadens horizons through knowledge and entrepreneurship skills, emphasising income-generating activities. Vocational training equips participants to establish sustainable income sources, leading to a more fulfilling life.

As part of the program, students will receive Bibles or New Testaments in their learning languages as postliteracy resources. Additionally, Bible reading clubs will be established for graduates to maintain their reading skills.

“From the first day of classes, the facilitator made us aware of the importance of being literate and the value of our national languages. I know that the Bible in my language will be available soon, so I am preparing. This knowledge is very useful for my business, as I will be able to write down purchases and sales instead of continuing to memorise them. In addition ... we learned lessons about solidarity, unity, hygiene, health, etc. I thank everyone who has contributed to making my dream a reality.” — Fati*

*Name changed for security reasons.

Prayer Points Impact

• Please pray for a good partnership with the churches and other organisations in running this project.

• Pray that students would attend classes regularly.

• Pray for a great impact in the lives of the beneficiaries (women and their immediate relatives).


Literacy by Listening


of adults are literate in Cambodia (2022, World Bank data)


of students complete primary school (UN data) despite a 98.2% net enrolment ratio


Project: 73613

Bible Society Cambodia (BSC) launched The Learning Through Listening literacy project in 2003 to teach people how to read, by reading the Bible. Each year the program empowers non-literate people so they can develop their literacy skills and contribute more effectively to their communities. It also means they can read the Scriptures for their own personal growth.

The Need

Illiteracy can expose Cambodian people to shame, fraud and exploitation and often keeps people in poverty. Many of the youth and adult populations of rural Cambodia have not had the opportunity to receive a quality education due to the nation’s history of devastating war and genocide.

The most non-literate people in Cambodia are those who are hard to reach (remote populations, ethnic minorities, migrants, and people with disabilities), and this accounts for the slow improvement rate in literacy. Teachers, particularly in rural areas, are also paid low salaries, with many teaching their students for only two hours a day so they can earn additional income elsewhere.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. - Romans 15:4 NIV


BSC is partnering with Cambodian churches to offer literacy training to disadvantaged communities. Each year the program aims to provide literacy skills to a total of 5,000 – 6,000 students.

The Literacy program is a three-month audio and Bible based program, running for one hour, five days a week. A class is made up of 10-15 students who listen to a prerecorded lesson and work from a provided textbook. The classes do not require teachers. Instead, Bible Society trains volunteers to facilitate the group. Many volunteers have been through the classes themselves.

Each year the program aims to provide literacy skills to both disadvantaged Christians and non-Christians who have not learned to read or write Khmer.

BSC aims to conduct 350 classes in 24 provinces of Cambodia. As well as the classes, training workshops for new facilitators and graduation ceremonies are planned. Graduates from the literacy course receive a certificate and a New Testament Bible.


By learning literacy skills, participants are equipped with tools for acquiring knowledge and effective communication. Students’ motivation to join the classes range from aiding their children’s education to starting small businesses. Local authorities in certain areas have supported the program by awarding certificates to graduates, and parents appreciate the positive impact on their children’s knowledge, attitudes, and affection. This transformational experience is leading families to view these classes as a valuable means of education.

Many join the classes to deepen their faith, as they are equipped to read and understand the Scriptures independently. The impact on individual students – as they’re able to read simple texts, as well as the word of God – has inspired others, including Christian leaders and community members, to join the classes. Leaders and pastors are supportive of the program which has empowered their church members to grow in confidence and resilience. Many people have encountered Jesus in these classes, prompting a demand to expand the classes into neighbouring villages.

“I’m filled with joy because my brother and I can now read, including the Bible, which helps us understand Jesus better. My two younger cousins, although still little, recognise many words. I’m confident that we’ll all excel in our exams and perform well in our classes. Previously, we didn’t learn much and felt embarrassed among our peers, intimidated by teachers, and reluctant to attend school. [Now] I’ve gained knowledge and courage, and I can even assist my classmates with their studies and in getting to know Jesus.” — Vanna*

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray that God will use the program to bring salvation to students and spiritual growth to believers.

• Pray that churches will be diligent in recruiting and training new volunteers so that more classes can be offered.

• Pray that God will continue to transform rural communities through the literacy projects. Pray for more communities and authorities to open up their doors to the program.


Scripture and Literacy


Project: 71201

Bible Society Australia is supporting the United Bible Societies China Partnership (UBSCP) in providing literacy classes for rural Chinese Christians, many lack formal education and are unable to read and write. When Christians acquire literacy skills, it boosts their confidence in social interactions, thereby improving their community life. It also empowers them to engage actively in church services and understand God’s word for themselves.

The Need

non-literate adults in China

37.75m 90% 80%

According to GlobalData, China’s literacy rate reached 99.8% in 2021. With an estimated population of approximately 1.4 billion people in 2021, this translates to about 2.4 million individuals aged 15 and above who were non-literate that year.

of Mandarin speakers who are non-literate or semi-literate are elderly

Most Christians in rural China lack formal education and are unable to read and write. Many of them are elderly Christians though they deeply desire to read God’s word in their final years. The need for literacy classes is significant, especially among these elderly Christians. Improved literacy also helps to address the church’s concern over the widespread infiltration of cults, found mainly in rural areas. Biblical literacy will help Christians discern between true and false teachings and prevent believers from being swayed by heresies.

of Mandarin speakers who are non-literate or semi-literate are women

In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. - Acts 19:20, NIV


In 2025 UBSCP will continue to collaborate with Provincial Christian Councils (PCCs) to develop and support literacy programs tailored to the needs of Christians in provinces where doors are opened. The goal is to reach a total of about 6,090 Mandarin speakers in about 12 provinces through 203 literacy classes with 30 participants per class. UBSCP also aim to reach 450 Christians from nine ethnic minority groups who have the Bible or New Testament in their language.

The specific goals of the project are to raise the literacy level of these rural Christians and to develop a new literacy primer for the Chinese language literacy booklets to replace the current ones which have become outdated. Since 2023, with input from UBS literacy experts and an external literacy consultant, UBSCP have developed the first two levels of the primer, and plan to develop level three in 2025.



Improved literacy improves quality of life. When they can read and write, people are better informed of developments in their communities, especially matters of benefit to them, and can respond with understanding.

The Scripture literacy program motivates these Christians to learn basic literacy skills, enabling them to better understand the Bible. Ultimately, they come to a deeper understanding of God’s love. With improved literacy, spiritual growth can be expected for all believers as they are also better able to understand sermons and Bible teaching.

“Through the literacy classes, it is gratifying to witness the believers growing and improving. I am very happy to be able to serve the Lord and do his work ... It is not just about giving free booklets or Bibles; it is about love.” — Elder Chen*, 82-year-old Scripture literacy teacher

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points

• Pray for the Provincial Christian Council as they work with the local churches to run the Scripture literacy classes.

• Pray for the participants - that they may be able to learn quickly and well.

• Pray for God’s guidance in rolling out the new primer for the Chinese Language, from testing it at selected literacy classes, setting up the assessment system and making the finalised version available in China.


Literacy for Growth


of the Nasa population cannot read or write of these non-literate adults are women, approximately 19,392 individuals

54.3% 60%

illiteracy in some Nasa districts, with La Cauca having the second highest illiteracy rate in Colombia (Ministry of Education)


Project: 103471

Bible Society Australia is supporting the Colombian Bible Society in collaborating with local churches to provide literacy training for the Nasa people, addressing a 55% illiteracy rate, primarily among women. This project will empower personal growth, community well-being, as well as facilitate engagement with newly translated Scripture for spiritual development in remote areas.

The Need

The Nasa community in Colombia faces significant challenges, with an alarming 55% illiteracy rate among adults, particularly affecting women. This lack of literacy hampers personal and community development, limiting access to education and the Scriptures. The region’s educational system suffers from inadequate government investment, poor teacher salaries, and inaccessible schools, making learning a luxury for many families. Additionally, the community grapples with the repercussions of drug trafficking, which has led to violence, economic instability, and social issues, including a high prevalence of substance abuse.

In this context, many Nasa individuals express a desire to read the Scriptures for personal growth and evangelism. However, the barriers of illiteracy and socio-economic challenges hinder their ability to engage fully with their faith. With 35,681 illiterate adults in the Cauca region, the need for targeted literacy programs is urgent. By addressing these educational gaps, the Colombian Bible Society aims to empower the Nasa people, enabling them to access the word of God and improve their overall well-being, thus fostering a more informed and resilient community.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness - 2 Timothy 3:16, NIV


The primary goal of this project is to enhance literacy among the Nasa community, enabling individuals to improve their overall quality of life as well as read the Scriptures. In 2025, the project aims to implement 120 literacy classes, serving 600 students, including 200 adult women, 140 adult men, and 260 children. Activities will begin with curriculum development and material preparation from January to April, followed by the launch of Level 1 classes in April, with 30 classes conducted over three months. Monitoring and evaluation will be integral throughout, ensuring participant progress is assessed. From July to September, the project will introduce Level 2 classes and host Bible reading workshops to foster engagement with Scripture. The year will culminate in two graduation ceremonies to celebrate participants’ achievements.

By distributing 600 copies of the Bible in Nasa Yuwe and supplementary materials, the project will not only improve literacy rates but also empower individuals to contribute positively to their communities and engage with their faith.

Testimony Impact

The Nasa community will be profoundly impacted by this project as barriers of illiteracy are removed. The project inspires all students to envision a future filled with possibilities, encouraging children to dream about professional careers and educational aspirations. With an anticipated 7,000 graduates over time, literate individuals will positively influence their families and communities, creating a ripple effect of change. The project also aims to reduce violence, improve family relationships, and increase employment opportunities, addressing the socioeconomic challenges faced by the Nasa community.

The project will empower Christians and seekers to access the Scriptures, fostering spiritual growth through enhanced reading skills. This Scripture-based approach not only equips participants with literacy but also serves as an evangelistic tool, leading many students to deepen their faith and understanding of God’s word.

Overall, this initiative promises to transform lives, instil hope, and cultivate a more informed and engaged community.

“I firmly believe that the word of God has the power to heal and guide our community. I have found comfort and hope in the Bible that I want to share with others. The news that ... we will have the Bible in our language fills me with joy ... I am determined to be a part of [the literacy program in our community] ... I want to teach others, and I long to be able to teach the Bible in Nasa Yuwe, so that my people can access God’s teachings and comfort in their native language.” — Nasa Sol*

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points

• Please pray for the impact of the literacy project in Cauca, especially for the social impact. Pray that God will use the program to bring salvation to the students and spiritual growth to the believers.

• Please pray for protection and strength for the staff and volunteers as they implement the program. Please pray that churches will be diligent in recruiting and training new volunteers as facilitators.

• Please pray that more communities and authorities will open their doors to the program.


Bible Education Tour


Egyptians are Christians, or an estimated 9.8 million



Bible Society Australia is supporting the Bible Society of Egypt in running the ‘Mobile Bible World’ tour in rural areas, educating children, Sunday School teachers and leaders about the reliability, historicity and credibility of the Bible.

The Need

Christian Egyptians are a minority and face constant criticism of the Bible. The Bible Society of Egypt has a popular and long-standing ‘Bible world tour’ which has reached over 70,000 Christian children living in the Cairo area over the last 15 years. However, Christian children living in rural areas outside of Cairo also need to relate to the Bible personally, and gain confidence in the reliability, historicity and credibility of God’s word. They need to learn how the Bible is translated, as the challenges facing these children include outdated Bible translations and the perception of Christianity as a Western import.

There is also a need to enhance awareness and acceptance of a modern Standard Arabic Bible translation. There is an overwhelming demand for help in this area, to impart valuable knowledge to children and foster a personal connection to the Bible. There is also a need to encourage and inform Sunday School teachers and church leaders, ultimately strengthening their faith and heritage.

Coptic Orthodox Churches in Egypt

Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.’ - Luke 14:23, NIV


The Mobile Bible World project aims to provide an engaging biblical experience to children, through handson activities and information as to how the Bible was written, who wrote it, when, how it was accurately copied, translated into many languages, and how the manuscripts verify the text in our hands today.

Each year, the project aims to serve 40,000 children outside Cairo, primarily in Upper Egypt and the Delta. The goal of the project is to conduct eight events, each lasting seven days and reaching 5,000 children per event. In 2025, the Bible Society of Egypt are aiming to expand the project’s capacity by acquiring a second set of Mobile Bible World tents and equipment to facilitate simultaneous events in different regions.

In 2025, the goal is to provide each child with a special booklet on the reliability of the Bible to take home. Through these efforts, the project seeks to deepen children’s understanding of the Scriptures and encourage them to read God’s word every day and share it with their friends.


Prayer Points Impact

When the Mobile Bible World tour was launched in spring 2023 the Bible Society of Egypt were able to serve more than 18,000 children in just four events, with engaging, hands-on experiences that emphasise the reliability and historicity of the Bible. Overall, 27,500 rural children were reached in the first year, with tens of thousands more in 2024.

Participants are impacted as they gain a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and the need for more accessible translations, fostering lifelong confidence in the Bible’s reliability. The engaging experience connects children personally to their faith, creating lasting memories. Additionally, the project strengthens the Church in Egypt, enhances relationships within the community, and boosts fundraising efforts. By acquiring a second Mobile Bible World set, the initiative aims to double its reach and impact, further benefiting children and families across the region.

“One of the churches that came to take the tour... had just done a series in their Sunday School... refuting the idea of [the Bible] being falsified ... They were so thrilled and grateful... stating that [the tour] was the perfect illustration and compilation of all that they had been attempting to teach their children, but in such an appealing and engaging and kid-friendly way ...” — Staff Member, Bible Society of Egypt

• Pray for strength and discernment for the team in planning events, and for their safety and health as they set-up, tear-down, and present for up to a thousand kids per day.

• Pray for the team facing inclement weather and challenging accommodations, including cold nights and lack of hot water. Thank God for the high spirits of the team, and the supernatural encouragement they receive. Pray that God would continue to bless the team, and that they may rejoice in the fruit of their work.

• Pray for safety for children and equipment, with no accidents occurring.


The Light of Literacy


The Bible Society of Egypt (BSE)’s Children and Adult Post Literacy project aims to build on basic literacy skills in students of all ages and prevent a relapse into illiteracy. This project facilitates both personal and spiritual development as individuals accept responsibility and take initiative for their ongoing learning.

The Need

of people in Egypt are non-literate (16 million people)

of the population are Christians

25% 10-15% 80%

of children leave Sunday school when they reach secondary school

The quality of education in Egypt is low on the world scale. Teaching styles can sometimes be rigid; student participation is not encouraged enough. Many schools also have poor infrastructure. Children often fail to properly learn literacy skills and a lack of practice can cause them to lose the skills they do gain at school. Those who are non-literate, often have poor communication skills and difficulties in focusing, listening, and understanding. Without this life skill, opportunities are limited, and personal confidence is also reduced.

In the Egyptian church, when children drop out of school, they often drop out of the church as well. Illiteracy means that many young people find it hard to focus, listen and understand at church, leading to disengagement from church life.


The goal of this project is to help students develop their reading and writing skills and encourage them to develop personal responsibility for their learning as they think for themselves, discuss, and participate in classes. Operating throughout Egypt, this project is intended predominantly for school children but also for recently literate adults.

BSE aims to have 4,000 to 5,000 students involved in five levels over 18-24 months, in 200 to 300 classes. Around 250 to 350 volunteer facilitators will be supported by 21 supervisors in 89 training events across the year, including 10 preparation meetings, 20 one-day sessions for new facilitators, 40 for current facilitators, and 15 follow-up meetings with classes.

Each student receives a resource package containing Scripture portions, exercise books, audio material, games, exercises and activities. In 2025, 3,300 Scripture materials (portions, New Testaments, and Bibles) will be provided, along with 26,400 printed primers and 21,400 supplementary reading material.


Over 25 years, the literacy program has significantly impacted people in the lower socio-economic segment of Egyptian society, and is consistently expanding its reach to new students, teachers, churches, and areas. The impact is evident as students develop reading skills and literacy competence, fostering a continuous learning lifestyle.

The program’s influence extends to personal and spiritual development, reflected in improved behaviour at home, school, and church. Students embody biblical principles learned in class, demonstrating increased selfdevelopment and motivation for positive change. Program participants often become actively involved in the church, with enhanced literacy skills making their engagement more meaningful. This comprehensive approach underscores the program’s profound and holistic impact on individuals and communities.

“I thank the Lord because I learned how to read and write. I learned how to pray before I sleep. I memorised Bible verses. And I learned some math and am able now to help my daughter in her clothing shop, to check people out and help her in all the work.” — Asimah*

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray for a better understanding of Scriptures for all students who take part in this project.

• Pray for security and a continued increase and growth in the program, despite the political uncertainty and upheaval of the country.


Building Future Literacy


UBS literacy staff are currently the only support to extensive literacy projects globally


adults worldwide are still unable to read and write (2021, UNESCO Institute for Statistics)

1.6 billion

children and youth could be at risk of not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics by 2030 (UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report)

Project: 103368

Bible Society Australia is supporting the United Bible Societies (UBS) in this project, which aims to enhance the capacity of the Global Literacy Office by training a literacy officer through a Master’s program in Linguistics at Moorlands College. This initiative addresses the shortage of literacy specialists assisting Bible Societies globally, ultimately improving support for literacy projects within the UBS Fellowship.

The Need

The UBS Global Literacy Office recognises a critical shortage of literacy specialists, with only three currently supporting the literacy projects of the United Bible Societies globally. This limitation hampers the ability to effectively address the vast literacy needs within the UBS Fellowship and necessitates reliance on external partner agencies for training and resources. The demand for enhanced literacy development is significant, as Bible Societies require skilled professionals to implement effective literacy programs in diverse communities.

Additionally, the existing UBS literacy team lacks sufficient technical expertise, which restricts their capacity to meet the growing literacy challenges. Without increased internal expertise, the quality of support for these projects may diminish, resulting in missed opportunities for community engagement and development. Training a literacy officer through a structured formal education program is a strategic response to develop in-house expertise. This initiative aims to build a foundation of knowledge and practical skills essential for implementing successful literacy interventions and ultimately reducing the dependency on external partners.

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. - Proverbs 24:3-4, NIV


The primary goal of this project is to enhance the capacity of the Global Literacy Office by developing in-house expertise in literacy support for the United Bible Societies. By training a literacy officer through a formal education program, the project aims to increase the pool of literacy specialists available to assist with ongoing literacy initiatives across the UBS Fellowship.

In 2025, specific objectives include the completion of the Post Graduate Certificate through an intensive 18-week on-campus course, which will enhance their foundational knowledge in language, community, and development. Following this, the literacy officer will engage in a twoyear professional internship, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world literacy projects.

By the end of 2025, they will also prepare for their PostGraduate Diploma application and begin a dissertation work. This comprehensive development will ensure that they are well-equipped to contribute to and strengthen UBS literacy projects in diverse communities.


The impact of this project will be significant for both the literacy officer and the broader United Bible Societies community. By equipping the literacy officer with advanced knowledge and practical skills in literacy, the project will enhance the overall capacity of the Global Literacy Office to support literacy initiatives effectively. With a Master’s degree in Linguistics focused on Language Development, the literacy officer will bring a depth of expertise that will directly benefit literacy programs within the UBS Fellowship.

In particular, their training will empower them to implement evidence-based strategies rooted in literacy theory, facilitating more effective community engagement and educational support. This enhanced skill set will enable UBS to reduce its dependency on external partners for training and resources, ultimately lowering costs and tailoring support to the specific needs of communities. Over time, the project will contribute to improved literacy rates and educational outcomes within the Fellowship, fostering sustainable development and community empowerment, and creating a ripple effect that strengthens the capacity of local literacy stakeholders and initiatives.

Prayer Points

• Please pray for success in the application process at the Moorlands College, UK.

• Please pray for the literacy officer as they prepare and embark on this new journey, for wisdom, ability to adapt as they prepare to learn.


Native Language Literacy


Project: 103519

Bible Society Australia is supporting the Bible Society of Guatemala to provide a literacy project which aims to improve reading and writing skills among children in rural Guatemala, in three native languages. By providing culturally relevant biblical materials and training teachers, the initiative fosters enhanced community development through education in their mother tongue, as well as spiritual growth, and ethical values.

The Need

of K’iche’ de Totonicapán speakers are non-literate of Q’eqchí’ speakers are non-literate

73.28% 55.36% 90.6%

average percentage of Christians across the three language groups

In Guatemala, the need for a literacy project targeting the Q’eqchí’, K’iche’, and Boca Costa K’iche’ languages is critical, particularly in rural communities facing significant educational challenges. With an illiteracy rate of 18.5%, which translates to approximately 2.3 million individuals lacking basic reading and writing skills, the urgency for effective educational interventions is clear. This project aims to meet the needs of children from first to sixth grade by instilling ethical values rooted in their cultural and spiritual heritage, doing so by promoting literacy and addressing their lack of access to specialised biblical materials. By using their mother tongue, the program enhances comprehension and engagement, fostering a deeper connection to learning.

The integration of biblical teachings encourages moral development and reinforces cultural identity. The need for literacy is more pressing, as the translations of the biblical texts in these languages are near completion. Literacy skills will ensure that the community is ready to engage with the Bible in their languages when they become available.

Buy the truth and do not sell it – wisdom, instruction and insight as well. - Proverbs 23:23, NIV


This literacy project aims to enhance reading and writing skills among children in rural communities of Guatemala, with a special focus on the Q’eqchí’, K’iche’, and Boca Costa K’iche’ language speakers. This project will promote access to education as well as fostering community development. The literacy training also aims to highlight themes from the Bible, with 60% of the primer readings based on stories and teaching from the Bible.

In 2025, the project will conduct three 2-week workshops to develop Level 1, 2, and 3 curriculum materials tailored to community needs, focusing on culturally relevant content. By June, the project aims to print and distribute Level 1 materials. They will seek schools and churches to implement the program, and in August, train teachers and begin the pilot test in five schools and two churches. The test will continue through September and October. Ongoing assessments will ensure the curriculum meets educational standards, and a final report evaluating the program’s success will be published by year-end. These activities will help establish a sustainable literacy framework within the communities.



The impact of this literacy project will be in enhancing access to education in their native languages for children and their communities. By learning to read and write in Q’eqchí’, K’iche’, and Boca Costa K’iche’, children will improve their communication skills and comprehension abilities, which are crucial for personal and academic success. Furthermore, the project empowers teachers to develop their capacity to instruct children effectively in their mother tongue. This strengthens the educational framework within these communities.

The introduction of biblical material tailored to their language will foster spiritual growth in the children and also instil essential ethical values such as service, justice, and respect. The lessons will ensure that literacy and faith go hand in hand. Ultimately, this initiative will lay the groundwork for lifelong learning and community development, creating more informed and engaged citizens capable of positively contributing to their society.

“I really like to read, do a lot of homework, study and I really like to draw. My favourite lesson is lesson No. 41 “Kuyuk Maak” which talks about how to forgive others who do bad things to us, we must forgive so that we have eternal life with God in heaven.” — Mateo*, 11 years old

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points

• Please pray for God to grant wisdom and guidance to all involved in the project, from leaders to facilitators, so they can plan and execute activities effectively.

• Pray for communities to commit to the project, so that both children and their families can actively participate in the literacy classes, recognising the importance of education in their personal and spiritual development.

• Pray that the project would impact both the reading and writing skills of the children, as well as their spiritual and emotional lives, helping them grow in their faith and strengthen their use of their language through the word of God.


Providing God’s Healing Balm




The Bible Society of Jordan is addressing the profound need for mental health support among traumatised and grieving refugees and locals. The project equips churches with essential tools and skills to assist individuals dealing with trauma from abuse, loss, and conflict, creating safe environments where emotional and spiritual well-being can flourish.

The Need

15 81%

registered refugees are living in Jordan refugee camps in Jordan (5 for Syrians, 10 for Palestinian refugees) of refugees live within Jordanian communities

The needs of traumatised and grieving people in Jordan are significant, including both refugees and locals. Many individuals face deep emotional and spiritual distress due to experiences of conflict, displacement and loss. There is a need for the church, often serving as a central hub for these communities, to be a safe space where people can find care, support, and healing.

There is an urgent need to equip church members with the skills and tools necessary to address these traumas effectively. This includes training to listen compassionately and respond appropriately to the emotional needs of those suffering. Additionally, many refugees, particularly from Syrian backgrounds, require materials that resonate with their cultural context, enabling them to engage meaningfully with biblical teachings.

The Bible Society of Jordan has identified a need for a comprehensive trauma healing program that serves both individuals and families. A physical centre dedicated to providing ongoing support would foster community resilience as well as promote spiritual growth, allowing individuals to rebuild their lives on a solid foundation of faith.

Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? - Jeremiah 8:22, NIV


The goal of this project is to create a supportive and healing environment for traumatised refugees and locals in Jordan, through equipping the local church and community with essential trauma healing skills. This project aims to foster awareness of mental health, encouraging individuals to explore and heal their spiritual and emotional wounds. The project also seeks to strengthen the church as a safe space for families, helping them reconnect with their faith and the word of God.

In 2025, the Bible Society of Jordan aim to establish a community counselling school to certify new counsellors, launching seminars and workshops tailored for different age groups, and leading 15-20 healing groups throughout Jordan. Additionally, an online platform will be utilised to support those in need, and ongoing follow-up care will be provided for counselling cases.

Overall, the Bible Society of Jordan aim to promote resilience, well-being, and faith within the local community, ensuring a robust support system for those affected by trauma.



This project is having a significant impact on the Christian community in Jordan and the broader Middle East, as it enhances skills in trauma healing and emotional support. This project has already fostered healing and hope in Christ among many refugees, while enhancing the protective measures for Christian workers against the effects of trauma exposure.

Approximately 600 individuals are expected to be impacted by this project, including 250 refugees and locals engaged in over 15 healing groups. Through the training of 100 facilitators in adult equipping sessions and 15 facilitators focused on children’s needs, the project will continue to strengthen local church ministries and promote integration with discipleship efforts. It is expected that 60 teachers will be equipped through a special seminar on vital trauma-informed strategies, and 25 individuals will receive referrals for professional counselling. Additionally, 150 community members will gain foundational knowledge on building healthy homes based on biblical truths. Ultimately, the project aims to build resilient communities rooted in faith and support, reinforcing the role of Bible Societies alongside local churches.

“We arrived at a Syrian refugee camp to lead the third lesson of the Trauma Healing program. In an unusual turn, we gathered in the camp Mosque. Despite the differences between the Bible and the Quran, we shared the story of Job, and the women engaged positively. Amina* shared, ‘I have been practicing the things we learn here with my husband! ... I now do it every night before I sleep. It helps calm me down.’” — Staff Member, Bible Society of Jordan

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points

• Please pray that the Spirit of the Lord will heal the brokenness in our church, provide deliverance for the captives, restore sight to the blind, and bring freedom to the oppressed.

• Additionally, pray that the fruits of this project will be shown in stronger families and a community that is healing, mindful, and resilient.


Arise – Healing Teens’ Wounds of Trauma


of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental health condition


teenage trauma healing facilitators will be trained to conduct teen healing sessions


students will be reached with trauma healing support in 2025

Project: 102090


Bible Society Australia is supporting the Bible Society of Kenya (BSK) in launching a teen Trauma Healing program. BSK will train teachers and peer counsellors, enabling them to support adolescents who may be facing trauma-related issues. BSK will also conduct awareness sessions for parents on teen trauma.

The Need

Recent research by the Kenyan Ministry of Health and stakeholders reveals a distressing upsurge in youth mental health issues, worsened by COVID-19 and family challenges. In schools, BSK has noted increased truancy, depression, and even suicides among students, causing distress among educators and parents.

These teenagers face imminent threats to their well-being due to traumatic experiences. There is an urgent need for the Church to become a refuge for healing, extending its support into schools. World Health Organization statistics underscore the importance of addressing these issues, as emotional disorders affect school performance and attendance, while social withdrawal deepens isolation and depression, sometimes leading to suicide.

Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. - Titus 2:6-7a, NIV


BSK will collaborate with school administrators to create safe places for teenagers, rebuilding trust, and invite teens into a loving and judgement-free relationship. This project will actively listen to teens’ stories and will give them a voice in their families and communities, as well as introduce them to the loving, comforting and faithful presence of Jesus. The project will also coach and mentor teens to support their peers.

In 2025, BSK plans to hold at least 12 teens camps to reach 1,000 teens with the program. The goal is to reach 500 more teens through churches. BSK will also print 1,500 copies of Life Hurts. Love Heals journal for teens and 150 copies of the Healing Teens Wounds of Trauma facilitator’s manual. At least 60 teen facilitators will be trained, equipping them to be able to reach out to even more teens suffering from trauma.


The total number of people this project aims to impact is 5,000. In one year, the project will reach 10 schools, each with 500 students.

The impact of this project will be seen in the restoration of healing for over 5,000 students. Safe places will be created in schools where students who are struggling can find a place to confide in. The impact will further be seen in improved relationships between teens, parents and teachers, and in improved academic performance amongst the students.

“This project seeks to call back to life the resilience of teenagers, enabling them to overcome the pain of traumatic experiences and move on to achieve their set goals and dreams.” — Anne, Bible Society of Kenya

“My dad wanted me to go through FGM but my mother did not ... it became violent and a threat and so we run away and reported to the chief. I live with my mother and am safe and thank God always she protected me. I forgave my father but I ca never go back to that home.” — Duni*

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray for the willingness of the Church to arise and go out to schools.

• Pray for resources to train and equip the volunteers and facilitators.

• Pray for teens in Kenya, that they will find healing and hope in the word of God.


Literacy by Listening


people in Laos


of the Laos population are composed of ethnic minority groups


(unofficially) Christians in Laos


Project: 80318

Bible Society Australia is supporting the Laos Bible Society in providing literacy skills to ethnic minority groups and underprivileged people, fostering individual and community development, including spiritual growth through reading the Scriptures.

The Need

Approximately 87% of the 7.5 million people in Laos are considered literate, yet while the Lao people group (53.2% of the population) have good access to education, the other 45% is composed of ethnic minorities who often live in remote mountain areas, which hinders access to education, resulting in a very low literacy rate for minorities. As well as poor access to schools, children in remote areas are needed to help families with subsistence farming, and don’t learn to read and write in Lao. Schools in remote areas are typically under-resourced. There is a need for accessible, wellresourced literacy education for adults and children.

While officially 1.5% of the population are Christian, Christian growth in Laos since 1990 has been phenomenal, growing from near zero to about 300,000 all up, 4% of the population.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. - Psalm 119:105, NIV


The goal of this project is to provide a simple literacy program for rural Lao and minority groups to become proficient in reading and writing Lao. This will allow them to contribute to the development of their communities, as well as grow personally and spiritually as they have the opportunity to read the Scriptures.

The program uses the Lao Bible and a literacy primer designed to engage students with stories from Scripture whilst they learn to read and write in Lao, the country’s national language. Local volunteer churches run the literacy classes, with the help of an audio device that dictates the lessons.

The Laos Bible Society aims to develop relationships with more churches in running and promoting the literacy classes. In 2025, this project aims to open 20 classes with 200 students, having an average of 10 students in each class. All graduates will receive an illustrated ‘Stories of Jesus’ book, along with other books of Bible stories.


In recent years, Bible Society has achieved an annual distribution of over 1,500 New Testaments, 6,000 new reader Bible portions and 6,000 children’s Bible portions to those who participate in the classes, and other members of the community who may be impacted by this project in their area.

Significant impact is seen as people from ethnic minority groups gain literacy skills. Literate adults are better equipped to contribute to their communities and to church life as they are able to read and understand the Bible.

“I used to go to school, but sadly, I had to leave it when I was in only in the 2nd year. My family is very poor and my parents want me to look after my younger sister and brother, and help them work. I forgot everything from school, but now I am very glad that I can read some Lao language. The Literacy class is so meaningful to me.” — Chanda*, 13-year-old literacy student

*Name changed for security reasons.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray that churches will be motivated to run the literacy program as part of their outreach to both believers and unbelievers.

• Pray that more people from the churches will commit to being program teachers and facilitators.

• Pray for all students enrolled to successfully complete the literacy program, improving their literacy and learning to engage with Scripture.


Literacy for the Hmong


of the Laos population compose of ethnic minority groups.


Hmong people group in Laos (2023, Joshua Project)


Hmong (almost 12%) from unofficial sources, are Christians; 50% of Hmong believers cannot read and write Hmong


Project: 103207

Bible Society Australia is partnering with the Laos Bible Society (LBS) to develop and run a literacy project among the Hmong people, in response to the needs of churches, who wish to teach their non-literate members to read God’s word in their mother tongue, Hmong.

The Need

In Laos, 20% of males and 40% of females over 15 can’t read, with the most affected in remote rural areas and ethnic minority groups constituting 45% of the population. They lack education access due to geographical and subsistence farming needs. Non-literate believers in churches need to read God’s word. The Hmong, Laos’ second-largest ethnic minority, have a Hmong Bible published in 2022, but many can’t read it. Even Hmong children who manage to attend school are taught in Lao, not their native language. A literacy program is vital for Hmong people to read their mother tongue Bible and grow spiritually, but church leaders lack suitable teaching materials. Local churches need systematic tools for clear Bible comprehension.

Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding ... She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called blessed. - Proverbs 3:13,18 ESV


This project aims to impart literacy skills in the Hmong language to non-literate individuals in Laos. By doing so, it empowers them to contribute to the development of themselves and their community as well as to read Scriptures in their mother tongue, fostering personal spiritual growth.

In 2024, a Literacy Working Group has been formed, which includes several pastors from Laos Evangelical Churches along with a Literacy Specialist and the LBS literacy team, to develop literacy primers, exercise books and story books designed for the Hmong literacy learners.

These materials will be implemented between 2025 and 2027, in partnership with local churches who will organise and run the literacy classes. Evaluation and supervision of the program is under the guidance of the United Bible Society’s Literacy Advisor for the Asia Pacific.


Prayer Points Impact

Equipping the Hmong ethnic group with reading skills will enable them to read the Scriptures in their mother tongue, fostering their spiritual growth and benefiting their communities.

Being non-literate in their mother tongue creates obstacles for Hmong believers and means they can’t fully get involved in their community or in church life. This literacy program will have an impact as it equips believers with reading skills and the chance to engage with the Bible, through the literacy materials developed and prepared by the Laos Bible Society and its partners. Classes will be held by local churches, with graduates receiving Bible storybooks from the Laos Bible Society to promote reading practice.

“After graduating from a seminary in Thailand, I have volunteered to be the minister at a church in my hometown ... I have noticed that many church members cannot read and write ... Besides some adults, there are some children ... who had to leave school halfway because of the economic conditions. I have the passion to facilitate the Literacy class for them ... that they will be able to read the Bible by themselves.” — a Literacy Project Facilitator

• Pray that churches will be motivated to partner with the Laos Bible Society (LBS) for the Hmong literacy programs, as part of their outreach to both believers and unbelievers.

• Pray for the preparation of the material package for the Hmong language in 2024, as well as the recruitment of the Literacy Working Group that will work with the Literacy Specialist and LBS Literacy Team.

• There can be restrictions on Christian activity in some areas of Laos, so pray for the wisdom of LBS and our Literacy Working Group to get cooperation from the local authorities.


God’s Word for Refugees


Project: 60509

Working with humanitarian aid agencies, Bible Society Lebanon is offering hope to refugee children through an interactive drama presentation about reconciliation and forgiveness, based on Bible stories. The presentation — called “Reconcile!” — is accompanied by the distribution of literature which paraphrases Bible stories about reconciliation.

The Need

Syrian refugees and almost 500,000 Palestinian refugees are taking refuge in Lebanon.

of Syrian refugee families suffer from food insecurity.

1.5m 49% 60%

of Syrian refugee families live in overcrowded, endangered, or substandard housing.

Lebanon hosts an estimated 2 million registered refugees, and humanitarian agencies are struggling to keep up with their basic needs. Entire generations are being born and brought up in confined camp facilities with very low hygiene and an absence of social and educational platforms. Children are being raised amidst hate, despair and vengeance. Mitigating this negative atmosphere, along with helping children to process their trauma, is a huge need.

Bible Society has been approached by several humanitarian agencies to assist by entertaining children in the camps, using hopeful and positive strategies as well as appropriate trauma healing techniques. The Bible, the book of hope, will be the source of these presentations in the camps.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

- Ephesians 4:32, NIV


The goal of this project is to create a positive atmosphere of reconciliation among refugee children based on the creative presentation of Bible Stories. In addition to this, Bible literature on reconciliation and forgiveness will be distributed in parallel with the performances. The program also distributes the Arabic Peace and Justice Bible to refugee camp leaders and family heads. The objective is to help children endure their trauma through a healing process inspired by the Bible.

In January 2025, the team will prepare presentation and printed portions of Scripture. From February to December 2025, they will visit camps and present program and portions, sharing portions of the Bible with 100 children at each visit.


This project aims to impact 16,000 people, including 15,000 children who will be reached by creative programs focused on reconciliation and forgiveness, along with resources with Bible stories on the same topics. Around 1,000 camp leaders and heads of families will be offered copies of the Arabic Peace & Justice Bible.

From January to September 2024, 3,169 children were reached with the creative programs on reconciliation, healing, and forgiveness. They received 2,927 portions from the Bible about reconciliation, healing, and forgiveness; 194 leaders and heads of families received copies of the Arabic Bibles.

The impact of this project will be seen in the changed behaviour of underprivileged children, in a positive atmosphere in refugee campsites, and in further opportunities to run the creative program. Another area of impact will be seen among the camp leaders and heads of families, who come to understand the Christian and biblical values of peace and social justice.

“I want to open my heart to Jesus so that he can be born in it. I love him very much because he was born for me in a manger.” — Zainab*, 11 years old

“I was moved by the play of the heart and I want Jesus to enter my heart.” — Atef*, 10 years old

*Names changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray for the children growing up in the unacceptable conditions of these camps.

• Pray for the leaders, that they would facilitate this program and willingly receive the Arabic Peace & Justice Bible.

• Pray that Bible Society’s program will help heal the children’s wounds of trauma.


Literacy for Refugees


of Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Lebanon are aged 17 years old or younger


school-aged Syrian children registered in Lebanon are not enrolled in formal education


of project participants can read or write in Arabic


Project: 100869

This project aims to provide children in refugee communities in Lebanon — and in the underprivileged communities who host them — with a Bible-based literacy course designed to help them re-enter the formal education system.

The Need

The number of Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Lebanon is now well above two million people. More than 50 per cent of these refugees are aged 17 or younger. Integrating these children into Lebanon’s school system is a challenge, as they face social, economic and bureaucratic obstacles, as well as language difficulties, particularly in science and math. Many don’t go back to formal education, because of these difficulties.

Education exclusion has negative implications for social wellbeing and exposes already vulnerable children to greater risks. This lack of education can reverberate for generations; these children will have more difficulty in meeting the physical, economic, social and political demands for reconstructing their countries. According to a study by Human Rights Watch in 2016, more than half of the nearly 500,000 school-aged Syrian children registered in Lebanon are not enrolled in formal education. Some of these children have never stepped inside a classroom.

Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching.

- 1 Timothy 4:13, NASB


Bible Society Lebanon is seeking to provide these children a safe and loving environment where they can take a literacy course based on Bible stories, to help them get back to the formal education system.

The project involves a three-month program of two classes per week, in Arabic (level 1 to 3) and English (level 1 and 2) curriculums. Each new student receives a free Arabic Scripture containing 365 stories and an English Scripture, along with an accompanying audio CD. Necessary learning materials like clay, pencil, notebooks are also provided.

In 2024, Arabic curriculum Levels 1 to 3 and English Level 1 were implemented. In the second half of 2024, English level 2 (divided into 2 parts) was introduced. In 2025 the goal is to have a total of 4,000 students graduating from the different Arabic (Level 1 to 3) or English (Level 1 and 2) curriculums.


The impact is seen in the improvement in literacy of the children, and in their incentive to read more. It is also seen by the fact that the major Bible stories are common knowledge amongst the students.

A number of participating churches have requested that the program be increased in their local community, demonstrating a strong appetite for these materials and training which enable disadvantaged children to learn more about God’s message.

“I’m so glad my mom encouraged me to enrol in the Biblical Arabic literacy curriculum! At first, the sessions felt like a punishment, but as soon as we started reading stories and doing role plays, it captured my attention. Now, I can’t wait to attend each class!” — Zara*, 10yo

“I never imagined that I would be able to learn English! I feel so grateful and happy for this opportunity. Now I can dream of a better future.” — Kaiden*, 14yo

*Names changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray that Bible Society will be able to show God’s love to children who have come from desperate situations.

• Pray that more children will be encouraged and enabled to integrate into the formal education system.

• Pray for those refugees and underprivileged children whose suffering and lack of resources have been dramatically increased by the economic and financial crisis in Lebanon since 2020.


Braille Literacy


visually disabled people in Mongolia, with almost half having more than 50% sight loss


of the 12,000 are not literate in Braille


Project: 103280

Bible Society Australia is partnering with the Mongolian Union Bible Society (MUBS) to bring light to the lives of people with visual disabilities, by teaching them how to read Braille.

The Need

There are about 12,000 visually disabled people in Mongolia, with almost half having more than 50% sight loss. Although there is no official data on the literacy percentage of people with visual disabilities, the officials who are working with the group say only 15% percent are literate in Braille.

Many of those with visual disabilities live in remote areas, which further isolates them from social life. Some families hide their blind members, not allowing them out of their homes (ger/yurts).

There are very few people and organisations who advocate for the visually impaired in Mongolia; they are an unseen people.

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. - John 1:9, NIV


The goal of this project is to equip visually disabled people with literacy skills in Braille, so they may gain a higher level of education, better social engagement, and employment. This project aims to give hope to the families of people with visual disabilities; by showing them their loved ones can develop and actively engage in life, moving forward towards independence. The hope is that this project will raise awareness of the needs of people with visual disabilities in society.

In gaining literacy in Braille, people with visual disabilities will also be able to access and engage with God’s word, the ultimate source of abundant life.

The goal is to have approximately 450 students and 6 teachers, with 300 graduating. Each course will last just over 2 years (27 months). There will be 10 printed literacy primers and 450 Scripture resources distributed. Sixty training events will be run in 21 provinces and 6 districts of Mongolia, with some of the training combining two or three provinces.


Prayer Points Impact

The impact of the project will be seen ultimately in participants being able to read and write in Braille. As a result, beneficiaries will be able to use their skills for daily living, to read the Bible, and if desired, connect with the local church. Another impact of the project is that communities and society at large will have a greater awareness of people with visual disabilities and their needs.

“Before I did not know what Braille is, but now I know all the alphabet and numbers. I can write my name in Braille and can write down the phone numbers of others in Braille. I am very grateful for those who organised the training.” — former participant of the Braille Literacy training

• Pray that people with visual disabilities see the light of the God and hope through the training and the word of God.

• Pray that their life circumstances and living conditions are improved as a result of the project.

• Pray that local churches would be involved, partnering in the project and reaching out to people with visual disabilities.


Literacy for Life

32m 67% 42%


Project: Non UBS Tax Deductible

Bible Society Australia is supporting Mission Educate* in running a Bible based literacy project designed to provide basic literacy, numeracy and life skills. It targets those living in impoverished city areas and rural communities who have little access to education and works with churches who have very few literate people among their communities.

The Need

Mozambique, one of the world’s poorest nations, grapples with over 50% of its population living below the poverty line. A legacy of oppressive colonial rule has left the country with a national sense of inferiority.

The religious landscape is diverse, predominantly Christian, yet literacy challenges hinder easy understanding of the Bible. The lack of solid biblical teaching fosters unbiblical beliefs and practices.

The intertwining issues of illiteracy and poverty form a vicious cycle: poverty compels children to forgo education, perpetuating low incomes and trapping many in persistent poverty. This cycle fosters a deep sense of shame and worthlessness. Addressing these challenges requires urgent efforts to provide accessible literacy education for both adults and children.

*Mission Educate is a not-for-profit organisation, meaning any donations to this project are tax-deductible.

In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, - Ephesians 3:4, NIV


This project targets non-literate adults and vulnerable youth, aiming to empower them to read basic signs, documents, and the Bible. In 2025, the program aims to provide literacy training across three provinces.

Conducted in community settings, the classes focus on reading, numeracy, and essential life skills like nutrition, cooking and horticulture. Through four full-time staff and 19 facilitators, this project maintains 20 groups in three provinces, benefiting 650 participants. This positively influences families and communities, with an estimated 3,250 indirect beneficiaries.

Objectives include achieving a Grade 6 literacy standard, evidenced by exams and enhanced confidence. Graduates are expected to deepen their understanding of the Bible and their role in the Kingdom of God, demonstrated by regular Bible reading and church involvement. The ultimate aim is an improved overall quality of life, observable through the practical application of life skills in their daily routines.


In 2025, this project will directly impact 650 participants. Mozambicans who are given the opportunity to learn to read and write, experience a sense of self-worth and personal value. The ability to read the Bible and learn of God’s love and grace and his redemptive plan for each individual is transformative.

The classes are run in local churches, whose pastors partner with Mission Educate, which promotes community transformation, as well as developing unity amongst pastors and local congregations.

The Literacy for Life Project will transform individuals, families and communities. Church congregations are expected to be transformed with an increase in literate members who can read the Bible and engage in meaningful Bible discussions, encouraging the formation of personal faith.

“After my husband’s death, I faced many difficulties in supporting my children ... I tried to do some business but was unsuccessful. Changes happened in my life when I started the Literacy for Life Project. I now read and write which has made it easier to start and run my own business. With the Project’s training on chicken farming, I was able to acquire enough skills to open my own aviary.” — Tania*, 42-year-old widow

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray especially for women and girls whose male authority figure may discourage or even prevent their attendance.

• Pray for safety and health of the Literacy Facilitators, many of whom walk long distances to lead their groups.

• Pray for Pastor Jose who is the Literacy for Life Project Coordinator, that he will be strengthened and encouraged as he leads this Project.


Literacy by Listening

6.2% 53% 45%

of the 54 million population in Myanmar are Christian of the Sgaw Karen are Christian of the Sgaw Karen are non-literate


Project: 82513

Bible Society Australia is supporting the Bible Society of Myanmar in running a mother tongue literacy program for the Sgaw Karen ethnic group.

The Need

The population of Myanmar is about 54 million, with between 80% – 89% practicing Buddhism. Christians constitute around 6.2% of the population. The government recognises 135 different ethnic groups and estimates that there are about 200 spoken languages in Myanmar. The Sgaw Karen ethnic group have the largest Christian population among the ethnic minorities.

While literacy rates across the country have improved dramatically in recent decades, there are still many people who need access to an education in literacy.

Today there are many non-literate Karen communities, particularly in remote areas. Due to the economic and political situation in Myanmar, many Karen people have become displaced and have been unable to study their language. While some Karen individuals have expressed a desire to learn, they lack access to teachers. As a result, a significant number of Sgaw Karen people in Myanmar struggle to speak, read, and write their language proficiently. Consequently, this hinders our ability to read the Bible for themselves and know the living and loving God.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. - James 1:5, NIV


The goal of this project is to help around 5,000 Sgaw Karen people in remote areas learn to read, write and count. Eradicating illiteracy will help the people to be able to claim their basic human rights, access Scripture for themselves and gain the knowledge of the gospel.

In 2025, the goal is to reach 1,800 literacy students (both adults and children learners) among the Sgaw Karen people in 15 Associations, through 120 classes.

In January – March, the project aims to complete the printing of 1,960 textbooks and storybooks, and its distribution to the target areas. April – June will see the training of 120 literacy facilitators; July – September will be the learning period of the literacy students as well as a 5-day period of training in developing study materials; and October – December is the expected completion of the classes. The last three months will also include collecting reports and testimonies from the target areas.


The literacy program has continued to build Karen people’s literacy skills, contributing to the improvement of overall literacy in their community. As the literacy program teaches them to comprehend and analyse written texts in their language, it gives them the opportunity to deepen their understanding of their language and a perspective on how valuable it is to preserve and enrich.

This project also aims to foster spiritual growth in these learners as 80% of the literacy primers will include Bible engagement content, enriching Karen literature with biblical teachings. Therefore, the Karen people are anticipated to genuinely experience God’s love through these materials.

The wider community has expressed gratitude for the literacy program, recognising its benefits. Given that Christians are a minority, this program stands as a highly effective method for evangelism, having a significant practical and spiritual impact in the community.

“Through the study of the primer book, I have gained confidence in speaking, reading, and writing. I have learned ... forming and breaking down words, building sentences, reading stories from the Bible, and memorising Bible verses. All of these lessons are very meaningful to me ... I am determined to share this knowledge with my people, encouraging them to preserve and respect our language. I am deeply thankful ...” — Naw Mu Ler*, 16-year-old literacy student

*Name changed for security reasons.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray for the country’s leaders and authorities as they navigate worsening political instability.

• Please pray for the safety and well-being of both students and teachers in the literacy program in the midst of civil unrest.

• Please pray that this project will play a vital role in bringing the gospel to those searching for truth. Please pray for many of the Christian Karen people who lack the opportunity to worship and study freely due to the ongoing war.


Light Through Literacy

58.8m 64% 34%


Project: 63906

Pakistan Bible Society (PBS) established this literacy program in 2014, providing Bible-based literacy classes for non-literate Pakistani women. Bible Society believes that when a woman is taught to read and write, she becomes a ‘beacon of light’ to her community, with the word of God.

The Need

The literacy rate for women in Pakistan is very low, especially for Christian women living in villages and slums. This is largely due to the social structure that suppresses women’s rights. Without the basic skills of reading and writing, social and economic opportunities are limited for women.

Women’s literacy rates vary throughout the country — from over 60 per cent in the capital city of Islamabad, to less than 20 per cent in some rural areas. Overall, millions are lacking this important life skill.

Being a non-literate typically leads to further marginalisation in households, workplaces, and communities. Non-literate women in Pakistan are often restricted to inferior positions at work and an inferior social standing.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. - Proverbs 1:7, NIV


This project aims to empower women by providing literacy skills for life, fostering personal development, and influencing their families and communities positively. Women will also gain spiritual growth through a deeper understanding of the Bible.

In 2025, the goal is to reach 3,000 women across literacy groups. PBS will meet with Church leaders, assess the literacy rate among the women in the area, determine the number of classes need, conduct teacher training and baseline assessments. PBS will also facilitate eyesight test for new students and will provide glasses as required.

Classes will run for nine months, with at least 20 students per class across 350 classes in remote areas. In 2025, PBS also plan to begin an Evaluation Program by an external organisation, to assess areas for improvement and opportunities to scale up the project. The classes will focus on reading, writing, mathematics, and health lessons from a medical guide in the syllabus.


Over 10 years (2014-2023) 57,964 women have graduated through this project, gaining invaluable literacy skills to improve their lives and those of their families. The average Pakistani family consists of five members, which means at least 289,820 people have been indirectly impacted through the project so far.

In 2025, the project aims to reach 3000 vulnerable women, with an indirect impact of 17,500 people. This project primarily impacts Christian Pakistani women whose Christian faith is not always welcomed. The project aspires to help these women become educated citizens, good income earners, competent Bible readers, and have the motivation to send their children to school for education. Further to this, equipping this target group will strengthen Christian families and empower women to develop spiritually and take on the mandate to reach others, beginning with their families.

The support and involvement of the Pakistani Church from across denominations in project has been strong.

“In January 2024 the women’s literacy classes started in our area ... I was surprised when the Pakistan Bible Society staff visited us with the medical team and checked our eyesight. The doctor recommended using the vision glasses they gave me ... I am thankful to the Lord and the PBS for providing us such an opportunity to learn to read and write which will help to boost our status in society ... I will definitely send my children to school even if we face hardship and will help them in studies.” — Sima*, mother of three

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray that program participants will quickly embrace the new teaching available to them and be impacted by God’s word.

• Please pray that partner churches will continue to respond positively to the program and have an impact in their community.

• Pray for wisdom and for the safety of Bible Society staff working on this project.


50%+ or less of the population of Palestine are Christians of Palestinian communities are children and youth


Palestinian Christians live across the territories, and are sometimes referred to as ‘living stones’


Project: 84537

The Palestinian Bible Society (PBS) work to strengthen the faith of Christian women, and by doing so, to impact the future of their community. They seek to strengthen and support the Christian community through effective, Bible based programs, and be ‘salt and light’ in society, especially in times of crisis.

The Need

In the context of conflict, violence and suffering, the Palestinian Bible Society continues to recognise the needs of young girls and women in The West Bank and Gaza areas. They are a very important part of the community that is vulnerable, forgotten and greatly undermined by gender inequality.

Some women in the Ramallah district on the West Bank know little about the Bible, while others who are already leaders at churches feel that they are burnt out and there is nothing offered to them. There is a need for activities which gather these women together, both to celebrate at Christmas and Easter, to read and learn about the Bible together, and to be strengthened and encouraged.

Furthermore, children and youth are a vulnerable group who are traumatised by unrest, violence and war. Finally, families in the West Bank are crucial to support, as they are the centre of learning. When families are strong, societies and communities are strong too. There is a need to invest in families, in order to invest in the future of communities.

Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.’ - Luke 14:23, NIV


In the conflict which began in early October 2023, the Palestinian Bible Society saw one office destroyed and the other office suffer a lot of damage. Staff were injured, but PBS continued working to provide assistance to their community in whatever way they can.

Adapting their plans for 2024 to the needs of the community, and their capacity, the Palestinian Bible Society aim to strengthen and encourage women, children and youth, and whole families in Bir Zeit and the larger Ramallah District through their Living Stones Centre and its ministries, so they may build a healthy stable community. This will be done through discipleship programs, which have been run for years and for all parts of the community through the Living Stones Centre. However, there is a risk that specific goals for the ministries run through the Centre may be impacted in 2024 by the instability caused by war, resulting in programs being delayed.

The goal is to strengthen the faith of all Christians, and help them to practice it on the ground, by engaging them with the word of God and uplifting their spirits.


Prayer Points Impact

This project’s impact will be evident in transformed lives. Women reached will be able to read and comprehend the Bible independently, leading small studies in their homes and communities. They’ll perceive their worth through God’s eyes, recognising their pivotal role in building God’s Kingdom.

Past participants in the Living Stones Centre programs now embody compassionate hearts, praying for others and praying as they raise their children, teaching them how to live well, through the Bible’s teaching.

As well as working to meet the needs of a community reeling from violence, conflict and trauma, the aim for 2024 is for students to experience Christian love, women to be strengthened in their faith, and youth and children to foster stronger connections with God and each other.

“PBS is in daily contact with local and church leaders in the Gaza strip and has maintained an open line of communication with them and will continue doing so ... PBS is also functioning carefully in the West Bank areas ... PBS will continue its efforts to be a living testimony and stand with the body of Christ and the church during this tough time. We very much appreciate your prayers and support on all levels during this unprecedented time.” — Nashat, PBS General Secretary, November 2023

• Pray for PBS staff wherever they are located; for protection as staff move on the roads and cross checkpoints. Pray for PBS families and children.

• Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the Holy Land!

• Pray for wisdom for PBS leadership and different teams.

• Pray for an end to war and for help to be given to those needy, in all places.


Literacy Building Futures


students in Rwanda’s education system


Project: Non UBS Tax Deductible

Bible Society Australia is partnering with African Enterprise Rwanda in implementing a literacy project seeking to improve literacy among students and ensure a brighter future for all Rwandans.

The Need

Rwanda’s education system, hosting 3.6 million students, boasts a 98.8% primary school enrolment. Yet despite government commitments, challenges persist, especially in early literacy.

The 2018, Early Grade Reading Assessment revealed 70% of Primary 3 students struggle with reading, hindering progress and contributing to high dropout rates. Gender disparities and insufficient support for children with disabilities worsen the issue.

of students haven’t learned to read by the third grade of primary school

70% 22.3%

illiteracy rate

The 2022 census indicates a 22.3% illiteracy rate, with a notable gender gap. Rural districts, like Gatsibo, face a higher illiteracy burden, including spillover effects such as teenage pregnancies. Essential improvements involve improving the curriculum, providing teacher training, upgrading school infrastructure, and increasing community engagement in education.

For we write nothing else to you than what you read and understand, and I hope you will understand until the end; - 2 Corinthians 1:13, NASB


This project aims to enhance literacy and numeracy, reduce school dropouts, and to instil optimism and dedication in both students and parents by building their future with a good education. Focused on improving early childhood education in Gatsibo District, the project aims to cultivate well-educated individuals valuable to Rwanda’s education system.

Emphasising teamwork, the project aims to build inclusive classrooms which teach practical literacy skills. The project aims to help Rwanda keep up with global education standards, and strives for outcomes like improved Kinyarwanda literacy, enhanced pre-primary learning, strengthened education management, and coordinated literacy activities.

In 2025 the project will enhance teacher training programs and increase access to learning materials for teachers in 15 schools located in four administrative sectors of Gatsibo District. Support will be given to the community and parents to support children ‘s reading development at home in these sectors.


Prayer Points Impact

This project will be implemented in 45 schools located in 14 sectors of Gatsibo District, impacting 36,090 students and 785 teachers over three years.

The impact of this project will be threefold: making learning easier for students by using a simple curriculum that matches their abilities; helping teachers by enhancing their skills and confidence; and getting the community involved to encourage school attendance.

The impact of this project will be seen in students in grades one to three showing better reading skills in their mother tongue, Kinyarwanda. Also, in pre-primary, young children will improve their learning using an assessment tool.

Finally, the management of Rwanda’s education system will get stronger. This includes making early-grade reading assessments sustainable and inclusive, relying on data for decisions, and building resilience to challenges. The coordination of literacy activities at local levels will also improve for better literacy outcomes.

“We are grateful to be selected by the Bright Future through Improved Literacy Project. I was one of the teachers who received training and we received 290 Kinyarwand books. Now my work is much easier, I borrow the books for use during my lessons and return them so that they are available for the students during the literacy club sessions. In the clubs, I provide individual support to those children who have more challenges reading, which is impossible to do during the regular classroom lessons.” — Gatsibo District Teacher

• Pray for the hearts of teachers, parents, and administrators, that they may be open to embracing new approaches to the existing education system.

• Pray that God would grant wisdom and resilience to the teachers as they adapt to new methodologies and technologies, that they may navigate these changes with confidence and effectiveness.

• Pray God would soften the hearts of the students, that they may be receptive to new learning methods and remain engaged in their education.


Healing from the Bible


Project: 101085

Bible Society Australia is supporting the Bible Society of Slovenia in helping suffering, wounded and marginalised people heal through the message of the Bible. This trauma healing project trains facilitators and establishes trauma healing groups, expanding in 2025 to reach not just women but all who are suffering especially youth.

The Need

of Slovenians identify as Christians or less of Slovenians regularly attend church

70%+ 50% 19.8

deaths per 100,000 by suicide in Slovenia (2021), the highest rate in Europe

There is a pressing need for trauma healing in Slovenia due to widespread issues such as anxiety, depression, violence, abuse, and post-war wounds. Many individuals experience feelings of loneliness and alienation, limiting their energy for life and spiritual freedom. Although around 70% of Slovenians identify as Christians, only about half regularly attend church, reflecting a strong secularisation that leaves many without spiritual support. This project aims to address the lack of trauma-focused ministries within churches and communities, providing essential healing resources.

The continued impact of COVID-19 on teenagers has increased mental health issues and feelings of hopelessness. There is a need for a specialised Teen Trauma Healing program to support this vulnerable group. Additionally, there is a need for support and assistance for parents and educators, to enhance their resilience in guiding children.

There is a need to partners with organisations like Caritas to reach marginalised individuals who often lack spiritual counselling. Overall, there is a great need to create a supportive environment for healing, fostering genuine discipleship and deeper engagement with God’s word.

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. - John 10:10b, ESV


In 2025, the Bible Society of Slovenia will run equipping sessions to train trauma healing facilitators, with the goal of having 20-30 new certified trainers. This project seeks to cultivate a thriving community of trauma healing facilitators dedicated to spiritual growth and discipleship. They will be equipped with skills to support trauma-affected individuals and foster holistic trauma healing ministries within churches and communities across Slovenia. Training will also be given to 8-10 new facilitators in the teen trauma healing program, with plans to establish at least three healing groups specifically for teens, as well as strengthening partnerships with youth organisations.

In 2025, a network of up to 20 trauma healing groups will be established. The focus of the project has expanded from aiding traumatised women to encompassing all marginalised individuals. Collaborating with various Christian organisations, the project encourages breaking the silence around trauma and finding new life through the Bible. The Trauma Healing program will be presented to additional interested churches and organisations. Resources, including a Trauma Healing Bible, a journalling New Testament and YouVersion Bible plans on trauma healing themes will be developed and distributed in 2025.


By the end of 2025, it is expected that the overall impact of this project since it began will be at least 20,200 people. In 2025, the project aims to reach 150 participants in healing groups, mini-groups, or retreats.

The Trauma Healing project is expected to have a significant impact by equipping facilitators to provide effective trauma healing ministry. Participants will experience holistic healing of their spirit, soul, and body through teaching from the Bible and personal encounters with Christ. This will lead to ongoing engagement with Scripture in small discipleship groups following the healing sessions.

Indicators of impact include revitalised communities, improved relationships, and increased demand for facilitators and healing groups across various churches. The project aims to raise public awareness about the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation. Overall, the initiative seeks to foster a supportive environment for trauma recovery and spiritual growth.

“The Trauma Healing program was a decisive tool for me to start helping others with traumas and suffering. In the healing groups the process connected us strongly as brothers and sisters. Our lives are changing, including mine as facilitator of the group. It is easier for us to discover God’s guidance and loving presence in our daily lives and tasks.” — William*, PhD, Jesuit, priest, Trauma Healing facilitator, counsellor for more than 25 years

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Praise God for sending Jesus, who offers salvation and healing to the lost. Please pray that those in healing groups encounter Jesus, experience true repentance, and embrace discipleship.

• Pray that God calls and prepares more people to serve in this project. Please pray for new assistants and partnerships to begin a Teen Trauma Healing for Slovenian teenagers.

South Sudan

Literacy for Shilluks


Project: 100525 Tax Deductible

This literacy project by the Bible Society of South Sudan aims to bring growth and reconciliation to people in South Sudan. This project works with local churches in offering literacy classes, contributing to the community’s social progress, promote wellbeing, help break the cycles of poverty as well as empower communities to read and learn the word of God.

The Need

Since South Sudan’s independence in mid-2011, social unrest, armed conflicts, tribal disputes and other challenges continue to impact the daily lives of the South Sudanese.

of South Sudanese people are nonliterate (2018, World Bank data)

65.5% 45%

of Shilluk people are Christian


Only 34.5% of South Sudanese are literate (according to a 2018 Global Report on Literacy). With 70 major ethnic groups (each with its own language) only 1 out of 10 women and 3 out of 10 men can read in any language. The Shilluk people in particular (of whom about 45% are Christians) were badly affected by the conflict of the civil war. Illiteracy concerns mostly women above the age of 15.

It is in this context that the Bible Society considers this literacy project a priority. A focus on adult literacy is crucial for many areas of life: learning basic rules of sanitation for their homes, selling or buying in a marketplace, helping children with schooling at home, and reading the Bible.

Collo speakers in South Sudan


This literacy project was established to enable Shilluk churches to help their non-literate communities develop in their literacy skills for everyday living and learn about reconciliation in their troubled context. Part of the project’s goals is that participants learn to read and understand the Bible in their language, the Shilluk Bible, empowering them to receive God’s message of love, hope and reconciliation.

Overall, the project aims to reach 5,000 learners, with each graduate being able to impart what they have learned to 10 non-literate fellow family members, friends and neighbours.

In 2025, the project will continue in teaching students, both adults and children, in Juba and Malakal including its surrounding towns. The project’s activities include Bible reading in churches, participation in social activities and a graduation ceremony for successful candidates. Near the end of 2025, the Bible Society of South Sudan will start plans for 2026 including a teaching on Literacy Sustainability.


Prayer Points Impact

It is hoped across the life of this project the whole Shilluk people group, 1.5 million people, will be impacted. By imparting literacy skills, learners will be able to improve their family health and participate in community activities. They will be able to read the Bible for themselves and be an active part of their church communities.

It is anticipated that literacy, infused with learning the word of God, will have a great impact on the Shilluk people, including helping people to learn how to build better relationships and minimise conflicts between communities.

Being able to access the Bible themselves will help Christians to become an example to others when it comes to reconciliation and living in harmony for the rebuilding of their nation. The word of God has power to bring healing for the many who have lost loved ones in the conflict, who may be living with bitterness and hatred.

“The Collo Literacy Project is gaining momentum, what great number of community members, especially men joining literacy classes ... The returnees from Sudan from the current conflict are enrolling in classes to know their mother tongue after spending decades in a foreign land. There is great enthusiasm among the community members: men, women and children. Number of those who joined classes have increased rapidly compared to previous years, especially men.” — Bible Society of South Sudan Team

• Pray for those who will take the step to begin literacy classes, and for Bible Society to carry forth the program effectively and in the years to come.

• Pray for the volunteers — that volunteer numbers would increase and that these people would be equipped to teach effectively.

• Pray for peace and reconciliation in South Sudan.

Sri Lanka

Literacy for the Young

21.4m 1.25m 7.67%


Each year, the Ceylon Bible Society aims to run literacy classes through the network of churches and Christian organisations in Sri Lanka, especially in rural, slum and undeveloped areas. These classes offer reading, listening and writing skills to non-literate youth and children in Sri Lanka so they can contribute to the development of their communities as well as increase their ability to learn and understand Scriptures.

The Need

Despite the official literacy rate for Sri Lanka — 92.3% in 2019, in a population of 21.4 million people — there are still a significant number of people in rural and undeveloped areas and among ethnic minority groups who do not have proper access to education. These include underprivileged children and youth. The financial crises of 2022 have increased their needs, with 28% of the population facing food insecurity and the poverty rate doubling in the last year.

Churches have been trying to assist children lacking in basic literacy skills with various literacy programs. Yet these churches have lacked a systematic approach and have asked for Bible Society’s assistance.

people living in Sri Lanka
adult non-literates in Sri Lanka of people in Sri Lanka are Christians

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.

- Proverbs 31:8, NIV


The goal of this project is to provide reading, listening and writing skills to non-literate youth and children for their development, community participation and access to Scripture. These include children from underprivileged backgrounds and ethnic minorities ranging from those who are yet to learn to read and write and those struggling to do so.

The classes will be run in the Sinhala and Tamil languages and include reading Scripture through simple Bible stories (both printed and digital), explaining stories from the Bible and Christian books, and covering simple teachings of Jesus, Gospel parables, songs and other audio material.

In 2025 the project aims to target 800+ students for literacy. There will be a focus on reproducing and distributing primers one and two in Tamil, as well as distributing a third primer. The project will train teachers in childcare and development. The project will also provide eye testing and free spectacle distributions, a dental program and a literacy day program.


Prayer Points Impact

In 2024, this literacy project provided each class with Literacy, pens, notebook, crayons, colour pencils, and drawing books. Ceylon Bible Society continued to work on producing the Literacy Workbook Level 1, 2 and 3, including the teachers’ books for their syllabus.

The project impacted 956 students and trained 76 teachers in 2024. Aside from learning literacy skills, the students have learned good manners, cleanliness and come to an understanding of God’s love. At the end of this project, the Ceylon Bible Society expects to have impacted 1,200 beneficiaries.

“When I first came to this class, my reading skills were not that great. But now, I can proudly say that I have improved a lot. The teachers here are amazing! ... They care about us and want us to succeed. They have also taught us important things like moral values and good habits ... We also learn biblical stories, how to love and respect God, and we even sing praises to God ... I’m so grateful for all the things I’ve learned here.” — a Student from a Methodist church in Kandapola

• Pray for the ongoing financial support for this project so that it may continue in the future.

• Pray for the Bible Society Literacy team as they travel through the country, training and implementing the program.

• Pray that the literacy students would be empowered as they learn to read the word of God.

The Gambia

Literacy Equality


Project: 76501

This literacy project in The Gambia, aims to assist women and girls from five focus groups — Mandinka, Manjako, Wolof, Karon, and Jola — by teaching them how to read and write in their languages as well as equipping them to learn God’s word and the message of the gospel.

The Need

people in The Gambia

of older women are non-literate and 57% of young women are nonliterate

2.7m 51% 4-5%

of the population in The Gambia are Christian

In many parts of Africa, sons receive the benefits of schooling while daughters do not; instead, many young girls are utilised by their families as farm hands and home helpers for their mothers. This has clear ramifications for individual families, communities and the broader society as women remain marginalised from the workplace and opportunities to improve their lives.

The Gambia in West Africa is the smallest country within the African mainland. Its needs are great as poverty is high, close to 50% of the 2.7 million population cannot read or write and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has ranked the country in the “Low Human Development” category. Most of its people work as farmers.

Girls are married young and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is still widely practiced. Daughters have no right to inherit their father’s property, this goes to the first-born son. Girls are often seen as inferior and of less value to the family. Furthermore, research shows that poor reading ability impacts spiritual growth and understanding of God’s message. This project aims to fill the gap, providing a Biblebased literacy program to improve girls and women’s lives.

But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine. Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance. Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behaviour, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good. - Titus 2:1-3 ESV


Bible Society in The Gambia is partnering with local churches to offer this four-year Bible-based literacy program to at least 1,500 learners each year. Women and girls will learn how to read, write, count and engage with the Bible in their local languages as well as English as a second language.

The Bible Society in The Gambia plans to continually present the program to more churches in the region and train additional teachers to broaden its reach. The goal is to impact the lives of 100,000 people from the five focus groups — Mandinka, Manjako, Wolof, Karon, and Jola — by 2030. Bible Society will also organise community events to highlight the progress of the learners, such as literacy day celebrations, reading competition and sporting events.


The impact of this literacy project will be measured by the literacy attainment of the participants through reading sessions, short quizzes, assignments, encouraging peerto-peer learning sessions, and the use of audio Bibles to test their listening abilities.

In 2025, there are plans for 2,338 students participating in literacy classes consisting of women, children and men which will be led by 232 literacy facilitators. It is hoped that 83 students will graduate the program this year. Two new classes have also opened in two towns (in the south and north of The Gambia) as of November 2024.

With an overall improvement on the reading skills and interest to read in the church, volunteers and participants have motivated others to take part as they demonstrate how they are now able to make use of the Bible during church services.

“I was a student then after my graduation, I became a teacher. Before the program I cannot read and write ... the literacy workshop helped me a lot ... My teacher was encouraging me until I became interested in the program, now I can read and write very well ... I enjoy the program. I am telling all my friends to come for the program so that they can read and write.”

— Halima*, 32-years-old

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray that the beneficiaries will be committed and devoted to seeking knowledge.

• Pray that through this project, beneficiaries will have a divine encounter with God.

• Pray for a successful launch, as well as continued growth and stability in our new locations. Pray that these efforts will be fruitful and have a lasting impact on the communities served.

The Gulf

Literacy for Women


people live in Bahrain

Project: 103204

Bible Society Australia is partnering with Bible Society in the Gulf (BSG) to empower marginalised Sri Lankan domestic workers living in Bahrain with essential literacy skills.

The Need

Illiteracy is a significant problem among the Sri Lankan domestic workers in Bahrain, whose exact numbers are not publicly available. Although most Sri Lankans are Buddhist, after they live in Bahrain for some time, many become Christians. Though it is hard to determine the number of Sri Lankan Christians, Sinhala churches want to empower their non literate members to read God’s word.

of Bahrain’s population are thought to be migrant workers

1.48m 50% 12%

of the population are Christians [2022]

Migrant domestic workers, often unrecognised formally in Arab countries, face discrimination based on various factors like gender, race, origin, social status, religion, and migration status. They confront numerous challenges, including low wages, delayed payment, long work shifts, inadequate time-off, lack of social protection, poor living conditions, and various forms of abuse, underscoring the need for support and justice.

Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge. - Proverbs 23:12, NIV


The goal of this project is to empower non-literate or semi-literate Sri Lankan domestic workers to read, to help them reach their potential as individuals and valuable community members, and to engage with God’s word effectively.

BSG is dedicated to serving Sinhala churches, whose congregations are primarily composed of domestic workers. The goal of this project is to foster emerging, improving, and fluent literacy skills within this community. BSG aims to promote literacy and empower women with the knowledge needed to read the Bible.

Planning for this this literacy program was undertaken in 2024, with BSG engaging the community, developing partnerships, consulting with a literacy specialist, and planning curriculum, materials, and training materials for facilitators. In 2025, BSG plan to recruit a project coordinator and facilitators, produce and print student and teaching materials and begin classes for both children and adults.

Testimony Impact

Beneficiaries of this project will improve their literacy skills, which will impact their daily lives as they are able to read their employment contracts, do basic calculations for money management, and avoid being exploited.

In addition to this, for migrant workers in the Gulf seeking hope and forgiveness through the gospel, learning to read means they can engage with the Bible and its message of God’s love. Their lives will be transformed as a result of this interaction with the word of God.

“Before I did not know what Braille is, but now I know all the alphabet and numbers. I can write my name in Braille and can write down the phone numbers of others in Braille. I am very grateful for those who organised the training.” — former participant of the Braille Literacy training

Prayer Points

• Please pray for wisdom and discernment in recruitment, to choose program coordinator and facilitators with the right skills, passion, and dedication to lead and inspire the students.

• Pray for powerful resources and for the smooth production of training manuals and teaching materials, making them effective tools for both teachers and students.

• Pray for a deeper connection with the Word. Pray that this program may serve as a bridge, leading more people to engage with the Bible and discover its transformative power.


Holistic Literacy Skills


Project: 102192

This project aims at developing literacy skills among non-literate Kupsapiiny, Ma’di and Ng’akarajong speakers, empowering them with literacy skills so they can develop holistically and engage with the Bible.

The Need

The literacy levels in Uganda are about 70%, especially in urban centres. In sub-regions like Karamoja, Sebie and Ma’di, literacy levels have remained low despite the reported economic growth of the country.

adult literacy rate in Uganda, though this is lower in the sub-regions

of Kupsapiiny speakers are Christian

70.2% 70% 92%

of the Ma’di people are Christians

Literacy skills are crucial to help these communities liberate themselves from poverty, as well as holistic training sessions, which are equally vital for their self-improvement.

The higher rate of illiteracy has also meant that some newly translated Bible portions in the Sabiiny, Ma’di and Karamoja sub-regions were not received as warmly as hoped, as the non-literate communities could not access God’s word. If the Bible is to be read and engaged with meaningfully, then the people need to be literate. Translated Scriptures and Bible resources will be left futile if the community can’t read.

Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ Philip asked. ‘How can I,’ he said, ‘unless someone explains it to me?’ So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. - Acts 8:30-31, NIV


The Bible Society of Uganda (BSU) is working with churches and Christian organisations to help people improve the literacy levels of Ugandans by running ‘Train the Trainers’ workshops to equip instructors in teaching adults Functional Adult Literacy, as well as training teachers in Primary Teacher’s Colleges to teach school children in their mother tongue.

This project will provide literacy materials for teaching and reading on their own. This project also aims at improving literacy levels among the people in Sebei, Ma’di and Karamoja sub regions.

In 2025, the goal is to help 3,000 children and adults in the Moyo and Ma’di sub regions gain literacy for the improvement of their lives, and so they can engage with God’s word easily. Another goal is to raise awareness of the project in the community, so that more students are encouraged to enrol. Materials will be developed to help communities learn to read and write and use God’s word in their mother tongue.


In 2023, a Bible-based Literacy Curriculum and materials were developed and Bible Based Literacy programs in the Kupsapiiny and Madi sub-regions began.

It is expected that 1,000 will graduate with numeracy and literacy skills from each sub region running the course. These will include primary school students as well as adult students. It can be expected that each graduate will influence or benefit 20 more people.

This literacy program will improve the self-esteem of the students in their communities and enable them to participate in leadership roles. The students will be literate in their mother tongues, as well as gain numeracy skills, which will help improve their economic status.

As the people are equipped with basic skills, they will also be able to read the Bible, take part in church activities, and share their experiences with others. If the people learn how to read and write, they will be able to meaningfully engage with the Bible in their mother tongue.

“I will now compose and write my songs in the mother tongue ... I am grateful to God that this program has been actualised now and my prayers are with all those learners, teachers and sponsors involved in this work, may God bless them to achieve what they desire to see in the end.” — Dembe*, a Kupsapiiny literacy program student and a gospel songwriter who shares he is now able to write church songs for Kupsapiiny speakers

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray for the participants, that this project might impact their lives as they get to know the word of God.

• Pray that God may appoint his servants to generously support this project for the people in Karamoja, Sebei and Ma’di Regions.

• Pray for God’s provision of resources to be able to reach those in remote areas, such as a car, where this project will be implemented. Thank God for his faithful provision.


Engaging Ethnic Minorities


Bible Society Australia is partnering with Bible Society Vietnam (BSV) to engage ethnic minority groups in Vietnam with Scripture that has been translated into their native languages. This project focuses on creating and distributing Scripture engagement materials, such as illustrated Bible stories and study guides, carefully designed to reflect the unique linguistic and cultural contexts of each ethnic community.

The Need

people live in Vietnam

98.8m 14.7% 9.2%

Ethnic minority Christians in Vietnam often face significant challenges, including intense pressure and marginalisation. These communities need encouragement and spiritual nourishment as they navigate their daily struggles.

of the country’s population are from 53 ethnic minority groups, each with its own distinct language, culture and traditions

of the population in Vietnam are Christians

Preserving indigenous languages is crucial, and access to Scripture in these languages plays a vital role. While many ethnic minorities speak their native tongue, they lack familiarity with reading the Bible in it. This is largely due to an education system that focuses on teaching the national language, Vietnamese, and the lack of books in minority languages.

Now that Scripture translation efforts are underway for these communities, there is an urgent need to support them in engaging with God’s word in their own languages — bringing both spiritual growth and cultural preservation.

I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. - 1 Corinthians 9:22b, NIV


This project aims to give ethnic minorities the access to learning God’s word and stories of Jesus through printed books, and encourage Bible engagement through Bible Study groups.

In 2025, BSV will develop, print and distribute 1,000 sets of illustrative Bible engagement materials based on the book of Matthew to support six ethnic minority groups. Each set includes bookmarks and a Bible study guide written in each group’s native language.

In January – March, the BSV team will develop the book of Matthew, Bible Study Guides and bookmarks, with design and printing in April – June. The audio book of Matthew will be created and uploaded on YouTube, and the book sets distributed in July – September. Training for small group Bible Study leaders which will continue until December.


Throughout the years of this project, translations of the book of Mark and illustrated comics containing stories of Jesus were printed, recorded as an audiobook, and distributed in various minority languages. These materials have helped minority communities grow in their faith and contribute to the literature in their languages.

Bible Society Vietnam has also worked with church leaders in training them to lead Bible studies using these materials, leading many to engage with God’s word together in their language.

The goal of this project is to impact the lives of 13,000 people, aiming to reach ethnic minorities whose levels of Bible engagement have been very low, as well as new believers aiding them with these Bible engagement resources to grow in their faith. These people will be able to read God’s word and apply it in their daily lives, and in turn impact their communities.

“I believe that the Gospel publications based on the book of Mark and the four stories of Jesus’ birth, temptation, death, and resurrection are all very easy to understand ... The four-arrow Bible study method is logical and can be utilised in small groups ... participants can express their opinions and engage in a very interactive and enjoyable manner. This method can also be used to guide children in the Church, and I find it very beneficial for our local work.” — Tuân* a children’s minister

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Please pray that these Scripture resources will help ground believers in God’s word, strengthening their faith and their relationship with the Lord.

• Pray that the distribution of these materials will reach many, opening hearts to the gospel and the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

• Pray also for the successful distribution of these materials to all targeted tribes as well as the protection and guidance for all individuals involved in this project.


Jesus. All About Life


Bible Society Australia is partnering with African Enterprise Malawi (AE Malawi) and African Evangelistic Enterprise Rwanda (AEE Rwanda) to engage the church in Malawi and Rwanda with the Jesus. All About Life (JAAL) campaign during Easter 2025, enhancing their efforts to share the word of God with their communities.

The Need

of Malawians identify as Christians, among its 20 million population

85% >92%

of Rwandans identify as Christians (Rwanda’s Fifth Population and Housing Census, 2022)

2.4% decrease of the Christian population in Rwanda over the last 10 years

While Malawi and Rwanda are considered Christian nations, many Christians are nominal. There’s a significant need for robust biblical teaching to deepen their faith and equip them for effective ministry. Sound doctrine has taken a back seat in many churches, with deviation towards teachings like the prosperity gospel. In Malawi, Evangelism organisations like the Bible Society of Malawi, African Enterprise Malawi, and members of the Evangelical Association of Malawi have expressed concern about gaps in biblical knowledge, especially regarding outreach. This challenge is compounded by the nation’s youthful population — 70% under 30 years old — many of whom remain unreached by the gospel.

Additionally, in Rwanda, the Christian population in Rwanda has decreased by 2.4% over the last 10 years. About 11,000 people from three people groups are also unreached (according to The Joshua Project, 2023). Most of these people are said to live in remote areas with limited access to the rest of the world, or in places with high levels of Christian persecution, thereby limiting the spread of the gospel (according to East-West Ministries International, 2023). These unreached groups have few followers of Christ and resources to evangelise their own people.

And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

- John 17:3, ESV


The goal of the JAAL project is to raise awareness of Jesus Christ and the relevance of his teaching in today’s modern world, by mobilising Christian churches to re-engage with their local community through cultural, community and arts events including sports evangelism, open-air campaigns and more.

For the effective implementation of the JAAL campaign activities, AEE Rwanda and AE Malawi will work with churches and para-church organisations in introducing and implementing the campaign and training gospel ministers in effective evangelism.

For AEE Rwanda, their focus in 2025 is to reach communities in Kigali cities, including five secondary cities (Huye, Musanze, Nyagatare, Rubavu and Rusizi) and three satellite cities (Muhanga, Nyamata and Rwamagana), with target beneficiary groups including Secondary and University students, out-of-school youth, female sex workers and unreached people groups. For AE Malawi, the aim is to reach schools, universities and survivors of natural disasters in Lilongwe city — an area that is also inflicted by conflict and drug abuse, among many other issues.



The Jesus. All About Life campaign has profoundly impacted over half a million people reached in previous years and aims to reach more in 2025, including both Christians and first-time hearers of the gospel.

In 2024, AEE Rwanda and AE Malawi reported remarkable outcomes. In Rwanda, 511,990 people were reached, with 16,178 accepting Christ. In Malawi, 168,853 people encountered the gospel, and 12,173 made commitments to Christ.

For Christians, the campaign inspires and equips them to share their faith, transforming evangelism from an eventbased activity into a daily lifestyle. For gospel ministers, JAAL provides effective training in evangelism and discipleship, empowering them to guide new believers and engage their communities. This initiative fosters growth in Christian unity and love among churches and ministers, encouraging ongoing collaboration and partnerships for future kingdom-building efforts.

“The loss of my father ... had left me feeling hopeless and in profound emotional pain. A peer from the counselling group invited me to participate in the ‘Reaching University Students with the Gospel of Christ’ conference, and I was drawn to the promise of forgiveness, healing, and a new-found sense of belonging in God’s family ... Life will be different for me as I embark on a journey of faith, forgiveness, and healing.” — Diana*, accounting student

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points

• Pray for everyone who will be involved in the entire project.

• Pray that the local churches will respond positively and participate in this campaign and pray for more opportunities to support such programs, and open doors to enhance the ministry of spreading God’s word.

• Pray for the target groups to receive the gospel wholeheartedly.

Arab Israel

Support for Christians



Christians in Israel (at the end of 2022)

75.8% of Christians in Israel are Arabs


Bible Society Australia is working with the Arab Israeli Bible Society (AIBS) to strengthen their presence and enable their work in Galilee. This project serves the Arab Israeli community with Scripture resources and interactive community conferences and events, serving both the local church and the broader community.

The Need

Despite the devastating circumstances and the profound impact of the ongoing war, AIBS is working steadfastly to make a positive difference in the lives of those affected. Through their ministries, AIBS continues to bring unity where there is division, hope where there is despair and love where there is suffering.

The Arab Israeli community (made up of 1.7 million) face significant tension due to their unique status. The Arab Israeli people (Arabs who became citizens of the State of Israel after its establishment in 1948) are a group lost between Jewish Israelis and Arab Palestinians. Since war broke out, they have been carrying the pain and suffering of both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Therefore, they are doubly traumatised.

Arab Israeli Christians are a minority twice over: Arab Israelis comprise of only 20% of Israel’s population; only 6.9% of Arab Israelis are Christians. With such a small population of Arab Israeli Christians, AIBS is struggling to maintain a core presence or operations from domestic Bible sales and fundraising income. Many have also been displaced by the conflict and therefore, the need to build a culture of peacemakers and forgivers is greater.

Arab citizens of Israel

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. - Proverbs 29:18,


The goal of this project is to provide leadership for AIBS, to ensure their presence and service within the community, and to enable AIBS to produce and distribute Bibles and other relevant tools. Each year, AIBS aims to serve the local church and become an instrument of peace, security and hope for a region plagued by war and division.

In 2025, AIBS’ mission is more important and relevant than ever, as they continue to engage the Arab community in Israel with Scriptures, as well as build relationships and grow their network.

Each year, their goal is to support women and families, hosting events, Trauma Healing workshops and producing media and print resources centred on God’s word. AIBS maintains a physical presence in Galilee, with a centre open for the public to ask questions, engage with biblical resources and attend events. However, these goals may be impacted in 2025 as the instability of the growing conflict cause projects to be delayed.



The impact of the AIBS’ presence will be seen as people engage with online Scripture resources, receive and engage with printed Scripture resources, use AIBS Scripture resources in their ministry, and attend their workshops, conferences, and events.

These include workshops and conferences for families, and on trauma healing. AIBS also use workshops and conferences to support churches and schools, impacting thousands of people per year.

AIBS’ growing partnerships with the various local church denominations also has an impact on the Christian community. The impact of these relationships will be seen in increased participation by local Christians at events as well as their take-up of AIBS developed resources, and the quantity of Bibles and materials distributed.

“Many families expressed gratitude for the principles presented in the [‘Family Altar’ and ‘Unity’] workshop and have asked important questions about ... how they can implement the biblical values at home with their children. A mother ... [shared] that she has been looking for a way to encourage her boys to have a deeper commitment to God. She said that this workshop has given her the answer ... and helped her family to draw closer to the Lord.” — Staff Member, Arab Israeli Bible Society

Prayer Points

• Pray for the cessation of war, that God would intervene to stop bloodshed.

• Pray for peace and healing for both people groups, especially those who were impacted by war.

• Pray for perseverance and strength for the AIBS team to continue to do their mission with grace. Pray that God will continue to lead AIBS and fulfill his will through them, meeting all their needs, and empowering them with his presence.

Asia Pacific

Literacy Advice in Asia Pacific


non-literate adults around the world


Bible Societies in 52 countries are supported by UBS


staff from 12 Bible Societies across Asia Pacific and the Global Literacy Office attended the 2024 Asia Pacific Literacy Training held in Thailand


Project: 102039

This project aims to strengthen Bible Societies in the Asia Pacific for literacy work by funding United Bible Societies (UBS) Literacy Advisors. Advisors collaborate globally to establish a literacy framework, guide project prioritisation, ensure quality, and assist Bible Societies in planning and implementing literacy programs in their countries.

The Need

Without help from literacy experts, Bible Society literacy projects would lack quality in design and implementation. Literacy experts are required to ensure that projects are the very best in both of these areas.

Literacy work is central to Bible Society’s mission around the world, educating the non-literate, and breaking down the barriers imposed by illiteracy. Equipping people with literacy enriches their lives in many ways, including enabling them to read God’s word for themselves.

The United Bible Societies are committed to giving the 750 million non-literate adults around the world access to God’s word.


This project aims to fund literacy specialists for the Asia Pacific region, benefiting Bible Societies by enhancing literacy project standards and providing direct support. Literacy Advisors work on a global strategy, strengthen links between Bible translation and literacy, guide program initiation, assess literacy needs, foster partnerships with other agencies, and assist in planning, implementing, and evaluating UBS literacy projects.

In 2025, the project aims to continue the services of the literacy specialist for Asia, aiming to elevate literacy projects by Bible Societies in this region.

Activities in 2025 will include establishing literacy projects in Papua New Guinea and Nepal, while helping enhance new literacy programs in the South Pacific, Mongolia and The Gulf. The literacy advisor will also be providing followup support in various ongoing literacy programs across Asia, assisting Bible Societies with needs assessments and project implementation and other key initiatives.



Bible Society literacy projects have faced challenges in design and implementation quality. However, with support from literacy specialists, significant improvements are expected in the skills of literacy staff and the overall quality of their literacy projects. Since the appointment of a Literacy Advisor for the Asia Pacific in 2019, noticeable progress has already been achieved.

This initiative is projected to benefit approximately 100,000 individuals. Direct beneficiaries include Bible Society staff engaged in literacy work across the Asia Pacific, who will receive expert guidance, training in literacy principles, standardised practices, and knowledge of the literacy lifecycle. Indirect beneficiaries include literacy graduates, their families, and their communities, who will gain from the transformative impact of these enhanced literacy projects.

“Establishing a global framework for literacy is like a guide for the Bible Society staff doing literacy projects and programs around the world... So, it’s like a step-by-step guide for them how to do a project. So, [it gives] the principles behind why they do what they do. The principles behind literacy, reading and writing and of course, project management materials development training at the church.” — Mansueto (Cito) Casquite, UBS Literacy Advisor (Asia-Pacific)

Prayer Points

• Praise God for the successful Asia Pacific Literacy Training in Thailand and the Online Mini-Writer’s Workshop for staff and partners in Mongolia and Sri Lanka in 2024.

• Pray that participants of the literacy training and workshops effectively apply the principles and skills learned to enhance their literacy projects in 2025.

• Pray for improved literacy practices and impactful outcomes through the Literacy Advisor’s continued support and guidance across the region.

Asia Pacific

Literacy Capacity


non-literate adults in Pakistan


non-literate adults in Bangladesh


Bible Society Australia is supporting United Bible Societies (UBS) in this capacity-building project, equipping around 25 Bible Society literacy workers in the Asia Pacific in 2025, thereby benefiting the Bible Society literacy projects they are part of and thousands of beneficiaries in the coming years.

The Need

Many Bible Societies in the Asia Pacific region are running literacy projects in their respective countries, seeking to meet the need for literacy in their countries and empower people with reading and writing skills. United Bible Societies (UBS) is committed to developing effective and meaningful literacy activities for global Bible engagement. The achievement of this goal depends on several factors, including a knowledgeable and well-equipped staff, as well as a well-managed and efficiently implemented sustainable literacy program.

Bible Society literacy staff in the Asia Pacific will participate in Literacy Training in 2025

In 2023, a competency survey was conducted among Bible Society’s literacy staff and a need was highlighted: training staff in how to develop literacy material, which is a component of the literacy lifecycle. As a result, the Asia Pacific Literacy Training was organised, covering literacy principles, common standards and the literacy lifecycle. In 2024, 21 staff from 12 Bible Societies across Asia Pacific and the Global Literacy Office attended the training, conducted by four certified trainers which include two specialists from SIL, one freelance specialist, and Cito, UBS Literacy Advisor for the Asia Pacific. Literacy training continues in 2025 covering various topics in literacy as needs among the literacy workers are identified.

... so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. - 2 Timothy 3:17, NIV


The goal of this project is to conduct training events for the literacy staff of Bible Societies in the Asia Pacific Region in order to strengthen the capacity-building efforts of these Bible Societies in the region. These literacy trainings are part of the Literacy Officer-in-Training (LOiT) Mentoring Program launched in 2023, which aims to build the capacities of the literacy staff through a competency-based, intentional mentoring and training program over the next five years.

In 2025, the literacy trainings will include an in-person Writers’ Workshop in Materials Development and Assessment Training. These events will be followed by virtual trainings and follow-up sessions via Zoom. By late 2025, an evaluation of the trainings will be held online among the literacy staff.

Testimony Impact

A total of 25 Bible Society literacy staff in the Asia Pacific will receive training in 2025, aiming to elevate their competencies and expertise in the literacy lifecycle thus helping their literacy projects achieve the desired outcomes. It is hoped that these staff will be able to strengthen their program implementation and develop several Bible engagement products for non-literate audiences that is relevant in their context, age and levels of literacy. In turn, this will impact thousands of beneficiaries in the years to come as Bible Society literacy programs are improved.

“We have learned different themes about the literacy lifecycle components. This was very helpful in how we can go in (sic) this component … make our literacy program more effective … I’m praying that God will guide us and strengthen us, that we can apply all these things in our literacy work and to be more effective work for the people — those who are illiterate. And it’s a joy for us to meet different participants from other Bible Societies!” — Rev. Azhar Mushtaq, General Secretary, Pakistan Bible Society Chair, Asia Pacific Literacy Working Group

Prayer Points

• Pray that all the Bible Societies who participated in the 2023 and 2024 Asia Pacific Literacy Training will be able to put into use what they learnt: the principles behind literacy practices, program planning, research, and implementation as they develop their literacy projects in the years to come.

• Pray that an appropriate, needs-based training will be identified and conducted for the benefit of the literacy staff in 2025.

• Pray that available trainers will be identified to help in the capacity-building efforts and training events to be lined up for 2025.


Equipping Christian Leaders

1:6700 60%

ratio of ordained pastors to believers of churches are in rural regions


This project is providing Study Bibles and Scripture resources to preachers, Bible school students, and Bible teachers in China who experience poverty and financial hardship. This project equips ministers and church leaders in China with reference books or Bible study tools for their studies and preparation for preaching.

The Need

China’s churches face significant challenges, including an acute shortage of trained pastors, poverty, and the spread of heretical teachings. As the number of believers continues to grow, the lack of training for leaders remained one of the biggest challenges facing the Church in China.

On average, one ordained pastor in China oversees 6,700 believers. Rural areas are home to at least 60% of China’s Christian churches, with Bible college students often coming from impoverished farming families. Graduates often return to serve in their communities without a salary as their farming communities lack resources to fund them. Many students in Bible Training School also struggle to cover course fees and lack access to study tools. The need for trained preachers and leaders is urgent.

So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily. - Acts 19:20, ESV


The goal of this project is to provide Study Bibles and Bible resources to students, Bible School teachers and preachers. In doing so, this project will assist them in their study, equipping them to correctly handle the word of God and shepherd the growing number of Chinese believers.

In 2025, the goal is to provide 10,000 sets of Bibles and Bible study resources to students, Bible school teachers and preachers who cannot afford Bible literature and resources. In rural areas, there have been more reports of heresy and false teaching, and sharing biblically sound study resources will help in the faithful teaching of the truths of God’s word.

Other plans for 2025 include a comprehensive review of the Bible study resources book list and visiting previously unsupported provinces to assess their level of need for Bible study tools.



The project aims to impact around 1,660,000 people.

This is based on the hope that each of the 10,000 Bibles and Bible study resources shared with direct beneficiaries (preachers, Bible school students or teachers) will have an indirect impact an average of 166 lives.

Many of the students are relatively young. Most of them range from 18 to 30 years of age and come from villages as at least 60% of the churches in China are found in the rural region.

By the providing Bible Study resources, lay preachers, students and teachers can gain a deeper understanding of God’s word, benefiting them both in their personal life and in their teaching and preaching ministries. They can be relieved of the heavy cost of Bible Study resources.

“No person can fulfil the Great Commission alone. God puts us in our respective positions and gives us different missions, and we do our best in these positions to serve him ...These Biblical books are not always readily available for preachers. My sincere gratitude goes out to the people who donated these valuable biblical resources. May God remember all your generosity, and all the work you have done behind the scenes for Him.” — Preacher Ong*, 34, seminary graduate from Anhui Theological Seminary serving in her hometown church

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points

• Pray for the funding of these Scripture resources.

• Pray that more preachers in China could be raised up and be trained to shepherd the millions.

• Pray that they will persevere to preach and teach the word responsibly even in challenging circumstances.


Literacy Support


Bible Society literacy projects in 2025 put forth by 36 Bible Societies

Project: 90203 Tax Deductible

This project includes funding for two part-time Literacy Officers to assist the United Bible Societies Global Literacy Coordinator based in Bangalore, India. Through this project, the United Bible Societies (UBS) will continue to provide support to Bible Societies worldwide in their literacy work, as well as expanding that support for French and Spanish-speaking Bible Societies.

The Need

With 42 Bible Society literacy projects proposed for 2025, there is an urgent need to extend dedicated services to support literacy work within the UBS Fellowship.

Moreover, different working groups will be formed in 2025 as advisory groups to help plan literacy activities in the Asia Pacific, Anglophone Africa, Francophone Africa and Latin America which will need the dedicated assistance of the Literacy Officers, especially in the action plans for 20252027.

Where there is no vision, the people perish. - Proverbs 29:18a, KJV


The goals of this project are to provide continued assistance to the global literacy work of Bible Society, strengthening the various activities of the Global Literacy Office. This project coordinates and supplies all the required data and statistics to the literacy working group, helping the Global Literacy Office staff keep track of all the literacy projects in a comprehensive and systematic manner.

The focus in 2025 is to continue to develop regional strategies based on the UBS Position Paper on Literacy and provide effective assistance to literacy work carried out in the French and Spanish-speaking Bible Societies. Activities of the Literacy Officers will include publishing newsletters to promote literacy work, assisting in Bible engagement efforts, coordinating online and onsite literacy training events, and analysing research related to literacy and language. Additionally, they will monitor current literacy programs and provide secretarial support to the Global Literacy Coordinator, all to help elevate global literacy coordination within Bible Societies.

Testimony Impact

Since January 2010, the United Bible Society (UBS) Global Literacy Coordination team have been working to help Bible Societies around the world meet the literacy needs of their people.

The entire UBS Fellowship benefits from this project, which has the potential to impact up to 750 million adult non-literates globally. The activities undertaken by the two part-time Literacy Officers will take the global literacy coordination work of Bible Societies to new heights in the coming years.

“At United Bible Societies we believe that literacy is about dignity, independence and wholeness. Being able to read and write gives people access to essential information, empowering them to make well-informed decisions about their lives. It opens up opportunities for employment, further education and helps people get themselves out of poverty ... Pray for the literacy projects that we will have adequate specialists ... They’re able to make an impact. And so we need that also, not simply doing the work, but doing the work in the right way.” — Julian Sundersingh, Global Literacy Coordinator, UBS

Prayer Points

• Thank God for the literacy coordination work and pray that it will take the literacy work of Bible Societies around the world to new heights this year.

• Pray for wisdom and knowledge for the entire team during discussions and strategy planning.

• Please pray for the strategy focus that is emerging in literacy work now and for an effective functioning of the literacy affinity group.

• Pray for new donors to catch the vision of the importance of literacy work.


Audio Bibles for Africans


years the Barbara May Foundation has been working to bring hope to every fistula patient

megavoice players will be distributed to patients in 2025

Through this project, Bible Society Australia will work in partnership with megavoice Australia and the Barbara May Foundation to distribute 650 solar-powered audio Bibles to fistula patients in Africa in 2025. This initiative supports Dr Andrew Browning’s work, promoting safer childbirth, maternal health education, and effective local healthcare, while sharing the gospel in local languages.

The Need

There are critical needs in maternal healthcare across subSaharan Africa, and many vulnerable women in rural and impoverished communities. Two million women suffer from obstetric fistula in Africa, and there is an urgent need to prioritise safer childbirth and reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rates, including improved access to quality medical care, cultural sensitivity in treatment, and the provision of free services regardless of race, religion, or financial standing.

Furthermore, there is a need to train local healthcare providers in modern clinical practices, ensuring they can deliver efficient and effective care.

women suffer from obstetric fistula in Africa

And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8, NIV


In 2025, Dr Andrew Browning is working in Fistula camps in Malawi, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Chad, Uganda, Congo and Togo.

Motivated by the love and compassion of Jesus, for more than 50 years the Barbara May Foundation (BMF) has supported the work of doctors addressing the needs of these vulnerable women by providing healthcare, as well as advocating for the protection of young women and girls, fostering a supportive environment for maternal health. By building maternity hospitals and enhancing existing facilities, BMF significantly increases access to emergency obstetric care for women in remote areas. Their work not only addresses immediate medical needs but also shares the life-saving message of Jesus Christ, integrating spiritual care with health services to enrich community well-being.

Bible Society Australia and megavoice Australia will partner with BMF to deliver 650 audio Bibles to African patients in 2025. Fistula patients will receive an audio player device or lantern to take home to their families — and villages — and hear God’s life saving word in their heart language. In addition, Midwives will receive high quality video-based medical training via megavoice’s Envision tablet players.



Around 650 households will be impacted in 2025 by the distribution of audio Bibles. The megavoice audio Bibles bring hope, the eternal hope offered by God through Jesus. As patients receive the players, they are impacted not just by the health messages, including the testimony of a fistula patient who was physically healed, but also by the Bible and the message of the gospel. The gospel’s message that Christ has come to save people brings tremendous renewal in people’s lives when they give their lives to Christ, far more than any physical healing can bring.

“As medical professionals we can bring a limited amount of hope, we can bring physical healing for people, but as Christians we want to share the hope that we have in Christ, of eternal life and a relationship with God. The gospel of Christ can take people much further, it can heal their hearts ...” — Dr Andrew Browning

Prayer Points

• Please pray for the medical teams working within the project and for safe travel in these very remote areas.

• Pray for the patients to receive Christ.

• Pray for expansion into more regions to meet the estimated two million women requiring fistula surgery across Africa.


Bibles for Millions


Bible Society Australia is supporting the United Bible Societies China Partnership (UBSCP) in this project, which distributes subsidised and free Bibles, ensuring that as many Chinese Christians as possible can have their own Bible.

The Need

There is a great demand for Bibles in China every year. Though there are officially 46 million Christians, unofficial estimates indicate there are 100 million Christians in the country.

Christians (unofficially 100 million) in China

of China’s 1.4 billion population has yet to come to faith

46m 93% 60%

of Christians in China live in rural areas

An estimated 93% of China’s 1.4 billion (or 1.3 billion) population still does not know Christ and need access to the Bible to know more about the Christian faith.

In China today, there are more than 5 million farmers who live on less than US$45 a month. Poverty refers mainly to the rural poor, and most of the Christian population live in rural areas.

Chinese Christians need to hear and know the word of God, yet do not have the means to own a Bible. In the face of false teaching and heresies, the need is pressing for their faith to be firmly grounded in and strengthened by the Bible.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. - Psalm 119:105, NIV


The goal of this project is two-fold. Firstly, to provide Bible paper to support the Church in China in printing and distributing more Bibles to the growing number of Chinese coming to know Jesus, and to support the outreach efforts of the church by sharing the word of God. These Bibles will be more affordable and will help millions of Christians to be able to purchase their own copy. Secondly, this project aims to provide free Bibles to those who do not have the financial means to buy their own Bibles.

In 2025 the project plans to provide Bible paper for 1,300,000 copies of Bibles to support the Church in China in printing and distributing more Bibles. The project will also provide 70,000 free Bibles to those who cannot otherwise access a Bible.



Since the establishment of Amity Printing Company in 1987, 95 million Bibles have been printed and distributed in China (according to the latest data from December 2023).

Through this project, Christians in China will be encouraged and have the opportunity to grow in their faith, as well as give Bibles to non-Christian friends or relatives as a form of outreach.

In 2025, at least 1,370,000 Chinese will have access to their own a copy of the Bible, and their faith will be strengthened to resist false teaching and heresy.

“Owning a Bible is not merely a desire; it is a spiritual necessity ... The Bible contains God’s teaching, and without it, my faith would be weak and incomplete, like a vessel floating on uncertain waters. I would feel like a sheep without a home.” — Li* , Chongqing, China

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points

• Thank God for the relatively good relationships between the authorities, the Churches and UBS. Please continue to pray for God’s favour and blessings in this area.

• Pray for ongoing support for this project, to ensure uninterrupted supply of the Bible to the vast number of seekers and Christians in China.

• Pray for each Christian who receives a copy of the Bible that they may read and understand the word of God and be nurtured and transformed, and that each non-believer or seeker will have their heart opened to God’s word.


Audio Bibles for India

1.45 billion


Bible Society Australia is working in partnership with megavoice Australia and the Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) to deliver 575 solar-powered audio Bible players to Northern India. These devices will provide local language Bible content and spiritual resources, empowering communities and spreading the message of Jesus Christ amidst increasing persecution.

The Need


people live in India or 33 million identify as Christians


literacy rate or less in rural areas

This project addresses several critical needs within Northern India, particularly among remote communities with low literacy levels. Many community members grapple with poverty, making it difficult for them to purchase essential resources like Bibles or Christian literature. Those from humble backgrounds, particularly in rural areas, often find themselves isolated from support networks that could provide these resources.

Many individuals, both Christians and non-Christians, lack access to the Bible and spiritual resources in their native languages. This absence inhibits their understanding of the Christian faith and limits their spiritual growth. Furthermore, Christians in these regions often face severe persecution, including intimidation, harassment, and violence, which create an environment where sharing their faith becomes dangerous. As anti-conversion laws tighten, believers experience job loss, discrimination, and even physical assault. The need for community engagement and shared learning within listener groups is also significant, as many lack opportunities for communal discussion and spiritual encouragement.

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. - Romans 10:17, NIV


This project aims to preload audio Bibles in Hindi and subsequently load devices with additional local languages, including Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Dogri, Kuvi, Hadothi, Bhojpuri, Saadri, and Rajbhamshi.

Distribution will occur quarterly throughout 2025, with 300 devices in January–March, 375 in April–June, 375 in July–September, and 300 in October–December, while reloading devices with new materials throughout the year.

A key goal is to maintain engagement by connecting with each listener group every three months to refresh the content, ensuring that they receive updated Bible messages and teachings. This effort is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers across Northern India, who facilitate ongoing communication and content updates.

Additionally, the project aims to encourage and support Christians facing persecution and coercion to renounce their faith. By providing accessible spiritual resources and fostering a sense of community, the initiative seeks to strengthen believers’ resolve and equip them to stand firm in their faith amidst challenges.

Prayer Points Impact

This project is expected to significantly impact the spiritual lives of 11,500 to 14,375 individuals across Northern India through the distribution of 575 audio Bibles in solar powered players. By distributing at least one solar-powered audio Bible player to each listener group, typically comprising 20–25 people, the initiative aims to provide accessible biblical content in various local languages, fostering communal learning and discussions about faith.

Christians will be equipped with relevant audio messages that strengthen their faith, endurance and perseverance in the face of persecution and coercion. This support is essential for helping believers maintain their faith amid challenges.

Moreover, the project emphasises the safety and care of all beneficiaries, ensuring that the needs and experiences of each listener group are carefully monitored. Quarterly reporting by FEBC India volunteers will facilitate timely updates and adjustments, further enhancing the project’s effectiveness and responsiveness to community needs, ultimately helping to build a resilient and informed Christian community within these regions.

• Pray for the team working within the project and for the towns people to receive Christ.

• Pray for Christians to remain strong mentally and physically as they face persecution and coercion to cease faith in Christ and revert back to other religions.

• Pray for safe travel of FEBC/FEBA volunteers into regional and more remote areas.


Bibles and Bread


Bible Society Jordan is reaching out to refugee families and underprivileged Jordanian families with practical support, basic needs, and the word of God in partnership with local churches.

The Need

1.3m 80%+

refugees hosted by Jordan (mainly Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis and other nationalities)

refugees live among Jordanians in the community

Over the years, Jordan has been known to be a land of refuge for many Arab and Non-Arab populations. Since 2011, millions of Syrian refugees have fled to safety in Jordan, residing inside camps and the outside. As wars continue, many refugees have had to prolong their stay in Jordan with minimal living situations, and furthermore, were followed by hundreds of thousands of persecuted Iraqis. These Iraqi refugees in Jordan have fled persecution in defence of their Christian faith and have sacrificed everything they own for their faith.

Yet Jordan continues to be an economically challenged country, with limited resources and high unemployment rates. Many families live in extreme poverty and lack basic living necessities. The post-COVID-19 financial situation means that there is a heightened demand for assistance and an increased burden on both local communities and refugee families.

The needs of these families have urged Bible Society Jordan to take a step forward and extend help to those in need.

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, - Luke 4:18, NIV


This project seeks to ease both the emotional and physical suffering of families by providing basic necessities, food and any urgent special items, demonstrating the love of Jesus to refugees.

Additionally, this project empowers local churches with resources and Scripture to serve their communities, with the aim to provide 1,000 Bibles, 2,000 New Testaments, and 5,000 Scripture portions each year for distribution. The project primarily supports Jordanian, Syrian, and Iraqi families through the distribution of emergency supplies such as food packages, mattresses, baby essentials, and medical aid like oxygen and wheelchairs.

Volunteers from local churches partner to deliver these supplies through home distribution and church visits, ensuring families in need are reached. Additionally, the project supports students with school and university tuition assistance, further enhancing their opportunities.


This project aims to impact the lives of 50,000 people yearly as it aims to serve 10,000 refugee and underprivileged Jordanian families (with each family consisting of 4 to 5 members).

This project has a crucial impact on refugee families. Many families have gone from being without very basic needs for their families, to seeking the word of God and finding their hope again.

Through partnering with Bible Society in this project, the Jordanian church’s role in the community has also been strengthened as churches actively provide aid to underprivileged families, meeting their basic needs. Thousands of families have experienced tangible care and God’s provision in their time of need through the support of the church. This has empowered the church to serve more effectively, addressing both spiritual and physical needs, and leading to an increase in church attendance as families recognise its vital role in their lives.

“The impact of this relief was immense, both spiritually and materially. Our faith was strengthened, and our physical needs were met. The love and support we received from our church community allowed us to start rebuilding our lives after the trauma we endured. Today, our family is doing much better ... We will always be grateful for the love and kindness that has been shown to us during our darkest days.” — Youssef*, a Syrian refugee and project beneficiary

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray for the stability and safety of Jordan despite the continuously rising conflicts surrounding it.

• Pray that each and every refugee will find and get to know Jesus, their ‘Rock of Salvation’ and source of real strength amidst the hardship they are undergoing.

• Pray for the volunteers who are direct contact with suffering families, for their emotional and physical protection, and for strength as they offer helping hands and listening ears.

• Pray that the Lord will console the hurt and wounded.


Bibles for the Young


7.8m 98%

of public primary schools in Kenya do not have Bibles


The Bible Society of Kenya is committed to placing a Bible in the hands of marginalised young people, one student at a time, as a part of the Christian Religious Education in schools. The motivating hope of this project is that even when they are old, they will then turn to God’s word and not away.

The Need

According to 2022 UNESCO data, there are 8 million primary and 7.8 million secondary Kenyan students, all of whom can participate in Christian Religious Education at school. Kenya is a Christian country and as a result, both Christian Religious Education (in primary and secondary school) and the Program for Pastoral Instruction (PPI in primary school) are approved by the Kenya School system.

However, according to earlier research by a child outreach network, 98% of public primary schools do not have Bibles available in the classroom to assist in these lessons. Kenya is described as a lower-middle income economy. Due to poverty, many families do not own a Bible.

Kenyan primary students
Kenyan secondary students


Each year, this project seeks to place a Bible in the hands of 5,500 children in urban poor and rural Kenya, through children’s homes, slum schools, and other schools, with the aim of transforming lives through engagement with God’s word.

In 2025 the Bible Society of Kenya aims to distribute 12,000 copies of Bibles to Kenyan school students.

This project’s activities for 2025 include mapping out the distribution areas, contacting schools and developing a distribution calendar from January to February. This is followed by the distribution process scheduled from February to June.

The Bible Society of Kenya also aims to create awareness of Scripture engagement strategies like the Program for Pastoral Instruction (PPI) and Open the Book. Each quarter, this project will monitor, evaluate and report on the progress.


Continued distribution of Bibles among children from low-income backgrounds increases regular Bible reading across the whole family. Through this project, families with no Scriptures are now exposed to God’s word, and Bible engagement is increasing among the children who receive Bibles for themselves. Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life. - Proverbs 22:6,

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

While the ultimate goal of this project is audacious and eternal — that when they are grown, students will continue to turn to God’s word and not away from it — the initial impact will be seen in improved performance in the Christian Religious Education subject. It is hoped that with the availability of Bibles, the PPI classes will be brought to life for primary students.

Since 2017, the Bible Society has distributed over 49,431 copies of appropriate Scriptures to children in 24 children’s homes, 317 schools in over 40 counties in Kenya. Impact reports received indicate that Bible knowledge among young people has increased, leading to noticeable behavioural change, especially in children’s homes and slum schools.

Mary* walks 20km to school each day. She is a student leader, which she enjoys most. The Bible means a lot to her, and she has become spiritual and has the will to spread God’s Word. She testified how she previously bullied other students and had been the ‘black sheep’ in her family. The Bible gave her a new, positive perception about life. She now has many friends too and her favourite verse is Mark 10:47.

• Pray that more Bibles will be available so the children and youth across Kenya will be reached with the Scriptures.

• Pray for positive transformation for students and their families, that God’s word will touch their hearts and minds and leave an eternal mark in their lives.

• Pray that the children will become great ambassadors of God’s love.


God’s Word for Kids with Cancer


Since 2009, the Bible Society of Nicaragua (BSN) has run the Hope and Smile for Children with Cancer project in the Manuel de Jesus Rivera Children’s Hospital, or “La Mascota”, the only hospital in the country to offer specialised care for children with cancer. Through trained pastors and volunteers, BSN provides regular and ongoing spiritual support to families through Bible distribution and devotional classes, plus practical assistance to cover costs associated with transport, medicine, nutrition and coffins when needed.

The Need

of families in Nicaragua live in poverty and over 8% struggle in extreme poverty (World Food Programme)


of all deaths among children and adolescents in Nicaragua (1-19 years) are due to Cancer with 284 new cases per year (2021 PAHO Childhood Cancer Profile)

In Nicaragua, families often struggle to bridge the care gaps caused by inadequate resources in the country’s hospital system. This impacts the children’s recovery chances, especially those from remote areas lacking basic services, and facing issues like poverty and malnutrition, compounded by transport challenges leading to incomplete treatments. This project offers the children of the “La Mascota” hospital and their families spiritual assistance four times a week to strengthen them and point them to the faith and comfort found in God’s word.

God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. - Psalms 46:1, GNB


Bible Society Nicaragua works to offer a comprehensive support service to many disadvantaged families who struggle financially to help their child fully recover, working to address existing inequalities that are further exacerbated by ill health. Spiritual and emotional support is needed to give strength to the children undergoing treatment, as well as to their parents. Doctors at the hospital particularly depend on the project to offer pastoral support to families when their child enters palliative care, and especially as family members come to terms with the tragic death of a child.

In 2025, the goals are to:

• Train an additional 40 pastors and 110 volunteers in pastoral care for children, child psychology and hand hygiene. They will also receive a free Bible, to help provide spiritual support.

• Support 2,784 children and along with their parents, giving them free Bibles, and teaching them about God’s love, comfort and hope through his word.

• Distribute 82,545 Bible portions to children and families.


By engaging children and parents in prayer, reading, and studying the Bible, children and their families can build up spiritual resilience. The project’s effectiveness is annually assessed through consultations with hospital staff and parents. The director of the La Mascota hospital commended the positive impact of the project, noting improvements in patients who engage with prayer and Scripture, as well as recognising the positive influence on medical staff and their patient care approach.

The volunteers are highly regarded by parents and children for the invaluable daily spiritual support they offer during challenging times. Monthly food aid plays a vital role in bolstering the children’s health, aiding their resistance to treatment side effects. Additionally, it eases concerns for parents who live far from the hospital, ensuring their children’s essential nutritional needs are met.

“I feel glad to have my own Bible. It gives me hope because I know that God heals me. I hope to get out of the hospital and go home soon. In the future I want to be a doctor and read the Bible to children.” — Dario*, 14-year-old

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points Impact

• Pray for God’s provision of health and protection to the hospital patients and their families.

• Pray that the families reached through this project will continue seeking God in prayer and grow in confidence in their faith.

• Pray for God’s blessing on the pastors and volunteers who serve patients and their families in this project.

South Africa

Hope for Prisoners


Working with World Hope Ministries, Bible Society Australia (BSA) offers hope with God’s powerful word in South African prisons. The objective of this project is for prisoners to engage with the Scriptures, as Bibles are provided by BSA to graduates of the Bible Discipleship course.

The Need

South Africa has the world’s twelfth highest number of prisoners, outranking countries with nearly five times its population. There are a total of 235 operationally active prisons in South Africa, with over 164,000 prisoners. The prison population remains overwhelmingly overcrowded, with more than 45,000 inmates without proper accommodation.


Most of the prisoners have never owned a Bible and have a great need to hear the transformative message of God’s love.

In addition to this, there’s an opportunity to reach out to Department of Correctional Services (DCS) Officials, who experience many challenges and among whom there is a high suicide rate.


operationally active prisons in South Africa
prisoners in South Africa
prison inmates without proper accommodation in South Africa

When the oppressed see this, they will be glad; those who worship God will be encouraged. The LORD listens to those in need and does not forget his people in prison. - Psalm 69:32-33, GNT


The goal of this project is to impart the word of God in these prisoners’ lives, contributing to their rehabilitation process, and encouraging them to live crime-free lives after serving their sentences. For this project, World Hope Ministries partners with the Directorate of Spiritual Care from the Department of Correctional Services and other organisations. Bible Society supplies Bibles free of charge to distribute to prisoners, as World Hope Ministries carry out programs contributing to the rehabilitative care of the prisoners.

The goal is to distribute a minimum of 12,500 Bibles into correctional facilities in South Africa reaching men, women and juveniles.

Testimony Impact

Lives are changed through this program, as prisoners receive the opportunity to understand the forgiveness and mercy of Christ. For many, their hope has been restored in God, in man, and in themselves. Many also begin to seek restoration with their families and ask forgiveness from those they have affected by their actions. Making Bibles available, with the support of a structured social and spiritual programme, profoundly benefits inmates. In 2024 World Hope Ministries ordered 3,620 Bibles in 10 of the official languages of South Africa for distribution.

“I was hopeless, I did not have any direction and I was filled with guilt, bitterness, anger, hatred and unforgiveness. [After receiving Jesus and a Bible in prison] My hope was restored. My life has meaning now and I am no longer walking in darkness. I have been set free...” — Roger Jaars*

*Name changed to protect privacy.

Prayer Points

• Pray for godly revival in the hearts of men and women.

• Pray that the Scripture resources arrive on time to meet the need, and that God provides extra Bibles to accompany this growing prison ministry, including Gospel literature, Bible study materials and Bibles for children.

• Pray for staff and new facilitators involved in this ministry, that God will provide people with the right heart and attitude and dedicated volunteers to assist.

South Africa

Scripture for Future Leaders


Bible Society Australia is supporting the Bible Society of South Africa in tackling South Africa’s literacy crisis by providing children with Bible-based literacy resources. This project seeks to enhance reading and numeracy skills, instil biblical values, and empower caregivers and teachers, ultimately fostering a new generation of literate, faith-driven leaders.

The Need

of graduating Grade 2 students don’t know all the alphabet

of Grade 4 children cannot read with comprehension

of public schools have no library, and 72% have no internet access

In South Africa, the literacy crisis presents a profound challenge, particularly for children in disadvantaged communities. Recent findings from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) reveal that over 30% of children do not recognise all the letters of the alphabet by the end of Grade 2, and a staggering 82% of Grade 4 learners struggle with reading comprehension. This alarming trend perpetuates a cycle of poverty and social issues, as children who lack basic literacy skills are ill-equipped to succeed academically and face increased risks of unemployment, crime, and family instability.

The absence of resources, such as libraries and quality reading materials, further exacerbates this situation, leaving many children without the necessary support to thrive. Teachers and caregivers express a dire need for educational materials tailored to their students, as many schools lack adequate resources to foster literacy. Parents are eager for engaging reading materials to help bridge the educational gap for their children. Addressing these needs is crucial not only for improving literacy rates but also for nurturing the next generation of leaders who can positively impact their communities and break the cycle of disadvantage.

Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. - Matthew 19:14, NIV


This project aims to combat the literacy crisis in South Africa, create Scripture literacy and instil Christian values that will equip future leaders. In 2025, the project aims to reach 17,500 children (and another 30,000 in 2026), providing them with essential literacy resources. In 2025, schools and community centres will be selected, and age-appropriate materials for children aged 5 to 12 will be produced and supplied to partners, churches and schools.

The project will distribute Scripture resources such as the “Do and Learn” Bible-based literacy series and other Scriptures, enhancing both reading and comprehension skills while introducing children to the Bible early on. Engagement with teachers and community partners will be vital, and by the end of the year, the goal is to see a demonstrable improvement in literacy and spiritual growth among participants.

Testimony Impact

The impact of this project on participants will be profound and multifaceted, spanning years of targeted support from Grade R to Grade 7. For children aged 5 to 7, the “Do and Learn” Bible-based literacy series will lay a strong foundation in reading and numeracy, introducing them to Jesus and Christian values early on, while also involving parents who may struggle with literacy themselves. As children progress to Grades 3 to 5, they will deepen their reading skills and comprehension through engaging materials like the Gospel of Mark or John, fostering a meaningful connection with the Bible and instilling confidence in daily prayer. By Grades 6 and 7, participants will not only enhance their ability to navigate the Bible but also understand its relevance to their lives and challenges.

Overall, this project seeks to cultivate not just literacy but also a strong moral compass, empowering these young learners to become informed and engaged members of their communities, equipped with the tools to effect positive change.

“I have never held a Bible in my hand before at home. We used to have one which belonged to my grandmother. Now there is no Bible at home, until I came back from school with my [Bible]. Every day during supper my mum asks me to read for the family, we then sing and pray. But I told them it’s not just singing and praying, the Bible teaches us to believe in him so we can have eternal life. I learned that I was far from God but through Christ I have been brought back.” — Grade 7 Learner, Richards Bay

Prayer Points

• Please pray that this project will succeed in helping children in South Africa to read and write, know Christ and prepare them for successful years in the formal education system

• Pray that many more children will have access to the Bible and its life-giving message

• Pray for funding that will enable the Bible Society of South Africa to address this huge and growing need.



Africa: Audio Bibles for Africans, 123-124

Africa: ‘Jesus. All About Life‘, 111-112

Arab Israel: Support for Christians, 113-114

Asia Pacific: Literacy Advice in Asia Pacific, 115-116

Asia Pacific: Literacy Capacity, 117-118

Australia: Auslan Bible Translation, 1-2

Australia: Bibles for Bubs, 3-4

Australia: Bibles in Schools, 5-6

Australia: Disaster Recovery Grant, 7-8

Australia: Distributing God’s Word, 9-10

Australia: Equipping Chaplains, 11-12

Australia: Indigenous Audio Bibles, 13-14

Australia: Indigenous Publishing for Bible Engagement, 15-16

Australia: Indigenous Translation, 17-18

Australia: Scriptures for the ADF, 19-20


Bangladesh: Empowering Literacy, 53-54

Bangladesh: Pre-Primary Literacy, 55-56

Burkina Faso: Empowering Women Through Literacy, 57-58


Cambodia: Literacy by Listening, 59-60

China: Bibles for Millions, 125-126

China: Equipping Christian Leaders, 119-120

China: Scripture and Literacy, 61-62

Colombia: Literacy for Growth, 63-64


Egypt: Bible Education Tour, 65-66

Egypt: The Light of Literacy, 67-68


Global: Building Future Literacy, 69-70

Global: Literacy Support, 121-122

Guatemala: Native Language Literacy, 71-72

IIndia: Audio Bibles for India, 127-128


Jordan: Bibles and Bread, 129-130

Jordan: Providing God’s Healing Balm, 73-74


Kenya: Arise – Healing Teens’ Wounds of Trauma, 75-76

Kenya: Bibles for the Young, 131-132


Laos: Literacy by Listening, 77-78

Laos: Literacy for the Hmong, 79-80

Lebanon: God‘s Word for Refugees, 81-82

Lebanon: Literacy for Refugees, 83-84


Mongolia: Bible Translation, 45-46

Mongolia: Braille Literacy, 85-86

Mozambique: Literacy for Life, 87-88

Myanmar: Literacy by Listening, 89-90


New Caledonia: Bible Translation, 21-22

Nicaragua: God‘s word for Kids with Cancer, 133-134


Pakistan: Light Through Literacy, 91-92

Palestine: Living Stones, 93-94

Papua New Guinea: Renewing the Tok Pisin Bible, 23-24

Papua New Guinea: Supporting Bible Translators, 25-26

Papua New Guinea: Supporting Harvest Workers, 27-28

Rwanda: Literacy Building Futures, 95-96


Samoa: Samoan Translation, 29-30

Slovenia: Healing From the Bible, 97-98

Solomon Islands: Opening Eyes Through Literacy, 31-32

South Africa: Hope for Prisoners, 135-136

South Africa: Scripture for Future Leaders, 137-138

South Pacific: Bible Translation for Island Communities, 33-34

South Pacific: Enabling Growth, 35-36

South Pacific: ‘Jesus. All About Life‘ & Bible Mission, 37-38

South Sudan: Literacy for Shilluks, 99-100

Sri Lanka: Literacy for the Young, 101-102

Sri Lanka: Sign Language Gospel, 47-48


The Gambia: Literacy Equality, 103-104

The Gulf: Literacy for Women, 105-106

Tonga: Tongan Translation, 39-40


Uganda: Holistic Literacy Skills, 107-108


Vanuatu: Bringing Hope and Healing to Women, 41-42

Vanuatu: Vanuatu Bible Translation, 43-44

Vietnam: Easy to Use Study Bible, 49-50

Vietnam: Engaging Ethnic Minorities, 109-110

Vietnam: First Old Testament, 51-52

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